2016 KSOM Catalog - Kentucky Ministry Network
2016 KSOM Catalog - Kentucky Ministry Network
Preparing People For Ministry KSOM The Kentucky School of Ministry Course Catalog 2016 Las clases en Español en páginas 19 y 20 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog What a pleasure to welcome you to the Kentucky District School of Ministry. As a part of the rapidly growing KSOM family, you’ve joined a fellowship of faithful and dedicated students, from High-Schoolers to College Students, and certainly a host of Bi-vocational ministry students ranging from Senior Pastors, Staff Ministers, to singles or husbands/wives raising children and finding themselves called to God’s work with a passion for learning to do it more creatively and effectively. There’s even some you’ll become friends with who already hold Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate degrees in other fields of study. Having had the privilege of previously serving on the national committee of the Association of District Schools of Ministry, I can attest first-hand to the phenomenal opportunities ahead for students committed to bible knowledge or the pursuit of ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God. Now with 65 million members around the world and with missionaries and mission organizations in 212 nations across the globe, this great Church is honored to help you pursue His purposes in your life and ministry. It’s a joy to partner with you. May the Lord richly bless your work and efforts for Him. Pastor Joe Joseph S. Girdler Kentucky District Superintendent Welcome to the Kentucky School of Ministry. We are honored that you are joining our learning community. Our faculty and administration are dedicated to helping our students develop the skills and understanding needed to become more effective in ministry. KSOM is especially designed with two kinds of students in mind: those who are preparing to pursue ministry credentials with the Assemblies of God, and those who simply desire to gain a deeper understanding of Biblical concepts and ministry principles. For ministerial candidates, KSOM provides the required classes that satisfy the academic requirements for ministry applicants for each level of Assembly of God ministry credentials – Certified. Licensed and Ordained. KSOM is also a wonderful resource for equipping church leaders, deacons, teachers, volunteers, etc. – those people who are so vital to the spiritual health of every church. Wherever you may be in your ministry journey, we are committed to helping you become a better equipped servant of our Lord. Sincerely, Stanley E. Holder KSOM Director, District Secretary/Treasurer We are excited to say that the ideas of Schools of Ministry are increasing across the United States. Individuals sensing the call of God to ministry are able to complete the academic requirements in order to pursue that calling. Many of our students are no longer college age and need to support their families. KSOM gives these individuals the opportunity to focus on their studies at an affordable alternative to going to Bible College. In addition, our faculty pour into the lives of the students, and the students gain an understanding of ministry from these ministers who are and have been active in their call for many years. As the KSOM coordinator, I am available to answer your questions regarding the school, assist you in ordering class materials, determine what courses you need to take, handle transcript requests and aid you in the internship process. Please feel free to contact me with your questions at djb@kyag.org or 502-241-7111 Ext. 22. Furthering the Kingdom, Debbie Brown KSOM Coordinator, District Office Administrative Assistant 1 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog General Information The Kentucky School of Ministry (KSOM) is an important part of the ministry endeavors of churches and pastors. Knowledge gleaned from the classroom experience becomes a valuable tool that the Holy Spirit can use to further the purposes of God. KSOM integrates spiritual formation, relationship building, and academic achievement to provide a unique learning experience. Students not only acquire knowledge necessary for obtaining ministerial credentials, but also develop character and skills essential for effective ministry. Purpose of Kentucky School of Ministry Kentucky School of Ministry exists to facilitate the mission of the church by promoting and enabling the training of ministers and Christian workers. The school provides training for those sensing a call to ministry, whether as credentialed ministers or as equipped laypersons within the local church. The school strives to give doctrinal and practical instruction based upon common core values and shared ministry goals. Kentucky School of Ministry fully subscribes to the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God and is committed to proclaim and support the principles and polity of the Assemblies of God. The school is committed to provide training that meets District and General Council educational requirements for ministerial credentials. This training shall be equivalent to criteria adopted by the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God and complies with the guidelines established by the Association of Assemblies of God District Schools of Ministry. Classes offered are professional and practical training at an institute level. Unless offered through an accredited college or university, courses are not for college credit and are not transferable as college credit. Statement of Faith Kentucky School of Ministry adopts the Statement of Fundamental Truths, as adopted by the General Council of the Assemblies of God, as its statement of faith. Endorsement The Kentucky School of Ministry (KSOM) has been recognized and endorsed by the Executive Presbytery of The General Council of the Assemblies of God as a District-based Bible Institute. This is a charter member of the Association of District Schools of Ministry. The Kentucky School of Ministry has also been recognized and endorsed by the Executive Presbytery of the Kentucky District Council of the Assemblies of God as an official ministerial training program for those seeking credentials through the Kentucky District Council of the Assemblies of God. 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 2 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Philosophy Kentucky School of Ministry seeks to take the student of the Word into the depths of the Scriptures, brining about an intelligent understanding of the truth and providing them with an organized method of studying the Word of God. A standard of excellence will be set before the students to ensure their development both in research and classroom experience. An effort will be made to cultivate their creative abilities in presenting the gospel. The School of Ministry will provide student interaction in the classroom to develop a broad perspective of understanding the Church’s mission. The School will seek to integrate spiritual formation, relationship building and academic achievement to provide a unique learning experience for the student as prescribed by 2 Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed handling accurately the word of truth” (NIV). Academic excellence, spiritual experience, and skill development will be the goals set forth in the classroom. Students will be encouraged to acquire knowledge necessary for obtaining ministerial credentials in each level of ministerial recognition. Structure Classes are conducted once a month, eight times a year. Courses are offered each month, one for each corresponding credential