Changes made in nuisance laws
Changes made in nuisance laws
➤ PLAN AHEAD: See our Calendar of Events. SEE PAGE 2 THE ENTERPRISE JEANERETTE Jeanerette, Louisiana • Wednesday, April 18, 2007 64th Year • Number 52 25 Cents Changes made in nuisance laws Ordinance allows for easier enforcement By Karma Champagne The Jeanerette Enterprise A supplement to the current nuisance abatement ordinance recently approved by the board of aldermen will clear the way for easier enforce- ment of laws. The ordinance will provide for problems with junk yards, tall grass, abandon vehicles and abandoned buildings to be addressed in a timely manner. The board approved the change to the current ordinance at the request of the Jeanerette Housing Commission. “This is going to make it easier for the city to enforce the laws for a cleaner community,” said Aldermanat-large Kurt Myers who also serves as chairman of the commission. Residents will have 15 days to comply or go before the board for an appeal for additional time. Myers said the Jeanerette Housing Commission was formed to expand the housing inventory in the city of Jeanerette, but before that can be done there are problems that need to be addressed to create a cleaner city to entice new residents into the community. Currently the city has a mechanism in place to address the prob- lems, but it is not structured in one section to make it easy for enforcement, according to commission members. The commission was originally formed at the request of Mayor Arthur Verret to work towards increasing the available housing n the city. “I believe the whole board and the people of the community are glad the new ordinance was put into place. Everyone wants to have a clean community,” said Myers. “This is going to make it easier for the city to enforce the laws for a cleaner community,” Alderman Kurt Myers Jeanerette ➤ Partnership launches major disaster emergency guide BY KARMA CHAMPAGNE THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE KARMA CHAMPAGNE / THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Susan Derouen, from left, Julaine Schexnayder, Shirley Broussard study map of tombs at St. John Evangelist Catholic Cemetery. Updating cemetery records BY KARMA CHAMPAGNE THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE A group of genealogy enthusiasts want to make sure local residents will always be able to locate the grave sites of their ancestors. The group has been making their way across the area to several cemeteries to photograph and document each tomb in the cemetery to verify the name engraved on the headstone is in correlation with the cemetery records. The group has already started working on the documentation of St. John Evangelist Cemetery. “We want to make sure everything correlates with what is in the church records,” said Julaine Schexnayder, a coordinator of the volunteer group. “We are in hopes that all of the records will eventually be filed electronically to make it easier to find where someone is buried.” Schexnayder said in many instances the records are still Participants in the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans last week were able to view advance copies of a new level of local disaster preparedness, response and recovery in a hurricane guide for Iberia and Vermilion parishes. The guide will serve as a template for similar projects for other areas of Louisiana and the United States. The official introduction and beginning distribution of the Iberia Parish/Vermilion Parish Emergency Guide, was scheduled to day with a 9 a.m. event in Abbeville and at a 1 p.m. introduction at the St. Peter Street Branch Library in New Iberia. The Guide is the result of a ➤ Routine hydrant flushing planned The city of Jeanerette will hold a routine flushing of fire hydrants on Tuesday, April 24 and Wednesday, April 25. The flushing will be conducted at 10 p.m. not to inconvenience water customers. Residents may experience a slight drop in water pressure during the time of flushing. Donnell to speak to ministry KARMA CHAMPAGNE/ THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE KARMA CHAMPAGNE / THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Shirley Broussard photographs the tombs at St. John Evangelist Catholic Cemetery. Julaine Deare Schexnayder cleans off cross in search of identification of tomb. Early voting set for April 23-28 THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Early voting for the city of Jeanerette’s May, 5 General run-off election will be held from April 23-28. Voters will return to the polls to elect a top leader for the city with incumbent Arthur Verret and Lynden J. Burton in Please See GUIDE, Page 7 N EWS B ITES Please See CEMETERY, Page 7 BY KARMA CHAMPAGNE cooperative partnership between emergency response agencies, parish governments and AGL Resources. A total of 24,000 copies of the guide, which is believed to be the most comprehensive focused pre-disaster planning and post response guide in the country, have been printed. The 42-page guide combines traditional disaster preparation including emergency supplies check list, hurricane tracking chart, and directory of important contact numbers, with materials that reflect lessons learned from the 2005 hurricane season and valuable information that can be used immediately to lessen the impact of future natural disasters. the runoff. Voters will also have to select an alderman-at-large. Candidates John Boudreaux and April Foulcard face each other in the runoff. Mildred Adams, Iberia Parish registrar of voters, said any voter can take advantage of the early votes dates. No excuse is needed to vote early as in the past with absentee voting. Adams said the registrar of voters office located at the Iberia Parish Courthouse will remain open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during April 23-28 to accommodate voters. Voters must have valid identification, if not they will be required to fill out a form. Evangelist Dianna Donnell, who currently serves as a prison minister, will speak to single adults on Saturday, April 21 at 6 p.m. Donnell will be the guest speaker of “Bliss”, a ministry for single adults. The group will meet at 2725 Junca St. For more information, call 2763861. Fine arts awards presentation The New Iberia Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will hold the first annual Ethyl Sparrow Atlas Fine Arts Awards presentation event from 3-6 p.m. on April 22 at the Sliman Performing Arts Theatre in conjunction with its 35th anniversary celebration. Among the recipients are Lionel Collins as the Community Fine Arts Award recipient. Free poetry workshops set Free poetry workshops with former Utah poet Laureate David Lee, will be held at the Main Library in New Iberia’s Civic Center. For adults 55 55 and older there is a 10-11:30 am. class from April 26 to May 1 and any person 16 or older is invited to participate in an evening class from 6-8 p.m. from April 26 to 30. The classes are free thanks to a decentralized grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts and with local support from Friends of the Library. To register or for more information, call 364-7024. Obituaries Walter H. Duck, 86 Adam J. Dronet, 69 DAvid A. Frederick, 52 Betty L. Vallot, 61 Leonie L. DEcuir., 96 Gerald Grisiaffi, 75 ➤ See Page 3 THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Page 2 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 CALENDAR OF EVENTS PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: ➤ ➤ C LASSES Multi-ethnic growth class offered at resource center ➤ A six-week class is offered Thursday mornings beginning April 19 for Multi-Ethnic Families and communities. The class, “Strengthening Multi-Ethnic Families and Communities” will be held at the Extra Mile Family Resource Center, 415 Iberia Street. The free classes are sponsored by the Iberia Parish School Board’s Special Education Department. To sign up, call 35-2343. Community band recruits needed for concert ➤ The Iberia Community Band has begun its new concert season. Any high school/college student or prior high school/college student who would like to continue playing in a band may join the Iberia Community Band. Musicians in all sections are needed. The band meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the band room at Westgate High School, 2305 Jefferson Island Road. For more information, call Jerry Fruge at 5773852. Parish adult education classes underway ➤ Iberia Parish Adult Education Classes are underway. Classes are free to get a GED. Night classes are held at New Iberia Senior High on Monday and Tuesday nights from 6-9 p.m. In Jeanerette, night classes are held at St. Charles Street Elementary from 5-8 p.m. Day classes are held Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Louisiana Technical College. Registration is the first night attended and participants will work at their own pace. Call 276-9712. Free on job training for seniors 55 and older ➤ The Lafayette Council on Aging is offering senior employment training for ages 55 and older at no cost. Participants of the program can earn money and train while seeking permanent employment. The program provides classroom and on-the-job training with assistance in employment opportunities. Possible training