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Plainview News 041816_Wayne Layout Template
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April 20, 2016
Moving day arrives for
Plainview Carnegie Library
The time has finally come: it is moving
On Thursday, April 21st at 9:00 a.m. the
staff at the Plainview Carnegie Library
will be starting the moving process of
loading up the books to head to the new
Plainview Public Library.
Volunteers are being requested from the
community, so if anyone is able to help,
please let Librarian Donna Christiansen
know at 402-582-4507 or stop in at the
Carnegie Library.
The moving is expected to continue
throughout the weekend and next week
until all the items that need to be moved
are placed into the new library. Since this
depends on the weather, it is best to call
the Library staff at 402-582-4507 or 402640-4553 to double check on if there will
be moving those days. If it is raining there
will be no moving.
Because of the need for staff and all
volunteers on the moving days, the
Carnegie Library will be closed Thursday,
April 21st through Saturday, April 30th.
The Plainview Public Library (209 N.
Pine) will reopen on Monday, May 2nd at
10 a.m.
Along with being in the new library we
will have new hours: Monday through
Thursday we will be open from 10:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m. and on Friday, 10:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Saturday hours will remain the
same at 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
If you really need a book or need to do
some work on the computer while we are
closed, patrons are invited to can call Librarian Christiansen at 402-582-4507 or
402-640-4553 and arrange a time to come
Music department
preps for Districts
Plainview Public School’s
music department will participate
in the District Music Contest this
week on Friday, April 22 in Norfolk Senior High in Norfolk.
Individuals and groups will
begin their competition as early as
8:18 a.m., and proceed through
the day with the schedule listed
Major group performances will
be made by the high school band
at 11:40 a.m., the high school
choir at 3 p.m. and the show choir
will perform at 4:45 p.m.
8:18- Girls Sextet, West Half
8:24-Mixed Quartet, West Half
8:42- Brass Duo,JH Math
8:48- Flute Solo, JH Math
9:24- Sax Duet ,JH Math Room
9:30- Flugal Solo, JH Math
9:36-, Flute Trio, JH Math
9:42 - Snare Drum Solo, JH
Math Room
10:00- Mixed Duet, Learning
10:06- Girls Duet #1, Learning
10:12- Boys Barbershop,
Learning Center
10:18- Girls Duet #2, Learning
10:42-Solo, Music Room
10:48- Solo, Music Room
1:42- Clarinet Solo, JH Math
1:48-Sax Trio, JH Math Room
1:54- Baritone Solo, JH Math
2:00- Sax Duet, JH Math Room
2:06- Flute Solo, JH Math
2:12- Sax Solo, JH Math Room
Gym- Holy Trinity
3:54- Mixed Brass Quartet, JH
Math Room
4:00- Flute Solo, JH Math
4:45- SHOW CHOIR PERFORMS, Gym- Holy Trinity
Those Plainview Pirate and Lady Pirate participants in the fall and winter activities included (l to r): Kailee Rafert, Tyler Friedrich, Jason Gutz, Nathan Choat
and Brittany Waldow. Not pictured: Caitlyn Hart and Elizabeth Kment.
Academic All-State winners announced
The Nebraska School Activities Association
recently released information about the recipients of the 2015-2016 Academic All-State winners for the winter activities, and in review, the
fall activities.
The 2015-2016 Academic All-State winners
for the fall season of activities were:
Girls Golf: Elizabeth Kment
Football: Tyler Friedrich, Jason Gutz
Cross Country: Kailee Rafert
Play Production: Nathan Choat
The 2015-2016 Academic All State winners
for the winter season of activities were:
Speech Production: Nathan Choat
Girls Basketball: Caitlyn Hart and Brittany
Library Donations continue
2016 Klown Festival
events announced
A schedule for the 2016 Klown Festival has
been released with a number of large events
announced for the June 3-5 weekend this year.
Some of the “main events” that are appearing on the schedule are:
* Street Dance
* Grand Opening of the Plainview Public
* Historical Society Antique Farm Show
* Library Foundation 5K and races
* Mutton Bustin
* All-Class Reunion and school tours
* 10th annual Show and Shine Car Show
* Mark Twain historical presentation
* Car Parade
* Chamber of Commerce Barbecue and
l weekend!
“Outstanding” Awards
* Lazer tag, fun-flatables and pony rides
* Band Shell Park entertainment – Karaoke
Contest, Pirate Dance Camp and Klown Band
* 113th annual Firemen’s Ball Dance
* Teen Pool Party
* Kiddie and Grand Parades
* Tractor Pull
Work has begun on the promotional
materials, posters and brochures for the
Klown Festival, and should be appearing around Plainview and the surrounding area in the next week or two.
Any questions, to add to the list of
events for the weekend, or just with
suggestions and comments, contact any
of the Klown Festival Kommittee:
Ranae Wacker, Diane Elwood and
Sherry Ristow.
April 20, 2016
dulle off Events
City Administrator, Michael Holton,
talks about growth in the community.
Plainview Public Library needs your Plainview Pirates host an Invitational
help with an upcoming move to the track meet with Creighton taking the
new facility.
12 pages
Volume 123, Issue 5
To Subscribe
(402) 582-4921
Page 2
Churches ...................5
Classifieds ..............11
Friends & Family....4,5
For the Record ..........8
Page 3
Public Notices........8,9
Boys Basketball: Nathan Choat and Jason
Academic All-State winners are required to
meet specific criteria for nomination and are
nominated for individual academic excellence,
leadership and significant contributions to the
NSAA activity.
The Plainview Library Foundation has
reported donations given since the last
publication toward the construction of the
new Plainview Library.
The Library Board recently announced
that the facility should be open to the
public as soon as May 2, with a moving
day planned for the end of this week
(with details found elsewhere in this edition).
Those listings “in memory” are followed immediately by the giver.
$1,000 - $4,999
In memory of Leonard and Donna
Kevin and Kelly Lingenfelter and family
The Plainview News – Brook and
April Curtiss
In memory of Margaret Bonge and
Jean Hoffart
Tom and Andrea Hoffart
David and Donna Holmes
Plainview VFW Post #5330
In memory of Norma Pittack
Lynette Hickman
• Pierce County Commissioners, proceedings.
• Pierce County Board of Equalization, proceedings.
• Plainview City Council, proceedings.
• Pierce County Voter Registration Notice
• Plainview Manor Board, notice of meeting.
• Notice of Sheriff’s sale.
Page 8
Page 6
* = 687 region only
$1 - $99
In memory of Joan Masat
James and Sandra Cumming
In memory of Henry Stark
Mary Jeanne Diedrichsen
In memory of Dan Bivens
Jim and Jan Krause
Bruce and Judy Asmussen
Albert and Dianne Friedrich
Kent and Cheryl Lingenfelter
Cindy Schlote and Brian Schlote
Ed and Susan Weiland
In memory of Greg Flesner
Jim and Jan Krause
In memory of Leonard and Donna
Larry and Darlene Bonge
In memory of Norma Pittack
Jim and Genevieve McMahon
Marilyn Parmenter
Leroy and Linda Altwine
Ron and Connie Skarka
Warren and Vicki Petersen
Britt and Jolene Anderson
Richard and Gwenda Kuhl
James and Sandra Cumming
Kyle and Alvetta Rafert
• Mitch’s Food Center*
If a red “X” appears in
the box, your subscription may expire at the
end of the month.
Please contact any
staff member to renew.
Read by more
than 5,000
readers weekly!
Congress shall make no law
. . . abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press . . .
– The First Amendment
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
“Where Do We Go From Here?”
Babbling Brook
The time is upon us
Thick and thin, 20 years, some advances, some retreats, and yet, Plainview does it again.
The new Plainview Public Library will be opening soon, where’s our
local hype-man ready to make sure everyone fully appreciates this moment.
The same type of excitement happened when the fire department got a
long-overdue upgrade to their building, the addition of a new public library
has more to offer than a new place to store books and introduce people to
computers (among the 100s of other things to do.)
It invests in our local community – to a point that people won’t fully understand for another 70 years.
Plainview has always lagged a bit, not in the inception of ideas or the
thoughts and progression of those ideas, but in the action part.
We’re viewed as progressive – I’ve heard my contemporaries always
discuss that. We’re at the forefront of discussion, but we’re typically one
of the last to get things rolling and finished.
We certainly aren’t the first to have a brand new library in our offerings
to the community. We weren’t the first to have new pool. People have been
replacing sewer systems for a long time around us. Communities have revitalized their downtown a clear 10 years before we attempted a few years
ago. Even our water tower is now around 20 years old.
Everything has its cycle – Plainview just happens to be on the outerlower circle of the that cycle, right before the rubber hits the pavement
again, we make it out.
I’m, at times, an “I told you so” type of guy – and I firmly believe that
thinking positively and cleanly airing negativity, being harsh and open with
criticism and discussing things thoroughly are the only ways to make sure
that the right thing is being done.
Two sides of an argument are necessary – not only for the determination
of the “right” side, but also to make sure that you’re not missing out on
any points that could affect the outcome.
There’s really no point in discussing things if the only information given
are “pros” or “cons” alone.
Sometimes that’s a terrible process - it can ruin people’s ability to talk
with one another. There’s always some part of us that determines if someone is on the “wrong” side of a conversation, it means they don’t support
what’s going on or what decisions are being made.
I found myself on that side of the Library conversation a few times, but
that doesn’t mean I didn’t support it. Of all the people in Plainview, I like
paper. I like books. I like reading. I don’t think our civilization can survive
without the written word, literature in general and the historical preservation of our very society.
I was just discussing this topic with someone a few days ago - in another 20 years, how many of us will be able to reproduce or even find our
photos? We run the risk with digital photography of having an entire generation of pictoral history eliminated.
Twenty years from now, there will be no flea markets with stacks of pictures. There will be no paper copies of pictures of “old Plainview” and
there will be few and far between prints of baby pictures, graduation pictures and the like. We don’t have Harold Maucks any more storing up thousands of pictures to record history just for the sake of enjoying people.
What we do have, however, is brand-spanking new library - good for all
ages, and put together by a bunch of people devoting nigh and all 20 years
of their lives to the betterment of Plainview.
It adds not only a structure and a service, but it greatly increases the very
value of our community, making it one step harder to lose, to move away
from or to outlive and out-do.
By: Michael Holton
City Administrator
Community building is a nonstop activity and it is hard to rest on your laurels
after any one success. Plainview has
many fingers into many pots and these
are all part of concentrated efforts
throughout the past few years.
There is no time for rest. We have
been a part of a
new resurgence
and growth in addressing many of
the needs that
Plainview has.
Just during the
past 15 years we
amount of change
in the community
with several projects that were needed.
The economy has hit the private sector
pretty hard and we have lost businesses
but we have also gained others. This is
The latest project that will come to
fruition is the new Plainview Library.
This project was a labor of love on the
behalf of many citizens over the last fifteen years. On May 2nd, the new library
will become a reality.
The same can be said for the economic development of the community.
It was during this period of time that we
were able to guide and develop Husker
Ag to locate their operation of ethanol
production east of Plainview. There
were a lot of people who put a lot of
work into getting that business to come
here. There were several surveys and
needs assessments that were also put out
to the community and a new economic
development program for the city was
one of the results of those surveys.
The first item on the list of economic
development projects was to work with
a retailer like Family Dollar to get them
to come to Plainview. After months of
negotiations with the corporate office,
Roger Synovec and I were able to secure
the land and a store to come to the community.
The economic arm of the city also
reached out to help form the Pierce
County Economic Development Corporation (PCEDC) with Osmond, Pierce
and Hadar to work on a regional level
and that included several cooperative efforts like Central Valley Ag (CVA)
which located a base of operations in
Pierce County on Highway #81 as well
as several other businesses in all of the
Another effort that came out of the
economic development efforts was the
introduction of the LB840 plan which
guides many of the latest efforts including Powerlift which is now in the old
SiDump’r building.
There is also the signage program
which has helped existing businesses
like Johnson Repair, Serendipity, Plainview Commodities, Northern Nebraska
Insurance get new signage dollars to
help increase their visibility.
The school has also been active in
several renovation efforts with the most
recent being the new flooring in the old
Other changes in the community include the new parish hall for St. Paul’s
Catholic Church, Mike McManaman’s
building, Midwest Bank, Subway, CHI
Home Health moving into downtown, a
complete downtown historic renovation
project, a new fire hall with the city and
the rural fire department combining,
twelve houses and buildings being torn
down, new electronic sign next to the library, new swimming pool, renovated
running track at the school, new scoreboards for the football fields, baseball
fields, new residential homes, over a
dozen existing homes rehabilitated
through grants, new restaurant facilities
in Serendipity and Baileyz, Casey’s expansion, new child care facility for Zion
Lutheran that is open to the public,
Jazzercise, new city offices in the old
fire hall, new cell phone towers, technology center for the Plainview Telephone Company, all new fiber optic for
the entire community, D&M Dairy,
Madison County Bank, renovation of
the Band Shell in the park, Senior Center renovation to become the Plainview
Social Center, Frisbee golf course, announcer booth for the Legion Ball fields,
expansion of the Klown Doll Museum,
renovation of the Historical Museum,
new signs donated and upgraded for the
east and west entrances to the community, white picket fence on the Memorial Cemetery replacing the old wire
fence, new flowering berm in Chilver’s
Park, new building in the park for equipment needs, and others that I am sure I
To top this all off, we were also a site
selection for the six-time academy
award nominated movie “Nebraska.”
So what is next?
It appears that we are in line for a new
restaurant, new playground equipment
for the city parks, housing expansion,
and new businesses wanting to come to
our town.
So, as you can see, there is no time
for rest and all of us need to work towards the future of Plainview so that we
can all be proud of the community we
call home.
Help with
LB959 passes to slow
increase in property taxes moving
By Seth Olson,
Nebraska News Service
LINCOLN—On the third to last
day of the session Tuesday, April
12, senators wasted no time by
working through multiple bills.
While many bills passed, a bill to
bring back Nebraska’s winner-takeall system distributing presidential
electoral votes failed, after senators
rejected a cloture motion on LB10.
The bill, which would award all
five electoral votes to the winner of
the state’s popular vote, was introduced by Sen. Beau McCoy of
Currently, two Electoral College
votes are awarded to the state’s popular vote winner while the state’s
three congressional districts are
each awarded one electoral vote.
The cloture motion offered by
McCoy to cease further debate on
the bill and take an immediate vote
failed, 32-17. It was only one vote
short of the 33 required to take a
vote on the bill.
Other bills saw more success.
LB960, introduced by Sen. Jim
Smith of Papillion, passed on a 480 vote.
It will create a $450 million transportation infrastructure bank to fund
new roads and bridges, including
the state’s expressway system.
The money will first come in July
from a one-time transfer of $50 mil-
lion from the state’s cash reserve
fund while the rest will be collected
from state motor fuel tax from 2016
through 2033.
LB959, introduced by Sen. Kate
Sullivan of Cedar Rapids, passed
47-0 and is intended to slow the increase in property taxes.
It adjusts the state’s school aid
formula by eliminating the minimum levy adjustment at the end of
the 2016-17 school fiscal year. It reduces state aid for schools with a
levy below $0.95 per $100 valuation.
It will limit the amount school
districts across the state can levy to
pay for projects relating to life
safety, environmental hazards, accessibility barriers and mold in
school buildings or school grounds.
New projects will be funded
under a three cent levy, which may
not be used for construction projects.
Another bill, LB1038, also passed
with ease on a 48-0 vote. Introduced
by Sen. Al Davis of Hyannis, the
bill will allow water currently being
used for generating hydropower to
be used to maintain stream flow for
fish, wildlife and recreation.
A task force will be given $1 million a year to remove invasive plant
species that reduce stream flows.
Next Wednesday, April 20, is the
final day of the Legislative session.
Letters Welcome
The Plainview News welcomes letters
to the editor for publication. Letters must be
signed and no more than 300 words long.
A phone number is also required to
verify the letter prior to publication.
(Phone numbers will not be published.)
Send letters to:
The Plainview News,
P.O. Box 9,
Plainview, NE 68769.
Nebraska Press
Award Winner
Contact Seth Olson at
*Broadcast Version
A bill to bring back Nebraska’s
winner-take-all system distributing
presidential electoral votes failed,
after senators rejected a cloture motion on LB10 Tuesday.
The bill, which would award all
five electoral votes to the winner of
the state’s popular vote, was introduced by Sen. Beau McCoy of
Currently, two Electoral College
votes are awarded to the state’s popular vote winner while the state’s
three congressional districts are
each awarded one electoral vote.
The cloture motion offered by
McCoy to cease further debate on
the bill and take an immediate vote
failed, 32-17. It was only one vote
short of the 33 required to take a
vote on the bill.
LB960, introduced by Sen. Jim
Smith of Papillion, did pass on a 480 vote.
It will create the $450 million
transportation infrastructure bank to
fund new roads and bridges, including the state’s expressway system.
The money will first come in July
from a one-time transfer of $50 million from the state’s cash reserve
fund while the rest will be collected
from state motor fuel tax from 2016
through 2033.
The time has arrived for all you to
be a part of a special time for the
Plainview Public Library.
Moving day is approaching this
Thursday and Friday. We are asking
for those that can physically carry
boxes to help us out starting at 9:00
a.m. on Thursday.
Please be patient with us as we will
have to close the old library to get
settled into our beautiful new facility.
