ONLY NEWSPAPER - Heathrow Villager


ONLY NEWSPAPER - Heathrow Villager
OVER 120,000 readers fortnightly in Cranford, Harlington, Sipson,
Harmondsworth, Longford, Colnbrook, Langley, Stanwell Moor, Stanwell,
East Bedfont, West Bedfont, Hatton Cross, Ashford, Staines and on Heathrow Airport.
SATURDAY 23rd January 2016 ISSUE NO. 865
Recipient of British Airways BRING
Community Champion Award BACK
Heathrow barista wins world’s
best signature drink award
ocal barista,
Pratik Shrestha
Heathrow Airport Terminal Two store, was
announced the winner
of the world’s best Signature drink award,
in the 10th annual
Barista of the Year today at Tobacco Dock in
He was judged on
personality and performance, flair and passion
for coffee and on the
creativity of his winning
signature drink, the
Luxurious Cocoa Sensation. Pratik also took
part in an exhilarating
espresso race that saw
him against the clock,
producing seven perfect
espressos in a minute.
The prestigious international competition
saw Costa’s most accomplished baristas
come together to battle
for the Costa 2015
Barista of the Year title.
Pratik made it to the
final because he loves
engaging with his customers and enjoys his
coffee brightening up
their day. The judges
were particularly impressed with Pratik’s
passion and dedication
to the art and science
needed to master a perfect coffee.
The Barista of the
Year finalist has been
Heathrow Airport Terminal 2 Costa for a year
and a half and represented the London Region. Pratik was tested
on his ability to produce
a technically perfect cup
of hand-made coffee as
well as his knowledge
and understanding of the
Costa’s Master of
Coffee and Head Judge
of Barista of the Year
Gennaro Pelliccia said:
“Our people are the most
important ingredient in
our coffee and we’re
proud of all of the finalists having shown exceptional skill and passion. Pratik has stood
out from over 30,000
Costa Coffee baristas
around the world showing his creativity, pride
and talent in the art of
coffee. He has huge talent and I wish him the
best of luck in the future.”
The competition
marked its tenth anniversary with Klara
R o h e l f r o m
the Annadale Water
Roadchef store
crowned Costa 2015
Year. She joins the list
of prestigious Barista of
the Year winners
who have since gone on
to undertake roles across
the Costa business. The
list includes Kat Finch
from the UK, who won
the competition as a
Store Manager in 2008
and is now the Regional
Operational HR Manager at Costa South East
Asia and India, living in
Huang, the 2014 winner
from China who now
develops Costa Coffee’s
new drinks in the region
and Victoria Stewart the
2012 winner who now
works in the Costa UK
HR team and organised
this year’s landmark
Three brothers banned from parts of Spelthorne
Three notorious
have been banned
Spelthorne after Surrey Police officers successfully obtained
Anti-Social Behaviour
Injunction Orders
against them at court.
The injunctions
against Nick Little, 25,
his younger brothers
Matthew, 21, and 18year-old Benjamin
were all issued under
new legislation introduced as part of the
Behaviour Crime and
Policing Act 2014.
The orders were
imposed following
representations from
Surrey Police officers
and partner agencies
during a hearing at
Redhill County Court
on Tuesday, 5 January.
All three brothers
have been responsible
for a series of recent
offences in the
Spelthorne area – including several incidents of violence and
harassment and public order offences.
Neighbourhood Sergeant Iain Scott said:
behaviour of all three
brothers over a sustained period of time
had become a constant
plight on the local
community and that
will not be tolerated
in Surrey.
“The successful applications for the AntiSocial Behaviour injunctions have been
achieved thanks to
several months of
hard work by Surrey
Police officers and
partner agencies.
“The decision to
impose anti-social
behaviour restrictions
and criminal legislation is not one taken
1571: Queen Elizabeth I
opened The Royal Exchange in London.
1806: William Pitt the
Younger, twice prime
minister, died at the age
of 47. He first took office at the age of 24.
1849: British-born Elizabeth Blackwell qualified
in the USA as the first
female doctor.
1943: British troops recaptured Tripoli from the
1955: Spanish dictator
General Franco reinstated the monarchy, allowing Prince Juan
Carlos to claim the
1963: Former British intelligence agent Kim
Philby was reported
missing after failing to
meet his wife at a dinner
party in Beirut. Philby
was a former colleague
of Guy Burgess and
Donald Maclean who
fled to Moscow in 1955.
1973: US President Richard Nixon told American TV viewers his government had reached an
agreement to end the war
in Vietnam. ∂
lightly but the nature
of the offences being
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committed by the
Little brothers was
making life a misery
for many Sunbury
“I hope the action
we have taken in this
case reassures the
community that we
take their concerns seriously and will look
at all of the options
available in order to
address problems impacting on residents.”
The conditions of
the ASB injunctions
prohibit all three men
Causing alarm, harassment or distress to
anyone in Surrey.
Approaching or
contacting a number
of named individuals.
Entering the area
outlines in the map at
any time unless travelling in a motor vehicle in either direction on the M25 or
A308, providing they
remain within the vehicle and obey the
rules of the road.
The orders all expire on January 4 2018
and the three brothers can be arrested if
they are found to have
breached any of the
prohibitions during
that time.
If anyone witnesses
any of the Little brothers breaching any of
the conditions of their
injunction they should
call Surrey Police on
101, or report it online
Bob Paisley, 1919:
Liverpool footballer who
took over as manager
following the retirement
of the legendary Bill
Bill Gibb, 1943: British
fashion designer who
became an iconic figure
in 1960s and ’70s.
Princess Caroline of
Monaco, 1957: Eldest
child of Prince Rainier
and Princess Grace.
Arjen Robben 1984:
Netherlands and Bayern
Munic h footballer, who
also played for Chelsea
and Real Madrid.
Niall Horan, 1993:
Irish-born member of
boy band One Direction
who have won multiple
musical awards.
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Page 2 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 ISSUE 865
deluge Tory
Among the first of the
cuts imposed by the incoming Tory government in 2010 was
Labour’s flood defences
investment programme,
backed by every significant expert advisory
body. Why was this
party-politically contentious?
Contributors to the
plan were as varied as
Staines Road,
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agency, the police, the
fire rescue service and
the National Audit Office. All were disregarded.
The capital expenditure thereby ‘saved’ has
been deluged, in 2011,
2013, 2014 and especially 2015, by billions
of pounds worth of false
economics. Tory policy
causes catastrophe.
Only by chance where the rain actually
fell - is the Thames Valley spared, so far, the
consequent disasters.
The avoidable human
suffering is beyond calculation.