level (Certified Ministry, Licensed Ministry, Ordained Ministry, Diploma in Biblical Studies, Continuing Education, Youth Ministry, and Children’s Ministry). Students participate in five hours of classroom instruction with two-hour class sessions on Friday evening and three on Saturday morning. A final exam is taken at 9:00 am on Saturday morning. Prior to class, each student is required to work through the course text and study guide. A minimum of 10 hours of preparatory work is necessary. With the classroom time, students will have invested at least 16 hours per course. The study guide is worth 40% of the overall course grade. The classroom instruction provides an overview of the material, practical applications, and opportunity for questions and discussion. Instructors use personal experience and a variety of teaching methods. Instructors are limited to ordained ministers and college professors. Faculty members become natural mentors as they build relationships and share experiences with their students. Disclaimer Required credential courses completed through Kentucky School of Ministry meet the educational requirements of The General Council of the Assemblies of God for the respective level of credential with the Assemblies of God. Many other aspects enter into the granting of a credential and those aspects must also be met before a credential will be granted. The credentialing process is separate from the completion of the educational requirements. Students who desire to pursue ministry credentials need to contact the District Office (502-241-7111) and request a credential application packet. Taking classes through Kentucky School of Ministry does not automatically qualify students to receive a credential with the Assemblies of God, nor does participation and completion of the classes give preference in the credentialing process. 3 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Student Policies and Grading Information 1. The study guide must be completed and ready to hand in upon arrival at the class on Friday evening. 2. Students are required to have two hard copies of their completed study guides when they come to class. One copy must be turned in at the beginning of Friday’s teaching session. The other copy will be used for review during the class. 3. Students must show up at Camp Crestwood—7206 Clore Lane, Crestwood, KY 40014 between 5:30 and 7:00 pm on the Friday evening of class. 4. Dormitory lodging is included in the cost of the course. (We will reserve you a room at a nearby hotel, if prepaid to our office one week prior to attending. Cost is subject to change. Call 502-241-7111 Ext. 22 for questions regarding this.) A hot cooked breakfast may be added for a $5 fee. If staying in the dorms, please remember to bring your own pillow, bed linens or sleeping bag, towels and toiletry items. 5. An exam will be given over the subject material at the first session on Saturday morning. Students must attend all sessions of the weekend to receive credit for the class. 6. The study guides and exams will be graded within two weeks following the class. The study guides and course completion certificates will be ready for students to pick up at the Friday evening registration the next month. These materials will be mailed to the students who do not attend the next class and when there are more than two months between classes. 7. Course grades are determined on the following basis: Attendance 10% Study Guide40% Exam50% 8. Graded exams will remain on file at the District Office and are not returned to the student. 9. Study guides are available electronically as a pdf file or Word file, or in printed form. Students need to indicate their preference on their form when registering for a class. INTERNSHIPS - This is a General Council Requirement • There is a 6 component internship at each level • One of these components is a three month prayer journal • Students are encouraged to begin the internship after completing their first KSOM class • Ministerial students must register for the internship as with other KSOM classes • The cost of each internship $25 • No Textbook is required for any internship; however, there is a portfolio booklet - available from the KSOM office • No Class session is required • Students must work with an approved AG mentoring pastor who is at least one credential level higher than the level they are completing • Mentors MUST view a video and complete an online survey prior to the student begining the internship • The Internship Portfolio, for each level, gives details of various components 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 4 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Student Admission and Records 1. Kentucky School of Ministry is open to any person, clergy or lay, seeking to enhance his or her ministry to Christ and His church. 2. This school may not deny admission solely based on race, national origin, gender, or physical disability. 3. This school may deny admission to any person for any other reason. 4. In admission procedures and practices, this school will diligently seek to guide students to seek the course of ministry preparation that will best serve the student, including Global University or attending an Assemblies of God university, college, or seminary. 5. This school is responsible for keeping accurate transcripts and other student records and making them available to the student upon request. A processing fee may apply. Attendance Students are expected to attend all five class sessions (see page 22 for details) for KSOM courses in their entirety. KSOM is not a correspondence school. Attendance is required. In the event that a student has an unforeseen emergency—such as illness, family crisis (injury or death), or church/ministry crisis (parishioner injury or death occurring immediately prior to or during a KSOM weekend-- they may either wait for the course to be offered again, or take the missed class through Berean School of the Bible or a neighboring district school of ministry. In this case, moneys paid for registration will be credited to the student’s account to count for a future class. If a student registers for and cannot attend a class, they are to notify the KSOM office 502-241-7111 Ext.22. If this is done prior to ten days before a class session, moneys paid will be credited to the student’s account or refunded. Student Code of Ethics, Conduct and Honor Students are expected to conduct themselves in a Christ-like and Biblical manner at all times, in both their personal conduct and pursuit of their studies, striving to maintain the highest of ethical standards, including honesty and integrity. Failure to adhere to such standards may result in the student’s dismissal from KSOM, subject to the decision of the school’s administration. In the classroom, students should be respectful of their peers and instructors. Behavior that is disruptive to the learning process and disrespectful to others will not be tolerated and will be addressed, first by the instructor of the class, and if necessary, by the administration. Students refusing to be cooperative may be dismissed from the school. Students are expected to complete the required course assignments of their own effort. While it is reasonable and beneficial for two or more students from the same family, church or community to study together, it is essential that each student’s work be his/her own. No students should combine their study results to make a common line of thought that appears identical on multiple pre-class session text overviews. Situations of this nature will be brought to the attention of the school’s administration and will be investigated to determine if discipline is warranted. 