

Volume 75, Issue 10
St. Louis, MO
David Dieckhaus - Potentate
2015- Potentate
December 2015
Moolah Shriners
Camels’ Tales
Home of the Shriners of Eastern & Central Missouri
What’s Inside...
Potentate Holiday Ball on 12/5
Haunted Moolah?
2016 Roster
Lunch with Santa
December Stated Meeting
Clown Trivia Night
Shriner of the Month
Remember Ronald Krueger, PP Santa Party for Shriners Patients 2016 Potentate Ball
Wishing you and your family a
Merry Christmas
Thank you for a
great year!
Dedicated to Helping Shriners Hospitals for Children
2015 Elected Divan &
Board Of Directors
David Dieckhaus....................... Potentate
Lenny Martin, Jr...................Chief Rabban
Dean Isbell...........................Asst. Rabban
Kyle McEvoy.......... High Priest & Prophet
Richard Weber........................... Treasurer
David Jacobi, Sr..........................Recorder
Don Taylor, Jr..................... Oriental Guide
Representatives to
Imperial Council
David Dieckhaus Lenny Martin Dean Isbell
Don Taylor Jr.
Jerry Gantt
Imperial Potentate
2015 Appointed Divan
Moolah Appointed Positions
Russell Georgen......1st Ceremonial Master
Joe Shivley.............2nd Ceremonial Master
Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP............Director
Robert Daniels................................. Marshal
D.L (Monty) Kennedy..Shrine Club Marshal
Bill Snell.......................Shrine Club Marshal
Mitch Weinsting...........Shrine Club Marshal
Jack Melton................Captain of the Guard
Dennis Burkholder....................Outer Guard
Carl Barthold.......................................................Almoner
John Hewitt...............................Ambassador Chairman
Wayne Price.................Building Committee Chairman
Karl Erselius.......................................................Chaplain
Carl Barthold......................................................Chaplain
Dennis Burkholder.............Donor Relations Chairman
Ted Dearing.........................................General Counsel
Joe Shivley..................................Insurance Committee
Al Earls...................................... License Plates Director
David Schmucker.......Memorial Brick Walk Chairman
Shaun Ruether.....................................Co-Membership
D.J. Herman.........................................Co-Membership
Kenneth Myles, PP................ Shrine Club Coordinator
James Smith, PP...........................Co-Public Relations
Dennis Burkholder.........................Co-Public Relations
Jim Tracy............................................. Technical Advisor
Ronald Risher...................... Patient Referral Chairman
Todd Litzau.............................Clinic Referral Chairman
David Jacobi, Sr.............Grand Lodge Representative
Potentate's Aides
Rich Viner
Robby Dirkers Ernie Boulicault
Wallace Bowman
William Bradford
Mark Davis
Michael Davis
David Dieckhaus
Lenny Martin
Gary Fanger
Emil Fett
Dean Isbell
Kyle McEvoy
Don Gabel
Gale Bennington, P.P. ................Ad Vitam Jerry
Ryan Georgen
James W. Smith, P.P. ..................Ad Vitam Brett Grimm
Harold Hargiss
DJ Hermen
Moolah Temple Association
Randall I. Ottinger, P.P...............President Gary Holland
David Hope
Representatives to Central
States Shrine Association
Chief Aide
Assistant Chief Aide
Dennis Martin
Matthew Mayer
Richard Mayer
Eric McVicar
Jack Melton
Dale Nagel
Richard Pollock
Michael Reese
Ronald Reynolds
Shaun Ruether
Casey Thompson
Bud Waters
Richard Watts
Director General
Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP 2009
Benjamin Allen
Frank Cali
Lucas Dieckhaus
Scott Dieckhaus
Jerry Gaddy
Gale Going
Greg Heins
Kevin Heins
Robert Mathewson
Randy McDougal
James McEvoy
Matthew Niedringhaus
Ted Schamburg
John Spraul
Don Wander
Elmo Blum
Terry Bunting
Benjamin Dennison
Gregory Dortch
Dennis Eaton
Melvin Gordon
Eugene Hopwood
Scott Hunt
Allen James
Jack Kairy
Ronald McCoy
Verle Naughton
Michael O’Cheltree
Ronald Pratt
Gregory Price
Paul Rose
Jimmie Sanders
Logan Santschi
Raymond Schulte
Michael Shulse
Rick Uebinger
Kevin Wooden
Assist. Directors General
Potentate’s Emeritus Aides
Charles Baker
Donald Baur
John Bowman
Richard Braun
Robert Callaway
Richard Carlson, Jr.
Bob Daniels
John Dodge
Albert Earls
Robert Grimm
Robert Holscher
James Hubeli
Conrad Jacobi
Mark Lyles
Herbert Mahler
Robert Means
Raymond Moore
John Morrison, Jr.
Fred Plough
Wayne Price
Mark Rethemeyer
William Ross
Donald Staffne James Stahl
Mitch Weinsting Kenneth Will
Donald Worley
Shriners Hospital for Children
St. Louis 314-432-3600
Board of Governors
Harvey L Mirly, M.D...................Chairman
Alex B. Rabin.....................Vice Chairman
Gale Bennington, PP................. Treasurer
Adrian Croissant........................ Secretary
David Dieckhaus
Gale Bennington, PP Bernard G. Stever
Ronald Krueger, II
John Schloot
Charles M. M. Shepherd William Tracey
Associate Member
Moolah Shrine Circus
Dean Isbell............. .............Circus Chairman
Ron Reynolds..............................Circus Director
Wayne Price............Parade Marshal Emeritus
Richard Sopp...........Parade Marshal Emeritus
Jack Morrison..........Parade Marshal Emeritus
Mark Rethemeyer...... Circus Director Emeritus
Camels' Tales is
published ten (10) times
per year and distributed by
MOOLAH Shrine Temple
Material contained herein may not be
reproduced in whole or in part without the
written consent of the publisher.
All rights reserved.
The titles used herein are service marks of
various companies, organizations and others.
All logos, service marks and trade marks are
reproduced with permission.
MOOLAH is a registered service
mark of MOOLAH Temple.
Emeritus Members
Lester “Al” Greene, P.P.; Harry E. Hays*
Stephen K. Lambright; Gene McNary*
John B. Morgan; Stephen F. Pieper, P.P.
James W. Smith, P.P.*; Barry Todd, P.P.*
Geo. E. Stephenson, P.P.*; Fred Caress
Ronald Risher*, Doug Bachman, Ted
*Past Board Chairman
Kenneth E. Myles, P.P..........Director, MO
Stephen Pieper, P.P......Director, St. Louis
Dennis Burkholder
Emeritus Representatives
Shriners Hospitals For Children,
A Colorado Corporation
Gale Bennington, PP
Lawrence D. Jones, PP
Kenneth Myles, PP
Barry R. Todd, PP
Merle R. Truckenmiller, PP
Gale F. Bennington PP, Administrator
Ext 113
Monica Smith, Membership
All material copyright 2015 by
Ext 100
MOOLAH Temple.
Lauren Schaefer, Graphic Designer
Ext 101
Patricia Dodd, Accounting
Although every effort is made
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to ensure legitimacy, MOOLAH Temple is not
responsible for advertiser's claims.
Ext 150
Camels' Tales is a trademark
of MOOLAH Temple.
Lawrence D. Jones, PP........................1994
George E. Stephenson PP .................1984
Kenneth E. Myles, PP............................ 1992
John Hewitt, Chief Aide Emeritus
Douglass Maxwell, P.P. 96
Past Imperial Potentate 2008-2009
Board of Trustees Member
Joe Shivley
Living Past Potentates
James W. Smith.....................................1983
George E. Stephenson.........................1984
Richard H. Haag.................................1988
Kenneth E. Myles...................................1992
Randall I. Ottinger...............................1993
Lawrence D. Jones............................1994
Douglas E. Maxwell...............................1996
Stephen F. Pieper...............................1997
Barry R. Todd......................................2000
Ronald D. Woods.................................2001
H.H. “Bud” White..................................2002
Albert Faulstich.. .................................2003
Gale F. Bennington...............................2004
John G. Smith.....................................2005
Merle R. Truckenmiller..........................2006
Lester "Al" Greene..............................2007
Frank "Pancho" Windler.......................2009
William I. Drake......................................2010
James C. Brandenburg.........................2011
Andrew Metzger....................................2012
Patrick Hensley......................................2013
Dennis Kelley.........................................2014
Dale W. Stauss
Past Imperial Potentate 2014-2015
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Shriners Hospital for Children
12545 Fee Fee Road
St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone (314) 878-6301
Fax (314) 434-5393
Toll Free 888-9Moolah
ADVERTISING: Direct all questions
concerning advertising to the address
and phone number listed.
Pictures published in the
Camels' Tales are property of MOOLAH
Temple, unless otherwise noted.