positions include clerical work, child care, maintenance, transportation, computer operations, teacher aides and health care. More information can be obtained by calling, 262-5990 or writing to the Senior Employment and Training Program, P.O. Box 81722, Lafayette, La 70508. ➤ F UN work that reflects the program’s theme, “Book a Trip”. First and second place winners will have their design replicated and distributed throughout the parish libraries. Forms are available at all branches of the Iberia Parish Library and must be turned in on Friday, April 27. For more information, call 364-7024. Jeanerette Book Club meets again at library ➤ The Jeanerette Book Club will meet on Wednesday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jeanerette Branch, 411 Kentucky St. to discuss the “Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman” by Ernest Gaines. Following the discussion, the 1974 film starring Cicely Tyson, based on the book will be shown. For more information, contact the Jeanerette Library at 276-4014 or visit the library’s website at Summer workshop catalogs now available ➤ The catalogs for the Iberia Parish Library’s free summer workshops for youngsters aged 5-17 years will be available beginning Thursday, April 5 at any branch of the Iberia Parish Library at Cox Communications office or the Jefferson Terrace or Lewis Street branches of Teche Federal Bank. Registrations for the workshop will be held May 6 through May 12 at 10 a.m. The workshops are free due to New Iberia Optimist Club, Friends of the Library, Teche Federal Bank and Cox Communications. For more information call 364-7024 or visit the website at ‘Sit and Knit’ group meets weekly at library ➤ For experience and novice knitters, the Iberia Parish Library is organizing a “Sit and Knit” group which will meet at the Parkview Library every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. through May 15. To register or for more information call 3647024. expedition from the Main Library to bike around New Iberia to view some of the beautiful trees. There will be a stop for refreshments under the largest live oak tree in New Iberia and return to the library for 11 a.m. All riders must wear helmets and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 364-7024. Story Hour offered at St. Mary Parish libraries ➤ Story Hour is held at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays at the Alex P. Allain Memorial Branch Library in Franklin and at 10 a.m. on Thursdays at the West End Branch Library in Baldwin. These programs are designed for three to five year olds and are held free of charge. 10. The event is free. Alliance plans community rally at King Joe ➤ W ORSHIP along with games, prizes and music. Jeanerette Church Alliance meetings ➤ The Jeanerette Area Church Alliance meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The Alliance meets at the First Church of God in Christ located at 1901 Martin Luther King Drive in Jeanerette. All ordained and licensed ministers in the Jeanerette area are eligible for membership with one lay member from each church. Dues are $3 per individual and $10 per church. New members should come prepared to pay dues at the meeting; however, not having dues will not keep anyone from joining. Tree bike hike expedition planned in New Iberia Food distribution at First Good Hope Baptist ➤ ➤ If you are biker and tree hugger, this tree bike hike is a great way to spend your Saturday morning. At 8 a.m., April 21, Jim Foret will lead an First Good Hope Baptist Church of Jeanerette will distribute food to the needy every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-1 p.m. Check deals, locally or elsewhere Classified Ads The Jeanerette Enterprise Chamber looking for favorite recipes ➤ The Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce is looking for favorite recipes of community members. The chamber is planning its fourth printing of “The Heart of the Teche”, a community cookbook that has become a favorite in the area. The board plans to keep the same original recipes currently in the book, but plans to add additional favorites. More information can be obtained by calling the Chamber at 276-4293. ➤ The Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce will hold a benefit barbecue diner on June 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ward Eight Recreation Center. Dinners include barbecue pork steak, rice dressing, baked beans and bread. Donation is $6 per plate. For tickets call 276-4293. Limited tickets available at the door. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING MATERIALS CHANEY LUMBER & 439 SUPPLY CO. MILMO STREET MOBILE PAINTS & VARNISHES We want your Calendar items to publish Find your next vehicle in the classifieds! ➤ If your church, club or organization has an item of SIMONEAUD’S SUPERMARKETS Prices Good Wed. Apr. 18th through Tues. Apr. 24th, 2007 No Games! No Gimmicks! Just Low Prices Visit Our Delis Hot Plate Lunches Served Monday Thru Friday. Call For Menus At Both Locations WE CUT & GRIND MEAT IN OUR MARKETS FRESH EVERYDAY! groceries Van Camp PORK-N-BEANS . . . . . .15 oz meat 2/79 3/119 4/100 119 269 339 279 79¢ 89¢ 229 59¢ 299 89¢ 2/300 169 139 159 5/100 2/119 2/79¢ 99¢ 99¢ 199 269 119 249 119 269 89¢ 89¢ 99¢ 99¢ ¢ Shurfine Whole Kernel Corn, Cut or Sliced GREEN BEANS 14.5 oz . . . . . . . Hunts TOMATO SAUCE . . . . . .8 oz Shurfine MAYONNAISE . . . . . . . . . .32 oz Shurfine Medium Grain RICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Lb Bag Shurfine VEGETABLE OIL . . . . . . . .1 Gal. Coca Cola Products 2 Liter 4/$5.00 12 pk/12 oz cans 3/$10.25 or Fanta, Pibb, Vault, DELAWARE PUNCH 12 pk/12 oz cans Kraft Original, Hickory or Honey BAR-B-QUE SAUCE . . . . .18 oz Hunts KETCHUP . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 oz Shurfine Original (Only) CHARCOAL . . . . . . . . .9 Lb Bag/Ea Shurfine SOFT DRINKS . . . . . .2 Ltr./Ea Velvet White PAPER TOWELS . . . . . . . 1-8 Roll Shurfine TOASTER PASTRIES . . 11 oz/Ea Wishbone SALAD DRESSING . . . . . 16 oz Nabisco Salted or Unsalted CRACKERS . . . . . . . . . . 16 oz/Ea Prego (All Varieties) SPAGHETTI SAUCE . . . . . 26 oz/Ea Clorox (Original Only) BLEACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 oz Shurfine BROWN GRAVY MIX .75 oz Shurfine Red Kidney or GREAT NORTHERN BEANS16 oz Bag Bryan VIENNA SAUSAGE . . 5 oz Shurfine Regular or Complete PANCAKE MIX . . . . . . . 32 oz/Ea Shurfine (All Varieties) SYRUP . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 oz/Ea Malt-O-Meal Tootie Fruities or BERRY CRUNCH . . . . 22.5 oz/Ea Nabisco OREO COOKIES . . . . 17-18 oz/ea Shurfine YELLOW CORN MEAL 5 Lb Bag Shurfine GARLIC POWDER . . . . . . 12 oz Louisiana Dry SEAFOOD BOIL . . . . . 16 oz Mount Olive Kosher DILL PICKLES . . . . . . . 1 Gal Tony Chachere JAMBALAYA MIX . . . . . 8 oz/Ea Tony Chachere CREOLE SEASONING . 8 oz/Ea Frito Lay’s Reg. $1.49 POTATO CHIPS . . . . . . . . NOW Golden Flake Reg. $1.59 POTATO CHIPS . . . . . . . . NOW 99¢ PIE PIECES . . . . . 2/300 00 GARLIC BREAD . . . . . 2/3 00 GARLIC TOAST . . . . . . 2/3 00 SALISBURY STEAK DINNER . 2/5 Shurfresh Homestyle WAFFLES . . . . . . . . . . .12.3 oz ➤ For a free tour guide highlighting affordable adventures close to home, call or visit our Web site today. 1-800-876-7899 Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism 14959 169 1¢ 5969 249 299 139 139 SPLIT FRYER BREAST . . 100 NUGGETS or PATTIES . . 2/4 49 PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 19 DUCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19 NUGGETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SMOKED SAUSAGE . . . . . 49900 FRANKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/250 BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/375 LUNCHEON LOAF . . . . 3/250 CORN DOGS . . . . . . . . . . 2/200 BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 2/250 PORK BACON LINKS . . . . 2/2 Fresh Sliced Assorted PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb Fresh Sliced Rib Cut PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb Fresh Sliced Loin Cut PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb Fresh Frozen BAKING HENS . . . . . . . . . . . Lb USDA Heavy Beef Boneless BOTTOM ROUND STEAKS . . . Lb USDA Heavy Beef Boneless RUMP ROAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb Fresh (100%) (Ground Daily) GROUND BEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb Jumbo (Fresh Frozen) FRYER WINGS . . . . . . . . 1-12 pk/Lb Miss Goldy (Fresh Frozen) 1-9 pk/Lb Advanced Breaded Chicken 12 oz Simoneaud’s Stuffed Lb Mature Lb Catfish Lb Mr. T’s Mild, Hot or Garlic 4 Lb Box Bar-S 12 oz Bar-S Regular or Low Salt 12 oz Bar-S Bologna, Salami or 12 oz Bar-S 16 oz Maple River Mild 16 oz Roll Farmland Sausage or 12 oz produce Farm Fresh Crisp Bunch GREEN ONIONS . . 4.5 oz Pkg/Ea Sweet Juicy Large Seedless NAVEL ORANGES . . . . . . Ea Farm Fresh Crisp California CELERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ea Red Ripe Roma Salad TOMATOES . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb 5.2 oz - 8 oz Shurfresh 16 oz Shurfresh Swanson Hungry Man Turkey or 79¢ 69¢ 99¢ 79¢ Sweet Juicy Delicious CANTALOUPES . . . . . . . . . Ea Fresh Express American Blend SALAD . . . . . . . . . . . 