Magazine - Handwriting University


Magazine - Handwriting University
12 N
20 IO
Handwriting University Course Information, Product Catalog & Special Articles by Bart Baggett
Unlock the keys to lasting change
article by Bart Baggett
How to Spot
Dishonesty in
What Kind
of Person Believes
In Handwriting
Who else wants to
EARN $1000
as a Court
Qualified Forensic
Handwriting Expert?
Just Released...
Mastery Level
Certification Course
...are you the next one to
receive your Certified Status?
Want to Take
a Free Cruise
Take the World’s Most
Popular Handwriting
Analysis Self-Test:
Become a Certified Handwriting Analyst
No matter what your learning style, Handwriting University International has programs in various formats to fit
your needs. We publish CDs, DVDs, downloadable MP3s, Grapho-Deck flash cards, books, and workbooks. And of
course, our 100% online programs allow you to watch, listen, and learn entirely from your computer in the comfort
of your own home. Our comprehensive courses will lead to certification and open up a whole new life for you. Here
is a run-down of our course offerings:
7 Day Basic Online Course (FREE for Monthly Members)
Online Access Freshman Level Introduction to Handwriting Analysis
Online Interactive Trait Dictionary-FREE with purchase of Level 301
Certification Level Home Study Course
How to Earn $100 or More Professional Marketing Course
Advanced Handwriting Analysis Home Study Course
Additional Courses For Handwriting A nalysts
Changing handwriting habits
can change your life and the
lives of others. We offer a
separate course for kids
and adults.
Changing your signature will
affect more than your leadership
skills and ability to make money.
Learn more in this Signature
Makeover Course.
For veterans and novices alike!
Information you never knew–
spot dishonesty in seconds!
This informative Cruise Ship
Training Kit shows you how
to get booked as a guest
lecturer aboard cruise ships!
Become a Forensic Document Examiner
The International School of Forensic Document Examination has built a unique distance learning based
curriculum to become a trained and working document examiner. Learn the science behind utilizing
handwriting as a tool for identification. It is truly a comprehensive program that turns your interest in
handwriting into a lucrative career helping people solve forgery problems. Our graduates earn more than
$1,000 per day for their expert testimony in courtrooms worldwide. See page 20 for more.
Become a Monthly Member
For a small monthly fee, you get monthly tutoring and online access to members only classes and webinars. Plus you
become a member of our growing worldwide community. See page 8 for details.
Want A Weekend of Personal Transformation?
Handwriting Analysis is only one tool for personal transformation for yourself and others. Learn other effective
techniques for manifesting your goals, improving your relationships, and coaching others toward success. Imagine
spending 2 days with Bart as your personal coach and guide in Los Angeles. Find out more on page 16.
Other Programs & Specialized Training
Success Secrets of the Rich & Happy
Double Your Income Program
Change Your Signature, Change Your Life
Lose Weight with Hypnosis
Creating Romantic Chemistry
Learn more about these programs in this catalog
or go to
From the President
The opportunities
worldwide for
handwriting experts
has never been more
profound than today.
elcome to the premier issue our Handwriting University Catalog which
includes descriptions of some of our best-selling programs and some
of our latest releases. I’m Bart Baggett, President of Handwriting University
International and the author of many of the books and courses we sell.
This past decade has seen people worldwide discover the life-changing benefits of learning handwriting analysis. As a result, I have personally grown in
many new directions. I am sure the latest articles, videos, and live teleclasses
will give you tools to make a difference in your own circle of friends.
While the core analysis tool we use in many of our programs is handwriting,
you will see many other tools and applications combined with this science to
assist you in changing the lives of yourself and others and even start a lucrative
full-time or part-time career!
The opportunities worldwide for handwriting experts has never been more
profound than today. We now have campuses training students in India,
Taiwan, and the USA. Plus, you’ll discover the lucrative career opportunity in
the booming field of forensic document examination. If you’ve ever watched
an episode of CSI or Forensic Files, you already have taste of the scientific side
of being a “forensic handwriting expert.”
I’m proud to be the co-founder of the International School of Forensic Document Examination, the only school in the world that trains non-government
people in this lucrative career. Our curriculum even includes an apprentice
program, allowing you to earn money while you learn and work directly with
me, if you choose.
Read the Table of Contents to quickly find the new articles, latest programs,
products, and information inside this catalog. And, remember to confirm you
are receiving our Weekly Strokes newsletter in your email box. We are now in
our 18th year of publishing our online email newsletter!
Your comments and testimonials are both welcome and appreciated and
always shared with our entire staff!
Bart Baggett
P.S. The opportunity has never been greater than today to learn handwriting
analysis, and you will be amazed at how it truly can change your life. Turn the
page to learn more and read about the many new tools which make learning this
skill easy and fun!
Handwriting University
premier issue / 2011
I think anyone can benefit
from this and come away
from it happier and with a
better outlook.
-- Jessica Chambers
Houston, TX
Handwriting University
what kind of
person believes
in handwriting
The answer may surprise you.
& your brain
Research has shown that different
parts of the brain hold clues to aspects
of personality. Now we can use this
knowledge to evoke positive change in
our lives through our handwriting.
visit us at
products &
course offerings
Grapho-Web Software
Level 100, 101, 102
Level 301 Certification Course
Level 401 Marketing System
Success Secrets of the
Rich and Happy
Grapho-Deck Flash Cards
School of Forensic Document
Examination Course
Handwriting University
16-17 Life Transformation
A life-changing experience!
Find your life’s purpose and so much more on
this trip of a lifetime!
Secrets of Love, Sex & Relationships
Signature Makeover
What Are Our Students Saying?
Level 501 Advanced Course
Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life
Workbook for Adults & Kids
Double Your Income/Lose Weight
with the Power of Hypnosis
Dishonesty in Handwriting Home Course
Creating Romantic Chemistry
Cruise the World for Free as a
Handwriting Lecturer!
what kind of
person believes
remember seeing an ad in a book discussing the greatest advertisements
of all time. It read: “What sort of man owns his own computer?” That
headline helped convince a generation that owning a home computer
is a smart sophisticated, and wise decision.
It occurred to me that some people have an ignorance regarding modern handwriting analysis, just as most of the population
in the 1980s had a belief that computers were only for accountants
and big corporations...and useless at home. Pre-judgements and ignorance against handwriting analysis still exists and they need to be
addressed and changed.
Since I started practicing handwriting analysis in 1984, the demographic of the typical person who uses handwriting analysis has
changed, and the entire reach has broadened by millions of people.
So I want to say to you, as a person reading this magazine, congratulations on being amongst a new breed of independent thinking
people who find value in this amazing personality diagnostic tool.
First, graphology has evolved quite a bit in the 20th century. In
the mid-1970s, a great number of people who played around with
graphology were observed doing other tests such as astrology, tarot
cards, tea leaves, and other techniques that one might call pseudo
sciences, or soft sciences. It’s not that those people themselves were
right or wrong or that their methodologies were wrong. I’m not here
to judge. I’m here to make a case for re-branding the kind of person
who does handwriting analysis as sophisticated, discerning, skeptical, scientific, and educated.
Most of the people who attempted to practice handwriting analysis over the past 100 years were using second-rate methodologies
full of half-truths, poor metaphors, and false data...making their attempts at getting into the mainstream difficult. Go to any library in
the world and you will find graphology books with inaccurate methodologies. Some of these books are recently published, some are
50 years old. Most handwriting analysis courses simply don’t have
-- continued on pg. 8
Watch Bart explain Grapho-Therapy in this two part this video:
Handwriting University
-- continued from pg. 7
the level of accuracy, procedure, and
exact effective methodology that we
teach at Handwriting University International.
It is interesting that the average
person practicing graphology in the
1960s and 1970s was a very tactile
and sensing individual. There were
a great number of women utilizing
graphology and much fewer men.
These individuals used graphology
to get a “sense” of somebody, to get
a “feel” for a character and thus the
process became very subjective...
as emotions are subjective. Thus,
any resulting analysis and articulation about the personality profile
was layered in “subjective, sensory
words” rather than qualitative, scientific terminology.
The criticism from every skeptic’s
Web site and every supposedly sci-
entific journal is that graphology is
too subjective and lacks specificity
when compared to other more widely accepted personality tests such
as Myers-Briggs, DISC, etc. It is my
opinion that this was true 20 years
ago only because the individual
analysts themselves were seeing the
analysis through their own internal
filters of a highly-sensory and kinesthetic individual.
When I came along and started
teaching handwriting analysis in the
early 1990’s, my approach matched
my personality type: Visual, Analytical, Non-sensory, Non-subjective,
and not very touchy feely. This approach might feel tactless and cold
to a highly sensory person. However, for the scientific community
and a huge slice of highly intuitive
visionary thinkers, this makes sense
for the first time.
Can you imagine the acceptance
of an entire field of human analysis
being affected by the personality
type of its teachers? I am not very
sensory, and I’m not very kinesthetic compared to many people
in my life. Those of you who have
attended a seminar probably either
really appreciate this personality
style or you think I’m cold and lack
tact. Normally, people who are low
in kinesthetic attributes are high in
visual attributes, which enhances
my speed of processing information
and painting pictures for students
to learn. It is one of the strengths I
have as a teacher…I see systems and
how things interact with each other
in ways most people don’t see. Imagine a spider web of cause and effects.
