1965 Mopar Passenger Car Parts Catalog
1965 Mopar Passenger Car Parts Catalog
STUD 14-08-27 / TUBE14-86-50 FUEL SYSTEM - TUBE 14-89-2 ORDER HOSE 14-67-2 GASKET 14-74-1 \ FILTER14-29-6 / - ~0~~14-89-57 TUBE 8-27-320 I 1 CHOKE 14-39-45 HOSE 10-02-53 CAP 10-02-66 VALIANT AND DART SEAL 23-34-259 \ I GASKET14-2 CARBURETOR 14-30- ' 1 GAUGE 14-72-1 SEAL 14-72-9 STATION WAGON SEAL 23-04-249 TUBE 14-86-A0 STRAP 14-88-21 TUBE 14-86-40 CAP 14-86-35 BY N A M E O N L Y TANK 14-86-1 C FUEL SYSTEM (6 CYLINDER) TUBE 14-89-2 - - I BELVEDERE AND CORONET I GASKET 14-74-1 CLAMP FILTER 14-67-1 HOSE 14-67-2 TUBE 14-89-2 CARBURETOR 14-30-1 AIR CLEANER 1 4 - 2 9 - 2 I PUMP PACKAGE 14.73-1 PARTS INDICATED BY N A M E O N L Y ORDER BY DESCRIPTION CLIP 14-90-1 HOSE 14-89-5 GASKET 14-34-2 CHOKE 14-39-45 GASKET 14-29-5 ILTER 14-86-85 TANK 14-86-1 HOSE 14-89-57 FUEL Printed in U . S .A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-3 Page 14-3 September 4, 1964. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-4 1 GASKET PACKAGE 14-30-7 I 1 BARREL CARBURETOR, COMPONENTS AND PACKAGES September 4, 1964. FUEL Page 14-4 - CARTER Printed in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL Page 14-5 GASKET PACKAGE 14-30-7 I I I ( I NEEDLE A N D SEAT 4 - I I M A l N WELL 14-35-39 1 , I 1 M A l N METERING JET 14-35-1 PUMP PLUNGER A N D I v CARBURETOR 14-30-1 REPAIR PACKAGE 14-30-4 1 BARREL CARBURETOR, COMPONENTS AND PACKAGES Printed in U.S . A . Page 14-5 - HOLLEY September 4, 1964. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-6 66 NEEDLE AND SEAT I POWER BY-PASS JET 14-35-6 PUMP PLUNGER 14-41-3 FUEL GPzSKET PACKAGE 14-30-7 C 1 CHOKE 14-39-45 I CHOKE MAIN DISCHARGE JET 14-35-8 GASKET 14-30-2 1 u 0 I ZIP KIT 14-30-4 REPAIR PACKAGE 14-30-4 0 2 BARREL CARBURETOR. COMPONENTS AND PACKAGES September 4 , 1964. 0 Page 14-6 - BENDM Printed in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS C A T A L O G FUEL I P a g e 14-7 NEEDLE AND SEAT 14-304 PUMP PLUNGER AND ROD 14-41-3 I CARBURETOR 14-30-1 1 CHOKE 14-39-45 GASKET 14-30-2 REPAIR PACKAGE 14-30-4 I I ZIP KIT 14-30-4 2- BARREL CARBL-ETOR. AND PACKAGES - CARTER .~ - - , COMPONENTS ~ Printed in U.S .A. Page 14-7 September 4, 1964. Page 14-8 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL F NUT 14-30-28 4 BARREL CARBURETOR, COMPONENTS AND PACKAGES September 4, 1964. Page 14-8 - CARTER Printed in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL SEAL 14-1 1-4 Page 14-9 BRACKET 14-1 1-20 RETAINER 14-1 3-5 SHAFT 14-1 1-1 INSULATOR 14-1 1-3 SEAL (NOT SERVICED) SPRING 14-06-1 SPRING 14-07-15 BRACKET 14-06-10 PEDAL 14-01-1 ROD 14-11-9 BELL CRANK 14-14-1 PIN 14-01-12 BRACKET 14-01 -15 LEVER 21-142-12 BY N A M E O N L Y - ORDER NUT AND WASHER 19a0151 THROTTLE LINKAGE (6 CYLINDER) - VALIANT AND DART PIN 14-25-12 / CLlP14-11-3CABLE 14-25-11 FT, W / BRACKETI4-11-1 PARTS INDICATED BY N A M E ONLY ORDER BY DESCRIPTION - ROD14-11-9 I CLIP14-11-3 19x9220C THROTTLE LINKAGE (6 CYLINDER 170 AND 225 ENGINE WITH AIR CONDITIONING) VALIANT AND DART Printed i n U.S.A. Page 14-9 - September 4, 1964. Paee 14-10 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL INSULATOR 14-25-17 RING 14-25-13 ROD 14-1 1-9 SHAFT, W/BRACKET PEDAL 14-01-1 STUD 14-14-20 BY N A M E O N L Y - ORDER 19a0005 A - THROTTLE LINKAGE (V8 CYLINDER) VALIANT AND DART (273 CU. IN. ENGINE) PARTS INDICATED BY N A M E O N L Y ORDER - CLIP 14-25-5 PIN WASHER I i -.. , .. - - BRACKET 14-14-1 BRACKET 14-06-10 1 / CABLE 14-25-11 SPRING 14-06-1 ROD 14-11-9 I ROD 14-11-9 THROTTLE LINKAGE (6 CYLINDER) May, 1965 Supersedes Sept. 4, 1964. 1 - LEVER 21-142112 SHAFT, \\ \ GRACKET 14-1 1-1 19a0135 A BELVEDERE AND CORONET (225 CU. IN. ENGINE) Page 14-10 Printed i n U.8 . A . 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL Page 14-11 ROD 14-1 1-9 \ \ NUT WASHER CABLE 14-25;lI AFT, WDRACKET 14-11-1 ROLLER 14-1 1-39 PEDAL 14-01-1 BRACKET 14-26-6 BY N A M E O N L Y - ORDER 19a0137A THROTTLE LINKAGE (V8 CYLINDER) - BELVEDERE AND CORONET (273 CU. IN. ENGINE) BRACKET 14-26-6 CLlP WASHER CLlP 14-26-2 \ ROD 14-11-9 CABLE 14-25-1) I STUD 14-11-40 PEDAL 14-01-1 SPRING 14-06-1 I BRACKET 14-06-10 I PARTS INDICATED BY N A M E O N L Y ORDER BY DESCRIPTION - 1 THROTTLE LINKAGE (V8 CYLINDER) - BELVEDERE AND CORONET (361, 383 AND 426 CU. IN. ENGINE) Printed in U.S.A. Page 14-11 May, 1965 Supersedes Sept. 4, 1964. Page 14-12 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL BRACKET 14-26-6 LLER 14-1 1-39 19a0136 A THROTTLE LINKAGE (V8 CYLINDER) - PLYMOUTH AND DODGE BRACKET 14-26-6 I CABLE 14-25-1 1 HAFT, W/BRACKET STUD 14-1 1-40 ROLLER 14-1 SPRING 14-06-1 ACKET 14-06-10 BY N A M E O N L Y - ORDER 19a0138 A THROTTLE LINKAGE May, 1965 Supersedes Sept. 4, 1964. Page 14-12 - IMF'ERIAL Printed in U S .A. B U T ~ O N14-02-3 \ BEZEL 14-02-8 KNOB 14-02-4 DODGE EAR 14-62-67 I \ AUTO PILOT SYSTEM I BRACE 14-02-18 WIRING 14-02-6 NUT W/WASHER 14-02-81 GROMMET 14-02-24 C A ~ L E14-02-3 CONTROL 14-02-2 \ PINION 21-85-5 CLIP 21-85-61 CHRYSLER BRACKET 14-02-18 SOCKET ASSEMBLY 14-02-38 BUTTON 14-02-3 WASHER 14-02-23 \\ N SOCKET ASSEMBLY 14-02-38 LENS 14-02-76 R 14-02-8 WASHER 14-02-23 BY N A M E O N L Y BRACKET 14-02-32 SPACER 14-02-32 NUT 14-02-26 19a0267 - ORDER ALL STUD 14-02-12 BRACKET 14-02-18 MECHANISM 14-02-15 Page 1 4 - 1 2 ~ May, 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-12B FUEL Printed in U.S.A. 1965 PASSENGER CAR FUEL I 1 '. I RTS C rTALOG 'ER AR PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION VALIANT . 14-01-1 PEDAL ...................... -4-01-12 14-01-15 14-01-16 14-01-22 14-01-25 ...................... PIN. Hinge. w/CLIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I BRACKET. Pedal Hinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCREW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . LEVER. Pedal w/o Auto Pilot w/Auto Pilot SEAL. Pedal Lever. w/o Auto Pilot w/Auto Pilot 1 1 1 1 . . ......... 