Annual Report - NeighborImpact


Annual Report - NeighborImpact
Annual Report
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
A Message from Scott Cooper | Executive Director
Central Oregon is thriving again. Unemployment is falling, business
is booming, and incomes are rising. With the Great Recession retreating
rapidly in the rear view mirror, it feels like “Happy Days are Here Again.” I
wish that were true for everyone.
NeighborImpact hears the stories every day of people who are
not “winning” in the economic recovery. A few examples of who isn’t
Seniors - on fixed incomes being hit with $300 and $400 per month
rental increases. These increases force many seniors to choose between
food and rent or to find a way to relocate themselves and a lifetime of
possessions with a 30- to 60-day notice.
Workers - whose skills aren’t up to par with the demands of a
business environment which increasingly favors the computer-savvy and
college-educated at the expense of working class men and women.
Many workers are being left behind by forces such as globalization and
sophisticated workplace technology.
Families - whose paychecks won’t stretch far enough to cover the rent,
utilities, childcare, food and the cost of a quality preschool, even when the
adult or adults in the household are working full-time.
Economically challenged homeowners and would-be homeowners trying to make their homes safe and healthy as well as individuals trying
to navigate the complexities of buying a home in a red hot market.
Underwriting and credit-worthiness standards have escalated way beyond
pre-recession requirements.
NeighborImpact is here to help with a suite of programs, resident
expertise and financial assistance as these neighbors and others negotiate
Central Oregon’s complex economic landscape.
Supporting People to Strengthen Communities is our mission, and it
is all in a day’s work for us. But it is only through the support of people
like you that we make life better for our region and its citizens. Please
enjoy this report of the difference you have made, and we look forward to
continuing to partner with you in the future.
Scott Cooper
Executive Director
Providing Shelter
Lorelei, a native Central Oregonian and single mom, lived with her
teenage daughter in a two-story apartment. Due to her disability,
Lorelei was not able to climb the stairs of her apartment to her bedroom
each night and, therefore, she slept in her living room. Lorelei is on a
fixed income of $721.00 per month and qualifies for the federal HUD
Housing Choice Voucher program. After searching for months for a new
apartment that is accessible and also accepts HUD vouchers, Lorelei
found an apartment. She was excited at the opportunity but was soon
devastated to realize that although the voucher would pay for part of her
monthly rent, it had no provision to assist with move-in expenses such as
deposits. She could not afford to pay these expenses up front and still
have enough money for living expenses such as food and transportation.
Following a referral from Andy Hall, Housing Works Program Manager,
Lorelei was connected with NeighborImpact’s Housing Stabilization
program and received $645.00 for deposit assistance that enabled Lorelei
to move into her new apartment.
“I am so grateful for all the help NeighborImpact gave me,” says
Lorelei. “I was able to move into a new apartment that is on one floor, so
I can move easily from room to room. I really do not know what I would
have done without the help from NeighborImpact and Housing Works.”
NeighborImpact’s Housing Stabilization Program works in collaboration
with partner agencies to provide rental assistance to homeless and lowincome housed households throughout Central Oregon.
Total Food Distributed by Regional Partners
3.08 million meals
3.7 million pounds
Food back into community
Food Distributed by NeighborImpact
62 semiloads
2.5 million lbs
Food back into community
For every
dollar donated
5 meals
7 lbs
7 pounds of food
“For me, doing something good for others
really improves my self-esteem and brings
much joy into my life.”
— April Warchol, Gardener, Hollinshead Community Garden
Home & Business
Homes Saved
Matched Savings Program
of 51 homes
Foreclosure Support
Loan Modification
Health & Safety Upgrades
Reverse Mortgage
Matched Savings Awarded
Local real
estate sales
“The Matched Savings program helped me
immeasurably because it allowed me to invest in and
protect my one big asset, the one that means the
most to me - my home.”
— HomeSource IDA Client
Feeding Our Neighbors
Gardener April Warchol organizes the produce donations project
at Hollinshead Community Garden. Excess produce is donated to
NeighborImpact’s Emergency Food Bank. April believes that donating
produce to help others inspires garden members to think in a broader
sense about their community. “It gives our garden a sense of unity and
pride to know we are helping others who cannot grow their own food.
Some people do not have the access to fresh, healthy food like we
gardeners do.” Hollinshead community gardeners have been donating
food to NeighborImpact for the past two years.
Additionally, Brad Bailey with the Deschutes Recycling Center’s
employee-run garden states that while it’s a lot of work for their
volunteers, “They are personally driven to produce the maximum
amount of produce for the Food Bank to help as many people in the
community as they can.” Deschutes Recycling Center’s garden is a
massive garden in Bend and produces all sorts of vegetables from
cucumbers and corn to squash and snap peas.
Limited access to healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, is
a major barrier to healthy eating, especially for low-income families.