10 oz Bag/Ea 139 219 dairy 2/500 ORANGE JUICE . . . . . . . 319 CINNAMON ROLLS . . . . 129 331 MILK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¢ JUMBO BISCUITS . . . . . 79 Land O Lake BUTTER . . . . . . . . . . .1 Lb Tropicana 64 oz Shurfresh 12.4 oz Shurfresh Vitamin D Gallon Shurfresh 16 oz beer COORS, MILLER LITE, BUDWEISER . .24 pk, 12 oz cans Edward’s 13 oz © 2007 1502 E. Main St. 623 E. Admiral Doyle Mon - Sat 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM • Sunday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM frozen Bookmark contest open to young artist The Iberia Parish Library, Sir Speedy, Friends of the Library and the Daily Iberian invite all young artists to participate in the 9th annual Design and Bookmark Contest for children from pre-school to sixth grade. The bookmark will be judged on originality, design and the Jeanerette Chamber holding benefit barbecue ➤ A Community Rally, “Freedom Calls, I’ll Answer”, will be hosted by the Jeanerette Area Church Alliance on Saturday, April 21 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. The event will be held at the Jeanerette King Joseph Recreation Center, located at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. and Hebert Street. A number of speakers will be featured throughout the day, public interest for the Calendar of Events, please send it to P.O. Box 327, Jeanerette, LA 70544 or drop it at the Jeanerette Enterprise office located at 808 E. Main Street. Deadline for Calendar of Events is Friday at noon prior to the following Wednesday’s publication. ➤ B ENEFIT All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. COORS, MILLER LITE, BUDWEISER . .24 pk, 10 oz cans 1699 1549 799 899 COORS, MILLER LITE, BUDWEISER . . . . .12 pk, 10 oz cans COORS, MILLER LITE, BUDWEISER . .12 pk, 12 oz cans or Btls Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Page 3 OBITUARIES Everybody’s Talkin’ About The Classified Bargains! ➤ Walter H. Duck Walter Harold Duck, 86, a resident of Franklin since 1967 died Tuesday, April 10, 2007, at the Franklin Health Care Center. Mr. Duck was born in Wise County, Texas, on May 17, 1920. He married his wife, Genevieve Hayden, on April 10, 1943. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II and served in the South Pacific. He worked 27 years in Satanta, Kan., Shamrock, Texas, and Aransas Pass, Texas, while working for the United Carbon Company. In 1952, he moved his family to New Iberia and constructed the carbon black plant near the Ivanhoe Canal. He then became the maintenance superintendent and ultimately the plant operating superintendent. In 1966, he purchased a partnership in Frees Construction Company and relocated to Franklin. During his years with Frees he led many projects in the area. His favorite was the construction of the bell tower at Brownell Memorial Park in Morgan City. After retirement, he worked as a consultant for construction projects in South America and Brownsville, Texas. Mr. Duck was an avid sportsman, who enjoyed hunting and fishing in the bayous and bays of southwest Louisiana. If the Cajun culture and people ever converted a Texan, it was Mr. Duck. He genuinely loved all of the people in Acadiana. The family of Mr. Duck rejoices in his life and gives thanks for such a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, and friend. We also want to thank each of the doctors and caretakers that made the past several years of his life at Franklin Health Care Center not only possible, but a happy and healthy experience. We especially thank Deacon Douglas Hebert for his attention and prayers to our father. The family requests that visitation were observed Thursday, April 12, 2007 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Ibert’s, with a vigil service at 7 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Visitation resumed Friday, April 13, 2007 at noon at St. Jules Catholic Church until time of Mass. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at 1 p.m. with Father Metrejean officiating. Interment followed in Beau Pre Cemetery in Jeanerette. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Genevieve Mary Hayden Duck of Franklin; three sons, Charles H. Duck and wife Beryl of Houston, Joe W. Duck and wife Donna, and Robert L. Duck and wife Karen, all of Franklin; a daughter, Mary Francis Cushing and husband Matthew of Franklin; nine grandchildren, David Cushing, Christine Suchecki, Charlotte Daugherty, Samuel Duck, Rachael Grose, Rebecca Jones, Stephanie, Steven and Jennifer Duck; 11 great grandchildren; four nieces; four nephews; a sister-in-law; two brothers-in-laws; two cousins and two lifelong friends and family members, Lloyd and Jerry Pitts.. Mr. Duck was preceded in death by his father, William Harry Duck; mother, Rosa Lee Watkins Duck; a brother, Francis M. Duck; and six sisters, Edith Wolfe, Ethlene Walker, Nelldean Gathright, Winnie Duck, Ruby Chadwick and Dorothy Ryals. Pallbearers were David Cushing, Steven Duck, Christopher Suchecki, Mark Daugherty, Charles Grose and Benjamin Jones. Ibert’s Mortuary Inc. of Franklin was in charge of the arrangements. Frederick. Mr. Frederick was a dedicated welder in the oil field industry at Crown Services and worked at the Port of Iberia for several years. He will be missed by his family and many friends. The family requested that visitations were held Wednesday, April 18, 2007 from noon until time of services at Ibert’s. Memorial services were held Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 2 p.m. at Ibert’s. Interment fol- Dronet and wife Lacey, Lyn Ransonet and wife Cindy, all of New Iberia, and Larry Ransonet and wife Louise of Jeanerette; sisters, Alita Cheatam of Memphis, Tenn., and Evenette “Sis” Romero and husband Darcey of Coteau; grandsons, Duston Dronet, Jamie and Jacob Ransonet, all of New Iberia, and Lance Ransonet of Jeanerette; granddaughters, Alexis Dronet of New Iberia and Linden R. Weber of Jeanerette; and pet poodle, “Bear;” and six great grandchildren. Mr. Dronet was preceded in death by his parents, Joseph and Adelaide Mayard Dronet. To sign the guest book or send condolences visit David Funeral Home of Jeanerette was in charge of the arrangements. Just A Reminder Early voting will be held from April 23 through April 28 at the Iberia Parish Courthouse - Iberia Parish Registrar of Voters office from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Election day will be May 5. I ask for your vote and continued support. ➤ Published weekly every Wednesday ➤ Editorial phone and fax: 337-276-5171 ➤ Advertising phone: 337-365-6773 ➤ Advertising fax: 337-367-9640 ➤ Office: 808 E. Main St., Jeanerette, La. 70544 Mt. Carmel Baptist Church First Baptist Church Sunday Worship Service: 7:30 am Sunday School: 10:00 am Lord’s Supper: Third Sunday 7:30 pm Prayer Service & Bible Study: First Tuesday & Third Wednesday 6:30 pm Patoutville, LA 4017 W. Main St. Sunday School: 9:30 am Worship Service: 10:30 am & 6:00 pm Discipleship Training: 5:00 pm Wednesday Supper 6:30 pm & Bible Study: 7:00 pm 276-4233 Jubilee Nation Christian Ministries First Jerusalem Baptist 2725 Junca St., Jeanerette Sunday Morning Worship: 7:00 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Lord’s Supper: Third Sunday 7:00 am Monday Bible Study: 5:30 pm Wednesday Prayer Service: 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 am Applied Christianity Class Wednesday 7:00 pm Berean Fellowship Sunday Bible Studies: 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Sunday Worship: 11:00 am Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 pm Pastor Rick Zolecki Residence: 320 Henkle Street Infor Line: 276-7339 Mount Calvary Baptist Sunday Worship Service: 7:00 am & 5:30 pm Sunday School: 10:00 am BTU: 4:00 pm Lord’s Supper: First Sunday 5:30 pm •CATHOLIC• Saturday: Anticipated Mass 5:30 pm Sunday: 11:00am Monday-Friday: Mass 5:30 pm Jeanerette Ministerial Alliance: 11:30 am Second Tuesday each month Sunday Worship Service: 8:30 am Sunday School: 11:00 am Lord’s Supper: Fourth Sunday 4:00 pm Tuesday Bible Study: 6:30 pm Friday Prayer Service 6:30 pm Worship Service: 7:30 pm David A. “Poop” Frederick, 52, a native and lifelong resident of Franklin died Thursday, April 12, 2007, at Franklin Foundation Hospital. He is survived by his two daughters, Jennifer Frederick of New Iberia, and Kadi Frederick of Franklin; a brother, Ronnie Frederick of Toledo Bend; three sisters, Sharon Frederick of Lydia, Gayle Vilcan of Charenton, and Trudy Frederick of Morgan City; and two granddaughters, Nicole Boudreaux of Franklin, and Tayla Simon of Cypremort Point. Mr. Frederick was preceded in death by his parents, Theodore and Gloria Doucet •PENTECOSTAL• •CHURCH OF Calvary Pentecostal GOD IN CHRIST• Church First Church of God In Christ Sunday School: 8:30 am Morning Worship 9:45 am Evangelistic Service 5:30 pm Tuesday: Prayer 9:00 am Wednesday: Prayer 12 Noon Loving Me 4:00 pm Abundant Life Ministry 5:30 pm For transportation call 276-6956 •INTERDENOMINATIONAL• Christ Praise and Worship Center Full Gospel Church Sunday: Sunday School 10:00 am Evangelistic Service: 6:00 pm Thursday: 7:30 pm Saturday: Youth Service 7:00 pm •UNITED METHODIST• McGowen Memorial Methodist Church Regular Worship Service Worship: Sunday 9:30 am Bible