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The grammar, spelling, punctuation
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126th Moolah Shrine Potentate
Illustrious Sir David W. Dieckhaus
Greetings Nobles,
Can you believe it is already the end of the year and we are entering the busy holiday season? I wish everyone a safe and
joyous holiday season with their families. Even though it’s getting close to the end of the year we still have plenty work to
do here at Moolah. We have many upcoming events starting off with the Potentate Holiday Ball on December 5th in Moolah
Ballroom, Brunch with Santa on Dec. 12th, and the Shriner’s Patient Party on Dec. 13, in the Ballroom. Don’t forget the last
Stated meeting of the year on December 16th (ELECTION NIGHT). Please make sure to bring your paid dues card for 2015
so you can get into the ballroom to vote.
What a great year! Moolah’s new administrator has been on the job for a complete year now and has worked very hard
with the staff to make sure they take care of all of our needs. Kudos to all of the staff at Moolah for all you do for the Moolah
Shriners and all of our guests. I am proud and honored to have been able to serve as Moolah’s 126th Potentate. I certainly
could not have been able to do it without the support of the divan and all members of Moolah. Thank you for the opportunity, I hope I served you well. As I step aside I ask that you give Lenny Martin and his divan complete support as they move
forward with keeping Moolah Shrine the best shrine in the system.
Thank You for Being “Seen in 2015”
A Message from First Lady Christine,
David and I are so truly blessed to have each of you for our friends. We have had an outstanding year of friends and fellowship and I don’t know how to say thank you enough. We have never had the opportunity to work with such an unbelievable
group of people. Thank you to each of you for giving time, talents, and loving hearts for us and the shrine. This is truly a year
of memories for us.
Thank you for your support and friendship, and a year we will never forget. I hope to see all of you around the shrine next
year, and years to come.
God Bless!
Christine Dieckhaus
Chaplain’s Corner
by Karl Erselius
Time to “Winterize”
Soon we all may be humming or singing that old song, “Let It Snow”. Remember the first line? “Oh, the weather outside is frightful…..” Growing up here in St.
Louis, I learned the meaning of a cold and icy winter. Our winters may not be as
bad as some places, but they can get pretty mean. In addition to the “outside”
winter weather, our spiritual lives also can experience “winters”, and we must
winterize for them. When winter comes it is a time of bleak, dark, and dreary
days. We must face the fact that winter can be hard and “trials” are hard. Just
like the season of winter, our spiritual “winters” can leave us discouraged, lonely
and depressed.
Some things can make the cold of “our winters/trials” very intense and should
cause us to winterize and “be on guard”. 1. The Cold Air Culprit of the World.
When we are going through trials and hardships, we sometimes tend to let our
guard down, making it easier for worldly influences to take over in our lives. It
seeps through the cracks around the doors and windows, just like the winter
air. We’ve got to block those cracks. Using God’s Word is the best way to do
this. If we have it in our hearts, it can help stop the “winter air of the world”
from seeping into our lives. Psalm 119:11 tells us “Thy Word have I hid in mine
heart, that I might not sin against thee.” 2. The Icicles of Cold Attitudes. In
winter it’s easy to develop a bad attitude. When we’re in the midst of a trial, we
sometimes automatically go into “icicle attitude mode;” i.e: get cranky, out of
sorts with family, and we complain more. We must remember no one else can
fix our bad attitudes, only WE can do that! It’s not easy adjusting one’s attitude during a “winter” because the “weight” of the ice bears down on us. But
the simplest way to start on adjusting a bad attitude is to take a step back and
remember who God is and who WE ARE NOT. Psalm 46:10 “Be still and
know that I am God.” 3. The Blizzards of Circumstances. Winter can bring
many things; blizzards among them, and they can be devastating. Circumstances in our lives can also be devastating; i.e: mounting bills, sickness/poor
health, or relationships sour, etc. We’re “weighed down” and think we can’t go
on because we can’t see down the road. During these times we need to remember that God DOES see the outcome. Remember Job’s plight? Job23:10 reads
“But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth
as gold.” 4. The Jack Frost of Depression. The dark, bleak days of winter are
often depressing, and “trials” certainly are depressing. There’s no easy way out
of depression, but keeping our lives in tune with God can help guard against it.
Regular personal devotions and a time with God each day can go a long way
in dealing with it. Psalm55:17 says “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I
pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.”
We will all have “winters” in our lives, but choosing how we deal and prepare for
them can make all the difference in the world. May God bless each and every
one, during this special season and throughout the year. Peace and Shalom.
These We
Do Not Forget
“Es Selamu Aleikum”
We do not lose the ones we love
They only go before
Where there is everlasting life
Where sorrow is no more....
And there the soul will always live
And peace is everywhere
We do not lose the ones we love
God Takes them in His Care.
William D. Botter
Michael W. Henderson
Thomas R. Hildebrand
Ronald E. Hintze
Stanley N. Hollander
Ronald P. Krueger Sr. PP
Kenneth W. Lerbs
Ronald Paul Krueger, P.P.
Worshipful Brother Ronald Paul Krueger was born October 19, 1940. He was initiated an Entered Apprentice
in Tuscan Lodge #360 on September 4th, 1962. He was passed to the degree of fellow craft on February 12,
1963 and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on April 2, 1963.
He served Tuscan Lodge #360 as Worshipful Master in 1991-92. Worshipful Brother Krueger was instrumental
in the formation of Noble Lodge #684. When the Grand Lodge of Missouri granted Noble Lodge their charter
on December 10, 2004, it did so with Worshipful Brother Krueger being its first charter member and its first
Worshipful Master.
He was a champion for the Missouri Children’s Foundation, actively supporting the MOCHIP program both
financially and making his theatre lobbies available for the registration of children.
Ron was an active member in many Masonic and community organizations. He served Moolah Shrine as
Potentate in 1999 and was active in the Chanters Unit, Air Patrol and many other Shrine units. He was a
member of the Royal Order of Jesters. He was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the
Royal Order of Christian Knighthood Red Cross of Constantine. Ron was honored to receive the DeMolay
Legion of Honor and the DeMolay Hall Of Fame Award.
Mr. Krueger was President and CEO of Wehrenberg Theatres since 1963. He was Past Chairman and
Emeritus Board Member at the Salvation Army, a member of Ambassadors of Harmony (St. Charles Chapter), Safari Club International, Big Game Hunters, NRA, Missouri Conservation and FBI Citizens Academy
Alumni Association.
Ronald was a graduate of Westminster College and a past member of the school’s Board of Trustees. He
served his community through past board memberships at US Bank and Midwest Bank Center. Ron was Past Chairman and a Life Member of the Advisory
Board of the Salvation Army and was the recent recipient of the Don Dubail Wall of Fame Award for outstanding years of service to the Salvation Army.
Ron served his industry as a member of the Board of Directors of National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) and as a past board member of the National
Association of Concessionaires. Ronald received the NATO “B.V. Sturdivant Award” for outstanding community and industry service. Ron was a member of
the World President’s Organization. He was listed in both the National and International Who’s Who registers. Most notably Ron helped further the St. Louis
University Family Firm Forum as a member of its advisory board, and the company received the 1998 Mississippi Valley Family Business Award.
Ron enjoyed the outdoors and was a member and past president of the St. Louis Chapter of the Safari Club International, an organization devoted to the conservation of species and game management practices. Ron received Hunter of the Year honors from Big Game Hunters in 1977 and again in 1996. Through
this passion, Ron collected the Big Five in African game and many trophies that qualify for the Safari Club International Record Book.
He served the Masonic fraternity for over 52 years with outstanding devotion and participation. He was called from labor to rest on October 21st, 2015 at the
age of 75.Mr. Krueger is survived by his wife of 38 years, Midge Deppe Krueger; two daughters, Michelle Bayless and Heather Hicker, both of St. Louis; a son,
Ronald Krueger II, of New Orleans; and six grandchildren.
Stephen F. Pieper, MBA, CLU®, ChFC®
Life Insurance • Medical Plans • Pensions
Long Term Care Insurance
2016 Roster
It is time to update the
Information Guide and Roster!
Have you moved?
Changed phone numbers?
Do we have your current
contact information?
Please email updates to Lauren
at or call
314.878.6301 x101
Please send by DECEMBER 14th!
Ron Reynolds –Circus Director (314-732-2121)
The 2016 Moolah Shrine circus will be held at the Family Arena in St. Charles. Mark your calendars for March 17th
through the 20th. We will be having the same number of performances as last year.
We will have our Circus parade in Old Town St. Charles on Saturday, March 5th at Noon. After the parade we will
return to Moolah for the Circus kick-off. On Saturday, March 12th we will participate in the Cottleville parade to get
exposure for our circus. All Shriners are asked to join in the fun for all these events.
Everyone should have Ad Packets and Circus Tickets by now. Remember to get out there and SELL.
The kids free coupon tickets are also available. Pick some up and distribute in your area.
What a great idea it would be to give Circus tickets as a Christmas Gift this year. Why not include reserved seats with
those tickets?
The Circus Committee is meeting on the second Wednesday of each month from September to March in the Guides
unit room. Any and all volunteers are welcome to join us. There is always plenty to do. Arrive at 5:30 PM for a light
dinner and the meeting begins at 6:00 PM. Please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. 314-732-2121 or
Our goal is to continue to make our circus the best ever, and to keep the seats full.