The environment
agency, backed by the
National Audit Office
demonstrates that for
every £1 ‘saved’ by austerity, dogma deficit
decisions, £8 worth of
damage, loss and clean
up cost is incurred. The
deficit grows.
flounder as the country
Harold Trace
Spelthorne Labour
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Since 2013 people living south of Heathrow have
been on tenterhooks to discover the route of the
proposed Southern Rail Access. This we have been
told is to link the Airport with Staines. George
Osborne , in a statement to Parliament, gave a
deadline for finalisation of details as 2015. Indeed
I have been told by the local Council that the work
was due to be completed in the middle of the year.
Naturally people in this area were keen to hear
particulars, especially of the planned route, to see
how their properties might be affected.
We became particularly concerned when Sir
Howard Davies’ report on Airport Expansion said
this particular community (Stanwell) might face
‘severance’ issues (though what these were was not
spelled out.) Repeated Freedom of Information
requests to Network Rail ( charged with planning
SRA) have been rebuffed with comments to the
effect that, incredibly, ‘ the ‘scheme is in its infancy’ and commercial considerations forbid the
divulging of detail.
2016 has not unfortunately brought further illumination – in fact the plot has thickened and local
concern has increased. A local paper has revealed
that Heathrow and Hounslow Council are proposing
a new station at Bedfont to cater for the SRA route,
though now it seems the railway is to go from the
Ashford-Feltham line to Terminal 5. Just to confuse
the picture yet further I received today a communication from the Department of Transport in response
to enquiries I had lodged with 10 Downing Street. It
read , no more no less (and I quote),
‘Dear The Rev Andrew McLusky (sic)
Heathrow expansion
Yours sincerely ‘
That was all! Whether this was an early April 1
joke or something else I am at a loss to say.
At the very least I and other residents who might
reasonably fear they will be affected by the SRA
scheme now surely have a right to a full explanation
of what on earth has been going on.
Yours very truly, Andrew McLuskey
Diamedes Avenue, Stanwell
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Decontamination Plant
This is my response to the front page article of
Issue No. 864, Saturday 9th January 2016.
I am puzzled by the comments made by both
Cllr. Beardsmore and Cllr. Evans regarding the
Hithermoor Quarry plans to treat decontaminated
Firstly, the account of 300 lorries per day (600
if you count in their exit journeys) travelling to the
site. This would equate to 30 lorries per hour (say
between 07.00hrs - 17.00hrs), quite a ridiculous
statement by Cllr. Evans. That would mean either
a lorry arriving or a lorry departing every single
minute, something on a par with flight departures
and flight arrivals at nearby Heathrow Airport. I
doubt if the Hithermoor Quarry site could cope
with such a continual stream of traffic, let alone the
daily soil quanties.
In any event, the council and it’s environmental
specialists should be able to monitor activities at
the site to ensure that if there is any adverse impact
on local roads or the community in general, the
quarry owners pay for any proven deterioration of
road surfaces or provide protection from any increased noise levels. The whole site should be
totally secured against any unauthorised entry at all
times of the day or night and I would also expect
those authorities who grant their licences to operate
such a business, to restrict the hours of operation to
ones in keeping with the local community wishes.
Turning to Cllr. Beardsmore’s concern of the
possibility of radio-active soil soil coming via
Heathrow Airport.
I would imagine the majority of people would
be mortified to know if any nuclear contaminated
waste was being transported either via the airport or
close to the airport, given the huge volumes of
people passing through it on a daily basis. But is
Cllr. Beardsmore just scaremongering ?
Any waste, however contaminated, poses a potential risk to the people living and working in the
surrounding areas but think on this, if those who
oppose the future of Heathrow and wish to see the
demise of the airport, what do they think could
become of this entire area if they get their wish ?
Could this freed-up land be used as a dumping
ground for contaminated waste or turned into a
massive landfill site ?
Stark choices have to be made, and soon.
Ray Ashby
Support the striking
doctors - and the NHS
There are two agendas in the inevitable industrial
Health Secretary and Tory MP, multimillionaire, close minion of Rupert Murdoch, Jeremy
Hunt seeks the end of the National Health Service.
In 1948 every Tory MP voted against its inception, now, Hunt seizes on the deficit ‘reduction’
ruse to destroy it.
Read Mr Hunt’s book for evidence.
The case for the junior doctors is compelling
evidence for striking being the only way to save it
- their agenda.
Here, in summary, is as presented by the BMA:
•Doctors spend five years at university, incur
debt of £70,000 and earn a basic salary of £28,000.
• A doctor already works weekends and nights.
The so-called ‘weekend death increase’ is demolished by the Office of National Statistics as a myth.
• Most doctors, because of understaffing, work
up to three hours overtime per day. Thus he is paid
at £12 per hour.
• Hunt intends to impose even worse conditions
- rejected by 98 per cent of doctors on a 79 per cent
In Hunt’s diktat, ‘overtime’ will only start after
87 hours per week - a frightening level for patient
• Under the EU working time directive the
figure should be cut to 47, and, even so, should be
avoided by proper staffing’. Sleepless doctors may
make mistakes.
• Hunt, whilst with nauseating hypocrisy praises
the NHS, actually seeks to destroy it, as doctors
leave it in droves.
• Then, as wealth not health guides the action,
‘can’t afford the doctor’, will return from the hungry Tory thirties.
G Gray
Feltham Hill Road, Ashford.
Dear Councilors Denise Saliagopoulos, Quentin
Edgington and Tony Harman.
There You are our elected councilors for
Laleham and Riverside and there are many of your
constituents worrying and not sleeping well because flooding might occur again soon and they
will be forced out of their homes and once again
suffer appalling conditions.
I am very disappointed in the lack of response
since November 2nd from anyone and more particularly the lack of any action which could probably make life a lot easier for so many of your
constituents. I feel that a good opportunity has been
missed now that the river Thames has risen by
about 3 feet below the Penton Hook Lock and
water is backing up Sweeps Ditch very fast as it
always does. This creates pressure on drainage in
the Wheatsheaf Lane area leading to floods and
will only get worse as more rain falls in the Thames
Valley basin.
It seem that rather than wait for the whole area
to flood again a temporary block on the entrance to
Sweeps ditch could be achieved with a sheet of
thick marine plywood held in place by sandbags.
The history of Sweeps Ditch Problems is vast and
in 2003 it was suggested by experts that a one way
swing flap valve gate was fitted to alleviate flooding of this area. A golden LOW COST opportunity
missed .
Why we let the E U tells us not to dredge our
rivers as was always done in the past is very
undemocratic . Having won two world wars to
secure our Freedom, Independence, and Culture
we have been badly served by recent political
parties who have sacrificed nearly everything we
hold dear to foreign control by the E U. This must
change as we vow in memory every Armistice
Sunday service.
