October 2015


October 2015
For your cultural life in Hiroshima
Sashiko 刺し子
Garments made of one or more layers of indigo-dyed hemp or cotton fabric can be quilted in the sashiko
style in various patterns for the purposes of mending, reinforcement, warmth, or decoration. Also, a style of
weaving exists that is in imitation of sashiko stitching. Originally, simple running stitches were made in straight
lines to reinforce areas of work garments, clothes, and rags that were prone to wear. Later, as the decorative
element became increasingly important, the stitches became more elaborate with each region of Japan
developing distinct designs. Sashiko stitching runs in all directions, attaching two layers of fabric so that the
front and reverse sides show the same patterns. Although since the Meiji period (A.D. 1868-1912) massproduced fabrics have become more accessible and the need to recycle fabrics has virtually disappeared, the
decorative use of sashiko has survived under the influence of the mingei (folk crafts) movement led by
Muneyoshi Yanagi (aka Soetsu Yanagi) (Abstracted from Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, pp. 1319-1320,
Sashiko is a traditional embroidery technique of northern Japan. As sashiko’s simple patterns go with
various things, many people enjoy sashiko stitching on everyday items such as place mats, coasters, book
covers and so on. Many sashiko design books are published not only in Japan, but overseas. Also, sashiko kits
are sold at craft stores, so you can easily enjoy sashiko at home. Why not try to make your own sashiko item?
October 2015
 City Office Notices
 Movie Theaters
 Bilingual TV Programs
 Concerts & Plays
 Museums
- Hiroshima Toyo Carp Schedule 2015
- Sanfrecce Hiroshima FC Game Schedule 2015
 Events
- Seasonal Events Information
- Municipal Facilities
 Lounge & Library
- Library News
- Trio-phone Service
(multilingual interpretation using the telephone)
- Garbage Disposal
Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
International Exchange Lounge
1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0811
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
Tel. 082-247-9715 Fax. 082-242-7452
 Visit the HIRO CLUB NEWS WEBSITE for information online. 
URL: http://www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/ircd/joho/hiroclub%2001.html
City Office Notice
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Translated by the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
International Affairs Department, International Relations and Cooperation Division
Tel: (082) 242-8879, Fax: (082) 242-7452
Homepage: http://www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/ircd/english/index_english.cgi
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
International Exchange Lounge Tel: (082)247-9715
October 1, 2015
Municipal Sports Facilities
Free Admission on October 12 (Sports Day)
体育の日(10 月 12 日(祝)スポーツ施設無料開放(P5)
Ward Sports Centers, Yoshijima, Shinonome & Dejima Indoor Swimming Pools, Ujina & Yuki Taiikukan
(Gymnasium), Kurhaus Yunoyama (Service fee (50 yen) is required for people over age 12.)
Sports Kyokai (Sports Association) Tel. 243-0578 Fax. 249-3641
Garbage Collection on October 12 (Sports Day)
10 月 12 日(祝・月)家庭ゴミの収集(P4)
On Mon., October 12, household garbage will be collected as scheduled.
INQUIRIES: Gyomu Daiichi Ka (Operation Division I) Tel. 504-2220 Fax. 504-2229
Minimum Wage in Hiroshima Prefecture Will Change
from October 1
Hiroshima Prefecture’s minimum wage will increase to 769yen per hour. This applies to all workers
regardless of age, gender and employment system.
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Rodo Kyoku (Labor Bureau), Wage Section Tel. 221-9244 Fax. 221-9252
One Day Consultation
一日総合相談 (P5)
DAY & TIME: Tue., October 20 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (Reservations will be accepted by 3:30 pm.)
PLACE: City Hall
TOPICS: Inheritance, borrowing or lending money, tax, and legal troubles related to daily life
❖ Consultation is only available in Japanese. Please bring a Japanese speaking person if
INQUIRIES: Shimin Sodan Center (Citizens Consultation Center) Tel. 504-2120 Fax. 504-2121
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Child Rearing Support System
保育園などの現況届の提出は 10 月 1 日から(P5)
For those who have obtained “Approval for the Necessity of Childcare” (支給認定 Shikyu Nintei) Types 1,
2 or 3, please do not forget to submit a report explaining your current child-care situation ( 現 況 届 ).
People who have obtained the Approval and their children are
ほ い く えん
currently commuting to a nursery school (保育園 Hoikuen), a
October 1 – October 30, 2015
certified childcare center (認定こども園 Nintei Kodomoen) or a
kindergarten (幼稚園 Yochien)
People who have obtained the Approval but their children are still
on the waitlist for a school or childcare center
November 24, 2015 – January 12, 2016
People who have obtained the Approval but their children are not
commuting to a school or childcare center, or even on a waitlist
October 1 – October 30, 2015
◩ The City only accepts certificate documents that are issued within the three month period prior to the
month of the respective deadlines listed above. Please confirm the details of required documents
with the office, below.
◩ For children with Approval Types 2 & 3, 2016 enrollment applications for nursery schools
(Hoikuen) or certified childcare centers (Nintei Kodomoen) will be accepted between November 24,
2015 and January 12, 2016.
Hoiku Shido Ka (Childcare Supervisory Division) Tel. 504-2154 Fax. 504-2254
Counseling on Housing
DAY & TIME: Sun., October 18 and Thu., November 26 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
PLACE: October 18 at Shareo Chuo Hiroba, Novemer 26 at City Hall
COUNSELORS: (1) Lawyer (Legal affairs)
(2) Architect (Housing conditions, renovations, earthquake resistance, etc.)
❖ Consultation is only available in Japanese. Please bring a Japanese speaking person
if necessary.
RESERVATIONS: Please call Jutaku Seisaku Ka (Housing Policy Division) by Fri., October 16.
The first six people will be accepted for each counseling session.
INQUIRIES: Jutaku Seisaku Ka (Housing Policy Division) Tel. 504-2291 Fax. 504-2308
Book Recycling Fair at Chuo Library
中央図書館 本のリサイクルフェア(P6
DATE: Tue., November 3 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
PLACE: Chuo Toshokan (Library)
ITEMS TO BE GIVEN: Books that are no longer used at Chuo Library. Up to 50 books per person.
TO APPLY: Apply by a reply-paid postcard (ofukuhagaki) and write your name with hiragana, age,
ちゅうおう と し ょ か ん
telephone number and address to 中 央 図書館 (Chuo Library: 〒 730-0011 3-1
Moto-machi, Naka-ku) by Thu., October 15. The first 1,000 applicants will be given an
entry pass.
INQUIRIES: Chuo Toshokan Tel. 222-5542 Fax. 222-5545
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Seeking "Hiroshima Messengers"
Hiroshima Messengers will plan and organize the sister/friendship city day events. If you or someone
you know is interested in promoting friendship with one of Hiroshima’s six sister or friendship cities,
applications are now available. 12 people will be selected.
Sister/Friendship City Days
Daegu Day (Korea)
Hannover Day (Germany)
Montréal Day (Canada)
Volgograd Day (Russia)
Chongqing Day (China)
French or English
Honolulu Day (U.S.A.)
WHO: Those who meet all of the following conditions.
 Those who are 18 years old or older (as of January 1, 2016) and live, work, or go to school
in Hiroshima City
 Those who will be able to participate in their chosen city’s activities held between January
and December 2016
 Those who will be able to participate in the three “Messenger Seminars” that will be held
around mid-February 2016 (6:30pm – 8:30pm)
 People who are capable of communicating in the local language of the city you apply for
(please refer to the above chart) receive preference
 Applicants originating from overseas must be capable of communicating in Japanese
TO APPLY: Postmark a prescribed application form by Sat., October 31 to Hiroshima Heiwa Bunka
Center, Kokusai Kouryu Kyouryoku Ka (Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, International
Relations and Cooperation Division): 1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0811.
Applications are available at Kokusai Kouryu Kyouryoku Ka, the lobby of City Hall, Komin
Kan, etc. and can be downloaded from Hiroshima City’s official website.
INQUIRIES: Heiwa Bunka Center, Kokusai Kouryu Kyouryoku Ka (Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation,
International Relations and Cooperation Division)
Tel. 242-8879 Fax. 242-7452
Job Openings
*Japanese speaking ability is required.
*For foreign residents, there may be conditions, such as visa status, which need to be fulfilled in order to
*Application forms are available at the City Hall lobby, ward offices, and branch offices, and can be
downloaded from the city’s official website.
Information on job contents, qualifications, and salary is in the 『ひろしま市民と市政』 (the
Hiroshima City Hall newsletter). For more information, please direct inquiries to the contact for
each job listing.
きょういく い い ん か い ほ う か ご た い さ く か
1st Stage = Oct. 25
Community Center for
Children (Jidokan):
Instructor (Part-time)
The schedule for the
2nd exam has been not
decided yet.
Contact Information
教 育 委員会放課後対策課
By Oct. 16
Board of Education,
After-school Care Division
Tel. 242-2014 Fax. 242-2018
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
October 2015
Here is a general list of movies being shown in theaters around Hiroshima. Due to unpredictable changes in
scheduling, listings are subject to change without notice. Foreign films are usually in their original language
with Japanese subtitles. When not specified, the admission is ¥1,800 for adults. Theaters offer various kinds of
admission discount services, so please inquire at each theater for more information.
[Hiroshima Toei Plaza Bldg. 8F, 16-10 Hatchobori,
Naka-ku / Tel: 082-962-7772 /
URL: http://www.johakyu.co.jp/]
From Sept. 11
Until Oct. 15
Sept. 26 –
Oct. 16
From Oct. 3
Oct. 3 – 23
Oct. 10 – 16
Oct. 10 & 11
Oct. 16 – 23
From Oct. 17
Oct. 17 & 23
From Oct. 24
From Oct. 24
Oct. 24 & 30
Kingsman: The Secret Service
/ ’14 UK
Relatos Salvajes / Wild Tales
/ ’14 Argentine, Spain
En Duva Satt pa en Gren och
Funderade pa Tillvaron /
A Pigeon Sat on a Branch
Reflecting on Existence /
’14 Sweden, Norway, France,
St. Vincent / ’14 USA
Wild / ’14 USA
My Brilliant Life / ’14 Korea
The Rover / ’13 Australia, USA
 Late show
Pitch Perfect 2 / ’15 USA
The Age of Adaline / ’15 USA
The Final Member /
’12 Canada  Late show
聶隠娘 / The Assassins /
’15 Taiwan
Eden / ’14 France
Starred Up / ’13 UK
 Late show
[Apex2 BF, 2-22 Hondori, Naka-ku / Tel : 082-241-7711 /
URL: http://www.johakyu.co.jp/]
Until Oct. 9
Until Oct. 9
From Oct. 3
Oct. 10 – 16
From Oct. 17
From Oct. 17
From Oct. 17
Une Nouvell Amie / The New
Girlfriend / ’14 France
Lauf Junge Lauf / Run Boy Run
/ ’13 Germany, France
Nightcrawler / ’14 USA
Kuky se Vraci / Kooky /
’10 Czech Republic
Le Meraviglie / The Wonders /
’14 Italy, Switzerland, Germany
Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys /
’14 Norway
The Best of Me / ’14 USA
From Oct. 24
Belle et Sebastien / Belle and
Sebastian / ’13 France
[Fukuya Department Store Hatchobori 8F,
6-26 Ebisu-cho, Naka-ku / Tel : 082-546-1158 /
URL: http://www.johakyu.co.jp/]
Learning to Drive / ’14 USA
Advanced Style / ’14 USA
Fathers and Daughters /
’15 USA, Italy
From Oct. 17
Boychoir / ’14 USA
From Oct. 17
Danny Collins / ’15 USA
-----------------------------------------------------------------YOKOGAWA CINEMA Tel : 231-1001
Until Oct. 9
Until Oct. 16
From Oct. 3
[3-1-12 Yokogawa-cho, Nishi-ku / Tel: 082-231-1001 /
URL: http://yokogawa-cine.jugem.jp/]
-----------------------------------------------------------------AEON CINEMA HIROSHIMA
[Hiroshima Danbara Shopping Center 6F, 1-3-52
Danbara-minami, Minami-ku / Tel : 082-261-3770 / URL:
Mission: Impossible Rogue
Nation / ’15 USA
From Sept. 19
Ant-Man / ’15 USA
From Oct. 9
Fantastic Four / ’15 USA
From Oct. 10
My Intern / ’15 USA
From Oct. 24
The Transporter Refueled /
’15 France
From Oct. 31
Pan / ’15 USA
-----------------------------------------------------------------109 CINEMAS
From Aug. 7
[Alpark 3F (north bldg.), 4-7-1 Kusatsu-minami, Nishi-ku
/ Tel: 05700-002-109 /
URL: http://www.109cinemas.net/Hiroshima]
From Aug. 5
From Aug. 7
From Aug. 28
From Sept. 12
From Sept. 19
From Oct. 1
From Oct. 3
From Oct. 9
Jurassic World / ’15 USA
Mission: Impossible Rogue
Nation / ’15 USA
Ted 2 / ’15 USA
San Andreas / ’15 USA
Ant-Man / ’15 USA
Good Kill / ’14 USA
Fathers and Daughters /
’15 USA, Italy
Fantastic Four / ’15 USA
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
From Oct. 10
From Oct. 16
My Intern / ’15 USA
John Wick / ’14 USA, Canada,
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
/ ’15 USA
From Oct. 24
The Transporter Refueled /
’15 France
From Oct. 31
Pan / ’15 USA
-----------------------------------------------------------------TOHO CINEMAS MIDORII
From Oct. 23
[Fuji Grand 3F, 1-5-2 Midorii, Asaminami-ku / Tel :
082-831-8060 / URL: http://www.tohotheater.jp/
Adults-¥1,800, University students-¥1,500, Preschoolers (3 years
old or older) ~ High school students-¥1,000,
From Aug. 7
From Sept. 11
From Sept. 12
From Sept. 19
From Oct. 9
From Oct. 23
Mission: Impossible Rogue
Nation / ’15 USA
Kingsman: The Secret Service
/ ’14 UK
Pixels / ’15 USA
Ant-Man / ’15 USA
Fantastic Four / ’15 USA
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
/ ’15 USA
Murder on the Orient Express
/ ’74 UK
Feb. 6 – 19
Ascenseur pour L’Echafaud
/ ’57 France
-----------------------------------------------------------------T-JOY HIGASHI HIROSHIMA
Jan. 23 – Feb. 5
[Fuji Grand Higashi Hiroshima 3F, 4405 Misonou,
Saijo-cho, Higashi Hiroshima-shi / Tel : 082-493-6779 /
URL: http://www.t-joy.net/site/hiroshima/index/html]
From Aug. 7
From Sept. 12
From Sept. 19
From Oct. 9
From Oct. 17
From Oct. 31
Mission: Impossible Rogue
Nation / ’15 USA
Pixels / ’15 USA
Ant-Man / ’15 USA
Fantastic Four / ’15 USA
Survivor / ’15 USA, UK
Pan / ’15 USA
----------------------------------------------------------HIROSHIMA WALD 11
[AEON Mall Hiroshima Fuchu 4F, 2-1-1 Osu, Fuchu-cho,
Aki-gun / Tel : 082-561-0600 /
URL: http://wald11.com /index.html]
From Aug. 5
From Aug. 7
From Sept. 5
From Sept. 11
From Sept. 12
From Sept. 12
From Sept. 19
From Oct. 9
From Oct. 31
Jurassic World / ’15 USA
Mission: Impossible Rogue
Nation / ’15 USA
No Escape / ’15 USA
Kingsman: The Secret Service
/ ’14 UK
San Andreas / ’15 USA
Pixels / ’15 USA
Ant-Man / ’15 USA
Fantastic Four / ’15 USA
La Famille Belier / The Belier
Family / ’14 France
Movie Showings at 10am in the Morning
Adieu L’ami / Farewell, Friend
/ ’68 France
Nov. 28 – Dec. 1 宋家皇朝 / The Soong Sisters
/ ’97 Hong Kong, Japan
Dec. 12 – 25
The Last Emperor / ’87 Italy,
UK, China
Dec. 26 – Jan. 1
The Apartment / ’60 USA
Jan. 2 – 8
It’s a Wonderful Life / ’46 USA
Jan. 9 – 15
The Glenn Miller Story /
’54 USA
Jan. 16 – 22
Love is a Many–Splendored
Thing / ’46 USA
Oct. 17 – 30
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Thomas & Friends / 7:00am-7:20am (#2)
October 2015
#1: NHK Sogo
#2: NHK E Tele
#3: RCC
#4: Hiroshima TV
#5: Home TV
#8: TSS
 Some changes may occur because of special programming.
