VIEW - Heathrow Villager
VIEW - Heathrow Villager
5 OVER 120,000 readers fortnightly in Cranford, Harlington, Sipson, Harmondsworth, Longford, Colnbrook, Langley, Stanwell Moor, Stanwell, East Bedfont, West Bedfont, Hatton Cross, Ashford, Staines and on Heathrow Airport. Pages of ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS ~ FIRST PUBLISHED APRIL 1983 JOBS IN THIS ISSUE Email: SATURDAY 23RD July 2016 ISSUE NO. 878 or: Recipient of British Airways BRING Community Champion Award BACK THE ONLY NEWSPAPER THAT CIRCULATES ON HEATHROW Grimshaw chosen to take Heathrow into the future Grimshaw have been chosen as the concept designers to bring Heathrow’s vision for expansion to life. It sends the clear signal to the Government that Heathrow is a ready-to-go, privately financed infrastructure project. The globally renowned architectural practice, which was founded in the UK by Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, “Pensions – Need Financial Advice?.. Meet Christopher for FREE Confidential unbiased, Independent Financial Advice 11am - 1pm Saturday, 13 August, 2016 – The Ash Tree Pub – Convent Road, Ashford Book Now Call: 01784 602 102 Christopher Doran — Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. #CJD00002 Licensed with Spelthorne B.C. Corporate Accounts Welcome Your Dependable Carriage Services was selected after a rigorous assessment from a shortlist of four of the UK’s top architects which also included Zaha Hadid, HOK and Benoy. This follows on from the announcement of Arup, CH2M, MACE and Turner & Townsend as Programme Client Partners in March. They have been tasked with ensuring the programme is delivered to the highest industry standards in planning, innovation and quality. Grimshaw were successful in the competitive tender process not only for their visionary concept designs, which pushed the boundary of what an airport could and should be, but also for their unique ideas around how Heathrow could be expanded in a sustainable but affordable way. Grimshaw brings their experience of working on major transport projects across the world and were recognised as the stand out practice to help THE JOLLY BUTCHER REAL TASTE OF INDIA OPEN DAY TH 20 AUG 2016 THE GREAT INDIAN STREET FOOD FESTIVAL MOUTH WATERING STREET FOOD FUN FAIR GAMES BOUNCY CASTLE Y LIVE MUSIC HARIT ER C AIS R D A WHOLE DAY OF FUN!!! FUN DINING IN & TAKEAWAYS MONDAY - SATURDAY 12noon-3pm, 5pm-9pm 01784 557320 174 Kingston Road, Staines, TW18 1PE Heathrow deliver a world-class sustainable airport that will deliver innovation in passenger service whilst showcasing the best of British design. Images of the concept designs are available and an animation can be viewed at https:// takingbritainfurther/ itstimeforheathrow Head of Design at Heathrow, Barry Weekes, said: “We look forward to working with Grimshaw to develop their bold ideas so that once the Government approves the Heathrow expansion, we can create a world-class sustainable hub airport which delivers for our passengers, our airlines and also helps to integrate Heathrow with our local communities. With the Concept Architect and Programme Client Partners now in place, we are now ready to begin the process of expansion once the Government makes the right choice for the whole of Britain.” At a time of uncertainty following the result of the EU referendum, the Government can send the strongest possible signal that Britain is open for business ture by expanding Heathrow. The £16 billion privately funded infrastructure investment would be a much needed boost for the economy, creating jobs and growth across the UK. Partner at Grimshaw, Jolyon Brewis, said: “We are passionate about designing a new future for Heathrow Airport; setting a benchmark for sustainable infrastructure, skilfully integrated with the communities it serves. Heathrow have ambitious plans for the expansion of the airport and we are proud to be selected to help deliver this inspirational vision.” Partner at Grimshaw, Andrew Thomas, said: “We believe the expansion of Heathrow is vital to maintaining the UK’s place within the global economy and we look forward to developing a design that provides an authentic and uniquely British sense of place. Our concept will deliver an outstanding passenger experience by building upon the airport’s rich history, while also setting a new standard for the future of aviation.” ‘Friendly and Reliable’ 01784 47 11 11 All calls are recorded for quality and training purposes IT HAPPENED ON THIS DAY.. JULY 23 1858: The Oath of Allegiance was modified to allow Jews to sit in Parliament. 1914: The Austro-Hungarian government issued an ultimatum to Serbia to forbid all anti-Austrian activities in Serbia in the aftermath of the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of AustroHungary. 1940: The auxiliary force raised in Britain at the beginning of the French campaign last month had its name changed from the Local Defence Volunteers to the Home Guard. The 1 million strong force, which includes many World War veterans, is intended to protect Britain in the event of a German invasion. 1951: Philippe Petain, French general who headed the collaborationist Vichy government during World War Two, died in prison. 1967: British cyclist Bobby Simpson collapsed and died during the Tour of France. 1986: Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson were married at Westminster Abbey. BIRTHDAYS … Raymond Chandler, 1888: American novelist who wrote The Big Sleep and Farewell My Lovely. Haile Selassie, 1892: Ethiopian emperor who led the resistance to the Italian invasion in 1935. Michael Wilding, 1912: Stage and screen actor whose films include The World of Susie Wong and Lady Caroline Lamb. Richard Rogers, 1933: Renowned British architect who designed the Lloyd’s building in London and the Pompidou Centre in Paris. We are an approved Training Company offering the following courses: All training undertaken by fully qualified instructors. AVIATION SECURITY TRAINING NOW ON LINE Tel: 0208 751 6000 - Web Site: Page 2 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Politics of Hate Mrs May’s objective Sir, The conduct of Messrs. Cameron, Corbyn, Johnson and Farage during the referendum on EU membership should live in the memory of all civilised people as a mark of our debased political discourse during the last few decades. One would only have to recall the gravitas and intellectual poise of politicians such as Churchill, Wilson, Macmillan and Attlee to understand that the disingenuous posturing of Cameron (a reckless career strategist) and Corbyn (a secret supporter of the leave camp) along with the crude, rabble-rousing tactics of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage (public school buffoons spouting loutish pub talk) sadly represent a new low in the political life of this country. Undoubtedly, the puerile rants of Johnson and Farage were, to a large CAR BOOT EVERY THURSDAY & SUNDAY HOUNSLOW HEATH GARDEN CENTRE Staines Road, Hounslow, Middx Start up 7am-1pm Weather permitting 07891 265124 07540 433919 NO NEW OR COUNTERFEIT GOODS extent, responsible in providing a spurious legitimacy for the prejudices of the vilest sections of our society. Before the referendum there was UKIP’s racially offensive (and entirely illegal) campaign poster along with the murder of a politician by a bigoted thug and, after the result of the vote, a rash of disgusting, racially motivated attacks on foreign workers. Research has revealed that, in terms of demographics for the referendum, age played a negligible role: most people with any memory of pre-War Britain, before immigration from the colonies (not the EU) began in the 1950s, are actually now deceased. Unsurprisingly, it was educational attainment, and social exclusion that were the critical factors in marshalling the ‘leave’ vote. It is now clear that the eradication of highly skilled work in productive, technical industries by Margaret Thatcher and her successors has created a national underclass of culturally impoverished, disaffected citizens with the stereotypical ‘white van man’ which arose in the Thatcher years being deliberately courted by Farage and Johnson. Tragically, the days when Britain had a skills-base capable of collaboration with the French on engineering projects such as Concorde are long gone. Decades of low-grade self-employment, reduced educational opportunities, a degenerate television culture and the rise of the tabloid gutter press has produced a society largely bereft of learning, industrial expertise and a sense of social cohesion, and these problems actually constitute the greatest threat to Britain - not the EU. Name and address supplied BADGER THE TAX MAN! SELF-EMPLOYED? EMPLOYED? SECOND HOME? RENTAL INCOME? FROM OVERSEAS? Don’t pay more tax than you need to Let Badger The TAX Man sort it out Lowest rates, Personal service, Home visits, out of office hours at no extra charge. Tel/Fax: 01784 247387 Mob: 07752 565 398 Email: HEATHROW COURIERS UK LTD Same Day or Overnight NATIONAL - INTERNATIONAL DELIVERIES CUSTOMS CLEARANCE 24-HOUR SERVICE Tel: 01753 68 66 22 CHRIS WEST CARPENTRY & JOINERY Specialists in all aspects of Bespoke Carpentry & Joinery • Free Estimates • Loft conversions • Fitted Kitchens • Replacement Doors • Fitted and Bespoke Wardrobes Tel: 07949 099 710 Sir The total vote on the EU was two leave, by a wafer thin margin. But the UK countries split on the issue. Scotland and Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly to remain, the former in all its constituencies. Thus the UK faces break up. London voted 27 boroughs to five, to remain and its residents have petitioned to have their verdict honoured in any Brexit deal. Our voice needs hearing. To understand our new prime minister’s reorganisation of her cabinet, it is crucial to grasp that Theresa May is enthusiastically proEU, following Tory mainstream po9licy for decades. Her first class degree is in geography, with specialisation in Europe. Only by leading , not leaving, she claims we will flourish. She notes evidence that ‘Brexit’ is already giving grounds for concern and is, any always has been a foolish concept. Lawyers (1,000 barristers) are contesting its legal validity. So she has deliberately appointed to her cabinet, in powerful ‘Brexit terms’ positions, the three loudest Euro sceptics in the ‘Leave’ campaign, Boris Johnson, Liam Fox and David Davis. Three top cabinet jobs. That is the team, hermetically sealed off from all the rest, to sort out what proposals two put before parliament to trigger off Article 50 for agreement with the EU. ‘You created the mess, you sort it’ in essence. Mrs May is sure that with jobs going, house prices falling, hate crime soaring and prices rising as the pound plunges, the demand to rejoin via second referendum will have to be answered. New investment in UK is drying up. As a proud Conservative, she points out to the Europhobes that every Tory leader from WW2 onwards has enthusiastically shared her ‘remain and lead’ belief. Churchill (1940 — immediate union with France), Eden, Macmillan, Heath, Thatcher (signed Single European Act), Major (took on his Europhobes and beat them) and Cameron — and now May — all favoured in. Her tactic — give the antis the Brexit job, and watch them flounder is her style. Referendum Sir, I, and I suspect many others were outraged by Harold Trace with his bandying about with figures on the referendum, yes it was 17 to 16 except there were 6 zero’s behind these figures. The brexit vote won by 1,400,000 and when it is taken out of context like this it just shows you how people can make figures suit their argument. He calls for it to be annulled or having a second referendum, this is a democratic vote by the whole of England not a constituency vote, if what he proposes were to be put into action this would be the tip of an iceberg, just think you vote into parliamentary member for your locality who does not please the other parties, so they immediately call for a new vote, and so it goes on and