Our ladies of western cultures worked very hard
to gain equality with men ,and with it the vote in
1900. We now so well how they have benefitted all
we do in every field of our lives.. Now just one
hundred years later we see that this achievement
and benefit to us all under attack in Europe by
foreigners who treat their females in a very different way. Surely people who are given refuge and
domicile in any country should be expected to obey
the laws and customs of the host country. Please
can we get some action on Sweeps Ditch.
Thank you
Terry Lyden , Laleham
Ashford Rotary
Collections in
Ashford and Stanwell
Our December Christmas plans were affected by
some local issues which was disappointing and I
asked you all to give generously and I am pleased to
say that you have a Big Thank you!.
Our President Wrote:I would Like to thank all the Residents of Ashford
and Stanwell for the wonderful Response to Our
Christmas Appeal.
The Total for this year was over £9000-00 the
Largest amount ever in our fifty years of collections.
Many Local individuals and organizations benefit from your generosity.
Being our 50th year this year it is particularly
rewarding for our club .
President Vernon Leader
Stamp team raises
over £9900 for St
Luke’s Hospice!
ST LUKE’S Hospice stamp team are pleased to
announce that the total sales for the year from 1st
November 2014 to 31st October 2015 was £9972.
Volunteers Margaret Wheatley and Mary Hudson
said: ‘This figure is slightly more than last year
despite the team having lost one helper, three of the
regular team suffering close family bereavements
and two members having to cope with burglaries.
Our thanks go to all the helpers right from the
people who donate stamps through to the shops’
staff without whom they would not be sold.’
ISSUE 865 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 Page 3
Exciting times for Brooklands College Stanwell taxi drivers
Exciting news for
Brooklands College, after several years of hard
work to establish a new
Ashford Campus with
modern facilities for
students. The campus
will be moving in September 2016 to land
next to Thomas Knyvett
College in Stanwell
Road Ashford. Work on
the new site is progressing well for the new
campus building and
sports Hall and the official ground breaking
ceremony is taking
place this Friday with
dignitaries and senior
staff from
Brooklands College
and Thomas Knyvett
The new campus is
still only minutes away
from Ashford station
and close to local bus
routes. New students
enrolling on Ashford
based courses in 2016
and those in the second
year of their current
course will be the first
to benefit from the specially designed campus
building with first class
Courses that are run
from Ashford include;
Beauty Therapy, Business and Enterprise,
Childcare, Construction, GCSEs, Hairdress-
It has been known for
sometime that there are
serious health issues
connected with airport
pollution .
The danger to public
health has not been
properly considered by
the Airports Commission .
This has only recently be quantified by
research work carried
out by the Stony Brook
University of New York
who found that nine out
of ten cancers are caused
by external environmental factors such as air
pollution .
Until this new research has been properly evaluated ,no Government is going to approve a scheme that involves an additional
300’000 flights and 25
million extra road journeys a year over one of
the most densely populated areas of London .
The Government has
acted responsibly in putting public health as a
priority, before the interests of Heathrow Ltd
and pausing any decision .
Yours faithfully
Name and Address
Supplied .
ing, Health and Social
Princes Trust and adult
courses including DIY
building courses, ESOL
courses, adult hair and
beauty courses and English and Maths courses
at different levels. The
college also works with
local employers providing a range of apprenticeships and business
related courses which
support to grow and
achieve their targets.
Until the move takes
place it is business as
usual at the campus with
this year’s full-time students settled on their
courses and working
hard to achieve their
Watchdog calls for better
compensation for rail commuters
As MPs demand improvements to rail services, London’s independent passenger
watchdog has once
again called for changes
to the way that delay
repay compensation is
Over the last 18
months performance on
many of the rail services
into London each day
has got progressively
worse. Even with a reduced timetable and performance targets pas-
sengers continue to suffer from delays and cancellations and there are
no signs of things getting better.
L o n d o n
TravelWatch has been
making the point that
passengers can be delayed by 10-15 minutes
day after day yet never
be eligible for any recompense despite the
impact these can have
on their quality of life.
L o n d o n
TravelWatch Chair,
ear ors
Do en
ll Dr
• Ca get the s for
and dream he cost
of m ction of hen!
a f new k
of a
Stephen Locke commented: ‘Passengers
want trains to turn up on
time and get them to their
destination within five
minutes of the scheduled
time. But on too many
occasions during the last
18 months they have had
to endure continuing delays and cancellations.
The latest data strengthens still further our call
for the Department for
Transport to reduce the
compensation threshold
from 30 to 15 minutes.
At present many passengers are simply not getting the service they are
paying for.’
watchdog thinks all new
franchises should have
the 15 minute cut-off
built into them and existing franchises need to
be modified. In the
meantime train operators might want to consider making gestures of
goodwill to customers
suffering continued
poor service.’
New Year’s
This year make a
resolution you can keep!
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become an affordable reality...
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01784 737032
I’m hoping that with the
help of the news paper you
would be able to ask the
police and council to help
us, a taxi firm called Uber
have being using the car
park in Lauser Road
Stanwell behind the flats on
Town Lane as parking 24/
7 they are parked there all
day, they urinate in bottles
and throw them out of the
cars, urinate down the side
of the alleys, do their poos
in bags and leave them, and
they are just noisy when
asked to move their cars so
we can park as they take all
the parking spaces. We are
told no, so have to find elsewhere to park. I live in the
flats on Town Lane and the
main parking for us is on
the main road and they park
in our bays and just sit there
for hours they also park
across the road down Town
Farm Way and down the
side of the flats at Lauser
Road there can be sometimes up to 30-40 cars at
one time. It is just getting
ridiculous they have been
known to assault a man at
Oaks Road in Stanwell Village as well.
As residents feel a bit
intimated as when we go
out they stare and when we
are in our flats they stare up
at our flats and put their
lights on so they shine into
the flats. All you can hear
all night is doors slamming
and engines it gets really
annoying as we should be
able to live without this, our
children are seeing people
urinate in the car park and it
isn’t fair on them. The children can not play outside as
they drive in and out of the
car park 24/7 the children
used to ride their bikes and
cannot play football out
there as they are parked
there. I was wondering if
you could do an article on
this to try and make people
aware of this and hopefully
something can be done. I
have attatched a few photos
of this.
Name supplied
Free Wi-Fi, Asian Food,
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422 Bath Road, Longford UB7 OEB
Inside Heathrow Spring Health Gymnasium
The Herald of Spring
Page 4 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 ISSUE 865
Man charged following
Egham attempted
serious sexual assault
A man has been charged in connection with an allegation of attempted serious
sexual assault in Runnymede.
Officers were called to the Rusham Road area of Egham at around 6.30am
on Friday, 15 January after witnesses were concerned for the safety of a woman
in her 30s at the location. The victim is being supported by specialist officers.
Later the same day a man was arrested in connection with this incident.