Opening our new library would
not have been possible without all of
you, your donations and the dedication of many people in this community.
Our librarian, Donna
Christiansen, deserves a lot of thanks
for all her behind-the-scenes work to
help this new library become a reality.
Thanks again to all of you for your
support, donations and patience during this exciting time.
Board Chairman
Kelly Lingenfelter
Rubber Stamps
Call 582-4921.
The Plainview News
Custom Hay Grinding
Contact Patrick Hoesing
Patrick Hoesing
87799 564th Ave • Hartington, NE
Brook D. Curtiss
Halie Holton
LeAnn Greeno
Patsy Alexander
April Curtiss
Amy Dummer
Items received after 10 a.m. on Tuesdays will be used as time and space permit.
P.O. Box 9 • Plainview, NE 68769
(402) 582-4921 • FAX (402) 582-4922
Published by The Plainview News Inc.
each Wednesday at 508 West Locust,
Plainview, Nebraska.
Entered as periodicals mail at the Plainview Post Office, with periodicals postage
paid at Plainview, NE 68769.
changes to The Plainview News, P.O. Box
9, Plainview, NE 68769-0009.
USPS Number 434-840
Founded 1892.
Official newspaper for the
City of Plainview, County of Pierce,
State of Nebraska.
Member of the
Nebraska Press Association and
National Newspaper Association.
Thursday, April 21
Pierce Track Invite, 2 p.m.
U6 (Team Chris) Soccer Practice, 5:45 p.m.
U8 (Team Laura) Soccer Practice, 6 p.m.
AA meeting, St. Paul’s Church,
8 p.m.
Friday, April 22
District Music Contest
6th grade Field trip
Saturday, April 23
U6 (Team Chris) Soccer, here, 9
U8 (Team Laura) Soccer, here,
9 a.m.
U10 (Team Brook vs Team
Toby) Soccer, here, 9 a.m.
U12 (Team Bob) Soccer, here, 9
Osmond Golf JV Invite, 9:30
U6 (Team Ross) Soccer, here,
10 a.m.
U8 (Team Ward) Soccer, here,
10 a.m.
U6 (Team Lisa) Soccer, here, 11
U8 (Team Nate) Soccer, here,
11 a.m.
U8 (Team Kevin) Soccer, here,
Sunday, April 24
Paul Siebert Concert, Tartan
Gym, 2 p.m.
Monday, April 25
Junior High Track Invite,
Pierce, noon
Golf, here, 4 p.m.
Plainview Manor Board,
Manor, 4:30 p.m.
VFW Post 5330 & Auxiliary,
Social Center, 5 p.m.
U8 (Team Kevin) Soccer Practice, 5:15 p.m.
U10 (Team Brook) Soccer Practice, 5:30 p.m.
U6 (Team Ross) Soccer Practice, 5:30 p.m.
Athletic Honors Night, Tartan
Gym, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, April 26
Hartington Golf Invite, 9 a.m.
Pierce County Commissioners,
Pierce Courthouse, 9 a.m.
Wisner-Pilger Track Invite, 4
U6 (Team Lisa) Soccer Practice, 6 p.m.
U8 (Team Ward) Soccer Practice, 6 p.m.
U8 (Team Nate) Soccer Practice, 6 p.m.
U12 (Team Bob) Soccer Practice, 6 p.m.
Book Club, new Library, 7 p.m.
Firemen/EMTs, Fire Station, 8
Wednesday, April 27
U10 (Team Toby) Soccer Practice, 3:45 p.m.
Thursday, April 28
U6 (Team Chris) Soccer Practice, 5:45 p.m.
U8 (Team Laura) Soccer Practice, 6 p.m.
Past Matron Club meeting,
home of Diann Frahm, 7:30 p.m.
AA meeting, St. Paul’s Church,
8 p.m.
Tin, aluminum cans and plastics can be dropped off at The Hintz Recycling trailer that is located near the corner of 3rd Street and Congress on
the south side of the street. The trailer is available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week.
Green fiber locations at Stoffel Electric on Hwy 20, Zion Lutheran
Schools on East Hwy 20, or behind Plainview Public Elementary.
Check out news updates on Facebook, with an E-Edition, or view News
media content on YouTube.
Welcome Coffee for
Greg Beckmann
New Regional Hospital President of CHI Plainview
Everyone Welcome!
Friday, April 22, 2016
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Plainview Hospital Board Room
WIC and Immunization
clinic Wed., April 27
Plainview will hold a Plainview
WIC and Immunization clinic on
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 from
10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Plainview.
NENCAP’s WIC Program provides
nutrition education and supplemental
foods to income eligible pregnant,
breast-feeding or postpartum women,
infants, and children to age 5 years.
NENCAP’s Immunization Program
provides childhood immunizations to
VFC eligible children. Immunizations
are needed at ages 2 months, 4
months, 6 months, & 12-15 months.
School required immunizations are
needed prior to entry into kindergarten (ages 4-6) and 7th grade. Lead
screening is also available by appointment only to children ages 12
months to 5 years of age.
Each child should be accompanied
by the parent or guardian. Past immunization records are required. Proxy
forms are needed when a parent or
legal guardian is unable to accompany
the child to clinic. Proxy forms may
be obtained by contacting the Pender
office at (402) 385-6300. No one will
be denied immunizations for inability
to make a donation. This project is
supported in part by Federal Immunization Program Funds awarded to
Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human
Adult vaccine (MMR, Hepatitis A,
Hepatitis B, Tdap, Pneumovax, TB
testing) is available to the public. We
may be able to bill your insurance
company. Call the Pender office at
(402) 385-6300 for more information.
NENCAP’s Healthy Families is a
parent support program where parents
can learn about positive discipline, social emotional development and benefits of good physical and emotional
health. Parents may be eligible for the
program prenatally or until the infant
is 3 months of age and is offered at no
cost to families. Parents are all offered
information and connection to support
services in the community.
For an appointment or for more information regarding the WIC or Immunization Programs please call
(402) 385-6300.
Thursday, April 21: Breakfast:
Donuts; Lunch: Cooks Choice
Friday, April 22: Breakfast: Cereal; Lunch: Hamburgers, baked
beans, orange
Monday, April 25: Breakfast: Cereal; Lunch: Pizza, corn, peaches
Tuesday, April 26: Breakfast: Pancake and sausage on a stick; Lunch:
Hot ham and cheese, peas and carrots,
Wednesday, April 27: Breakfast:
Cereal; Lunch: Deli sandwich, vegetables, pears
Thursday, April 28: Breakfast:
French toast; Lunch: BBQ pork, potatoes, applesauce
Social Center
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Thursday, April 21: BBQ meat
balls, oven potatoes, corn, oranges,
French bread; Blood mobile
Friday, April 22: French toast,
sausage patty, tropical fruit, hash
browns, orange juice; FROG
Monday, April 25: Evening meal:
Roast pork, mashed potatoes with
gravy, corn, dinner roll, ambrosia
salad, German chocolate cake with
Tuesday, April 26: Tatar tot casserole, Cole slaw, oatmeal raisin cookies
Wednesday, April 27: BBQ ribs,
hash browns, peas, dinner roll,
pineapple dessert; FROG, Manager in
Thursday, April 28: Fish patty on a
bun, broccoli with cheese, French
fries, Jell-O with pears; Evening card
party with supper
City of Plainview
will NOT be running
April 25, 26 or 27
Having repair work done.
Steinkraus, Watts wed Oct. 9
Zion Lutheran Church in Plainview was the site of the October 9
wedding of Danielle Watts of Pierce
and John Steinkraus of Plainview.
Parents of the couple are Dennis
and Roberta Watts, Norfolk and
Barry and Lou Steinkraus, Plainview. Reverand John Nelson officiated.
Attendants for the couple were
Dana Watts, sister-in-law of the
bride, Lisa Olson, Sara Lieber, Karlie Hunt, Megan Sedlacek and
Denice Hansen, all friends of the
bride, Brian Steinkraus, brother of
the groom, David Steinkraus, Adam
Steinkraus, Allen Steinkraus, all
cousins of the groom, Jason Norris
and Dusty Korth, friends of the
groom, served as groomsmen.
Darcy Watts and Destiney Watts,
nieces of the bride, were flowergirls
and Jaeger Frahm and Collin Montgomery, nephews of the groom,
served as ringbearers. Kalvin Watts,
nephew of the bride, served as Crucifix Bearer.
Derik Watts, Darin Watts, and
Devin Watts, all brothers of the
Jolie McCoid, cousin of the bride,
served as personal attendant
Laura Frahm and Lisa Montgomery,
sisters of the groom, decorated the
A reception was held at the Pierce
The couple honeymooned in Jamaica. They make their home in
Demerath graduates from
Southeast Community College in Nebraska has released
the names of students who
earned degrees, diplomas or certificates during graduation exercises following the 2016 Winter
Among those receiving degrees was: Marie Jean Demerath, daughter of Linda
Demerath and the late Richard
Demerath; Certificate in Agriculture Business & Management
Technology, Plainview, NE —
with Distinction
Ceremonies were held in
March for students graduating
from the Lincoln and Milford
campuses. Beatrice holds ceremonies following the Spring and
Fall quarters.
Demerath was a 2014 graduate of Plainview Public Schools.
Westerhaus initiated into Phi
Kappa Phi
Stephanie Westerhaus of
Plainview, Neb., was recently
initiated into the Honor Society
of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s
oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Westerhaus
was initiated at Wayne State
Westerhaus is among approximately 30,000 students, faculty,
professional staff and alumni to
be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi
each year. Membership is by invitation and requires nomination
and approval by a chapter. Only
the top 10 percent of seniors and
7.5 percent of juniors, having at
least 72 semester hours, are eligible for membership. Graduate
students in the top 10 percent of
the number of candidates for
graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional
staff and alumni who have
achieved scholarly distinction.
Founded in 1897 at the University of Maine and headquartered in Baton Rouge, La., Phi
Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest
and most selective all-discipline
honor society. The Society has
chapters on more than 300 college and university campuses in
North America and the Philippines. Its mission is “To recognize and promote academic
excellence in all fields of higher
education and to engage the
community of scholars in service to others.”
Michael Foods Egg Products Company, the largest processor of eggs
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Safety Administrative Assistant
This full time, administrative position will be responsible for providing clerical
support and helping promote safety through education and training. The successful candidate must have good communication and interpersonal skills as
well as a good understanding of OSHA regulations. Must also have an ability
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The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Friends & Family
Richard P. “Dick” Anderson, 82
Funeral services for Richard P. “Dick” Anderson, 82, were held on Tuesday, April 12 at the Prugh-Thielen Funeral Home in Burlington, Iowa.
He died at his home on Saturday, April 9.
Anderson was an art teacher for Burlington School
District for 35 years.
On August 15, 1970, he married Arlet Lingenfelter at
the Grace United Methodist Church in Burlington.
Richard P. “Dick” Anderson is survived by his wife,
Arlet; a son, Todd Anderson, and a daughter, Amy Shepherd, both of Burlington; six grandchildren; one brother,
Don (Beulah) Anderson of Prosper, Texas; one brotherin-law, Kent (Cheryl) Lingenfelter of Plainview as well
as nieces and nephews.
Ruth Haggard, 88
Funeral services for Ruth Ann (Eichberger) Haggard, 88, of Urbana, were
held on Friday, March 25, 2016 at the Walter & Stowe Funeral Home in
Haggard was born in Plainview on December 16, 1927 to the late Reinhardt “Mike” and Emma M. (Huwaldt) Eichberger and passed away on Sunday, March 20, 2016 at Hearth & Home in Urbana.
She worked at McLaughlin Jewelers in Urbana, served on the election
board as a precinct judge for many years, and was a long-time member of
the Urbana United Methodist Church, where she was very involved.
Along with her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband,
Howard H. Haggard in 2004; her sister, Evelyn Otto; and two brothers,
Douglas and Marvin Eichberger.
Ruth Ann (Eichberger) Haggard is survived by her sons: Rick (Peggy)
Haggard of Springfield and Terry Haggard of Columbus; a daughter, Debbie (Ken) Shump of Lyon, France; three grandchildren, Sean (Amy) Haggard of New Jersey; Kevin Shump of Oregon and Scott Shump of Indiana;
two great-grandsons, Connor and Liam Haggard; and sister-in-law, Evelyn
Eichberger of Plainview and Pat Eichberger of Norfolk.
Lorrene K. Schultze, 95
Services for Lorrene K. Schultze, 95, Plainview, were held Tuesday at
Immanuel Lutheran Church in Osmond, with the Rev. Glen Emery officiating.
Schultze was born on Nov. 28, 1920, at Osmond, the daughter of Carl
and Frieda (Pruess) Blunck, and died on Thursday, April 14, 2016, at the
Plainview Manor.
She was baptized in 1921 at the Presbyterian Church in Osmond by the
Rev. L. P. Sullenberger. She was confirmed on May 5,
1942, at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Osmond by the Rev. Eric Holstein.
She attended school at District 61 through the eighth
She married Milford Schultze on June 4, 1941, at First
Lutheran Church in South Sioux City.
She was a member of the Immanuel Lutheran Church
of Osmond, Ladies Aid and the Sunny Dale Club.
After marriage, the couple farmed in the Osmond and
Wausa area. After the death of her husband in 1969,
Schultze continued living on the farm. She moved into
Osmond in 2000. Her hobby was quilting. She moved to the Pierce Manor
in 2009 and to the Plainview Manor in 2012.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Carl and Frieda; husband Milford in 1969, two infant sisters, one grandson Richard, and one daughterin-law Faye.
Survivors include her children Larry (Norma) Schultze of Hillsboro,
Texas; Donald (Joan) Schultze of Pleasant Prairie, Wis.; Dennis (Sharon)
Schultze of Osmond; Virgil (Claudia) Schultze of Plainview; and Janet
(Randy) Pfanstiel of Osmond; one brother, Gene Blunck of Santa Maria,
Calif., and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Arrangements by Stonacek Memorial Chapel, Osmond. Online condolences may be expressed at
Zion Ladies Aid
Pastor Leckband presented the
topic “The Good Shepherd” to the
nine members present for the April
7th meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies’
Aid held in the church council room.
Marlene Wacker and Sharon Bessmer served as hostesses.
The president, Darlene Stelling,
conducted the meeting. Improvements to the parsonage were discussed and will be decided upon in
the near future. It was decided to
honor the four high school graduates
on Sunday, May 22nd. The secretary
will send out invitations. Marlene
Wacker offered to provide a special
cake. Lois Gloe and her committee
were thanked for their efforts in serving the confirmation supper on March
Arla Bauer reported that she and
Janyce Warneke had visited at the
Manor. The District LWML North
Nebraska District convention has
been planned for June 17-18 at
Lutheran High Northeast at Norfolk.
A rock-a-thon will be held and Gifts
from the Heart collection will take
place. Registration forms will be
available soon.
The birthday song was sung for
Darlene’s April 3rd birthday. Hostesses for May will be Carol Hall and
Ila Friedrich.
Zion Priscillas honored the new
confirmands and their parents with an
ice cream sundae event Monday
evening, April 18.
Denise Wragge welcomed the
guests and told about the Priscilla
group. Imogene Wacker read a letter
to the confirmands from Pastor Jon
Meraz and presented them with a gift
from him. Londa Schwanebeck led a
devotion, “That Little Gem,” about
Luther’s Small Catechism. She also
led a Bible trivia game. Hostesses
Emmy Gutz and Debbie Hoffart
served ice cream, toppings and bars.
Nine Priscillas attended the business meeting. Discussion occurred on
the Nebraska North Lutheran
Women’s Missionary League District
Convention to be held June 17 and 18
at Lutheran High Northeast in Norfolk. At the May Priscilla meeting,
two convention delegates and two alternates will be chosen and plans will
be made for the convention rock-athon and Gifts from the Heart.
A thank you was read from Holy
Cross Lutheran Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for the basket offering donation from the group.
The Zion Vacation Bible School
chairman, Kim Zuhlke, requested that
the Priscillas prepare costumes for the
May VBS.
The chairman thanked the ladies
who worked on the parsonage flower
beds. It was suggested that the group
do cleaning at the parsonage for the
June servant event.
The birthday song was sung for
Darlene Stelling, Denise Wragge and
Londa Schwanebeck. The ladies also
remembered the April birthday of
Gertrude Carlson.
The basket offering was for the
Zion Adopt-a-Student fund.
Manor Foundation
The Plainview Manor Foundation
met on April 12th with seven members present. We met Kelsey Warner,
the Activity Director, as she led a program for Volunteer Appreciation Day.
Following the group’s May 10th
meeting we will have bingo for the
residents, Norma will provide the
goodies. Also, during Nursing Home
week, May 8-14th, the Foundation
will hold a fund raiser supper and
bake sale, from 5-7 p.m., on May
11th. It will be free will donation and
take out will be available.
Plans are also being made for the
5th of July, before the fireworks, for a
grill out night, from 5-7 p.m. and entertainment by Jerry Stingley, from
7:15 to 9 p.m. Please bring chairs and
join the Foundation for an evening of
food, music and fireworks.
Crawford Valley UMW
Eight members were present for the
Crawford Valley UMW meeting on
April 13th. The program led by Tami
Thor was about mercy, with scripture
from the book of Mark.
The selection of people for the 7
Star Giving was made, Marge Beed
will send in the needed funds by May
1st, so the group will get credit for
All will help with the UMW Sunday service on May 8th, Mother’s
Day, because of Pastor Shomari’s absence. The group was encouraged turn
in all soup labels and box tops for Epworth Village to purchase a van, at the
Plainview Church.