Monday - Sunday
NHK News 7 / 7:00pm-7:30pm (#1)
Monday - Friday
News Watch 9 / 9:00pm-10:00pm (#1)
Japanese Lesson / 1:35pm-1:50pm (#2)
Dramatic Earth (Documentary Program) /
7:00pm- 7:45pm (#2)
 Except the 10th
 Rerun: Mon., midnight-12:45am
螺絲小姐要出嫁 / Screw Girl (Taiwanese drama) /,
the 5th – 2:05am-3:00am (#4)
 Except the 12th, the 19th & the 26th
The Thundermans / 7:25pm-7:50pm (#2)
iCarly / 6:25pm-6:50pm (#2)
El Tiempo Entre Costuras (Spanish drama) /
11:00pm-11:50pm (#1)  Until the 4th
Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime (’15 UK) /
11:00pm-midnight (#1)
 From the 18th  The 25th – 11:15pm-12:15am
Sushi Town / 7:50pm-7:55pm (#2)
Sushi and Beyond / 12:40am-1:00am (#1)
 Until the 29th
 Rerun: Tue., 4:05pm-4:25pm
Curious George / 8:35am-9:00am (#2)
 Special Program: 9:00am-10:00am on the 12th (#2)
Thunderbirds Are Go / 5:35pm-6:00pm (#1)
The Penguins of Madagascar /
6:00pm-6:25am (#2)  From the 3rd
The Last Boy Scout / ’91 USA /
12:45am-2:42am (#3)
Knight and Day / ’10 USA / 9:00pm-11:10pm
Ice / ’10 UK, New Zealand / 1:53am-3:45am (#3)
Moneyball / ’11 USA / 1:20am-3:17am (#3)
The Transporter / ’02 USA, France /
1:53am-3:45am (#3)
The Transporter 2 / ’05 France, USA /
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind /
1:53am-3:45am (#3)
’04 USA / 1:40am-3:30am (#8)
22 Minuty / ’13 Russia / 1:40am-3:20am (#8)
Nov. 1
 Rugby World Cup 2015 (#4)
 Broadcasted in Japanese only
Wales x Fizzy / 12:30am-2:40am
New Zealand x Georgia /
3rd Japan x Samoa / 10:15pm-12:25am
11th Australia x Wales / 12:30am-2:40am
12th Japan x USA / 3:45am-5:55am
18th Quarter Finals / 3:45am-5:55am
18th Quarter Finals / 11:45pm-1:55am
26th Semi Finals / 12:45am-2:55am
Nov. 1 Final / 12:45am-2:55am
 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia, AFC Asian Cup
UAE 2019 Preliminary Joint Qualification
 Broadcasted in Japanese only
8th Japan x Syria / 9:45pm-11:59pm (#8)
 International Friendship Game
 Broadcasted in Japanese only
13th Japan x Iran / 10:00pm-12:29am (#8)
 Figure Skating
 Skate USA: ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating
2015/2016 (#5)  Broadcasted in Japanese only
24th 2:00pm-4:00pm
25th 1:55pm-3:20pm
 Skate Canada International: ISU Grand Prix of
Figure Skating 2015/2016 (#5)
 Broadcasted in Japanese only
Please feel free to contact to the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-Mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Ticket Offices
 EDION (formerly DeoDeo) Play Guide (Honkan, 8F) (Kamiya-cho, Naka-ku; Tel. 247-5111)
 YAMAHA Music (Kamiya-cho, Naka-ku; Tel. 244-3779 Closed on the 1st & the 3rd Wednesdays)
 Hiroshima Yume Plaza (Hondori, Naka-ku; Tel. 544-1122 Closed on Wednesdays)
 Kawai Music Shop (Horikawa-cho, Naka-ku; Tel. 243-9291 Closed on Tuesdays)
 Fukuya Department Store, Hatchobori (7F) (Ebisu-cho, Naka-ku; Tel. 246-6111)
 Fukuya Department Store, Hiroshima Station (7F) (Matsubara-cho, Minami-ku; Tel. 568-3111)
 Alpark Tenmaya (3F) (Inokuchi-myojin, Nishi-ku; Tel. 501-1111)
Date / Venue / Starting Time (Opening Time) / Price / Tickets Go on Sale Date / Ticket Offices / Inquiries
♬ Event schedules are subject to change.
Please contact the event office before you go. ♬
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Discovery
Series II: Symphonies by Sibelius
(Sibelius: Symphony No. 4 in A minor Op. 63; Symphony
No. 2 in D major Op. 43)
2nd Fri. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
S-¥5,200 A-¥4,200 B-¥3,200 Students-¥1,000
(Student tickets are only sold at the Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office.) / Now on sale /
, Ticket PIA, Lawson (convenience store),
Chugoku Shimbun & Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Office 082-532- 3080 E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
Conductor: Kazuyoshi Akiyama
 The Blue Aurora Saxophone Quartet
3rd Sat. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥3,500 / Now on sale / ,
Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall Sakurapia
 Kunitachi College of Music – Hiroshima
Dochokai: The 40th Concert
3rd Sat. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Higashi Kumin Bunka
Center / ¥1,500 / Please ask the concert organizer
for ticket office information. / 090-3330-3764
 Trio Khross 2015 Vol. 3
3rd Sat. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
Adults-¥3,000 Students-¥1,000 (all non-reserved
seats) / Now on sale / , JMS Aster Plaza /
Executive Committee 090-8998-3728 (Amada)
Trio Khross is an ensemble group consisting of a
violin, a classical guitar and a cello.
 Mitsuyoshi Narita Shamisen Concert
4th Sun. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥2,000 (all non-reserved seats) /
Now on sale / , Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia 0829-20-0111
Shamisen is a traditional Japanese guitar.
 Taro Hakase 25th Anniversary Concert
[Deluxe] ~ Best Selection ~
4th Sun. / 5:00pm (4:30pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / ¥7,800 / Now on sale / 
/ Candy Promotion Hiroshima 082-249-8334
Violin concert.
 Miki Noguchi (accordion) & Miko Morifuji
(tuba) Joint Concert “Jack in the Box”
6th Tue. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / Advanced: Adults-¥2,000 High
school students and under-¥1,500; At the door:
Adults-¥2,500 High school students and
under-¥2,000 (all non-reserved seats) / Now on sale
/ Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall Sakurapia
 Janacek Quartet in Hiroshima
9th Fri. /  1:30pm  3:30pm / Hiroshima
Kenmin Bunka Center / ¥1,500 / Now on sale /
 / Green Concert Hiroshima 082-248-3003
 Miyuji Kaneko Piano Recital
9th Fri. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / Kure City Bunka Hall
/ Adults-¥2,500 High school students and underFree (tickets wil be required.) / Now on sale / 
/ Kure City Bunka Hall 0823-25-7878
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Flute Ensemble “Flutes x Fruits” Concert
9th Fri. / 6:45pm (6:15pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥1,000 (all non-reserved seats) /
Please ask the concert organizer for ticket office
information. / Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall Sakurapia
 Maki Mori Soprano Recital
10th Sat. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥4,000 / Now on sale / ,
Sakurapia, Chugoku Shimbun / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia 0829-20-0111
 Disney on Classic: Magical Night 2015
10th Sat. / 6:00pm (5:00pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall
/ S-¥8,300
A-¥6,700 / Now
on sale / , Ticket PIA / UNION Music Office
 Try a Dance vol. 2
11th Sun. / 2:00pm / JMS Aster Plaza / ¥1,000 /
Now on sale / JMS Aster Plaza / JMS Aster Plaza
Contemporary dance performance
 Ayako Ishikawa Violin Concert
11th Sun. / 5:30pm (5:00pm)/ Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥4,000 / Now on sale / ,
Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall Sakurapia
0829-20-0111 (10:00am – 5:00pm, closed on
Mondays); Samon Promotion 0120-499-699 (Mon.
– Fri., 10:00am – 6:00pm)
 Suicide Silence Japan Tour in 2015
13th Tue. / 7:00pm (6:00pm) / Hiroshima Club
Quattro / ¥6,000CANCELED
/ Now on sale / , Tower
Records Hiroshima (Hiroshima PARCO, Shinkan,
9F) / Hiroshima Club Quattro 082-542-2280
 Elisabeth University of Music:
The 75th Regular Concert
17th Sat. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Elisabeth University
of Music, Cecilia Hall / ¥1,000 / Now on sale /
Elisabeth University of Music, Ticket PIA (Tel.
0570-02-9999; P-code: 262-629) / Elisabeth
University of Music 082-225-8004 or
 Yuji Takahashi Piano Solo Recital
22nd Thu. / 7:00pm (6:15pm) / Higashi Kumin
Bunka Center / Advanced-¥4,000 At the door¥4,500 (all non-reserved seats) / Now on sale / 
, Higashi Kumin Bunka Center / Mini no
Sora E-mail: mnos2015@excite.co.jp
 Fiori Musicali Concert 2015:
Cembalo, Recorder & Flute Concert
24th Sat. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Higashi Kumin
Bunka Center / Adults-¥2,500 High school
students and under-¥1,500 / Now on sale / ,
Higashi Kumin Bunka Center / 090-7508-2012
 My Heart Concert Special 2015
~ We Love the Earth from Hiroshima ~
26th Mon. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / Hiroshima Kokusai
Kaigijo (International Conference Center
Hiroshima), Phoenix Hall / Advanced: Adults¥2,700 Students-¥1,800 Elementary school
students-¥1,000; At the door: Adults-¥3,000
Students-¥2,000 Elementary school students¥1,200 / Now on sale / , Chugoku Shimbun /
My Heart Concert Office 082-541-5901
 The 19th Akiyo Tomoeda Kangetsu Noh
26th Mon. / 6:30pm / Itsukushima Shrine, Noh
Stage, Miyajima / S-¥15,000 A-¥12,000 B¥10,000 C-¥7,000 / Now on sale / Chugoku
Shimbun / Tomoeda Akiyo no Kai Office
Traditional Japanese performing art
 Whitesnake: The Purple Tour
27th Tue. / 7:00pm (6:30pm) / Ueno Gakuen Hall /
¥9,800 Platinum tickets-¥20,000 / Now on sale /
, Ticket PIA / Yumebanchi Hiroshima
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
The 353rd Subscription Concert
(Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D major Op. 36; R.
Strauss: Don Quixote Op. 35)
30th Fri. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥5,200 A-¥4,700
B-¥4,200 Students-¥1,500 (Student tickets are only
sold at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) /
Now on sale / , Ticket PIA, Lawson
(convenience store), Chugoku Shimbun &
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office / Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office 082-532- 3080
E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
Conductor: Alan Buribayev / Cello: Martin Stanzeleit /
Viola: Ema Ambo
 Toshiya Suzuki Recorder Recital
31st Sat. / 4:00pm – 5:00pm / JMS Aster Plaza /
¥2,000 / Now on sale / , JMS Aster Plaza /
Sanyo Tokui Rengo E-mail: tokui.ren5@
gmail.com, 080-1922-7477 or 090-9764-1842
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Four-leafed Clover ~ Flutes ~ Concert
31st Sat. / 6:00pm (5:30pm) / Aki Kumin Bunka
Center / Advanced: Adults-¥2,000 High school
students and under-¥1,500; At the door: Adults¥3,000 High school students and under-¥2,000 /
Now on sale / Hiroshima Arts Gakki / E-mail:
cloverflute@yahoo.co.jp, 090-6434-2434 (Yoshida)
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
Masterpiece Concert ~ Autumn ~
(Mozart: Cosi fan tutte K. 588 ~ Overture; Schumann:
Piano Concerto in A minor Op. 54; Beethoven:
Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major Op. 55 “Eroica”)
3rd Tue. / 3:00pm (2:00pm) / Hiroshima Kokusai
Kaigijo (International Conference Center
Hiroshima), Phoenix Hall / S-¥4,200 Pair tickets
(S seats)-¥6,400 A-¥3,200 B-¥2,200 Students¥1,500 (Students tickets are only sold at the
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) / Now on
sale / , JMS Aster Plaza, Chugoku
Shimbun, Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office /
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra 082-532-3080
E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp HP: http://hirokyo.or.jp
 Conductor: Kazuyoshi Akiyama / Piano: Umi Garrett
 Elisabeth University of Music Mini Concert:
Song of Birds
4th Wed. / 7:00pm (6:30pm) / Elisabeth University
of Music, Xavier Hall / ¥2,000 (all non-reserved
seats) / Now on sale /  / 080-1904-8428
(Mandai) E-mail: kkmnd0407@yahoo.co.jp
 Adalbert Skocic Cello Concert
6th Fri. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / Adults-¥2,500 Students-¥1,500
/ Now on sale / , Sakurapia / 090-7771-3697
(Okada), 090-1182-6146 (Kawabata)
 The 7th Anniversary East-Asian Music
Festival 2015 in Hiroshima
7th Sat /  Lecture: 1:30pm – 3:00pm  Concert I:
3:15pm – 5:00pm  Concert II: 5:15pm – 7:00pm /
JMS Aster Plaza / Advanced: Adults-¥3,000
Students-¥2,000 Pair tickets-¥5,000; At the door:
Adults-¥3,500 Students-¥2,500 Pair tickets¥5,500  Elementary school students-Free /
Now on sale / , JMS Aster Plaza, Kumin
Bunka Centers, Sakurapia / Hiroshima Music
Project 0829-38-2264 or 090-1359-0215
 The Strypes: Japan Tour 2015
7th Sat. / 6:00pm (5:00pm) / Hiroshima Club
Quattro / ¥6,500 / Now on sale /  /
Yumebanchi Hiroshima 082-249-3571
 Ensemble H [ákka]: The 15th Regular
8th Sun. / 3:00pm – 5:00pm (2:30pm)  Talk
session will be held from 2:00pm to 2:30pm
(admission free). / Higashi Kumin Bunka Center /
Advanced: Adults-¥2,000 Senior high & Junior
high school students-¥1,000 Elementary school
students-¥500 Pair tickets-¥3,600; At the door:
Adults-¥2,500 Senior high & Junior high school
students-¥1,500 Elementary school students¥800  Preschoolers-Free / Now on sale / ,
Higashi Kumin Bunka Center, Hiroshima Arts
Gakki / Ensemble H [ákka] Office 082-924-6522,
Higashi Kumin Bunka Center 082-264-5551
(closed on Mondays)
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
The 354th Subscription Concert
(Mozart: Die Zauberflöte K. 620 ~ Overture;
Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E minor Op. 64;
Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op. 67)
10th Tue. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥5,200 A-¥4,700 B¥4,200 Students-¥1,500 (Student tickets are only
sold at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) /
Now on sale / , Ticket PIA, Lawson
(convenience store), Chugoku Shimbun &
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office / Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office 082-532- 3080
Concertmaster: Volkhard Steude
 “HIROSHIMA”, the Two Symphonies
(Erkki Aaltonen: Symphony No. 2 “HIROSHIMA; Ikuma
Dan: Symphony No. 6 “HIROSHIMA”)
16th Mon. / 7:00pm (6:15pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
S-¥4,000 A-¥3,000 Students-¥1,500 (Student
tickets are only sold at the JMS Aster Plaza.) / Now on
sale / , JMS Aster Plaza, Chugoku Shimbun /
JMS Aster Plaza 082-244-8000
Conductor: Ken Takaseki / Soprano: Hisami
Namikawa / Yokobue: Michiko Akao
– Japan Tour 2015
17th Tue. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / Advanced: S-¥6,480
A-¥4,320 B-¥2,160; At the door: S-¥7,020
A-¥4,860 B-¥2,700 / Now on sale /  /
Shimizu Geino Kikaku 082-292-0080
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Flute Concord Hiroshima: The 23rd Regular
21st Sat. / 4:00pm (3:30pm) / Elisabeth University
of Music, Cecilia Hall / Advanced: Adults-¥3,000
Students-¥1,500; At the door: Adults-¥3,500
Students-¥2,000 / Now on sale / , Hiroshima
Arts Gakki, Ticket PIA (P-code: 265-095) /
090-9508-0047 (Miyamoto)
 Wadaiko Live in Hatsukaichi
21st Sat. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / Advanced-¥1,500 At the
door-¥2,000 (all non-reserved seats) / Now on sale
/ , Sakurapia / 0829-39-6593 or 090-86022046 (Mukai)
Wadaiko is a traditional Japanese drum
 Seiichiro Edo (flute) & Yasuji Ohagi (guitar)
Duo Recital
22nd Sun. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Higashi Kumin
Bunka Center / Advanced-¥3,000 At the door¥3,500 (all non-reserved seats) / Now on sale /
Classic Guitar Gallery El Condor (Kami-noborimachi, Naka-ku) / Executive Committee 0902292-5652 (Ueki)
 Chisako Takashima Piano Quintet
~ Strings on Fire ~
22nd Sun. / 3:00pm (2:30pm) / Hiroshima Kokusai
Kaigijo (International Conference Center
Hiroshima), Phoenix Hall / S-¥6,000 A-¥5,500 /
Now on sale / , Sakurapia / Shimizu
Geino Kikaku 082-292-0080
Ms. Chisako Takashima is a Japanese violinist.