On the evening of Sunday, 17 January, Murilo Lopez Dacosta, 26, of Caddy
Close in Egham was charged with attempted rape, threats to kill and possession
of an offensive weapon. He has been remanded in police custody to appear at
South East Surrey Magistrates Court on Monday, 18 January.
Moaning Middleton part 10
SO what’s new in the
Heathrow area since
our last issue? Lots and
lots. Just one of them
being the introduction
in Longford of a fabulous new eatery,
Heathrow Sushi. The
owner and chef being
one Rana who did such
fabulous food in a different Longford establishment until last autumn.
Rana, together with
his handsome young
son Muaz do the back
breaking hard work in
Choice of two fridge freezers
Two washing machines in excellent condition
Small washing machine suitable for mobile home
Two DVD players, teletext phone and printer
Two hardwood dining tables (small and large)
Also many more domestic appliances
All sold with guarantee
Call anytime 07929 127 420
your diet
with a weekly organic
vegbox delivered free
to your door
the kitchens along with
all the usual sous and
commi chefs, as well
as maintaining a spotless open kitchen. The
decor looks like it came
from an exceptionally
high end magazine.
Our family were invited along for the
grand opening on
Monday 11th January
and although the car
park is a little small,
patience pays off as the
entrance is straight
from the car park, so
not too much bother
what the weather is
doing, and just up on
the first floor is this
amazing establishment which shares
part of the building
that is Spring Health
Thistle Hotel.
Due to its location
on the first floor, it is
warm and cosy with
covers for approximately 40 and is open
Monday through to
Thursday 11am to
10pm and longer on
the weekends. For
those of you who don’t
like or won’t eat sushi
there is an extensive
menu which includes
soup, rolls, all sorts of
(name your fillings),
burgers, salad etc etc.
There is, of course,
smaller portions for
Having stuffed our-
a dangling
400 page
cook book
up to
4th vegbox free
order today
01803 762059
*Quote REFRESH3 to get your free book with your 2nd order
and your 4th vegbox free. T&Cs apply. See website for details.
selves full of sushi, we
went on to a plain omelettes with fries and
salad. One of just
about the best I’ve had,
except my own of
course, at the mere cost
of £3.90.
It came to my attention last week that a local Public House is now employing
a new type of slavery. Recently a part-time barman worked for this establishment for 43 hours, he is a consciencious worker and was expecting 43 hours
pay at the agreed rate. In reality he was paid for only 10 hours work.
The management (a man working there-probably a misuse of the term
manager) advised him that the the person who engaged him had not the
authority to employ him and as the real manager was apparently only aware of
him working 10 hours. This means he got approximately 1.03 per hour.
This same pub last year was taken to the smalls claims court for not paying
severanceand holiday pay to another worker.
This has now been settled in favour of the former employee. Perhaps the
regulars should start reducing the amouat they pay for drinks by a similar
margin. I have deliberately not named the Pub in question as I feel sure the
locals who may read this will know which one it is.
George Middleton
Plane Stupid
activists plead
not guilty
Monday 18th January 2016, saw the trial of the
thirteen Plane Stupid activists arrested last July for
occupying Heathrow’s northern runway commenced in Willesden Magistrates’ Court. The trial
is scheduled to last for two weeks, with a final
judgement expected to be delivered on Friday 29th
January at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court at 2pm.
The activists are all pleading not guilty to charges
of aggravated trespass and being unlawfully airside
without authority.
Several defence witnesses will be called, among
them the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer and
MP for Hayes and Harlington, John McDonnell, as
well as the Green party mayoral candidate, Sian
Berry, and eminent climate scientist Alice BowsLarkin.
A demonstration in support of the activists took
place outside the court this morning, organised by
campaign group Reclaim the Power. Over a hundred local residents and activists including Green
Party leader Natalie Bennett staged a ‘red line’
protest, with giant two meter high inflatable cobblestones highlighting the agreement made in Paris
last month, and the incompatibility of that agreement with aviation expansion.
A spokesperson for Plane Stupid, Sam Jones
“Plane Stupid took action last July to stop emissions from aircraft. Aviation is the fastest growing
source of carbon emissions and Heathrow is the
biggest airport in the Europe by a long way. Building a third runway would cross a red line that would
jeopardise our ability to combat climate change.
“This isn’t about people taking business trips, or
their annual holidays: this is about the minority of
frequent leisure fliers who take trips to their second
homes, weekend breaks and tax havens – that 15%
of the UK population takes 70% of the UK’s flights.
“David Cameron famously asserted in 2010 that
Heathrow would not be expanded, “no ifs, no buts”.
The fact that the government is now U-turning
spectacularly on this promise demonstrates why
you can’t leave this sort of thing to politicians
“Plane Stupid has been taking action against
airport expansion for nearly a decade, and we aren’t
going anywhere. We are in it for the long haul.
System broken
Robert Evans
Over 17,500 primary children in supersize classes in Surrey, as schools try
to cope with pressure on places
As parents rushed to meet the deadline for
primary school applications this week (15th January), new analysis published by the Labour Party
reveals the worrying impact of the Government’s
failed approach to planning for school places.
Robert Evans, Labour Member of Surrey County
Council, said:
“The Government’s obsession with Free
Schools, at the expense of opening other types of
schools, is not working for Surrey parents or children across the County. Soaring numbers of children in Surrey will continue to be crammed into
ever-expanding classes, as the only option left for
many schools. I fear that some families applying
this week will go straight onto a waiting list with no
offer of any school place.”
“As a former Surrey primary teacher myself,”
commented Cllr Evans, “I’m really disturbed that
we seem to be going backwards. Today’s figures
suggest that over seventeen thousand Surrey children are now being taught in classes of over
thirty and several hundred in classes over thirty
“This is not good for teachers or for the children.
Surrey parents need to stand up and be very vocal
if their children are being taught in over-crowded
classes. I urge them to talk to Headteachers and
Governors, and ask them what is going on! If it
were me, I’d be writing to my MP as well!” added
Robert Evans
“The current system for planning new places is
essentially broken, “ added Robert Evans.
“ It is time for the Conservatives to abandon
their ridiculous fixation with Free Schools, which
are evidently not addressing the growing pressure
on school places nor driving up standards, and put
the urgent need for sufficient good school places
ISSUE 865 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 Page 5
Sebastien Foucan, of the Foucan Freerunning Academy takes the students of Cranford Community College through their paces at Avenue Park
There were lots of
London’s first purp o s e - b u i l t
freerunning course in
Cranford this week, as
Hounslow Council
launched a threemonth fun-packed activity programme.
S t u d e n t s
from Cranford Community College took
part in coaching sessions under the guidance of freerunning
founder Sebastien
Foucan of the Foucan
Academy, who himself has showed off his
expert skills in the acrobatic sport in the
James Bond film, Casino Royale.
