connection - Mott Community College


connection - Mott Community College
FOX 66
"Mediocrity knows nothing higher
than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius."
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Donna Brazile brings message on
health reform to MCC
Democratic political strategist Donna
Brazile spoke to a capacity crowd of more
than 500 people at the MCC Women in
Education luncheon program held on Sept. 22
in the Ballenger Field House, urging
Americans to put aside political differences to
focus on providing health care options for people from all walks of life. She encouraged
audience members to become advocates, by
embracing President Barack Obama's plan for
health reform, which he has stated will "bring
stability to Americans who already have health
insurance, to guarantee affordable coverage for
those who don't, and to rein in the cost of
health care."
"I'm really sick and tired of right vs. left
and conservative vs. liberal, when we should
be focused on right vs. wrong," Brazile said.
"This is the richest country on the planet and we should have alternatives so we don't work and work
till we die."
After her address, Brazile greeted a group gathered at MCC's Presidential Conference Center and
signed copies of her best-selling autobiography Cooking with Grease: Stirring the Pots in American
Politics. Proceeds from the event benefit MCC's Women in Education Fund.
MCC Partners with Genesee Regional
Chamber of Commerce on Intermodal
With a new intermodal center at Bishop Airport and a major intermodal development planned for
the old Buick City site, MCC is teaming up with the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce in an
effort to inform area businesses about new technology for intermodal transportation and logistics. A
free seminar will be held Thursday, Oct. 15 at MCC's Regional Technology Center (RTC). The program
starts with a breakfast at 7 am followed by a presentation on the TDL/RFID Project at 7:30 am, an
RFID lab demonstration at 8:30 am, with questions and answers at 8:45 am.
This seminar will provide an opportunity for area businesses to learn the latest technology and
opportunities for training in Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (TDL), including Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID). "We are excited about this new program," said Clark Harris, MCC
Dean of Technology. "I believe it will provide the necessary skills to workers in the transportation,
warehousing, and logistics fields that will take Flint and its partnering communities to the next step of
becoming a world-class intermodal hub."
Anyone interested in attending should register by calling (810) 762-0585, or email The registration deadline is Oct. 7. This project was funded by a grant
awarded under the Community Based Job Training Grants, implemented by the U.S. Department of
Labor's Employment and Training Administration.
Outstanding Employee
of the Month
Ca m pus
MCC President Dick
Shaink was among a group
of area educators submitting
testimony before a U.S. congressional panel during a
hearing held Friday, Sept. 18
at UM-Flint. U.S. Rep. Dale
E. Kildee, who chairs the
Subcommittee on Early
Childhood, Elementary and
Secondary Education of the
Committee on Education and Labor,
has introduced the "Fast Track to
College Act of 2009" (HR 1578). The bill would
support the creation of additional early colleges in the U.S. with a
five-year appropriation of $150 million starting with FY 2010. The
two early colleges in Congressman's Kildee's district are Mott
Middle College on the MCC main campus and the Genesee Early
College at UM-Flint.
Congratulations are in order for Psychology Prof. Gail Knapp.
During the spring, the American Psychological Association (APA)
Committee of Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges
(PT@CC) announced the seventh annual APA Electronic Project
Contest to recognize innovative and high quality electronic presentations by community college psychology students. Gail served as
the PT@CC sponsor for MCC student Aaron Griffin, whose presentation "Attention of the Lucky" won third place in the APA
Electronic Contest.
Nursing Profs. Gail Burleson and Kristel Ray are giving a
presentation on simulation at The Trends in Occupational Studies
conference in Grand Rapids October 8 and 9. The presentation is
titled "Redefining Simulation in an Associate Degree Nursing
Program: Lessons Learned from the Health Information Technology
Scholars (HITS) Program." They will share how MCC is using simulation as a learning tool in the Health Sciences and how MCC's
simulation program has evolved to incorporate patient safety initiatives, plus how we are using research and theory to guide simulation
scenario development and future planning.
Fine Arts Dean Mary Cusack lets us know that Music Prof. Mary
Procopio performed with the Friends of Haiti Orchestra in a benefit
concert in Peoria, Ill. on Sept. 26. She was also one of several featured chamber musicians on that concert. The performance raised
scholarship funds for students attending the St. Trinity Music
School and Camp in Port-au-Prince and Leogane, Haiti. Several of
the instructors from the St. Trinity Music School will be in residency here at MCC during the winter semester.
Wendy Byard, adjunct English professor and author of Teach
and Reach for Classroom Miracles! Lessons on Teaching With Love
will participate in "Teachers As Writers" Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 4:30
pm at the Genessee Intermediate School District.
