j une 12-14 - Oxy Alumni


j une 12-14 - Oxy Alumni
june 12-14
june 12-14
Join us for
Alumni Reunion Weekend!
Dear Tiger,
On behalf of the Occidental College Alumni Association,
I am honored and delighted to invite you to Alumni
Reunion Weekend 2015. This is a chance for you to
reunite with Oxy friends old and new, relive college
memories and see what’s been happening here since
you graduated. As we celebrate alumni reunions,
we also celebrate your personal and professional
accomplishments since walking across that stage at the
Hillside Theater.
Things kick off on Friday with a day of unique activities
including lectures and discussions on cutting-edge
topics and VIP tours on campus and around Los Angeles.
Top that off with our Oxy Throwback Bash on Friday
night, the perfect party to journey (look at the schedule
— you’ll get the pun) back in time, no matter what year
you graduated. Saturday starts bright and early (nothing
a bit of coffee won’t cure) with another full day of diverse
activities the discerning liberal arts graduate is sure to
appreciate. Of course, the Reunion Dinners are always
a major highlight. Class committees have been hard at
work planning stellar events showcasing some of our
favorite spots on campus. Add the All-Class Reception
with class photos, and the after-party where you’ll dance
the night away — a full night of Tiger merriment that’s
not to be missed. On Sunday, we honor our Fifty Year
Club with activities open to all alumni that honor the
College’s proud past and exciting future.
As you can see from the schedule, this year’s Alumni
Reunion Weekend is jam-packed with festivities for the
whole family. Your inspiring connection to Oxy is what
will make the weekend special, and it just wouldn’t be
the same without you. I hope to see you in June.
Io Triumphe!
Tyler Reich
Assistant Vice President
Alumni and Parent Engagement
june 12-14
Friday, June 12
9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
The Getty Center, Los Angeles
The Autry Museum, Los Angeles –
Empire and Liberty
Oxy has demonstrated a strategic effort
to build collaborative partnerships with
major institutions in the region and has
developed a burgeoning partnership
with the Autry National Center of the
American West. Although there are
exemplary art museums nearby, there is
only one museum devoted to Western
history and culture. The Autry is the
only museum of its kind located in a
major metropolitan center and the only
museum that combines multiple Native
American perspectives with Western
histories and cultures. The Autry’s
collection of more than 500,000 pieces
of art and artifacts is one of the largest
and most significant in the United
Explore one of the world’s most renowned
and memorable cultural institutions:
the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty
Center. The Getty Center houses European
paintings, drawings, sculpture, illuminated
manuscripts, decorative arts, and European
and American photographs. After an
introductory welcome from Center staff,
attendees will be able to explore the
collection and Center on their own.
Whether enjoying the outstanding
collection of art, or just basking in the
beautiful Center grounds and gardens, this
is the perfect way to begin your Alumni
Reunion Weekend.
Chartered bus transportation provided from
campus. Space is limited.
Schedule subject to change.
Complete list of locations will
be provided in final program
available at check-in.
States. Learn more during this intimate,
curator-led tour of its newest exhibition,
Empire and Liberty, the first major
exhibition to illuminate the causes
and legacies of the Civil War through
the lens of Western expansion. This
exclusive, private tour will be led by
Dr. Carolyn Brucken, curator of Western
Women’s History, Autry National Center.
Van transportation provided from campus.
Space is limited.
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Campus Walking Tour
Visit familiar spots and see the many
new building projects on campus.
Tour led by Office of Admission staff.
11:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Lunch available in the Johnson
Student Center/Marketplace
Pay on-site. Cash only.
12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Vance Mueller Golf
Tournament and Dinner
The Vance Mueller Golf Tournament is
back for its 26th year! The annual Oxy
football fundraising tournament will take
place at the Scholl Canyon Golf & Tennis
Club in Glendale. Profits support the
Oxy football program. Registration is at
noon. A dinner and banquet follow at the
clubhouse. The tournament honors Vance
Mueller ’86 P’16, a football and track
star at Oxy who later played for the Los
Angeles Raiders. His son, Shay Mueller ’16,
is a starting defensive back for the current
Tigers football team. Call the Department
of Athletics at (323) 259-2608 for more
information and reservation details.
