Board Room Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees D
Board Room Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees D
AGENDA Coast Community College District 1370 Adams Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Board Room Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Date: August 6, 2008 6:30 p.m. (Business Meeting) - LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI 2 LI LI LI 2 LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI 1. Procedural Matters 1.01 Procedural Matters 1 .02 Acceptance of Retirements 2. General Information and Reports 2.01 Reports 3. Consent Calendar & 3.01 CURRICULUM APPROVALS & 3.02 TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS BOARD & STAFF 3.02.01 Authorization for Student Trips Orange Coast College 3.03 GENERAL ITEMS 3.03.01 Authorization for Special Projects Coastline Community College 3.03.02 Authorization for Special Projects Golden West College 3.03.03 Authorization for Special Projects Orange Coast College 3.03.04 Authorization to Apply for Funded Programs ~ 3.03.05 Authorization for Disposal of Surplus 3.03.06 Authorization to Enter Standard Telecourse Agreements Coastline Community College 3.03.07 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Coastline Community College 3.03.08 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Golden West College 3.03.09 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Orange Coast College 3.03.10 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships District 3.03.11 Community Activities Golden West College 3.03.12 Community Activitie’s Orange Coast College ~ 3.04 PERSONNEL ITEMS 3.05 ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL ITEMS 3.05.01 Authorization for Independent Contractors Coastline Community College 3.05.02 Authorization for Independent Contractors Golden West College 3.05.03 Authorization for Independent Contractors Orange Coast College 3.05.04 Authorization for Independent Contractors.. District 3.05.05 Authorization for Professional Development Program 3.05.06 Authorization for Staff Development Orange Coast College 3.06 FINANCIAL APPROVALS & 3.06.01 Approval of Purchase Orders & 3.06.02 Ratification/Approval of Checks & 3.06.03 Check List for General Obligation Bond Fund 3.06.04 Authorization for Special Payments Orange Coast College 4. Action Items & 4.01 Authorization to Enter Agreements Coastline Community College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Procedural Mailers 1.01 Procedural Matters 1.02 Closed Session 1.03 Approval of Minutes 1.04 Public Comment (Open Session) 1 .05 Acceptance of Retirements 2. General Information and Reports 2.01 Reports 3. Consent Calendar 3.01 CURRICULUM APPROVALS 3.01.01 Approval of New Courses 3.01 .02 Approval of Course Revisions/Retirements/Reinstatements 3.01.03 Approval of New Program/Options 3.01.04 Approval of Program/Option Revisions/Retirements/Suspensions 3.01.05 Approval of General Education/Graduation Requirements 3.02 TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS BOARD & STAFF 3.02.01 Authorization for Student Trips Coastline Community College 3.02.02 Authorization for Student Trips Golden West College 3.02.03 Authorization for Student Trips Orange Coast College 3.02.04 Authorization for Student Trips District 3.03 GENERAL ITEMS 3.03.01 Authorization for Special Projects Coastline Community College 3.03.02 Authorization for Special Projects Golden West College 3.03.03 Authorization for Special Projects Orange Coast College 3.03.04 Authorization for Special Projects District 3.03.05 Authorization to Apply for Funded Programs & 3.03.06 Authorization for Disposal of Surplus [Replication or Save Conflict] 3.03.07 Authorization to Enter Standard Telecourse Agreements 3.03.08 Approval of Clinical Contracts Golden West College 3.03.09 Approval of Clinical Contracts Orange Coast College 3.03.10 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Coastline Community College 3.03.11 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Golden West College 3.03.12 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Orange Coast College 3.03.13 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships District 3.03.14 Community Activities Golden West College 3.03.15 Community Activities Orange Coast College 3.03.16 Sailing Program Orange Coast College 3.04 PERSONNEL ITEMS ~ 3.04.01 Authorization for Special Assignments - - - - - - - - R - - - - - - - - - - 4.02 Authorization to Enter Agreements Golden West College 4.03 Authorization to Enter Agreements Orange Coast College 4.04 Buildings and Grounds 4.05 General Items of Business Coastline Community College 4.06 Resolutions 5. Continuation of General Information and Reports & 5.01 Reports Continued 5.02 Additional Informative Discussion Topics 5.03 Review of Buildings and Grounds Reports 6. Adjournment Adjournment - ~ - - ~ ~tsawaissea~; Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 1.01 Procedural Matters 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 1. Procedural Mafters Information Yes AGENDA College District Community Coast 1370 Adams Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626- Board Room Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Date: August 6, 2008 6:30 p.m. Procedural Matters 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Public Comment At this time, members of the public have the opportunity to address the Board of Trustees on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Persons wishing to make comments are allowed five minutes per item. A “Request to Address the Board of Trustees” card needs to be completed and filed with the Manager of Board Operations prior to speaking. The Board requests that the public speak on matters which are on this agenda at the time that the item is considered by the Board. Please note that the Board cannot take action on any items not on the agenda, with certain exceptions as outlined in the Brown Act. Matters brought before the Board that are not on the agenda may, at the Board’s discretion, be referred to staff or placed on the next agenda for Board consideration. It is the intention of the Coast Community College District to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the Coast Community College District will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact the Manager of Board Operations at, (714) 438-4848, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs so that appropriate accommodations may be made. 5. Adopt Agenda 6. Approval of Minutes a. Special Meeting of May21, 2008 Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 1.02 Acceptance of Retirements 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 1. Procedural Matters Information Yes It is recommended that the following retirements of employees with 10 or more years of service to the District be accepted: Classified Michel, Melba, CCC, Clerk Intermediate, Classified Unit, retirement effective 07/08/08. Unused vacation to be paid in lump sun,. Melba Michel has worked in Admissions & Records at CCC for over 24 years. She has been a tireless worker with a reputation for timeliness and accuracy. She truly enjoyed her time working for CCC because of her contact with students and the friendliness of the staff. She has two daughters and 4 grandchildren. Upon retirement Melba plans to travel and spend time with her sisters and other immediate family. Melba is a very pleasant person and will be missed by the staff in Admissions and Records. We wish her the best in her retirement! Peconic, Hildiqard, GWC, Accounting Analyst, Classified Unit, retirement effective 08/23/08. Unused vacation to be paid in lump sum. Pam Peconic’s employment started at Golden West College on October 1, 1975 as an Account Clerk in the Business Office. At that time she was one of a two person office where a posting machine (computer) took up more space than the staff. She was promoted to an Accounting Fiscal Analyst in 2007— a promotion which was well deserved! Pam has been an exemplary employee these 30 plus years. Her quiet Competence, integrity, commitment, and ethics have been such an asset to Golden West College. She has made a real difference and positive impact to our campus. In her retirement, Pam plans to travel with her husband, Jack, and spend time with family. We wish her all the best in her new voyage in life she will truly be missed by all! — 2.01 Reports Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 2. General Information and Reports Agenda Type: Information Public Access: Yes 1. Report from the Chancellor 2. Report from the Officers of Student Government Organizations 3. Reports from the Academic Senate Presidents 3.01 CURRICULUM APPROVALS Meeting: 08/0612008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Public Access: Yes Curriculum Apprcvals.pdI 3.01 CURRICULUM APPROVALS 1. Approval of Course RevisionslRetirements!Reinstatements Course Revisions: The College Curriculum Committee, with concurrence of the College President and the Chancellor, recommends the following course revisions be approved for inclusion in the curriculum: Coastline Community College Effective Fall 2008 Law Cl 65 — Course ID: Art C127 — FROM TO LawCi65 Law C164 2.0 lecture/i .0 non-lecture 2.0 lecture/3.0 non-lecture Contract Law Portrait Drawing & Painting Semester Hours: Course Suspensions: The College Curriculum Committee, with concurrence of the College President and the Chancellor, recommends the following courses be suspended from the curriculum: Coastline Community College Effective Fall 2008 LAW 177— Advanced Mediation/Field Practicum LAW 179— Dispute Resolution in Conflict Management 2. Approval of New Program!Options The College Curriculum Committee, with GonGurrence of the College President and the Chancellor, recommends the following new program/options be approved for inclusion in the curriculum: Coastline Community College Effective Fall 2008 Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) Certificate of Specialization Computer Services Technology courses C205-C208 build on the foundational Cisco Certified Networking Administrator (CCNA) courses to provide advanced Cisco certifications. This certificate provides for a foursemester sequence of courses that leads to an advanced Cisco certification (CCNP) that is highly regarded in the computer industry. REQUIRED COURSES Building Scalable Internetworks Building Multilayer Switched Networks Select From Program Electives Below Total Units CST C205 CST C207 Units 3.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 PROGRAM ELECTIVES Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks CST C206 CST C208 3.0 3.0 CompTIA Computer Software Certificate of Achievement The courses offered to obtain this certificate will give students the basic skills needed to provide computer support. Topics provide skills necessary to prepare for CompTlA certification including entry level Network+, A+ Essentials, Linux+, Project÷, and Security+. REQUIRED COURSES A+ Essentials Software Security Essentials Select from Program Electives Below Total Units CST Cl 17 CST C230 PROGRAM ELECTIVES CompTlA Project+ Network+/lntroduction to Networking CompTIA Convergence+ CompTIA Linux+ CST C109 CST C128 CST C153 CST Cl 91 Units 3.0 3.0 4.5 10.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3. Approval of Program/OptionIRevisionsIRetirements/su5p~~5i0~5 Program/ODtion Revisions: The College Curriculum Committee, with concurrence of the College President and the Chancellor, recommends the following programs/options revisions be approved for inclusion in the curriculum: Coastline Community College Effective Fall 2008 Management (Certificate of Achievement) Required Course: Elective Course: Delete Accounting 100, Introduction to Accounting English 135, Business Writing Management & Supervision 100, Organization and Management Add Business C120, Personal Financial Planning Management & Supervision C102, Human Relations Leadership 140, Student Leadership Management & Supervision C102, Human Relations Delete Add Accounting C100, Introduction to Accounting Business ClOl, Project Management Business C130, E-Business Business C222, Small Business Operation and Management Management & Supervision ClOl, Management/Employee Communication Management & Supervision C104, Human Resource Management Management & Supervision C281, Work Based Learning Units: Decrease total program units from 30 to 24-25 Paralegal (Certificate of AchievementlAA Degree) Elective Course: Add Law C161, Tort Law Law Cl 64, Contract Law Program/Option Reinstatements: The College Curriculum Committee, with concurrence of the College President and the Chancellor, recommends the following program/options be reinstated: Coastline Community College Effective Fall 2008 Informatics — Certificate of Achievement 3.02 TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS BOARD & STAFF 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Information Yes - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: TravelOBOSOftpdI ~ ~ ~ ~~ Travel Authorization I .Travel Authorization a.Authorization for Attendance at Meetings andlor Conferences (1 )Meetings for the Board of Trustees None. (2)Meetings for Faculty and Staff AMINA H ADAN, Instructor (0CC), to attend the Building an Asian Pacific Community: Unity in Diversity, November 8 16, 2008, Bali, Indonesia without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,100, including a registration fee of $225, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. - LYDIA M ARBIZO, Outreach Pgm Spec (0CC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Program & Services Association Conference, October27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from EOPS funds. - CARMEN V AVILA, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - LINDA BAGATOURIAN, Counselor (0CC), to attend the University of California Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $88, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from Transfer Center funds. LINDA BAGATOURIAN, Counselor (0CC), to attend the CSU San Diego Region High School/Community College Counselor Conference, September 26, 2008, San Diego, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $126, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from Transfer Center funds. DARIN R BLACKMAN, Sys/Netwrk Anlst 11(0CC), to attend the VM World 2008, September 14 19, 2008, Las Vegas, NV, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $3,100, including a registration fee of $1,095, to be paid from College Computer Support Services funds, will be driving personal auto with reimbursement for mileage expenses if they equal the equivalency of travel by air coach. - TED A BOEHLER, Dean (CCC), to attend the Siggraph 2008 Special Interest Graphics Convention, August 11-15, 2008, Los Angeles, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $45, to be paid from SD/Innovations & Learning Techology funds. ROBIN A BOYLE, Mil/Cont Ed Tech Int (CCC), to attend the Coast Guard Education Fair and Sector Visits, August 18-28, 2008, various locations, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $3,500, including travel by Air Coach, rental car and insurance, to be paid from Contract Education Auxiliary funds. Locations include: Astoria, OR; North Bend, OR; Seattle, WA; Port Angeles, WA. Travel Authorization JEFFREY S BROWN, Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $380, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. - MARJORIE J BUNTEN, Director, College Foundation (GWC), to attend the Network of CA Community College Foundations Conference, October 15-17, 2008, San Diego, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,200, including a registration fee of $375, to be paid from CDMA Professional Development funds, Foundation funds. HOAI-HUONG D BUSH, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 UC Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $130, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. HOAI-HUONG D BUSH, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $120, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. DENISE A CABANEL-BLEUER, Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 -6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $380, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. MARTA R CABRAL, Counselor (0CC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Programs & Services Association Conference, October 27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from CARE funds, EOPS funds. - MARTA R CABRAL, Counselor (0CC), to attend the University of California 2008 Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1 50, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. MARTA R CABRAL, Counselor (0CC), to attend the California State University San Diego Region High School & Community College Counselor Conference Fall 2008, September 26, 2008, San Diego, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. DEEPAK CHAUHAN, Env Hlth & Sfty Spec (CCCD), to attend the Green California Community College Summit, October 8 9, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $250, including a registration fee of $165, to be paid from CFCE Conference funds. - KRISTIN L CLARK, Administrative Dean (0CC), to attend the Training and Orientation for New Program Directors/Coordinators, September 7 9, 2008, Sacramento, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $400, including travel by Air Coach, to be paid from Ancillary Account funds. - KRISTIN L CLARK, Administrative Dean (0CC), to attend the 2008 Strengthening Student Success: Basic Skills and Beyond!, October 1 3, 2008, Anaheim, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $400, including a registration fee of $335, to be paid from A & R Ancillary funds. - Travel Authorization BRIAN E CONLEY, Instructor (GWC), to attend the Assoc of CA Community College Trustees Annual Leadership Congress, October 27-31, 2008, New York, NY, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from sponsoring agency. NANCY H CUCCI, Hourly Instructor (CCC), to attend the American Needlepoint Guild National Seminar 2008, September 5-13, 2008, Indian Wells, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from Personal funds. MARIUS CUCURNY, Instructor (GWC), to attend the NARET Grant Project Director’s Meeting, August 17-23, 2008, Belcourt, ND, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $2,800, including travel by Air Coach, rental car and insurance, to be paid from FIPSE Naret grant funds. ADRIANA DAS, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference Funds. - JOYCELYN M GROOT, Dir Cont Dev & Oper (CCC), to attend the Council of College and Military Educators Board Meeting, October 1-6, 2008, Honolulu, HI, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $2,700, including travel by Air Coach, rental car and insurance, to be paid from Contract Education Auxiliary funds. FRANCA HAMBER, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - THOMAS C HERSH, Instructor (GWC), to attend the NARET Grant Project Director’s Meeting, August 17-23, 2008, Belcourt, ND, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $2,800, including travel by Air Coach, rental car and insurance, to be paid from FIPSE NARET grant funds. KAREN L HINTON, Counselor (GWC), to attend the CSU Community College Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $115, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from IPD funds. MIRIAM E HOUSSELS, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - MARIE T HULETT, Professional Expert (CCC), to attend the Travel to Scout Locations, Interview and Videotape Experts for Use in the Chemistry Telecourse, August 7, 2008 June 30, 2009, various, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $500, to be paid from Telecourse Production funds. - DANNY C JONES, Administrative Dean (CCC), to attend the Siggraph 2008 Special Interest Graphics Convention, August 11-15, 2008, Los Angeles, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $45, to be paid from ISD Ancillary funds. Travel Authorization CHERYL L JUPITER, Counselor (0CC), to attend the University of California Counselor Conference 2008, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $115, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from Transfer Center funds. CHERYL L JUPITER, Counselor (0CC), to attend the Southern California/California State University Counselor Conference, September 26, 2008, San Diego, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $126, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from Transfer Center funds. AKEMI KAGAWA, Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $380, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. - BEATRIZ KEITH, Instructor (CCC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $380, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. - ZUBIN KHAMBATTA, Professional Expert (CCC), to attend the Siggraph 2008 Special Interest Graphics Convention, August 11-15, 2008, Los Angeles, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $45, to be paid from ISD/lnnovations and Learning Technology funds. RICHARD B KUDLIK, Dir Of lntrnl Ad Svc (CCCD), to attend the Community College Internal Auditors Fall Conference, October 1-3, 2008, Anaheim, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $85, to be paid from Internal Audit Mgmt Conference Funds. LINDA E KUNTZMAN, Instructor (CCC), to attend the Basic Skills Initiative Summer Institute 2008, August 10-13, 2008, Newport Beach, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from sponsoring agency. JENNIFER K LABOUNTY, EOPS/CARE SPECIALIST (CCC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Program & Services Association Conference, October 27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from CARE Funds, EOPS funds. - LISA S LEE, Instructor (CCC), to attend the Basic Skills Initiative Summer Institute 2008, August 10-13, 2008, Newport Beach, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from sponsoring agency. GISELLE LLOYD, Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - EARNEST C MARCHBANK, District Environ Safety Mgr (CCCD), to attend the Green California Community College Summit, October 8 9, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $250, including a registration fee of $165, to be paid from Environmental/Safety & Health Management Conferences funds: - Travel Authorization EARNEST G MARCRBANK, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $120, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. EARNEST G MARCHBANK, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 UC Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $130, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from FOPS funds. EDWARD A MCKENNEY, Dean Mil/Cont Ed Pro (CCC), to attend the Military Education Center, August 17-25, 2008, Washington, DC, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $2,600, including travel by Air Coach, to be paid from Contract Education Auxiliary funds. LAURIE R MELBY, Dir Tlcrs Pr & Tmdia (CCC), to ?ttend the To Videotape Interviews and Shoot 8-Roll for the Chemistry Telecourse, August 8-11, 2008, Yellowstone, WY, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,700, including travel by Air Coach, rental car and insurance, to be paid from Telecourse Production funds. LAURIE R MELBY, Dir Tlcrs Pr & Tmdia (CCC), to attend the Travel to Scout Locations, Interview and Videotape Experts for Use in the Chemistry Telecourse, August 7, 2008 June 30, 2009, various locations, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $500, to be paid from Telecourse Production funds. Purpose of Trips: Travel to scout locations in Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, Orange Santa Barbara and Kern Counties. - ADRIENNE S MERLO, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - CARISA L MONTOOTH, Staff Aide (CCC), to attend the University of California Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from Personal funds. CARISA L MONTOOTH, Staff Aide (0CC), to attend the Los Angeles Area Community College Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from Personal funds. FLORY T MORA, Hourly Instructor (CCC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1 90, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - MARIAALA MUELAS, Instructor (CCC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $380, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. - MICHELLE NGO, Staff Assistant (GWC), to attend the FaIl 2008 UC Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $130, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. Travel Authorization MICHELLE NGO, Staff Assistant (GWC), to attend the FaIl 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $120, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. CHRISTINA D NGUYEN, Counselor (CCC), to attend the Basic Skills Summer Institute, August 1013, 2008, Newport Beach, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from sponsoring agency. STEVE D NGUYEN, Hourly Instructor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $120, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. STEVE D NGUYEN, Hourly Instructor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 UC Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $130, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. MARY I O’CONNOR, Prog Mgr Rhorc (GWC), to attend the CA Assoc of College of Nursing Fall Conference, October 5-7, 2008, San Francisco, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,000, including a registration fee of $250, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from RHORC Grant funds. DAT H PHAN, Counselor (0CC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Programs & Services Association Conference, October 27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from EOPS funds. - DAT H PHAN, Counselor (0CC), to attend the University of California 2008 Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $150, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. DAT H PHAN, Counselor (CCC), to attend the California State University Pasadena Community College Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $180, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. CLYDE H PHILLIPS, Counselor (0CC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Program & Services Association