on with a never ending conclusion. There are certain seats that have very small majorities in both Labour and conservative parties where recounts take place, do we tear up the democratic system of voting and not do the recount just keep having electoral votes until there is a definite vote until there is a majority big enough so as not to need a recount. The referendum has taken place, there had to be a winner whether we like the result or not, so let us now get the terms sorted out and get down to the things we do best, worldwide trading on our terms not on a tarriff laden form of trading, which has cost this country dear. For the people who are worrying about our withdrawal, remember they export more to us than we do to them, and despite having BSE crisis which is now cleared the French still find ways to not import our beef, despite having the same problem with thier cows on much larger scale than we did, but they kept thiers under wraps, so that it was never discovered until the problem was sorted out I just hope the new prime minister presses the article 50 button as soon as possible and then we can start running our country without the EU millstone round our neck. Yours Faithfully M.F.Clark Ferndale Road Ashford Much to her dismay, she observed Cameron’s vain attempt to put the ‘outers’ to scorn by insults. ‘Fruit cakes, swiveleyed bigots and covert racists’ was no way to win for ‘in’. But she has build up support by emptying our of government such disliked ministers as Gove, Osborne, Nicky Morgan together mum’s the word’ Andrea Leadsom. Whether Conservative or not, her skill at routing ministers detested by the public will not be overlooked. The woman was brave enough, as party chairman to tell Tory delegates two their face that theirs was ‘the nasty party’. She also wants workers as directors, and obscene pay deals stopped. She has place one Surrey MP, Philip Hammond as Chancellor of the Exchequer, with instructions to let the loud Brexiters get on with their task, and reap the harvest of discontent in a couple of years. She sacked another, Gove, to tumultuous delight. Yours G Gray Feltham Hill Road, Ashford. Clutching at straws Sir, With reference to the paper’s front page lead on July 9th, it would seem that John Holland Kaye and the proHeathrow lobby are really clutching at straws. To use a poll of just 1001 Tory members across the whole of the United Kingdom as justification that Heathrow expansion is “overwhelmingly popular” is just a public relations joke! Far from demonstrating the strength of the Heathrow expansionists’ case, the need to resort to this type of national poll simply confirms that Mr Holland Kaye and company can no longer peddle the myth that most of the West London population is in favour of a bigger airport. Suffice to say, the majority of local residents are not in favour of that third runway and, furthermore, do not trust any promises made by Heathrow management to try and satisfy the concerns of the Airports Commission. Hopefully Theresa May will not be fooled by Mr Holland Kaye’s persistent propaganda! Pete Harding Isleworth 260 Kingston Road, Staines, Middx TW18 1PG Email: Fax: 01784 453196 Please include your full street address and daytime telephone number. End Blair’s pillory Sir In olden times miscreants were sentenced to humiliation in the stocks. Rotten eggs and fruit, and worse, was hurled at them by vengeful citizens, Most went mad or died. So, in our time has Tony Blair been punished by the publication of the Chilcot Enquiry. His reputation is forever stained, Now, in the name of justice, let the pillory hold other tenants. Presenters of garbage as ‘intelligence’ for instance, military chiefs who lied about training and equipment necessities, and a gang of newspaper moguls who created war hysteria. Blair should not be convicted alone. Above all, those who like the EU Leavers winners, offered no inkling of the aftermath of ‘victory’. a hornet’s nest kicked over. At the height of the murderous tyrant, Saddam Hussein’s power, a public meeting in prote3st against the Iraqi dictator was held in the Oast House in Staines. The horrors were revealed, by evidence from Iraqi Shia Muslims, from Kurds and Marsh Arabs in photographs. These were Saddam’s own people, gassed, poisoned, tortured and beaten. The photographs still haunt me, as chair of the meetings. A British ‘Observer’ journalist, investigating the real activities in a ‘powdered milk’ factory, was condemned to strangling as a spy. His pathetic remains were sent to Margaret Thatcher, who had pleaded for his life, with a gloating message. Now, in fairness, let us remember Blair’s record, as experienced in Spelthorne. The economy grew, in every quarter, in his ten year tenure. Thus we had full employment, well paid, secure jobs and plentiful tax revenues. Direct taxed were not increased. Housing was no problem, with prices and rents related to salaries and wages. Class sizes were reduced in schools, and literacy and numeracy reforms introduced with enormous success. Buckets, to hold water flow from leaking roofs were no longer needed. In came the minimum wage. Down went the Ashford St Peter’s waiting times. A GP appointment was often ‘tomorrow’, not three weeks hence. The NHS funds were restored. In Shakespeare’s words, ‘The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones.’ Iraq, yes, is a black, permanent stain on Tony’s reputation. But do we truly only require to remember of his time, the removal of so evil a presence? Sanctions had failed, UN resolutions were ignored, the final choice was action, or inaction. History will give Blair’s verdict. Some problems do not have a pleasant solution. Yours Harold Trace, Spelthorne Labour Party. EDITORIAL OFFICE 260 Kingston Road, Staines, Middx TW18 1PG TELEPHONE ENQUIRIES Editorial & Advertising: Tel/Fax 01784 453196 0746 851 2059 YOUR FASTEST GROWING TRULY INDEPENDENT FREE LOCAL NEWSPAPER! VISIT US ON THE WEB: VILLAGER DIRECTORY 1975 – 2016 (U.K.’S) ORIGINAL 30 PLUS PARTY NIGHTS Giving the 30*40*50 Plus age groups a great night out amongst nice like minded people at the superb Winning Post (A316) Twickenham, TW2 6LS. Open on the Second Saturday monthly for the Club Classics Party * Dancing through the decades 9 ’til 1am plus open on the LAST FRIDAY monthly for the Motown Soul Party 9 ’til 1am. Both nights great music and atmosphere awaits. We are also open on New Year’s Eve, Saturday 31st December 2016 9pm ’til 2am. Smart casual * Gents collared shirt req. No T. shirts or trainers. Last adm 11pm. Bring this advert for free m’ship. BUILDING A.W. REED & CO BUILDING SERVICES: 24-hour, fully certified and insured builders. All works guaranteed. new builds and extensions. Architect available. Electrical and plumbing, heating Corgi engineers. Brick work, security systems - FAAC electric gates. Carpentry and joinery, painting and decorating, plastering. Please call for FREE estimate or information pack on other services. Office tel and fax: 01753 683740. Mobile: 07968 801554. Email: NO JOB TOO SMALL! R910 DOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRS We are specialists in burglary emergencies/sealed units (broken or steamed), friction hinges and stays, window and door handles, locks and lock replacement. If it is anything to do with double glazing repair work, call us free of charge now. ABBEY REPAIRS 0800 838877. Mention this newspaper. A1309 OVER 30s, 40s & 50s PARTIES AT BA CONCORDE CLUB, CRANFORD Dance, romance, meet new people! POPULAR DISCO PARTY ON FRIDAY 12TH AUGUST (Rev. Date),SATURDAY 20TH AUGUST, FRIDAY 2ND SEPT, SATURDAY 17TH SEPT, SATURDAY 1ST OCT (Rev. Date) AT THE CONCORDE CLUB, Olympus Hall, Crane Lodge Road, Cranford TW5 9PQ 8.30pm-1am. More dates/info: DanceParties.Co.Uk 07913 400444 or freephone 0800 313 4441. CLAIM FREE MEMBERSHIP OF DANCE PARTIES PLUS WHEN YOU BRING ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 3 BA Club to Stay Open BA’s Concorde Club has reached agreement with Imperial College, who purchased the site in 2014, to stay at their home in Cranford for a further 5 years. The Club will be re-housed in the Pavilion and Sports Hall areas and retain the use of all the facilities available such as the Main Hall, Gym and Sports pitches. Chris Byron, the Chairman of the Club, said: 'We now have an opportunity to renovate the pavilion and gym as well as ensuring that our members' wide range of Sports and Leisure interests are met.’ You can join the Club by contacting the membership team on 0208 513 2000 Run route launch in Laleham Park Spelthorne Borough Council is inviting residents to join in celebrating the launch of a new run route in Laleham Park with a free 2.5km family fun run at 11am on Tuesday 26 July. To take part just turn up on the day from 10.30am near the pavilion in the park. There will be medals for all finishers. Cllr Maureen Attewell, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, said: “This is a fantastic family event to encourage people of all ages to enjoy physical activity in one of our lovely parks. We hope to see lots of residents there to help celebrate the new run route.” Please note this is a grass route and not suitable for the majority of buggies or wheelchairs. Running buggies welcome but no dogs please. PUBLIC NOTICE GOODS VEHICLE OPERATOR LICENCE EXTENSION Akal Transport Ltd, 111 Harewood Terrace Southall Middelesex UB2 4JN is Applying for a licence Extension to use In Euro Storage Cranford lane South Hatton Cross Heathrow Airport Hounslow as an operating center to use 7 Goods vehicles And 7 Trailers. Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating center who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected . should make written represent ations to the traffic commissioner at hillcrest house 386 harehills lane Leeds LS9 6NF, stating their reasons withing 21 days of this notice. Representations must at the same time sand a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given the top of this notice. A guide to making representations is available from the traffic commissioner‘s office. GOODS VEHICLE OPERATOR’S LICENCE Jane Toni Elizabeth Plackett, trading as LHR Global Logistics Limited, of Unit 15, The Freight Centre, Saxon Way, Harmondsworth UB7 0LW, is applying for a licence to use Unit 14 + 15, The Freight Centre, Saxon Way, Harmondsworth UB7 0LW, as an operating centre for 3 goods vehicles and 1 trailer. Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane, Leeds LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice. A Guide to Making Representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s office. Mayor opens ‘The Sanctuary’ at SPS Summer Festival New Environmental Area Named ‘The Sanctuary’ Opened by Cllr Alfred Friday at SPS Flower Power Summer Festival. It was a wonderful day on Sunday as SPS held their Flower Power Summer Festival, Organised and Run by the Friends of Staines Prep School. The festival attracted over 650 members of the school and the local community and fun was had by all. It was also a momentous occasion for the school, as the recently refurbished Environmental Area was officially opened by HEATHROW BEAT The Heathrow police partnership team works predominantly within the airport terminals. We work with our partners to help the passengers, staff and many visitors that go to Heathrow every day. If you work at the airport we have many community events that allow you to speak to us about anything that is bothering you or just to say hello. During the next few weeks we will be at the Heathrow Cycle Hub on the 6th July to bike mark any cycles you have, we are also at the crew reporting centre in Terminal 5 on the 12th and 13th July 2016. The partnership team also completes ongoing “stay safe” presentations which are counter terrorism focused and these sessions which are about an hour long are invaluable and allow you to ask any questions you may have. Contact the partnership team to arrange a suitable time and place. On this subject it is worth reminding everyone that if you have any CT concerns about anyone, at work or elsewhere, please make that call to the antiterrorism police on 0800 789 321. If you wish to contact the police partnership team at Heathrow Police Station, you can do so using email via or on 02032761362. We have recently joined Twitter where you can follow us at @MPSHeathrow. You can tweet us questions about policing at Heathrow and keep up to date with what’s happening in the terminals. The Worshipful the Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne Councillor Alfred Friday and his wife Kaye. ‘The Sanctuary’ as named by Taran S in 4E, will lend itself as a place of learning, reflection and opportunities for the whole of SPS. Science Coordinator Miss Glynn said ‘It was wonderful to have The Sanctuary officially opened today by Cllr Alfred and his wife. It has been months in the planning and many hours of hard work by staff, parents and pupils, and it’s great that it has been recognised. It will be a great asset to the school and we’re very excited to now be able to teach forest schooling here’. Trauma Teddies Campaign On Friday 8th July Bedfont Belles W.I. had a visit from Chief Superintendent Raj Singh Kohl from the Hounslow & Feltham Police Station. He came to receive the many Trauma Teddies which members had made and to say ‘Thank you’. He told us why they would like to participate in the Trauma Teddy Campaign, and what it means to them. The teddies are taken along by police officers when they are called to an incident involving domestic abuse or any other incident involving children. They are given to the children to keep and hopefully to help in these traumatic circumstances. HEATHROW PARTY FOR OVER 30s, 40s & 50s! DANCE, ROMANCE, DJs, FRIENDLY PEOPLE! FRIDAY 12th AUGUST THE CONCORDE CLUB Olympus Hall, Crane Lodge Road CRANFORD TW5 9PQ From 8.30pm till 1am Info & More Events: Dance-Parties.Co.Uk 0800 313 4441 All the Watering Whilst at Vermeulens Garden Centre Why not pop into Johns Portuguese style cafe. He has all the delights you can expect from Portugal. He will even provide you with a full English Breakfast! 01784 469090 Equipment you need to keep your Garden Green 01784 451737 EXPERTS AT GARDENING Page 4 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 Buy 2 Dishes & Get your Third Dish of the same price or lower FREE of Charge 1 Starters 1. 2. 3. 6 £5.45 Crispy spring rolls stuffed with chicken, mixed vegetables & glass noodles served with sweet chilli sauce. Vegetable Spring Roll (Por Pai Pak) £3.95 Crispy spring rolls stuffed with mixed vegetables & glass noodles served with sweet chilli sauce. Thai Fish Cake (Tod Mun Pla) £4.95 Angel Wing £4.95 Vegetable Tempura £4.95 7. Deep fried chicken wing in garlic & sweet sour sauce. Prawn Tempura £6.95 £5.45 Tender chicken pieces marinated in spices then grilled & dipped in peanut sauce, served with cucumber chutney. Mixed Starter for 2 A selection of spring rolls, angel wings, chicken satay, vegetable tempura & prawn tempura served with sweet chilli sauce & cucumber chutney. Chilli Squid £6.95 10. Cheese & Jalapeño Poppits £4.45 11. Sesame Prawn Toast Our homemade prawn paté on toast, fried & served with cucumber chutney & sweet chilli sauce 13. Corn Cake 22. Som Tum (Thai Papaya Salad) Som Tum (Lao Papaya Salad) Yum Woon Sen (Vermicelli Salad) £7.95 £7.95 £9.95 23. Yum Talay (Spicy Mixed Seafood Salad) £11.95 24. Yum Nue (Spicy Beef Salad) £8.95 25. Moo Num Tok (Mild, Medium, Hot) £7.95 Prawn & squid. Clear vermicelli noodles dressed with chilli, garlic, coriander, red onion and lime juice £5.45 NEW! 28 £4.95 NEW! Sweet corn mixed in coconut milk, self raising flour, potato starch, egg and Thai herbs. Served with sweet chilli sauce Curry Puff £5.45 NEW! Cooked in curry, potato, pea and deep fried, Served with sweet chill sauce 30 £3.50 £4.95 £5.95 Grilled pork salad with red onion, coriander, chilli & fresh mint, bedded with lettuce 34 31 16 59 49 Pad Thai Noodles 43. Spicy Drunken Noodles 44. Pad See Ew 28. Panang Curry 45. Pad Woon Sen 29. Massaman Curry 30. Yellow Curry 31. Jungle Curry 55 49. 42 Noodles Soup Kao Pad Supparod 51. Curry Noodle (Singapore Style) 58 £3.95 Spicy Prawn Crackers Onion Rings Chips Steamed Vegetables Garlic Mushrooms Baked Beans £1.95 £2.50 £2.50 £3.50 £3.50 £1.95 All dishes come with steamed rice or egg fried rice 52. Golden Chicken £8.95 Crying Tiger Grilled rump steak served with onion, mushroom, red & green pepper & very hot spicy sauce. English Food 72. 8oz Sirloin Steak 73. Chicken Nuggets and Chips £7.95 74. Sausage and Chips £5.95 75. Omelette £6.95 76. 83 £11.95 55. Honey Duck £11.95 Honey duck on a bed of vegetables topped with house speciality sauce. 80. 81. 83. 56. Pla Tod Lard Prik £12.95 57. Pla Priew Wan £12.95 58. Gang Nor Mai 59. Mii Kathii 81 £12.95 Coconut noodle soup, cooked in red chilli, garlic, galagar,yellow bean crashed, peanut, ground kaffar leaves, pork & eggs. Served with bean sprouts, spring onion, fine bean and mint leaves = Medium = Very Hot Stir Fried Garlic Mushrooms 39. Pad Priew Wan 40. Black Bean Sauce 41. Pad Nor Mai With curry paste, kaffir lime leaves, red & green peppers. With garlic, onions, mushrooms & spring onions. Thai sweet & sour stir fried with cucumber, onion, tomato and pineapple Stir fried with onion, green & red peppers NEW! Stir fried bamboo shoots with garlic, onion, green peppers, red peppers and spring onion = Mild = Medium = Very Hot = Extremely Hot 35 Served with onion rings, mushrooms, peas & choice of chips or rice (Kids Meal) (Kids Meal) £11.95 £4.95 £3.95 Choice of mushroom, onion, tomatoes, potatoes served with chips (Kids Meal) 84. Thai Go Take Away Menu 22 Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2RY 01784 243246 Home Delivery Available (There will be a charge) Open 7 days a week: £4.95 Mon - Sun: 12.00 - 22.30 Fri - Sat: 12.00 - 23.00 Cans £0.90 Mineral Water Young Coconut Juice Fanta Fruit Punch (325ml) Fanta Fizzy Orange (325ml) Coconut Jelly NEW! £0.90 £1.95 £0.90 £0.90 £2.95 Coconut Custard £3.45 Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Cherry, Tango Orange, Tango Apple, 7Up Authentic Thai cuisine freshly prepared by our vastly experienced Thai Chef Cooked in coconut milk, agar-agar, sugar. Served cold. NEW! Cooked in coconut milk, egg, sugar and Pandan leaves. Served warm. Banana in coconut milk NEW! Cooked in sugar and salt. Served hot. Banana Fritter Served with syrup NEW! £3.45 £2.95 £10.95 Laos style - Bamboo shoot soup cooked with baj yanang leaves, chilli, lemon grass, pickled fish sauce & mushroom = Mild Stir Fried Fine Beans 38. With garlic, onions, red & green peppers & spring onions. 21 Crispy seabass fillet in sweet & sour chilli garlic sauce Crispy seabass fillet with pineapple, tomato, cucumber, spring onion in sweet & sour sauce 78. 82. Red Duck Roasted duck on a bed of vegetables topped with house speciality sauce. 77. 79. £11.95 54. NEW! (Stir fried with egg, beansprout & Pad Thai sauce) Drinks & Desserts Stir fried egg noodle in curry powder with mixed vegetables NEW! (Stir fried with egg, beansprout & soya sauce) NEW! Deep fried chicken in batter, cooked in our home made sweet & sour sauce. 56 Plain Rice Noodles 71. A wonderful special cured fried rice with pineapple, egg, spring onions and sultanas House Speciality 53. 65. Thai style rice noodle soup with beansprout & spring onions. 50. Stir Fried Beansprout 37. With garlic, onions, mushrooms & oyster sauce. = Extremely Hot 64. 70. 72 = Very Hot £2.50 £1.95 £3.50 £3.50 £3.95 69. Stir fried with egg, garlic, onion tomato & spring onion. = Medium Egg Fried Rice Steamed Jasmine Rice Coconut Rice Thai Steamed Sticky Rice Plain Egg Noodles 68. 69 Stir fried with egg, garlic, onion, fine beans, red & green peppers, bamboo shoots, basil leaves & chilli. 36. Side Dishes 66. Stir fried egg noodles with mixed vegetables in light soy sauce & beansprout. Basil Fried Rice Stir Fried Broccoli With garlic, fresh chilli, onions, red & green peppers,fine beans & bamboo shoots. Very spicy thin curry cooked with bamboo shoots, red & green peppers, fine beans,courgettes, basil, mushroom, broccoli & chilli. 63. Chow Mein Noodles (Pad Mee) Thai Fried Rice 35. Cooked with coconut milk, onions, potatoes & carrots. 62. Stir fried glass noodles with egg, garlic, onion, mixed vegetables & spring onions. 48. Stir Fried Sweet Basil With onion, mushroom, red & green peppers, baby corn & spring onions. Cooked with coconut milk, onions, potatoes & peanuts. 61. Stir fried flat rice noodles with garlic, fresh chilli,mixed vegetables & basil. 47. 34. A rich & thick sauce cooked with coconut milk, kaffir leaves, fine beans, red & green peppers. 60. Stir fried rice noodles with egg, beansprout & spring onion, served with crushed peanuts. Stir fried flat rice noodles with egg & broccoli. Stir Fried Fresh Ginger With mushrooms, onions, garlic, spring onion, red & green peppers & whole dry chillies. Red Curry 67. 42. 46. 50 62 All dishes are freshly prepared with your choice of Chicken £6.95 Pork £8.95 Beef £8.95 £11.95 Duck Prawn £9.95 Squid £8.95 £11.95 Mixed Sea Food (Crab Meat, Squid, Mussels, Prawn) Vegetables £5.95 Fried Beancurd £5.95 33. Cooked with coconut milk, bamboo shoots, red & green pepper, courgettes & sweet basil. = Mild Noodle & Rice Dishes Stir Fried Cashew Nuts Cooked with coconut milk, bamboo shoots, red & green peppers, courgettes & sweet basil. 27. Spicy coconut soup with mushroom, flavoured with lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, galangal & chilli. Mild chicken broth with mixed vegetables & glass noodles. 32. Green Curry 26. Tom Kha Tom Jead Woon Sen 40 All dishes are freshly prepared with your choice of Chicken £6.95 Pork £8.95 Beef £8.95 £11.95 Duck Prawn £9.95 Squid £8.95 £11.95 Mixed Sea Food (Crab Meat, Squid, Mussels) Vegetables £5.95 Fried Beancurd £5.95 All dishes are freshly prepared with your choice of Chicken £6.95 Pork £8.95 Beef £8.95 £11.95 Duck Prawn £9.95 Squid £8.95 £11.95 Mixed Sea Food (Crab Meat, Squid, Mussels) Vegetables £5.95 Fried Beancurd £5.95 All Stir Fry dishes come with your choice of steamed rice or egg fried rice. Dressed with chilli, garlic, red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, spring onion & lime juice Curry Dishes Stir Fried Dishes All curry dishes come with your choice of steamed rice or egg fried rice. Spicy hot & sour soup with mushroom, galangal,lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves & chilli. 46 36 Crab meat, squid, prawn, mussels, dressing with chillies, lime juice, red onion, coriander, lemon grass & kaffir lime leaves 26 Our homemade chicken paté on toast, fried & served with cucumber chutney & sweet chilli sauce All soups come with your choice of Vegetables Chicken Prawn 15. Tom Yum 17. £9.95 Grilled tender rump steak combined with lime juice, onion, spring onion, mint leaves, roasted rice & roasted chilli. £5.95 Sesame Chicken Toast 16. Beef Salad (Neua Num Tok) Soft cheese & diced jalapeño peppers coated in breadcrumbs served with salad and sweet and sour sauce Soups 17 19. Minced chicken combined with lime juice, oinon, spring onion, chilli, mint leaves & roasted rice. Tempura battered pinepple chilli squid served with sweet chilli sauce 12. 14. £7.95 £11.95 9. 4 Chicken Salad (Larb Kai) 22 King prawns deep fried in crispy batter, served with sweet chilli sauce. Chicken Satay 18. 21. Mixed vegetables deep fried in batter, served with sweet chilli sauce. 32 Salad 20. Spicy minced fish patties with Thai spices, served with cucumber chutney. 5. 8. 15 Chicken Spring Roll (Por Pai Kai) 4. 6. 