December Shriner of the Month
Harold “Chub” Wisely, Sr.
Our Shriner of the Month for December is Harold “Chub” Wisely Sr. Noble Wisely became a
Mason in 1966, joining Craftsman Lodge and
later moved his membership to Harmony Lodge
#499. A Scottish Rite member since 1968, he
joined Moolah in April of 1969.
Active in the lodge and the Shrine, his wife Eunice was also a member of Eastern Star. For 46
years, Noble Wisely has been a member of the
Moolah Guides and continues to do Bingo every
week. Although, he is no longer a driver for the
guides, he is very proud of his eight plus years
of helping our kids. Not only is he still giving his
time to the Shrine, he also still volunteers at the
A veteran from World War 2, his brother served
at the Battle of the Bulge while he was in the
Pacific at New Guinea, one of the longest battles
between 1942 until 1945. He is a recipient of the
Purple Heart.
Noble Wisely is active in the Senior Olympics
with sports such as Shot Put, Shuffle Board,
Horseshoes, and Disc throwing.
Noble Wisely shared that he had never served
in office at Moolah, he said it wasn’t important.
The most important thing is helping our kids and
being a good brother.
The Moolah Public Relations team is proud and
honored to have Noble Harold Wisely Sr. as our
Shriner of the Month for December.
Mark Your Calendars
2 0 1 5
5th: Holiday Ball
12th: Brunch with Santa - Ballroom
13th: Shriner’s Patient Party 12-3pm
(Snow election date Dec. 23rd)
24th: Christmas Eve (Office Closed)
25th: Christmas Day (Office Closed)
2 0 1 6
1st: New Year’s Day (Office Closed)
9th: Clowns Trivia Night
13th: Circus Meeting
2 0 1 6
10th: Circus Meeting
27th: Potentate’s Presentation Ball
2 0 1 6
5th: Circus Parade & Kickoff
9th: Circus Meeting
12th: St. Patrick’s Day Parade
17th-20th: Circus
25th: Good Friday (Office Closed)
Meeting Schedules
Units & Committees
Shrine Clubs
Air Patrol - 2nd Mon.
Cape SC - 4th Wed. 6:30p Call for Location
American Muscle - 2nd Wed., 6:30p, Unit Room
Capital SC - 2nd Tues. 6:30p, Capital SC
Antique Cars - 1st Wed., Rich & Charlie’s Restaurant Daniel Boone SC - Last Thurs. 6:30p, JJ’s Restaurant
Arab Patrol - 1st Mon., Drill Practice - 4th Monday
ECMO SC - 1st Fri. 7:30p, ECMO SC
Band - Every Wed.
Four Rivers SC - 2nd Mon. 7:30p Gray Summit
BBQ Smokin’ Nobles - 1st Mon, Oasis
Joachim SC - 2nd Mon. Herculaneum
Chanters - 1st Mon. Business Meeting 7:30p Unit
Little Dixie SC - 4th Wed. LD Shrine Park
Room, Rehearsal every other Mon. 7:30p Mid-Mo SC - 2nd Wed. 6:30p Call for Location
Clowns - 3rd Mon.
Nemo SC - 3rd Thurs. 6:00p Call for Location
Computer Club - 2nd Mon. 7:30p
Ozark SC - 3rd Wed. 6:00p Shamrock Bar
DeMolay - 1st Wed. 7:00p
SEMO SC - 1st Mon. 6:00p SEMO SC
Directors Staff - 1st Mon.
Three Rivers SC - 3rd Fri 6:30p Three Rivers SC
Drum Corps - 2nd Mon, Rehearsals 1st, 3rd, 4th Mon
Tiger SC - Last Mon. Tiger SC
Gateway 500 - 2nd Tues.
Guides - Last Fri.
Hospital Committee - 3rd Wed., 6:15p, Committee Room
Legion of Honor - 4th Tues.
Motor Patrol - 2nd Mon.
Mounted Lancers - 2nd Wed., Ranch
Nomads - 4th Wed., 6:30p Food
Provost Guard - 2nd Mon. 7:00p
• Dress in business casual
• Dues Cards will be required
Reception Committee - 2nd Wed.
• Ladies are always welcome
Sound Unit - 2nd Mon.
• Babysitting is provided on second floor by
Stage Crew - 1st Wed.
Swing Dance Unit - 1st Mon. 6:30p
the front office
TCCA - 4th Wed. 6:00p Oasis
• Dinner is served at 5:30p
Unique Motors - 2nd & 4th Mon.
• Meetings begin at 7:30p
YOMO - 2nd Wed.
• Balloting on all new petitions for membership
Lunch with Santa
Unit & Committee Reports
Air Patrol
American Muscle
Director: Dave Evans
President: Keith Schilb
1st Vice President: Greg Martin
Secretary: Jim Gesell
Treasurer: Tom Nelson
Merry Christmas !!!!
The Potentate’s Christmas Holiday Ball is Saturday, December 5th, 2015 at Moolah Temple.
Make your reservations with the Moolah Temple
Office. Stay tuned for the Air Patrols Plans for our
Christmas Celebration.
December 14th, 2015 is the Air Patrol Annual
meeting and Election of Officers. Come on up to the
Hanger and help spread a little holiday cheer and
help to wrap up the year 2015. A notification was
sent out in November to meet the 14 day notice.
Pearl Harbor day is Tuesday, December 7th.
Fly our flag.. The flag of these United States of
America …. Never forget.
Gone West... Illustrious Sir Ronald Krueger. It is
with great sadness that we report the passing of
our friend and brother Illus. Sir Ronald Krueger.
Ronald was a GREAT supporter of the Air Patorl
and Shrine as a whole. He was a founding
member of the Air Patrol. He was our Air Patrol
president in 1972 as well as Moolah Potentate
in 2000. Many remember the great times with
the Wehrenberg Theatre Balloon races. He was
very active and supportive of the many masonic
organizations. Including the youth groups. Ron
was active and supported many community and
philanthropic organizations. We will miss his
energy and drive.
The American Muscle Unit held its yearly Veteran's Day BBQ on Saturday, November 14th to
show our appreciation to our wounded veterans
at Jefferson Barracks. This was the second year
we held this event in conjunction with that great
bunch of guys from the Smokin' Nobles Unit. Our
Units provided hundreds of grilled chicken or
pork steaks with all the fixings to the appreciative
veterans and hospital staff at Jefferson Barracks.
The American Muscle Unit participated in numerous
Parades this year. We drove our American-made
muscle cars as well as both of our Flying Carpet
vehicles with their new, high-powered engines in
parades. This winter, the Unit plans on producing
several more Flying Carpets, but this time on larger,
zero-turn mowers! If this also sounds like fun to you,
join us! We have no initiation fees and no yearly
If you have a muscle car you would like to show
or parade, join us. If you do not have a muscle
car but would like to drive one of our Magic Carpets, join us! We meet the second Wednesday
of every month at 6:30 pm in the Unit Room we
share with the Hospital Committee. We hope to
see you then.
From Chairman John:
December is the start of cold weather in the Northern
Hemisphere, however we have been very fortunate
that the weather has been moderate during most of
November. The baseball season came to an end with
the K C Royals winning the World Series . Oh well,
there is always next year.
The Potentate has made his final plans for the
year with a fun trip to Branson for a viewing of
the Christmas Lights. On December 5th is his
Holiday Ball. This would be a good time to fill the
Ballroom with Ambassadors.
The Ambassador Christmas party with our Ladies
will be December 11th. All of the Ambassadors
will be receiving a Flyer in the mail.
After 13 years serving as the Ambassador Chairman, I will be retiring as of December 30. Thanks
for all your support with the lunches and social
times. I have always been treated with respect
and have made many lasting friendships along
the way. I will always be available for questions
to help with the Ambassadors.
I call all of the Ambassadors’ attention to the
Ambassador lunches on the 2nd Friday of the
month. The next Ambassador’s Lunch will be
on Friday, December 11 in the Oasis at Moolah
Temple. We will continue to have our popular
open bar and our three drawings: the 50/50, free
dinner and jackpot. You may be a winner but
you won’t have a chance if you do not attend.
Ambassadors, you are missing a great time, if
you do not attend our meetings.
DECEMBER 11 – Ambassador Meeting at
Moolah Temple
DECEMBER 16 – Stated Meeting ELECTION
Swing with the Best! Have Dennis & Dianne from the
Swing Dance Unit help set up your next Get-A-Way.
Chairman: John Hewitt
Secretary: Ted Schamburg
Please watch the Camels’ Tales for information
about all of the Moolah activities. Information
about all Ambassador Events will come to you
through the Camels’ Tales, E-mail or word of
mouth. For luncheon reservations call
Gary Larrabee, 314-839-7421 or e-mail him at
Gone West.. Noble Bud Hildebrand. It is with sadness that we report the passing of our friend and
brother, Noble Bud Hildebrand.
Bud had quite the aviation history..
private, military and commercial.
He was a Past President, as well
as, our current Director of the Air
Patrol. We will miss our conversation and comradery with him.
