

David Dieckhaus - Potentate
2015- Potentate
October 2015
Volume 75, Issue 8
St. Louis, MO
Moolah Shriners
Camels’ Tales
Home of the Shriners of Eastern & Central Missouri
What’s Inside...
25, 50, 60 Year Anniversaries
Moolah Brick Program
Lunch with Santa
Fall Ceremonial
Ladies Ceremonial
2016 Potentate Ball
Trunk or Treat
Moolah is Headed to Disney
October Shriner of the Month
CSSA Photos
The 2015 Fall Ceremonial to honor the late
Chief Rabban Victor Dane
Dedicated to Helping Shriners Hospitals for Children
2015 Elected Divan &
Board Of Directors
David Dieckhaus....................... Potentate
Lenny Martin, Jr...................Chief Rabban
Dean Isbell...........................Asst. Rabban
Kyle McEvoy.......... High Priest & Prophet
Richard Weber........................... Treasurer
David Jacobi, Sr..........................Recorder
Don Taylor, Jr..................... Oriental Guide
Representatives to
Imperial Council
David Dieckhaus Lenny Martin Dean Isbell
Don Taylor Jr.
Jerry Gantt
Imperial Potentate
2015 Appointed Divan
Moolah Appointed Positions
Russell Georgen......1st Ceremonial Master
Joe Shivley.............2nd Ceremonial Master
Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP............Director
Robert Daniels................................. Marshal
D.L (Monty) Kennedy..Shrine Club Marshal
Bill Snell.......................Shrine Club Marshal
Mitch Weinsting...........Shrine Club Marshal
Jack Melton................Captain of the Guard
Dennis Burkholder....................Outer Guard
Carl Barthold.......................................................Almoner
John Hewitt...............................Ambassador Chairman
Wayne Price.................Building Committee Chairman
Karl Erselius.......................................................Chaplain
Carl Barthold......................................................Chaplain
Dennis Burkholder.............Donor Relations Chairman
Ted Dearing.........................................General Counsel
Joe Shivley..................................Insurance Committee
Al Earls...................................... License Plates Director
David Schmucker.......Memorial Brick Walk Chairman
Shaun Ruether.....................................Co-Membership
D.J. Herman.........................................Co-Membership
Kenneth Myles, PP................ Shrine Club Coordinator
James Smith, PP...........................Co-Public Relations
Dennis Burkholder.........................Co-Public Relations
Jim Tracy............................................. Technical Advisor
Ronald Risher...................... Patient Referral Chairman
Todd Litzau.............................Clinic Referral Chairman
David Jacobi, Sr.............Grand Lodge Representative
Potentate's Aides
Rich Viner
Robby Dirkers Ernie Boulicault
Wallace Bowman
William Bradford
Mark Davis
Michael Davis
David Dieckhaus
Lenny Martin
Gary Fanger
Emil Fett
Dean Isbell
Kyle McEvoy
Don Gabel
Gale Bennington, P.P. ................Ad Vitam Jerry
Ryan Georgen
James W. Smith, P.P. ..................Ad Vitam Brett Grimm
Harold Hargiss
DJ Hermen
Moolah Temple Association
Randall I. Ottinger, P.P...............President Gary Holland
David Hope
Representatives to Central
States Shrine Association
Chief Aide
Assistant Chief Aide
Dennis Martin
Matthew Mayer
Richard Mayer
Eric McVicar
Jack Melton
Dale Nagel
Richard Pollock
Michare Reese
Ronald Reynolds
William Ross
Shaun Ruether
Casey Thompson
Bud Waters
Richard Watts
Director General
Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP 2009
Benjamin Allen
Frank Cali
Lucas Dieckhaus
Scott Dieckhaus
Jerry Gaddy
Gale Going
Greg Heins
Kevin Heins
Robert Mathewson
Randy McDougal
James McEvoy
Matthew Niedringhaus
Mark Rethemeyer
Ted Schamburg
John Spraul
Don Wander
Elmo Blum
Terry Bunting
Benjamin Dennison
Gregory Dortch
Dennis Eaton
Melvin Gordon
Robert Holscher
Eugene Hopwood
Scott Hunt
Allen James
Jack Kairy
Ronald McCoy
Verle Naughton
Michael O’Cheltree
Ronald Pratt
Gregory Price
Paul Rose
Jimmie Sanders
Logan Santschi
Raymond Schulte
Michael Shulse
Rick Uebinger
Kevin Wooden
Lawrence D. Jones, PP........................1994
George E. Stephenson PP .................1984
Kenneth E. Myles, PP............................ 1992
Potentate’s Emeritus Aides
Charles Baker
Donald Baur
John Bowman
Richard Braun
Robert Callaway
Richard Carlson, Jr.