Also, I value accuracy and precise
words. Like a scientist, I dissected
-- continued on pg. 14
Get the all-time best seller for learning handwriting analysis!
The Grapho-Deck is the fastest, easiest, and the
Whether you are a beginner or a professional, the
most fun method ever invented to analyze handwriting.
Grapho-Deck Handwriting Trait Cards will add spice to
Small enough to take anywhere, the Grapho- D e c k
your next analysis.
Handwriting Analysis Trait Cards are a
portable personality profile!
“I just want to congratulate you on inventing
The Grapho-Deck is a deck of
51 fully illustrated casino-quality
the Grapho-Deck. I have been getting an 80 cards with a specific personality
100% accuracy approval rating from just the
trait and sample of handwriting on
each card. You can get a snapshot
cards...they are incredible.”
of anyone’s true personality in
-- Carmine Alessandro
seconds! It is not only very accurate
Toluca Lake, CA
and revealing, it’s a whole lot of fun!
Fifty-one personality traits
fully illustrated with concise,
Get a simple metal key ring and a
easy to understand definitions.
Small enough to fit in your
pocket or purse so you can take paper hole puncher to keep the cards in
1 GraphoDeck: $15.95
it anywhere!
alphabetical order for quick reference!
12 GraphoDecks: $96.00
Handwriting University
Your monthly membership gives you full access to Handwriting
University’s 7-part mini course to learn basic handwriting analysis via
the Internet as well as access to our Member’s Only section. In addition,
you will have instant access to all exclusive live events, special reports,
member newsletters, audio file of the month, and member-only videos.
I would just like to say thank you for the
time and work you put into the level 100
course. I have been studying handwriting analysis off and on for the last four
years. I can’t tell you how many books
I have read over that time, and yet you
still managed to provide me with new
and useful information. I suppose there’s
always more to learn! I will admit that
the video clips left me wanting more,
but then that’s why there is a level 101
course. Hopefully some day I’ll be able
to take the next course in the series.
Your site is definitely bookmarked on my
laptop. Thank you!
–Jodi Torline
Get Instant Download Access Via
Secure Server!
You’ll be taken directly to the secure member’s
login area where you can complete your
enrollment and choose your own secure user
name and password.
Here’s What You Get:
• FREE Level 100 Handwriting Analysis Course
• Live Call-In Monthly Tele-Classes
• Opportunity to Ask Bart Baggett Questions
During Monthly Teleclass
• Special Monthly Programs–
Includes Audio or Video
• Discounts on Products and Services
• Online Training
• Articles
• Special Reports
• Instant Access to All Course Levels
become a Monthly Member you can
access our updated courses for FREE.
ITEM: Membership
PRICE: $17/mo. or $99/yr.
About My Crazy Guarantee
Everybody asks me, “Bart, it’s just seventeen dollars, why even give a
guarantee?” Why? Because I do not care if it is one dollar, seventeen
dollars, or seventeen million, I will always give you more than what you paid
for. If you feel that you did not get 10 times your money’s worth then I insist
that you take your money back. It’s that karma thing again. I offer the same
guarantee on all of my programs–even the ones that cost over a thousand
dollars. Full money-back guarantee. That is why we’ve been the world’s #1
handwriting website since 1996. We have happy customers and we have
integrity. My credit card company says I can legally, only give a 365-day
guarantee, so that’s what I do. But if you EVER want a refund all you have
to do is let us know. Although refunds or complaints are rare, I have hired
one person to handle customer service. Just drop us an email and we will resolve your problem or issue a
refund quickly, no questions asked:
Handwriting University
Begin Your Training with Our
Level 100 Online Training
This is Handwriting University
International’s online training
course for beginning level students of
graphology. This simple 7-day course
gives you a broad introduction to the
science, a few specific strokes and
personality traits, plus a few bonus
video and audio training lessons.
Be sure to view the “Bonus Speed
Learning” Video to learn the basic
traits even faster.
The short online audio clip in
the quick-start guide explains what
you will find in the introductory
Handwriting Analysis Level 100
course. Once you listen to the quickstart guide, you will start with Lesson
#1: Day One.
Once you are finished with your
Level 100 Online Training Course,
you can move up to our Level 101
Handwriting Analysis Starter Kit!
ITEM: Handwriting 100
Online Course
PRICE: $17 or $0 for Silver or
Gold Members
This Course Answers
These Questions:
This “Handwriting 101 Starter
Kit” will make a beginner look like
a seasoned master handwriting
This system makes handwriting
analysis quick, easy, fun, and 100%
accurate every time. After just a few
hours of study, you will seem like a
veteran handwriting expert-even if
you’ve never read anything on psychology, the mind, or handwriting
analysis. The video, audio, and literary program covers all the basic traits
in-depth, giving you the tools you
need to understand and master the
basic techniques of modern handwriting analysis. Order the DVD
home study course or the online
digital version.
Bart Baggett hosts the videos in
his clear, humorous style. This system will help clarify the sometimes
confusing science of graphology. As a
bonus inside this course, you’ll learn
how to erase self-defeating personality traits forever.
10 Handwriting University
• How do we analyze cursive and
• How do we measure slant?
• What is the one letter which reveals a pathological liar?
• What are the 13 different meanings of the letter t?
• What single letter reveals sex drive
and intimacy issues?
• What are the 5 “trouble traits”
in handwriting?
• How do we “change” our bad traits?
• How can we tell someone’s level
of emotional expression by their
• How do you overcome self-sabotage
or fear of success?
.... and much, much, more!
ITEM: Handwriting 101 Starter Kit
SALE PRICE: $47.00 online access
$160.00+ s/h to your door
Here’s What You Get:
Day 1 - Slant in Handwriting
Day 2 - Intelligence & Mental Patterns
Day 3 - Traits of the Lower Case t
Day 4 - Lower Zones:
Love/ Sex/ Relationships
Day 5 - Irritating Personality Traits
Day 6 - Doing Live Analysis
Day 7 - Grapho-therapy
BONUS: Day 8
Handwriting Speed Learning Video
BONUS: Day 9
Success Secrets:
Who Writes Like A Millionaire?
I love the 101 Handwriting Program. It is
useful, organized, and comprehensive. I
can’t believe how much information you
stuffed into a basic course. I was accurate
on my very first analysis and people still
can’t believe I just learned everything
online–right on the Internet!
–Bren Stevenson
St. Louis, MO, USA
Basic Course for Beginners
Here’s What You Get:
Five Video Lectures on Two DVDs
The Handwriting Analysis 101 Book
Audio Book on Three CDs Which
Includes Live Seminar Excerpts
The Grapho-Deck Handwriting
Flash Cards
Bonus Item: The Quick Reference
Guide and Trait Dictionary
Bonus Item: The Emotional Gauge
Bonus Item: Analyze Handwriting
in 10 Minutes or Less
join now at
his course has been taken by
therapists, private detectives,
human resource managers,
doctors, attorneys, students, and
thousands worldwide who are
interested in understanding people
at a deeper level.
You will be instructed by a variety
of professors including the engaging
and experienced...Curt and Bart
Baggett, Phyllis Mattingly, Anne
Bedinger, Taylor Morgan, Ray
Walker and other qualified experts.
In each lesson, you will learn
a different aspect of personality
through handwriting analysis. You
will be exposed to some of the most
modern and powerful techniques
in the field of psychology and
personal growth. This knowledge
will assist you in improving your
understanding of yourself and
others, as well as give you specific
techniques to further improve your
life and those you love.
You will be able to look at any
sample of handwriting and quickly
identify 90+ personality traits and
stack them together to identify
hundreds more. Upon passing the
exams, you will earn a certificate
and be qualified to consult with
businesses and earn money!
As a bonus, when you enroll in
Level 301 or 401, you get MP3 files
of more than 16 hours of “Classic
Classroom Instruction,” which you
can listen to on your computer
or iPod. These MP3 files are also
available for download the moment
you order, using our student-only
password protected Web site. This
bonus, plus 14 hours of seminar
lectures included in Level 201,
means you get access to more than
30 hours of pre-recorded instruction.
This course is so much more than
a textbook and we’ve put it in the
form of DVDs, CDs, flash cards,
11 Handwriting University
My handwriting analysis course has had
the biggest impact on my was
the start of a life transformation. My
self-esteem, confidence, creativity and
speed of learning have been dramatically
strengthened. The results were quick
and permanent. Thank you so much for
sharing this information. I recommend it
to people everywhere I go!
–Lisa Marie Bitner
San Diego, CA
books, textbooks, manuals, teleclasses
and online files.
NOTE: The entire handwriting curriculum
is offered in five sequential levels. However,
you only have to enroll in levels 101-301 to
get certified. After the level 301 course, you
qualify to take your tests, which are included
in the textbook and test modules.
The Level 401 Marketing Course is
designed for anyone who wants to earn
money as a professional handwriting analyst.
