talquin Current NL Nov15 - Talquin Electric Cooperative
talquin Current NL Nov15 - Talquin Electric Cooperative
DECEMBER 2015 “The Current” December 2015 Vol. MMXV No. 12 USPS #356-710 “The Current” is the official newsletter of Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc., published monthly as an informational and educational service to the members of the Cooperative. Periodical postage paid at Tallahassee, Florida. SUBSCRIPTION RATE Cooperative Member $1.50 per year. Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer. EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 1679 1640 West Jefferson Street Quincy, Florida 32353-1679 Tracy Bensley, General Manager Ken A. Cowen, Director of Administrative Services/Editor PRINTED BY: Graphic Press Corporation, Tallahassee, Florida POSTMASTER In using Form 3579 please give key letter and mail to “The Current,” P.O.Box 1679, Quincy, Florida 32353-1679 OFFICERS Carrie L. Durden President Home 850-539-9751 P.O. Box 541 Havana, Florida 32333 William R. VanLandingham Vice-President Cell 850-545-5604 or Home 850-442-6252 519 Telogia Creek Road Quincy, Florida 32351 Joseph Alexander Secretary/Treasurer Home 850-627-2704 507 Deerwood Circle Quincy, Florida 32352 TRUSTEES Dr. Clifford S. Bristol Home 850-643-5350 15333 N.W. CR 12 Bristol, Florida 32321 Doug Bruce Cell 850-321-7674 P.O. Box 10855 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 D uring this holiday season and throughout the year, we, at Talquin, are privileged to work to power the communities we serve and empower our Members to improve the quality of their lives. One of the many ways we do this is by returning Capital Credits to you, our Members, who have invested over the years in your Cooperative. Each year Talquin’s Board of Trustees looks at the financial condition of the Cooperative to determine whether it is appropriate to refund Capital Credits (General Refund Checks) and, if so, the amount to be refunded. This year, your Board has authorized a Capital Credit refund of over $3.1 million. Capital Credits will be distributed in the form of checks that will be mailed out this month. Capital Credits are a reflection of the Cooperative which is owned by you, the Membership. We deliver service to Members at cost on a not-for-profit basis. Any margins (revenues in excess of costs) are allocated to Members during the year the margins are produced, and are later returned to those Members who received service during the year being refunded. The total amount of refunds to Talquin Members over the past seventy-five years is more than $69.8 million! It is through the combined efforts of you, our Members, the Talquin Board of Trustees, and Talquin employees that we were able to provide safe and reliable services throughout this past year. Thank you all for your support and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sam Fenn Home 850-576-5072 3539 Lakeview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32310 Mal Green Home 850-893-4802 7882 Bandits Run Tallahassee, Florida 32309 Bobby J. Strickland Home 850-926-7290 108 Coleman Road Crawfordville, Florida 32327 Dr. David L. Wright Home 850-875-2928 1194 Solomon Dairy Road Quincy, FL 32352 The TECI and TWWI Board regularly schedule their workshops on the 1st Monday of each month and meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Headquarters’ Office in Quincy, FL at 7:00 p.m. For specific dates, times and locations, please refer to our website at www.talquinelectric.com. Notice of any changes will be listed on the website. 2 Carrie Durden, Board President Powering Communities/Empowering Communities/Em Members Tracy Bensley, General Manager THE CURRENT | DECEMBER 2015 Employee Recognition Cost Savings Talquin has Member Service Offices located in each of the four counties we serve. Each office is staffed with Metering and Service Technicians whose primary responsibilities are to handle any Member concerns regarding billing, electric and water metering and appointment schedules. The Metering and Service Techs map out their work assignments each morning geographically to maximize time and fuel efficiency. This method eliminates unnecessary “backtracking” throughout their service area thus saving valuable resources for our membership. “The single cab pickup truck with the ladder on the back” is how most Members describe the Metering and Service Technicians when they observe these men working in the field. 