Rebecca Gale-Gonzalez invites you to join the Flint River
Wild Ones at their annual potluck and seed collection at the I75/Clio southbound Rest Stop on Oct. 12 at 6 pm. RSVP 762-0455.
The Public Safety Department is collecting old cell phones to
benefit the YWCA of Greater Flint. Drop them by the office at CM1150 or call for 762-0554 more information.
Counselor/Adj. Prof Kim Hart's Dad will be turning 103 years
of age on Oct. 8. "We will celebrate with a small family gathering,
unlike the 200 plus people we had when he turned 100," Kim adds.
MCC welcomes the following new employees: Reading
Instructor Parmis Johnson, start date: Aug. 31; Beverly Lloyd,
Administrative Assistant I, Public Safety, Sept. 9; and Rose Beane,
Ph.D. Director of the Learning Center and DisAbility Services, Sept.
14. Welcome, all, to the MCC family!
Lorraine (Lori) Wcisel, Staff Assistant II - Counseling &
Student Development, was selected as the Outstanding Employee of
the Month for July 2009. Lori, who has been at Mott for over 25
years, was described as being the “hub” of several divisions, departments and committees working (separately and together) to improve
curriculum for our students. It was noted that Lori has been revising
the curriculum guides with patience and painstaking detail for many
months due to changes to the General Education requirements and
that she “exudes a professional approach each day, has a can-do attitude and epitomizes personal accountability by her attention to
detail.” Lori was presented with a framed certificate of appreciation,
a balloon bouquet and a $50 Target gift card.
Mayor at MCC
New Flint Mayor Dayne
Walling spoke about his vision
and plans for Flint to an audience gathered in the RTC auditorium on Friday, Sept. 11 for
the kickoff of MCC's 2009-10
Fridays at Applewood Lecture
Series. Accompanied by his
newly appointed
Communications Director
Dawn Jones, (former reporter
with ABC12 news), he recognized observance of the Sept.
11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. "We have firefighters and police
officers who literally put their lives on the line everyday," said Mayor
Walling."I want us to remember the tragedy of 9/11, but also the spirit
of unity. Please join me in working for change everyday on our jobs,
and our neighborhoods will be visible units of positive change."
Ballenger Lecture to
Focus on Nanotechnology
Please mark your calendars for the Fall 2009 Ballenger Eminent
Persons Fall Lecture, featuring a panel discussion on nanotechnology on
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7 pm in the Ballenger Field House. This event is
free and open to the public. Reservations are not required. Doors will
open at 6 pm. The program will be preceded by a VIP Reception with
the guest speakers. Reservations will be required for the reception. Call
The Foundation for Mott Community College at 762-0425 for the cost
of the reception and more information. Additional details will be forthcoming.
FOX 66 Announces MCC as
Monthly Green Business
Award Winner
October Events
MCC faculty, staff and students will be hosting or participating
in a number of activities throughout the month of October. Following
is a list of events scheduled for the month.
Oct. 8 The Friends of Mott Library Annual Art Auction in the
Event Center. This year's event will feature Artist Jim Buckels as a
special guest, with the theme: "Buckel Up." A preview and an opportunity to meet the artist will be at 5 pm, with the auction to follow at
6:30 pm. Door prizes will be awarded again this year. Special this
year will be two pieces of art given away as door prizes. (One of the
pieces is worth $4,000!) Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the
door. Tickets can be purchased from any member of Friends of the
Mott Library or by calling 762-0408. The Last Chance Sale offers
another opportunity to purchase art, scheduled from 9 am to 1 pm on
Oct. 9. All proceeds go to support the Mott Library.
MCC was named the September recipient of the FOX 66 (WSMHTV) Green Business Award, presented to a local business each month for
efforts toward making the workplace more eco-friendly. MCC was highlighted for its efforts during the Green Report, which airs on Thursdays
during FOX 66 News at 10 pm. MCC was also recognized throughout
September on FOX 66 online at MCC is
actively pursuing a variety of green initiatives to ensure that these measures result in both cost savings and environmental benefits. MCC has
established the Green Initiatives Team (GRiT), a group of MCC employees working hard to expand recycling efforts and educational outreach, on
and off campus. MCC utilizes recycling, energy and paper reduction, all
in an effort to keep our planet green.