1 1 1 1 ................. 2 ............... BUSHING. Pedal 14-01-31 INSULATOR. Accelerator Pedal Sound 14-01-38 SWIVEL. Pedal Lever 14-01-39 RING. Pedal Lever Swivel Retaining 14-02-0 A U T O M A T I C PILOT ..... 1 6 .............. ...... II 1 1 .......... 8 .......... 8 ........................ ................ KNOB. Control. C P. . . . . . . . . .... ............... 8 8 1 1 1 BEZEL. Control. C P2 D2. Control Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . D2. Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLLAR. Control id. D 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 RETAINER. Lever to Rod 8 1 ROD. Accelerator Pedal to Auto Pilot Auto Pilot Lever to Auto Pilot w/318 cu.in. Eng. . . ....... ............... ........................ ........... ........... HOUSING. w/DIFFUSER. Auto Pilot Control. D 2 BALL STUD. Carb . Lever to Trans . Rod L .Dart . *Indicates use 01 required Blndicahr ports not listed In any previous parts boot * 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ................ . 1 1 ........................ BUTTON. Control Reset. D 2 C p2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indicates change o r addition .... 2463 766 120 367 1 . I I ................ CONTROL. C. D2 P 7 1 ......... AUTOMATIC PILOT PACKAGE CHRYSLEI IMPERIAL 2 . PLATE. Pedal Dash Panel Pddal Mounting Reinforcement. on Floor Pan Dash Panel Lin-e Mounting 14-01-30 POLARA 1 2 ................ ................. . ..... .................. ............. Pedal Floor Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DODGE DODGE CoRoNn DART 1 1 1 1 1 2 ........... w/BEZEL. Stainless Steel NUT Page 14-13 I W .Coronet Numerals in porentheras ( Page 14-13 1 1 . D .~ o d g e . Y . imperial )refer to nates Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications sublect to change without notice . . March 1966 Supersedes May 1965 m 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG CODE 1 14-02-0 A U T O M A T I C PILOT 14-02-15 MECHANISM, h i v e 14-02-18 VALIANT PLYMOUTl BELVEDERI DART DODGE CORONET PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION - Cont'd ............... 2580 142 . ....... 2530 280 BRACKET, Mechanism Mounting, PZ, D2, C Drive Mechanism to Hood Hinge h i v e Mechanism to Dash Auto F'ilot Control Mounting BRACE, Mechanism Mounting . . . . BRACE, Bracket Mounting P2, D2, C --- - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - ........... ......... 2580 555 2530 298 '2530 277 ...... ...... 14-02-24 ............. GROMMET, Control Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 2216 552 14-02-26 NUT, Brake Switch Mounting, P2, D2, C 1886 313 14-02-27 LINK, Accelerator Pedal Lever to Auto. Pilot. 2266 557 14-02-29 LAMP, Control, P2 C 14-02-23 ............... 2496 350 2587 459 ......................... RING, Retainer, 14-02-32 1972 906 WASHER, Reset Button 14-02-30 DIAL, Control, C . P. . . . . . . . . ................ ................ C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SWITCH, Brake, w/BRACKET 14-02-34 CABLE, Drive Mechanism 32586 981 '2661 292 '6026 264 .... 2580 115 -- - - - - - ............ 14-02-39 ... ............... ...... CONTACT, Control Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . 2256 966 14-02-63 DIFFUSER, Control Mounting Housing Light, D2 2427 533 14-02-67 GEAR, Control Dial h i v e , D2 ......... 2560 386 14-02-38 14-02-69 14-02-70 14-02-72 Auto. Pilot, Trans. to Drive Mechanism Auto. Pilot Control SOCKET, Auto. Pilot Lamp, C, D2 2580 854 2497 213 2097 003 ---- --- ..... SCREW, Control Dial, P2 . . . . . . . . . . . . LEVER, Brake Switch, P2, D2, C . . . . . . . WIRING, Auto Pilot Instrument Panel 2467 774 1972 352 14-02-76 COVER, w/DJAL, Auto Pilot Housing, D2 2587 365 14-02-17 NUT, Auto Pilot Control Bezel Mounting, C 14-02-76 SHIELD, Control Cable Dust 14-02-80 14-02-81 4-06-0 14-06-1 2256 966 2497 807 2256 702 SHAFT, Speedometer Cable Auto Pilot to Speedometer h i v e , P2 14-02-75 LA IMPERIAL polnai CHRYSLE ............ .. 2461 504 2580 557 .......... SEAL, Auto Pilot Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . NUT and WASHER, Mechanism Mounting . . . 2426 580 2426 580 2532 523 2076 232 2076 232 ACCELERATOR PEDAL RETURN S P R I N G SPRING, R,W, P, D, 30 Coils, Painted Blue R, W, P , D, 47 Coils, Painted Silver . . . R, W, P , 30 Coils, Painted Orange . . . .. .. .. 2402 590 2536 455 2536 462 2402 590 2536 455 c. ' L -Dart *Indlsotor us* as raquired. Blndlcater porh not llrhd in any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. vsler W -Coronet D- ~ i d ~ e Y - Imperial Numerals in parentheses ( J refer to notes. Printed in U.5.A. Prices and specifications sublect to change without notice. Page 14-14 * Indicates change o r addition 3 CODE PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION L 1 4 - 0 6 - 0 ACCELERATOR PEDAL R E T U R N S P R I N G - Cont'd DODGE CORONEl Page 14-15 PLYMOUTH FURY DODGE POURA CHRYSLER 7 IMPERIAL - 14-06-1 SPRING Cont'd R, W, P , Auto. Trans. Rod Return, 19 Coils, Painted Black . . . . . . . . . . . . w/Governor 18 Coils, Painted Maroon 30 Coils, Painted Orange . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Coils, Painted Brown . . . . . . . . . . . Auto. Trans. Rod Return, 19 Coils, Painted Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R, W, P, D, High Performance R2,. W2,. w/426 cu.in. Eng., Hemispherical, w/2-4 B a r r e l Carburetors, Painted Green . 2536 453 .................. ........... ........ 14-06-10 2536 454 2536 454 2536 453 2265 027 2536 453 .................... .............. ............ ............ BRACKET w/Air Conditioning w/2 B a r r e l Carburetor w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor w/o Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/Governor, 2" long . . . . . . . . . . . w/Governor, 3-1/8' long . . . . . . . . . w/Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 cu. in. and 383 cu. in. Eng., w/2 Barrel Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 cu. in. Eng., w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor . . . 361 cu. in. and 383 cu. in. Eng., 2 B a r r e l Carburetor w/Air Conditioning ...... , 383 cu. in. Eng., 4 B a r r e l Carburetor, w/Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 cu. in. and 426 cu. in. Eng. , 4 B a r r e l Carburetor, w/Air Conditioning . . . . . . . R, W, w/426 cu.in. Eng., Hemispherical, w/2-4 B a r r e l Carburetors . . . . . . . . . . . P , D, w/318 cu.in. Eng. . . . . . . . . . . . . P, D, w/383 cu. in. Eng. P , w/426 cu. in. Eng. D, w/413 o r 426 cu.in. Eng. w/o Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............. ......... 14-07-0 ACCELERATOR PEDAL T O ACCELERATOR SHAFT R O D .............. 14-07-1 ROD, w/Auto. T r a n s . 14-07-8 RETAINER, Accelerator Pedal Lever to Auto. Pilot Rod, 413 cu.in. Eng., w/o Air Conditioning, w/Auto. Pilot Pedal t o Shaft Rod Ball Joint a , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... 14-07-15 ---- - -- 1 1 6 - - - - -- - 2121 571 SPRING, Accelerator Pedal to Accelerator 14-11-0 ACCELERATOR SHAFT 14-11-1 ............ ................ Auto. Trans. . . . . . . . . . . SHAFT, w/Manual Trans. w/Auto. Trans. w/Manual o r TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Valiant L - Dart *Indicates use as required. Blndicater parts not listed in any previous ports book. * Indicates change o r addition. I I R -Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 14-15 I I P -Plymouth D - Dodge ) refer to note.. - C Chryrler Y lmperiol . Printed in Prices and rpecificotions subled to chongrwithout notice. U.S.A. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. Y I ~ L -- 14-11-0 14-11-1 ACCELERATOR SHAFT SHAFT - Cont'd -- - Cont'd .......... ............... ............. CLIP, Accelerator Shaft to Bell Crank Rod . . Bell Crank to Trans. Rod . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 6 1 1 1 ..... 6 6 8 1 1 1 ...................... 8 1 8 1 8 6 6 1 6 1 ........ 6 6 6 1 1 1 . . 6 6 1 1 w/BRACKET, w/Auto Pilot W/BRACKET, std. SHAFT, Torque, Partial 14-11-3 Carburetor to Eng. Bell Crank Rod Engine Bracket Shaft to Trans. Bell Crank Rod Trans. Bell Crank t o Trans. Control Lever Rod Carburetor to Throttle Control Cable Mounting Bracket Lever Rod Torque Shaft to Bell Crank Rod End Spring Bell Crank to Carburetor Rod End Spring . Bell Crank to Auto. Trans. Rod End Spring ...................... ........ . . SEAL, Shaft 14-11-9 ROD, Accelerator Shaft to Bell Crank Bell Crank to Trans., w/o Slot Bell Crank to Trans., w/SLOT Bell Crank to Auto. Trans., w/170 cu. in. Eng., 25 1/2 long . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eng. Bell Crank to Trans., 21-1/4 in. long Bell Crank to Auto. T r a n s . , w/225 cu. in. Eng. .... ....... ........... - --- ------ --- 2532 521 2465 401 7 IMPERIAL 2465 480 2463 871 1 1 1652 093 667 774 1652 093 667 774 2532 334 2468 744 6 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Bell Crank t o Carburetor Bell Crank to Carburetor, w/Governor, 6 3/4 in. long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell Crank to Carburetor, w/Governor, 5 7/8 in. long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell Crank to Carburetor, Police and Taxi, 6 5/8 in. long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bell Crank to Carburetor., Police and Taxi. 5 3/4 in. l o n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DODGE CORONET 2463 871 --1 ................... 14-11-4 DART PLYMOUTH FURY DODGE POLARA CHRYSLER -- PER CAR PART NAME AND DESCRIPTION VALIANT PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 2532 377 6 1 2268 356 6 1 2268 385 6 1 2536 153 6 1 2406 763 6 1 -- 2536 163 ~ .......... ........ ........ .......... Carburetor to Bell Crank Carburetor to Eng. Bell Crank, 273 cu. in. Eng., w/2 B a r r e l Carburetor Carburetor to Eng. Bell Crank, 273 cu.in. Eng., w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor Trans. Bell Crank t o Trans. Throttle Control Lever, w/273 cu. in. Eng. Engine Bracket Shaft to Trans. Bell Crank . Carburetor Lever to Trans. Carburetor Lever to Auto. Trans., w/273 cu. in. Eng. 8 1 8 1 8 1 ......... 8 8 8 1 1 1. 2532 365 .................. 8 1 2532 349 8 1 2532 355 8 1 2532 391 8 1 2402 226 8 1 ---- --- Carburetor Lever to Auto. Trans., w/318 and 361 cu. in. Eng., w/2 B a r r e l Carburetor Carburetor Lever to Trans.,w/4 Barrel Carburetor Carburetor to T r a n s . , w/361 and 383 cu. in. Eng. Cable Mounting Bracket Lever to Trans. Bell Crank Cable Mounting Bracket Lever to Trans. Bell Crank, 413 and 426 cu. in. Eng., w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor .................. ...................... .................. .............. - Valiant L - Dort V *Indicates use as required. Elndicoter ports not listed in any previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 8 I 'TYPE LETTERS Indicate: 1 R - Belvedere 2465 419 -L l ~~outh n W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( D - Dad(3' ) refer to notes. C - Chrysler Y - lmperlal Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications rubiect to change without notlca. Page 14-16 ~ * Indicates change o r addition. CODE ' PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION - Cont'd 14-11-0 ACCELERATOR SHAFT 14-11-9 ROD- Cont'd Engine Bell Crank to Carburetor, w/426 cu. in. Eng., Hemispherical . . . . . . . . . Trans. Bell Crank t o Trans. Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket Lever, P,D Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket Lever, 383 cu. in. Eng., w/2 B a r r e l Carburetor Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket Lever, 383 cu.in. Eng., w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor . ......... ...................... .. . Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket w/413 and 426 cu. in. Eng., w/Air Conditioning Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket w/413 and 426 cu. in. Eng., w/o Air Conditioning Carburetor t o Cable Mounting Bracket 318 cu. in. Eng., w/Auto. Trans. Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket w/SLOT P , D Carburetor Lever to Trans. Carburetor Lever to Trans., w/SLOT 14-11-10 14-11-18 14-11-20 14-11-28 14-11-48 1 8 1 8 1 I Lever, 2465 417 .................. 8 1 ---- --- ---- --- 2532 541 ...... 8 1 ................. ......... 8 1 1 1 ---- ------- --- - -- - - - ---- ------ ------ ------ --- ............ ............ ............ 6 8 8 2 2 1 6 1 8 1 8 1 6 6 8 1 1 1 ......... .......... LEVER, Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaft Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 1 1 ............ 6 1 STUD, Torque Shaft Ball Carburetor Lever Ball Auto. Pilot Lever Ball Lever, Lever, Lever, .... LINK, Bell Crank to Auto. Trans. Rod Adjusting LINK, Carburetor Lever to Auto. Trans. Rod Adjusting LINK, Carburetor to Cable Mounting Bracket Lever Rod Adjusting ................... ................... ............. BRACKET, Shaft Support . . . . . . . . . . . . ShaftEngine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 2465 445 2468 744 --------- --- 2532 329 2468 744 1858 936 ---- ------ --- 1858 936 ---- --- 1858 936 1 2465 483 *2465 483 2465 483 1 2120 525 PLATE, Shaft Bracket Tapping Shaft Bracket Stud Retainer ............... .............. RING, Shaft Retaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROLLER, Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STUD, Carburetor Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . CLIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEAL, Shaft Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 BUSHING, Shaft Seal V - Valiont L - Dart indicate^ use as required. Blndicator partr not Ilrted in any previous parts book. Indicates change o r addition. 2465 483 I 1811 I 8l I TYPE LETlERS Indicole: * 8 ------- PLUG, Shaft Lever 14-11-40 2 ------- 14-11-31 14-11-39 1 POLARA CHRysLER 1 INSULATOR, Shaft Sound 14-11-34 ,,, DODGE DODGE 8 14-11-30 14-11-33 OAR 8 8 I '"IANT PER P a e e 14-17 P L y ~ ~ ~ T H PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE .................. Engine.. 14-11-25 - 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL - --- I 1 I I I I R - Belvedere W - Coronet Nurnerols in [ P - Plymouth C - Chrysler D - Dodge Y - Imperial ) r d e r to notar. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications rublect to chonss withaul notice. Page 14-17 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOC FUEL PLYMOUTI BELVEDER 14-25-0 14-25-11 .. ... .. ... .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .... . .. .. . . ... .. . . . ... .. ... . . PIN, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RING, Cable Retainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSULATOR, Cable Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25-13 14-25-17 14-26-0 14-20-2 14-26-3 14-26-6 14-29-0 14-29-2 7 IMPERIAL 2465 924 9 5 3 2 528 "2532 528 '2532 528 2465 925 ------ 2532 528 2465 485 2264 706 1884 405 1884 405 2465 486 2465 486 THROTTLE C O N T R O L M O U N T I N G BRACKET .... CLIP. Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCREW, w/WASHER, Mounting Bracket. . . . BRACKET, Cable Mounting . . . .. . . . .. w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . . R2, W2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/273 cu. in. Eng., w/2 Barrel Carburetor . R2, W2, w/426 cu. in. Eng., w/2-4 B a r r e l Carburetors, Hemispherical Eng. . . . . . . w/426 cu. in. Eng., w/4 Barrel Carburetor . LEVER P,D 14-26-11 - Cont'd ... .... Except Police and Taxi w/2 Barrel Carburetor . . . . . . . . . . . w/4 B a r r e l Carburetor . . . . . ... 383, 413 and 426 cu. in. Eng . . . . . . . R1, W1, Police and Taxi, PI, Dl, Taxi . R2, W2 w/383 cu. in. Eng. . . . . . . .... R2, W2, w/426 cu.in. Eng. w/413 or 426 cu.in. Eng. . 14-25-12 14-26-1 THROTTLE C O N T R O L CABLE CABLE - Cont'd DODGE CORONEl Page 14-19 PLYMOUTH FURY DODGE POURA CHRYSLER .. . ... ........... 2465 442 E 2448 746 ....................... 2465 439 ---- --- . .. ... . . . . .. ... . . ..... . . ...... . . ...... ... .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. ... .. . . . . . .. .. .. ..... .. . .. .. . .. . ... . .. ... . .. ...... w/361 cu.in. Eng. w/383 cu. in. Eng. P, D, w/225 cu.in. Eng. Partial, P, D, w/413 and 426 cu. in. Eng. Partial, w/383 cu. in. Eng., 2 Barrel Carburetor Partial, w/383 cu. in. Eng., 4 B a r r e l Carburetor LEVER, Cable Mounting Bracket, w/318 cu. in. Eng., P, D Except 318 cu. in. Eng., P, D 2463 789 2536 150 2465 410 2465 433 2465 425 2465 442 2465 413 - CARBURETOR A I R CLEANER ... ... . .. . . . . . . . . ...... . AIR CLEANER, w/o Governor, Oil Bath w/o Governor, Dry Type . . . ...... w/FITTING, use with Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose . w/FITTING, w/2 Barrel Carburetor, V, L, R, W, w/273 cu. in. Eng., P, w/318 cu. in. Eng. (also use 1-2465 764 Air Cleaner fitting Cap) . . . .... ...... Unsilenced, w/2 Barrel Carburetor, w/273 cu. in. Eng., Barracuda . ........ w/FITTING, u s e w/Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose, w/273 cu. in., w/2 Barrel Carburetor, Barracuda . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2463 662 2402 704 * 2463 931 .. . .. 