13 19 = Extremely Hot 82 Most of our dishes may contain traces of nuts, wheat, gluten, fish, crustaceans or other allergenic ingredients. If you are not sure about our food or think that you may have an allergic reaction to any of our products, please ask for more information BEFORE ordering. We are looking to recruit Thai people to work in our establishment RED LION PUB, SQUATTERS, ARSON As most locals know the Red Lion (corner of High Street and Sipson Lane) in Harlington has been empty for years. The owners wanted to turn it into flats - but the Council refused. Someone presumably the owners then stripped it of bar fittings including all copper pipe work. Squatters moved in breaking open both of the entrance the doors - I understand as an off shoot of Grow Heathrow. They put up a ‘Legal Occupation’ notice in the windows. The selling agents ( and the owners (SKK Properties Ltd. of Southall) were informed - both failed to respond. Looking through the windows the bar area was quickly filled with books, bookcases, clothes and kids toys. A few months ago someone broke the large Victorian etched window at the side. This was then boarded up with chipboard. A few days ago someone set fire to the chipboard and the wooden window frame was also burnt. The local Fire Service surveyed the interior and discovered that the interior had been gutted and a major load bearing wall had been removed. They found that the upper floor is now only held up by two stan- chions. The whole building was deemed to be a fire risk and they issued a prohibition notice to stop anyone entering the building unless a risk assessment was carried out first. TWO Prohibition / Dangerous Structure notices were placed on the exterior doors / windows. However one of these was torn down; the other remains. The squatters are still there. It is obvious that this building will not be renovated. And like the Dower House will likely be arsoned to destruction; yet more of Harlington’s history to go up in flames. Name and address supplied HOUNSLOW MAYOR RAISES THOUSANDS AT INAUGURAL DINNER Around £5,000 was raised for local charities by the Mayor of Hounslow at her inaugural dinner at the weekend. The Mayor, Councillor Ajmer Grewal welcomed dignitaries and guests, communities, business and faith leaders from across the borough, to join her at what is the beginning of her mayoral year. Held at the Lampton Park Conference Centre, next to the Civic Centre, Lampton Road, over 300 guests enjoyed a sit-down meal followed by live musical performances and a disco. Those attending also showed their generosity in the auction and raffle during the evening. All money raised at the event will be split between The Alzheimer’s Society and Hounslow Association for the Blind, the two charities chosen by the Mayor for her term in office. The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia, support and research charity, helping those affected by dementia and their families and carers. It provides information and support, funds medical and social research and campaigns for a better quality of life for sufferers and a greater understanding of the condition. The Hounslow Association for the Blind, is a branch of the Middlesex Association for the Blind. It provides support for those residents that are blind or have visual impairment, enabling them to lead full, active and independent lives with a number of different services. These include a one-to-one rapid response service, a home visiting service, employment service, Braille and IT training and the use of resource centres where users can try out special equipment that could help them in their daily lives. A special video detailing the work of the two charities was shown before the auction and raffle got underway, with prizes donated by local businesses and Barclays Bank offering to double the amount raised for each prize. During the evening, there were performances by former Hounslow’s Got Talent winner singer Megan Price, Hounslow Music Service and the Jashan Jawani Dance Group. Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Grewal said: “It was a wonderful evening and I want to thank everyone who attended and gave their time and money, to what are two very worthwhile causes that will benefit so much from the funds raised. “I want to thank all who worked hard behind the scenes to make this event happen. It is a great start to my Mayoral year, to see so many people and I look forward to attending many more events, meeting many more people and raising funds and awareness for the two charities over the forthcoming months.” Pic caption: Raising funds, Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Ajmer Grewal with representatives from Hounslow Association for the Blind. ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 5 Chertsey Agricultural Show The only remaining traditional Agricultural Show within the M25!! When you attend this year’s show you will see birds of prey, heavy horses, private light horse driving, show jumping, cattle, sheep, pigs, rabbits, goats, chickens, a pet show, a companion dog show, dog agility, a craft and food marquee, horticultural marquee with vegetables, flowers, domestic and craft classes, classic cars, classic motorcycles, tractors of yesteryear, a scarecrow competition, beer tent, cider tent, food hall, shopping mall, trade stands and even snail racing. More details on - Follow us on Face book and Twitter. Why not join in? Don’t just come and watch. The show is open to amateur and professional alike. There are over 200 different classes of competition judged over the two days of the show: everything from home-made wine to home grown potatoes, artwork and photographs to household pets and pot plants. Just take the time to browse through the various ‘sections’ on this website and you’ll be bound to find something for you to enter. And children go free!! The purpose of the Chertsey Agricultural Association is to raise awareness of farming and growing. The show is great fun with lots of animals to look at and rides to enjoy. At the same time it is a great education for children who perhaps spend more time inside on the computer than outside on the farm. With this in mind the Agricultural Association allow children 14 and under free when accompanied by an adult. A Great Day Out For All The Family! SPECIAL OFFER TO READERS 2 ADULT TICKETS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 Buy your tickets online from Enter CODE: CASDT16022 Page 6 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 KATE FRANKS FILM REVIEW LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Based on the Jane Austen novel, Love & Friendship details upper class society in the 18th century but with a racy and comical twist. At the centre of the film is the beautiful yet malicious Lady Susan (Kate Beckinsale); a recently widowed socialite with the sole aim of finding wealthy husbands, for herself and her reluctant daughter, to help finance their expensive lifestyle. What follows is a fast-paced and intelligent film about one woman’s devious and manipulative scheming in a period of time where a flirtatious woman was deemed a scandalous one. With its timely humour, witty writing and lively characters Love & Friendship provides a fresh and exciting take on the classic romance period movie that could possibly be one of the best Jane Austen adaptations in film history. Feltham Lodge registers a bright new start Feltham Lodge is officially opened by Deputy Lieutenant for Hounslow, Maria Pedro who unveils the plaque. Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Ajmer Grewal at Feltham Lodge, in the room where residents become British Citizens. The Mayor of Hounslow joined guests at a special tea party on Friday to mark the official Mayor of Hounslow, Councillor Ajmer Grewal, said: “It was a wonderful afternoon and fantastic to see Feltham Lodge officially open and welcoming in our residents who use the services there. “The Registration and Nationality Service is one of the most important services the council provides. It is fitting that people will now not only be provided with a great service from staff at times of great joy and also sadness in their lives, but at Hot weather and animals keeping your pets happy and healthy this summer As the mercury soars towards 34 degrees Celsius today, plenty of Britons will be delighted the weather is turning for the better. However, just as many people find the heat uncomfortable, our animals can suffer from heat and sun related issues such as dehydration and sunburn. MedicAnimal, the UK’s leading online pet healthcare retailer, has put together some handy tips for owners to take into consideration during the hot weather. Andrew Bucher, cofounder and Chief Veterinary Officer at MedicAnimal, commented: “With temperatures reaching 27 degrees last weekend, bookies are betting on 2016 being the hottest summer on record. While enjoying the sunshine, we must make sure that our pets are comfortable and happy too as they can overheat extremely quickly. Here are some tips I’ve pulled together which you should consider this summer.” 1) Water: It is vital that dogs and cats have a constant access to fresh water. If you are out, make sure there is plenty of water to last until you return; for example you could buy a bigger water bowl or place more than one around the house. Additionally, if your dog is out and about with you, make sure you take water and a bowl with you; 2) Shade: Dogs and cats can overheat very quickly as they only sweat through their feet pads. To help regulate body temperature, dogs will pant. If your dog is outside or panting ensure they have a cool place to go. Remember, brachycephalic (flatfaced) dogs cannot pant as effectively which can make it harder to cool themselves down; 3) High temperatures: When the temperature reaches anything above 30 degrees we would not advise taking pets outside. They should remain inside, cool, with plenty of fresh water; 4) Cooling: If outside in the garden, use a water sprinkler or shallow bathing pool for your pets to cool themselves down; 5) Exercising: Dogs need to be walked but save these for early in the day and the evening when the air is cooler and choose shaded areas to walk; 6) Cars: Never leave your dog in the car, even if the windows are left open. The temperature inside the car can very quickly double that of the outside air temperature; 7) Check on them: When the temperatures opening of Feltham Lodge. Hounslow Council’s Registration and Nationality Service is now based at Feltham Lodge since moving from the building next door to the Civic Centre at the beginning of June. Deputy Lieutenant for Hounslow, Maria Pedro unveiled a commemorative plaque and made a speech, and guests enjoyed a tour of the building, whose origins date back to the late 1700s and early 1800s. The building has un- are warm, you should check on your dogs and cats often. If there are any signs of being too hot, make sure they are moved to a cool area and have access to water. If any heavy panting or signs of heatstroke continue, contact your vet. dergone a major transformation so it can offer more choice and room for services that everyone in the borough will use at some time in their lives. This ranges from registering births, deaths and marriages to holding wedding services, civil partnerships, reaffirmations and nationality ceremonies. Guests were also able to enjoy the magnificent gardens that surround Feltham Lodge, which provide a spectacular backdrop for weddings. a place that is fitting for what they need.” Feltham Lodge is currently in the middle of what is always a busy summer wedding season, as well as handling the day-to-day registration of births and deaths. Citizenship and nationality services have also been taking place, with all rooms in the building providing an appropriate setting for whatever the occasion is. Susan Hayter, Head of Registration and Nationality Services, said: “We are settling into our new home now and residents who have visited us, have been very impressed with Feltham Lodge. “As well as keeping the historic details which give the building character, it also has a very modern feel and is suitable for all the needs of those who use what is a very important service. Here at Feltham Lodge we can expand the service we offer and I think it will become a special place in local people’s lives.” HEATHROW MOTORCADE DOWN THE YEARS EARN EXTRA CASH DELIVERING THIS NEWSPAPER IN Brookside Avenue area of ASHFORD ——— Areas of HARMONDSWORTH ——— Greenlands Road area of STAINES You must will live in or close to the above areas to be considered Tel Ian on 01784 453196 For more information HEATHROW AIRPORT has provided an impressive variety of bus and coach vehicles to cater for the needs of passengers and employees over the years. In this week’s Heathrow Villager we picture one of the more unusual vehicles used to transfer both flight crews and passengers from airside to the terminal buildings in the way back. This was the Bedford J4A2 which pulled British TraileCompany/Samlesbury articulated trailer units with central entrances on both near and offside. The service was the operated by BEA and BOAC. We will be taking another look at some of the popular models that helped keep people and traffic on the move in, out and about Heathrow in our next issue. Confused Mr Adventure about your lands at Heathrow pension? ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 7 Pensions - who needs them? This cornerstone of personal financial security is creaking. Previous, normal retirement ages of 60 /65, are higher than ever. Occupational schemes are in danger zone. BT’s pension fund has a huge £10.6 billion hole in it. Redundant BHS staff are very worried about their pensions. Low interest rates have meant lower incomes from personal pensions. However, pensions are still very important. They can and do provide many with the best chance of financial security available. We asked an independent financial adviser for help. Christopher Doran says “Most find pensions complicated, confusing and even boring. They close off to what can be a financial life belt for their future. The choice is so wide and the rules and regulations so complex, they need specialist help to simplify everything and clear confusion.” So there you have it. Get straightforward advice from a specialist and make sure they are duly registered with the government regulator. Christopher’s next walk in ‘Financial Surgery’ is 11am - 1pm Saturday 13 August at The Ash Tree Pub Convent Road Ashford. He says “Come in and get your questions answered, in a private room, over a cup of coffee”. Since the opening of Premier Inn first Charity Kiosk ... I thought I would update on the sales, since you ran the piece of us opening the Great Ormond Street Hospital shop here in Premier Inn, London Heathrow Bath Road. In Pic from L-R are Coco, Katerina, Dardan & Monica Ryan Silvera the Hotel Manager said “Since May 27th, 745 bears have been sold raising £7,450.00 for GOSH. The interest from our guests has been great and the engagement from the team has been absolutely amazing. Exclusive new Mr Men character launched at Heathrow Just in time for the summer getaway, a brand new Mr Men character, Mr Adventure has been launched at Heathrow. Friday 22 July is predicted to be Heathrow’s busiest day with 130,000 passengers heading off for their summer break. With 330,000 journeys made by families travelling with children under the age of 16 from July – September, Mr Adventure will be busy making sure everyone’s journey is a smooth one. Passengers will be able to find Mr Adventure throughout the airport in new signage just for kids in security, in the free play areas in all terminals and on ‘kids eat free’ menus available in every terminal. From Monday 18 July to Sunday 4 September Mr Adventure will also be hosting themed activities and THE NEXT HEATHROW VILLAGER will be on Having a shop that displays the bears has been a huge benefit,not just in selling the bears and engaging with our guests but also promoting the extraordinary work that goes on at Great Ormond Street Hospital. The team also en- tered GOSH #F1challenge for Silverstone, raised £1,200.00 on their just giving page, which allowed them passes for the Fridays free practice. During the day, the team consisting of Katerina, Coco, Dardan & Monica collected £2,428.00. The Heathrow Villager unlocks the key to response 6TH AUGUST TO ADVERTISE TEL OR FAX 01784 453 196 e-mail: workshops, posing for photos and handing out activity booklets, sticker sheets and jelly treats to keep kids entertained. Families can follow Mr Adventure’s six-part Heathrow adventure over the summer on Heathrow’s official Youtube site. For more information, visit About Mr Men Little Miss Mr Men Little Miss celebrates 45 years in 2016. With an 86-strong cast of characters the Mr Men and Little Misses have brought fun and laughter to generations of families. Currently one Mr. Men and Little Miss book is sold every 2.5 seconds worldwide, and lifetime sales total 250 million books. Wanted man Anthony Gooch Surrey Polaice need your help to locate wanted 33-year-old man, Anthony Robert Gooch. We would like to speak to Anthony, who is from Feltham, in connection with an allegation of assault which occurred on Tuesday, 12 July near Ashford Park Primary School. He is described as white, of stocky build and has brown eyes and light brown hair. He is also believed to be using a red BMW M235, index: RV15 ZBL. He is currently believed to be living in the Feltham area of Middlesex but also has connections in Spelthorne and Elmbridge. Officers are asking for anyone with information regarding his whereabouts to contact us immediately. If you think you have the information we need to find Anthony, we urge you to contact us on 101 quoting crime reference number 45160059587 or you can use the online reporting system found at and enter the reference number in the ‘Addi- tional information’ section. Information can alternatively be passed anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Page 8 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 Success of dedicated unit for elderly Ashford Rotary patients at St Peter’s Hospital th Handover 50 year At a recent meeting at Ashford Manor Golf Club we had our Handover of Presidents. Vernon Leader who has been president during our fiftieth year and his Charity raised £2500 for the Penrose Club this was presented to Marilyn Blower as leader of Penrose Club she pointed out that the works that the Penrose Club do could not be achieved without such donations. He then told us that he the oldest member would now be handing over to the youngest member and passed over his roll as president to Simon Kroner President for this year who wrote:- Fellow Rotarians It seems that it was only 5 minutes ago that I said I would follow Vernon as Club President and I am sure that the coming year will appear to go just as quickly. Before I continue though, I must congratulate and thank Vernon for his year as President; and what a year it was too with the celebration of our Club’s 50th Anniversary. Now, on to the year ahead: new committees, new challenges (although hopefully not many of those) and hopefully some new faces. Once again membership has to be a priority if we are to survive as a club and I urge all members to help with this. Over the coming year we will be also be supporting the Sam Beare Hospice with their fundraising plans as well as our usual Christmas activities. My chosen charity for the year is Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance (formerly Surrey Air Ambulance) and we had a very good presentation from them on 20th June. We were given the latest information on the organisation, told about some of the lives they have saved, how the organisation has evolved since they last spoke (they are effectively a flying Accident and Emergency Unit) and we also heard about the new helicopter they will be getting. On to dates in the future, we have a curry evening in July with a patriotic theme so don’t forget your red, white and blue colours, theatre trips and a quiz night. If you would Like to know more about Rotary why not contact us through our Facebook page Rotary-Club-ofAshford-Middx or Streetlife Have you seen the new Flower bed at heathrow Have you seen the latest flower bed at heathrow, it’s beautiful full of colour with the word heathrow planted in flowers, now the flowers are blooming it really is a picture and it was all design by heathrow’s own Susie Wright and her team. Under age sale leads to fine for mini mart owner The owner of a mini mart supermarket has been fined more than £1,000 after Hounslow Council trading standards officers caught him selling age-restricted goods to an underage person. Mr Dedar Singh, owner of Best Quality Foods at Albany Parade, Brentford, pleaded guilty to the offence at Feltham Magistrates Court earlier this month (July). Mr Singh sold to a 17-year-old a bottle of WKD alcohol in June 2015 during a test purchase operation, which sees an underage person attempt to buy agerestricted products. These can include alcohol, tobacco, solvents, spray paints, knives and fireworks. Taking into account his guilty plea, the court fined Mr Singh £500, costs of £500 and a victim surcharge of £50. When handing down the fine, magis- trates warned Mr Singh that should he return to court for a similar offence, he could face a fine of up to £5,000. Councillor Sue Sampson, Cabinet Member for Community Protection, Hounslow Council, said: “We regularly visit sellers of age-restricted goods to ensure they are running their business within the confines of the law. “While most shops check the ID of those they suspect are underage, there are a few, like Mr Singh’s, that turn a blind eye. “When we come across these irresponsible business owners that put the lives of our young people in danger, we will always take tough action. Let this prosecution be a warning to others.” To report a business that you suspect is selling age-restricted items to under age customers emailtrading. standards @houn At the end of last year a new Older Persons Short Stay Unit – named Cherry Ward - opened at St Peter’s Hospital, specifically to care for patients over the age of 75. Led by Consultant Orthogeriatrician, Dr Radcliffe Lisk and his colleagues, the new unit has proved to be very successful – ensuring that patients receive a comprehensive assessment soon after being admitted to hospital by a highly specialised multi-disciplinary team, receive good continuity of care and are discharged more quickly. Dr Lisk explains: “Providing good care for our elderly patients can be a challenge. They often come into hospital as an emergency, but in treating the problem they present with, we need to consider the other, complex, health issues they may have. There are also considerations around things such as mobility, ability to live independently at home, family support, memory loss and dementia. Comprehensively assessing all of their needs as soon as they come into hospital means we can put the right care plan in place and think ahead for when the time comes for them to go home. For some time we’ve taken a joint approach to this, with a dedicated team of geriatricians, nurses, therapists, dieticians providing early, detailed assessment.” Whilst this joined-up approach was proving to be very successful, it became clear it was difficult to follow-up pa- Back row (L-R) Dr Radcliffe Lisk, Occupational Therapist Charlotte Spencer, Physiotherapist Ruth O’Sullivan, Therapy Assistant Simon Lister, Dr Clarence Chikusu. Front row (L-R) Dr Bhavidra Pathmanathan, Deputy Sister Marlyn Pagkalinawan and Ward Manager Kristine Reyes. tients once they were moved to a ward. “It’s hard to keep track of patients when they are located on several different wards”, explains Dr Lisk. “Even the time it takes to walk backwards and forwards is lost time for patient care.” The solution was to create Cherry Ward; a dedicated 13 bedded facility located in the old Medical Assessment Unit at St Peter’s Hospital. Dr Chikusu, Consultant Acute Physician and Geriatrician and new lead for the unit, adds: “We’ve also changed the way we staff this service – between 8am and 6pm each day we aim to have a dedicated senior member of our team in A&E, the Acute Medical Unit and on Cherry Ward, so they can work together to quickly identify elderly patients who need our specialist input and should be moved to the unit. We’ve also introduced a ‘Consultant of