Unit & Committee Reports
Arab Patrol
Captain: Doug Bachman
President: Ed Fesenmeyer
Secretary: Ken Elam
Treasurer: Phil Phillips
By: Gary Oakley
BREAKING NEWS!! Election news has traveled
quickly to Southern California. The Patrol can
proudly share our team of officers BEFORE the
beginning of 2016!! Congratulations…
1st V. P.
2nd V. P.
Tom Dempski
Fred Veinfurt
Mike Heuer
Ken Elam
Phil Phillips
Congratulations are also in order to members of
TCAA and E-Board. No doubt this entire team
will deliver another great year.
Holiday reminders:
11-21 Stated Meeting
12-5 Potes’ Holiday Ball and Patrol Party
12-7 Patrol Business Meeting
12-12 Santa’s Brunch
12-13 3rd Annual Hospital Patient Party
12-16 Stated Meeting/Christmas Party…Fun and
goodies galore!!
Thoughts/prayers are with our own Ted Dearing
following the loss of his mother, dear Lady Roberta. We also remember Jim Polite who recently
lost his mother.
January will not only bring in a New Year, it will
begin a new era in Patrol history. After 18 years
of outstanding leadership, Captain Buldog will
pass command to Lieutenant Patrick Hensley.
No doubt Patrick will continue the great tradition
of leadership. But he has a tough act to follow.
Since inception, the Patrol has been guided by
11 Captains. Patrick will be number 12. Our two
previous Captains, Grimm and Bachman served
17 and 18 years respectively. The secret of our
success is a long history of consistent leadership.
Doug asked that I share I have been CAMELS’
TALES editor since 2003. Hopefully this has
contributed some consistency too. Patrick and
those who team with him, will establish their own
traditions and styles. But may the tradition of
consistent, reliable leadership remain a hallmark
of all we do. Patrick…Lead and inspire for AT
LEAST 19 years!!
Merry Christmas/Happy New Year. I’m just
sayin’. Yeah baby!!
Unit Director: Jack Scherrer
Pres./Sec./Treas.: Roger Fagerberg 314.878.7646
Conductor/1st VP: Chuck McKenzie 636.235.8085
Conductor Emeritus: Roger Fagerberg
2nd Vice Pres: Barry Hyatt
Director: Jerry Lee Gaddy
President: Jim Gesell
Treasurer: Richard Farrar
Secretary: William Bradford
By Monte Safron
By: Chuck McKenzie,
December is the month of joy to the world! The
blessed birth of Christ...families, good friends,
parties and splendiferous food, the likes of which
answer all your Christmas epicurean desires.
Presents, some given and some received. The
joys of Christmas are wonderful.
Hello from your Moolah Band!
We are now in full swing with our concert season,
and this, to me, is the best year we have ever had
since I have been conducting. The musicianship
of our members continues to improve, and with
new music in our folders, there seems to be an
enthusiasm that is greater than in years past. The
audiences love the music and show it with their
applause and the comments we receive
after each performance.
This is where the call goes out to the Nobles and
their family members who play or have played in
the band. With the participation of a few Nobles,
the Band can reclaim the glory years of the past.
We need to make a good showing to exhibit what
Shrinedom is, and how we are contributing to the
Shriners Hospital. Come out and join us, thereby
guaranteeing that our performances are the best
possible. It would give us a more professional
appearance when we celebrate our Centennial
Anniversary in 2019.
Come see us on Wednesday nights at 7:30 and
rekindle the fun you had when you were in the school
band. We are looking for new members, especially
Nobles who are interested in spreading the word
of what Shriners do for the kids by supporting the
Shriners Hospitals for Children. You may be a Noble
who is looking for a home where you can make use
of your musical talents! If that is the case, please give
me a call or e-mail and I will answer any questions
you may have.
Also, remember we are a community band, so if
your wife, child or grandchild plays an instrument, he or she is welcome to play in the Band.
We meet Wednesday evenings at 7:30 to practice. Our concerts are Tuesday and Wednesday
nights at 7:00.
We would love to have you participate with us.
We always leave ‘em smiling!
Chuck McKenzie
Then there is the fun of celebrating and expectations for the New Year. Isn’t it wonderful to
be healthy and/or hopefully mending from any
infirmity, desirous and able to imbibe in a ”self
controlled” amount of an intoxicating beverage
or even a limited amount of Camel’s Milk. You do
want to remember how much enjoyment you had
and if you drove, the road’s twists and turns can
be a challenge to the intoxicated mind.
Talking about celebrating, the Potentate’s Holiday
Ball, December 5th is right around the corner, so
it’s not too soon to get the ol’ suit or tux ready. If
your Lady wishes to grace all with her beauteous
presence at the Ball, don’t forget a corsage will get
you a lot of love and appreciation.
As a matter of fact, she’d probably appreciate
your taking her to this years’ Brunch with Santa
December 12th. It’s mainly for the kids but the
women are invited. It’s fun for all.
Don’t forget The Chanter’s Christmas Party,
December 19th. Genesis has again been commissioned to prepare our Christmas dinner,
so Ladies, no need to bring a thing...just your
husband or a friend.
Sixty-seven words separate us from the end of this
article, so here’s all there’s left to say:
We can attend the Hospital Patient Party December
13th, noon till three o’clock.
We sing for our Kids at The Hospital December 17th.
We can attend Fairwinds Christmas Concert in
St. Charles, Wednesday, December 23rd.
We do NOT have a rehearsal on Monday,
December 28th.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Unit & Committee Reports
Mike Howard (Howie) Director
Jim Fritz (Fritz)– Pres
Terry Aaron (Chopper)- 1st Vice Pres
Mike Stevens (Mibo) - 2nd Vice Pres
John Tremblay ( Shabba-Dabba)- Treas
Thanks to all who participated in the Veteran's
Day Parade in downtown St. Louis. This has
always been a great time and a way to show our
appreciation to our veterans and our own clown
veterans. You would be surprised by the number
of veterans in our unit.
This month we also attended the Adoption Saturday at the Family Court Center in Clayton for
the completetion of many family adoptions. This
day was very special for all who attended and
especially the children who became permanent
members of loving familes.
We now have all the Christmas events to look
forward to and I'm sure they will be well attended
by our unit. These events are geared especially
for our children but there are a few geared to just
the adults. The Holiday Ball and the Clown Adult
Chistmas Party are always entertaining and a lot
of fun for all.
Computer Club
Director: Bob Holscher
President: Ray White
Vice President: Dale Nagel
Who? We are a group that meets monthly to
share activities, information and knowledge. We
discuss members’ queries, issues and programs
with computers; plan activities, hold working sessions and demonstrations on new technologies.
Why? The Moolah Shrine Computer Club is a
group of professionals, computer enthusiasts and
beginners who want to teach and learn about
computing and having fun doing it.
When? Monthly meetings are the second Monday
of each month. Meetings start at 7:00 pm. We
first meet for demos and discussion and then
move to the computer lab on the second floor
next to the Moolah Shrine Store.There we have
a chance to demonstrate and fix individuals
problems. Check note on the door for location of
demos and discussions. Come learn with us.
Nobles and Ladies,
Thanks to the Trick or Treaters! We enjoyed
participating in the Trunk or Treat. The kids had a
great time. Note: Some of your costumes didn’t
look any different – still scary everyday! Next
Year? We Hope!
We are pleased to announce the new Moolah
Shrine Masonic Youth Representatives for the
2015-16 term. Grant Applegate – Youth King and
Patricia Lupu – Youth Queen. They will promote
the Shrine Family to the DeMolay, Jobs Daughters,
and Rainbow Girls as well participate in Moolah
Events. The Shrine Hospital, Santa’s Breakfast,
Circus, Parades, and Coupon Distribution are the
key programs on their agenda.
The Missouri DeMolay State Installation of Officers
is scheduled for December 12th, 2015. Please
check with for specific details.
This is Fritz’s(Jim Fritz) last month as president
and I would like to thank him for all of his hard
work and dedication to our unit over the past year.
This is not an easy task, but Fritz handled it all
well. Good luck to Chopper (Terry Aaron) who will
now be moving into that role.
John Parker from Waynesville was appointed as
the next State Master Councilor.
Relatives of Shriners are always invited to all
Masonic Youth activities. If you would like more
information about the organizations, we would be
pleased to explain the groups or put you in touch
with a Chapter, Bethel, or Assembly in your area.
Remember to start getting ready for our first Trivia
Night on January 9th. We need tables sold, door
prizes, silent auction items and a lot of workers
to help on that night. We will talk more about this
event at the monthly meetings.
Our DeMolay Basket Ball League will start in
February and goes through March. They will play
on Sundays – 12:30 to 2:00 pm. Come watch the
brotherhood and good clean sports.
Being defeated is often a temporary condition.
Giving up is what makes it permanent!!!
President: Kurt Schumacher
V-President: Jeff Kitsmiller Sr
Secretary: Bob Weber
Treasurer: Kent Barnett
Chairman: Fred Veinfurt
Note to Units and Committees: Please plan to
support the Youth Organization in 2016. You are
currently planning your budgets and activites for
next year, please add the youth to your programs.