It includes “How to Earn $100 an Hour
or More Analyzing Handwriting! The
Marketing System,” the Grapho-Web Instant
Analysis Software, and one hour of marketing
consultation with Bart Baggett ($350 value).
You choose whether you want to get trained
or you want to get trained and earn money,
too. It’s your choice-Level 301 or 401.
The Standard Level 301
Certification Home Study Course
Here’s What You Get:
• Level 101 Basic Course
• Level 201 Online Trait Dictionary
• Level 301 Certification Course
• 16 Audio CDs
• 8 DVD Seminar Lectures
• 22 Hours of MP3 Live Bonus Lectures
• 90-pg. Spiral-Bound Ref. Manual
• Success Secrets of the Rich and
Happy (book)
• Certificate of Completion (after
passing written/oral final exams)
• Dr. Walker’s Textbook in Binder
• Emotional Gauge
• 21 tests with submission guidelines
• Kid’s 30-Day Graphotherapy
• Adult’s 30-Day Graphotherapy
ITEM: Standard Course Includes:
Levels 101, 201 & 301
TITLE: Standard Level Certification
Home Study Course
PRICE: $1199 (plus s/h)
ITEM: Deluxe Course Includes:
Levels 101, 201, 301 & 401
TITLE: Deluxe Level Certification
Home Study Course
PRICE: $1499 (plus s/h)
for certification options:
12 Handwriting University
f you have ever dreamed of
having the freedom and rewards
of working for yourself, consider
all the good reasons to open your
own handwriting analysis consulting
business. It is a lucrative and
rewarding entrepreneurial venture
where you are the star of the show
and decide whether you want to
work full or part-time. Now you can
leverage our good reputation, 20
years of experience, business savvy,
and our entire line of products
to launch your own independent
handwriting analysis consulting firm
or teach handwriting analysis to
others. We’ve created a step-by-step
business system for you to follow
which is all contained in the Level
401 Marketing System.
This professional marketing program
is for the person who:
•wants to earn $100 or more per
hour analyzing handwriting
•is interested in working for himself/
herself as an entrepreneur
•loves handwriting analysis but has
not figured out a way to make real
money doing it
wants to earn an extra $300•
$2000 per month, or more, parttime
•already owns the Level 301
Standard Certification Home
Study Course from Handwriting
The 300+ page marketing manual
written by Bart Baggett and Phyllis
Mattingly, includes five informationpacked CDs, feature interviews
and advice from highly successful
handwriting analysts about business
and marketing your business. It also
includes an exclusive software
program (The Grapho-Web software)
so you can create 4-8 page written
analyses in under 20 minutes (see
ad on pg. 13). Perfect for those long
comprehensive analyses for which you
13 Handwriting University
This course is wonderful. It was perfect
timing for me to get your marketing program in addition to what I know and have
done. I followed the procedures in your
course and voila...the phone rings. I’m
working on a “murder case” now with a
local reporter. This is so much fun!
–Kathi D. McKnight
Denver, CO
charge $120 each. When you follow
the system outlined here, you can
earn $100 per hour or more.
Special Sections in the
Marketing System:
• How to get FREE publicity from
newspapers and magazines. Includes
more than 15 actual articles and
press releases.
to successfully market and
teach handwriting seminars. This
includes handouts, flyers, class
outlines, and more.
•How not to waste a nickel on
$10,000 worth of advertising! Ads
that work and don’t work...which
ads to place, which publications to
choose and word-for-word ad copy.
•How to get hired by corporationsa Special Report.
•How to get booked at a party or
social function for fun and profit.
• How to prepare and deliver a
comprehensive written analysis.
• How to give a radio or newspaper
interview. Includes transcripts of a
radio interview to guide you.
• Jury screening and working with
• How you can get booked solid
as the guest speaker at clubs and
organizations in your home town.
• Plus $250 in additional discounts
for enrolling in the Marketing
Package (time-sensitive offer).
Prerequisite: You must own Levels
101-301 or order it at the same time.
Remember, you have a one-year
unconditional satisfaction guarantee.
The Level 401 Marketing
Home Study Course.
Here’s What You Get:
• Hours of CD interviews on business
and marketing
with the country’s most
successful analysts
•Learn their day-to-day operations
and marketing methods
•Inside Secrets to making
money from every angle of your
handwriting business –newspapers,
lawyers, corporations, lectures,
parties, magazines, and even radio
interview with Phyllis
Mattingly about Document
Examining, Jury Screening, Public
Speaking, and lots more!
•New lecture “Lazy Way to Success
Teaching In-Home Seminars”
*Includes online bonuses
not shipped with printed binder
CODE: Level 401 MS
ITEM:Marketing System-Level 401
5 CDs
300+ Page Marketing System
Consulting Coupon
Grapho Web 2.1 Software
1-Year Unconditional Guarantee
read more at:
-- continued from pg. 9
what those handwriting experts
did before me into a very workable
system. I also threw out false data
and false ideas which were not accurate 100% of the time.
The result is a Handwriting
University training system that is
now translated into a very workable program where ultra-analytical people
can look
at handwriting
and specific data
about how
going to
behave in a specific job. This is a
revolution when compared to the
graphology books printed in the
1970’s. The application of turning
handwriting analysis from a “sensory idea” of a person into a “factual typecasting” of a person has
attracted an entirely new breed of
consumer interested in handwriting analysis.
The system I’ve created takes
out the woo-woo, kinesthetic, arbitrary subjectivity of the 1970’s
graphology and puts in a finite
system of specific terms, words,
phrases, and calculations a mathematician could get excited about.
But I didn’t take out the emotion...
just the emotion-based vocabulary.
If you’re a single man looking
for a girlfriend you might use graphology not only as the sorting
mechanism of which person might
be best for you in a long-term relationship, but you also might find
that it’s very useful to create a circumstance of open-mindedness
and social lubrication. People tend
to want to talk to you longer as the
man who does handwriting analysis. You may find handwriting
analysis is most useful as “an icebreaker” for both men and women
in any social scene. Naturally, this
works equally well for both men
and women
who choose
to be the
at tention
as the “analyst”.
One of
the greatest
benefits of
using, learning, and mastering handwriting
analysis is that you can be the leader of a social conversation. You can
create a level of intimacy and lead
the flow of conversation about important things in life, which otherwise might never be addressed.
You can start chatter about belief
systems, religion, relationships,
trust, esteem, your mother, your
father, what you love, what you
hate, what you don’t believe in,
and even man’s evolution on this
planet. These topics are conversations that evolve from a sense of
intimacy and trust.
So… the person who uses handwriting analysis today is the person who sees handwriting analysis
as an accurate and valuable tool to
connect with others on a personal
and intimate level. He also sees it
as a precise tool to use to systemize
and categorize people.
The demographic of
the kind of person who
uses handwriting
analysis has changed.
14 Handwriting University
-- continued on pg. 24
S u cc e s s S e c r e t s o f
t h e R i ch & H app y !
This comprehensive
self-help book
combines the best
of handwriting,
timeline therapy,
management, health
and spirituality. Much more than a
step-by-step method of acquiring
wealth, it is a spiritual guidebook
to tap into your life’s journey. It will
help you align your career with your
beliefs and values.
You’ll get strategies to guide you
through transforming your world
into a life of true emotional and
physical abundance. It shows you
how to change the way you think
about the world, money, people,
wealth, and your emotions.
This book will help anyone who....
• Has suffered from “Is this all there
is?” syndrome
• Has suffered from a feeling of
depression or sadness
• Has struggled with not having
enough money
• Has worked too much and is not
in emotional balance
• Has been looking for a way to
break free from fears
• Has all the material things money
can buy and yet still isn’t happy
• Simply doesn’t know what to do
next in order to be wealthy
Sample it for yourself. Download
3 chapters, free, right now, online:
Bart Baggett’s book is destined to become a classic.
With deep insights and great simplicity, Bart has
created a manual for success. If you read only one
book this year, let it be this one.
–John Harricharan, Award-winning
author of the bestseller,
When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat
ITEM:Success Secrets of the
Rich & Happy by Bart Baggett
PRICE: $17.95 (soft cover)
shipped to your door
Kindle version available
your brain
How grapho-therapy works and how
you can use it to change your life.
by Bart Baggett
n the last 15 years, there has been more research done on the brain than in the last 5,000
years. And now with the missile-imaging scan MRIs and certain brain imaging scans, researchers can look inside your brain and know what part of your brain is lighting up when you think
about sex. They know which part of the brain is lighting up when you speak a different language.
According to an article in National Geographic (March 2005), researchers opened up somebody’s
skull, cut a chunk out of it and pushed pins into different parts of their brain. This experiment
made someone who was completely fluent in English and Spanish forget Spanish. This was done
just by stimulating different parts of the brain.
Even in the early 1900s, psychiatrists would drill holes in criminals’ heads to try and habilitate
their wrongful behavior. Of course, they basically turned them into invalids. Many of the techniques that they still use, like electroshock therapy, make people into invalids. In other words, the
criminal behavior disappears--but so does the spirit.