the Week’ model – meaning the same consultant attends the unit each day, providing better continuity of care and reducing repetition.” Between December 2015 and May 2016, 5186 patients over the age of 75 were admitted, with an average length of stay of 7.55 days. This is a great improvement compared to the previous year (December 2014 to May 2015, where 5253 patients were admitted with an average length of stay of 9.30 days). Dr Lisk said: “We know that spending long periods of time in hos- pital can actually be detrimental to our older patient’s health and wellbeing. Most do not want to be in hospital and over time, their mobility and independence can reduce. It’s great that the introduction of Cherry Ward and our approach of working so closely with the senior therapy team is enabling us to provide a more tailored package of care for these patients, and to discharge them more quickly.” In recognition of the team’s success, they recently presented at the Acute Frailty Network’s annual conference on 30th June. They will also present a poster at the prestigious European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) Congress in Lisbon in October. ILLEGAL EXTENSION DEMOLISHED BY COUNCIL Planning enforcement officers have overseen the demolition of an illegal side extension and front canopy at a property in Rochester Avenue, Feltham, after the owners failed to remove it themselves. The illegally built, ramshackle timber single story side extension, was built after planning permission for a previous extension had expired. The extension was not built in accordance with previously agreed plans and the front canopy was built without planning permission. Both developments were erected using unsuitable materials, making it unsafe as well as an eyesore. Local contractors removed the illegal extensions this week. The The single side extension was put up illegally and has now been demolished by Hounslow Council owner will now be billed for this work after they ignored the official enforcement noticed issued by Hounslow Council asking them to take action themselves. Councillor Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council, said: “The owners of this property were given ample time to act on the enforcement notice, but they ignored our warning. “They left us with no choice but to take matters into our own hands and order the extension to be demolished. “Let this be a warning to others. We will always take action where we can.” Hounslow Council will now recoup the cost of the demolition, more than £3,000, from the property owners. JOB SEARCH TO ADVERTISE TEL OR FAX 01784 453196 e-mail: or Recruitment Agency to the Freight Forwarding, Logistics & Shipping Industries AIRFREIGHT CO-ORDINATOR: Fine Art exp’ essential at a senior level. Dealing with specialist shipment by airfreight. Excellent opening................................. £40K-£50K PRICING CO-ORDINATOR: Several roles within Pricing team preparing quotes, tenders, RFQ’s, etc,. Must have a pricing or export b/ground. .................. Upto £30K aae CARGO SALES MANAGER – AIRLINE: Rare opening for this expanding int’l airline. Proven airline cargo sales exp’, able to neg’ at top level. UK role.............. £50K Pkg TRANSPORT ASSISTANT/CLERKS: Several positions. One junior role, good starting role assisting a transport manager. One senior role. Both days. .. £14K-£28K aae AEROSPACE CLERKS: Several positions. Ideally have aerospace exp’ and looking for a career move. Varied roles. Normal days and some call outs............. To £30K aae ACCOUNT CO-ORDINATOR: Handling a major account for this major F/F. Must be able speak French. A Control Tower operation. Some freight/shipping exp. . C£23000 CUSTOMS MANAGER: Large F/F. Managing small team undertaking customs compliance. Dealing with major clients. Proven record in customs procedures. Upto £50000 EXPORT ROUTE CO-ORDINATOR: Major freight co’. Must have extensive negotiating skills with airlines at a senior level. Rare opening. ........................................ £30000 IMPORT SEAFREIGHT SUPERVISOR: Solid record in seafrt imports and able to supervise a small team. All aspects and working within a medium sized F/F. ....... £VNeg IMPORT OPERATIONS: Senior role undertaking all aspects of imports, mainly airfreight. Good customs knowledge & customer services skills req’d. .............. To £30000 FREIGHT FORWARDING CO-ORDINATOR: Reading based logistics co’. Min 3 years export airfreight exp’. Start to finish in a small freight dept. ............. £25K Neg aae PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR: Basingstoke. Dealing with shipments worldwide incl cross-trade. Exp’ within exports or imports. Would cross train. Several roles. To £30K aae IMPORT OPERATIONS: Southampton. Excellent opening for an exp’ import ops person with solid record. All aspects. Why commute to LHR?..................... Upto £30000 AIRFREIGHT CO-ORDINATOR: Amersham, Bucks. Imports & Exports. Varied role. Min 3 years exp’ with A/F. Would cross train. ..................................................... £Neg aae OPERATIONS POSITIONS: Gatwick based. Several positions including Days or Nights, Shifts or normal Days. Must have freight or logistics knowledge. Pls call. Upto £26K CARGO RES’ AGENT: Ccargo operation requires additional exp’ Cargo res’ person. Must have exp’ within the airline cargo sector. Good telephone skills req’d. £23000 Neg COURIER CUSTOMER SERVICES: A proactive individual is required to work in this busy C.S dept of this int’l courier co’. Must have courier exp’. .............. Upto £25000 OPERATIONS CLERKS (NIGHTS) 4 on 4 off: Undertaking general export & import procedures in 24/7 operation. Export orientated applicants required.£28K-£32K aae WAREHOUSE MANAGER: Progressive medium sized freight co’. Busy operation. Good staff management skills req’d. Good freight knowledge req’d. ................ £Neg aae SALES / BDM / ROUTE DEVELOPMENT / TELESALES / SALES CO-ORDINATORS: Experience in freight or courier req’d. Various positions in all areas... Pls call £££ TRAINEES / JUNIORS: Several positions for career minded ‘novices’ looking for a start! Good educational b/ground req’d. Excellent prospects. .. £12K - £14K to start For the best selection of jobs in the Freight Forwarding industry, please call us. Tel 01784 420410 Email: Ashford House, 41/45 Church Road, Ashford, Middlesex. TW15 2TQ agy OUR NEXT LEVEL D TRAINING COURSES WILL BE HELD ON: Wednesday 27th July Thursday 4th August Monday 8th August Wednesday 24th August ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 9 Page 10 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 PLEASE MENTION THE HEATHROW VILLAGER WHEN REPLYING TO ADVERTS HIAB/PLANT VEHICLE DRIVER REQUIRED FOR LOCAL DELVIERIES PLEASE CALL 07563 161799 FOR MORE INFORMATION urgently require 7.5 Tonne & 18 Tonne Drivers For more information please call Terry on 07581 217825 REQUIRE CLASS 1 DRIVERS For airport work and general haulage Your must have no more than six points on your driving licence NIGHT DRIVERS REQUIRED Shift pattern 8 – 12 hour shifts, 5 days a week. Pay rates as follows: 7.5t £9.25 per hour Class 2 £10.00 per hour Class 1 £13.00 per hour To apply send CV and preferred shift pattern to or telephone Dave Richards on 01784 242824 Apply to Kirsty Jones or Tel 01753 687876 OWNER DRIVERS REQUIRED Owners of Small Vans, Transits, Sprinters and 7.5 tonnes to carry out dedicated Sameday Deliveries/Collections all over the UK Full time and Part time positions available. Contract work available. Night and Weekend positions available. European drives available. Weekly Pay Uniform Supplied All applicants trained to Level D (training can be arranged) ADR and Haz Aware an advantage. All applicants to be smart and courteous Vehicles to be clean and tidy. ~~~~~ FORKLIFT DRIVERS URGENTLY WANTED Days / Evenings & Weekends 7 days a week You must have a five year checkable work history with no convictions Apply to James George or Tel 01753 687876 Please call Dave for an informal chat on 01753 687388 You can also view the Heathrow Villager at: THE HOLLIES, POYLE ROAD, COLNBROOK, BERKS SL3 0AA Due to the continued growth of our business we are recruiting for various driver positions. If you are interested in joining our team or finding out more please call Holly or Clare, and they can discuss current opportunities. Class 1 Drivers Mon-Fri – Days (50 hour contract + overtime) *Average earnings £39,150 pa 4 on 4 off – Days (48 hour contract + overtime) * Average earnings £31,129 pa 4 on 4 off – Nights (48 hour contract + overtime) * Average earnings £38, 234 pa *Based on salaries of 2014-2015 Class 2, Class 3 & Van Drivers – various positions are available Any questions or for an application form please visit or call 01753 418 943 ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 11 01784 240006 !!! !! 13 Feltham Road, Ashford, TW15 1DQ 01784 240006 DRIVING DIVISION LGV 1, LGV 2, 7.5 TONNE and VAN ALWAYS REQUIRED FOR AIRPORT, DISTRIBUTION, TRUNKING AND DAIRY WORK COMBINATION OF SHIFTS AVAILABLE £150 Check out our New Website If you Introduce a Friend * INDUSTRIAL DIVISION FORKLIFT OPERATORS WAREHOUSE OPERATIVES PACK-HOUSE OPERATIVES WITH OR WITHOUT LEVEL D CURRENTLY RECRUITING FOR A BLUE CHIP COMPANY BASED IN HARMONDSWORTH. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A FIT, HEALTHY PERSON, LOOKING TO START THEIR CAREER IN A WAREHOUSE. SALARY £17,000 IN FIRST INSTANCE, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CV TO: JOBS@PRODRIVEPERSONNEL.CO.UK * SUBJECT TO NEW STARTER COMPLETING 3 MONTHS OF WORK WITH AGENCY !!!! !! 01784 240006 !! 01784 240006 PERMANENT JOBS 01784 240006 !!! !! !! 01784 240006 !! !! 01784 240006 !!!! !! 33 12 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 Page JOBS theweeklytribune 23rd - 29th May 2016 Follow us on Twitter @weeklytribune BUS DRIVER VACANCIES London United is looking for excellent drivers with good customer service skills, eager to pursue a career in bus driving. This is an opportunity to drive London’s iconic red busses and to gain a career for life, working for London United. Full training will be given to those individuals that successfully pass through our selection and screening processes. PCV Drivers Required We also require experienced PCV drivers. Bus drivers who already hold a PCV licence, and who can quickly integrate into the Company, will be fast-tracked through the process. Competitive Salary with OTE of £24k per annum. Hallmark Connections Ltd are part of a long established passenger transport company with excellent UK coverage. We are looking for qualified PCV drivers for Various Roles including; Contracts, Air Crew Transport, Private Charter We have garages in ten locations. We are open to taking on experienced drivers with basic car licenses, and who and are serious about a longterm career as a bus driver. You MUST meet ALL of the below criteria in order to be considered: Come and see us at our Open Day on Friday 30th July from 1100-1500 at: • Must live within a reasonable commute of one of our garages • At least one years driving experience within the UK- proof of which will be required Hallmark Connections Ltd, The Coach Travel Centre, West London Oil Terminal, Bedfont Road, Stanwell, TW19 7LZ • No more than 3 endorsement points on your license • Excellent customer service skills, be able to provide suitable references upon request You must have no more than 6 Points, be a qualified PCV Holder (with current DCPC) and have a 5 year checkable Employment History. All PCV applications will be fast tracked and you will receive a prompt response. If you would like to have a chat and find out more call us on 01784 425600 and ask for Chris or Antony. Benefits on offer: • Quality training, Competitive rates of pay, Paid holidays, Staff travel pass and nominee pass (Free travel on London’s buses and Underground), Fitness First discounted gym membership, Company pension scheme, Job security In order to apply please send your CV with a covering letter to or visit to download an application form or Call 0208 400 6500 Hallmark Connections Ltdis part of Rotala Plc. and is an equal opportunities employer. www.driverhire/ The UK’s No. 1 Professional Driving Recruitment & Training Agency THEUK’S UK’SLARGEST LARGESTPROVIDER PROVIDER OF THE OF DRIVER DRIVERCPC CPCTRAINING TRAINING 17 DIFFERENT MODULES AVAILABLE 17 DIFFERENT MODULES AVAILABLE DATES AVAILABLE: • 30th May - 4th June • 13th - 17th June DATES AVAILABLE: • • 8th - 9th July TEMPORARY STAFF PERMANENT RECRUITMENT 24/7 SERVICE • 11th - 16th July • 18th - 20th July 15th 19th • 15th - – 19th AugustAugust TRAINING QUALITY ASSURED SUPPLY Driver Hire Slough - Contact Roy 01753 686363 07496 972816 Email: Authorised Trainer for ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 13 S.E. STAFF NO ‘1‘ AIRFREIGHT RECRUITMENT SINCE 1971 / SPECIALISTS WITHIN THE FREIGHT-FORWARDERS INDUSTRY. 