 Elisabeth University of Music Graduate’s
Association: The 6th Heartfelt Concert
23rd Mon. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Elisabeth University
of Music, Cecilia Hall / Advanced-¥2,000 At the
door-¥1,500 / Now on sale /  / 090-80696402 (Yamamoto)
 Drum TAO 2015 Tour
25th Wed. / 7:00pm (6:30pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
SS-¥7,000 S-¥6,000 A-¥4,500 / Now on sale /
 / Candy Promotion Hiroshima 082-249
Drum art performance
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Discovery
Series III: Symphonies by Sibelius
(Sibelius: Rakastava Op. 14; Symphony No. 3 in C major
Op. 52; Symphony No. 5 in E-flat major Op. 82)
27th Fri. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
S-¥5,200 A-¥4,200 B-¥3,200 Students-¥1,000
(Student tickets are only sold at the Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office.) / Now on sale /
, Ticket PIA, Lawson (convenience store),
Chugoku Shimbun & Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Office 082-532- 3080 E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
Conductor: Kazuyoshi Akiyama
 Benesse English Concert:
Shimajiro & Mimi’s Happy Christmas Party
28th Sat. /  11:30am (11:00am)  2:00pm
(1:30pm) / Hiroshima Kokusai Kaigijo
(International Conference Center Hiroshima),
Phoenix Hall / ¥2,880 / From Sat., October 3 /
Lawson (L-code: 69789), Ticket PIA (P-code:
630-134), FamilyMart / Candy Promotion
Hiroshima 082-249-8334
 Yasumasa Izumo Noh Performance
29h Sun. / 1:00pm (noon) / JMS Aster Plaza /
S-¥10,000 A-¥8,000 B-¥6,000 C (balcony
seats)-¥2,000 (non-reserved seats) / Please ask the
event organizer for ticket office information. / Kiun
Kai Office 090-5694-1511 (Nakata), E-mail:
kiunkai@docomo.ne.jp; JMS Aster Plaza 082-2448000
Traditional Japanese performing art
 Ikuyo Nakamichi Piano Recital
~All Beethoven Program ~
6th Sun. / 2:00pm (1:30pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥3,500 / From Sun., September 20
/ , Chugoku Shimbun, Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi
Bunka Hall Sakurapia 0829-20-0111
 Kodo: One Earth Tour 2015 ~ Chaos
11th Fri. / 6:30pm (6:00pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
SS-¥8,000 S-¥6,000 A-¥5,000 / Now on sale /
, Lawson (L-code: 61620) Ticket PIA (P-code:
272-471) / Hiroshima TV Event Information
Center 082-249-1218 (Mon. – Fri., 10:00am –
Kodo is a taiko (traditional Japanese drum) performance
 Hiroshima Wind Orchestra: The 44th NEW!!
Regular Concert ~ Portrait of America ~
12th Sat. / 6:00pm (5:00pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
 Reserved seat: Advanced-¥3,800 At the door¥4,000 (reserved seat tickets are only sold at the
Hiroshima Wind Orchestra Office.)  Nonreserved seats: Advanced: Adults-¥2,800 Students
-¥1,800 At the door: Adults-¥3,000 Students¥2,000 / Now on sale / , Hiroshima Arts Gakki
/ Hiroshima Wind Orchestra Office 080-16475951
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
The 355th Special Subscription Concert
(Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major K. 216; Mahler:
Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp minor)
15th Tue. & 16th Wed. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) /
Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥5,200
A-¥4,700 B- ¥4,200 Students-¥1,500 (Student
tickets are only sold at the Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office.) / From Thu., October 15 /
, Ticket PIA, Lawson (convenience store),
Chugoku Shimbun & Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Office 082-532- 3080 E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
 Conductor: Eiji Oue / Violin: Soichi Sakuma
 The All American Boys Chorus:
Christmas Concert
19th Sat. / 4:30pm (4:00pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / S-¥5,000 A-¥4,000 / Now on
sale / , Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall
Sakurapia 0829-20-0111
 Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra:
2015-16 Hall Tour
19th Sat. / 6:00pm (5:30pm) / Ueno Gakuen Hall /
¥5940 / Now on sale / , Lawson, Seven-Eleven,
Circle K Sunkus, FamilyMart / Candy Promotion
Hiroshima 082-249-8334
 Hiroshima Happy New Ear 20:
Isao Nakamura Percussion Recital
22nd Tue. / 7:00pm (6:30pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
Advanced: Adults-¥2,500 Students-¥1,500; At the
door: Adults-¥3,000 Students-¥2,000 / From the
middle of September / Please ask the concert
organize for ticket office information. / Hiroshima
Opera and Music Promotion Committee 082244-8000
 Sylvie Guillem & the Tokyo Ballet Japan
28th Mon. / 6:00pm (5:15pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥18,000 A-¥15,000
B-¥12,000 C-¥9,000 D-¥6,000  C & D
tickets are only sold at e+, Lawson Ticket and
Ticket PIA. / Now on sale / , Lawson, Ticket
PIA, e+ (http://eplus.jp) / Hiroshima TV Event
Information Center 082-249-1218 (Mon. – Fri.,
10:00am – 6:00pm)
January, 2016
 Alan Lambert Japan Tour
10th Sun. / 5:00pm (4:30pm) / Blue Live Hiroshima
/ ¥8,500 / From Sat., October 10 / Lawson,
FamilyMart, Ticket PIA, Seven-Eleven, etc. /
Yumebanchi Hiroshima 082-249-3571 (Mon. –
Fri., 11:00am – 7:00pm)
 Vienna Walzer Orchestra:
New Year Concert 2016
19th Tue. / 7:00pm (6:30pm) / Hatsukaichi Bunka
Hall Sakurapia / ¥6,000 / Now on sale / ,
Sakurapia / Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall Sakurapia
 Conductor: Sandre Cuturello
 Nobuyuki Tsujii Japan Tour: Chopin Recital
22nd Fri. / 7:00pm (6:00pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥6,800 A-¥5,800
B-¥4,800 / Now on sale / , Lawson (L-code:
61719), Ticket PIA (P-code: 273-779), Seven-Eleven
/ HOME Event Center 082-221-7116 (Mon. –
Fri., 10:00am – 5:00pm)
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
The 356th Special Subscription Concert
(Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Song of a
Wayfarer); Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D minor Op.
125 “Choral”)
24th Sun. / 3:00pm (2:00pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥5,200 A-¥4,700 B¥4,200 Students-¥1,500 (Student tickets are only
sold at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) /
From Tue., November 24 / , Ticket PIA,
Lawson (convenience store), Chugoku Shimbun &
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office / Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office 082-532- 3080
E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
 Conductor: Kazuyoshi Akiyama / Soprano: Fumiko
Ando / Alto: Miyuki Fujii / Tenor: Jun Takahashi /
Baritone: Thomas Bauer / Choir: Hiroshima Chorus
February, 2016
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
Masterpiece Concert ~ Winter ~
(Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila Op. 5 ~ Overture; Saint =
Saëns: Cello Concerto No. 1 in A minor Op. 33;
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor Op. 64)
14th Sun. / 3:00pm (2:00pm) / Hiroshima Kokusai
Kaigijo (International Conference Center
Hiroshima), Phoenix Hall / S-¥4,200 Pair tickets
(S seats)-¥6,400 A-¥3,200 B-¥2,200 Students¥1,500 (Students tickets are only sold at the
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) / From
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Wed., November 4 / , JMS Aster Plaza,
Chugoku Shimbun, Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
082-532-3080 E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
 Conductor: Clemens Schuldt / Cello: Aurélien Pascal
 Brian Setzer’s Rockabilly Riot
15th Mon. / 7:00pm (6:00pm) / Hiroshima Club
Quattro / ¥9,800 / Now on sale / , Tower
Records Hiroshima (Hiroshima PARCO, Shinkan,
9F) / Hiroshima Club Quattro 082-542-2280
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
The 357th Special Subscription Concert
(Beethoven: Die Weihe des Hauses Overture in C major
Op. 124; Tomiko Kohjiba: Future from the 4000℃;
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 10 in E minor Op. 93)
19th Fri. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥5,200 A-¥4,700 B¥4,200 Students-¥1,500 (Student tickets are only
sold at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) /
From Sat., December 19 (from Mon., December 21
at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office /
, Ticket PIA, Lawson (convenience store),
Chugoku Shimbun & Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Office 082-532- 3080 E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
 Conductor: Ken Takaseki
March, 2016
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra:
The 358th Special Subscription Concert
(Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major Op. 58;
Prokofiev: Symphony No. 1 in D major Op. 25;
Stravinsky: The Firebird Suite (1919 version))
11th Fri. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / Hiroshima Bunka
Gakuen HBG Hall / S-¥5,200 A-¥4,700 B¥4,200 Students-¥1,500 (Student tickets are only
sold at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office.) /
From Mon., January 11, 2016 (from Tue., January 12,
2016 at the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office
/ , Ticket PIA, Lawson (convenience store),
Chugoku Shimbun & Hiroshima Symphony
Orchestra Office / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra
Office 082-532- 3080 E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
 Conductor: Andris Pogo / Piano: Michel Dalberto
 The 35th TOSHIBA Grand Concert:
Staatskapelle Berlin conducted by David
24th Wed / 7:00pm (6:30pm) / Ueno Gakuen Hall /
S-¥14,000 A-¥12,000 B-¥10,000 C-¥8,000
Students-¥5,000 (student ID will be required on the
concert day.) / From Sat., November 14 /  /
TSS Event Office 082-253-1010
 Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Discovery
Series IV: Symphonies by Sibelius
(Sibelius: Symphony No. 6 in D minor Op. 104;
Kevätlaulu Op. 16; Symphony No. 7 in C major Op. 105)
26th Fri. / 6:45pm (5:45pm) / JMS Aster Plaza /
S-¥5,200 A-¥4,200 B-¥3,200 Students-¥1,000
(Student tickets are only sold at the Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office.) / From Sat., December
26 (from Mon., December 28 at the Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office) / , Ticket PIA,
Lawson (convenience store), Chugoku Shimbun &
Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra Office / Hiroshima
Symphony Orchestra Office 082-532- 3080
E-mail: info@hirokyo.or.jp
Conductor: Kazuyoshi Akiyama
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen HBG Hall 広島文化学園 HBG ホール
(3-3 Kako-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-243-8881)
 Take the No.24 bus bound for Yoshijima Eigyosho (吉島営業所) and get off at Kako-machi (加古町).
It is a 2 min. walk from there.
 Hiroshima Kenmin Bunka Center 広島県民文化センター
(1-5-3 Ote-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-245-2311)
 Take a streetcar or a bus and get off at Hondori (本通) or Kamiya-cho (紙屋町). It is a 5 min. walk
from there.
 JMS Aster Plaza JMS アステールプラザ
(4-17 Kako-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-244-8000)
 Take the No.24 bus bound for Yoshijima Eigyosho (吉島営業所) and get off at Kako-machi (加古町).
It is a 2 min. walk from there.
 Ueno Gakuen Hall 上野学園ホール
(19-1 Hakushima-kita-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-223-6367)
 Take the Astramline bound for Koiki Koen-mae (広域公園前) or Chorakuji (長楽寺) Station and get
off at Hakushima (白島) Station. It is a 3 min. walk from there.
 Hiroshima Kokusai Kaigi-jo (International Conference Center Hiroshima), Phoenix Hall
(1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-242-7777)
 Get on a Hiroshima Bus bound for Yoshijima and get off at Heiwa Kinenkoen (平和記念公園).
 Get off at the Chuden-mae (中電前) or Genbaku Dome-mae (原爆ドーム前) Streetcar Stops. It is a 5
min. walk from there.
 Hiroshima Club Quattro 広島クラブクアトロ
(10-1 Hondori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima (Hiroshima PARCO Hon-kan 10F) Tel. 082-542-2280)
 Take a streetcar and get off at Hatchobori (八丁堀). It is a 5 min. walk from there.
 Hiroshima Green Arena 広島グリーンアリーナ
(4-1 Moto-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-228-1111)
 Take a streetcar and get off at Kamiya-cho-nishi (紙屋町西) or Kamiya-cho-higashi (紙屋町東). It
is a 5 min. walk from either place.
 Elisabeth University of Music エリザベト音楽大学
(4-15 Nobori-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-221-0918)
 Take a streetcar and get off at Kanayama-cho (銀山町) or Jogakuin-mae (女学院前). It is a 10 min.
walk from there.
 Higashi Kumin Bunka Center 東区民文化センター
(10-31 Higashi-kaniya-cho, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-264-5551)
 It is a 10 min. walk from Shinkansen Exit of the JR Hiroshima (広島) Station.
 Nishi Kumin Bunka Center 西区民文化センター
(6-1 Yokogawa Shin-machi, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-234-1960)
 It is a 5 min. walk from JR Yokogawa (横川) Station.
 Asaminami Kumin Bunka Center 安佐南区民文化センター
(1-22-17, Naksuji, Asaminami-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-879-3060)
 It is a 5 min. walk from Astramline Nakasuji (中筋) Station.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Aki Kumin Bunka Center 安芸区民文化センター
(2-16 Funakoshi-minami 3-chome, Aki-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-824-1330)
 It is a 5 min. walk from JR Kaitaichi (海田市) Station (JR Sanyo Line).
 Blue Live Hiroshima ブルーライブ広島
(3-12-69 Ujina Kaigan, Minami-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-250-5522)
 Take a streetcar for Hiroshima-ko (No. 1, 3 or 5) and get off at Kaigan-dori (海岸通). It is a 5 min.
walk from there.
 Gewand Halle ゲバントホール
(Wako Palace21 5F, 2-1-13 Honkawa-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-503-1711)
 Take a streetcar and get off at Honkawa-cho (本川町). It is a 4 min. walk from there.