But they were correct in one aspect: different parts of your brain do hold clues to some of your
personality. Phrenology (studying the bumps on your head) has been discredited but parts of your
brain do matter. Parts of your fingers, and different parts of your handwriting, stimulate the brain
in different areas. So if you’re writing a figure 8, it has a certain synaptic pathway that the letter ‘t’
or ‘f’ may not have.
15 Handwriting University
Grapho-therapy is a specific process designed to reprogram the
personality through repetitive, small, micro-movements of the fingers. It’s not just a process…it’s a therapeutic process. So by therapeutic, we mean that it is a process designed to create change. Therapy usually means that there is an illness and a healing. A person can
be in therapy even if they are not sick. Let’s assume that you have
moderate self-esteem and want to work on a great self-image. Either
way, you are actually making changes to the physiology.
The brain is electrical in nature. Your brain is part of your
body. Maybe your mind and your spirit aren’t part of your body,
but they interrelate. So this is a really good way to get your body
moving toward it. I have been a fan of meditation, Buddhism, martial arts and yoga. I’m also a blue belt in shaolin kung fu so I’ve
studied all over the world and learned all these great techniques
to obtain a path to Enlightenment, and many people, especially
in the Eastern world, believe that if you meditate long enough
you will just boom!, become enlightened at some point. And essentially, when I was studying with Deepak Chopra, one of the
principles he taught was “If you can think about nothing long
enough, Enlightenment will come to you.” And while that’s true,
it seems to be an inconsistent path to Enlightenment. Some people sit around meditating for 40-50 years and their life is still in
shambles. Then there are some people who meditate 3-4 years and
they say, “Wow, my heartbeat went down, my weight came off, I
feel like I have more clarity.” So there’s no criticism. The human
body is just amazing in so many ways. The people who don’t believe in evolution say “There’s no way that God didn’t make the
body because it’s just too amazing.” And that’s a hard statement to
argue with. The body is totally amazing. Imagine you’ve got your
temperature and your heart rate and your brain and your eyeballs,
and your eye sockets and your synaptic pathways…all that is true.
But if you’re attempting to have some spiritual enlightenment,
and you’re trying to not use this amazing body for enlightenment,
that’s a little myopic. Why don’t you use your body? One of the
things your body does so well is that it creates patterns and habits outside of your awareness. Some of those habits are not useful,
but the same mechanism can help you program good habits. Just as
What gets fired together
gets wired together.
-- continued on pg. 17
16 Handwriting University for certification options:
call us toll-free: 1-800-398-2278
-- continued from pg. 16
you light great candles on a great date,
if you light those candles you will remember the great date. Just like certain
music, if you remember great music,
when you play great music, you’re in a
good mood. Your body is already triggered and programmed to elicit memories and emotions based on stimulation
from the rest of the world. Your body’s
doing it anyway. You might as well intentionally and consciously use your
body’s ability to stimulate and restimulate in a way that makes you happy.
One of the ways we can do that is
through our handwriting. Since handwriting is a reflection of who you are,
we can program it back into the body.
How do we do that? There is a neurological way.
When I first heard the concept
17 Handwriting University
(when I was 14 years old) back in the
80s, there weren’t fancy MRIs or an
advanced level of brain scans, and
there wasn’t an advanced level of neuro
research that would suggest that your
handwriting would actually have a
specific neuro pathway. Since the inventions of such incredible movies like
“The Secret”, a great movie called “What
the Bleep Do We Know?” there are tons
of books on quantum physics as well
as chaos theory, which say definitively
that a human being’s thoughts can affect atoms in space. The researcher’s
thoughts about a small, ultimate microatom, just the fact that research is observing it, can change the dynamic of
the experiment. That is profound. So
it’s gone out of the field of simple spirituality, it’s gone out of the field of the
simple “self-help guide” into the field of
quantum physics. And when thoughts
become quantum physics, a lot of smart
people begin to believe “Wow, maybe
our thoughts have mass.”
For at least 20 years, we have known
that prayer, especially group prayer,
can have a profound effect on somebody’s health. That is not just reli-- continued on pg. 18
-- continued from pg. 17
gious thought, it is statistical research
that group prayer can have an effect on somebody’s health. It follows
that thoughts are powerful and that
thoughts are not just ideas…they’re
energy. And they move, just like the
chair you’re sitting on, they move with
Thoughts or energy inside the mind
are neuro pathways inside the brain.
They’re firing neuro electricity, and
repeated hand movements are a result
of habitual neuro pathways. We know
this now.
There’s a very popular book in
America right now, written by a psychiatrist whose research is profound in
many ways. He has taken patients and
scanned their brains, providing useful
research that we’re glad to have. In his
research, he’s even performed brain
scans on subjects who were high on
crack cocaine, and he says “Drugs do
damage to your brain.” This is useful
information. Different diseases correspond to different brain areas. For
instance, in depressed subjects, part of
the frontal lobe doesn’t have as much
pathway usage in brain scans.
Now why do I criticize this doctor?
Because his perception is this: The tail
is wagging the dog. The frontal lobe
isn’t firing enough. The patient must
have a frontal lobe problem. Let’s give
him/her medication. Let’s make the
psychiatrist richer. Let’s make the drug
companies richer because your frontal
lobe’s not working. “Poor boy, we’d better give you drugs.”
“You’re addicted to drugs because
your frontal lobe isn’t working. That’s
terrible. Let’s give you more drugs.”
That’s why I don’t like his philosophy
because in his philosophy, the tail is
wagging the dog. The frontal lobe isn’t
working because the frontal lobe has a
problem. The frontal lobe isn’t working
because of other factors in life…nutrition, spirituality, depression, etc.
However, there’s no doubt that
the brain scans are accurate. If you’re
depressed, there’s inactivity in your
brain. But couldn’t handwriting
grapho-therapy stimulate your brain?
Couldn’t meditation? Couldn’t our
questions about what makes you happy
or good natured and new also have a
positive effect on the part of the brain
-- continued on pg. 23
So often
we ly on doctors, rs
ministers or counsewe have
for assistance, wheside of us.
the chtooicmake more
ing analysis
Learning handwrit ability to
me themaybe?
has givenscan,
I can no bout
learn th utes that in
others in nces would have
s or
s, month
years to r.
make better choic
for my life.
--Terry Shinabarger
--Randy Hall
18 Handwriting University order online at
This co
has help urse
make ne d me to
w friends
and to be
outgoing re
order today at
one weekend with me and
his very exclusive and intimate event will
supercharge your ability to achieve your goals,
blast through limiting beliefs, and give you
confidence and resources you need to reach that next
level in your life.
During this six-week coaching program, you will receive
a huge dose of self-awareness, fun, wisdom, emotional
support, and detailed self-coaching systems...all cumulating in a very private weekend experience in Los Angeles
with Bart Baggett--in person.
You’ll get so clear on your life purpose that your ability
to manifest a better life will triple...maybe quadruple
once you return home. You see, this is more than a small
roundtable coaching session with five other serious-minded people. This is a mental quest for more of what you
really want… which starts months before you set foot in
our Los Angeles training center.
19 Handwriting University
In addition to having specific data you didn’t have
before to accomplish your dreams… Bart will personally
guide you through a specific process of honing in on your
life’s purpose, your dreams, your desires and discovering
any emotional blocks. Through the coaching before, during, and after the weekend event, you will receive very
specific tangible tools to help you manifest the dreams
that you’ve had in the back of your mind--or in the forefront of your thoughts--into reality. And we will do this
in less time than you think possible.
We expect you to plan, execute, and manifest goals which
you thought would take a year in less than a month.
Your self-discovery and transformation begins when you
fill out the application and begin to view the “pre-event”
videos and audio material. You will have access to seminar footage which has never before been released to the
You will start the process of self-evaluation and goal setting
six weeks before the weekend event. You will have a required reading list of books which are specifically selected
for you… based on your application. You will have lots of
thinking, creating, writing and meditation time. Plus, Bart
and his team will guide you through five weeks of live teleclasses before the live weekend event to guide you, teach
you, and clarify the many new concepts which will help
make you accountable for the life transformation you are
wanting to experience.
Bart will help you isolate what’s really important to you...
and how to have more of it. This coaching event is not
just about gathering new “information” or reading another
“self-help book.” This is a hands-on journey where you
will put yourself through emotions, thoughts, and mental processes you simply can’t get from a book. Plus, the
final “Weekend Experience” will take you away from your
everyday “grind” so that you will be able to think from a
more playful, creative, free place.
And it will be a total blast!
Our team wants to be able to spend time with you personally. The reason we are requiring a handwritten
application is that we want to make sure the group is cohesive. We don’t want to invite … shall we say… a squeaky
wheel who wants to get all the grease in the same room
as five introverts. We don’t want to invite someone into
our space who may distract others from achieving their
purpose or from fully experiencing the targets and goals
they expect.
The application process is simple. Go to and
download the PDF (after you enter your name and
email.) Fill it out in your own handwriting and email,
mail or fax it to us.
The application is designed so that you can tell me why
you really want to go, what you’re looking for, and why
you’re a good fit.
I will personally select six applicants, and if they all bring
their best friend/spouse we could have up to 12 people.
