
Hi members. I’m writing this report sitting on a bed in a B&B in an outer
suburb of Belfast, Northern Ireland. Deb and I are thoroughly enjoying our one
month visit to the UK and Ireland – we’re now half way through it, and have
discovered some fantastic old village pubs and some even better locally
produced beers. It’s funny how they love their beer so much, but nearly every one of them still
manages to sell Foster’s (and they even call it a beer!). We’ve had some really memorable meals, but
none more so than the Haggis that I had last night in a seaside town in the western Scottish Lowlands.
Yes…. I was fully aware of what it is made from, but enjoyed it immensely.
One of the highlights so far has been the visit to the Mini Factory in Oxford (Cowley). This is the
plant where many a classic Morris/BMC/Leyland car has been made. Except…. Now it is where the
“future classics” are being made by BMW. (Minis rule). The fabrication, major assembly and finishing
are almost totally done by robots, with only the final touches being done by hand (e.g., marrying of
major sub-assemblies such as body/powerplant/cockpit etc). Even the painting is largely done by
robots. I could bore you for hours and most probably will, if I manage to catch you.
Tomorrow morning we head to the Republic of Ireland, County Carlow (south-west of Dublin) where
I hope to find some long-lost rellies. It’s quite possible that there could be more Nolans than you
bargained on – lucky you!
As for PSCAA business, Deb and I have missed quite a few of the recent club events, and look
forward to joining you again towards the end of May. The big event towards the end of May is the
“Glenn Pattison Run”, which Deb and I will be planning as soon as we return from UK. Methinks it was
too easy last year – there were so many “high achievers”. This year we’ll toughen up on some of the
questions, and ask that members embrace a “club spirit” by (where possible) driving their classic
vehicles, and restricting the number of participants per vehicle (making the playing field more level).
I know that our Events Coordinator and Vice-President have worked on the events schedule for
June, and it is quite a full calendar. Two B-I-G events not to be missed are the run to “Mulla Villa” at
Wollombi (Sunday 5 June), and the visit to “Lost in the Fifties” car museum (Sunday 26 June). The
museum was very well attended and greatly loved by those who attended a couple of years ago.
The three major events for later in the year (Forster weekend, Bathurst weekend, and Gala Dinner
Cruise) are all well into the planning/finalisation phase, and more will be divulged at a later time.
So, bye bye bye from Ireland (to be sure, to be sure, to be sure). See you on the roads
sometime soon.
Laurie Nolan, PSCAA President
Our next monthly meeting is at Nelson Bay
Bowling Club on Thursday, May 12th at 6 p.m.
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Fish & Chips Run to Tea Gardens 10/4/16 – CE1617
By Jan Puckeridge
Pictures by Terry
Jim’s high-revving, hardworking “RED ROCKET”
Lancia Fulvia…..
ready to roar into action
to Tea Gardens Pub
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I joined Kay and Michele ready for a pleasant run to Tea Gardens.
Oh my Goodness, it’s Wednesday and I just remembered that Brian asked me to write about the
Fish & Chip run to Tea Gardens.
It was a beautiful day, blue skies and nice and warm. I was surprised at the number of cars that
arrived at Caltex Petrol Station for take-off.
Brian and the Committee members present wanted the convoy to catch up at the lay way (??) just
past the Medowie Road turn off on the Highway.
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There were 5 cars patiently waiting and we suddenly saw all these car Club cars go sailing past on
the highway. Leading that lot was, you guessed it, Brian in his green Holden, didn’t even give us a
look. Well, of course all the cars behind him just followed on.
We took off after them with Jim in the lead but we lost him in about 10 seconds. How he doesn’t get
booked beats me. He caught up with Brian’s lot who were parked along the Tea Gardens Road, but
whizzed past them.
Eventually we all made it at approximately the same time and parked wherever we could.
The first lot to arrive couldn’t see a table for us so we rearranged the furniture out the back room to
accommodate us all. We pulled tables and chairs from everywhere, even took a table from a guy who
was at the bar and when he arrived back his table had gone!
So half of us were now sitting down and wondering where the other half had got to and they were in
the front room wondering where we were.