 Live Juke ライブジューク
(Crystal Plaza 19F, Naka-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-249-1930)
 Take a streetcar and get off at Fukuro-machi (袋町). It is a 5 min. walk from there.
 lifeone 221Hall ライフワン 221 ホール
(2-2-1 Itsukaichi-chuo, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-922-0028)
 Take a bus from JR Itsukaichi Station (north exit) and get off at Itsukaichi-chuo (五日市中央). It is
a 5 min. walk from there.
 Memorial Cathedral for World Peace 世界平和記念聖堂
(4-42 Nobori-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi Tel.082-221-0621)
 It is a 10 min. walk from Kanayama-cho (銀山町) or Jogakuin-mae (女学院前) Streetcar Stop.
 Hiroshima Nagarekawa Church 広島流川協会
(8-30 Kami-nobori-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima Tel. 082-221-1813)
 It is a 5 min. walk from Jogakuin-mae (女学院前) or Shukkeien-mae (縮景園前) Streetcar Stop.
 Hatsukaichi Bunka Hall Sakurapia
(1-11-1 Shimo-hera, Hatsukaichi City Tel. 0829-20-0111)
 Take a train on the JR Sanyo Line bound for Iwakuni and get off at JR Miyauchi Kushido (宮内串
戸) Station. It is a 15 min. walk from there
 Take a streetcar on the Hiroden Miyajima Line and get off at Hatsukaichi Shiyakusho-mae (廿日
市市役所前) or Miyauchi (宮内). It is an 8 min. walk from Hatsukaichi Shiyakusho-mae Stop and an
11 min. walk from Miyauchi Stop.
 Kure City Bunka Hall 呉市文化ホール
(3-10-1 Chuo, Kure City Tel. 0823-25-7878)
 Get off at the JR Kure (呉) Station (JR Kure Line). It is a 7 min. walk from there.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
A: Adults
U: University Students H: High School Students
J: Junior High School Students
E: Elementary School Students
S: Seniors (65 years old and up – Identification showing your date of birth is required.)
 Generally, admission is allowed up to 30 min. prior to closing. 
Hiroshima Museum of Art
Address: 3-2 Moto-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City
Tel: 082-223-2530
Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Closed: Mondays except during special exhibitions
URL: http://www.hiroshima-museum.jp
Special Exhibition
 Painters and Their Palettes
Period: Sat., Sept. 5 – Sun., Oct. 18
Admission Fee:
A -¥1,200 (¥1,000), S-¥1,000,
U&H-¥900 (¥700), J&E-¥500 (¥300),
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
 Wonderland of Mitsumasa Anno’s
Period: Sat., Oct. 31 – Sun., Dec. 6
Admission Fee:
A -¥1,200 (¥1,000), S-¥1,000,
U&H-¥900 (¥700), J&E-¥500 (¥300),
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
Collection Exhibition
 Modern European Paintings
Period: Year-round
Hiroshima City Museum of
Contemporary Art
Holders of special exhibition admission tickets
are also entitled to view the collection
 2015 – III
Period: Sat., Oct. 31 – Thu., Feb. 11
Video Art Programs
Admission Fee: Free
 A Window to the World [The 46th Program]:
Samsong Young
Period: Tue., Sept. 8 – Sun., Oct. 18
Hiroshima MOCA Monthly Workshop
 This is an art program in which the museum
selects one particular material and visitors
are free to make anything with it.
Reservations are not required. You can join
the workshop on the event day.
Date: Oct. 18, Nov. 8 & Dec. 6
Time:  10:00am – noon
 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Participation Fee: Free
Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum
Address: 1-1 Hijiyama Koen, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City
Tel: 082-264-1121
Hours: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Closed: Mondays except national holidays,
Oct. 13 & Nov. 24
URL: http://www.hcmca.cf.city.hiroshima.jp/
Special Exhibition
 A Bird’s-eye View of the World
Period: Sat., Oct. 10 – Sun., Dec. 6
Admission Fee:
A-¥1,030 (¥820), U-¥720 (¥620),
S&H-¥510 (¥410), J & under-Free
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
Collection Exhibition
Admission Fee: A-¥360 / U-¥270 / S&H-¥170 /
J & younger- Free
Address: 2-22 Kaminobori-cho, Naka-ku,
Hiroshima City
Tel: 082-221-6246
Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Open until 7:00pm on Fridays
Closed: Oct. 19 & 26
URL: http://www.hpam.jp/
Special Exhibition
 Kuniyoshi Show: UKIYO-e Artist of the Edo
Period: Fri., Sept. 11 – Sun., Oct. 18
Admission Fee:
A-¥1,100 (¥900), U&H-¥700 (¥500),
J & E-¥400 (¥200)
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 The Allure of Kyoto, the Longing for
Beauty – Masterpieces of the Kyoto
Municipal Museum of Art –
Period: Sat., Oct. 31 – Wed., Dec. 23
Admission Fee:
A-¥1,100 (¥900), U&H-¥700 (¥500),
J & E-¥400 (¥200)
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
Fukuyama Museum of Art
Address: 2-4-3 Nishi-machi, Fukuyama City
Tel: 084-932-2345
Hours: 9:30am – 5:00pm
Open until 7:00pm on Nov. 13, 14, 20 & 21
Closed: Mondays except national holidays
HP: http://www.city.fukuyama.hiroshima.jp/
Collection Exhibitions
Admission Fee (all exhibitions):
A-¥500, U-¥300, H,J&E-Free
Holders of special exhibition admission tickets are
also entitled to view the Museum’s Collection
 Commemoration of the Exhibition
“Masterpieces of the Kyoto Municipal
Museum of Art”: Beauty Contest – A
Homage to the Aesthetics of Kyoto
Period: Sun., Sept. 20 – Wed., Jan. 6
 Our New Collection
Artworks Donated in 2014
Period: Wed., Sept. 30 – Wed., Jan. 6
Kure Municipal Museum of Art
Address: Irifuneyama Koen, Saiwai-cho, Kure City
Tel: 0823-25-2007
Hours: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Closed: Tuesdays except national holidays,
Oct. 5, 7, 8 & 9
URL: http://kure-bi.jp/
Special Exhibition
 Hokusai & Rivière
Period: Sat., Oct. 10 – Mon., Nov. 23
Admission Fee: A-¥1,000 (¥800), U&H-¥600,
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
Special Exhibition
 Picasso
Period: Sat., Sept. 19 – Mon., Nov. 23
Admission Fee: A&U-¥1,000
H & under-Free
Collection Exhibitions
Admission Fee (all exhibitions):
A&U-¥300, H & under-Free
 Autumn Exhibition:
Ryohei Ogata
Period: Wed., Sept. 16 – Sun., Nov. 29
Okuda Genso Sayume Art Museum
Address: 453-6 Higashi Sakeya-machi, Miyoshi City
Tel: 0824-65-0010
Hours: 9:30am – 5:00pm
Closed: Oct. 14
URL: http://www.genso-sayume.jp
Special Exhibition
 Gauguin et l’école de Pont-Aven
Period: Sat., Sept. 5 – Wed., Oct. 21
Admission Fee:
A-¥1,000 (900), Couple tickets- ¥1,800,
U&H- ¥500 (¥400), J & under-Free
 Advanced ticket prices shown in (
Onomichi City Museum of Art
Address: 17-19 Nishitsuchido-cho, Onomichi City
(Inside Senkoji Park)
Tel: 0848-23-2281
Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Closed: Mondays except national holidays
Special Exhibition
 Rendezvous – 8 artists from Villa
Kujoyama and Their Guests
Period: Sat., Oct. 10 – Mon., Nov. 23
Admission Fee: A-¥800, U&H-¥550,
J & under-Free
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
The Toyo Carp (Hiroshima's professional baseball team) plays about 60 games at the MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium
Hiroshima every year.
Thu., 1st, 6:00pm
Fri., 2nd, 6:00pm
Sat., 3rd, 6:00pm
/ vs. Chunichi Dragons
/ vs. Chunichi Dragons
/ vs. Tokyo Yakult Swallows
Ticket Offices
 MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium Hiroshima
Tickets can be purchased at the ticket booths at the entrances of the stadium (closed on August 6).
Booth Opening Times
11:30am (days with night games) / 11:00am (days with day games)
11:00am – 4:00pm (days when there are no games)
CARPIO (6-7 Hatcho-bori, Naka-ku)
OPEN: 10:00am – 4:00pm / CLOSED: No fixed times
TEL: 227-2222
 Convenience Stores
Tickets are available at convenience stores such as Lawson, Seven-Eleven, FamilyMart and Sunkus.
MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium Hiroshima: It is a 10 min. walk from JR Hiroshima Station.
Hiroshima Toyo CARP
Tel. (082) 223-2141
Fax. (082) 502-1189
URL: www.carp.co.jp/
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
GAME SCHEDULE Date / Kick Off / Game / Venue / Ticket Sales
2015 J League 2nd Stage
Sat., October 3 / 7:00pm / vs. F.C. Tokyo / EDION Stadium Hiroshima / Now on sale
Sat., October 17 / 2:00pm / vs. Kawasaki Frontale / EDION Stadium Hiroshima / Now on sale
Sun., November 22 / 7:00pm / vs. Shonan Bellmare / EDION Stadium Hiroshima / From Sat., October 3
TICKETS Seats / Advanced Tickets / At the Door
 Reserved Seats SS / ¥5,300 / ¥5,900
 Reserved Seats SA / ¥3,700 / ¥4,300
 Unreserved Seats Adults / ¥2,600 / ¥3,200
 Unreserved Seats Students (High School Students or younger) / ¥1,000 / ¥1,500
 EDION Stadium Hiroshima (Hiroshima Big Arch)
Take the Astram-line bound for Koiki-koen-mae (広域公園前) and get off at the last station, Koiki-koen -mae
From Hondori Station: One way fare - ¥470 Travel time - 35 min.
 Sanfrecce Hiroshima Official Shop V-POINT (EDION Honkan, 8F / Tel. 248-3317 / 10:00am ~ 8:00pm
/ Closed on Mondays except national holidays)
 EDION Play Guide (Honkan, 8F)  Fukuya (Hiroshima Station) (7F)  Alpark Tenmaya (3F)
 Convenience Stores (FamilyMart, Seven Eleven, CircleKSunkus and Lawson)
 Sanfrecce HIROSHIMA
Tel. 233-3233
URL: www.sanfrecce.co.jp
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Event schedules are subject to change.
Please contact event organizers before you go.
Events Held in Hiroshima City
Every Wednesday until December 23, 2015
 Oct. 7, 14 & 21; Nov. 4, 11, 18 & 25
ひろしまけんみん ぶ ん か
Hiroshima Kagura
ひろしま か ぐ ら
て い き こうえん
TIME: 7:00pm – 8:45pm (The venue will open at 6:00pm.)
PLACE: Hiroshima Kenmin Bunka Center, Ote-machi, Naka-ku (located near Hondori Shopping Street)
ACCESS: It is a 3 min. walk from the Kamiya-cho-nishi or Hondori Streetcar Stops.
TICKETS: ¥1,000  All non-reserved seats
 Tickets will be sold from 5:00pm on the performance date at the center.
There are no advanced tickets.
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Kenmin Bunka Center 082-245-2311
Sat., October 3 & 17; Sat., November 7 & 14
The 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing: Streetcar Tour and Tea Ceremony
ひ ば く でんしゃ
ぶ け さどう
TIME: 1:30pm – 3:30pm
MEETING PLACE: Near the JR Hiroshima Station Streetcar Stop (No. 5 Line), JR Hiroshima Station South
Exit, Minami-ku
PARTICIPATION FEE: Junior high school students and up-¥1,000
Elementary school students and under-¥500
RESERVATIONS: Call Hiroshima Dentetsu (Hiroshima Electric Railway Co.) for reservations. The first 30
people will be accepted for each day.
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Dentetsu (Hiroshima Electric Railway Co.)
082-242-3551 (Mon. – Fri., 10:00am – 5:45pm)
 This is a guided tour to look around A-bombed buildings from a streetcar exposed to the A-bomb.
Afterward, a tea ceremony will be held at the head office of the Hiroshima Electric Company.
Sat., October 3
Milk Festival
おいしい! 牛 乳 フェスティバル
TIME: 10:00am – 3:00pm
PLACE: Kubo Agri-farm, Yuki-cho, Saeki-ku
ACCESS: From JR Itsukaichi Station (JR Sanyo Line), south exit, take a bus bound for Yuki Onsen and get
off at Sagotani Rakuno Iriguchi (a 40 min. bus ride). It is a 15 min. walk from there.
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima City Nogyo Kyodo Kumiai Sagotani Rakuno Bukai
0120-595939 (Mon. – Fri., 9:00am – 5:00pm)
 Yuki-cho is a dairy area in Hiroshima City. Various events such as hands-on milking, a butter making
workshop and the sale of milk products will be held.
 Please bring a jacket for cold weather, a hat and a picnic blanket with you.
This event will be cancelled if it rains on the day of, or after 6:00pm on the previous day.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sat., October 3 – Mon., October 12
Autumn Green Fair
TIME: 9:00am – 4:30pm (entry allowed up to 4:00pm)
PLACE: Hiroshima-shi Shokubutsu Koen (Botanical Garden), Saeki-ku, Hiroshima City
ACCESS: Take a bus bound for Yakushigaoka-danchi via Shokubutsu Koen from Hiroshima Bus Center
(Sogo Hiroshima Department Store, 3F) and get off at Shokubutsu Koen (a 40 min. bus ride).
ADMISSION FEE: Adults-¥510 High school students-¥170 Junior high school students and under-Free
Seniors (65 years old and up)-¥170 (identification showing your birth date is required.)
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima-shi Shokubutsu Koen 082-922-3600
Sun., October 4 & 18
Hiroshima Minato Marché
TIME: 9:00am – 3:00pm
PLACE: Open Space between East and West Terminal of Hiroshima Port, Minami-ku
ACCESS: Take the No. 1, 3 or 5 streetcar bound for Hiroden Ujina or Hiroshima Port and get off at the last
stop, Hiroshima Port.
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Minato Marché Office 082-255-6646
 You can buy and taste locally-grown fresh vegetables and other food products at the marché.
Sat., October 10
Tori Gosairei (Mikoshi Parade)
ひろしま み こ し ぎょうれつ
広島神輿 行 列
TIME: 11:00am – 2:00pm
PLACE: Between Hiroshima Toshogu Srine and Nigitsu Shrine, Higashi-ku
ACCESS: Walk 8 min. from JR Hiroshima Station, Shinkansen Exit.
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee 082-261-2954 (9:00am – 5:00pm)
HP: http://hiroshima-toshogu.or.jp/gosairei.html
 This is an old festival which used to be held around Hiroshima Castle in the Edo Period (A.D. 1603 –
1868) every 50 years. This year, this festival will be held for the first time in 200 years.
Sat., October 17 & Sun., October 18
Hiroshima Food Festival 2015
ひろしまフードフェスティバル 2015
TIME: 10:00am – 5:00pm  On the 17th, the festival at Hiroshima Castle will continue until 8:00pm.
PLACE: Around Hiroshima Castle and the Chuo Koen (Park), Naka-ku
ACCESS:  It is a 15 min. walk from Kamiya-cho-higashi or Kamiya-cho-Nishi Streetcar Stop.
 It is a 10 min. walk from JR Shin-hakushima Station (JR Sanyo Line).
ADMISSION FEE: Free  Food and drink will incur extra charges.
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee Office (inside RCC TV; Mon. – Fri., 9:30am – 5:30pm)
 This is the biggest food festival in Hiroshima. You can enjoy not only food but also kagura performances
at the venue.