I want to keep it intimate.... between 6-12 people in each
session. You and I will depart as friends and you will look
back at this experience as a significant turning point in
your life.
I honestly feel that I can profoundly contribute to the
quality of life of the few people who choose to go on this
mental adventure with me. The exact dates of the next session depends on you and the other applicants ... so register
early and express your interest. You will be called and
your application reviewed.
Bart Baggtt explains a concept to his students.
20 Handwriting University
ITEM: Transformational Coaching Program
PRICE: $1999 per person
More Information Here:
MAKE $1000 A DAY
f you like the TV show CSI, you just
might love a career in forensic document examination.
The number of identity thefts, probate
forgeries, and forgery crimes has exploded
in the past few years. Currently, there is
a worldwide shortage of well-trained and
qualified document examiners. Attorneys
and victims of forgeries are constantly
searching for qualified local handwriting
The International School of Forensic
Document Examination combines a sophisticated online distance learning curriculum course, an apprenticeship, and
live tele-classes to train students worldwide in this career.
Plus, we have attracted the most respected and credible working document examiners in the world to be your faculty and
personal case mentors.
Our graduates and faculty have worked
in all 50 states, foreign countries, and are
often called on by the media to provide
expert opinions on the countries top news
stories involving ransom notes, criminals,
and handwriting issues.
During the two-year program of webinars, lab-work, tele-classes, textbook reading, mentorship, and hands-on case studies, you will learn how to spot even the
most finely crafted forgery and testify in
a court of law in an objective and professional manner.
This scientific process will distinguish
you as a valued expert witness to attorneys
and clients nationwide.
The Program That Allows You to
Earn While You Learn
Each month, you will attend lectures via
telephone and via the Internet. You will
also make a determination on the authen-
21 Handwriting University
ticity of real-life forgery cases, and discuss
your findings in the live classes. You will
render opinions on over 48 cases and
work directly with a court qualified mentor on a minimum of 10 active cases with
real clients. The apprenticeship program
gives you the opportunity to learn by solving real cases under direct supervision.
Once you are sufficiently trained in the
fundamentals, you will solicit and handle
real “active client cases”. On these cases,
you will work one-on-one with a faculty
mentor. You will not only gain experience in solving “real cases” to build your
resume, but you will also keep part of the
revenue these cases generate. So, you are
getting paid to learn on the job during
your apprenticeship.
If you are approved by your mentor,
you can apply for membership into our
sister company Handwriting Services International. H.S.I. combines marketing
coaching, advertising, accounting, and a
directory of this country’s leading experts
which results in more clients hiring you
directly. Just look at the many experts
who are current members of the HSI career coaching program: There is
an additional fee to be part of the HSI
coaching program, but worth 10 times
the investment in new business.
How Much Can You Earn?
Upon graduation you will be an independent entrepreneur. Your income will
depend on how hard you work, how many
cases you examine, what geographic area
you want to work in, and how effectively
you attract new clients through marketing.
Our graduates are routinely paid over
$700 per case and all of them work with
real clients before they even graduate!
Our core curriculum also includes detailed marketing and business administration classes (Module 4). This training reveals easy-to-follow successful strategies for
marketing your skills, setting up a website,
selling new clients, and managing your career. We even help our students get new
clients through our referral network.
We recommend to our USA students to
charge clients based on our standardized
fee schedule, which is $795 for verbal and
written letter of opinion and $1000 for a
court appearance. Graduates are free to
raise or lower their prices as the market
dictates. Recently advertised positions for
full-time document examiners range from
$66,000 to more than $90,000 per year.
“First class people and first class training. Bart
and Beth were always there to support me
and guide me to launch my document exam
business. I deeply appreciate their unyielding
support to me and my new career. I highly
recommend their training.”
- Paul Lockyer, Australia
Financing Available for Tuition
To help make the cost of the program
manageable, all students accepted into
our program will be offered a two-year financing option. Remember, you will also
earn money through the apprenticeship
program during your training, which can
help to offset the cost of tuition.
Visit our Web site: or call
the admissions office at 1-877-297-4846.
Spaces are very limited each year to ensure the most
favorable teacher-to-student ratio.
ITEM: Forensic Document Examination
ADMISSION: By written application only
PRICE: See Web site for current tuition at
go to:
View the recent interview about the LOS ANGELES (PRWEB)
International School as TV Personality & Yahoo News —
Kent Emmons talks to Bart Baggett and
Beth Chrisman about the program. Just Evidence Points to Truth in
visit this webpage and enter your name California Probate Case
and email address to view the videos:
Bart Baggett’s expert testimony
revealed a forged will in the Estate of
Sammie McGrue’s probate case in Los
Visit the site to views the school video Angeles Superior Court. Baggett’s testour.
timony was the last evidence needed to
Since 1996 the national media has been prove a contested will of the late Sammie
calling on our faculty to comment on McGrue was nothing more than a poorly
top news stories involving handwriting executed forgery that failed to slip under
such as the BTK killer, Anthrax letters, the radar of the smart and experienced
JonBenet Ramsey and the Zodiac mur- Commissioner Goetz, who handles proders and has appeared on shows like The bate cases daily.
Today Show, America’s Most Wanted,
“The court actually gave me 2 hours
You might also catch any of the school’s and a desk to study the original will befaculty on any number of TV programs fore my testimony. They obviously care
including Judge Karen, Judge Judy, Amer- about the truth,” said Baggett regarding
ica’s Most Wanted, Judge Joe Brown, the generosity and special effort made by
CNN’s Larry King Live. Our students are the Probate Department of the Los Anbuilding careers in countries worldwide geles Superior Court staff on June 18th,
including Slovakia, Australia, India, and 2009.
the USA... among others.
“This case is typical of the crimes my
graduates and I see everyday in this line
of work. In most cases which go to trial,
at least one person is lying. The job of the
This course is offering something no
forensic document examiner is to allow
one has offered before. I love the
the evidence to point in the direction of
learning process and solving cases. It is the truth. We interpret the evidence and
definitely worth the investment.
share it with the court. It is a great job
–Miranda Fitchett when justice prevails,” said Bart Baggett,
Deputy Sheriff President and founder of The International School of Forensic Document Examination.
Working with real cases really helps
me refine my skills. The faculty is
always ready and willing to help, and
I gain confidence and experience with
each exercise.
–Ken Fong
The faculty has been there to support
me during every case along the way. I
couldn’t have asked for more..
- Brian Forrest, Washington
22 Handwriting University
Truth Prevails When Experts Analyze
Forged Documents
It is believed that someone forged Sammie McGrue’s signature on a false 1993
Last Will and Testament. Despite presenting the court with a color photocopied
“original”, the fake will utilized 2008 version legal forms and a notary seal issued
in 2006. In other words, part of the 1993
will was actually created on software and
documents which did not exist in 1993
and the perpetrators of the crime left the
copyright notice on two of the forms. It is
even believed the notary of the document
perjured herself on the witness stand and
is in fear of losing her notary license. “There is no
doubt the notary committed perjury on the witness
stand today,” said Barbara
Brunner, a witness in the
case and owner of Paralegal Probate Service.
The Commissioner
was quick to see the
Bart Baggett leads the nation in training and
mentoring new experts in this growing field.
evidence clearly and guided the
beneficiaries to find a honest and fair
settlement of the estate. There was no
valid will, so the estate will be split equally
among the children. Howard Lynch, the attorney who successfully contested the fake
will said, “Submitting a forged will to the
court is serious business. I’m glad justice
prevailed today, but criminal charges could
be filed in a case like this.”
Students Give Strong Praise for
Forensic Examination School
“Scope and depth. I enjoyed the lectures, books,
and sample cases, and live telephone coaching
sessions with expert teachers who are working
in the field. I totally recommend the International School to anyone who wants a new career in
the field of forensic document examination.”
- Topanga Byrd, Los Angeles, California
For more information on
the International School of
Forensic Document Examination,
including tuition fees & an application, please visit: or
go to:
-- continued from pg. 18
that makes you happy. Absolutely. But
you can’t sell that in a pill. That’s why
I don’t think this research is complete
because he’s not actually addressing
the root cause.
Handwriting is brainwriting. Our
thoughts travel along neuro-pathways.
And finally, this is a huge awakening
and I believe this phrase was coined
in the movie “What The Bleep Do We
Know?” about neuro-physicists and
quantum physics: What gets fired together gets wired together.
To illustrate this point: A little
girl and her poodle Fluffy are walking along the train tracks, and she
hears the sound of a train. She turns
around and sees the train and gets out
of the way just in time to see her dog
Fluffy get flattened by the train. Now
she grows up and she’s sitting on the
porch with her boyfriend, they’re hav-
ing a romantic evening and she hears a
train whistle. What happens? She gets
anxiety. She’s got to leave. She feels uncomfortable. And she sweats. What if
she had a poodle and a train whistle
at the same time on that date? That
date’s over. And by the way, she’s never
owned a poodle again. It’s upsetting
that Fluffy is not really Fluffy anymore.
Why did a train whistle and a poodle trigger the emotion of anxiety in
her physiology 20 years later on that
date? It got imprinted.