5 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog How To Register If you are ready to join the Kentucky School of Ministry as a student, whether for personal studies or for fulfillment of the credentialing process, do the following: STEP 1 – ENROLL In order to register for a class, you must be enrolled in the Kentucky School of Ministry. You can download our enrollment form at www.kyag.org/enrollment-registration or simply call 502-241-7111 ext 22. One must fill out an enrollment form and send it, along with the $25 fee to the Kentucky District Office, PO Box 98, Crestwood, KY 40014. Enrollment is per level of study. Students must re-enroll upon completion of each level of study, i.e. Certified, Licensed, Ordained, Diploma of Biblical Studies, etc. STEP 2 – REGISTER FOR CLASS You may also download a registration form from the same page for the month you wish to attend. Mail your registration with a check or money order for $60 (an additional $5 fee is added if you would like our hot cooked breakfast) to the address on the back page. Course materials will not be shipped until we have processed your enrollment and course is paid in full. Please note that there is an additional flat-rate charge of $5 to ship textbooks. Materials for subsequent classes will be available at registration. Students may purchase these materials, including textbooks, when they arrive for on-site registration. This will save shipping costs. You may choose to register online, this is send your information to the schools coordinator to inform them that you need materials. You may also choose to pay online through our website KSOM Enrollment/Registration page. Please call Debbie McBurney at the District Office if you have any questions about online payment. STEP 2 -- ORDER TEXTBOOKS Textbooks may be purchase through a portal on our website KSOM/Enrollment and Registration page by clicking “Order KSOM textbooks through our connection with Christian Book Distributors” or by going directly to this link http://agsom.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/home?p=1167886 KSOM receives 5-8% of your purchase price for any books or other items order through this website portal. Registration Guidelines • Registration for classes must be postmarked of purchased within 14 days of a course being offered. If you are within five (5) days of that deadline, please call us 502-241-7111 ext 22. • All students are required to enroll before registering for any classes that are offered through the Kentucky School of Ministry. The cost of enrollment is $25 per level of study (once a year). • Once enrolled, you can register for your first class • Cost for registration is $60 per course, plus $5 for a cooked breakfast on Saturday morning. Other costs may include a copy of the required textbook that goes with each course of study. The student is responsible for acquiring the textbook(s) for each class. There is a link to a website where students may purchase books. this link is found on our website at www.kyag.org/enrollment-registration/ then, click on “Order textbooks here.” The required textbooks are listed on the registration form under the class information. • Course material(s) will only be sent once enrollment is completed and course(s) are purchased and paid in full. Please allow 7-10 business days for books and materials to reach you. • You may pay for and register for KSOM classes online through our “Online Giving” portal. 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 6 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog KSOM Testimonies KSOM has been a lifesaver for me! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that the older you get, you cannot accomplish your dreams. KSOM offered me just that chance. Without it, I don’t know that I would have been able to further my career in the ministry. I appreciate the generosity and skills of all the very talented teachers who have taught me so very much. I am blessed to have been a part of this great education process. Patsy Dennis, Ordained Minister District Children’s Director & Children’s Pastor Kentucky School of Ministry has been such a blessing in my life. I have been challenged to grow in two areas. First, in ministry I have built confidence by developing steadfast study habits, and a deeper love for the Word of God. As a result of this I have started writing and implementing a discipleship course of basic doctrine which I have used in our Prison Ministry for the last two months. The second area is in personal prayer. I have developed a more disciplined prayer life. The friends that I have made at KSOM will follow me for the rest of my life. I am a better minister today because of KSOM. Dan Melcher, Licensed Minister Lexington, KY Ministers in the Kentucky District should be standing in line for the opportunity to instruct the students of KSOM! We are the fruit of your labor. As students of KSOM, we are so grateful for those ministers who do teach. We have learned so much not only from the classes, but from you – Thank You! The fellowship with other KSOM students, as well as Brother and Sister Holder, are invaluable. Doug & Debbie Kessinger, Ordained Ministers Evangelists – Elizabethtown, KY 7 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Our Instructors Rev. Clayton Skip Arp – Clayton has worked with Teen Challenge since 1978, and was Director of one of the first adolescent centers from 1984 until 1995. He has been the State Director of Teen Challenge of KY since 1997 and serves as Great Lakes Regional Representative for Teen Challenge, USA. Clayton was instrumental in developing an outreach called Lifeline Connection, which has been very effective in rural KY, and approved by Teen Challenge, USA as an endorsed ministry. He and his wife Beth were honored as Outstanding Volunteers of the Year in 2003 by the city of Louisville for the Lifeline ministry at Louisville Metro Corrections. Clayton received his BA degree in Missions/Theology from Central Bible College, and is certified in Recovery Dynamics, and a certified trainer for Living Free ministries. Clayton and Beth have 2 grown children. Dr. Troy Boggs – Dr. Boggs was Ordained in 1956. He has served as pastor, District Youth Director, Men’s Ministries Director, Christian Education Director, Church Planter and as a District Sectional Presbyter for 20 years. Dr. Boggs is currently the East Region Executive Presbyter. He attended Central Bible College and Sue Bennett College. He has his Doctorate of Theology from Emmanuel University. Rev. Scott Brown – Scott Brown was Ordained in 1998. He has served as a senior pastor since 1993 in Ohio and Kentucky. Since 2005, Rev. Brown serves as the lead pastor of Trinity Chapel AG, Louisville, KY. Pastor Brown earned his B.A. in Bible with an emphasis in Church Planting from Central Bible College, Springfield, MO. Rev. Dana Coverstone - Dana Coverstone is a 1991 graduate of Central Bible College where he majored in Pre-Seminary studies. He graduated from Trinity Theological Seminary with an M.A. in Expository Preaching in 2010. He served as Youth/Childrens Pastor in Jasonville, IN for 10 years, served as a Senior Pastor in Terre Haute, IN for 8 1/2 years and is currently the Senior Pastor at Living Word Ministries in Burkesville, KY. Rev. Terry Crigger – Terry Crigger was Ordained in 1985. Rev. Crigger is a church planter. He currently serves as the senior pastor of Christ’s Chapel Assembly of God in Erlanger, KY, a church he planted in 1987. Twenty years later, the church averages 1,000+ people in weekly attendance. Rev. Crigger served as a District Presbyter