Conference, October 27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from EOPS funds. - CLYDE H PHILLIPS, Counselor (0CC), to attend the California State University San Diego Region High School & Community College Counselor Conference FaIl 2008, September 26, 2008, San Diego, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. CLYDE H PHILLIPS, Counselor (0CC), to attend the University of California 2008 Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $150, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. Travel Authorization LIA T RAILEANU, Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $380, to be paid from Academic Senate P01 funds. - MARIAM M SAADA, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - MICHELLE Y SAMBRANO, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $120, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. MICHELLE Y SAMBRANO, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 UC Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $130, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. PATRICIA M SCARFONE, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with Annual Conference, September 5 reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - VIDA SHAJIE, Counselor (CCC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Programs & Services Association Conference, October 27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from EOPS funds. - VIDA SHAJIE, Counselor (0CC), to attend the California State University Pasadena Community College Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $200, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. VIDA SHAJIE, Counselor (0CC), to attend the University of California 2008 Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $150, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. THOMAS J SNYDER, Dean Plan Dev Govt (CCC), to attend the Council for Resource Development Annual Conference, November 3-8, 2008, Washington, DC, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $2,276, including a registration fee of $485, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from Department 708 funds, SAC Advocacy funds. CHERYL C STEWART, Librarian (CCC), to attend the Basic Skills Initiative Summer Institute 2008, August 10-13, 2008, Newport Beach, CA, without loss of salary, with no reimbursement authorized from District funds, to be paid from sponsoring agency. STEPHEN Y TAMANAHA, Director (0CC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College 30, 2008, Extended Opportunity Program & Services Association Conference, October 27 Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from EOPS funds. - STEPHEN Y TAMANAHA, Director (DCC), to attend the University of California 2008 Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $150, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. Travel Authorization STEPHEN V TAMANAHA, Director (CCC), to attend the California State University Pasadena Community College Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $150, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. MILTON H TENNO, Hourly Instructor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1201 including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. RUSSELL A TERRY, Counselor (GWC), to attend the FaIl 2008 UC Counselor Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $130, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from EOPS funds. RUSSELL A TERRY, Counselor (GWC), to attend the Fall 2008 CSU Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $120, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from EOPS funds. ANA G TOVAR, Staff Assistant (0CC), to attend the University of California Counselors Conference, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $60, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from Transfer Centers funds. ANA G TOVAR, Staff Assistant (0CC), to attend the California State University San Diego Region High School Community College Counselor Conference, September 26, 2008, San Diego, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $65, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from Transfer Centers funds. JULIE TRAN, Staff Aide (CCC), to attend the 38th Annual California Community College Extended Opportunity Program & Services Association Conference, October 27 30, 2008, Millbrae, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,500, including a registration fee of $425, travel by Air Coach, to be paid from EOPS funds. - MARTIN T VALLES, HrIy/Temp Clerical (CCC), to attend the Travel to Scout Locations, Interview and Videotape Experts for Use in the Chemistry Telecourse, August 7, 2008 June 30, 2009, various, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $500, to be paid from Telecourse Production funds. - PATRICIA VILLEGAS BONNO, Hourly Instructor (CCC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - LAURA C WALLS, Hourly Instructor (0CC), to attend the World Languages Department Annual Conference, September 5 6, 2008, Carlsbad, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $190, to be paid from CCA Conference funds. - DANIEL R WEBER, Staff Aide (CCC), to attend the Los Angeles Area Community College Counselor Conference, September 25, 2008, Pasadena, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $95, including a registration fee of $65, to be paid from Transfer Center funds. Travel Authorization DANIEL R WEBER, Staff Aide (CCC), to attend the UC Counselor Conference 2008: UC Riverside, September 18, 2008, Riverside, CA, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $95, including a registration fee of $60, to be paid from Transfer Center funds. MARK S ZOMBEK, Instructor (0CC), to attend the Aircraft Electronics Association Western Regional Meeting, October 21 24, 2008, Reno, NV, without loss of salary, with reimbursement for allowable expenses of $1,100, to cover a portion of the cost of the $1,295 registration fee, travel by Air Coach, rental car and insurance, to be paid from Academic Senate PDI funds. - 3.02.01 Authorization for Student Trips Orange Coast College Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes - Orange Coast College Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (EOPS & CARE) to sponsor 20 EOPS/CARE students to attend the 2008-2009 Leadership Development Conference on October 3, 2008, at the Kellogg West Conference Center, Pomona, CA. Expenses NTE $600 to be paid from EOPSICARE funds. Transportation provided by ASOCC. Created oTodgMbyjynnan~MLptofl ~$U oft~Oj2~t/~OQ8b~4pthRoddgue &.. 3.03.01 Authorization for Special Projects Coastline Community College - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/0612008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes Coastline Community College, Special Programs and Services for the Disabled, to host special events throughout the 2008/2009 school year including, but not limited to, new student orientations, DDL and ABI Advisory Board Meetings, DDL Open House. Food and refreshments will be provided for these events and all expenses will be funded by the Special Programs Foundation account. Expenses will depend on attendance. Coastline Community College Classified Council to sponsor Classified Council Fashion Fundraiser on August 15, 2008, from 10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. at College Center. Proceeds from this fund raising event will go to classified scholarships and activities. There is no cost to the College or District. — Coastline Community College Classified Council to host an Educational Fair on Thursday, September 25, 2008, at College Center at no expense to the College or District. Coastline Community College, Paralegal Studies Program, to host a re-approval site visit by the American Bar Association (ABA), Approval Commission on Paralegal Programs, scheduled for September22 and 23, 2008. The visiting team, consisting of representatives from the ABA Approval Commission, will arrive on September21, 2008, to meet prior to the first day of the site visit. A list of the team members is on file in the Dean of Career and Technical Education’s office. The College will reimburse the team members for their expenses. Expenses NTE $5,000, will include meeting expenses, rooms, travel, hotel, miscellaneous expenses, and mileage. All expenses associated with this visit will be paid from ancillary funds. Coastline Community College to host the Fall All-College Meeting on September 5, 2008, at the Rose Center Theater in Westminster. Expenses NTE $2800 to be paid from College and Foundation funds. I 3.03.02 Authorization for Special Projects Golden West College 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes Golden West College to hold Staff Development Meetings and Events for the 2008-09 academic year. Cost NTE $1,000 for food, supplies and printing to be paid from A81725 funds. Golden West College to be the co-sponsor of outside groups renting college athletic facilities at the co-sponsor rate for the 2008-09 academic year. The list of groups will be on file in the athletic office. Golden West College to hold a Fall Fiesta Scholarship Fundraiser luncheon and raffle for students, faculty, staff, and the community, September 4, 2008, in the Amphitheater to raise funds for the Chicano/Lafino Education fund. Cost NTE $500 for food, supplies, and printing to be paid from Chicano/Latino Education Foundation funds. Golden West College to hold Counselor/Staff Workshop Meetings in the 2008-09 academic year regarding matriculation activities. Cost NTE $300 for food, supplies, and printing to be paid from Counseling and Matriculation funds. Golden West Collegeto hold an onsite Planning and Training Seminar with consultants from Enrollment and Retention Services Division of Education Dynamics (formerly GoalQuest), August 5, 2008. Cost NTE $6,000 including food and travel expenses to be paid from Enrollment Growth and/or college discretionary funds. Should the college contract with this company for one or more student service modules, the college will receive credit on that contract for these services, which are normally provided in the terms of service. The college has reviewed these contracts and is considering adopting these programs along with its Luminis portal implementation. 3.03.03 Authorization for Special Projects Orange Coast College - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes Orange Coast College Community Relations to invite 0CC students and Emeritus members to serve as volunteers for events held throughout the 2008-2009 school year. Supplies and thank-you gifts NTE $800 for volunteers to be purchased from Community Relations ASOCC funds. Orange Coast College Community Relations to host meetings during the 2008-2009 school year with expenses to include food NTE $600 from Community Relations ASOCC funds. In addition, pizza lunches and Navigator-of-the-Month lunches will be hosted for the 2008-2009 year with expenses NTE $600 from the same funding source. Orange Coast College Community Relations to host the 26th annual 0CC High School Senior ~y on March 17, 2009, for approximately 5,000 visiting high school seniors. Expenses to include a pizza party for winner of the Best Booth Award NTE $40,000 to be paid from ASOCC and District funds. A luncheon for high school students, counselors, 0CC students, and volunteers on March 17, 2009, will also be hosted at the annual High School Senior Day with expenses NTE $5,600 to be paid from ASOCC funds. Orange Coast College President’s Office to host a breakfast for the Intersegmental Council of Academic Senates (ICAS) group that will meet in the CCC Watson Hall to rewrite Math standards for entering freshmen on October 10, 2008. Expenses NTE $150 to be paid from President’s ancillary funds. Orange Coast College President’s Office to host a campus in-service training on September 23, 2008. Expenses to include refreshments NTE $250 to be paid from Presidents ancillary funds. Orange Coast College Transfer Center and Transfer Opportunity Program to sponsor a variety of transfer events, including but not limited to, four-year college mini-fairs, transfer workshops and presentations, and TOP breakfast/luncheons throughout the 2008-2009 school year. Expenses to be paid from Transfer Center, Transfer Opportunity Program, and ASOCC funds. Orange Coast College Transfer Center to sponsor a College Transfer Day on October 2, 2008. This event will host over 70 four-year institutions and wilt take place in the DCC Quad. Meal cards will be provided for representatives’ use during the day in lieu of an organized breakfast or lunch. Total expenses to include publications and food to be paid by Transfer Center and ASOCC funds. Orange Coast College Instructional Food Services to conduct various staff meetings, training, and special events from August 15, 2008, through June 30, 2009. Expenses NTE $3,600 to be paid from Cafeteria auxiliary funds. Orange Coast College Business and Computing Division to host a variety of meetings on and off campus including eight Division Advisory Committee meetings throughout 2008-2008. Expenses to include food and supplies to be determined by number of participants and to be paid from ancillary funds. Orange Coast College Student Health Services to host a variety of meetings and events throughout the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Expenses NTE $1,000 per event, including food, to be determined by number of participants to be paid from ASOCC, Foundation, or ancillary funds. Orange Coast College Consumer Health & Science to host a Respiratory Care Program site visit on October 13-14, 2008. Expenses NTE $2,500 for food, lodging, and other related expenses to be paid from department accreditation funds. Orange Coast College Division of Literature and Languages to host meetings and events throughout the 2008-2009 academic year Expenses to be determined by number of participants and to be paid by ancillary, general, or ASOCC funds. Orange Coast College President’s Office to host various meetings and events during fiscal year 2008-2009 with expenses, including food, NTE $2,000 to be paid from President’s ancillary funds. 3.03.04 Authorization to Apply for Funded Programs Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/0612008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Information Yes It is recommended that authorization be given to apply for the following funded programs and/or projects and to participate, if funded, as outlined below. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign any related documents as appropriate. Orange Coast College has been awarded funding from The Regents of the University of California for the program titled “University of California, Irvine (UCI)IOrange Coast College (0CC) Joint Graduate Student Faculty Internship Program.” This is a sub-contract agreement between The Regents of the University of California and the Coast Community College District for a Joint Graduate Student Faculty Internship Program. The purpose of this internship program is to provide interns with the opportunity to learn about faculty life, governance, and teaching at a community college by partnering with a California Community College faculty member. The partner’s role is to provide guidance, support, and information that will help the intern to beffer assess her or his interest in and suitability for a position at a community college. Together, the faculty partner and student intern have the opportunity to exchange information and expertise from their respective experiences that will hopefully enhance the professional lives of both parties. UCI’s University Program Director and Orange Coast College faculty member Juani Funez-Gonzales shall be responsible for direction of all efforts related to this partnership at their respective campuses. Fiscal Impact: Orange Coast College will receive $12,500 between July 1, 2008 and June 16, 2010. No matching funds required. 3.03.05 Authorization for Disposal of Surplus Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes ] SurplusOBOSOB.pdI ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ITEM ASSET NO. (TAG NO.) IDENTIFICATION MODEL NO. COMPUTER CONDITION OF EQUIPMENT SERIAL NO. F=FAIR P=POOR I=IRREPAIRABLE 9055554 9032617 DHM F14HK6I MONITOR VLCDS21434I 9032944 VLCDS21434I E894860619 E800872384 I MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR 9047020 9031515 VLCD521588-1 PRINTER 9033384 PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER 9055931 9022952 9059971 MONITOR TVNCR COMBO 9053523 TV/VCR COMBO TV WALL MOUNTS (2) ELECTRIC TRUCK COIN RECEIVER PORTABLE PROJECTOR PROJECTOR CAMERA STAND PAPER CUTTER CHAIR PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER ROUTER SWITCHBOX 906010810249 E883904640 LE9-012177 I VLCDS2I4341 LE9 HL-51 U60964A5J71 7617 C4121A 3500/N USNC067207 WPH026707 I I VCDTS23IO3-2M CX81312 24B022150468 PVU-M1321 --.- 9017658 3CAFC02423 C2AA13457 I I p -— G15048 123700 55OESBK 080150806 006340A -— 2000839 -— I I Copypro N6940 P p P 30814 148 —- Gray 9047533 9031653 9045726 C7044A C4121A C41 1 8A 9011728 —- SWITCHBOX PRINTER PRINTER 9048018 9029050 PHOTOCOPYSTAND VCR 9018196 9018368 — CNCV018577 C2678A AG-1210 P I I USSC00091O USCDO4OI 84 I 344400012NB40BO I HP-5041 HP-5041 P340A P p I —- D33E400568 SG837130P4 I 108 p L6HE02775 P I ORANGE COAST COLLEGE On behalf of the Academic Computing Services Department and the Orange Coast College President, the Director of Purchasing is recommending Board Approval to donate surplus equipment to the Anaheim Union High School District. Anaheim Union High School will use the surplus items in their Technology Departments Instructional Program. Anaheim Union High School District has submitted a letter requesting the surplus equipment. ITEM ASSET NO. (TAG NO.) IDENTIFICATION MODEL NO. MONITOR CD DRIVE 9047703 F77 CD DRIVE MONITOR 9023045 9031881 MONITOR 9014908 DA456M XF-7E COMPUTER 9053138 MONITOR MONITOR COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER POWER SUPPLY CONDITION OF EQUIPMENT SERIAL NO. FFAIR PPOOR =IRRLPARABLE SHABOIOI847 274423 P P BL3802800796 P 17415AC15600142 1CC21529 P TOWER 9039388 U7003-02 HDD6K7003885 9053398 9016266 U7003-02 Desktop HDD6K7003837 100446 P P 9014533 Desktop Desktop 100641 100441 P P 9035279 Desktop SU700NET 103566 NSOO29243945 P P NSO029243986 P --- -— P p POWER SUPPLY MONITOR MONITOR 9035280 SU700NET 9053406 9054990 M782 M782 MY-08G 157-47603-41 F-BLH 1 MONITOR MONITOR 9045106 9045076 U7003-02 HDD6K7003885 P P P HDD6K7003837 P MONITOR 9025114 9025250 U7003-02 MMX MONITOR COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER MONITOR 9025272 9025305 -— V7TOO1 MH8IICOO5000 -— ACP-MT3 9025492 9025495 9031033 --- -— 26742 —- --- W05279-K007-362209-03 P P p P P W05279-K001-368809-14 JMAX4200658 P p P MONITOR MONITOR 9031041 EO505 E0505 9031125 EO505 JMM4200625 JMAX40009O4 MONITOR 9031141 EO505 JMAX40003O5 P MONITOR 9031148 EO505 9023060 M2935 JMAX4000356 S074915YB9J P MONITOR P COMPUTER 9023267 XB8I4OCCAZ3 P MONITOR 9024035 S70 FK7560543 P MONITOR 9024036 S70 FK7560544 P MONITOR 9024044 S70 9024045 S70 FK7560595 FK7614665 P MONITOR P MONITOR 9024047 S70 FK7552298 P MONITOR 9024564 S70 382033688 P COMPUTER 9024965 IMAC XA84752REUL P COMPUTER 9025048 PowerMacG3 X9141FDGGM P COMPUTER 9025051 PowerMacG3 XA9141FCGGM P -— P COMPUTER 2007875 VL series4 5/166 US64062258 p P MONITOR 9011194 TX-I7I3MAA FH2640027 MONITOR 9016033 2015 MONITOR 9016234 EO15 1052008192 1052008689 P P MONITOR 9016459 E015 5622050157 P PRINTER 9017605 M2680 NV7O9OAG39M P PRINTER MONITOR 9022298 9017980 LaserWriter 12/640 Ps XH7I7OGU5AJ P P15 FS6656334 P MONITOR 9022644 515 7622022 P MONITOR 9017984 M1823 T16360UE564 P MONITOR 9021167 2050 COMPUTER MONITOR 2001215 9011194 9016033 VL SERIES 4 5/166 TX-1713MAA E015 1162113865 US64062258 P P FH2640027 1052008192 P P 9016234 2015 MONITOR PRINTER 9016459 9017605 E015 M2680 1052008689 5622050157 P P MONITOR MONITOR 9017980 9017984 P15 M1823 NV7O9OAG39M ES 6656334 P P P MONITOR 9021167 E050 T16360UE5B4 1162113865 PRINTER MONITOR 9022298 9022644 LaserWriter 12/640 PS XH717OGU5AJ P P MONITOR COMPUTER 9023060 9023267 515 M2935 7622022 SG749ISYB9J P P P MONITOR MONITOR 9024035 9024036 S70 570 XB8I4OCCAZ3 FK7560543 FK7560544 P P MONITOR MONITOR 9024044 9024045 S70 S70 FK7560595 FK7614665 P P MONITOR 9024047 S70 FK7552298 P MONITOR COMPUTER 9024564 E050 IMAC 382033688 XA84752REUL P COMPUTER 9024965 9025048 COMPUTER 9025051 COMPUTER 9025114 MMX MONITOR COMPUTER 9025250 9025272 V7TOOI COMPUTER 9025305 ACP-MT3 COMPUTER 9025492 COMPUTER 9025495 MONITOR MONITOR 9031033 9031041 20505 EO505 MONITOR 9031125 MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR Power Mac G3 Power Mac G3 XA9I41EDGGM P P XA914IFCGGM P p MH8I 1 C005000 P P 26742 P W05279-K001-368809-03 P W05279-K001-368809-14 P JMAX4200658 JMAX4200625 P 20505 JMAX4000904 P 9031141 20505 JMAX40003O5 P 9031148 20505 JMAX4000356 P P MONITOR 9031155 E0505 JMAX4201343 P MONITOR 9031159 EO505 JMAX4000888 P COMPUTER COMPUTER 9031190 9031338 ACP-MT3 25825 25779 P MONITOR MONITOR 9031968 9031969 MONITOR 9031972 COMPUTER MONITOR 9031975 PowerMac 9032328 V7TOO1 COMPUTER COMPUTER 9032385 9032421 COMPUTER 9032441 COMPUTER COMPUTER PRINTER 9032885 9033334 9033444 COMPUTER 9033488 COMPUTER MONITOR 933489 9035277 MONITOR 9035278 9035425 MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR COMPUTER COMPUTER MON ITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR ACP-MT3 ACP-MT3 —- MMPGX1I5 C4171A -— M121p M121p 9035637 S7T008 S7T008 9039402 9045041 VSTOOI MMPP 0X115 9045063 9045064 MMPP GXII5 UltraScan P780 U7003-02 9045065 9045071 9045077 U7003-02 P CY91159BCVS P CY911599CVS P P CY9I1597CVS XA9122F1EWD P MH731A001135 40177 P 26994 P 40288 P P 40517 40517 P USGV093956 41654 P P P 41655 P MX-0957VU-47801-IIA-H27A P P MX-0957VU-47801-118-H1Up HDFIK70043IO HDF1K3003870 H080J6005024 JP92CO1 JKQCO1 MX-06271 R-47741 -08B-6OCB P P P P P p HDD6K7003884 HDD6K7003892 P P HDD6K7003893 P P P P P MONITOR MONITOR 9045095 U7003-02 U7003-02 9045097 U7003-02 HDD6K7003838 HDD6K7003895 MONITOR 9045098 U7003-02 HDD6K3001655 MONITOR 9045101 U7003-02 MONITOR 9045104 U7003-02 HDD6K7003875 HDD6K7003845 COMPUTER 9045107 MMPGX1I5 F6D2CO1 P COMPUTER 9045121 MMPGX1I5 HD62CO1 MONITOR 9045138 P p COMPUTER 9045141 MMPGX1I5 BKQICO1 P COMPUTER 9045161 MMP GXI15 C6D2CO1 P COMPUTER 6045163 MMPGX115 DGQ1COI P COMPUTER 9045171 MMPGX115 9045185 MMPGX115 BJQ1COI 9H82C01 P COMPUTER MONITOR 9045186 M781p MX-0957VU-47801-11B-H13W P MONITOR 9045188 MX-06271R-47741-08B-6OCC P COMPUTER 9045189 UltraScan P780 MMP GX115 5KQ1COI P -— P P COMPUTER 9045199 MMPGX115 8FQ1CO1 P COMPUTER 9045201 MMPGXI15 91-IQ1CO1 P COMPUTER 9045203 2659C01 COMPUTER 9045211 MMP GXII5 MMP GX115 BSD2CO1 P P COMPUTER 9045215 MMPGX11S H5D2CO1 P COMPUTER 9045217 MMPGX115 JHQ1CO1 COMPUTER 9045219 FJQ1COI P P COMPUTER MONITOR 9045221 9045230 MMP GX115 MMP GX115 2LQICOI P 9045241 MX-0957VU-47801-i 1 B-H16C 97DSCO1 P COMPUTER COMPUTER 9045245 9JQ1CO1 P COMPUTER 9045265 9045267 MMP GX115 MMP GX115 UltraScan P780 MMP 0X115 7GQ1CO1 76D2C01 MX-06271 R-47741-08B-6OCF P 6559C01 P P P MMP GXII5 M781p MMP GXII5 C753C01 P MX-0957VU-47801 -11 B-Hi 22 i759COi P P P COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER COMPUTER MON ITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER COMPUTER MONITOR MONITOR 9045270 9045271 9045273 9045274 9045275 9045276 9045277 9045278 9045279 9045281 9045282 COMPUTER 9045284 9045285 COMPUTER MONITOR 9045287 9045290 MONITOR COMPUTER 9045292 9045299 MONITOR 9045300 COMPUTER 9045303 9045307 COMPUTER MONITOR 9045308 COMPUTER COMPUTER 9045315 COMPUTER 9045317 COMPUTER 9045321 MONITOR 9045309 —- MMP GXII5 MMP GX1IS --- MMP GX115 MX-0957VU-47801-1 1 B-H2DT 4559C01 --- MMP GX115 MMP GXII5 — 41B9C01 J759C01 --- MMP GX115 MMPGX115 0659C01 M78ip MX-0957VU-47801-i IB-H13A MMP GXII5 M78ip MMPGX115 MMP GX115 M781p MMPGXI15 MMP GXII5 P p p P P GOB9CO1 --- P P p --- --- P .