The UMW’s next meeting will be
on May 11th, with Marge as hostess
and Carolyn Snodgrass as program
Eastern Star
Plainview’s Mt. Vernon Chapter
#84 met April 12th with 24 members
Worthy Matron, Susan Andreasen,
welcomed the members with a springtime poem.
It was announced that the Chapter
will be sponsoring another student
that wishes to attend the Masonic
Band Camp in June.
Announcement was received that
Joyce McCarter has been appointed as
a Grand Representative to the District
of Columbia; her term will run
through December of 2017. Nebraska
Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern
Star, will hold its annual conference
at the Younes Conference center in
Kearney May 10 – 12th. Members
from Mt. Vernon Chapter that will be
attending include:
Wayne Andreasen, Grand Chaplain
Susan Andreasen, Past Grand Matron
Wanda Retzlaff, District Grand Supervisor
Diann Frahm, Grand Page to the
Grand Chaplain
Because of Grand Chapter, the next
meeting will be May 17th. Chairman
of the lunch committee will be Luella
Hodson with Kelly Hodson and Larry
and Alyce Wiegert, Sr.
Prior to the meeting the lunch committee served soup; chairman of the
lunch committee was Susan Andreasen, with Wayne Andreasen and
Jim and Delores Nelson. The Rainbow Girls with Mother Advisor, Ann
Daudt, sold desserts as a fundraiser.
Karen Foster reported that Grand
Assembly will be June 9 – 11th on the
Doane College Campus. The project
of the Worthy Grand Advisor is to collect personal hygiene products for the
crisis center for teens. Members of
Mt. Vernon that wish to contribute
should have items at the May meeting.
The Past Matrons Club will be
meeting April 28th at 7:30pm at the
home of Diann Frahm’s.
Worthy Matron, Susan Andreasen,
honored the 25 and plus year members. Those present included Wayne
and Susan Andreasen, Corrine
Janovec, Ruth Newill, Joan Alexander, Wanda Retzlaff, Carmen Jacobs,
Alyce and Larry Wiegert, Sr., Karen
Foster, Dale and Dorothy Holmes,
Mrs. Leslie Weber, Arleen Kuhl, Anna
Jean Hoops, Joyce McCarter and
Diann Frahm. She honored the members with a reading and each received
a gift.
The April birthday of Diann Frahm
was celebrated with members singing
Happy Birthday and she received a
gift from the birthday basket. Following the meeting, the members that will
be helping with the Memorial Hour at
Grand Chapter stayed for a practice.
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Verna I. Lingwall, 94
Funeral services for Verna Irene Lingwall, 94, of Seward were held on
Thursday, April 14, 2016 at the St. John Lutheran Church in Seward.
Pastor Arthur Schauer officiated the service, and interment was in the
Seward Cemetery in Seward.
Casketbearers were Jarvis Daniels, Alex Daniels, Tim Reisdorff, Brad
Fraass, Matthew Boe and Jason Boe.
Lingwall was born on December 14, 1921 to John F. and Ada I. (Wesche)
Seevers in Naper, and passed away on Saturday, April 9, 2016 in Seward.
She graduated from Plainview High School in 1940. Following graduation she became a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse.
On July 13, 1946, she was united in marriage to Donald Lingwall in Sidney.
She worked as a custodian at Concordia University for 35 years, retiring
in 2004. In her free time, she enjoyed her children and grandchildren.
She was a member of the St. John Lutheran Church in Seward.
She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Ava Seevers; her
husband, Donald L. Lingwall; her brothers: Wilfred Seevers, Arnold Seevers, Herbert Seevers; her sister, Fern Seevers; grandchildren: Jeffery A.
Lingwall and Tracy Lingwall Harnly and great-grandchild, Christopher
Verna Irene Lingwall is survived by her sons: Allen (Debi) Lingwall of
Ashland; Larry (Cristie) Lingwall of Goehner; daughters: Patricia (Wayne)
Fraass of Lodgepole; Donna (James Lee) Daniels of Lodgepole; Janet
(Scott) Boe of Artlington Wash. and Carol McDowell of Victoria, Texas;
19 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren;
a sister, Ruth (Gerald) Gerler of Seward; brothers: John F. (Arlene) Seevers, Jr.; Gary L. (Thelma) Seevers of Seward; sisters-in-law, Evelyn Gerih
of Sidney and Lorraine Seevers of Sacramento, Calif.
the first half of the 2015 Real Estate and
Personal Property Taxes
APRIL 30, 2016
Per state statute 77-203 and 77-204, after this date it will draw
interest at the rate of 14%. Please bring the tax statement(s)
with you or mail it along with your payment. This will ensure you
are taken care of in a timely and accurate manner.
The Pierce County Courthouse will be
CLOSED Friday, April 29, 2016,
in observance of Arbor Day.
Christine Bahr
Pierce County Treasurer
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Friends & Family
Brought to you by The Plainview News and these community-minded businesses.
Zion Lutheran Church LCMS
102 North 6th St., PO Box 159, Plainview, NE 68769
402-582-3312 or 402-582-4587
Rev. Jerome Leckband
Friday, April 22: Life at Zion deadline, 3 p.m.
Sunday, April 24: Worship Service, 8 a.m.; Sunday School, 9 a.m.;
Annual Voter’s meeting, 9 a.m.; Blood Pressure checks, 9:45 a.m.; Choir
practice, 9:45 a.m.
Wednesday, April 27: School Chapel, 8:15 a.m.
They want to see if we can live out what we say we believe.
When they see us, they don’t always see love in action.
Work on your loving this week in church.
John 13:31-35
Acts 11:1-18
Revelation 21:1-6
Psalm 148
Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for
Greg and Sue Walmer returned last
week from a week-long visit with his
sister, Cecelia and Tom LaFrenz, at
Middleton, Texas.
Chris and Mary Williby were
among the Sunday luncheon guests of
Gloria Volquardsen
News Correspondent
John and Jessica Shaver, Jason, Jaelyn and Journey at the Royal auditorium to celebrate Jason’s eighth
birthday and Journey’s third birthday.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church ELCA
104 North 1st St., PO Box 458, Plainview, NE 68769
Pastor Donna Runge
Thursday, April 21: Ladies’ Bible Study, 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 24: Worship, 10:15 a.m.; Fellowship, 11:15 a.m.
Wednesday, April 27: WIC Clinic, 10:30 a.m.; Confirmation, 4 p.m.
Thursday, April 28: Ladies’ Bible Study, 9:30 a.m.
Plainview and Crawford Valle y United Methodist Churches
103 West Woodland Ave., PO Box 100, Plainview, NE 68769
Rev. Abiba Alice Shomari
Sunday, April 24: Worship Service, Crawford Valley, 8:15 a.m.; Sunday
School, UMC Plainview, 9:15 a.m.; Worship Service, UMC Plainview, 10:30
Wednesday, April 27: Plainview Chancel Choir rehearsal, 7 p.m.; Difference Makers, 7 p.m.
Thursday, April 28: Chapel Service, Plainview Manor, 3:30 p.m.
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
203 East Park Ave., PO Box 387, Plainview, NE 68769
Father Marc Lim
Thursday, April 21: Mass, 8:30 a.m.; AA meeting, 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 24: Confessions, 7:45 a.m.; Mass, 8:30 a.m.; Religious Ed
following Mass, 10:45 a.m.
Tuesday, April 26: Mass, 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, April 27: Manor mass, 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, April 28: Mass, 8:30 a.m.; AA meeting, 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
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Community of Believers Church
711 Main Street, Creighton, NE 68729
Pastor Greg Lawhorn – Creighton
Serving Northeast Nebraska
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church LCMS
301 W Schneider St., Foster, NE 68765
402-582-4587 or 402-329-4262
Rev. Jerome Leckband
Sunday, April 24: Divine Service, 10 a.m.; Sunday School/Adult Bible class,
11 a.m.
Monday, April 25: Chapel, Plainview Manor, 3:30 p.m.; Catechism, 4:30
Wednesday, April 27: Elders’ meeting, 8 p.m.
Thursday, April 28: Fellowship Club Bible Study, 7 p.m.
Ashburn Funeral Homes, Inc.
First Congregational United Church of Christ
54048 Hwy. 20
405 West Park Ave, PO Box 128, Plainview, NE 68769
Plainview, NE
Art Anderson, Pastor
Sunday, April 24: Disciple Bible Study, 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, UCC,
9:15 a.m.; Worship Service, 10:30 a.m.
Tavern & Cafe
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Class Times:
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317 W. Locust, Plainview
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From Foster: 2 miles northwest on Hwy. 13
to road #860, then 1/2 mile west
54877 Highway 20
Osmond, NE 68765
S M i Hwy.
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Rick’s Auto Repair
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Plainview 402-582-4511
Tilden 368-2154
Battle Creek 675-5300
Tony J. Miller, D.V.M.
Chris L. Lutt, D.V.M.
Jac’s Sunheat
East Hwy. 20
204 North State St. • Box 12 • Osmond, NE 68765
y of Pla
tor Co
Chad Goetzinger
Shop: 402.582.4581
Cell: 402.841.9006
208 1/2 South Main Street
Plainview, NE 68769
204 W Park - Hwy. 20
Plainview, Nebraska
Plainview – 402-582-4211
Skilled Technicians
P O Box 172 • N. Hwy. 13, Pierce
(402)329-4650 1-800-355-6227
Brunswick, Nebraska
Farm Fuel and Gasoline
Small Engine Repair
Marty J. Mowers
Small Convence Store
Randy & Lori Kumm -- 402-842-2655
Plainview, Neb.
LaVern “Jake” Petersen
Licensed Insured Electrical Contractor
Boom Truck Services
Craig Davis – (402) 748-3999
Hours: Mon.- Fri.
7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Sat. 7:30 a.m.12:00 p.m.
Petersen Electric
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Kumm Gas Co., Inc.
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Telephone (402) 582-3385
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Altwine Electric Motors, Inc.
53471 Hwy. 20 • Plainview, NE 68769-0430
402 West Locust
P.O. Box 700
Plainview, NE 68769
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CHI Plainview Hospital
Doug Sirek - Over 50 years of service
106 S. Maple
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Mitch’s Food Center
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704 N. 3rd St., Plainview, NE
(402) 582-3434 or 1-800-618-6811
Bud’s Sanitary Service
Madison County Bank
Brunswick, Neb. • (402) 842-2455
St. Ludger Catholic Church
410 Bryant Ave., Creighton, NE 68729
St. Ignatius Catholic Church
407 Franklin St., Brunswick, NE 68720
Father Jeff Lorig
Thursday, April 21: Mass, Creighton, 8:30 a.m.
Saturday, April 23: Confession, Creighton, 4:30 p.m.; Mass, Creighton, 5:30
Sunday, April 24: Mass, Brunswick, 8 a.m.; Mass, Creighton, 10 a.m.
Tuesday, April 26: Mass, Creighton, 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, April 27: Mass, Brunswick, 8 a.m.
Thursday, April 28: Mass, Creighton, 8:30 a.m.
85642 543 Ave., Foster
402 W. Locust – Plainview
Full service insurance agency
1888 AlBrunswick Community Church of the Christian and
213 2nd St., PO Box 343, Brunswick, NE 68720
John Kringle, Pastor – Brunswick
1-402-640-1903 or
Tiger Tavern
301 North State St., Osmond
(402) 748-3884
Anita & Bob
News from
Come Worship With Us
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The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Food Service Hours
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Johnson Repair
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Phone (402) 640-0911,
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The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tyler Masat
Sp rts
Jacob Lingenfelter
Kenny Hart
Top schools attend Plainview Invite
By: Larry Knaak
Head Coach
Four of the top C and D schools
were in attendance at the Plainview
Invitational Golf meet on April 16th.
There was a total of five strokes
separating the top four teams with
Creighton taking the championship
with 336.
West Holt and Randolph tried for
second at 339. Stanton came in fourth
with 341 despite having Brook Klinetobe as the gold medalist with a score
of 73. Chase Largen with 75, Mason
Hale with 76, and Andrew Schnoor
with 78 were the top four medalists.
Plainview had their low team score
for the year with 398.
Tyler Masat let the Pirates as he
was one stroke out of medaling with a
92. Masat opened with a 45 that is his
best round of the year. A lost ball kept
him from a much lower score Masat
played bogie golf with the exception
of two holes on his back nine.
Jake Lingenfelter got off to a rough
start and never was in rhythm to open
with a 51. This was Lingenfelter’s
first time playing in the number one
position. After two double bogies to
start the back nine, Lingenfelter finished with 46.
Alex Haase shot 50 on the front
and then set a personal best 9-hole
score of 47 on the back to give him a
personal best of 97 for an 18-hole
score. Haase continues to play better
each time out.
Kenny Hart ended the team scoring
with a 112. Hart played good golf except for a stretch of 5 holes that accounted for 40 strokes of his total
score. When Hart learns not to try to
make up for a bad shot with a super
shot he can avoid this type of a
Nathan Choat’s score of 132 was
not used. Choat is continuing to find
a rhythm in his swing that he can
Jason Gutz, being released from
rehab played his first competitive
round of golf. Gutz shot a respective
round on the front of 63. His back
nine had four holes that were respectable but Gutz having never
played 18 holes before tired out to finish at 76.
“The Pirates continue to slowly improve and with a few exceptions, I
was satisfied with the progress being
made. A lot of these same teams come
back to Plainview for districts so the
Cattle For Sale
120 Black Angus 1st calf hfr prs AI sired clvs born
40 Blk Ang 1st calf prs AI sired clvs born in late Feb
23 Red Ang 1st calf prs clvs born in March
45 Hereford 2nd calf prs clvs born Apr-May to ship in
150 Red Ang 1st calf prs clvs born Feb-Mar ship
now to June
24 Blk & BWF Solid mouth bred cows calving now
thru May15
Call Rod Wright or Doug Wright
308-530-4537 or 402-340-8271
team has work to do to overtake some
of the higher placing teams.”
The Pirates are to play Norfolk
Catholic on the 18th, weather permitting.
At Leigh, April 13
The Plainview golf team traveled
to Leigh on April 13th for the Patriot
Even though the Pirates finished
eighth, there were several good things
that happened. The Pirates were
short-handed as Tyler Masat was unable to attend because of sickness.
With Jake Lingenfelter having a
front nine score of 38 to lead the field
for the first round, the Pirates set a
new low nine-hole team score of 210.
Lingenfelter was helped by Alex
Haase with a career low nine-hole
score of 49 and Kenny Hart with 54.
Nathan Choat struggled as the lack of
playing time caught up to him as he
had 69.
On the back nine, Lingenfelter
started out poorly and with a triple
bogie shot 44. This allowed Lingenfelter to tie for third in the tournament.
Haase continued his good play on the
back nine as only a score of seven on
a hole left him with a 50. Haase’s
score of 99 gave him a personal best
for a 9-hole and 18-hole score.
Kenny Hart set a personal best
nine-hole score on the back as he shot
52. This also set a career 18-hole
score of 106.
Nathan Choat continued to struggle
on the back nine. Even though his
score of 67 does not seem like it, he
played much better as he ended his
Triangular, April 12
Plainview hosted a triangular golf
meet between Plainview, NiobraraVerdigre, and Clearwater-Orchard on
Tuesday, April 12th.
Although Ryan Wilhelm of Clearwater-Orchard was the medalist,
Plainview won 222 as Clearwater-Orchard had 229 and Niobrara-Verdigre
had 259.
Tyler Masat with a second place
finish of 50 led the Plainview team.
Masat played fairly steady golf with
the exception of two middle holes.
Masat was able to shake off his frustration to end on a good note except
for an out-of-bounds.
Jake Lingenfelter started off his
round 10 over after three holes but
settled down to finish with 52.
Kenny Hart was able to overcome a
double-digit hole and shoot his low
round of the year of 57. Hart is learning better course management on his
way to improvement.
Nathan Choat ended the team scoring with 63. Choat has been busy
with many activities and has been unable to do a lot of practicing. Choat
was able to shake off the rust after 3
holes and play some good golf.
Alex Haase’s 66 was not used in
the team scoring. Haase is another
member of the team who has to learn
to get a better start. Haase has done
well despite the fact that he had never
played much golf before.
Since all teams had several beginners on their teams, a reserve meet
was held.
The reserves played from the gold
tees. Niobrara-Verdigre won with
260. Clearwater-Orchard had 268 and
Plainview did not have a full team
for an overall score, though Wes
Vaughn was silver medalist with a 63.
Chris Camey of Niobrara-Verdigre
was medalist with 53. Brady Scott
with 77 and Troy Donner with 82
completed the scoring. Both Scott
and Donner had missed three days of
practice because of attending the FFA
All three of these are in their first
competitive action and have had to
learn many aspects of the action.
Auto Inc.
Plainview, Nebraska
Computer Diagnostics
Car and Truck Repair
• Tune-Ups • Oil Changes
• Brakes
• Custom Exhaust
• Alignments • Tire Balancing
• Tire Rotation • Front End Alignment
• Overhauls • Air Conditioning
Snapper – Lawnboy/Toro
Jonsered Chain Saws
Echo Trimmers
Repair Shop
We make and sharpen chains.
Full Time Data Processing/Customer Service
We are looking for a personable and motivated individual who is interested
in providing excellent customer service. This is a full time position which
generally includes working Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and
Saturday mornings on a rotating basis.
