GOVERNMHNT OF INDIA DEPARTIUENT OF ATOIIJEIC ENERGY INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FCR ATOMIC RESEARCH KALPAKKAM - 6S3 1fi2 Jojo Joseph Head,PlED GRIP Metallurgy & Materlals Group Wtu*m* : #&&-ruT &ffiffiffiffi{3,ffiy,tm.Xffi4ffie Fax : A44- 2748A356 e-rnail : ioj.B@igppr" gov. in Ref no. IGCAR/MMG/GRIP/PIED/EDSS/KS/ENQ-37lCT12015/AMC Date: 17.02.2015 Sir, Sub: AMC for Cooling towers & Pot strainers maintenance and Equipment surface and surrounding area cleaning at PIED / GRIP. Sealed quotations are invited to undertake annual maintenance contract for the works as mentioned in the subject above. Technical requirements of work to be carried out, periodicity of maintenance, and other details are as per the specifications Contractors shall visit the site if required for assessing the nature of work and quantum of work to be carried out at site. For obtaining the documents containing schedule of works& technical specifications, the contractors may contact the undersigned or HeadEDSS,PlED,MMG,lGCAR,Kalpakkam during the period 25.02.2015 to 06.03.2015 within office hours on written request along with proof of experience on similar jobs carried out earlier. Quotations in sealed envelope super scribing the tender enquiry number and due date of opening shall be addressed and fonrvarded to Head, PIED/GRIP,MMG,lGCAR,Kalpakkam-603 102. Due date for submission of the quotation is 15.00 hours on 06.03.2015. The quotation will be opened on the same date at 15.30 hours. Yours faithfully, tr ( Jojo Joseph Head-PIED {$ [Ar }{ s'qr'CA (ba h 1$r artdt/' E[n c-H R ?s\"{t5*f {#ffll