They are our future and a little interaction helps
bind us as a Masonic Family. Please let us know
what your group is thinking and we can help coordinate your plans, THANK YOU!
In case you missed it, Merlin (Tom Dolan) gave
the induction speech for former Blues hockey
player, Chris Pronger, as he was inducted into the
National Hockey League Hall of Fame in November. Great speech Merlin and you were even a
little bit funny. But when you started crying it was
a little bit too much.
GO Moolah Shriners !!!!!!
Unit & Committee Reports
Directors Staff
Director: Fred Zurfluh IV
President: Bill Spurgeon
Vice President: Jimmy Naucke Jr.
Secretary/Scribe: Christopher Matero
Treasurer: Don Gruner
Sgt. At Arms: TBA
Chaplain: Rick Braun
Bar Chairman: TBA
Greetings Nobles! December is already upon
us, and you know what that means…time to
vote! Our Stated Meeting, the first Monday of the
month, we will hold our election of officers for
2016, so be sure to show up for this one, as well
as the Christmas/Election Night Stated Meeting
of the entire Nobility, on the third Wednesday.
Make sure your vote is counted, and positions
are set by showing up! We really need to see a
surge in involvement. We saw one in 2014, which
waned throughout the past year, and it’s high time
for us to see a newfound renaissance that rivals
the best of the last decade.
Thanks to everyone who came out to help with
our Fall Ceremonial. A good time was had by all,
and we have some fine new Nobles in the Temple
ranks. It would be great to see some new blood
in our veins, and have a better participation rate
from unit members. Please don’t pass this off as
the “usual nagging,” it’s something we need to
keep our unit relevant, strong and progressive.
Make a commitment to being more active this
year. 2016 will be the beginning of a new era, The
Era of the Directors Staff.
Switching gears to a personal note, this is my last
month as the Secretary and Scribe of the Moolah
Directors Staff, and if you didn’t see me at the
November Stated Meeting, you might again,
at a convention or regional/national gathering
someday. I (Noble Chris Matero) am leaving the
Desert of Missouri, heading to my home in the
West, where I will rest at El Jebel Temple, Oasis
of Denver, Desert of Colorado. I’ve had a great
time at Moolah, and learned some very valuable
lessons about fraternity, brotherhood, and human
interaction here. I am proud to say that I became
a Noble at Moolah, but now I move on to fulfill
a childhood dream, as I used to tell my friends
that I would be an El Jebel Shriner “when I grew
up.” Okay, so I’ll be an El Jebel Shriner, but I
won’t tell anyone I’ve “grown up,” and I hope you
won’t either. Thanks for the memories and times,
The Directors Staff meets the first Monday of
the month, at 7:00 pm sharp. Come early, have
some food, and hang out. Stay late for nuttiness
and shenanigans. We hope to see new faces
and old faces that we haven’t been frightened by,
in quite a while. Show up! We kinda ROCK!!
Drum Corps
Director - Tom Duke
President - David Glenn
Secretary - Rick Gwydir
Treasurer - Rich Steed
By Jim Hubeli
On Saturday, October 17, Moolah members,
relatives and friends of Ron and Merry Geisler
gathered at their home for their annual Fall Picnic. Again, this year it was a cool day, so we used
up a lot of wood around the big fire pit. The picnic
included those big sausages, chicken, great
chili and other specialties by Merry and other
ladies. Of course, we had nice desserts and huge
roasted marshmallows by the fire. The world
renowned Moolah Drum and Bugle Corps played
for a while until they ran out of songs. They were
replaced by that fine country band, "The Buskin
Bootleggers" who played and sang good ole
country music until closing time. We always have
a great time and we thank Ron and Merry for their
wonderful hospitality for the past 10 years.
Then on October 24, Moolah had the Fall Ceremonial honoring Victor Dane, our late brother,
friend and member. Victor was a talented musician, photographer and jack of all trades. He was
in line to be Potentate in 2016. Since Victor was
a retired fireman and perennial Santa, the Drum
Corps played Jingle Bells at lunch with fireman
hats as our Bob Atwell entered as Santa. We will
all miss Santa Vic. The Moolah ladies also honored his wife Ann at a luncheon in Chesterfield.
President: Ryan Georgen
Secretary: Robert Granquist
Director: Robby Dirkers
Our sympathy goes out to David Duvall, whose
brother passed away.
Thanks to all who helped during the Fall Ceremonial.
Congratulations to the Guides who received the
“Most Honest” plaque at the Servpro Golf Outing.
Congratulations to the nobles who have been
voted as new officers for 2016.
Thanks to all the van drivers and Bingo workers,
whose work is noticed and appreciated by all.
Remember on your prayer list-Art Goerke,who is
recovering from a leg injury..
As we go into the holidays, let us not forget to
pay homage to the one who died for us-JESUS
Upcoming Events:
December 5
Holiday Ball
December 12
Brunch with Santa in Ballroom
December 13
Christmas party at Genesis
(Snow election date December 23rd)
December 21
Regular Unit meeting
January 13
Circus Meeting
Please remember the Reason for the Season!
May your Holiday Season
be Joyful, Merry, & Bright!
Unit & Committee Reports
Director: Bob Sudholt
President: Bill Bradford
1st Vice President: Justin Fowler
2nd Vice President: Mike Heuer
Secretary: Dan Nickel
Treasurer: Bob Berry
The Hospital Committee served a pancake
breakfast to over a hundred hungry patients, their
families, Shriner Guides, and Hospital Staff on
Tuesday morning, November 10th. The Committee cooked and served specialty pancakes to
order, including pancakes with any or all of the
following: blueberries, strawberries, chocolate
chips, whipped cream, or nuts!
At the Friday, October 16th BBQ, the Hospital
Committee cooked and served a BBQ lunch to
over one hundred patients, their families,and hospital staff. Afterwards, the Committee presented
a check from the Racquet Ruckus for $40,400.00
to the Hospital. A big “Thank You” to Bob Berry
and everyone who supported him in conducting
his 7th Annual Racquet Ruckus which concluded
Saturday, August 22nd. This annual fundraiser
includes an Internet Auction, a Racquetball Tournament and a Silent Auction with all proceeds
going directly to the St. Louis Shriner's Hospital
for Children.
On Saturday, October 24th, the Committee provided
Hospital Tours for the new Shrine Candidates, their
Ladies, and the sponsoring Nobles preceding the
Fall Ceremonial.
One of the main activities of the Hospital Committee is the staffing of the reception desk at the
Hospital to greet and welcome our patients and
their families. We are in need of volunteers that
can help work this front desk of the Hospital during clinic hours in the morning, afternoon, or both.
If you are available, please contact President Bill
Bradford at (314) 974-3084
If you would like to interact with our Shriner Kids,
their families, and the Hospital Staff and support
them through our activities, then we would love to
have you join us. We meet at 6:15 pm every third
Wednesday in our meeting room at the Shrine.
We look forward to seeing you then!
Motor Patrol
This year has gone quickly and is coming to a close
all too soon. The year has been busy with activities
like the circus, parades, and social gatherings. It has
been my pleasure to be your President for 2015, and
I appreciate the support from all of you. We laughed
at the dinner theater show at Lemp Mansion, cheered
the Grizzlies on, had breakfast on a couple of road
trips, and enjoyed wine on a Sunday afternoon. Thank
you for allowing me to be a part of a great group and I
look forward to more fun days ahead. Congratulations
and good luck to the incoming officers.
Your Prez,
The Antique Cars Unit will become part of the
Motor Patrol Unit. We are excited to welcome the
Unit and look forward to becoming a more viable
presence at parades and Shrine events.
The Motorcycle ride raised $2,700 for the
Hospital, thanks to all the Nobles that helped
to make that possible.
The Motor Patrol participated in the Veterans Day
Parade and it was a wonderful show enhanced by
the addition of our new members from the Antique
Cars Unit. We look forward to the Christmas
parade in December.
Upcoming Stated
Meeting Menu
Chicken Prima Bianca
Rice Pilaf
Amaretto Carrots
Rolls & Butter
Christmas Cookies
President: D.J. Hermen
1st Vice President: Ryan Braun
2nd Vice Present: Casey Thompson 314-560-4968
Secretary: James Cub Boever
Treasurer: Logan Santschi
Chairman/Stoolman: Shaun Ruether 314-960-7398
The Nomad’s monthly meeting is typically held on
the fourth Wednesday of every month; however
it will be changed in observation of the Christmas
Please watch for updates on the Nomad’s
Facebook page or feel free to reach out to the
executive board members. If you are unable to
find the Facebook group, please let us know and
we will help add you to the group. There will be a
light supper served at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting
will start at 7:00pm. Any general nobility, please
come join the Nomads. Enjoy some cold camel’s
milk on meeting nights, while learning about all of
the different units and committees at the Moolah
Shrine Center.