Fulbright Scholar Visit
A host of MCC administrators, faculty,
staff, students and community leaders were
on hand to welcome Fulbright Visiting
Specialist Dr. Hadeer Abo El Nagah at a
reception held at Applewood Café on
Thursday, Sept. 24. Dr. Abo El Nagah will
lead a panel discussion titled "Islam and the
West: Bridging the Cultural Divide" at the
Flint Public Library from 11 am to 2 pm,
Oct. 10, 2009. This event is free and open to
the public. Dr. Abo El Nagah is scheduled to
deliver the sermon at Woodside Church, at
10 am Sunday, Oct. 11. A reception with a question and answer session will
follow her address. Dr. Abo El Nagah's presentations are part of the
Fulbright Visiting Specialists: Direct Access to the Muslim World Program,
administered by the Council for International Exchange Scholars. For
details about events scheduled with Dr. Abo El Nagah, call MCC's Center
for Teaching and Learning at 232-7883.
The American Red Cross blood
drive was held on Sept. 17,
producing 42 successful donations.
Thanks to everyone who helped
make it possible, including the
Events Office, Bear Bistro, Student
Life, MCC Gardening Association,
Prof. Paul Rozycki and to all the
students, faculty and staff members
who donated.
Oct. 10 October is breast cancer awareness month. MCC's team
will be participating in the annual American Cancer Society's
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event again this year, to be
held downtown Flint at Saginaw Street. Registration is at 7:30 am
with the walk scheduled to start at 9 am. Call 762-0455 to walk with
the team, to make a donation or for details.
Oct. 12 Annual Peace and Dignity program, an event designed to
promote cross-cultural understanding, featuring The People of the
Four Colors ceremony, 10 am – 2 pm on the lawn outside CurticeMott Complex. Directly descended from Native American rituals, the
program features the People of the Four Colors ceremony and rededication of the Peace and Dignity Tree. The celebration also includes
the beating of drums and ceremonial dancing.
Through Oct. 13 Fine Arts Gallery Exhibit at Visual Arts &
Design Center, Designs + Dimensions featuring works of Lansing
area artist and graphic designer Kelly Salchow MacArthur. Gallery
hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm. Exhibit
made possible in part by the Ballenger Trust. For information, call
Oct. 16-17 MCC will host the 6th Annual Flint Film Festival at
the RTC auditorium. For a listing of films scheduled for showing,
please visit the website at The site will
be continuously updated with photos and links to films posted.
Admission prices will vary from $5.00 to weekend pass for $20.
Students will receive a discount.
Oct. 22 MCC 25th Annual Regional College Fair featuring dozens
of representatives from a variety of higher educational institutions at
Ballenger Field House, 6-8 pm. The MCC Regional College Fair
provides prospective, current students and parents with an excellent
opportunity to obtain information about college life, directly from
officials representing a wide range of postsecondary institutions, in
Michigan and out-of-state. For more information, call 762-0358.
Oct. 30 Annual Halloween Party, coordinated by MCC Department
of Public Safety, 5 - 8 pm at Ballenger Field House. Features include
haunted house, bounce houses, face painting, candy bags and
refreshments, and costume contest. Volunteers and donations are
always welcome. Call Public Safety at 762-0222 for more
Wednesday Thursday
GSA Club Meeting
2:30 pm
Genesee Room
Flint River Wild Ones
Meeting 6:00-9:00 pm
Genesee Room
Bruin Club Meeting
12:00 pm
Genesee Room
Genesee Area
Parliamentarians Meeting
4:30-8:00 pm
PCC 101
Air Force Recruiting
10:00 am-12:00 am
Curtice Mott Fishbowl
GSA Club Meeting
2:30 pm
Genesee Room
Sierra Club Meeting
6-9:00 pm
Genesee Room
MSU-Flint Field Advisory
2:30-5:30 pm
RTC 2301
Art Auction
5:00 pm Preview
Event Center
City of Madison
Police Testing
5:00-7:00 pm
RTC 1301
College Night
6:00-8:00 pm
Ballenger Field House
Regional Career Pathway
7:30 am-3:00 pm
RTC 1007
For more calendar items visit
Last Chance Sale
Art Auction Event
9:00 am
Event Center
Flint River Watershed
Coalition Board Meeting
8:00-11:30 am
Genesee Room
Flint Film Festival
Noon-10:00 pm • RTC
Breast Cancer Walk
9:00 am
Kearsley Street
Flint Film Festival
12:00 pm-9:00 pm
RTC 1003
Singers Concert
3:00-5:00 pm
MMB 1130
EMU Student Teaching
4:30-7:00 pm
MMB 1005
Flint, MI
Permit NO 51
1401 East Court Street
Flint, Michigan 48503-2089

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