10-19-14 NL David and Bathsheba 815 CC 1045 SSC
10-19-14 NL David and Bathsheba 815 CC 1045 SSC
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Kingdom Expansion Offering (8:15) “This is My Father’s World”- Steven Strite Eric Grimstad Chancel Choir Bess Philps, Violin Screen Screen Offertory “Create in Me a Clean Heart” - Keith Green Offering Prayer Words of Institution The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional) Screen Distribution “This Is The Feast” Red page 169 Post Communion Blessing Ministry Moments Sending Hymn “Rise Up, O Saints of God!” Red #669 Sending Leader: Go in peace. Serve the Lord. All: Thanks be to God! Postlude Polly Mauer Remembering in our Prayers Prayer Requests and Concerns: Lila Goll; Mark & Ginny Woerishofer; Brian Lund; Dick Bahr; Tom Luckiesh; Carolyn Hadfield; Verna Schiek; Maxine Benrud; Mary Minich; Jeanne Fruit; Don Molter; Jim Masterson; Barb Luckiesh; The Jensen Family; All those who are seeking employment. Prayer Requests and Concerns for family & friends of our members: David Sagal (brother of Dan Sagal); Heidi Hiemke, (daughter of Scott Dettmann); Terry (Shelliann Javorek’s partner); Bob Diest (son-in-law of Mary Minich); Marlene (friend of Kathly Lund); Justin Mezset (nephew of Irene and Steve Koenigs); Richard Bronson (father of Carie Bronson); Kathy Manstedt (Carie Bronson’s Aunt); LeAnne & Lee (friends of Carolyn Masterson); Nicki; Sue Peterson & Nye (friends of Carolyn Masterson); All those serving in our Military and their families. Prayer Celebrations: Joy and God’s Blessings on the marriage of Michael Boettner and Jessica Lorbiecki Congratulations to Jason and Elizabeth Philps on the baptism of their daughters, Olive, Ivy and Aria, we all look forward to being a part of their faith formation at Our Savior’s; Keith Love & Family; Lonna Mars; Robert Kind; Lucy Gingrass. Those who mourn: Roberta Thomas in the loss of her mom; Lila Goll in the loss of her sister; Mark and Ginny Woerishofer on the loss of their son, Tom on Sunday, September 28; Tom and Barbara Luckiesh on the loss of Barbara’s father on October 3. Homebound: Ruby Bedore; Kay Tynefield; Alice Palmer; Kermit and Shirley Pietz; Pauline Schultz 102 (Riverside Lodge, Dousman); Hazel Leque (Masonic Home, Dousman); Herb Jensen; Richard Wegner and Bernardine Wegner (Sterling House, Sussex); Fran Shupe (Congregational Home). October Prayer Families: Daniel & Kari Sagal, Kailee, Ashlee and Sydnee Sagal; Sameea Sajid; Megan Sarnowski, Mason Seifert; John & Louise Sausen; John & Felice Schell; Todd Schiek; Verna Schiek; Glenn & Christina Schilling, Chase and Morgan Schilling; Alan & Connie Schmitz, Anna, Mark and Katherine Schmitz We invite you to complete a prayer request form for anyone that is in need of our prayers. Forms are located by the prayer box on the wall by the coffee area. Also, please feel free to contact Carolyn Taylor directly either by phone at 262-367-7124 or email indyrag@wi.rr.com, or you may contact the office at 262-367-6000. Your prayers will be lifted up in confidence weekly by our prayer team. Pastor Tom can be reached at 262-490-4057. Mark your calendars for the Our Savior’s Prayer Vigil Saturday, November 8 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Chapel - Page 4 - Calendar Events • 10.19 - 10.26 Day of the Week Sunday, October 19 Worship Monday, October 20 Tuesday, October 21 Wednesday, October 22 Thursday, October 23 Friday, October 24 Saturday, October 25 Sunday, October 26 Worship Confirmation Sunday StoneRollers Time Event 8:15 a.m. Worship—Chancel Choir Sunday School & Fellowship/coffee Hour 9:30 - 10:30 “Unbinding Your Heart” Journey—Three studies Fellowship Hall, Chapel and Office- Join us! 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6-8:00 p.m. 6-8:30 p.m. 3:30-5:00 7-9:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7-8:00 a.m. 1-3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7-9 p.m. 7-8:00 a.m. 9:30-11:00 11:30 p.m. 6:30-8:00 6-7:30 p.m. 6:15 - 7:20 7:25 - 8:40 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Worship - Sunday School Children Sing Confirmation Project Deadline 10th Grade Unbinding Your Heart Study at Pietz Home SWAG HS Youth—Haunted House Event-Hubertus Family Promise Volunteer Training Session Jr. Girl Scout meeting Jubilate Chorale Unbinding Your Heart Study at Arshem Home Men’s Bible Study - Unbinding Your Heart Home School Co-Op group Stephen Ministry Training - Chapel Boy Scout