--- P p B299CO1 P MX-0957VU-4780i -1 11-HI I P D659C01 P G759C01 p MX-0957VU-47801-111-H11Z F55C01 P P G459C01 P P MMP GX115 MMP GXII5 9559COi P 6BP9COI P 9045322 M781p MONITOR 9045324 M781 p MX-0957VU-47801-1 1I-I-H3UX MX-0957VU-47801 -ii H-H48J P P MONITOR 9045326 --- COMPUTER 9045327 MMP GXI15 2Z99C01 P MONITOR 9045328 M781 p MX-0957VU-47801 -i 1A-H2FH P COMPUTER 9045329 MMPGX115 50B9C01 P --- P MONITOR 9045330 --- -— P MONITOR MONITOR 9045332 —- -— P MONITOR 9045334 9045336 M78ip COMPUTER 9045337 MMP SXli5 MX-0957VU-47807-1i 1-H1iY MX-0957VU-4780i-11B-H171 3859C01 MONITOR 9045338 COMPUTER 9045339 MMPGX1I5 B659C01 P MONITOR 9045340 9045341 M781 p MMP GX1I5 MX-0957VU-47801 -ii B-Hi 8F 8659C01 P 9045342 M781p MONITOR 9045344 M781p P P COMPUTER MONITOR 9045345 MMP GXIIS M781 p MX-0957VU-47801-1 1 B-H26R MX-0957VU-47801-1 1 B-H26Y 4659C01 MX-0957VU-47801 -Ii A-H0Oi 7089C01 P P MX-0957VU-47801 -ii B-Hi 74 FOB9COI P P MX-0957VU-47801-1 1A-HO5X CKQICO1 P P MX-06271R-47741-08B-6QCE P MY-0X37824-7603498-BFMW 8BP9CO1 JJQ1COI P P COMPUTER MONITOR M781p COMPUTER MONITOR 9045346 9045347 9045348 COMPUTER MONITOR 9045349 9045350 MMPGX115 COMPUTER MONITOR 9045351 MMP GX115 UltraScan P780 M783s MONITOR COMPUTER 9045352 9045887 9046319 9046323 MMP GX1 15 M781 p —- P P P P P P COMPUTER MONITOR MONITOR 9046422 9046426 MMP GXII5 MMP GX115 M781 p M781 p COMPUTER 9046451 MMPGX115 MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR 9046753 9047052 VCDTS22487-2M F77 9047054 F77 MONITOR 9047110 —- COMPUTER 9047137 -— MONITOR 9047152 STTOO8 HDF1K3008335 P MONITOR MONITOR 9047153 9047154 S7T008 S7T008 HDF1K1007645 P HDF1K1007574 P MONITOR 9047157 S7T008 HDF1K1007579 P MONITOR MONITOR 9047161 S7T008 HDF1K1007666 P 9047166 S7T008 HDF1K1007667 P MONITOR 9047168 S7T008 HDF1K100166S P MONITOR 9047169 S7T008 H0F1K1001664 P MONITOR 9047171 57T008 HDF1K3003006 P MONITOR 9047173 S7T008 HDFIK1007612 COMPUTER 9047288 P ~P MON ITOR 9047482 M781 p MX-07C051 -47801-1 7U-BO9D P MONITOR 9047483 M781p MX-07C051 47801-1 7U-BO8W P MONITOR 9047485 M781p MX-07C051-47801-17U-809B P MX-0957VU-47801 -11 B-How MX-0957VU-47801 -ii G-HOEM 5JLYBO1 23K014500747 SHM3IOI613 SHABO100039 P P P P P P P HD03J7003897 —- --- P P MONITOR 9047486 M781p MX-07C051-47801-17U-8096 P MONITOR 9047489 M781p MX-07C051-47801-17V-HOHK P MONITOR M781p M781p MX-07C051-47801-17V-HOHP MX-07C051-47801-17U-BO98 P MONITOR 9047491 9047496 MONITOR 9047497 M781p MX-07C051-47801-17V-H1X6 P MONITOR 9047702 F77 SHA~3001044 P MONITOR 904776 F77 SHABO2O2000 MONITOR COMPUTER 9047707 9048027 F77 COMPUTER 9048031 MMP GX115 MMP GX115 SHAA2902240 4H82C01 P P COMPUTER 9048051 MMP GX115 COMPUTER 9048059 COMPUTER COMPUTER 9048077 9048113 MONITOR COMPUTER 9048122 9048135 Pv1781p MMP GX115 MONITOR MONITOR 9048152 9048170 M781p M781p MONITOR 9048182 9048205 M781p MMP GX115 8B59C01 P P 9048228 M781p MX-0957VU-47801-IIG-H18E P 9048235 9048239 MMPGX115 MMP GXII5 MMP GX11S B959C01 CBP9CO1 3Z99C01 P P MMP GXII5 4859C01 COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER P P DF82C01 JDVICO1 P MMP OXIIS F028C01 P MMP GX1I5 MMP GXI15 JG82CO1 CHLYBOI MX-0957VU-47801-118-H1UU P P 3JLYBOI MX-0957VU-47801-118-H1V8 MX-0957VU--47801-11B-HI3V MX-0957VU-47801-11A-HOO8 P P P P P COMPUTER 9048255 9048259 COMPUTER COMPUTER 9048265 9048270 MMP GX115 MMP GX115 9959C01 8PC9CO1 COMPUTER MONITOR 9048287 9048300 MMPGX115 M781 p BCP9CO1 MX-0957VU-47801-1 IA-H27H MONITOR 9048304 M781 p MX-0957VU-47801-1 1 F-HOAL P P COMPUTER 9048311 MMPGXII5 5N92C01 P MONITOR 9048358 9053105 S7T008 HDF1K400I154 MX-08G1 57-47605-22K-BEJR P MX-08G157-47605-22K-BEGN P MX-08G157-47605-22K-BEXJ MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR 9053107 MONITOR 9053109 9053111 COMPUTER 9053344 MONITOR 9053402 PRINTER MONITOR M782 M782 M782 P P P P P P MX-08G157-47605-22K-BEXK P P 43325 P XF-7e 1741SAC15600012 P 9053576 C7406A 9053690 P P MONITOR 9053781 M782 M782 JPGG7OI23 MX-08G157-47605-2BI-BJUX MX-08G157-47605-320-B)O(G P MONITOR 9054117 M782 MX-08G1 57-47603-41 F-BL8M P MON ITOR 9054118 M782 MX-08G 157-47603-41 F-BLHF P MONITOR 9054701 M782 MX-08G157-47603-426-BE7K P M782 MONITOR M782 MON ITOR 9055799 9055800 M782 MX-08G157-47603-35M-B7EG MX-08G1 57-47603-391 -BYEO MONITOR 9056568 9057165 MX-08G157-47801-051-B2WX STP78348 P COPIER M781p Pc 430 MONITOR MON ITOR 9057185 E050 1162113902 P 9057860 17O3FPt cN-02Y31 5-7161 8-3C9-AAOT MONITOR M782 MY-08G157-47603-357-BEvT P P MONITOR 9058491 9058905 9058906 M782 M782 P MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR D98A --- 472P 40905277L785 P 12O3FPT E551c CN-02Y315-71618-49E-ADHc P P —- MONITOR MONITOR 9053391 9024046 MONITOR MONITOR 9048104 9046447 MONITOR 9024048 S70 UltraScan P780 V7TOO1 S70 9053394 XF7E 9053397 9045087 9053405 XF7E U7003-02 MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR P --- 9045088 MONITOR P MY-0G157-47603-3BB-BPH8 MY-08G157-476033B8-BPH9 020F0PA2000256 MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR P --- 9045069 9025308 9053407 U7003-02 XF7E XF7E U7003-02 XJ500T CN-07G076-64180-284-o2sE HDD6K7003850 174SAC1560016 Fk7560420 MX-D8271R-47741-0BBOcG MH81B001738 FK7560406 l74lSAcls600ll 174SAC15600132 HDD6k7003879 l74lsAcls600003 HDD6K7003937 HD8019009251 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 9047704 XF7E F77 9046590 9047055 XJ500T 177 SHAB0502465 HD80J6005960 SHAA~2802030 9053396 XF7E 1741SAC15600006 MONITOR 9039406 XJ500T HD8015002873 P P MONITOR 9047053 F77 SHAA4601687 P MONITOR 9045102 XJSOOT 9032076 XJ500T I-1DD6K7003883 HD8017002052 P MONITOR MONITOR 9047223 MU1 1702056 P MONITOR 9045091 vcDTs2ls3o-M1 U7003-02 HD06K3001651 P MONITOR MONITOR MONITOR l74lSAc1s6000lo P P P p P MONITOR 9045079 U7003-02 HDD6K7003S11 P MONITOR 9035093 S7T008 HDF1K7004087 P MONITOR 9053780 M992 9045086 U7003-02 cN04N736476062BKBASB F-1DD6K7003848 P MONITOR MONITOR 9053401 XF7E 1741SAC15600140 P MONITOR 9053403 XF7E 1741SAC15601886 P MONITOR 9048228 M781p 9045089 U7003 MX0957VU4780111GH18E HDD6K7003841 P MONITOR P P MONITOR 9045073 U7003 HDD6K7003849 P P HDD6K7003887 P P MONITOR 9047482 M781P MX07C0514780117U809D MONITOR XF7E U7003-02 1741SAC15600141 MONITOR 9053393 9045072 PRINTER 9017099 JPCD124361 P MONITOR 9053392 C3941A XF7E 1741SAC15600036 P MONITOR 9045099 U7003-02 HDD6K7003844 P MONITOR MONITOR 9053404 XF7E P N/A V999 1741SAC15600005 020FDPA2000256 MONITOR 9048114 P 9021162 9031678 M781p E050 MX0957VU47801118H1VD MONITOR 1162113887 C3982A USDF039343 P P 9022609 9013529 C3982A C2003A USCBO6168O USCC144836 P P MONITOR 9054003 2007876 3450 TXD2162NM JC6801091A ACJ93312126 P P MONITOR MONITOR 9048130 9045067 M781p U7003-02 MXO957VU478OII1BHOKK HDD6K7003744 P P COMPUTER SCANNER 9031019 9025457 ACP-MT3 ASTRA4000U 25754 HAL00195A001272 P SCANNER COMPUTER 9015299 M2943 CJ5095F439X P P 9032433 9033707 M782 ASTRA4000U MY-0801 57-47603-41 F-BL$-il HAM003D0033748 P P 9025821 9047287 ACP-MT3 TOWER 27090 42880 P 9046321 9030126 GXII5 GX240 7859C01 4S89411 TOWER TOWER 41873 COMPUTER 9047125 9053317 COMPUTER 9045153 0X115 43334 77D2C01 SCANNER 2004240 MTS1S5O S164400383 COMPUTER 9013423 CMHHZFP 114038 COMPUTER COMPUTER 9048209 GX115 H659C01 9033490 9022638 TOWER COMPUTER COMPUTER 9023370 COMPUTER 9033069 ACT COMPUTER 9046567 SCANNER PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER SCANNER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER P P P P P P p P P P 41656 P p p 40586 P MMP 1Z99C01 P 9071201 9046459 C3941A USCB361 802 P ASTRA122OU P SCANNER 9046460 ASTRA122OU H8600693A019209 A8600693Ao19227 COMPUTER 9046325 GX115 9CP9CO1 P PRINTER 9039378 33449A 2945J76961 P SCANNER 9015299 C2520B U5C0118821 P PRINTER --- --- P COMPUTER 9047124 TOWER 41867 P COMPUTER 9033660 M5521 RNI12OBWKLB P COMPUTER 9047277 M5621 M1182JNKLB COMPUTER 9032433 TOWER 40280 P P COMPUTER 9031019 ACP-MT3 25754 P 3.03.06 Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: Authorization to Enter Standard Telecourse Agreements Coastline Community College - 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Information Yes ASTRONOMY: OBSERVATIONS & THEORIES Mesalands Community College (NM) CHILD DEVELOPMENT: STEPPING STONES CUNY-TV (NY) Howard College (MD) Johnson County Community College (KS) New River Community College (VA) University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters College (OH) — CONCEPTS IN MARKETING Allan Hancock College (CA) Nassau Community College (NY) CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY: OUR DIVERSE WORLD CUNY-TV (NY) CYCLES OF LIFE: EXPLORING BIOLOGY CUNY-TV (NY) Johnson County Community College (KS) Mott Community College (Ml) DOLLARS & SENSE: PERSONAL FINANCE FOR 21ST CENTURY CUNY-TV (NY) FACES OF CULTURE - REVISED Des Moines Area Community College (IA) Johnson County Community College (KS) Modesto Junior College (CA) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS Johnson County Community College (KS) MEDIA WAVES: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION CUNY-TV (NY) PSYCHOLOGY: THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE Columbus State Community College (OH) TRANSITIONS THROUGHOUT THE LIFE SPAN CUNY-TV (NY) Johnson County Community College (KS) Fiscal Impact: No direct cost to the District. Projected revenue unknown, depending on utilization of the telecourses by the lessees and number of students enrolled in the courses. Aç~t~g~J ~d~nIst~t ofiten —~ -~~tv~s~ - nraa~- ~~wa aann~ — ~ - - - — I 3.03.07 Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Coastline Community College 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Information Yes - RENEWAL California Association on Postsecondarv Education & Disability 30, 2009 $240 — October 1, 2008 — September - Membership allows training and support for the department and campus regarding the newest strategies for educating College students with disabilities. Fee paid from AB77 funds. National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) 2009 $995 — July 1, 2008 — June 30, - Membership is important to in-service education, supports college efforts in planning staff development, curriculum development, and innovative concepts, and supplements the college’s efforts in educational development. Membership to be paid from College ancillary funds. (Revision is to reflect a change in membership dates from 2007-2008 to 2008-2009. Prior Board approval: 7/16/08) Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce — August 1, 2008— July 31, 2009 $100 - Membership will provide access to Chamber businesses to market and network the programs offered through Coastline Community College and the Garden Grove Center. Membership to be paid from College funds. Oranae County Forum — September 27, 2008— August 26, 2009 $250 - Membership will provide access to business and civic leaders in Orange County to market and network the programs offered through Coastline Community College and the Orange County One-Stop Center. Orange County Forum is a premier educational public affairs forum for today’s thought leaders and headline makers to discuss current local, state, national, and international issues of importance to the Orange County Community. Membership to be paid from College funds. 3.03.08 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Golden West College Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes - RENEWAL Huntintiton Beach Chamber of Commerce September 1, 2008— August 31, 2009 $334 Membership allows networking with city organizations. — - 3.03.09 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships Orange Coast College Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes - NEW Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) 2008— June 30, 2009 -$95.00 — July 1, Membership fosters human development in higher education through faculty, instructional, and organizational development. RENEWAL South Coast Higher Education Council (SCHEC) — July 1, 2008 — June 30, 2009 $50.00 - Membership allows 0CC students to participate in SCHEC sponsored College fairs and other transfer/articulation events. F 3.03.10 Authorization for Purchase of Institutional Memberships District Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes - RENEWAL Community College League of California (CCLC) — Fiscal Year 2009 $35,336.00 - Operational umbrella organization for California Community College Trustees (CCCT), California Association of Community Colleges (CACC), Chief Executive Officers of California Community Colleges (CEOCCC), and Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA). Addition~I Administrative~ç~qntçi~L-~- -~C~zn~wn~, ca4sp W~L rt W ~~~py~cpppid ~jr -. &akfflszo p r d$f~z - - 3.03.11 Community Activities Golden West College - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes It is recommended that authorization be given for the following non-ADA generating Community Services activities, seminars, workshops, lecture series and/or cultural events and for appointment of lecturers and presenters as indicated at Golden West College. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign any applicable agreements. The following not for credit programs will be offered by Community Services throughout the Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. The presenters will be paid a flat fee or on a fee-split based on actual enrollment. (P) = per participant (F) = flat rate Professional Experts ADVANCED HOLISTIC BODY THERAPIES I, James Bechter, Robert Davis, Kathleen Mondello & Gretchen Thomas, 100.0 hours. Participant Fee: $596.00 and $43.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 1999 ADVANCED HOLISTIC BODY THERAPIES I INTERNSHIP, James Bechter, Robert Davis, Kathleen Mondello & Gretchen Thomas, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0 and 100.0 hours. Participant Fee: $70.00/25.0 hours, $140.00/50.0 hours, $210.00/75.0 hours and $270.00/I 00 hours. (P) First offered in 2001 HOLISTIC MASSAGE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM, James Bechter and Kathleen Mondello, 100.0 hours. Participant Fee: $546.00 and $37.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 1996 HOLISTIC MASSAGE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM INTERNSHIP, James Bechter and Kathleen Mondello, 25.0, 35.0, 65.0 and 100.0 hours. Participant Fee: $70.00/25.0 hours, $95.00135.0 hours, $175.00/65.0 hours and $270.00f100 hours. (P) First offered in 1996 MEDICAL MASSAGE TREATMENT FOR “STAGES OF INJURY” CRANIOSACRALII, SUBTLETHERAPY, Jeannette Cunniff, 25.0 hours. Participant Fee: $192.00 and $10.00 Material Fee. (P) New offering CRYSTALS AND MINERALS IN HOLISTIC HEALING, Linda Eyman, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $62.00 and $5.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 2005 MERIDIAN EXERCISE, Reza Faraz, 10.0 hours. Participant Fee: $75.00. (P) First offered in 2004 REVIEW FOR NATIONAL CERTIFICATION: FOR MASSAGE THERAPISTS/ BODYWORKERS, Kathy Flippin, 15.0 hours. Participant Fee: $154.00 and $45.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 2005 FENG SHUI: THE ART OF CHINESE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, Julia Gentry Johnson, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $65.00. (P) First offered in 2006 ADVANCED MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLING, Kris G. Hall, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $88.00 and $39.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 2005 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AND PERSONAL INJURY BILLING, Kris G. HaIl, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $88.00 and $39.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 2006 INTRODUCTION TO HERBALISM, Deborah Halvorson, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $65.00. (P) First offered in 2005 INTRODUCTION TO HEALING TOUCH, Rumi Hashimoto, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $65.00 and $5.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 2000 MORE PHOTO MAGIC USING ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3, Bill Napoli, 12.0 hours. Participant Fee: $149.00 and $40.00 Material Fee. (P) New offering LONG HAIR DESIGN: UP-DO WORKSHOP, Jane Smith, 9.0 hours. Participant Fee: $92.00. (P) New offering TAEKWONDO FOR KIDS, Master Kyung In Son, 5.0 hours. Participant Fee: $58.00. (P) New offering ORNATE COILED BASKETRY, Nadine Spier, 6.0 hours. Participant Fee: $62.00 and $26.00 Material Fee. (P) First offered in 2008 INTERMEDIATE BALLROOM DANCE, Joe Swallow, 16.0 hours Participant Fee: $96.00. (P) First offered in 2005 Independent Contractors RETIREMENT UNLIMITED, Calvin Garvin, Social Security, 9.0 hours. Participant Fee: $59.00. (Presenter Waives Fee) First offered in 2005 ADVANCED PICTURE FRAMING, Susan Unoura, 5.5 hours. Participant Fee: $56.00 and $45.00 Material fee. (P) First offered in 2005 Revisions to Previous Board Action AEROBICS FOR SENIORS: BODY SHAPE UP PART I, Ruth E. Bennett,12.0 hours. Participant Fee: $29.00 with Gold Key Card and $35.00 without Gold Key Card (F) (This is to change hours and fee. Previous Board action May 7, 2008.) — AEROBICS FOR SENIORS: BODY SHAPE UP PART II, Ruth E. Bennett, 12.0 hours. Participant Fee: $29.00 with Gold Key Card and $35.00 without Gold Key Card (F) (This is to change hours and fee. Previous Board action May 7, 2008.) — CIRCUIT WEIGHT TRAINING FOR SENIORS, Ruth E. Bennett, 12.0 hours. Participant Fee: $29.00 with Gold Key Card and $35.00 without Gold Key Card (F) (This is to change hours and fee. Previous Board action May 7, 2008.) HATHA YOGA, Nanc Hemp, 18.0 hours. Participant Fee: $114.00 (P) (This is to change hours and fee. Previous Board action May 7, 2008.) HATHA YOGA, Diane Pavesic, 13.5 hours. Participant Fee: $86.00 (P) (This is to change hours and fee. Previous Board action May 7, 2008.) A 3.03.12 Community Activities Orange Coast College - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: O8/0612008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes The following not4or-credit Classes will be advertised and offered by the Community Education Office during the period of August 7, 2008 June 30, 2009. Payment to the presenter will be based on a negotiated fixed rate (F) or percentage of income based on course enrollment (P) — Professional Experts BARTENDING AT HOME ONLINE, Fee: $49, $25 materials fee payable to presenter. 6 hours. Presenter: Kellie Nicholson. (P) — PROFESSIONAL BAR MANAGEMENT— ONLINE, Fee: $199, $50 materials fee payable to presenter. 40 hours. Presenter Kellie Nicholson. (P) HOW TO BECOME A MYSTERY SHOPPER, Fee: $55, $20 materials fee payable to presenter. 5 hours. Presenter: Elaine Moran. (P) Independent Contractors HOW TO SELL ON EBAY, Fee: $65, $25 booklet and $15 CD optional materials fee payable to presenter. 6 hours. Presenter Frances Greenspan. (P) r 3.04 PERSONNEL ITEMS Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Information Yes PERSONNEL.DOC.pdF Personnel Items 3.04 PERSONNEL ITEMS 1. Authorization for Special Assignments It is recommended that authorization be given for the following special assignments grouped by operation cost center. Board approved, contractual special pay rates listed below by pay type as follows: LOV = Librarian Overload, OVR = Overload, MTM = Full Time Instructional Misc. Teaching Rate, MTH = Part Time Misc. Teaching Rate, IUM = Full Time Instructional Unit Assistant, IUH = Part Time Instructional Unit Assistant, EXM = Full Time Extra Pay, EXH = Part Time Extra Pay, UNT = Part Time Unit Regular, PDM = Full Time Per Diem, PDH = Part Time Per Diem, INM = Full Time Intersession, INH = Part Time Intersession, SMM = Full Time Summer, SMH = Part Time Summer, ACS = Academic Senate. Coastline College: BANKING FOR COLLEGE NAME STARTDT ENDDT PAYTYP PAY RATE Walker. Heather 06/01/2008 06/30/2008 PDH $33.92 Creation of Art 102— Contemporary Art History (Banking for College) NTE 14 hours. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT NAME STARTDT ENDDT PAYTYP PAY RATE Chapman, Cheryl 05/01/2008 06/30/2008 PDH $33.92 Designed CTE website consisting of twelve programs including Banner graphics. NTE 62 hours. Warner, Michael 06/01/2008 10/31/2008 PDM $41.95 Developing materials for the education of faculty and staff on best practices regarding computer security issues. NTE 6 hours. Warner, Michael 07/01/2008 09/30/2008 PDM $41.95 Completing Informatics Annual Report. NTE 23 hours. Yett, Jan 07/17/2008 06/30/2009 PDM $41.95 Co-writing, reviewing and editing the new Physical Geology course. NTE 70 hours. CREDITS FOR COLLEGE NAME STARTDT ENDDT PAYTYP PAY RATE Kobata, Sarah 07/01/2008 08/24/2008 EXH $33.92 Coordinating Credits for College program during 2008-2009 academic year. NTE 108 hours. Kobata, Sarah 07/01/2008 08/24/2008 SMH $66.94 Serving as a Counselor in the Credits for College program during the 2008-2009 academic year. NTE 45 hours. COURSE PREPARATION NAME STARTDT ENDDT PAYTYP PAY RATE Noha KabaN. 06/01/2008 10/31/2008 PDH $33.92 Course preparation for language courses content. NTE 73 hours. Marcus, Ted 06/01/2008 10/31/2008 PDM $41.95 Course preparation for media content for language courses. NTE 6 hours. PART TIME COUNSELING NAME STARTDT Estrada, Maria 07/01/2008 ENDDT PAYTYP 08/25/2008 SMH PAY RATE $62.167 HOURS 88 Personnel Items 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 Hernandez, Marcela Kobata, Sarah Mims, Brian Nguyen, Lien Washington, Warren 07/01/2008 08/24/2008 SMH 08/24/2008 SMH 08/24/2008 SMH 08/24/2008 SMH 08/24/2008 SMH $62.167 $66.944 $62.167 $57.500 $62.167 180 30 62 62 32 Golden West College: PROJECT DIRECTOR NAME START DT END DT PAY TYP PAY RATE Hils-Williams, Jac 07/0112008 08/22/2008 PDM $41.95 Acting as project director for the 06/120 Grant. NTE 6 hours per week. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT NAME STARTDT ENDDT PAYTYP PAY RATE Lazarus, Robert 07/01/2008 08/22/2008 PDM $41.95 Coordinating instruction content, video taping production, and editing of Legal Updates and Police Officer’s Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Case Law. Funded by New Media Auxilliary. NTE 8 hours per week. INDIVIDUALIZED STUDY NAME START DT Perez, Jason 06/16/2008 Photography 157. PRESEASON COACHES NAME START DT Gimenez, Aleiandro 08/15/2008 Women’s Soccer Kopp, Kyle 08/15/2008 Women’s Water Polo 08/15/2008 Simpson. Matthew Cross Country Taylor, Scott 08/15/2008 Men’s Water Polo Wells, Matthew 08/15/2008 Men’s Soccer END DT PAY TYP 07/11/2008 EXH PAY RATE $10.00 END DT PAY TYP 08/22/2008 PDH PAY RATE $33.92 08/22/2008 PDH $33.92 08/22/2008 PDH $33.92 08/22/2008 PDM $41.95 08/22/2008 PDH $33.92 ENDDT 5/25/2008 7/31/2008 PAYTYP EXH EXH PAY RATE $33.92 $33.92 ENDDT 08/22/2008 08/22/2008 08/22/2008 06/16/2008 PAYTYP UNT UNT UNT UNT PAY RATE $62.16 $75.38 $71.00 $62.16 Orange Coast College: CURATOR NAME Mangan, Michael Norris, Trevor STARTDT 5/01/2008 7/01/2008 HOURLY COUNSELOR NAME STARTDT Lam, MyMy 08/01/2008 Mosello, Donna 07/21/2008 Taylor, Kimberly 07/21/2008 Tovar, Ana 06/05/2008 HOURS 2.0 45.0 HOURS 32 30 30 30 Personnel Items INTERNSHIP ACADEMY NAME STARTDT Amaral, Christina 7/01/2008 Ballinger, Kevin 7/01/2008 Becker, Lauren 7/01/2008 Ccx, Steve 7/01/2008 Dowling, Thomas 7/01/2008 Gillissen, Blade 7/01/2008 Hall, William 7/01/2008 Kubiak, Renee 7/01/2008 Lazarus, Robert 7/01/2008 Martin, Marc 7/01/2008 Sabori, Sibley 7/01/2008 Skeie, Leon 7/01/2008 ENDDT 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 7/31/2008 PAYTYP EXM EXM EXH EXM EXM EXM EXM EXM EXM EXH EXH EXM PAY RATE $70.00 $70.00 $75.38 $70.00 $Z0.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 $66.94 $79.44 $70.00 HOURS 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT NAME START DT END OT PAY TYP PAY RATE Schmidt, Valerie 07/14/2008 08/14/2008 PDH $33.92 Audit cataloging accuracy for new book collection. NTE 16 hours per week. Overload assignments for the following evening counselors, payment to be a maximum of $70.00/hr based on 1/1000th of their placement on the CFE/AFT Local 1911 Faculty Unit Contract, for the period 08125108 to 12/14/08 for CCC, GWC and 0CC assignments. Multiple statements indicate two or more separate assignments. LGF indicates Large Group Factor. This employment is subject to the general instructional needs of the college and/or the specific division. Assignments are not to exceed hours stated, per week: GWC Name Dickerson Karen Hours per week 2.25 Overload assignments for the following GWC Administrator/faculty instructing students at the police academy, during the period 05/27/08 to 08/22/08, payment to be a maximum of $70.00/hr, based on 1/1000°’ of their placement on the CFE/AFT Local 1911 Faculty Unit Contract. This employment is subject to the general instructional needs of the college and/or the specific division. Assignments are not to exceed 25 hours for Summer semester. Administrator Lowenberg, Ronald Faculty Bach, Michael Quiros, Victor Watkins, Derrick Overload assignments for the following instructors, payment to be a maximum of $70.00/hr based on 1/1000th of their placement on the CFE/AFT Local 1911 Faculty Unit Contract, for the period 01/28/08 to 05125I08 for CCC, GWC and 0CC assignments. Multiple statements indicate two or more separate assignments. LGF indicates Large Group Factor. This Personnel Items employment is subject to the general instructional needs of the college and/or the specific division. Assignments are not to exceed hours stated, per week: GWC Name Conley, Brian Hours per week 1.68 0CC Name Timmins, Terry Hours per week 3.37 In accordance with the memorandum of Understanding between the Coast Community College District and the Coast Federation of Education (CFE) AFT Local 1911, it is recommended that the Board ratify the enrollment growth incentive pay for faculty members exceeding baseline course enrollments for the period 01/29/08 to 05/25/08. The payments are indicated as follows: 0CC Name Amount Adan, Amina Adelmann, Daniel Akers, Thomas Altobelli, John Alves, Mitchell Amaral, Christina Anderson, Courtny Avetisian, Sonia Avila, Carmen Ayad, Nada Bagatourian, Linda Baker, Cheryl Baltes, Christine Bandaruk, Theodore Banoczi, Walter Barber, Jennifer Barber, William Barton, Laurie Basile, Carol Bavarz, Parnian Beard, Daniel Becker, Lauren Beitel, Michelle Bender, Edward Benes, Bryce Berenson, Virginia Bialecki, Michael Bianchi, Erin Bishop, Dennis $1,050.00 $1,400.00 $2,100.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $1,750.00 $700.00 $1,050.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $350.00 $3,150.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 Personnel Items Bosich, Jill Bourouis, Aisha Bowman, Tamara Boyer, Derek Breece, William Brenish, Shana Briet, Craig Brown, Jeffery Bullard, Barbara Cabanel-Bleuer, Denise Campbell, Laurie Carison, Norman Scott Carroll, Kathy Chan, Robert Chardonnay, Carole Chow, Brian Clark, Gregory Coco, Felicia Congleton, John Conner, Gregory Contopoulos, Nicholas Contos, Aristi Cooper, Barbara Cordova, Joan Cross, Kristy Cutenese, Charles Daniel, Chancelor Daniel, Sharon Das, Adriana Davidson, Matthew Dean, Mary Della Mama, Loren Desurra, Christopher Diaz, Carlos Dodero, Antonio Douglas, Leslie Drew, Rendell Drum, Stephen Dyer, Douglas Dzida, Andrew Elliott, Kelli Ellison, Monti Erbstiesser, Rebecca Evans, Christopher Evans, Julie Farrell, Daniel Fazell, Farimah Felts, Karen Fletcher, Huong Flowers, Carol Fricker, Norman Fueger, Mary Ann Funez-Gonzalez, Juani Garrison, Tom $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $2,100.00 $1,700.50 $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $3,150.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $175.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $350.00 $220.50 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1 .050.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $350.00 $175.00 Personnel Items Genoway, Kristi Glassman, Julia Glenn, Richard Go, Marianne Goetz, Steven Gold, Jeffrey Golden, Jill Goldman, Tamar Gonzales, Shirley Gressier, Pamela Grey, Gene Grossman, Marianne Grzeskowiak, Mark Hamber, Franca Hamilton, Kieko Hampton, Steven Hanlon, Anna Hardin, Amelia Hart, John Haven, Michael Hayes, Laird Hays, Scott Hazard, Sue Hesse, Lisa Hidden, Marta Higgins, Kolleen Hoffman, Gary Hoffman, Jack Hollander, Gena Hopkins, Dustin Horton, Ana Houssels, Miriam Huang, Eleanor Hunter, Amelie Huynh, Man Ibranossian, Agatha Ito, Manami Ivey, Marilyn Jackson, Nicolette Jana, Denis Jarvis, Johnson Jennings, Donald Johnson, Douglas Juniper, Cheryl Kagawa, Akemi Kahn, Kathy Kane, Clifford Katz, Eleanor Keesler, Kathleen Keith, Arlete Kelly, Marilyn Kennedy, Patrick Khamneian, Haedeh Kings, Rose Ann $350.00 $1,050.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $1,750.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $2,100.