12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Hard Hat View: Inside the new
Hameetman Career Center
Meet staff members and tour the site of
the new center that will house the Career
Development Center (CDC) and offices of
National Awards and Pre-Law and PreHealth Advising. Join Brett Schraeder, vice
president for strategic initiatives, marketing
and communications, and Valerie Savior,
director of the CDC and pre-law advisor, to
hear how we intend to use our new space
to support student success throughout Oxy
and beyond. Learn about the CDC’s five-year
plan to expand internships and employer
prospects for students and young alumni.
12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Oxy Now ... and Then: A Discussion
about Food Justice
This past semester, retiring Professor
of Urban and Environmental Policy
Bob Gottlieb taught his last class on
food justice. In addition to the onsite Oxy students, the class involved a
grand experiment: Alumni were able to
participate directly as a linked “virtual
class.” Hear about Gottlieb’s research
and long history with and participation
in the food justice movement. The book
he co-authored (Food Justice, MIT Press,
2013) will also be available for sale at
the Oxy bookstore.
1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
VIP TOUR: Warner Bros. Studios
Join other Tigers on this special behindthe-scenes tour. Jeff Grosvenor ’04,
producer and executive VP of development
at Le Train Train Productions, will welcome
you to the Warner Bros.’ lot and provide
an insider’s look at a production office.
You’ll get to see where and how some of
the most memorable moments in film and
television history are created.
It starts with your journey through the
historic Warner Bros. back lot. You’re sure
to recognize these locations from popular
films and television series.
In addition, see Stage 16 — the tallest
sound stage in North America — and walk
on to the set of a hit television show.
Visit the prop departments and browse
a rare collection of costumes, props, sets,
scripts and correspondence in the Warner
Bros. Studio Museum. Space is limited, so
register today to reserve your spot. Those
18 or older must bring photo ID for checkin, and all guests must be at least 8 years
old to take part in the tour.
Chartered bus transportation provided from
campus Space is limited.
Register now at alumni.oxy.edu/reunion
june 12-14
Friday, June 12
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Oxy Sustainability Walking Tour
Join us for this fun and informative tour led
by members of the Oxy Green Tours Team.
The tour will highlight sustainability efforts
including the Urban & Environmental Policy
Institute (UEPI) garden, the solar array, the
bike share program and other exciting green
efforts. Walking shoes recommended.
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Tiger Athletics: An Insider’s View
2015 marks the 100-year anniversary of
the founding of the Southern California
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
(SCIAC). In 1915, Occidental College
was one of five Southern California
founding institutions that combined
for the purpose of promoting and
governing competition in intercollegiate
sports, with the fundamental principle
of encouraging the highest ideals of
amateur sports in an environment
of high academic standards. Today
more than half the Oxy student body
participates in organized athletics,
and more than 7,000 alumni have an
athletics affiliation from their time at
the College. Join Oxy’s Jaime Hoffman,
associate vice president and director
of athletics, for this informative and
important look at today’s athletics
program, department and strategic plan
for the future.
Schedule subject to change.
Complete list of locations will
be provided in final program
available at check-in.
4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Third Los Angeles: Exploring the
“Third Era” of L.A. with Christopher
Join us for this very special event featuring
Christopher Hawthorne, professor of
practice in Oxy’s Urban & Environmental
Policy department and architecture critic
at the Los Angeles Times since 2004. Fresh
from his sold-out spring series, The Third
Los Angeles Project, Hawthorne explores
the history and future of Los Angeles
and how it is slowly moving beyond its
dependence on the car and establishing
a denser, post suburban identity. Before
coming to the Times in 2004, Hawthorne
was architecture critic for Slate and a
frequent contributor to The New York
Times. His work has also appeared in The
New Yorker, Metropolis, Architect, Landscape
Architecture Magazine, and Architectural
Record, among many other publications. In
addition to Occidental, where he directs
the Third Los Angeles Project, he has
taught at Columbia University, UC Berkeley
and the Southern California Institute of
8 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Throwback Bash
Under the Tiger Tent
Reunite and reminisce with all of your
Oxy friends at the Throwback Bash, an
event that will be filled with fabulous
fare, beer and wine. No matter what
year you graduated, we’re sure to
have something for you in our stellar
lineup of activities and entertainment,
featuring fun photo opportunities and a
live concert with Journey Unauthorized.