for 14 years; and, since 2005, he serves the Kentucky District as a General Presbyter. Pastor Crigger earned his B.A. from Northern Kentucky University in Secondary Education/History and his Masters of Divinity from Oral Roberts University. He is currently enrolled at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for his Doctor of Ministry Degree. Rev. Patsy Dennis – Patsy Dennis was Ordained in 2008. She has been the Children’s Pastor at King’s Way AG in Versailles, KY since 1976. Pastor Patsy loves children and ministering to them is her passion. Rev. Dennis serves as Kentucky’s District Children Director. She is the recipient of the National Children’s Pastors’ Award in Denver, CO. Rev. Julie Duvall - Julie Duvall was Ordained in 2006. She currently serves as the Executive Director for Teen Challenge of Kentucky. Rev. Duvall earned her B.A. in Bible from Central Bible College, Springfield, MO and is currently a graduate student with Global University. Rev. Ernest Fridge – Ernest Fridge was Ordained in 2005. He served as an Associate Pastor from 1997-2007 in the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God. Since March 2007, Pastor Fridge has served as the Senior Pastor of First AG, Frankfort, KY. He has a degree from Global University in Pastoral Ministry and has a degree in Finance from University of Huston/Clear Lake, TX. 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 8 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Our Instructors Dr. Ellen Godbey - Dr. Ellen Godbey is Chair of the Kentucky School of Ministry Curriculum Committee and serves as a member of the Trinity Assembly of God Jail Ministry team at the Scott County Detention Center. She holds a Master of Education degree from Middle Tennessee State University and an earned Doctor of Education degree from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and is employed at Bluegrass Community & Technical College as General Education faculty for the Humanities Division. Rev. Joseph Girdler – Since 2004, Rev. Joseph S. Girdler has served as the current Kentucky District Superintendent. He also served as the District Missions Secretary/Director from 1996-2006. Rev. Girdler has served as District Presbyter, Associate Pastor, Worship Minister, Youth Pastor and Chi Alpha Assistant Director for Morehead State University in Morehead, KY. Prior to his ministry as the District Superintendent, Reverend Girdler served as Senior Pastor to the congregation at King’s Way Assembly of God, Versailles, KY from 1992-2004. Rev. Girdler has two B.A. degrees from the University of Kentucky; one in Communication and one in Psychology. He has his Master’s Degree in Missions and Evangelism from Asbury Theological Seminary. Additionally, he is certified as an Evangelism Explosion Trainer, as well as a founding board member for CrossOver Ministries and the Nile Ministries. Rev. Neal Gordon – Neal Gordon was Ordained in 2003. He is the pastor or Abundant Life AG, Lebanon, KY. He also serves as a District Sectional Presbyter and has 20 years of ministerial experience, 17 of those years have been in pastoral ministry. Pastor Gordon has a BA in Music Education from Morehead State University. He studied through Berean School of the Bible for his ministry courses. Rev. Joseph Hardt – Joseph Hardt was Ordained in 1957. He has served as pastor in Pennsylvania, Florida and Kentucky. He was the Kentucky District Secretary/Treasurer from 1977-1995; and served as the Kentucky District Stewardship Director for 12 years. Presently, Joseph Hardt serves as an Honorary Presbyter and is a member of the Assemblies of God Health Care Advisory Council in Springfield, MO. Rev. Hardt earned his BA in Biblical Studies from Eastern Bible Institute. Rev. Stanley Holder – Stan Holder was Ordained in 1984. He has served as the Kentucky District Secretary/Treasurer and as a General Presbyter since February 2003. Prior to his ministry at the District Office, he served as a senior pastor from 1980-2003. He was the pastor of Trinity AG in Georgetown, KY from 1982-2003. Reverend Holder served as a District Presbyter for 14 years and as an Executive Presbyter for four years. He attended Central Bible College and earned his BA in Pastoral Ministry from Trinity College and Theological Seminary. Rev. Darren Lewis – Darren Lewis was Ordained in 2002. Since 2000, he has served as the Associate/Youth Pastor at Calvary Christian Center AG, Louisville, KY. Prior to his ministry in Louisville, he served as the Worship & College Pastor at Stafford First AG in Stafford, MO. Rev. Lewis earned his BA in Biblical Studies form Central Bible College in Springfield, MO. Dr. David Lewis – Dr. Lewis was Ordained in 1970. He has served as senior pastor to three churches since his Ordination. He currently is the pastor of Calvary Christian Center AG, Louisville, KY. Dr. Lewis attended Central Bible College and has his Master of Theology and Doctorate of Theology Degrees from International Seminary. Rev. Anthony Martin – Anthony Martin was Ordained in 2007. He served as the Worship Pastor at Trinity AG in Georgetown, KY for 16 years. Pastor Anthony has been involved in ministry since 1989. Since 1996, he has served as the Kentucky Assemblies of God District Music Director. As of 2008, Rev. Martin is the pastor of West End Community Church, in Lexington, KY. Pastor Anthony completed his ministry studies through Berean School of the Bible and the Kentucky School of Ministry. 9 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Our Instructors Rev. Kathy Redden – Kathy Redden was Ordained in 2004. She has served as the pastor of Dayspring AG, Dawson Springs, KY since March 2003. She has served as a Minister of Music in the past and has more than 20 years of ministry experience. In 2007, Rev. Redden was the recipient of the Billie Davis Award for Excellence in Christian Education. She received the Kentucky District Teacher of the Year Award in 2006. Pastor Redden attended Madisonville Community College and Life Institute of Ministerial and Biblical Studies in Madisonville, KY. She completed all required ministerial credential studies through Global University. Rev. George Rhye – George Rhye was Ordained in 1995. Since 1998, Rev. Rhye has served as Pastor of Emmanuel AG, Louisville, KY. He also currently serves as a District Sectional Presbyter. He has experience as a Youth Pastor in Illinois and Kentucky. Pastor Rhye earned his BA in Bible from Central Bible College. Rev. Jeff Schexneider – Jeff Schexneider was Ordained in 1986. Since 2002, he has served as the Senior Pastor of Calvary AG, Elizabethtown, KY. He has pastoral experience since 1984. He has served various ministry positions in Missouri, Ohio and Kentucky. Rev. Schexneider earned his BA in Bible from Central Bible College, Springfield, MO. Rev. JP Vick – JP Vick was ordained in 2009. He has served as the student church pastor at King’s Way Assembly in Versailles, KY since June 2007. He is a graduate of Southeastern University with a BS in Pastoral Ministry and MS in Interdisciplinary Studies (Leadership) from Mountain State University. JP had earmed a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Tennessee Temple University. Rev. Philip Walton – Philip Walton was Ordained in 1987. He serves as the Pastor of First AG, Mt. Washington, KY. Pastor Walton has served as a senior pastor since 1996. In addition, he has ten years of experience as Children’s or Youth Pastor. Rev. Walton served as the Kentucky District Christian Education Director 1997-2006. He earned his BA in Biblical Studies with a minor in Business Management from Evangel College, Springfield, MO. He has completed 45 hours of graduate work at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY and an AA in Respiratory Care from the University of Louisville. Rev. Randy Weeks – Randy Weeks has been ordained since 1999. He received his education from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL where he studied Pastoral Ministries. His ministry began as an associate/youth pastor in Columbus, MS in 1994. In 1998, Randy and his family moved to Kentucky where he continued his ministry in Frankfort at First Assembly. He is currently the senior pastor of Southwest AG church in Louisville. Randy is actively involved with Kentucky Teen Challenge and has served as President of the Executive Board since 2007. 