Troop #24 Co-Ed Bible Study - Unbinding Your Heart “Gen” - Bible Study - Jen Lundberg Staff Meeting NO Confirmation Unbinding Your Heart Study - Tim Culhane Unbinding Your Heart Study - Deb Nollen Praise Ringers Choir Women’s Bible Study - Unbinding Your Heart Unbinding Your Heart Study at Stocking Home Men’s Bible Study Office Closed 4-6:00 p.m. 10th Grade Confirmation Rehearsal & Celebration 8:15 a.m. Worship—StoneRollers Sunday School , Fellowship, Education Hour 9:30 - 10:30 “Unbinding Your Heart” Journey 10:45 a.m. Worship—Affirmation of Baptism—Confirmation 4:00 p.m. Unbinding Your Heart study at Pietz Home - Page 5 - - Page 6 - - Page 7 - Sunday School News - Leanna Manser Sunday School Ministry Coordinator 262-367-6000 lmanser@oursaviorshartland.org SS Team Members: Scott Gosse - scottgosse@ymail.com & Lori Zeller -dmlzeller@att.net Sunday School News Classrooms are located down the East hallway on your left. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS “Living the Word” Teaching Kids God’s Story 2014-2015 Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Today’s Lesson: “Nathan & King David” PreK—4th grade sing today at 10:45 a.m. 5th and 6th Grade Bell team play at 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Mission Statement: BELONG, BELIEVE, BECOME Sunday School Program Overview: To help Sunday School Children: 1. Learn the Word of God 2. Grow to develop a personal relationship with Jesus as our Savior. 3. Serve as lifelong disciples recognizing their part and participation in their Christian community, local community, and worldwide contributions as Christians. 4. Have fun learning about God! Please visit our website at www.oursaviorshartland.org to see our Sunday School Curriculum and Objectives for the 2014/2015 school year. Sunday School registration and our monthly calendars from October through December are also available on our website under Sunday School. - Page 8- Youth & Family News Teri Bergendahl, Youth and Family Minister tbergendahl@oursaviorshartland.org “Confirmation to Commissioning” Great job on the WORSHIP REFLECTIONS! Forms are available outside Teri’s office (please place in “Completed Worship Reflections” when fin7th & 8th Confirmation ished and signed by a parent). NEW for 7-9th Grade! Join Trent Spear and Tim Pietz for bible study, devotion and fellowship on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:30 in the fellowship hall. “Living Out God’s Word” will be the focus of our gathering conversation and study. On the fourth Sunday of the month we have a game/activity hour. Our 9th grade mentor workshop is off to a great start. This year we’ll be focusing on the FIVE BAPTISMAL PROMISES. Students and mentors will be actively engaged in worship, outreach, education, faith practices and more as we NAME, CLAIM and LIVE out our baptismal identities. 9th Grade Confirmation Mentor Information Reminder that 9th graders have a required service project on Sunday, November 2 as they help with the DESSERT FEAST. Parents should sign the covenant that came home and return to the church office (Teri’s mailbox). 10 Grade “Countdown to Confirmation Confirmation projects are due by noon today. Sign up for your interview if you haven’t done so already. See you all at the celebration next Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. - Page 9 - Look what your Kingdom Expansion Offerings have Funded thru 9/30/14 • • • • • • • • • • • • Family Camp Cross-Generational Event Support to families sending their youth to Lutherdale Bible Camp Handbell Convention Handbell Table Covers Stephen Ministry Conference & Training Family Promise of Western Waukesha County Financial Support to Family Promise Supplies and fund to host families for the week they are here in November 2014 Inner City Church Partnership - Sheets and towels for Milwaukee Victory Church ASP Youth Mission Trip support - Added an additional team in 2014 20 youth and 10 leaders Sunday School Family Cookout Event Salary and computer for the new Sunday School Coordinator position Kingdom Offerings As of 9.30.14 General Fund Offerings Weekly offerings needed to meet budget: $7,849.00 Kingdom Expansion Gifts Year to Date Offerings as of 9.30.14 Year to Date Offerings 26,249.63 Needed to meet budget Received Year to Date Disbursements 19,267.00 Variance + / (-) - Page 10 - 306,105. 