5-Year 10-year 24 Hour Automated Payment Option 15-year Call and make a payment any time of the day! • • • • • • Account number will be required to make a payment Total amount is due to avoid late fee or interruption of service No extra fee for this service Credit cards & e-checks accepted Available 24 hours, 7 days a week Payments must still be received by 5:00 pm on due date to avoid a late fee The average cost of a ÀUHK\GUDQWLV 20-y 20-year 25 year y Kitchen Tips for an Energy-Wise ise Holiday Traditionally, the winter holidays are a time for delicious food shared with cherished company. This year, as you count your blessings, you might give a thought to the reliable energy sources that enable you to prepare those culinary delights so enjoyed by family and friends. Today’s new kitchen appliances use nearly 50 percent less energy than those built just a decade ago. Still, when holiday time rolls around, your energy bills can rise considerably, with your stove, oven, and dishwasher running overtime, and the door to your refrigerator standing open frequently as family members search for hidden treats. Thankfully, it’s not difficult to keep added holiday energy costs to a minimum. Just follow these few simple tips: Turn on the oven light and check the cooking status through the oven win- DECEMBER 2015 | THE CURRENT dow. Opening the oven door lowers the perature inside by as temperature h as 25 degrees - which increases much ing time and wastes energy. cooking ng as your oven is on, cookk As long al items at the same time. several Just make sure you leave gh room for the heat enough rculate around each to circulate role and pie plate. casserole n cooking on top When our range, match h of your ize of the pan to the heating elethe size ment. More heat will get to the pan and less will be lost to the surrounding air. Believe it or not, a six-inch pan on an eight-inch burner will waste more than 40 percent of the energy! *consumerenergycenter.org 30-y 30-year 35-y 35-year 15-Year 15-Y Employees Natalie Barrett Joshua Blankenship RaSarah Browder Branden Rager Bill Shiskin Megan Smith Reed Towles Justin Wiwi Allison Brunson Roscoe Holley Marie Horton Chris Kincaid Tanner Lee Ryan Stephens Deborah Christian Stanley Cmiel Stacy Collins Ken Cowen Michael Ferry Mark Gainous Greg Janicki Eugene Reynolds Jonathan Temples Chris Ward James Ferrell Chad Locke Abby Emery David Kennedy Chuck Morgan John Revell Mark Taylor Dan Hancock Elaine Marchant Bobbie Revell Bruce Cromer Gary Hadland Michele Powell Ricky Vickers Directors Joseph Alexander Watts Happening Wa Dow Downtown Tallahassee New Year’s Eve 2016 2016! This FREE street party event will take place on the Adams Street Commons on December 31st, 2015. 7:00 pm – 12:30 am. Lineup: Mary and Aaron at 7:00, Waderfoot, headlined by The New 76ers w/ special guest. FIREWORKS show at midnight! Powering Communities/Empowering Members 3 trading post Trading Post Guidelines Miscellaneous In order to continue to provide The Trading Post in every issue of The Current, we ask Members to adhere to the guidelines listed below when submitting an ad. If an ad does not meet the criteria, it will not be published. There is no cost to place an ad in The Trading Post. Set of Real Fyre 24” gas logs. Set up for propane. Vent free operation. Split-oak look logs - $100. 539-5906 Healthrider H79T Treadmill in excellent condition with rubber mat - $300; colonial pine buffett/ hutch and table w/ 2 captain chairs and 4 side chair including two leafs for extending table - $500. 519-2588 Raw Wildflower Honey $5 half pint, $10 pint, $20 quart. 926-2658 Wood Exterior Door w/Window, 36”x80” brand NEW-Unused-purch @ Lowes for $324-now $225. Give ELVIS PRESLEY for Christmas! 25 LPs, RCA Originals, Very Nice-$139. Call/Text 459-9594 Fireplace Wood Insert - approx 24h x 34w. Black - worked great last year. Must remove from fireplace. $325 875-4678 Wedding Dress size 20 $450, mother of bride dress size 20 $150, flower girl dress size 14 $100. All never worn. Wide recliner $300. 576-5018 Refrigerator side-by-side. Kenmore 24 – ice/water. Good condition $380. 402-0348 One cemetery lot $3,750. Culley’s Chapel Garden. May be used for cremation statues, urns, or bench for storage of remains. 339-0154 8 pkgs (18 ct) lg adult protective underwear $10 pkg; lg & sm aluminum walkers w/ 2 wheels $15/$10; aluminum adj cane $5; 3”x16”x16” wheelchair cushion $10; 2 pr lg/xlg glen-sleeve tubular protective sleeves for arms $5 for both pr; bun & thigh roller $25; men’s suede (light tan) blazer size 38 $20. 442-4210 Square dance clothes. Skirts, blouses, shoes, crinolines. Also men’s shirts and pants. Call & leave msg 402-1714 Women & children clothes (XL, 2XL & small,large)and shoes (8 ½ - 10), appliances $5 and $10, dishes $2 and $3. Must go – make an offer. 510-3862 Fisher PH-DS56 portable Stereo/ CD $15, Kodak Digital Zoom Camera Z730 with one touch Kodak printer/ charger, 2 Rapid Battery Chargers and Case Logic carrying case only $45. 562-2086 Home interior nativity set in original boxes $100. 843-495-7527 13” Mac Book Pro 2012, excellent condition; w/ charger cord. 2.