I. D-Lab – Objectivizing behavior ....................................................


I. D-Lab – Objectivizing behavior ....................................................
D-Lab – Objectivizing behavior ............................................................................................................... 1
II. D-Lab.The modules. ............................................................................................................................... 1
III. D-Lab. For every requirement. Essential. Professional. Enterprise. ........................................................ 3
IV. D-Lab. For every study phase. Plan. Measure. Analyze. ........................................................................ 3
V. D-Lab. THe Highlights ............................................................................................................................. 4
VI. D-Lab. Module-independent functions .................................................................................................... 6
VII. D-Lab. Application areas. ........................................................................................................................ 8
D-Lab is your powerful, all-purpose tool for synchronous data capture and analysis for user
and behavior studies. You can combine its measurement and analysis modules flexibly,
enabling you to tailor D-Lab to your exact requirements. It supports you throughout your whole
testing process – from test planning and synchronous data capture through to results analysis
and visualization.
Working with D-Lab is highly efficient and effective due to its optimized workflow and the
analysis function specific to every measurement and analysis module. In addition, D -Lab
includes international ISO standards, ensuring you have valid, comparable results worldwide.
These are just some of the reasons why D-Lab is the first choice for everyone wanting to
run and analyze top-class, efficient experiments!
Each module comprises two parts: one or more sensors, which are the actual measurement
instruments capturing the readings; and the associated software module for measuring,
analyzing and visualizing the results. Ergoneers provides you with several D -Lab modules that
you can mix and match as desired.
That makes D-Lab a highly scalable solution – from the measurement of a single value through
to equipping a complete laboratory!
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
D-Lab Eye-Tracking Head-Mounted
For the capture, live visualization and automatic analysis of gaze behavior using our mobile
and flexible Dikablis glasses
D-Lab Eye-Tracking Remote
The best solution for unobtrusively analyzing gaze behavior in static setups – such as
studying people in front of monitors, projections and table superstructures – using our highprecision Remote Tracker
D-Lab Eye-Tracking VR
The solution for capturing and analyzing gaze behavior in virtual environments. Alongside
the integration of HMDs as standard, we also provide the Dikablis Hardware Development
Kit for eye-tracking with practically any device worn on the head, including HMDs, helmets
and 3D glasses
D-Lab Video
The module for video-based behavior analysis. D-Lab Video enables you to record as many
video streams as you want – from PAL cameras and DVI signals through to full-HD IP
cameras with a PTZ function – and gives you extremely precise qualitative and quantitative
D-Lab Audio
For synchronously recording up to 16 audio signals and analyzing them perfectly by using
selective track playback as well as accurate analysis functions for transcription and
statistical analysis
D-Lab DataStream
Its TCP/IP and fieldbus (analog/digital I/O) sensor interfaces make it the perfect module for
recording multiple data streams from simulations, vehicles, airplanes and any kind of
measurement device. The analysis functions span pure visualization in diagrams,
processing the readings with the D-Lab formula editor, and statistical analysis.
D-Lab CAN Bus
With the D-Lab CAN Bus module, you can record encrypted and decrypted data (using DBC
files) from the CAN bus and transmit data to it. The analysis of CAN measurement data
ranges from visualizing them using various charts to processing the readings with the D-Lab
formula editor and statistical analysis.
D-Lab Physio
Enables flexible measurement of physiological values such as EEG, EMG, ECG, pulse, skin
conductance, respiration and many more. It provides synchronous playback as well as
precise analysis using the D-Lab formula editor and statistical analysis.
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
D-Lab Motion
Enables extremely precise measurement of human movement behavior using leading motion
capture sensors. Used in combination with D-Lab Eye- Tracking, you obtain synchronized
measurements of both gaze and movement. That delivers unprecedented opportunities for
analyzing and modeling behavior.
We provide three versions of D-Lab and its modules so that you can choose the one that best
meets your needs. D-Lab Essential is the cost-effective, entry-level module with basic functions
that help you carry out behavior studies and analyze the results manually. Then there’s the fast
and effective D-Lab Professional module that provides multiple additional functions along with
automated analysis. For the highest levels of flexibility, choose D-Lab Enterprise with its userdefined design options. With its modular structure and three different versions, D-Lab lets you
tailor it to meet your exact needs and requirements.
D-Lab enables you to design your experiments in a personalized and targeted way and keep
track of how your project is progressing. During the planning phase, D -Lab supports all your
activities – from selecting the test person to defining the test areas and configuring the sensors.
During the measurement process, you can monitor all channels in real time, and detect and log
interdependencies immediately. D-Lab analysis provides a synchronous playback of the
measurement data and allows you to accurately analyze gaze behavior, actions, verbal
comments, physiological reactions, movements, gestures and facial expressions. You’ll also
benefit from the wide range of statistical functions in D -Lab. For your series of experiments, you
can generate convincing statistics, diagrams and demo videos. D -Lab also gives you a clear
overview of the experiment across all its sub-projects and helps you obtain valuable results.
