June 2014


June 2014
V o l u me 1 , I s s u e 6
JUNE 2014
Panama City, Bay County,
Established April 2001
Newsletter of Bay British Cars
-Bob Lowy
Vice President
-Gary Finster
-Lisa Weis
-Terry Kent
Web Master
-Ken Waringa
-Lisa Weis
The June 3rd, 2014 Bay British Car Club meeting at Triple “J” Restaurant was
called to order by President, Bob Lowy at 6:15 pm. 35 members were in
attendance. Terry Kent, treasurer, reported: Balance: $133.68. Income: Shirt
Sales: $100.00, Raffle - $30.00, New Member- $20.00, Expense: Club Shirts:
Ken Waringa is doing a great job on the website and it helping us gain new
Bob introduced new and out of town members. Our newest member is Nick
Hartwell who owns a 1972 MGB. Bill and Maureen Nieland from Washington
State own a 1975 TR6, 1987 911 SC Porsche, 1972 MGB, 1965 Jaguar 3.5, 1964
SK. Richard and Tom Dryer’s Mother Laverne came for a visit all the way from
Kentucky to be with us. Ed and Brenda Kirkland came from Tallahassee. Ed
makes those awesome bimini tops for your convertible. I have one on the Midget
and it is great at keeping the sun and heat off of you. Reggie Vickers from
Eurasian Garages, Inc. also attended our meeting and will talk with us a bit later.
The May Drives and Dives to Sim’s Veteran Nursing home was well received by the residents and they
enjoyed all of our cars. I think hands down, Rich’s Ferrari won the award for best liked car. It was
interesting to talk with the Vets and hear about what British car they owned.
Cairo, GA was a great time except for when Terry blew a fan blade. So it has been said, if you travel
with Terry to a car show….beware! Just saying!!!
Crystal River gathering of the Faith was another great event.
28 June is our next run which will take us to Wewahitchka & Parramores Restaurant.
The beach people will meet at the old Kmart parking at 9:45 am and the city people meet at the WOW
(formerly Knology) parking lot at 1000 am. From there, we will head towards Wewahitchka. We will
arrive around 11:00 to visit a park on the lake for snacks and check out the Tupelo Honey. From there we
will head to Blountstown for lunch at Parramore’s Restaurant. Laurie and Christine are the POCs for this
run. If you signed up at the club meeting and change yyour
our mind prior to the run, please contact Laurie
This Friday June 6th is Friday Fest. Our parking spots are in front of Millie’s on 6th and Harrison. First car
there park on the South end of our area to secure all of our spots.
Thanks to Sarah, Bob and Lynn for the interview with the Panama City Living Magazine which took place
at the Moore Museum. The Museum will be featured in the July issue.
Why are we interested in British Cars? We like to have fun, keep marquees going, and take our cars on fun
trips. The club has a wealth of knowledge on how to fix our cars and members are willing to assist others
who need help.
The first ever BBC Fun Kana will be in August (date TBD). It will be held in Sears’s building parking lot
across from the post office on 17th across from the Post Office.
September the Lowy’s and Pfinster’s will host the Wild Heron Scavenger Hunt and Party (date TBD).
October (date TBD) Gary will again head up the Baytowne Wharf run. This run will also consist of a car
show with cars from the BBC, Tallahassee and Pensacola. Baytowne will helpA with
advertising this event.
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picture or graphic.
In March name tags were ordered for &12.25. If you would like one see Terry Kent. You must pay prior to
New Business
Rich suggested that each member purchase a halon fire extinquisher. A regular extinquisher will ruin your
British car.
The Hill production will be putting on a car show in Defuniak Springs (date TDB).
Thanks to everyone that attend
nd Charlie’s 70th Birthday party. It was a great turnout and the BBQ rocked.
“To catch the
reader’s attention,
50/50 raffle had a total of $86 and $43 went to Charlie and Jan Schott.
place an
Reggie from Eurasian Garages, Inc talked to the club about tuning cars. Reggie specializes in complete
import repairs “FROM BUGS TO ROLL”. He is located at 738 Airport Road in Panama City, FL (850)
sentence or quote
769-7791). If you need advice or your car fixed, see Reggie.
from the story
Some pictures from Charlie’s claim to fame in the Sacred Octagon Magazine.