Study: Tuesday 7:30 pm Mid-Week Service: Wednesday 7:00 pm Sunday: Worship Services 9:00 am Wednesday: Bible Study 7:30 pm Our Lady of the Rosary Morning Pilgrim Baptist David A. Frederick EVERY VOTE IS IMPORTANT WICK COMMUNICATIONS Will Chapman ...........................................Publisher Karma Champagne .........................................Editor Alan Rini ...................................Advertising Manager Angela Menard ..................Advertising Representative •BAPTIST• Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Lord’s Supper: First Sunday 11:00 am Thursday BTU: 6:00 pm Mid-Week Service: 7:30 pm JEANERETTE — Services were conducted for Adam J. “A.J.” Dronet, 69, Monday, April 16, 2007 at 2 p.m. in the David Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Ed Degeyter officiating. Interment followed in St. John Cemetery at a later date. Visitation were observed Monday, April 16, 2007 at 10 a.m. until the time of service at the funeral home. A rosary was prayed 11 a.m. A native of New Iberia and a resident of Jeanerette, Mr. Dronet died Thursday, April 12, 2007, while fishing at the “Bar Pits” near Lake Fausse Pointe State Park in rural Iberia Parish. Mr. Dronet worked in the oil field most of his life. He worked for Tuboscope and then went to work for 2 R Drilling for more than 20 years. He was an avid fisherman, loved camping and cooking for his family. He is survived by his wife, Verna Migues Dronet of Jeanerette; sons, Randy THE ENTERPRISE JEANERETTE JEANERETTE CHURCH DIRECTORY Glencoe, LA Loving husband, father and grandfather The Jeanerette Enterprise 365-6773 Please See OBITUARIES, Page 6 St. Mathews Baptist Church Adam J. Dronet Check ‘Em Out! St. John The Evangelist Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:00 am Tuesday 9:30 am (Maison Teche Nursing Home) Wednesday 7:30 am Thursday 7:30 am Friday 8:30 am (Convent Chapel or School) St. Jude Spiritual Church Sunday Worship Service: 2 pm Lord’s Supper: Second Sunday 2:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 pm •METHODIST• St. Paul United Methodist Church Worship Services: 8:00 am Holy Communion: First Sunday 8:00 am Thursday Bible Study: 6:15 pm Rev. Darrel W. Briggs Sr., Pastor •ST. PETER UNITED METHODIST• Sunday: Worship Services 7:00 am Children’s Church 7:00 am Holy Communion First Sunday Rev. Erica R. Jenkins, Pastor Sponsored by the following merchants: Chaney Alex Lovett Funeral Services, Inc. Lumber & Supply 439 Milmo 604 Lovette Street Jeanerette The Jeanerette Enterprise 808 Main St. 276-5034 276-3666 276-5171 Introducing First National Bank Of Jeanerette Lagniappe Free Checking Account! The Lagniappe free checking account from First National Bank of Jeanerette has a host of features that you will truly enjoy. You can be assured of fast, friendly, courteous service to meet all of your financial goals. Stop in for details. • FREE CHECKING • NO MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE • NO MINIMUM BALANCE • UNLIMITED CHECK WRITING • FREE TELEPHONE BANKING • FREE ACCESS TO FNB’S ATMS • OVERDRAFT PRIVILEGE • MINIMUM TO OPEN $100.00 Paid for by Arthur Verret Jeanerette Main Office 1331 Main St. 276-3692 Jeanerette Branch 2502 W. Main St. 276-6333 New Iberia Branch 413 Jefferson Terrace 367-6208 Franklin Branch 1902 Main St. 413-0646 Baldwin Branch 215 Ralph Darden Mem. Pkwy 923-0513 Member FDIC THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Page 4 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 WEDDINGS EDITOR ➤ ➤ Concerns voiced over police officer’s Castille Patton Colar - Navy Lakesha Marie Colar and Mallery Paul Navy Sr. were married Saturday, March 24, 2007 at the Franklin Recreation Center. The bride is the daughter of Rickey Archangel of Jeanerette and the late Denise Colar. The groom is the son of Laurie Navy and James Johnson Sr. of Baldwin. Officiating at the 5 p.m., double-ring ceremony was the Rev. Willie Jackson Sr. For her wedding the bride wore a two-piece, ivory-colored satin strapless gown accented with bugle beads and lace trimming with flowed to the back in a sweeping train. A tiara supported her veil and she carried a bouquet of white and lavender roses and white lilies. Heather Bowie, QuaVadis Depass, Yolanda Jenkins and Geraldine Hawkins all served as matrons of honor and Kelisha Archangel, Liesha Metz and Torie Navy were the maids of honor. Bridesmaids were Roselyn Archangel, LaTisha Lewis, Tammy Alexander, Paula Joseph, Sonia McDaniel, Queesha Loston, LaToya Lofton, LaToya Johnson, Antrina Jones, LaTia Johnson, Vontrell Lofton, Johnise Monou, Kimberly Davis, Tajaki Lewis, Kimberly Archangel, Mona Foster, Ashala Bowie, Farren Smith, Kiresten Guidry, Rena Wiggins and Monica Haynes. Jayla Colar, Iman Armelin, Jessica Colar and Calmesha Colar all served as junior bridesmaids. Ja’Zannia Joseph was the flower girl and Mallery Navy Jr. and Deyontie Fusilier were the ring bearers. Derrick Brown, Damien Jackson and Kendrick Wilson all served as best men and groomsmen were Jackie Roberson, Travis Colbert, Travis Griffin, Jemiyi Navy, Dexter Francis, Charvis Edwards, Rodney Jack, Calvin Brent, James Johnson Jr., Jordey Gibson, Dawayne Brown, Cornell Tardy, Joseph Brent, Kevin Thomas, Gus Young, Reginald Wagner, Reginald Riles, Durrell Lanceslin and Lionel White. JaColby Harding, Devonte Charles, Berwick Rhine Jr. and Darius Colar were the junior groomsmen. ShaCoyia Colar, Jac’Kyric Roberson, Asia Davis, Trevionne Archangel, Jaleysha Colar, TyQuan Colar, Jade Cage, Ray Shawin Brown and Deyontrenaé Fusilier were also members of the wedding party. After the ceremony, a reception was held for family and friends. After a wedding trip to Biloxi, Miss., the couple will reside in Baldwin. BIRTHDAYS ➤ April 18 Lovancie Mourvant April 19 Leslie Jumonville Terese Prados April 20 A.J. Telotta Doug Hebert April 24 Stella Landry Joseph Knatt Jacqueline Ann Castille and Ron Christopher Patton were married Saturday, March 24, 2007 at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Lydia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harris Castille Jr. of New Iberia and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Patton Jr. of Grand Marais. Officiating at the 7:30 p.m. candlelight, double-ring ceremony was the Rev. Donovan Labbe. For her wedding, the bride wore a white, halter-style, aline gown accented with beaded lace appliqués and a satin train. Her rhinestone and pearl tiara supported a fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of lavender and plum-colored roses. Karen Hebert served as matron of honor and bridesmaids were Jennifer Stoute and Nellie Castille, sisters of the bride, Raquel Patton, sister of the groom, and Jada Breaux. They each wore plum-colored, strapless ballgowns accented with rouched satin embroidery and carried beige English roses and plum-colored ranunclus. Alexi Guillory, cousin of the groom, and Braleigh Castille, daughter of the bride, both served as junior bridesmaids. Flower girls were Rayna Stoute, niece of the bride, Rhyan Guillory, cousin of the groom, and Tristen Leday, niece of the groom. Wesley Castille, nephew of the bride, was the ring bearer. Jerrod Guillory served his cousin as best man and groomsmen were Quincy Rochon, Ryan Castille, brother of the bride, Brock Hall and Roland Derouen Jr. Christopher Stoute, nephew of the bride, Jordan Derouen and Perry Thompson Jr. all served as ushers. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception for family and friends was held at Mon Ami. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Hawaii, the couple will reside in Grand Marais. Editor: I was reading the Jeanerette Enterprise and read a story where the board of aldermen, at the Monday, April 9 meeting went into executive session (closed) about a complaint lodged against a Jeanerette police officer and no action was taken. The reason no action was taken was because the matter was handed over for investigation to the state police Monday long before the meeting. I learned of this Monday morning. Even though I was told about it during the meeting, it did not come as a surprise. As small as our community is we are not capable of handling our own affairs. This matter left from the Jeanerette Police Department looking into the matter, than the sheriff ’s department and now on to the state police. This officer is still suppose to be on administrative duty. Why is he patrolling the streets? If so, it just goes to show the citizens of Jeanerette we have no leadership from the top to the bottom. For the young men and women of Jeanerette, be safe. Donna M. Ellis Jeanerette OUR CLASSIFIED ADS SELL, SELL, SELL The Jeanerette Enterprise ENGAGEMENT ➤ The Jeanerette Enterprise Classified 365-6773 1040 Zimmerman -Sherville Kerry and Elaine Zimmerman of Charenton announce the engagement of their daughter Jan L. Zimmerman to Jeremy R. Sherville, son of Gisele and Randy Sherville of Jeanerette. The wedding will be held at 1 p.m., Saturday, April 28, 2007 in Jeanerette. The bride-elect is a graduate of Hanson Memorial High School and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She is employed with The Schumacher Group. The prospective groom, also a graduate of Hanson Memorial High School, is employed with Cleco. We’re now on the internet! Check us out: Miscellaneous 1740 4 NEW 33” Super Swampers, black powder coated rims, 6 lug, chrome bullet & hub covers. $625. 