Sat., October 17 & Sun., October 18
Moto-ujina-guchi Flea Market
も と う じ な ぐち
TIME: 9:00am – 2:00pm
PLACE: Niji Hiroba, Moto-Ujina-guchi, Minami-ku
ACCESS: Take a bus bound for Hiroshima Port or the No. 1, 3 or 5 streetcar and get off at Moto-ujina-guchi.
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Recycle Association 090-3630-6252 (ask for Ikeda)
 Sale of recycled goods, daily necessities, etc.
The market will be cancelled if it rains heavily.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sun., October 18
The 45th Hiroshima Prefecture Kagura Performance
かいひろしまけん か ぐらきょうえんたいかい
第45回広島県神楽 競 演大会
TIME: 9:10am – 6:15pm (the venue will open at 8:15am)
PLACE: Hiroshima Sun Plaza Hall, Shoko Center, Nishi-ku
ACCESS:  It is a 5 min. walk from JR Shin-inokuchi Station (JR Sanyo Line).
 It is a 5 min. walk from Shoko Center Iriguchi Streetcar Stop (Hiroden Miyajima Line).
TICKETS: Advanced-¥3,000 At the door-¥3,500
 Advanced tickets are sold at EDION Hiroshima Play Guide, Hiroshima Yume Plaza, Fukuya
Department Store (Hatchobori Store & Hiroshima Station Store) & Alpark Tenmaya Ticket
 Admission free for elementary school students and under.
 All seats are non-reserved.
INQUIRES: info@hiroshimakagura.jp
Sun., October 18
Japanese Music Concert at Shukkeien Garden
邦楽 鑑 賞 会
TIME: Concert at Seifu-kan   10:00am  2:00pm
Concert at Meigetsu-tei  12:30pm
PLACE: Shukkeien Garden, Seifu-kan and Meigetsu-tei
ACCESS: Take a streetcar on the Hiroden Hakushima Line and get off at Shukkeien-mae. It is a 5 min. walk
from the stop.
FEE: ¥2,000 for the concert at Seifu-kan  No charge for the concert at Meigetsu-tei.
 Admission to the garden is also required.
Admission fee Adults - ¥260, University & High school students - ¥150
Junior high & Elementary school students - ¥100
INQUIRES: Shukkeien Garden 082-221-3620
Sat., October 24
2015 Autumn Sumo Tour in Hiroshima
お お ず も う ひろしま ば し ょ
TIME: 8:00am – 3:00pm
PLACE: Higashi-ku Sports Center (Big Wave), Higashi-ku
Seats with “*”
ACCESS: It is a 3 min. walk from Astramline Ushita Station.
You can take a special sumo
cushion home as a souvenir.
1st Floor
(Cushions are also available for
 “Tamari” Seats (ring side)
¥1,000 (advanced) and
Sold out
S* - ¥14,000/person A* - ¥13,000/person
¥1,500 (at the door)).
 Floor Seats
S* - ¥48,000 for 4 seats A - ¥40,000 for 4 seats
 Chair Seats
A - ¥12,000/person
B - ¥11,000/person C - ¥10,000/person
D - ¥9,000/person
 Seats for Persons with Disabilities: ¥4,500/person
Sold out
2nd Floor (chair seats)
 Reserved Seats: E - ¥8,000/person
F - ¥7,000/person
 Non-reserved Seats: ¥5,000/person
RESERVATION & INQUIRIES: 082-532-1701 (Mon. – Fri., 10:00am – 6:00pm)
 You can order a bento (lunch box) with tea as well. There are two kinds of bento; Yokozuna
musubi bento (¥3,000) & Sekitori musubi bento (¥2,000).
 You may not be allowed to bring any drink and food to the venue other than these two bentos.
<Notice> Bento reservations between Oct. 17 and 22 will be accepted at Musashi (a bento
shop; Tel. 082-291-6340)
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sat., October 24 - Sun., November 8
ひろしまじょう だ い き っ か て ん
Kikka-ten (Chrysanthemum Exhibition) at Hiroshima Castle
広島 城 大菊花展
TIME: 10:00am – 4:30pm  Oct. 24  10:30am – 4:30pm / Nov. 8  10:00am – 4:00pm
PLACE: Hiroshima Castle, Ni-no-maru & San-no-maru, Naka-ku
ACCESS:  It is a 15 minute walk from Kamiya-cho-higashi or Kamiya-cho-nishi Streetcar Stop.
 It is a 17 min. walk from JR Shin-hakushima Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Matsuri Iinkai 082-247-6805 E-mail: kankou-2@hiroshima-navi.or.jp
 2,000 potted chrysanthemums will be displayed. Koto (traditional Japanese harp) and gagaku (ancient
court music) concerts will also be held during this period.
Sun., November 1 – Sun., November 15
Kikka-ten (Chrysanthemum Exhibition) at Shukkeien Garden
TIME: 9:00am – 5:00pm (entrance allowed up to 4:30pm)
PLACE: Shukkeien Garden
ACCESS: Take a streetcar on the Hiroden Hakushima Line and get off at Shukkeien-mae. It is a 5 min. walk
from the stop.
ADMISSION FEE: Adults-¥260, University & High school students-¥150
Junior high & Elementary school students-¥100
 Admission is free for senior high, junior high and elementary school students between
Nov. 1 and Nov. 7 (kyoiku (education) week).
INQUIRIES: Shukkeien Garden 082-221-3620
Tue., November 3
Kiku-mi (Chrysanthemum-viewing) Tea Ceremony
きく み ちゃかい
TIME: 9:30am – 3:00pm
PLACE: Shukkeien Garden
ACCESS: Take a streetcar on the Hiroden Hakushima Line and get off at Shukkeien-mae. It is a 5 min. walk
from the stop.
FEE: Main seating, with thin tea - ¥800 / Open-air seating, with Shimane “bote bote” tea - ¥600
 Admission to the garden is free on November 3 as it is Culture Day.
INQUIRIES: Shukkeien Garden 082-221-3620
Tue., November 3
“Sweets” Marathon in Hiroshima
スイーツマラソン in 広島
VENUE: Hiroshima Koiki Koen (around EDION Stadium Hiroshima), Asaminami-ku
ACCESS: It is a 10 min. walk from Astramline Koiki Koen Station (last stop).
PARTICIPATION FEE: High school students and older-¥6,000
Junior high and elementary school students-¥4,000
HOW TO APPLY: Applications are accepted online (http://www.sweets-marathon.jp/entry).
Deadline for application – Sun., October 4
 In the event that all application slots are filled, applications will be closed before Oct. 4.
INQUIRIES: Sweets Marathon 03-6848-7284 (Mon. – Fri., 10:00am – 6:00pm)
HP: http://www.sweets-marathon.jp
 This is an event in which you can enjoy both running marathon and eating sweets. “Sweets stations” will
be set up instead of water stations on the marathon course. You can eat as much as you like of various
kinds of small-sized sweets at each station. Sweets kiosks will also be set up around EDION Stadium
Hiroshima (main venue).
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sun., November 8
Momiji (maple leaf-viewing )Tea Ceremony at Shukkeien Garden
TIME: 10:00am – 3:00pm
PLACE: Shukkeien Garden
ACCESS: Take a streetcar on the Hiroden Hakushima Line and get off at Shukkeien-mae. It is a 5 min. walk
from the stop.
FEE: ¥1,200 for tea ceremony
 Admission fee for the garden is also required.
Adults - ¥260 University & High school students - ¥150
Junior high & Elementary school students - ¥100
INQUIRIES: Shukkeien Garden 082-221-3620
 Wed., November 11 – Sun., November 15
 Thu., November 19 – Mon., November 23
Hiroshima Ramen Stadium 2015
ひろしまラーメンスタジアム 2015
TIME:  Mon. – Fri.  11:00am – 8:00pm  Sat. & Sun.  10:00am – 9:00pm
 Nov. 15 & 23  10:00am – 7:00pm
PLACE: The Open Space of Former Municipal Baseball Stadium, Moto-machi, Naka-ku
ACCESS: Get off at Kamiya-cho-nishi or Genbaku Dome-mae streetcar stop.
RAMEN TICKET: ¥750 / serving
INQUIREIS: TSS Event Office 082-253-1010
 Well-known ramen shops (10 shops for each period) from around Japan will come to Hiroshima.
Other food corner will also be set up.
Sun., November 15
2015 International Festival
国際 交 流 ・ 協 力 の日 2015
TIME: 10:00am – 4:00pm
PLACE: Hiroshima Kokusai Kaigijo (International Conference Center Hiroshima), Peace Memorial Park &
Peace Boulevard
ACCESS: Get on a bus bound for Yoshijima and get off at Heiwa-kinen-koen (Peace Memorial Park).
INQUIRIES: Hiroshima Heiwa Bunka Center, Kokusai Koryu Kyoryoku Ka (Hiroshima Peace Culture
Foundation, International Relations and Cooperation Division) 082-242-8879
 Lectures, culture and information exchange meetings, workshops, ethnic food stalls, and more!
 Some activities at the festival require reservations.
Sat., November 21 & Sun., November 22
The 8th Annual 2-Day Hiroshima Peace Walk
COURSE:  Nov. 21: Miyajima Course
 Nov. 22: A-bomb Dome and south area of Hiroshima City Course
STARTING PLACE:  Nov. 21: Miyajima Chuggako (junior high school), Miyajima
 Nov. 22: Hannover Hiroba, Moto-machi, Naka-ku
ACCESS:  Miyajima Chuggako (junior high school):
Get off at JR Miyajima-guchi Station (JR Sanyo Line) or Miyajima Streetcar Stop (Hiroden
Streetcar Miyajima Line), then take a ferry to Miyajima.
 Hannover Hiroba: It is a 7 min. walk from Genbaku Dome-mae streetcar stop.
 Advanced application: Adults-¥2,000 Senior & Junior high school students-¥1,000
Elementary school students and under-Free
 Application on the day of: Adults-¥2,200 Senior & Junior high school students-¥1,100
Elementary school students and under-Free
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
HOW TO APPLY: Fill out prescribed application form and make a payment at a Japan Post Bank (ゆうちょ
銀行) by Sat., November 7. The receipt you receive at the post bank will be the
participation certificate on the event day, so please make sure to keep and bring it on the
walking day.
INQUIRIES: Peace Walk Hiroshima 2 Days Executive Committee
082-218-0511 or 080-6341-9873 E-mail: hwa.hiroshima@gmail.com
 Please bring food and drink with you.
Events Held on Miyajima
Thu., October 8
Kencha-Shiki (Tea Offering Ceremony)
TIME: From 10:00am onward
PLACE: Daishoin Temple, Miyajima
ACCESS: Get off at JR Miyajima-guchi Station (JR Sanyo Line) or the Miyajima Streetcar Stop (Hiroden
Streetcar Miyajima Line), then take a ferry to Miyajima..
INQUIRIES: Daishoin Temple 0829-44-0111
Thu., October 15
Kikka-sai (Chrysanthemum-Offering) Festival
きっ か さ い
TIME: From 5:00pm onward
PLACE: Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima
ACCESS: Get off at JR Miyajima-guchi Station (JR Sanyo Line) or the Miyajima Streetcar Stop (Hiroden
Streetcar Miyajima Line), then take a ferry to Miyajima.
FEE: Admission fee for Itsukushima Shrine
Adults & University students-¥300, High school students- ¥200
Junior high & Elementary school students-¥100
INQUIRIES: Itsukushima Shrine 0829-44-2020
 Bugaku, musical court dancing will be performed after a ritual. Chrysanthemums will be dedicated to the
gods during this Bugaku Performance.
Fri., October 23
San-oh Shrine Festival
TIME: From 10:00am onward
PLACE: San-oh Shrine, Miyajima
ACCESS: Get off at JR Miyajima-guchi Station (JR Sanyo Line) or Miyajima Streetcar Stop (Hiroden
Streetcar Miyajima Line), then take a ferry to Miyajima.
INQUIRIES: Itsukushima Shrine 0829-44-2020
 Bugaku, musical court dancing will be performed.
Tue., November 3
Fudo-myo-oh Festival
いつくしまだいぶつふどうみょうおうさいとう ご
ま き が ん ほうよう
嚴 島大仏不動明王柴灯護摩祈願法要
TIME: From 1:00pm onward
PLACE: Daiganji Temple, Miyajima
ACCESS: Get off at JR Miyajima-guchi Station (JR Sanyo Line) or Miyajima Streetcar Stop (Hiroden
Streetcar Miyajima Line), then take a ferry to Miyajima.
INQUIRIES: Daiganji Temple 0829-44-0179
 After a ritual, you can observe a walking over hot coals ceremony and may able to try it out, yourself..
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Events Held outside of Hiroshima City
Sat., October 3 & Sun., October 4
Shishimai (Lion Dance) in Fukuda
し し ま い
TIME: Shishimai performance is at 2:30pm on the 4th
PLACE: Inari Shrine, Fukuda-cho, Takehara City
ACCESS: It is a 15 min. walk from JR Daijo Station (JR Kure Line).
INQUIRIES: Takehara City Kanko Kyokai (Tourist Association) 0846-22-4331
 The Fukuda-no-shishimai, or “Lion Dance”, is designated as an intangible cultural asset of Hiroshima
Sun., October 4
ほりはちまんじんじゃ や ぶ さ め し ん じ
Yabusame at Hori Hachiman Shrine
TIME:  Ritual is from noon onward  Yabusame Performance is from 1:00pm onward
PLACE: Hori Hachiman Shrine & Tonoga Yabusame Horse Riding Ground, Akiota-cho
ACCESS:  Take a bus from JR Kabe Station (JR Kabe Line) and get off at Togochi I.C. Bus Center. It is 5
min. by car from there.
 It is 5 min. by car from Togochi I.C. on the Chugoku Expressway.
INQUIRIES: Hori Hachiman Shrine 0826-22-0651
Akiota-cho Kanko Kyokai (Tourist Association) 0826-28-1800
 Yabusame is the traditional art of shooting arrows from horseback. It is a rare opportunity to see
yabusame in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Sat., October 10
Sakagura Walking Tour (Free)
酒蔵のまち てくてくガイド
TIME: Tour will start on an as-needed basis between 10:00am and 11:00am.
MEETING PLACE: Saijo Sakagura-dori Kanko Annai-jo (Tourist Information Center), Higashi Hiroshima City
ACCESS: Get off at JR Saijo Station (JR Sanyo Line).
FEE: Free
INQUIRIES: Saijo Sakagura-dori Kanko Annai-jo Tel. & Fax 082-421-2511
 A volunteer guide will show you Sakagura-dori (Sake Brewery Street). During the tour you will be able to
taste sake and the purified water that is used to make it.
 A regular guided tour (fee-based) is also held every day except on the 10th. An English speaking guide is
available. Please contact the Saijo Sakagura-dori Tourist Information Center in advance.
Sat., October 10
Onomichi Akari (Lantern) Festival
TIME: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
PLACE: Around JR Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Line) & the route to old temples, etc., Onomichi City
ACCESS: Get off at JR Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Onomichi Akari Festival Executive Committee (inside Onomichi City Hall) 0848-38-9184
 About 30,000 paper lanterns will illuminate Onomichi City.
 This will be postponed until Oct. 11 if it rains on the 10th.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sat., October 10
Kozonori at Tsuji Hachiman Shrine
TIME: From 9:00pm onward
PLACE: Tsuji Hachiman Shrine, Kisa-cho, Miyoshi City
ACCESS: It is 10 min. by car from JR Kisa Station (JR Fukuen Line).
INQUIRIES: Miyoshi City Hall, Kisa Branch Office 0824-43-3112
 Kozonori is a parade with lanterns and a traditional ceremony that has been performed over the past 200
years. It is designated as one of Hiroshima Prefecture’s intangible folklore cultural assets.