Finally, it was realised that Doug had booked and the hotel had put us in the front room. Ah….that
now makes sense but, we had so many extra people that they had to reorganize that room, also.
Time for a drink and order the food. Chatting away and the fish and chips cones, etc were coming
thick and fast. A bit of confusion of who owned what and Greg realises that we were all getting food
and he hadn’t even ordered. Can’t seem to think without Dianne!
Terry did his usual lap of photo taking but ended up across the road with several other members
drooling about a brand new white Mustang. Must say it was pretty impressive!
Some of us then sat outside in the sun with the lovely view and enjoyed each other’s company
before we took off for home. Trevor let me drive the MG home for the first time!! Woohoo ! Kay Smith
drove their Mercedes and we followed Greg all the way. He had Judy as his passenger and must have
been chatting because he drove so slowly and just when I thought I could overtake him he would
speed up. So frustrating….?? #*?#* Mustang drivers!!!
Page 5
Nola and Gary
Brown enjoy
at the Tea
Gardens Hotel.
The fish &
chips were
also excellent.
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Jean enjoying the grounds at Tea Gardens Hotel…..Where’s Terry you ask?.....Taking the beaut pics…..Nice ones Terry….….Ed
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DAY at
Charles’ –
17/4/16 –
Pictures by Ed and Terry
Andrew hooking up the Mercury
and Terry unplugged.
Surgeons around a engine. The BBQ was great….thanks Laurie.
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SMB – CBC Café Paterson – 22/4/16 – CE1620
By Barry
What a gorgeous day to go for a "hoot" to
Paterson I thought as I sat with my 5 -year-ol d
grandson Tom on the sunny veranda of the
majestic ol d CBC buildi ng after enjoying a very
tasty breakfast and coffee. I was sitti ng
alongsi de B rian when he casually tol d me I w as
to do the tri p report on the SMB run to
Paterson! Tom had j ust counted 89 rail trucks
passi ng over the Mai n Street crossi ng, his day
was made.
Being second i n li ne from the start at
Caltex I attempted to keep in si ght one very
rapi d, sounds magi c, grey 5-li tre Tickford AU
Falcon ute consci ous of the some 14 other
members of the convoy w ho probably knew
where Paterson was but I certai nly didn't.
There are probably more di rect ways to get
to our destinati on I thought as attempting to
keep the tail gate of the Falcon ute i n si ght but
who cares, the scenery through the rolli ng hills
is magic and the V6 2.5 quad cam i n my MG ZS
is singing.
From the vi ew from my rear view mirror as
we meandered through this " B ushranger"
country as I was tryi ng to expl ain to Tom, I saw
the col ourful array of treasured club cars
stinging out behind uphill and dow n dale, w hat
a great sight.
Pics by Terry
Those parti cipating i n the great run today
were: Terry, V8 C orvette, Trevor 2 and Peter
MGF, A ndrew Ford Capri, D oug BMW, Matt and
Gerry B MW, John and Denis wi fe's Audi , Jeff
Mazda MX5, C harlie V8 Mercedes, Warri ck
Lexus 4WD, B rian Hol den Commodore, and me,
Barry MG ZS Hard Top.
On arrivi ng at the quai nt ol d historic tow n
of Paterson we w ere wel comed by the owners
of the CBC Bed and breakfast and cafe (the
ori ginal Commercial B anki ng C ompany of
Sydney buildi ng) and treated to some country
fare tucker most of us lounging in the sun on
the front and si de verandas w ith discussions
ranging from cars of course, to poli tics which
bri ngs to mi nd the sayi ng " Pol iticians are li ke
nappies, they need to be changed often and for
the same reason".
Just as we w ere wal king to our parked cars
to head back home w e came across a beautiful
red ri ght-hand-drive Chevy C orvette parked i n a
driveway of a colourful guy, Gl en, w ho had a
real "man shed" the full si de length of hi s
house. A n invitation was extended to hi m to
join our Club.
As very new members of the Club my wife
Maril yn and I have been very w elcomed and are
enjoying the many varied activi ties on offer.
Grand ma's Ho me Remedi es
“For better digesti on I dri nk beer.