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
D-Lab is your all-purpose tool for the synchronous capture and analysis of behaviorrelated data – with D-Lab, you can capture any measurements
from your test persons and their surroundings and use the powerful software to analyze the
resulting data. D-Lab supports you through the entire process – from test planning and
synchronous data capture through to results analysis and visualiz ation
Increasing number of measurement sensors – the D-Lab measurement and analysis
environment already includes a very wide range of sensors that objectively measure human
behavior and the test person’s surroundings. We are constantly expanding this sens or
portfolio – and if you require specific sensors, we would be happy to integrate them with
D-Lab on demand. We can do this very quickly thanks to D-Lab’s modular structure
Offline import for later synchronization – if a sensor can’t be synchronized online, the
D-Lab offline import function lets you import data later and synchronize them offline. That
means you can import data from any sensors after the event and analyze them together with
the data captured by D-Lab
No constraints on the amount of data to be captured in D-Lab with its distributed
architecture – the distributed architecture lets you install D-Lab on several computers in a
network, giving you limitless scalability when recording synchronous data. For e xample, you
could easily record videos from
40 full-HD observation cameras and 10 mobile Dikablis Eye -Trackers – and accurately
analyze consumers’ buying behavior in an entire supermarket!
D-Lab has its own scripting language for maximum flexibility – with the D-Lab scripting
language, you can access all your data, either online during data recording or offline after
the experiment, and process them further using your own algorithms. It includes multiple
instructions, logic operators, filters etc. to help you. During data recording, you could react
to user behavior in real time and trigger a certain reaction if, say, the test person looks at a
certain object in the room and his/her pulse rate suddenly increases at the same time. For
data analysis, you could use the scripting language to develop your own analysis algorithms
and create new variables, tasks and parameters. The scripting language means that you no
longer have to export data from D-Lab for processing in spreadsheets or other programming
environments. Instead of losing the synchronization in this way, you can keep the data in D Lab and process them there. The main benefit – alongside the flexibility and maintaining
synchronization – is that you can visualize new variables immediately with D-Lab charts and
analyze them with the statistical analysis function in D -Lab.
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
D-Lab as a real-time data management platform – you can use D-Lab to: (1)
synchronously record data from several data sources (human, surroundings, devices); (2)
use the scripting language to process them in real time and use multiple interfaces like
TCP/IP and CAN to (3) send them to any other devices and (4) measure the devices’
reactions to this input or (5) measure the user’s reaction to the device’s reaction using D Lab. D-Lab acts as an integrated real-time data management platform to control devices
based on their condition or on the user’s condition and reactions.
Modular structure of D-Lab – D-Lab is structured in a modular way with its measurement
and analysis modules, making it very easy to adapt to the needs and requirements of any
type of experiment. All of its measurement and analysis modules can be mixed and matched
as required, so you could combine, say, eye-tracking with video observation and
physiological measurements in one study, and only video and audio observation in another.
Frequency-independent data sources – D-Lab can adapt to different frequencies from
different data sources while ensuring it saves their data completely synchronously. For
example, it can transmit videos at 25Hz, eye- tracking data at 300Hz and physiological
readings at 100Hz to D-Lab with no problem. D-Lab saves everything synchronously and
replays everything 100% synchronously too.
Real-time visualization of all data sources – with D-Lab, you can visualize all readings
from all data sources in real time with a wide range of different diagrams, enabling you to
accurately monitor the test person and the experiment. You can visualize your readings with
line, scatter, pie and bar charts – and select which data you want to visualize in them.
Videos can be displayed in video windows, while gaze data is shown in gaze video players
with additional visualization options like online gaze pathway display and a real -time heat
map display. Audio can be replayed acoustically as well as optically using amplitude charts.
Freely configurable screen layout with multi-monitor capability – D-Lab enables you to
configure your screen layout – in other words, to choose which information to view as well
as where and how it is displayed – exactly how you want it. You can even distribute it across
several monitors, which is very useful if one monitor is too small to display the wealth of
information and data you want to see! You can also configure your screen layout for
different phases of the experiment. For example, you could have a screen layout in the
“Measure” area that enables you to monitor the experiment during data recording, while
choosing a different one for the “Analyze” area that lets you view key parameters for your
data analysis. Each layout you choose is saved and reloaded in exactly the same format the
next time you start D-Lab.
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
- Simulation function to send real data to devices and applications – all data captured by
D-Lab and new variables created with the scripting language can be synchronously replayed
after the experiment. You can use the integrated relay function to send them to other devices
and applications via TCP/IP or CAN. That lets you use D -Lab to “feed” these devices and
applications with data and simulate real situations in the lab as often – and with as many
variations – as you want.