Sat., October 10 & Sun., October 11
2015 Sake Matsuri
TIME:  Oct. 10  10:00am – 8:00pm  Oct. 11  10:00am – 5:00pm
PLACE: Around JR Saijo Station and Sakagura-dori Street, Higashi Hiroshima City
 The Sake Hiroba is at Saijo Chuo Koen (a public park)
ACCESS: Get off at JR Saijo Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Higashi Hiroshima-shi Kanko Kyokai (Tourist Association) 082-420-0330
URL: http://sakematsuri.com/
 Sake Hiroba in Saijo Chuo Koen You can taste about 1,000 kinds of sake from around Japan.
TIME:  Oct. 10  10:00am – 8:00pm  Oct. 11  10:00am – 5:00pm
 Entry is allowed up to 1 hour prior to closing.
ADMISSION TICKETS: Advanced-¥1,600 At the door-¥2,100
 Children under the drinking age are not allowed to enter the venue by themselves, and the
following restrictions apply: High school students may not enter the venue, but junior high school
students and under may do so if they are accompanied by a guardian. The admission fee is free
for these children.
 Advanced tickets are available at major ticket offices such as EDION play guide (Honkan, 8F),
Hiroshima Yume Plaza (Hondori Shopping Street) and Fukuya Department Store (Hiroshima
Station), shopping malls such as Fuji Grand and Yume Town, etc.
 Remember, drunk-driving is strictly prohibited!
Sat., October 10 & Sun., October 11
Kameyama Shrine Festival
 Main events will be held on the 11th.
TIME:  Oct. 10  6:00pm – 8:30pm  Oct. 11  10:00am – 7:00pm
PLACE: Kameyama Shrine, Kure City
ACCESS: It is a 15 min. walk from JR Kure Station (JR Kure Line).
CONTENTS:  Oct. 10: Dance in dedication to the god of the shrine (6:00pm – 8:30pm)
 Oct. 11: Annual celebration (from 10:00am onward)
Offering of mikoshi, a portable shrine (2:00pm – 3:00pm)
Dance in dedication to the god of the shrine (5:30pm – 7:00pm)
 Oct. 10 & 11: Dance by miko, female attendants of the shrine
INQUIRIES: Kameyama Shrine 0823-21-2508
Sun., October 11
Nagao Shrine Yudate Kagura Performance
な が お じんじゃ ゆ だて か ぐ ら
TIME: From 1:00pm onward
PLACE: Nagao Shrine, Akiota-cho
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
ACCESS:  Take a bus bound for Sandankyo from Hiroshima Bus Center (Sogo Hiroshima Department
Store, 3F) and get off at Kake-chuo.
 It is 10 min. by car from Togochi I.C. on the Chugoku Expressway.
INQUIRIES: Nagao Shrine 0826-22-0311
Akiota-cho Kanko Kyokai (Tourist Association) 0826-28-1800
Sat., October 17 & Sun., October 18
 Main events will be held on the 18th.
Festival at Oyama Shrine, Hikifune Ceremony
ひきふね し ん じ
TIME:  Oct. 17  From 5:00pm onward  Oct. 18  From 8:00am onward
PLACE: Oyama Shrine, Innoshima-habu-cho, Onomichi City
ACCESS: It is 10 min. by car from Innoshima-kita I.C. on the Shimanami-kaido Expressway.
NQUIRIES: Oyama Shrine 0845-22-0827
 Hikifune Shinji and Gangi Shinji are the highlights of the festival. Hikifune Shinji is a ritual where people
pull a boat up to the shrine and have it go through a Shinto ritual. Gangi Shinji is also a ritual where people
carrying a mikoshi (portable shrine) run up fifty-five stairs to the shrine.
Sat., October 17 & Sun., October 18
Fureai Tojo Festival
ふれあい 東 城 まつり
TIME: 9:00am – 3:30pm
PLACE: Tojo Shogakko (Elementary School), Shobara City
ACCESS: It is a 10 min. walk from JR Tojo Station (JR Geibi Line).
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee 08477-2-5008
 This is a festival of Tojo’s industries, commercial enterprises and culture.
Sun., October 18
Culture and History Festival in Shimo-kamagari, Chosen Tsushin-shi Parade
下蒲刈 文化と歴史の祭典
ちょうせん つ う し ん し さいげんぎょうれつ
朝 鮮 通信使再現 行 列
TIME: Parade  10:45am – 1:00pm
PLACE: The parade will go from Shimo-kamagari Shimin Center to Shimo-kamagari Chugakko (junior high
school), Shimo-kamagari-cho, Kure City
ACCESS: Take a bus bound for Okitomo Tenmangu from JR Hiro Station (JR Kure Line) and get off at San-no-se.
INQUIRIES: Ranto Bunka Shinko Zaidan 0823-65-2029
 Shimo-kamagari-cho was once a flourishing port-town used as sankin kotai (daimyo’s, or feudal lord’s,
alternate-year residence in Edo) and a stop for the chosen tsushin-shi (delegations from Korea to the
Tokugawa Shogunate) go on their route to Edo (now Tokyo) during the Edo period.
The Chosen Tsushin-shi parade will be re-enacted at this event.
Sun., October 18
Autumn Food Festival
どんぐり 食 の浪漫紀行 秋の陣
TIME: 11:00am – 3:00pm
PLACE: Road Station Toyohira Donguri-mura, Kita-hiroshima-cho
ACCESS:  It is 20 min. by car from Hiroshima-kita I.C. on the Hiroshima Expressway.
 Take a bus bound for Kotodani from Hiroshima Bus Center (Sogo Hiroshima Department Store,
3F) and get off at Ryuzuyama-tozanguchi. It is a 3 min. walk from there.
INQUIRIES: Donguri Zaidan 0826-84-1414
 Autumn food, selling of regional specialties, kagura performances, etc.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sun., October 18
Shirakabe Festival
PLACE: Around Joge-cho Shopping Street, Joge-cho, Fuchu-shi
ACCESS: It is a 10 min. walk from JR Joge Station (JR Fukuen Line).
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee (Joge-cho Shoko Kai) 0847-62-3504
 Joge-cho is well known as a town of white-walled buildings.
Tue., October 20
Hatsuka-no-ichi Market
TIME: 8:30am – 10:30am
PLACE: Shingu Chuo Koen (Park), Hatsukaichi City
ACCESS: Get off at Hatsukaichi Shiyakusho-mae (Hiroden Streetcar Miyajima Line). It is a 3 min. walk from this stop.
INQUIRIES: Hatsukaichi Kanko Kyokai (Tourist Association) 0829-31-5656
Fri., October 23 – Mon ., November 16
The 60th Kikka-ten (Chrysanthemum Exhibition) in Fukuyama
かいふくやま き っ か てんらんかい
PLACE: Fukuyama-jo Koen (Castle Park) and in front of JR Fukuyama Station, Fukuyama City
ACCESS: It is a 5 min. walk from JR Fukuyama Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Kanko Ka, Fukuyama City Hall 084-928-1043
 1,500 potted chrysanthemums will be displayed. A traditional Japanese harp concert and tea ceremony
will be held on November 3.
Sat., October 24 & Sun., October 25
Gourmet Summit in Onomichi (food festival)
グルメサミット in 尾道
TIME:  Oct. 24  10:00am – 5:00pm  Oct. 25  10:00m – 4:00pm
PLACE: Open Space in front of the JR Onomichi Station, Onomichi City
ACCESS: Get off at JR Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee (inside Onomichi Shoko Kaigisho) 0848-25-3863
Sat., October 24 – Sun., November 15
Kikka-ten (Chrysanthemum Exhibition) in Onomichi
おのみち き っ か て ん
TIME: 9:00am – 5:00pm
PLACE: Senkoji Koen (Park), Onomichi City
ACCESS:  Get off at JR Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Line) and walk 15 min. to the ropeway station. It is a
3 min. ride to the park.
 It is a 30 min. walk from JR Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Kanko Ka, Onomichi City Hall 0848-38-9184
 Senkoji Koen will be decorated with chrysanthemums.
Fri., October 30 – Thu., November 5
Tojo Machinami Burari Sanpo Gallery
東 城 まちなみぶらり散歩ギャラリー
TIME: 10:00am – 4:00pm
PLACE: Tojo, Tojo-cho, Shobara City
ACCESS: It is a 5 min. walk from JR Tojo Station (JR Geibi Line).
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
INQUIRIES: Shobara City Hall, Tojo Branch Office 08477-2-5008
 Pictures, craft products, etc. which have been in a family for generations in Tojo-cho will be displayed in
shops and houses.
 “Otori”, a traditional festival from the Edo Period (A.D. 1603–1867) will be held on Nov. 3.
Sat., October 31 & Sun., November 1
Takehara Shokei-no-michi (Candle Festival)
町並み竹灯り たけはら 憧 憬 の路
TIME: 5:00pm – 9:00pm
PLACE: Around the Takehara Historical Buildings Area, Takehara City
ACCESS: It is a 15 min. walk from JR Takehara Station (JR Kure Line).
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee (inside Takehara City Hall) 0846-22-7745
 The Takehara historical buildings area will be illuminated with candles.
Sun., November 1 – Tue., November 3
Onomichi Betcha Festival
尾道ベッチャー 祭
TIME:  Nov. 1  6:00pm – 9:30pm  Nov. 2  11:00am – 7:00pm  Nov. 3  7:30am – 6:30pm
 The festival on the 3rd is the highlight of these three days.
PLACE: Kibitsuhiko Shrine (Ikkyu Shrine) and throughout Onomichi City
ACCESS (Kibitsuhiko Shrine (Ikkyu Shrine)):
It is a 10 min. walk from JR Onomichi Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Hozon Kai 0848-22-2320 (Kajikawa)
 A mikoshi, or portable shrine, guided by Shishi (a special type of lion) and three lion-masked people called
Beta, Soba and Shoki will be carried around the city to drive away evil spirits.
Tue., November 3
Buddhist Rites for Used Tea Whisks
ちゃせん く よ う ほうようなら
く ちゃしき
TIME: 11:00am – noon
PLACE: Kozanji Temple & Kozanji Temple Museum, Onomichi City
ACCESS:  Take a Shimanami Liner express bus from Hiroshima Bus Center (Sogo Hiroshima Department
Store, 3F) and get off at Setoda bus stop (a 1 hour and 40 min. bus ride). Then take another
bus from there and get off at Kozanji-mae.
 Reservations are required to take a Shimanami Liner. Call the Hiroko Reservation Center
(082-238-3344) for more information.
 Get on a ferry for Setoda from Onomichi Pier (in front of JR Onomichi Station) and get off at
Setoda Port. It is a 10 min. walk from there.
FEE FOR THE CEREMONY: Free, but payment of the museum’s admission fee is required (see below).
Adults & University students-¥1,200 High school students-¥700
Junior high school students and under-Free
INQUIRIES: Kozanji Temple & Kozanji Temple Museum 0845-27-0800
 Green tea and traditional Japanese confections will be served to visitors.
Sat., November 7 & Sun., November 8
Mihara Ukishiro (Mihara Castle) Festival
み は ら うきしろ
PLACE: Around JR Mihara Station and Mihara Port, Mihara City
ACCESS: Get off at JR Mihara Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Mihara Ukishiro Matsuri Executive Committee (Mihara Tourist Association) 0848-63-1481
 Samurai parade, tea ceremony, selling of Mihara’s regional products, tea ceremony, etc.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Sat., November 14
2015 Kinken Senbatsu Yushu Kagura Performance
きんけんせんばつゆうしゅう か ぐらはっぴょうたいかい
2015近県選抜優 秀 神楽発 表 大会
TIME: From 12:30pm (the venue will open at 10:30am.)
PLACE: Chiyoda Undo Koen Sogo Taiikukan (Gymnasium), Kitahiroshima-cho
ACCESS: It is 5 min. by car from Chiyoda I.C. on the Chugoku Expressway.
TICKET: Advanced: Adults-¥2,500, Children (junior high school students and under)-¥1,000
(Advanced tickets are available at Hiroshima Yume Plaza on Hondori Shopping Street.)
At the door: Adults-¥3,000 Children (junior high school students and under)-¥1,000
INQUIRIES: Kitahiroshima-cho Kanko Kyokai (Tourist Association) 0826-72-6908
Events Held in Yamaguchi Prefecture
Sun., October 11
The 3rd Sake Festival at Yuda Onsen
かい ゆ
だ おんせんさけ
TIME: 11:00am – 5:00pm
PLACE: Around Inoue Koen (park), Yuda Onsen, Yamaguchi City
ACCESS: It is a 10 min. walk from JR Yuda Onsen Station (JR Yamaguchi Line).
ADMISSION FEE: Free  Food and drink will incur extra charges.
INQUIRIES: Executive Committee 083-966-0045
 You can taste Yamaguchi’s local sake in this event.
 Remember, drunk-driving is strictly prohibited!
Sat., October 17 & Sun., October 18
The 59th Iwakuni Festival
第59回岩国 祭
PLACE: In front of the JR Iwakuni Station, Iwakuni City
ACCESS: Get off at JR Iwakuni Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Iwakuni Shoko Kaigi-sho 0827-21-4201
 Various parades will be held at this festival.
Tue., November 3
Inaho Festival (Wedding of Foxes)
い な ほ まつり
稲穂 祭 (きつねの嫁入り)
PLACE: Hanaoka Fukutoku Inari Shrine, Kudamatsu City
ACCESS: It is 20 min. by bus from JR Kudamatsu Station (JR Sanyo Line).
INQUIRIES: Hanaoka Fukutoku Inari Shrine 0833-43-4500
 A bride couple wearing white fox masks parades through an old street in the city with their “relatives” and
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Facilities
(Address / Telephone / Open Hours / Closed /
Admission Fee / URL)
Admission is generally allowed up to 30 min. prior
to closing.
 Hiroshima City Forest Park &
 Make & Fly a Paper Airplane / Sat., Oct. 24 /
 9:00am  noon / Shibafu Hiroba / For
elementary school students and under / Fee:
¥200  The first 150 people will be
accepted for each time slot on the day of.
 This activity will be canceled if it rains.
Events at the Insectarium
 Autumn Exhibition: Gengoro beetle
(173 Fujigamaru, Fukuda-cho, Higashi-ku
732-0036 / Forest Park: 899-8241, Insectarium:
899-8964 / Forest Park: 9:00am – 4:30pm;
Insectarium: 9:00am - 4:30pm / Closed: Forest
Park – Open every day in October; Insectarium
–Wednesdays / Admission Fees for the
Insectarium: Adults-¥510, Seniors & High school
students-¥170, Junior high & Elementary school
students-Free (Admission free for high school
students on Saturdays (except on national
holidays and during school holidays)) / Forest
Park: http://www.daiichibs-shitei.com/forest/
Insectarium: http://www.hiro-kon.jp/)
(cybister japonicas) in Hiroshima / Sat., Oct.
10 – Sun., Nov. 8
 Halloween Special Event: Haunted House /
Sat., Oct. 31 / 6:00pm - 10:00pm
To APPLY: Send an ofuku-hagaki (pre-paid
replay postcard) with applicants’ names,
address, telephone number, age and the
event name むしむしハロウィンおばけやし
き (“Mushi mushi Halloween obake-yashiki”)
to the park postmarked by Thu., Oct. 15. 250
families will be selected at random by a
drawing of names.
Events at the Forest Park
 Green Adventure / Sun., Oct. 4 / 9:00am -
 The Hiroshima Botanical Garden
2:00pm / Meeting place: Next to Kanri Center
/ Fee: Free
 Elementary school students should be
accompanied by their guardians.
 Applications will be accepted on the day of.
 This activity will be canceled if it rains.
 Participants will walk around the park for
1.5hrs; please wear comfortable shoes.
 Gardening Festival / Sat., Oct. 10 / 9:00am 3:00pm / Next to Kanri Center
 A craft workshop will be held.
 Kids Sports Festival / Mon., Oct. 12 /
10:00am - 2:00pm / For elementary school
students and under / Chuo Hiroba / Fee: Free
 The first 200 people will be accepted on
the day of.
