ABP Tribune_Issue19 - Academic Bridge Program
ABP Tribune_Issue19 - Academic Bridge Program
ABP Tribune issue 19 — 2013/2014 ABP Students Elect New SA We’ve got it covered! Inside Food, Glorious Food! on Page 4... The ABP Tribune’s Yara Baturni spoke to the newly elected representatives of the ABP Student Association for 2013-14 Reviews Galore on 6, 7 & 8... Members of the new ABP Student Association for 2013—14 ...& much more!!! Interviews by Yara Baturni A BP students recently elected their new Student Association (SA) for the 2013 - 2014 academic year. This was only the second time in the ABP’s 13year history that a female SA President was elected to lead the student body – Nouran Allam. The ABP Tribune caught up with the newly elected members of the ABP Student Association to find out more about the individuals and what they have planned for the rest of the 2013-14 academic year. Nouran Allam ABP Student Association President for 2013-14 Where are you from and which school did you graduate from? “Well, to start off, I’m Egyptian and I graduated from Qatar International School.” What are some things you would like to achieve this year at the ABP? “I want to develop my leadership skills and make this year unforgettable for every student here at ABP by organizing some social and fun activities.” Continued on Page 3 If you would like to write or take photographs for the ABP Tribune contact Mr. Derrick for more details: dmoloney@qf.org.qa A Message from the 2013 - 2014 ABP Student Association President - Nouran Allam I must admit, it was a breathtaking moment when I got that email announcing that I was elected as the new Student Association President. It took a few minutes to hit me. At first, the thought of representing such a diverse student body with so many unique individuals gave me goosebumps. I knew I had to live up to everyone’s expectations, from students to teachers to everyone here at ABP. However, I am very excited and proud that I got here! After all, I ran for this position in order to improve my leadership skills and make sure everyone has a great and unforgettable year. The SA team is currently busy organizing for the ABP’s early National Members of the ABP Student Association - 2013/14 Day on November 30th. It will be lots of fun! For next semester, we plan to host more events like carnival celebrations, movie afternoons, a sports day and much, much more. Hope you’re all preparing for your finals and university applications! All the best and good luck in your finals! 2 Continued from Page 1 How do you feel after winning the election? Is there anything you would like to tell the students at the ABP? “I am very excited and grateful that I was elected to this position! I would also like to thank the students so much for electing me, and I just want them to know that I am here to listen to them always, anytime, anywhere - I am always here for them!” vating!Theyshouldn’trushmakingtheirdecisions to leave the ABP and study abroad. The ABP is a very bene'icial experience as it helps you get into the university you really want and it will be the mostunforgettableyearofyourlife.Workhardand you’llbeabletoreachforyourdreams.Remember, ifyouneedanything,I’malwayshere.” Amna B. Al-Mohammad SA Secretary for 2013—14 Al-Maha Al Thani The Female SA Vice President for 2013 – 14 Whereareyoufromandwhichschooldidyou graduatefrom? “I am from Qatar and I graduated from an IndependentSchoolcalledAishaBinAbiBakr.” Where are you from and which school did you graduate from? “I'm from Qatar and I graduated from Amna Bint Wahab Independent School. How do you feel after becoming the secretary oftheStudentAssociationattheABP?Isthere anythingyouwouldliketotellthestudentsat theABP? “It was a wonderful feeling that I won at the electionsandIwouldliketotellthestudentsthatIam always here at any time you need me and I’m alwayswillingtolistentoyou.Ipromisethisyearwill be unforgettable for you. I hope youenjoy itas we have lots of events and activities coming up. I’m hereifyouwanttobeheard.” What are some things you would like to achieve this year at the ABP? “I would like to be a good Vice President. I also want to fulfill student requests and help make this year a good year. We are planning a lot of events. Also, we are going to add a suggestion box soon for students who have suggestions for the Student Association.” How do you feel after winning the election? Is there anything you would like to tell the students at the ABP? “After I won the election, I felt so happy. I really want to thank the students who voted for me. I would also like to tell the girls that I hope I will be able to help you get what you want. We are currently working on creating sports teams for the girls.” Eman M. Albadi SA Treasurer for 2013 -14 Whereareyoufromandwhichschooldidyou graduatefrom? “IamQatariandIgraduatedfromAl-IemanIndependentSchool.” Ali Al Binali The Male SA Vice President for 2013 – 14 Whereareyoufromandwhichschooldidyou graduatefrom? “ I am from Qatar and I graduated from the CommercialIndependentSchool.” What are some things you would like to achievethisyearattheABP? “I’dliketomakethe ABPanevenbetter place for thestudents.Iwouldliketomakethestudentsfeel like they can be heard by someone who is able to make a change. I hope all the students will enjoy thisyearwithusastheirStudentAssociation.” Howdoyoufeelafterwinningtheelection?Is