I 1 /RING PINION 21-09-2 OIL SLINGER 21-09-19 PIN 21-42-16 - '' - BY DESCRIPTION PARTS INDICATED BY NAME ONLY ORDER VALIANT V1, DART L1, BELVEDERE R1, PLYMOUTH P I AND CORONET W1 (A903) WASHER NUT SEAL 21-42-31 PIN 21.d2-1 SHAFT 21-12-1 LEVER 21-42-23 21-17-7 MANUAL 3-SPEED TRANSMISSION SEAL 21-09-30 GASKET 21 -09.33 RETAINER 21-09-29 A SNAP RlNG 21-17-7 SPACER 21 -25-4 \ - / / I/ / f 7 / LEVER 21 -42-23 NUT AND WASHER WASHER BUSHING 21-42-42 21-42-43 GROMMET 21-42-42 BUSHING 1 21-42-25 L Y M O U T H , BELVEDERE A N D C O R O N E l (6 CYLINDER) POLICE A N D T A X I LAMP 21 -30-429 WL 21-42-29 VER 21-42-23 WASHER NAP RING 21-19-15 ARlNG 21-19-2 MANUAL 3-SPEED TRANSMISSION VALIANT V2, DART L2, BELVEDERE R2, PLYMOUTH P2, CORONET W2, DODGE D2, CHRYSLER C1-2; BELVEDERE R1, PLYMOUTH P I , CORONET W1, POLICE AND TAXI (A745) - LEVER 21-42-23 SEAL 21 -42-31 GROMMET 21-42-43' PARTS INDICATED B Y NAME ONLY ORDER GASKET 21 -09-33 RETAINER 21 -09-29 S C R E ~ SNAP RING 21-09-23 SLINGER 21 -09-1 PINION 21 -09-2 LEVER 21 -42-11 WASHER 21-11-9 BEARING 21-09-5 SKET 21-29-25 WASHER 21-15-33 ROLLERS 21 -25-2 SLEEVE 21 -34-45 GASKET 21 -04-2 VENT 21 -02-6 EXTENSION 21-04-1 UT AND WASHER PACKAGE 16-20-8 OIL SEAL 21 -22-2 EVER 21 -42-11 WASHER 21-11-9 LLERS 21-11-2 RING 21 -34-47 ASHER 21-15-33 PLATE 21 -24-19 LLERS 21-25-2 GEAR 21 -10-4 FORK 21 -39-3 OVER 21-29-3 WASHER 21 -25-6 RlNG21-14-19 SLEEVE 21 -14-6 FORK 21 -39-3 RING 21-14-19 SNAP RING 21-14-20 GEAR 21 -14-5 SPRING 21-14-15 GEAR 21-10-16 SCREW \ - 21-17-2 $ ///// GEAR. SECOND 21-10-16 RING 21-14-19 PLATE (SERVICED IN 21-14.1) SPRING 21-14-15 GEAR, FIRST AND SECOND (SERVICED IN 21-14-11 SNAP RING 21-19-15 BEARING 21-19-2 SNAP RlNG 21-19-15 SPRING 21-14-15 SNAP RING 21-14-20 GEAR. FIRST, SECOND AND [SERVICEDIN 21-14-1) RlNG 21-14-19 GEAR, FIRST SPEED 21.10-3 VALIANT V1-2, DART L1-2, BELVEDERE R2, PLYMOUTH P2, CORONET W2, DODGE D2 AND CHRYSLER C1-2 GASKET 21-34-53,\ SLINGER 21-09 PINION 21-09-2 PLUG, \ SWITCH MANUAL 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION SCREW 21-09-21 \ BEARING 21-09-5, SNAP RING 21-09-23 OIL SEAL 21-09-30 CASE 21-03-1 Page 21-4 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION BY N A M E O N L Y PINION 21 -09-2 - ORDER SWIVEL 19-48-16 WASHER 19-48-21 COVER 21 -29-3 ENSION 21 -04-1 GROMMET 21 -42-4 WASHER 19-48-21 SWIVEL 19-48-16 CLAMP SCREW BUSHING 21 -42-42 CLIP 19-48-23 WASHER 19-48-21 'LEVER 21 -42-23 BUSHING 21 -42-42 WASHER 19-48-21 \' GEARSHIFT CONTROLS (MANUAL TRANSMISSION) - VALIANT AND DART WASHER 19-48-2 CLIP 19-48-23 COVER 21 -29-3 SWIVEL 19-48-16-- TENSION 21 -04-1 GROMMET 19-48 BUSHING 19-48-5 WASHER 19-48-21 WASHER 19-48-45 WASHER 19-48-45 GROMMET 19-48-49 AMP 19-48-1 2 LEVER 21 -42-23 CLIP 19-48-23 ASHER 19-48-21 GROMMET 21 -42-43 BUSHING 21 -42-42 WASHER 19-48-21 BY N A M E O N L Y SCREW 1 9 - 4 8 - 4 6 - ORDER 19x9319 A GEARSHIFT CONTROLS (3-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION) - BELVEDERE, PLYMOUTH, CORONET, DODGE AND CHRYSLER C1-2 May, 1965 Supersedes Sept. 4, 1964. Page 21-4 Printed in US .A. TRANSMISSION 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS C A T A L O G - BY N A M E O N L Y P a g e 21-5 K N O B 21 -30-6 NUT b - ORDER LEVER 21 -30-2 C O V E R 21 -30-414 - M E C H A N I S M 21 S E A L 21 -30-410 TE 21 -30-416 W A S H E R 21 -30-42 SCREW 21-30-425 W A S H E R 21 -30-426 *-SWIVEL S W I V E L 21-30-4 21 -30-428 CLlP 21 -30-433 W A S H E R 21 -30-426 19x9677 MANUAL 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION GEARSHIFT CONTROIS BY N A M E O N L Y - ORDER K N O B 21-30-6 hl BOOT 21 -30-413 MECHANISM 21-30-407 CLlP 21-30-433 \ WASHER 21 -30-426 ROD 21-30-418 WASHER 21 -30-426 f SCREW 21 -30-425 AWASHER - ,PI ATF 71-30-816 k - ROD 21-30-418 CLlP 21-30-433 CLIP 21-30-433 21-30-426 MANUAL 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION GEARSHIFT CONTROLS (WITH AND WITHOUT BUCKET SEATS) Printed in U.S.A. P a g e 21-5 May, 1965 Supersedes Sept. 4, 1964. Page 21-6 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION NOTES May, 1965 Supersedes Sept. 4, 1964. Page 21-6 Printed in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION CODE PER P A M NAME A N D DESCRIPTION L CAR VAUAH1 DAW- Page 21-7 PLy& DODOE PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE CORONn DODGE IMPERIAL POURA CHRYSUR MANUAL TRANSMISSION 21-02-0 TRANSMISSION NOTE: 21-02-1 F o r Transmission Component P a r t s see Charts Beginning on Page 21-11. TRANSMISSION, w/170 cu. in. Engine, A903 (Cancelled-Service Component Parts) w/17O cu. in. Engine, A903 w/170 cu. in. Engine, Export, LHD., A833 4 Speed w/225 cu. in. Engine, A903 (Cancelled-service Component Parts) w/225 cu. in. Engine, A903 L1, w/225 Engine, Export, LHD., A745 .... .......... ................... .............. .......... ..................... V1, L1, w/225 cu. in. Engine, V2, L2, w/273 cu. in. Engine, A833 4 Speed P, A903 (Cancelled-Service Component Parts). P, A903 w/273 and 318 Engine, A745 P, D2-L, w/318 cu. in. Engine, A745 Police and Taxi, A745 w/361 and 383 Engine, A745 P, D, C1, w/363 Engine, A745 C2-M w/413 Engine, A745 w/361, 383 and 426 Std. Engine, A833 4 Speed P, D, w/383 and 426 Std., Engine, C1 w/361 and 383 Engine, C2 w/383 and 413 cu. in. Engine, A833 4 Speed .... .................... ..... .... ............. ..... .... ....... ................. ... 21-30-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N G E A R S H I F T LEVER A N D R O D S ... 21-30-2 LEVER, Column Shift, w/3 Speed Trans. w/4 Speed Trans. w/o Console, w/4 Speed Trans. w/Console, w/4 Speed Trans. w/o Console, w/4 Speed Trans. w/Console, w/4 Speed Trans. 21-30-5 INSULATOR, Lever, w/3 Speed Trans. 21-30-6 KNOB, Lever, w/o Floor Trim Plate, w/4 Speed Trans., White KNOB PACKAGE, w/NtlT, w/Floor Trim Plate, w/4 Speed Trans. KNOB, w/4 Speed Trans., White Column Shift, w/3 Speed Trans., Plastic, Chromed Die Cast, Chromed NUT, Lever Knob J a m ............... ....... ......... ....... ........ .... ........... ........... ........ ................... .............. ............ 21-30-7 RING, Lever Insulator, w/3 Speed Trans. 21-30-15 LENS, Instrument Panel, D, w/o Shift Letters P. R N. D. 2. 1 ... .......... NOTE 1: See Transmission Chart 2464641 for Parts Peculiar to 426 cu. in. Engine Hemispherical, Production Transmission Number 2538347. TTPE LETTERS Indicate: - V Valiant L Dart +Indicahs use as required. ~lndicahs parh not listed in any previous parts book Indicates change or addition. R -Belvedere W -Coronet Numerols In parentheses ( P - Plvmouth D - Dodge ) refer to notes. - C Chrvdrr ,-- lmperiol Prlnhd in U S A . Y Prices and speclficatlons rubled to chanae without notice. Page 21-7 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG -Page 21-8 CODE : PART NAME AND DESCRIPTION TRANSMISSION PLygR,"TH DODGE IMPERIAL DODGE PLYMOUTH BELVEDEl PER CAR DART CORONET ' POLARA CHRYSLER MANUAL TRANSMISSION 21-30-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT LEVER A N D R O D S 21-30-19 COVER, Gearshift Indicator Opening, P, w/o Shift Letters P, R, N, D, 2, 1 21-30-21 PLATE, Gearshift Cover, w/4 Speed Trans., w/Shift Letters R, 1, 2, 3, 4, w/Bucket Seats, Chrome. - Cont'd . ................ .................... 21-30-22 PIN, Lever 21-30-407 MECHANISM, Gearshift Control, w/4 Speed Trans w/4 Speed Trans. 21-30-410 SEAL, Control Lever Boot, w/4 Speed Trans. 21-30-413 BOOT, Control Lever, w/4 Speed Trans., 5" O.D. at Base w/4 Speed Trans., w/o Console w/4 Speed Trans., w/Console ...................... ............... .............. ...... ...... 21-30-414 COVER o r RING, Boot, w/4 Speed Trans., W/O Console, Chrome w/4 Speed Trans., w/o Console ........... ........ 21-30-416 PLATE, Mechanism Mounting, w/4 Speed Trans. w/4 Speed Trans. 21-30-418 ROD, Gearshift Control, F i r s t and Second, w/4 Speed Trans. Third and Fourth, w/4 Speed Trans. Reverse, w/4 Speed Trans. F i r s t and Second, w/4 Speed Trans. Third and Fourth, w/4 Speed Trans. Reverse, w/4 Speed Trans. ............... .............. .... .......... ..... ..... .......... 21-30-425 21-30-426 21-30-428 SCREW, Mechanism Mounting Plate, w/4 Speed Trans., 1 1/4" lgh. w/4 Speed Trans., 1" lgh. .......... .......... WASHER, Control Rod, Plain . . . . . . . . . Control Rod Swivel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SWZVEL, Rod, w/4 Speed Trans. ....... w/3 Speed Trans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interlock, R, W, P, Police and Taxi . . . . . 21-30-429 CLAMP, Interlock, R, W, P, Police and T a x i . 21-30-433 CLIP, Rod, w/4 Speed Trans. 21-84-0 21-84-1 ......... T R A N S M I S S I O N SPEEDOMETER CABLE ASSEMBLY .............. CABLE, w/HOUSING Steel Case Plastic Case GROMMET, Dash TYPE LETTERS Indicate: ................... .................. 32661 456 2216 552 .............. - V Valiant L Dart *Indlcotes use as rmqulred. Blndicotes par11 not Ilsted in any previous parts book. I I - Belvedere W - Coronet R Numerals In parentheses ( I - I P Plymouth D ~odge ) refer to nates. - 1 Chrytaler Imp,*rial Print< 8d in U.S.A. Prices and specifications rubied to change without natica. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-8 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION CODE PAW NAME AND DESCRIPTION L Page 21-9 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE PER CAR DODOE DODGE DART COmNm IMPERIAL POLARA CHRYSUR ' MANUAL TRANSMISSION 21-84-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SPEEDOMETER CABLE ASSEMBLY CABLE or SHAFT 21-84-4 . . . ... .... .. . .. . 2426 164 ---- --- 2496 292 ---- --- 2076 271 . .. .. .. .. 1 2204 942 2204 942 2204 942 . . . .. . 1 1942 259 1942 259 1942 259 21-84-7 CLAMP or RETAINER, Cable 21-84-28 SEAL, Speedometer Cable Adapter 21-85-0 SPEEDOMETER TRANSMISSION M PINION 21-85-5 - Cont'd 1 1 1 ---- --- PINION WAL 3 SPEED TRA I Tire Size 2.93 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth 3.23 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth 1949 405 *I949 405 1949 404 1949 404 1949 403 1949 403 1949 402 1949 403 1949 403 1949 402 LP-LIGHT PURPLE N-NATURAL 1 NOTE 2: I TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - L - Dort *Indicohs use or required. Blndicohr part. not listed In any previour parts boot * hdicatee -* 1949 406 22 Y(3) 1949 406 22 Y(3) 1949 405 21 LB(3 . ---- --- -- ----- --- -- -- 1949 405 21 LB(3) LB-LIGHT BLUE Y-YELLOW - - V1, L1, R1,W1, P1 3.31 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth - A903 3.55 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth COLORS OF PINION DP-DARK PURPLE DB-DARK BLUE V Voliant ---- --- ----- --- -- -- Available at Stewart Warner Corporation. - Use .9058 to 1 Ratio Adapter. Y LB(3) B(3) B(3) LB 1949 405 21 LB I 3.23 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth 0-ORANGE 22 21 20 20 21 3.91 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth ---- --- -- ----- --- -- -- COLOR OF PINIONS R-RED B-BLACK - B-BROWN ( 1949 406 *I949 405 1949 404 1949 404 1949 405 MANUAL 3 SPEED TRANSMISSION 2.93 to 1 Ratio 3.55 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth 21 LB 21 LB 20 B 20 B 19 R 19 R 18 N 19 R 19 R 18 N NOTE 3: Use .9058 to 1 Ratio Adapter. PINION 3.31 to 1 Ratio I G-GREEN 3.91 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth ( GR-GRAY Available at Stewart Warner Corporation. R .Belvedere W - Coronet - -lm&d P Plvmouth C Chryrler D ~odge Y - Printed in U.S.A. I refer to note:. Numerair in porenthme: ( Prices and specificotionr rubied to change without notla. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. change or addition. Page 21-9 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG page 21-10 TRAN~MWI~N - Cont'd 21-85-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SPEEDOMETER P I N I O N MANUAL TRANSMISSION 6.50 x 13 7 . 0 0 ~13 6.95 x 14 7.35 x 14 7.75 x 14 8.25 x 14 8.55 x 1 4 9.00 x 1 4 6.70 x 15 7 . 1 0 ~15 7.60 x 15 - V, L, R2, W2, P2,D2, C1, C2 - A833 2.93 to 1 Ratio 3.23 to 1 Ratio 3. 55 to 1 Ratio 3.91 to 1 Ratio Pinion Teeth Pinion Teeth Pinion Teeth Pinion Teeth Tire Size 2204 2204 *2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 B-BROWN NOTE 4: CODE MANUAL 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION PINION 21-85-5 358 358 358 357 357 357 356 355 356 356 356 2204 2204 *2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 2204 19 DB 19 DB 19 DB 18 DP 18 DP 18 DP 17 0 16 B 17 0 17 0 17 0 360 360 360 359 359 358 358 357 358 358 357 21 GR 21 GR 21 G 20 G 20 G 19 DB 19 DB 18 DP 19 DB 19 DB 1 8 DP COLOR OF PINIONS G-GREEN DP-DARK PURPLE DB-DARK BLUE Use .a000 to 1Ratio Adapter, Available at Stewart Warner Corporation. I O-ORANGE PART NAME AND DESCRIPTION 21-85-22 SEAL, Adapter, P, D. 21-85-56 SEAL, Pinion 21-85-61 CLIP, Pinion 4.56 to 1 Ratio .............. ' .................. .................. I PER VAL'ANT PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE GR-GRAY 1 2426 332 2426 332 DODGE POLARA CHRyYER 2426 332 1 2124 328 2124 328 2124 328 1 1942 174 1942 174 1942 174 ' DODGE IMPERIAL NOTES TYPE LEllERS Indleate: V - Valiant L - Dart +Indicat.s use as required. B1ndkat.s parts not llsted In any prevlous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes M a y 1965. R -Belvedere W -Coronet P - Plymouth - C Chrysler lmperlol Numerals In parentheses ( )refer to notes. Prlnted b U.S.A. Prices and rpeclfieatlons subled to change without n o h . Page 21-10 0 - Dodge Y * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-11 MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic NOTE: 2464 262 4 Speed A833 2464 592 3 Speed A903 2196 062 2448 790 2275 896 1139 204 2124 715 1139 204 2464 915 2464 000 2464 915 1139 153 1139 153 1139 153 1302 807 1302 807 1302 807 ............. 2400 738 ---- --- 2464 170 2400 737 ............... 1949 361 2464 059 1949 361 ........ 2124 607 ---- --- TRANSMLSSION 21-01-0 21-01-3 2464 589 3 Speed A903 T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R PACKAGES GASKET SET 21-02-0 21-02-6 ?d in parenthesis. ............ TRANSMISSION VENT VENT ................. 2 1 - 0 3 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE 21-03-24 ................. PLUG, Back-up Light Switch Hole . 21-03-25 GASKET 21-03-1 21-04-0 CASE ............... T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE EXTENSION 21-04-1 EXTENSION BOLT . . 21-04-2 GASKET 21-04-11 BUSHING, Extension BEARING ............. ............... ---- --- 1672 194 - - - - -- - 1941 887 ---- --- 21-09-0 TRANSMISSION M A I N DRIVE P I N I O N PINION. 24T.. 17T.. 23 Splines, l o l i Y lgh. 24T., 18T., 23 Splines, 10 1/2" lgh., w/225 cu. in. Engine 23T., 22T., 36T., 11 13/16" lgh. 24T., 18T., 23 Splines, 10 17/32" lgh. :. . :. . .:... ....... . ................ SLINGER, Bearing Oil ....... SNAP RING, Bearing, .088" thk. (*) .091n thk. (*) .094" thk. (*) .097" thk. (*) .067" thk. Outer ........... ........... ........... .......... WASHEH, Bearing RETAINER, Bearing OIL SEAL, Pinion SCREW, Retainer ......... ......... (*) . . . . . . GASKET, Bearing Retainer 21-10-0 21-10-3 ..... T R A N S M I S S I O N M A I N D R I V E GEARS ---- --........ GEAR, F i r s t Speed TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - V. Vaiiont . -..-... L -Dart *Indicates use as required. wlndicotbs parts not listed in any previous parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. R -Belvedere W - Coronel - P Plymouth - C Chrysler - D ~ o d ~ s Y lmperlal Printed in U.S.A. Numerals in parentheses I ) refer to notes. Prices and rmecificationssubiect to change without nolia. Page 21-11 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-12 TRANSMBSION MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2464 589 3 Speed A903 TRANSMISSION 21-10-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A I N DRIVE GEARS 21-10-4 GEAR, Sliding, F i r s t and Reverse, 29T., 32 Splines F i r s t and Reverse, 28T., 34 Splines 21-10-16 GEAR, 32T., 24T., 24T., 21-10-26 SNAP RING, Plate 21-10-29 PLATE PIN 21-10-30 SPRING, Plate 2464 590 3 Speed A903 2466 085 3 Speed A745 - Cont'd ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. ............. Second Speed, 23T., 24T. 36T 24T. 24T. .......... ................ ................ 21-10-31 ............ GEAR, Third Speed . . . . . . . . . 21-11-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER GEAR ............. ................ ................ 21-11-1 GEAR, 15T. 14T. 22T. 21-11-2 ROLLER, Bearing (22) 21-11-9 WASHER (2) ....... ............. 666 924 21-12-0 I T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER GEAR SHAFT 21-12-1 SHAFT 21-12-2 KEY 21-14-0 21-14-1 21-14-5 21-14-6 .............. ............... 1635 290 1635 293 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH G E A R SYNCHRONIZER UNIT, First, Second and Reverse Third and Direct ........... .......... ......... GEAR, 24T., 3eT. SLEEVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21-14-15 SPRING, Synchronizer Stop Ring (4) 21-14-19 RING, Synchronizer Stop, Outer, (2) Inner (2) (4) 21-14-20 21-14-21 .................. I I I .............. .................. SNAP RING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . F i r s t and Second . . . . . . . . . Third and Direct . . . . . . . . . SHIM, Synchronizer (*) TYPE LEllERS Indicate: ....... V - Valiant L Dart - *Indicates use as rmqulred. Blndlcatmr ports not Ilrted in any previous ports bwk. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. I I R -Belvedere W -Coronet - P Plymouth D Dodge - C Chrysler Imperial Y - ) refer to notes. Printed In U.S.A. Numerals in parentheses ( Prices and specifications subject to change without notla. Page 21-12 Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANsMrssIoN Page 21-13 MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-15-0 21-15-2 2464 589 3 Speed T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT GEAR GEAR, 34T., 25T., 6 25/32" lgh. 33T., 24T., 18T., lgh. 33T., 25T., 17T., 33T., 29T., 25T., 9" lgh. PIN, Gear 18T., 14T., ........... 14T., 6 25/32" ............... ...... ............... 13T. 17T., 17T., ............ ................ 21-15-12 PLATE 21-15-13 SPRING, Plate 21-15-32 SNAP RING, Plate 21-16-3 21-17-0 21-17-2 21-17-7 21-19-0 I .......... WASHER, Thrust (2) 21-16-0 1 ............ ........ 2466 634 6024 141 1633 763 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT SHAFT, 32, 32, 23, Splines, 22 1/4" lgh. 23, 40, 40, Splines, 21 23/32" lgh. 32, 32, 23, Splines, 25 1/2" lgh. I ............ 2400 390 - - -- -- ---- --- -- - -- - T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N S H A F T PILOT B E A R I N G ............ SNAP RING, Roller . . . . . . . . . 1949 834 ROLLER (*) 601 108 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT BEARING .............. 21-19-2 BEARING 21-19-15 SNAP RING, Inner, .088" thk. (*) Inner, .091r' thk. (*) Inner, .O95" thk. (*) Inner, .097" thk. (*) Outer, .086" thk. (*) Outer, .089" thk. (*) Outer, .092" thk. (*) Outer, .O95" thk. (*) Outer, .OWn thk. (*) Outer, .090n thk. (*) Outer, .O93" thk. (*I Outer, .096" thk. (*) Outer (*) . ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .............. 2 1 - 2 2 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A I N S H A F T B E A R I N G O I L SEAL 21-22-2 OIL SEAL .............. 1 1942 401 1942 401 2205 080 1 --- - - 1 -- -- - -- 2124 393 (2124474 2 1 - 2 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT 21-24-2 21-24-19 .......... COUNTERSHAFT PLATE or WASHER, Roller Thrust. N P E LEllERS Indicate: V - Valiant L -Dart *indicates use as required. Blndicates part8 not Ilrted in ony previous parts book. * 1635 282 - I - Belvedere W - Coronet R 1635 282 - I - I - P Plvmouth C Chrysler , -D - Dodge Y Imperial Numerals in parentheses ( )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecifications rubled to change without notice. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Indicates change o r addition. Page 21-13 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-14 TRANSMBSION MANUAL TRANSMISSION thesis. - I 2466 085 3 Speed A745 2464 262 4 Speed A833 2464 592 3 Speed A903 1 1635 293 1635 293 1635 293 1635 293 All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in p a 1 I 2464 589 2464 590 TRANSMISSION 3 Speed 3 Speed A903 A903 NOTE: 1 21-24-0 21-24-22 21-25-0 21-25-2 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT ................. KEY ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ROLLER (44) (88) (76) ............... SPACER 21-25-6 WASHER or RING, Roller Thrust (2) (4) 21-29-3 21-29-25 21-29-33 21-34-0 2464 744 2464 013 ---- --2464 743 ---- --- ................ .............. GASKET, Cover . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSING .............. BOLT, Housing (8) . . . . . . . . . COVER HOUSING 2464 001 ---- --- 1949 346 - - - - -- - -- - -- - 2464 037 6024 457 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT R A I L 21-34-46 GASKET, Reverse Lever Detent Plug 21-34-47 SPRING, Interlock Ball Reverse Lever Detent Ball 21-34-51 RETAINER, Reverse Lever Detent Spring GASKET, Retainer 21-34-53 ---- --- 927 666 927 -666 -- - -- - - - -- -- ---- --- ---- --697 812 ( 697 812 1630 878 1630 878 ---- --- ---- --- T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE COVER O R H O U S I N G 21-34-45 21-34-44 1 .................. ............ PLUG, Reverse Lever Detent . . . SLEEVE, Interlock . . . . . . . . . 21-34-42 1635 293 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT B E A R I N G 21-25-4 21-29-0 1 - Cont'd PIN, Interlock I 2464 046 1139 153 2464 045 1302 807 ....... 2464 047 2466 457 .... ............... .......... 2464 052 2464 053 2 1 - 3 9 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT F O R K 21-39-3 ...... ......... - - -- -- ---- --- .............. 2538 421 2466 961 $464051 FORK, Low and Reverse Second and Direct Low and Second Third and Direct Reverse ......... ......... 21-42-0 21-42-11 T R A N S M I S S I O N REMOTE C O N T R O L GEARSHIFT ..... LEVER, Low and Reverse. Second and Direct Low and Second, Stamped "A" Stamped "B" Stamped C" Third and Direct Reverse ........ .. .. ............ ............ .......... ............... TTPE LETlERS Indicate: - V Voliont L -Dart *Indlcahs us. as required. Elndkak8 patin not listed In any previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. I R - Belvedere W -Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-14 I D-~ I P Plymouth C-C o d ~ e Y. . .lr ) refer to notes. Pr Prices and specificdionr rubled to change without notla. * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION : Page 21-15 MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. I I I NOTE: T R A N S M I S S I O N R E M O T E C O N T R O L GEARSHIFT 21-42-0 ............ 21-42-16 PIN, Shaft (2) 21-42-23 LEVER, Operating, Low and Reverse Low and Reverse, L. H. D., One Piece Interlock Type Second and Direct Low and Reverse, R1, W1 Low and Reverse, P1 Low and Second Third and Direct Reverse CLIP, Interlock Lever, One Piece Lever Type - Contgd 6022 161 2466 289 ...... ......... .... ....... .......... ......... .............. '2538 607 2464 376 ........... '6025 071 - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - -- ---- --- - -- - -- 21-42-25 WASHER, Low and Reverse 21-42-28 21-42-29 21-42-31 Interlock Lever Spring, One Piece Lever Type PIN, Low and Reverse Interlock Lever Pivot. One Piece Lever Type PAWL, Low and Reverse Interlock Lever, L. H. D., One Piece Interlock Type . . . . . . . . . . SEAL, Gearshift Lever Shaft (2) 21-42-42 21-42-43 ............ 36026 239 ............... 3538 013 .. 82538 014 1949 350 BUSHING, Operating Lever Grommet (2) GROMMET, Operating Lever (21 ........... .. 1676 200 1941 699 All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic NOTE: thesis. TRANSMISSION 21-01-0 21-01-3 21-03-0 - -- - - - - 1139 204 2124 715 *2466 745 1139 153 1302 807 2464 000 1139 153 1302 807 2400 627 180 149 2124 519 1672 194 2464 002 2448 790 TRANSMISSION VENT VENT ................ T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N BOLT GASKET BEARING * ............... ............... .............. N P E LETTERS Indicate: V - Voliont L - Dort *Indicates us. or required. Elndicaks parts not listed in any previous ports book. * 2275 893 .......... . ............... 21-04-2 21-04-11 ---- --- GASKET SET, w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical .............. 21-03-1 CASE 21-03-24 PLUG, Back-up Light Switch Hole 21-03-25 GASKET 21-04-0 2464 261 4 Speed A833 T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R P A C K A G E S 21-02-0 21-02-6 2464 098 3 Speed A745 Indicates change or addition. R - Belvedere W - Coronet - ---- --- 2464 059 1672 194 ~rler D Dodge Y - lmperiol Numerols In porentherer ( ) r e f e r to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecificotionr rublect to change without notla. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-15 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-16 TRANS~SION MANUAL TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. - 21-09-0 2464 098 3 Speed A745 2464 094 3 Speed A745 TRANSMISSION 2464 641 4 Speed A833 2464 261 4 Speed A833 -- TRANSMISSION M A I N DRIVE P I N I O N PINION, 36T., 23T., 24T., 11 15/64" lgh., w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical . . . . . . . . . . 18T., ZIT., 36T., 11 1 5 / 6 4 lgh., w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical 24T., 18T., 23 Splines, 10 17/32" lgh. 24T., 20T., 23 Splines, 10 17/32" lgh .......... ................ ................. ...... BEARING, w/Snap RING ....... SLINGER, Bearing Oil SNAP RING, Bearing, . 0 8 8 thk. (*) .0911' thk. (*I . 0 9 4 thk. (*) .097" thk. (*I Outer ........... ........... ........... ................ ..... WASHER, Bearing RETAINER, Bearing, w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical ..... w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical OIL SEAL, Pinion, w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical SCREW, Retainer (*) ..... ....... GASKET. Bearing Retainer 21-10-0 ..... ......... 21-10-3 GEAR, First Speed 21-10-4 GEAR, F i r s t and Reverse, 28T., 34 Splines GEAR, Second Speed, 36T., 34T., W/O 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical 24T., 24T. 36T.. 34T.., w/426 cu. in. Emine. . Hemispherical 36T., 34T., w/426 cu. in. Hemispherical 21-10-16 I TRANSMISSION M A I N DRIVE GEARS ............ ............. .......... 21-10-31 21-11-0 21-11-1 21-11-2 21-11-9 GEAR, Third Speed, w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical - --- ------ --- ..... T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER G E A R ......... I - -- - - - --- - - -- I GEAR, 14T. 22T. ROLLER, Bearing (22) WASHER (2) TYPE LETIERS lndicote: ................ ....... ............. V - Voliant L - Dart *Indicates use os required. Blndicates parts not llsted in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. - Belvedere W - Coronet R Numerolr in parentheses ( Page 21-16 I I P Plvrnouth D - Dodge - L C Chryrler Y lmperlol ) refer to notes. Printed In US.*. Prices and rpecifications subject to change without notlce. * Indicates change or addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG T,msM,loN paee 21-17 MANUAL TRANSMISSION NOTE: 2464 094 3 Speed A745 TRANSMISSION 21-12-0 SHAFT 21-12-2 KEY 21-14-5 GEAR, 24T., 32T. 21-14-19 21-14-20 21-14-21 21-15-0 21-15-2 2464 261 4 Speed A833 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH GEAR SYNCHRONIZER UNIT, First, Second and Reverse Third and Direct 21-14-15 2464 641 4 Speed A833 .............. ............... 21-14-1 21-14-6 2464 098 3 Speed A745 T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER G E A R S H A F T 21-12-1 21-14-0 hesis. All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in pare ........... .......... ......... SLEEVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING, Synchronizer Stop Ring . . 4 ................. RING, Synchronizer Stop, Outer, (2). Inner (2) 4 .............. ................. SNAP RING . . . . . . . . . . . . . F i r s t and Second . . . . . . . . . . Third and Direct . . . . . . . . . SHIM, Synchronizer (*) . . . . . . . T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT GEAR ... GEAR, 33T., 25T., 17T., 13T 31T., 27T., 23T., 17T., 17T., 9 1 / 3 2 Igh., w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical 27T., 24T., 23T., 17T., 17T., 9 1/32" Igh., w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical .......... 21-15-33 21-16-0 21-16-3 21-17-0 1 ........ WASHER, Thrust (2) 2124 505 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT SHAFT, 32, 34, 23, Splines, 25 1/4" lgh. 23, 40, 40, Splines, 27 13/32" lgh. ........... T R A N S M I S S I O N M A I N SHAFT PILOT BEARING ............. 1949 834 ......... 862 173 21-17-2 ROLLER (*) 21-17-7 SNAP RING, Roller I TYPE L E l l E R S Indicate: - Valiant L - Dart V *Indicakr use as required. Blndicates parts not listed in any previous parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. - Belvedere W - Coronet R Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-17 - I P Plymouth D Dodge - C Chryslar lmperlol Y Printed In U.S.A. ) refer to notes. Prices and specifications wblect to change without notic.. Yarch 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page -. 21-16 TRANSMISSION MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated i n parenthesis. NOTE: TR ANSFrlISSION 21-19-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT BEARING .............. 21-19-2 BEARING 21-19-15 SNAP RING, h e r , Inner, .091" thk. Inner, .095" thk. Inner, .097" thk. Outer, .087" thk. Outer, .090" thk. Outer, .093" thk. Outer, .096" thk. Outer (*) 21-22-2 21-24-0 ....... ....... OIL SEAL .......... PLATE o r WASHER, Roller Thrust 21-24-22 KEY 21-29-0 21-29-3 620 521 620 521 620 521 631 823 631 824 631 825 640 332 631 823 631 824 631 825 640 332 21-29-33 4 Speed A833 ---- ------ ------ ----- - -- - -- - - -- ---- ---- - - - - ---- --- 6024 125 6024 125 2205 080 2205 080 2205 080 2124 393 2464 012 2464 012 2124 474 - - - - - - - ---- --- ................. 1635 293 1635 293 TRANSMISSION COUNTERSHAFT BEARING ROLLER (86) (76) ............ 1635 293 --- - - -- ---- -- - 2124 502 - --- -- - ................. SPACER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2124 473 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE C O V E R O R H O U S I N G 2464 744 2464 744 2464 013 2464 013 2464 743 2464 743 ---- --- ---- --- ................ COVER HOUSING, w/o 426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical w/426 cu. in. Engine, Hemispherical .......... 21-29-25 2464261 - TRANSMISSION COUNTERSHAFT 21-24-19 21-25-4 11 ---- --- .............. COUNTERSHAFT 21-25-2 620 521 2464 641 4 Speed A833 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT B E A R I N G O I L SEAL 21-24-2 21-25-0 I 2464 098 3 Speed A745 631 823 631 824 631 825 640 332 2124 508 2124 509 2124 510 2124 511 .088" thk. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) ....... ....... ....... ........ .............. 21-22-0 I 2464 094 3 Speed A745 2464 001 2464 001 ........... .............. BOLT, Housing (8) . . . . . . . . . 2464 001 --- - --- ---- --- - - -- - - - GASKET, Cover HOUSING 2464 037 2464 037 6024 457 6024 457 2464 046 2464 046 2 1 - 3 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT R A I L ............ 21-34-42 PIN, Interlock 21-34-44 PLUG, Reverse Lever Detent 1139 153 1139 153 21-34-45 SLEEVE, Interlock 2464 045 2464 045 21-34-46 GASKET, Reverse Lever Detent Plug 1302 807 1302 807 TYPE LEnERS Indicote: ... ......... V - Voliont L - Dort *lndlcotes use as required. Blndkahr parls not listed in any previous ports book, March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. - L R Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses I. C - Chryj,I., v. . I,. riol . - D Dodge .I refer to notes. PI.inta~d in U.S.A. Prices ond ~psclficotionrrublect to c h o n ~ ewithout notice. Page 21-18 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION page 21-19 MANUAL TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in pare] lesis. TRANSMISSION 21-34-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT R A I L ....... 21-34-47 SPRING, Interlock Ball 21-34-51 RETAINER, Reverse Lever Detent Spring 21-34-53 21-39-0 21-39-3 2464 098 3 Speed A745 2464 094 3 Speed A745 2464 641 4 Speed A833 2464 261 4 Speed A833 - Cont'd .............. GASKET, Retainer ......... Reverse Lever Detent Ball . . . . - - - - -- - - - - -- - T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT FORK FORK, Low and Reverse Second and Direct Low and Second Third and Direct Reverse ...... ......... .......... ......... ............... 21-42-0 21-42-11 T R A N S M I S S I O N REMOTE CONTROL GEARSHIFT ..... . . . . . . . .. .. LEVER, Low and Reverse Second and Direct Low and Second, Stamped "A" Stamped "B" Stamped '<C" Third and Direct Reverse ........... ........... ......... .............. Shaft (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-42-16 PIN, 21-42-23 LEVER, Operating, Second and Direct Low and Reverse, P 1 Police and Taxi, Two P i e c e Interlock Type Low and Reverse, P1 Police and Taxi, One Piece Interlock Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low and Reverse, R2, W2, w/273 and 318 cu. in. Engine, w/GROMMET, Two Piece Interlock Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low and Reverse, R2, W2, w/273 and 318 cu. in. Eneine. - . One Piece Interlock Type . .......... Low and Reverse, R2, W2, w/273 and 318 cu. in. Engine, w/o Grommet, Two Piece Interlock Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low and Reverse, R2, W2, w/273 and 318 cu. in. Engine, - . One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, R1, W1, Police and Taxi, Two Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, R1, W1, Police and Taxi, One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, P 2 w/318 Low and Reverse, P2, D2-L, w/318 cu. in. Engine, w/GROMMET, Two Piece Interlock Type . . . . . . . . . . .......... TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - Dart V Voliont L *Indicates use as required. Elndicotes ports not Iirtwd in ony previous ports book. * Indicates change o r addition. R - Belvedere W -Coronet Numerols in parentheses ( Page 21-19 P -Plymouth D -Dodge C - C.... Y - lm&ol ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subiect to chonge without notice. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-20 T-SM,sIO, MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2464 094 3 Speed A745 TRANSMISSION 21-42-0 21-42-23 2464 098 3 Speed A74 5 TRANSMISSION REMOTE C O N T R O L GEARSHIFT 2464 641 4 Speed A833 - Cont'd - LEVER Cont'd Low and Reverse, P2, D2-L, w/318 cu. in. Engine, One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, P2 w/318 cu. in. Engine, w/o Grommet, Two Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, P2, w/318 cu. in. Engine, One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, R2, W2, w/361 and 383 cu. in. Engine, Two Piece Interlock Type ............... .......... .......... Low and Reverse, R2, W2, w/361 and 383 cu. in. Engine, One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, P2, D2, w/383 cu. in. Engine, Two Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, P2, D2, w/383 cu. in. Engine, One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, C2, w/383 and 413 cu. in. Engine, Two Piece Interlock T m e .......... ................ ............... .......... Low and Reverse, C2, w/383 and 413 cu. in. Engine, One Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, C1 w/383 Engine, Two Piece Interlock Type Low and Reverse, C1 w/383 cu. in. Engine, One Piece Interlock Type Second and Direct, W1, R1, P I , Police and T a x i . Second and Direct, R2, W2, w/273 and 318 cu. in. Engine, P2 w/318 cu. in. Eneine .......... ......... ........... Interlock, R1, Wl, P I , w/225 Engine, Police and Taxi Low and Second Third and Direct Reverse CLIP, Interlock Lever, Police and Taxi (2) CLIP, Interlock Lever .... .......... ......... .............. ............. ...... 21-42-25 WASHER, Interlock Lever Spring, Police and Taxi Interlock Lever Spring 21-42-28 PIN, Low and Reverse Interlock Pivot Police and Taxi Low and Reverse Interlock Pivot ......... ..... TYPE LEnERS Indicate: ......... V - Valiant L - Dort *Indicates us* or rmquired. Blndiwtmr ports not listed in any previous ports b o o t R -Belvedere W - Coronet - - C Chrysler Y lmperlol P Plymouth D Dodge Numnrols in parentheses ( ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specificationssubject to change without notla. * March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-20 Indicates change or addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TR-~SION Page 21-21 MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2464 094 3 Speed A745 TRANSMISSION 21-42-0 21-42-31 PAWL, Low and Reverse Interlock Lever, Police and Taxi Low and Reverse Interlock Lever SEAL, Gearshift Lever Shaft (*) . . 21-42-42 BUSHING, Operating Lever Grommet - 1 2464 641 4 Speed A833 I ................ GROMMET, Operating Lever (2) Cont'd I 21-01-0 .. l 1676 200 *I676 200 ---- --- 1941 699 *I941 699 ---- --- 21-02-0 ---- ------ --- 2466 163 3 Speed A903 2466 161 3 Speed A903 ................................. 2275 896 2196 062 1139 204 1139 204 TRANSMISSION VENT VENT 21-03-0 21-03-25 l T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R P A C K A G E S GASKET SET 21-01-3 21-03-24 I I TRANSMISSION 21-03-1 2464 261 4 Speed A833 All quantities a r e one (1)unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 21-02-6 1 ..... (2) 21-42-43 2464 098 3 Speed A745 T R A N S M I S S I O N REMOTE CONTROL GEARSHIFT I 21-42-29 / ..................................... T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE ..................................... ..................... PLUG, Back-up Light Switch Hole GASKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CASE 1 1 2464 915 1139 153 1 1 2464 915 1139 153 1302 807 1302 807 2400 737 2400 738 2 1 - 0 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N 21 -04-1 EXTENSION 21-04-2 GASKET 21-04-11 BUSHING, 21-09-0 21-09-2 21-09-5 21-09-19 21-09-23 ................................. ................................... Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSMISSION M A I N DRIVE P I N I O N PINION, 21T., NT., 23 Splines, 10 1 / 2 lgh., w/225 cu. in. Engine . . . . . BEAIUNG, w/Snap RING SLINGER, Bearing Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING, Bearing, .088" t h k (*) .091r'thk. (*I . 0 9 4 thk. (*) .097" thk. (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WASHER, Bearing ............................. RETAINER, Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL SEAL, Pinion ............................. SCREW, Retainer (*) GASKET, Bearing Retainer ......................... ........................... .................... ............................... ................................ 