 This activity will be canceled if it rains.
 Nordic Walking Lesson / Sat., Oct. 17 /
1:00pm – 3:00pm
/ Shibafu Hiroba / Fee:
Free  The first 50 people will be accepted
between 9:00am and noon on the day of.
 Lecture on the Grass Whistle / Sun., Oct. 18
/ 1:00pm - 3:00pm / Kyukei-jo, Shibafu
Hiroba / Fee: Free
 Stamp Rally / Sun., Oct. 18 / 9:00am 2:00pm / Participation Fee: Free
 The first 200 people will be accepted on the
day of.
(3-495 Kurashige, Saeki-ku 731-5156 / 922-3600 /
9:00am - 4:30pm / Closed on Fridays (except
Oct. 9) / Adults-¥510, Seniors & High school
students-¥170, Junior high and Elementary
school students-Free (Admission free for high
school students on Saturdays (except on
national holidays and during school holidays)) /
Exhibitions will close at 3:30pm
on their last day.
 Tenji Shiryo-shitsu
 Morning Glories / Mid-July - Early November
 A building (10m high X 50m wide) will be
covered with morning glories that look like a
huge curtain.
 Photo Exhibition: My Favorite Flowers / Tue.,
Sept. 29 – Thu., Oct. 29
 Wild Mushrooms / Sat., Oct. 17 & Sun., Oct. 18
 “Rankafu” (woodblock prints of orchids)
Selection II / Sat., Oct. 31 – Wed., Dec. 23
 Tenji Onshitsu (hothouse exhibitions)
 Dahlia / Sat., Oct. 3 - Mon., Oct. 12
 Autumn Orchids / Sat., Oct. 24 - Tue., Nov. 3
 Kanran (one of the oriental orchids) / Thu.,
Nov. 12 - Thu., Nov. 19
 Flowers for Christmas / Sat., Nov. 21 - Thu.,
Dec. 24
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Okugai Tenji-jo (outdoors exhibitons)
 Gardening Contest Exhibition / Sat., Oct. 3 Mon., Oct. 12
 Hanging Baskets / Wed., Oct. 7 - Mon., Oct. 12
 Chrysanthemums / Sat., Oct. 24 - Sun., Nov. 8
 Autumn Green Fair / Sat., Oct. 3 – Mon., Oct. 12
 Various events such as a plant sale and
concerts will be held.
 Junior Project / Sun., Oct. 11 /  11:00am –
noon  1:30pm – 2:30pm
 Gardening Demonstration: Group Planting /
Sun., Oct. 4 / 2:15pm – 3:00pm
 Children’s Museum of Culture and
(5-83 Moto-machi, Naka-ku 730-0011 / 222-5346
/ 9:00am - 5:00pm / Closed on Oct. 5, 13, 14, 19
& 26 / Admission fee for planetarium is required
(see below). /
★ Planetarium ★
 Admission Fee for Planetarium:
Adults-¥510, Seniors & High school students¥250, Junior high & Elementary school
Admission free for high school students on
Saturdays (except on most national holidays
and during school holidays)
Admission fee for adults is ¥250 on the
second Saturday of every month (except on
most national holidays and during school
 Planetarium Autumn Program: Moon and
Stars in Autumn / Sat., Sept. 5 – early Nov. /
Adults-¥510, Seniors & High school
Tue.-Fri.  9:50am  11:00am  1:30pm
 3:00pm
Sat., Sun. & School Holidays
 9:50am  11:00am  1:20pm
 2:40pm  4:00pm
 Different projections will be shown
starting at 4:00pm, every Sunday.
 Planetarium Constellation Projection: “How
does Planetarium Projection Work?” & “Stars
in Autumn” / Sun., Oct. 4, 11, 18 & 25 /
4:00pm - 4:50pm / Adults-¥510, Senior & High
school students-¥250
 Refretarium / Wed., Oct. 7, 21 & 28 /
12:30pm - 12:50pm (Doors will open at 12:20pm.)
/ High school students and up-¥200
 This is a program to refresh your mind and
body during lunch time while watching the
starry sky and listening to music. Although
the main target of this program is adults,
anyone who wishes to rejuvenate
themselves is welcome.
★ Other Events ★
 Exhibition
-Botanical Arts / Sat., Sept. 26 – Mon., Oct.
12 / 9:00am – 5:00pm / 3F, Tenji Hall
-Photo Exhibition: Superb View of Japan
Shot by Drones / Sat., Oct. 31 – Sun., Nov.
15 / 9:00am – 5:00pm / 3F, Tenji Hall
 Craft Workshops / Sun., Oct. 4 & Sat., Oct. 31
/ 1:00pm - 3:30pm / For children under
elementary school entry age, elementary
school students (1st – 3rd grade) and their
guardians / 3F, Kosaku-shitsu (Craft Room) /
Fee: ¥30 for materials
 Each day’s program is different. For more
information, please contact the museum in
 Science Show: Balloons / Mon., Oct. 12 / 
1:30pm - 2:00pm  3:00pm - 3:30pm / 1F,
Science Studio / Fee: Free
 The events listed below require advanced
To APPLY: Send an ofuku-hagaki (pre-paid
reply postcard) to the museum, postmarked by
each event’s application deadline with the
following information: applicants’ names,
address, telephone number, grade and the
event name and time you wish to attend.
Science Workshops
-Nature Observation at Mt. Futaba / 二葉山の
し ぜ ん かんさつ
自然観察 ~シリブカガシの森へ行こう~
(“Futaba-yama no shizen kansatsu
~shiribukagashi no mori e ikou~”) / Sun., Nov.
1 / 10:00am - 12:30pm / For elementary
school students / Fee: ¥300 / Closing date for
applications: Sun., Oct. 18
 20 people will
be selected at random by a drawing of names.
-Working with Electricity: Make Something
Sparkle with All the Colors of the Rainbow /
で ん し こうさく
(“Kimi mo gijutsuhsa : Denshi kosaku
<Nijiiro ni hikaru object>”) / Sun., Nov. 8 /
9:30am - noon / For elementary (3rd – 6th
grade) and junior high school students / Fee:
¥1,200 / Closing date for applications: Sun.,
Oct. 25
 16 people will be selected at
random by a drawing of names.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
Craft Workshops:
 Measuring Physical Fitness Event / Sat., Oct.
-Wood Craft Workshop / こども木工 教 室
(“Kodomo mokko kyoshitsu”) / Sun., Nov. 1 /
9:30am - 3:30pm / For elementary (3rd – 6th
grade) & junior high school students / Fee:
¥1,000 / Closing date for applications: Sun.,
Oct. 18  12 people will be selected at
random by a drawing of names.
-Make a Cloisonné Metal Wall Decoration /
しっぽう や
七宝焼きの壁飾り (“Shippo-yaki no
kabekazari”) / Tue., Nov. 3 / 9:30am - 3:30pm
/ For elementary (3rd – 6th grade) & junior high
school students / Fee: ¥1,000 / Closing date
for applications: Tue., Oct. 20  12 people
will be selected at random by a drawing of
-Craft Workshop for Adults: Clay Art Flower /
大人の創作 教 室 :パンフラワー (“Otona no
sosaku kyoshitsu: pan flower”) / Fri., Nov. 13 /
9:30am - noon / For High school students and
up / Fee: ¥2,000 / Closing date for
applications: Fri., Oct. 30  12 people will
be selected at random by a drawing of names.
 Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park
(Asa-cho Dobutsuen, Asakita-ku 731-3355 / 8381111 / 9:00am - 4:30pm / Open every day in
October / Adults-¥510, Seniors & High school
students- ¥170, Junior high & Elementary
school students-Free /
 Asa Zoo & Miyaji-Marine (Miyajima Public
Aquarium) Collaborative Event: “Links of
Life” Stamp Rally / Mon., Jul. 13 – Mon., Nov.
30 /
 An original badge can be received if you
get stamps at the zoo and the aquarium.
There are three types of badges.
 Exhibition: Animals on the Red List / Until
Sun., Oct. 25 / Dobutsu Kagakukan, 1F
 48 animals which are listed on “Red Data
Book Hiroshima 2011” will be introduced.
 Backyard Guide Tour / Sat., Oct. 3, 10, 17,
24 & 31 /  11:00am  1:30pm / Please
gather near the entrance at 9:00am on each
activity day. The first 10 - 40 people can
participate. The number of participants will
differ depending on where you visit. We will
explore a different place on each trip.
 Zoo Café ~ Animal Lecture by Zoo Keepers ~
/ Sun., Oct. 4, 11, 18 & 25 / 1:00pm – 1:30pm
 Butter-making / Sat., Oct. 10 / 10:00am –
noon / Participation Fee: ¥100  The first
150 people will be accepted on the day of.
17 / 10:00am - 12:30pm (applications will be
accepted by noon.) / For elementary school
students and up
 The first 300 people will be accepted on
the day of.
 Halloween at the Zoo / Sat., Oct. 24 /
9:00am - 4:00pm
 Zoo shop’s discount coupons will be given
to visitors wearing face paint on the day of.
 Face paint corner will also be set up
(10:00am - noon).
 Sweet Potato-digging / Sat., Oct. 31 /
11:00am – noon  The first 50 people will
be accepted from 10:45am on the day of.
 Let’s dig fresh sweet potatoes for animals!
Giant Salamander Facility Tour / Sat., Oct. 31
/ 11:00am – 11:45am
 The first 20 people will be accepted for
participation on the day of.
 Numaji Transportation Museum
(Hiroshima City Transportation Museum)
(2-12-2 Chorakuji, Asaminami-ku 731-0143 /
878-6211 / 9:00am - 5:00pm / Closed: Oct. 5,
13, 14, 19 & 26 / Adults-¥510, Seniors & High
school students-¥250, Junior high school
students or younger-Free /
 Autumn Special Exhibition: History of the
Motorcycle Race / Thu., Oct. 15 – Sun., Nov.
29 / Fee: Admission fee for the museum
Events Related to the Special Exhibition
-Balance Practice with a Run Bike / Sat., Oct.
24 & Sun., Oct. 25 /  10:00am – noon 
1:30pm – 3:30pm / For children 2-5 years old
who cannot ride a bicycle (they must be
accompanied by their guardians.) / Okugai
Hiroba (this will be held at Tamokuteki Hall if
it rains.) / Fee: Free
 Participants should wear a long-sleeved
shirt, long pants and sports shoes.
 Science Show: Reflexes / Oct. 10 (Sat.), 11
(Sun.) & 12 (Mon.) /  11:30am – 11:50pm
 1:30pm – 1:50pm  2:30pm – 2:50pm / 1F,
Tamokuteki Hall / Fee: Free
 Vehicle Land: Playing with Toy Vehicles /
Sat., Oct. 17 & Sun., Oct. 18 / 1:00pm –
3:45pm / 1F, Tamokuteki Hall / Fee: Free
 Exhibition on a Streetcar Exposed to the
A-Bomb / Sat., Oct. 17 /  11:00am - noon
 1:30pm - 3:00pm / Okugai Hiroba (outdoor
open space) / Fee: Free  Exhibition will be
canceled if it rains.
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Children’s Craft Workshops / Oct. 4 (Sun.),
11 (Sun.), 12 (Mon.), 18 (Sun.) & 25 (Sun.) /
1:00pm - 3:30pm / For preschoolers,
elementary school students and their
guardians / 1F, Craft Room / Fee: ¥50 for
materials  The first 100 groups will be
accepted on the day of.
 Craft Workshop for Elementary School
Students: Vehicle Town / Sat., Oct. 17 /
1:00pm – 4:00pm / 1F, Craft Room / For
elementary school students (1st – 4th grade
students should be accompanied by their
guardians.) / Fee: ¥500 for materials
TO APPLY: Send an ofuku-hagaki (pre-paid
and reply postcard) with applicant’s name,
address, telephone number, name of the
school you belong to, grade and the workshop
name 小 学生工作 教 室 (“Shogakusei
kousaku kyoushitsu”) to the museum by Wed.,
Oct. 7. 20 people will be selected at random
by a drawing of names.
 Hiroshima City Ebayama Museum of
(1-40-1 Eba-minami, Naka-ku 730-0835 /
231-0177 / 9:00am - 5:00pm / Closed on
Mondays (except Oct. 12) & Oct. 13 /
Adults-¥100, Seniors & High school
students-¥50, Junior high & Elementary school
students-Free (Admission free for high school
students on Saturdays except during school
holidays) / http://www.ebayama.jp/)
 Science Show /  1:30pm - 2:00pm  3:00pm
- 3:30pm / 2F, Science Studio / Fee: Free
-Science Magic / Oct. 4 (Sun.), 10 (Sat.), 11
(Sun.) & 12 (Mon.)
-The World of 196 Degrees below Zero / Oct.
18 (Sun.), 24 (Sat.), 25 (Sun.) & 31 (Sat.)
 Science Workshop / 1:00pm – 3:30pm / For
junior high school students and under / 2F,
Orientation Room  The first 50 people will
be accepted for each workshop from 10:00am
on the day of.
-Bubble Bath Additive / Sat., Oct. 3 / Fee:
¥100 for materials
-Paper Chromatography Message Card / Sat.,
Oct. 17 / Fee: ¥80 for materials
 Nature Science: Nature of Mt. Ebayama /
Sun., Oct. 25 / 2:00pm – 3:30pm /
Participation Fee: ¥50
 The first 50 people will be accepted from
10:00am on the day of.
 Elementary school students and under
should be accompanied by their guardians.
 This event will be held inside the museum if
there is bad weather.
 Hiroshima City Museum of
History and Traditional Crafts
(2-6-20 Ujina-miyuki, Minami-ku 734-0015 /
253-6771 / 9:00am - 5:00pm / Closed on
Mondays (except Oct. 12) & Oct. 13 /
Adults-¥100, Seniors & High school students-¥50,
Junior high school students and younger-Free /
 Special Exhibitions
-Life in the Past / Sat., Sept. 5 – Sun., Dec. 6
-Hiroshima Citizens and War / Sat., Oct. 17 –
Mon., Jan. 11
 Workshops, etc.
 Field Work: History of Ujina / Sat., Oct. 17/
1:00pm - 4:00pm / Ujina area / Elementary
school students and up
 Elementary school students should be
accompanied by their guardians. /
Participation Fee: ¥50 (for insurance)
 Applications will be accepted by phone
or fax between Oct. 1 and 4. 20 people
will be selected at random by a drawing of
 Field Work for Adults: Walking the
Flowing Path of “Hirataya-gawa” Canal /
Sat., Nov. 14 / 9:00am - noon / From
Hatchobori to the west side of Miyuki-bashi
Bridge / 18 years old and up / Participation
Fee: ¥50 (for insurance)
 Applications will be accepted by phone
or fax between Oct. 1 and 4. 20 people
will be selected at random by a drawing of
 “Hirataya-gawa” is a canal which used to
flow through the center of Hiroshima City.
 Make a Dagashi (molded confection) / Tue.,
Nov. 3 / 10:00am - 4:00pm / Fee: Free
 May require a participation fee.
 Museum admission is free on Nov. 3
because it’s Cultural Day.
 Make a Dragonfly-shaped Ornament with
Mizuhiki (red-and-white string) / Fri., Dec.