5282 Senior Import Clerk : Mon – Fri 9 to 5.30. Small team Open 5286 Import Clerk : 3-5 years Entry Exp. Mid sized agent ....... 26K 5277 Import Clerk – some exports to assist when busy ........... 28K 5283 Export Clerk : Min 2 years, general Exports duties ......... 23K 5284 Export Junior x 2 . Large agent, all training provided .... 18K 5279 Product Analyst 2- 3 years Air Freight Experience ... 22-25K 5283 Export Clerk: General Exports & Consols ................... 26-28K 5276 Fine Arts : Air / Ocean Manager . LHR Based ............... 50K 5254 Office Manager : Small team, Export bias .......................... 40K 5253 Sales Exec :To promote Road Freight with in S/E .. +Car 35K 5248 Trainee. Learn everything about Freight & Logistics ........ 16K REGISTER ONLINE / SEE OTHER JOBS - - GIVE US A CALL FOR MORE DETAILS AND REGISTER IN CONFIDENCE TODAY! SPEAK WITH ANN or ORSON ...... TEL 01784 - 226921 or MOB 0779 5606305 OR E.MAIL US YOUR C.V. ON Runnymede Malthouse Business Centre Malthouse Lane, Egham, Surrey. TW20 9BD YOUR VACANCY ADVERT CAN COST AS LITTLE as £39 + VAT for a 3cm x 1 col 7.5 TONNE MULTI DROP DRIVER FOR LOCAL DELIVERIES BASED IN COLNBROOK FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 07563 161799 HGV CLASS ll Drivers Required FOR NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION NO AIRFREIGHT – FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 07563 161799 SERVING THE FREIGHT, SHIPPING, AIRLINE AND COURIER INDUSTRIES FREIGHT / COURIER / CARGO COMPANIES LOOKING FOR THE BEST SALES, IMPORT AND EXPORT PEOPLE AROUND NAME YOUR PRICE!!! EXPORT CLERKS X 8. BASED LHR, AIR OR SEA EXPERIENCE NEEDED ...................................... C.32K IMPORT CLERKS X 12. BASED LHR, AIR OR SEA EXPERIENCE NEEDED ..................................... C.33K AIRFREIGHT EXPORT SUPERVISOR. OVERSEEING A TEAM OF 3 STAFF ..................................... C.32K IMPORT AIRFREIGHT TEAM LEADER. MAJOR LHR FORWARDER. OVERSEEING 5 STAFF .... 28K – 32K IMPORT SEAFREIGHT TEAM LEADER. O/SEEING SMALL DEPARTMENT ..................................... £NEG SENIOR AIR EXPORT CLERK. MEDIUM LHR FORWARDER, START-FINISH ROLE .......................... C.30K COURIER CUSTOMR SERVICE AGENT. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED ...................... C.24K CARGO AGENT. MAJOR LHR HANDLING AGENT, 2 DAYS / 2 NIGHTS / 4 DAYS OFF .................. C.24K BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER. AIRFREIGHT IMPORT BIASED (RETAIL) ......................... £££££ IMPORT BROKERAGE CLERK. 4 ON 4 OFF (DAYS), IMPORT ENTRY KNOWLEDGE ESSENIAL ..... C.30K ROAD FREIGHT OPERATORS. EXPERIENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL ROADFREIGHT ....................... 22K MULTI-MODAL FREIGHT OPERATOR. SMALL F/F, IMPORT AND EXPORT DUTIES ...................... C.30K SENIOR ROAD ACCOUNT MGR. EXPERIENCE OF ROADFREIGHT SELLING ........... 30K + CAR +COMM SENIOR IMPORT ROLE. SMALL FORWARDER, ENTRY KNOWLEDGE ESSENTIAL ......................... C.30K TELESALES EXECUTIVE. WORKING FOR A PRESGIOUS LHR COURIER COMPANY ......... 22K + COMM EXPORT CLERKS. 2ND JOBBER LEVEL, WORKING FOR A MAJOR F/F, 1 YEARS EXPERIENCE 20K-24K IMPORT B/B CLERK. WORKING FOR A MAJOR F/F, M – F 0900 – 1730 ......................................... C.21K IMPORT SEAFREIGHT CLERKS. BASIC EXPERIENCE REQUIRED ........................................... 20K – 23K IMPORT QUOTATION CLERK. DEALING WITH QUOTES AND AIRLINE RATE NEGOTIATIONS ..... C.25K FREIGHT TRAINEES AND SECOND JOBBERS REQUIRED. FULL TRAINING OFFERED ............. 12K–20K SECURITY DRIVER. EXCELLENT FORWARDER. 5 YEARS REFERENCE CHECK NEEDED .............. £NEG Call Damian or Darius Tel: 01784 421 044 or Fax: 01784 244 000 (AGY) E-mail: Heathrow Personnel HEATHROW PERSONNEL ARE BUSY AND RECRUITING FOR LOTS OF NEW AND EXISISTING CUSTOMERS AND WE NEED YOU! WAREHOUSE OPERATIVES (NO FORKLIFT REQUIRED) WEST DRAYTON AREA HGV 1 / 2 & 7.5 TONNE DRIVERS FOR LOTS OF TEMPORARY & PERMANENT VACANCIES AIR & IMPORT CLERKS £16K - £35K - ALL LEVELS AIR & SEA EXPORT CLERKS £14K - £33K - ALL LEVELS FORKLIFT DRIVERS - VARIOUS SHIFT PATTERNS - TOP PAY RATES £££ REMOVALS PORTERS FOR COLNBROOK, WEYBRIDGE, BYFLEET AREA WAREHOUSE SUPERVISORS £24K - £32K - HEATHROW CARGO AGENTS (PERM & TEMP - PERM) £19K - £25K WE HAVE THE BEST SELCTION OF VACANCIES WITH THE BEST COMPANIES AROUND HEATHROW WEBSITE UPDATED REGULARY AND OUR JOBS ARE LIVE!!! VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND ‘LIKE’ OUR FACEBOOK PAGE T: 01932 227999 email: Page 14 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 Campaigners remind new PM she “has the power to stop a 3rd runway at Heathrow.” Clear Blue Skys – NOT Yesterday morning at Heathrow (Tuesday July 19) the day broke to a cloudless sky and already the heat from the sun could be felt. The sky remained cloudless but there was the ever present brown smudge of traffic pollution on the horizon. However within an hour - after the lifting of the night flight curfew - the entire sky was criss-crossed by what are erroneously termed aircraft ‘contrails.’ These then quickly spread out until there was no blue sky left - only white clouds of toxic poisons. ‘Con’ as in con-trails does not infer condensation aka water vapour. The ‘con’ is the lie that these trails in the sky are pure water drops and harmless. What comes out of a jet engine is anything but pure - consisting of hundreds of the most toxic and carcinogenic chemicals known to man. And every day these chemicals spew out of hundreds of engines during taxiing, take off, and overflying. For the rest of the day the sunlight at Heathrow permeated through this layer of toxicity with an unnatural glow. The direct sun was well hidden. And this happens every day at every airport around the world. That is why we do NOT need a Third Runway at Heathrow or any airport expansion - period. C.J.Brady Harlingtion Weeks before a decision is made on a new runway for London and the South East, campaigners remind the new Prime Minister, as she leaves Downing St for her first Prime Minister’s Ques- tions, of the opposition there is to a third runway at Heathrow. A group of protesters representing different areas of London and the South East were opposite the gates of Downing Street with a large banner “Theresa May, save us from a third runway!” last Wednesday 20th July. Campaigners gathered at 11am and expected were there for about 30 minutes. The event was been organized jointly by Stop Heathrow Expansion (representing the Heathrow villages) and the long-standing campaign group HACAN. HACAN chair John Stewart said, “We know from her past statements that Theresa May is no fan of Heathrow expansion. We will be gathering to remind her that she now has the power to stop it.” Stanwell Fields School Summer Fete It was an amazing day with the sun taking centre stage. Over 500 people attended on Saturday 16th July. A fantastic turnout, which indicates to us that with similar support from the pupils, parents, volunteers and local companies, events we plan in the future are also likely to be as great a success. The children had a marvellous time and took huge pleasure in being able to throw wet sponges at their teachers. Our headmaster, Mr. Franklin, was a particularly good sport, volunteering twice to be locked into the stocks. The second time allowing buckets of water to be thrown over him which left him completely drenched. There were a large selection of stalls and a number of live performances from Bea’s Cheerleading, Twisted Bliss Fire Act, Dance Energy, singer Liberty Grant and also character ap- pearances from Emmett the Lego man, Minions and Paw Patrol. We raised £2154 with a proportion being put towards the school library. The Christmas Fete is the next event being planned by the Friends of Stanwell Fields. We would like to thank everyone who attended our fete. Without your attendance and support, the fete would not have been the success it was. EARN EXTRA CASH DELIVERING THIS NEWSPAPER IN Brookside Avenue area of ASHFORD ——— Areas of HARMONDSWORTH ——— Greenlands Road area of STAINES You must will live in or close to the above areas to be considered Tel Ian on 01784 453196 For more information How can you beat the burglars during your summer holiday? Summer holiday season is now in full swing with thousands of families leaving the country for their long-awaited break in the sun, but many could be leaving themselves vulnerable to the threat posed by burglars. Allison Thompson, managing director at property specialist Leaders, says it is important to take steps to reduce the likelihood of thieves targeting your home while you are away. “Nobody likes to think about the possibility that their property could be broken into while they are away, putting valuable possessions and treasured belongings at risk. The good news is that there is plenty you can do prior to your holiday to put off burglars,” she explains. Allison has put together the following five top tips for those who are preparing to enjoy a break this summer and would like to deter potential thieves. 1) Avoid publicising your holiday on Facebook The quickest way to alert burglars to your impending departure is to announce on Facebook or other social media platforms that you are going away. It is important to remember your posts can be seen by more people than just your friends and you can never be sure of the intentions of people you do not know. The only way to be safe is to avoid publicising your trip online until you have returned home. 2) Make use of timer gadgets There is a good range of timer lamps, security lights and radios that can be set to activate at certain points throughout the day and night, helping to give the impression that somebody is at home. Investing in these before you depart can go some way towards encouraging burglars to leave your home alone. 