CVA is hiring a
full-time applicator
and seasonal help.
If you are looking for a job with
to learn more.
If the Board was concerned about
the increase in the Open cost affecting number of entries, “no problemo,”
as is said in some kind of lingo.
The 120 slots were filled about as
fast as Kathi could write down the
names and count the money. The
Golfers who are non-members outnumber the Members about 80 to 40.
The Board could have done an economic study of supply and demand
and really jacked the cost up to make
some decent money instead of a paltry
10-12 percent.
Eventually, the locals will learn if
the Open is held, “They will come.”
That has been true for the last 30 years
anyway, but not forever.
A little recap that is not “Gospel,”
but should be pretty close: there is a
documented Open in the 50s that
hosted 136 golfers in one day which
was an exception as most of the tourneys in the 60s and 70s had 100 or
less. Just show up, sign up, and pay
$15 and whack away.
The membership was not full and a
new member could buy a share on
sale for $75. This continued until the
late 80s when the membership was
filled to the 300 allowed in the bylaws with share buyouts going for
$300 or $500 and the Open filled up
at the same time.
So the line-ups on the morning of
April 15th began with the interested
parties showing up earlier and earlier
each year. One year was notable in
that a “Gentleman?” signed up 48 entries, which cause the Board to enact
the rule that one man could only sign
up two foursomes, which still stands
About 2000, there might be 20 people waiting for hours, so a couple of
Nuts made breakfast for a few years
so the Guys could eat together, and
tell golfing tales so the time would
pass faster.
Then, in 2005-2006 a big chance
was taken by the Board to host a twoday Open.
The Manager was a spunky young
Pro named Toby Thompson, who was
positive it wouldn’t fail, and he was
right. The Open continues to fill each
year, and as the golfing ability of the
entries improve, the size of the Calcutta purse increases.
An opinion as to the success of the
Plainview Open in contrast to so
many others in the State that have
gone under: many Golfers like to play
in a real golf tournament. A Golf
Course that is fun to play, and is kept
in excellent condition; volunteers who
put in a few hours up to gobs of hours;
decent pries to those who win and
place in fights plus the Calcutta.
Two weeks until the first Stag, and
then real articles can be written instead of just blather.
Excellent Customer Service Skills
High School Diploma
Banking experience preferred, but not required
General knowledge of accounting
Good math and communications skills
Ability to operate computer and standard office equipment
Effective time management skills with the ability to multitask
Ability to accommodate customer requests on a daily basis.
Full time benefits included are health and dental insurance, life/disability insurance, 401(k) retirement benefits, paid vacation/holidays and other benefits.
Please apply in person at 402 W. Locust in Plainview
by May 6, 2016, or submit your resume to
PO Box 700, Plainview, NE 68769.
High team, three games: Sirek Well
Co., 2,041; Goetz Construction,
1,959; D&K Lanes, 1,908
High team, single game: Sirek Well
Co., 711, 689; Bush & Roe, 688
High individual, three games: Chris
VanKirk, 576; Brett Korth, 565; Josh
Kounovsky, 550
High individual, single game: Chris
VanKirk, 224; Brett Korth, 208;
Kevin Lingenfelter, 200
402 W. Locust PO Box 549
Plainview, NE 68769-0549
Major Medical
Salary: $15/hr, $16/hr weekends – frequent raises.
Work in uniform providing security for inmates and facilities.
• Seeking both male and female applicants.
• Full state benefits and retirement program.
• Full time, work every other weekend
Pre-employment test, drug screening and medical examination required.
Extensive background check also required.
Online applications only.
Dennis E. Johnson
Log on to:
Brian Ickler
Click on: All open positions. Find and Click on: Job ID #5351 Correctional Officer – Springfield
Click on: Apply now and follow the instructions
For assistance or to inquire call (605)369-4427.
Brett Korth
Brandon Stradley
Saturday, April 30, 2016 ─ 11:00 a.m.
3/4 miles North on 7th St.
off Hwy 20, Plainview Lunch
601 E. Grant st. Plainview, NE 68769
─ Watch for signs ─ AvGaroilaubnleds!
Farmall 450 gas ta Schwartz wf and F11 Farmhand
loader, Farmall 340 wf 2pt fenders gas, Ferguson 30
new tires motor stuck, Farmall 350 parts tractor, 2pt
blade, no. 5 John Deere sickle mower, Ford 3pt boom,
Stoddard 6’x16 livestock trailer, pull behind single
round bale carrier, 3 pt. Rear mounted tiller (new),
many older pieces of machinery for parts or scrap,
iron scrap piles, plow tire 4.00‐9, many hog and cattle
panels, lots of tires, many live stock tanks (couple
near new), several rolls red brand barb wire, lots of
“t” steel fence posts, several gates, round and oblong
calf huts, many treated fence posts, several rolls of
livestock wire fence, Arkfeld scale chute, semen con‐
tainers, two saddles, many other items to be discov‐
ered by sale time.
Scoops, shovels, forks, spades, apple picker, hoes, ele. & gas
chainsaws (Poulan), 6” bench grinder, bench vise, gate hinges,
chain hooks, load binders, hand saws, pipe threader, hand
speed drill and bits, brace & bits, drills, skill saws, grease guns,
bottle jacks, lots of cans, screws, hardware, house jacks, sev‐
eral large wrenches (1‐3/4, 1‐7/8, 2), various oils & anti‐
freezes, copper coated wire rolls, battery charger 6‐12v, Black
and Decker angle grinder 4‐1/2”, chains, wrenches, screw‐
drivers, lariat rope, crowbars, hammers, 75’ garden hose, fold‐
ing table, tool boxes, ele. Cords, battery powered fencer, large
wire dog kennel, corn tunnels, 2x8 boards (nice), bungee
straps, beet fork, ax, manual post hole digger, al. Ext. Ladder,
couple dozen 2 x 4 boards, metal gas cans, gas powered post
hole digger, heat lamp, veterinarian supplies‐ clippers, scale,
bale hooks, goat milk machine, 2 wheeled wheel barrow, fiber
glass step ladder, several garden hoses (some new), wood
snow fencing, jump & carry, lots of misc. Hand tools, kerosene
lamp, super 100 fencer, ele. Motor, power washer, pvc. fittings.
Thirsty Thursday Men’s League
RCAP .................................. 19
Sirek Well Co. .................... 18
Bush & Roe ......................15.5
D&K Lanes ........................ 15
Husker Ag ........................ 12.5
Goetz Construction .............. 4
High team, three games: RCAP,
2,082; Sirek Well Co., 1,957; D&K
Lanes, 1,931
High team, single game: RCAP,
729, 692; Sirek Well Co., 684
High individual, three games: Brett
Korth, 594; Dave Korth, 593; Mike
Holton, 586
High individual, single game: Mike
Holton, 213; Dave Korth, 211; Kiel
Buss, 210
Stamps, coins, and toys: hames, Delaval separator,
horse bridles, hoof trimmers, hand cultivator, harness,
church pew railings, several cream cans (one smaller
from Creighton), galvanized sheller, Mobile Oil gas cans,
stockholm separator, coin & stamp collection, hand meat
grinder, unmarked crock 2 gallon (various sizes of
crocks), wash board, claw foot wood table, old baby
scale, John Deere toy “a” w/man, lard press, meat saws,
stainless milk buckets, sausage stuffer, lots of milking
supplies, crock bowls, 2 gallon brown jug, 1 gallon
brown top jug, Manmouth 3 gallon crock, enamel pans,
Foxfire Farm Ford 5000 toy tractor, Ferguson 35 scale
models toy tractor, large book of stamps (all countries),
storage trunk, hereford horse tack trunk (plum full),
grindstone frame, walking plow, 25 gallon Red Wing
crock, plus many more antiques.
Maytag refrigerator, writers’ desk, file cabinets, fairly
new whirlpool washer, older maytag ele. dryer, full size
four piece bedroom set, heavy duty writers’ desk, green de‐
pression glass wear, Welch’s glasses, pots, pans, nice wood
table, computer desk, cedar chest, folding chairs, cobra cb.
Radio, bearcat scanner, record player, styrofoam coolers,
ice cream maker, canning jars, picnic baskets, couple wood
rocking chairs, Native american collectibles, bird decora‐
tions, 110v window a/c, many more household items as the
house is being cleaned out.
CONTACT: BRAD YORK @ 402‐360‐0985
Available after 5 p.m.
Paul left behind a lot of
nice items to be offered on
his estate auction. Please
make plans to attend on
the 30th of April, at 11 a.m.
Standard auction terms
will apply.
View Visit:
the complete,
updated listing and all the full color
full listing and colored
Sale conducted by:
Wayne & Dallas
Auction Service, LLC
Pierce, Neb.
Plainview, Neb.
Auctioneers: Dallas
Clerks: Hansen
Service, LLC
Auction Clerks: Hansen Auctiion Service, LLC • Ringman: Wayne Hansen
Auction Clerks: Hansen Auction Service, LLC • Ringman: Wayne Hansen
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
City Council discusses
opening new C&D site
The Plainview City Council met on
April 12th at 7 p.m. to cover a number
of business items, including approving several Keno grants for public
projects, hear reports from city officials, and take action on a number of
city business items.
The council approved four separate
Keno grants to area local groups and
their projects. The groups and grant
amounts included the Plainview Ball
Backers for $5,000.00, the Girl Scouts
for $1,000.00, Plainview Area Rec
Soccer for $2,000.00, and the Plainview Historical Society for $4,592.00.
Each group applied for the grant
with specific projects in mind when
requesting funds.
The Ball Backers will be upgrading
the baseball fields, buying a windscreen for the Legion field, and purchasing picnic tables for the little
league fields.
The Historical Society will be purchasing and hiring a contractor to replace windows and frames.
The Area Rec Soccer will be using
the money to purchase a new painting
machine to mark fields before games,
as well as new paint, soccer balls,
nets, and flags for practice and games.
The Girl Scouts will be improving
the Girl Scout building in the Band
Shell park by installing new drywall,
insulation, and paint so that it can be
used year round.
City Superintendent Report
The new city superintendent, Rollie
Cederburg, was present to report the
status of the current C&D Site.
He told council members that the
current cell where garbage is being
dumped has filled up faster than had
been anticipated. To be able to continue to be able to provide service to
members of the community, the city
may need to dig a new cell site and
close the current one to avoid an interruption to the city and others who
use the facility.
The City Clerk, Kelly Pendergast,
also alerted council members to the
fact that the Nebraska Department of
Environmental Quality requires cities
to budget for a closure fund to make
sure sites are closed according to state
regulation. This fund is approximately
$10,000 behind what the NDEQ requires.
City Administrator, Mike Holton,
said that these funds are budgeted for
through the city’s general fund. He
also noted that historically, the C&D
site usually cost the city money to
provide the service to the community.
In recent years, however, the site has
been bringing in revenue for the city.
Council members discussed the possibility of raising rates slightly for
non-local members that use the site to
cover the additional costs to closing
one site and opening a new one.
In Other City Business
- Heard that the new Plainview Library will be open on May 2. The official opening and ribbon cutting
ceremony will be June 4th.
-Approval for a Special Liquor License for the Library Foundation for
June 4th. A wine tasting event is being
planned for the official opening to
allow people to see the new building.
- The council went into closed executive session to discuss a raise for
the City Administrator, Mike Holton.
After coming out of closed session,
the council tabled the issue for the
next meeting.
- The council approved a payment
to A&R Construction for $38,823.05,
which also included a change order
for the street improvement project for
an additional $8,032.56. The council
also approved payments to RaDec
Construction for $101,290.64 and to
the Nebraska Department of Economic Development for $975.00.
- The City approved the hiring of
three employees recommended by the
Park Board. The employees, Dylan
Moore, Blake Christiansen, and Jaden
Wingert, will maintain the park area
for the upcoming summer months.
- The council approved a fee for the
use of the use of Community Hall for
events and large gatherings. The fee
will be $50, which includes the deposit and a $25.00 non-refundable
Pictured above at the Chadron cemetery is Rodger Risinger and great-grandchildren: Tom Risinger, Warren Risinger, Donna (Risinger) Petersen, Alvin Risinger, Charles
Risinger, Clifford Erb, Duane Risinger, Rodger Risinger, LeRoy Risinger and Marilyn (Risinger) Cobler.
Risinger family donates new
grave stones as memorials
It took 115 years before the descendants of the Emmira Jane (Beggs)
and Leonard Abraham Risinger family gathered together at the Chadron
cemetery to place memorial flowers
on the new grave stones that the family recently donated.
Several years ago it came to the attention that there were no grave markers. This past summer, new grave
markers were placed. A group of 19
people gathered together for a weekend in Chadron to pay tribute to their
long-forgotten relatives.
The youngest, Martha Olive
Risinger, was only seven years old
when she passed away in 1901. Florence Edith Risinger was almost 21
when she was buried in Chadron in
1911. Their mother, Emmira, joined
Shower Six providers for
A card shower has been requested
for Vida (Snodgrass) Mays’ 90th
birthday on May 17 by her family.
Cards will reach her at 1138 Kenwood Drive, Nashville, TN 37216.
Mays grew up in Brunswick, and
is the daughter of the late Orange and
Marge Snodgrass.
Mulch ‘N’ More
Time to think about mulching trees and flower beds!
Bedding Plants will be in 1st week in May
OmaGro Compost, River Rock and
Worm Castings also available
Jim & Pearl Laycock • (402) 582-3334
Located on the corner of 585 Rd. and 538 Ave. south of Plainview
7th Ann orating Contes
Cake De Dinner
& Sunda
Choice Gas program
Natural gas customers in Plainview will have the opportunity to
again pick their provider through the
2016 Choice Gas program from April
15 to April 28.
Customers are able to choose between six different providers, and gas
will continue to come by way of
Black Hills Energy (formerly Source
Gas) as the distributor.
Black Hills Energy acquired
SourceGas earlier this year, however
the Choice Gas selection
A few of the six companies have
already begun pre-season selection
campaigns, contacting customers, but
all customers have until the April 28
at midnight deadline to call in or return their card to “lock in” their rates
under the terms offered by the companies.
The six companies, and contact information include:
SourceGas (BHE):
Continuum Energy Services:
Wood River Energy LLC:
(Public Alliance for Community
Energy): 800-454-4759,
Vista Energy Marketing:
Constellation Energy:
If customers do not make an active
choice during the selection period,
they will “roll over” to their current
supplier and rate option for the new
gas year. The roll over rate is determined by the gas supplier after the selection period.
Calls can be made to all the suppliers during the open period, or
prices can be checked online for the
most up-to-date quotes. Nearly all the
suppliers offer a “budget” or “lockin” benefit for multiple years or at
certain pricing.
Located 3 1/2 miles east of
Plainview, NE on Highway 20
Sunday, April 24th, 2016
To Sell Corn call
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Salisbury Steak (w/ all the trimmings)
Husker Trading at
$8 per adult / $4 per child (under 12 years old)
Silent Auction of cakes and baked goods
Want to enter a cake? Call (402) 582-4964
To Puchase Distillers Grains call
Ryan or Todd at 877-487-5724 ext 3 or 1
J&H Produce
Paul Siebert
Midwest singer/songwriter, Paul Siebert,
is a performance artist and multi instrumentalist. Paul features the Hammer Dulcimer, guitar, banjo and button accordion.
His songwriting and showmanship create
an atmosphere that envelops you in the
music and draws you away to a simpler,
lighter place.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
April 29, 30 and May 1
Plainview High School
annuals, perennials,
hanging baskets,
planters, roses and
$50 in plants
$50 in produce
Hanging Basket
or Rose Bush
The public is invited to attend the
performance with tickets available at the door.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
at 2:00 p.m.
Large Selection:
Register for:
Plainview, Nebraska
them at age 70 in 1921, and just 1 ½
years later their father, Abraham, was
laid to rest at age 78.
The only remaining grandson still
living is Rodger Risinger of Pierce.
The weekend was spent reminiscing about the “good ol days” and
catching up on family history. The
family had a great weekend of playing cards and enjoying the company
“A System That Cares”
By Governor Pete Ricketts
April 12, 2016
Providing services and a safety net
for the most vulnerable among us is
one of the core duties of state government. This is an expression of the
pro-life values that underpin our way
of life. From our
foster care system to behavioral
health services,
the state deeply
invests in the
physical, social,
and emotional
thousands of Nebraskans every
The primary agency that provides
services for the most vulnerable Nebraskans is the Nebraska Department
of Health and Human Services
(DHHS). It is no secret that the
agency has faced some challenges in
the past. Under fresh transformational leadership, however, the department has found a new direction.
Last year for the first time, our foster
care system met all six federal standards. Earlier this year, DHHS announced the creation of a new
integrated Medicaid managed care
program, which will coordinate physical health, behavioral health, and
pharmacy programs to simplify access for clients. Last month, call wait
times at our ACCESSNebraska economic assistance call centers fell to a
new low of 1 minute and 3 seconds,
down from a high of almost 24 minutes in August 2014.
The good news from DHHS keeps
building. This past week, DHHS and
I announced the creation of a new behavioral health System of Care for
children. This new program will integrate behavioral health services by
connecting and coordinating the work
of state child-serving agencies, nonprofits, local government organizations, behavioral health care
providers, families, and patient advocates. The strategic plan that will
serve as the basis for the System of
Care included the feedback of over
1000 stakeholders.