During the peak growing period, local farms and gardens have donated
over 5,000 pounds of fresh produce to NeighborImpact to help families
who cannot typically afford such nutritious food. “Our people love
having fresh produce! Seasonal vegetables are so important to a healthy
diet.” said Gary Kelso, the executive director of The Giving Plate, one of
NeighborImpact’s food partners. “We really appreciate the local support
and NeighborImpact’s commitment to obtaining local, high-quality
Fresh produce can feel like a luxury for those families working hard to
makes ends meet, but with gardeners like April and Brad the community
is helping NeighborImpact bring healthy food to the table.
Making a Difference
9 sites
24 Head Start classrooms
507 children served
125 homeless families
Acquired housing
Ready for school
By end of Head Start program
Head Start children connected
to health/nutrition professionals
“The deposit assistance that NeighborImpact
provides serves the most vulnerable population
very well. It’s awesome!”
— Andy Hall of Housing Works
Individuals Served
Energy Assistance
Food Bank
Child Care Resources
Head Start
Housing Stabilization
“All of the required HomeSource workshops
were very informative and helpful, laying a good
foundation for success and helping reach my goals!”
— Joe Merrill, HomeSource Client
Strengthening Child Care
Gerald Tufti, a teacher at the Early Childhood Education Center in Warm
Springs, has been working at the center for over 13 years. He began his
career in high school where he discovered his passion for working in early
childhood education. After high school, Gerald wanted to go to college,
but, unfortunately, that was not an option for him. “I always wanted to go
to college, but it wasn’t available to me.” he said.
However, in the fall of 2014, Gerald began working towards a
degree in Early Childhood Education at COCC through the Partners in
Practice Scholarship program coordinated by NeighborImpact Child
Care Resources (CCR). The scholarship is covering tuition and books for
Gerald and 145 other students working in the field of early childhood
education in Central Oregon. Gerald is one of 8 scholars from Warm
In an effort to address barriers to school success, NeighborImpact
Child Care Resources was awarded 18 laptops to check out to students
each term to complete class assignments. Gerald is using one of these
laptops to complete his coursework, and it is making a big impact. “Our
children evolve and so can our teachers.” Gerald said. “Going back to
school made me believe that I can be a better teacher. College is helping
me improve. I can be a teacher and a dad to look up to.”
NeighborImpact Child Care Resources works closely with early
childhood professionals to plan their ongoing professional development
and promote ongoing quality improvement throughout the field. CCR
has advocated for college classes at times and locations that best serve
our working early childhood professionals.
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Long-Term Investments
Notes Receivable
Property and Equipment
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Payroll Liabilities
Note Payable
Total Liabilities
Beginning Net Assets
Changes to Net Assets
Total Net Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
For complete disclosure of financial information,
please see the NeighborImpact website under the “About Us” tab.
Partnering with Business
In the fall of 2014, the NeighborImpact Development team approached
the employees at Hydro Flask, a successful, locally owned and operated
company, in the hopes of creating a meaningful partnership. As we
learned more about Hydro Flask and their commitment to supporting
their employees and the community, we presented them with the
opportunity to make a positive impact right here in Central Oregon.
Hydro Flask jumped at the opportunity and supported NeighborImpact’s
Head Start bus capital campaign, allowing NeighborImpact to purchase
the first new school bus in over fifteen years. Hydro Flask then became a
sponsor of NeighborImpact’s Empty Bowls fundraiser. This sponsorship
and the Hydro Flask products donated to the event helped the event
raise more than $35,000 for the Emergency Food Assistance Program last
As Hydro Flask employees learned more about NeighborImpact and
the breadth and depth of services provided, they wanted to find ways
to make an even bigger difference. Hydro Flask employees have since
volunteered at NeighborImpact’s Food Bank warehouse and, in January,
NeighborImpact arranged for over 6000 Hydro Flasks to be donated to
homeless services organizations across Oregon. The Flasks were to be
distributed to homeless individuals and families during the statewide
Point in Time Homeless Count.
“Partnering with NeighborImpact is a great fit,” says David Visnack,
VP at Hydro Flask. “We wanted to learn more about the communities
where we work and play and help fulfill a genuine need. NeighborImpact
taught us about issues like hunger and homelessness and the importance
of early childhood education. They gave us the opportunity to make a
difference. Our employees feel great about our blossoming partnership.
It’s a win-win!”
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Total Revenue: $15,081,641*
n Federal Grants: 36%
n State Contracts: 32%
n Value of Food Contributions: 19%
n Cash Donations: 5%
n Program Income: 6%
n City/Counties: 1%
n Other: 1%
Total Expenses: $14,862,357
Program Services:
n Helping Families in Crisis: 44%
n Education: Children/Families: 33%
n Homeownership/Weatherization: 12%
n Home Repair/Lending: 1%
Administrative Costs:
n Management/General: 8%
n Fundraising/Community Relations: 2%
n 191 People are employed by NeighborImpact.
(Full Time, Part Time, and Seasonal)
n Our Employees live in 12 different cities and 18 different zip codes.
n NeighborImpact is the 33rd largest employer in Central Oregon
according to Economic Development for Central Oregon.
n Our Payroll is almost $200,000 every two weeks.