283,613. (22,492.) Fall Kingdom Expansion Events 2014 PRAYER VIGIL DESSERT FEAST & MORE…... Saturday, November 8 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 2 Prayer request forms available at the at the Prayer Box 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Childcare available for children 5 & under You are invited to Dessert Feast & More….. Join us for an evening of fellowship, desserts and appetizers - a true feast of abundance. We will be celebrating our “Kingdom Expansion” program and the new ways we are being called to serve others in our congregation, our community and the world. New Kingdom initiatives will be presented. Every year is a new year with Kingdom Expansion. Please join us and find out more!! All Our Savior’s adults and teens are welcome. Questions: Linda Arshem 414-520-5553 Childcare will be provided for kids 5 and under. Fill out an RSVP card please. Please pick up an RSVP card at the kiosk and return it no later than October 26th Please sign up to bring an appetizer, dessert, veggie platter or fruit platter to share! Prayer Vigil, Saturday, November 8 - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Our Savior’s will be offering it’s Fall Prayer Vigil as a means for this congregation to draw closer to God. One of the main goals of this vigil is to uplift each member of our congregation as a vital part of God’s mission on this earth. We invite everyone to set aside one or more hours on November 8 for prayer in the serene setting of our Chapel. If you are interested in hosting an hour of prayer, please sign up at the kiosk. Prayer request forms are located by the prayer box, coffee hour area in the Narthex. Contact Mary Kay Carroll for more information or to help out. mkmc427@gmail.com - Page 11 - 2015 Daily Texts The 2014 edition of the Daily Texts will be available soon. If you would like a Daily Text, please complete the order form below and place in the offering plate or drop in the office, along with your check, and we will take care of ordering these for you. Please return your order form by Sunday, November 16 so that we will be able to receive our order prior to January 1. If you prefer to receive your daily text online, you may view it daily at: www.mountcarmelministries.com/ grow-in-the-word/daily-texts Any questions, please contact Dawn K in the office at 262-367-6000 X10 Daily Texts Order Form - Order by Sunday, November 16 I would like to purchase a copy/copies of the Daily Texts for 2015. Name: Phone Number: Email: __________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please return this order form with your check payable to Our Savior’s to an usher or drop in the collection plate, or mail to: W299 N5782 County Rd. E Hartland, WI 53029 $7.00 x = $ Total Cost = $ Please include a check or cash with your order. 2014 Ministries & Programs Supported by General Giving Benevolence and Outreach ELCA, Appalachia Service Project, Disaster Relief Trips, African Meru Diocese Ministry, Loaves and Fishes, Bread of Life, Hope Center, Hong Kong Ministry, Family Promise of Western Waukesha County Church Staff Pastor, Youth & Family Minister, Music/Choir Director, Office Coordinator, Business Manager, Service Coordinator, Sunday School Coordinator, Organist, Custodian, Nursery Supervisor, Payroll expenses, Benefits and Workers Compensation Insurance. Mortgage, Electric, Gas, Trash Disposal, Snow Removal, Grounds Church Land & Maintenance, Septic, Sewer & Plumbing Maintenance, Building MainteBuilding nance, Special Projects, Capital Fund, Fire & Liability Insurance, Equipment Office Needs Computers, Software, Technical Maintenance, Website, Office Equipment & Furniture, Office Supplies (i.e. bulletin paper, labels, staples, ink, letterhead, envelopes, tape, etc.), Postage, Telephone Systems, Internet Education Bibles, Devotions, Books and Supplies for: Sunday School; Vacation Bible School; Nursery; Faith Milestones; Confirmation; Leadership Training, Bible study for Youth and Adults; Mentoring Program Worship & Music Worship & Communion Supplies, Organ-Piano Maintenance, Sound & Visual Equipment, Communion Prep, Liturgical Arts Supplies, Sunday School Choir Supplies, Sheet Music, Chancel Choir Supplies; Bell maintenance and replacements as needed. Youth Youth fun and gathering activities; Servant Trips, Retreats, Caring for Community (Outreach); Christmas Party; College Visits, Love Boxes, SWAG; Uplifting students for leadership; Counseling and ministering to youth and families. Stewardship Hospitality Pledge and Kingdom Expansion offering envelopes & Supplies Fellowship Events, Coffee, Kitchen Supplies - Page 13 - Our Savior’s will be hosting families the week of November 16-23rd! That being said, we still need YOU! Please consider volunteering your time with this ministry. There is a sign-up sheet at the kiosk and we will be holding another training session TONIGHT, Sunday, October 19th from 6:30-8pm in the sanctuary. The more volunteers that we have signed up and trained, the better off we will be as we host families through out the year and especially during our first week (November 16-23, 2014). We are still looking for a meal coordinator! This person would help to coordinate the schedule of folks bringing food for the dinners during our week of hosting. Remember that volunteering for this first week, does not have to mean that you do it for all subsequent weeks of hosting—one week is fine. Jackie Jones will assist with this as well. For those who have completed their volunteer applications, there is a mail slot outside the office door labeled “Family Promise”. Place completed applications in the envelope provided. Applications are due by Sunday, November 2. The Family Promise “Grand Opening” is getting closer! The doors will officially open on Sunday November 2. There will be an OPEN HOUSE at the Family Promise Center on Tuesday, October 21 from 3-8pm with the building dedication at 6:30pm. See address below: Family Promise Center 543 AJ Allen Circle Suite D Wales, WI 53183 (Behind Culver’s on HWY 18) Please contact Jackie Jones (602-418-2208) or Susan Weiss (262-443-9952) if you are interested or have questions. - Page 14 - Hope Center Thanksgiving Dinner & Auction Event 11.20 16th Annual HOPE Thanksgiving Dinner and Auction Event Thursday, November 20 Country Springs Hotel and Conference Center - Pewaukee Cocktails and Silent Auction starts at 5:00 p.m. Dinner and Live auction is at 7:00 p.m. Join us for a fun filled evening which includes a Gala dinner, silent and live auction along with raffles and games benefitting the homeless and hungry in Waukesha County. Nancy & Chris Schwartz would like to reserve a table of 10 for Our Savior’s. Tickets are $85.00 each and all proceeds go towards supporting the Hope Center in Waukesha. Interested??? Contact Nancy or Chris Schwartz at 262-533-5033 or schwartz4home@wi.rr.com Please come and enjoy an evening with people from your “Church Family” - it’s a great time for a great cause. For more information visit their website at: HopeCenterWi.org or call 262-549-8726 - Page 15 - The groups listed below are existing Bible study groups that meet on a regular basis Sign up in the Narthex to join one of the participating groups! Tuesday Morning Men’s Study 7:00 a,m. Pastor Tom leads a men’s study at church on Tuesday mornings beginning at 7:00 a.m. Coffee is provided, just bring your own donut and be prepared for some lively discussion and fellowship. Come and join us before work. Contact pastortom@oursaviorshartland.org or 262-490-4057 for more information. “Unbinding Your Heart” 6 week study will begin 10.7 Wednesday Co-Ed Bible Study 7:00 a.m. Co-Ed Bible study on Wednesday mornings meets 7:00 -8:00 a.m. Currently they have 6-10 co-ed members who come weekly. Topics and material change every 6-12 weeks. Video teaching series by Christian authors, bible studies, Daily text readings from the bulletin. “Our goal is to engage in the study of God’s Word, apply it to our daily faith walk and help each other grow in our faith.” Tim Culhane. Everyone is welcome to join anytime. For more information contact Tim Culhane at 262-993-1128 “Unbinding Your Heart” 6 week study will begin 10.8 Wednesday Women’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday evenings 6-7:30 p.m. in the office. For the 6 week study of “Unbinding Your Heart”, Deb Nollen is the facilitator of this group. Any one willing to help facilitate a week or two for this series, please contact Deb at 262-367-6000 X19. All materials provided. October 8 - November 12 Thursday Women’s Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study meets at 10:30 in the chapel at Our Savior’s. All are welcome to join anytime. Most go out to lunch afterwards. Great food for the body and soul!! Contact: Becki Culhane 262-3676279 “Unbinding Your Heart” 6 week study will begin 10.9 Thursday Evening Men’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Men’s Thursday Evening Bible Study meets at Our Savior’s at 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in