Behavioral health services are an
important part of how we care for our
most vulnerable citizens. According
to the Data Resource Center for Child
and Adolescent Health, over 37,000
Location: 5 miles west, 1
miles south of Plainview
of family.
Along with Rodger Risinger are
great-grandchildren pictured at the
cemetery: Tom Risinger, Warren
Risinger, Donna (Risinger) Petersen,
Alvin Risinger, Charles Risinger,
Clifford Erb, Duane Risinger, Rodger
Risinger, LeRoy Risinger and Marilyn (Risinger) Cobler.
(402) 582-4791
We are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
and 8 a.m. to Noon on Saturday.
Located in Breslau, Neb.
halfway between Plainview
and Osmond on Hwy. 20
children in Nebraska experience behavioral health disorders. Additionally, about 16,000 Nebraska
adolescents ages 12-17 had at least
one major depressive episode in
2014, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration.
There is no question it can be confusing and oftentimes challenging for
families to access behavioral health
services for their children in Nebraska. Old approaches to delivering
services have been marked by fragmented service delivery and high
rates of out-of-community placements. With the new System of Care,
DHHS and its partners will deliver
services in a more effective and customer-oriented manner. This new delivery method will eliminate the need
for families to navigate multiple systems to find services to meet the
needs of their children.
Over the next year, DHHS will be
laying the groundwork for the System
of Care. The agency will implement
a phased work plan, build a database
of all behavioral health funding
sources, and develop a plan to inform
partners, families, and stakeholders
about the System of Care goals, common principles, and new infrastructure.
As with many of our initiatives, we
will be measuring results to track
progress in the System of Care.
Within three to five years, DHHS expects to see increases in school attendance, school performance, and the
percent of youth and young adults living in home settings. Additionally,
they expect to see a decrease in the
average age of first contact with our
behavioral health system and the cost
per youth receiving services.
This is just the beginning. I look
forward to sharing more news about
the System of Care as DHHS implements it in the coming years. If you
have experience or feedback on our
mental health services provided by
the state, I hope that you will contact
my office at 402-471-2244 or Your
stories help provide insights from the
frontline on how services are delivered and inspiration as DHHS continues to improve how they help
Nebraskans build better lives. We
look forward to hearing from you!
Evans Custom
• Roofing
• Concrete
• Siding
• Drywall
New / Remodel Construction
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
You are hereby notified that the Plainview Manor Board will hold its regular,
public meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Monday,
April 25, 2016, at the Plainview Manor.
A copy of the agenda is available for
public inspection at the office of the administrator of the Plainview Manor.
CRAIG MOSEL, Secretary 1tb
Public Notice
Notice is hereby given to residents of
Pierce County that the last day to register to vote for the Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Primary Election is Monday, May 2, 2016
at 6:00 p.m. in person and in the office of
the Pierce County Clerk/Election Commissioner. All persons wishing to vote
must be a United States citizen, Nebraska resident and at least 18 years of
age, or 17 years of age, and reach the
age of 18 on or before the first Tuesday,
after the first Monday in November of this
year, that being Tuesday, November 8,
2016. Eligible applicants must complete
a Nebraska Voter Registration Application
providing: their name; residence and
postal address; party affiliation or indication of no affiliation; a valid Nebraska’s
driver’s license number or the last four
digits of their social security number and
their signature. Check to see if you are
properly registered to vote and where you
vote on Election Day on the Secretary of
at or with
your local County Clerk.
Shannon Wragge
Pierce County Clerk
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an Order of Sale issued by the District
Court of Pierce County, Nebraska on
February 25th, 2016, Case Number CI1544, where in Adair Asset Management,
LLC., is the Plaintiff v. City of Plainview,
Vandelay Investments, LLC, John Doe
and Mary Doe and all other persons/entities UNKNOWN claiming any right, interest or title in the East 135 feet of Lot Six
(6), Block Three (3), Original Town of
Plainview, Pierce County, Nebraska; except the West 12 feet thereof, are the Defendants.
Whereas the Decree was rendered in
and by the District Court of Pierce County,
Nebraska, in the entitled cause foreclosing liens for real estate taxes upon the
real estate described below for the sum
of $1,807.52 plus interest in the amount
of $816.15 through February 25, 2016, attorney’s fees in the amount of $292.00
and costs in the amount of $296.35 and
which further ordered that the real estate
be sold to satisfy these liens, which Decree is still in full force and unsatisfied.
The East 135 feet of Lot Six (6), Block
Three (3), Original Town of Plainview,
Pierce County, Nebraska; except the
West 12 feet thereof.
Therefore, I have levied upon said
tract and will sell the same on Tuesday,
May 10th, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. by the
South Middle Doors of the Pierce County
Courthouse, in Pierce, Nebraska, to the
highest bidder, to satisfy said Decree, interest and Costs, Sais sale to remain
open for one (1) hour.
Rick J. Eberhardt
Pierce County Sheriff
A13, 20, 27, M6
Public Notices
Plainview City Council Regular Meeting
A meeting of the Mayor and Council of
the City of Plainview, Nebraska, was held
at the Council Chambers in said City on
the 12th day of April at 7:00 o’clock P.M.
Present were: Mayor Seip; Council Members: Wilson, Naprstek, Dummer and
Mayor Seip opened the meeting and
announced to individuals in attendance
that a full copy of the new Nebraska Open
Meetings Act was posted on the east wall
of the Council Chambers.
Council member Dummer moved to
approve the minutes from the regular
meeting, March 8, 2016 and the special
meeting on March 30, 2016. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to approve claims and
payroll against the city. Novicki seconded
the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
City of Plv, Housing pmt, 150.00
Mike Holton, Reimb, 42.86
Bush & Roe, Premium, 73,271.00
Altwine Electric, Generator, 32,248.40
Postmaster, postage, 6.45
Steinkraus Svc, Su, 2293.43
AFLAC, Ins, 85.67
Neb Child Supp, Pmt, 300.00
Midwest Bank, Loan Pmts, 11,868.74
Postmaster, postage, 6.45
Neb Rural Water, Conf-Johnston,
2 AM Signs, Logos, 250.00
Special T’s, Su, 80.85
Source Gas, Gas, 1098.45
NMCA, Dues, 25.00
T Johnston, Per Diem, 40.00
City of Plv, Manor Sales Tax, 2380.38
City of Plv, Econ Dev Sales Tax,
City of Plv, Libr Sales Tax, 2380.38
City of Plv, Pool Sales Tax, 4617.55
Norfolk Daily News, Ads, 218.30
Verizon, Cell Phones, 415.71
Dearborn Nat’l, Ins, 63.90
Dept of Energy, WAPA, 7718.33
Neb Child Supp, Pmt, 300.00
Postmaster, postage, 22.95
Postmaster, postage, 122.56
Midwest Bank, H S A, 400.00
Postmaster, postage, 20.24
City of Plv, Housing pmt, 104.00
Board of Equalization Proceedings
April 11, 2016
The Pierce County Board of Equalization met pursuant to adjournment on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. with the
following members present: Marvin Elwood, Jr., Brad Albers and Terry J.
Wragge. Co. Assessor Peggy Wragge,
Co. Clerk Shannon Wragge, News Reporters Randee Falter and Jerry Guenther, Bill Herbolsheimer, Faythe Petersen,
Arland Mozer, Linda Baumann, Shane
Pedersen, Matt Christiansen, Robert Kee
and Renea Rystrom were present.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance as shown by the Certificate of Publication on file in the County Clerk’s office.
Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were
taken while the convened meeting was
open to the public. Chairman Elwood
called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
and presided. Chairman Elwood stated
that the Open Meetings Act is posted on
the north wall of the board room with more
copies available at the County Clerk’s office.
For The
County Court
Austin Kallhoff, Norfolk—Criminal mischief, $249.00.
Pierce—Leaving scene of an accident, $549.00.
Dylan Zephier, no address—Third
degree assault mutual consent, jail 3
days, costs $49.00.
Barton Harrison, no address—
Third degree assault mutual consent,
jail 3 days, costs $49.00.
Nina N. Childress, Plainview—
Procuring or sale to minors, probation
24 mos., costs/fines $559.00, testing
Keidron T. King, Plainview—Disturbing the peace, jail 14 days, costs
Callie Kaye Aune, Volin, SD—No
operator’s license, $123.00.
James T. Houska, Pierce—Speeding, $123.00.
Mercedes L. Divis, Norfolk—
Speeding, $123.00.
Yordan Vallejo Lopez, Yankton,
SD—Speeding, $123.00.
Jamie L. Muhs, Carroll—Speeding, $73.00.
Jayson P. Weaver, Battle Creek —
Speeding, $73.00.
Madison Co, Loan pmts, 10770.33
R Cederburg, Reimb, 59.13
City of Plv, HHS, 200.00
City of Plv, Lib Grant funds, 21967.15
City Emp, Payroll 3-15-16, 17049.41
City Emp, Payroll 3-30-16, 14067.66
Ace Industrial, Su, 160.00
Alby’s, Su, 85.31
Baum Hydraulics, Su, 35.92
Bud’s, Services, 4752.00
Casey’s, Su, 533.84
City of Plv, Utilities, 4131.34
Classic Rentals, Su, 308.15
Combined Rev, Bond Pmt, 3532.60
Curtiss Law, Services, 1250.00
Dept of Energy, WAPA, 7116.43
Dutton-Lainson, Su, 2278.71
Eakes Office, Su, 48.59
Echo Group, Su, 18.69
3E, Su, 1360.27
Electrical System, Sinking Fund,
Gale, Books, 190.00
GreatAmerica, Copier, 143.37
Greenline Equip, Su, 87.49
Hometown Leasing, Copier, 86.00
Ingram, Books, 608.94
Johnson Repair, Repairs, 491.82
Kimball-Mid, Su, 196.49
L.P. Gill, Svcs, 13273.89
LaQuinta, Johnston class, 189.90
Largen, Su, 90.00
Conf, Holton/Seip, 742.00
Manzer, Su, 72.80
Matheson, Su, 162.54
Midwest Svc, Su, 1455.10
Mitch’s, Su, 159.51
MEAN, Power, 73266.01
Ne Public Health, Samples, 498.00
ODB, Su, 483.48
One Call Concepts, Diggers Hotline,
One Office, Su, 23.72
Pitzer Digital, Svcs, 370.00
Plv Auto, Su, 308.44
Plv Chamber, Dues, 135.00
Plv News, Ads/Su, 1214.17
Plv Rural Fire, Pmt, 4625.00
Plv Telephone, Svc, 931.01
Plv True Value, Su, 243.94
Popular Subscript, magazine, 496.45
Schaefer Grain, Su, 310.00
Shell, Gas, 52.72
Steinkraus, Svc/Gas/Su, 2026.00
The Farner Co, Su, 34.24
Kailee R. Schaller, Omaha—
Speeding, $73.00.
Courtney L. Clausen, McLean —
Speeding, $73.00.
Shane D. Thayer, Pierce—Speeding, $73.00.
Cody L. Anderson, Norfolk—
Speeding, $73.00.
Callie Kaye Aune, Volin, SD—
Speeding, $73.00.
Real Estate Transfers
Kevin F. Tunender to Robbie
Robinson, Part of the W½NE¼, 3327-3.
Marvin Rosberg and wife to Robert
J. Petersen and wife, N½NW¼, 2028-2.
Robert J. Petersen and wife to
Justin A. Koehler and wife, and Jared
Koehler and wife, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, in Block 20, Original Town of Osmond; Lots 1, 2, 3, East Osmond Addition to Osmond.
Carl Rosberg to Koehler Farms,
Part of the S½Se¼, N½, 21-28-1.
Matthew G. Backhaus and wife to
James Scott Walden, Lots 1, 2, and
Part of Lot 3, Block 10, Original
Town of McLean.
Motion by Albers, seconded by
Wragge, to approve the agenda. Roll call
vote: Aye: Elwood, Albers and Wragge.
Nay: None. Motion carried.
The minutes of March 28, 2016 were
approved as printed.
No Tax List Corrections or Demand for
Discussion was held the scheduled
2016 TERC hearings.
There being no further business, Chairman Elwood adjourned the meeting at
9:06 A.M. and will meet again at a regular
meeting on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 9:10
A.M. as County Board of Equalization,
said meeting is open to the public. An
agenda for such meeting, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the office of the County Clerk.
Shannon Wragge
Pierce County Clerk
Utilities Section, Class-Hart, 40.00
Water Tower, Bond Acct, 2822.71
Wesco, Su, 501.15
West Hodson, Su, 1133.54
Zee Medical, Su, 26.90
ACH, Neb Dept of Rev, State WH,
ACH, Healthplan Svc, Vision, 99.90
ACH, Deluxe
ACH, Midwest Bank, NSF, 50.31
ACH, UHC, Ins, 9451.57
ACH, Neb Dept of Rev, Sales Tax,
ACH, EFTPS, Payroll Taxes, 4908.15
ACH, Comm Bankers, CC Machine,
ACH, Mass Mutual, Pension, 2188.82
ACH, EFTPS, Payroll Taxes, 4211.35
ACH, Mass Mutual, Pension, 2188.82
Chief Yosten presented the Police report.
Roger Synovec presented the Economic Development report.
City Superintendent Cederburg presented a report on the C&D site.
Administrator Holton presented the
manor report in the absence of Juleen
Johnson. Mike relayed information from
her regarding gas choice. The council requested Johnson and City Clerk/Treasurer
Pendergast to work together to get the
best pricing for the City combined.
Administrator Holton gave his report.
Council member Naprstek moved to
approve a $5000 Keno grant to the Plainview Ballbackers for upgrades to the
baseball fields. Dummer seconded the
motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to approve a $4592
Keno grant to the Plainview Historical Society for improvements/window replacement. Novicki seconded the motion.
Motion carried 3-0. Abstain: Wilson.
Dummer moved to approve a Keno
grant up to $1000 to the Girl Scouts contingent additional bid from West Hodson.
Funds will be used for improvements to
the Girl Scout house. Wilson seconded
the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Wilson moved to approve a $2000
Keno grant to the Plainview Area Rec
Soccer for upgrades and materials for the
soccer fields. Naprstek seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Abstain: Dummer.
Council member Naprstek moved to
approve the Plainview Ballbacker agree-
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ried 4-0.
Wilson moved to approve LB840 signage up to $1000 for Northern Nebraska
United Mutual Insurance and Alexander
Commodity. Dummer seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
At 9:28 pm, Naprstek moved to go into
executive session regarding the Administrator’s additional raise. Dummer seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. At
10:02 pm, Naprstek moved to come out of
executive session. Novicki seconded the
motion. Motion carried 4-0. The additional raise was tabled until next month.
Naprstek moved to raise the community hall rental from $25 to $50 with a possible $25 refund if the rental hall is
cleaned after use. Dummer seconded the
motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to approve payment
to RaDec for $101,290.64. Dummer seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Dummer moved to approve payment to
NENEDD for $975.00. Naprstek seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Handi-van and pool board appointments was tabled until next month.
Naprstek moved to have the next regular council meeting moved to the new public library due to the election at the
community hall. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Attorney Curtiss updated the council
regarding NCPPD information. The council asked that the discussion continue on
next months agenda.
It was moved by Naprstek, seconded
by Novicki to adjourn the meeting. Motion
carried 4-0.
TIME: 10:37 P.M.
Daren Seip, Mayor
Kelly Pendergast,
City Clerk/Treasurer
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2016 Personal
Property Assessment
All owners of depreciable, tangible personal property are
required to file a Nebraska Personal Property Return with
not received a return from our office, the forms
must be filed with that office on or before
May 2, 2016
You will need a copy of your Depreciation Worksheet from
your 2015 Federal Income Tax filing in order to complete
your 2016 Personal Property Return.
Any taxable personal property not reported
by May 2, 2016, shall be subject to penalty.
Also the deadline for the exemption for up to $10,000
per tax district will not be available after May 2, 2016.
If you have any questions, please call the Pierce County
The Courthouse Will Be Closed
Friday April 29, 2016
Peggy Wragge
Pierce County Assessor
TB & Company
This NEW, WELL BUILT, nearly 1,800 square foot ranch home offers an open
For more information go to
Michael Foods Egg Products Company, the largest processor of eggs
in North America, has the following opportunities:
Plainview Hospital
ment with the City. Dummer seconded the
motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to approve change
order #3 for the street improvement project in the amount of $8032.56. Wilson
seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Dummer moved to approve the final
payment to A&R Construction for the
$38,823.05. Naprstek seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
No action was taken on the hiring policy for the personnel manual and code
Dummer moved to approve the following park employees/salaries:
Dylan Moore - $9.50
Blake Christiansen - $9.00
Jaden Wingert - $9.00
Naprstek seconded the motion. Motion
carried 4-0.
No action was taken on the organization chart.
$1740.53/month for two months until the
City Superintendent can be on city insurance. Naprstek seconded the motion.
Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to approve the use of
the general fund to purchase computers
for the new library. The funds will be reimbursed via grant money. Dummer seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to accept an $80,000
donation from the Library Foundation for
furnishings in the new public library. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried
Dummer moved to approve a special
designated liquor license to the library
foundation for a wine tasting June 4, 2016
at the new public library. Naprstek seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Naprstek moved to approve Jessica
Sauser as a new library board member.