Freerunning incorporates movement using apparatus - like
the climbing frames in
Freerunners gain confidence by trying different ways of getting
around a course following basic moves
and routines which in
turn also build up fitness levels.
Alan Fraser, assistant headteacher,
Cranford Community
College said: “We’re
delighted to be involved in this project
and really interested
to see how this will
build confidence and
resilience in our young
people. I’m confident
this programme will
have a lasting impact
on lots of our students.”
Freerunning sessions for Cranford
Community College
students will run for
12 weeks and have
been arranged by
Hounslow Council
and the Foucan
Freerunning Academy with funding also
coming from London
Sport. 80 students will
take part in the
programme which
forms part of the
council’s new Activate
Avenue project.
The freerunning
programme also further cements the
council’s aim of providing programmes
and facilities for residents, young and old,
to get fit and healthy
and enjoy use of the
borough’s parks and
open spaces in as
many different ways
as possible.
Mr Foucan, who
personally helped design the freerunnning
apparatus and course,
was joined by coach
Jacob PeregrineWheller to take the
youngsters through
their paces and was
delighted with their
Mr Foucan said:
“The students looked
like they really enjoyed it and that’s an
important part of doing something to get
fit and active, you have
to enjoy it.
“For some, it was a
bit daunting at first
but once they had a
few attempts, they
soon got into it. Not
only does it create confidence in the individual but also encourages team work
“I think it’s fantastic that Hounslow
Council is supporting
this programme and I
hope we can continue
to run more of these
sessions in the future.”
The freerunning
course was launched
last summer at Avenue Park, only to be
torched by arsonists a
few days later. But following repairs by the
council, the park was
re-opened to the borough again last October.
Member for Public
Health and Leisure,
Hounslow Council
said: “Following the
mindless act of vandalism and the hard
work to restore the facilities in the park, it’s
fantastic to see these
activities taking place
in Avenue Park once
“The park is something for the local
community to be
proud of and we also
want to encourage everyone to be active and
try different sports.
This is a great example
of both.”
Open Mornings
Saturday 30th January 2016: 10.00am to 12.00pm
Wednesday 3rd February 2016: 9.30 to 11.30am
Wednesday 27th April 2016: 9.30 to 11.30am
01784 450909
Page 6 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 ISSUE 865
New additions to the Helping support
Wings & Wheels team homeless this winter
Wings & Wheels are
excited to announce two
new recruits to the team
this year, Ed Lowman
and Laura Johnson.
Both have been regulars at the show over the
past few years and are
keen car and plane enthusiasts.
Ed (24) will be taking up the position as
Events Coordinator,
whilst Laura (19) will
be joining as PR, Marketing and Events Assistant.
Joining us from Help
for Heroes where he
worked as a Regional
Coordinator, Ed will be
project managing the
Wheels Zone and
Camping, as well as assisting with the recently
launched Surrey Hills
Challenge. Ed has a
strong passion for
motorsport, spending
one weekend a month
leading a service crew
for a rally team and has
recently gained his
MSA Co-Driver license.
He is currently in training for the Bournemouth
Marathon, and has previously cycled from
Edinburgh to London!
Ed Lowman,
comments: “I
can’t wait to get
started at Wings
& Wheels, I
have been lucky
enough to attend
the show for the
last four years,
through working for Help for
Heroes. I’m
looking forward
to putting my
petrol head side
to good use and
show to get bigger and better.”
Laura has recently moved to
Dunsfold to take
on her first office role. She has
a keen interest in
aviation and has
been a volunteer
with The Vulcan
to the Sky Trust
for the past eight
years which
means that she, too, has
been a regular visitor to
W&W. Laura is a keen
gymnast and football
supporter. She comes
from a Musical Theatre
background and loves
dancing! She has been
Valerie Bosleys
Charity News...
St Mary’s Church in central Slough, continues to
provide Saturday Lunchtime Concerts, each week
at 12noon, and lasting around 35 minutes. The
Concerts are free of charge, although contributions
towards costs and for refreshments, are always
January 23 David Oldfield Organ
January 30 Carole Sevestre & Tuomi-Nikula
Piano Duets
February 6 Chorate Chamber Choir
Conductor Nigel Wills
February 13 Ian May Organ
February 20 Charley Brighton Euphonium, with
Malcolm Stowell, organ.
February 27 Henry Macey Organ.
Berkshire Carers [formerly The Princess Royal
Trust Carers Service] offers Support Groups in
Ascot, Datchet/Wraysbury, Windsor and many
other locations within he area.TheWindsor Group
meets at Dedworth Green Baptist Church Hall,
Smith’s Lane Windsor SL4 5PE, on February 8
from 10.30-12noon.
The Datchet/Wraysbury group, meet at The Day
Centre, Horton Road, Datchet SL3 9HR, on February 24 from 10.30am-12.30pm.
Details of other services can be obtained from 0800
988 5462.
The Soroptimists of Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead will be organising a walk to mark International Women’s Day 2016. This will take place at
Dorney Lake in the morning of Sunday March 13,
finishing at the Olympic Suite where a soup and
sandwich lunch will be served. The cost £10 includes a donation to charity. Details from
Heathrow Special Needs Centre- located on the A4,
Bath Road, at Longford-welcomes visitors to look
around, assist and to befriend the animals. Some of
the resident animals, themselves have special needs
and most of them love being petted.. The organisers
are always pleased when help in offered. They
particularly welcome groups with dementia and
parties of Learning Disabled people..
They have recently opened a Charity Shop within
their premises, and welcome goods for sale. You
could probably pick up a bargain too. Details 01753
Please send information for future reports to or 01628 630622.
Some of the most vulnerable people in Hillingdon
are getting extra support this winter thanks to
partnership working between Hillingdon Council
and St. Mungo’s, Broadway.
Homeless people are being supported by the
opening of a temporary winter shelter that will
provide accommodation for up to eight men from
across the borough at any one time. The shelter
opens on 18 January and runs until the end of
An appeal for volunteers to support this important initiative has also been launched as well as
donations of food, as breakfast and evening meals
will be provided to those who stay. Volunteers will
help run the centre and assist with activities, cooking and generally helping the men.
Cllr Philip Corthorne, the council’s Cabinet
Member for Social Services, Health and Housing,
said: “Helping vulnerable people during the cold
to many air shows with
the Vulcan, but her
favourite is our very
own Wings and Wheels,
as it was her first air
show as a Volunteer.
Laura Johnson comments: ‘I’ve been coming to Wings & Wheels
with the Vulcan to the
Sky team for over seven
years now, and love the
show. Aviation has always been a keen interest of mine and so working with the Wings &
Wheels team is a dream
come true!”