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 10 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Class Schedule Students can complete an entire level of studies within one year! Class Date Certified Minister Level I Courses License to Preach Level II Courses Ordained Level III Courses January Life of Christ CER101 Apologetics ORD302 February The Acts of the Holy Spirit CER102 A/G History/ Missions/Governance CER104 Prison Epistles CER106 Introduction to Systematic Theology LIC203 Eschatology LIC206 Pastoral Ministry ORD303 Leadership Skills LIC204 1& 2 Corinthians ORD301 Introduction to Homiletics LIC205 Missions LIC209 Preaching in Cultural Context ORD305 15-16, 2016 19-20, 2016 March 18-19, 2016 May 13-14, 2016 June 3-4, 2016 August *** Relationships & Old Testament Survey Ethics in Ministry LIC201 12-13, 2016 CER105 Introduction to New Testament September Hermeneutics Survey 16-17, 2016 CER108 LIC202 Introduction to Conflict Resolution October LIC208 14-15, 2016 Pentecostal Doctrines CER107 Romans November The Local Church in Evangelism LIC207 11-12, 2016 CER103 *** Psalms & Proverbs ORD307 Prayer & Worship ORD304 Pentateuch ORD306 Church & Law ORD308 There are no courses in the months of April, July, and December. 11 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Students may enroll at any time during the year! Diploma In Biblical Studies Continuing Education Children’s Track Youth Track Life of Christ CER101 Apologetics ORD302 The Acts of the Holy Spirit CER102 1& 2 Corinthians ORD301 Pastoral Ministry ORD303 Contact Patsy Dennis glitz920@windstream.net if interested Contact Rodney Goodlettt kym@kyag.org if interested *** *** Leadership Skills LIC204 *** Foundations for Youth Ministries YM401 Leadership in Youth Ministries YM402 Prison Epistles CER106 Preaching in Cultural Context ORD305 *** *** *** *** *** Old Testament Survey LIC201 New Testament Survey LIC202 Pentateuch ORD306 Relationships & Ethic in Ministry CER105 Introduction to Hermeneutics CER108 Conflict Resolution LIC208 *** Thriving Youth Groups YM403 *** *** *** Romans LIC207 Church & Law ORD308 Communicating with Today’s Generation YM404 Contact Patsy Dennis glitz920@windstream. net if interested *** *The Youth Ministries and Children’s classes are contingent upon an enrollment of 10 or more students per class. If we do not have a minimum of 10 students enrolled two weeks prior, YM and CM classes will not be offered. 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 12 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Certified Course Descriptions CER101 The Life of Christ A chronological study of the life of Christ from the parallel Gospels. The ministry and happenings of Jesus’ life are separated into accepted time frames. The course is inspirational, educational and practical in understanding all that Jesus did. Textbooks: The WORDS and WORKS of JESUS CHRIST -- J. Dwight Pentecost and A Harmony of The WORDS and WORKS of JESUS CHRIST -- J. Dwight Pentecost (Mandatory Required Reading) CER102 Acts CER103 Local Church in Evangelism CER104 A/G History/Missions and Governance CER105 Relationships and Ethics CER106 Prison Epistles An extensive study of the content, purposes, principles and applications of the book of Acts. The emphasis of this course is on the work and role of the Holy Spirit both in the Early Church and Today. The growth of the Church is examined from Jerusalem to Rome with an emphasis on the geography and culture, as well as, numerical and theological growth. Textbook: Acts: A Logion Press Commentary – Stanley M. Horton The purpose of this course is to provide a biblical theology of the Great Commission and the role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism. This course reveals an integrated approach to evangelism within the local church avoiding over-compartmentalizing evangelism and discipleship. Focus is on various methods, an organized fellowship of churches and the necessity of pastoral leadership in evangelism. Much of this course is devoted to the evangelistic responsibility of all believers and practical biblical instruction concerning effective personal evangelism. Textbook: Becoming a Contagious Church – Mark Mittelberg A comprehensive study of the development of the Assemblies of God throughout history, the history of the Assemblies of God missions movement, and the ecclesiastical governance of the Fellowship. Attention is given to the General Council Constitution and Bylaws in relation to credentialed ministers, local churches, and district councils. Textbooks: General Council Bylaws, Robert Rules of Order, and People of the Spirit -- Edited by: Gary McGee A biblical approach to the personal and professional relationships of a minister. This course examines relationships and ethics in view of the minister’s personal growth, ministry challenges, people in the community, and other ministers. Textbook: Ministerial Ethics – T. Burton Pierce and The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman This is a practical study of the letters Paul wrote to the churches while in prison. There is an emphasis on the concepts and understanding of principles Paul taught through his writings concerning the actions of believers. Textbook: The Bible (the Book of Philippians-NIV text) and Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon – Arthur Patzia CER107 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine This is a study on the Fundamental Faiths of the Assemblies of God with special emphasis on the four cardinal doctrines of the Assemblies of God: Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ. Textbook: Bible Doctrines: A Pentecostal Perspective – William Menzies & Stanley Horton CER108 Introduction to Hermeneutics This is an introductory course on the principles involved in interpreting the Bible. It shows the need for hermeneutical principles and explores the qualifications, tools, and goals of a biblical interpreter. Students develop their skills by practicing the principles in exercises that are provided. Textbook: Living By The Book – Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks NCER109 New Certified Internship The KSOM Internship strategy enables students to confirm God’s call, develop the Christ-like character, gain the competencies of ethical and effective ministry and develop the personal disciplines essential to successful life and ministry. The strategy uses guided “hands on” ministry experiences, interaction with qualified mentors/coaches, and the exercise of personal spiritual disciplines to accomplish its mission. The Certified Level Internship Portfolio includes six projects in the following areas: Sacerdotal Functions, Discipleship, Pre-Marital Counseling, Personal Evangelism, Personal Spiritual Growth and Ministerial Relationships. Textbook: Internship Portfolio (available from the KSOM office) 13 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Licensed Course Descriptions LIC201 Old Testament