3) Offer the use of your driveway If you are taking your car to the airport or using it to travel within the UK, why not ask a friend or relative to use your driveway while you are away? It will give the impression that your house is still being lived in. 4) Cancel milk, newspaper and online shopping deliveries One of the clearest signs you are on holiday is bottles of milk piled up on your doorstep or a stack of newspapers in the letterbox. So make sure you cancel any regular deliveries - and avoid buying anything online for home de- livery - before you go away. 5) Secure outdoor valuables Many people leave expensive items in their gardens or in unsecured sheds or garages. Thieves will not turn down the chance to swipe a bike, barbecue or lawnmower if it is on show, so make sure these items are adequately secured. Allison says: “Summer is a prime time for opportunistic burglars to strike, so whether you own your home or are renting, if you go away at this time of year it is wise to think about how to secure your property. Putting yourself in the mind of a burglar and taking a few simple steps can help you to eliminate the risks and encourage thieves to carry on walking past your property. “Having up-to-date home and contents insurance is also a must for peace of mind.” For advice you can trust on all aspects of selling, letting, buying or renting, please contact your local Leaders branch today or visit ISSUE 878 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 Page 15 Villager Motoring Don’t go searching LIQUI MOLY launches for Pikachu on M25 Special Oil for Volvos With the world going Pokemon GO crazy, UK road safety charity IAM Roadsmart is urging motorists not to go on the hunt for Squirtle on Spaghetti Junction, Jigglypuff on the Hangar Lane gyratory or Magikarp on the M4. The new Pokemon Go mobile phone craze has swept the world this week, and is available in the UK today – but IAM RoadSmart has reminded drivers not to play the game while at the wheel of their cars. The game allows you to seek out Pokemon characters in real life settings via your mobile phone. But IAM RoadSmart fears that young drivers especially could go on the search for Pikachu and his friends on the roads. Samson Ruwangu, IAM RoadSmart digital content executive, 23, said: “Kids and adults alike are going crazy for this game. But the risk is that some people are going to be playing it at LIQUI MOLY is launching a new special oil on the market for the latest models by Volvo: Special Tec V 0W-20. It is officially approved by Volvo. With a viscosity of 0W-20 it is a highly fluid oil, which reduces fuel consumption and quickly and reliably lubricates all parts of the engine even when starting in winter. the wrong time – and driving a car is the last place you should be looking for Pidgey, Rattata or the others. “I nearly tripped over playing this game. Pokemon GO makes you concentrate on catching characters and it takes both hand and eye coordination.” Research conducted last year by IAM RoadSmart showed the extent to which smartphone use had become an addiction to some. Eight per cent of drivers admitted to driving while using a videocalling application such as FaceTime and Skype to make and receive video calls, rising to 16 per cent among 18 to 24 year olds. It found nine per cent of drivers admitted to taking a selfie while driving within ‘the last month’. This increases to 15 per cent of young drivers aged 18-24 and 19 per cent of 25-35 year olds. Women are less selfie obsessed than men, with just five per cent of women citing they have taken a selfie while driving compared to 12 per cent of men (reference 1). Samson added: “While looking out for Eevee, Weedle and the rest is great fun, it is important to keep concentration on what matters – and that’s keeping your eyes on the road. Psyduck can wait for later.” Let the experts take care of your vehicle FIXED PRICE AUTOCENTRE Specialists in servicing and repairs on all makes of cars and light commercial vehicles. OPEN 7 DAYS FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY AT HOME OR WORK We will match or beat any quote from any reputable VAT registered garage. SUMMER SERVICE In the Special Tec series by LIQUI MOLY those oils that are suitable for a special, particularly limited vehicle fleet are united. The following letter signals which brand the oil was developed for: Special Tec V for Volvos, Special Tec F for Ford and Special Tec F Eco for the Eco Boost engines by Ford. MINI VALET WITH EVERY REPAIR FREE AIR CON REGAS WITH EVERY FULL SERVICE FREE DIAGNOSTIC CHECK AND COMPUTER TUNING SPECIAL OFFER or our SERVICE & MOT COMBINATION PACKAGE FOR ALL NEW CUSTOMERS £79.95 +VAT (£95.94) £99.95 + VAT (119.94) Including new: Spark Plugs, Oil, Oil Filter, Anti-Freeze and consumables. Free checks and adjustments to: Brakes, Steering, Suspension, Timing Belt, Tyres, Exhaust Lights, Underbody and Electronic Tuning. WITH THIS VOUCHER PLUS A FREE MOT RE-TEST MOTs • SERVICING AIR COND SERVICE FREE BRAKE CHECKS SHOCKS TYRES • EXHAUSTS CLUTCHES BUSINESS PETROL ACCOUNTS WELCOME • WORKSHOP ACCOUNTS WELCOME FULL SERVICE INCLUDING NEW SPARK PLUGS, OIL, OIL FILTER, AIR FILTER, POLLEN FILTER (IF FITTED), FUEL FILTER, ANTI FREEZE AND CONSUMABLES. CHECKS & ADJUSTMENTS TO: BRAKES, STEERING, SUSPENSION, TIMING BELT, TYRES, EXHAUSTS, AND MORE. FREE MOT WITH FULL SERVICE! £40 + VAT COURTESY CAR AVAILABLE Unit 11, Horton Depot, Stanwell Road, Horton, Nr Heathrow, SL3 9PG 01753 683758 / 684224 MOT’s £27 • • • • • • • FREE MOT WITH EVERY FULL SERVICE WITH THIS VOUCHER Air Con Regas Special Offer email: Official oil approvals by Volvo in the car sector have not existed for very long. Previously Volvo used only industry standards such as ACEA and refrained from releasing its own, more extensive regulations for motor oil. But now Volvo is following the same strategy as Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes have been following for many years: Making very detailed provisions on which properties the motor oil should have. The background is that the oil and its properties are a part of the development of a new engine and modern engines reactive very sensitively to the wrong oil. These provisions by Volvo are fulfilled by the new Special Tec V 0W-20 by LIQUI MOLY. It has Volvo approval VCC RBS02AE and is therefore suitable for the latest models that need an oil with this approval. For older models Special Tec V 0W-30 has existed for years. It has now appreciated and carries the official Volvo approval VCC 95200377. (subject to availability) AUTOCENTRE TEL: 01753 686321 FREEPHONE: 0800 856 0033 FAX: 01753 689166 EMAIL: PICK UP AND DROP OFF SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE (Local area only) AIR-CON RECHARGE £35+ VAT FIND US AT BP Golden Cross Service Station, Old Bath Road High Street, Colnbrook, Slough, Berkshire SL3 0JZ Page 16 HEATHROW VILLAGER 23rd July 2016 ISSUE 878 HEATHROW’S TOP FLIGHT NEWSPAPER EXPRESS CARS 01784 42 11 11 SPORT GATWICK LHR LUTON £48.00 £20.00 £58.00 All pickup addresses should be within Spelthorne Borough Council LIMITED TIME PROMOTION Ashford Ladies record breaking win It was a day for records at Short Lane, as Ashford produced their finest performance of the season , their highest ever total setting them up for their biggest win. Put into bat, they started with positive intent, Elize Brown soon finding the boundary, but two quick wickets meant they had to regroup, and Becky Halls began to rebuild the innings with Jenny Tippell. Gradually, they got things back on track, Halls the steadying influence as Tippell played her shots. They added over seventy together before Tippell fell for 42, bringing Angharad Purser to the crease. She took her time to settle in, then began to up the pace, hitting the ball cleanly all round the wicket. Wokingham were toiling in the field, on the hottest day of the summer so far, but Ashford knew they couldn’t afford to take the pressure off. Halls was out for 48, but Purser was well supported by Dani Gregory, Yolandi Maynier and Hannah Merchant, and began to cut loose, hitting boundaries at will. Having scored 32 off the last 15 balls she had faced, Purser had passed her maiden fifty, and looked to be on course Womens Cricket Southern League Championship, 17th July Ashford 278 -7 (Angharad Purser 85, Erin Simmonds 8-1-48-3) Wokingham 77 (C Guppy 18, Dani Gregory 4-2-8-2) County, National & Other Outside Competitions W/ Ending 10th July 27th June Men’s County Fours 5th Round Ron Searle, Ashley Tanner, Rob Hackwell Matt Larman won vs Masonians by 1 shot through to Qtr Finals 27th June NW Surrey Ladies League Flo Man, Norma Evans, Brenda Astridge, Carol Stedman lost 13 -20 to Oatlands Park 28th June Men’s County Triples 4th Round Ashley Tanner, Rob Hackwell, Matt Larman won 22 - 4 vs Cambridge Park 29th June Mens County Pairs 5th Round Ashley Tanner, Rob Hackwell won against Terry & Dave Law(all Ashford Pairs) 25-16 then lost in 6th Round to Simon G of Parsons Green by 6 shots 1st July Champion of Champions Ashley Tanner won 21-16 vs Dave Pitt 2nd July Ladies Johns Trophy Middx lost to Surrey at Bounds Green Marion Bushnell was at least on highest winning rink 2nd July Southern County Pairs Rob Hob Hackwell, Matt Larman won 22-16 vs Egham 3rd July Uxbridge Open Mick Delaney & Don Pope won 22-7 4th July TV League Triples lost on an extra end to Winnington in 5th Round score was 16-16 5th July TV League Singles Matt Larman bt Richard Hackwell of NPL 21-19 Richard after being behind for most of the game lost it on the last end 6th July Richmond & Barnes League vs Hampton Won 61-43 away 2 rinks won 1 drew Highest Rink Jeff Goldsmith, Marion Bushnell, Ashley Tanner 9th July Richmond & Barnes League vs Cambridge Park lost by 1 shot – Cambridge Park Green proved very tricky to play 10th July Men’s County Fours Qtr Final Ron Searle, Ashley Tanner, Rob Hackwell & Matt Larman bt Harrow but lost to Brentham BAA Heathrow bike ride for three figures, when she misjudged a shot and was caught for a fine 85 off 81 balls. With only eight balls left, Ashford were still 8 runs away from maximum batting points, and with a new bat at the crease it looked like they would miss out. However, Merchant was joined by Ali McCreedy, playing her 100th league match for the Club, and the pair added another 16 runs to secure the points, McCreedy hitting 13 from only five balls. Wokingham faced an uphill task, needing MORRIS ROOFING CONTRACTORS LTD A FAST AND EFFICIENT SERVICE FROM AN ESTABLISHED COMPANY (SINCE 1977) AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. Limited Company Registration 4693135 FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION 10 YEAR GUARANTEE FULL INSURANCE COVER STAINES: 01784 457444 MOBILE: 07850 708240 email: for the Club. Wokingham’s lower order showed some resolve, and got the score up to 44 before another catch by Taylor gave Elize Brown a wicket. Another partnership developed, with runs coming a little more easily for the visitors, and it took an excellent pick up and throw by Hannah Merchant to get a run out, and leave Ashford needing only one more wicket for victory. It came with the last ball of the 28th over, Jenny Tippell smashing the stumps to finish the in- A.P.T Rider Training Stanwell, Staines-upon-Thames Call Adrian on 07796 333637 C.B.T. Courses 6 days a week Monday to Friday £100 D.A.S. A. A1. A2 Courses 7 days a week nings in style, and complete her side’s superb win by a Club record margin. Despite some disappointing results this year, Ashford’s team spirit has remained strong, and they have never lost their belief in themselves. Hard work in practice, led by coaches Daniel and Ben Simper, has paid off this week, with the whole team contributing to an outstanding performance, and they will hope to carry on this form for the remainder of the season. Pic from left: Sam, Gurdeep, Dharan, Dosanjh. Farooq and Atul Heathrow Employees completed the annual Birmingham - London Bike Ride on 17th July 2016. The group raised over £1000 for SACA Sikh Charity on behalf ofQueen ElizabethHospital Birmingham CLASS 4 & 7 MOTs NOW UNDERTAKEN R • COMPLETE ROOF RE-TILING AND SLATING • SMALL REPAIRS AND LEAKS UNDERTAKEN • UPVC FASCIAS, SOFFITS AND GUTTERING more than six runs per over, and soon found themselves in trouble, Hannah Merchant picking up two quick wickets, one bowled, the other caught by Jenny Tippell. Leg spinner Dani Gregory came into the attack, and took Ashford’s third wicket, with the score on 27. Two more followed without any addition to their score, Yolandi Maynier taking the first, thanks to a good catch by Sarah Taylor, then Gregory hitting the stumps again, to record her best bowling figures T FO T UN T ER O OU DV SC D S A DI IE HI R RR T T E CA EN M RK ES UM O PR S LL W % A 10 ON BUILT UP FELT ROOFING SPECIALISTS ALL DOMESTIC WORK UNDERTAKEN LOCAL AUTHORITY APPROVED Ashford Bowls Club Results Refresh courses available on request 50cc up to 650cc bikes provided and helmet and gloves if required. F.O.C. Find us on Facebook or visit our website Published by the Heathrow Villager, 260 Kingston Road, Staines, Middlesex TW18 1PG. Advertising and Editorial: 01784 453196. Typeset by Newspaper Graphics, Ickenham, Middx 01895 631441 and printed by Sharman & Co Peterborough 01733 424949
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