Rock on!
Christopher Hawthorn
uthorized he
Journey Una rowback Bash.
this ye
Register now at alumni.oxy.edu/reunion
june 12-14
Saturday, June 13
Schedule subject to change.
Complete list of locations will
be provided in final program
available at check-in.
7:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Breakfast available
in the Johnson
Student Center/
Pay on-site.
Cash only.
Meet Ruth Jones,
Oxy’s Title IX
Meet the College’s
full-time Title IX
coordinator, Ruth
Jones. She will provide
a brief overview of the
steps the College has
taken over the past
year to address sexual
misconduct on campus
as well as plans for
the future. There will
be an opportunity
to ask questions.
This session will
be hosted by James
Tranquada, director of
Oxy’s Special Collections:
Cosman Shell Collection
The Dieter Cosman Shell Collection is
a large private collection of gastropod
shells and bivalves generously and
recently gifted to Occidental College
by the Cosman family. Dieter Cosman
P’72 assembled the collection, which
includes more than 100,000 specimens,
with the help of friends and family over
many decades. This rare collection will
provide unique opportunities for student
research, both ecological and molecular,
in the years to come. Highlights of the
collection will be on special display
during Alumni Reunion Weekend. Join
Joseph Schulz, associate professor of
biology, as he explores and explains this
rare collection’s impact on the scientific
community at Oxy and beyond.
Campus Walking Tour
Visit familiar spots and see the
many new building projects on
campus. Tour led by Office of
Admission staff.
8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Tiger Fit Circuit Class
Release your inner
Tiger and join us for
a total body workout,
including strength
training and a campus
run. Pre-registration
required. Space is
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
How Oxy Works in 2015
“How Oxy Works” was the theme of a
series of campus community meetings
held this past year. For Alumni
Reunion Weekend, select members of
the senior administration will share
their perspectives on the interesting
and challenging work of the College,
circa 2015. Marsha Schnirring, chief
of administrative affairs, will facilitate
the conversation.
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
All-Class Clancy’s Lunch
Revisit the Marketplace and Gresham
Dining Hall with a throwback celebration
in tribute to longtime Oxy food director
Clancy Morrison. Enjoy a selection of
tasty salad and entrée options, including
modern-day takes on some of Clancy’s
famed dishes in a no-host all-youcare-to-eat style with a festive setting.
Reconnect with Affinity Groups such
as API (Asian Pacific Islanders), ALOED
(Alumni of Occidental in Education), BAO
(Black Alumni of Occidental), GALA (Gay
and Lesbian Alumni), GOLD (Graduates
of the Last Decade), Hillel, OCEAAN
(Occidental College Entertainment &
Arts Alumni Network), OCLAA (Occidental
College Latino Alumni Association), OCWC
(Occidental College Women’s Club), ORAA
(Occidental Rugby Alumni Association), all
Greek organizations and more!
Pay on-site. Cash only.
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Oxy Special Collections: Inside the
Moore Lab of Zoology Bird Collection
The MLZ was founded at Occidental
College in 1950 by Robert T. Moore.
Moore was the quintessential adventurer,
naturalist, poet, and businessman, in the
mold of Teddy Roosevelt. Moore moved to
California from the East Coast, where he
had obtained his master’s in comparative
literature from Harvard. Following his
lifelong interest in ornithology, Moore
embarked on a mission to put together a
physical record of Mexico’s bird diversity.
Making several trips himself, but mostly
through a professional collector under his
employ, Moore amassed over 50,000 bird
specimens from throughout Mexico. All
specimens were originally housed in Moore’s
Pasadena home before being moved to Oxy,
along with Moore’s personal library.
The Moore Lab collection of birds and
mammals now boasts 62,382 bird and 2,158
mammal specimens, placing it among the
world’s largest research natural history
collections. Committed to open access of
data and specimens to researchers, the lab
is visited often by international researchers.
Join the MLZ’s staff as they give you a rare
insider view of this renowned collection and
its scientific importance.
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
The Liberal Arts Education and
Join Bill Davis ’80, president of Southern
California Public Radio and 2015 Oxy
Alumnus of the Year, and Jim Burns, adviser
to the award-winning Occidental Weekly
for a lively, fun, and interactive discussion.