Novicki seconded the motion. Motion car-
has the following positions available:
Part Time RN
Full Time Cook
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Full Time House Keeper
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Apply online at
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Diane Blair at 402-582-4245
CHI Health-Plainview Hospital is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Feedmill Driver
Part Time
Public Notices
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Pierce County Board of Commissioners
Davy Crockett Lunchbox
* “If you have china that has small,
fine cracks in it, put it in a pot with
enough milk to cover (not fat-free milk)
and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes. The
milk bonds in the cracks and somehow
seals it right up.” — B.I. in Virginia
* After each use, clean a grill with
aluminum foil. Simply wad up a piece
of foil, and use it as a scrubber to remove
stuck-on foods. If you’re starting out
with a dirty grill, you can still scrub with
foil, and give the foil wad a spritz with
cooking spray to oil the grate before
cooking. (Never spray a lighted grill directly with cooking spray.)
* “Kids counting down until the end
of school? Make a handy paper chain
that doubles as a countdown calendar.
Write the date and the number of school
days left in the year on each link in a
paper chain. Then hang it somewhere
close at hand. Each day, your child can
remove a link to see the days till summer vacation shrink.” — O.P. in Ohio
* “Here’s a tip to find your car in a
large parking lot. Take a photo of your
vehicle with a landmark in the background. This can be an entryway or a
store, or you maybe the sign that shows
the section and floor of the parking
garage.” — A.L. in Texas
* A hanging toiletry bag makes a
great backseat catch-all in the car on
road trips — especially for kids. Look
for one that includes a hook so it can be
hung from the front-seat headrest.
Snacks, small notebooks and a box of
crayons or a portable gaming device and
extra games can be stored securely and
neatly, then gathered up easily to bring
with you to rest stops, diners and motels.
If you’re traveling solo, just hang it in
the passenger seat to keep your essentials organized and at hand!
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
1. The Boss (R) Melissa McCarthy,
Kristen Bell
2. Batman v Superman: Dawn of
Justice (PG-13) Ben Affleck, Henry
3. Zootopia (PG) animated
4. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
(PG-13) Nia Vardalos, John Corbett
5. Hardcore Henry (R) Sharlto
Copley, Tim Roth
6. Miracles From Heaven (PG) Jennifer Garner, Kylie Rogers
7. God’s Not Dead 2 (PG) Melissa
Joan Hart, Jesse Metcalfe
8. Allegiant (PG-13) Shailene
Woodley, Theo James
9. 10 Cloverfield Lane (PG-13)
John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead
10. Eye in the Sky (R) Helen Mirren, Aaron Paul
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
Q: I was a big fan of Davy Crockett during the 1950s and even had a
coonskin cap. I managed to save my
Davy Crockett lunchbox, and it is in
fairly decent shape. How much could
I sell it for? — Carl, Tulsa, Oklahoma
A: In 1954, Walt Disney produced
the Davy Crockett show and it became an immediate hit. The “Ballad
of Davy Crockett” shot to the top of
the charts, and almost every kid in
the country pestered his parents for a
coonskin cap. Crockett was portrayed by Fess Parker. Two lunchboxes were produced, one for the
American market and the other for
Canada. Your American lunchbox is
valued in the $125-$800 range depending, of course, on condition. The
value was found in the “Official
Guide to Disney Collectibles” by Ted
Hake and published by House of
Q: I have a GAR badge that was
used during an encampment in Indiana in about 1890. What was the
GAR, and is my badge valuable? —
Bill, Shreveport, Louisiana
A: The Grand Army of the Republic was formed immediately following the Civil War “to provide aid and
assistance to the widows and orphans
of the fallen Union dead and to care
for the hospitalized veterans as
needed.” The first encampment was
staged in Indianapolis in November
1866. The organization was disbanded in 1949 when the last comrade of the GAR died. Your badge is
probably valued in the $25-$50
Q: I have a Singer sewing machine
that is the Model 15-30. It is in an
oak cabinet that has been damaged
by dampness. A neighbor has offered
me $600 for it. Should I sell? — Bill,
Indianapolis, Ind.
A: Take the money and run. According to several dealers I consulted, your machine is probably
worth about $300, and perhaps even
less with the cabinet damage you described.
Q: I have a letter that was signed
by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1885. I
have been offered $1,200 for it, but I
think it might be worth more. — Lillian, Hastings, Neb.
A: A standard letter signed by Harriet Beecher Stowe should sell in the
$200 to $500 range.
Write to Larry Cox in care of
KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando,
FL 32803, or send e-mail to Due to the
large volume of mail he receives, Mr.
Cox cannot personally answer all
reader questions, nor does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials
requiring return mail.
(c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
April 11, 2016
The Pierce County Board of Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment on
Monday, April 11, 2016, at 9:10 A.M. with
the following members present: Marvin Elwood, Jr., Brad Albers and Terry J.
Wragge. Co. Clerk Shannon Wragge,
News Reporters Randee Falter and Jerry
Guenther, Arland Mozer, Linda Baumann,
Bill Herbolsheimer, Faythe Petersen,
Shane Pedersen, Matt Christiansen, Rob
Key, Renea Rystrom, Chad Miller, Chris
Jansen, Steve Schluns, Krista Schluns,
Gerry Krueger and Clerk of District Court
Vickie Prince were present.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance as shown by the Certificate of Publication on file in the County Clerk’s office.
Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were
taken while the convened meeting was
open to the public. Chairman Wragge
called the meeting to order at 9:10 A.M.
and presided. Chairman Wragge stated
that the Open Meetings Act is posted on
the north wall of the board room with more
copies available at the County Clerk’s office.
Motion by Elwood, seconded by Albers,
to approve the agenda. Roll call vote:
Aye: Elwood, Albers and Wragge. Nay:
None. Motion carried.
The minutes of March 28, 2016 were
approved as printed.
Faythe Petersen, Region 11 Emergency Manager Coordinator was present
and discussion was held on a NE Hazard
Mitigation Grant for the placement of
sirens for the Willow Creek Lake area.
Motion by Albers, seconded by Elwood,
to Authorize & Approve the Chairman to
sign the NE Emergency Management
Hazard Mitigation Grant Application that
would award Pierce County $18,444.75
(75% of project) and whereas Pierce Telephone Company agrees to pay 25% of the
total cost of project ($24,593.00). Roll call
vote: Aye: Elwood, Albers and Wragge.
Nay: None. Motion carried.
Zoning Adm. Heather McWhorter, Bill
Herbolsheimer and Matt Christiansen were
present and visited with the Board about
the William Herbolsheimers Lotsplit in pt
of the NW ¼ SW ¼ 8-25-1 (5.23 acres).
Motion by Elwood, seconded by Albers,
to approve the William Herbolsheimers
Lotsplit in pt of the NW¼ SW¼ (5.23
acres) Section 8, T25N, R1W, Pierce
County, NE. Roll call vote: Aye: Elwood,
Albers and Wragge. Nay: None. Motion
McWhorter was present.
The legal was read for the 9:20 a.m.
public hearing to receive public comments
concerning the application of Krista
Schluns for a Conditional Use Permit to
operate a Lodging and Recreational
Venue on property located in pt of the NW
¼ 9-25-2.
Chairman Wragge opened the hearing
at 9:20 a.m. Steve and Krista Schluns
were present to answer questions the
Board had on the Conditional Use to operate a Lodging and Recreational Venue on
property located on pt of the NW ¼ 9-252. There were many comments both for
and against the Conditional Use Permit.
Chairman Wragge closed the hearing at
9:46 a.m.
Motion by Wragge, seconded by Elwood, to approve Resolution #2016-3 as
RESOLUTION #2016 - 3
186 (1978)
WHEREAS, having given proper notice
and holding a public hearing as provided
by law and under the authority of and subject to the provision the 2003 Pierce
County Zoning and Subdivision Resolution
and Legislative Bill 186 (1978).
Finding of Facts
The facility is currently operating as a
business renting the applicant’s home, outside venue, reception hall and guest
This property is zoned as A-3 Agricultural Transition.
The application is consistent with the
Pierce County Zoning and Subdivision
with approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of Pierce County, Nebraska, hereby
grants a Conditional Use Permit to Steve
and Krista Schluns to operate a Lodging
and Recreational Venue on the following
described land:
Part of the Northwest ¼ of Section 9,
Township 25 North, Range 2 West of the
6th P.M., Pierce County, Nebraska.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, the below listed conditions must
be complied with by all current and future
owners of the property described above
and failure to comply with said conditions
may result in forfeiture of this Conditional
Use Permit.
This Conditional Use Permit allows applicants to rent their guest house and reception hall for a fee, the home may be
included as part of the rental pending appropriate permits from the State Fire Marshall.
This Conditional Use Permit is probationary for 8 months from this date, pending no verifiable complaints it will
automatically be approved for 20 years.
Any transfer in ownership must be reported to the Pierce County zoning office
within 30 days of the sale.
All applicable Nebraska state permits
required by the fire marshal for safety regarding sprinklers and occupancy; and
from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, for septic tanks; and
liquor permits, must be obtained and presented to the county.
Applicant must provide adequate onsite
parking, parking along roadways is prohibited. Parking lots and sidewalks must
be illuminated and clearly marked.
Music must be turned down at 11:00 pm
and shut off at midnight.
A copy of applicant’s liability insurance
must be kept on file at the zoning office.
Renter will be required in lease agreement to provide security for hire at any
event with at least 175 anticipated guests
where alcohol is served.
Roads will be maintained by the
Schluns. Signs that have been purchased
by the applicants regarding speed limit,
child safety and stop signs will be installed
by applicant.
A copy of the general rental contract offered must be kept on file in the zoning office.
Property boundary signs made of reflective material, mounted on steel posts
will be posted every 100 feet to indicate
where rental property ends.
A copy of the signed permit must be
recorded with the Pierce Register of
Deeds office by the applicant.
RESOLVED, that upon taking effect of this
Resolution, the above Conditional Use
Permit shall be entered and shown of the
Official Zoning Map of Pierce County, previously adopted by reference, and said
zoning map is hereby reincorporated as a
part of the Pierce County, Nebraska Zoning and Subdivision Resolution as
Adopted this 11th day April, 2016, at
Pierce, Nebraska. Whereas the original
is on file at the office of the Pierce County
Clerk and available for inspection. Roll call
vote: Aye: Elwood, Albers and Wragge.
Nay: None. Motion carried.
Hwy Supt Brian McDonald was present
and discussion was held on the 2015
Street Improvement Project #131206.
Motion by Albers, seconded by Elwood,
to Authorize & Approve the Chairman to
sign Pay Application #3 ($447,459.11) for
the 2015 Street Improvement Project
#131206 to A & R Construction Co., Plainview, NE. Roll call vote: Aye: Elwood, Albers and Wragge. Nay: None. Motion
Clerk of District Court Vickie Prince
were present to ask the Board to reconsider the bid quotes received from DeJong
Construction, Pierce, for the remodeling of
the County & District Court offices and installing 4 digital locksets on doors for se-
curity: County Court office - $11,982.00;
Clerk of District Court office - $9,142.00;
install digital locksets with software & hardware for 4 doors - $10,200, at total cost of
$31,824.00 or at least allow for the construction of a window with glass which
would allow for the locking of their doors
and no entry into the offices since no decision was made at the March 14th or
March 28th meetings.
Motion by Elwood, seconded by Albers,
to Authorize & Approve the remodeling of
the County Court office - $11,982.00 and
the Clerk of District Court office $9,142.00 for a total cost of $21,124.00 for
the construction of a window with glass
which would allow for the locking of their
doors and no entry into the offices. Roll
call vote: Aye: Elwood, Albers and
Wragge. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Arland Mozer & Renea Rystrom were
present to ask for Marvin Elwood, Commissioner District 1, to look at 537 & 538
Avenue roads in Mills township that have
been getting hauled on by heavy equipment and tearing the roads up.
Motion by Albers, seconded by Elwood,
to recommend approval to the NE Liquor
Control Commission for the request for a
special designated liquor license for Jerry
A. Pospisil dba Jerry’s Bar & Lanes, 801
Main St., P.O. Box 134, Creighton, NE
68729 with the date of the event on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00
a.m. at The Willow, 54826 850 ¾ Rd,
Pierce, NE 68767 and for the request for 7
special designated liquor licenses for
Shane Taylor, 116 S. 2nd St., Pierce, NE
68767 with the date of the events for 4 at
The Willow, Pierce, on Saturday, May 21,
2016 from 4pm to 1am; Saturday, June 11,
2016 from 4pm to 1am; Saturday, August
27, 2016 from 4pm to 1am; Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 4pm to 1am and for
3 events at the Pierce County Fairgrounds
Pavilion, Pierce, Saturday, August 6, 2016
from 4pm to 1am; Saturday, September
10, 2016 from 4pm to 1am and Saturday,
September 24, 2016 from 4pm to 1am.
Roll call vote: Aye: Elwood, Albers and
Wragge. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Albers, seconded by Elwood,
to approve the fee reports as submitted by
Clerk of District Court Vickie Prince and
County Clerk Shannon Wragge for March
2016; and approve Treasurer’s receipts for
various funds for County Treasurer Christine Bahr, for March 2016 and placed on
file in the County Clerk’s office, total
$753,286.47. Roll call vote: Aye: Elwood,
Albers and Wragge. Nay: None. Motion
Motion by Albers, seconded by Elwood,
to audit and allow the following claims presented for payment and instructed the
County Clerk to issue checks for payment
of same on the various funds. Roll call
vote: Aye: Elwood and Wragge; Albers
abstained. Nay: None. Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND: Black Hills Energyutilities-$26.80; Credit Management Services-garnishment-$190.43; Eakes Office
Solutions-supplies-$179.03; ES & S- election supplies/ballots-$2,029.46; Elite Office
Products-maint. Agreement-$29.27; Ann
Fenton-mileage-$51.30; First Concord
Benefits Group-adm. fees & deductions$1,731.13; Great America Financial Services-postage
food$1,614.10; Iowa Prison Industries-supplies-$197.12;
Inc-repairs-$312.92; Legion Lounge-jury
meals-$87.64; LexixNexis-law library$370.80; Thomas Maas-snow removal$120.00; Madison County District
Court-mental health board-$50.00; Madison County Sheriff-paper service-$27.69
Magdanz Inc-supplies-$106.90; Menardssupplies-$125.23; Microfilm Imaging Systems Inc-scanner rent-$46.00; Midwest
Bank-co share-$3,356.31; MIPS-website &
support-$573.79; NE Assn of Co. Officialsregistrations-$255.00; NE NE News Company-ads-$715.80; NE Assn of Co.
Assessors-2016 dues-$50.00; NE Weed
Control Assn-2016 dues-$125.00; Osmond Pharmacy-prisoner meds-$103.94;
Pierce County Court-court costs-$84.50;
Pierce County District Court-court costs$209.00; Pierce County Leader-ads$948.40;
Treasurer-garnishment fee-$2.50; Pierce
Telephone Co Inc-service-$2,103.03; Quill-
Fast Friendly Service
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Johnson Repair
DATE . . . . . . .LO . . . . .HI . . . .MOIST
103 S. Main
supplies-$377.42; RS Technologies-data
backup & support-$500.00; Region 4 Behavioral Health System-4th quarter dues$4,272.25; Region IV Inc-4th quarter
dues-$2,340.25; Retirement Plans Division of Ameritas Life Ins. Corp-co. share$3,077.03;
Co-deductible/repairs-$50.00; Sioux Sales
Company-supplies-$653.65; State of
NE/IMS-service-$448.00; Terminix-pest
control service-$56.00; Tom’s Service-gas
& repairs-$1,007.37; Wanek Pharmacyprisoner
Abbenhaus-CDL-$57.50; B’s Enterprisesblades & signs-$18,028.90; Bauer Builtsupplies & repairs-$816.28; Certified
Testing Services Inc-Project 11039 536
Ave overlay-$3,143.20; Cornhusker Intl
Trucks-repair parts-$276.88; Dd Steel-repair parts-$711.20; Eastern NE Telephoneservice-$101.54;
Pride-diesel-$1,274.14; Filter Care of Nebraska-repairs-$47.80; Green Line Equipment, Plainview-repair parts-$114.72;
Hoffart Machine Repair-repairs-$43.25;
Jerry’s Hilltop-gas-$117.40; Kaup Forage
& Turf-seed-$255.00; Kayton Intl Inc-repairs-$72.71; Kelly Supply Co Inc-repair
parts-$68.48; Kimball Midwest-shop supplies-$54.90; Klabenes Construction LLCditch cleaning & install culvert-$680.00;
Leiting Auto Supply-repair parts-$19.98;
Lorenz Automotive-repair parts-$1,372.41;
Magdanz Inc-supplies-$155.55; Martin
Marietta-rock-$1,724.05; Matheson TriGas Inc-repairs-$42.78; Meisinger Oil Cooil-$46.96; Midwest Bank, NA-co
share-$1,986.53; Mitteis Gravel LLCgravel-$1,681.58; NE NE News Companyads-$48.20; NE Nebraska Public Power
Dist-utilities-$64.00; Osmond Farm Supply
Center Inc-diesel-$1,420.49; Overhead
Door-repair parts-$51.50; Pierce Telephone Co Inc-service-$66.21; Plainview
Auto Supply-repair parts-$164.80; Plainview Telephone Co-service-$46.76; Plainview
Plainview City-utilities-$292.39; Randolph
Farm Supply Inc-diesel & repairs$2,856.32; Retirement Plans Division of
Ameritas Life Ins. Corp-co. share$1,792.66; Safety Kleen-repairs-$220.23;
Sapp Bros Petroleum Inc-oil-$118.90; SCS
Construction-ditch cleaning-$1,485.00;
Steinkraus Service-repairs-$563.00; Stern
Oil-oil-$2,609.92; Tom’s Service LLC-gas
& repairs-$1,185.79; Wattier’s True Valuesupplies-$86.30; Payroll-$26,558.00.