the Chapel. All men are welcome to join. Stop by after work sometime and see if this is right for you. For more information, contact Bill Schumell at 262-966-9713 or 262-894-5586 (Separate Bible study will be discussed, not connected to the Unbinding Your Heart program.) - Page 16 - “Unbinding Your Heart” - 6 week Small Group Journey Join in anytime - sign up today! It’s OK to miss some!! Sundays 9:20 a.m. Bill Anderson and Bob Mikulec is leading a group on Sunday mornings at 9:20 a.m. in the Chapel Sundays 9:20 a.m. Tom and Mary Kay Carroll is leading a group on Sunday mornings at 9:20 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Sundays 9:20 a.m. Susan Weiss is leading a group on Sunday Mornings at 9:20 a.m. in the Church office. Sundays 4:00 p.m. Pastor Tom and Kris Pietz is leading a group at their home on Sundays at 4:00 p.m. N4 W29183 Venture Hill Road, Waukesha, 262-490-4057. Childcare provided. Mondays 7:00 p.m. Jim and Linda Arshem is leading a group on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at their home; N66 W28178 Forest Ridge Circle, Sussex, WI 53089. Phone: 262-538-0435 Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Tim Culhane is leading a group on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at church in the Chapel. Begins Wednesday, October 8 through November 12th. This is a great opportunity for parents of Confirmation students or kids in the bell choir programs. Contact: Tim Culhane 262-9931128 John and Mary Stocking is leading a group on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at their home on Beaver Lake: N62 W30819 Shore Acres Rd. Hartland, WI 53029 Phone: 262-367-2537 Bible Study Offered - Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 a.m. Genesis to Revelation…..and everything in between Jen Lundberg is leading a Bible study on Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 a.m. She has begun with an in-depth look at Genesis. Childcare will be provided. (RSVP for childcare please) All are welcome. Please join us anytime. Visit our website for more details on the book and study @ www.oursaviorshartland.org Bible Studies tab - all studies are listed including the ones listed on pages 12 & 13. Questions? Contact Jennifer Lundberg at jen_lundberg@mac.com or 262-528-8004 - Page 17 - Are you visiting us here today? Would you like more information on one of the many wonderful programs at Our Savior’s? Please let us know by talking to any of our ushers or greeters, or by filling out a Visitor / Member sheet at the Welcome Board in the foyer. If you provide us with your email we will keep you up to date on our programs and activities. Name & Address:______________________________________________________ Cell Phone Numbers:__________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________ Just tear this sheet off and give to an usher or drop in the top mailbox by the office door. Adult Dinner Night Event 11.9 5-7:00 p.m. Our next adult dinner will be on Sunday, November 9 from 5-6 p.m. with a Fall Festival Theme. Glen and Sandy Schrot will be hosting this event at church in the fellowship hall. Please RSVP to Glen or Sandy at 262-673-9783 or schrotgs@att.net Open to all adults in our congregation and their friends and neighbors. Come and join us!! Hartland Food Pantry - Board Member Opening Tina Fuhs has recently joined Paul Breest in representing Our Savior’s on the Board of the Hartland Food Pantry. As we all know Joan Breest’s shoes are pretty hard to fill given the time she committed to the pantry. In addition Tina’s business travels have increased causing a need for one additional board member from our congregation to represent us. The time commitment is minimal as we have enough volunteers to provide the shopping. We ask each volunteer to work at the food pantry two times per month and attend our board meeting once every other month. Please contact Tina Fuhs at tina.fuhs1@gmail.com, Paul Breest 262-4901231or the church office 262-367-6000 to express your interest. - Page 18 - What is God’s vision for Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church? Our Core Values, which shape everything we do, continue to be: “Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Everyplace” Our primary focus for future direction: 1.Life-Giving Weekly Worship—The weekly worship gathering draws us together to hear good news, be strengthened in faith &ministry to go “do something” for Jesus in the world. 