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5; 4GB 1333MHz $50. 954-401-5933 3-3 piece men suits pants – 32 waist/31 length; coats 42 also two ties. All for $60. 421-8516 Reptile aquarium – screen top L30”x H13” x w12” $25; saddle rack 3 tiers swing out arms $40; glass shelves 3/8”x14”45 ½” in crate $20; Maine lobster trap $20. 562-6276 Counter top 10’ long w/ 21”x32” sink cut out 42” from left hand end. One 37” long and one 17” long. good condition. $50. 877-8650 Compassionate Christian caregiver: 25+ yrs experience, meals, meds, personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, errands, etc. Dependable. Reasonable 4 • Members may submit one ad every three months (four times a year) • Ads must be twenty-five words or less • Must be typed or printed legibly in ink • No registered businesses may run an ad • No changes after ad submission • Deadlines are the first day of the month preceding the month of publication (For example, December 1st is the deadline for the January edition.) • Members must provide name, phone number, and account number. No email addresses will be published. Mail ads to: “The Current”, Talquin Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 1679, Quincy, FL 32353-1679 or e-mail to: tradingpost@talquinelectric.com rates. Excellent references.. 575-8906 Sm o k e r $ 1 5 , 2 refrigerators both need starters $30 forr both. 926-1937 Top king-size mat-tress, two gas heaters,, 150-gallon propanee gas tank, weed eat-er and one fold awayy bed. All in good condiition. 567-3358 Large antique trunk good condition $110 OBO; small dome lid antique trunk $125 OBO; antique reel push mower $50 OBO. 442-4449 Rifles: Winchester Model 9422M XTR, .22 Mag rifle $775; Winchester Model 94, 1894-1994, .30-30 $425; Both like new. Text or leave msg 228-6091 Golf Clubs, bag, 2-wheel caddy, two sets, never used, $225 each or $400 both; Black Leather Jackets men’s XL women’s 1X, $50 each, call/text 524-0099 Pool table 7 foot $250, ping pong table $75, 14 foot canoe $200. 926-3466 Washer & Dryer Set. Great Condition. LG Front loaders with attached pedestals for underneath storage. Each has 9 Cycles. About 5 years old. $325.00 Each. 309-0488 Real Estate Home for sale, 4016 Calle De Santos, near Louvinia $164,000. 1550 sq ft. many extras. Call your realtor or 878-8124 (owner). Realtor protected to 2% Brick 3/4 br 3 full bath w/ in-law suite 1900 sq ft on Briandav inside CC for $112,500. 2005 appraisal $129K. Demanding Melody sub between 2 hospitals; brick 3/2 new (roof, blinds, windows, doors, painting) on Doomar reduced $156,899 – last upgrade $25K. call/text 228-0868 Sopchoppy house for sale: 2nd home or camp. $115,000; 3 bed/bath, garage, dock, fish house. 508-8022 3 lots Chipola River Calhoun county, can put RV or mobile home good hunting & fishing. Good neighborhood. 643-1459/ 408-8461 3 bedroom house for sale: brick home w/ fence in Powering Communities/Empowering Members ill be closed on w s ce ffi o in u lq Ta ates: th the following d 24th and 25 r e b m ce e D • st • January 1 !! Happy Holidays front yard. Has 1 bathroom $64,000. As is. 627-1618 North Havana DWMH 1763 – 3-2 very well maintained, 2.16 acres. Newer roof, gated driveway. Lg steel shed, water & electric, fenced. Asking $89,000. 294-4528 3 BR 1 ½ bath SWMH HUD accepted. St John Community. 875-1026 Corner Lot 1.5 acres for sale Jackson County, FL Merritts Mill Road & Midway Fish Camp. 576-2395 Automotive RV Equipment: 50 amp surge guard protector $125, 30 amp male to 50 amp female electric plug $10, screen door guard (new) white $30, rock guard protector for towed vehicle by roadmaster w/stowaway bar-$125. 421-8342 1986 Yamaha RIVA 200 Scooter. Only 4900 miles. Approx. 100 mpg. Automatic, new battery and rear tire. Asking $695, 926-9140 leave message Vintage Hubcaps (4), fit 14” wheel, 60’s era, Very Nice Condition-$100 459-9594 1981 Honda Goldwing Motorcycle 1100CCI recent tires, starter & trimming belt, 40K, nice – asking $2,000. 421-9783 Honda 2006 VTX 1300 motorcycle – very good condition - $2,400. 933-4361 2004 Yamaha Silverado, 659cc $2,850 red/black, garage kept, loaded w/extras, 13000 miles. MUST SEE. Helmets incl. 539-5161 Airstream, 2013, 23 ft, Flying Cloud model 23D. serious illness forces sale, little used, excellent condition, “blue-ox” hitch, $44,950. Negotiable. 926-3101 Brand new fully enclosed 2015 cargo trailer: 18”Lx7’W, ramp rear door, camper style side door, THE CURRENT | DECEMBER 2015 full chrome pkg, deluxe stone guard, fully carpeted, roof vent, tandem axles, electric brakes on all 4 wheels, interior light, 6” plus interior height. $3,695. 562-5281 2002 Old Alero, body in good shape. Many new parts. $1,500 as is. 875-3472 87 TOYOTA COROLLA FX. Excellent condition inside/ out. Second owner-very well maintained. 