Bob Daniels
John Dodge
Albert Earls
Robert Grimm
James Hubeli
Conrad Jacobi
Mark Lyles
Herbert Mahler
Robert Means
Raymond Moore
John Morrison, Jr.
Fred Plough
Wayne Price
Donald Staffne James Stahl
Mitch Weinsting Kenneth Will
Donald Worley
Shriners Hospital for Children
St. Louis 314-432-3600
Board of Governors
Harvey L Mirly, M.D...................Chairman
Alex B. Rabin.....................Vice Chairman
Gale Bennington, PP................. Treasurer
Adrian Croissant........................ Secretary
David Dieckhaus
Gale Bennington, PP Bernard G. Stever
Ronald Krueger, II
John Schloot
Charles M. M. Shepherd William Tracey
Moolah Shrine Circus
Dean Isbell.......................... Circus Chairman
Ron Reynolds.............................Circus Director
Wayne Price............Parade Marshal Emeritus
Richard Sopp...........Parade Marshal Emeritus
Jack Morrison..........Parade Marshal Emeritus
Camels' Tales is
published ten (10) times
per year and distributed by
MOOLAH Shrine Temple
Material contained herein may not be
reproduced in whole or in part without the
written consent of the publisher.
All rights reserved.
The titles used herein are service marks of
various companies, organizations and others.
All logos, service marks and trade marks are
reproduced with permission.
MOOLAH is a registered service
mark of MOOLAH Temple.
Joe Shivley
Emeritus Members
Lester “Al” Greene, P.P.; Harry E. Hays*
Stephen K. Lambright; Gene McNary*
John B. Morgan; Stephen F. Pieper, P.P.
James W. Smith, P.P.*; Barry Todd, P.P.*
Geo. E. Stephenson, P.P.*; Fred Caress
Ronald Risher*, Doug Bachman, Ted
*Past Board Chairman
Kenneth E. Myles, P.P..........Director, MO
Stephen Pieper, P.P......Director, St. Louis
Dennis Burkholder
Emeritus Representatives
Shriners Hospitals For Children,
A Colorado Corporation
Gale Bennington, PP
Lawrence D. Jones, PP
Kenneth Myles, PP
Barry R. Todd, PP
Merle R. Truckenmiller, PP
Gale F. Bennington PP, Administrator
Ext 113
Monica Smith, Membership
All material copyright 2015 by
Ext 100
MOOLAH Temple.
Lauren Schaefer, Graphic Designer
Ext 101
Patricia Dodd, Accounting
Although every effort is made
Ext 102
to ensure legitimacy, MOOLAH Temple is not
responsible for advertiser's claims.
Ext 150
Camels' Tales is a trademark
of MOOLAH Temple.
Assist. Directors General
John Hewitt, Chief Aide Emeritus
Douglass Maxwell, P.P. 96
Past Imperial Potentate 2008-2009
Board of Trustees Member
Associate Member
Living Past Potentates
James W. Smith.....................................1983
George E. Stephenson.........................1984
Richard H. Haag.................................1988
Kenneth E. Myles...................................1992
Randall I. Ottinger...............................1993
Lawrence D. Jones............................1994
Douglas E. Maxwell...............................1996
Stephen F. Pieper...............................1997
Ronald P. Krueger.................................1999
Barry R. Todd......................................2000
Ronald D. Woods.................................2001
H.H. “Bud” White..................................2002
Albert Faulstich.. .................................2003
Gale F. Bennington...............................2004
John G. Smith.....................................2005
Merle R. Truckenmiller..........................2006
Lester "Al" Greene..............................2007
Frank "Pancho" Windler.......................2009
William I. Drake......................................2010
James C. Brandenburg.........................2011
Andrew Metzger....................................2012
Patrick Hensley......................................2013
Dennis Kelley.........................................2014
Dale W. Stauss
Past Imperial Potentate 2014-2015
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Shriners Hospital for Children
12545 Fee Fee Road
St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone (314) 878-6301
Fax (314) 434-5393
Toll Free 888-9Moolah
ADVERTISING: Direct all questions
concerning advertising to the address
and phone number listed.