there anything you would like to tell the studentsattheABP? “Iamthankfultothestudentswhovotedformeand cheered during my speech - they were really moti3 What are some things you would like to achievethisyearattheABP? “IwouldliketohelpotherstudentsattheABP.AlthoughI’matreasurer,I’mhereifyouneedtotalkto anyoneaboutissuesconcerningtheABP.Iwillalso trytobeanactivememberintheABP,andbene'it fromthisexperienceasitwillhelpmeenhancemy leadershipskills.” Whatwouldyouliketotellthestudentsatthe ABP? “Iamalwaysavailable.EventhoughIamthetreasurer, that doesn’t mean they can’t come to me to discussothermatters.Iwilltrymybesttolistento their concerns and discuss them with the other membersoftheStudentAssociation.” ABP Tribune Where do you go for lunch? By Alia Al-Semaiti W here do you have lunch? There are several good choices of restaurants in Education City that you could try. These include the LAS Cafeteria, the Student Center and the new restaurant in the student dorms. Menu options can vary from spicy chicken, shrimp or vegetable biryani every Thursday in the LAS cafeteria to delicious pizza at Papa John’s in the Student Center. In my opinion, the LAS Cafeteria offers the best biryani of all the restaurants in Education City. The LAS Cafeteria also has several different sandwich options. Again, they probably do the best sandwiches in Education City because you can make them to order. The Student Center restaurant is the biggest restaurant in Education City. They offer several kinds of food including Asian, Italian, sandwiches, salad, and a buffet. In my opinion, the Student Center restaurant offers the most delicious pasta on the campus because you can choose your own ingredients. Most of the students go there for the pasta because it is so tasty! The new student dorms restaurant is quite elegant. They offer several different types of 4 food. They have the best chocolate pudding on campus. It is the tastiest, sweetest, yummiest hot pudding I have ever tasted in my life. Once you start eating it, you just can’t help yourself from eating more! ABP Tribune Discover EC UCL In Qatar By Hisa Al-Kuwari By Al-Bandari Al-Kuwari U H niversity College London (UCL) was established in 1826 in England offering higher education for the first time to students of any race, religion or social background. UCL was also the first university in Britain to admit female students on equal terms with their male counterparts. Moreover, UCL is ranked consistently among the world’s top 10 universities. The UCL campus in Qatar offers only graduate degrees at the present time. UCL Qatar is a three-way partnership between UCL, Qatar Foundation & the Qatar Museums Authority, positioning Qatar as the center of excellence in museums practice in the region & furthering the understanding of Arab & Islamic archaeology. UCL Qatar offers three taught master's programs including a MA in Archaeology of the Arab & Islamic World, a MA in Museum & Gallery Practice & a MSc. in Conservation Studies. It is located in the GSFS campus, Education City. amad bin Khalifa University & its partner universities hosted the annual Discover Education City event at the HBKU Student Center in October 2013. This year's event saw a record number of high school students, their parents, teachers, & school administrators. The visitors had the opportunity to learn more about Hamad bin Khalifa University & its partner universities, & academic programs that are available. HBKU & its partner universities held presentations for visitors & answered their questions. The universities that participated in this event included Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, Weill Cornell in Qatar, Texas A & M at Qatar, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Georgetown University - School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Northwestern University in Qatar and the ABP. Many ABP students and staff volunteered their time at this year’s event. ABP Tribune 5 Book Review: City of Bones By Al-Maha Al-Neama Genres: Young adult, Fantasy, Fiction Recommend for: Anyone who enjoys reading stories about vampires, werewolves, fairies, etc. T he story begins with the main character, Clarisse Fray, attending a social club with her best friend, Simon. She witnesses something horrific as three teenagers attack and kill a ‘child.’ To Clary's surprise, she was the only one who was able to see the murder. As the story progresses, it is revealed that the teenagers are ‘shadowhunters.’ Their job is to hunt werewolves, vampires, and bad fairies, and also kill demons. This creative book will take you to a new world that you never could have imagined. It makes you feel like you’re living in the story. I loved this book because I immediately felt attached to the characters since they were so realistic and funny - especially Clary and Jace. A word of warning though this book is the mother of all plot-twists! Here’s what others have said about City of Bones: "The Mortal Instruments series is a story world I love to live in. Beautiful," Stephenie Meyer, author of Twilight. "The new queen of fantasy," The Wall Street Journal. For more reviews or information about the book or author, scan the QR code below using your smart phone or check out this website: http://www.goodreads.com/book/ show/256683.City_of_Bones Happy reading everyone!!! 