21-09-25 21-09-29 21-09-30 21-09-31 21-09-33 TYPE LETTERS Indicate: ........................... L - Dorl V Volionl *Indicates use as required. Blndicat-s parts not \Wed in any previous parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. . R Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-21 - Plymouth D - Dodge P I - C Chryrler Y - Imperial )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. .......... 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-22' MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis . NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-10-0 2466 163 3 Speed A903 2466 161 3 Speed A903 2464 578 2464 578 2538 066 2538 066. T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N D R I V E GEARS 21-10-4 GEAR. F i r s t and Reverse. 29T.. 32 Splines 21-10-16 GEAR Second Sueed. 24T ................. ...................... .. 24T 21-11-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER GEAR 21-11-1 21-11-2 21-11-9 21-12-0 ................................. ROLLER. Bearing (22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. WASHER (2) GEAR. 15T T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER GEAR SHAFT 21-12-1 SHAFT 21-12-2 KEY .................................... ..................................... 1635 290 1635 293 21-14-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH GEAR 21-14-20 ............................... SLEEVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING. Synchronizer Stop Ring ...................... RING. Synchronizer Stop. Outer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inner (2) ................................. ................................. SNAP RING 21-14-21 SHIM. Synchronizer (*) 21-14-5 21-14-6 21-14-15 21-14-19 GEAR. 24T., 32T ........................... 2204 619 1676 197 2408 163 2464 839 2400 533 2205 192 2464 724 21-15-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT GEAR ................. ............................. 21-15-2 GEAR. 33T.. 24T.. 18T.. 14T.. 6 25/32" lgh 2538 068 21-15-33 WASHER. Thrust (2) 1633 763 21-16-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT 21-16-3 21-17-0 21-17-2 21-17-7 21-19-0 21-19-2 21-19-15 . . . . . SHAFT 32 32 23 S ~ l i n e s 25 1/2" lah ................... 2204 616 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT P I L O T B E A R I N G ................................. ROLLER (*) SNAP RING. Roller ............................. 1949 834 601 108 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT B E A R I N G ................................... . . ...................... ........................... . ........................... ............................ . ............................ . ............................ . ........................... ............................ BEARING SNAP RING. Inner. 088" thk (*) Inner. .091" t h k (*) Inner. 095" thk (*) Inner. 097" thk . (*) Outer. . 086" thk (*) Outer. 089" thk (*) Outer. 092" thk (*) Outer. . 095" thk . (*) . . . . N P E LETTERS Indicate: V Voliant L -Dart a *Indicates us* or required . Blndlwlms pad8 not Ilshd in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes Mav 1965. R .Belvedere W -Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( I P .Plvmouth D .~ o d g e refer to notes Prices and Page 21-22 . 1633 718 631 823 631 824 631 825 640 332 640 280 631 809 631 810 640 331 1 C .Chr or Y. a1 Printed in U.S.A. . specifications subiect to change without n o t l u * Indicates change o r addition . 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-23 MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2466 163 3 Speed A903 TRANSMISSION 2466 161 3 Speed A903 2 1 - 2 2 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A I N SHAFT B E A R I N G O I L SEAL 21-22-2 ................................. OILSEAL - - 2 1 - 2 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT ............................. ..................................... 21-24-2 COUNTERSHAFT 21-24-22 KEY 21-25-0 TRANSMISSION COUNTERSHAFT BEARING ................................. ................................... .................... or RING, Roller Thrust (2) 21-25-2 ROLLER (44) 21-25-4 SPACER 21-25-6 WASHER 21-29-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE C O V E R 21-29-3 COVER 21-29-25 GASKET. .................................... Cover ............................... 2 1 - 3 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT RAIL 21-34-42 21-34-45 21-34-47 ................................ ............................. SLEEVE, Interlock SPRING. Interlock Ball ........................... PIN, Interlock 2 1 - 3 9 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT F O R K 21-39-3 21-42-0 ........................... ............................. FORK, Low and Reverse Second and Direct T R A N S M I S S I O N REMOTE C O N T R O L GEARSHIFT 21-42-42 ......................... ............................. PIN, Shaft (2) ................................ ................... LEVER, Operating, Second and Direct Low and Reverse, R1, W1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... Low and Reverse, P1 Low and Reverse ............................. SEAL, Gearshift Lever (2) ......................... BUSHING, Operating Lever Grommet (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-42-43 GROMMET, Operating Lever (2) 21-42-11 21-42-16 21-42-23 21-42-31 LEVER, Low and Reverse Second and Direct N P E LETTERS Indicate: - V Valiant L - Dart *Indicates use as required. alndicales parts not Ilsted in any previous parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. .................... - R Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( - P Plvmouth D ~ o d ~ e ) refer to notes. - 1949 350 1676 200 1941 699 C - Chry lmperlal Printed In U.S.A. Y - Pricas and specificationr subject to change without notic.. Page 21-23 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-24 TRANSMISSION MANUAL TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. 2466 160 3 Speed A903 TRANSMLSSION 21-01-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R P A C K A G E S GASKET SET 21-01-3 21-02-0 21-03-0 21-03-1 21-03-24 21-03-25 21-04-2 21-04-11 ............................................ T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE ............................................. PLUG, Back-up Light Switch Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GASKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CASE 21-04-0 21-04-1 *2196 062 TRANSMISSION VENT VENT.. 21-02-6 ......................................... T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N .......................................... GASKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUSHING, Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXTENSION ~ - ~p - - ~ 21-09-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N D R I V E P I N I O N 21-09-2 21-09-5 21-09-19 21-09-23 ....................... BEARING, w/Snap RING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SLINGER, Bearing Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PINION, 24T., 17T., 23 Splines, 10 1/2" lgh. SNAP RING, Bearing, .088" thk. (*) .091" thk. (*) .094" thk. (*) .097" thk. (*) ....................................... ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ - 21-09-25 21-09-29 21-09-30 21-09-31 21-09-33 - WASHER, Bearing . ..................................... ....................................... OIL SEAL, Pinion SCREW, Retainer (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GASKET, Bearing Retainer .................................. RETAINER, Bearing 21-10-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N DRIVE GEAR 21-10-4 GEAR, Sliding, F i r s t and Reverse, 29T., 32 Splines 21-10-16 GEAR, Second Speed, 23T., 24T. N P E LETlERS Indicate: V - Valiant L -Dart *Indicates use as reauired. Blndkatos parts not llsted in ony previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. ................... .............................. R - Belvedere W -Coronet Nurnerols in parentheses P - Plvmouth C Y D - Dodge I. - lrnperlal .I refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecific~tionrsubject to change without notka. Page 21-24 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION page ...... MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis NOTE: . TRANSMISSION 21-11-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER GEAR 21-11-1 GEAR, 15T 21-11-2 21-11-9 ........................................... ROLLER. Bearing (22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... WASHER (2) 21-12-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N REVERSE IDLER OEAR SHAFT .......................................... ........................................... 21-12-1 SHAFT 21-12-2 KEY 21-14-0 TRANSMISSION CLUTCH GEAR 21-14-5 21-14-6 21-14-15 21-14-19 21-14-20 21-14-21 ....................................... SLEEVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING. Synchronizer Stop Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RING. Synchronizer Stop. Outer (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inner(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... SHIM. Synchronizer (*) GEAR. 24T.. 32T 1 I I 1 '2204 619 *I676 197 *2408 163 *2464 839 *2400 533 '2205 192 21-15-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT OEAR ................................ ..................................... 21-15-2 GEAR, 34T., 25T., 18T., 14T 21-15-33 WASHER, Thrust (2) *I663 763 21-16-0 TRANSMISSION M A l N SHAFT 21-16-3 21-17-0 SHAFT. 32. 32. 23. Splines 22 1/4" Igh ........................... '2400 390 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT PILOT BEARING 21-17-2 ROLLER (*) 21-17-7 SNAP RING. ......................................... ..................................... Roller '1949 834 * 601 108 21-19-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N M A l N SHAFT BEARING ........................................... 21-19-2 BEARING 21-19-15 SNAP RING. Inner. . 0 8 8 " t h k (*) 091'. thk . (+) . 095" thk (*) . 0 9 7 " t h k (*) a t e r . 086" thk (*) .0%" t z ti;: . 0 9 2 " t h k (*) . . . . .095" thk (*) . . . . . . . ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... . ................................... ....................................... .................................. ....................................... V .Valiant TYPE LETTERS Indicate: L .Dart *Indicates use as required . Blndicatar ports not listed in ony previous ports boot * Indicates change or addition . R .Belvedere W -Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-24A P .Plymouth '1633 718 I C .Chrysler D .Dodge Y .imperial Printad in U.S.A. ) refer to notes Prices and speciflcatlons subiect to change without notice . . . March 1966 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 2 1 - 2 4 ~ TRANSMISSION P MANUAL TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 1 I TRANSMISSION 21-22-0 21-22-2 2466 160 3 Speed TRANSMISSION M A I N SHAFT BEARING O I L SEAL OILSEAL ........................................... 21-24-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT ....................................... .............................................. 21-24-2 COUNTERSHAFT 21-24-22 KEY 21-25-0 21-25-2 21-25-4 21-25-6 T R A N S M I S S I O N COUNTERSHAFT BEARING ......................................... SPACER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WASHER o r RING, Roller Thrust (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROLLER (44) 21-29-0 T R A N S M l S S l O N CASE COVER O R H O U S I N G 21-29-3 COVER 21-29-25 GASKET, ............................................ Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 - 3 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT R A I L 21-34-42 21-34-45 21-34-47 ......................................... SLEEVE, Interlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING, Interlock Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PIN, Interlock 21-39-0 21-39-3 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT FORK '2205 131 - Cont'd .................................. ...................................... '1949 351 *2125 059 FORK, Low and Reverse Second and Direct 21-42-0 TRANSMISSION REMOTE CONTROL GEARSHIFT 21-42-11 21-42-16 21-42-23 21-42-31 21-42-42 21-42-43 ............................... .................................. PIN, Shaft (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... LEVER, Operating, Low and Reverse Second and Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEVER, Low and Reverse Second and Direct ..................... ....................... BUSHING, Operating Lever Grommet (2) GROMMET, Operating Lever (2) . . . . . . . . SEAL, Gearshift Lever Shaft (2) TYPE LEllERS Indicate: V - Valiant L -Dart *Indicates use as required. alndlcokt porh not iided In any prwiour parts book. March 1966. R - Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( I P -Plymouth D - Dodge ) refer to notes. C - Chrysler Y - lmperlal Printed In U.S.A. Prices and specifications subled to change without notlm. Page 21-24B * Indicates change o r addition. ~RANSMISSION 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG LEVER 21 -1 39-12 SNAP RING 21 -139- P a g e 21-25 SPRING 21 -30-394 P RING 21 -139-49 VALVE 21 -139-10 SPRING 21 -139-108 PLUG 21 -139-105 VALVE 21 -139-9 VALVE 21 -139-95 NUT 21 -139-76 SPRING 21-139-101 PLUG21-139-95 COVER 21-139-135 SLEEVE 21 -139-6 RING 21-139-33 PLUG 21 -139-78 VALVE 21 -139-78 PLUG 21 -139-63 SPRING 21 -139-144 SPRING 21-139-144 PLATE 21 -1 39-147 SPRING 21-139-193 VALVE 21-139-190 SEAL 21-139-191 COVER 21-139-135 GASKET 21.117BY N A M E O N L Y - ORDER STRAINER 21 -117-1 AUTOMATIC 3-SPEED TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY AND VALVES Printed in U.S.A. Page 21-25 May, 1965 Supersedes Nov. 30, 1964. Page 21-26 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG May, 1965 Supersedes Nov. 30, 1964. Page 21-26 TRANSMISSION Printed in U.S.A. TRANS~W~SION 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG AUTOMATIC 3-SPEED TRANSMISSION .VALIANT V1.2, DART L1.2. BELVEDERE R1.2. CORONET W1-2 fA904G AND A904LA) Ref . No . Name P a r t Type Code Ref . No . ................. .................. .............. .................. PLYMOUTH PI. P a r t Type Code Name ................ ................ ................. Screw Switch Ring Seal Piston. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchor (Serviced i n 21-136-44) . . Lmk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snap Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lever. Short . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer Lever. w/Stem screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snap Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Body. w/Transfer Plate . . . . . . Gasket Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strut Lever Snap Ring Ring Spring Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rod Ring Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston. Accumulator . . . . . . . . Piston. Kickdown . . . . . . . . . . Ring Shaft Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer and Cam . . . . . . . . . Band. Kickdown Snap Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer Race Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snap Rmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer Spr~ng Pston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . seai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal Retainer. Front . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw Bushing Washer Gasket Shaft. Reading. w/Support Rotor. Inner (Serviced in 21-118-6) Rotor. Outer (Serviced in 21-118-6) Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Housing. Front . . . . . . . . . . . Screw Oil Seal Snap Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snap Ring Snap Ring Weight Spring Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Body (Serviced in 21.138.2) Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valve Snap Ring Washer Ring Shaft. Input Seal Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Snap Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SnapRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snap Ring Washer SnapRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snap Ring C a r r i e r Front . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Gear. Sun Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrier. Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support Snap Ring Dmm. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . Band. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaft. m t p u t . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaft Housing. R e a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rotor. Outer (Serviced in 21-118-6) . Ball Rotor. Inner (Serviced in 21.118.6) ................ ................. ............... ............... ........... ................. . P a g e 21-27 ................ ............... ................. ................ .............. ................. ................ .................. ............... ................. ................. ................ ............... ................. ................. .................. ........... .................. . ................. screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ................ Cover Rhg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Housing (Serviced in 21-138-2) . . . Snap Ring Screw Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw ................ Extension Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil Seal Lever screw Screw Sprag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring casket screw Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clip Pinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spacer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casket Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ................. ............... ................ ................. ............... ................ ................. ................. ................. ................ ............... ............... ................ ..... ................. ................. ................. .................. ................ ............... .............. .............. ................ ................ .... ................ .............. ................. ................. PARTS INDICATED BY NAME ONLY . ORDER BY DESCRIPTION . Printed in U.S A . P a g e 21-27 May. 1965 S u p e r s e d e s Nov . . 30. 1964 Page 21-28 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION -- May, 1965 Supersedes Nov. 30, 1964. Page 21-28 Printed in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC 3-SPEED TRANSMISSION . PLYMOUTH P2. DODGE D2. CHRYSLER (21.2.3. PLYMOUTH P I . CORONET W1 POLICE AND TAXI Ref No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 . Name Retainer. Rear Clutch Ring Ring Ring Shaft. Input Bushing Washer Retainer. R e a r Clutch Piston sea1 Seal Piston Spring Ring Plate Disc Plate Carrier Washer Gear Washer Ring Bushing (Serviced in 21-133.40) . . . Shell Band. Reverse Dmm. Reverse Gear Carrier Washer Rmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate Bushing (Serweed in 21-133.40) Gear Plate R, "g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer Ring plate Retainer. Front Clutch Band. Kickdown Ring Bolt Shaft Reaction ~ a t o ; (Serviced in 21-118-6) Rotor (Serviced in 21-118-6) Housing Seal ........ .................. .................. .................. .............. ................ ................ .... .................. .................. ................. ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ................ ................ .................. ................ .................. .................. ............ ............ .................. ................ ................ .................. ... .................. .................. ................ .................. .................. ........ ............ .................. .................. . ............ .... .... ................ .................. Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ................ ................ .................. .................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................ .................. .................. .................. .................. Baffle Washer Bushing Seal Seal Gasket Rotor Piston Spring Retainer Ring Disc plate Ring Spring Shaft Ring Ring Ring Weight Weight lack ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ................. ................. .................. ............... Bolt . . . Ring Rmg Bearing . Rmg Extension Rmg Seal . . . Bushlng Seal Yoke . . . Clip Seal .................. .................. ............... .................. ............... .................. ............... ................ .................. ............... .................. .................. P a r t Type code 21-133-7 21-129-7 21-129-7 21-133-25 21-129-5 21-129-6 21-133-65 21-133-7 21-133-17 21-133-17 21-133-15 21-133-20 21-133-25 21-133-39 21-133-36 21-133-39 21-134-5 21-134-30 21-134-38 21-133-48 21-133-46 21-133-42 21-136-30 21-136-65 21-134-38 21-134-5 21-134-30 21-133-46 21-133-47 21-133-40 21-133-38 21-05-19 21-05-35 21-133-43 21-133-38 21-133-7 21-136-5 21-129-13 21-129-10 21-118-40 21-118-45 21-118-42 21-116-47 21-118-57 21-118-55 21-118-54 21-129-11 21-133-65 21-133-10 21-133-17 21-133-11 21-04-2 21-118-7 21-133-15 21-133-20 21-133-22 21-133-43 21-133-36 21-133-39 21-133-43 21-138-15 21-138-26 21-138-19 21-138-29 21-138-19 21-138-13 21-138-13 21-138-21 21-05-8 21-05-8 21-05-2 21-05-8 21-04-1 21-05-18 21-05-12 21-04-11 21-05-12 16-14-1 21-85-61 21-84-28 . . Ref NO 87 88 89 90 91 52 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1M) 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 146 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Name Bolt clamp Seal pinion Gasket Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw Plug Shaft (Serwced I" 4-10-7) Spacer Sprmg Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pin Washer Spnng Gasket Cover Screw Plug Sprag Washer Screw Lever Bearing (Servtced in 4-10-7) Shaft Roller Bearing Rine Ring Valve Housing (Serviced in 21-138-2) . . Support Ring Shaft. Output Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw Ball Rotor (Serviced in 21-118-6) Housing Switch Ring Screw Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lever strut ................. ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ..... ................ ................ ................. ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... ................ ................ ... ................. ................ ............... ................. ................. ................ ............... ................. ............ .............. ................. ... ............... ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ sen1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Body. w/Plate . . . . . . . . . . . Gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ............... Rod Ring Piston Ring Ring Case Shaft Plug Retainer Cam . . . Race . . . Spring . . Roller . . .............. .............. .............. .............. P a g e 21-29 IMPERIAL Y1. Part Type Code 21-84-7 21-85-56 21-85-5 21-04-2 21-04-6 21-04-6 4-10-9 4-10-3 4-10-3 4-10-2 4-10-4 4-10-11 4-10-16 4-10-15 4-10-10 21-04-18 21-04-6 4-10-7 4-10-8 4-10-17 4-10-19 21-138-7 21-138-29 21-138-23 21-138-10 21-138-38 21-05-1 21-118-53 21-118-40 21-133-24 21-137-50 21-136-17 21-137-35 21-137-41 21- 137-41 21-137-44 21.137 .13 21-137-56 21-136-47 21-136-41 21-136-55 21-136-49 21-136-44 21-136-41 21-139-4 21-119-5 21-119-3 21-136-15 21-136-15 21-136-20 21-137-19 21-137-8 21-137-13 21-137-22 21-136-52 21-136-47 21-137-59 21-137-205 21-137-22 21-137-202 21-137-200 21-137-11 21-131-8 21-137-5 21-137-202 21-137-8 21-03-1 21-136-23 21-136-233 21-136-231 21-136-232 21-136-236 21-136-235 PARTS INDICATED BY NAME ..ORDER . . . . . . . . . . ONLY . . . . . . . .BY DESCRIPTION . Printed in U.S A . P a g e 21-29 May, 1965 Supersedes Nov . 30, 1964. Page 21-30 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG May, 1965 Supersedes Nov. 30, 1964. Page 21-30 TRANS-SION Printed in U.S.A. ~RA~~SMISSION 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG P a g e 21-31 AUTOMATIC 3-SPEED TRANSMISSION .IMPERIAL (A727B) .. Ref No 1 2 3 4 5 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 Name ........ .................. .................. .................. . . .............. Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retamer. Rear Clutch Plston . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushmg (Serviced m 21.133.40) . . . Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Band. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . Drum. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushing (Serviced in 21.133.40) . . . Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer. Front Clutch . . . . . . . . Band. Kickdown . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaft. Reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . Rotor (Serviced in 21-118-6) . . . . Rotor (Serviced in 21-118-6) . . . . Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retainer. Rear Clutch Ring Ring Ring Shaft . Inout Screw P a r t Type Code . . Ref No 21-133-7 21-129-7 21-129-7 21-133-25 21-129-5 83 84 85 86 87 21-133-46 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 21-133-42 21-136-30 21-136-65 21-134-38 21-134-5 21-134-30 ................. Name ................. ..... ................ ................ . ................ ............... ................. ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ................ ... ................. ................ ............... ................. ................. ................ .. ............... ................. ................. ............ ................ ................ ................. ... ... ................ ............... ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ ................. ................. ................ ............... ................ ................ ................. ................. ................. .. ............ ................ ................. ................. ............... ................. ................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ............... ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ Plug Shaft (Serviced in 4-10-7) Spacer Spring Sorine " Adapter Pin Washer Spring Gasket Cover Screw Plug Sprag Lever Bearing (Serviced in 4-10-7) Shaft Roller Bearing Rhe Rmg Valve Housmg (Servleed I" 21-138-2) Support Rmg Ring Shaft. Output Cover Screw Ball Rotor (Serviced in 21-118-6) Rotor (Serviced in 21-118-6) Gasket Housing Switch Ring Screw Piston Spring Plug Ring Spring Retainer Lever Strut sea1 Shaft Lik Anchor (Serviced in 21-136-44) Body. w/Plate Gasket Bolt Pan Anchor strut Lever Ring Ring Guide Spring Screw Lever Ring spring Spring Ring Piston Rod Ring Piston Ring Ring Case Shaft Plug Retainer Cam Race Spring Roller Shield Baffle P a r t Type Code 4-10-9 4-10-3 4-10-3 21-138-29 21-138-23 21-138-10 21-138-38 21-138-38 21-05-1 21-118-53 PARTS INDICATED BY NAME ONLY . ORDER BY DESCRIPTION Printed in U.S . A . P a g e 21-31 May, 1965 Supersedes Nov . 30. . 1964 Page 21-32 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION CORE 7-11-3 \ NUT 9-46-43 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER SYSTEM March, 1966 Supersedes May, 1965. Page 21-32 Printed in U S .A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION CODE : PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION PER CAR VALIANT DART Page 21-33 PLYMOUTH FURY - DODGE B~LVEDE~ DODGE IMPERIAL POLARA CHRYSUR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: 21-02-0 TRANSMISSION NOTE: 21-02-1 Transmission Number and Serial Number can be Found on Transmission Oil Pan Rail. For Transmission Component P a r t s see Charts Beginning on Page 21-40. . TRANSMISSION, w/170 cu. in. Engine, A904G Heavy Duty, A904G w/273 Engine, Std., A904LA w/273 Engine, Std., A904LA w/273 Engine, w/4 Barrel Carburetor, w/Special Cam, A904 LA (Cancelled Service Component Parts) w/273 cu. in. Engine, w/4 Barrel Carburetor, w/Special Cam, A904LA w/225 Engine, A904G . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ..... ......... ........... ......... .............. R1, W1, PI, A904G R2, W2, w/273 Engine, A904LA (Cancelled - Service Component Parts) R2, W2, w/273 cu. in. Engine, A904LA R1, W1, PI, Police and Taxi, A727A R1, W1, P I , Police and Taxi, A72?A P2 Police and Taxi, R2, W2, Police, w/318 cu. in. Engine, A727A . . . . . P2 Police and Taxi, R2, W2, Police, w/318 cu. in. Engine, A727A R2, W2, Police and Taxi, w/273 cu. in. ........... Enaine. A727A .... .... ... ........ ... R2, W2, Police and Taxi, w/273 cu. in. Engine, A727A P2, R2, W2, D2-L, w/318 cu. in. Engine, A727A P2, R2, WZ, D2-L, w/318 cu. in. Engine, A727A R2, W2, w/361 cu. in. Engine, w/2 Barrel Carburetor, A727B R2, W2, w/361 cu. in. Engine, w/2 Barrel Carburetor, A727B P2 w/383 cu. in. Engine, A727B .... P2 w/383 cu. in. ~ n g i n e ,A727B .............. .................. ................... ............ ........... ..... .. ... D2 w/383 and 413 Engine, A727B D2 w/383 and 413 cu. in. Engine, A727B C1, C2, w/383 cu. in. Engine, C3 w/413 cu. in. Engine w/4 Barrel Carburetor, A727B C1., C2., w/383 cu. in. Eneine. . , C3 w/413 cu. in. Engine w/4 Barrel Carburetor, A727B R2, W2, P2, D2, w/383 cu. in. Engine, w/4 Barrel Carburetor, Police, ~ 7 2 7 ~ R2, W2, P2, D2, w/383 cu. in. Engine, w/4 Barrel Carburetor, Police, A727B . . . . . W2, P2, D2, w/426 cu. in. Engine, Std., A727B ... .................... ... ... .................... NOTE 1: UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1589110. NOTE 3: UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1878582. TYPE LETlERS Indicate: - V Valiont L - Dart +Indicates use as required. Blndicales parts not listed in any previous parts book. NOTE 2: NOTE 4: - R Belvedere W -Coronet AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1589110. AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1878582. - P - Plymouth C Chrysler D - Dodge Y - Imperial Numerals In parentheses ( ) r e k r to note*. Printed In U.S.A. Prices and specllicallons sub/ect to change without notlw. Indicates change or addition. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-33 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG - Page 21-34 CODE -P D O DLG E y PER PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION L CAR TRANSMISSION PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE DODGE DART CORONB ~ ~ IMPERIAL POlARA CHRYSLER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 21-02-0 21-02-1 TRANSMISSION - Cont'd - TRANSMISSION Cont'd W2, P2, D2, w/426 cu. in. Engine, Std., A727B .................... C2, C3, w/413 cu. in. Engine, C2-300L, w/4 Barrel Carburetor, w/Special Cam, A727B .................... C2, C3, w/413 cu. in. Engine, C2-300L, w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor, w/Special Cam, A727B R2, W2, w/426 Engine, Hemispherical, A727B A727B (Cancelled-Service Commnents Parts) .................... .................... 2 1 - 0 3 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE 21-03-2 PLATE, Adapter, Police and Taxi 21-03-6 COVER, Torque Converter ...... .... ................ ...... ... .... Police and Taxi w/361, 383 and 426 Engine w/273 cu. in. Engine, w/A904LA Trans. w/273 cu. in. Engine, w/A727A Trans. P. D-L. w/318 cu. in. Engine ..... 21-03-7 ... ....... ... ................ .... COVER, Torque Converter D r a i n . w/273 cu. in. Engine, w/A904LA Trans. Police and Taxi w/273 cu. in. Engine, w/A727A Trans. R, W, P, D-L, w/318 cu. in. Engine . . ... .............. 21-03-23 SCREW, Case Cover Case to Cylinder Block Cylinder Block to Case, Left Side Strut to Cylinder Block Adapter Plate to Case, Police and Taxi Case to Adapter Plate, Police and Taxi 21-03-28 BRACKET o r STRUT, Case to Cylinder Block, Left Side R2, W2, w/273 Engine, A904LA Trans., Left Side Right Side w/273 cu. in. Engine, A904LA Trans., Right Side w/273 cu. in. Engine, A727A Trans., Left Side R, W, P, D2-L, w/318 Engine, Left Side w/273 cu. in. Engine, A727A Trans., Right Side R, W, P, D2-L, w/318 Engine, Riiht Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ...... ............ ... ... ............... .............. ................... .................. ................... ................... ................... .... NOTE 1: UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1589110. NPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Voliont - L Dart *Indicater use as required. Blndlcater parts not listed in any previous parts book. R NOTE 2: - Belvedere P -Plymouth D ~ o d ~ e - W -Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1589110. - C Chrvrler lmperiol Y ) refer to notes. Printed in U S A . Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. * March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-34 Indicates change o r addition. ~ 1965 PASSENGER CAR PART: TRANSMISSION I 1 IcAR1 PER PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION L .--.-... DART BELVEDERE DODGE rum1 DODGE POLARA CHRYSLLR IMPERIAL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 21-03-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE - Cont'd 21-03-29 SHIELD, Case to Starter Motor, Police ............ and Taxi, P 21-03-40 PIN, Adapter Plate Dowel, Police and Taxi 21-30-0 21-30-2 ..... .. - - -- - - - T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT C O N T R O L S .......... LEVER, Column Gearshift w/426 Maximum Performance, w/o Back-up Lights PIN, Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 21-30-6 . .. KNOB, Column Shift, w/o Console, Chrome w/Console, Black ............... SCREW, Lever Knob Set, w/Console .... ............. 21-30-11 GATE, Gearshift Lever 21-30-15 LENS, Gearshift, Selector, w/HOUSING, w / ~ h i f tL e t t e r s P, R, N, D, 2, 1, w/Console w/Console, P , D LENS, Instrument Panel, w/Name "DODGE", w/Console, D . ................ ................ 21-30-19 COVER, Column Gearshift Indicator Opening, w/o Shift L e t t e r s P, R, N, D, 2,1, w/Console, P ................. ..... ............. ........... 21-30-21 DIAL, Column Gearshift, w/o Console w/426 Maximum Performance, w/o Back-up Lights, w/o Console DIAL PACKAGE, Indicator 21-30-22 PIN, Column Gearshift Lever, w/o Console 21-30-23 POINTER, Column Gearshift Dial, w/o Console INDICATOR, w/BRACKETS, SPRING, GASKET, BACK DIAL, SHAFT and POINTER, P I , P2-L P2-M, P2-H, w/o Console INDICATOR, D2-L, D2-H, w/o Console INDICATOR, C1, C2-M, C3, w/o Console ......... .... ... 21-30-24 BRACKET, w/STUD, Column Gearshift Tube Indicator, w/o Console, P, D BRACKET, Indicator, w/o Console, C1, C2-M, C3 BRACKET, Indicator BRACKET, Indicator Locking NUT, Stud ..... ................... .............. .......... .................. 21-30-26 RETAINER, Column Gearshift Dial,w/o Console 21-30-28 SOCKET, Selector Light, w/Console Gearshift Indicator Lamp, D2, w/o Console TYPE LETTERS Indimte: . . . . . .. V - Voliant L - Dart *Indicates use a* required. Etlndlcoler parts not listed in any previous parts book. Indicates change or addition. R - .Bel, - W Coronet D-~ A d g ~ C - Chrvrlor Nvmsrols in parentheses ( )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specificotionr subject to change without nollco. Page 21-35 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG - P a e e 21-36 CODE P A M N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION L TRANSMISSION . .-. PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE - DODGE PER CAR ' DODGE CORONET DART IMPERIAL POLARA CHRYSLER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 21-30-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT C O N T R O L S - Cont'd LAMP, Column Gearshift Indicator, w/CABLE, w/o Console ................. .......... ......... 21-30-30 SPRING, Gearshift Indicator Gearshift Indicator Damping 21-30-33 CONTACT, Lamp Socket Cable, w/Console 21-30-43 SPRING, Column Gearshift Lever Pivot, 2 5 / 6 4 lgh. 21-30-45 WASHER, Gearshift Selector Indicator Link Mounting Spring, P, D 21-30-49 LINK, Gearshift Selector Indicator, P, D2, w/o Console SCREW, Link M o u n t i i Shoulder . NUT and WASHER, Link Mounting WASHER. Surine: 21-30-53 LEVER, Gearshift Indicator, w/GROMMET, w/o Console, C1, C2-M, C3 21-30-57 GROMMET, Indicator Lever Shaft, w/o Console, P, C1, C2-M C3 21-30-58 LENS, Instrument Panel Indicator, D2-L, D%M, D2-H, Plastic, w/Shjft L e t t e r s 21-30-64 CABLE, Indicator Actuating 21-30-69 INSULATOR, Column Gearshift Cable 21-30-100 SPRING, Column Gearshift Lever, 1/4" O.D. Column Gearshift Lever Sprag, 1/2" O.D. 21-30-347 DAMPER, Gearshift Control Selector Lever Guide Pin, w/Console, V1-P, V2-P, L1-P, L2-P, R2-P, W2-P, P2-P, D2-L, D2-P, C 21-30-365 CABLE, Control, w/o Console 41" lgh., w/Console . . . . . 45" lgh., w/Console w/o Tilt Wheel w/Tilt Wheel CLIP . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................. ........... ............. ..... ..... ............... ......... ............... ... ... . .. ......... ......... .............. ................. ................. ......... 21-30-367 GROMMET, Gearshift Control Cable, w/Console 21-30-369 INSULATOR, Column Gearshift Cable Bracket Stud Column Gearshift Cable w/Tilt Wheel ............ ................. ............ 21-30-370 21-30-375 BRACKET, Column Gearshift Cable ..... .. FLANGE or WHEEL, Control Cable Adjusting SCREW TYPE LETTERS Indicate: .................... V - Valiant L - Dart *Indicates use a1 required. alndicater parts not listed in any previous parts b o o t March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. J 1 R - Belw we P - Plvmouth W -Coronet D - Dodge Y - Imperial )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Numerals in parentheses ( Prices and specifications subiect to change without notla. Page 21-36 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMLSSION CODE : PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION PER CAR Page 21-37 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE . DODGE DODGE CORONm DART IMPERIAL POWRA CHRYSLER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 21-30-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N GEARSHIFT CONTROLS I I 1 ............. I ( / 21-30-379 PLATE, Column Gearshift Cable Lock 21-30-380 SHIELD, Gearshift Control Cable, V2-L, Y2-H, L2-L, L2-H 21-30-389 .... STRAP, Column Gearshift Cable Grommet 21-30-390 ... ( 21-30-394 SPRING, Control Cable Adapter Gearshift Control Cable to Dash, w/Console. 21-30-407 21-30-408 2467 838 1 1739 230 I II ---- --- I l l ........... I I / ADAPTER, Control Cable 21-30-397 2 1 *I316 813 SEAL, Gearshift Control Cable, 11/16" 0. D. 21-30-392 ....... SNAP RING, Control Cable Adapter P i n . .... ACTUATOR o r MECHANISM, Gearshift Control, w/Console w/Console ............. .................. COVER, Gearshift Lever Opening, w/SEAL, w/Console w/Console SCREW, Gearshift Indicator L e v e r to Actuator, C SCREW, Actuator Mounting, w/Console .................. ................... 