In the case of appetite loss I drink
white wine. In the case of low blood
pressure I drink red wi ne. I n the case
of hi gh bl ood pressure I dri nk scotch,
and when I have a cold I drink
When do you drink water she w as
" I've never been that sick!"
Page 11
Q: What was your first car?
A: A 1928 Chevrolet coupe. Had many and varied ever since.
Current classic is a 1969 351 Ford Mustang convertible.
Q: How long have you been a member of PSCAA?
A: 2+ years.
Q: Which car was your favourite car?
A: Our current 3-litre BMW Twin Turbo.
Q: Have you had much work to do on your cars?
A: Busy being a mechanic the Ford conversion
was HUGE!
Q: What has been the best about owning your cars?
A: Learning from all of them.
Q: What has been worst about owning these cars?
A: Expenses associated with them.
Q: Are you looking to purchase another car?
A: NO!!!
Q: If money was no object what would be your
dream car?
Than kyou Charlie for your involvement with
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Breakfast at Little Beach – 24/4/16 – CE1621
Pictures by Terry
Rob and Sue
enjoying a light
Brian T’s
Page 14
LAURIE visits
Bert Munro’s
Fastest Indian
Museum in NZ
And enjoyed every
minute of it!
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Mid-Week Run to
Largs Hotel – 27/4/16 –
Congratulations Allan….
nice new wheels
The bonnet was
opened….ready for our
Pics by Terry
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The ever-popular Largs pub run was sweet…the company was excellent….the beer was cold and the food was good.
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One of Wally’s classic bikes … this Ducati 900 …. took part in the run. Easy to park eh Wally?
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Happy, hungry, smiling faces at Largs Hotel Bistro…..
The sign on the wall next to them says it all….Ed
Page 20
With the coming of Spring there is nothing
better to do than take your Classic for a tour on
the best scenic roads in NSW combined with a
visit to historical landmarks.
Leaving the Bay we will tour the Upper
Hunter Valley via the Golden Valley Highway to
Denman through the wine, sheep and cattle
country to Bylong then onto the pretty town of
After lunch we will proceed to the Gold
Mining town of Sofala. Next stop Bathurst to
view the Car Museum. After a lap of the Circuit
it’s off to the beautiful historic hamlet of
Millthorpe which will be our lodgings for 2
nights. Dinner that night at the local hotel.
Saturday morning after breakfast (held in the
local Newspaper shop) we are off to Orange to
the Base for morning tea, then up to the
Lookout. Onwards to Highland Estate for wine
tasting and lunch. After lunch back to Millthorpe
to explore the various historic sites.
Sunday after breakfast we proceed down the
Great Western Highway to the historic village of
Hartley for morning tea and view all the convictbuilt buildings. The Court House was built 1837
where many a scoundrel got their just desserts.
That concludes the weekend.
The cost for the 3-day weekend includes 2
nights’ accommodation at Millthorpe, twin share.
Wine tasting and lunch at the Highland Winery
on Saturday. Morning tea at Hartley on Sunday.
Actual costs will be provided in the next couple
of weeks, with plenty of time to pay before the
You will receive all route instructions, maps,
food stops and comfort stops.
All payments to be paid to the PSCAA either
by cheque, cash or electronically by no later
than the Association Meeting on Thursday 11th of
August 2016. Any Questions regarding this event
do not hesitate to call me on 4981-0456 or
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The weather was fine, the beer and cones
(fish and chips that is) were excellent!
Happy Motoring….Catch you next month….Ed
For all your reports for the newsletter, please email to
in a email message, a Word only document, not docx as unable to sub-edit. Thanks
Are you receiving all the Emails?
Members should be receiving the following regular Emails:
Monthly Newsletters from Brian via Laurie or Michelle.
Monthly events calendars from Irene and Doug.
Reminders about 48 hours before each event also from Trevor 2.
If you are not receiving all of these please let us know by phoning or emailing:
President Laurie: on 0406 747 847
Secretary Nerida:
Events Irene & Doug:
Regalia Greg: 0428 292 108
Newsletter Editor Brian: 4981 3031
(Brian’s Mobile: 0412 011 676)
If all else fails please notify any of the above at our monthly meetings, the
second Thursday of each month, 6pm at Nelson Bay Bowling Club.
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