337-3730717. Director of Development Highland Baptist Christian School (New Iberia) is accepting applications for an aggressive go-getter with corporate connections to be considered as Director of Development and Marketing. 10 month position AND TOMB IN Memorial Park Cemetery, $1,000. Call (337) 364-2781. 1080 Furniture $199 KING pillow-top mattress set. Brand new w/warranty. Call 337- 2588515. 5 PC. BEDROOM set. Cherry. Never used. Sell $399. 337-993-3160. for ‘07-’08 school year. Deadline to apply for both positions: May 3, 2007 Call (337) 364-2273 or visit for application. BEDROOM, NEW King - all wood. Sell $1,000. In boxes. 337-993-3160. DINING ROOM, cherry set. Table, chairs and chain cabinet. Worth $2,000. Sell $750. 337-654-2561. LIVING ROOM set. Sofa, chair, 2 side tables and coffee table. Brand New. Must sell $799. 337-993-3160. NASA MEMORY foam mattress set. Queen size. Valued at $1,500. Sell $450. 337-258-8515. QUEEN MATTRESS set. New, will take $110. 337-258-8515. SLEIGH BED w/dresser, mirror and nightstand. All wood cherry set. Never used. Valued at $2,500. Must sell $1,000. 337-654-2561. SOFA/LOVE SEAT, leather. Never used. Valued at $1,500. Sell $750. 337-654-2561. 1440 Pets/Supplies IBERIA HUMANE Society has many pets available for adoption. All neutered, vaccinated and wormed. Dogs, pups, cats and kittens. 3651923. 1740 HSH IS looking for CNA’s, Direct Service Workers and Sitters in the New Iberia area. Must have experience working with the elderly/disabled. Reliable transportation a must. Apply in person Mon-Fri., 9am to 3pm at 124 W. Washington, Ste. B, New Iberia. STAFF COORDINATOR needed for Personal Care Agency. Must have prior experience. Please call 337739-3961 for more info. 365-6773 Apartments For Rent FURN. APTS., all utilities paid., reasonable rent, weekly rent. 3699285 or 523-3105, 8am-8pm. FOR SALE BY OWNER 2001 Coachmen Royal 31’ Travel Trailer w/slide out in living area. Sleeps 6, fully furnished ready to travel, great condition and very comfortable, $21,000. Call (337)2296034. If you’re new in town, stop by The Daily Iberian for a free copy of our “Welcome to New Iberia” edition with lots of information useful to those new to our community. 926 East Main Street, New Iberia, 8am-5pm. 2100 Boats/Motors Trailers 14.5’ BASS boat, as is with accessories, $4,000. Call 337-3657608. 17FT. LARSON Fish-n-Ski with 1999, 90hp Johnson. Runs great. $5,675 neg. Call 337-339-1118. Sport Utility Vehicle 1998 FORD Expedition XL, great shape, $5,750. Call 367-7244 or 2776546. 2160 Motorcycles & Fun Wheelers 1982 KAWASAKI CSR motorcycle, 650, runs well, in good condition, $1,300. Call 577-6467 after 6:00pm. 2004 KAWASAKI 1000 Ninja, less than 400 miles, helmets including, like new, $8,500 OBO. 967-2371 or 5776996. 2005 HONDA Rancher 350, 2 wheel drive, $2,800. Call (337) 276-3921 after 6:00pm. Trucks/ Trailers CHEVY Z71, 1996, loaded, Ext. Cab, 4 wheel drive. 137,000 miles, $9,975. Call 369-6368 or 365-8651. 2260 Homes For Rent NEWCOMER’S GUIDE: Recreational Vehicles 2006 NOMAD travel trailer, Ltd. Ed., .27ft., like new, used 8 times, sleeps 8, many extras, $11,500. 337-3652155. 2200 1860 TOUPS ELECTRICAL hiring summer Helper positions. Call (337)519-1626. One Call Is All It Takes To Start Your Classified Ad Medical INSURANCE/BILLING CLERK for medical office. Experience with Medisoft and Quickbooks preferred. Integrity and dependability a must. Send resumes to: P.O. Box 9290. Dept. # 231, New Iberia, LA 70562 Help Wanted 1880 SHOP HAND wanted. Hydraulic experience a plus. Salary DOE. Call 365-4342 or send resume to: P.O. Box 11801, New Iberia, LA 70562. 2140 2150 1743 Boats/Motors Trailers CUSTOM MADE 3/16” aluminum boat 16’, motor and trailer, $9,500. View pics and details online at Certified Teachers A BRAND new King Memory Foam mattress set. Compare to Tempurpedic at $1,899. Sell $550. 337-258-8515. FULL ORTHOPEDIC mattress set. Brand new. Sell $95. 337-258-8515. Help Wanted 2100 Autos For Sale 1997 BONNEVILLE SSEI supercharge, sun roof, leather, new tires, Bose audio, 20” rims optional. $4,000. 337-373-0717. 2003 NISSAN Sentra SE-R, SPEC-V, silver, excellent condition, 54,000 miles, $11,700. Call (337) 369-9374. KIA OPTIMA EX, 2004, V6, 12,500 miles, loaded, leather, sunroof, $14,000. 369-6059. OLD LADY special! 1998 Lincoln, 60,000 miles, exc. condition. $8800. Call 364-1379 WOW! A MUST SEE!! 2002 Cadillac Deville, exc. cond. loaded, very clean, $11,500. Call 367-2918, 9am-5pm. THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Page 5 WEDDINGS ➤ Pellerin - Prados Reedom - Hawks Roberts - Spain Tara Keisha Pellerin and Karl “T.J.” Prados were married Saturday, March 31, 2007 at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Lydia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron J. Pellerin of New Iberia and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Prados, all of Jeanerette. Officiating at the 7:30 p.m. Nuptial Mass was the Rev. Donovan Labbe. For her wedding the bride wore a gown of white lace and organza featuring a fitted beaded lace bodice and a strapless, sweetheart neckline. Her skirt was accented with an asymmetrical bustle and flowed into a chapellength train. Her scallop edged tiara, accented with crystal rhinestones, supported a fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of seasonal blooms including hydrangeas, irises, lilies, snapdragons, Gerber daisies, waxed flowers and gypsophylias with stems wrapped in French satin ribbon and crystal accents. Katie Bouillion served as matron of honor and bridesmaids were Daina Bonin, Candice Louviere, Nicole Prados, sister of the groom, Halley Fremin, Erica Coody and Stephanie Pellerin, sister-in-law of the bride. Annie Kelley, godchild of the bride, and Logan Prados, sister of the groom, served as junior bridesmaids. They each wore a tea-length gown of olive-colored chiffon featuring a strapless neckline and an a-line skirt accented with a satin belt and a jeweled brooch at the waist. Each carried a nosegay of seasonal blooms. Madyson Hebert was the flower girl and Michael Pellerin, godchild of the bride, was the ring bearer. Neil Stevens, stepfather of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Matt Prados, brother of the groom, Brock Pellerin, brother of the bride, and T.J. Bonin, Zaius Fremin, Clint Fremin and Rusty Tullier. Neil Stevens Jr., brother of the groom, was the junior groomsman. Kerry Hebert, George Alvarez, Rusty Sumrall and Chad Tiffany Nicole Reedom and Henry Joseph Hawks Sr. were married Saturday, March 31, 2007 at Rhema Full Gospel Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Evola Reedom and Wilton Walker of New Iberia and the groom is the son of Louis Hawks and Mary Lewis of Jeanerette. Officiating at the 3:30 p.m., double-ring ceremony was the Rev. Roland Jones. For her wedding the bride wore a gown featuring an offthe-shoulder sweetheart neckline accented with lace and beading and a detachable cathedral-length train. Her princess-style rhinestone tiara supported a white, elbow-length veil and she carried a large nosegay of pink, white and red roses accented with a pink bow. Latisha Vital served as maid of honor and Allison Thibodeaux was the matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Barbara Vital, Fallon Reedom, Daneille Reedom, Delonda Gabriel, Lakeisha Vital, Latillda Bernard, Kimberly Bernard, Anita Bernard, Latasha Clement and MiKayla Marshall. They each wore a chiffon gown featuring a tie halter neckline accented with shirring and beading on the bodice and waist and carried a hand-tied bouquet of roses. Kenya Prejean was the miniature bride and Jaheim Hawks was the miniature groom. Keonna Girbeil and Keara Hawks were flower girls and Kentreveyion Prejean was the ring bearer. Lakentrick Lewis served as best man and groomsmen were Jerome Vital, Jeremy Vital, Bryon Edward, Nolton Hamilton, Freddy Wright, Jeremy Lewis, Robert Gabriel, James Keyes and John Sillmon. Miniature groomsmen were Jatavist Reedom, Henry Hawks Jr., Tyrease Thibodeaux and Troy Thibodeaux Jr. Kiasha Hawks, Ja’mia Lancon, Raybreia Gibson, Aaliyah Thibodeaux, Kanesha Thompson and Eriyana Tillman were also members of the wedding party. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception for family and friends was held at St. Paul Hall. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Mississippi, the couple will reside in New Iberia. Dominique M. Roberts and Kevin T. Spain Jr. were married Saturday, April 7, 2007 at The Manor in Cade. The bride is the daughter of Laura Roberts of Jeanerette and Martin Broussard of Glenco. The groom is the son of Dannette and Kevin T. Spain Sr. of Lafayette. Officiating at the 3 p.m., double-ring ceremony was the Rev. Ulysses Mitchell. For her wedding, the bride wore a white laced gown accented with rhinestones and a train. Her diamond headpiece, accented with flowers, supported her veil and she carried a bouquet of pink, white and silver flowers. Marlene Roberts served as maid of honor and Lvelle Anthony was the matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Kimolyn Minor, Sharell Chartain, Delveckia Robertson, Markita Sereal, Laterius Daniels, Jamie Bouie, Jamilla Chartian, Crystal Broussard, Candi Robertson, Yolanda Ceaser, Erica Landry, Shannon Charles, Alana Nathan and Stacey Joseph. They each wore a pink, pleated gown accented with rhinestones at the top and carried bouquets of pink, white and silver flowers. Junior bridesmaids were Jakeria Berry, Leslie Threatts, Janeisha Roberts and Mya Roberts. Miniature bride and groom were Asianae Alexander and Carroll Olivier. Flower girls were M’Siyiah Olivier, Destiny Jenkins, Brinasia Guillotte and Correyell Jackson and ring bearer was Tha’Rell Clay. Donald Roberts and Karl Spain both served as best men and groomsmen were Joseph Raymond, Terrance Sereal, Jacoby Roberts, Anthony Gibson, Jamal Minor, Joseph Howard, Manuel Booker, Russell Lewis, Troy Anthony, Christopher Roberts, Jeff Spain and Cary Landry. M’Kiyiah Olivier was also a member of the wedding party. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held for family and friends. The couple will reside in Jeanerette. ENGAGEMENT ➤ VOTE FOR Aprill Francis Foulcard #6 Stelly Derouen Gerie and Pat Stelly of Jeanerette announce the engagement of their daughter Betsy Ann Stelly to Ryan James DeRouen, son of Melanie Steele of New Iberia. The wedding will be held at 7 p.m., May 11, 2007 at Antique Rose Ville in New Iberia. The bride-elect attends ULL and the prospective groom is employed as a youth pastor with Cornerstone Christian Ministries in New Iberia. Alderman-At-Large “Today’s Plan Is Tomorrow’s Reality” THANK YOU Voters of Jeanerette for your support and prayers during the election on March 31st. REMINDER...It is my goal to do my utmost in providing the community of Jeanerette with quality leadership and dedicated services in the growth and development afforded it. I Can...allocate resources for growth and development within the community by utilizing networking strategies. for progress and support community-enhancement projects. You We progress. “WALK IT” With Me! Vote May 5th Paid for by Aprill Francis Foulcard THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Page 6 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 OBITUARIES HONOR ROLL ➤ ➤ St. Joseph School CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 lowed at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family request that memorial donations be made to the family, Ms. Trudy Frederick, 205 Onstead St., Morgan City, LA 70380 (985)397-4103. Ibert’s Mortuary Inc. of Franklin was in charge of the arrangements. Betty Lou Vallot LYDIA — A Mass of Christian Burial for Mrs. Raphael Vallot Jr., the former Betty Lou “Honey” Boutte, 61, was held Friday, April 13, 2007 at 11 a.m. at St. Nicholas Catholic Church with the Rev. Donovan Labbe officiating. Entombment followed in St. Nicholas Mausoleum. Visitation were held Friday, April 13, 2007 from 8 a.m. until the time of the service at St. Nicholas Catholic Church. Mrs. Vallot, a native and resident of Grand Marais, died Monday, April 9, 2007, at 8:30 p.m. at Iberia Medical Center. She was a "very loving and kind person, and was known as a people person." She liked playing Pokeno and traveling. If you told her of a trip, she was ready to go. Mrs. Betty was a member of the Holy Name Society, and was an Eucharistic Minister. She is survived by her loving husband of 40 years, Raphael Vallot Jr. of Grand Marais; a son, Dexter J. Vallot of Grand Marais; two grandchildren, Raegan and Reese Vallot, and their mother, Niki Vallot, all of New Iberia; three sisters, Glenda Boutte, Gail and husband Alfred Raggette, and Linda Boutte, all of Grand Marais; three brothers, Achille “A.J.” and wife Lois Boutte, Edmond and wife Doris Boutte, all of Grand Marais, and Peter and wife Cherron Boutte of New Iberia; motherin-law, Ella Boudreaux Vallot of New Iberia; four sisters-inlaw, Rita Paige, Mary and husband Walter Jones, Bernice and husband Ronald Gray, and Mary Lee Wiltz, all of New Iberia; two brother-in-law, Junius and wife Laura Vallot of Chicago, and Anthony D. Sigue of Grand Marais; and a host of nieces and nephews. Mrs. Vallot was preceded in death by her parents, Junius and Audrey Olivier Boutte; son, Raphael “Lil Ray” Vallot III; father-in-law Raphael Vallot Sr.; a sister-in-law, Ella L. Sigue; two brothers-in-law, Murphy Boutte Sr. and Robert Paige; and two nephews, Steven Sigue and Eric Gray Sr. Pallbearers were Ronald Vallot, Gregory Paige, Gary Jones, Michael Jones, Nathaniel Raggette, Murphy Boutte Jr. and Peter Boutte. Honorary pallbearers were Donald Sigue, Karl Jones, Achille “A.J.” Boutte, Edmond Boutte, Alfred Raggette, Jesse Bergeron, Edna Boutte, Eric Gray Jr., Roman Olivier, Alex Olivier, Jeanie Boutte, Bernice Gray, Rita Paige, Mary Jones, Theresa Rader, Craig Sigue, Adrienne Bowser and Gregory Olivier. Condolences may be expressed online at David Funeral Home of New Iberia was in charge of the arrangements. Leonie L. Decuir Leonie LeBourgeois Decuir, 96, died at her daughter’s residence in Fort Myers, Florida on Tuesday, April 10. She is a native of Jeanerette and was a resident of Baton Rouge for many years. Visitation was held at Green Oaks Funeral Home in Baton Rouge on Friday, April 13. She is survived by her daughter, Mary Beth Lawrence and husband Buddy Lawrence, one sister, Juliet Pugh of Jeanerette, four grandchildren and many great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Michael Decuir, her parents, Ida and Leon LeBourgeois, her sister, Lucille Lamp and her brother, John LeBourgeois. Gerald Grisiaffi FAIR OAKS, Calif. — Services for Gerard Grisiaffi, 75, of Orangevalle, Calif., were held at 11 a.m. Friday, April 13, 2007 at Mount Vernon Memorial Park. A native of Jeanerette, Mr. Grisiaffi died Saturday, April 7, 2007. He is survived by his mother, Edmae Broussard Grisiaffi; a brother, John J. Grisiaffi, both of Jeanerette; two nieces; a nephew; numerous cousins; and partner of many years, Michael Telford. Mr. Grisiaffi was preceded in death by his father, Grisiaffi Sr. St. Joseph School has announced the Honor Roll and Principal’s List for the fourth six weeks grading period. * Denotes Straight “A’s” Honor Rpll First Grade Ali Aucoin, Andre` Clement, *Matthew Fangue, Grace Herring, *Amelia Larroque, *Madeline Lipari, Lexie Louviere, Skylar Price, Broc Romero, John Shelton, Hunter Vice. Second Grade *Brendan Bellefontaine, *Sydnie Boudreaux, *Ethan Briscoe, Madeline Brown, Kerri Comeaux, Anthony DeMuro, Kodi Gaither, *Micah Hulin, Tessie Lancon, *Evan Landry, Gavin Martin, Nicholas Meyers, *Isabella Mire, *Taylor Switzer, *Teddie Swize, *Lexi Voorhies. Third Grade *Sarah Bourgeois, Abbie Broussard, Zachary Brown, *Samuel Crochet, Sami Jo Darbonne, Mia Freeman, *Alex Hebert, Nicholas Napier, *Anne Patout, *Madison Pillaro, Amelia Provost, Britain Saunier, Jon Segura. Fourth Grade Victor Allain, Andre` Bellefontaine, Brandon Bonin, Kayla Broussard, Samantha Guardia, Ridge LeBlanc, *Austin Lipari, Amanda Migues, Camille Richard, Macie Sinitiere. Fifth Grade Morgan Fangue, *Madison Switzer. Sixth Grade Taylor Hebert, Molli Kern, Haley Marquette, David Provost, Lauren Rogers. Seventh Grade Farrah Freeman, Evan Hebert, Ryan Hebert. Eighth Grade Justin Ardeneaux, Tori Boudreaux, Nicole Fangue, Kaleb Freyou, Jacob Martin. Principal’s List First Grade Ali Aucoin, Austin Brown, Andre` Clement, Madison Dye, Matthew Fangue, Amelia Larroque, Paul Le, Madeline Lipari, Lexie Louviere, Matthew Napier, Skylar Price, Broc Romero, Stephen Rosamond, Hannah Shea, John Shelton, Hunter Vice Second Grade Brendan Bellefontaine, Brian Bellefontaine, Sydnie Boudreaux, Ethan Briscoe, Madeline Brown, Kerri Comeaux, Kodi Gaither, Taylor Hernandez, Micah Holmes, Micah Hulin, Tessie Lancon, Evan Landry, Gavin Martin, Nicholas Meyers, Isabella Mire, Taylor Switzer, Teddie Swize, Kayle Touchet, Lexi Voorhies. Third Grade Sarah Bourgeois, Abbie Memories For Sale ts confirm. S -three studen . JOHN: Thirty VISITS ST EE ä BISHOP PAGE 3 RPRISE E T N E E H T JEANERETTE 25 Cents y, February • Wednesda Louisiana Jeanerette, 60th 26, 2003 r not Alexande run r eligible fo race ’s or ay m in er 46 Year • Numb ST. CLAIR ISE BY JUSTIN ENTERPR TO THE SPECIAL KARMA CHAMPAGN annual Krewe E / THE JEANERETT E ENTERPRISE of Ezana Parade. ES LEBRAT ETTE CE JEANERParade The Krewe of Uganda throws beads to the crowds lined up along Man Street for the 10th na Krewe of Eza wds e cro draws larg mayor Jeanerette conFormer Alexander, James “T.K.” year of public victed last disqualified from was ion by 16th bribery, for re-elect running Court Judge District . Judicial x Monday Comeau d for Keith R.J. 58, qualifie on er Alexander, l election James Alexand 5 mayora the April candidacy was conto appeal by His he plans 14. Feb. ruling that week later appeal must tested one resident Andre the decision. The16th Judicial l d in Jeanerette in 16th Judicia 24 hours be receive was t Court within Rosamond week later. Court one ruled that, Distric ruling, which . 