6 21-84-0 21-84-1 .... 2467 838 I ---- --- I ---- --- *I316 813 *I316 813 1 11 1 I1 2467 838 1 ( 2643 657 I ( '1316 813 2464 678 1 1 1673 184 1556 693 1673 184 1673 184 1673 184 1' 1322 503 1322 503 1322 503 1322 503 !?!!!! 2534 512 2534 512 2499 284 2499 284 -- - - --- 6024 827 6024 004 2464 678 8 8 1 1 2464 678 8 1 4 ---- ----- - -- ---- --- 6024 004 .............. CABLE, w/HOUSING w/Steel C a s e w/Plastic C a s e w/Auto. Pilot, P2 w/Auto. Pilot, D2, C1, C2, C3, Y1 GROMMET, Dash .................. ................ .............. ...... 2464 676 1 2499 284 T R A N S M I S S I O N SPEEDOMETER CABLE ASSEMBLY CABLE o r SHAFT 2467 838 1 I I - - -- - - - -- - - - - ............. 21-84-4 / 111 1 1 ................. 21-30-425 - Cont'd 1370 460 ................ w/Auto. Pilot, D2, C1, C2, C3 ........ ................. 21-84-7 CLAMP, Cable 21-84-28 SEAL, Cable Adapter TYPE LEllERS Indicate: .............. - V Voliant L Dart *Indicates use a 1 raauired. Blndicotms parts not Ilrted in any previous ports book. Indicates change o r addition. R I 1 I - Belvedere W .Coronet Numerals in parentheses I Page 21-37 1 1942 259 - 1 1942 259 P Plvrnouth D ~odge / 1942 259 I 1942 259 - C Chrvsler Y Imperial J refar to notes. Printed in U.S.A. prices and spacificationssubled to change without notlea. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION CODE : PART NAME A N D DESCRIPTION PER CAR Page 21-39 -PLY^^^ DODGE PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE DODGE DART IMPERIAL POLARA CHRYSLER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 21-85-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SPEEDOMETER P I N I O N .............. .................. .................. 21-85-22 SEAL, Drive Adapter 21-85-56 SEAL, Pinion 21-85-61 CLIP, Pinion 21-113-0 21-113-24 21-113-29 I l1 - Cont'd 1 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N !NEUTRAL STAR ER S W I T C H ........ ............ SWITCH PACKAGE, w/wASHER WASHER, Mounting 21-119-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L P A N 21-119-11 21-119-15 PLUG, Oil Pan Drain, R, W, P, Police and Taxi R2, w/426 Maximum Performance ...................... ...... TUBE, Oil F i l l e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/273 cu. in. Engine, w/A904LA Trans. . . . ...... Police and Taxi, w/A727A Trans. w/273 and 318 Engine, w/A727A Trans. w/361 and 383 Engine w/426 Engine, Hemispherical P, Police, w/A727A Trans. P, D2-L, w/318 Engine P, D, w/361 and 383 Engine C1, C2, C3, w/383 and 413 cu. in. Engine, Y l ......... ..... .......... ........ 21-119-19 21-119-25 21-142-0 21-142-12 ...... . ............ INDICATOR, Oil Level SEAL, Oil Filler Tube ............ T R A N S M I S S I O N C O N T R O L LEVER ........... ...................... Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEVER, Throttle Control Taxi w/318 w/273 Engine, w/A904LA Trans. w/273 cu. in. Engine, w / A 7 2 7 ~ Trans., Taxi. w/361, 383 and 426 cu. in. Engine, A727B Trans. ... ................ ................... ..................... 21-142-20 INSULATOR 21-142-21 BUSHING TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Voliont L - Dort *Indicates use or required. B1ndicof.s ports not listed in ony previous ports book. * Indicates change or addition. R - Beisredlere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-39 P - Plymouth w Y - lmperiol Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecificotionr subisct to change without notice. j refer to notes. March 1968 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-40 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2466 120 A904G TRANSMSSION 21-01-0 21-03-0 21-04-0 ... 2495 091 2495 091 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE CASE 21-03-1 2466 119 A904G T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R P A C K A G E S SEAL and GASKET PACKAGE 21-01-3 1 ................/ 2464 990 1 2464 990 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N 21-04-2 ............. GASKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Shaft Bearing Inspection Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-04-6 SCREW, Extension o r Sprag, Long Short (5) 21-04-8 COVER, Output Shaft Bearing Inspection EXTENSION 21-04-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ............. BUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEARING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-04-11 ........ 21-04-12 SNAP RING, Bearing 21-04-18 WASHER, Extension or Sprag Screw 21-05-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N O U T P U T SHAFT .......... 21-05-1 SHAFT, w/PLUG 21-05-2 BEARING, Output Shaft F r o n t . 21-05-8 SNAP RING, Bearing, Outer Front Bearing, Front (2) 21-05-12 OIL SEAL, Output Shaft 1 1/4" lgh., 1 3/16" I. D., w/5 Sealing Lips, Rubber OIL SEAL o r BOOT, Output Shaft and Yoke, 1 61/64" lgh., 2 1/2" 0. D., Rubber and Metal ... .... ..... ....... ....... ..... 21-05-18 RING, Cutput Shaft and Yoke Seal Stop ................ 21-05-19 SNAP RING, Output Shaft, .040n (*) .048" Blue (*) .059" Green (*) .048" (*) .055" (*) .062" (*) 21-05-35 WASHER, Output Thrust, .052" Natural (*) .068" Red (*) ,083" Black (*) WASHER, Output Thrust ........... .......... ............. .............. .............. ............ ........... .......... ...... TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Valiant L -Dart *Indieat.% use as required. - R - Belvedere P Plymouth D Dodge W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses - ( ) refer to notes. Pr 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-41 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless oth, 2466 120 A904G TRANSMISSION 21-117-0 thesis. 2466 118 A904G 2466 123 A904LA T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L FILTER NOTE: See Code 9-46-27 for Tubes ....... ............ 2466 849 6023 524 2466 849 6023 524 2466 849 6023 524 ......... 2205 202 2205 202 2205 202 21-117-1 FILTER o r STRAINER SCREW (3) 21-117-5 GASKET, Oil Filter 21-118-0 .ed in par TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP .. ............. 21-118-6 ROTOR PACKAGE, Front Pump R e a r Pump 21-118-34 PEV, R e a r Pump Rotor Drive ... 21- 118-40 HOUSING, Front Pump, w/BUSHING R e a r Pump ............ 21-118-42 OIL SEAL, Front Oil Pump Housing 2 1/4" 0. D. 2 5/8" 0. D. 21-116-45 OIL SEAL, F r o n t Pump Housing, 8 17/64" O.D. 10" O.D. 21-118-47 BUSHING, Front Pump Housing. 21-116-53 COVER, R e a r Pump Housing 21-116-54 GASKET, Front Pump Housing 21-116-55 SCREW, Front Pump Housing, W/WASHER 21-118-57 SHIELD, Front Pump Housing Vent. ........... ............ . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ......... 21-119-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L P A N 21-119-3 ............... ............ GASKET, Oil Pan . . . . . . . . . . PLUG, Oil Pan Drain. . . . . . . . . GASKET, Drain Plug . . . . . . . . PAN, Oil SCREW (14) 21-119-5 21-119-11 21-119-12 21-129-0 21-129-5 T R A N S M I S S I O N I N P U T SHAFT A N D TORQUE CONVERTER REACTION SHAFT SHAFT, Input, w/Rear Clutch RETAINER . . . . . . . . SHAFT, Input SHAFT, Input, w/BUSHING .... '2464 993 2464315 ............ ..... N P E LEnERS Indicate: - V Voliant L -Dart *Indicates use as r q u i r e d . Elndlwtmr parts not listed in anv orevious parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. ---- --- I I R - Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-41 I D-~ I P Plvrnouth o d ~ e t I C - Chrvslar Y - Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subject to change without natla. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG page 21-42 ~RANSMIS~ION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - All Quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2466 120 A904G TRANSMISSION 21-129-0 2466 119 A904G 2466 122 A904LA ..... RING, Input Shaft Seal (*) SNAP RING, Input Shaft 21-129-10 SHAFT, Reaction, w/SUPPORT, 27T., 6 7/16" lgh. 27T., 6 3/8" lgh. 2466 134 A727A 1942 041 - - - - -- - ....... ---- --- * ........ ......... 2124 810 ............ 21-129-11 BAFFLE, Vent 21-129-13 RING, Reaction Shaft Support Seal (2) 21-129-24 2466 123 A904LA T R A N S M I S S I O N I N P U T SHAFT A N D TORQUE CONVERTER REACTION 21-129-7 21-129-23 2466 118 A904G 2400 479 .............. 2124 813 ...... GASKET, Reaction Shaft Support . . 2205 240 BUSHING, Reaction Shaft - - - - -- - -- 2 1 - 1 3 3 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH ........... 21-133-5 CLUTCH, Front 21-133-7 RETAINER, Front Clutch Piston, w/BUSHING Rear Clutch Rear Clutch Piston ............ ............ ........ Front Clutch Retainer . . 21-133-10 BUSHING, 21-133-15 PISTON, Front Clutch Rear Clutch 21-133-17 SEAL, Front Clutch Piston, Inner Outer Rear Clutch Piston, Inner Outer 21-133-20 SPRING, Front Clutch Piston Return Rear Clutch Piston 21-133-22 21-133-25 2124 814 2124 815 2124 836 2124 833 E E 2205 241 ........ ............ 2124 819 2204 645 . 2124 820 2124 821 1942 054 2124 835 ................ .... ................ ......... 2124 822 1942 015 -- -- RETAINER, Front Clutch Piston Spring ............... 2124 823 SNAP RING, Rear Clutch Piston Spring, 5 27/64" 0. D. Rear Clutch Retainer, 5 1/4" O.D. (*) .068" thk., 5 1/4" 0. D. (*) R e a r Clutch Piston Retainer, 1 31/64" 0. D. Rear Clutch Piston Spring, 7 3/16" O.D.. ...... ---- --- ............. ... - - -- - - ---- --- I 1 4 ........... ............... 21-133-36 2124 872 1942 057 ... DLSC, Front Clutch h i v i n g (*) Rear Clutch h i v i n g (*) N P E LEnERS Indicate: 2124 827 2466 033 ...... - Valiant L - Dart V *Indicot*s use as required. Blndlcalas parts not listed in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. - R - Belvedere - P Plymouth D- ~odge ) refer to notes. hry sler .npe rial Numerals in parentheses ( Printa~d in U S A . Prices and specifications subject to change without notlca. - - . - Page 21-42 . * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANS~V~S~I~N Page 21-43 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (I] unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. TRANSMLSSION 21-133-0 21-133-38 21-133-39 21-133-40 21-133-42 21-133-43 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. - Cont'd PLATE, Front Clutch (*) Rear Clutch (*) .. ... ... GEAR, Sun, w/BUSHING . . . . . . SHELL, Sun Gear Driving. . . . . . PLATE, Front Clutch P r e s s u r e Rear Clutch P r e s s u r e , Front Rear Clutch P r e s s u r e , Rear SNAP RING, Front Clutch, Outer, .060" thk., 5 1/4" 0. D. . Front Clutch, Inner, 2 7/16'' O.D. Rear Clutch Retainer, . 0 6 0 thk., 5 1 / 4 0. D. (*) Rear Clutch Retainer, .068" thk., 5 l/4" 0. D. (*) Rear Clutch Retainer, .076" thk. , 5 1/4" 0.D. (*) Front Clutch, Inner, 3 1/4" O.D. Front Clutch, .060" thk., 7" 0. D. Rear Clutch Retainer, .060n thk., 7" 0.D. (*) Rear Clutch 'Retainer, .074" thk. 7" 0.D. (*) . Rear Clutch Retainer. .088" thk.. 7" 0. D . , (*) .... . . .. . . . .. ......... ..... .... . . . . . . .... . .. , .. .. . ..... . . . . . ... . . . 21-133-46 RING, Sun Gear Driving Shell Lock (2) 21-133-47 PLATE, Sun Gear Driving Shell Thrust (2) . . . . .. ... . .. .. . . . ..... . . .. . . ................. 21-133-48 WASHER, Sun Gear h i v i n g Shell Thrust (2) w/3 Tabs 21-133-65 WASHER, Front Clutch Thrust, Front and Rear, .042" thk. (2) Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Green .0611' thk. (*) Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Red., .084" thk. (*) Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Yellov 102" thk. (*) Front Clutch Thrust Rear, Green, .061" thk. (*) . . . . . . ... .. . . ....... . . ... . . . . . . .... . . . .... .... .. . . .... .... . ..... .... TYPE LEllERS Indicate: V - Valiant L . Dart *Indicates use as required. Wlndkater ports not listed in any previous parts book. Indicates change or addition. R - Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-43 . D ~ o d ~ e ) refer to notes. Y - Imperial Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specificationssubled to change without notlu. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-44 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities are one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2466 120 A904G TRANSMISSION 21-134-0 21-134-5 2466 119 A904G 2466 118 A904G 2466 123 A904LA 2466 122 A904LA 2466 134 A727A T R A N S M I S S I O N F R O N T A N D REAR P L A N E T P I N I O N CARRIER A N D COMPONENTS CARRIER, w/PINIONS and WASHER: Front UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1512686 AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1512686 Rear'................. .............. . . 21-134-8 PINION, Front and Rear Planet (6). 21-134-9 SHAFT, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (6) 21-134-10 WASHER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (12) 21-134-11 ROLLER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (114) (138) 21-134-12 RING, Front and Rear Planet Pinion Roller Thrust (12) 21-134-30 WASHER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion Carrier Thrust, w/3 Tabs (2) ............. ............ ........... ................. .... ................. 21-134-36 SUPPORT, Front Annulus Gear UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1512686 AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1512686 Rear Annulus Gear . . ........ 21-134-38 GEAR, Frank and Rear Annulus (2) Front Annulus Rear Annulus . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21-134-40 SNAP RING, Front and Rear Annulur Gear (2) Front Annulus Gear Support. .............. ... 21-134-45 WASHER, Front Annulus Gear Suppo Thrust .............. 21-136-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N BANDS ........... 21-136-5 BAND, Kickdown 21-136-15 STRUT, Kickdown Band ANCHOR, Kickdown Band 21-136-17 SCREW, 21-136-20 LEVER, 21-136-23 SHAFT, Kickdown Band Lever ...... Kickdown Band Adjusting . Kickdown Band . . . . . . 21-136-30 BAND, Reverse PIPE LEnERS Indicate: ...... ... ........... V - Voliont - L Dart *Indicatw u n as roqulred. Blndloakr w r h not llsted in ony previous parts book March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. I mdere W -Coronet Numerolr in parmtheser ( - Page 21-44 P -Plymouth hrl D Dodg. Y lmparial )refer to notas. Printad in U.S.A. Prices and rpeclficotionr rub/ed lo change without notla. - - * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-45 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic: 2466 120 A904G TRANSMISSION 21-136-0 TRANSMISSION BANDS ....... 21-136-41 STRUT, Reverse Band 21-136-44 LINK, Reverse Band, w/ANCHOR 21-136-47 LEVER, Reverse Band, w/STEM Reverse Band, Short 1942 497 2464 439 .. 21-136-55 21-136-65 DRUM, Reverse 21-136-52 2466 118 A904G - Cont'd . ........ SHAFT, Reverse Band Lever . . . . SCREW, Reverse Band Adjusting . . SEAL, Reverse Band Lever Shaft . 21-136-49 2466 119 A904G d in part 1942 491 2464 851 1942 493 1942 543 -- - - - - - .......... 2466 008 21-136-228 CAM and RETAINER PACKAGE, "0" Running Clutch 2421 281 21-136-229 SCREW and WASHER, 1823 543 ....... Cam (6) . . . 21-136-231 CAM, "0" Running Clutch ..... - - -- -- ---- --- ..... . . 21-136-232 RACE, "0" Running Clutch UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1434877 AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1434877 2464 864 2466 911 21-136-233 RETAINER, "0" Running Clutch Spring ---- --- 21-136-235 ROLLER, "0" Running Clutch Cam (12) 2464 888 21-136-236 SPRING, "0" Running Clutch Cam Roller (12) 2464 446 21-136-237 WASHER, "0" Running Clutch Race Thrust 2400 528 ............... ................ ............ .............. 21-137-0 TRANSMISSION SERVOS .. 21-137-5 PISTON, Kickdown Servo 21-137-8 RING, Kickdown Servo Piston 1942 478 ............ ................ .... 1672 287 1636 470 1636 470 .... 1942 482 ...... 1942 485 Seal, Small Large Kickdown Servo Guide Seal 21-137-11 ROD, Kickdown Servo Piston 21-137-13 GUIDE, Kickdown Servo 21-137-19 SNAP RING, Kickdown Servo Piston Rod Guide 21-137-22 ............. 1942 486 .. ................ ................ ---- ------ --- 1942 481 SPRING, Kickdown Servo Piston Inner Outer PIPE LEnERS Indicate: - V Vollont L Dorl . W n d l c o l e ~us* os required. elndlcahe prhnot lbted In ony prevlous parts book * Indicate8 change or addltion. - - W Coronet D - Dodge Y lmperlol Nurnerolr In porenlhes*~( ) r h r to notes. Printad In U S A . Prices ond rpeclflcotlonr sub/ect to change wlthout noHa. Page 21-45 March 1966 Supersedes May 1065. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-46 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: 2466 120 A904G TRANSMISSION 21-137-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SERVOS ....... 21-137-35 PISTON, R e v e r s e Servo 21-137-41 SPRING, R e v e r s e Servo Piston Cushion 21-137-44 SNAP RING, R e v e r s e Servo Piston Plug 21-137-47 PLUG, 21-137-50 RING, R e v e r s e Servo Piston Seal, Rubber 21-137-53 SPRING, R e v e r s e Servo Piston 21-137-56 RETAINER, R e v e r s e Servo Piston Spring 21-137-59 SNAP RING, R e v e r s e Servo Piston Spring Retainer 2466 119 A904G - Cont'd .............. ................ R e v e r s e Servo Piston . . . . .............. .. ................ 21-137-200 PISTON, .......... Accumulator . . . . . . . . 21-137-202 RING, Accumulator Piston Seal, Small Large ............... ............... 21-137-205 SPRING, Accumulator Piston . . . . 21-138-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N G O V E R N O R 21-138-2 21-138-7 21-136-10 21-138-13 REPAIR PACKAGE, Governor ... .... SUPPORT, Governor . . . . . . . . WEIGHT, Governor, Outer . . . . . SNAP RING, Governor Body ................ SPRING, Governor W e i g h t . . . . . . Inner 21-138-15 21-138-19 21-138-21 21-138-23 21-138-26 21-138-29 SNAP RING, Governor Weight, Outer Inner ............... ................ LOCK, Body Bolt (2) . . . . . . . . VALVE, Governor . . . . . . . . . . SHAFT, Governor Valve . . . . . . SNAP RING, Governor Valve Shaft (2) .............. 21-138-38 RING, Governor Support Seal (2) TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V .. - Valiant L -Dart *Indicates use as raquired. Blndleater parts not llrted in ony previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. W -Coronet Numerolr In porentheres ( Page 21-46 Y D -Dodge - Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices ond rpsciflcalions sublect to change without notice. * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-47 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: AU quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated i n parenthesis. TRANSMISSION 21-139-0 2466 120 A904G BODY, w/Transfer PLATE, Complete 21-139-9 VALVE, Manual 21-139-12 LEVER, Manual Valve 21-139-24 SPRING, Manual Valve L e v e r Detent 21-139-30 VALVE, Throttle 21-139-33 SPRING, Throttle Valve 21-139-47 SEAL, Throttle Lever 21-139-49 SNAP RING, Throttle Valve Lever Shaft 21-139-63 21-139-64 .. ... .. .... .. . . . ....... . ...... Shaft . . . . ................ LEVER, Throttle Valve . . . PLUG, Regulator Valve Throttle Pressure Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e . ... . . .... . .. .. SLEEVE, Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e Plug 21-139-68 ... ... .... .. ...... . VALVE, Regulator SPRING, Regulator Valve . .... 