Survey LIC202 New Testament Survey LIC203 Introduction to Systematic Theology LIC204 Leadership Skills LIC205 Intro to Homiletics A comprehensive study of the Hebrew canon. Looking at key facts in each book of the Old Testament, students will gain spiritual understanding of Old Testament poetry and prophecy. Textbook: Encountering The Old Testament - Bill Arnold & Bryan Beyer An in-depth study of the Greek canon.Highlighting key facts in each book of the New Testament, students will gain spiritual understanding of the four Gospels and the writings of Paul and the apostles. Textbook: New Testament Survey - Merrill Tenney A study of the meaning and purpose of theology and historic Christian doctrines as expressed in Protestant and Evangelical traditions. This class includes studies on: Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Soteriology, Pneumatology, and Ecclesiology. The goal is to prepare students for advanced theological studies. Attention will be given also to the relationship between biblical theology, systematic theology, and historical theology. Textbook: Systematic Theology - Edited by: Stanley Horton A theological base for the administration of the church. This is a practical study which examines the management skills a pastor must acquire for successful servant-leadership. Areas of study include: planning organizing, staffing, coordinating and follow-up. Textbooks: Transitioning - Dan Southerland and 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership 10th Anniversary Edition - John Maxwell A study in the process of preparing sermons based on the exposition of Scripture. The course includes a review of the different types of sermons; topical, textual and expository. The course emphasizes the procedures of biblical exegesis involved in developing different types of sermons. Textbooks: Contemporary Preaching - Michael Duduit and Spirit-led Preaching - Greg Heisler LIC206 Eschatology An advanced study of the doctrine of last things. This study includes the following topics: death and the intermediate state, Resurrection and Rapture, view of the Tribulation, millennial view, judgment, and the final state of the righteous and the wicked. Textbook: Our Destiny, Bible Teaching About the Last Days - Stanley Horton LIC207 Romans A practical study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. This course deals with the background of the book and its relationship to the rest of the Pauline writings. Textbook: Romans and Galatians (Faith & Action Series) – Dr. Quentin McGhee LIC208 Conflict Resolution A study of the art of resolving conflict. There is an emphasis on managing conflict within the church and the need for peace and unity within the corporate body and how to obtain it. Textbook: The Peace Maker – Ken Sande LIC209 Missions This is an introductory course in the science of missions. It surveys the theology, history and methods of Christian missions in general and within the Assemblies of God. There is a special emphasis on the aid of the Holy Spirit in the role of missions today. Textbook: Missions in the Age of the Spirit - John York LIC210 License Internship The KSOM Internship strategy enables students to confirm God’s call, develop the Christ-like character, gain the competencies of ethical and effective ministry and develop the personal disciplines essential to successful life and ministry. The strategy uses guided “hands on” ministry experiences, interaction with qualified mentors/coaches, and the exercise of personal spiritual disciplines to accomplish its mission. The License Level Internship Portfolio includes six projects in the following areas: Church Administration, Biblical Counseling, Personal Finance, Benevolence, Personal Spiritual Growth and Ministerial Relationships. Textbook: Internship Portfolio (available from the KSOM office) 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 14 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Ordained Course Descriptions ORD301 1 & 2 Corinthians This course considers Paul’s responses to the problems that afflicted the Corinthian church, examines the appropriate operation of the gifts of the Spirit within the congregation, and familiarizes students with Paul’s views of Christian character and ministry. Textbook: I & II Corinthians – Stanley Horton ORD302Apologetics A philosophical study of the evidential basis for Christian faith. This course helps students explore the relationship between faith and reason and develop a reasoned defense of the Christian world view. Textbook: Meet the Skeptic -- Bill Foster and Mere Apologetics -- Alister E. McGrath ORD303 Pastoral Ministry A study of practical aspects of the ministry: The pastor as a divinely called servant, a Spirit-filled leader, a preacher, a teacher, a counselor, an administrator, and as a spouse and parent. Textbooks: Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry – Stan Toler, Escape From Church, Inc. -- E. Glenn Wagner and Ten Stupid Things that Keep Churches from Growing -- Geoff Surrant ORD304 Prayer & Worship A course which explores the scriptural foundations and spiritual dynamics of individual and corporate praise and worship. This is a study of the theological basis and practical implications of music as it relates to the planning and implementation of the contemporary worship service. Textbooks: The Reward of Worship – Jack Hayford and The Spirit Helps Us Pray – Brandt and Bicket ORD305 Preaching in Cultural Context This course covers the principles, process, and problems of communicating from one culture to another. Special attention is given to the development of attitudes and methods enabling effective communication of the gospel. Textbook: Preaching to a Shifting Culture – Edited by Scott M. Gibson and A Many Colored Kingdom by Elizabeth Conde-Fazier, S. Steve Kange, and Gary A. Parrett ORD306Pentateuch An in-depth study of the first five books of the Old Testament. Highlighting God’s personal relationship with His creation and the loving covenants made with His people. The study examines the Pentateuch’s revelation of God’s character and the requirements for relationship with Him. Textbook: An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch – Herbert Wolf 2007 ORD307 Psalms & Proverbs A study of the Psalms as the Hebrew-Christian prayer book and hymnal. The course includes a study of selected Psalms, noting the authorship, historical setting, structure, meaning and spiritual application of each. Also studied are the classification of the Pslams, the Messianic Applications and the citations of Psalms in the New Testament and their functions in the Early Church. In addition, this course offers a comprehensive study of Proverbs. Textbooks: How to Read the Psalms -- Tremper Longman III and How to Read the Proverbs – Tremper Longman III ORD308 Church & Law A comprehensive study of American church law for ministers, church administrators, and ministerial students. The course addresses contemporary legal questions with accurate, up-to-date answers. Textbook: Pastor, Church & Law, 4 vols. by Dr. Richard R. Hammar 2008 ORD309 Ordained Internship The KSOM Internship strategy enables students to confirm God’s call, develop the Christ-like character, gain the competencies of ethical and effective ministry and develop the personal disciplines essential to successful life and ministry. The strategy uses guided “hands on” ministry experiences, interaction with qualified mentors/coaches, and the exercise of personal spiritual disciplines to accomplish its mission. The Ordained Level Internship Portfolio includes six projects in the following areas: Strategic Planning, Pulpit Ministry, Church