Pictures published in the
Camels' Tales are property of MOOLAH
Temple, unless otherwise noted.
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The grammar, spelling, punctuation
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126th Moolah Shrine Potentate
Illustrious Sir David W. Dieckhaus
Greetings Nobles,
With the end of a very busy year coming on rapidly, we still have much to accomplish at Moolah. We have had a very
successful year with all of our activities. October will be no different with our fall ceremonial being on the front burner.
This ceremonial is in honor of our late Chief Rabban Victor F. Dane. Please make sure you have a candidate in this
ceremonial as we want this to be one of the biggest ceremonials Moolah has seen in a while. The ladies will be with
Ann Dane at Vito’s in the Valley while we are attending our ceremonial. If your lady wishes to attend the ladies luncheon at Vito’s please call Moolah to make a reservation. Septembers meeting, we honored 30 nobles with 25 year
pins, 24 nobles with 50 year pins, and 7 nobles with 60 year pins. Nobles, this is impressive! Just think of the thousands of hours of time and dedication these fine nobles have displayed over these years. Congratulations Nobles!
We had a very successful CSSA in Golden, Colorado with our Arab Patrol, Clowns, Motor Patrol, and Capital Shrine
Club all bringing home trophies. These nobles are working hard at being seen in 2015 and representing Moolah in a
very positive manner. We are very proud of them. Congratulations to each of you.
Don’t forget that it is not too late to sign up for the Potentate and First Lady’s trip to Branson. Call Moolah today for your
reservation for the “Jingle All The Way” bus trip to Branson where you will see (6) exciting Branson Shows, Christmas
shopping in unique boutiques and shops, and enjoy eating in some of Branson’s finest restaurants. This trip will take
place from November 12 -15, 2015. We will be riding in a comfortable bus with refreshments at all times, and will be
staying at the Camden Hotel in Branson who will have fresh cobbler and ice Cream for us each evening in our hospitality
room. We will also take a Christmas Light Tour through the Branson area. You don’t want to miss this opportunity, so call
Moolah today to make your reservations. You do not have to be a Shriner to attend so bring a friend.
Moolah will be hosting a “Trunk or Treat” event on the back parking lot on October 30th. Please plan to attend. Bring
a trunk load of treats for the kids, decorate the trunk of your car, and dress up in costume if you wish, and join us for a
fun filled and safe family event. Once you are done visiting each trunk, you can go inside the Sheiks Club for a warm
bowl of award winning chili. Please join us for the fun and let’s show our kids how much fun the Shrine can be as they
are our future. Prizes will be given out for the best decorated car/trunk. Please call Moolah to reserve a space for your
vehicle. This is a “Free” event. Bring your kids and your grandkids and let them help you decorate your vehicle.
December 12, 2015 is the “Brunch with Santa” event so please make plans to join us this year for this festive occasion. November 18, will be our Stated Meeting and Ladies are welcome to join us for dinner and Bunco, and remember “Free” babysitting is available.
Please make plans to attend the “Holiday Ball” in the Moolah Ball Room on December 5, 2015. This is a Black tie or
Dark Suite event with great food and entertainment. Music will be provided by Fan Fare of St. Louis. I hope you will be
able to join Lady Christine and I for this final festive event of the year.
Please keep in mind that our Shriner Children and their families need us. Thank you for all you do to support Moolah
Shrine and our Hospital.
“Let’s be seen in 2015”
Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus
Chaplain’s Corner
by Karl Erselius
The Attitude of Gratitude
I hate negativity, but it would seem that we see and hear more about
“ingratitude” in today’s world. And at times we even fail to show our
gratitude to God Himself. We may pray loudly for our needs, yet lowly
with our praise, and at times I’m as guilty of that as anyone. We also know
as a child of God, thankfulness is not confined to a day or a season, it is
an attitude that we should have every day and at any hour. Psalm92: 1,
2 reads, “How good it is to give thanks to you, O Lord! To sing praises
to your name, O Most High! To proclaim your loving kindness every
morning, and your faithfulness every night. 1 Thess.5: 17, 18 says “pray
continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you”.