Among the questions to be discussed:
How does a liberal arts education prepare
students for the competitive world of
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
The Library, The Network and
The Networked Library
No librarian meets a non-librarian these
days without being asked something like
“Libraries are changing a lot, aren’t they?”
Indeed they are, and they are not. In this
presentation, College librarian Bob Kieft
will discuss trends in academic libraries
like Occidental’s and the work he has been
doing to help create regional and national
structures to ensure ongoing and improved
access to materials for teaching, study and
2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Build Your Own Spitz-Wrap
Competition / Oxypreneurship Event
Oxypreneurship, a collaborative
organization of students, faculty,
administrators and alumni professionals
june 12-14
Saturday, June 13
working to create a thriving entrepreneurial
ecosystem at Oxy, invites you to join
Young Alumni Seal Award winners Rob
Wicklund ’05 and Bryce Rademan ’05 for a
wrap-making competition. As founders of
one of Los Angeles’ hottest eateries, Spitz,
Rob and Bryce will judge the culinary
creations of alumni who will compete in
teams. Who knows, the winners’ vision
may even show up on the Spitz menu
someday! The fun will be followed by a
chance to learn more about Oxypreneurship
and ask questions of Wicklund and Rademan
about their short entrepreneurial journey
from Oxy students to acclaimed restaurateurs.
Space is limited.
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Designing the Future of Liberal Arts
The traditional model of liberal arts
education is challenged by rising costs,
student and parent concerns about career
preparedness, and digital means of sharing
knowledge. How can we continue to develop
the most important pedagogical, moral and
social elements of the liberal arts while
addressing access, relevance and new modes
of learning? In this talk, Carey Sargent,
associate director of instruction and research
for Oxy’s Center for Digital Liberal Arts, will
share ideas from her first-year students who
designed “experimental colleges” as a class
project and will ask you, the audience, to draft
some ideas of your own.
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Role of Writers in Our Society: What
Do We Really Value — Material Wealth
or Knowledge?
Alumni Seal Award winner Randy Jurado
Ertll ’95 will speak about the experiences,
motivation and perseverance of being a
writer in today’s society. Can we achieve
Schedule subject to change.
Complete list of locations will
be provided in final program
available at check-in.
social changes through the written word?
What is the price that writers pay to exercise
their freedom of speech? His books will
be available for signings: Hope in Times of
Darkness: A Salvadoran American Experience
(Esperanza en Tiempos de Oscuridad: La
Experiencia de un Salvadoreno Americano), The
Life of an Activist: In the Frontlines 24/7, and
The Lives and Times of El Cipitio. Come explore
the evolution of a newspaper columnist to a
published author.
4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Leadership Giving High Tech
Happy Hour
**By invitation only.
In recognition of their loyal support, members
of Oxy’s premier leadership gift societies
who are celebrating their class reunions and
members of the Ben Culley Society are invited
to a special reception featuring the digital
liberal arts at Occidental.
The Saturday
Night Experience
5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
9 p.m. – 12 a.m.
Class Photos & All-Class Social
Reunion classes will begin their celebration in the
Academic Quad with a cocktail and time to mingle. Individual
class photos will be taken.
Winning Hand Casino Celebration & Dance
Keep the good times rolling under the Tiger Tent!
Continue to catch up with friends and enjoy music, dancing,
fun photo opportunities, gaming tables, throwback arcade
games and prizes. Beer, wine, soft drinks and late-night
snacks will be served.
Please note: The Class of 1965 will begin its celebration and
take the class photo at Keck Theater.
6:45 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Reunion Dinners
Catch up with classmates, enjoy great food and special
programs that highlight your class stories and achievements,
all planned by the class reunion committees. Advance
reservations are required.
Register now at alumni.oxy.edu/reunion
june 12-14
Sunday, June 14
Schedule subject to change.
Complete list of locations will
be provided in final program
available at check-in.
Celebrating the Fifty Year Club
7:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
12 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Breakfast available in the Johnson
Student Center/Marketplace
Pay on-site. Cash only.
Motor Coach Tours of Campus
Take an opportunity to relax and enjoy a
guided tour of the campus by motor coach.