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 Personnel Items Klemek, Julia Koines, Andrew Koui, Cynthia Kryder, Nancy Kucheck, Riki Kuo, Daniel Kuzay, Franz Kuznetsov, Kira LaMer, Emma Langlois, Kristina Lara, Richard Larson, Maryann Lattanzio, Stephen Laux, John Lawell, Cheri Lawson, Kristen Lazarus, Robert Le, Dung Lee, Judy Lee, Nachiko Lee-Brown, Laurie Leigh, Michael Lerma, Maria Levine, Joel Lewis, Brian Lewishenia, Bryan Lindquist, Robert Lindsey, Daniel Linn, Susan Livingston, Tab Lopes, Kelly Loren, Davi Maher, Deborah Mangan, Michael Manuck, Richard Mason, Douglas McCall, Leslie McClanahan, Anne McClure, William McKay, David McLaughlin, Jane Megas, Euthia Menaker, Shana Mendez, Samuel Millian, Janet Millikin, Evan Mir-Hosseini, Mansour Moncrief, Marshall Moore, Arthur Morgan, Arabian Morgan, Dennis Muelas, Mariaala Mueller, Heidi Muir, Robert $350.00 $2,800.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $700.00 $4,750.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $1,400.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $700.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $2,800.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 Personnel Items Mullenix, Cynthia Murdy, David Murphy, Timothy Myers, Kevin Naesse, Irene Needham, Samar Nguyen, Ky Nguyen, So Nielsen, Christopher Noriega, Cosme Norling, Marcella Norris, Thomas Obstfeld, Loretta Ochoa, Marco O’Connor, Robin Olds, Michael Ortega, John Otweli, Charles Pankhurst, Paul Park, Carol Parker, Peter Perez Stable Cox, Olga Peters, Jennifer Pettus, Candice Pham, Thach Pile, Randal Plisco, David Price, Jack Prothero, James Raileanu,Lia Rango, Erik Rays, Robert Reagan, Evette Reed, Charles Rehm, Guenter Reinemann, Christine Robles, Diana Rodriguez, David Rogers, Marcia Rosen, Lugene Rossler, Mark Ruzak, Richard Saichek, William Salessi, Susana Sam, Thinh Scane, Danielle Schneiderman, Robert Scott, Jane Selersen, Christopher Shannon, Kevin Shirnizu, Wesley Silva, Francis Simpson, Melissa Skeie, Leon $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $1,750.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $1,400.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $1,750.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $2,100.00 $700.00 Smith, Dean Smohn, James Sogo, Lisa Soto, Ricardo Spencer, Alyson Spencer, Steven Springett, Marion Stanich, Sandra Steadry, Frederick Steinfeld, Thomas Stuart, John Sugden, James Suh, Daniel Suozzo, Joanne Sweezy-Barger, Millie Tangen, Kenneth Tarlos, Theresa Taylor, Joy Timmons, Terry Townsend, Toby Tres, Marguerite Uribe, Peter Vandervis, Melinda Varga, John Voicu, Mariana Wakim, Salena Walker IV, John Walls, Laura Waterhouse, Anna Watson, Marjann Weatherford, Leigh Ann Wendell, Robert Westerman, Donna Wheaton, Dana Whitridge, Roger Wilson, Eric Wilson, Michael Winston, Rachel Wood, Joshua Yett, Jan Young, Ronald Zellerbach, Charles Zoval, James Personnel Items $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 $129.50 $350.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1,750.00 $700.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $350.00 $700.00 $2,100.00 $700.00 $2,100.00 $1,400.00 $700.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $2,100.00 $700.00 $700.00 $350.00 2. Acceptance of Resignations andlor Approval of Layoffs and Terminations It is recommended that the following resignations be accepted and/or layoffs and terminations be authorized: Classified Lam, Tina T., CCC, Military/Contract Education Technician Intermediate, Classified Unit, resignation effective 06/28/08. Unused vacation to be paid in lump sum. Personnel Items Olson. Kathleen Anna, GWC, Banner Special Project Assistant, Classified Unit, resignation effective 06/28/08. Unused vacation to be paid in lump sum. Simpson. William, 0CC, Bookstore Operations Assistant, Classified Unit, resignation effective 07/01/08. Unused vacation to be paid in lump sum. Tata, Lei P., 0CC, Instructional Associate/Learning Disabled, Classified Unit, resignation effective 05/30/08. Unused vacation to be paid in lump sum. 3. Authorization for Leaves of Absence It is recommended that authorization be given for the following leaves of absence: Classified Ercier, Cynthia, 0CC, Instructional Food Service Steward, Classified Unit 100% LOA/wop for the period 08/01/08 through 08/15/08 for personal reasons. 4. Appointment of Substitutes, Academic Staff It is recommended that the following individuals be appointed as substitutes, as defined by California Ed Code 87480, appointments not to exceed 20 working days, and subject to Board policies governing such appointments, to be paid $51.06/hr based on the part-time faculty daily miscellaneous teaching rate for services rendered during SUMMER semester, 2008. Summer 2008 Coastline College Berman, Monique Cole, Maureen Katz, Maria Sabha, Fayruz Golden West College Abella, Don Christie, Joan Gardner, Patricia Reyna, Edward 5. Appointment of Academic Staff In accordance with Board policies and procedures, the following academic staff are recommended for appointment for service during the period shown below. Employment and payment for services will follow upon notification that all required documents have been completed and filed. Assignments are only for the time period specified or the hours per week as stated (multiple statements indicate two or more separate assignments). Salary Personnel Items placement may be revised upon presentation of evidence of additional education and/or experience: Faculty — Temporary NAME LOC TITLE Flint, Robert 0CC Instructor, PE START DT 08/25/08 END DT PLCMT 12/14/08 IV-07 Revisions to Previous Board Action Faculty — Tenure Track NAME Leighton, Kenneth Maekawa, Naoko Ortiz, Oscar Topping, Holly Young, Richard LOC CCC 0CC 0CC 0CC 0CC TITLE Instructor, English Instructor, Mathematics Instructor, Construction Technology Instructor, Art Instructor, Art START DT 08/25/08 08/25/08 08/25/08 08/25/08 08/25/08 PLCMT IV-09 V-07 IV-07 111-07 V-07 FACULTY SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS -2008 Summer assignments to be paid 1/1000th of salary placement on the CFE/AFT Local 1911 Faculty Unit salary schedule. Assignments are not to exceed the hours per week as stated. Golden West College Faculty For the period 06!l 6108-07127/08 Name Cucurny, Marius WkIyIHrs 3.37 Orange Coast College For the period 06102108-08117/08 Faculty Name Wkly/l-jrs Castano, Robert 06/23/08-07/31/08 06/23/08-07-31-08 9.00 12.00 PART-TIME FACULTY ASSIGNMENTS 2008 - Coastline College For the period 06I09108-07131I08 Personnel Items Name Wkly/Hrs Gundy, Afaf Hill, Shawn Muleta, Tilahun Nguyen, Diem T. Ostrowski, Kenneth Sandberg, Rhonda Walker, Lynn Wen, Zhong 3.200 1.666 6.867 18.000 3.200 2.000 10.000 3.200 Golden West College For the period 06/02108-08/17108 Name Wkly/Hrs Biser, Nicole Bornemann, Chung Bradshaw, Donald Cordiero, Judy Graves, Buchansha Mitchell, Jacqueline 7.000 10.500 9.000 10.500 7.000 7.500 Orange Coast College For the period 06/02/08-07!13/08 Name WkIy/Hrs Bates, Lourdes Bystry, Phil Heliman, Amy 14.000 12.400 16.000 6. Appointment of Classified Staff to Vacant Positions In accordance with Board policies and procedures, the following Classified Staff are recommended for appointment to advertised positions: these include promotions, new hires, and rehires: Management — Temporary Renewals Name O’Connor, Mary LOC GWC Title RHORC Program Manager* Start Dt 07/01/06 End Dt 06/30/09 PLCMT 0-20-07 Name Hyska, Brent T. LOC GWC Start Dt 07107/08 PLCMT E-64-01 Vacancy # 0-016-08 Vasquez, Theresa 0CC litle Information Systems Tech, Senior Secretary Senior 07/30/08 E-45-03 0-003-09 Classified Personnel Items Classified — Temporary Name Tran, Chau N. Classified — LOC CCC litle Military/Contract Education Technician Intermediate Start Dt 08/07/08 PLCMT E-45-O1 Vacancy # 0-008-09 Start Dt 07/01/08 07/01/08 End Dt 06/30/09 06/30/09 PLCMT E-48-04 E-54-05 07/01/08 07/01/08 07/01/08 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 E-36-05 E-39-05 E-46-05 Temporary Renewals Name Dietzman,Cassandra Francis, Kimberly LOG GWC GWC Hines, Golleen Nguyen, Minh Yoshida-Tan, Naomi GWC CCC GWC litle RHORC Assistant (75%)* Staff Assistant, Senior RHORC* Typist Clerk, mt. RHORC* WIA Support Clerk* CaiWorks Program Office Specialist, Sr.* — *This position may be extended, modified or eliminated based on changes from the funding source. 7. Authorization for Temporary Out of Class and Special Assignments, Classified Staff It is recommended that authorization be given for the following changes for Classified Staff working temporarily Out of Class: Management Name Theobald, Brent LOG GWC From Public Safety Supervisor To Security Coordinator** Start Dt 06/01/08 End Dt 08/31/08 PLCMT GG~15~03* LOG GWC From Staff Aide To System Analyst Specialist Systems Network Analyst II Start Dt 07/01/08 End Dt 09/30/08 PLCMT EE-60-01 07/01/08 09/30/08 EE~69~05* Classified Name Nguyen, Uyen T. Whiteside, Sandra Info System Technician Senior *lncludes differential pay. **This position subject to the rights, privileges and obligations of those placed on the Classified management schedule. Revisions to Previous Board Action Management Temporary Reassignment in Salary Grade* - Name Cock, Don Patterson, Richard LOG DIS DIS From GG-26 GG-26 To GG-28 GG-28 Action Extend end date from 06/30/08 to 09/30/08 Extend end date from 06/30/08 to 09/30/08 Personnel Items Classified Contract Name Carey, Michael LOC CCC Higgins, William J. DIS Hyska, Brent T. GWC From Staff Assistant Senior Mechanic To Environmental Sustainability Coordinator Mechanic, Lead Info System Technician I Info System Technician II Action Extend end date from 06/30/08 to 09/30/08 PLCMT EE-65-01 Extend assignment from 07/01/08 to 09/30/08 Extend assignment from 07/01/08 to 09/30/08 EE-55-05 EE-59-03 Classified Contract On Call As Needed. 7.5% Special Assignment Differential It is recommended that authorization be given to extend the end date of the following assignments from 06/30/08 to 06/30/09 — Name Aguillon, Jessica Arensdorf, Thomas Bryant, Anthony P. Churan, Rex Prell, Andrea Harford, Paul J. Jordon, Judith Kellogg, MatthewW. MacDonald, John W. Samples, Jerrie L. Znider, Janet LOC 0CC 0CC CCC 0CC 0CC 0CC DCC 0CC 0CC 0CC CCC Title Child Development Specialist Lead Campus Security Officer Lead Campus Security Officer Lead Campus Security Officer Child Development Specialist Lead Campus Security Officer Child Development Specialist Lead Campus Security Officer Lead Campus Security Officer Child Development Specialist Child Development Specialist FTE .5625 1.00 1.00 1.00 .5625 1.00 .5625 1.00 1.00 .5625 .5625 Contract Months 10 12 12 12 10 12 10 12 12 10 10 8. Authorization for Schedule Changes, Classified Staff It is recommended that authorization be given for the following temporary or permanent schedule changes in Classified Staff: Permanent Schedule Changes Name Bevington, Pamela LOC Title GWC From Adm&Records Tech Ill Pre-Retirement Reduce Load To 1.00 FTE Start Dt .725 FTE 10/01/08 End Dt 10/01/13 Temporary Schedule Changes Name Johnson, Daniel LOC GWC Title From Sports Information/Marketing Assistant To .600 FTE 1.00 FTE Start Dt 08/01/08 End Dt 06/30/09 On Call, As Needed Schedule Changes Name Belek, Elmer Bowman, Laura LOC CCC CCC CCC The Accounting Assistant I Accounting Assistant I Accounting Assistant I Er.gin .688 FTE .750 FTE .750 FTE 12 1.00 FTE 1.00 FTE Start Dt 06/01/08 12/01/07 07/01/08 End Dt 06/30/09 06/30/08 06/30/09 Personnel Items Kang, Charles Millikan, April GWC GWC Prohaska, Cheryl GWC * Bookstore Clerk 2 .475 FTE Classroom Interpreter .625 FTE 3 Classroom Interpreter .625 FTE 3 * 06/17/08 06/30/09 * 07/01/08 06/30/09 * 07/01/08 06/30/09 Hours over contract as necessary. 9. Authorization for Changes in Salary Schedules It is recommended that authorization be given for the following changes in the District salary schedules: Classification Range Changes E-48 E-45 Add, effective 08/07/08 Add, effective 08/07/08 Classified Instructional Associate-Instruction Tech Instructional Technology Course Asst. 10. Appointment of Special Category Hourly Staff - A. 160 Day Employees It is recommended that authorization be given for the following hourly personnel appointments in the performance of• noncertificated duties which directly support administrative, classified, or student services and special projects, or are fulfilling noncertificateci substitute services for classified employees temporarily absent, no assignment to exceed 160 working days pursuant to provisions of AB500 and the Agreement between the Coast Community College District and the Coast Federation of Classified Employees. (Please note: Budget numbers 100+ are General Fund; all others are Categorical Funds.) EXTEND is noted when an already approved assignment has an extended end date. Hourly/Temporary/Clerical/Secretarial, to provide clerical support including handling correspondence, maintaining files, answering phones, preparing reports and responding to public inquiries in one or more of the following campus and/or division offices: Instruction, Student Services or Campus Operations for the time frame noted below. Name Evans, Christina Ferra, .Joaquin Guray, Melody Heffelman, Tracy Horn, Mindy lkram, Sana Khashan, Nabiha Morrell, Regina Nguyen, Andrew Nguyen, Dung Nguyen, Hal LOC CCC CCC CCC GWC GWC GWC DIS CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC Start Date 08/07/08 08/08/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/10/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 End Date 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 Funding Source 110001-847406 120010-850101 816005-888500 124015-361717 110001-361712 124026-351722 110001-165000 818005-888500 818005-888500 124077-851254 81 8005-888500 818005-888500 110001-847406 Days to Work M,W,F M,W,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W.TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,W,F Paig, Linda Peconic, Hildigard Phi, Brian Rodriguez, Alejandra Vu, Bridget CCC GWC CCC GWC GWC GWC GWC 08/10/08 09/09/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 818030-820541 110001-380102 818005-888500 110001-384601 120151-354701 124031-348604 124015-361717 Personnel Items M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F Hourly/Temporary/instructional/Research Assistant, to provide instructional support services to faculty and instructional divisions by assisting with pre-class preparations, maintaining various school records, scoring tests, tutoring, and coordinating instructional materials or equipment in one or more of the following campus and/or division offices: Instruction, Student Services, or Campus Operations for the time frame noted below. Name Hao, Lee-James Silva, Pamela LOC CCC 0CC CCC 0CC Start Date 08/12/08 08/21/08 08/21/08 08/21/08 End Date 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 Funding Source 110060-234000 812001-262702 110001-262701 120176-251008 Days to Work M,W,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F Hourly/Temporary/Service/Maintenance, to perform a variety of semi-skilled maintenance, janitorial and repair work on campus buildings, equipment and facilities in one or more of the following campus and/or division offices: Instruction, Student Services, or Campus Operations for the time frame noted below. Name Barriga, Leonila Coca, Alicia Lopez, Carlotta Melim, Richard Nguyen, Jonathan Nolasco, Esther Ravellette, Michael Rochman, David Verville, Kevin West, Andrew LOC CCC CCC 0CC 0CC CCC 0CC 0CC 0CC GWC 0CC Start Date 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 07/01/08 08/10/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/21/08 08/07/08 08/10/08 End Date 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/19/09 06/30/09 Funding Source 812020-205401 812020-205401 812020-205401 110001-285201 127005-258900 812020-205401 812020-205401 110001-285501 110001-385302 127005-258900 Days to Work M,T,W M,T,W M,T,W M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W M,T,W M,T,W M,T,W,TH,F S,SU M,T,W Hourly/Temporary/Technical/Paraprofessional, to provide specialized and/or skilled technical support in such areas as classroom interpretation, computer operations, on-line editing, proctoring or special program research in one or more of the following campus and/or division offices: Instruction, Student Services, or Campus Operations for the time frame noted below. Name Le,William Nguyen, Hanh LOC GWC GWC 0CC Start Date 08/07/08 08/07/08 08/07/08 End Date 06/30/09 06/30/09 06/30/09 Funding Source 110001-348201 124036-349304 110001-204503 Days to Work M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F M,T,W,TH,F B. Student Employees It is recommended that authorization be given for the following hourly employment of either full time students enrolled in 12 or more units per semester, or part time students enrolled in less than 12 units per semester in any college work-study program, or in a work experience education program, with duties performed not to result in the displacement of any classified personnel, or impair existing services. Personnel Items Golden West College Musser, Jacob Orange Coast College Aleman, Gabriel Betts, Brian Cao, Phuong Donahey, Megan Gustin, Brenda Hinkle, Robin Juarez, Brenda Kim, Soojin Lit,, Chiu Malianos, Jorge McDonald, Suzette Ngo, Tuan Nguyen, Anne Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Minh Overbay, Doris Paredes, Daniel Phoenix, Hannah Pryor, Travis Vu, Nga C. Substitutes It is recommended that authorization be given for the following hourly needed to perform noncertificated substitute services for classified Substitutes, on call, as employees temporarily absent from departments which have state mandated coverage requirements, or which perform services directly related to the safety and maintenance of the campuses. Orange Coast College De La Torre, Lizette Kleckner, Con McAdams, Jenelle Thompson, Sonya 11. Authorization for Professional Experts Professional Experts over $10,000.00 Baiz, Richard, CCC, to coordinate the Latino Youth Leadership Conference and Academy, for the period 07/01/08 to 12/31/08, compensation to be $15,000.00. Hardin, Eric, CCC, to serve as 2d/3d artist for the CHENGO/OLLI project for Instructional Systems Development, for the period 07/17/08 to 12/31/08, compensation to be $37,500.00. Personnel Items Niroumand, Madhd, 0CC, to assist with the International Student Center, for the period 07/16/08 to 12/31/08, compensation to be $20,000.00. Sagen, Arthur Jay, CCC, to serve as Curator for summer 2008, Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 exhibitions for the Coastline Art Gallery, for the period 07/17/08 to 06/30/09, ãompensation to be $23,975.00. Other Professional Experts Gottlieb, Rebecca, 0CC, to create marketing/info flyer for Oracle Program and update website to reflect course offerings, update certificate program, help set up automatic backup and recovery for class databases, set up remote access to Oracle server, create databases for fall classes and upgrade server, for the period 07/22/08 to 12/14/08, compensation to be $10,000.00. Navarro, Christian, GWC, served as Stage Manager for the GWC “Leading Ladies” production, for the period 05/15/08 to 06/30/08, compensation to be $800.00. Van Noble, Patricia L., 0CC, to serve as guest speaker in the “Becoming Math Confident” workshops, for the period 07/01/08 to 06/30/09, compensation to be $1,000.00. 12. Authorization for Monthly Travel Allowances It is recommended that authorization be given for the following monthly travel allowances for staff members who use their personal cars regularly and frequently for college-related business: GWC Francus, Stanley Interim Vice President, Student Services $130 per month Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: ~. 3.05.01 Authorization for Independent Contractors Coastline Community College 08/06/20 08 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes - c-,~r ~ 4~enda ftei~~ ~c~vz~ ~r ~ - The following are to serve as independent contractors pursuant to the District’s standard independent contractor agreement. OVER $10,000 Forebrain Technologies, Inc. to create the new website for Coast Learning Systems, August 7, 2008— June 30, 2009, for a fee NTE $10,000 to be paid from ISD ancillary funds. Wilcox, Susan to write, produce and coordinate completion of content for each lecture/lab lesson (7 lessons © $5,000/lesson) for the new Physical Geology Lecture and Lab Online course for a total NTE $35,000, August 7, 2008— June 30, 200~, to be paid by funds received in support of this project. Denise Cusano Instructional Design, Inc. to provide instructional design, development and training services for Chevron Products Company and Coastline’s Process Technology Program, August 7, 2008 June 30, 2009, for a fee NTE $37,500 to be paid from funds received in support of this project. — UNDER $10,000 Bartlow, Stephanie to provide production services for the new Anatomy & Physiology telecourse, August 7, 2008 June 30, 2009, for a total NTE $5,500 to be paid by funds received in support of this project. (Revision is to increase assignment and dollar amount. Prior Board Approval: 6/18/08) — Kittr~ll, Jack W. to serve as a lab demonstration coordinator for the new Chemistry telecourse, August 7, 2008— June 30, 2009, for a total NTE $1,000 to be paid by funds received in support of this project. Cross, Christine to revise the Dollars & Sense: Personal Finance for the 21st Century Student Guide and Test Bank by updating page numbers, ensuring content is relevant, adding or deleting content no longer included in textbook or video for each of the 26 lessons at $100 per lesson, July 1, 2008 June 30, 2009, for a fee NTE $2,600 to be paid from funds received in support of this project. (Revision is to increase dollar amount. Prior Board Approval: 6/18/08) — Nunn. Joseph Lee Ill to develop tools for the BaseCamp and document best practices for game development for Web delivery for the Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI), August 7, 2008— June 30, 2009, for a fee NTE $5,000 to be paid from grant funds received from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Prinfnd n7/ql/onnq 3.05.02 Authorization for Independent Contractors Golden West College Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes - The following are to serve as independent contractors pursuant to the District’s standard independent contractor agreement. OVER $10,000 Sector Point. to update and add features for the Online Clinical Placement Web-based system August 7- October 1,2008, to be paid $16,135 from Clinical Placement grant and Regional Health Occupations Resource Center Trust funds. UNDER $10,000 Dennis, Darryl to serve as a photographer for the GWC Athletics program for the 2008-09 fall and spring semester, to be paid $2,000 from Trust funds. Dennis. Darryl to serve as a photographer for the GWC Athletics program, January May 2008, to be paid $400 from Trust funds. (retroactive due to misunderstanding about need for Board approval) - Doerschel. Darren P. to redesign, install, and rewire the GWC TV studio control room, July17— December 31, 2008, to be paid $10,000 from classroom improvement bond funds. —F——’ 3.05.03 Authorization Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: for Independent Contractors Orange Coast College - 0810612008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes The following are to serve as independent contractors pursuant to the District’s standard independent contractor agreement. OVER $10,000 Kidder, Nancy dba International Academic Services to provide oversight for the CCC International Center until recruitment for vacancy for the Director of International Center can commence in October, 2008. This position is crucial for maintaining standards and regulatory guidance for the recruitment and admission of OCC’s international students. Potential timeframe from July 24, 2008, to December31, 2008, to be paid an amount NTE $29,700 from general funds. Raubolt, Jack to serve as the Chief Information Systems Officer “CISC” for Orange Coast College beginning July 17, 2008, through September 30, 2008, to be paid $37,400 plus mileage from general funds. Revision to Previous Board Action to correct spelling of name. Previous Board approval 7/16/08. UNDER $10,000 Coleman, Allison to serve as choreographer for the production of “Little Shop of Horrors” from August 1-August 10, 2008, to be paid $500 from ASOCC funds. Late submittal due to last-minute replacement. Hills, Ronald Holliday to serve as guest performer for the production of “Little Shop of Horrors” from August 1-August 10, 2008, to be paid $200 from ASOCC funds. Late submittal due to last-minute replacement. Lemmer, Cheryl to serve as guest performer for the Dance A143, Jazz Dance 3-4 class on September 16, 2008, to be paid $200 from ASOCC funds. 3.05.04 Authorization for Independent Contractors District 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 3. Consent Calendar Information Yes The following are to serve as independent contractors pursuant to the District’s standard independent contractor agreement. UNDER $10,000 Neal, Judith A. (DIST) to serve as independent contractor pursuant to the District’s standard independent contractor agreement, to assess staffing needs for departments within Administrative Services for Coast Community College District, commencing on August 7, 2008 and terminating on June 30, 2009, to be paid from general funds at an hourly rate of $40, NTE $5,000. Additional Adrn~j~stra5ve tontept~ ~ ~ 3.05.05 Authorization for Professional Development Program Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes OPTION I TUITION, BOOKS, AND FEES: - Name Course/Seminar Date Amount Montgomery, Cyndee Staff Assistant CCC PSYD 434- Group Dynamics 07/22-08/19/08 Vanguard University $1,500.00 Sharp, Diana Staff Aide, Ext. Ed CCC .CS1- Intro to Comp. Systems Irvine Valley College 05/27-07/03/08 $ 250.0Ô Tran, Julie Staff Aide DCC PSYCH 555- Social Psychology University of Phoenix 07/01-08/11/08 $1,931.00 Scaplen, Patricia Health Center Asst. COM 110- Public Speaking 08/27-12114/07 $ 225.00 Lara, Melissa E. Financial Aid Staff Aide GWC Ethics & Law Psychopharmacology Child Abuse Pacifica Graduate Institute 07/21-08/14/08 $ 900.00 Winder, Claire HR Specialist GWC Phil C120- Ethics ECOL C100 Human Ecology CCC 06/09-08/03/08 $ 460.00 Winder, Claire D. HR Specialist GWC Human Services 100 Political Science 100 CCC 08/25-12/14/08 $ 600.0b Carrizo, Michael Staff Aide •GWC Employment Law University of Phoenix 7/3-7/31/08 $1,475.00 GWC - 3.05.06 Authorization for Staff Development Orange Coast College 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: Orange Coast College World Languages Department to hold workshops on September 5-6, 2008, at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, CA. Expenses NTE $1,000 to include food, meeting room charges, internet access/faxes, and miscellaneous supplies to be paid from Staff Development funds. Transportation by personal vehicles. A travel authorization form will be submitted by each participant to cover lodging, additional food expenses, and mileage. A list of participants will be on file in the President’s Office prior to the trip. Scholz, Suzanne, Part-Time Faculty, to take a Marketing class at Cal State Fullerton during fall, 2008, to be reimbursed for tuition and books NTE $800 to be paid from Professional Development funds. ~Pt~ tS~~K~sr ~ZYE~ ~,flrç~t-~w4~ ~ ?