6 Movie Magic! The Great Gatsby By Mooza Al-Jehani Re vie we d "I rang... I wrote... I implored, but not a single one of the sparkling hundreds that enjoyed his hospitality attended the funeral and from Daisy…. Not even a flower. I was the only one he had. The only one who cared." - Nick Carraway (Character) W hat an absolutely incredible performance by the amazing actor Leonardo DiCaprio! The movie is based on a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I couldn't wait to watch this movie and it was even better than I expected. This movie is about Jay Gatsby's attempt to get his love back and re-live the past. Nick Carraway is a young man who lives next door to the lavish mansion of Jay Gatsby. The only thing that Nick knows about his mysterious neighbor is the extravagant parties that he holds every week in his house. Eventually, Nick receives an invitation to one of them. After a while, Nick becomes closer to Gatsby and finds out that Gatsby is madly and deeply in love with Daisy (Nick's cousin). Nick invites his cousin for tea at his house without telling her that Gatsby is there. so much international success. It is an excellent, well produced and well directed movie. DiCaprio’s performance was outstanding. Also, the visuals and the soundtrack were really captivating. Overall, this is a very entertaining and romantic movie. ABP Tribune the plot of the Scan the QR code using your smart phone to view “The Great Gatsby” trailer. In this scene, I couldn’t sit in my seat, I was just so excited. Daisy could not tell her husband that she never loved him. You must watch The Great Gatsby – it is no ordinary story. It is no wonder this movie achieved 7 Cirque Du Soleil Review By Fatima Al-Bader C heard something so beautiful like that. Performers were rushing to the center of the stage and performing their acrobatics. The show had a variety of different scenes. irque Du Soleil is a magical show. It was created by Guy Laliberté in 1984. Unlike an ordinary circus, Laliberté was the first to combine art, culture and acrobatics in his show. Each show tells a story of its own. There are over 25 different kinds of shows and more than 3,000 people are hired for each Cirque Du Soleil series of performances. The magnificent stage preparation cost a lot of money to build. The show Dralion was performed in Qatar in September 2013, in the Aspire Arena. The lions certainly had a large role to play in the show. They were jumping up to reach the top of a giant ball, and to walk and balance on it. This was amazing to watch. No show would be complete without costumes. The costumes for Dralion were inspired by Chinese, Indian, & African cultures. The costumes were very expensive to make & had to be imported from many countries like Italy and France. They used more than 16,000 feet of fabric for this show only. Some of the other materials that were used included plastic & crystal materials. Dralion consists of the traditional circus acts of China and the West. The word “Dralion” is made up of the word “dragon” which represents the East and “lion” which represents the West. In Dralion, four characters have the main roles which symbolize air (blue), water (green), fire (red) and earth (orange). Every character wears a special colored -costume based on their role in the show. The show’s finale was the most captivating part. “Pas de deux” was the scene’s title. A couple flew across stage on what appeared to be only two blue scarves. This was very romantic and the music made me feel that I was a part of the experience. The show starts with a singer who sings songs that have a magical rhythm to them. The voice is unique with very touching lyrics. It was the first time I ABP Tribune 8 The Benefits Of Horse Riding By Noor Jassmi For example, from a physical perspective, horse riding helps the rider to maintain their balance as this plays a huge role in riding the horse well. It also strengthens the rider’s muscles and improves blood circulation and even burns calories! Many people do not consider horse riding a sport. They think that the rider just sits on the horse and the horse does all the work, but if you have ever been on a horse you will know that this is simply not true. H orse riding is a challenging, yet enjoyable sport and learning the skill of controlling and moving on a horse requires a lot of effort by the rider. There are many physical, mental, and emotional benefits associated with horse riding. From a mental point of view, horse riding has been shown to help prevent memory loss and improve concentration. This is because while riding you will always learn new things, and to be able to master the next move requires some concentration by the rider, especially while jumping. “From a mental point of view, horse riding has been shown to help prevent memory loss and improve concentration.” Finally, from an emotional point of view, horse riding helps improves self esteem and relieves stress due to the amazing bond between the rider and the horse. ABP Tribune 9 A Word Scavenger Hunt By Nadia El-Meragawi A t the beginning of every month, the ABP Creative Writing Club and the ABP Photography Club meet up and work together. Last month, they met up and went on a ‘Word Scavenger Hunt.’ The students from the ABP Photography Club took pictures of fascinating words they saw around the building, while the students in the ABP Creative Writing Club wrote down the words that they found around the building. They later used these words to write poems and prose. Everyone who participated had a great time wandering around the LAS building and looking for words. “We had great fun running around the building taking photos of interesting words,” said Mr. Mike, the teacher who runs the ABP Photography Club. “You could feel the excitement in bringing the two clubs together. It was a nice way to have different clubs working with each other,” said Mr. Bob – one of teachers who leads the ABP Creative Writing Club. Some of the writings and a couple of the pictures were posted on the creative writing club’s blog. For those who are interested, the blog’s address is: http://abpcreativewritingclub. blogspot.com The blog is regularly updated as the ABP Creative Writing Club students continue to write and generate content to post on it. ABP Tribune THE CREATIVE WRITING CORNER Home-Baking Corner with Maryam Al-Badr A Gift from Nihilism by Nairuz A. ElAzzabi "Am I blind? Why is it all Dark? Where are they? Why is there no one in here? Wait a second! Oh, God! That was a Nightmare." For that special occasion, this is a must try Intense Nutella Chocolate Cheesecake The girl was lying on her bed, folding her arms under her hand. Her eyes were staring at the ceiling. The height inspired her. She can reach new levels in life. She can get up and try hard to make it. The girl got out of her bed. "Take the Chance," the window said. The light outside of the window nourished the girl. Sunlight was so enticing that it empowered the girl. "It is a new day, a new chance, something good could happen," the girl said happily. "Start with yourself," the mirror whispered. "I have faith in You. I love you," the door said. "I do Believe in you." 10 Ingredients: 1 ½ cups Oreos or other chocolate cookies, crushed. 5 tablespoons of melted butter. 1 cup of Nutella. 300g of cream cheese (room temperature). ¾ cup of heavy whipping cream. Directions: 1. To make the crust, mix the crushed Oreos with the melted butter. Press into a greased cheesecake pan and place in the freezer for about 10 minutes. 2. To make the filling, beat the whipping cream in a medium bowl until soft peaks form. In a separate bowl, beat the Nutella with the cream cheese until smooth. Fold in the whipped cream. 3. Pour the filling into the crust. Chill for 1 to 2 hours or until set before serving. ALUMNI B Aisha P Al-Muhannadi My name is Aisha Al-Muhannadi, and I am currently studying Communication at Northwestern University in Qatar. Growing up, I have always been a huge sports fanatic, and I especially love football. However, the reason why I majored in Communication is because of my interests in photography and filmmaking. I joined ABP in the fall of 2012 not knowing what to expect or where I wanted to study, but I knew that it had to be film. One of the reasons why I chose ABP was because I wanted to improve in so many areas academically and per- sonally. By the end of the year, I gained a lot of new knowledge and extra confidence. Two things that ABP helped me to accomplish were the opportunity to become the ABP Student Association President and my acceptance to Northwestern University-Qatar. I also tried many new things during my year at ABP such as the Debate Club and the Newsletter Club. After I graduate from NU-Q, my plan is to travel the world, learn about different cultures, and write about stories that can be made into movies. Abdelrahman Kamel My name is Abdelrahman Kamel. I am 19 years old and come from Egypt. I graduated from an Arabic-language school in Doha in 2012 and then the ABP in 2013. Before joining the ABP, I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. My high school grades were not that good, and I did not take any of the standardized tests that universities require for admission. I thought I would be wasting a year of my life at the ABP as it was neither a high school nor a university. However, after graduating from ABP and until this day, I think ABP was the best year of my entire life! I am a huge video game nerd. When I joined the ABP I found myself surrounded by friends and amazing teachers that made me feel that classes could be as much fun as playing video games! The best thing about ABP is that for the first time I felt like I was in a community of learners, and I felt like I belonged to that com- munity. I was involved in many ABP clubs including the Newsletter Club, the Model UN Club, the Debate Club and the Creative Writing Club. These clubs not only helped me to get into universities but also to discover new topics in which I was really interested in. After graduating from ABP I was surprised that I had a lot of options and opportunities to choose from. One of which was close to my heart - majoring in International Politics at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Right now, I still don’t know what I want to do with my life, but I know that I am constantly narrowing my options and discovering new passions and interests. I know that I am currently studying topics that both speak to my most authentic self and reflect my view of the way I see myself and the world around me. ABP is the start of a long journey of learning and if I could go back in time, I would change nothing. 11 D.Moloney ~ Issue 19 ~ 2013/14 12
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