Imagine that you have a phone
switch. All the phone lines are different. What if you took a wooden log
and lit it on fire and let all the wires
burn together. What would happen?
It probably wouldn’t work. But most
likely if it did work, you would lift the
phone, and all your neighbors would
hear your conversation because all the
wires would melt into each other. If you
follow the logic, that’s what happens in
your brain. There are two elements to
trigger or anchor a profound emotion.
That’s why smell makes you remember things years later. The smells are
unique and it’s intense. So it will recreate an intense emotion such as love or
joy, the stimulation has to be unique
like the train whistle and it has to be
intense. Most negative anchors or emotional triggers are things that your reactive mind has an issue with. They’re
negative because negative is intense. So
negative emotions get re-stimulated by
certain things.
What we want to do is program positive things. So we could just change
the handwriting, right? But what if we
changed the handwriting while playing
your favorite music? How about your
-- continued on pg. 25
Written by Bart Baggett, this software assists you in creating a written report
in minutes, not hours. The software generates a 4-8 page written analysis using the writer’s first name and key traits in an easy-to-read report
format. You, the analyst, input the key traits and then edit to perfection
in any word processing program. I recently charged $600 to an international business man for such a report on his ex-wife. My total time using
the program was under 90 minutes to generate an eight-page report
with customization.
(Note: The Grapho-Web 2.0 computer program for Mac or PC is
NOT SOLD separately. Anyone attempting to earn a living selling
handwriting analysis, and who desires the computer program to
increase his/her income, needs the information in the marketing course
as well... it is substantially unique and valuable, even to an already successful
handwriting analyst. At this time, in order to get the Grapho-Web 2.0 program, you must invest
in the entire Level 401 Marketing program.)
23 Handwriting University
-- continued from pg. 14
Handwriting analysis helps you see
how people may best fit into your life.
In some cases that means they don’t
fit into your life at all. There are many
people on the planet at many different
levels of spiritual evolution, different
mental and emotional intelligence,
and simply at different stages in their
life. Everybody won’t fit into your
world; you need a mechanism to sort
them out. You have this mechanism
with handwriting analysis.
An 18-year old will have values that
are very different than a person who is
65 years old. There are many different
people using handwriting analysis. If
you’re one of those people using it to
connect with others, to open a conversation about what’s important, and to
gain intimacy or to give people a tool
for self awareness and self evolution,
then you’re definitely one of the people
who I’m writing to. You are the kind
of person using handwriting analysis
in the 21st century. You and I could be
friends. We see eye-to-eye.
You’re one of the people who I want
to sit down with over dinner and talk
about more than just handwriting. We
should talk about who you are and
how we can be here on this planet.
We should chat about modern religion
and psychology and why people believe
what they believe. We can chat about
the spiritual evolution of humans and
if we as a race are getting smarter.
If you’re curious about the state of
humanity and our role in it, you are
the kind of person who uses handwriting analysis today.
24 Handwriting University
If you have ever wondered what
your signature is telling the world...
now is your chance to discover
what everyone else already
knows. In fact,
most people
pick up on
traits” at the
level, and
never even
it. So,
you might
have been
showing the
world your
fears and
just by
signing your name.
Presenting the “Signature
Makeover” Program based on
proven psychological & graphotherapy techniques that will give
you the “edge.” All you ever wanted
to know about creating a perfect
autograph is right here. Not only
can you change your signature, but
also you can change your life in the
This online two-hour course,
presented by Bart Baggett and
Australia’s number one handwriting
expert, Malcolm McLeod, teaches
you how to make over your
I’ve always wanted to have a “Super
Star” signature, but was afraid it
meant I was egotistical. Now, I have
the signature I’ve always wanted and
I’m SURE all the traits are positive, not
negative. I’m proud to sign my name!
–Jack Franklin
St. Louis, MO
signature so that it’s the best it
can be. It isn’t just a cosmetic
makeover to make your signature
appear more legible, more
attractive, more
trustworthy and
more powerful.
It is the first BIG
step in changing
yourself to
remove selfsabotaging
habits and
success traits.
Changing your
signature will
actually affect your
leadership skills,
your self-esteem,
your ability to make
more money and your ability
to have better relationships.
I love your course on signatures. It is
useful, organized and comprehensive.
Recently I’ve given many speeches
about handwriting analysis. All the audiences ask me the same ONE question:
What does my signature reveal about
me? Well, I guess this course answers
that question in detail. The way you
and Malcolm analyze is unbelievably
powerful. It is the beauty of handwriting analysis. Thanks for a useful and
powerful program.
–Angela Chow
Taiwan’s #1 Handwriting Expert
ITEM: Signature Makeover with
M. McLoud/ B. Baggett
PRICE: $127
-- continued from pg. 23
favorite classical music, say Mozart?
When you are doing the workbook,
may I suggest that you do it using
music with no words. Why? Because
I don’t want you programming a particular word into your brain that may
not have something you want. You
may be listening to Britney Spears’ Life
is a Circus, and I’m not sure that’s the
programming you really want for your
12-year-old girl. Mozart’s music is actually proven to have a certain beat to
increase retention, and increasing retention actually makes you learn faster.
An experiment was done playing Mozart music, as well as rock and roll (specifically AC/DC) to a bunch of plants.
After three weeks, the plants got the
same amount of sunlight and the same
amount of water, but one group of
plants was growing rapidly and one
group was turning brown and dying.
Which one do you think grew? The
plant listening to Mozart. Not because
it was better music, but because it has
a rhythm which matches the cadence
of growth vs. the cadence of angst.
You can write anything you want and
reprogram the brain. But what if you
wrote about your most profound and
passionate dreams about life? What if
you got yourself in a really happy place
while you did so? I’m going to be rich
and famous, I’m going to have a beautiful relationship, a great family, be
healthy til I die, anything you want.
Yes you can change your handwriting. Yes, it will work. Would it work
better if you wired different things on
top of the neuro-pathway? Wire love,
wire excitement, wire passion, wire
ambition…wire all that into the same
neuro-pathway. And tell yourself “I
think I can.” There was a child’s book
called The Little Engine That Could.
This was my favorite book. After being
so enamoured with The Little Engine
25 Handwriting University
That Could at age four, it is no wonder that I have a big cross in my t-bar
that is persistance. Using that mental
dialogue would be really good mental
dialogue to have “playing” while you’re
changing your t-bar. Now when you
write your t-bar two years later, what’s
going to unconsciously come back into
your brain? I think I can, the emotion,
the smells, the music. Even if it’s unconscious, it will stimulate. And every
time you write for the rest of your life,
the programming that you did intentionally now pays off by restimulating
in positive and powerful ways. You can
actually use your brain to stimulate
yourself later in life because right now
your life could be going great. Now
you’ve got the energy and you can program and go to the gym and you can
do the mental gym. And a couple of
years later if a loved one passes away or
you have some hardship, all of a sudden your brain is going “You can, no
you can, no it’s good, you’re healthy”,
and every time you write, you feel
good. Even though you’re having bad
times, your propensity to survive those
will be much easier.
-- Bart Baggett is the owner and
CEO of Handwriting University International. This article was adapted from a lecture in the level 501
advanced handwriting course series.
Want to get started on your own
grapho-therapy? We publish both kids
and adults grapho-therapy journals to
guide your personal transformation.
See pp. 26 – 27 for more information.
“I was able to ask certified graduates questions
right on the spot without having to wait.”
- Chris Taylor, Sunnyvale California
“I would recommend this to anyone who is
interested in further growth, understanding
and interacting with people better.”
- Wendy Carlson, Dallas
“Watching the videos online or on the TV is very
comfortable. You get to go at your own pace. I’ve
told all my friends to start the course and go to the
Conference because it is a wonderful experience.”
- Julietta Sanchez, Mexico City
See the conference schedule at
his course is full of never-before-published
information! It will fill in the gaps of knowledge,
clear up any confusion, and explain in vivid detail
any expectations and errors you might have been making
using basic graphology principles. The concepts and
strategies of stacking traits is so powerful that you will
wonder how you ever analyzed writing without it.
special topics such as health in handwriting, therapy, verbal
analysis, written reports, and even how to use handwriting in a
counselor’s or hypnotist’s office. If you own the previous version
of the “2006 Advanced Course Seminar DVDS”, call our office
for a discounted upgrade to the new Mastery Certification
Version. This is an entirely revised advanced home study
course which includes a Certificate of Advanced Mastery upon
completion and testing.
Bart Baggett hosts the videos and features many famous
Handwriting University staff members and world class guest
speakers. The twp seminar Manual is a collection of golden
information that you can’t find anywhere else on the planet. You
will swear that the manual alone is worth the price of the entire
program! Plus, when you complete the 200 questtions and
essays which make up the comprehensive Course Packet... you
will be ready for your Advanced Certification and finally feel you
have mastery over all areas of handwriting analysis and graphotherapy.
Expand your knowledge of graphology, psychology and
grapho-therapy at all levels. It is an step-by-step course that
will change your life and give you the ability to CHANGE
OTHERS’ lives through the advanced techniques that
take you way beyond where the Level 301 left off.