Wings & Wheels returns to Dunsfold Aerodrome on Saturday 27th
and Sunday 28th August
2016. Visitors have previously enjoyed the
world famous Red Arrows, RAF Eurofighter
Typhoon, Chinook, The
Blades and a host of
other modern and historic aircraft during the
five hour flying displays. The aviation lineup will be announced in
winter months is a priority for every local authority
at this time of year and we are proud to support this
valuable initiative.”
Luton Sinfield, St Mungo’s Assistant Director,
said: “ As temperatures drop, there is a real danger
for homeless people’s lives if they sleep outside.
We will be giving people a warm bed and a hot meal
but will also be looking to the future and people’s
long term recovery from being homeless. We are
thrilled that Hillingdon Council has agreed to support this initiative so that the shelter will be also an
opportunity to enable people to make some positive
steps in their lives.”
If you are interested in volunteering or making
a donation, please contact Nadeem Janjua at St.
emailing or calling 07736
Heathrow to invest
£105m to create
green spaces
For four and two
wheeled fans, supercars
and classic and vintage
icons put on an awe inspiring display of power
and speed on the Top
Gear track in a two hour
auto spectacular from
Brooklands Museum,
and over in our Wheels
Zone you can expect an
array of interactive and
static displays.
Did you see
accident in
Surrey Police is continuing to appeal for information following a fail to stop collision between a car
and a bicycle in Staines last month.
The incident took place in Woodthorpe Road at
the junction with Kingston Road around 5-30pm on
30 December. The cyclist, who is in his 50s, suffered a fractured pelvis and was taken to hospital as
a result of the collision.
The car is believed to have been a light-coloured
hatchback and the driver was thought to have been
a man. The driver did stop initially alongside the
cyclist and shouted “you went through on amber”
before driving off.
A passing motorist who witnessed the incident
stopped to assist the cyclist.
Officers are carrying out a number of enquiries
but would like anyone who witnessed the collision
or with any other information to contact them
straightaway. If you can help, please call Surrey
Police on 101, quoting incident reference
P15332110 or you can use the online reporting
system found at
Heathrow expansion has potential to create new and enhanced public green
spaces that will be four times the size of Hyde Park
More than £105 million available in expansion plans for new community
buildings and green space creation
Transformational improvements to Colne Valley Regional Park would reduce
flood risk, protect biodiversity and create new public spaces for people to
Images unveiled show
how the communities
around Heathrow could
benefit from a £105m
investment in green
spaces if the airport is
allowed to expand.
When completed,
parkland around the airport would be approximately four times the size
of London’s Hyde Park.
The investment is
included in the airport’s
expansion plans and
would create new and
parkland, as well as
wildlife habitats, in west
London. This would
give local communities
more outdoor recreational opportunities,
boost biodiversity and
improve the look and
feel of the area.
The new images released today highlight
the improvements, including the potential
transformations within
the southern part of the
Colne Valley Regional
Park. Heathrow will
work with interested
parties to create new wet
meadows for flood protection,
biodiversity, pastures
for grazing animals,
bridleways, a cross
country course, natural
ponds, sports facilities,
formal gardens, allotments and even a mountain bike trail for the
public to enjoy.
Heathrow is collaborating with the Colne
Valley Regional Park
Community Interest
Company (CIC) on developing this vision if
the airport is chosen to
expand. The green
spaces redevelopment
plans would be subject
to public consultation as
part of a rigorous planning process.
New green areas to
the East, North and
South of the airport
would also be created.
Heathrow would work
with the Friends of the
River Crane to improve
the quality of the habitat
for watercourses to the
east of the airport and
increase their public
amenity value.
To the North, there
is an opportunity to create wetland areas with
public boardwalk access, an improved cycle
network connecting
with local boroughs. Finally, to the South, potentially new and enhanced green spaces
would include new, publicly accessible sports
Heathrow has been a
corporate supporter of
the CIC for many years
and continues to work
with stakeholders across
local communities, to
improve environmental
conditions in the area.
Heathrow Director
of Sustainability, Matt
Gorman said:
“Heathrow expansion is an opportunity to
provide once in a generation improvements to
the physical environment for the communities around the airport.
Our new plan means
this airport can be worldleading in environmental performance and
guarantee that those
most impacted by expansion get both the
greatest benefits and fair
ISSUE 865 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 Page 7
Prison visiting Alpha LSG strengthens Team
rules risk
thousands of
families apart
As we enter a new year, I would like to draw your readers’ attention to the
plight of thousands of children across the UK. And the fact that the prison
system is jeopardising thousands of children’s right to see their dads.
Barnardo’s new survey of the prison visiting system in England and Wales
finds that visiting hours are increasingly being taken away to punish prisoners
leaving some children with just two hours a month to visit their dad.
Although the survey finds that pockets of good practice exist, the number
of prisoners awarded just two hours visits ‘basic’ status has soared by 52 per
cent since the ‘Incentives and Earned Privileges’ (IEP) scheme was changed
in 2013. Meanwhile those awarded the ‘enhanced’ status of four or more
visiting hours has fallen by 16 per cent.
But children with a parent in prison are the innocent victims of someone
else’s crime. They struggle with the heartbreak of having their parent suddenly
taken away, and often don’t understand why. Intensifying that loss by taking
away precious hours with their parent, or making visits unnecessarily uncomfortable, will only punish the children.
That’s why Barnardo’s is calling for an end to family visits being used to
discipline prisoners. Having a parent in prison can leave children more likely
to develop mental health issues, underperform at school, and tragically go on
to offend themselves. The Ministry of Justice ‘Children of Offenders Review’
found that 65% of boys with a convicted parent go on to offend, but that regular
visiting can help cut dads’ re-offending by 39 per cent.
It’s time for a sea change in the way these overlooked and isolated children
are treated. Government and prisons must work together to ensure that the
visiting system, whilst recognising the need for security, never punishes
BLOCK by Staines15
select or search for
“Planning & Building
Control” then select
“Planning” scroll down
to “Planning Top
Select “Planning
Applications - view
comment or object” then
select “Planning Search
by Application No. or
property address.”
Type in “15/01718/
FUL” or “Bridge Street
Car Park”
Click on “Search,”
then click on the top line
(in bold type) “Bridge
Street Car Park, Bridge
Street, Staines”
Finally, immediately
below that line, in blue
text, click on “Comment
on this Application.”
Phew! what makes
you think objections are
easy to find. When you
complete the form make
sure you select “OBJECT” rather than
“comment” please.
Comments don’t count
as objections.
The deadline for ob-
jections is Tuesday 26
January 2016.
Thank you - it’s very
long winded - please put
in your ‘favourites’ then
you’ll be ready for the
next one!
Could you please let your many readers know that
I am collecting old Christmas cards for the Woodland Trust. Any that come my way I will make sure
they end up with the Woodland Trust.