2.Service Adventures with the Poor and the Poor in Spirit—We believe that God transforms us through personal relationships with the poor, the wounded and the weak, who so often reveal God’s richness, health, and strength. 3.Enriching and Renewing Christian Households and Marriages—God created human beings with a deep longing for intimate bonds. Research has shown that stable, loving families are the optimal environment for children's health and the development of society. Therefore, we believe that our church should do everything possible to strengthen families & enrich marriages in our community. Holy Communion Nursery We welcome all believing Christians to receive Christ's body and blood at the altar, regardless of age or denominational background. Infants and children whose families consider them too young for communion or those who do not wish to commune because of conscience or questions are invited forward to receive a blessing. Please take an It is a blessing to see babies and children worshipping together with their families on Sunday mornings! Our supervised nursery is provided on Sunday mornings for parents who feel their children may need a little extra attention during the service. Parents are especially encouraged to bring their children forward with them for communion. Children not yet receiving communion will receive a blessing. empty cup from the drawer and proceed to the server. Prefilled cups of white grape juice are availa- ble as an alternative to wine. During an Intinction Visitors service, the communion assistant will also have a If you are visiting us today we would like to welcome clear wine chalice with white grape juice. you to our Church Family. We hope you find our Worship Service inspiring and feel at home and among friends. Visit our welcome center for info. Staff at Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor ........ ………………………….Pastor Tom Pietz …………..pastortom@oursaviorshartland.org Youth & Family Minister…………..Teri Bergendahl………….tbergendahl@oursaviorshartland.org Music Ministries…………………….Carolyn Masterson…carolynmasterson@oursaviorshartland.org Service Coordinator………………… Deb Nollen………………….. dnollen@oursaviorshartland.org Business Manager………………... …Tracy Renner………………….trenner@oursaviorshartland.org Office Coordinator…………………. Dawn Kreklow……………..dkreklow@oursaviorshartland.org Sunday School Ministry Coordinator...Leanna Manser………………lmanser@oursaviorshartland.org Organist ......... ………………………..Polly Mauer StoneRollers Director ………… …...Irene Koenigs……………………………..ikoenigs@wi.rr.com Nursery Supervisor ………………….Amy Holland……………………..hackyholland@hotmail.com A/V Tech Support Supervisor…. ……Jim Masterson…………………………...jfmaster@yahoo.com Facility Management/Custodian……..Tom Mauer …………………………….. ...tmauer@wi.rr.com Ministry Acolyte Reader Tech Team Nursery Communion Assistants Greeters Welcome Serving in Worship • Sunday, October 19 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. AJ Hevrdejs Gary Wipperman Brian Lund Amy Holland & Maddie Zeller Hugh Walrath, Sue Weiss Assisting Minister: Lori Zeller Sagal Family Meg Feyen Ryan Gosse John Stocking Trent Spear Amy Holland & Ellie Taubner Tom Carroll, Mark Erickson Assisting Minister, Lori Zeller Bob & Jay Mikulec Linda Westlie Serving in Worship • October 26 Confirmation Sunday Ministry 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Acolyte Reader Tech Team Nursery Communion Assistants Greeters Welcome Anna Schmitz Callie Tjarksen Ally Kellerman Amy Holland & Maddie Kroeger Carol Emmel, Dave McGrath Assisting Minister: Teri Bergendahl Katie Weber Kris Nebel Jacob Nielsen Linda Westlie Josh Kleifgen Amy Holland & Hayley Dettman Barb Mikulec, Barbara Luckiesh Assisting Minister: Teri Bergendahl John & Mary Stocking Mary Kay Carroll ÂTÇw áâÜxÄç \ tÅ ã|à{ çÉâ tÄãtçá? àÉ à{x äxÜç xÇw Éy à{x tzxAÊ -MATTHEW 28 : 20 Ushers/Communion Prep/Counters for October 2014 Ushers Communion Prep Counters Password: hartland53029 8:15 a.m. Team #5: Jim Fruit, Jim Tremaine, Mike Ward, James Wipperman, Peter Jensen 10:45 a.m. Team #2: Eric Grimstad, Brad & Zach Dettman, Scott, Ryan & Eric Gosse 8:15 a.m. Carie Bronson, Ginny & Mark Woerishofer 10:45 a.m. Mary Minich Tom Luckiesh, Brian Lund Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Every Place! Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church • W299N5782 County Road E • Hartland, WI 53029 • (262) 367-6000 Visit our new website: www.oursaviorshartland.org