Fifty Year Club Luncheon
The celebration of our new and returning
Fifty Year Club members continues at this
lovely summer luncheon.
8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
60th Reunion Breakfast
Members of the Class of 1955 are invited
to a special 60th reunion breakfast prior
to the Fifty Year Club festivities. Join your
classmates for the start of a wonderful
day of reconnecting and reminiscing.
Fifty Year Club Meeting & Class of 1965
New Member Induction
Jack Shemer ‘62 Honorary Degree
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Honor the Class of 1965 at the Fifty Year
Club annual induction event. Steeped
in tradition and fun, this is an event
you don’t want to miss. This year, the
ceremony will be made all the more
special as the Board of Trustees bestows
an Occidental College honorary degree
upon Jack Shemer ’62.
2 p.m. - 3 p.m
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
All-Class Memorial Service
Reflect on and celebrate the lives of
fellow alumni through an interfaith
service led by Rev. Susan Young, director
of religious and spiritual life.
Town Hall with President Veitch
President Jonathan Veitch will discuss the
current state and future of the College.
Motor Coach Tours of Campus
Take a final opportunity to relax and
receive a guided tour of the campus by
motor coach.
While the faces have changed over the years, the spirit of
tradition and fun continues for the Fifty Year Club.
Register now at alumni.oxy.edu/reunion
Cowperthwaite ’93
Alumni Seal Award for
Professional Achievement
Bill Davis ’80
alumnus of the Year
Bill Davis is the founding president of
Southern California Public Radio (SCPR),
a California-controlled subsidiary of
the American Public Media Group. He
joined SCPR in January 2001. Prior to
his appointment, Davis was senior vice
president for programming at National Public Radio (NPR) in Washington,
D.C., where he directed NPR’s programming divisions: news, cultural
programming, new media and satellite. For 10 years, he served as general
manager of WUNC-FM in Chapel Hill, NC, an NPR-affiliated station licensed
to the University of North Carolina that’s one of the nation’s most-listenedto NPR stations. Prior to joining WUNC, he managed WBFO-FM in Buffalo,
NY, and KALX-FM in Berkeley.
Davis earned a BA from Oxy, an MJ from the Graduate School of Journalism
at UC Berkeley, and an MBA from the Kenan-Flagler School of Business
at UNC-Chapel Hill. While in journalism school, he produced and edited
reports for the statewide news operation at California Public Radio. Davis
currently serves as a member of the Occidental College Board of Trustees.
Gabriela Cowperthwaite rose to prominence
in 2013 after her feature film Blackfish
received universal acclaim from audiences
and critics alike. Over the past 15 years,
Cowperthwaite has established herself as a provocative and informative
storyteller whose work focuses on real people and real situations. An
accomplished, director, writer and producer, Cowperthwaite’s work has
also been featured on major American networks including The National
Geographic Channel, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and ESPN.
Blackfish, which deftly explores the death of a SeaWorld trainer killed by an
orca in 2010, quickly became one of the highest grossing documentaries
of all time, premiering at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival as a Grand Jury
Finalist and subsequently opening in theaters nationwide. It made cable
television history when it premiered on CNN to 60 million viewers, and has
since amassed over 100 million viewers worldwide. In addition to being
shortlisted for an Academy Award, Blackfish was nominated for a BAFTA, a
Broadcast Critics Awards, an International Documentary Association Award
and won the Satellite Award for Best Feature.
Prior to Blackfish, Cowperthwaite directed and produced the awardwinning series Shootout! for The History Channel, which depicts actual
firefights involving United States military personnel. She also produced
and directed the History Channel series Disaster Tech. She wrote, directed
and produced 12 episodes of Animal Nightmares and Fear for The National
Geographic Channel.
Rob Wicklund ’05 and
Bryce Rademan ’05
E r i c a J . M u r r ay ’ 0 1 Y o u n g A l u m n i A w a r d
Andy Beattie ’75
Alumni Seal Award for Service to the College
Andy Beattie had a long career in the
clothing and fashion industry, and was
most recently senior vice president
of Strategic Partners Inc., heading its
classroom school uniform division.
A staunch Democrat, Beattie
volunteered for the White House
advance office, traveling with Presidents
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ’83 and
visiting Baghdad, Seoul and Warsaw. Beattie was an active community
volunteer as a public safety commissioner, and past president of the
La Cañada High School Spartan Boosters Club and the La Canada
Flintridge School Board.