2463 900 . lYPE LETTERS Indicate: V L - Valiont - Dart *Indicoter use or required. Blndicoles parts not listed in any previous parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. - R Belw W - Coronet - P Plvmouth D Dodge Y - Imperial Numerals in parentheses ( ) reier to notes. Printed in U A A . Prices and specifications svblect to change without notlce. Page 14-19 arch 1966 Supersedes May 1965. I 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG I Page 14-20 I I CODE 14-29-2 7 I IMPERIAL PAR? N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION - Cont'd I 14-29-0 I CARBURETOR A I R CLEANER - AIR CLEANER Cont'd w/FITTING, w/2 Barrel Carburetor, w/273 and 318 cu. in. Eng. (Oil Bath) R, W, w/361 cu. in. Eng., P, D, C1, w/383 cu. in. Eng., w/2 Barrel Carburetor Silenced D, w/383 o r 413 cu.in. Eng., C1, C2, w/383 cu. in. Eng., C3, w/413 cu. in. Eng., w/4 Barrel Carburetor, Silenced R, W, w/361 cu. in. Eng., P, D, C1, w/383 cu. in. Eng., w/2 Barrel Carburetor, Silenced, Calif. Only D, w/383 o r 413 cu. in. Eng., C1, C2, w/383 cu. in. Eng., w/4 Barrel Carburetor, Silenced, Calif. Only P ., D,. R,. W, w/383 cu. in. Eng., w/4 o r 2 Barrel Carburetor, ~ n s i l e n c e d ,Package. . . ...... 2402 672 .................. ............. 14-29-3 GASKET, Oil Chamber Upper, w/Oil Bath Cleaner Lower, w/Oil Bath Cleaner Air Cleaner Adapter, w/Oil Bath Cleaner w/273 o r 318 cu. in. Eng. GASKET, Air Cleaner Cover, w/273 or 318 cu.in. Eng. Except 273 and 318 cu. in. Eng. GASKET, Air Cleaner to Carburetor, w/170 and 225 cu. in. Eng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .......... 14-29-4 14-29-5 . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ............... ..................... w/426 cu. in. Eng. 14-29-6 14-29-7 FILTER w/2 Barrel Carburetor, w/273 o r 318 cu. in. Eng. w/2 o r 4 Barrel Carburetor, w/361, 383, 413, 426 cu.in. Eng. w/2-4 Barrel Carburetor, w/426 cu. in. Eng., Hemispherical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/2 o r 4 Barrel Carburetor, w/Unsilenced Air Cleaner except 426 cu. in. Eng. . . . . . w/170 or 225 cu. in. Eng., w/Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose . . . . . . . . w/273 o r 318 cu. in. Eng., w/Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose . . . . . . . . w/361, 383, 413, cu. in. Eng., w/ Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose ...................... ............ 2402 677 ...... 2463 985 COVER, Air Cleaner, w/273 cu. in. Eng., Chrome, w/o Name Plate . . . . . . . . . . . w/273 cu. in. Eng., w/4 Barrel Carburetor, use w/Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose, Chrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/273 cu. in. Eng., use w/o Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose, Barracuda . . . . . . w/426 cu. in. Eng., Hemispherical, w/Fitting for Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose, when used w/o Hose use 1-2465 764 Fitting Cap, Chrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . w/361, 383, cu. in. Eng., R, W,P, D, C1, w/2 Barrel Carburetor. D, C2, C3, w/413 cu. in. Eng., w/4 ~ a r r e l~arb&et&, use w/Air Cleaner to Breather Pipe Hose, w/Snorkel ................ N P E LEnERS Indicate: - Valiant L - Dart V *Indlcot*s use as required. elndicotes ports not 1ist.d In any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. - I1 R Belvedere W - Coronet - 2463 952 - P Plymouth D ~ o d ~ e C-C Y der - 11mp'erlal Numerals in parentheses ( )refer to nokr. PI4nt md in U.S.A. Prices and specificationsrubisct lo change without not(=. Page 14-20 Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALO G FUEL I WOE PAR1 NAME AND DESCRIPTION I - Cont'd I 14-29-0 14-29-7 14-29-9 14-29-10 14-29-11 14-29-15 14-29-28 14-29-33 14-29-40 CARBURETOR AIR CLEANER COVER - Cont'd Except 318 cu. in. Eng., w/FITTING for- -Air Cleaner to Breather -Pipe Hose, w/o Snorkel . . . . . . . . . . . w/426 cu. in. Eng., w/4 Barrel Carburetor, Chrome, P, D w/361, 363, cu. in. Eng., D, C1, w/2 B a r r e l Carburetor, D, C1, C2, w/363 cu. in. Eng., D, C3, w/413 cu. in. Eng., w/4 Barrel C a r b u r e t o r RETAINER, Air Cleaner Filter w/426 cu.in. Eng., P, D Except A26 cu. in. Eng. ADAPTER, Air Cleaner to Carburetor, w/Oil Bath Cleaner R, W, P, w/Oil Bath Cleaner . . . . . . . . CAP, Air Cleaner Connector I I . IMPERIAL '2463 932 ................. 2463 958 ........ 2402 673 2402 673 2463 959 2402 678 2402 678 .................. ............ .............. . 2129 000 2202 636 2465 764 .......... CLAMP, w / h y Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . w/Oil Bath Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLATE, Element Support, w/426 cu.in. Eng., Hemispherical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Except 426 cu. in. Eng. . . . . . . . . . . . . STUD, Cleaner to Carburetor . . . . . . . . . WING NUT, Chrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . WRAP. Filter, California Usage . . . . . . . . V, L. R, W, P, California Usage . . . . . . . 2264 116 2402 707 R , W, P, D, C, Y, Silenced, California Usage 14-30-0 Parre 14-21 *LYMOUTH FURY DODGE POURA CHRYSLER 2465 159 1826 286 1826 286 2463 980 2463 981 2463 982 2463 982 CARBURETOR The entire l i e of carburetors f o r 1965 Chrysler Corporation passenger vehicles is listed on the following chart by vendor number. Complete replacement assemblies for each vendor identified carburetor a r e listed in the "Chrysler Carburetor" column. Components of carburetors which a r e available for service a r e charted on the following pages, beginning a t Code 14-30-2. For auick reference, both the carburetor assemblies and their component listings a r e and on the f o l l ~ w i n ~ - ~ a ~ e s ) . identified with the same- "Component c h a r t Reference Number. " (see bel, 14-30-1 CARBURETOR ASSEMBLIES Carburetor =!