E911 FUND: Model Electric Inc-camera installation-$2,743.00; Pierce Telephone Co Inc-E911 access-$96.30;
Plainview Telephone Co-E911 access$31.71.
E911 WIRELESS FUND: Pierce Telephone Co Inc-E911 access-$324.66;
Plainview Telephone Co-E911 access$119.29.
FUND: Pierce Telephone Co Inc-remodling project in Assessors office-$663.58.
MIPS-deeds online service-$318.23.
NE News Co-ads-$6.27; Pierce County
Discussion was held on the leasing of a
tractor from Dinkel’s, Norfolk, NE for
$17.50/mile to mow all county roads, to go
off state bids for the purchase of equipment and the custodian position in which
2 applicants will be interviewed on Tuesday, April 12 by Chairman Wragge, Clerk
Wragge and current custodian Doreen
There being no further business, Chairman Wragge adjourned the meeting at
11:28 A.M. and will meet at a regular meeting on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 9:10 A.M.
as County Board of Commissioners, said
meeting is open to the public. An agenda
for such meeting, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the
office of the County Clerk.
Shannon Wragge
Pierce County Clerk
. . . . . . .27 . . . . .69
. . . . . . .44 . . . . .79
. . . . . . .50 . . . . .76
. . . . . . .53 . . . . .77
. . . . . . .49 . . . . .68
. . . . . . .44 . . . . .67
. . . . . . .43 . . . . .50
. . . . . . .39
. . . . .0.00
. . . . .0.00
. . . . .0.00
. . . . .0.00
. . . . .0.00
. . . . .0.50
. . . . .0.75
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The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Feeding bacteria to livestock
could cut antibiotic use
Harvest Public Media
Apr. 10, 2016
Cattle rancher Mike John runs a cow-calf operation in Huntsville, Mo., and says he hopes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade
deal will open up new markets for his beef. (Kristo for Husted/Harvest Public Media)
Midwest farmers advocate
for TPP free trade deal
Harvest Public Media
Apr. 17, 2016
Turn on the TV and you can barely
escape it: presidential candidates on
both sides of the aisle deriding free
trade agreements, like the pending
Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP is
a bum deal that will hurt the U.S.
economy and especially low-wage
workers, according to pols from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton.
But if you venture into the Midwest
and ask a farmer about the TPP,
you’re likely to get a different answer.
“This pending TPP trade negotiation, to me, is hugely important for
agricultural commodities, but specifically for beef,” said Mike John, a cattle rancher in Huntsville, Mo.
John, along with many Midwest
farmers and ranchers are bucking the
political trend to dog the TPP. A coalition of more than 200 hundred agriculture groups recently drafted an
open letter urging congressional leaders to approve the deal, saying the
trade deal will help U.S. farmers stay
competitive in an increasingly
crowded world market.
Free trade agreements remove tariffs on products we import, but also
on food grown here that we export to
other markets. That opens the door to
get more beef, soybeans and rice into
other countries at more competitive
John says the TPP could ultimately
put money in farmers’ pockets by giving them more customers in Asian
countries with a taste for American
“The Asian markets are showing a
huge increase in demand for beef,” he
said. “In particular, the grain-fed U.S.
beef is highly prized in places where
that beef demand is growing.”
The 11 countries along the Pacific
Rim that are parties in the TPP already
take in more than 40 percent of American agricultural exports. That’s worth
a whopping $63 billion, according to
the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The department says the TPP could be
worth an additional $3 billion to U.S.
Many beef producers, like Mike
John, want to see the TPP ratified because it is designed to cut tariffs in
countries such as Japan that historically have been highly protective of
their domestic markets.
“So it’s not necessarily that we
need to get into those markets, we just
need to have fair access so that we can
compete with the other global suppliers of beef,” John said.
Indeed, agricultural policy analyst
Julian Binfield at the University of
Missouri said not sealing the deal
could leave U.S. farmers at a global
“If TPP is not signed, then some
other countries might write their own
agreement,” he said. “Maybe it’s part-
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ners in the TPP like Australia and
New Zealand – they’re writing bilateral agreements all the time. Maybe
they get expansion.”
That could actually mean less access overall for U.S. producers.
The other issue casting a long
shadow over TPP negotiations: China.
China is not a part of the trade deal.
But pro-TPP interests say agreements
like this one prevent China from setting global trade rules in its own interest.
“In terms of the U.S.’s overall
strategic position, I think that China is
a massive power that they probably
want to make sure they impose their
own (rules on) or have some say in
their own rules and don’t let China
dictate too much,” Binfield said.
All of this is not to say that all
farmers are campaigning for the TPP.
Despite their current advocacy for the
trade deal, none of the country’s
largest agriculture trade groups call
the TPP an unmitigated victory.
The National Farmers Union actively opposes the deal. The organization of mostly smaller farmers
contends that the agreement would
hurt the broader economy, which
could spell trouble for farmers.
“It’s not that we’re opposed to
trade. It’s not that we don’t want more
agricultural trade,” said Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union. “We absolutely do want
more agricultural trade.”
Johnson said he’s worried that free
trade deals make it more likely that
big companies will move jobs overseas. That can hurt the U.S. market for
food and, in turn, hurt farmers that depend on off-farm income. He’s worried we import more than we export
and feed the ballooning trade deficit.
“It it grows, if it gets worse as a result of this agreement just like it has
as a result of earlier agreements, then
what have we gained? We just haven’t
made a meaningful step forward,” he
President Obama championed the
TPP and set his sights on getting the
deal approved before he leaves office.
For that to happen, Congress will
have to approve it, but neither the
Senate nor the House have set a date
for review.
On a cold windy morning, Kelly
Nissen feeds the cows at the Iowa
State University Beef Nutrition Farm
north of Ames. Far from just tossing
hay, he weighs out specific rations
and carefully delivers them to numbered feed bunks.
“When you’re feeding, you’re always double-checking yourself to
make sure it’s going in the right lot,”
Nissen says.
These cows munch on the common
mix of hay, corn and distiller’s grain,
but they’re often getting a little something new, too. They test different formulas that researchers in the animal
science department at Iowa State develop. Among the goals, across livestock species, is to find ways farmers
can lower their use of antibiotics that
are important for human health.
The antibiotics that clear up infections and keep us healthy are becoming less effective because as they are
used, some squirrelly bacteria develop
resistance. Those pesky ones easily
share their adaption, which can infect
unsuspecting humans and leave doctors struggling to cure so-called drug
resistant bacteria.
Scientists say giving the drugs to
farm animals is part of the problem,
which is why researchers are looking
into new ways to keep livestock
healthy and profitable, especially the
animals that become our pork chops,
chicken tenders and steak.
“There are alternatives to antibiotics in feed,” says Stephanie Hansen,
one of those Iowa State professors.
“And that’s going to be a broad area
of research here in the next 10 to 15
You may be surprised to hear that
researchers are turning to something
you can probably find in your fridge:
402 W. Locust -- Plainview
Apr 18, 2016
There is $4.7 million available in
grants for food safety education, training and technical assistance projects
that address the needs of owners and
operators of small to mid-sized farms,
beginning farmers, socially-disadvantaged farmers, small processors, small
fresh fruit and vegetable merchant
wholesalers, food hubs, farmers’ markets, and others.
The grants, offered through the
Food Safety Outreach Program and
administered by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture
(NIFA), are designed to help these
stakeholders comply with new food
safety guidelines established by the
Food and Drug Administration under
the Food Safety Modernization Act
“As growing demand for local food
creates new economic opportunities
for small farms, beginning farmers,
and others, we are committed to ensuring that all types of farmers and
Northern Nebraska United
Mutual Insurance Company
Fast Friendly Service
Phone 402-582-3385
Plainview, NE
SEE . . .
PHONE 402-582-4555
• Local home town service
• Member owned and locally operated
• Local claim handling
businesses have the tools they need to
be successful,” said Agricultural Secretary Tom Vilsack. “By supporting
projects that offer tailored training,
education, and technical assistance for
producers and processors of local
food, these grants will benefit producers, the entire food supply chain,
and consumers.”
In fiscal year 2015, NIFA and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
funded an infrastructure of National
and Regional Centers to extend food
safety education, training, and technical assistance to specific audiences affected by new guidelines established
under the FSMA. In fiscal year 2016,
the Food Safety Outreach Program at
NIFA will build upon this established
national infrastructure by focusing on
the delivery of customized training for
owners and operators of small farms,
food processors, small fruit and vegetable wholesalers, food hubs, farmers’ markets, terminal markets, and
farms that lack access to food safety
training and other educational opportunities.
This year, NIFA will fund three
types of projects to help producers
comply with FSMA. Pilot projects
will support the development and implementation of new and potentially
high-risk, high-impact food safety education and outreach programs in
local communities that address the
needs of small, specialized audiences
from among the various target groups.
Community outreach projects will
focus on the growth and expansion of
already-existing food safety education
and outreach programs that are currently offered in local communities.
Multistate Education and training
projects will support the development
and implementation of multi-county,
state-wide, or multi-state food safety
education and outreach programs
where there are common food safety
concerns, but the states are not necessarily located within the same regions.
A webinar for potential applicants
is 2:30-3:30 p.m. EST April 19. Applications are due June 2. See the request for applications on the NIFA
website for more information.
J.E. Meuret Grain
JEM Trading
Grain, Feed, Trucking and Marketing Needs.
Brunswick, Copenhagen, Orchard,
and Pierce
and Atkinson
Full grade
Ethanol production plant
Distiller Grains
To Sell Corn call
“We’ve seen improvements in
weight gains, feed conversion, food
intake in young pigs,” says Frank.
“But more interestingly, we’ve seen
that by improving general health and
performance, that those pigs are requiring fewer injectable treatments.”
That’s what they’re looking for:
less need to treat with antibiotics.
“As antibiotics become more limited on their use, one, we’re going to
have to make changes in how we raise
animals, perhaps develop more vaccines, change our stocking densities,
nutrition programs,” Frank says. “But
part of that transition to new production styles is looking at these products
that can improve health.”
Poultry researcher Alejandro Penaloza at Oklahoma State University
has found a helpful bacteria that can
survive in poultry feed. He says some
large chicken producers are interested
in it because it helps the birds gain
weight with less feed, a benefit they
used to get from antibiotics. Penaloza
says his probiotic could be a good replacement.
“We cannot say that probiotics is
the silver bullet to completely eliminate antibiotics,” Penaloza says. ”But
I am sure that they can help a lot.”
Just like many people, animals
might be even healthier with some
changes to their diets. And as human
nutrition explores new possibilities,
the animal researchers will be paying
attention. There’s plenty of overlap.
“There are essential oils. There are
enzymes that could be supplemented,” Hansen says. “There could
be a possibility that trace minerals and
vitamins could play positive roles.”
Moving beyond antibiotics on the
farm will be a gradual process, but it’s
getting a little inspiration from our
diet trends.
4.7 million in grants available
for food safety training
Auto, Boat, Motorcycle and AAA
healthy bacteria.
Ever read the ingredients on a cup
of creamy Chobani? A good yogurt
will contain several live bacteria,
which can help you stay healthy by
keeping your gut happy. No one’s
going to feed pigs, chickens or cows
Yoplait. Some researchers, though,
think a bacterium commonly found in
your lunchbox, Lactobacillus acidophilus, may be help keep animals
healthy and lead to less dependence
on drugs important for human health.
“Acidophilus would have the same
impact in a production livestock animal as it would in humans,” Hansen
says. “Maybe it’s able to outcompete
a bad bacteria for attachment in the
gastrointestinal tract in the intestine,
so that would be a good thing.”
In essence, beneficial bacteria can
crowd out the bad ones, preventing
them from making you, or a cow, sick.
If they protect the animals from infection, farmers will need fewer antibiotics. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s data suggest nearly half
of chickens and about 40 percent of
pigs may get antibiotics when they’re
not even sick, though overall use has
declined in recent years.
The more farmers reduce antibiotic
use on the farm, the less likely bacteria are to adapt and become resistant
to our medicines. It’s a short path
from use in the barn to preserving effectiveness in the hospital. Last year,
the Obama Administration announced
a plan aimed at cutting down reliance
on these medicines.
With veterinarians and livestock
producers both now looking for other
ways to bring healthy animals to market size, nutrition companies are paying attention. Iowa-based Diamond V
has developed a pig feed supplement
made from Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Jason Frank says they got the idea
from work on human nutrition.
Located 3 1/2 miles east of
Plainview, NE on Highway 20
Husker Trading at
rvice That
Builds Relationships
302 E. Park Ave. (East Hwy. 20)
Plainview, NE 68769
(402) 582-4941
To Purchase Distillers Grains call
Ryan or Todd at 877-487-5724 ext 3 or ext 1
u Rates
By Phone
By Fax
(402) 582-4922
P.O. Box 9
Plainview, NE 68769
By E-mail
FOR SALE—New Irrigation Engine Cart
made by Kolterman Farm Equipment.
Also T-L Agri-Trac — enough for 2 T-L
tires. Call 402-750-7685. P52tb
For Rent
ROOM FOR RENT in Chiropractic office.
Massage therapist welcome. 402-3874545 P5-4tb
APARTMENTS AND three and four bedroom houses for rent in Plainview. 402992-8174. P20-tfn
For Sale
FOR SALE: Fishing Boat, 15 ft. tilt trailer,
depth finder, live well, 65HP Mercury. 402360-1291 P5-2tp
Garage Sales
BIG BARGAIN Buyway Sale, April 22-2324, 603 East Park Avenue in Plainview,
Multi-family. (See display ad this issue.)
GARAGE SALE: 201 N. Elm, Plainview –
April 22-23-24; 1 recliner, 1 swivel chair,
3-pc. Luggage, drum set, washer/dryer
stackable storage, Christmas dishes, inflatables, centerpieces and more, small tricycle, mower, books, bedding, adult
clothes, small girl and misc. items all good
condition, large family size swimming
pool, kitchen table. P5-1tb
BARGAIN BUYWAY Garage Sale – Lots
of variety, eight family garage sale; Friday,
6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 6:30 a.m. to
4 p.m. Big red shed on east edge of Plainview. P5-1tb
GARAGE SALE: Friday, April 22, 5 p.m. 7 p.m.; Saturday, April 23, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.;
Sunday, April 24, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Located
five miles west and 1 ¾ miles south of
Plainview. Refrigerator, tools, bikes, clothing and misc. P5-1tb
Help Wanted
MERCHANDISER: Foster Grant seeks a
part-time merchandiser to service a store
in Plainview, NE on a monthly basis.
$14/hr. Please apply at P4-2tp
FULL TIME HELP needed. Northeast Nebraska cow/calf operation. Call 402-7412217. P4-5tb
Lutheran Church is accepting applications
for a part time secretary. Must possess
strong organizational, computer and interpersonal skills. Must be able to work independently as a part of a team.
Employment beginning on May 2. To be
considered for this position, please send
your resume to: Attn: Church Council, Zion
Lutheran Church, PO Box 159, Plainview,
NE 68769, or leave at the church in an envelope addressed to Attn: Church Council. For a job description contact Gary
Doerr, 402-841-8035 or Petra Meraz, 5823312. P1-tfn
Methodist Churches. If interested, contact
the church office – 402-582-3373 or Darrell Keck at or
402-582-3397. P3-2tb
Lawn Care
FOR ALL YOUR thatching, aerating, and
lawn care needs for spring, summer and
fall. Call Bill or Matthew Bonta at 5823458. 52-6tb
OLD BARN REMOVAL Service. We do all
labor and removal. No hassle to you. Get
paid up to $500. Call for details. 402-8850947. P5-4tb
• Blind
• We
deadline for ads is 10 a.m.
Tuesdays. Late ads appear
under “Too Late to Classify.”
u Payment
Handyman Service, roofing, concrete, siding, drywall, new and remodel construction. Call Ron 402-260-0000 P34-tfnb
open April 22. Open daily, 7 a.m. to dusk.
Large selections of annuals, perennials,
hanging baskets and etc. OPEN HOUSE:
Friday, April 29, Saturday, April 30, Sunday, May 1 – register to win prizes. Located 5 miles west and 1 ¾ miles south of
Plainview. 402-841-9522. P5-2tb
REGISTERED Angus, SimAngus and
Red Angus Bulls for sale at Horseshoe Hill
Ranch. High performance and genetic
quality * i50K enhanced EPDs * Sired by:
Weigh Up, Angus Valley, Reserve, NLC
Upgrade & More * Info and videos on
website Fancy bred
heifers available this fall. Call Jay 402640-9031, Gary 402-388-2410. P3-tfn
homes – office extensions – double hung,
sliders, bay and bow windows. Please call
Therm-O-Loc Windows today for a free inhome demonstration and estimate. 402358-0112 P2-tfn
Area Classifieds
part time cook and a part time universal
worker. To learn more about these positions, go to or call
402-925-2875 for Nikki or 925-2099 for
Tammy. All qualified applicants will receive
consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, disability or protected veteran status. A16-2Tb
PARKSIDE MANOR Nursing home in Stuart, Neb. has an opening for a full time RN
or LPN and a full time opening for a nurse
aide. Call Lisa at 402-924-3601 for more
information. EOE A16-4Tb
BOYD HOLT E911 is seeking a full time
dispatcher who is able to work varying
shifts totaling 160 hours per month. Candidates must be willing and able to work
12 hour shifts (6 to 6) consisting of days,
nights, weekends and holidays as
needed. The ability to work independently,
multitask, remain calm in stressful situations while maintaining strict confidentiality and problem solving is essential. This
position does require a full background
check before employment. Contact the
Boyd Holt E911 Dispatch Center at 402336-2850 or send e-mail to for current job
description and application. A16-2Tb
ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL in Atkinson, Neb.
is accepting applications for a paraeducator for the 2016-2017 school year. Please
send resume and 3 references to Erin Jelinek, PO Box 69, Atkinson, NE 68713 or
email to Resumes
will be accepted until position is filled.