May I also remind your many readers who save
used stamps for St Luke’s Hospice to please put the
right postage on envelopes so I do not have to pay
differences at this end. Recently I had to pay two
lots of £1.50, so check weight.
John Cope
11 Cecil Road, Weald stone, Harrow. Middx
Alpha LSG has made
two significant appointments to bolster its Senior Leadership Team.
Reporting directly to
CEO Alex Forbes, Richard Wood has joined
as Managing Director to
specifically lead Alpha
LondonHeathrow business
while Paul Gurnell has
become UK Sales and
Marketing Director.
Richard (pictured
left) has a broad range
of senior level experience across various sectors and most recently
was Site Director at
Dairy Crest’s largest
UK operation where he
held full profit and loss
responsibility for a
£300m turnover business and delivered a
comprehensive and
highly successful turnaround plan. His strong
working relationships
with internal and external stakeholders as well
as his extensive operational background
means he is highly experienced with various
approaches to drive continuous improvement.
Richard takes full
responsibility for all activities within Alpha
LondonHeathrow business and
will focus on delivering
the next phase of its business strategy.
Paul (picture right),
who has worked for
U n i l e v e r ,
GlaxoSmithKline and
most recently Amazon,
will be responsible for
the development and
execution of the
company’s UK business
development as well as
its sales and marketing
strategy. Also based at
joining at a very exciting time for the company and are looking
forward to the challenges ahead. Individually they bring unique
skills sets that are crucial to complete our Senior Leadership Team
as we look to deliver our
next phase of business
London-Heathrow, he
will be working closely
with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure the
sales strategy is aligned
with operational delivery for commercial viability.
His previous role
was Head of Vendor
Management for one of
Amazon’s key business
accounts. During his
time as Director of Consulting at Kantar Retail,
his responsibilities included working with
external clients to identify business opportunities through the use of
intelligently applied
sales data and trend
Alex Forbes, said:
“We are delighted to
announce Richard and
Paul’s appointments
and wish them every
success in their new
roles. They are both
He added: “We have
specifically recruited
Paul without direct industry experience as we
are keen to gain insight
and knowledge from
other sectors to broaden
our capabilities. His
knowledge is particularly exciting for us as
we look to develop our
business through the
utilisation of innovative
digital platforms.”
Express launches weekend
advance tickets for just £5.50
Passengers can now buy a ticket for the fastest route from central
London to Heathrow for just £5.50 when buying a Heathrow
Express ticket at least 90 days in advance at
Heathrow Express, which takes just 15 minutes from London
Paddington to Heathrow, has introduced a raft of new tickets to help
holidays cost less, which along with the kids go free permanent
offer, means a family of four can travel between central London and
the UK’s hub airport from just £11.00.
“The fastest way to Heathrow from central London now costs less,”
says Fraser Brown, Director of Heathrow Express. “Since we launched
Set against the uncharted American
wilderness of the 1820s, frontiersman Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio)
is brutally attacked by a bear and left
to die by members of his own hunting
team. Glass then pushes his mind and
body to breaking point in a relentless
pursuit to survive the extreme conditions and get revenge on the man who
wronged him.
The best thing about The Revenant
is its breathtaking cinematography
and how it manages to capture the
pure beauty and brutality of nature.
This film blurs the line between man
and savage beast in its portrayal of
19th century civilisation. With terrific
acting from the whole cast, notably
DiCaprio, and the most ferocious of
CGI bears. Alejandro Inarritu’s visionary directing makes The Revenant
one of the best films to grace our
screens in recent years as it is not only
a ground-breaking achievement in
cinema but an unforgettable experience as well.
our advanced purchase tickets in September last year it’s benefited a
quarter of online customers. Now we want to encourage more people
to book in advance and take advantage of our new prices.
“Holidaymakers can sit back, relax and enjoy the savings.
Along with our comfortable seating, complimentary onboard WiFi and at seat power, a holiday can well and truly start when you
step on board a Heathrow Express train.”
Reduced fares are also available when booked 30 or 14 days in
advance. To book now and for the latest service information, visit or download the Heathrow
Express App.
Ladies …
10am to 5pm
Jane Morgan Dresses
Prom Dresses
Evening Dresses
Glitzy Cocktail Dresses
start at
2 to 24
We look forward to seeing
you at:
The Old School House,
Village Road, Dorney,
Nr Windsor SL4 6QW
(Plenty of free parking)
For further information call: 01626 600509
Page 8 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd January 2016 ISSUE 865
sign up 3
new hotels
world’s leading hotel
operator and market
leader in Europe, is delighted to have signed
three new hotels since
the beginning of the
AccorHotels dedication
to its ambitious target to
increase the number of
rooms in the UK and
Ireland by over 30% by
2017, the three hotels
within the ibis and
Novotel brands are located in important gateway locations across the
UK; Heathrow, London
Luton and Birmingham.
Bolstering its offer
in the midscale space,
Accorhotels has signed
under a franchise agreement with Vivek
Chadha Nine Heathrow
Ventures Limited,
Novotel Heathrow Bath
Road, a 159 room hotel.
Novotel hotels are located in the heart of
major cities, business
districts and tourist destinations. The brand offers efficiency and comfort to business customers while satisfying the
needs of leisure travellers through contemporary design, flexibility
and technology.
Europe’s largest hotel chain and leading
economy hotel brand,
ibis, has also signed two
new hotels. ibis Styles
Birmingham, Hagley
Road, formally known
as The Portland Hotel,
is due to open in the
Spring following an extensive renovation. The
62 room hotel has been
signed under a franchise
agreement. ibis Styles
hotels are known for
having their own personality and each hotel
tells a unique story
through its design.
The second, ibis
Luton Airport, a 120
room hotel is under construction and due to
open during the summer
of 2017. The hotel is
also signed under a franchise agreement with
Aytans Holdings. ibis
BUDGET reflects the
values of simplicity and
is ideal for self-reliant
customers. Offering
well-designed rooms
and located near major
roads and airports, it
delivers highly competitive value for money.
Thomas Dubaere,
Managing Director
AccorHotels UK & Ireland said: “We are
pleased to announce
these new hotel signings
which prove the attractiveness of our brands
to franchise partners.
Our ambitious expansion plans demonstrate
our commitment to
strengthening the portfolio across our budget
and midscale brand segments and are another
important step in our
ambitious 30% increase
for our UK network.”
oneworld CEO Bruce
Ashby to step down
Bruce Ashby is to step
down as oneworld CEO
later this year, after more
than five years leading
the world’s most highly
prized airline alliance.
He has made himself available to stay at
oneworld’s helm until
June to enable a seamless handover to his successor.