* revenues may exceed expenses due to timing of expenditures.
For complete disclosure of financial information,
please see the NeighborImpact website under the “About Us” tab.
Homeownership Services
Bend resident Joe Merrill wanted to turn his passion into a business.
“I enrolled into the Hybrid Automotive program at COCC and realized
that this was my passion. So when I was given the opportunity to enter
the hybrid battery refurbishing business, I jumped at the chance,” he
explains. The only problem was that the startup costs were high, and
Joe was on a fixed income due to his disability. Not wanting to give up
his dream, Joe reached out to NeighborImpact’s HomeSource program
for guidance. HomeSource provided a variety of options and Joe soon
enrolled in a series of coaching sessions and workshops on money
management and finance. He also opened an Individual Development
Account (IDA), which matched every $1 he saved with an extra $3.
After a long period of saving, Joe founded 2nd Life Battery LLC, a
car battery refurbishing business. “I was proud of being able to save the
money I needed, even with living on disability, and start a business on my
own.” Joe says, “To start out the business with no debt is huge.”
Joe credits opening 2nd Life Battery to hard work and the willingness
to reach out for help, “It was an excellent experience working with
NeighborImpact. It was self-empowering for me, and NeighborImpact
made it possible for me to be able to reach my goals. I was able to get off
of disability and back into the workforce working on hybrid automobiles
IDAs help NeighborImpact clients save for homes, education, and
vehicles as well. Joe used his IDA to pursue his dreams in business,
but doesn’t see it is as work per se. “If your work is your passion, it isn’t
really work. It is a pleasure to work at your passion every day! Thanks
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
The board and staff at NeighborImpact are very grateful for the
strong support our community has provided us over the last several
years. Every year our organization must raise approximately $600,000
to support current operations. During our last fiscal year, for instance,
we raised $31,000 for our Housing Stabilization program to support
homeless families in Central Oregon. Our largest program, Emergency
Food Assistance, received nearly $187,000 in private funding to feed
approximately 19,000 clients per month. Funds for these kinds of
programs must come from local donors and regional corporations,
foundations, and organizations to supplement and match what we receive
from state and federal funders.
Periodically, the Development Office is asked to raise additional
funding for capital projects and programs which lie beyond the reach
of our annual operational fundraising efforts. Two years ago we raised
$100,000 to purchase a new refrigerated food recovery truck and forklift.
An additional food truck was necessary because our food recovery
program had grown so rapidly. We now pick up 1.2 million pounds of
food from local grocery and food outlets annually, nearly matching the
1.3 million pounds we receive from the Oregon Food Bank. Recovering
food locally makes sense. Clients get fresh food, and food isn’t wasted in
This past year the community stepped up to help us purchase a
new school bus for our Head Start program. The cost of the bus and
the required configuration came in at about $75,000, a cost we could
not bear with our regular annual funding resources. We went to the
community and were, once again, pleased with the response. Inside of a
six-month period we were able to complete the entire purchase. Central
Oregon, thank you again for your support!
Respectfully yours,
Bill Kemp
Chief Development Officer
Weatherization & Energy Assistance
Jerry Nichols came into the NeighborImpact office looking for help
to repair his heating system and find ways to reduce winter heating
bills at his home. Living with a disability and on a fixed income made it
difficult for Jerry to make repairs and manage the situation himself. To
get things started, he signed up for NeighborImpact’s Weatherization
Energy Education Class and learned ways to reduce his family’s energy
consumption. In the class, he was provided with a number of energy
saving items such as energy-efficient light bulbs, water-saving shower
heads, thermometers, and night lights.
Next, NeighborImpact’s Energy Assistance Program qualified Jerry
for a standard energy assistance benefit to help him through the winter
months until arrangements were made for a contractor to repair Jerry’s
heating system. When repair day arrived on a cold December day,
NeighborImpact’s Energy Auditor and the heating repairman found that
Jerry had many frozen water pipes. They proceeded with the heating
system repair and, during the energy audit, a number of cost-effective
repairs were made including air sealing to reduce drafts, duct sealing,
and installing an adequate amount of insulation.
With the help of NeighborImpact, Jerry and his family looked forward
to a warmer winter with lower heating bills. His worries about frozen
pipes were over. Jerry graciously thanks all who helped him and his
family. “To everybody who came to our place, I really appreciate it.” He
says, “NeighborImpact has been a godsend.”
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Mt. Jefferson
$25,000 +
Black Butte
$2,500 - $4,999
Aria Foundation
Hydro Flask
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Meyer Memorial Trust
United Way of Deschutes County
Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Richard & Christine Bishop
Brooks Resources Corporation
Donnie & Heidi Castleman
Deschutes County Board of
Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
High Desert Aggregate & Paving, Inc.