FOR SALE by sealed bids – 1981 IHC
pumper fire truck. 4 Wheel drive is not
working otherwise runs good. Truck can
be inspected at the Atkinson Fire Hall. Call
402-340-2517 or 402-340-9159. Submit
bids to: Atkinson Rural Fire District, 88273
475th Ave., Atkinson, NE 68713. Bids will
be opened May 10th, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at
the Atkinson Fire Hall. The Atkinson Rural
Fire District reserves the right to refuse or
accept all bids.A16-3Tb
REGISTERED Angus, SimAngus, and
Red Angus Bulls for sale at Horseshoe Hill
Ranch. High performance & genetic quality * i50K enhanced EPDs* Sired by:
Weigh Up, Angus Valley, Reserve, NLC
Upgrade & More* Info & videos on website Fancy bred heifers
available this fall. Call Jay 402-640-9031,
Gary 402-388-2410. A14-TFC
305 SOUTH MADISON, Fri. April 22, 3:00
p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sat. April 23, 8:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Girls’ and women’s
clothes; table and chairs; TV stand;
kitchen supplies; home decor; full size
bed; grill; and many other items. A16-1Tb
GARAGE SALE at 402 Paul Street, Atkinson (west of the Community Center). Friday, April 22, 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.;
Saturday, April 23, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Girls’, women’s and men’s clothing, and
shoes; furniture; household items; Avon.
homes or new construction. Double hung
sliders, bay and bow windows. Creighton,
NE. Call Therm-O-Loc windows today for
in-home demonstration and free estimate.
Phone 402-358-0112.
WILL DO cedar tree shearing in pastures.
Phil Kliewer, 402-925-5265. A14-8Tb
TOM’S MOWING - We can thatch, mow,
weed eat, clean walks and haul away clippings. 402-340-9646. A10-10Tp
STEVE BEAUDETTE - Available for carpet installation. Many years experience.
Call 402-929-0795. P2-tfn
ADDISON SEAMLESS GUTTERS - Gutters, Siding, Facia, Soffits. Free estimates.
Larry Addison, Atkinson, 402-340-2840.
PART TIME FARM HELP wanted. Livestock experience preferred. Please call
402-369-3134. W38-2p
The Plainview News
u Classifications
Cash or checks, billing available.
SHINE WORKZ Complete Auto Detailing:
car wash, windshield chip repair. 110 West
4th St., Osmond, 402-640-4226. P3-4tb
MIKE MC PLUMBING/ELECTRIC – insured licensed electrical contractor. Same
quality service work for over 25 years. Call
Mike McManaman at 582-3601/640-8686.
u Deadline
• Classifieds:
$2 additional fee.
By Mail
25¢ per
word with a $2.50 minimum.
(402) 582-4921
When placing an ad in person or
on the phone, we will read all ads
back to you for your approval. If we
fail to do so, please remind us.
Please check your ad carefully the
first day of publication. The Plainview
News’ responsibility for errors is limited only to the cost for the first insertion.
If you find an error, please contact
The Plainview News immediately to
ensure corrected information can be
• Word
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
OTR drivers, $1500 sign on bonus, .38.41 per mile, health ins, dental and vision,
retirement, vacation, possible $1000
yearly safety bonus. Plenty of miles, home
most weekends and we work with our drivers on their home time needs. Call Jeff
Rose at 402-369-0580.
have CDL. Please call 402-640-2457.
FULL OR PART TIME truck drivers
wanted to haul grain locally. Please call
402-640-2457. W36-4tb
HELP WANTED – Full-time or seasonal
concrete truck driver wanted for Wakefield
or Pender. Call Mark at Lorensen Lumber
at 402-385-3166. W34-tfn
WE DO – Residential, Commercial and
Rural Garbage Hauling for Wakefield and
the Surrounding Area. Call H.D. Haulaway
at 1-402-375-5291. Wtfn
SMALL ENGINE Repair and Tune-Ups or
Small Engine Equipment. Contact Dan
Gustafson, 402-287-2697 Weow
CORY BROWN Construction – Call Cory
at 1-402-278-2518 for all your general
construction and re-modeling needs! (278
is the correct prefix for Cory). Wtfn
TOM’S PLUMBING and Repair – Free estimates. Quick service for both residential
and commercial. Ask me about other
handyman services. Call anytime. 1-712899-0604. Wtfn
WAKEFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT is taking bids on a 1971 Chevy P30 Van (bread
truck) 17,500 miles, fairly new roof air conditioner. Runs OK. It has a broken front
coil spring. Hangs to the left and not safe
to drive.
Send bids to Fire Chief
Lyle Ekberg
58455 859 Road
Wakefield, NE 68784
Taking bids until May 20, 2016. Wakefield
Fire has the right to accept or reject any
and all bids. For more information, call
Fire Chief at 402-369-0808. W37-5tb
FOR RENT: New two-bedroom, country
home, utilities paid. $650. 402-841-2242.
HELP WANTED: The Lewis & Clark Mini
Mart in Crofton, NE is looking for part-time
help, flexible schedule, and competitive
wages, apply in store. Phone number is
402-388-4181 or email your resume to tfn
HELP WANTED: Full-Time Carpenter.
MUST BE EXPERIENCED. Residential/Commercial Construction, work based
around Crofton area. Call Brent at 402640-9478. C36- tfnb
CUSTODIAL POSITION: Crofton Community School has an opening for a fulltime custodial position. This position has
excellent benefits and requires knowledge
of equipment necessary to maintain a
school building. Interested individuals
should apply at the high school office.
Apply to: School Administration Office,
Crofton Community School, 89048 Hwy
121, Box 429 – Crofton, NE 68730-0429.
C8- tfn
HELP WANTED: Part-time Restaurant
Cook wanted at the Argo Hotel. Grill experience required. Part-time Bartender,
Maid and Wait Staff. Call 402-388-2400.
C9- tfn
NE is now accepting applications for
Full/Part Time cooks and wait staff. Great
wages. Apply in person or call 402-3884640 ask for Brian. C9- tfn
is looking for Class B CDL drivers. Must
be able to drive manual transmissions.
Pre-Employment drug screen is required
and a medical DOT card a must. Must be
able to be gone one to two weeks at a
time. Topkote Inc. is a weekly Friday pay
company with great competitive wages,
when on the road a weekly per-diem is
paid to you each Monday and all motel expenses are paid for by the company. If interested, please contact Anna at
605-665-8106. N4-2tb
Yankton is seeking general construction
laborers for the 2016 season. Must be 18
years of age or older and able to work 1214 hours a day if weather allows and be
on the road for one to two weeks at a time.
Topkote Inc. is a weekly Friday pay company and when on the road a weekly perdiem is paid to you each Monday and all
motel expenses are paid for by the company. This job will consist of many general
construction tasks and applicants must be
able to lift over 60 pounds. If interested
For Rent
Real Estate
For Sale
Help Wanted
Lost &
Card of
please contact Anna at 605-665-8106. N42tb
SANTEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL is currently accepting applications for the 20162017 school year for: Early Childhood
Teacher and Secondary English/Language Arts. Extra duty positions available.
Interested applicants should mail a letter
of application, resume and references to
Santee Community School at 206 Frazier
Ave East Niobrara NE 68760 or email materials to You may
also inquire about a position by calling
Tony Hoffman, Principal, at 402-857-2741.
C14- 1TB
SANTEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL is currently seeking applications for a Superintendent of Schools for the 2016-2017
school year. The position will be .5 FTE,
working on site 2-3 days a week. Interested applicants should send a letter of
application, resume, letters of reference
and a copy of a current Nebraska administrative certificate or proof of ability to attain to: Santee Community School, Office
of the Superintendent, 206 Frazier Ave E,
Niobrara, NE 68760. Review of applications will begin after April 29, 2016. C142TB
SANTEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL is currently taking applications for a dedicated
and effective Principal for the 2016-2017
school year. Candidates must qualify for,
or hold, a Nebraska Administrative Certificate with K-12 or K-8 Principal endorsement.
Preference will be given to
applicants that have experience working
with elementary students and teachers.
Interested applicants should send a letter
of application, resume, letters of reference
and a copy of a current Nebraska administrative certificate or proof of ability to attain to: Santee Community School, Office
of the Superintendent, 206 Frazier Ave E,
Niobrara, NE 68760. Review of applications will begin after April 29, 2016. C142TB
WANTING TO LEASE ground for deer
and turkey. Primarily bow hunting. One to
two persons. Call 402-276-1426. N4-4tb
B & B SALVAGE. Buying all scrap metal.
Doing telehandler work and custom hauling also. 402-841-2242. N5-1tb
FOR ALL YOUR lawn and garden tilling
needs call Carl Schieffer 402-841-9025 or
402-388-4642 C11- tfn
word classified ad. Over 165 newspapers
with circulation of more than 365,000.
Contact your local newspaper or call 1800-369-2850.
LINCOLN ANTIQUE Flea Market, Lancaster Event Center, April 30, 9-5; May 1,
10-4, Admission $2.50. Jay Albert, 402202-5443.
BANKRUPTCY: FREE initial consultation.
Fast relief from creditors. Low rates.
Statewide filing. No office appointment
necessary. Call Steffens Law Office, 308872-8327.
We are a debt relief agency, which helps
people file bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code.
AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service.
Send your message to 170 newspapers
across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1800-369-2850 or for
more details.
SAVE MONEY! Lowest cost Medicare
Supplements. Why pay more for federally
issued standardized plans? Independent
agent, multiple companies. Call Jason!
THE KEITH County News, Ogallala,
seeks a sports editor. Position requires
game and event coverage, photos, writing
sports stories, and page layout. 308-2891599,
CITY OF Ogallala is seeking a City Manager. More info at or
at 308-284-3607. Position open until filled.
Salary $87,505-$115,107 DOQ.
PLUMBER WITH quality workmanship for
new home construction in Lincoln. Minimum 5 years experience. No Lincoln license needed. Good driving record.
$24.00-$28.00 hr. 402-525-3630.
SCRAPER/MOTOR Grader Operators
and Surveyor needed for Grading Contractor. 100% paid health insurance. Commercial Contractors Equipment, Inc., 701
NW 27th, Lincoln, NE 68528, 402-4761711. EOE
The Back Page
The Plainview News
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Junior High Pirates
host quadrangular
Keaton Eichberger competes in the 300 m hurdles competition.
Pirate Track compete at
Neligh-Oakdale Invitational
The Plainview Pirate and Lady Pirate track team competed on the local
track for the Neligh-Oakdale Invitational last Tuesday afternoon, April
The Lady Pirate track team just
missed winning the tournament, with
only six team points dividing the firstplace finisher and the fourth-place
Lady Pirate team. The girls had 97
team points, trailing Elkhorn Valley
and Elgin Public/Pope John’s 103
first-place tie and Lindsey Holy Family’s 99 third-place. Neligh Oakdale’s
girls had 68, Osmond had 54 and Niobrara-Verdigre had three.
The Pirates had 35 team points to
finish seventh out of the seven team
field. Osmond won the meet with 116
team points. Elkhorn Valley was second with 111 team points, NelighOakdale had 88, and Elgin
Public/Pope John, Lindsey Holy Family and Niobrara-Verdigre rounded
out the team standings.
The team will take to the track
again on Thursday, April 21 at the
Pierce Invite and again on Tuesday,
April 26 at the Wisner-Pilger invite.
Individual results from the NelighOakdale Invite included:
Discus: 6, Micah Williams, 112’
High Jump: 5, Keaton Eichberger,
Pole Vault: 2, Cole Aschoff, 9’6”;
6, Jaden Sobotka, 8’
1600m run: 5, Aaron Boone, 5:26;
6, Christian Miller, 5:38.3
400m dash: 5, John Novicki, 57.76
300m hurdles: 5, Christian Zuhlke,
47.46 secs.
3200m relay: 2, Plainview, 9:37.5
1600m relay: 3, Plainview, 3:57
3200m run: 4, Aaron Boone,
Lady Pirates
Discus: 1, Jordyn Anderson, 96’9”;
4, Catie Williams, 89’1”
Triple Jump: 4, Brittany Waldow
Shot Put: 6, Jordyn Anderson,
High Jump: Kailee Rafert
Pole Vault: 1, Kailee Rafert, 9’6”;
5, Rosemary Gubbels, 6’6”
1600m run: 1, Jade Rickard, 6:04;
6, Kaydi Daudt, 6:48.1
100m hurdles: 1, Brittany Waldow,
16.81 secs.
300m hurdles: 3, Brittany Waldow,
51.89 secs.
3200m relay: 2, Plainview, 11;45.3
1600m relay: 4, Plainview, 4:45.2
3200m run: 1, Jade Rickard,
12:57.1; 2, Kaydi Daudt, 14:36.8
DEAR DR. ROACH: A year ago,
my internist prescribed Evista for
mild osteopenia, but my gynecologist
said she would not have put me on
medication yet. Two of my friends
also have osteopenia, but they have
not been prescribed medication. I
stopped taking Evista last month, because of my fear of developing blood
clots. What is your view on this? —
ANSWER: Osteopenia simply
means “too little bone,” and it is a risk
factor for developing osteoporosis.
Most experts would treat osteopenia
by ensuring that you are getting adequate calcium and vitamin D, and seeing that there are no other causes for
your osteopenia, such as low thyroid
level or medications that can lower
bone density, such as cortisone. Although there may be reasons to treat
osteopenia before osteoporosis develops, medicines like raloxifene
(Evista) are reserved for the more serious condition of bone loss, osteoporosis. Raloxifine does decrease the
risk of fractures.
Raloxifene has risks: It increases
the risk of blood clots by about 1 person per thousand over five years.
However, it decreases the risk of
breast cancer. Thus, raloxifene is a
poor choice for someone with an increased risk of clots, but a very reasonable choice for women who need
treatment for osteoporosis and also
have an increased risk for breast cancer.
The Plainview Pirate junior high
track team hosted a quadrangular with
Elgin Public/Pope John, Bloomfield
and Elkhorn Valley on the local track
and field on April 4, taking secondplace in both the boys and girls contests.
The Lady Pirates took secondplace with a team score of 49.33
points trailing only Elkhorn Valley,
and the Pirate boys did the same with
36 points, tying for second with Elgin
Public/Pope John.
Individual results included:
Pole Vault: 1, John Schlote, 8’; 2,
Brendan Rasmussen, 7’; 3, Jacob
Hoffman, 6’6”; 4, Cody Gamble, 5’6”
Long Jump: 1, John Schlote,
High Jump: 2, Brendan Rasmussen, 5’
100m Hurdles: 1, John Schlote,
16.5 secs.
100m dash: 1, John Schlote, 12.6
800m run: 2, Brendan Rasmussen,
195m hurdles: 3, Jacob Hoffmann,
35.1 secs.
Lady Pirates
Shot Put: 4, Alexa Meyer, 21’10”
Pole Vault: 1, Becca Kment, 5’
High Jump: T4, Becca Kment, 3’6”
Long Jump: 2, Abby Rafert,
Doughtery, 23’3.75”
100m Hurdles: 1, Destiny Rickard,
17.7 secs.; 2, Carissa Wacker, 18.9
100m dash: 1, Destiny Rickard,
13.8 secs.; 2, Carissa Wacker, 14.4
200m dash: 4, Abby Rafert, 33.5
400m dash: 1, Kaitlynn Doughtery,
195m hurdles: 1, Destiny Ricakrd,
33.1 secs.; 2, Carissa Wacker, 33.5
400m relay: 1, Plainview (Carissa
Wacker, Abby Rafert, Lexi Huigens,
Destiny Rickard), 1:00.6
Multiple Family Bargain Buyway Sale
Friday, April 22
Saturday, April 23
Sunday, April 24
7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Furniture, Tools, Car Parts, Antiques, Baby Items,
Dishes, Dolls, Stuffed Animals, Yards and Yards of New
Fabric, Appliances, Clothing, Shoes, Grab Bags, Lots
and Lots of Miscellaneous. Something for Everyone!
- Free morning coffee -
603 East Park Avenue, Plainview, NE
for placing at the
State FFA Convention
Kailee Rafert
Karissa Eichberger
Robert K. Baird
Attorney at Law
Box 565, 602 West Park St.
Plainview, NE 68769
John Novicki
402 W. Locust • Plainview • 402-582-7878
Telephone (402) 582-4404
Fax (402) 582-3904
Cell (402) 841-1817
FREE checks
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Nathan Choat
Tait Ziems
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Third Place
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Experience in Ag
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Great J it and
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