You must be a Certified 301 Level Graduate to fully
comprehend and excel at the material covered in this new
certification level program . We require that you already
know the basic 90+ traits in the Certification Course, and
this course will teach you another 25+, not including the
powerful “evaluated traits”.
In 2006, we offered the first ever “advanced course live
event” and some of the key lectures are included here
on the videos and CDs. However, in 2011, Bart Baggett
built a completely new curriculum and held an invite only
“Advanced Mastery Event” to complete the Advanced
Certification Level training which makes up the bulk of
this new home study course. In addition to trait stacking,
I just attended the advanced conference. It was great. We
learned so many things beyond explanation All of the information we were given...loved it. Met great people full of good will
toward one another. Was just a great conference. Enjoyed it.
Handwriting is wonderful. Would recommend anyone to become
a handwriting analyst.
–Brenda Petty Duncan
26 Handwriting University
Evaluated Traits & Complex Trait Combining.
Trauma and Injuries
Detecting the Gender of an Unborn Child
Advanced Grapho-therapy Through Trait Combining
Using Handwriting Analysis in Hiring & Interviewing & Counseling
Here’s What You Get:
• 20 + hours of video and 8 hours of audio mp3 files.
• 2 Complete Seminar Course Packets.
• Advanced Trait Stacking Dictionary & Seminar Handouts.
• Entire Course Packet to be submitted for your Certificate.
• Certificate of Completion (when you submit your work.)
See More:
ITEM: Level 501 Advanced Mastery
Certification Level Course 2012 Version
PRICE: $1199
• Too Self-Conscious
• Fear of Rejection
• Fear of Trust and Intimacy
• Fear of Failure
• Lack of Organization
• Self-Deceit
• Pessimism/Poor Attitude
And many others!
he concept of changing your
handwriting for personal
transformation is called graphotherapy. It is very powerful, simple to
do, and it works. Use this workbook
to change your personality and even
eradicate bad habits.
Recently, research performed in the
field of neurology and brain chemistry
has revealed new evidence that this
technique has scientific validity
beyond the psychosomatic power of
suggestion. MRI scans have located
specific areas of the brain associated
with specific finger movements.
It’s possible to create new “neuropathways” in your brain intentionally
by using repetitive movements from
your fingers (handwriting). We have
seen results from this form of selfadministered handwriting therapy for
the past 25 years.
Each day, you will feel the
difference as you answer questions
about your life in the journal. You
can achieve permanent and specific
personality changes in 30 days!
You can easily raise self-esteem,
eliminate sensitivity to criticism,
overcome fears, develop trust, and
more with the exercises in this
workbook. It is recommended
for anyone dealing with these
personality issues:
• Low Self-Esteem
• Self-Sabotage
• Bad Temper
• Not Finishing Projects
• Too Sensitive to Criticism
27 Handwriting University
The one-hour bonus MP3 audio file
(download from the interent) explains
about all the reasons grapho-therapy
will work for you and takes you stepby-step through the workbook.
Twenty Plus years ago, before I
wrote my first book, I taught personal
improvement seminars nationwide.
The one concept that seemed to
have the most profound effect on
participants was (and still is) graphotherapy. This workbook is the
application of this tool.
It doesn’t matter what your goals
are: growing a rose garden or winning
an Olympic gold medal, certain traits
support you in attaining your dreams.
Knowledge and awareness alone are
not enough to make lasting changes.
If the changes aren’t “wired” into the
brain, the changes usually don’t stick.
If you have ever been to a “pump
you up” motivational seminar, you
In less than a month after changing my
handwriting the way Bart suggested, things
started to happen. I got rid of an abusive
boyfriend, got better grades, and met my
fiance. That was six years ago. The changes
have helped me accomplish two degrees
and a wonderful relationship. As a bonus, it
was easy.
–Christian Chrane
Dallas, TX
I have already seen and experienced wonderful changes through grapho-therapy People
at work now seek me out as an expert in my
field, and I have had many recent offers to
manage important projects. All this happened
in about a month from first raising my t-bar!
–Diane McCafferty, Engineer
Sandy Hook, CT
know what I mean. As soon as the
excitement wears off, so do the new
habits. This journal makes it stick.
Creating a neurological connection
and using repetition are the best
methods to assure a high percentage
of success. Handwriting is a direct
connection to your thoughts.. it is
brain writing.
To support long-term changes,
I designed a “Change Your
Handwriting Workbook.” The
response has been so positive.
Seminar participants loved the
structure, insight and daily activity
that the workbook provides. The
workbook also assists you in charting
your goals and objectives for the
coming days, months and years. It is
also a journal that gives you insight
into yourself.
This workbook is appropriate
for anyone older than 12 years old.
Younger students should use the
“kids” workbook, which contains
larger lines on which to write. (see
pg. 27). This workbook is NOT
an instructional “textbook” about
handwriting analysis or graphotherapy. You should use it only after
familiarizing yourself with basic
handwriting analysis traits or working
with a Certified Instructor.
ITEM: Change Your Life in 30
Days (audio CD) and Workbook
PRICE: $29.95
order online at
ould you like to improve
your child’s self-esteem,
confidence and grades?
In 30 days or less, you will notice
that your child will experience...
• Improved focus
• Increased energy
• Longer attention span
• Improved self-esteem
• Improved mental clarity
• Higher levels of selfconfidence
• Fewer fears
• More legible handwriting
• Even higher grades
How? A new psychological
technique uses the child’s
own handwriting to
program specific thought
process and behavior. The
latest breakthrough using
the 100-year-old science of
handwriting analysis has been
developed to reprogram the
unconscious mind just writing
a few minutes per day in
cursive handwriting.
28 Handwriting University
This new technique, called graphotherapy, is based in the two credible
sciences of handwriting analysis and
neuro-linguistic programming. This
workbook for kids is the first time
this powerful technique has been
available to children. The results you
will witness are simply phenomenal.
In a nutshell, your child
will simply practice specific
handwriting strokes each day
until they become a habit. As
your child works through each
day of the 30-day workbook, new
neuro-connections are formed
in the brain while new muscular
movements are taught to the hand.
At the same time, on the
conscious level, questions are
answered about life, family, money,
and the future, creating a new
foundation for what is possible in the
world. All the while, unconsciously
through the handwriting changes,
new behavior patterns are being
formed. Your child will discover
new ideas of what is possible while
establishing strong internal beliefs
about his or her self-worth and place
in this world.
This is a workbook daily journal
which contains a bonus 30-minute
MP3 audio download that explains
the process.
Order your child the Change Your
Life in 30 Days Grapho-Therapy
Workbook and MP3 for Kids Ages
6-12 by Bart A. Baggett.
Recommended to be used with the
Grapho-Deck. See page 18 or see the
cards online:
Read the article from Family Life
Magazine about Bart’s workbook for
kids online:
ITEM: Change Your Life in 30 Days
Kids Workbook and MP3
PRICE: $29.95 Individual
$49.95 Parent/Teacher Combo
order online at
f you are not
as wealthy as
you want to
be, you probably
have been missing
opportunities to
earn more money
because of mental
conditioning. This
could be costing
you thousands,
Bart, I have only completed the first CD so
if not hundreds
far. However, let me say that this CD alone
of thousands
is worth its weight in gold. Just using the
of dollars. This
concepts of asking the right questions of
program explains
yourself and “adding zeros to your thinking”
how to use your
alone are enough in my view to increase
“internal filtering”
one’s income. Using these concepts I booked
system to attract
a state hypnosis show that I performed last
money and wealth.
weekend in Minneapolis and was paid the
Customers tell me,
highest fee I’ve ever earned for such an enwithin days, even
gagement. I can’t wait to see what happens
hours, of using
when I complete the rest of this powerhouse
this program, they
see immediate
audio program.
results in cold hard
–Jona McKee
cash. You will be
Professional Hypnotist & Speaker
surprised at how
Washington, D.C.
easily extra money
starts showing up
in your life.
Thoughts do create reality and this program is a “laser
focused” listen-and-learn technique to change your
thinking as it relates to money. It doesn’t matter what
career or job you have now or how much (or little) money
you are making currently. Your mind has the power to
open new doors and find creative ways to earn money–if
you will allow it. This mental imagery programming CD
unlocks those doors and breaks down limiting beliefs,
using the power of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP),
hypnosis and time line guided mental imagery.
As a bonus, you can listen to the audio “Discovering
Your Internal Time Machine” anytime in the future to
instill ANY goal
or desire into your
unconscious mind. ITEM: D
ouble Your Income Guided
Plus the “Belief
Mental Imagery Course
by Bart Baggett
Blaster” track is a
powerful bonus
PRICE: $67.00 shipped to your door
that can help you
change core beliefs.
29 Handwriting University
H “
is your
After I turned 40, my slim figure wasn’t so
slim. It takes effort to keep fit. After the
key” to unlocking
hypnosis session, I noticed that I ate less
your ideal body
and lost weight. How simple! I’ve lose the 10
shape and size!
pounds I was worried about. This was easy!