Dana Margosian
John & Janice Nelson
Gary & Sarah Olson
Oregon State Police
Oregon Synod
Martha Sargent
State of Oregon
United Church of God
Vitamin Cottage Natural Food
Markets, INC
Michael & Sheryl Wales
Three Fingered Jack
$10,000 - $24,999
FootZone - Bend
The Oregon Community Foundation
Tykeson Family Charitable Trust
Robert & Mary Anne Woodell
Ward Family Fund of the OCF
Mt. Washington
$5,000 - $9,999
Be Oregon
Daniel & Jill McCormick
Les Schwab Tire Centers
Corporate Office
Oregon Association of Realtors Home
Oregon Food Bank
Providence Health Plans
Samuel A. De Leone Irrevocable Trust
Whole Foods
North Sister
$1,000 - $2,499
10 Barrel Brewing LLC
Al & Illean Beasley
Scott Beeman
Bend Garbage & Recycling
Bend Research Inc.
Larry & Arlene Bowden
Michael Braden & Carrie Gibson
Cascade Natural Gas
Columbia Bank
Consumer Cellular
Scott Cooper & Laura Craska Cooper
Charles & Lynn Cross
Deer Ridge Correctional Institution
Sandra Dellafiora
Sage & Lynne Dorsey
Echo Fund of The OCF
Kathie Eckman
Suz Fields
Daniel & Sheila Fohrman
Fred Meyer Foundation
Kent & Anne Gatling
Steven & Nancy Geigle
Jim & Kathi Hayward
Michael & Teresa Hensley
Larry & Andrea Hunter
Joe Emerson & Ann Brayfield
Patrick & Linda Kallal
Spencer Krueger & Mary LeFevre
Helen Lilley
Stephen & Patsy Macnab
Macy’s - Bend
Macy’s Inc. Matching Gifts Program
James & Denise Mahoney
MDU Resources Foundation
Janet Merrell
Susan Mondry
Multifamily NW
Jack & Carol Mumford
Steve Murray
Network for Good
Premier Printing Solutions
Elaine Salmonson
Schwab Charitable Fund
SELCO Community Credit Union
Silicon Valley Community
Foundation - PGE
James Sutton
The Ross Family Fund of The OCF
US Bancorp Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Washington Federal
Chevron Matching Employee Funds
Zion Lutheran Church
Middle Sister
$500 - $999
Bruce Abernethy & Mary Meador
Roger & Judith Aikin
Tom & Lori Barber
Patricia Bells
Bruce Brody-Heine
Susan Brody & Allen Johnson
Beecher Carlson Insurance Agency, LLC
Terrill & Shannon Buffum
Patrick Buresh
Marilyn Burwell
David Butler
Kevin Cain
Cascade Educational Services Inc.
Charles Hugh & Wilma Marie Perrin
Christian Women’s Fellowship
CJT Properties
Linda Crouse & Christopher Cassard
Carl & Gloria Davis
Alyce Dawes
James & Michelle Farneth
Jim & Patricia Felton
Flatbread Community Oven
High Desert Mopars
Scott & Katie Hall
Bob & Verlee Hitzhusen
Michael & Susan Hollern
David & Beverlyn Johnson
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
William & Karen Kemp
Honor Roll of Donors
Barry & Polly Landson
Gary & M. Teresa Lawrence
Heidi Leckband
David & Marsha Lewis
Janelle MacKay
Cynthia McCabe
Ronald & Judy Mundt
Pacific Power
Laury Riley
Kenneth Schofield
Steve Shropshire
Roseanne Sizer
Structus Building Technologies Inc.
William & Hete Sugnet
Laura Sutton
Sunriver Christian Fellowship
The T. Rowe Price Program for
Charitable Giving
State of Oregon Unemployment Dept.
Jean Vetter
Kirk & Dorothy Ward
Westside Church
Jessica Woinarowicz
Kermit & Diane Yensen
Joan Cordelia Young
Zivney Financial Group
Bea Zizlavsky
South Sister
$250 - $499
Aaken Corporation
Matthew & Luann Abrams
Paul & Jennifer Andrews
B&B Auto Supply
Carolyn Barr
Charles & Lynne Beck
Maria Britton
Susan Brody & Allen Johnson
Gary & Shirley Carlson
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Adam & Sarah Carter
Center for Car Donations
Community Presbyterian Church
Paul & Susan Curtin
David & Miriam Deeth
Patricia DeWitt
DHS Child Welfare - Bend
Eva Eagle & Bruce Bowen
Betty & Anthony Ellis
Sue Epperson
First Community Credit Union
Jack & Kay Flynn
Neal & Gertrude Goldsmith
David & Nancy Gibson
Linda & Tom Gilkey
Michael Gonsalves
Jim & Cheryl Guffey
Kristin Gulick
Eric Hale
Rebecca Hayward
Ida Hensley
Michael Hinton
Robert & Marvia Horning
Glenn & Lynne Hutchinson
Glenda Hyde
Jefferson County Faith Based Network
John & Demy Schleicher Family Fund
of Fidelity C
Art & Alice Johnson
Don & Cameron Kerr