The Nomad’s committee is a great fit for
everyone, whether you’re a new or experienced
Shriner. Through your involvement in this committee you will feel welcomed and have fun
while supporting the children who have been
placed in our care at the hospital. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact any of the
Nomad’s executive board members listed above
or just drop by the room located on the 3rd floor
behind the ballroom.
If you participated in the most recent fall ceremonial this past October, you are officially a Nomad,
and should come to the next Nomad’s meeting to
pick up your polo shirt. There are some upcoming
events for Christmas to enjoy with family, and the
patients placed in our care. Saturday, December
12th is Santa’s brunch. Come up and bring your
family to meet Santa.Sunday, December 13th is
the Christmas party for Shriner’s patients. This
is a great event to get involved with helping our
patients at Shriner’s Hospital.
Unit & Committee Reports
Swing Dance
Matt Niedringhaus, President
John Sprauls, VP
Paul Greenlaw, Secretary
Matt Schoonover, Secretary
Ted Nagle, Chairman
Director: Bud Waters
President: Jack Melton
Vice President: Beril Gillman
Secretary: Gary Fanger
Treasurer: Dennis Martin
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving,
and for those of you who were able to see the
lights in Branson had a safe and fun trip!
Congratulations to our newest Nobles that participated in the Ceremonial on the 24th of October. Welcome. Also, on the 24th, was a hospital
fundraising event at ITap in Chesterfield.
A special thanks to Reception Committee Member, John Williams, for his gift to the Reception
Committee of a new marble cheese cutter set
with utensils. John, we greatly appreciate it and
all you do with selling ads for us for the Moolah
Circus! Thank you John!
We had a number of birthdays celebrated at our
First Friday in November, and had yet another
great turn out. For those of you who have never
been to one of our First Friday dinners, you don't
know what you are missing! The dinners are open
to all Nobles, their Ladies and their families. Dinner
is only $10/person! Please keep in mind that our
next First Friday in December will be the Reception Committee Christmas Party. Please get your
money to Carl or Matt so that we can keep track of
reservations. The cost is $30 per person.
December looks to be a busy month! Keep in mind
that the Moolah 2016 dues are upon us, and this
year we will be receiving a plastic card sent from
Shriners Tampa. Then, going forward each year,
you will receive a sticker to place on your card for
dues the following years. Dues can still be paid
at the Moolah office, and your Membership card
will be mailed to you the following week or so by
Lastly, keep in mind that officer elections will take
place in December, both for Reception Committee,
and for Divan Officers. December is a very busy
month. To be sure you vote counts, please be sure
to attend both the Reception Committee and Stated
Meetings in December.
On the 30th was the Trunk or Treat and Swing
Dance’s Halloween Costume Ball featuring
“Fanfare”. It was quite an evening, the parking
lots were full. I think Halloween at Moolah was a
great success.
Coming up in November and December, we have
the Yoway 250 on the 7th, the Potentate’s Branson
Holiday trip on the 12th thru the 15th and the final
Stated meeting that the ladies are invited on the
18th. December is a very busy month. The Holiday
Ball on the 5th, Santa’s Brunch on the 12th and on
the 13th the Shriner’s Patient Party. On the 16th
is our Stated meeting/ Election night (no ladies
Swing Dance will have our annual Holiday Dinner
Dance on the 4th in the “Oasis”. If you aren’t able
to attend the Potentate’s Ball and still want to
celebrate the start of the holiday season come
on Friday night, the cost is $15 for dinner and
On behalf of the Swing Dance Unit, I would like
to wish everyone a safe and joyous Holiday
season. We dance every Friday evening in the
“Oasis”, free beginner lessons at 7:00.
The Queen of Hearts is well under way in the
Shieks Club! Purchase your tickets to play in
the Shieks Club, which is open after each stated
meetings and Friday and Saturday nights.
1st VP Gary Fanger
2nd VP Dennis Martin
3rd VP Jim Gesell
Sec'y Treas/Scribe, Bob Daniels H-636-441-4917 C-636-675-4590
For the Units, Clubs and Committees that held
their elections, congratulations to those new
officers elected.
At our October meeting, we had a couple of guests
from our St. Louis Hospital, one of which is the head
of the Radiology Department. She explained that the
new Hospital was and is in need of new Radiology
Equipment which unfortunately is not covered under
the Capital Expenses. Although they did transfer
Radiology equipment from the old hospital, they are
over 20 years old, out dated physically and technologically and hard to get parts for and repaired. They
prioritized their equipment needs of three pieces
of equipment--the first of which (Mini C-Arm) has
been purchased.The first of which (Mini C-Arm) has
been purchased. The DRX Revolution Mobile Unit
and 9900 Mobile Super C0Arm are the other two
pieces needed. Other fundraising and pledges have
been made towards these other machines. TCAA
has decided to pledge the majority of the funding
needed towards the DRX Revolution Moble Unit to
help finish off the funds necessary to purchase this
machine. Also, earlier in the year we helped with the
purchase of hand sanitizer soap and dispensers for
the New Hospital.
Don’t know what TCAA Stands for or what we do….
Well as you can see we help provide and assist Our
St. Louis Hospital with some of their needs and requests for the hospital and/or patients. Ask your Unit
Representative or call Bob (636-675-4590) and we
can come out to your meetings and give a brief talk.
TCAA has “HLP-KDS” License Plate Stickers for
sale--only $3.00 each. Ask your unit representative.
TCAA is looking for “Corporate Donations”, to
ultimately provide necessary funds to support The
Saint Louis Shriners Hospital. We need your help in
our mission to support our St. Louis Shriners Hospital. Please give Gary a call (314-697-5290) if you
know a company with surplus items to be donated
that can be used to sell.
Looks like the new Hospital is well on its way and
going well, here are the newer numbers:
September 2015 Hospital statistics:
Outpatients 784, Inpatients 21,
Outpatient Surgeries 67
October Report not yet available.
Happy Holidays!
We would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe
Holiday Season!!!
- Submitted by Matt Niedringhaus
Nailah Court
Merry Christmas!!
It’s hard to believe we are well into the holidays
already! Have you seen us out and about? Nailah
sure has been busy. We were at the Ladies Vendor
show. Did you sign up for the lucky “Super Card”
at the recent stated meetings and were you the
winner? Did you see us at the Trunk or Treat? What
a great time we all had with the kids! We passed out
a lot of candy and our Jest Clown’n Around Clowns
were there entertaining the kids too!
We are so excited to again assist with the Patient
Christmas Party this year! The smile of a child is
so heartwarming! We’ll see you on the 13th!
We were excited to initiate two new ladies into
Nailah this month, and, as always, we are looking
for new members. If you see any of our ladies out
and about and would like further information in
joining Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America,
just let us know. We are always looking for new
members to join and always have a petition in
hand! As our current Grand High Priestess motto
states, “It is the light within that makes a smile
glow.” Join Nailah today and share your beautiful
smile with the children of Shriner’s Hospital.
In service,
Mary Haupt, HP
Noble Lodge
Worshipful Master: Juan White
Secretary: Charlie Wiegert
We could use your help! Our next chip program
is Sunday, December 13th from 11AM to 2 PM
in the ballroom at Moolah Temple, in support of
the Shriners Hospital Patients Holiday Party. This
is easy work, you can do it! Please contact Ken
Fontana to sign up to help at
or call him at 636-485-2984.
We could also use your help parking cars at the
Family Arena during the Shrine Circus, March
17-20th. It takes over 20 people to handle each
performance, so please consider taking a shift
or two. Easy work, directing cars and collecting parking fees. Contact Dan Coffey at dan. (314-707-2126) or Tom Cupples at (636-685-5555) if you
can help.
Our December meetings are on Tuesday December 1 and Tuesday December 15. Dinner is at
6PM with Lodge opening at 7PM. There is a good
chance we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree one or both nights. Any Shriner is
welcome to attend a meeting anytime they would
like! Our meeting on Tuesday, January 5, 2016
will be our official visit. Come hear MWB Brent
Stewart’s message as delivered by RWB Phil
Cole, our DDGM.
At this time of year we also turn our attention
to helping those less fortunate, hosting some
families from the Pattonville school district at the
annual Brunch with Santa on December 12th.
I am sad to report the loss of Noble Lodge’s #1
member, our first Worshipful Master Ron Krueger.
When the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri granted
Noble Lodge their charter on December 10, 2004,
it did so with Worshipful Brother Krueger being
their first charter member and its first Worshipful Master. He was a champion for the Missouri
Childrens Foundation, actively supporting the
MOCHIP program both financially and by making
his theatre lobbies available for the registration
of children. He served the Masonic fraternity for
over 52 years with outstanding devotion and
participation. He was called from labor to rest
on October 21st, 2015 at the age of 75, and will
be truly missed. Noble Lodges’ charter will be
draped through the rest of 2015 in honor of Ron.
We were also saddened with the loss of Thomas
(Bud) Hildebrand, who was currently serving as
the director of the Moolah Air Patrol.
If you know someone who might be interested in
becoming a Mason, you can be the 1st line signer
of your candidate’s petition. Only 1 signer of a
Masonic petition needs to be from Noble Lodge,
the other signer can be from any Lodge. Keep
this in mind if you have a candidate.