There was no truer Tiger than Beattie. He served as a resident advisor
and head resident as a political science major, developing many lifelong
friendships. As an alumnus, he supported Oxy athletics and was a
longtime member and former president of the Alumni Association Board
of Governors and the Alumni Council.
Beattie passed away on July 27, 2014, in La Cañada and is survived by his
wife, Kim, and three daughters. An opportunity to honor Beattie’s legacy
will be planned on Saturday.
Bryce Rademan ‘05 and Rob Wicklund ‘05 founded Spitz in 2005 after Bryce
discovered Döner Kebab in Madrid, Spain, as part of Occidental College’s study
abroad program. Realizing the potential of this billion-dollar European street food
industry in the U.S., Rademan and Wicklund centered their business plan on being
the first to bring döner kebab to American consumers on a commercial scale.
The result was Spitz – Home of the Döner Kebab, an innovative restaurant
concept that elevated the popular European street food to emphasize Californian
freshness, taste and quality.
Two weeks after graduating from Occidental, the pair leased the space for their
first location in Eagle Rock, just a mile from the college. Three more restaurants in
Los Angeles quickly followed. Then, in 2013, the pair opened their first franchised
location in Salt Lake City, Utah – recently named “Best New Restaurant of the Year”
with a front-page Salt Lake Tribune food review. A second location in Salt Lake City
will open this year along with another location in L.A. and their first Midwestern
franchise in Minneapolis.
Throughout the course of their
business’ growth, Rademan and
Wicklund have remained firmly
rooted in the Occidental College
community. They regularly attend
and cater events, serve as alumni
advisors to the Occidental chapter of
their fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
and work closely with the Oxy Career
Development Center to promote
entrepreneurship and alumni
involvement on campus.
Bryce Rademan ’05
Rob Wicklund ’05
Randy Jurado Ertll ’95
Alumni Seal Award for Service to the Community
Randy Jurado Ertll formerly served as
communications director/legislative assistant
on Capitol Hill to former U.S. Rep. Hilda Solis.
He is the co-founder and currently serves as
the executive director for the California Latino
Environmental Advocacy Network (CLEAN). It
is the first Latino-founded and -led, statewide,
environmental protection nonprofit. He also
teaches at various public school districts.
He is a newspaper columnist and has published op-eds in the Los Angeles
Times, La Opinión, Daily News, Houston Chronicle, La Prensa Grafica, The
Progressive Magazine, Pasadena Star-News, Pasadena Weekly and many other
newspapers throughout the United States, El Salvador, Mexico and Canada. He
has been interviewed by networks and other media outlets such as NPR, CNN,
PBS, AFP, EFE, AP, BBC, Christian Science Monitor, Univisión, and Telemundo.
He has published three nonfiction books through Rowman & Littlefield
Publishing Group. Book titles are Hope in Times of Darkness: A Salvadoran
American Experience, Esperanza en Tiempos de Oscuridad: La Experiencia de
un Salvadoreno Americano, and The Life of an Activist: In the Frontlines 24/7.
He recently published his first novel titled The Lives and Times of El Cipitio.
He is a proud Oxy alumnus and obtained his master’s degree from Azusa
Pacific University.
Advance registration is required.
Registration deadline – May 15
Registrations received after May 15
will incur an additional charge of $30.
Register online by visiting
If you have any questions, contact
the Office of Alumni and Parent
Engagement at (323) 259-2601.
To register by mail, complete and
return the included registration form
with payment to:
Occidental College
Office of Alumni and Parent
1600 Campus Road, M-11
Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314
All online registrations will receive
a confirmation number. We cannot
guarantee Friday or Saturday evening
event reservations received after May 29.
Cancellations will be accepted with full
refunds, minus a $15 non-refundable
cancellation fee, until May 29. No
refunds will be offered after May 29.
Contact the Office of Alumni and Parent
Engagement at (323) 259-2601 or
alumni@oxy.edu for more information
and assistance.
required by May 29. Contact the Office of
Alumni and Parent Engagement at (323)
259-2601 or alumni@oxy.edu.