Kerrill Knaus-Hardy
Paul & Patricia Knollman
Andrew & Janet Knowlton
Steven Kock & Lizzi Katz
Michael Lattig
Barbara Lundquist
Paul & Eileen Mandel
TeriAnn Mason
James & Marie McCallister
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
Jack & Barbara McCown
Leonard & Norine McCulley
Sarah McDougall
Milgard Windows and Doors
Roger & Sara Miller
James & Laura Murray
Mark Murzin & Kris Knoernschild
Blair O’Donnell & Joseph Murray
Mary Oppenheimer
Pahlisch Homes
Cliff Peck
Richard & Diana Pond
Oregon Dept. of Revenue
Oregon Volunteers
Shirley Ray
Risk Management Associates
Michael & Ann Rosenfield
Doug & Judith Sawtell
Robert Schantz
Sandra Schmidt
Kenneth & Wendy Scholz
William & Diane Stahly
Frances Stevenson
Karen Strand
Self Sufficiency State Employee
Food Drive
Ronald & Barbara Swanson
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Donald & Judith Thornburg
Cynthia Tomlinson
Linda Walker
William & Shirley Walkey
Wells Fargo Community Support
Ron & Eileen White
Ray Wiese
Patricia Wilson
Broken Top
$100 - $249
Mike Ahern
Rae Alberg
Robert & Diane Alexander
Gary & Susan Allen
Rick Allen
Sandra Anderson
Louis Angoli
Peter & Gwen Bachman
Andrea Barss
Robert & Jerri Barss
David Bauch
BBT Architects
Madeline Bednarek
Bryan & Laura Beebe
Dick & Candy Behrends
Scott & Pamela Beyer
Jennifer Blechman
Robert & Debbie Bleile
Fred & Judy Blue
Kimberly Bowden
Julie Bowers
Susan & Bruce Bray
Pamela Brixey-McFadden
Michael & Kemi Broadley
Penny & Jim Brommer, Jr.
Brian & Anita Brown
Ann & Craig Brown
William Brown & Barbara Cohn
Brian Carmack
Jason & Gwen Carr
Central Oregon Breeze
Central Oregon Street Rod Association
CenturyLink Clarke M. Williams
Charla Ranch
Eva-Marie Chopra
Honor Roll of Donors
Patricia Christopher
Dale Clark
Judy Clinton
Leslie Cochran
John & Silvia Collins
Robert Collins
Columbia Grange No 867
Virginia Cordoni
Charles Cornish
Teresa Cousineau
Grier & Rosemarie Davis
Jeffrey Davis & Jane Jensen-Davis
Tony & Kathy DeBone
David & Diane Dedrick
Susan DeGandi
Mark & Edith DeLay
Dept. of Forestry
Dept. of Justice
James & Victoria Diegel
Lester Dober
Denise Dockwiller
Mark & Karen Douglas
Carol Dowsett
Roy & Jan Dwyer
Bruce & Marsha Edmonston
Jim & Ginny Elliott
Amy Ely
Emily Emmett
Judy England
Janet Even
Kate & Rick Falk, III
Jason & Ann Fleck
Karen Flynn
David & Kitri Ford
Diane Franzi
Stuart & Hilary Garrett
Richard & Anita Gassner
James & Virginia Gibbons
Lynda Goodlove
Andrew & Kimberly Gorayeb
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Dianna Gould
Bill Gowen
Gary & Ann Hanson
Raymond & Anita Hasart
Trevor & Angel Hawman
Mary Hay Long
Derek & Peggy Hayner
John & Betty Henchman
Richard & Carolyn Herb
Scott & Jo Hersh
Andrew Hilmes
Dennis & Karen Hoeper
Kristina Hollen
Tami Holt
Ursula Houck
Walter & Barbara Hrubesky
IBM Employee Services Center
David Jenkins
Sharon Keating
Christopher & Daniele Kell
M. Silvia Khan
Larry & Kathleen Kimmel
Benjamin Kinzer
Phil & Anne Kirk
Jane Kopriva
Loius Landre
David & Antoinette Laney
Elliott & Diane Lawson
Tracie Layman
Marjorie Lee & Mark Dierbeck
Jane & Bryan Levesque
James Levin
Gary Liberson
Andy & Kim Lonien
Robert & Christine Lovlien
Wilma Luciano
Richard & Carol Luebke
Boyd Lyle & Pamela Keyes Lyle
Shirley Manca
Christopher & Mary Manfredi
Cara Marsh
Joanne Mathews
Cynthia Mayfield
Bill & Delores McCann, Jr.
Kevin McCarty & Julie Gray Nash
Lynne & Mike McConnell
Walter & Sha-Marie McKnight
Joel & Jacqueline McLaughlin
Nicle Meier
Rich & Nancy Miller
Morgan Stanley CyberGrants
Lloyd Morita
John Murphy
Martha Murray
Murtaugh Dental
Jean Myers
Linda Neal
James & Laura Nelson
Nancy Newman
Martin & Barbara Nicholas
Grace Nielsen
Stephen O’Brien
Jerry Ozment
Pamela Paget-Wakefield
George & Susan Papanic
Sydney Patton
Steve & Tina Pavelic
Eileen Peberdy
Eleanor Pelletier
Sarah Phipps & Charles Massey
Pierce Family
Becky Plassman & Dorothy Leman
Walt & Carolyn Ponsford
James Punt & Gabriella Poato
Quon Design and Communication, Inc.