+ ~ br9ateéo~fldayat1 123AM by L*nrtanneMwitoa Last update~Q~31/2OO~ by.) - SoØri~tiaz~’ i~F?C~Wt~S!F.~ ~.- a 3.06.01 Approval of Purchase Orders Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes Purchase0rderDlST.pdf A ~ ~ ~~~rr÷ t.~;m:~~ created on’Toja~-at 1,1 23AM by cccp~urch~ La~t update on O7/~1/2OO8 by~c Rodngue~c~ -er. Purchase Orders P0 NUM P031 2617 P0312691 P0312692 P031 2985 P0312690 P0312522 P0312524 P0312465 P0312880 P0312528 P0312648 P0312849 NAME OF VENDOR Follett Higher Education Group Inc Books and Supplies for EOPS Students CCCD Workers Comp Trust Fund Open P0 for CCCD workers’ compensation trust fund North Orange County CC Dist Open P0 for Voyager Library Circulation and catalog system Southern Counties Oil District-wide vehicle fuel Student Insurance Insurance premium for student & athletes Marsh Risk & Insurance Svcs 2008-2009 Ancillary Insurance Premiums Sturgeon General Inc Stadium Sidewalk Renovation Bid:1949 (GOB Fund) Board Date 5/7/08 Postmaster Open P0 for mailing class schedule & catalog. Academic Marketing Services Direct mailing of CareerFocus magazine- Board Date 7/16/08 CR & R Open PC for collection and disposal of solid waste Goodwill Industries of OC Open P0 for interpreting services. TYR Inc Inspection Services GWC-LRC (GOB) 0CC Food Services Open P0 for food and supplies Dell Higher Education Computers for Health Science building (GOB) Postmaster Postage for 0CC FaIl, Spring, Summer 08/09 saturation mailings Mobile Modular Management Corp 12 month lease for 7 Relocatables for Early College High School Mobile Modular Management Corp Relocatables for CCC Early College High School Board Date: 03/05/08 Time Warner Cable OBJECT CODE 7601 AMOUNT 600,000.00 DIS 5480 300,000.00 DIS 5899 203,512.00 TRANS 4676 185,000.00 DIS 5472 175,935.00 DIS 5472 175,000.00 0CC-GB 6120 130,000.00 CCC 5831 100,000.00 DIS 5850 93,941.11 0CC 5510 70,000.00 GWC 5899 60,000.00 GWC-GB 6205 60,000.00 0CC 4313 60,000.00 GWC-GB 6412 57,890.06 0CC 5831 55,000.00 CCC 5684 49,662.00 CCC 5684 49,364.00 CCC 5899 45,000.00 SITE CCC - P031 2965 P0312827 - P0312640 P0312525 P0312603 P0312406 Purchase Orders P031 2521 P0312782 P0312452 P312447 P0312602 P0312644 P0312643 P0312948 P0312647 P0312673 P031 2771 P0312523 Open P0 Cable service/high speed internet service Cabral Roofing & Waterproofing Corp Social Science Roof Partial Repair/Replacement Keystone Engineering Solutions Inc Testing and inspection services for Lewis Center building (GOB) Unisource Worldwide Inc M & 0 custodial supplies Postmaster Open PD for Postage CableMasters Installation of Telco Backbone for new Health and Sciences Bldg. Bid # CM2178B GWC (GOB) Hughes, Harry IC for serving as a writer/producer for Anatomy & Physiology Telecourse Rakochy, Wendy IC for serving as a writer/producer for Chemistry Telecourse Computerland of Silicon Valley District wide Acrobat software license renewal Wilcox, Susan IC for script writing for Chemistry Telecourse. Arc Machines Inc Welding machine equipment and supplies. Digital Networks Group Inc Audio/video equipment and misc. materials (GOB) AM Associates Construction management services District (GOB) Spicers Paper Inc Open PC for special stock & color paper. Gopixel Design Studios Inc Graphic design work for District Marketing & PR materials/Dmail Dell Higher Education Desktop computers for Architectural dept. Erickson, John IC for content & writing for Anatomy & Physiology text book and lab manual Tiffany& Company CCCD Employee Service Awards 2008-2009 - P031 2862 P0312535 P0312919 P0312659 P0312637 0CC-GB 6250 44,475.00 DIS 6206 43,632.00 DCC 4312 40,000.00 DIS 5831 40,000.00 GWC-GB 5899 39,947.20 CCC 5112 32,000.00 CCC 5112 30,000.00 DIS 5638 29,638.79 CCC 5112 28,800.00 0CC 6405 26,899.61 0CC-GB 6412 26,083.14 DIS-GB 6269 25,000.00 CCC 4310 25,000.00 DIS 5112 24,000.00 0CC 6412 22,690.59 CCC 5112 22,400.00 DIS 4312 20,000.00 - Purchase Orders P0312858 P0312646 P0312507 P031 2776 P0312779 P0312526 P0312822 P0312543 P031 2773 P0312454 P0312660 P0312853 P0312865 P0312911 P0312962 P0312772 P0312661 P0312983 P0312881 Kelly Paper Open P0 far special stock & colored paper. Wilcox, Susan IC for serving as content editor for Chemistry Telecourse Community College League of Calif 2009 CCCAA dues/NATYCAA dues Embee Technologies CCC science facility upgrade (GOB) Workplace Resource 0CC Upgrade Science Facility (GOB) CR & R Open P0 for collection and removal of solid waste. Keenan & Associates Quarterly Self-insured Claims Administration fees Honeywell Int’l Inc SMA for Annual 0CC Enterprise Bldgs. Integrator Ver R. 31 Workplace Resource 0CC Consumer Health Bldg Project No. 0C7410. (GOB) Strata Information Group Professional Services for Voyager Board Date: 6/18/08 Mortlock, Mary IC to serve as content advisor for Statistics Telecourse BJ Bindery Inc Open P0 for bindery needs United Direct Marketing Inc Open P0 for mailing & printing services. SVM, LP Prepaid gas cards AppDev Products LLC District Application support software Digital Networks Group Inc CCC 4310 20,000.00 CCC 5112 19,000.00 DIS 5320 18,380.00 0CC-GB 6412 18,319.70 0CC-GB 4312 18,195.01 CCC 5510 18,000.00 DIS 5899 17,000.00 0CC 5638 15,611.00 0CC-GB 4312 15,248.50 DIS 5899 15,000.00 CCC 5112 15,000.00 CCC 4310 15,000.00 CCC 4310 15,000.00 0CC 7601 15,000.00 DIS 5898 14,478.10 0CC-GB 6412 14,449.23 5112 14,400.00 5899 13,471.77 6412 13,058.22 Audio/video equipment and misc. materials (GOB) Mortlock, Mary CCC IC to create Statistics Student Guide & Faculty Manual Lessons Iron Mountain Off-Site Data Protection DIS Protection Off-Site Data Supplies/transportation Diversified Financial Services 0CC Lease buy-out of telescopic boom lift Purchase Orders P0312826 P0312542 P0312589 P0312777 P0312778 P0312845 P0312493 P0312494 P0312563 P0312564 P0312566 P031 2686 P031 2710 P0312742 P312590 P0312541 P0312796 P0312652 P0312817 P0312784 P0312681 P0312971 P0312444 P0312641 P0312727 P0312728 P0312650 P0312429 Island Color Inc Print Custom Folders Trench Shoring Trench Tops and Lighting Eyes B & P Services Inc Open P0 for HVAC repairs & maintenance Workplace Resource 0CC Upgrade Science Facility (GOB) Workplace Resource DCC Upgrade Science Facility (GOB) Chem Pro Laboratory Inc Open PC for water treatment chemicals for HVAC GWC Bookstore Open PC for RBC Police Academy books/materials. GWC Bookstore Open P0 for SIBC Academy books/materials. Titlewave Video Subtitling Service Open P0 for video captioning Dayle Mcintosh Ctr for Disabled Open Po for interpreting services LiNKS Sign Language & Interpreting Open PC for interpreting services MTGL Testing and inspections services for GWC Library (GOB) Rising Sun Telecom inc Phone System Repairs Sir Speedy Printing Open P0 for Printing for RBC police academies B & P Services Inc Open PC for HVAC repairs Briggs Electric inc Gerke Consulting & Development LLC Waxie Sanitary Supply Henry Schein Inc Northcott Painting Company Power Plus Utility Services BarcoProductsCo Chem Pro Laboratory Inc Mandate Resource Services LLC Prado Olympic Shooting Park Prado Olympic Shooting Park Canton, Matthew South Coast Bobcat Inc 0CC 4321 10,912.92 0CC 6411 10,807.17 CCC 5650 10,800.00 0CC-GB 4312 10,795.36 0CC-GB 4312 10,300.86 GWC 5650 10,176.00 GWC 4312 10,000.00 GWC 4312 10,000.00 GWC 5899 10,000.00 GWC 5899 10,000.00 GWC 5899 10,000.00 GWC-GB 6206 10,000.00 DIS 5657 10,000.00 GWC 4312 10,000.00 CCC 5650 10,000.00 D1S DCC DIS DCC GWC 0CC CCC CCC DIS GWC GWC CCC 5657 5112 4312 6411 6250 5638 4312 5510 5899 5684 5684 5112 9,943.00 9,600.00 9,000.00 8,959.23 8,550.00 8,425.39 8,140.45 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,500.00 CCC 5657 7,100.00 Purchase Orders P0312450 P0312790 P0312824 P0312676 P0312841 P0312601 P0312775 P0312422 P0312423 P0312499 P0312709 P0312860 P0312884 P0312972 P0312443 P0312820 P0312649 P0312830 P0312825 P0312414 P0312416 P0312424 P0312430 P0312446 P0312539 P0312557 P0312600 P0312714 P0312739 P0312740 P0312816 P0312855 P0312901 P0312907 P0312980 P031 2451 P0312751 P0312783 P0312583 P0312404 P0312626 P0312910 P0312448 P0312729 P0312823 P0312851 Rhino Electric Supply CR & R Coast Construction Herff Jones Cap & Gown Div Dermal Products Inc Edwards Service Amtek Construction Portacraft Inc Andtech Corporation CCC Food Services On-Site LaserMedic Performance Envelope Nextel Communications Rotonics Manufacturing Inc Chem Pro Laboratory Inc Carolina Biological Supply EBSCO Subscription Knorr Systems Inc Image Printing Solutions Carmen’s Uniforms Inc Orange Coast Auto Repair Andtech Corporation Graybar Electric Thomas Acoustics Inc Edwards Service Postmaster Edwards Service Xerox Corp Shooters World/Evans Gunsmith Shooters World/Even’s Gunsmith UPS Protection Graybar Electric Edwards Service Power Plus Utility Services Public Economics Inc B & P Services Inc Buddy’s All-Star Inc Division of State Architect Chem Pro Laboratory Inc Tangram Sports Facilities Group Inc Sirana Software The Shredders Prado Olympic Shooting Park Carroll Promotions Inc Pharmedix - GWC DIS DIS CCC GWC GWC 0CC-GB DCC CCC CCC DIS CCC CCC 0CC 0CC 0CC GWC DCC 0CC CCC 0CC CCC DIS 0CC DCC CCC GWC DIS GWC GWC DIS CCC CCC 0CC DIS 0CC GWC 0CC-GB CCC CCC DCC 0CC DIS GWC DIS GWC 4312 5510 5650 5696 4312 5899 6120 4321 5657 4312 5657 4310 5899 4312 4312 4312 5306 5638 4321 4312 5657 5899 4312 5650 4677 5831 5899 5657 5684 5684 5657 4315 5657 5657 5112 5650 4312 6204 5638 5899 5657 5638 5899 5684 4312 4312 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 6,500.00 6,275.90 6,269.00 6,036.00 6,000.00 6,000:00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,731.45 5,700.00 5,620.30 5,580.36 5,305.00 5,258.20 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,840.00 4,768.92 4,482.00 4,200.00 4,170.00 4,125.00 4,100.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Purchase Orders P0312917 P031 2931 P0312432 P0312688 P031 2922 P0312968 P0312458 P031 2472 P0312577 P0312870 P031 2873 P0312875 P0312763 P0312871 P031 2403 P031 2748 P0312680 P0312918 P0312781 P031 2584 P0312754 P0312944 P0312459 P031 2657 P0312418 P0312419 P0312498 P0312500 P0312545 P0312568 P0312610 P0312619 P0312655 P0312713 P0312743 P031 2896 P031 2792 P0312665 P0312846 P0312706 P0312939 P311899 P0312455 P0312461 P0312569 P0312570 Micro Center Office Depot Dell Higher Education Corporate Business Interiors Inc StreetWise Networks LLC College Board Performance Envelope Premier Office Services Co Calif Commercial Lighting Amtech Elevator Services CC Fire Protection CC Fire Protection Sport & Cycle Amtech Elevator Services Tri-Citi Electric Calif Pro Sports Xerox Corp Nexxtworks Northcott Painting Company Chem Pro Laboratory Inc tru West Inc Buddy’s All-Star Inc Action Mailing Inc B & P Services Inc Saddleback Golf Cars Prince Enterprises Inc CCC Food Services Dept of Industrial Relations Iron Mountain Records Mgmt Gibraltar Associates Inc Office Depot CCC Food Services Minuteman Plumbing Xtend Communications Sir Speedy Printing Office Depot Xerox Corp Gateway Companies Inc Unifirst Corp ALC Press Victory Custom Athletic Inc Microsoft Corp Professional Support Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Security Signal Devices Neo Networking Inc SIGMAnet Inc - CCC GWC 0CC DIS DIS CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC GWC CCC DIS GWC CCC DIS 0CC-GB CCC GWC GWC CCC DIS CCC CCC CCC 0CC CCC CCC CCC CCC DIS DIS GWC CCC CCC CCC GWC CCC GWC GWC DIS CCC CCC CCC 4312 4312 4315 6411 5638 4312 4312 5657 4312 5638 5638 5638 4312 5638 6411 4312 5682 4312 6250 5638 4312 4312 5831 5650 5657 5657 4312 6205 5899 5899 4312 4312 5650 5638 4312 4312 5682 4315 5899 5850 4312 5638 5897 5899 5899 5899 4000.00 4,000.00 3,782.55 3,768.30 3,749.70 3,674.28 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,457.71 3,450.00 3,449.93 3,448.50 3,440.14 3,394.14 3,375.00 3,300.00 3,213.38 3,150.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,bOO.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,956.36 2,774.78 2,732.00 2,700.00 2,654.45 2,639.88 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Purchase Orders P0312645 P0312663 P0312678 P0312755 P0312838 P0312929 P0312979 P0312988 P0312453 P0312530 P0312947 P0312895 P0312625 P0312780 P0312921 P0312555 P0312666 P312682 P0312759 P0312715 P0312764 P0312417 P0312420 P0312442 P0312510 P0312519 P0312547 P0312551 P0312553 P0312575 P0312576 P0312579 P0312614 P0312707 P0312712 P0312725 P0312730 P0312731 P0312859 P0312864 P0312981 P0312477 P0312670 P0312770 P0312675 P0312912 Bartlow, Stephanie Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA Inc B & P Services Inc ATI/Assessment Technology Institute Johnstone Supply Siemens Building Technologies Inc Interstate Batteries Sys of Cc Community College League of Calif Iron Mountain Off-Site Data Protection Cl Solutions Xerox Corp Office Depot Sports Facilities Group Inc Thomas Acoustics Inc Tekworks LA Inc CC Auditor-Controller Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA Inc Pacific Blue Micro Calif Pro Sports Xerox Corp Gunther’s Athletic Service Pacific Parking Systems Inc SC Sign & Supply LLC Coast Fitness Repair Shop Office Depot Office Depot Bishop Company Par West Turf Services Yale Chase Materials Handling Inc State of Calif/Military Dept (JFTB) State of Calif/Military Dept (JFTB) PL Hawn Company Inc Pro Photo Connection Home Depot LaserCycle USA North Net Fire Training Center San Diego Police Equip Co San Diego Police Equip Co Laguna Framing Co System One Business Products Three Stars Portable Toilets Amer Council on Education B & P Services Inc A-I Fence Minitex Jupiterimages Corp CCC GWC DIS GWC GWC DIS CCC DIS GWC GWC CCC CCC CCC 0CC-GB DIS CCC GWC CCC GWC DIS GWC CCC CCC 0CC 0CC CCC GWC GWC GWC GWC GWC CCC 0CC DIS DIS GWC GWC GWC CCC CCC CCC CCC GWC 0CC-GB 0CC CCC 5112 5638 5650 4312 4677 6269 4312 5306 5899 5638 4321 4312 5657 6250 5899 5899 5638 5638 4312 6411 4312 5657 5665 5657 4312 4312 4312 4677 4677 5684 5684 4312 4312 4312 5657 5684 4312 4312 4310 4310 5682 5320 6411 6129 4312 5699 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,475.00 2,420.00 2,371.20 2,298.80 2,275.00 2,260.00 2,241.20 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,169.00 2,123.68 2,094.66 2,039.36 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,975.00 1,900.00 1,885.00 1,862.46 1,848.00 Purchase Orders P0312718 Office Depot P0312642 Storage Place P0312774 Amtek Construction P0312894 Office Depot P0312760 Center for Leadership Studies P0312928 Keenan & Associates P0312786 Division of State Architect P0312876 OC Fire Protection P0312724 Century Publishing P0312872 Amtech Elevator Services P031 2527 Toshiba Business Solutions P0312598 Ortega Digital Inc P0312654 Newport Exterminating P0312969 Medco Supply Co P0312410 White Cap Construction Supply P0312438 Lowe’s Home Improvement P0312439 Home Depot P0312445 Neozyme Int’l Inc P0312488 Awards Etc P0312508 Community College League of Calif P031 2546 Napa Auto Parts P0312548 Caster Technology Corp P0312581 Smardan Supply Co- Orange Coast P031 2585 Safety & Fire Equipment Co Inc P031 2616 Stater Brothers P0312658 Alan’s Lawnmower& Garden Ctr Inc P0312708 MarVac Electronics P0312757 I8SofCalifCoast P0312788 O’NeiI Product Development Inc P0312791 Times Community News %Los Angeles Times P0312834 Hillyard P0312847 Excel Door& Gate Co Inc P312323 Ewing Irrigation Products P0312693 Garrett Concrete Coring & Sawing Inc P0312920 Dell Higher Education P0312512 Office Depot P0312621 Follett Higher Education Group Inc P0312509 Office Depot P0312435 Hardy Diagnostics P0312836 Aqua-Clear Water Treatment Specialists Inc P031 2426 B & B Services P0312687 Bob’s Shade & Linoleum P0312905 District Weekly P0312504 B & B Services P0312554 Accurate Termite Control P0312956 Medco Supply Co GWC CCC 0CC-GB CCC GWC 0CC-GB 0CC-GB CCC GWC CCC GWC CCC DIS GWC 0CC 0CC CCC CCC GWC DIS GWC GWC CCC CCC CCC DIS DIS GWC GWC DIS GWC GWC CCC 0CC DCC GWC CCC CCC 0CC GWC CCC GWC-GB CCC 0CC CCC GWC 4312 5684 6120 4312 4312 5472 6204 5638 5850 5638 5638 5899 5899 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 5320 4677 4677 4312 5638 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 5741 4312 5650 4312 5650 6412 4312 4312 4312 4312 5657 5657 6250 5850 5638 5638 4312 1,827.01 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,796.71 1,776.00 1,763.96 1,700.00 1,695.00 1,680.00 1,660.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,561.11 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,480.00 1,475.69 1,400.00 1,386.00 1,377.23 1,371.38 1,350.00 1,346.00 1,293.00 1,248.00 1,241.00 1,235.00 1,206.70 Purchase Orders P031 2677 P0312473 P031 2696 P0312746 P0312891 P0312582 P0312436 P0312799 P0312407 P031 2752 P031 2753 P0312427 P0312434 P0312457 P0312460 P0312470 P0312476 P0312483 P031 2484 P031 2497 P0312501 P0312503 P0312520 P031 2540 P0312549 P0312550 P0312552 P0312558 P0312571 P0312578 P0312591 P0312592 P0312593 P0312594 P0312595 P0312609 P0312633 P031 2697 P031 2701 P0312721 P0312722 P0312723 P0312732 P0312814 P0312835 P0312842 Fisher Scientific USA Mobility Wireless Inc Home Depot Competitive Aquatic Supply Office Depot Accurate Termite Control Bat Jac Glass Co CC Weekly Matrix Imaging Products LLC Cal Track Reconditioning Coaches Choice Eversoft Galls/Long Beach Uniform Co Smart& Final CCC Bookstore GWC Bookstore Comm Coil Liadership Development Alco Target Co Alco Target Co State of Calif/Military Dept (JFTB) Lexington Technology Kaplan School Supply Corp Safety 1st Pest Control Inc Calscience Environmental Laboratories Home Depot Kelly Equipment Pete’s Road Service Inc GWC Bookstore UPS Protection irvine Pipe & Supply Bob’s Shade & Linoleum Bob’s Shade & Linoleum J & A Glass Minuteman Plumbing Professional Plumbing inc Office Depot Tom Black Service Center Crown Ace Hardware Western Farm Service Awards Etc Cartridge World GWC Bookstore San Diego Police Equip Co Water Factory Corporate Express Great Western Sanitary Supply CCC CCC 015 GWC CCC CCC 0CC 0CC GWC GWC GWC 0CC 0CC GWC CCC GWC CCC GWC GWC GWC 0CC CCC GWC DIS GWC GWC GWC GWC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC 0CC 0CC DIS CCC GWC GWC GWC GWC CCC GWC GWC 4312 5899 4312 4312 4312 5638 5650 5850 5638 4312 4312 5682 4312 4312 4312 4312 5320 4312 4312 5684 4312 4312 5899 5653 4312 4677 4677 4312 5657 4312 5650 5650 5650 5650 5650 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4315 4312 4312 5801 4312 4312 1,203.63 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,170.76 1,166.91 1,135.00 1,108.10 1,100.00 1,071.00 1,034.40 1,034.40 1,022.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Purchase Orders P0312854 P0312861 P0312903 P0312904 P0312916 P0312795 P0312902 P0312405 P031 2425 P0312703 P0312945 P0312762 P0312949 P0312747 P0312805 P0312565 P0312958 P0312957 P0312683 P031 2874 P0312744 P0312664 P0312761 P0312848 P0312412 P0312485 P0312556 P0312734 P0312831 P0312914 P031 2887 P0312711 P0312785 P0312409 P0312505 P0312516 P0312559 P0312606 P0312829 P0312517 P0312529 P031 2437 P0312837 P0312421 P031 2533 P031 2586 Cans Ink & Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Savage, Melinda Gonzalez-Rojas, Iris Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa Univ of Texas at Austin Clean Fun Promotional Marketing LLC Essential Objects Inc Western Exterminator Co R & L Medical Co Alert Services Inc Resources Unlimited Dell Higher Education On Track Pacific Clippings Musician’s Friend Medco Supply Co Medco Supply Co Ikon Office Solutions Wink Inc Sportspage Soccer Warehouse Inc CDWG Riddell/All American Sports lBS of Calif Coast Crown Ace Hardware GWC Bookstore Advantage Laser Cartridge Business Machines Consultants Inc Office Depot Dept of Social Services Troxell Communication Inc Siemens Water Technologies Corp Division of State Architect Indigo Instruments Summit X-Ray Inc Office Depot GWC Bookstore Office Depot Dell Higher Education Office Depot DelI Higher Education MKH Electronics Inc Riverside County CulinaryAcademy USA Mobility Wireless Inc Office Depot Siemens Water Technologies Corp CCC CCC 0CC CCC 0CC DIS 0CC DIS 0CC CCC GWC CWC CCC GWC CCC GWC GWC GWC 0CC CCC GWC CCC GWC GWC CCC GWC CCC GWC CCC 0CC CCC 0CC 0CC-GB CCC 0CC 0CC GWC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC GWC CCC DIS CCC 4310 5899 5112 5112 5897 5320 4312 5699 5510 5638 4312 4312 4312 4312 5899 4312 4312 4312 5638 5899 4312 4315 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 5638 4312 5749 4401 5638 6204 4312 5657 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 5657 5899 5682 4312 4312 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 995.00 980.53 968.67 960.00 960.00 944.36 930.88 920.16 894.43 894.00 888.70 873.11 852.58 850.00 850.00 847.13 829.47 820.55 818.47 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 795.20 774.40 774.00 759.61 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 736.92 732.76 726.67 710.00 704.58 700.00 700.00 700.00 Purchase Orders P0312587 P0312623 P0312653 P0312963 P0312574 P0312668 P0312511 P031 2869 P0312959 P0312531 P0312486 P031 2611 P0312620 P0312803 P031 2806 P0312843 P0312883 P0312943 P0312750 P0312704 P031 2735 P031 2613 P0312930 P0312705 P0312899 P0312953 P0312413 P0312415 P0312440 P0312469 P0312481 P031 2482 P0312487 P031 2489 P0312490 P0312491 P0312495 P0312496 P0312514 P0312536 P0312537 P0312544 P0312562 P0312580 P0312604 P0312607 Siemens Water Technologies Corp Federal Express Corp Dunn Edwards CC Fire Protection Pyro-Comm Systems Inc Dell Higher Education Office Depot Impact Signs Moore Medical Corp SPSS Inc AIco Target Co Office Depot Follett Higher Education Group Inc Irvine High School Pigskin Club El Modena Vanguards Football Boosters Great Western Sanitary Supply United Rentals GWC Bookstore Brand Athletics Siemens Water Technologies Corp Harland Technology Services VWR International Inc Corporate Business Interiors Inc Siemens Water Technologies Corp Office Depot Henry Schein Inc Emergency Medical Products Inc Duncan Parking Technologies Chandler Refrigeration Springdale Ace Hardware Adamson Police Products Adamson Police Products Alco Target Co Burro Canyon Ent Inc Galls/Long Beach Uniform Co Golden State Signs & Banners Home Depot Home Depot Office Depot B & P Services Inc Home Depot Calif Stage & Lighting Oracle Corp Praxair Distribution Inc Office Depot Office Depot CCC CCC DIS CCC CCC CCC 0CC CCC GWC CCC GWC 0CC 0CC CCC 0CC GWC CCC GWC GWC 0CC GWC 0CC DIS CCC 0CC GWC CCC CCC 0CC GWC GWC GWC GWC GWC GWQ 5638 5831 4312 5638 5899 4312 4312 4312 4312 5699 4312 4312 4312 5850 5850 5657 5682 4312 4312 5638 5638 4312 5899 5638 4312 4312 4312 4677 5657 4312 4312 4312 4312 5684 4312 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 675.00 669.35 644.50 618.40 605.66 603.40 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 584.01 583.00 577.00 576.89 532.02 526.90 517.14 502.77 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 GWC 4312 500.00 GWC GWC 0CC DIS DIS CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC 4312 4312 4312 5899 5899 4312 5320 4312 4312 4312 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Purchase Orders P0312608 P0312622 P0312627 P0312671 P0312695 P0312702 P0312719 P0312741 P0312797 P0312800 P0312801 P0312815 P031 2832 P0312852 P0312857 P0312863 P0312868 P0312885 P0312886 P0312909 P0312933 P0312934 P0312736 P0312449 P0312467 P307014 P0312479 P0312480 P031 2639 P031 2573 P0312634 P0312635 P0312802 P0312804 P0312879 P0312882 P0312915 P0312538 P0312955 P0312605 P0312745 P0312960 P0312877 P0312878 P0312964 P0312828 Office Depot Follett Higher Education Group Inc Alan’s Lawnmower & Garden Ctr Inc Landauer Inc Ewing Irrigation Products Follett Higher Education Group Inc Office Depot Shooters World/Evans Gunsmith Flores, Claudia Beckman Football Boosters Costa Mesa HS Football Follett Higher Education Group Inc Office Depot Art Supply Warehouse Jalema Filing Systems Division Sterling Art Mile Square Golf Course Larry’s Building Materials Alan’s Lawnmower & Garden Ctr Inc Segerstrom Jaguar Football Office Depot Office Depot TKO Sports Advertising & Production Hoover Printing & Lithography ACT Inc Xerox Corp Accent Florist Accent Florist Tobin-Welch Co Pyro-Comm Systems Inc Pasco Scientific Follett Higher Education Group Inc Estancia HS Football Boosters Tustin Touchdown Club Security Signal Devices South Coast Fire Protection Co Dept of Social Services Vivitar Security Systems Inc Henry Schein Inc Office Depot Adolf Kiefer & Associates Moore Medical Corp Security Signal Devices Security Signal Devices Security Signal Devices Tethys Solutions LLC DIS 4312 500.00 CCC 4312 500.00 0CC 0CC DIS CCC GWC GWC 0CC 0CC 0CC CCC GWC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC 0CC GWC GWC GWC DIS CCC DIS GWC GWC DIS CCC 0CC CCC 0CC CCC CCC CCC 0CC DIS GWC 0CC GWC GWC CCC CCC CCC 0CC 4312 5801 4312 4312 4312 5684 5112 5850 5850 4312 4312 4312 4312 4310 4312 4312 4312 5850 4312 4312 5850 4321 5699 5638 4312 4312 4312 5899 5657 4312 5850 5850 5899 5655 5749 5899 4312 4312 4312 4312 5899 5899 5899 5699 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 499.50 484.88 482.63 463.00 450.00 450.00 439.62 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 396.00 387.12 384.42 381.07 380.71 360.00 360.00 360.00 359.16 Purchase Orders P0312733 P0312468 P0312700 P0312624 P0312925 P0312717 P0312932 P0312685 P0312938 P0312532 P0312749 P0312411 P0312433 P0312478 P0312502 P0312615 P0312628 P0312672 P0312737 P0312738 P0312756 P0312789 P0312850 P0312961 P0312986 P0312667 P0312970 P0312973 P0312935 P0312588 P0312513 P0312561 P0312567 P0312716 P0312758 P0312900 P0312926 P0312966 P0312798 P0312408 P0312462 P0312475 P0312766 P0312954 P0312984 P0312474 Eastman Kodak Co Scantron Corp Carolina Biological Supply Key Scientific Products Sehi Computer Products Inc Office Depot Office Depot Workplace Resource Office Depot Office Depot Longstreth Sporting Goods Inc Follett Higher Education Group Inc Follett Higher Education Group Inc GWC Bookstore Follett Higher Education Group Inc Sterling Art Crown Ace Hardware Follett Higher Education Group Inc Beach City Lift Inc Scantron Corp GWC Bookstore Pacific Typewriter/Commun Inc Office Depot Home Depot Follett Higher Education Group Inc DelI Higher Education QualityAire DC Register Office Depot Vortex Office Depot Office Depot Kennedy, Judy Ricoh Business Systems Inc Choate, Ben Office Depot Benefit Publishers Inc Los Angeles Times Office Depot CAPED Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce CPR Savers & First Aid Supply LLC Henry Schein Inc Wards Natural Science PCI Educational Publishing CCC CCC DCC CCC DIS DIS GWC 0CC GWC DIS GWC CCC CCC GWC CCC CCC 0CC CCC CCC GWC GWC DIS CCC GWC CCC CCC 0CC DIS GWC CCC GWC GWC CCC GWC GWC CCC CCC CCC 0CC DIS CCC CCC GWC GWC CCC CCC 5638 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4315 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 5638 4312 4312 5638 4312 4312 4312 4315 5657 5306 4312 5638 4312 4312 5748 4321 4321 5638 4312 5850 5306 4312 5320 5320 4312 4312 4312 4312 350.00 349.86 344.40 332.48 331.35 326.53 323.23 318.54 315.87 315.75 305.76 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 296.04 295.04 275.44 275.27 255.