190,000. miles. Friends FX over 300,000 miles. $1,900.00. 879-5509 2003 EZGO 36V Golf Cart. New batteries, hunter green, folding rear seat, roof, HD rear shocks. Just in time for Christmas! $1900 OBO. 228-1700 2013 Toyota Camryy - color Champagne, V-6, 17,000 miles, 4 door, fully equipped - excellent condition - $18,000 - must sell due to illness 893-4613 Farm/Garden Stumps. Have a Tree Stump in your way? We can help! No minimum. 661-7956 3 pt scaper blades – 5 ft & 7 ft $200 each. 933-4361 Organically grown heirloom vegetables, herbs, free-range eggs and fresh baked breads. 274-7690. Located in Crawfordville, FL. Delivery to TLH and Crawfordville available. Marine 96 18’ SunTracker Pontoon boat w/ trailor 40HP Tracker. $4,000. 926-1937 Wanted A few round bales of clean Bahiaa to be used as mulch. Must be weed free with no nut grass. 442-4451 Jukebox Technician to service working AMI Rowe. Knowledgeable, reasonable, and references a plus. 450-9594 Release of Final Rule – Clean Power Plan The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the final “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) on October23, 2015 and it will go into effect December 22, 2015. This is a complex rule and we are still in the analysis stage to determine how it could impact rates and reliability for our membership. We will provide more information in the near future regarding this rule. The link to the rule is www2.epa.gov/sites/production/ files/2015-08/documents/cpp-finalrule.pdf DECEMBER 2015 | THE CURRENT Light Out? We Need to Know If you see an outdoor light that is not working on Talquin Electric Cooperative’s system, please call or email the Cooperative to report it. When reporting a problem, please provide the information listed below, so that we can make the repair and contact you if necessary. Provide the light number located on the pole and describe the location clearly. Information such as street name, nearest street intersection, or other landmarks are very helpful. Accurate information is very important in identifying the outdoor light, especially if there are multiple lights in the area. Describe the nature of the problem; such as light is blinking, bulb is burned out, etc. Provide contact information such as the name, address, email address, or phone number of the person reporting the outdoor light so that they can be contacted if needed. Providing as much information as possible will help ensure the proper response for your request. We certainly appreciate your help in this matter. To report an inoperative or malfunctioning outdoor light, contact Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc. at (850)627-7651 during normal business hours or email memberfeedback@ talquinelectric.com . Talquin Members Matter! T ake our Member Survey and enter the drawing for a $100.00 VISA card! One survey per membership is allowed. The survey will close on December 21, 2015. Each Member who completes the survey and provides requested contact information will be entered in a drawing for ten winners of a $100.00 VISA card. Winners will be randomly selected on December 29th and listed in an upcoming edition of The Current and on our website. The survey may be found online at www. talquinelectric.com. Printed copies of the survey are available at any Member Service Office. Members may also call Kim Gay at (850) 627-7651 to set up a time to take the survey by phone or to request a copy by mail. We look forward to receiving your feedback and thank you in advance p for yyour p participation! E-Newsletter A faster way to get your Current! Subscribe at www.talquinelectric.com to receive your digital copy of The Current. (If you would like to discontinue your paper version, please email memberfeedback@talquinelectric.com, along with your account number and address. Thank you!) Powering Communities/Empowering Members 5 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT #BreastCancerAwareness #PINKPower #ConcernForCommunity No Bake Chewy Truffle Cookies – a healthier take on holiday cookies 1 cup dried pitted dates, 4-ounces, chopped 1 cup water 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons honey or agave syrup 2 tablespoons reduced-fat or no-stir natural chunky peanut butter 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats, not instant 8 full sheets whole wheat graham crackers, finely ground, about 1 1/4 cups Cooking spray - For coating: unsweetened coconut flakes, crushed graham crackers, finely chopped peanuts, low-fat granola, about 1/2 cup of each, optional 1. Combine the dates, water, and lemon juice in a medium saucepan. Simmer over medium heat breaking up any large pieces of dates with a spoon, until the mixture resembles a thick paste, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in the honey, peanut butter, cocoa powder, butter and salt until evenly combined. Stir in the graham crackers and oats. Remove from heat. 2. Lightly mist a baking sheet with cooking spray. Drop level tablespoons of the cookie mixture onto the prepared pan. Refrigerate until just chilled and set, about 20 minutes. 