RBS Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Kristen Riley
Pamela Robbins
Robert Koefer & Judy Hardcastle
Robyn Castano & Suz Fields
Jeff & Pam Roda
Scott & Debbie Roots
Karen Roth
Linda Saukkonen
Wesley & Judy Scales
David Schluckebier
Theodore & Carol Schoenborn
Michael & Betty Schreiber
Kami Semick
Anne Sjogren
David Slidders & Karen Hewer
Marjorie Smith
Sharon R. Smith
Lola Solomon
Lewis Sperber & Liu Ping
Virginia Sponsler
James St. John
Bruce Steiert
Katherine Stenkamp
Jackie Stewart
Marcia & James Stone Jr.
Keith & Susan Studwell
Lonna Stutler
Summers Wood Floor Co.
Allen & Roxann Summers
AARP Tax Event
The Council for Professional Recognition
Robert & Bonnie Thomas
Ray & Kim Thwaits
Signe Timm
Cynthia Tomlinson
Helen Vandervort
David & Sandra Visnack
Bruce & Patrice Wade
David & Barbara Wagner
Hayden Watson
Larry Weber
Sara Wiener & Joanne Richter
Robert & Patricia Williams
M.A. Willson
Honor Roll of Donors
Richard & Sally Wilson
Larry Wineinger
Women of the Moose La Pine Chapter #1851
Young Construction Co
Mt. Bachelor
Up to $99
Elizabeth Adrian
Sandra Affonso
Melanie Alkire
Monica Altamirano
Jada Altman
Bette Andrew & Remmal Nivens
Kerry Andrist
Terry & Kathleen Anger
Kathleen Antolak
B&B Autoworks Inc.
Mark & Diane Backus
Christopher & Beth Bagley
Wayne & Susan Bailey
Barbara Baker
Cheryl Barker
Ricardo & Jocelyn Becerril
Barbara Belzer
Linda Bender
Richard & Debbie Benson
Douglas Berry
Douglas & Roberta Berry
Richard & Karon Berry
Herbert Blank & Lee Ann Ross
Dan Blankenship
Julie Bond
Eugene & Susan Brabb
Donna Brandon
David & Vickie Bransky
William Brant
Renee Brazeau-Asher
Erin Brewster Ellis
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Tom & Candace Brey
Frank & Barbara Brocker
Deanna Bromley
Marv Brophy
Rebecca Brown
Willia Bucholz
Patricia Buckman
Ken & Cyn Buehner
Susan Burdish
Celine Burke
Patricia Canley
Gerald & Wanda Cardin
Joan Carlson
Chad Carpenter
Sharon Cartee
Barbara Catron
Susan Cavanaugh
Aubre Cheshire
Kelly Chimenti
Fred & Jeness Christensen
Michael & Michelle Chrystal
George & Diane Church
Janet Cigoy
James Clark
Ray & Beverly Clarno
Richard & Karen Clawson
Jack & Sabra Cleveland
Thomas & Judith Clifford
Sarah Cochran
Wanda Coil
Deborah Cole
Leslie Conley
William Conn
RJ Connelly
Karen Conway
Mary Coulter
Seth Crawford
Charity Creech
Amy Cronen
Brian & Christina Crosby
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
Robert Currie
Debra Dackert
Frank & Lea Dailey
Dairy Farmers of Oregon
Monte & Mary Dammarell
Karen Daniels & David Stensland
Tyler & Maryann Deke
Paul DeWitt
Dennis & Caroline Dietrich
Stephen & Carol Dixon
David & Donna Dobkin
Michael & Kathleen Donley
Doorn Accounting Group CPA’s PC
Theo Dornbusch
Tammy Doty
Jill Duncan
Michael & Jodi Dwyer
Debra Dymock
Eagle Wealth Management
Jeannine Earls
Carl & Anita Elliott
Perry & Carol Elwood
Mary Emmitt
William & Traci Engle
William & Deborah Ennis
Joan Ercolini
Nancy Farnham
Valerie Fercho-Tillery
Leonard & Cynthia Ferris
Michael Fisher
John Flatt
Ronald & Molly Foerster
Linda Foster
Frank Fleetham Management
Frank Johnston, III
Cathy Frank
Myrna Freshwaters
Jo Allene Frew
Hoy Fultz
Elijah George & Linda Shekerdemian
Cassie Giddings
Ginny Gilbertson
Linda Gillard
Teresa Gillespie
Jessica Glickman
Julie Glover
John & Margaret Goodman
Irene Goodnight
Donald & Joan Gordon
Kendall Graham
Ronald Gregory
Leonard Gross
Tim & Sue Hagner
Andrew Hamlin
Kenneth Hanna
Josie Hanneman
Claire Hansen
Virginia Hansen
Ronald & Beth Hanson
Nancy Harper
Richard & Kathy Harville
Teague & Tami Hatfield
Susan Hazan
Peter & Mary Hedren
Collins & Wendy Hemingway
Jeffery & Cathy Henderson
Martha Hickerson
Joe Hight
James & Kelle Hildebrandt
Michael Hinton
Gavin & Ingrid Hoban