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 249.60 242.78 240.00 240.00 237.00 232.85 228.73 221.67 Purchase Orders P031 2892 P0312638 P0312765 P0312441 P0312456 P031 2463 P0312464 P0312560 P031 2629 P0312630 P0312631 P031 2726 P0312787 P031 2839 P031 2840 P0312856 P0312913 P031 2941 P0312942 P0312946 P031 2967 P031 2808 P0312898 P0312923 P031 2431 P0312515 P0312952 P0312699 P031 2618 P0312889 P0312937 P0312810 P031 2975 P031 2669 P0312936 P0312506 P0312720 P0312674 P0312684 P0312596 P031 2888 P0312471 P0312492 P0312767 P0312768 P031 2807 Office Depot Anderson Audio Visual STActionProinc Ganahl Lumber Co GWC Bookstore GWC Bookstore GWC Bookstore GWC Bookstore Hanks Electrical McFadden-Dale Hardware 00 Farm Supply Physicians Sales & Service GWC Bookstore Barnes & Noble Inc GWC Bookstore Home Depot Saddleback I-IS Football Booster Club GWC Bookstore GWC Bookstore GWC Bookstore Follett Higher Education Group Inc Santa Ana HS Quarterback Club Office Depot Dell Higher Education Office Depot Office Depot Sports Health A Daigger Co LAMA Books Office Depot Office Depot Information Publications Halcyon Press DelI Higher Education Office Depot CC School Boards Assn 4CSD Scientific Device Laboratory Hewlett Packard Lawrence Ragan Communications Inc Office Depot CCC Bookstore GWC Bookstore Apperson Education Products Apperson Education Products La Quinta HS Football Boosters CCC CCC GWC CCC GWC GWC GWC GWC CCC 0CC 0CC GWC GWC GWC GWC CCC CCC GWC GWC GWC CCC CCC DIS CCC DIS CCC GWC CCC CCC CCC GWC 0CC DIS CCC GWC DIS CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC CCC GWC GWC GWC CCC 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4285 4312 4310 5850 4312 4312 4312 4312 5850 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4285 4312 4312 6301 5306 4312 4312 5320 5320 4312 4312 5306 4312 5831 4312 4312 4312 5850 219.96 215.11 208.17 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 190.00 189.03 184.21 177.77 177.76 177.33 174.87 173.63 160.29 138.92 137.23 136.00 130.98 128.29 125.00 125.00 123.14 119.57 109.00 105.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Purchase Orders P0312844 P0312897 P0312982 P0312651 P0312518 P031 2893 P0312977 P0312978 P0312821 P0312679 P0312812 P0312599 P0312974 P0312534 P0312632 P0312890 P031 2793 P031 2811 P0312572 P0312689 P0312819 P0312908 P0312989 P0312906 P0312809 P0312662 P0312927 P0312612 P0312813 P031 2597 P031 2833 GWC Bookstore Office Depot POD Network Kater-Crafts Bookbinders Office Depot Office Depot Triarch Inc MVAP Medical Supplies Inc Demco Inc Sehi Computer Products Inc Art Culinaire CC Business Journal CC Business Journal Office Depot Sims-Orange Welding Supply Inc Office Depot Office Depot Capitol Enquiry Office Depot Library Store Inc Educause Educause Calif Dept of Education Hitt Marking Devices Inc Chronicle of Higher Education Office Depot Office Depot Matthew Bender & Co., Inc Diverse Issues in Higher Education Office Depot Total OBJECT CODE LEGEND 3000 4200 4300 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5630 5682 3999 -4299 4799 5199 5299 5399 5499 5599 5601 5673 5699 - - - - - - - - - - STAFF BENEFITS BOOKS, REPLACEMENT OF SUPPLIES/PRINTING CONSULTANTS/LECTURERS CONFERENCES/TRAVEL DUES/MEMBERSHIP! SUBSCRIPTIONS INSURANCE UTILITIES/SERVICES/CONTRACTS FILM RENTAL REPAIRS/EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES LEASES/RENTALS GWC CCC 0CC GWC DIS CCC 0CC CCC 0CC CCC 0CC CCC DIS DIS 0CC CCC DIS CCC CCC DIS CCC CCC DIS 0CC 0CC CCC DIS GWC 0CC CCC DIS 4312 4312 5320 5899 4312 4312 4312 4312 4312 4677 6301 5320 5306 4312 4312 4312 6411 6301 4285 4312 4312 5699 4312 6301 4312 5306 4312 4312 6301 5306 4312 100.00 97.19 95.00 94.95 82.13 80.53 69.53 68.87 68.55 66.88 59.00 58.00 58.00 56.01 55.00 50.31 47.22 44.78 42.02 41.32 40.65 40.00 40.00 38.22 38.20 35.00 23.69 21.44 19.40 18.00 9.57 $4,270,655.33 Purchase Orders 5700 5899 6100-6299 6300 6399 6400 6499 - - - OTHER EXPENSE OF OPERATIONS SITE/SITE 1MPROVEMENT5/BIJ~jjuç~ BOOKS, NEW ACQUSITIONS EQUIPMENT, NEW! REPLACEMENT V Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 3.06.02 Ratification!Approval of Checks 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes checkapproval8-8-08.pdI A Check Approvals NUMBER NAME OF VENDOR 0116586 Keenan & Associates 08/09 Property & Liability Coverage Renewal PacifiCare of California Medical Premium Payments Keenan & Associates FY 08/09 PIPS Workers Compensation Premiums Coast Community College Dist. FY 07-08 District Wide Employee Medical Claims ACSIG Dental / Edge FY 07-08 Dental Claims & Administrative Fees Kaiser Permanente Medical Premiums CCCD Student Refunds Student Refunds Corporate Business Interiors Inc Dist Admin Bldg Furniture Medco Health Solutions Inc FY 07-08 Payment of Medical Perscription Claims Keenan & Associates FY 08/09 PIPS Workers Compensation Premiums Medco Health Solutions Inc Medical Prescription Claims WestEd Services for SB7O Grant titled “Evaluation” Coast Community College Dist. District Wide Employee Medical Claims Coast Community College Dist. District Wide Employee Medical Claims OCE’ CCC Lease for color copier Cibola Systems Replacement of District Temporary Structures Presidium Learning Inc Managed contact center solutions District Wide Constellation New Energy Inc Electricity District Wide AlIsteel Inc Replacement of District Temporary Structures CCCD Student Refunds Student Refunds Cambridge West Partnership LLC 0116649 0116648 0116551 0116897 0116646 0116561 0116635 0116552 0117204 0117059 0116506 0117130 0117058 0117093 0116960 0116605 AMOUNT 745,596.00 404,026.42 357,671.00 270,177.91 227,862.93 218,846.46 217,057.92 214,552.38 183,994.57 178,836.00 168,034.62 162,033.21 158,925.86 131,670.66 121,800.60 115,461.61 114,337.50 - 0116914 0117046 0116811 0116544 111,319.20 106,633.98 102,929.00 96,000.00 Check Approvals 0116545 0117165 0116709 0116860 0116900 0116902 0116737 0116439 0116269 0116237 0117101 0117121 0116456 0116660 0117055 0116704 0116573 0116193 0116889 0116989 0116846 0116463 CampusWide Bldg/Facilities Program Implementation Corporate Business Interiors Inc Replacement of District Temporary Structures Presidium Learning Inc District Wide Help Line/Center Support Solutions 0CC Associated Students CCC Banner Clearing ASOCC College Service Fees Trend Offset Printing Printing of Fall 2008 Class Schedule Reliastar Life Insurance Co Life Insurance Premiums Reliastar Life Insurance Co Life Insurance Premiums Southern Calif Edison Co Electricity District Wide Southern Calif Edison Co Electricity District Wide Fishnet Security Computer network security equipment Constellation New Energy Inc Electricity District Wide Schools Excess Liability Fund SELF excess Property/Liability Insurance WestEd Services for 5B70 Grant titled “Evaluation” Synegi Inc Virtual storage manager hardware/software for DIS Barnes & Noble #017 Books and Supplies for 0CC EPOS Students Stryker Sales Corp Disaster Preparedness Chairs, Materials, Supplies Newport-Mesa Unified Sch Dist CCC & Newport Mesa USD MCHS GWC Bookstore Spring 2008 book service for ECPS students. Audiovisual Integration Systems CCC Audiovisual Equipment and Installation Briggs Electric Inc Replacement of Art Center Dimming Panel Official Payments Corp Credit Card ASP Services Optima Network Services Inc District Wide Microwave Network System The Irvine Co/CBC Ill-V 94,814.97 93,779.81 88,743.00 84,716.06 79,784.79 70,515.08 69,97908 67,492.59 67,193.92 63,846.54 62,054.78 61,019.79 57,623.03 57,160.90 50,306.34 49,719.48 47,126.90 45,691.20 45,000.00 43,700.54 42,457.50 41,506.84 Check Approvals Lease payment for One-Stop Center Irvine SoutNand Industries Golden West Coflege Energy Upgrade Systems Technology Associates Inc Equipment upgrade for Banner server storage. Reliastar Life Insurance Co Long Term Disability Premiums Sun Environmental Engineering Services, Inc CCCD Abatement of Lead and Paint Materials CCCD Student Refunds Student Refunds NTD Architecture GWC Math/Science Building Final Project Proposal CCC Sac CCC Student Fees B&PServiceslnc 0CC HAV Repairs for Watson Hall Vision Service Plan FY 07-08 Vision Service Premiums North Orange County CC Dist Partnership Funds Rancho Santiago Comm College Dist Partnership Funds Southern Counties Oil District-wide vehicle fuel Andtech Corporation 0CC Chem Lab Bldg Public Announce Warning Sys Memorial Prompt Care Medical Group Student Health Services South DC Comm College Dist Partnership Funds Workplace Resource Anthony Wholesale E!ectric Inc Delta Health Systems Edwards Service EMC Corp Kathy Craven The Gunlocke Co Southern Calif Edison Co GWC Associated Students StarTrac Chipman Moving & Storage Edwards Service John Bishop - 0116966 0116615 0116901 0116895 0117140 0116892 0117139 0116196 0116903 0116596 0116725 0116440 0116800 0117089 0116438 0116521 0116182 0116644 0116636 0116980 0116675 0116640 0117174 0116920 0116967 0116634 0117048 0116209 39,267.00 38,627.94 38,305.79 37,324.00 33,919.45 33,915.00 32,095.00 31,450.00 30,359.94 30,000.00 30,000.00 27,383.90 26,029.00 25,581.00 25,000.00 24,984.84 24,855.84 24,790.50 23,844.63 23,619.43 22,700.00 22,463.05 22,388.90 22,125.00 21,803.50 21,643.00 21,171.67 20,936.09 Check Approvals 0116867 0116441 0117144 0116575 0116666 0117192 0116641 0116289 0116547 0116279 0116916 0116715 0117115 0116525 0116252 0117202 0116791 0116812 0116701 0116616 0116223 0117203 0116937 0116542 0116961 0116219 0117052 0117105 0116217 0116515 0117197 0116618 0117056 0117120 0117176 0116501 0116639 0116975 0116377 0116868 0117190 0116346 0117198 0117148 Xerox Corp Southland Industries Community College League of Calif Harry & Grace Steele ChId Ctr Business Office Solutions Unisource Worldwide Inc Blue Cross GWC RHORC Trust CSLM Construction Graybar Electric CSCI Inc Pacific Light Productions Inc United States Postal Service Yale Chase Materials Handling Inc Dell Higher Education Tekworks LA Inc Taylor & Associates City of Huntington Beach Mesa Consolidated Water Dist Tangram CCC Bookstore UPS Protection SIGMAnet Inc AlIsteel Inc CT Georgiou Painting Co Cambridge West Partnership LLC Northcott Painting Company The Gas Company Calif Tool Welding Supply Western Graphics Plus Xerox Corp Tessco Inc Tint Pros Waxie Sanitary Supply Special Pay Retirement Plan Wavegroup Sound Siemens Building Technologies Inc Constellation New Energy Inc Office Depot Xerox Corp Treesmith Enterprises Inc Mail Quick Xerox Corp CR&R 20,043.44 20,000.00 19,880.00 19,547.32 19~092.92 18,770.06 15,999.69 15,777.63 15,500.00 15,409.89 15,406.10 15,000.00 15,000.00 14,805.57 14,021.18 13,742.75 13,320.63 12,924.59 12,784.30 12,636.11 12,550.85 12,143.88 11,907.02 11,297.91 10,800.00 10,408.05 10,195.00 10,188.62 9,913.37 9,811.29 9,805.38 9,777.31 9,772.00 9,708.02 9,336.79 9,275.00 9,154.00 8,782.37 8,773.12 8,543.35 8,500.00 8,473.61 8,345.11 8,179.28 Check Approvals 0116899 0116862 0117050 0116321 0116287 0116304 0117184 0116476 0117178 0116288 0116420 0116714 0116938 0116702 0117057 0116482 0116907 0116241 0116827 0116206 0117158 0116187 0117096 0116278 0116353 0116711 0117195 0116228 0116541 0116202 0117012 0116503 0116686 0116673 0116529 0116665 0116831 0116522 0116697 0116650 0116988 0116746 0116813 0116620 First Colony Life Insurance Co Union Bank of California Graybar Electric Inc GWC Bookstore Honeywell Int’l Inc The Gas Company Troxell Communication Inc State Board of Equalization GWC Food Services Sasco Pacific Blue Micro Southern Counties Oil Moss & Associates Inc Tuff Shed Union Bank of California CCC Foundation CR & R Infinity Designs Bedrock Learning Inc Mesa Consolidated Water Dist Asilomar Conference Grounds Postmaster Grainger Mesa Consolidated Water Dist Ocean View School District VWR International Inc Chem Pro Laboratory Inc Abatec Inc Barstow Community College Vicenti Lloyd & Stutzman Webb Electronics Hoover Printing & Lithography Consilien LLC Serafin Zasueta Burke Engineering Inc World-Wide Fire Inc Main Electric Supply Co Aberdeen Captioning Inc Office Depot Verizon California Consilien LLC Thyssenkrupp Elevator 8,159.80 7,532.98 7,522.16 7,344.50 7,268.37 7,018.69 6,972.92 6,836.75 6,608.00 6,585.05 6,509.12 6,413.28 6,411.42 6,365.94 6,317.00 6,308.97 6,236.09 6,191.92 6,141.75 6,120.00 6,112.22 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,922.45 5,906.07 5,768.85 5,702.28 5,618.95 5,600.00 5,515.94 5,500.00 5,487.11 5,481.24 4,912.50 4,900.00 4,860.80 4,854.00 4,850.46 4,811.39 4,780.00 4,768.33 4,724.82 4,650.00 4,438.00 Check Approvals 0116378 0116681 0117179 0117188 0116753 0116958 0116578 0116263 0116255 0116963 0117075 0116642 0116427 0117124 0116739 0116815 0116905 0116483 0116405 0116612 0116795 0116497 0116277 0117181 0116479 0116842 0116546 0116976 0116789 0116719 0116837 0116169 0116457 0116203 0116843 0116978 0116167 0116492 0116687 0117110 0116599 0116311 0116355 0117191 Office Furniture Outlet Grainger Strata Information Group Time Warner Cable Western Farm Service Amer Air Balance Co Inc Home Depot John Erickson Digital Quality Media Inc Honeywell Int’l Inc Class Leasing Inc Care Resources Inc Sherwin-Williams Co Healthy Buildings Int’l Inc SPSS Inc Energy Management Solutions Bedrock Learning Inc Union Bank of California Refrigeration Supplies Distrib South Coast Fire Protection Co Vision Service Plan WaIters Wholesale Electric Co Gary Heimann Productions Tangram Turf Star Inc CC Auditor-Controller Crown Fence Co Cox Media American Red Cross Pinncle Radio Inc McMaster-Carr AguinagaCo Inc Systems Technology Associates Inc Battery Systems CC Auditor-Controller Day & Nite Door Service ACS Affiliated Computer Services Virtual Freelance Network Horizon Landscape Supply Time WarnerCable Office Depot Int’l Education Service Mission Printing Union Bank of California 4,389.28 4,387.32 4,365.15 4,361.00 4,353.50 4,326.00 4,275.06 4,200.00 4,159.15 4,095.92 4,000.00 3,981.00 3,975.39 3,900.00 3,894.00 3,885.50 3,880.00 3,863.07 3,813.21 3,764.15 3,685.20 3,627.45 3,570.00 3,530.00 3,514.56 3,470.00 3,441.00 3,400.00 3,360.00 3,341.01 3,335.96 3,297.15 3,271.00 3,216.70 3,190.00 3,182.75 3,056.48 3,035.00 2,999.51 2,980.00 2,969.23 2,950.00 2,930.80 2,856.41 Check Approvals 0116934 0116870 0116712 0116638 0117128 0116808 0116393 0116685 0116251 0116613 0116864 0116221 0116413 0117172 0116865 0116543 0116553 0116199 0116755 0116898 0117156 0116571 0116486 0117183 0116357 0116682 0116582 0116265 0116965 0116227 0116514 0116647 0116345 0116721 0116312 0116329 0116188 0116742 0116611 0116651 0117109 0116250 0116194 0116602 RiddeN/All American Sports Yosemite Water Office Depot Marathon Business Solutions Southland Industries Briggs Electric Inc Pitney Bowes Home Depot DataPipe Inc Spicers Paper Inc Verizon Wireless Michael Carrizo Stephani Rogers Slater Ave II Limited Partnership Verizon Wireless American Red Cross AA Equipment Baker Rentals & Sales Inc Xerox Corp CCCD Workers Comp Trust Fund Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Greater Alarm Co Inc VeriSign Inc The Gas Company Monterey Peninsula College GWC RHORC Trust Irvine Pipe & Supply Excel Door & Gate Co Inc Signs Specialist Corp Robyn Chapman Western Farm Service Kaiser Permanente Maria Mai Pocket Nurse Iron Mountain Off-Site Data Protection Kelly Equipment 2,852.47 2807.82 2,802.18 2,777.79 2,765.00 2,757.00 2,751.00 2,750.48 2,750.00 2,747.95 2,742.39 2,742.00 2,688.00 2,659.80 2,651.41 2,640.00 2,605.20 2,589.23 2,577.72 2,503.72 2,500.00 2,490.00 2,480.00 2,420.59 2,406.39 2,400.00 2,350.14 2,343.00 2,342.83 2,238.67 2,229.77 2,205.66 2,200.00 2,182.45 2,136.44 2,131.45 AT&T 2,100.00 Time Warner Cable SC Sign & Supply LLC Amico Scientific Corp Time Warner Cable DAT Advertising Group Inc Austin Hardwoods PFE International Inc 2,070.00 2,061.26 2,060.07 2,050.00 2,000.00 1,989.15 1,929.18 Check Approvals 0116886 0116550 0116855 0116254 0116445 0116818 0116398 0116700 0116510 0116705 0117196 0117011 0116793 0116816 0117090 0116987 0116260 0116716 0116893 0116517 0117171 0116671 0116524 0116225 0116375 0116891 0116856 0117047 0116674 0116691 0116610 0116643 0116990 0116569 0117119 0116568 0116659 0116467 0116919 0116554 0116422 0116496 0116617 0116717 Anytime Products US Bank Scantron Corp Digital Networks Group Inc State of Calif/Military Dept (JFTB) Goodwill Industries of CC Progressive Gifts & Incentives Joumana McGowan Western Exterminator Co Nextel Communications Waxie Sanitary Supply Time Dated Services UnumLtc Fry’s Electronics Mobile Modular Management Corp CC Auditor-Controller Dunn Edwards Palestinian Amer Women’s Assn Siemens Building Technologies Inc AmyWheeler Sigma-Aldrich Inc City of Garden Grove Xerox Corp Aureliano Cervantes CCC Food Services Gateway Companies Inc Sehi Computer Products Inc Alvaro Cyrino Constellation New Energy Inc Cheryl Jupiter William Saichek Celtic Special Health Prod Div Elizabeth Page Gary Heimann Productions Vietnamese Community of CC Ganahl Lumber Co Linda Bagatourian Time Warner Cable Fry’s Electronics ACT Inc Robert Schneiderman Remon Wahba TechRoom Inc Palestinian Right to Return Coalition 1,925.02 1,873.56 1,857.00 1,837.06 1,834.00 1,820.00 1,792.83 1,792.09 1,792.00 1,784.37 1,774.81 1,772.00 1,734.90 1,725.96 1,722.92 1,715.00 1,711.84 1,700.00 1,689.00 1,688.76 1,668.54 1,633.33 1,632.57 1,629.00 1,622.69 1,615.17 1,609.52 1,600.00 1,598.21 1,593.11 1,589.31 1,567.50 1,552.26 1,540.00 1,539.00 1,536.26 1,525.56 1,504.03 1,502.57 1,501.50 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Chock Approvals 0116792 0116679 0117080 0117151 0117186 0116825 0116718 0116932 0117087 0116853 0116181 0117063 0116809 0116637 0116928 0116973 0117126 0116690 0116480 0116253 0116603 0116890 0116929 0116262 0116487 0116383 0116972 0116992 0116548 0117054 0117060 0116708 0116418 0116396 0116294 0116623 0116531 0117051 0116726 0116168 0116790 0117053 0117112 0116180 TBP/Architecture Ganahl Lumber Co DeptofJustice Ganahl Lumber Co The Gas Company Howard Nassiri LLP Physicians Sales & Service DCC Snack Bars Key Equipment Finance Public Economics Inc Angelus Pacific Co Amer Council on Education Cal Track Reconditioning Honeywell Int’l Inc Metalcraft Inc City of Fountain Valley Southland Industries Johnstone Supply Turf Tire Distributors Dept of Justice Phoenix Group Info Systems Chipman Moving & Storage Minuteman Plumbing Emergency Medical Products Inc Verizon California Oxford University Press CCN Financial Services Inc Prado Olympic Shooting Park Linda Morin Sasco Medco Health Solutions Inc 0CC Ancillary 1000-247500-5120 Saddleback Golf Cars Power Plus Utility Services Harland Technology Services TRCA Community Playthings Honeywell Int’l Inc Rhino Electric Supply Action Publishing Inc MS Rouse Company P2S Engineering Toshiba Business Solutions Anderson Audio Visual 1,500.00 1,480.77 1,476.00 1,456.92 1,451.02 1,440.00 1,426.33 1,420.18 1,412.93 1,380.00 1,358.31 1,347.00 1,346.88 1,338.36 1,303.76 1,303.04 1,300.00 1,293.97 1,265.52 1,264.00 1,251.58 1,250.00 1,237.15 1,215.39 1,214.58 1,212.54 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,197.52 1,194.00 1,192.63 1,176.00 1,166.25 1,160.31 1,145.00 1,133.32 1,131.00 1,115.03 1,093.21 1,092.28 1,090.00 1,086.00 1,074.41 1,071.30 Check Approvals 0117129 0116374 0116661 0116466 0116968 0116626 0116216 0117078 0116849 0116247 0116520 0116284 0116316 0116562 0116806 0116908 0116909 0116910 0116911 0116912 0117010 0117073 0116162 0116570 0116894 0116733 0116836 0116171 0116622 0116347 0116412 0116272 0116532 0116560 0116450 0116264 0116395 0116619 0117150 0116982 0117131 0117133 0116797 0116192 Southland Industries DC Weekly Bee Busters Inc Thyssenkrupp Elevator Keenan & Associates Verizon Wireless CAE Carmen Abato Enterprises Customguide Inc Professional Tutors of Amer Inc D & N Plants Stephen Woodyard Pedro Gutierrez Nancy Jenkins CCLDI Foundation Bee Busters Inc CCLDI Foundation CCLDI Foundation CCLD? Foundation CCLDI Foundation CCLDI Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon CCCD E.O.P.S. Account A & M Cleaning Equipment Grainger Southland Industries Sehi Computer Products Inc Long Beach Area Council, Boy Scouts of Amer Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co Toshiba Business Solutions Master Recording Supply Inc Malinni Roeun Richard Forsberg Constructive Playthings Chandulal Brahmbhatt Lynnette Stiles Ewing Irrigation Products Pool Supply of Orange Co Inc Thomson West FRS Environmental Randy Key Beach Paving Inc AT&T Action Mailing Inc AT&T 1,056.33 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,047.50 1,031.07 1,029.32 1,029.18 1,025.00 1,024.00 1,015.00 1,005.90 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 989.00 982.07 979.00 976.24 970.88 967.05 965.74 965.44 955.50 953.48 947.19 945.00 911.83 897.32 892.87 883.60 869.00 854.55 850.00 842.46 842.01 826.50 Check Approvals 0116567 0117008 0116828 0116885 0117125 0116669 0116424 0116824 0116197 0116212 0116220 0116248 0116314 0116369 0116668 0116833 0116887 0116985 0116207 0116930 0116268 0116416 0117149 0117077 0116915 0116977 0116583 0116164 0116810 0116267 0116991 0117094 0116275 0116352 0116581 0117074 0116629 0117170 0116604 0116443 0116161 0116195 0117175 0116959 FisherScientific Sir Speedy Printing Iron Mountain Off-Site Data Protection AireMasters Air Conditioning Southland Industries CCC Bookstore Sehi Computer Products Inc Horizon Cherryl Baker Robert Bramucci Gregg Carr Sharon Daniel Darryl Isaac Jessica Nguyen Calif Workforce Assn Anna Katsuki B & P Services Inc Hillary Mushkin Benner Metals Corp NACADA Fisher Scientific Armando Ruiz Eastman Kodak Co CR&R CR& R CR&R Johnstone Supply ABC Window Cleaning Cambrian Homecare Federal Express Corp Phoenix Group Info Systems Ocean View School District Patrick Frohn ShanaMenaker Identix Identification Services CI Business Equipment Inc Yale Chase Materials Handling Inc Sehi Computer Products Inc Pocket Nurse Springdale Ace Hardware 911 Vehicle Automatic Sync Technologies LLC Southern Counties Lubricants LLC Baytek Engineering 816.61 813.00 809.73 805.79 804.33 801.66 800.64 800.59 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 789.54 780.00 776.50 775.68 774.00 773.25 762.21 762.21 732.23 725.00 720.00 718.69 713.10 701.43 700.00 700.00 700.00 695.00 694.92 694.05 688.00 683.61 680.00 679.17 668.05 650.00 Check Approvals 0116964 0116888 0116744 0116672 0116472 0116477 0117132 0116799 0116261 0116190 0116601 0116468 0116803 0117201 0116343 0117182 0117114 0116819 0116435 0116303 0116489 0116940 0116663 0116826 0116848 0117153 0116266 0116523 0116177 0116652 0116189 0116428 0116817 0116320 0116664 0116179 0117104 0116564 0116838 0117136 0116484 0116588 0116579 0116373 Reliable Delivery Service Bob’s Shade & Linoleum Union 76 Comtel Pro Media Toshiba Business Solutions TrucParCo AA Equipment AMC Inc Eberhard Equipment AT&T Pete’s Road Service Inc Times Community News %Los Angeles Times AT&T State Board of Equalization Joanna Lowe TeknionLLC TrucParCo Grainger Smith Pipe & Supply Inc Honeywell Int’l Inc Verizon California TNL Pharmacy Boys and Girls Club of Huntington Valley Industrial Metal Supply Co Pocket Nurse Home Depot Exhibit Solutions of New Mexico Inc Wumbus Corp Angelus Pacific Co AT&T Brenda Shine Golf Ventures West Jim’s Music Center John Breihan Anaheim Band Instruments Inc Steris Corp Excel Sales & Services Inc Mesa Consolidated Water Dist AT&T UPS Protection Knorr Systems Inc HSBC Business Solutions CC Fire Protection 650.00 640.20 640.00 632.69 627.03 614.62 611.82 61125 603.40 600.28 600.28 600.00 598.10 592.00 589.29 584.60 583.76 582.81 576.89 573.87 570.49 570.00 567.00 565.69 564.00 562.23 562.00 550.31 548.45 545.23 534.72 526.87 523.99 519.81 517.04 516.12 514.93 510.18 507.96 507.13 504.49 503.34 503.19 500.00 Check Approvals 0116906 0116574 0116191 0116363 0116297 0116232 0116362 0116754 0117164 0116814 0117006 0116741 0116863 0117194 0116706 0116645 0116174 0116969 0116587 0116488 0116459 0117071 0117106 0117083 0117173 0116491 0116519 0116703 0116738 0116214 0116354 0116736 0116627 0116446 0116621 0116835 0116185 0116444 0116628 0116840 0116896 0117100 0117127 0116858 Bee Busters Inc GWC Food Services 500.00 498.24 AT&T N & A Enterprises HBMagazine City Of Newport Beach Mutual Liquid Gas & Equipment Michelle Wild Postmaster Direct Edge Inc Brenda Shine Thomson West Verizon California Verizon Wireless OC Fire Protection First Health John Altobelli Diane Balding Kelly Paper Verizon California Test America Analytical Testing Corp Banc of America Leasing The Shredders GWC Food Services Smith Pipe & Supply Inc Verizon Wireless Wholesale Flower Place Nat’l Council for Workforce Education Spicers Paper Inc Builders Security Locks & Ser Micro Center Sims-Orange Welding Supply Inc Verizon Wireless Marsha Stead TNL Pharmacy., DBA Hong’s Pharmacy Kelly Paper Eduardo Arismendi-Pardi State of Calif/Military