- Models cu. in. ) Trans. Comp. 2hart I - - Typl Mfg. NO. - Mfg. Bbl. Chrysler Service Carburetor No. Ref. NO. - V1, L1, w/Air Conditioning V1, L1, w/o Air Conditioning 1 1 Holley Holley R3056A R3053A 1 2 2468 759 2468 756 V1. L1. w/o Air Conditioning V1, L1, w/o Air Conditioning 1 1 Carter Carter 38338 38349 3 4 2468 751 2468 752 Auto Manual 1 1 Holley Holley R3054A R3055A 5 6 2468 757 2468 758 Manual Manual 1 1 Holley Carter R3149A 38358 44 7 2536 212 2468 765 Manual Auto. 1 1 Carter Carter 39648 36366 41 8 2536 207 2468 766 Auto. 1 - Holley R3150A 42 2536 213 V1. L1, w/o Air Conditioning V l . L1, w/Air Conditioning 170 170 V1, L1, w/Air Conditioning V1, L1, w/Air Conditioning 170 170 V1, L1, w/Air Conditioning V1, L1, w/Air Conditioning 170 170 V1, L1, w/Air Conditioning lYPE LEITERS Indicate: 170 V -Valiant L - Dart +Indicates use as required. eindicat.s parts not listed in any previous parts book. * Indicates change or addition. / I ( - P Plymouth D Dodge - C Chrvrler Y Imperial Numerals in parentheser ( ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subiect to change without notic.. W - Coronet Page 14-21 - March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-22 14-30-0 14-30-1 CARBURETOR - Cont'd CARBURETOR ASSEMBLIES - Cont'd Chrysler Service Carburetor No. Type Models (CU.in. ) V1, L1, w/o Air Conditioning 1 Mfg. Mfg. NO. 1 Holley R3057A 9 -- Trans. Bbl Manual I Ref. NO. - V1, L1, w/o Air Conditioning 1 225 Auto. 1 Holley R3058A 10 V1, L1, w/o Air Conditioning 1 225 Manual 1 Carter 38375 11 Auto. 1 Carter 38388 12 V1, L1, R1, W1, P I Manual 1 Carter 38398 13 V1, L1, R1, W1, PI Auto. 1 Carter 3840s 14 1 Holley R3059A 15 R3060A 16 V1, L1, w/o Air Conditioning V1, R1, W1, P1 225 Manual V1, R1, Wl, P 1 225 Auto. R1, W1, PI, Taxi 225 All 1 Carter 38418 17 V2. L2, R2, W2 273 Manual 2 Bendix 3-248 18 V2, L2, R2, W2 273 Auto. 2 Bendix 3-249 19 V2, L2, R2, W2 273 Manual 2 Carter 38438 20 V2, L2, R2, W2 273 Auto. 2 Carter 38448 21 1 Holler - 4 Carter 38535 Manual - R2, W2 TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - 1 V Valiant L Dart *Indiwt*s use as required. Blndiwtms parts not llrted in ony previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. FUEL 383 or 426 22 - Auto. 4 Carter 38548 23 Manual 2 Carter 38475 24 Auto. 2 Carter 38488 25 Manual 2 Bendix WW3-250 26 Auto. 2 Bendix WW3-251 27 All 2 Carter 38498 k8 All 2 Carter 38508 13 Auto. 2 Carter All 2 Bendix WWC3-254 29 Auto. 2 Bendix WWC3-255 30 Auto. 2 Bendix WWC3-261 46 Manual Manual 4 2 Carter Carter 38595 41258 31 17 4 Carter 38605 32 Auto. - R - Belvedere W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( Page 14-22 L8 - - 11275 - D ~ o d ~ e Y - Imperial Printed in U.S.A. Prices ond specifications subject to change without notic*. )refer to notes. * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL 14-30-0 14-30-1 CARBURETOR - Cont'd CARBURETOR ASSEMBLIES - Cont'd Carburetor (CU.in. ) Eng. Models - - 3 Trans. - Bbl Comp. Chart - Mfg. No. Mfg. No. All 2 Carter 38498 28 383 Manual 2 Carter 41258 47 R2, W2, Hemispherical 426 All 2/4 Carter 3861SA 33 R2, W2, Hemispherical 426 All 2 /4 Holley R3116A 40 383 Manual 4 Carter 38558 34 383 Auto. 4 Carter 38565 35 Manual Auto. 4 4 Carter Carter 38595 38603 31 32 413 Auto. 4 Carter 38715 36 225 225 225 413 Manual Auto. Manual Auto. 1 1 1 4 Carter Holley Holley Carter 39668 R3152A R3151A 38585 37 45 38 39 --- ---- 413 426 426 L1, w/Air Conditioning L l , w/o Air Conditioning L l , w/Air Conditioning C3 NUT. Mounting (6 cvl. ) PART TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. --- Chrysler Service Carburetor No. Ref. - 383 V1, V1, V1, D2, Page 14-23 01 ---- - ----- ----- - ----- ----3 7 -- 4 ..... . REPAIR PACKAGE . . . . . RFPAIR PACKAGE, Major ZIP KIT . . . . . . . . . . GASKET PACKAGE. . . . . GASKET, Flange NEEDLE, w/SEAT, Float . ... STEM, Economizer . . . . WELL, Main . . . . . . . . JET, Main Metering DIAPHRAGM o r PISTON, Choke CHOKE . . .. . .. ... . .. .... .. . . LINK, Pump Operating . LEVER, Pump Operating. RETAINER, Pump Operating L e v e r . ROD, Step-up ... . .. . .. TYPE LETTERS Indlcote: - V Valiont L -Dart *Indicoles us- or required. Blndicoler parts not listed In ony previous parts book. * Indlcatee change or addition. R - Belvedere - P Plvrnoul Page 14-23 D ~ o d ~ e - Y Imperial )refer to notes. Numerals Inpormtheres ( Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecificolions rubiecl to change without noHn. W -Coronet March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG page 14-24 14-30-0 PART TYPE CODE CARBURETOR - Cont'd COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. 13 MFG. NO. 38398 ...... REPAIR PACKAGE . . . . . REPAIR PACKAGE, Major ZIP KIT . . . . . . . . . . GASKET PACKAGE. . . . . 2205 582 GASKET, Flange 2585 426 ---- --- 2495 987 2448 981 . JET, Main Metering . . . STEM, Economizer . . . . WELL, Main . . . . . . . ---- ------ --- DIAPHRAGM o r PISTON, Choke CHOKE 2585 424 2402 526 PLUNGER, w/ROD, P u m p . 2196 214 NEEDLE, w/SEAT, Float 2448 975 2299 005 . ... . . . ... . . ... .. .... .. - - - - -- - LEVER, P u m p Operating. - - - - -- - RETAINER, Pump Operating Lever ROD, step-up 2448 984 LINK, P u m p Operating 14-43-5 PART TYPE CODE FUEL ... . . .... . - -- - - - - COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. 20 38433 MFG. NO. . .... . REPAIR PACKAGE . . . REPAIR PACKAGE, Major Z I P KIT . . . . . . . . . GASKET PACKAGE . . . NEEDLE, w/SEAT, Float . JET, Main Metering . . . JET, Power By-Pass . . . JET, Main Discharge . . . STEM, Economizer . . . . WELL, Main . . . . . . . 