4 / 10:00am - noon / For 18 years old and up
/ Fee: ¥500
 Applications will be accepted by phone or
fax between Nov. 1 and Nov. 5. 20 people
will be selected at random by a drawing of
 Make a Christmas Card / Sat., Dec. 12 /
1:00pm - 3:00pm / Elementary school
students and their guardians / Fee: ¥200
(Admission fee for the museum is also
 Applications will be accepted by phone or
fax between Nov. 1 and 5. 10 groups will
be selected at random by a drawing of
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Hiroshima City Cinematographic and
Audio-Visual Library
(3-1 Moto-machi, Naka-ku 730-0011 / 223-3525
/ 10:00am - 8:00pm (Tue.-Sat.), 10:00am 5:00pm (Sun., national holidays & August 6) /
Closed on Mondays (except Oct. 12) & Oct. 13 /
35mm Film Showings ⇒Adults-¥510, Seniors &
High school students-¥250, Junior high school
students or younger-Free; Other Film Showings
⇒Adults-¥380, Seniors & High school students
-¥180, Junior high school students or younger
–Free, Admission free for foreign students
(Please show your student ID or the Hiroshima
International Center Complimentary Pass.) /
 Admission fee will be free for people born
after 1989 (Heisei Period) in October.
Identification showing your date of birth is
 October Special Showings of Masterpieces of
Japanese Film: Kyoko Heya, an Art Director
(Screened in Japanese only)
 Fri., Oct. 16 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Soredemo boku wa yattenai / それでもボク
はやってない (2007, Fuji Television, Altamira
Pictures, 143 min., color) / Director: Masayuki Suō
/ Art Director: Kyoko Heya / Cast: Ryo Kase, Asaka
Seto, Koji Yakusho, Koji Yamamoto
 Sat., Oct. 17 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Totsunyu-seyo! Asama sanso jiken / 突入せ
よ!あさま山荘事件 (2002, Asama Sanso Jiken
Seisaku Iinkai, 134 min., color) / Director: Masato
Harada / Art Director: Kyoko Heya / Cast: Koji
Yakusho, Ryudo Uzaki, Masato Ibu, Kosuke Toyohara
 Sun., Oct. 18 /  10:30am  2:00pm
Mibu gishiden / 壬生義士伝 (2003, Shochiku, TV
Tokyo, TV Osaka, Dentsu, Eisei Gekijo, 137 min.,
color) / Director: Yojiro Takita / Art Director: Kyoko
Heya / Cast: Kiichi Nakai, Koichi Sato, Yui
Natsukawa, Miki Nakatani
 Fri., Oct. 23 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Yogisha X no kenshin / 容疑者Xの献身 (2008,
Fuji Television, Amuse, S.D.P, FNS27-sha, 128 min.,
color) / Director: Hiroshi Nishitani / Art Director:
Kyoko Heya / Cast: Masaharu Fukuyama, Kou
Shibasaki, Yasuko Matsuyuki, Shinichi Tsutsumi
 Admission Fee:
Adults-¥510, Seniors (65 years old and up) &
High school students-¥250, Junior high &
Elementary school students-Free
 Sat., Oct. 10, 17, 24 & 31: admission free
for high school students
 Sat., Oct. 24 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Hanamizuki / ハナミズキ (2010, “Hanamizuki”
 Fri., Oct. 9 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Ojuken / お受験 (1999, Shochiku, Kadokawa
color) / Director: Ryuichi Hiroki / Art Director:
Kyoko Heya / Cast: Masaki Okada, Yu Aoi, Keisuke
Koide, Akira Emoto
Shoten, Eisei Gekijo, 114 min., color) / Director:
Yojiro Takita / Art Director: Kyoko Heya / Cast:
Eikichi Yazawa, Yuko Tanaka, Masahiko Nishimura,
Ren Osugi
 Sat., Oct. 10 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Onmyoji / 陰陽師 (2001, Tohoku Shinsha, TBS,
Dentsu, Kadokawa Shoten, Toho, 116 min., color) /
Director: Yojiro Takita / Art Director: Kyoko Heya /
Cast: Mansai Nomura, Hideaki Ito, Hiroyuki Sanada,
Kyoko Koizumi
 Sun., Oct. 11 /  10:30am  2:00pm
Onmyoji II / 陰陽師Ⅱ (2003, Tohoku Shinsha,
Kadokawa Shoten, Toho, Dentsu, TBS, MBS, 115
min., color) / Director: Yojiro Takita / Art Director:
Kyoko Heya / Cast: Mansai Nomura, Hideaki Ito,
Kiichi Nakai, Kyoko Fukada
 Mon., Oct. 12 /  10:30am  2:00pm
Sugar & spice: fumi zekka / シュガー&スパイ
ス 風味絶佳 (2006, Fuji Television, S.D.P., Toho,
125 min., color) / Director: Isao Nakae / Art
Director: Kyoko Heya / Cast: Yuya Yagira, Erika
Sawajiri, Yo Oizumi, Gaku Hamada
Seisaku Iinkai, 128 min., color) / Director: Hiroyasu
Doi / Art Director: Kyoko Heya / Cast: Yui Aragaki,
Toma Ikuta, Misako Renbutsu, ARATA
 Fri., Oct. 30 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Raiō / 雷桜 (2010, “Raiō” Seisaku Iinkai, 133 min.,
 Sat., Oct. 31 /  10:30am  2:00pm  6:00pm
Tenchi meisatsu / 天地明察 (2012, “Tenchi
meisatsu” Seisaku Iinkai, 141 min., color) /
Director: Yojiro Takita / Art Director: Kyoko Heya /
Cast: Junichi Okada, Aoi Miyazaki, Ryuta Sato,
Ittoku Kishibe
 Family Theater
(Animated Films are in Japanese only)
 Admission Fee:
Adults-¥380, Seniors (65 years old and up) &
High school students-¥180, Junior high &
Elementary school students-Free
 Sun., Oct. 25 /  10:30am  2:00pm
Momo eno tegami / ももへの手紙 (2012,
“Momo eno tegami” Seisaku Iinkai, 121 min., color)
/ Director & Writing Credits: Hiroyuki Okiura /
Voice actor: Karen Miyama, Yuka, Toshiyuki Nishida,
Koichi Yamadera
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
 Bunjinga ~ Taiga, Buson, Gyokudo, Mokubei
& Chikuden ~ / 文人画~大雅・蕪村・玉堂・木
 Korea Week in Hiroshima
(Screened in original language with Japanese
 Oct. 14 (Wed.) /  2:00pm  6:00pm
Oct. 15 (Thu.) /  10:30am  2:00pm
 Admission Fee: Free
 Fri., Oct. 2 /  2:00pm  6:00pm
방황하는 칼날 / Broken (2014, Korea, 122 min.,
color) / Director: Jeong-ho Lee / Cast: Jae-yeong
Jeong, Sung-min Lee, Jun-Yeong Seo, Ju-Seung Lee,
Soo-Bin Lee
 Sat., Oct. 3 /  2:00pm  6:00pm
베를린 / The Berlin File (2013, Korea, 120 min.,
color) / Director: Seung-wan Ryoo / Cast: Jung-woo
Ha, Suk-kyu Han, Ji-hyun Jun, Seung-beom Ryu
 Sun., Oct. 4 /  10:30am  2:00pm
7 번방의 선물 / Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2013,
Korea, 127 min., color) / Director: Hwan-kyung Lee
/ Cast: Seung-ryong Ryu, Shin-Hye Park, So Won Kal,
Jin-yeong Jeong, Dal-su Oh
 Wed., Oct. 7 /  2:00pm  6:00pm
페어 러브 / The Fair Love (2010, Korea, 117 min.,
color) / Director: Yeon-Shick Shin / Cast: Sung-kee
Ahn, Ha-na Lee, Jong-ryeol Choi, In-na Yoo, Byeol
 Thu., Oct. 8 /  2:00pm  6:00pm
소녀 / Steel Cold Winter (2013, Korea, 113 min.,
3 films, 84 min.
 Maeda Seison to nihonga no nagare / 前田
 Yokoyama Taikan / 横山大観
 Umehara Ryuzaburo ~ Beijing ~ / 梅原
 Oct. 21 (Wed.) /  2:00pm  6:00pm
Oct. 22 (Thu.) /  10:30am  2:00pm
4 films, 91 min.
 Fujisan no shizenshi / 富士山の自然誌
 Sekai isan series Yakushima / 世界遺産シリ
ーズ 屋久島
 Sekai isan series Shirakawago, Gokayama
no gassho-zukuri shuraku / 世界遺産シリー
ズ 白川郷・五箇山の合掌造り集落
 Sekai isan series Shirakami-sanchi / 世界遺
産シリーズ 白神山地
 Oct. 29 (Thu.) /  10:30am  2:00pm
2 films, 70 min.
 Mori Ogai / 森鴎外
 Takasebune / 高瀬舟
color) / Director: Jin-sung Choi / Cast: Shi-hoo Kim,
Yoon-hye Kim, Chang-gil Moon, Hee-joon Oh
 Record Concert
 The Magic of Opera 11: Otello (by G. Verdi)
DATE: Sat., Oct. 24
TIME: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
LECTURER: Ms. Sayaka Yoshinaga (Vocalist,
opera researcher)
 International Animation Day 2015 in
 Screened in original language
DATE: Wed., Oct. 28
TIME:  2:00pm  6:00pm
 Prize-winning films of Hiroshima
International Animation Festival will be
 Culture Film Screening / Adults-¥380,
Seniors (65 years old and older) & High school
students-¥180, Junior high & Elementary
school students-Free
 Screened in Japanese only
 Oct. 1 (Thu.) /  10:30am  2:00pm
3 films, 78 min.
 Emaki / 絵巻
 Nihon no kokoro Ukiyoe / 日本のこころ
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
October 2015
Recommended Books for This Month
Sushi & Beyond:
What the Japanese Know about Cooking
Michael Booth (Vintage Books, 2010)
A Fork in the Road:
Tales of Food, Pleasure & Discovery on the Road
Edited by James Oseland (Lonely Planet Publications, 2013)
The Lizard Cage
By Karen Connelly (Nan A. Talese / Doubleday, c2005)
The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
By Gregory Maguire, Illustrations by Douglas Smith (Harper, 2007)
Cry, the Beloved Country
By Alan Paton (Vintage, 2002)
What other books should we add to our collection? Your suggestions are always welcome!
Library Corner
LOCATION: International Conference Center Hiroshima (ICCH), 1st Floor
T E L L : (082)247-9715
H O U R S : 9:00 am – 7:00 pm (From April 1 to September 30)
9:00 am – 6:00 pm (From October 1 to March 31)
C L O S E D : December 29th through January 3rd
Up to three books may be borrowed for a two-week period. To obtain an ICCH Library
Card, you need to bring identification which has your address, and for foreign
residents, your period of stay in Japan. (A Japanese driver’s license, student
identification card, passport or resident card is an acceptable form of identification.)
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
こ ん げ つ
さ べ つ
ルポ 差別と貧困の外国人労働者
安田 浩一/著 (光文社,2010年)
に ほ ん ご
きょういく げ ん ば
日本語が話せないお友だちを迎えて:~国際化する教育現場からの Q&A~
と し あき
河原 俊昭/編・著,山本 忠行/編・著,野山 広 /編・著
のぶ ゆき
さ ち え
ゆ き お
今澤 悌 /著,辻 伸幸/著,宮崎 幸江/著,善元 幸夫/著 (くろしお出版 ,2010年)
がいこくじん じ ど う せ い と
し え ん
齋藤 ひろみ/編著
うち だ
のり こ
はな じ ま
けん じ
ぼん じ ん し ゃ
今澤 悌 /著,内田 紀子/著,花島 健司/著 (凡人社,2011年)
た ぶ ん か きょうせい
じ て ん
かいて いばん
た ぶ ん か きょうせい
じ て ん へんしゅう い い ん か い
あ か し しょてん
多文化共生キーワード事典編集委員会/編 (明石書店,2010年)
りゅうがくせい し え ん
な が い
永井 弘行/著 (セルバ出版 ,2010年)
と し ょ
よう ぼう
き がる
ひ ろ し ま こ く さ い か い ぎ じょう
へ い わ き ね ん こうえんない
所: 広島国際会議場1F・国際 交 流 ラウンジ(平和記念公園内)
TEL (082)247-9715
かいかん じ か ん
9:00am - 7:00pm (4月1日から 9月30日まで)
9:00am - 6:00pm (10月1日から 3月31日まで)
休 館 日: 12月29日~1月3日
出: 図書は 2 週 間 を期限として、1回3冊まで借りることができます。
ざいりゅう き か ん
初めて利用する際には、住 所 や 在 留 期間(外国人の方)を 証 明 するもの(運転 免 許 証・
学 生 証 ・パスポート・ 在 留 カードなど)を提示して下さい。
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
October 2015
What is Trio-Phone?
Trio-Phone Service allows three people to have a conversation at the same time
through the telephone. If you are having difficulties communicating in
Japanese, call the International Exchange Lounge (082-247-9715). A volunteer
interpreter will help you through the Trio-Phone Service!
Please help me. I don’t
understand Japanese
very well, so I can hardly
understand what this
person is saying!
Volunteer Interpreter
 Languages Available
Chinese, Korean, Portuguese,
Spanish and other languages
OK! Let’s find a volunteer
that understands both
Japanese and your
mother language.
Would you please help him?
He is having trouble
understanding Japanese.
International Exchange Lounge (Available in English)
TEL: 082-247-9715
OPEN:9:00am – 7:00pm (April 1 – September 30)
9:00am – 6:00pm (October 1 – March 31)
CLOSED: December 29 through January 3
[For more information]
Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
International Exchange Lounge
TEL: 082-247-9715 FAX: 082-242-7452
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
International Relations & Cooperation Division
TEL: 082-242-8879 FAX: 082-242-7452
E-mail: internat@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
HP: http://www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/ircd
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
Winter 2015-2016
た げ ん ご
にん ど う じ
に ほ ん ご
がいこくじん し み ん
国際 交 流 ラウンジに電話をすれば、ボランティア通訳者を通じて、
ぼ こ く ご
~について知 りたいので
に ほ ん ご
こくさい こうりゅう
国際 交 流 ラウンジ(英語でもお話しできます)
かいかん じ か ん
きゅうかん び
休 館 日:12月29日~1月3日
ひろしまへい わ ぶ ん か
(公財) 広島平和文化センター
ひろ しま し なか く なか じまちょう
ひろ しま こく さい かい ぎ じょうない
〒730-0811 広島市中区中島 町 1-5(広島国際会議 場 内)
国際 交 流 ラウンジ
E メール:golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
きょうりょく か
国際部 国際 交 流 ・ 協 力 課
TEL:082-242-8879 FAX:082-242-7452
HP: http://www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/ircd/
E メール:internat@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
Winter 2015-2016
Garbage Disposal Information
Separate garbage properly and take it to the collection site by 8:30am on the
designated day. Please do NOT take garbage to the site on the night before.
Garbage collection days vary depending on where you live and the category of
the refuse.
For further details, consult your local ward office or your neighbors to
be sure of the proper disposal method.
“Hiroshima 8”, a handbook on how to
separate garbage, and “Hiroshima City Garbage Disposal Guidelines for the 2015
fiscal year”, a garbage chart with schedules of garbage collection days, are
available at ward offices, branch offices and community halls. The Handbook
and Guidelines are translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and
Korean. These are also available at the International Exchange Lounge
(International Conference Center Hiroshima), so please ask the staff if you need
た だ
しゅうしゅう び
してください。ただし、収 集 日の前夜には出さないでください。ごみを出す曜日や日は、
く やくしょ
か く く やくしょ
出 張 所 、公民館において、ごみの正しい出しかたについて書かれたハンドブックやごみ
しゅうしゅう び
の 収 集 日の 表 (英語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語、中国語、ハングル語)を配布してい
ます。また、国際 交 流 ラウンジでも配布していますので、ご希望の方はスタッフまで申し
We have charts for;
 Naka-ku / 中区
 Higashi-ku / 東区
 Nishi-ku / 西区
 Minami-ku / 南区
 Asaminami-ku / 安佐南区
 Asakita-ku / 安佐北区
 Aki-ku / 安芸区
 Saeki-ku / 佐伯区
Please feel free to contact the International Exchange Lounge at 082-247-9715.
E-mail: golounge@pcf.city.hiroshima.jp
Winter 2015-2016