21-139-71 RETAINER, Regulator Valve Spring 21-139-74 SCREW, Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting 21-139-76 NUT, Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw Lock Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw 21-139-67 21-139-78 21-139-95 21-139-98 21-139-101 21-139-105 . ... . ..... ...... .. VALVE, Kickdown . . . . . . . . . . PLUG, Kickdown Detent . . . . . . . VALVE, Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . PLUG, Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . . SNAP RING, Shuttle Valve . . . . . SPRING, Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . VALVE, 1-2 Shift . . . . . . . . . . PLUG, 1-2 Shift Valve . . . . . . . . VALVE, 2-3 Shift . . . . . . . . . . PLUG, 2-3 Shift Valve . . . . . . . TYPE LETlERS Indicate: V - Voliont -L -Dart *Indicates use or required. ~lndicoks ports not listed in ony previous parts book. * Indicates 2466 118 A904G TRANSMISSION VALVE B O D Y A N D VALVES 21-139-4 21-139-50 2466 119 A904G change .or addition. W -Coronet D - Dodge - C Chrysler Y lrnperiol ) refer to notes. Printed In U.S.A. Numeralr in parenlherer ( Prices and rpecificotionr rubled lo chonge wlthout notla. Page 21-47 March 1968 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-48 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities are one (1) u n l e s s otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-139-0 2466 119 A904G 2466 120 A904G 2466 118 A904G T R A N S M I S S I O N V A L V E B O D Y A N D VALVES 21-139-108 SPRING, 1-2 Shift Valve 2-3 Shift Valve ...... 2466 123 A904LA - Cont'd .......... Converter Control . 21-139-117 VALVE, Torque 21-139-118 SPRING, Torque Converter Control Valve ............... ...... ............. 21-139-135 COVER, Regulator Valve Shift Valve Shift Valve P l u g Shuttle Valve R e v e r s e Blocker Valve .......... ............ 21-139-140 PLATE, Valve Body ...... ........ 21-139-143 VALVE, F r o n t and R e a r P u m p Check (2) ............ 21-139-144 SPRING, F r o n t and R e a r Pump Check Valve (2) 21-139-147 PLATE, T r a n s f e r ......... .......... 21-139-154 SUPPORT, T r a n s f e r P l a t e 21-139-190 VALVE, R e v e r s e Blocker ..... ...... ... ..... 21-139-191 SEAL, R e v e r s e Blocker Valve 21-139-193 SPRING, R e v e r s e Blocker NOTE: All quantities are one (1) u n l e s s otherwise indicated in parenthesis. TRANSMISSION 2466 135 A727A 2466 111 A727A 21-01-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R P A C K A G E S 21-03-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE 21-04-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N 21-04-1 21-04-2 21-04-6 ............. GASKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Shaft Bearing Inspection Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXTENSION SCREW, Extension o r Sprag, Long Short (5) TYPE LETTERS Indicate: . .............. V -Valiant 1 - Dorl *Indicates use or raquired. Blndlcahs parts not listed in any previous ports book March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 2400 064 2466 049 2464 593 6023 514 2464 593 6023 514 R - Belvedere W - Coronet i C - Chrysler Y - Imperial P -Plymouth D Dodge - Numerals in parentheses ( )refer to notes. Printed In U.S.A. Prices and rpeciflcations subject to change without notla. Page 21-48 * Indicates change o r addition. T R A N ~ ~ O N 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-04-0 21-04-8 2466 135 A727A T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N COVER, Output Shaft Bearing Inspection ............ ............... BUSHING BEARING 21-04-12 SNAP RING, Bearing 21-04-18 WASHER, Extension or Sprag Screw - Cont'd 2466 048 . . . . . . . . ---- --- ---- --2464 595 2464 595 T R A N S M I S S I O N OUTPUT SHAFT ........ 21-05-1 SHAFT, w/PLUG 21-05-2 BEARING, Output Shaft Front 21-05-8 SNAP RING, Bearing Outer (2) Front Bearing, Front 21-05-12 2466 112 A727B 2466 824 2466 824 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- --- ---- --- 21-04-11 21-05-0 2466 048 2466 111 A727A ... .. ....... OIL SEAL, Output Shaft . . . . . . 1 1/4" lgh., 1 3/16" I. D., w/5 ...... Sealing Lips, Rubber OIL SEAL or BOOT, Output Shaft and Yoke, 1 61/64" lgh., 2 1/2" 0. D., Rubber and Metal .... 21-05-18 RING, Output Shaft and Yoke Seal Stop 21-05-19 SNAP RING, Output Shaft, .055" (*) .062" WASHER, Output Thrust 21-05-35 . 048" (*) .............. ................ 21-117-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L FILTER Note: See Code 9-46-27 for Tubes 21-117-1 FILTER o r STRAINER SCREW (3) 21-117-5 GASKET, 21-118-0 ...... ........ ............ Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . 2205 202 TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP 21-118-6 ROTOR PACKAGE, Front Pump Rear Pump 21-118-40 HOUSING, Front Pump, w/BUSHING Rear Pump 21-118-42 OIL SEAL, Front Oil Pump Housing, 2 5/8" 0. D. 21-118-45 OIL SEAL, Front Pump Housing, 10" 0 . D . . 21-118-47 BUSHING, Front Pump Housing. ............ ............ ...... ............. TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Volionl L - Dort *Indlcotes w e as required. Blndlcahs parts not llsted in any previous ports book. * 1 2466 849 6023 524 Indicates change o r addition. .. - - - W Coronet D ~ o d ~ e Y lmperiol I refer to notes. Prlnted in U.S.A. Numerals in parentheses ( Prices and speclflcotions subled to change without notlc*. Page 21-49 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-50 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. TRANSMISSION 21-118-0 ........... 2466 135 A727A TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP 2400 087 ... 2124 846 SCREW, Front Pump Housing, W/WASHER (*) .......... 6023 943 SHIELD, Front Pump Housing Vent 2204 993 COVER, R e a r Pump Housing 21-118-54 GASKET, Front Pump Housing 21-118-55 21-119-0 I 2466 111 A727A - Cont'd I .... 21-118-53 21-118-57 I I I 2466 112 A727B 1 I 2466 113 A727B 1 2466 164 A727B TRANSMISSION OIL P A N ............... 2464 419 6023 355 21-119-3 PAN, Oil SCREW (14) 21-119-5 GASKET, Oil Pan 21-119-11 PLUG, Oil Pan Drain ........ 2125 890 21-119-12 GASKET, Drain Plug ........ 2400 863 21-129-0 ............ .......... 2464 324 T R A N S M I S S I O N I N P U T SHAFT A N D T O R Q U E CONVERTER REACTION SHAFT ..... ........ 21-129-5 SHAFT, Input, w/BUSHING 21-129-6 BUSHING, Input Shaft 21-129-7 RING, Input Shaft S e a l . 21-129-10 SHAFT, Reaction, W/SUPPORT, 27T., 6 3/8" lgh. 21-129-11 BAFFLE, Vent 21-129-13 RING, Reaction Shaft Support Seal 2 21-129-23 BUSHING, Reaction Shaft ....... ......... ............ ................ 21-133-0 ...... T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH ........... 21-133-5 CLUTCH, F r o n t 21-133-7 RETAINER, Front Clutch Piston, w/BUSHING R e a r Clutch . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch Piston 21-133-10 BUSHING, Front Clutch Retainer 21-133-15 PISTON, Front Clutch R e a r Clutch 21-133-17 SEAL, Front Clutch Piston, Inner Outer Rear Clutch Piston, Inner Outer ............ .. ........ ........ ............ N P E LETTERS indicate: . ................ .... ................ - V Voiiont L -Dart *indicates use as required. Elndicotes parts not listed in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. R - Belvedere W -Coronet D-~ o d ~ e Y - Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Numerals in parentheses ( Pricea and apecificoliona subiect to change without notlce. Page 21-50 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION P a g e 21-51 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic NOTE: 2466 135 TRANSMISSION A727A 21-133-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH 21-133-20 SPRING, F r o n t Clutch Piston Return R e a r Clutch Piston 21-133-22 RETAINER, F r o n t Clutch Piston Spring 21-133-25 SNAP RING, R e a r Clutch Piston Retainer, 1 31/64" 0. D. R e a r Clutch Piston Spring, 7 3/16" O.D. - Cont'd ............... ..... .............. R e a r Clutch Wave . . . . . SPRING, 21-133-36 DISC, F r o n t Clutch Driving (4) R e a r Clutch Driving (3) 4 ... ...... ................. PLATE, F r o n t Clutch (4) . . . . . ................ 5 R e a r Clutch (3) 21-133-39 2466 111 A727A ........ 21-133-31 21-133-38 d in parenthesis. ......... PLATE, F r o n t Clutch P r e s s u r e R e a r Clutch P r e s s u r e , F r o n t R e a r Clutch P r e s s u r e , R e a r .. ... ... ....... Driving . . . . . 21-133-40 GEAR, Sun, w/BUSHING 21-133-42 SHELL, Sun Gear 21-133-43 SNAP RING, Front Clutch, Inner 3 1/4" 0. D. F r o n t Clutch, 7" O.D. .O6Or' thk., 7" 0. D. (*) F r o n t Clutch, .074" thk., 7" 0.0. (*) F r o n t Clutch. ,088'' thk. 7" 0. D. (*) F r o n t Clutch, Inner, 3 5/16" O.D. R e a r Clutch Retainer, .060n thk., 7" O.D. (*) ., R e a r Clutch Retainer, .074" thk., 7" O.D. (*). R e a r Clutch Retainer, .088" thk., 7" 0 . D . (*) R e a r Clutch Retainer, 1 0 6 thk., 7" 0.D. (*) ........... ....... ...... ................ . ................. ............ ........... ............ . ........... 21-133-46 RING, Sun G e a r Driving Shell Lock (2) 21-133-47 PLATE, Sun Gear Driving Shell Thrust 21-133-48 WASHER, Sun G e a r Driving Shell T h r u s t , w/3 T a b s 21-133-62 SPACER, R e a r Clutch Piston Spring ............. ........... ........ TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - V Voliont L....Dort *Indicates use or required. Wlndicafer parts not listed in m y previous ports book. * Indicates change o r addition. R - Belvedere - P Plymouth D Dodge W -Coronet Numerals in porenfheses ( Y - Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and ~pecificationssubiect to change without notice. P a g e 21-51 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Paee 21-52 TRANSMISS~O~ AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis 2466 135 A727A TRANSMISSION 21-133-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH 21-133-65 WASHER, Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Green,. 061" thk. (*) 2466 111 A727A 2466 112 A727B - Cont'd I ...... Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Red, .084" thk. (*) Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Yellow, .102" thk. (*I. Front Clutch Thrust, Rear, Green, .O6ln thk. (*) .......... .......... .......... 21-134-0 21-134-5 21-134-8 T R A N S M I S S I O N F R O N T A N D REAR PLANET P I N I O N CARRIER A N D COMPONENTS CARRLER, w/PIiiIONS and WASHERS, Front Rear ................ ................ 2466 537 2466 539 PINION, Front and Rear Planet (6). 82400 667 21-134-9 SHAFT, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (6) . . . . . . . . . ... 21-134-10 WASHER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (12) ............ 21-134-11 ROLLER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (138) . . . . . . . . . . 82464 178 82204 648 .. 82204 647 21-134-12 RING, Front and Rear Planet Pinion Roller Thrust (12) . . . . . . . . 82204 649 21-134-30 WASHER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion C a r r i e r Thrust, w/3 Tabs (2) ................ 1942 081 ........ ........... 21-134-38 GEAR, Front Annulus Rear Annulus 21-134-45 PLATE, Rear Annulus Gear Thrust 2400 663 2400 665 ---- --- . I 21-136-0 21-136-5 TRANSMISSION BANDS BAND, Kickdown .......... 21-136-15 STRUT, Kickdown Band ....... ...... ANCHOR, Kickdown Band . LEVER, Kickdown Band . . . . . . . SHAFT, Kickdown Band Lever . . . BAND, Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-17 SCREW, Kickdown Band Adjusting 21-136-20 21-136-23 21-136-30 21-136-41 STRUT, Reverse Band TYPE LElTERS Indicate: ....... - V Voliont L Dort +Indimtes usa 01 required. Blndlcotas parts not listed in any previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. - P Plymouth D Dodge Numerals in porenthens ( - C Chrysler lrnperlol - W - Coronet Y )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prlcer and specificotions subiect to change wlthout n o l b . page 21-52 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRM-IoN Page 21-53 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic NOTE: 2466 135 A727A TRANSMISSION 21-136-0 TRANSMISSION BANDS 21-136-44 LINK, Reverse Band, w/ANCHOR 21-136-47 LEVER, Reverse Band, w/STEM Reverse Band, Short 21-136-49 SHAFT, 21-136-52 SCREW, Reverse Band Adjusting 21-136-55 SEAL, Reverse Band Lever 21-136-65 DRUM, Reverse . .. 2466 111 A727A - Cont'd ....... Reverse Band Lever . . . . .. Shaft . ........... ..... Running Clutch . . . . 21-136-231 CAM, "0" Running Clutch 21-136-232 RACE, "0" 21-136-233 RETAINER, "0" Running Clutch Spring ............... 21-136-235 ROLLER, "0" Running Clutch Cam (12) ............. 21-136-236 SPRING, "0" Running Clutch Cam Roller (12) ............ 21-137-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SERVOS ...... 21-137-5 PISTON, Kickdown Servo 21-137-8 RING, Kickdown Servo Piston Seal, Small Large.. Kickdown Servo Guide Seal ............... .............. .... .... 21-137-11 ROD, Kickdown Servo Piston 21-137-13 GUIDE, Kickdown Servo 21-137-19 SNAP RING, Kickdown Servo Piston Rod Guide 21-137-22 SPRING, Kickdown Servo Piston Inner Outer 21-137-35 PISTON, Reverse Servo 21-137-41 SPRING, Reverse Servo Piston Cushion 21-137-44 SNAP RING, Reverse Servo Piston Plug PLUG, Reverse Servo Piston 21-137-47 21-137-50 ....... ............. ................ ................ ...... .............. ................ .... RING, Reverse Servo Piston Seal, Rubber .............. TYPE LETTERS Indicate : V - Valiant L - Dart *Indicates us* as required. Blndkates parh not listed in any previous parts book * Indicates change o r addition. - W Coronet Numerals in porentheres ( Page 21-53 D - Dodge Y - Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U S A . Prices and specifications subiect to change without notice. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PAETS CATALOG Page 21-54 TRANSMBSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: AU quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indica TRANSMISSION 21-137-0 2466 135 A727A T R A N S M I S S I O N SERVOS ... - Cont'd 21-137-53 SPRING, Reverse Servo Piston 21-137-56 RETAINER, Reverse Servo Piston Spring 1942 150 SNAP RING, Reverse Servo Piston Spring Retainer .......... 1942 130 ........ 1942 153 21-137-59 21-137-202 RING, Accumulator Piston Seal, Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large 21-137-205 .. REPAIR PACKAGE, Governor. 21-138-7 SNAP RING, Governor Body 21-138-10 SUPPORT, Governor 21-138-13 WEIGHT, Governor, Outer Inner. ... .... ........ ..... ................ SPRING, Governor Weight . . . . . U P TO Trans. Ser. No. 1586839 AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1586839 . . 21-138-19 SNAP RING, Governor Weight, Outer Inner 21-138-21 LOCK, 21-138-23 VALVE, Governor 21-138-29 21-138-38 ................ Body Bolt (2) . . . . . . . . .......... SHAFT, Governor Valve . . . . . . SNAP RING, Governor Valve Shaft (2) RING, Governor Support Seal (2) ................. .. 2'1-139-0 21-139-4 2464 076 TRANSMISSION GOVERNOR 21-138-2 21-138-26 1941 831 2124 255 ................ SPRING. Accumulator Piston . . . . 21-138-0 21-138-15 1942 149 ................ 21-137-200 PISTON, Accumulator 2466 111 A727A TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY A N D VALVES BODY, w/Transfer PLATE, Complete 1 2464 693 1 2464 693 1 2464 693 21-139-13 ........... LEVER, Manual Valve . . . . . . . ROD, 1-2 Shzt Valve Plug. .......................... 21-139-24 SPRING, Manual Valve Lever Detent 1942 225 1942 225 1942 225 2i-139-30 VALVE, Throttle .......... 1636 423 1636 423 1636 423 21-139-9 21-139-12 VALVE, Manual L -Dart *Indicates use as roauired. 8lndlcot.r parts not listed in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. - W Coronet - Y D O.dge - Imperial Numsrols in parentheses I )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecificationr subject to change without notice. Page 21-54 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR* PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION .P 21-5, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in p a r e n t h e s i s TRANSMISSION 21-139-0 2466 135 A727A ....... ......... SPRING. Throttle Valve 21-139-40 PLATE. Valve Body 2i-139-47 SEAL. Throttle L e v e r Shaft 21-139-49 SNAP RING. Throttle Valve L e v e r Shaft 21-139-50 LEVER. 21-139-63 21-139-67 PLUG. Regulator Valve Throttle Pressure Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e SLEEVE. Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e Plug VALVE. Regulator 21-139-68 SPRING. 21-139-71 RETAINER. Regulator Valve Spring 21-139-74 SCREW. Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting NUT. Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw Lock Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw 21-139-76 2466 112 A727B TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY A N D VALVES 21-139-33 21-139-64 2466 111 A727A . 2466 113 A727B .2466 164 A727B .Cont'd .... ................ Throttle Valve . . . . . . . . . .............. .. ........... ......... Regulator Valve . . . . . . . . .. ... ............ .. 21-139-78 ......... ....... ........... VALVE. Kickdown PLUG. Kickdown Detent 21-139-95 VALVE. Shuttle PLUG. Shuttle Valve 21-139-96 SNAP RING. Shuttle Valve 21-139-101 SPRING. Shuttle Valve . . ........ ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... 21-139-105 VALVE. 1-2 Shift PLUG. 1-2 Shift Valve VALVE. 2-3 Shift PLUG. 2-3 Shift Valve 21-139-108 21-139-117 ....... SPRING. 1-2 Shift Valve . . . . . . 2-3 Shift Valve . . . . . . . . . . . VALVE. Torque Converter Control . . 21-139-118 SPRING. Torque Converter Control Valve 21-139-135 ............... COVER. Regulator Valve . . . . . . Shift Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift Valve Plug . . . . . . . . . . Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . R e v e r s e Blocker Valve . . . . . . TYPE LETIERS Indicote: V .Valiant L .Dart . *Indicoter use as required Blndicotmr parts not listed in any previous parts book * Indicates change o r addition . C .Chrvsler . Imperial Numerals in porentheses ( Printed in U.S.A. ) refer to nates Prices and specifications subiect to change without notice W .Coronet . Page 21-55 D .~ o d ~ e . Y . . arch 1966 Supersedes May 1965 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-56 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: TRANSMISSION A727A A727A A727B A727B - - Cont'd 21-139-0 TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY A N D VALVES 21-139-140 PLATE, Valve Body A727B ......... 21-139-143 VALVE, Front and Rear Pump Check (2) ................. 21-139-144 SPRING, Front and Rear Pump Check Valve (2) .......... 21-139-147 PLATE, Transfer .......... ..... 21-139-190 VALVE, Reverse Blocker . . . . . . 21-139-191 SEAL, Reverse Blocker Valve . . . 21-139-193 SPRING, Reverse Blocker . . . . . 21-139-154 SUPPORT, Transfer Plate All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-01-0 21-01-3 21-03-0 21-03-1 21-04-0 ....... CASE .......... 21-04-18 1 2466 147 A7278 2495 091 2495 037 2525 482 2464 442 2400 131 2400 131 2466 209 ....... 2464 690 2400 065 2466 047 2466 047 ......... 2205 322 2400 064 2400 064 2400 064 2466 049 2466 049 2464 593 6023 514 2464 593 6023 514 2466 048 2466 048 GASKET Output Shaft Bearing Inspection Cover 21-04-12 2466 149 A7278 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N 21-04-2 21-04-11 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE EXTENSION 21-04-8 2466 144 A904LA T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R P A C K A G E S SEALandGASKET PACKAGE 21-04-1 21-04-6 I ................. SCREW, Extension o r Sprag, Long Short (5) . . . . . . ...... .. 2464 593 6023 514 2464 593 6023 514 COVER, Output Shaft Bearing Inspection ...-----......... BUSHING ........----.......... 2466 824 --- - - -BEARING . . . . . . . . 2464 545 1672 194 ---- --SNAP RING, Bearing . . 