2468 818 GASKET, Flange '2808 017 ---- --- 2525 771 '2808023 2240 410 2585 406 ---- ------ ------ -- - -- - - - - DIAPHRAGM o r PISTON, Choke 2585 418 CHOKE 2463 573 . . . .. .... .. ........... L -Dart +lndicater ure or required. alndlcohs parts not listed in m y previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. W - Coronet - D ~ o d ~ a - C Chrr lmperiol Y - Numerolr in porsntheses ( j refer to notes. Printed in U L A . Prices ond specifications subject to change without notice. Page 14-24 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL - 14-30-0 CARBURETOR PART TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. page 14-25 Cont'd 14-41-3 PLUNGER, w/ROD, Pump 14-41-7 LINK, Pump Operating 14-41-22 LEVER, P u m p Operating. 14-41-23 RETAINER, P u m p ... . ...... Operating L e v e r . 14-43-5 ROD, Step-Up PART TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. 14-30-2 14-30-4 ... ... REPAIR PACKAGE . . . . ZIP KIT . . . . . . . . . GASKET, Flange 14-30-7 GASKET PACKAGE 14-30-8 NEEDLE, w/SEAT, Float 14-30-27 STRAINER, Fuel Inlet . . .. 14-30-28 NUT, Fuel Inlet Strainer. .... . . . .... .. . . .. ..... Power By-Pass . . . 14-35-1 J E T , Main Metering Primary Secondary 14-35-6 JET, 14-35-8 JET, Main Discharge 14-39-7 DIAPHRAGM o r PISTON, Choke . . .. . 14-39-45 14-41-3 14-43-5 .... . . CHOKE . . . . . . . . . . . PLUNGER, w/ROD, Pump . ROD, Step-Up . . . . . . . PART COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. 14-30-2 14-30-4 14-30-7 14-30-8 ..... . ..... REPAIR PACKAGE . . . . ZIP KIT . . . . . . . . . . GASKET PACKAGE . . . GASKET, Flange Flange Mounting NEEDLE, w/SEAT, Float TYPE LEllERS Indicate: - V Voliant L Dart *Indicates use as required. elndlcote~parts not listed in any previous ports book. * Indicates change or addition. P W - Coronet Numerolr in parentheses ( - Plymouth D -Dodge - C Chryrler Imperial Y ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications subiect to change without notice. Page 14-25 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG page 14-26 - Cont'd 14-30-0 CARBURETOR PART TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. 14-30-27 14-30-28 14-33-1 14-35-1 14-35-6 14-39-7 FUEL ... STRAINER, Fuel Inlet . FLANGE, Carburetor. . . . JET, Main Metering . . . . Primary . . . . . . . . . . Secondary . . . . . . . . . 1 Size Lean . . . . . . . J E T , Power By-Pass. . . NUT, Fuel Inlet Strainer DIAPHRAGM or PISTON, Choke 14-39-45 CHOKE ....... .. ........... 14-41-3 PLUNGER, w/ROD, Pump 14-43-5 ROD, Step-up . . ...... PART TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. .... REPAIR PACKAGE . . . . ZIP KIT . . . . . . . . . . GASKET, Flange .. REPAIR PACKAGE, Major. GASKET PACKAGE NEEDLE, w/SEAT, .... Float . STRAINER, Fuel Inlet ... NUT, Fuel Inlet Strainer. . ... .... FLANGE, Carburetor GASKET, Fuel Bowl GASKET, P r i m a r y Metering Body . Secondary Metering Body. Secondary Metering Body . . . Plate ... ....... . ... . . . .. GASKET, Power Valve . . . GASKET, Secondary Diaphragm Housing .... JET, Main Metering Primary . . Secondary . .. ..... . .. . . . . . . TYPE LETTERS Indicote: V - Voliont L - Dart +Indicates use or r8quir.d. Blndkates p r t a no) listed In any previous parts book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. R ~ - Belvedere - ~ W -Coronet - D Dodge Y Imperial ) refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Numerals in porantheses ( Prices and ~pecificotionssubject to change without notlu. Page 14-26 * Indicates change o r addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG FUEL Page 14-27 CARBURETOR PART TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. ....... 14-35-6 VALVE, Power 14-35-9 DIAPHRAGM, Secondary 14-35-33 14-35-39 14-39-7 14-39-45 14-41-3 14-41-7 14-41-22 14-43-5 PART .. .... WELL, Main . . . . . . . . DIAPHRAGM o r PISTON, Choke . . . . . . . . . . . CHOKE . . . . . . . . . . . STEM, Economizer PLUNGER, w/ROD o r DIAPHRAGM,Pump . ... LINK, Pump Operating . . LEVER, Pump Operating . Operating Lever . . . . ROD, Step-up. . . . . . . . TYPE COMPONENT CHART REFERENCE NO. CODE MFG. NO. ...... REPAIR PACKAGE . . . . REPAIR PACKAGE, Major. Z I P KIT . . . . . . . . . . GASKET PACKAGE . . . . GASKET, Flange NEEDLE, w/SEAT, Float . .... JET, Power By-Pass . . . STEM, Economizer . . . . WELL, Main . . . . . . . . JET, Main Metering DIAPHRAGM o r PISTON, Choke CHOKE .......... .. ......... PLUNGER, w/ROD, P u m p . .. Pump Operating . LINK, Pump Operating LEVER, RETAINER, Pump Operating Lever ROD, Step-up .... ... . ... TYPE LETTERS Indicate: - Valiant L - Dart I V *Indicates use os required. Slndicot*~ports not llsted in any previous parts book. * Indicates change o r addition. R - Belvedere P -Plymouth W - Coronet D - Dodge Numerals in parentheses ( ) refer to notes. Y - lmpwial Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specifications svbiect to change without notlce. Page 14-27 March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. PER PART N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION CODE CAR L 14-63-0 1 ---- --- 2402 883 GROMMET, Cable, w/426 cu. in. Eng., Hemispherical ................ 8 1 -...... 2216 552 KNOB, Cable, w/426 cu. in. Eng., Hemispherical 8 1 ---- --- 2402 885 ............... .................. CLIP, Stamped D-L Stamped D-R 14-67-0 .................... FILTER.. 14-67-2 HOSE, F i l t e r to Carburetor . . . . . . . . CLAMP CLIP, Fuel Pump t o Fuel F i l t e r Hose Tube .. r I I / 1 I I ... 8 TUBE, Fuel Pump to Fuel Filter, w/361 cu.in. Eng., C1 Fuel F i l t e r Hose t o Carburetor, w/383 cu.in. Eng., C1, C2 Fuel Filter to Carburetor, w/361 and 383 cu.in. Eng., C ............ ................. ................ 8 1 ------- 2406 573 2406 573 8 1 ------- ------- 2406 572 8 1 ------. 2406 572 2406 572 I GOVERNOR Note: T o insure against delay in shipment of Governor DO NOT send o r d e r s t o Chrysler Corporation. Enter o r d e r s direct to the following: Handy Division of King-Seeley Corporation, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U. S. A. 14-68-3 GASKET, Governor, w/225 cu.in. Eng. 14-68-5 TUBE, Governor Vacuum Connection w/225 cu. in. Eng., P . D .... .......... SPACER, Governor to Carburetor, P 14-72-0 ..... 