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ALEXANDER, supervised attorney, Please See Alexander’s n, said after the Charles Calaha ing Bowie seek at at-large se GNE CHAMPA ISE BY KARMA TTE ENTERPR THE JEANERE along floats rolled and purple route Sunday for green, gold A mass of half mile long paradeParade. a and of Ezana Pellerin the two and annual Krewelined Main Street, best beads the tenth of the revelers was a Mardi Gras King Drive in search ing Mister” d me Someth revelers scurrie Martin Luther as “Throw , toys and and favors. all along the route beads, candy cry colorful familiar cups, Gras Jeanerette for Mardi of the president event was special cards. Edwards, said the associathe Pamela tion, of tion Associa Mardi Gras the 10th year celebra E, Page 5 since it was Please See PARAD Purchase color reprints of photos that have appeared in The Jeanerette Enterprise, or even high-gloss reprints of pages from the paper, for yourself, a family member or anyone. You can use these photo or page reprints for your scrapbook, as a gift for someone else, or simply for a neat item to hang on a wall. KARMA CHAMPAGN Collins and King Lionel Mardi Gras Main Street. Jeanerette parade rolls down crowd as the E / THE JEANERETT Queen E ENTERPRISE greet Savitra Collins KARMA CHAMPAGN the E / THE JEANERETT has Bowie J. cy for Issac his candida position announced an-at-large the alderm of Jeanerette. other for the city to assist Bowie pledgedadvocating poss in city official s for the city. itive change decision to work the rs of “I made will all membe diligently nity to successfully g commu our Bowie ette a thrivin ages Issac as I make Jeaner many advant concerned city with a city of our size,” you are just as s. 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KARMA CHAMPAGN the attention for 5 city candidacy hard to get in the April Hebert try . large seat left, Beau of Rivers Hebert,during Sunday’s parade. citizen election. float riders said he As a lifelong Myers nity Jeanerette, the opportu help wants to havethe betterment of for same time Shoot to work and at the club. g 8:30 Jeanerette. in runnin the volun- support the interest is from joining at “My sole is to help the gov- Kurt Myers ested in can meet ay registration p.m. Donation the Time! teer group $5 for for this officeour city in making 14 years. a.m. - 12:30 “Now is each Saturd t of er.” deciadults and theme League for 8 a.m. City Hall son of it Togeth is $10 for 9-14. For more ernmen and necessary our and Colt March at Let’s Get 48, is the a right through He is ining Myers, kids ages call Sandr e the for mainta welfare of Mazie Myers. ation, sions the Yvonn inform Curtis and the former Anna for 276-6622, or facilities and are d to Verret, High ,” said Myers. 276-3169 of marrie LeJeune and they Senior sons, our citizens 1972 graduate 0. Mannina, Marie Jeanerette ts will presa of three Ben School, Borel, 369-763 Myers, ette Beauti studen prothe parents ette Junior Kenny l, 24, Senior High School The Jeaner ittee is concultural Jeanerette of the St. John the James Michae and Robert The Jeaner tion Club r n Comm ation of cityent a multiry r Educa is a membe Catholic Church Nicholas, 21 in celebr Month ficatio g its weekly in Huntehost a 3D Arche on gram list list ign y 17. tinuin y, time Evange Evange Histor will p campa format John the past vice- Anthon says he has the Black fund-raiserJJHEC x wide cleanu for the state Shoot talk show and St. is ment to Myers st using the Winfrey. Choir. He Carlton Rideau 2 at the ay of the to city govern of the preparation the Cleane aux Church March member on Highw of to devote Boudre . of needs allows and g of Oprah the Joyce nt range Band. l event judgin late March t hunting preside address east vanWijk The annua learn more City Contest in Community coaching help Roeland . one mile nd to r, contes Iberia cans community active in all 87, students Robert Raymoier Kay Fortie s Ameri fun League Myers, was is urging part Jeanerette. Foco, JJHEC Pony famou , Couvill an, about Ruby event Little League Randy presenting event chairm Charles to do their ng said the while Viola M. nt. The residents 6 and 8 and cleani ng instructor, e good fun for See Pages entertainme to take place by mowing led and cleani of will provid of the family ä is schedu Friday at the their yards ers in front all memb High at 1 p.m. curbsides e interSenior The the homes. Anyon Jeanerette their gymnasium. the l to Schoo is set program N EWS B ITES ä people Famous h talk to Opra for Preparing Contest Clean City JJHEC hosts t shoo archery s Obituarie To Order: Photo Reprints 8x10...$25 5x7....$15 (a second 5x7 of same photo is $10 more) Please note that only photos which have been published are available. Broussard, Karissa Clark, Samuel Crochet. Sami Jo Darbonne, Mia Freeman, Alex Hebert, Nicholas Napier, Anne Patout, Madison Pillaro, Amelia Provost, Britain Saunier, Jon Segura. Fourth Grade Victor Allain, Andre` Bellefontaine, Kayla Broussard, Bryce Hebert, Ridge LeBlanc, Austin Lipari, Luke Louviere, Amanda Migues, Camille Richard, Macie Sinitiere, Madeline Weber. Fifth Grade Michael Ardeneaux, Creighton Buteaux, Morgan Fangue, Alaina Fontenot, Micah Frederick. Jamie Freyou, Justine Larroque, Caroline Muffoletto, Breanna Porche, Sarah Ruiz, Madison Switzer. Sixth Grade Stevee Breaux, Molli Kern, Haley Marquette. Seventh Grade Tiffany Hebert Eighth Grade Justin Ardeneaux, Anthony Buteau, Nicole Fangue. SUBSCRIBE NOW! ❑3 months - $17.46 Sales Tax Included (reg $26.19) Name ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Home Phone____________________________________________________________ Deliver to Address ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– City____________________________________________________________________ State_________________________________Zip_______________________________ _ Bill to Address (if different)_____________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________________________________ State_________________________________Zip_______________________________ Mail to: Circulation Dept., The Daily Iberian, P.O. Box 9290, New Iberia, LA 70562 Offer applies only to those who have not received home delivery for the last 30 days. After the first three months, service will continue and you’ll be billed at the regular monthly rate. Not good in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Prices subject to change without notice. Does not apply to mail subscriptions. Jeanerette Business Review Ron’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 1325 Main Street Jeanerette, La. 70544 337-276-3902 DARRYL LABICHE Air Conditioning - Heating, Inc. Larroque Pharmacy 201 Florida Street - Jeanerette, LA 70544 • 276-4405 OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR FRIENDS It’s Hard To Stop A Trane. Established 1924 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1305 E. Main Jeanerette 276-5001 Williams True Value Hardware & Tire Service 700 E. Main - Jeanerette 276-4277 - 276-6566 2801 West Main St., Jeanerette, La. (318) 276-4567 • 828-1692 HARDWARE STORES LAPEYROUSE MOTORS 1105 E. Main St., Jeanerette • 276-4541 • Franklin 828-2582 • New Iberia 364-8227 • 1-800-516-7000 Email: LYDIA OOD STORE F 3914 DARNELL ROAD • LYDIA, LA 70569 Check Our Everyday Low Buster Prices! 365-2176 Page Reprints Mon-Sat 4am-8:30pm • Sun 4am-8pm Full Size/Glossy Prints $ 40 We need the date of publication, page number and description of photo, along with a major credit card. Please note that because photos are sometimes cropped or otherwise edited for publication, there may be some variation in the content of the photo from what was published. Please allow up to seven days for processing and handling. JEANERETTE THE ENTERPRISE To Order Contact The Daily Iberian 365-6773 Ron’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 1325 Main Street • Jeanerette, La.70544 Authorized Dealer • 1/2 Off Deposits • Free Phones • Flip Camera Phones • Razor Phones Located Within 337-276-3902 1418 Main Street Jeanerette, LA 70544 337-276-7009 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am-5:30 pm THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Page 7 CEMETERY: Local volunteers needed Artisan competition open to adults, students CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 handwritten and in other instances the remains of the deceased have been relocated to other cemeteries. In many cases, Schexnayder said the headstones are broken and deteriorated and it is not easy to identify the deceased, while others have no identification at all. “This is a way that the genealogy group can be of help to supplement and update church records,” she said. In order to complete the project quicker, Schexnayder said the group is seeking volunteers who are willing to volunteer their time for a couple of hours a week over the next six to eight weeks. The group will meet at St. John Evangelist Church at 9 a.m. Tuesday and will contin- ue meeting every Tuesday at 9 a.m. until the task is completed. “A volunteer doesn’t’ have to commit to every week, it can be only a few hours,” said Schexnayder. Shirley Broussard, a member of the group said there are well over 3,000 tombs that need to be verified with records. Records show the cemetery has a history dating back to June, 1879 when the first burial plot was purchased for sixyear-old Alice Harris. The group eventually hopes to see each tomb identified with a visual marking. For those who do not have an engraving or headstone, Schexnayder said an engraved metal plate can be purchased for $10. Anyone