3. Put desired optional toppings in small bowls. Roll each cookie in desired topping and flatten slightly into a plump disk. Cover and refrigerate until firm. Serve chilled. *footnetwork.com 6 Powering Communities/Empowering Members THE CURRENT | DECEMBER 2015 VOLUNTARY MEMBER ENROLLMENT TO DONATE TO THE TALQUIN ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TAP) Member Name ____________________________________________ Electric Account Number____________________________________ Water Account Number_____________________________________ Mailing Address ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________________________________ Option 1: By signing this form and submitting it to Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Talquin), I authorize Talquin to add $_____________ per month to my bill to be used in connection with the voluntary Talquin Assistance Program (TAP). Option 2: By signing this form and submitting it to Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Talquin), I authorize Talquin to round-up my monthly utility account(s) each month to the nearest whole dollar amount, with the added sum to be used in connection with the voluntary Talquin Assistance Program (TAP). In the event my monthly account(s) display(s) a credit, then the credit due will be rounded down to the nearest dollar, and the funds retained will be donated to TAP. I understand that the funds I donate each month will be used by Talquin for charitable purposes which will primarily focus on assisting other Talquin Members who cannot pay their utility bill. I understand that, should the total amount of donations exceed this charitable purpose, the excess donations may be used for such other charitable purposes as are approved by the Board and reported to the Membership. I understand that participation in TAP is voluntary. I also understand that this is an on-going agreement, and that I must notify Talquin Electric Cooperative if I choose to discontinue my participation in this voluntary program, and that the processing of a termination request may take up to thirty days. I also understand that any donations I make to TAP are non-refundable. I understand that Talquin may utilize third party agencies (for example, Capital Area Community Action) to handle disbursements of TAP funds to Members. Members who seek assistance under TAP may be referred to these third party agencies for screening, and any person so referred will be screened on the basis of that agency’s criteria. Members seeking assistance will not be required to be contributing to TAP. I understand that contributions to this program are not tax deductible, and that Talquin will not publish the names of 0HPEHUVZKRFRQWULEXWHKRZHYHURYHUDOOSURJUDPVWDWLVWLFVDQGEHQH¿WVRIWKHSURJUDPPD\EHUHSRUWHGWRWKH0HPbership at least annually. Signature _______________________________________________ Date:__________________________ IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO TAP, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT OR TO ANY TALQUIN MEMBER SERVICE OFFICE. YOU MAY CONTACT US AT ANY TIME TO ENROLL IN THIS PROGRAM. DECEMBER 2015 | THE CURRENT Powering Communities/Empowering Members 7 PERIODICAL TRIC COOPER EC A EL 75 , INC. VE TI TALQU IN “THE CURRENT” TALQUIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. P.O. BOX 1679 QUINCY, FL 32353-1679 years TALQUIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Office Locations Headquarters 1640 W. Jefferson Street Quincy, Florida 32351 (850) 627-7651 Quincy Member Services Office 1607 W. Jefferson Street Quincy, Florida 32351 (850) 627-9666 Wakulla Member Services Office 681 Wakulla Arran Rd. Crawfordville, Florida 32327 (850) 926-7422 Hosford Member Services Office 20557 NE Cooperative Way Hosford, Florida 32334 (850) 379-8679 Lake Jackson Member Services Office 4808 Portal Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32303 (850) 562-0125 Bradfordville Member Services Office 6724 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, Florida 32312 (850) 893-6853 Service Interruptions (Outages) Should Be Reported To 1-888-802-1832 (live operator) 1-866-899-4832 (automated systems) Visit us and report and view outages on the Web at www.talquinelectric.com Sign up for text outage notification at www.talquinelectric.com to report your outage quickly and to receive outage information. #TECares #MyTalquin #CoopNation #MyCoop
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