Implementation of the newest standards in measurement and analysis methods – we
have placed a great deal of importance on ensuring validity, comparab ility and
reproducibility in D-Lab – so it can be used for studies around the world. That’s why we’re
always implementing the latest measurement and analysis standards in D -Lab for the
evaluation of human behavior. For example, it includes the recognized s tandards EN ISO
15007-1 and ISO/TS 15007-2 for measuring and analyzing gaze behavior.
Scalability of the measurement and analysis modules – the D-Lab measurement and
analysis modules are available in each of the three versions: Essential, Professional and
Enterprise. That enables you as a user to select and combine your D -Lab modules
according to your needs, and upgrade each or all of them whenever you want.
Alongside the module-specific functions, D-Lab also includes a wealth of functions that you
can use regardless of which modules you’ve selected. They handle important tasks during the
experiment and for data analysis.
Comment function – you can use the comment function to make time-specific notes, both
during online data capture and offline during data analysis. If you click on a comment, you
automatically jump to the right moment in the data and can re-examine the associated
information. This function is ideal for noting operating errors and problems as well as for
user comments during usability walkthroughs and think-aloud studies. The comments can
also be exported and forwarded to user interface developers, who can then optimize the
interface based on the insight.
Video cutting function – you can use the integrated video cutting function to export freely
definable areas of the D-Lab screen as videos and send them out by email or import them
into presentations. The screen area to be exported is defined with a polygon. For example,
you can draw a polygon around all videos and charts and note the time segment you want –
such as minute 2 to minute 3 – and D-Lab will export a video file corresponding to your
definitions. The video can be played using any standard media player
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
Task and event management – D-Lab enables you to predefine tasks and events and mark
them online during data capture or offline during data analysis. The tasks and events can be
marked manually by the experiment manager or controlled remotely with a network event
(such as another application). The tasks and events can be used as filters in statistical
analysis, enabling you to limit data analysis to certain tasks
Recording task-dependent and event-driven data – to keep data volumes in long studies
as low as possible, D-Lab lets you record task-dependent or event-driven data. You simply
predefine your task and stipulate which data should be captured for it whenever it is
activated. Tasks can be triggered by the experiment manager, by other applications (via a
TCP/IP event), or by the scripting language. To give an example, for a test drive in a vehicle
you could monitor the distance from the car in front using the scripting language and only
activate data capture if this distance drops below a certain level. That would let you only
save data concerning critical situations.
Managing test persons using attributes – D-Lab enables you to freely define test person
attributes (e.g. age, sex, etc.) to add properties to each test person. You can then use the
test person attributes as a filter in the statistics area and limit your statistical analysis to
data about a certain group of test persons
Statistics function – D-Lab provides an appropriate statistics function for every
measurement and analysis module that lets you run statistical analyses on your results and
aggregate them across all test persons. Four filters are available for more precise analysis:
“Test Person Attributes”, “Tasks”, “Readings” and “Metrics”. This lets you define exactly
which statistics D-Lab should analyze. For example, you could set it to analyze “female test
persons of 30-40 years old” (= test person attributes) looking at an advertisement (= task),
measuring skin conductance (= readings) and the standard deviation (metrics).
Separation of study data and study attributes – you can separate study data (the data
that are captured) from the study attributes (test person attributes like age, sex etc., screen
layout, configuration of data capture sources, tasks, scripting language algorithms). That
lets you “plan” a study locally, then export the study attributes and send them to other
locations to be reimported into D- Lab there. That allows staff in the other locations to run a
study with exactly the same test design as your initial one. Based on a local study, you can
reproduce comparable experiments worldwide.
Integrated study data management – D-Lab includes a concept similar to the “Places”
feature in Windows 8. That lets you define a network drive as a “Place” and have the
recorded study data copied to it by the computer capturing the information. You can also
use another computer to access this “Place” with D-Lab and analyze the data in parallel
while the recording computer is still capturing data and copying it to your “Place”. D-Lab
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99
looks after the data management, combining data and results in the background. This
integrated data management enables global collaboration and incremental data analysis.
Export of all raw data – with the export function, D-Lab gives you access to all raw data
and to new variables created with the scripting language. You can export these to other
programs (such as MS Excel, SPSS, Matlab) for further processing. With the structured
export, you can export all data and videos about all the test persons for the entire duration
of the experiment, or have D- Lab edit them for you. As in the Statistics function, the edit
feature includes several filters that enable you to specify exactly which data should be
exported – which test persons, which timeframe and at what frequency
Market research
Vehicle research (cars, trucks, construction vehicles, utility vehicles)
Airplane research
Railway research
Behavioral research
Perception research
Monitoring rooms
Design clinics
Teaching and learning research
Sport and biomechanics research
Animal behavior
Medical research
Virtual reality & augmented reality
Architecture/building/exhibition studies
Production ergonomics and workplace design
Ergoneers GmbH
Mitterstraße 12
85077 Manching
T +49.8459.99542-0
F +49.8459.99542-99