It all starts with you submitting the petition for
your candidate. The petition (and $75 initiation
fee) will be received at our next meeting and
your candidate will be notified. In most cases he
will be invited to attend the next meeting, meet
with the investigating committee and then his EA
degree will be scheduled. Regular meetings are
on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.
If you have any questions, contact the Master or
Secretary from the information listed above.
Temple Club
President: Toni Burst
Vice President: Gloria Means
Secretary: Kathy Myers
Treasurer: Janet Loesch
All hands were invited to be on board the T.C. Pirate Ship for a frightening Halloween Party. Upon
boarding the ship, docked at the Oasis Room,
we were happy to see proof that Sandy and Sue
Jones had spread their magic on our ship from
stem to stern. When all hands were on deck, our
Captain Toni called our meeting to order, gave an
inspiring invocation and led us in the Pledge of
Allegiance to our Flag. Chris made her introductions and brought us up to date on present and
future Moolah Temple Plans. After President Toni
made her introductions, our meeting proceeded
in the regular manner, reading of the minutes,
Treasurer and Committee Reports. Lynn Henning
did report on the progress of the Singles Club and
invited anyone interested to come to a meeting.
The Committee for our 100th Anniversary is working on a terrific plans for next year, don’t miss a
single one.
After another luncheon, served by some scary
pirates, it was fun to play the Pirate Word Games
that Toni provided. They are more fun to play with
a bunch of pirates. We also had pirate treasures
to award. Gail Melton- Best Pirate, Juanita
Hewitt- Best Witch, and Nancy Bradford- Band
Aide. Thanks to everyone who dressed up, you
made our day.
After the POG and WAM made a few pirates
happy, we jumped into our life boats and sailed
off into the sunset. BON VOYAGE.
Daughters of the
Nile Sydyk
Temple #107
Colette Nagel, Queen
PQ Mary LaTragna,Recorder
We want to extend an invitation to all ladies, 18
and older, to join our wonderful group of ladies
for a sisterhood of philanthropy, good friends, and
good times. We would love to have young women
join us aged 18 to 26 to form a special place in
our Temple designed specifically for them. We
welcome their ideas, energy, and willingness to
help support our temple. As always, all our funds
go to support the Shriners Hospital for Children.
Our Annual Bazaar and turkey dinner, October 18
at Freedom Temple was a great success!
Thank You to everyone who donated their time,
energy and resources, and to all those who
supported us by attending this very important
Potentate David Dieckhaus recognizes
William Ross as an Aide Emeritus of the
Shrine of Moolah Temple
Trunk or Treat at the Shrine October 30th was
also a lot of fun! We saw so many families and
children wore great costumes! We had a wonderfully decorated”rabbit hole” for Alice thanks to
Princess Royal, Vonna Voeger. There were
some very unique trunk displays at the event and
congratulations to the two winners of the contest!
Thanks to all who participated!
Our annual Trivia night was held on November
7th at Freedom Temple. A great dinner was
provided and auctions were offered. Thank you
all for your support!
We’ll have a report on our Supreme Queen visit
in the January issues of Camel’s tales.
If you have any questions or would like more
information, please contact Queen Colette or PQ
Mary LaTragna at the numbers above.
Have a great holiday season and a wonderful
new year!
These two Clowns are ready for
the 2016 Circus! It is right around
the corner!
Club Connection
Daniel Boone
Shrine Club
President: Mark Rethemeyer
Secretary: Robert Holscher
Daniel Boone Shrine Club would like to wish you
and your family a Happy Holiday season. We will
be starting our holiday season with our Holiday
Party on Thursday, December 3rd at All Occasion
Banquet Center. A great night of fun is planned with
entertainment by the St. Louis Strutter’s. This group
has been performing for decades in St. Louis and
we are fortunate to have them for our party.
Whether you are a member of Daniel Boone, or
not – you and your Lady are always welcome and
encouraged to join us for any of our upcoming
events. If you want to join us for our Holiday
Party give President Mark a call to reserve. We
will make sure you are welcomed and greeted
when you arrive, and that you and your Lady will
have a great time.
If you would like a copy of our newsletter or want
information for one of our upcoming events, send
an e-mail to our President Mark Rethemeyer at
Three Rivers
Shrine Club
By: Joe Shivley
Merry Christmas from Three Rivers Shrine
Club. We hope you have a joyous and happy
Holiday Season. Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus
and First Lady Christine invite you to Moolah’s
Holiday Ball, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Saturday
December 5th in the ballroom. We will not have
our regular meeting in December, but will have
our Christmas Party Saturday December 19th
with Social Hour at 6:30PM, Meal at 7:30PM,
Santa and dancing to follow.
Congratulations to Past President Justin Dortch
on being appointed an Ambassador at the Fall
“Victor Dane” Ceremonial in St. Louis.
Noble Shawn Hanley and Lady Kristie want to
thank each of you for your continued support of
not only our Hospital but Three Rivers Shrine
Club and its members. While they have put a lot
of work, effort, money, and energies in this year, I
think they are ready to move from the podium to
the “old folks” section on the back row.
Continuing on about the year winding up, THANK
YOU Illustrious Sir David and First Lady Christine
for your leadership and all you do not only for
Moolah Temple, but for our Hospital and our Kids.
Welcome back Jim and Norma Stubblefield to
TRSC after living in the Boston area for a few
years. Noble John Hobbs has been drinking a lot
of Pineapple Juice lately; you may want to ask
him why. Congratulations “Papa” Greg Dortch
on your retirement from the railroad and MS
Kathy Dortch on her retirement from the medical
Scott Rommel has plenty of exciting events in
store for us in 2016 and our club continues to
work hard for our hospitals. Don’t forget Brunch
with Santa at Moolah on December 12th, and
Moolah’s stated meeting/election night December
16th. God has been very generous to Marsha
and me and we want to say Thank You for all
your love and support, and that is an added
bonus to the Miracle God performs through the
work of the staff at OUR hospitals. Say your
prayers and God Bless.
Tiger Shrine Club
President: Jason Acton
Secretary: Dr. Jim Kern
By Mitch Weinsting
Email MO6022@AOL.COM
Happy Holidays to all Nobles and their families. I
hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving Dinner
on 11/20. It was a great opportunity to show off
the new club to our Ladies and family members.
Thanks to all the members who have put work
into making the club a success. Try to attend the
December meeting at Moolah, at that time we will
be voting on a new Potentate and divan officers.
It is always a fun meeting to vote and see the
installation of officers. Thanks to Ill Sir David
Dieckhaus for a great year and good luck to the
new officers.
Mark your calendar for the installation of officers
for Tiger. It will be on January 30, 2016 at the Elks
Lodge in Mexico, MO. We are planning on getting
a bus for the trip. Look for your invitation and plan
to attend. It is always a fun time in Mexico.
Our December meeting will be on 12/28 so come
out and have a say as we discuss the officers for
2016. Have a say in how we continue to grow.
Dinner at 6:00 with meeting to follow. See you at
the meeting and don’t forget to bring your fez.
The Tiger Shrine club meets at 2315 N Stadium
Blvd, Columbia, MO 65202.
Book your next event with Moolah®
Moolah Unit/Club/Committee Events:
Ballroom: $650
Oasis: $450
$500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found)
Member Benefits for Moolah Shriners & Immediate Family:
Ballroom: $875
Oasis: $550
$500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found)
Non-Shriner & General Public Events:
Ballroom: $1,750
Oasis: $1,100
$500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found)
Booking: Moolah Office 314.878.6301
Caterer: Genesis Catering 314.894.7073
Come on in and book your next event with us! If you would like to take a look at our rooms feel free
to stop by 9:00a-4:30p Monday-Friday. Gensis Catering can also provide viewings on the weekends.
Weddings • Receptions • Class Reunions • Birthday Parties • Graduation Parties
Moolah Temple Guides Bingo
Wayne Price, Bingo Chairman
V.F.W Post #3944
10815 Midland Ave,
Overland, MO 63114
Doors open at 8:30 AM • Selling starts at 10:00 AM
@ 11:00
Doors open
at 8:30 Bingo
AM Selling
at 10:00 AM
Regular Bingo @ 11:00 AM
Progressive jackpot
LPL Financial
Bob Drury
Financial Consultant
13611 Barrett Office Dr. #100
Manchester, MO 63021
(314-962-5600 Office
(314)591-6666 Cell
James E Akers
Jim Akers
Jimmie C Albright
Scott Anderson
Brent J Armour
Gary B Arnette
Michael G. Baker
Gary W Beahan
Louis H Bopp II
Bryan P Boyden
Eric T Braden
Dow R Brookover
Jeffrey E Busch
Craig Calhoun
Harold W Carter
Donald F Clement
Terry D Coppotelli
James F Cotter
Kenneth P Cox
Kevin P Crowley
Corey C Crutchfield
Harold L Dielmann
Milton F Duvall Jr.
Dan V Elder
Randy C English
Roger E Feverston
Kenneth R Fiala
Mark P Fontana
Alex R Forster
Jimmy D Gibbs
Travis A Gowen
Ronald W Grove
Jeremy H Halley
Michael Halliday
Roger A Hamilton Jr.