1 1 / .......1 6 1 6 2 11 1 I ---- --- 2205 858 2206 146 FUEL T A N K G A U G E 14-72-9 ..................... ............... ................... CLIP, Gauge Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEAL, Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-72-33 CABLE, w/TERMINAL and INSULATOR, Gauge 14-72-47 RETAINER, Gauge 14-72-1 GAUGE Except Sta. Wgn. Sta. Wgn.. 14-72-5 14-73-0 14-73-1 8 .................... 14-68-8 IMPERIAL POIARA CHRYSLER FUEL FILTER 14-67-1 14-68-0 DODGE CORONn A U T O M A T I C C H O K E T O C A R B U R E T O R R O D CLIP 14-65-4 14-67-29 - DODGE -Ti; 8 14-63-19 14-65-0 FUEL PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE .. CABLE, w/426 cu. in. Eng., Hemispherical 14-63-24 VALIANT C H O K E C O N T R O L CABLE 14-63-1 14-67-26 - 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-28 ............... FUEL P U M P PUMP PACKAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUMP PACKAGE, w/273 o r 318 cu. in. Eng. Except Hemispherical Eng. w/Hemispherical Eng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... SCREW TYPE LETTERS Indicate: . .................... V - Voliont L - Dorl *Indicates use as required. elndicator parts not listed in any previous ports book. March 1966 Supersedes May 1965. I R -Belvedere P - Plvmouth D-~ o d ~ e W - Coronet Numerals in parentheses ( ) refer to notes. - C Chrvrler Y Imperial Printed in U.S.A. Prices and specificalions subject to change without notlca. Page 14-28 Indicates change or addition. 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG Page 14-29 I I PLYMOUTH I PLYMOUTC VALIANT FURY FUEL CODE BELVEDERE P A M N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION DODGE CORONET DART 14-74-0 DODGE POLARA CHRYSLER IMPERIAL FUEL PUMP MOUNTING GASKET 14-74-1 GASKET 14-77-0 ..................... 1400 185 1400 185 1737 745 1737 745 FUEL PUMP PUSH ROD ROD . . . . . . . . w/426 cu. in. Eng. 14-77-17 ............... 8 8 ............... CARBURETOR FUEL L I N E TEE 14-85-0 TEE, w/2-4 B a r r e l Carburetors, Hemispherical 14-85-31 14-86-0 8 FUEL TANK TANK (also specify 1-2203473 Grommet) .... Except Sta. Wgn. (also specify 1-2203472 Grommet) Except Sta. Wgn. (also specify 1-2203472 Grommet) P . Except Sta. Wgn. (also specify 1-2203472 Grommet) D Except Sta. Wgn. (also specify 1-2203472 Grommet) C Sta. Wgn. (also specify 1-2203 473 Grommet) ................... ................. ................. 8 ................. 8 .................. SEAL, Drain Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUG, Drain ..... .......... I N m A T O R , Fuel Tank to Floor Pan CAP, Filler Tube, Chrome I .............. ............ Except Sta. Wgn., D Except Sta. Wgn., P , C Sta. Wgn., w/BAR, Chrome CAP PACKAGE, Sta. Wgn., P .......... ......... BAR, Filler Tube Cap, Sta. Wgn., P Sta. Wgn., D,C ..... ................ TUBE, Filler, except Sta. Wgn., W Except Sta. Wgn., R Inner, except Sta. Wgn., P Outer, except Sta. Wgn., P Except Sta. Wgn., D . Except Sta. Wgn., C 8 ...... ............. .. .. .. .. .. .......... ............. ............. Sta. Wgn. 8 8 .................... I ........... I GASKET, Filler Tube Cam SEAL, Filler Tube to Quarter Panel, sta. Wgn. HOSE, Fuel ................... Tank Filler Tube, P . . . . . . . . CLAMP, Fuel Tank Filler Tube Hose, except Sta. Wgn. ................... TYPE LETTERS Indicate: V - Valiont L - Dort *Indicoter use or required. Blndicoks ports not listed in any previous parts book. * - BelvedereI I R W -Coronet Numeralr in parentheses ( Indicates change o r addition. . . lym D - Dodge C - Chrysler Y - Imperial )refer to notes. Printed in U.S.A. Prices and rpecificdionr subiect to change without notlu. March 1966 Superseaes May 1965. Page 14-29 1965 PASSENGER CAR PARTS CATALOG page 14-30 r I PEI :A1 PARl N A M E A N D DESCRIPTION 1 4 - 8 6 - 0 FUEL T A N K - - Cont'd . . .. .. .. .. .. 14-86-50 TUBE, Tank Filler Vent Outer, P TUBING, Vent, 25 it. Roll, 1/4" 0. D. 14-86-55 GROMMET, Filler Tube, P Except Sta. Wgn., D,C Sta. Wgn., R, W, D, C Vent Extension Tube 14-86-57 HOSE, Vent Tube, except Sta. Wgn. sta. wgn. Outer Tube, except Sta. Wgn., P 14-86-85 14-87-0 14-87-2 14-88-0 ...... ....... ** ............ ............ IMPERIAL * 1 1 1 2 FILTER, Inside of Tank Maximum Performance I - DART 1 ........... ............ ............ ............. .................. VALIANT 1 1 1 - FUEL T A N K S T O N E DEFLECTOR DEFLECTOR, Sta. Wgn. ............ 1 - FUEL T A N K SUPPORT 14-88-8 BRACKET, Support Strap, R, W, Sta. Wgn. 14-88-21 STRAP Except Sta. Wgn. Sta. Wgn. . 1 ...................... ............... .................... 1 * 1 2 14-88-27 . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sta.Wgn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STUD, Strap Except Sta. Wgn. P,D,C ..................... 1 1 1 * 2 14-88-36 14-89-0 REINFORCEMENT, Rear Floor Pan Fuel Tank Front, except Sta. Wgn. Rear, except Sta. Wgn. ........ ............ - ....... ............... * *1 FUEL L l N E TUBE 14-89-2 TUBING, 25 Ft. Roll, 5/16" O.D. 14-89-57 HOSE, Tube To Fuel Pump, Maximum Performance 14-89-58 14-90-0 14-90-1 . STEM, Fuel Pump Hose, w/426 cu.in. Eng. FUEL L l N E TUBE CLIP ....................... CLIP Floor Pan Center, Maximum Performance ................... ........ 1 1 1 - * 2 1 - L Dart *Indlsal~s use os raqulred. Blndlmhs parts not Ilsted in any previous parls book. March I966 Supersedes M a y 1965. - W Coronet Numerals in porentherer ( Page 14-30 P . Plymouth D -Dodge Y - Imperial I refer to notes. Printed In U.S.A. Prices and rpecificationr subiod to change without notice. * Indicates change o r addition.
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