2464 855 1736 432 WASHER, Extensionor Sprag Screw TYPE LETlERS indicate: . . . . . . 2464 595 V - Voliont L .Dart +Indicates use os required. 2464 595 2466 824 - -- - --- ---- --- 2464 595 - 2464 595 ~ R Balr ere W - Coronet P ~ - Plymouth D -Dodge Numerals in parentheses ( C - Chrl Y I refer to notes. - Imperial Printed in U S A . Prices and specificationssubiect to change without notia. Blndicates ports not listed in any previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-56 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION page 21-57 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. TRANSMISSION 21-05-0 2466 144 A904LA 2466 147 A727B T R A N S M I S S I O N O U T P U T SHAFT .... 21-05-1 SHAFT, w/PLUG 21-05-2 BEARING, Output Shaft Front 21-05-6 SNAP RING, Bearing Outer (2) Front Bearing, F r o n t . 21-05-12 2466 149 A727B .......... ........ . I 2464 854 2466 148 A727B I --- - ------ ------ --- 1 OIL SEAL, Output Shaft 2464 482 1 1/4" lgh., 1 3 / 1 6 I. D., ---w/5 Sealing Lips, Rubber OIL SEAL o r BOOT, Output Shaft and Yoke, 1 61/64" lgh., 2 1/2" 0. D., - --Rubber and Metal --- . . . . --- 21-05-18 RING, Output Shaft and Yoke Seal Stop ..... 21-05-19 SNAP RING, Output Shaft ,040'' (*) ,048'' Blue (*) ,055'' (*I .059" Green (*I .062" (*) ...... 21- 05-35 WASHER, Output Thrust, ,052'' Natural (*) .068" Red (*) . . . . ... .083" Black (*) .... .. ...... Filter . . . FILTER o r STRAINER SCREW (3) 21-117-5 GASKET, Oil 21-118-0 21-118-42 . 2466 090 2466 169 2466 170 See Code 9-46-27 f o r Tubes. 21-117-1 21-118-40 . T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L FILTER NOTE: 21-118-34 --- . . . . . . . . 6024 822 . . . . . 6024 823 . . . . . . --- - -- . . . . 6022 - - - - 859 -- - 21-117-0 21-118-6 ---- I I 2466 849 6023 524 )2205 202 1 2466 845 6023 524 2205 202 TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP ROTOR PACKAGE, Front Pump ...... R e a r Pump 2240 302 2495 090 PIN, R e a r Pump Rotor Drive . . . . . . . . .. 2408 144 ...... ...... 2204 712 1942 463 2466 977 2464 383 O U SEAL, Front Oil Pump Housing *2124 705 '1942 020 ......... HOUSING, Front Pump w/BUSHING Rear Pump 2275 497 2275 496 ......... N P E LETTERS Indicate: V - Valiant L -Dart *Indicates use as required. elndlcah8 pa* not listed in any previous parts boot Indicate8 change or addition. W -Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( 21-57 D- ~ o d ~ s 1 refer to notes. Prices and . . P der %rial nd in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG P W ~21-58 TRANSMBSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: A l l auantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in varenthesis. 1 TRANSMISSION 21-118-0 21-118-45 2468 144 A904LA 1 2466 149 A727B TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP 1 2466 147 A7278 - Cont'd / 2466 148 A7278 OIL SEAL, F r o n t P u m p Housing, 8 1 7 / 6 4 0. D. 10" 0. D. ...... 21-118-47 BUSHING, F r o n t P u m p Housing .. 21-118-53 COVER, R e a r P u m p Housing .. 21-118-54 GASKET, F r o n t P u m p Housing . ... 21-118-55 SCREW, w/WASHER, F r o n t Pump Housing (*) 21-118-57 SHIELD, F r o n t P u m p Housing Vent ... ... .... .. . . ... ..... 21-119-0 TRANSMISSION OIL P A N ........ ...... Oil P a n . . . . 21-119-3 PAN, Oil SCREW (14) 21-119-5 GASKET, 21-119-11 PLUG, Oil Pan Drain 21-119-12 GASKET, Drain P l u g 21-129-0 21-129-5 .. 1 I 2464 413 6021 355 2205 299 I 2464 419 6023 355 2464 324 ---- --- ---- --. . I ---- --- I ---- --- . . T R A N S M I S S I O N I N P U T SHAFT A N D T O R Q U E CONVERTER R E A C T I O N SHAFT SHAFT, Clutch SHAFT, SHAFT, Input, w/Rear RETAINER .. Input Input, w/BUSHING - -- - - - --- - - -- - -- - - ----- --- ---- ----- - - -- 2124 831 2124 831 2124 831 .. 2205 242 2205 242 2205 242 1942 041 - --- --- 1942 041 --- - --- 1942 041 '2124 810 *2124 810 Q124 810 2400 479 2400 479 2400 479 2124 813 2124 813 2124 813 2205 240 ...... 21-129-6 BUSHING, Input Shaft 21-129-7 RING, Input Shaft Seal (*) SNAP RING, Input Shaft 21-129-10 SHAFT, Reaction, w/SUPPORT, 27T., 6 3/8" lgh. 27T., 6 7/16" lgh. ......... .. 21-129-11 1 BAFFLE, Vent .. . ..... 21-129-13 RING, Reaction Shaft Support Seal (2) . ... - --- --- - --- --- ---- - - - 21-129-23 BUSHING, Reaction Shaft 2205 240 2205 240 21-129-24 GASKET, Reaction Shaft support ... .. -- -- --- - -- - -- . . .. *Indicater use a r rewired. ~ l n d i c o t wparts not listed in any previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1- - - - - - - - C - C:t ;p l e r Y. . 1 .'"perial Numerals in parentheses I 1 refer to notes. PIrinte d in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. ere L - Dart - --- - - - W -Coronet Page 21-58 P Plymouth D Dodge * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMLSSION Page 21-59 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All auantities a r e one (1) unless otJ 1 TRANSMISSION 21-133-0 2466 144 A904LA 1 2466 149 A7278 wise indi~ :ed in par thesis. 2466 147 A727B 2466 148 A727B 2466 151 A727A T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH 21-133-5 CLUTCH, Front .. ... 2124 814 2124 814 21-133-7 RETAINER, Front Clutch, w/BUSHING Rear Clutch Rear Clutch Piston . 2124 815 2466 801 2124 833 2124 815 2466 801 2124 633 2205 241 2205 241 2124 819 2204 645 2124 819 2204 645 2124 820 2124 821 2124 820 2124 821 1942 054 2124 835 1942 054 2124 835 ...... . . . . . .. . 21-133-10 BUSHING, Front Clutch Retainer ........ 21-133-15 PISTON, Front Clutch Rear Clutch 21-133-17 SEAL, Front Clutch Piston, Inner Outer Rear Clutch Piston, . Inner Outer .... .. .... . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21-133-20 SPRING, Front Clutch Piston . Rear Clutch Piston 21-133-22 RETAINER, Front Clutch .. ... .. . Piston Spring 21-133-25 ..... . SNAP RING, Rear Clutch Piston Spring, 5 27/64" 0. D. . Rear Clutch Retainer, .068" thk., 5 1 / 4 " 0 . ~ . (*) ... . ,076" thk., 5 1/4" 0. D. (*) . Front, Clutch, Inner, 2 7 / 1 6 0. D. . . Rear Clutch Piston Retainer, 1 31/64" 0. D. ..... .... . .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 21-133-31 21-133-36 21-133-38 21-133-39 SPRING, Rear Clutch . Wave . .. .. .... DISC, Front Clutch (*) . . Rear Clutch (4) . . . . . PLATE, Front Clutch (4) . Rear Clutch (3) . . . . . PLATE, Front Clutch .. .... ........ . ... ..... .. Pressure . . Rear Clutch Pressure, . Rear Rear Clutch Pressure, Front N P E LETTERS Indicate: V - Voliont - L Dort *Indicates use as required. elndlcater mrts not listed in any previous ports book. * ~ndicateschange o r rddition. ' R - Belv - W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-59 P -Plymouth D Dodge - - C Chrysler Imperial Y ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and s~ecificotionssublect to chanae without notlcm. arch 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-60 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indic: NOTE: 21-133-0 2466 149 A727B 2466 144 A904LA TRANSMISSION T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH 2466 147 A7278 - Cont'd . 21-133-40 GEAR, Sun, w/BUSHMG 21-133-42 SHELL, Sun Gear Driving 21-133-43 SNAP RING, Front Clutch, .. Inner, 3 1/4" O.D. Front Clutch, 7" 0. D.. . Front Clutch, Outer, .060" thk., 5 1/4" 0. D. . Rear, Clutch Retainer, .060" t h k , 5 1 / 4 0.D. R e a r Clutch Retainer, . 0 6 0 thk., 7" 0. D. . . . R e a r Clutch Retainer, .074" thk., 7" 0. D. R e a r c l u t c h Retainer, .088" thk.. 7" 0. D. Rear, Clutch Retainer, .106" thk., 7" O.D. . .. . . .. .. 21-133-46 RING. Sun Gear Driving Shell Lock (2) 21-133-47 PLATE, Sun Gear Driving Shell Thrust (*). 21-133-48 WASHER, Sun Gear Driving Shell Thrust (*) 21-133-62 SPACER, Rear Clutch Piston Spring 21-133-65 WASHEFI, Front Clutch Thrust (2) . Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Green, .061" thk. .... ...... ... (*) .. . . . . ... ... . Front Clutch T h ~ s t , Front, Red, .084" thk., (*) . . Front Clutch Thrust, Front, Yellow, .102" thk. . ... .. .. * .. . ....... Front Clutch Thrust, Rear, Green, . 0 6 l thk., 21-134-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N F R O N T A N D REAR PLANET P I N I O N CARRIER A N D COMPONENTS 21-134-5 CARRIER, w/PINION and WASHERS, Front . . . Rear . 21-134-8 PINION, Front and R e a r Planet (6) . .. ... .. .. . . ...... 82464 257 I TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - V Voliont L Dart +Indicates use or required. Blndlcaks ports not listed in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. I I R - Belvederm W - Coronet I I I - I P -Plymouth C Chryrler D -Dodge Y lmperiol Nurnerols in parentheses ( ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices ond specificolions subject to change without notiu. Page 21-60 - * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMLSSION Page 21-61 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. 2466 144 A904LA TRANSMISSION 21-134-0 21-134-9 21-134-10 21-134-11 21-134-12 2466 149 A727B 2466 147 A727B 2466 151 A727A 2466 148 A727B 2466 152 A727A 2466 166 A727A T R A N S M I S S I O N F R O N T A N D REAR PLANET P I N I O N CARRIER A N D COMPC SHAFT, Front and R e a r Planet Pinion (6) t WASHER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (12). E ROLLER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion (114) (138) I RING, Front and R e a r Planet Pinion Roller Thrust (12) f .... . ..... .. .. . ... .... 21-134-30 WASHER, Front and Rear Planet Pinion C a r r i e r Thrust, w/3 Tabs (2) . . . . . .... 21-134-36 SUPPORT, Front Annulus Gear Rear . 21-134-38 GEAR, Rear 21-134-40 . .. ... .. .. . . . . . . . ... Front Annulus . . . .. . .. .... i SNAP RING, Front Annulus Gear Support. Front Annulus Gear Rear . . ... . .... .... 21 -134-45 WASHER, Front Annulus Gear Support Thrust. PLATE, Rear Annulus Gear Thrust .. .. .... 21-136-0 TRANSMISSION BAN .. 21-136-5 BAND, Kickdown 21-136-15 STRUT, Kickdown Band ANCHOR, Kickdown Band. 21-136-17 . I I SCREW, Kickdown Band Adjusting I 21-136-20 LEVER, Kickdown Band 21-136-23 SHAFT, Kickdown Band Lever . 21-136-30 BAND, 21-136-41 STRUT. Reverse Band TYPE LEllERS Indicate: . . . .. . Reverse . . . . . I I V - Val L Dart . indicate^ use or required. 8lndicatas parts not listed in any previous parts book. * -- W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses I Indicates change or addition. P - Plvmouth D- ~odge Chr, Y - lmpariol ) refer to notes. Printed in U A A . Prices and specifications subiect to change without notim. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Page 21-61 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Paee 21-62 TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indict TRANSMISSION 21-136-0 21-136-44 21-136-47 21-136-49 21-136-52 2466 144 A904LA 2466 149 A727B TRANSMISSION BANDS 2466 147 A727B d in pare 2466 148 A727B - Cont'd LINK, Reverse Band, . w/ANCHOR 2204 820 LEWIR, Reverse Band, W/STEM . Reverse Band, Short 1942 137 2124 493 SHAFT, Reverse Band Lever 2124 857 SCREW, Reverse Band Adjusting 1942 141 . .... . . .... . .. . . . . ... .. ........ 21-136-55 SEAL, Reverse Band Lever Shaft . . 21-136-65 DRUM, Reverse . .... . .... 21-136-228 CAM and RETAINER PACKAGE, "0" Running Clutch 21-136-229 SCREW, . .... Cam (6) . . . . . 21-136-231 CAM, "0" Running Clutch .. ... .... 21-136-232 RACE, "0" Running Clutch . U P TO Trans. Ser. No. 1434877 . . AFTER Trans. Ser. No. . 1434877 . .. .. ..... .... ..... .. 21-136-233 RETAINER, "0" Running Clutch Spring . ..... 21-136-235 ROLLER, "0" Running Clutch Cam (12) .... 21-136-236 SPRING, "0" Running Clutch Cam Roller (12). 21-137-0 TRANSMISSION SERVOS 21-137-5 PISTON, Kickdown Servo. 21-137-8 RING, Kickdown Servo Piston Seal, Small . Large Kickdown Servo Guide Seal 21-137-11 ROD, Kickdown Servo . Piston 21-137-13 GUIDE, Kickdown Servo .. .......... ... .. .. . .. .. ...... . L TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Valiant L - Dort *Indicates use as required. Blndiwtes parts not listed in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. ... W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-62 P - Plymouth D - Dodge Y - Imperial Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subject to change without notlc*. ) refer to notes. * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION page 21-63 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indh 2466 144 A904LA TRANSMISSION 21-137-0 2466 149 A727B TRANSMISSION SERVOS 2466 147 A727B ed in par thesis. 2466 148 A727B 2466 151 A727A - Cont'd SNAP RING, Kickdown Servo Kickdown Servo Piston Rod Guide 1942 130 SPRING, Kickdown Servo Piston Inner Outer . . .... . . .. ....... ..... .... PISTON, Reverse Servo . 2124 852 2125 069 2124 852 2125 069 2464 689 2464 689 SPRING, Reverse Servo Cushion 1823 941 1823 941 SNAP RING, Reverse Servo Piston Plug 1823 940 1823 940 PLUG, Reverse Servo Piston . 1942 152 1942 152 SEAL, Reverse Servo Piston, Rubber 2464 481 2464 481 SPRING, Reverse Servo Piston . . . ... . . . 1942 149 1942 149 RETAINER, Reverse Serv Piston Spring 1942 150 1942 150 SNAP RING, Reverse Servo Piston Spring Retainer 1942 130 1942 130 1942 153 1942 153 21-137-202 RING, Accumulator Piston Seal, Small Large . 1941 831 2124 255 1941 831 2124 255 21-137-205 SPRING, Accumulator Piston 2125 109 2464 076 2298 514 2275 498 ---- --- -- -- --- - - -- - - -- - - -- - 6022 817 6022 817 2466 371 2466 371 21-137-19 21-137-22 21-137-35 21-137-41 21-137-44 21-137-47 21-137-50 21-137-53 21 -137-56 21-137-59 - - -- -- - - - -- - - . .. ....... . .... . - - -- - - - - - -- -- - . ..... .. .... . .. .. . . .. ... ...... 21-137-200 PISTON, . ... .... Accumulator . . .... ... ........ .. ....... 21-138-0 21-138-2 TRANSMISSION GOVERNOR REPAIR PACKAGE, Governor RE PAIR PACKAGE, Governor, UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1586839 AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1586839 . .. .. ... .. .... 21-138-7 21-138-10 1942 130 SNAP RING, Governor Body .......... SUPPORT, Governor. . . L - Dart *Indicates use as required. Dlndlcatos parts not listed in any previous parts book. W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Indicates change or oddition. Page 21-63 - D ~ o d ~ e C - C:hry lmparlol Y - ) refer to notes, Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications sub/ect to change without nottca. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-64 TRANmmIo~ AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in part NOTE: I I TRANSMISSION 21-138-0 I 2466 144 A904U 1 I 2466 149 A727B TRANSMISSION GOVERNOR I 1 2466 147 A727B I hesis. 2466 151 A727A - Cont'd, 21 -138-13 WEIGHT. Governor . Outer Inner . .. .. ... . .. ....... 21-138-15 SPRING, Governor Weight SRRING, Governor Weight, UP TO Trans. Ser. No. 1586839 AFTER Trans. Ser. No. 1586839. . . ... ... .. ... ...... 21-138-19 SNAP RING, Governor Weight, Outer. Inner 21-138-21 LOCK, Governor Body Bolt (2) 21-138-23 VALVE, Governor 21-138-26 SHAFT, Governor Valve .... . . .. ... .. . . .. . . .. . SNAP RING, Governor Valve Shaft (2) . .. 21-138-38 RING, Governor Support Seal (2) . . . .. . ... 21-139-0 TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY A N D VALVES BODY, w/Transfer PLATE Complete . ... .... ..... Manual Valve . . VALVE, Manual LEVER SPRING, Manual Valve Lever Detent . . .... VALVE, Throttle. . . . . SPRING, Throttle Valve . SEAL, Throttle Lever .. ... Shaft . . ... SNAP RING, Throttle Valve Lever Shaft LEVER, .... Throttle Valve . PLUG, Regulator Valve Throttle P r e s s u r e . Regulator Valve Line Pressure .. . . . ... . L -Dart +Indicoter use as required. Blndkaha parts not llrhd In any previous parts book March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. edere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 21-64 . .P Plvrnouth D - Dodge Y imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in USA. Prices and specifications subject to change without noHu. - Indicates change or addition 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-65 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. 2466 144 A904LA TRANSMISSION 2466 149 A727B 2466 147 A727B 2466 148 A727B --- 21-139-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N V A L V E B O D Y AND V A L V E S 21-139-64 SLEEVE, Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e P l u g . 21-139-67 VALVE, Regulator 21 -139-68 SPRING, Regulator Valve. 21-139-71 RETAINER, Regulator . Valve Spring 21-139-74 SCREW, Line P r e s s u r e .. Adjusting Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting 21-139-76 NUT, Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw L o c k . Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw 21-139-78 21-139-95 21-139-98 - 2466 151 A727A - Cont'd .. .... ... . . . .... .. ..... . ... . VALVE, Kickdown . . . . PLUG, Kickdown Detent ....... . VALVE, Shuttle . . . . . PLUG, Shuttle Valve . . . SNAP RING, Shuttle Valve . .. ... .... 21-139-101 SPRING, Shuttle Valve .... .. . ... .. SPRING, 1-2 Shift Valve . 2-3 Shift Valve . . . . . 21-139-105 VALVE, 1-2 Shift. PLUG, 1-2 Shift Valve VALVE, 2-3 Shift. PLUG, 2-3 Shaft Valve 21-139-108 21-139-117 VALVE, Torque Converter Control . .. . . .. . . 21-139-118 SPRING, Torque Converter Control Valve .. ... . 21-139-135 COVER, Regulator Valve Shift Valve Shift Valve P l u g . Shuttle Valve Reverse Blocker Valve 21-139-140 PLATE, . ... ...... . . ... .. .... .. .... . Valve Body . . . 21-139-143 VALVE, Front and Rear . Pump Check (2) .. .. TYPE LEnERS Indicate: - I V Valiant L -Dart *Indicates use as required. Blndicotes parts not listad In any previous parts book March 1966. .. W -Coronet Numerals In parentheses ( Page 21-65 P - Plymouth D - Dodge Y - Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specific~tlonssubied to change without notia. * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-66 TRANSMLSSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-139-0 2466 144 A904LA 2466 149 A727B 2466 147 A727B 2466 148 A727B 2466 151 A727A TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY A N D VALVES 2466 152 A727A - Cont'd 21-139-144 SPRWG, Front and Rear Pump Check Valve (2). . ... 21-139-147 PLATE, Transfer 21-139-154 SUPPORT, Transfer . Plate . .. ..... . 21-139-190 VALVE, Reverse Blocker. 21-139-191 SEAL, Reverse Blocker Valve ...... .... 21-139-193 SPRING, Reverse Blocker. NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. TRANSMISSION 82538 351 A904L.4 21-01-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SETS O R PACKAGES 21-01-3 SEAL and GASKET PACKAGE 21-03-0 21-03-1 ... . . .. .... .. .. . . .. . . '2495 091 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE CASE .... .. .. .. . . ...... . .. . . ... .... .. .. . '2464 442 2 1 - 0 4 - 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N CASE E X T E N S I O N 21-04-1 21-04-2 21-04-6 21-04-11 21-04-12 21-04-18 ...... ..... .. . . .. . . .. . . . . ... .. . GASKET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCREW, Extension o r Sprag, Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BEARING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WASHER, Extension o r Sprag Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXTENSION 21-05-0 21-05-1 21-05-12 21 -05-19 21-05-35 '2205 322 '2464 593 '6023 514 '2464 545 *2464 855 '2464 595 T R A N S M I S S I O N OUTPUT SHAFT ...... ...................... OIL SEAL, Output Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING, Output Shaft, .040" (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ME'' Blue (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WASHER, Output Thrust, .052" Natural (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .068" Red (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O83" Black (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHAFT, W/PLUG TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - V Voliont L - Dort +Indicotsr us. or required. Blndkat*r portr not listed in ony praviovr ports book. March 1966. '2464 690 R - Belvedere W Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( - Page 21-66 '2464 854 $2464 482 $6024 822 '6024 823 '2466 090 '2466 169 '2466 170 - P -Plymouth C Chryrler D -Dodge Y Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecificotlonr rubiect to change without notice. * Indicates change or addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-67 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. NOTE: TRANSMISSION 21-117-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L FILTER NOTE: 21-117-1 82538 351 82538 353 82538 350 A904LA A9MLA A904LA - Cont'd See Code 9-46-27 for Tubes. ......................... .............................. Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILTER o r STRAINER SCREW (3) 21-117-5 GASKET, *2205 202 *2205 202 *2205 202 I I 21-118-0 21-116-6 TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP ..................... ............................... Pump Rotor Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROTOR PACKAGE, F r t . Pump R r . Pump 21-116-34 PIN, R r . 21-118-40 HOUSING, Front Pump, W/BUSHING Rear Pump I I 1 I I *2408 144 *2408 144 *2408 144 ................. ............................... 21-118-42 OIL SEAL, Front Oil Pump Housing, 2 1/4" O.D. 21-118-45 OIL SEAL, Front Pump Housing, 8 17/64" O.D. 21-118-47 BUSHING, Front Pump Housing ......... .......... .................... ...................... Pump Housing, w/WASHER (it) . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-118-53 COVER, Rear Pump Housing 21-118-55 SCREW, Front I I *22M 709 32204 709 *2204 709 I *2466 796 *2466 796 *2466 796 *6023 943 *6023 943 *6023 943 21-119-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N O I L P A N 21-119-3 . PAN, Oil SCREW (i4i .............................. .............................. 21-119-5 GASKET, Oil Pan 21-129-0 ............................ 1 .............................. SHAFT, Input 21-129-7 RING, Input Shaft Seal (*) SNAP RING, Input Shaft ....................... I ....................... 21-129-10 SHAFT, Reaction, w/Support, 27T., 6 7/16" Igh. . . . . . . . . . . 21-129-13 RING, Reaction Shaft Support Seal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-129-23 BUSHING, Reaction Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-129-24 GASKET, Reaction Shaft Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I *2464 315 *2464 315 *2464 315 *I941 831 *I941 831 *I941 831 *6022 859 *6022 859 *6022 859 *I942 390 *I942 390 *I942 390 T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH ............................. 21-133-7 RETAINER, Front Clutch Piston, w/BUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-10 BUSHING, Front Clutch Retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-5 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N I N P U T SHAFT A N D T O R Q U E C O N V E R T E R R E A C T I O N S H A F T 21-129-5 21-133-0 1 *2205 299 *2205 299 *2205 299 CLUTCH, Front IYPE LEllERS Indicate: - V Voliont L Dorl *lndlcoles ure os required. Blndicakr parts not 1Ist.d In any previous ports book Indlcntea chnage or addition. R - @elv*dmre W Coronet Numerals In parentheses ( - Page 21-67 - I ---- --- ---- --- 1.2464 903 *2205 303 *2205 303 '2205 303 C - Chrvrler - lmperiol ) refer to notar. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and speclficotionr subiect to chonpe wlthout notice. P Plymouth D Gdge Y March 1966. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-68 TRANSMLSSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis NOTE: 82538 351 82538 353 82538 350 A904LA A904LA A904LA TRANSMISSION 21-133-0 .C o n t ' d T R A N S M I S S I O N CLUTCH 21-133-15 PISTON. Front Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-17 SEAL. Front Clutch Piston. Inner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch Piston. Inner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-20 SPRING. Front Clutch Piston Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-22 RETAINER. Front Clutch Piston Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-25 SNAP RING. R e a r Clutch Retainer. .098" thk.. 5 1/4" O.D. . . . . .076" thk.. 5 1/4" O.D. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Clutch. Inner. 2 7/16'' O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-31 SPRING. R e a r Clutch Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-36 DISC. Front Clutch (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-38 PLATE. Front Clutch (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch (*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-39 PLATE. Front Clutch P r e s s u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch P r e s s u r e . Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e a r Clutch P r e s s u r e . R e a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-40 GEAR. Sun. w/BUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-42 SHELL. Sun G e a r Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-43 SNAP RING. Front Clutch. Outer. .060" thk.. 5 1/4" O.D. . . . . Front Clutch. Inner. 2 7/16" O.D. ................. R e a r Clutch Retainer. .060" thk.. 5 1/4" O.D. . . . . . . . . . . .068" thk.. 5 1/4" O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .076" thk.. 5 1/4" O.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-46 RING. Sun G e a r Driving Shell Lock (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-47 PLATE . Sun G e a r Driving Shell Thrust (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-48 WASHER. Sun Gear Driving Shell Thrust (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-133-62 SPACER. R e a r Clutch Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 21-133-65 WASHER. Front Clutch Thrust. Front and Rear. .042" thk . (2) . . Front Clutch Thrust (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-134-0 21-134-5 21-134-8 . 1 02466 282 82466 282 182466 282 ....... *2204 369 *2204 369 .............. $2204 369 T R A N S M I S S I O N F R O N T A N D REAR P L A N E T P I N I O N CARRIER A N D C O M P O N E N T S ............. ................................... PINION. Front and R e a r Planet (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARRIER. w/F'INION and WASHERS. Front Rear V .Valiant TYPE LETTERS Indicate: L -Dart . *indicoler use or required Eindicates parts not listed in ony previous ports book, . March 1966 .Belvedere W .Coronet R 1 82464 257 182464 257 182464 257 I P -Plymouth D .Dodge . I I C .Chrysler Y . Imperial Numerals in parentheses ( ) refer to notes Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subject to chonge without n o t i u Page 21-68 . Indicates change o r addition . 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-69 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis NOTE: 82538 351 82538 353 02538 350 A904LA A904LA I A904LA TRANSMISSION 21-134-0 I T R A N S M I S S I O N F R O N T A N D REAR P L A N E T P I N I O N CARRIER A N D C O M P O N E N T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 21-134-10 WASHER. Front and Rear Planet Pinion (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 21-134-11 ROLLER. Front and Rear Planet Pinion (114) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 21-134-12 RING. Front and Rear Planet Pinion Thrust (12). . . . . . . . . . . 1 21-134-9 SHAFT. Front and Rear Planet Pinion (6) I .................... ................................... 21-134-36 SUPPORT. Front Annulus Gear Rear 21-134-38 GEAR. Front and Rear Annulus (2) .................. 21-134-40 SNAP RING. Front and Rear Annulus Gear (2) Front Annulus Gear Support ............ I1 ...................... 21-134-45 WASHER. Front Annulus Gear Support Thrust 21-136-0 . ............ .C o n t ' d 82408 019 82408 019 82408 019 1 1 82400 142 I82400 142 02400 142 82464 259 182464 259 82464 259 82400 141 182400 141 182400 141 II II *2464 902 *2538 253 *2538 253 *I942 450 *I942 450 *I942 450 *I942 443 *I942 443 *I942 443 1I I1 *I942 444 *I942 444 *I942 444 *I942 448 *I942 448 *I942 448 *I942 447 *I942 447 *I942 447 TRANSMISSION BANDS 21-136-5 BAND. Kickdown ............................. *2204 792 *2204 792 *2204 792 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 *I630 896 1 *I630 896 1 *I630 896 21-136-17 SCREW. Kickdown Band Adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-20 LEVER. Kickdown Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / '2124 579 *2124 579 12124 579 21-136-23 SHAFT. Kickdown Band Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 *I942 132 1*1942 132 1 *I942 132 '1942 487 11942 487 / '1942 487 21-136-30 BAND. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-41 STRUT. Reverse Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *I942 497 *I942 497 *I942 497 21-136-44 LINK. Reverse Band. w/ANCHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *2464 439 *2464 439 *2464 439 21-136-47 LEVER. Reverse Band. w/STEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverse Band. Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-49 SHAFT. Reverse Band Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *l942 493 (*l942493 ( *I942 493 21-136-52 SCREW. Reverse Band Adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 *I942 543 /el942543 1 *I942 543 21.131.65 DRUM. Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a.. .. . . . . . 1.2466 00. 21.136-228 CAM and RETAINER PACKAGE. <'OMRunning Clutch . . . . . . . . 1 *2421281 I*2421281 1 *2421281 21-136-229 SCREW. Cam (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 138 212 SCREW and WASHER, Cam (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-15 STRUT. Kickdown Band 1 1 1 1 I 1 ....................... 1 21-136-235 ROLLER. "0" Running Clutch Cam (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-236 SPRING. "0" Running Clutch Cam Roller (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-136-232RACE. "0" Running Clutch TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V .Valiant i .Dart . +Indicates use or required Blndicates parts not listed in ony previous parts b o o t * Indicates change or . addition I 1 *2466 911 1*2466 911 *2466 911 *2464 446 *2464 446 *2464 446 R .Belvedere P -Plymouth W Coronet D -Dodge . . ........ . . C Chryrler Y imperial Numerals in pormtheres ( )refer to notes Printed In U.S.A. Prtces and specifications subject to change without notlce Page 21-69 . . March 1966 Page 21-70 . NOTE: 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION A l l quantities are one (1) u n l e s s otherwise indicated in p a r e n t h e s i s . 82538 351 82538 353 A904LA A904LA 82538 350 A904LA I '1942 478 '1942 478 1 '1942 485 TRANSMISSION 21-137-0 T R A N S M I S S I O N SERVOS 21-137-50 ........................ RING. Kickdown S e r v o Piston Seal. Small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kickdown S e r v o Guide Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROD. Kickdown Servo Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GUIDE. Kickdown Servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING. Kickdown Servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING. Kickdown Servo Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PISTON. R e v e r s e Servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING. R e v e r s e Servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING. R e v e r s e Servo Piston plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUG. R e v e r s e Servo Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEAL. R e v e r s e Servo Piston. Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-137-53 SPRING. R e v e r s e Servo Piston 21-137-56 RETAINER. R e v e r s e 21-137-59 SNAP RING. R e v e r s e Servo Piston Spring Retainer 21-137-5 21-137-8 21-137-11 21-137-13 21-137-19 21-137-22 21-137-35 21-137-41 21-137-44 21-137-47 TRANSMISSION PISTON. Kickdown Servo 1 1 '1942 478 1 '1942 485 1 1 1 '1942 485 1 '1823 941 '1823 941 '1823 941 '1823 940 '1823 940 ( '1823 940 .................... Servo Piston Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-137-200 PISTON. Accumulator ......... .......................... ................ .................................. SPRING. Accumulator Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-137-202 RING. Accumulator Piston Seal. Small Large 21-137-205 21-138-0 21-138-2 21-138-7 21-138-10 21-138-13 21-138-15 21-138-19 21-138-21 TRANSMISSION GOVERNOR ..................... SNAP RING. Governor Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUPPORT. Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WEIGHT. Governor Outer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPRING. Governor Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNAP RING. Governor Weight. Outer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOCK. Governor Body Bolt (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REPAIR PACKAGE. Governor TYPE LETTERS Indiwte: . . . R Belvedere V Valiant L Dart . W .Coronet +Indlcatms us* os rmqulred Blndlwks parts not listod in any previous parts book . March 1966 . I I P .Plymouth . D ~ o d ~ e . . . I C Chrvsler Y Imperial Numarols in parentheres ( )refer to notes Printmd In U.S.A. Prices and speciflcotions subject lo change without notlcm Page 21-70 . . Indicatee change or addition 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG TRANSMISSION Page 21-71 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - - . . NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis TRANSMISSION 21-138-0 82538 351 82538 353 82538 350 A904LA A904LA A904LA TRANSMISSION GOVERNOR 21-138-23 VALVE, Governor .Cont'd ............................ *2124 663 *2124 663 *2124 663 ......................... 21-138-29 SNAP RING. Governor Valve Shaft (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-138-38 RING. Governor Support Seal (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-138-26 SHAFT. Governor Valve 21-139-0 1 *I942 109 *I942 109 *I942 109 T R A N S M I S S I O N V A L V E BODY A N D V A L V E S BODY. w/Transfer PLATE. Complete 1 N P E LETTERS Indicate: V .Valiant R .Belvedere W -Coronet L .Dart *Indicates use as required . 8lndicater parts not listed in ony previous ports book * 1 *I556 082 1*1556 082 *I556 082 *I638 461 *I638 461 *I638 461 ................. ( 21-139-9 VALVE. Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 21-139-12 LEVER. Manual Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-24 SPRING. Manual Valve Lever Detent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-30 VALVE. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-33 SPRING. Throttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-47 SEAL. Throttle Lever Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-49 SNAP RING. Throttle Valve Lever Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-50 LEVER. Throttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-63 PLUG. Regulator Valve Throttle P r e s s u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-64 SLEEVE. Regulator Valve Line P r e s s u r e Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-67 VALVE. Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-68 SPRING. Regulator Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-71 RETAINER. Regulator Valve Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-74 SCREW. Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-76 NUT. Throttle P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw Lock . . . . . . . . . . . Line P r e s s u r e Adjusting Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-78 VALVE. Kickdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUG. Kickdown Detent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-95 VALVE. Shuttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUG. Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-98 SNAP RING. Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-101 SPRING. Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-4 . Indicates change or addition . . *2466 515 *2466 515 *2486 515 1 I *2464 675 *2464 675 *2464 675 *2464 676 *2464 876 *2464 676 *I942 225 *I942 225 '1942 225 *I636 423 *I636 423 *I638 423 *I949 847 '1949 847 *I949 847 *2466 548 *2466 548 *2466 548 I I '1539 430 *I539 430 *I539 430 *I942 245 *I942 245 '1942 245 *I942 218 *I942 218 *I942 218 *I942 213 *I942 213 *I942 213 *2124 733 *2124 733 '2124 733 *2124 734 *2124 734 *2124 734 *2204 975 *2204 975 *2204 975 1 1 *I539 430 *I539 430 *I539 430 *2124 697 *2124 697 '2124 697 . . P -Plymouth C Chryslar D .Dodge Y Imperial Numerals in porenthwes ( 1 refer to notes Printed in U S A Prlc*s and sp~ctficationssubjact to chang without n o t l u . Page 21-71 . . . March 1966 . 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 21-72 T-MLSSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION NOTE: All quantities a r e one (1) unless otherwise indicated in parenthesis. E2538 351 82538 353 E2538 350 A904LA A904LA A904LA TRANSMISSION 21-139-0 TRANSMISSION VALVE BODY A N D VALVES ............................ ......................... ............................ ......................... 21-139-108 SPRING, 1-2 Shift Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Shift Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-117 VALVE, Torque Converter Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-118 SPRING, Torque Converter Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-135 COVER, Regulator Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift Valve Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shuttle Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverse Block Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-140 PLATE, Valve Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-143 VALVE, Front and R e a r Pump Check (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-144 SPRING, Front and R e a r Pump Check Valve (2) . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-147 PLATE, T r a n s f e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-154 SUPPORT, T r a n s f e r Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-190 VALVE, Reverse Blocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-191 SEAL, Reverse Blocker Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-139-193 SPRING, Reverse Blocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Cont'd *I941 602 '1941 603 ,1941 600 *I941 601 21-139-105 VALVE, 1-2 Shift PLUG, 1-2 Shift Valve VALVE, 2-3 Shift PLUG, 2-3 Shift Valve 1 *2124 256 *I941 602 *I941 603 *I941 600 *I941 601 1 *I941 602 *I941 603 *I941 600 *I941 601 1 *2124 256 *2124 256 *2205 034 *2205 034 *I942 228 *I942 228 ,1942 230 *I942 230 *I942 227 '1942 227 *2205 034 *2205 034 *2205 034 *I942 228 *I942 230 81942 227 '2205 034 1 *2204 599 *2204 599 1,2204 599 1 *2464 778 1 *2204 890 *2204 890 *2204 890 ( 1 *2464 778 *2464 778 1 1 1 NOTES TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Valiant L - Dart +Indicat.s us. as required. Blndlcahs parts not listed In any previous parts b o o t March 1966. R -Belvedere W -Coronet Numerals In parentheses ( - P Plymouth D Dodge ) refer to notes. - C Chrydar Y Imperial Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications rubled to change without noHw. Page 21-72 I n d i d e s ehonge or addition.
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