Handwriting Help
Handwriting Help
Handwriting Mindy Markowitz, OTR/L Why do we care about havine: an efficient writine: grasp? • It influences handwriting speed and legibility. • Intrinsic muscle control is maximized. • The pencil grips of Special Needs children. ----- - Developmental Milestones for Handwriting • Development encompasses many skills. • Motivation • Cognition • Sensory perception • Motor planning • Neuromuscular development • Temporal requirement of task • Developmental sequences must be experienced by children. Grip Patterns and Writine- Utensils • l<inesthetic input to the hand. • Developtnent of a hand preference or dotninance. • Fluctuation of 1 or tnore grip patterns until a dotninance is established. Which writine implement do ~ou use for your child? • "Rule of thutnb" - if it's too heavy for you to use, it also will be for your child. • Use of a tnediutn width or large width pencil. • Nutnber 4 leaded pencils. • Texture pencils that provide sensory input. • 2" -3" crayons for encouraging an efficient grip. Sittinp Position and Posture • Encourage sitting upright!!! • Feet should be flat on the floor. • Hips should be at a 90 degree angle. • Table or desk should be about waist height. Incline Boards • What types of incline board are available? • Incline board: Advantages and disadvantages. • Which type of student would benefit? • Reverse loose-leaf binders: More functional and practical. Pencil Grippers • "The . Pencil Grip" and "Stetro" - most commonly used gr1ppers. • Advantages and disadvantages to using a pencil gripper. • Triangular pencil grip: If it's to wide for you to use, it is too for a child to use. • Gel grippers for providing sensory input. When should an OT be called in? • Any child who .. detnonstrates a questionable grip or artn pOSition. • During a screening the OT will: • Analyze the pencil grip. • Amount of pressure upon writing or coloring. • Grading of the force and speed of the coloring or ... writing motion. • Assess proximal shoulder stability and resulting distal hand control movements. Activities to encourage good handwriting • KEEP IT FUN!!!!! • Use colored pencils, tnarkers, crayons to peak the child's interest. • Utilize the child's creativity by tnaking a fun birthday card for a friend or relative. • Use play activities for writing. When writine for homework or school • Encourage the "writing rules." • Top to bottotn; left to right letter fortnation. • Target. the top and bottotn lines; as well as tnargtns. • Tall letters need to be tall; short letters need to be short. • Please use a sharpened pencil for tnaxitnutn letter fortnation. • Make sure the student has a clean eraser. Conclusion - I • Children develop grasp patterns best rvhen provided with a sequence of develop111entally appropriate activities!!! • Encourage thetn to develop the tnost efficient grasp pattern possible to thetn. • At sotne developtnental point, a final grip pattern will develop and retnain consistent. • People with inefficient grips can functionally . wr1te. Conclusion - II • Adaptive grasp patterns and grippers tnay be needed for children of Special Needs. • Noone ever stopped writing due to having an inefficient pencil grip. • Fatnous stars with inefficient pencil grips: .Drew Carey .Russell Crowe Conclusion - III - Famous "Lefties" -Julia Roberts -Matthew Broderick
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