Finance, Vision, Personal Spiritual Growth and Ministerial Relationships. Textbook: Internship Portfolio (available from the KSOM office) 15 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Diploma in Biblical Studies CER101 The Life of Christ A chronological study of the life of Christ from the parallel Gospels. The ministry and happenings of Jesus’ life are separated into accepted time frames. The course is inspirational, educational and practical in understanding all that Jesus did. Textbooks: The WORDS and WORKS of JESUS CHRIST -- J. Dwight Pentecost and A Harmony of the WORDS and WORKS of JESUS CHRIST -- J. Dwight Pentecost (Mandatory Required Reading) CER102 Acts An extensive study of the content, purposes, principles and applications of the book of Acts. The emphasis of this course is on the work and role of the Holy Spirit both in the Early Church and Today. The growth of the Church is examined from Jerusalem to Rome with an emphasis on the geography and culture, as well as, numerical and theological growth. Textbook: Acts: A Logion Press Commentary – Stanley M. Horton ORD301 1 & 2 Corinthians This course considers Paul’s responses to the problems that afflicted the Corinthian church, examines the appropriate operation of the gifts of the Spirit within the congregation, and familiarizes students with Paul’s views of Christian character and ministry. Textbook: I & II Corinthians – Stanley Horton CER106 Prison Epistles This is a practical study of the letters Paul wrote to the churches while in prison. There is an emphasis on the concepts and understanding of principles Paul taught through his writings concerning the actions of believers. Textbook: The Bible (the Book of Philippians-NIV text) and Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon – Arthur Patzia LIC201 Old Testament Survey A comprehensive study of the Hebrew canon. Looking at key facts in each book of the Old Testament, students will gain spiritual understanding of Old Testament poetry and prophecy. Textbook: Encountering the Old Testament – Bill Arnold and Bryan Beyer LIC202 New Testament Survey An in-depth study of the Greek canon. Highlighting key facts in each book of the New Testament, students will gain spiritual understanding of the four Gospels and the writings of Paul and the apostles. Textbook: New Testament Survey – Merrill Tenney ORD306Pentateuch An in-depth study of the first five books of the Old Testament. Highlighting God’s personal relationship with His creation and the loving covenants made with His people. The study examines the Pentateuch’s revelation of God’s character and the requirements for relationship with Him. Textbook: An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch – Herbert Wolf 2007 LIC207 Romans A practical study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. This course deals with the background of the book and its relationship to the rest of the Pauline writings. Textbook: Romans and Galatians (Faith & Action Series) – Dr. Quentin McGhee 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 16 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Continuing Education ORD302Apologetics A philosophical study of the evidential basis for Christian faith. This course helps students explore the relationship between faith and reason and develop a reasoned defense of the Christian world view. Textbook: Meet the Skeptic -- Bill Foster and Mere Apologetics -- Alister E. McGrath ORD303 Pastoral Ministry A study of practical aspects of the ministry: The pastor as a divinely called servant, a Spirit-filled leader, a preacher, a teacher, a counselor, an administrator, and as a spouse and parent. Textbooks: Practical Guide for Pastoral Ministry – Stan Toler, Escape From Church, Inc. -- E. Glenn Wagner and Ten Stupid Things that Keep Churches from Growing -- Geoff Surrant LIC204 Leadership Skills ORD305 Preaching in Cultural Context CER105 Relationships and Ethics A theological base for the administration of the church. This is a practical study which examines the management skills a pastor must acquire for successful servant-leadership. Areas of study include: planning organizing, staffing, coordinating and follow-up. Textbook: Transitioning – Dan Southerland and 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership 10th Anniversary Edition– John Maxwell This course covers the principles, process, and problems of communicating from one culture to another. Special attention is given to the development of attitudes and methods enabling effective communication of the gospel. Textbook: Preaching to a Shifting Culture – Edited by Scott M. Gibson and A Many Colored Kingdom: Multicultural Dynamic for Spiritual Formation -- Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, S. Steve Kang, Gary A. Parrett A biblical approach to the personal and professional relationships of a minister. This course examines relationships and ethics in view of the minister’s personal growth, ministry challenges, people in the community, and other ministers. Textbook: Ministerial Ethics – T. Burton Pierce and The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman CER108 Introduction to Hermeneutics This is an introductory course on the principles involved in interpreting the Bible. It shows the need for hermeneutical principles and explores the qualifications, tools, and goals of a biblical interpreter. Students develop their skills by practicing the principles in exercises that are provided. Textbook: Living By The Book – Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks LIC208 Conflict Resolution A study of the art of resolving conflict. There is an emphasis on managing conflict within the church and the need for peace and unity within the corporate body and how to obtain it. Textbook: The Peace Maker – Ken Sande ORD308 Church & Law A comprehensive study of American church law for ministers, church administrators, and ministerial students. The course addresses contemporary legal questions with accurate, up-to-date answers. Textbook: Pastor, Church & Law, 4 vols. by Dr. Richard R. Hammar 2008 17 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Youth Ministry Courses Rodney Goodlett, District Youth Director YM401 Foundations for Youth Ministry YM402 Leadership in Youth Ministry YM403 Thriving Youth Groups YM404 Communicating with Today’s Generation Making good choices so you’ll survive and become a healthy youth worker for the long haul, no matter your role. Textbook: Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry: A Personal and Practical Guide to Starting Right -- Doug Fields Learning the fundamentals and foundations to building a successful youth ministry in today’s church. Textbook: Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth -- Doug Fields Learn practical tips on effective youth services, leadership development and follow-up. Textbook: Thriving Youth Groups: Secrets for Growing Your Ministry -- Jeanie Mayo Learning skills to be an effective communicator to today’s student. Textbook: Speaking to Teenagers -- Doug Fields and Dusty Robbins *The Youth Ministries classes are contingent upon an enrollment of 10 or more students per class. Those interested in taking these classes are encouraged to contact Rodney Goodlett at kym@kyag.org. Children’s Ministry Courses Patsy Dennis, District Children’s Director CM501 Introduction to Children’s Ministry CM502 Discovering your Leadership Style CM503 Teaching Kids Authentic Worship CM504 Nurturing Children in Their Faith This teaches you how to get the best weekly hour out of your children’s ministry. Textbooks: Building Children’s Ministry --Tina Howser & Making