Diane Hodiak
Mollie Hogan
Doris Holcomb
Rex Holloway
Andy & Elaina Holmberg
Lyndsey Holub
Gay Homer
Linda Horowitz
JJ Howard
Honor Roll of Donors
Mary Howard
William & Sheri Howard
Chris Hughes
Norman & Christine Hunter
Lindsey Hurvitz
Alice Huskey
Mae Huston
David & Renea Hutchings
Jerry & Susan Inman
Kathleen Irby
Alison Jackson
Jeffrey Jackson
John & Yasuko Jackson
Robert & Bette Jackson
Sheri Jarrett
Richard Jenkins
Lauren Johnson
Barbara Jordan
Marean Jordan
Alicia Jumar-Loffler
Cynthia Kane
Cecilia Keolker
Stephen & Marcia Kirk
Andrew Knight
John & Sandra Kohlmoos
Darren & Phyllis Kosanke
Michael & Alison Kozak
Gladys Labsch
Ken & Janet Lakin
Carolyn Lamb
Ralph & Connie Langlo
Gary & Wendy Larson
Laurie Laspina
Diana Lawlis
Jennifer Lawrence
Ron & Karen Leep
Bradley & Kristy LeHuquet
Paula Lester
Rudolph Lewi
Clara Lewis
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Glennys Lindsay
Shannon Lipscomb
Dennis & Karen Lisius
Jody Littlehales
Robert & Elizabeth Main
Kelli Lopardo
Diane Lozito & David Jenkins
Cheryl Lutton
Stu & Claudia MacDonald
Paula MacNeill
Sheree MacRitchie
Nanette Madsen
Stephen Magee
Cathy Maikish
Samuel Malkowski
Pegi Malnik
Kathleen Malone
Diane Maness
Alicia Mann
Laura Manning
Margaret Marshall Living Trust
Judith Martin
Matthew Martin
Robert & Priscilla Marvos
Michelle Maton
Charles & Elouise Mattox
Richard & Karen Maunder
Victoria Maurer
Karen Mayall
Duane McCabe
Marian McCall
Andrea McCart
Damon & Robyn McCartney
Scott McCaulou
Karen & Wayne McClelland
Stephanie McDermott
Kevin McElwee
Marsha McManaway
Patty McMeen
John Mehlis & Alicia Stevenson-Mehlis
Janice Meredith
Janet Michelsen
Mike & Shelley Miesen
Marcia Morgan
Barratt Miller
Steven & Sandra Miller Family Trust
Molalla Grange
Earline Monroe
Daisy Monticelli
Chris Moody
Fredrick & Cynthia Moore
Sylvia Morrison
James & Doralee Mortensen
Mark & Sally Morton
Benjamin & Kate Mosetick
Sarah Mosley
Henry Mottl
Diane Mowry
Thomas & Dana Muller
David & Lanette Munks
David & Sheila Munson
Annie Muske-Dukes
George & Peggy Neal
Annette Nelson
Douglas & Virginia Nelson
Mary Nelson
Dennis & Jeanne Newton
Don & Daniele Nisewanger
Glenyce O’Connor
Vivien O’Connor
Carey Olson
Laurie & Richard Olson
Denise Ortiz-Campbell
OSU Cascades
James & Shelley Palmer
Corey Parks
Benjamin Paulus
Donald & Darcey Pederson
Monique Pederson
William & Phyllis Pengelly
Steve & Linda Peters
Gary Petersen
Sylvia Petrich
Tracy Pfiffner
Cindy Pierce
Greg & Nancy Pierce
Pete & Norma Post
Susan Primak
Printer Resources & Recycling
Karen Prow
Edward & Rosemary Punzalan
Brooke Radeker
William & Jane Raleigh
Linda Rasmussen
Charlie & Kathy Rayner
Xavier Reyna
Roy & Beth Reynolds
Abbie Rexroad
Kenny & Lorraine Rice
Laurie Rice
Patricia Rickard
Paul Roberts
Thomas & Casey Rodhouse
Julie Rombach
Amy Rosendahl
Andrea Rosenzweig
Richard Royal
Timothy & Renee Schindele
Tom & Janet Schmitt
Noel Schnur
Jane Schrader
Jaym’e Schricker
Corey & Lisa Scott
Shana Sellers
Bradley & Christina Seney
Daniel & Stephanie Serpico
Shalom Circle
Stanley & Susan Shepardson
Anne Shouse
Madeline Sibley
Honor Roll of Donors
Ronald & Marilyn Sievers
Michelle Simmons
Eric & Debra Simpkins
Emily Smith
Nancy Smith
Paula Smith
Ryan & Tiffany Smith
Jim & Sue Snuggs
Andrus Soper
Donald Sorensen & Else Roberts
Darcie Spar
Spencer Creek Grange 855
Ann Stanley
Steve Stebbins
Donnie & Deb Stelma
Broc Stenman & Judy Sterett-Stenman
Steven Navarra Construction
Daniel & Elizabeth Strausbaugh
Todd & Susan Strible
Jon Stringer
Wally & Marie Sturtevant
Sun Mountain Fun Center
Jeanne Swenson
Kelly Swisher
Thomas & Leighty Szymoniak
Laurence & Evelyn Thissell
Greg Thoma & Sandy Klein
Matthew Thompson & Megan Hill
Jeannie Thorp
Robert & Joan Thye