Even if every
–Bonita Bastardo
other weight loss
Valley Ranch, TX
program has
failed, hypnosis
will work because it uses the one area other programs
neglect - your subconscious mind!
Using the powerful and proven methods of hypnosis and
neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), you can reprogram
your mind and body to release weight effortlessly and
permanently! Imagine yourself at your ideal size and
shape...Feel it. Picture it. Do it. It IS possible. This program
will guide you every step of the way.
It will work for you just as it has worked for thousands
of others in my live seminars and at home over the past
14 years using audio tapes and CDs. They have become
thinner, healthier, and they’ve kept the weight off!
Furthermore, unlike other methods that you may have
tried before, this method will help you change your eating
and exercise habits virtually instantly... with no anxiety, no
food withdrawals, and without switching from overeating
to some other destructive habit!
This is a proven system with a strong track record of
success. Our trained and certified hypnotherapists and
NLP practitioners have conducted over 1,000 seminars in
more than 50 cities throughout the U.S. Personally, I’ve
guided over 10,000 people to change their destructive
health and eating patterns (and to stop smoking, instantly)
since I started conducting Release Weight Seminars in
1989. These proven techniques have worked for thousands
of others... they will work for you.
The entire “Release Weight” course is available for you
to download or listen to online at
your leisure.
You will also receive the FREE
e-book bonus: “Release Weight
the Natural Way.”
ITEM: Weight Loss Hypnosis
PRICE: $67.00 (4 CD Version)
order online at
traveling to the world’s most exotic
destinations aboard luxury cruise ships...
Imagine yourself
just because you can teach handwriting analysis
f you have ever wanted to go on a
7, 10, or 14-day cruise, but couldn’t
afford the ticket... this is your
chance to cash in on your handwriting
Cruise ships need “enrichment”
speakers to entertain and educate the
passengers while the ship is at sea. Did
you know there is a severe shortage of
qualified handwriting analysts to teach
classes on board ships right now? Each
week, dozens of ships leave ports without
you, because they don’t know you are
willing and qualified to teach a few
simple classes during your journey.
How do I know this to be true? I get
calls each month from cruise ship agents
looking for qualified handwriting teachers to go to sea! Plus, I’ve done it myself,
and helped friends to do the same.
Every time I talk to my cruise booking
agent, she says “When are you going to
send me more handwriting analysts to go
on the other cruises? I have one for the
Bahamas, one for Mexico, one to Russia,
etc. Give me more people to call.”
I recently took an amazing fall cruise
to Alaska and all I gave them were four
one-hour lectures on handwriting
analysis. Then, the following week, one
of our certified graduates took the same
Norwegian Line ship to Alaska and
gave the same four lectures using my
PowerPoint slide presentation. She had
NEVER given a handwriting lecture
before and the audience loved her. All
she did was talk about the images on the
projected screen. A free trip to Alaska is
as easy as pie. Climbing a 10,000-year-old
glacier is optional.
So, I’ve decided to offer my FOUR
complete color presentations in
Microsoft PowerPoint, along with the
complete Cruise Ship Training Kit,
30 Handwriting University
which explains the step-by-step method
for getting yourself booked as a “guest
lecturer” aboard cruise ships worldwide.
Listen to the audio instructions, follow
my step-by-step instructions, and you will
be traveling the world practically free!
Just plug the disk into any computer and
you are set to go. (All ships have LCD
projectors available.)
Who qualifies for this package? Anyone
who is competent enough to teach a onehour class on basic handwriting analysis.
You must be enrolled in at least the
Level 301 and preferably the Level 401
Certification Course* or have similar
qualifications from another handwriting
Where can you travel? You can travel
anywhere cruise lines go. The cruise line
gives you and your travel companion
two free tickets (meals included), in
exchange for your four lectures. Your
only expenses would include souvenirs,
upgraded dining, shore excursions, any
travel to the port of embarkation and
possibly an agent’s booking fee (if applicable). Most seven day cruise ship packages sell from $999-$3999 per person, so
even if you spend 20 bucks a day, you’re
still getting a very sweet deal.
If you can teach basic handwriting
analysis, a cruise ship audience is
waiting on your skills. Cruise ships leave
ports every week worldwide, 52 weeks of
the year.
Here’s What You Get:
• One 45 minute Audio CD revealing
the ins-and-outs of the process
• One computer CD for PC or MAC
with four PowerPoint presentations
(You must have Microsoft Office to
run PowerPoint)
• The limited rights to use the above
presentations in your own live lectures
• Class handouts in PDF format which
you can adapt for yourself or use as
models to create your own
• The names and contact information
of four different booking agents who
specialize in cruise line speakers
• A complete follow-along “Special
Report” with scans of tickets, phone
scripts, agent info, letters, on-board
newsletters, instructions, and all the
resources you need
For more frequently asked questions,
Thank you for making it sooo easy to start cruising the High Seas teaching handwriting analysis.
My Mom and I took a 10-day cruise through the
Caribbean and it cost us less than $28 per day. I
loved teaching the four handwriting classes using
your Power Point. So easy, just plug in and start
talking. What a great, practically free vacation!
–Anne Bedinger, Master Grapho-Analyst
and Financial Planner, Orlando, Florida
ITEM: Cruise The World, 2 CD’s
PRICE: $197
*Certification is not necessary, but highly recommended.
enroll online at
“This conference was awesome, it’s
hands on, and getting feedback from
others around you. It’s one of the
most fascinating things you can learn
about in life and it even helps you understand a lot about yourself.”
Alana Gorfaine, Las Vegas, Nevada
I am very happy that I made this investment. The experience has been great, and enrolling in this program has been
one of the smartest things I have ever done.
–Brenda Boelhower, Student, Dayton, NJ
“Your course has been so much fun. It is just as accurate
in foreign languages as it is in English. And, yes, Italians
“line-up” to get their handwriting analyzed too!
Thanks for giving me a tool that is changing my life!”
– Paolo Alguriez, Italy
“I would have to say that this is
the best material on understanding personality and personality
traits that I personally have ever
seen. Don’t think about what you
might do with it, because you
will discover things you’ve never
thought about. You will also learn
some things about yourself.”
- Harold Berg
GeorgeTown, Texas
“Bart is the best teacher I’ve ever
had for any subject. He’s really
geniune, he really wants to help
people, and he’s not just some
distant figure at the front of the
room. We had a lot of group sessions at this conference and it was
definitely worthwhile.”
- Cindy Cheaves
Birmingham, Michigan
Honesty is a key ingredient in any relationship. Now, you can spot it quickly
using advanced graphology/handwriting analysis techniques.In this informative
and well researched course (which includes an mp3 class recording) the
authors discuss strokes, traits, and combinations that a complete amateur can
use and a 20-year veteran probably didn’t already know.
We Will Show You:
• 10 different uncommon strokes that reveal shady ethics and dishonesty
• 5 strokes that reveal good ethics and a penchant for the truth
• Easy to follow graphical descriptions
• How to evaluate the significance
of each stroke to measure the level of dishonesty
• How to diplomatically call out a liar in a business environment
PRICE: $29 (plus s/h)
GO TO: www.handwritinguniversity. • How to handle private consultations and dealing
with deceit issues in the workplace
I’ve always thought there was more to integrity,
lies and honesty than just the letter ‘o.’ Kristina’s
research was solid and easy to understand. It
was information NOT published anywhere else.
–Misti Smith-Carson
Kansas City, KS
31 Handwriting University
Our featured presenter is Kristina Powell. Kristina is a
Handwriting University graduate, accomplished healer,
business owner and a karate instructor who developed
an energy technique called Mental Image Makeover. She
holds a master’s degree from Clayton College in holistic
nutrition and healing and has helped many people overcome cravings, pain, phobias, ADHD, low self-esteem,
stress, athletic performance issues and more.
download now:
FREE Handwriting Analysis
Get a 4-6 page
written analysis
using the world’s
only computerized
analysis website.
Visit the
Handwriting Wizard and spend
8 minutes analyzing your own
handwriting. Get unlimited written
handwriting reports for your friends.
Membership has its
As a monthly member, you have
the opportunity to ask Bart Baggett
& the world-class faculty direct
questions during regularly scheduled
live tutoring calls & teleclasses. The
membership is just a low monthly
fee and keeps you involved in our
community of handwriting analysts.
Need a handwriting EXPERT?
Upcoming LIVE Seminars
Are you interested in attending an
upcoming live tele-class, webinar, or
conference? Spend time with Bart
Baggett & the Handwriting University
faculty. Seminars are held in various
cities or you can join by telephone or
watch a live webinar online using your
computer. Check here for events.
You can hire the nation’s top
handwriting experts to help you
solve a forgery problem (document
examination). This website is a
directory of professional forensic
handwriting experts that Bart Baggett
recommends. If anyone you know has
a forgery problem, call one of these
professionals. Most are graduates of
the International School of Forensic
Document Examination.
Have QUESTIONS about
anything in this magazine?
Our friendly and helpful staff will
assist you in locating the right resource
for you and answer any questions.
Just call 1-310-684-3489 ext 2
Handwritng University
Catalog Services
13437 Ventura Blvd Suite 213
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
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