Children’s Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid’s week -- David Staal and Sue Miller This course will assist you in discovering your leadership style and qualities. Textbook: Lead the Way God Made You: Discovering Your Leadership Style in Children’s Ministry -- Larry Shallenberger Leading children to a more intimate relationship with God, while experiencing closeness yourself. Textbook: Teaching Kids Authentic Worship: How to Keep Them Close to God For Life -- Kathleen Chapman Equipping the teacher and the child with the necessary tools and knowledge of everyday living out your faith. Textbook: Leading Kids to Jesus: How to Have One-on-One Conversations about Faith -- David Staal * The Children’s Ministries classes are contingent upon an enrollment of 10 or more students per class. Those interested in taking these classes are encouraged to contact Patsy Dennis at glitz920@windstream.net 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 18 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Bethel Bible College Una Extension del Kentucky School of Ministry “Camino De Fe – Una visión para El liderazgo En La Iglesia Local” Bethel Bible College, le ofrece educación calificada a un bajo costo y es el único que está autorizado para otorgar Tíitulos a nivel Superior. Programas individuales de studio diseñados específicamente para satisfacer las necesidades del estudiante. Trimestre: Otoño, Invierno y Primavera Dias: Lunes Horario: 7:00pm – 10:00pm Costo: Matrícula $50.00 Mensualidad $35.00 (Los costos no incluyen libros y graduación) Lugar: BETHEL BIBLE COLLEGE 436 Fairman Rd. Lexington, KY 40511 Tel.: 859-421-1914 E-mail: bethelspanishchurch@gmail.com Decano: Rev Dr. Alberto Carrillo Administración: Ligia M. Carrillo “Lo que has oido de mi ante muchos testigos, esto encarga a hombres fieles que sean idóneos para enseñar también a otros” (2 Timoteo 2:2) La Graduación de Cuarto Ano en 06.07.14 19 Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog APROVECHE SU TIEMPO HOY LOS CURSOS SE OFRECERAN DURANTE CUATRO AÑOS Asignaturas para el Primer año Introducción a la Biblia Usos y Costumbres Libros Históricos Libros Poéticos Profetas Mayores y Menores Evangelios Profetas Mayores Epístolas Paulinas Epístolas Generales Asignaturas para el Segundo año Doctrinas Bíblicas Castellano Daniel y Apocalipsis Hermenéutica Homilética Historia de la Iglesia AG Historia de la Iglesia Alabanza y Adoración Cualidades de un Lider Asignaturas para el Tercer año Teología Pastoral Pedagogía Hechos Evangelismo Consejeria Cristiana Misionología Sectas El Tabernáculo 1ra y 2da Corintios Asignaturas para el Cuarto año Cristología Etica Cristiana Etica Pastoral Neumatología Escatología Guerra Espiritual Administración de la Iglesia I Administración de la Iglesia II Romanos 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 20 Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog The Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee is made up of Kentucky Ministers located throughout the District. They meet twice a year to consider course materials and assign which courses will be developed and revised. They work diligently to ensure the greatest learning potential for the KSOM student, while not compromising the guidelines set forth by the Association of District Schools of Ministry and the General Presbytery. KSOM Curriculum Curriculum utilized by the Kentucky School of Minister is continually being revised by our curriculum committee. Development criteria for Curriculum requires that 80% of the questions on the Final Exam will be from the Study Guide, and 20% of the questions on the Final Exam come from the teaching sessions. *Not all curriculum used by KSOM has been revised by the curriculum committee, some is from other District Schools of Ministry Recognition at District Council Students, who have completed a level of study within the previous year, are recognized at District Council. Individuals who have completed their academic requirements specifically through KSOM will be distinguished with a KSOM Cord. In addition, those who have received their credentials will be presented with their Credential certificate. Neighboring District Schools of Ministry Illinois District Tennessee District Ohio District Appalachian District (WV) 217.854.4600 Email: gblanchard@idcag.org Web: www.idcag.org/ils.cfm 330.396.0700 Email: pastorwade@ccakron.org Web: http://ohioministry.net/ohioschool-of-ministry/ Indiana District 317-872-9812 Email: isom@indianaag.org Web: www.isom.indianaag.org 21 Kentucky School of Ministry 931.684.4809 Email: pastor4c@bellsouth.net Web: www.t-som.org 304.787.3916 Ext 104 Email: adsomdirect@gmail.com Web: www.appag.net KSOM 2017 SCHEDULE January 13-14, 2017 February 10-11, 2017 March 17-18, 2017 May 19-20, 2017 June 16-17, 2017 August 18-19, 2017 September 15-16, 2017 October 13-14, 2017 November 10-11, 2017 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry - 2016 Catalog Kentucky School of Ministry Schedule of Weekend Session Friday: Registration (in the District Office Building) 5:30pm-7:00pm Orientation (in the Upper Level of the Activities Center) 7:00pm-7:20pm Session #1 Review Study Guides 7:30pm -8:20pm Students hand in their study guides for grading before class begins on Friday. Students are to make copies of their study guides before arriving for class and use the copies for further study prior to the exam. Session # 2 Review Study Guides, continued8:30pm-9:30pm Questions and answers9:30pm - ??? For students and teachers who want to participate. Fellowship and Recreation 9:30pm – whenever Basketball in the gym Co-ed volleyball in the gym Saturday: Continent Breakfast and Q&A Session 8:00am Exam 9:00am – 9:50am Session # 3 - Review 10:00am – 10:50am Session # 4 - Review 11:00am – 11:50am Session # 5 - Review 12:00pm -- 1:00pm All students must register upon arrival for the session. At that time you may also register for the next KSOM session, and purchase your books for that class. Registration is in the campgrounds cafeteria. All classes are on site at the Crestwood campus. Students will be notified of the location of their classes upon registration. Breakfast is served in campgrounds cafeteria for a $5 fee. The study guides and tests will be graded within two weeks following the KSOM session. The study guides and course grades will be returned to the students at the next KSOM session, and mailed to the students who do not attend that next session. Housing accommodations are provided in the dormitories at Camp Crestwood. Unless otherwise stated, women stay in Gruner Hall and men stay in the Retreat Center – including married couples. Remember to bring your bed linens, pillow and toiletries. Nearby Restaurants: DQ, Subway, Home Town Pizza, Sonic, Papa Johns, Taco Bell and McDonald’s Turn left at Hwy 22 (about 1 mile from Camp Crestwood) Jucy’s barbeque, McDonalds, KFC, Arby’s, Chinese, El Nopal Mexican Turn right on Hwy 22, then an immediate left on Woolridge Cross the railroad tracks and turn right onto Hwy 146 About 2 miles from Camp Crestwood. Qdoba, Chili’s, Olive Garden, Starbucks, Moe’s, etc. Turn right on Hwy 22 on continue west toward Louisville. Restaurants are on either side of the Gene Snyder Freeway just off Hwy 22 ( about 4.5 miles from Camp Crestwood) Steak & Shake, Chick-fil-A, Cheddars, Panera Bread, and many more. Turn right on Hwy 22 and go the Gene Snyder Freeway. Take Gene Snyder Freeway south and take the Westport Road exit west. 7206 Clore Ln | Crestwood, KY 40014 | 502-241-7111 | www.kyag.org/ksom Kentucky School of Ministry 22 The Kentucky School of Ministry 7206 Clore Lane PO Box 98 Crestwood, KY 40014 502-241-7111 www.kyag.org/ksom