Donald L Hart Jr.
Michael Hart
Michael L Hatch
Troy E Holland
Dalton S. Hunt
Richard Ingersoll
David M Isserman
Kenny O James
William H Johnson
Brandon L Jones
Steven G Kaemmerer
Shehzad Kahn
Ralph M Keeney III
Terry K Kellett
Donald E Kifer
Ronald C Knowles
Stanley R Koziczkowski
Justin S Laffoon
James F Lathum
Oliver Latta
James C Magee
Gregory L McLard
Dennis R Miller
Michael D Miller
Karl L Moody
Jason A Moore
Kenneth E Murnan
Wade W Murray
Leroy Nunn
Foster B Parriott II
Abraham M Phillips
Scott H Pinkerton
Gerard Puleo
James C Ramsey
Charles A Redecker
Gary G Ridenhour
Robert A Ross
David Ruble
Bradley W Ruhl
Johnathan H Russell
Larry N Russell
Daniel D Schmidt
Fredrick L Seitz
Thomas R Shuman Sr.
Robert F Sumner Sr.
Arthur S Tettaton
Carl B Vancil
Charles R Van Ness
Samuel J Webb
Charles S White Jr.
Paul A Williams
Raymond M Wilson
William T Wilson
Terry A Yarbrough
Bryan J Zimmerman
December Stated Meeting
and Election of Officers
snow date 12/23/2015
Important Notice - Annual Election Meeting
The election of officers for the Moolah Temple will take place at the Stated Meeting on December
16th, 2015 or on December 23rd, 2015 in case of inclement weather. Please be aware of the following
section of Imperial By-Laws pertaining to the electioneering.
325.11 Election Regulations
(a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate
during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background,
his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the
printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending opposing, or containing the
names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited.
Please remember your Dues Card
Moolah Temple Association Meeting in the office at 5:30pm on December 16th, 2015
Makes a great Christmas gift!
Haunted Moolah?
Are you interested in helping Moolah
host a haunted house in 2016?
All ideas are welcome. Please attend the meeting
and share your thoughts.The meeting will be Tuesday,
December 15th at 6:00pm in the Oasis.
Scarily yours,
Lenny Martin - Chief Rabban
Dean Isbell - Assistant Rabban
Hear ye, Hear ye!
All Nobles of
Moolah Temple
are hereby notified of a Magical Ball.
Chief Rabban Lenny Martin and Lady Sandy
humbly request the honor of your presence
on February 27th at this magical event.
Cocktails 5:30pm • Officers Presentation 6:30pm
Dinner to Follow
Black Tie/Dark Suit attire or dress like your
favorite Disney Prince or Princess.
Open Bar
Free Babysitting Available
RSVP by February 19th
Reservation Form: Please return by February 19th.
Please return this form to Moolah Temple 12545 Fee Fee Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 or call 314-878-6301
Name__________________________________________ Lady or Guest(s)________________________________
Address________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________
Please reserve ______ seats
Enclosed is ______ at $45.00 per person/$10.00 per child
I would like to be seated with__________________
I have enclosed ________check payable to Moolah Temple • Card only accepted via phone
Meal choices for Adults: _____ Steak & Lobster _____ Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach & Feta
Cheese & Lobster
Children Menu: Chicken Strips, Side, and Dessert.
greater numbers over these last three years.
Trivia Night
Saturday January 9th
Sponsored by Moolah Clowns
Doors & Silent Auction Open at 6:00 P.M.
Trivia starts at 7:00 P.M. Sharp
Variety Entertainment Between Rounds
Moolah Temple Ballroom
12545 Fee Fee Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63146
Tickets $20.00 each • Tables of 8 $160.00 each
Includes Beer & Set-ups
Award for the best snacks on your table
For Reservations: Norman “Pickles” Schultheis
5168 Kings Park Dr. St. Louis, MO 63129 314-487-9960
Check out our new members from the Fall Ceremonial!
All About Development donates $10,000 to Shrine Hospital. All About Development
built the Home2 Suites across from the Shrine Hospital. Pictured are Past Chairman
of the Board Ray Rohr, PP from Ainad, Treasurer of the Board Gale
Bennington PP, and Past Chairman of the Board of Shrine Hospital Ted Dearing
Moolah Shriner and Financial Advisory
Arthur Montgomery
has just publishedPlanning
his firstonbook.
retiring? This book
is an easy to read
common sense
guide to planning
your retirement.
Available at your
favorite book stores,
Arthur Montgomery
Moolah Shrine
To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of Moolah Temple, situated in the Oasis of St. Louis, Desert of
Missouri, I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in
_________________________ Lodge, #________, located at _________________________________,________
which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North
America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required
by the By-laws of The Imperial Council. I respectfully request that I may be made a Noble of the
Mystic Shrine, and become a member of your temple.
If, I be found worthy, and my request granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws of the Imperial Council and the Bylaws and Ceremonies of the Moolah Temple.
Print Full Name:_____________________________________________ Wife’s Name:_______________________________
Were you ever a DeMolay?________ If so, what was the Chapter name and location?______________________
Profession or Occupation:________________________________________________________________________________
Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? Yes_______________ No______________
If so, to what temple?____________________________________________________________ When?________________
City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: (_____)___________________________ Business Phone: (______)__________________________________
Cell Phone: (______)____________________________ Fax: (_______)____________________________________________
E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Initiation Fee: $100.00 (Payment must accompany this petition)
Dues: January-March= $120 April-June= $95 July-October= $70 November-December= $20
25 years of age and younger= $30 (No initiation fee)
Recommended and Vouched for on the Honor of
1. Print Noble’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________
Member Number:________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Print Noble’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________
Member Number:________________________________________________________________________________________
REV 10/7/2015
*Directlly behind Mid-Rivers Mall
A Friendly Reminder!
C.T. Articles must be submitted
by the 5th of Every Month for
the following month’s edition.
Market & Catering Co.
Since 1937
Moolah Temple Special
10% off In-Store
• Brats
• Fresh Steaks
• Daily Baked
Bread & Pies
• Full Service
Catering Dept.
Thank you for your support
and dedication.
In order to have everyone
represented please keep articles to
300 words or less.
Send your article to
6750 Mexico Road St. Peters, MO
NOW OPEN: MON-FRI 9:00am-6:30pm
SAT 9:00am-6:00pm • SUN 9:00am-4:00pm
Advertising Schedule
Rates Are Per Issue
Issue Issues IssuesIssues
Moolah Mail
are you receiving emails
from the Moolah Office? If
not and you would like to
be, contact the office to
get yourself connected!
$ 57.00 $ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 39.00
¼ Page
$115.00 $102.00 $ 90.00 $ 78.00
½ Page $230.00 $205.00 $180.00 $160.00
Full Page
$460.00$410.00 $360.00$320.00
These includes a two line Directory Listing
*We may not be able to put two or more ads next to each other
Business Card
Half Price for all
Units, Clubs or Committee Events Ads!
Listing Prices
per Issue
Issue Issues IssuesIssues
Two lines
$ 15.00 $ 12.00 $ 9.00
$ 7.00
Three lines
$ 20.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00
Limit for each line is 30 characters,
including spaces and punctuation.
Ple as e S u p p o rt o u r A d v e rtis er s
Stephen F. (Steve) Pieper, PP, CLU, ChFC
Donor Relations Committee
Astounding Travel- Dennis & Dianne Traw
Arthur Montgomery Financial Advisory 314-238-0207
Valenti's Market & Catering 6750 Mexico Rd. 636-970-2992
Brandenburg Law Offices Wills, Trusts &
Probate Estates - 314-993-4261
Wehrenberg Theatres, call 1-800-Fandango for
tickets and show times
Weiss and Associates, P.C., Attorneys
specializing in Corporations, LLCs, Contracts,
Real Estate, Trademarks and more
Guides BINGO! Starts at 11:00 a.m. every
Thursday at the VFW Post in Overland, LLC - Computer Engineering
Jim Butler Chevrolet
Dennis Gastreich - 636-349-3222
LPL Financial -- Bob Drury 314-962-5600
Steven Nudelman - Bommarito Cadillac, Inc.
oolah Statistics
as of October 31st, 2015
Associates Dropped
Net Change
Total Members
Help Grow Our Membership
Year to Date
You Can Be a
Virtual Mentor!
Learn What Shriners Do
A Private Web
for Shriners.
Masonic/Shrine Membership Tools
Available for you now!
Do you have a friend, relative, acquaintance you want to
join our fraternity? Well, now you have one of the BEST
tools available to create and promote that interest:
Are you already a member of our great fraternity
and want to learn more?
12545 Fee Fee Rd.
Saint Louis, MO 63146
Postal Carrier
Please Expedite
Dated Material
The results are in from the Trunk or Treat on October 30th!
First Place: DJ Herman
Second Place: Kyle & Kerry McEvoy
Have your Camels’ Tales emailed
to you. Just contact the Moolah
Shrine Office.

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