Linda Tobias
Patricia Town
Jeffrey Tripp
Jimmy Tucker
Norma Tucker
Nancy Tyler
Melissa Uballez
Peter Ulmer
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Douglas & Rita Utter
Roberta Vallejo
Chandra Vaneijnsbergen
Jeff & Laurel Variel
Jane Venable
Carolyn Viles
Margaret Voedisch
Walterville Grange #416
Rosie Ward
Yvonne Ward
Rebecca Warner
Alice Warren
Juli Watson
Leslie Weaver
Sharlene Weed
Alan Werkman
Brooke White
Candace Whitton
William Wignall
Laura Wilkinson
Evelyn Williams
John Williams
Connie Wilson
Erika Wilson
Warren Wincorn
Keith Witcosky
Craig Withee
April Witteveen
Judy Woodfill
Robert & Eileen Woodward
Renee Youman
Stuart & Sandy Young
Carol Zettel
Douglas & Vivian Zirker
Susan Zowney
Supporting People,
Strengthening Communities.
Gift-In-Kind Donors
10 Barrel Brewing
Hydro Flask
2nd Street Theater
Erik Kancler
Advantage Dental
John Kinder Pottery
Art Station
Kohl’s Bend
Bed Bath & Beyond
Paul & Patricia Knollman
Bend Elks Lodge
Blue Spruce Pottery
Lava Edge LLC/Oregon Green Products
Brasada Ranch
Mary Marson
Priscilla Brubaker
OSU Extension
Carolyn Tillia
Cascade Culinary Institute
Lisa Payne
Seven Peaks School
Cindercone Clay
David & Suzette Shoulders
Clay Guild of the Cascades
Starbucks Coffee Company
Deschutes Brewery
Steve Murray
Deschutes Children’s Foundation
Strictly Organic
Ron and Laura Fritz
Village Baker
Executive Women’s Golf Association
of Central Oregon
The Oxford Hotel
Bill Gowen
Walmart –Redmond
Western Oregon University
Teaching Research Institute
Horizon Broadcasting Group
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
In Honor Of:
Carolyn Lamb in honor of Bonnie Lamb
Frank Johnston Living Trust in honor of Bryn Hazell
Irene Goodnight in honor of Jim Coleman, my helpful neighbor
Young Construction in honor of John and Peggy Parker
Janelle MacKay in honor of Leah Lehman
Gregory and Nancy Pierce in honor of Mary Lou and John Birnel
John and Betty Henchman in honor of Michael and Susan
Thomas and Lauralee Harville in honor of Rick and Kathy Harville
Laurie Laspina in honor of Tara and Matt Snow
In Memory Of:
Sandra Miller Family Trust in memory of Dave Swan
Lynne and Katherine Harris in memory of John A. McBride
Barbara Lundquist in memory of Lynn Lundquist
Sandra Dellalfiora in memory of Rosanne Thornhill
Jack and Kay Flynn in memory of John Flynn
Samuel De Leonne Irrevocable Trust in memory of Samuel De Leonne
Board of Directors
Seth Crawford
Crook County Commissioner
Brian Carmack
Crook County
Laurie Danzuka
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Jefferson County School Board 509-J
Andrus Soper
Deschutes County
Tony DeBone
Deschutes County Commissioner
Linda S. Walker - Secretary/Treasurer
Jefferson County
Roger J. DeHoog
Deschutes County
Circuit Court Judge, State of Oregon
Attorney at Law
Joe Hight
Crook County
Head Start Policy Council Liaison
Mae Huston
Jefferson County Commissioner
Board Members Retiring in 2015
Susan Bray
Deschutes County
Chad Carpenter - President
Deschutes County
Zachary L. Harmon
Deschutes County
Certified Public Accountant
Sharon R. Smith - Vice President
Deschutes County
Attorney at Law
Laura Beebe
Deschutes County
Mike Ahern
Jefferson County Commissioner
Susan Bailey
Deschutes County
Edward B. Onimus
Redmond City Councilor
Walt Ponsford
Jefferson County
Sharlene Weed
Designee of Sisters City Councilor
Executive Director,
Sisters Habitat for Humanity
2303 SW First St., Redmond OR 97756 • (541) 548-2380
20310 Empire Avenue #A100, Bend, OR 97703 • (541) 318-7506
You can also visit us at our regional service centers located in
La Pine, Madras and Prineville. Call (541) 548-2380 for office locations.
Visit us at or
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