After accepting his
oneworld Governing
Board began an appointment process to fill his
position. Candidates
from within the alliance
and from outside will be
Announcing his decision to move on, Bruce
Ashby said: “It has been
a privilege to lead
oneworld and work with
its collection of the
world’s leading airlines,
but after five years in
this role it makes sense
for me to move on at
this time.”
oneworld Governing
Board Chairman Ivan
Chu, CEO of Cathay
Pacific, added: “Bruce
Ashby has led oneworld
through a period of tremendous transformation, as the alliance
added many more great
member airlines, introduced more attractive
services and benefits for
our most loyal custom-
ers and increased the
revenues generated for
all our member airlines.
On behalf of us all, I
thank him for his outstanding contribution
and for offering to stay
on as we identify his
Since taking up his
oneworld role in December 2010, as its central alliance team relocated from Vancouver
to New York, Bruce
Ashby has headed the
group through the biggest and fastest expansion undertaken by any
global airline alliance.
During this time,
oneworld added more
than 15 carriers as full
or affiliate members,
expanding the alliance’s
capacity by almost 60
per cent and its annual
passenger carryings by
75 per cent. These recruits included:
TAM Airlines, the
leading airline in Latin
America’s leading
economy Brazil, consolidating oneworld’s
continent’s top alliance.
US Airways, which
made oneworld the leading alliance in the USA,
the world’s biggest
single air travel market.
US Airways has since
been integrated into
oneworld founding
member American Airlines.
Qatar Airways,
which is the only one of
the Big Three Gulf carriers to join any global
airline group, making
oneworld the leading
alliance in the Middle
East, one of the world’s
fastest growing regions
for air travel demand.
airberlin, the second
biggest airline in
economy, Germany,
and one of the
continent’s biggest carriers.
Malaysia Airlines,
one of South East Asia’s
top carriers.
SriLankan Airlines,
the first carrier from the
Indian sub-continent to
join any of the global
airline groups.
Significant additional affiliate members,
including LAN Colombia and OpenSkies.
New Alcohol Liaison Nurse for
Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals
A new service has been
introduced at Ashford
and St Peter’s Hospitals
to help tackle the growing problem of alcohol
misuse and alcohol related health harm.
The appointment of
a new Alcohol Liaison
McCallion, has been introduced to offer advice and support to patients admitted and identified as being at risk
from too high an intake
of alcohol.
Jinnie, whose experience covers a range of
clinical nursing areas
including two years with
St Peter’s, commenced
her new role in November 2015. Speaking of
her new position she
said, ‘In the UK over a
quarter of the population drink too much alcohol. This costs the
NHS around £3.5 billion annually, and in the
Surrey area, it is estimated that 250 men and
200 women die from
alcohol misuse each
year. There is good evidence across the UK that
alcohol liaison staff can
reduce associated hospital costs by identifying those at risk and providing timely interventions. An estimated
nine-million adults
drink at levels that pose
some risk to their health,
unaware of the damage
their drinking could be
causing. One of the
problems is that many
people misunderstand
units of alcohol and
don’t know what the
safe weekly recommended limits are. The
common misconception
is that alcohol misuse
applies only to people
drinking bottles of spirits every day or frequently getting excessively drunk. The guidelines on limits have recently changed to no
more than 3 units per
day for women and no
more than 4 units per
day for men, with benefit also gained by having at least two alcohol
free days within this
period. Many people
just don’t realise they
are drinking at risky levels.’
The new alcohol liaison role will focus on
a range of screening
tools used to detect problem drinkers; particularly those arriving into
Emergency Department, and the creation
of appropriate counselling and onward referral to be offered to patients at high risk. The
service will work across
both Ashford and St
Peter’s hospitals and
with primary care services, including partnerships with I Acces,,
Catalyst and Surrey
Drug and Alcohol Care
as well as GPs and practice nurses. Jinnie will
be supported by colleagues at both Ashford
and St Peter’s to form
strong partnerships
across the Trust and external settings.
The role has been
developed as part of an
increased focus by the
Government, National
Institute for Health and
Care Excellence (NICE)
and NHS on initiatives
and policies designed to
increase early intervention in alcohol related
health issues and encourage the public to
think about their drinking levels. These are
highlighted in this
month’s ‘Dry January’
campaign which aims to
encourage the public to
give up alcohol for the
Stanwell gets new skate park
Spelthorne Council
is delighted to announce the opening
of a new skate park
at Long Lane Recreation Ground in
The skate park includes a variety of ramps
and slopes which are
designed for BMXs,
skateboards and scooters and suitable for a
range of ages and abilities.
The new park was
installed after young
people requested a skate
facility and worked with
the local Police and
youth officers from
Spelthorne Borough
Council and Surrey
County Council to raise
Funding totalling
£50K was received from
Council’s Community
Improvement Fund, the
Heathrow Community
Fund and County Councillor Robert Evans.
Spelthorne Borough
Council also provided
funding and managed
the project.
Cllr Jean Pinkerton
OBE, Cabinet Member
for Leisure at Spelthorne
Council said: “We
recognise that it is really important for young
people to have good leisure and recreation facilities close to their
homes so we are delighted to have supported the introduction
of another skate park.
We are very grateful to
everyone who helped
fund the facility and
hope that the young
people have lots of fun
Left to right: Dr Beccy Bowden (Director of Heathrow Community Trust and Heathrow
Community Fund), Cllr Jean Pinkerton (Spelthorne Borough Council). Michelle Collins
(Community Partnership Team Leader, Surrey County Council), Cllr Robert Evans
(Surrey County Council).
Employers, Colleagues & Friends Called
on to Reveal Hounslow’s SuperAchievers
As the X Factor and Strictly has come to an end, the
people of Hounslow have been given a new way to
have a voice and place their vote, as a campaign
kicks off today supporting local talent, which will
be recognized on an international platform.
The talent being searched for is those who don’t
make a song and dance about things, but who
tirelessly work to achieve their professional and
financial goals, often overcoming adversity to support their families and work towards their dreams.
Hounslow based Pitman Training, has this year
given the role of 4th judge to the public, as they
launch this year’s SuperAchievers Awards. As the
nation returns to work, and many dread the 9-5,
Pitman Training is looking to showcase and support local Hounslow workers who love their job,
who strive to achieve, and who have a positive
impact on their colleagues and families as a result.
SuperAchievers has traditionally been fronted
by a panel of judges, with Hilary Devey leading the
search for talent last year, but this year Pitman
Training has put the power in the hands of those
who know the nominees the best, their employers,
colleagues, friends and family.
The public vote will still be supported by industry experts, including Adam Fidler (a leading PA
Training Practitioner who has worked as a Boardlevel PA for blue-chip organisations, including
Boots PLC and Bank of America), Author and
of, along with last year’s
SuperAchiever PA of the Year, Florence Katono.