Dept (JFTB) Eric Wilson Nat’l Assn/Colleges & Employers Water Safety Resources Danielle Scane Southland Industries Stokke, Patricia 488.95 487.46 480.00 479.32 477.67 476.47 476.00 472.09 470.27 466.36 461.43 461.43 455.00 452.00 450.00 450.00 445.77 445.32 442.08 442.07 441.00 438.97 427.07 424.93 416.72 415.00 413.98 411.21 410.95 410.79 408.27 405.07 405.00 402.01 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 398.36 392.24 Check Approvals 0116549 0116591 0116526 0116720 0116218 0116962 0117049 0116585 0116600 0116186 0116981 0116993 0116364 0116389 0116589 0117169 0116465 0117138 0117162 0116499 0117013 0116238 0116339 0116344 0116518 0116387 0116176 0116844 0116555 0116921 0116356 0116419 0116166 0116931 0116935 0116801 0117180 0116469 0116527 0116315 0116481 0116926 0116662 0116696 Marsha Stead Main Electric Supply Co Jan Yett Pixel Abuse Calisher-Ellis, Alisha J Gateway Companies Inc Gateway Companies Inc Kawashima Photography Pacific Blue Micro Art Supply Warehouse Mary Hoogewind Premier Office Services Co Nam, Jiwon Pete’s Road Service Inc LT Enterprises RP Group Thomson West Treisa Cassens Office Depot WaterTech Ag Supply Water Factory Constructive Playthings Long Beach Area Council, Boy Scouts of Amer Lyon, KevinM Whitsell, Ethan A. Martha Parham Amer Press Service OC Wholesale Flowers ACTT: Assn of Classroom Teacher Testers Home Depot Monograms Etc Safety 1st Pest Control Inc Acosta, Krystal R OC Pump Company Robert Skeels & Co ASTC Polymers Inc Sun-X Auto Glass Times Community News %Los Angeles Times Jan Yett Teresa James Unifirst Corp Life Course Associates Susan Berman Michael Likens 382.73 381.20 375.00 375.00 374.00 373.27 373.27 371.74 370.00 362.72 356.14 355.99 352.00 350.53 350.00 350.00 347.84 345.00 344.81 339.12 336.00 332.71 330.75 330.00 330.00 327.00 323.25 316.79 316.39 312.99 310.32 308.50 308.00 306.31 305.92 303.75 301.00 300.00 300.00 299.95 299.61 299.57 297.98 297.50 Check Approvals 0116302 0116802 0116804 0116325 0116280 0116941 0116313 0116677 0116653 0116309 0117141 0116727 0116839 0116300 0116310 0116381 0116485 0116500 0116805 0117067 0116365 0116854 0117168 0116609 0116502 0116680 0116379 0116205 0116342 0116236 0116694 0116559 0116505 0116270 0116740 0116974 0116558 0116749 0116530 0116246 0116296 0116470 0116382 0116430 Home Depot AT&T AT&T JWPepper&Son Inc Griffin, Amanda Travel Store Inc Iron Mountain Records Mgmt Julie Davis-Wolfe Art Supply Warehouse Cecelia Hunt Berlynn Ching Rio Grande Morales, Jessica Hock, Eva-Marie llarde, Kristina L Osher,Laulinl Van Geem, EvanJ Watkins,LindsayA Barnes&Noble#017 AT&T LuzNatanson Vincent Rodriguez Linda Rhines Rhino Electric Supply Waxie Sanitary Supply Mark Goode Oliphant, Kristin N Leslie Beau Los Amigos Football Boosters Comtel Pro Media Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA Inc BJ Bindery Inc Wesolowski, Ashleigh A. Kerry Flynn The Gas Company Coast Community College District Lydia Arbizo Verizon Wireless Zep Manufacturing Co Cummins Cal Pacific Hassett,SarahL Torres, Jennifer BabakOstovarpour Siemens Water Technologies Corp 295.82 291.59 291.59 287.37 286.00 284.00 281.92 280.20 279.46 275.00 274.22 272.97 264.80 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 262.48 260.91 260.66 260.00 258.59 257.31 257.20 254.00 253.00 250.00 250.00 245.63 244.87 243.52 242.00 241.90 239.83 238.94 234.04 226.55 225.28 222.00 220.00 220.00 216.99 216.45 Check Approvals 0116425 0116178 0116276 0116692 0116698 0116204 0116235 0116258 0116295 0116306 0116359 0116392 0116448 0117005 0117082 0116576 0116597 0116533 0116504 0116337 0116455 0116593 0116743 0116462 0116624 0117107 0116274 0116341 0116350 0116723 0116729 0116165 0116224 0117065 0116656 0116222 0116464 0116449 0116323 0116259 0116386 0117137 0116348 0117189 Shell Oil AmeriPride Uniform Services Fry’s Electronics Kelly Paper Yolancla Maldonado BAVCO Backilow Apparatus-Valve Coffee, Katherine L Drexler, Jaqueline N Hartwell, Kaitlyn M Hoppe, Brittany E Moore, Jessica Pinela, Natasha A Steinberg, Lynn M Safety & Fire Equipment Co Inc Grainger Hasler Inc DCC Ancillary #1000-24750-6580 Smart & Final Wench, Christopher M. Lexington Technology Dejah Swingle Mesa Muffler Toshiba Business Solutions The Gas Company TRCA Theodore Robins Ford Fox, Casey B Lopez, Mayra A McFadden, Nicole I Prince Enterprises Inc Sales Stores Accurate Termite Control CDT Inc AT&T AT&T Caston Office Solutions The Shredders Sterling Art John Deere Landscapes Duarte, Leticia Theodore Palmer AT&T Lillian Matthews Tom’sTruckCenter 215.01 212.96 212.25 209.27 204.64 201.45 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 198.00 195.00 190.07 187.79 187.22 187.16 187.00 186.15 184.98 184.68 184.19 183.60 180.00 177.63 176.00 176.00 176.00 175.74 175.41 175.00 175.00 174.40 174.01 172.34 172.00 170.09 165.35 165.00 164.43 164.42 163.00 161.17 Check Approvals 0117108 0116433 0117086 0116338 0116922 0117085 0116376 0116215 0116243 0116281 0116328 0116442 0117095 0116368 0116454 0116233 0116451. 0116507 0116508 0116509 0116970 0116829 0117187 0116432 0117116 0116925 0117016 0116986 0117103 0116461 0117079 0116678 0116927 0117076 0116834 0116592 0116421 0116172 0116211 0116245 0116301 0116330 0116360 0116361 Thomson West Sims-Orange Welding Supply Inc Kelly Paper Brady Long Anthony Hou Irvine Pipe & Supply OCE’ Burgin,KatherineM Crockett, Theresa Guadarrama, Cindy Keefe, Allison A Spence, Susie G Office Depot Binh Nguyen Suburban Water Systems City of Fountain Valley Storage Place Western Exterminator Co Western Exterminator Co Western Exterminator Co Bee Busters Inc Iron Mountain Records Mgmt Thomson West Signs Etc Verizon California Lakin Tire West Inc XeroxCorp Newport Exterminating South Coast Air Quality Mgmt District The Gas Company DelI Higher Education Dept of Industrial Relations Mariposa Women & Family Center Constellation New Energy Inc Andrea Keehn Master Recording Supply Inc DanielleScane AirgasWestlnc Bon,AlexandraL Cuadra, Christy M Hodge, Crystal D Kieu,Thuy Morales, Crystal Morgan, Margaret A 160.56 160.42 159.95 158.97 158.92 158.09 155.36 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 153.12 153.00 152.85 151.01 iso.oo 150.00 150.00 150.00 iso.oo 148.68 146.00 145.46 144.31 144.30 144.15 142.00 141.11 140.64 140.05 140.00 140.00 139.41 138.00 137.92 136.75 132.64 132.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 Check Approvals 0116366 0116385 0116475 0117091 0116657 0116798 0116676 0116728 0116751 0117061 0116434 0117064 0116231 0117143 0116707 0116183 0116493 0116372 0116939 0116283 0116290 0116305 0116380 0117015 0116913 0116584 0116333 0116173 0116184 0116756 0116411 0116226 0116556 0117147 0116667 0116841 0117102 0117199 0116429 0116317 0116735 0116757 0116918 0116971 Nelson, Tatiana C Padrlik, Lisa M Trinh,VivianV Melissa Moser AT&T Airgas West Inc Crown Ace Hardware Saddleback Golf Cars Jocelyn Wang 4CSD Smardan Supply Co- Orange Coast AT&T CIT Technology Fin Serv Inc CIT Technology Fin Serv Inc DC Wholesale Flowers AppleComputerlnc Jenny Vu Mary O’Connor Times Community News %Los Angeles Times Gupta, Sunita Haley, Lisa Hopkins, DeborahL Drozco,NoraN Xerox Corp City of Huntington Beach Rita Jones Jennifer Labounty Alan’s Lawnmower& Garden Ctr Inc Cristina Arellano Stater Brothers Mary Roda Jennifer Chaiyakal Airgas West Inc Corporate Express Calif Placement Association DC Auditor-Controller Smog & Gas of Costa Mesa State Board of Equalization Shinoda Design Center Inc NancyJenkins Shred-It Western Exterminator Co Federal Express Corp C2 Reprographics 132.00 132.00 132.00 131.41 128.62 128.56 127.90 127.71 125.75 125.00 123.64 123.36 122.84 122.84 119.60 119.00 118.28 115.65 112.50 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 108.34 108.14 107.73 107.54 106.10 106.10 105.49 104.77 103.57 103.22 100.49 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.00 97.75 97.19 95.00 94.50 94.47 94.07 Check Approvals 0117014 0116590 0116730 0117177 0117155 0116299 0116512 0116857 0116163 0117081 0116511 0116594 0117163 0116490 0116557 0116608 0117142 0116563 0116845 0116494 0116713 0116292 0116566 0117111 0116750 0117004 0117072 0116684 0116595 0116336 0116747 0116598 0116732 0117084 0116249 0116200 0116208 0116256 0116257 0116282 0116285 0116293 0116307 0116318 Stephen Woodyard Ralph Macchia Sammons Preston Rolyan Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Products Janelle Leighton Hoang,AnhK Western Exterminator Co Smith Pipe & Supply Inc AAIDD Publications Eversoft Western Exterminator Co Model Glass & Mirror Gail Paterson Verizon California Andtech Corporation Linda Rhines Chronicle of Higher Education Coastal Press Inc DCC Food Services VWR international Inc Orange Coast Auto Repair Raine Hambly Federal Express Corp Tom’sTruckcenter Verizon Wireless Saddleback Golf Cars Carolina Biological Supply Hardy Diagnostics Myers Tire Supply MaiLe Verizon Wireless CCC Food Services Security Signal Devices Higher Education Publications Roger Daniels Barber, Debbie V Bernard, Barbara S Dodd, AmyM Donovan, JayneA Gump, Margaret Guyette, Gabriela Hammerton, Catherine D Hromin, Elisa M Jennings, Chrystel L 92.92 90.90 90.29 89.87 89.00 88.00 88.00 87.90 86.95 85.12 85.00 85.00 84.23 84.08 84.05 83.34 82.50 80.81 80.62 79.93 79.02 78.48 77.31 76.71 75.14 74.50 73.67 70.47 69.34 68.95 68.79 68.50 68.00 67.45 67.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 Check Approvals 0116322 0116326 0116327 0116331 0116332 0116334 0116340 0116349 0116370 0116371 0116388 0116390 0116391 0116394 0116397 0116404 0116408 0116409 0116410 0116414 0116417 0116426 0116436 0116447 0116471 0116478 0116495 0117068 0116572 0116453 0116722 0116198 0116670 0116286 0116820 0116904 0116516 0116748 0116630 0116474 0116724 0116996 0117002 0117092 Jobse,JanM Karam, Celeste I Kechichian, Tsolaire Kuehl, RoniA Kunkle, Cherie R Lachman, Lorelei Lopez, Jennifer J McDermid-Rawalt, Wendy S Nguyen, KhanhN Nunez, Anal J Penmetcha, Hemalahtha Peyton, Danielle K Pickens, Shelley Ponsaa, Constance Presson, Juli A Rebelo, Claudia Riley, Brooke A Robinson, Jurincka N Robinson, Sandra Romansky, Katherine N Ruvalcaba, Cassandra Sherrill-O’Connell, Candace Smith, Beth S. Stefano, Kathy Torres, Margalida Tucker, Lisa L Wadsworth, JoyL AT&T Guitar Center Inc Kathy Suarez Powertron Battery Co Baker&Taylor Cintas GWC Associated Students GWC Student Health Center AAWCC Western Illuminated Plastic Verizon Wireless Yosemite Water Tri-Anim Health Services Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co MWB Business Systems 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 64.76 64.65 64.59 64.54 64.48 63.14 60.02 60.00 60.00 59.29 59.23 58.75 57.63 56.05 56.05 56.05 56.00 Check Approvals 0117113 0116384 0116693 0117152 0116847 0116752 0116745 0116983 0116273 0116437 0116822 0116859 0116229 0116936 0117066 0116869 0117017 0117146 0116399 0116400 0117166 0116688 0116606 0116850 0117097 0117154 0116324 0116210 0116917 0116175 0116513 0116239 0116240 0116298 0116308 0116351 0117122 0116998 0117167 0117088 0116498 0116710 0116821 0116872 Celicia Tran Rina Padilla KeyCode Media Inc Anna Greenwald Hal Pham Western Exterminator Co Verizon California Jeanette Lee Rodney Foster Smog & Gas of Costa Mesa Herbeck Consulting Group Inc Stothers, Lisa Chevron USA Inc Security Signal Devices AT&T Xerox Corp Yosemite Water Connell Chevrolet Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Hub Auto Supply Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Jones Biomedicals Laboratory Johnstone Supply Lynn Black Dakota Backflow Co Amberica West Western Exterminator Co Corona, Mayra Coy, Carol A Hilts, Lauren E Hubbard, JoyceA Linda Mellor Xerox Corp Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Janelle Leighton Wards Natural Science 0CC Petty Cash Dale Harguess Xerox Corp 55.55 54.74 53.28 52.59 52.52 52.50 52.36 51.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 49.69 49.60 49.14 48.58 48.45 47.90 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.35 46.60 46.60 46.60 46.52 45.84 45.00 45.00 44.55 44.50 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 42.55 42.00 41.20 41.20 39.58 39.11 39.07 38.33 37.24 Check Approvals 0117200 0116452 0116923 0117117 0116244 0116654 0117118 0116807 0116658 0117157 0117160 0116423 0116794 0116614 0116458 0116406 0116291 0117135 0116473 0117134 0116565 0116335 0116689 0116271 0117159 0116234 0116407 0117193 0116230 0116528 0116994 0116402 0116997 0116871 0116201 0116796 0116832 0116830 0116695 0116995 0116999 0117099 0116852 0116979 Xerox Corp Straight Line Graphics InterCall Verizon California Crown Ace Hardware AT&T Verizon California Buck Art Materials AT&T Main Electric Supply Co Mutual Liquid Gas & Equipment Security Signal Devices Vision Service Plan Springdale Ace Hardware Teknion LLC Diane Restelli Raine Hambly AT&T Martha Tran-Nguyen AT&T Federal Express Corp Andrea Lane Inc Ford Electronics Inc Kimberly Morita City of Huntington Beach Rhino Electric Supply Verizon Wireless Cl Solutions Yosemite Water Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Tracy Young LeonorBarcenas Absher, Roberta Thomas Juno JDLock&Key Andrea Lane Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Kevin Donahue 37.24 36.94 36.76 36.57 36.55 36.44 33.99 31.85 31.36 31.27 30.00 29.95 29.60 29.24 28.99 28.56 28.28 27.90 27.08 25.72 25.15 25.00 25.00 24.93 24.34 24.20 24.20 23.73 22.00 21.40 21.30 21.15 21.15 20.71 20.00 20.00 19.09 18.96 18.38 17.10 17.10 17.10 16.93 16.38 Check Approvals 0116358 0116577 0116655 0117069 0116734 0116367 0116699 0117161 0117000 0117009 0116607 0116851 0116933 0117098 0116866 0116319 0116401 0117001 0116731 0116213 0116415 0117003 0116403 0117185 0116861 0116460 0117070 0116170 0116242 0116683 0116823 0117062 0117145 0116580 0117007 0116924 0116984 Christana Montes Rafael Herrera AT&T AT&T VidaShajie Linda Newman Nicholas Martinazzi Linda Newman Prudential Overall Supply Co Stater Brothers Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Alan Williams Kathryn Jensen Prudential Overall Supply Co Prudential Overall Supply Co Seal’s Health Care CandaceBrenner Suzanne Rosas RobertSkeels&Co Nancy Ramirez The Gas Company Union 76 The Gas Company AT&T VanessaAguirre Shyra Crandall Mireille Halley Jeffery Hobbs Jesus Alcala Margaret Conley Hub Auto Supply Sims-Orange Welding Supply Inc JDLock&Key Jeanette Lee Total 16.15 16.00 15.61 15.61 15.10 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.61 14.55 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.14 13.59 13.12 13.12 12.50 12.35 11.96 11.76 10.61 10.25 10.24 10.19 10.18 10.00 -io.oo io.oo io.oo 10.00 10.00 9.99 9.37 7.27 7.07 $ 7,957,448.20 3.06.03 Check List for General Obligation Bond Fund Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 3. Consent Calendar Agenda Type: Action (Consent) Public Access: Yes CheckApprov& B cndB•6-08. pdI Check Approval Bond NUMBER 0117040 0117027 0117038 0116943 0116767 0116782 0117031 0117045 0117028 0116876 0116768 0117123 0116763 0117041 0117025 0116772 0117042 0116758 0116882 0116781 0116956 0116759 0116875 NAME OF VENDOR Southland Industries GWC Upgrade Utilities Campus Wide DJM Construction Co Inc GWC Health Science Building SMC Construction Co• CCC Upgrade Lewis Center for Applied Sci CWDriver CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures K & Z Cabinet Co Inc CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Tri-Citi Electric CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Marina Landscape Inc CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Telacu Construction Managment 0CC Upgrade Womens Locker Room ADA DJM Construction Co Inc GWC Health Science Building Hewlett Packard CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Liberty Climate Control DCC New Learning Center Digital Networks Group Inc CCC Upgrade Lewis Center CWDriver CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Southland Industries GWC Upgrade Utilities Campus Wide Dennison Electric Inc 0CC East West Campus Utility Upgrade Padua Glass Enterprises Inc CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Steinberg Architects GWC Learning Resource Center AireMasters Air Conditioning CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures Seville Group Inc DCC Upgrade Lewis Center Tile Trends CCCD Replacement of Temporary Structures UCMI Inc DCC Upgrade Lewis Center for Applied Science Amtek Construction CCC East West Campus Utility Upgrade Gafcon Inc AMOUNT PROJECT 1,393637.00 420316 1,038,062.25 420340 781,488.43 420206 180,826.05 420101 150,791.00 420101 132,799.00 420101 124,600.00 420101 123,393.81 420222 115,340.00 420340 101,220.00 420101 101,203.00 420211 95,322.10 420206 76,313.54 420101 73,350.00 420316 49,926.00 420241 46,512.00 420101 42,895.93 420356 41,276.00 420101 39,480.00 420206 38,708.00 420101 38,640.00 420206 38,338.00 420241 35,973.54 420340 Check Approval Bond GWC Health Science Expand Nursing Facility 0116779 0116945 0116944 0116881 0116957 0116947 0116788 0117029 0117039 0117018 0116873 0116787 0116770 0116784 0117021 0116773 0116774 0117032 0116949 0116776 0116785 0116786 0117023 0116954 0116955 0116884 0116764 0116769 0117035 0117020 0117037 0117043 0116879 0116535 0117030 0117026 0116771 0117024 0116946 0116534 0116777 0116775 0116539 0116778 0117019 Tandus GWC Upgrade Classrooms Gafcon Inc GWC Health Science Expand Nursing Facility Dennison Electric Inc CCC East West Campus Utility Upgrade Perkins & Will URS Corp Americas Marina Landscape Inc Williams Mechanical Inc Honeywell Int’l Inc Southland Industries Alex Moving & Storage Cordoba Corp TYR Inc MTGL TYR Inc Anderson Charnesky Structural Steel Inc Preferred Ceilings Inc Prizio Construction Inc Marina Landscape Inc Mobile Modular Management Corp Solis Group TYR Inc TYR Inc Bundy-Finkel Architects Inc TYR Inc TYR Inc UCMI Inc EMS Construction Mobile Modular Management Corp MTGL AM Associates Pacific Blue Micro TB Penick & Sons Inc Mobile Modular Management Corp AM Associates Kerry Contractors Dennison Electric Inc Pacific Blue Micro DelI Higher Education Innovative Energy Solutions A-i Fence Strata Information Group R&S Floor Covering Pacific Blue Micro Superior Wall Systems Inc Alexander’s Mobility Services 32,571.25 420348 31,716.45 420340 26,906.00 420241 22,740.00 21,195.25 19,300.00 18,626.00 18,304.73 17,290.13 16,815.00 16,305.01 16,226.00 16,191.00 15,500.00 15,056.00 14,756.00 14,133.00 13,844.00 12,636.92 12,442.50 12,400.00 12,400.00 11,725.50 11,428.00 11,428.00 10,080.00 9,315.00 9,072.22 8,780.00 8,500.00 8,398.04 8,084.00 7,596.42 7,500.00 7,186.95 5,548.00 5,459.70 5,351.66 5,125.00 5,070.00 4,780.88 4,611.00 4,536.28 4,275.00 3,786.60 420340 420356 420241 420101 420206 420365 420365 420222 420340 420340 420316 420101 420101 420101 420101 420297 420997 420340 420316 420101 420316 420340 420101 420101 420206 420222 420997 420207 420241 420206 420997 420232 420241 420207 420206 420101 420222 420912 420101 420316 420101 420365 Check Approval Bond 0116631 0117036 0116765 0116883 0116780 0116948 0116760 0116874 0116766 0116762 0117022 0116783 0116878 0116633 0116950 0116540 0116537 0117044 0117034 0116951 0116952 0116953 0116880 0116761 0116538 0116632 0117033 0116942 0116877 0116536 C2 Reprographics P2S Engineering Gamma Builders Inc SunGard Higher Education Inc TBP/Architecture Marina Landscape Inc Bundy-Finkel Architects Inc DelI Higher Education Gamma Builders Inc CEM Lab Anderson Charnesky Structural Steel Inc Tn-State Materials Marina Landscape Inc Times Community News MTGL Plan Net Consulting C2 Reprographics TB Penick & Sons Inc ModSpace Plan Net Consulting Tangram Times Community News MTGL C2 Reprographics CEM Lab State Water Resources Ctrl Brd Mobile Mini Inc Alex Moving & Storage Hunt Design Assoc Blackboard Inc Total Bond Code Legend 420101 420201 420206 District Relocatable Replacement CCC Upgrd Auditorium Music Complx CCC Upgrd Lewis Ctr Applied Sci 420207 420211 420216 420218 0CC 0CC CCC CCC 420221 0CC RepI Seawall Ramps Sailing Ct 420222 420226 420228 420229 420230 420232 CCC 0CC CCC CCC CCC 0CC Bldg CHS and Lab Sciences New Learning Cntr Phi Upgrade Social Sci Bldg Upgrade Large Lecture Halls Urgrd Urgrd Urgrd Urgrd Urgrd Urgrd Womens Locker Rm ADA Soccer Field Baseball Field Stadium Site Dance Floors Fitness Center 3,300.57 2,846.00 2,818.00 2,772.23 2,425.50 2,144.00 2,050.00 2,009.66 1,795.00 1,763.00 1,673.00 1,520.87 1,520.00 1,350.00 1,260.00 1,245.47 907.60 898.00 754.26 547.73 518.92 487.50 420.00 311.83 301.00 284.00 281.90 180.00 165.00 100.00 $ 5,463,740.18 420356 420316 420241 420912 420233 420241 420222 420211 420101 420206 420101 420283 420241 420318 420222 420101 420356 420241 420399 420101 420247 420356 420316 420318 420101 420356 420316 420365 420253 420912 Check Approval Bond 420233 420236 420241 420242 420243 420246 420247 420248 420249 420250 420253 420256 420261 420262 420263 420264 420265 420266 420267 420268 420270 420271 420272 420273 420274 420277 420278 420283 420285 420288 420290 420296 420297 420299 420301 420306 420311 420316 420318 420326 420331 420333 420340 420346 420347 420348 420349 420356 420356 CCC lirgrd Softball Field 0CC Upgrd Info Tech Phi CCC East West Campus Utility Upgr CCC Upgrd Electrical Houses CCC Upgrd Utility Infrastructure CCC Upgrd Stu Svcs Gallery and Cafe CCC Upgrd Stu Svcs Watson Hall 0CC Special Student Svs CCC Student Center CCC Upgrd Parking Lots 0CC Campuswide Signage 0CC Faculty House Ph2 0CC Dance Floor B Art Ctr CCC Upgrd Lit and Lang Media Tech 0CC Upgrd Film Video Strg Art Ctr 0CC Upgrd Home Economics Bldg CCC Upgrd Student Center Bldg 0CC ECE Lab Classroom Addition 0CC Sculpture Storage Art Ctr CCC Chemistry Bldg Study Areas 0CC Upgrd Visual Perf Arts Clsrms 0CC Upgrd Ext Light Tech Skill Ctr CCC Upgrd Ext Lighting Tech Bldg 0CC Upgrd Computing Center 0CC Upgrd Lit and Lang Bldg 0CC Upgd Music Classrooms CCC Upgd Chemistry Classrooms 0CC Campuswide Landscape Project CCC New Student Center Bldg CCC Campuswide Exterior Lighting 0CC New Interdisciplinary Bldg 0CC Web Camera 0CC Temp Modular Bldgs CCC Misc Planning GWC Renovate Student Center GWC Upgrd Eroding Concrete Phi GWC Upgrd Info Technology Phi GWC Upgrd Utilities Campuswide Phi GWC Relocation Main Distr Facility GWC RpI Instruc Technology Equip GWC Upgrd Swimming Pool GWC Track Resurface and Rpr GWC Health Sci Expand Nursing Fac GWC Upgrd Intl Student Facility GWC Upgrd Student Services Facility GWC Upgrd Classrooms Phi GWC Library Stu Success Ctr GWC Learning Resource Ctr Phi GWC Learning Resource Ctr Phi Check Approval Bond 420361 420365 420399 420801 420811 420812 420826 420891 420892 420893 420894 420901 420906 420911 420912 420913 420996 420997 420999 GWC Rpr Cosmetology Facility Phi GWC Upgrd Energy Efficiency GWC Admin Facil Planning Gen CCC New Westminster Learning Ctr CCC Upgrd Security Safety Systems CCC Upgrd HVAC Systems CCC Upgrd Mech Coltrols Lighting CCC South District Learning Center CCC Instructional Systems Devi CCC Technology Center CCC Land Development Dist Repayment of COP and Debt Dist DW Transp Maint Faciltiy Dist Upgrd Info System Software Dist Upgrd Info Systems Implement Dist Upgrd Info Systems Hardware Dist DW Admin Accounts Dist Facilities Planning Bond Proj Dist General Reserves 3.06.04 Authorization for Special Payments Orange Coast College 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 3. Consent Calendar Action (Consent) Yes - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: Payment, NTE $4,000 to cover reasonable and allowable travel expenses, including airfare, lodging, meals, parking, and car rental, for applicants invited for first or second interviews for classified, faculty, or management positions. Names on file with the 0CC Personnel Department. Expenses to be paid from Staff Diversity funds. 4.01 Authorization to Enter Agreements Coastline Community College Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 4. Action Items Agenda Type: Action Public Access: Yes - 1. Authorization to Approve an Amended Agreement between, Inc. and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Offer Computer On-Line Training Programs to Members of the United States Armed Forces After review by the College President, Risk Services and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve an amended agreement between, Inc. and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College). The amendment modifies the agreement to reflect the company’s address change, outlines payment term changes and provides Coastline copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights to content added to, Inc. courses. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign the Agreement. (See Career Academy Amendment Attachment 1) - Fiscal Impact: Gross income of $36,000 for first year based on projection of 50 enrollments. 2. Authorization to Enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Army National Guard and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Provide Educational Support Services to the Army National Guard Community After review by the College President and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given for the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Army National Guard to provide educational support services to the Army National Guard community through the Education Support Center. The MOA will become effective when all required signatures are obtained and shall remain in effect until terminated by either party. It is further recommended that the Chancellor orVice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign the Agreement. (See MOU-Army National Guard Agreement Attachment 2) - Fiscal Impact: Projected Net Income to District $45,900 3. Authorization to Enter into a Sublease Agreement between Goodwill of Orange County, and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) for the Purpose of Space at the Orange County One-Stop Center in Irvine After review by the College President, District Risk Services, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended that authorization be given to enter into a sublease agreement between Goodwill of Orange County and Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) for use of 1,058 square feet for office space. Property is located at 125 Technology Drive West, Irvine, CA 92618. Term of the agreement is from September 1, 2008 through December31, 2009. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement. (See Goodwill Agreement Attachment 3) - Fiscal Impact: Monthly rent of $2,221.80 4. Authorization To Enter into an Amendment of Existing Lease between City Of La Habra, and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) for the Purpose of Leasing Space for the Youth Program at the Orange County One-Stop Center-Westminster Site After review by the College President, District Risk Services, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended that authorization be given to enter into an amended agreement between City of La Habra and Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) for the use of 745.14 square feet for office space located at the Orange County One-Stop Center in Westminster. Property is located at 5405 Garden Grove Boulevard, Westminster, CA 92683. Term of the amendment adds an additional 503.13 square feet of office space beginning July 1, 2008 through December31, 2009. The current agreement was Board approved February 21, 2007. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Amendment. (See City of La Habra Sublease Agreement Attachment 4) - Fiscal Impact: Monthly rent of $1,229.45 5. Authorization to Approve an Agreement between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Conduct Research for the Development of the Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI) Language Acquisition Project After review by the College President, the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, and District legal counsel, Rutan and Tucker, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to conduct research for the development of the Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI) game-based language acquisition courses and collaborative social world. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement (See Massachusetts Institute of Technology Agreement Attachment 5) - Fiscal Impact: No cost to District. Funded by a grant received from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 6. Authorization to Approve an Agreement between The Learning Games Network and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Design and Produce Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI) Language Acquisition Project After review by the College President, the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, and District legal counsel, Rutan and Tucker, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between The Learning Games Network and Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) for the design and development of the Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI) game-based language acquisition courses and collaborative social world. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement. (See The Learning Games Network Agreement Attachment 6) - Fiscal Impact: No cost to District. Funded by a grant received from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 7. Authorization to Approve an Agreement between The SuperGroup and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Design and Produce Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI) Language Acquisition Project After review by the College President, the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, and District legal counsel, Rutan and Tucker, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between The SuperGroup and Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to assist in the design and development of the Open Learning Language Initiative (OLLI) game-based language acquisition courses and collaborative social world. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement. (See The SuperGroup Agreement Attachment 7) - Fiscal Impact: No cost to District. Funded by a grant received from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 8. Authorization to Enter into an Amended Agreement between the County of Orange and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Operate the Orange County One-Stop Center North to Provide Workforce Investment Act Approved Programs — After review by the College President and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended that authorization be given to enter into an amended agreement between the County of Orange and Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to provide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services to eligible participants to include 15% Governor’s Discretionary Funding. The term of this agreement shall be for the period of July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement. Prior Board Approval: 5/7/08) (See WIA North Agreement Attachment 8) - Fiscal Impact: The County of Orange will reimburse Coastline Community College an additional $65,000 for a total of $2,676,898 for operation of these programs. 9. Authorization to Enter into an Amended Agreement between the County of Orange and the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to Operate the Orange County One-Stop Center South to Provide Workforce Investment Act Approved Programs — After review by the College President and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended that authorization be given to enter into an amended agreement between the County of Orange and Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College) to provide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services to eligible participants to include 15% Governor’s Discretionary Funding. The term of this agreement shall be for the period of July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. It is further recommended that the Chanceltor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement. Prior Board Approval: 5/7/08 (See WIA South Agreement Attachment 9) - Fiscal Impact: The County of Orange will reimburse Coastline Community College an additional $65,000 for a total of $2,301,609 for operation of these programs. CareerAcademyAmendment.pdl MOA-Army National Guard.pdf Goodwill Sublease AgreemenLpdl City ol La l-labra Sublease.pdf it it Massachusetts Institute ol Technology AgreemenLpdf The Learning Games Network Agreemenipdl The SuperSroup Agreement.pdI it it ~WIA NoithAmendrnentAgreementpdl WIA South AmendmentAgreernent.pdl 4.02 Authorization to Enter Agreements Golden West College - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 4. Action Items Information Yes r~awa~waa~ None Created önjoda~at ~ 23A~4 byDo~çs I4arp~r ~ ~s~_~; 4.03 Authorization to Enter Agreements Orange Coast College 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 4. Action Items Action Yes - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 1. Authorization to Approve a Standard Field Experience Affilation Agreement between Loyola Marymount University and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) After review by the College President, District Risk Services, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between Loyola Marymount University and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) for the field placement of a student, Stephanie Decker, as a counseling intern for the period August 18, 2008, through May 30, 2009. It is further recommended that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor Administrative Services be authorized to sign this Agreement. Fiscal Impact: None 2. Authorization to Approve an Agreement with EMI Network and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) After review by the College President, District Risk Services, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between EMI Network and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) to advertise in U.S. News & World Report in the September 1, 2008, issue. It is further recommended that the College President be authorized to sign this Agreement. (See EMI Agreement Attachment 10) - Fiscal Impact: Advertising cost of $11,400 to be paid from Outreach & Recruitment funds. 3. Authorization to Approve a Standard Field Experience Affiliation Agreement Between Luz Natanson and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) After review by the College President, District Risk Services, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between Luz Natanson and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) for field placement as a counseling intern for the period August 18, 2008, through May 30, 2009. It is further recommended that the College President be authorized to sign this Agreement. Fiscal Impact: None 4. Authorization to Approve a Non-Standard Agreement Between the City of Costa Mesa, a Municipal Corporation, and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) After review by the College President, District Risk Services, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to approve the Agreement between the City of Costa Mesa, a municipal corporation, and Coast Community College District (Orange Coast College) to engage in a cooperative agreement to promote the recycling of certain special products that are prohibited by law from being disposed of in landfills. The program is limited to all Costa Mesa Sanitary District residents and is not intended for business. DCC shall design and implement a program for household hazardous waste products (limited to household batteries and fluorescent light bulbs) to be dropped off in a safe setting for proper disposal. The City will provide oversight, pay for and monitor the collection, transportation, and proper disposal of household hazardous waste products. (See Regional Recycling Agreement Attachment 12) - Fiscal Impact: None EMI Network Contract.pdf Regional Recycling & Waste Diversion ContracLpdF Motion: ~reate&op’Iodayatii 2~A ~ ~ %~ a— 4.04 Buildings and Grounds Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 4. Action Items Agenda Type: Action Public Access: Yes 1. Authorization for Addendum No. 2 to LPA Architecture; Orange Coast College Interdisciplinary Building After review by the Orange Coast College Vice President of Administrative Services, Director of Facilities and Planning and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended by the Chancellor that authorization be given to accept Addendum No. 2 for additional architectural services Phase II for the Orange Coast College Interdisciplinary Building. The scope of service is to include the following tasks: 1. High voltage design services $13,200 2. Reimbursable expenses $ 4,600 It is further recommended that the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign the addendum to the agreement. Fiscal Impact: $17,800 (General Obligation Bond Fund/Measure C) Master Plan Approved Project 0CC Interdisciplinary Building 2. Authorization to Enter into a Lease Agreement with Mobile Modular Management; Coastline Community College Early College High School District Facilities and Planning is requesting on behalf of Coastline Community College, approval to lease DSA approved relocatable buildings for the Coastline Community College Early College High School (Costa Mesa Site). After review by the Director of Facilities and Planning and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, it is recommended that a contract be awarded to Mobile Modular Management Corporation in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 20652 (Purchase Through Public Corporation without Advertising for Bid). The Board is requested to approve the lease of a modular building utilizing the Santa Ana Unified School District Piggyback Bid No. 14-05 and that the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services be authorized to sign the contract documents. 1. 24 2.24 3.24 4.24 5.24 Month Month Month Month Month Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease #576875 #576876 #576877 #576878 #576879 $34,762.00 $17,100.00 $17,100.00 $17,100.00 $17,100.00 6.24 Month Lease #576880 $17,100.00 7. 24 Month Lease #576881 $15,262.00 8. 24 Month Lease #580828 $10,200.00 Fiscal Impact: $145,724.00 (Coastline Funds/Partially Reimbursed by Newport Mesa Unified School District) 3. Authorization to File Notice of Completion It is recommended that authorization be given to file a Notice of Completion on the following projects in compliance with Public Contract Code 7107 allowing for substantial completion by the public agency, or its agent (architect) of the work of improvement. Upon acceptance by the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, a Notice of Completion will be filed with the County of Orange Clerk Recorder’s Office. Thirty-five (35) days after filing of the Notice of Completion and public notification to all subcontractors, the District is authorized to pay fees due, accepting all work and/or materials as satisfactorily completed by the contractors. In the event of a dispute between the District and the Contractor, the District may withhold from the retention an amount not to exceed 150 percent of the disputed amount. Bid No. 1932; 0CC Learning Resource Center Security Contractor Hone~ell International, Inc. Bid No. 1943; 0CC Sailing Center Ground Treatment Contractor: Hayward Baker, Inc. 4.05 General Items of Business Coastline Community College 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 4. Action Items Action (Consent) Yes - Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 1. Authorization for Coastline Community College to Conduct a Short-Term Study Abroad Program in Italy during Summer 2009 After review by the Dean of Instruction, it is recommended by the Coastline Community College President that authorization be given to enter into a standard travel contractor agreement to conduct a program in Italy during Summer 2009. Patricia M. Scarfone, part-time instructor, to serve as faculty. All logistical arrangements will be handled by a service provider that will be submitted for approval at a later date. Fiscal Impact: No cost to the District. No replacement costs for faculty assigned to program. All payments by trip participants for travel services shall be made to the travel contractor. Travel contractor shall account to Coast Community College District for the total cost of the trip. 2. Authorization for Coastline Community College to Conduct a Short-Term Study Abroad Program in China during Summer 2009 After review by the Dean of Instruction, it is recommended by the Coastline Community College President that authorization be given to enter into a standard travel contractor agreement to conduct a program in China during Summer 2009. Jingfang Satow, part-time instructor, to serve as faculty. All logistical arrangements will be handled by a service provider that will be submitted for approval at a later date. Fiscal Impact: No cost to the District. No replacement costs for faculty assigned to program. All payments by trip participants for travel services shall be made to the travel contractor. Travel contractor shall account to Coast Community College District for the total cost of the trip. 3. Authorization for Coastline Community College to Conduct a Short-Term Study Abroad Program in Australia during Intersession 2010 After review by the Dean of Instruction, it is recommended by the Coastline Community College President that authorization be given to enter into a standard travel contractor agreement to conduct a program in Australia during Intersession 2010. Otto Richter, part-time instructor, to serve as faculty. All logistical arrangements will be handled by a service provider that will be submitted for approval at a later date. (Revision is to change program year. Prior Board Approval: 11/07/07) Fiscal Impact: No cost to the District. No replacement costs for faculty assigned to program. All payments by trip participants for travel services shall be made to the travel contractor. Travel contractor shall account to Coast Community College District for the total cost of the trip. 4. Authorization for Coastline Community College to Conduct a Short-Term Study Abroad Program in Mexico during Summer 2010 After review by the Dean of Instruction, it is recommended by the Coastline Community College President that authorization be given to enter into a standard travel contractor agreement to conduct a program in Mexico during Summer 2010. William Diaz-Brown, part-time instructor, to serve as faculty. All logistical arrangements will be handled by a service provider that will be submitted for approval at a later date. (Revision is to change program year. Prior Board Approval: 7/18/07) Fiscal Impact: No cost to the District. No replacement costs for faculty assigned to program. All payments by trip participants for travel services shall be made to the travel contractor. Travel contractor shall account to Coast Community College District for the total cost of the trip. ~r~sn 4.06 Resolutions Meeting: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting Category: 4. Action Items Agenda Type: Action Public Access: Yes 1. Adaption of Resolution to allow the County Superintendent of Schools to make Expenditure Transfers, As Needed, at the Close of Coast Community College District’s Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and During the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 It is hereby resolved that, at the close of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 and during the Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the County Superintendent of Schools may make such transfers between the Reserve for Contingencies and any expenditure classification or classifications or balance any expenditure classification of the budget of the District for such school year as are necessary to permit the payment of obligations of the District incurred during each school year. (Education Code Section 42601/85201). Fiscal Impact: None 5.01 Reports Continued Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 5. Continuation of General Information and Reports Information Yes 1. Report from the Employee Representative Groups 2. Reports from the Presidents 3. Reports from the Board of Trustees 4. Consideration of California Community Colleges Board of Governors Meetings September 8-9, 2008 November 3-4, 2008 Sacramento Sacramento ~tgenda Agenda Records Records 5. Opportunity for the Board to Review the Board Directives Log (See Attachment 11) - 8-6-08 Board Log.pdf 6. 2008-2009 Budget Update 7. Review of Board Meeting Dates August 20, 2008 September 3, 2008 September 17, 2008 October 1, 2008 October 15, 2008 November 5, 2008 November 19, 2008 December 10, 2008* Third Wednesday First Wednesday Third Wednesday First Wednesday Third Wednesday First Wednesday Third Wednesday Second Wednesday (Regular Meeting) (Regular Meeting/Budget) (Regular Meeting) (Regular Meeting) (Workshop Meeting) (Regular Meeting) (Regular Meeting) (Regular/Organizational Meeting) *tentative k ~!fl~ Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 5.02 Additional Informative Discussion Topics 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 5. Continuation of General Information and Reports Information Yes 1. Opportunity for the Board of Trustees to Discuss the Attachment Configuration of the Agenda At the request of the Chairperson of the Board, Trustees shall have the opportunity to discuss the attachment configuration of the Agenda. With the implementation of the BoardDocs agenda management application, attachments to the Agenda can be placed adjacent to each specific agenda section, as opposed to being placed at the end of the Agenda packet. Placing the attachments within the Agenda, adjacent to each specific item, would improve readability and flow of the Agenda during Board meetings. In addition, the modification of the Agenda attachments would provide numerous enhancements to Board Office operations and to many clients it serves throughout the District. Campus personnel that submit Agenda items would be able to reduce the need to print and collate large volumes of attachments, and would no longer need to submit those items to the Board Office via a hard copy within a tight deadline. Instead, attachments would be submitted to the Board Office electronically. By working with an electronic copy of each attachment, Board Office operations would be benefited by reductions of duplicate copies, elimination of delays in agenda processing, and minimizing the probabilty for human error in the Agenda production process. Managing agenda attachments in this fashion is also recommended by Emerald Data Solutions, the company which produces the BoardDocs application. There is a sample available in the Board Office for review. At this time, Trustees shall have the opportunity to discuss the attachment configuralion of the Agenda. 2. Opportunity for Board of Trustees to Discuss Study Session Agenda Format At the request of the Chairperson of the Board, Trustees shall have the opportunity to discuss the Study Session Agenda format. This Agenda format, adopted by the Board on April 2, 2008, would occur at the second monthly meeting, has an General Information and Reports section that only contains includes a review of the Board Meeting Dates, review of the Board of Trustees’ Directives Log, the Chancellor’s report, and the “District Agenda” categories, without any other reports. As a friendly reminder, the “District Agenda” consists of the following: 1. Create meaningful and implemented policies and procedures for program review (academic and administrative), based on carefully surveyed and monitored District educational needs, student learning outcomes, enrollment, overall effectivehess, and best use of limited resources among the three colleges and District offices. 2. In line with the prior task, refine and advance the relationships among the three colleges and the District offices, including creation of District-wide governance bodies and assumption of a more directive and active role for the chancellor’s office. The result will be active coordination of the District’s various components: While the District still will work through its three colleges, the chancellor’s offices also will play a far more significant role in helping the colleges to collaborate, respond to local need, and allocate funding accordingly. 3. Provide full, helpful, and District-wide-coordinated customer service, including course registration, support services, counseling for rapid program completion, technology, and assistance with transfers. 4. Prepare a succession plan for faculty, staff, and administration, based on careful identification of estimated dates of retirement and field of work and tied into District educational needs and program review. Included are training programs to develop future leaders from among those in the District’s employ. -- 5. Identify and build alternative local revenue sources, in foundations, corporations, land use, and elsewhere. 6. Capture all of the above in Vision 2020, a strategic plan for the District over the coming decade. Regular attention to it and updating as necessary are assumed. 7. Develop shared trust and vision, among trustees, board, and chancellor. At this time, Trustees shall have the opportunity to discuss the Study Session Agenda Format. r Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 5.03 Review of Buildings and Grounds Reports 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 5. Continuation of General Information and Reports Information Yes Review of Buildings and Grounds Reports Orange Coast College Sailing Center Upgrade (Addition of Women’s Locker Room in Boathouse) Architects: City Lights Design/BFA Programming Phase: February-March 2004 Working Drawings: April-December 2006 DSA Approval: December 2007 Bid Process: January 2008-February 2008 Construction Start: March 2008 Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond Project Status: The remodel construction work (Phase II) is underway and on schedule. Orange Coast College Center for Applied Science Renovation Architect: LPA Architecture (Construction Manager: Seville Group) Est. Construction: July 2007 August 2008 Notice to Proceed: July 9, 2007 Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond Status: The College is scheduled to take beneficial occupancy in Aug 2008 — Orange Coast College New Consumer Health & Science Lab Building Architect: LPA Architecture Final Project Proposal Phase: May 2005 Programming/Working Drawings: July 2007-March 2008 DSA Approval: April 2008-Augustl 2008 Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond and State Capital Outlay Funds Status: The architect has submitted the working drawings to DSA and expects to get back comments in August 2008. Orange Coast College East West Utility Proiect Architect: tBP Architecture (Construction Manager C.W. Driver) Est. Construction: December 2007 August 2008 Status: The construction manager is working on closeout for this project. — Golden West College Learning Resource Center Architect: Steinberg Group (Construction Manager: URS) DSA Approval: March 2008 Bid Process: Rebid in phases Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond Status: This project was bid in May 2008 but all bids were rejected. The project team has determined the best way to preserve the schedule is to bid this project as a multiple prime contract with URS Corp. acting as the construction category coordinators. The project will be bid in three phases. Phase I contracts are in place and construction is scheduled to start in August. Golden West College Health Science Building Architect: Perkins & Will (Construction Manager: Gafcon) Est. Construction: July 2007 July 2008 Notice to Proceed: July 9, 2007 Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond Status: The College is scheduled to take beneficial occupancy in August 2008. — Golden West College Energy Proiect ESCO Company: Southland Industries Construction: January 2007 Est. Completion: 2009 Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond Status: This project is on schedule. District Administration Building Architect: Bundy Finkel Architects (Construction Manager: C.W. Driver) Bid Awarded: March 2007 (Multiple Prime Contracts) Funding Source: Measure C General Obligation Bond and District Funds Status: Phase II (demolition of old buildings and construction of new parking lot) is underway and should be completed by August 2008. ~ --a: r1ttwçsy~3 ~r~t ‘•-v,~i~a~ ~ M9ntw~n4Y~cs~a~t v-rr-,rzz1rt Motion: -w ~ ~ - — ~- . - ‘- Adjournment Meeting: Category: Agenda Type: Public Access: 08/06/2008 Regular Meeting 6. Adjournment Information Yes . s~r~tw.:t~xr .;~.gc a~~w 4~ . - •~. .r .~.. . . ~ ~ ~~ ~%~zzz