wanting more information on the program can call Schexnyader at 365- 7667. Schexnayder said the group is just an informal association that has joined together to perform a service that is much needed. “We need to get more of the locals in Jeanerette involved,” she said. The genealogy enthusiasts have already competed a similar project in St. Nicholas Catholic Church Cemetery in Patoutville and St. Peters Catholic Church Cemetery in New Iberia. After the records are verified at St. John Evangelist Cemetery, the group will move on to a Catholic cemetery in Charenton to complete a similar project. The New Iberia Artisan Competition for 3Dimensional Art Work is scheduled for April 28-29 at the Shadows-onthe Teche Information Center L’Acadian Art Guild president Jack Ferry invites adults and students ages 13-17 to participate in the club’s Premier 3D Art competition. Cash awards and ribbon will be given in each of the following categories: Wood Art (turned curved and assembled); Metals (forged or laser cut steel) Jewelry; Needlework, (quilts, tatting, smocking, crewel, crochet, and knitting); Pottery (clay items hand turned or wheel thrown) Original; Art Glass (lampworked and or furnace and Distribution of the guide will be under the direction of James L. “Jim” Anderson, director of the Iberia parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness and Vermilion parish director General Robert Leblanc. Throughout the guide, residents will find valuable information gained from the experiences of the hurricanes and flooding that struck Louisiana in August and September of 2005. Some of those include descriptions of types of insurance people need to have, dealing with inland flooding and hurricane-spawned tornadoes, health issues following a natural disaster incident, planning for evacuation and evacuating safely, dealing with extended stays in shelters and learning various types of assistance available following a natural disaster event. The guide also contains Web sites where residents can learn more about weather conditions, flooding, disaster resources, generator safety, pet lodging options, storm recovery, home design and construction and a number of other related areas of emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Include in the Iberia Parish/Vermilion guide are several pages of Disaster Mitigation Education. The pages include actions that can be taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risks to life and property from future hazard events including information about building codes, basic steps to consider when elevating a building and the links to state and national disaster mitigation information resources. Through 27 areas of content, the guide brings together, in one publication, important information from sources such as the Louisiana State Police Evacuation Map, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, FEMA, Disaster Contractor’s Network, Partnership for Advancing, Technology in Housing and the widely regarded Lafayette Utilities System Hurricane Handbook. Funding for production and printing the guide is possible through the corporate support of AGL, Resources under the direction of David Jewell, vice president of Operations of Jefferson Island Storage and Hub. ROBIN MOTOR CO. PAINT & BODY SHOP HIGH QUALITY REPAIR WORK + VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES 1620 S. Main - St. Martinville, LA 6 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Daily FROM OUR GROCERY DEPT 12 Pack 12 oz cans COKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/ 9 $ 99 16 oz Wishbone SALAD DRESSING . . .2/ 2 $ 98 32 oz Shurfine 1 200 oz $ 88 GAIN LIQUID . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 126 oz $ 88 GAIN POWDER . . . . . . . . . 7 MAYONNAISE . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Roll Northern Double Roll Quilted $ 18 BATH TISSUE . . . . . . .2/ 5 $ 48 oz 88 2 18 oz Bullseye $ 88 BBQ SAUCE . . . . . . . . . 2/ 2 2 Liter Shurfine DRINKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58¢ 18.25 oz Duncan Hines CAKE MIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98¢ 8 oz Del Monte $ TOMATO SAUCE . . . . . 4/ 1 MAZOLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 88 FROM OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT: 16 oz (A Tiffany Favorite) NEW YORK $ 99 CHEESECAKE . . . . . . . . . . 1 FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT: Large Sweet Juicy Delicious 98¢ 4.5 oz Farm Fresh Crisp Bunch ¢ GREEN ONIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Fresh Crisp Calif. ¢ CELERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Red Ripe Roma ¢ TOMATOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lb 98 CANTALOUPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * All Makes & Models Free Estimates Small & Large Repairs Frame Straightening Factory Trained Techs All Insurance Claims Welcome Custom Paint Work (Multi Color Fades & Graphics) * All Repairs Guaranteed FROM OUR DAIRY DEPT 5 Count Shurfine Jumbo CINNAMON ROLLS . . . . . . . . 1 $ 88 Gal. Shurfresh 2 8 oz Borden Sandwich Mate ¢ CHEESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 MILK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gal $ 99 FROM OUR FLORAL DEPT Blooming Beauty GRANDE BOUQUET . . . . . . . 8 $ 88 FROM OUR FROZEN FOOD DEPT JEANERETTE Contact Mike Russo, Body Shop Manager 7:30 AM-5:00 PM M-F (337) 276-4567 • 365-1601 priced by the artist. No admission will be charged for the event. Entry forms may be obtained ahead of time from Jack Ferry at 365-3110; DArnelle Delcambre, 367-7668 or Margaret Melancon 5601279. *ATTENTION* DREAM HOUSES SOLD HERE IN YOUR LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS ST. MARTINVILLE’S SHURFRESH SUPERMARKET GUIDE: Includes 48 pages information CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 other). The show will be open for public viewing on Saturday from 2-4 p.m. and Sunday from 1-4 p.m. Art work does not have to be for sale for artist to participate. Items that are for sale will be 16 oz Shurfine 2/ $298 16 oz Pictsweet $ 00 VEGETABLES . . . . . . . . .4/ 5 1/2 Gal. Blue Bell $ 98 ICE CREAM . . . . . . . . . .2/ 6 GARLIC BREAD . . . . . . A TRADITION AT JOYCE’S: QUALITY MEATS PRODUCE, & GROCERIES Specials Good From 4/18/07 - 4/24/07 FROMOURMEAT DEPARTMENT T-MARIE SPECIAL 5 lb Bag of Chicken Drumsticks 3 lb End Cut Pork Chops 3 lb Fresh Sausage 3 lb Lean Ground Beef 14 lb T-Marie Special $24.99 14 LB. T-MARIE SPECIAL FROM JOYCE’S (A LOREAUVILLE FAVORITE) “NEW YORK” SPECIAL 10 lb Bag of Leg Quarters 2 lb Joyce’s Bar B Q Pork Sausage 3 lb Boneless Pork Fingers or Seven Steaks 3 lb Lean Ground Beef 18 lb “New York” Bar B Q Special $24.99 PA PA LOU MEAT SPECIAL 3 lb End Cut Pork Chops 3 lb Fresh Sausage 3 lb Lean Ground Beef MEAT DEPARTMENT: 4 LB SPECIALS 4 lb IBP Select Boneless Beef 11 4 lb IBP Select Boneless Beef $ 96 SEVEN STEAKS . . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 11 4 lb IBP Select Boneless Beef $ 96 ROUND STEAKS . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 11 4 lb Premium $ 96 PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 7 4 lb Center Cut $ 96 PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 8 4 lb Boneless Pork $ 96 SEVEN STEAKS . . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 7 4 lb Boneless $ 96 PORK FINGERS . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 7 4 lb Premium $ 96 PORK RIBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for 7 GRAVY STEAKS . . . . . . . . . 4 lb for $ 96 MEAT DEPARTMENT: IBP Choice Beef Boneless RUMP ROAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb 1 $ 88 40 lb Case of USDA Inspected FRYER $ LEGQUARTERS . . . . . . . 40 lbs 1399 Fresh Bone In End Cut $ 96 PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . 4 lbs 4 IBP Beef Boneless Select $ 96 SIRLOIN STEAKS . . . . . . 4 lbs 15 IPB $ 96 GROUND ROUND . . . . . . . . 4 lbs 7 Miss Goldy ¢ PICK OF THE CHICK . . . . . . . lb 98 12 oz Bar S $ 88 SLICED BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Our Own Homemade 9 lb Pa Pa Lou Special $18.99 12 LB “LOUISIANA BLUES” SPECIAL 5 lb Chicken Drumsticks 3 lb Joyce’s Churice Sausage 4 lb Box of Richard’s Smoked Sausage 12 lb Louisiana Special FRESH SAUSAGE 15 Kinds To Choose From 4 lbs $8.96 SUNDAY ONLY 4-22-07 1 lb Hillshire SAUSAGE . . . . . . . 2/$388 12 oz Bernard Imported CRAWFISH TAIL MEAT . . . . . . . . . $388 Miss Goldy Family Pack $22.99 SPLIT BREAST . . . . lb 98¢ THE JEANERETTE ENTERPRISE Page 8 ACADIANA DODGE 1700 S.E. Evangeline Thruway Lafayette, LA (337) 232-7361 Wednesday, date, year GULF COAST AUTOPLEX, INC. LAPEYROUSE MOTORS DOUET CHRYSLER FRENZEL MOTORS Highway 31 South St. Martinville, LA (337) 394-6026 2110 Veterans Memorial Drive Abbeville, LA (337) 893-4555 407 Shankland Ave. Jennings, LA (337) 824-4486 1105 Main Street Jeanerette, LA (337) 276-4541 MUSSON-PATOUT AUTOMOTIVE RED SHOE CHRYSLER, DODGE, JEEP SHETLER-CORLEY MOTORS STERLING CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 1200 E. Main Street New Iberia, LA (337) 365-7251 320 West Main Street Ville Platte, LA (337) 363-6718 1623 N. Parkerson Ave. 5504 1-49 N.Service Road Opelousas, LA (337) 942-1241 Crowley, LA (337) 783-4600
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