Location: Mullin entrance
(at Alumni Drive, below Gillman Fountain)
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to Noon
Child care services are available (with
advance reservations) for children
ages 5-12 from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on
Friday and from 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
on Saturday. The price per child is $40
per evening. Advance reservations are
june 12-14
Occidental’s newest, largest and most popular dormitory was
formally dedicated as Berkus Hall in recognition of a $5 million
gift from David ’62 and Kathleen Berkus and their family to create
a new technology endowment.
Alumni are welcome to stay in residence halls during Alumni
Reunion Weekend. Rooms will be available starting Thursday,
June 11. Each room will be outfitted with single beds, sheets,
pillow, blankets and towels. We remind you that these are
residence halls — please bring your own toiletries. You may
pick up your key only during check-in hours listed to the right.
Reservations and payment for dorm rooms should be made as
part of your registration process (online or via the enclosed form).
Rooms are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you plan
to arrive after registration hours, please contact the Office of
Alumni and Parent Engagement at (323) 259-2601 or alumni@
oxy.edu before June 5.
Thursday, June 11
Noon to 5 p.m.
Samuelson Alumni Center
Friday, June 12
8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Check-In Canopy
Saturday, June 13
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Check-In Canopy
Residence Hall Locations
Fifty Year Club 1965
Berkus Hall
Berkus Hall
Berkus Hall
Newcomb Hall
Newcomb Hall
Haines Hall
Haines Hall
Haines Hall
Wylie Hall
Wylie Hall
Wylie Hall
All rooms must be
vacated by 3 p.m.
on the day of
Register now at alumni.oxy.edu/reunion
For alumni who would prefer off-campus accommodations, a limited block of special-rate rooms have been
reserved at the following hotels. For further information and reservations:
Courtyard by Marriott, Old Town Pasadena
180 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 403-7600
Embassy Suites Glendale
800 N. Central Ave.
Glendale, CA 91203
Special Alumni Reunion Weekend rate:
$159/night ($17 per night parking),
plus taxes
Special Alumni Reunion Weekend rate:
$149/night single occupancy, $169/night
double occupancy (includes breakfast,
evening management reception and $5
discounted overnight parking), plus taxes
Rate offered from June 11 through 13 (check
out June 14); must be booked by May 29
Group Code: OCA
Rate offered from June 11 through 13
(check out June 14); must be booked
by May 21
Group Code: OCAS
Hilton Glendale,
Hotel & Executive Meeting Center
100 W. Glenoaks Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 551-4039, ask for sales department
Special Alumni Reunion Weekend rate:
$149/night single/double occupancy, $159/
night triple occupancy, $169 quad (includes
breakfast and discounted $10 self-parking),
plus taxes
Rate offered from June 11 through 13 (check
out June 14); must be booked by May 28
Group Code: ALUMNI
More hotel information may be found
at alumni.oxy.edu.
For more information, to communicate dietary restrictions or for questions
about accessibility, contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement
at (323) 259-2601 or alumni@oxy.edu.
Oxy’s 1-megawatt ground-mounted solar array
is one of the largest of its kind in Los Angeles.
It generates approximately 11 percent of the
College’s annual electrical usage and saves an
estimated $250,000 a year.
s you join your classmates to mark a postcollegiate milestone, we hope you will be
inspired to support the Oxy Annual Fund.
Your gift to the Annual Fund will support
the College’s areas of greatest need, including
scholarship support. While a student, you
enjoyed an Oxy experience provided, in part, by
those who came before you. Now, as an alum,
we ask you to continue the tradition of giving
back by providing today’s scholars access to an
exceptional Oxy education.
Another wonderful way to honor your reunion
milestone and form a lasting legacy is through
the creation of a bequest, annuity or trust. If
you have already included the College in your
estate plans, please let us know so that we may
welcome you as a member of the Ben Culley
Society. Your gift intention will be counted
toward your class reunion giving goal.
Invest in Oxy students by making your gift today!
Oxy’s entrance has sprouted anew,
exhibiting the beauty found throughout
the campus. Check in here during
Alumni Reunion Weekend and take a tour
describing the sustainability benefits of
this new outdoor space on campus.
june 12-14
1600 Campus Road M-11
Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314
Return Service Requested
Join your classmates
for a memorable