Many times, during the day, I’ve offered up a prayer of thanks to God for
getting me through a tough situation. Any time is a time for prayer.
How about we try and cultivate gratefulness as our “basic attitude”
toward life. Gratefulness is one of the most powerful forces in the world;
it makes the difference between just going through the motions and really
being alive. To be grateful is to recognize, acknowledge, and accept that
we are a recipient of a gift, the most basic gift being life itself. But,
let’s remember, being grateful does not protect us from rejection, pain, or
sorrow. Counting our blessings does not mean that we no longer feel the
grief, or the confusion, or the heartaches of life. It DOES mean that, in
feeling those things, we also can feel, a sense of warmth, peace, and
connection with our God. That can be very hard to comprehend at times.
Scripture tells us in Romans 8:28 “ALL THINGS work together for good
to them that love God; to them who are called to His purpose.” As humans
that’s “tough Scripture” but as people who “put our trust in our God”, we
accept it as part of His Holy Word.
I pray that we are able to take our focus away from the grit and grumbling
of life, and focus instead on the incredible gifts we are receiving both
when we are feeling pain AND when we are enjoying the “beauties and
wonders” of our being; our friends; family and especially Your presence.
May God Bless, Amen and So Mote It Be.
These We
Do Not Forget
“Es Selamu Aleikum”
We do not lose the ones we love
They only go before
Where there is everlasting life
Where sorrow is no more....
And there the soul will always live
And peace is everywhere
We do not lose the ones we love
God Takes them in His Care.
Paul K. Ballany
Raymond L. Barnes
Charles E. Faulkner Sr.
Dave M. Marino
Otto N. Tucker Jr.
H. K. White
Ronald J. Wurst
25 Years in the Moolah Shrine
James T. Adams
Carl R. Brooks
Daniel R. Cross, Jr.
Michael W. Foglesong
Keith A. Gaertner
Ronald R. Geisler
Mont A. Gilbert
John R. Goehler
Gale B. Going
Harry A. Kujath
Jerry D. Limbaugh
Donald C. McClary
Delbert K. Miller
Gerald L. Moore
Terry B. Morgan
Timmy G. Morris
Roy W. Morton
William W. Neal
Dwain Ogden
Daniel R. Omer
Thomas W. Parshudie
Fred F. Plough
Sanford A. Silverstein
Robert P. Stupp, Jr.
Richard C. Warner
Richard G. Wiedemann
Edward J. Wilder, Jr.
Michael D. Woods
Larry J. Woolweaver
50 Years in the Moolah Shrine
C. D. Ainsworth
Kinneth L. Clark
Donald E. Dalton
J. S. Dodson
Frank J. Doss, Jr.
William K. Drummond
Kenneth R. Fiala
Robert W. Flagg
Marvin A. Ginsberg
Warren D. Groves
Harry Hays
Harold E. Hickman, Sr.
Gary E. Larrabee
Richard W. Levinson
Samuel L. Marks
Jewel E. McMikle
Ray G. Miller, Jr.
Theodore M. Nagle, III
William E. Sass
Marshall G. Shain
Frank A. Summers
Larry G. Tetley
Carl L. Thornton
David H. Victor
60 Years in the Moolah Shrine
Sol Astrachan
William D. Botter
Ronald S. Brimer
Willard J. Meinholtz
Marvin A. Prywitch
John C. Reid
Richard A. Sopp, Jr.
Ron Reynolds –Circus Director (314-732-2121)
The 2016 Moolah Shrine circus will be held at the Family Arena in St. Charles. Mark your calendars
for March 17th through the 20th. We will be having the same number of performances as last year.
We will have our Circus parade in Old town St. Charles on Saturday, March 5th at Noon. After the
parade we will return to Moolah for the Circus kick-off. On Saturday, March 12th we will participate
in the Cottleville parade to get exposure for our circus. All Shriners are asked to join in the fun for all
these events.
Ad packets have been prepared and will be available at the September stated meeting. Please have
a representative pick up your unit’s packet. The earlier you get to the sponsors, the more time they
will have to get funds budgeted for our circus. The time to get ads is NOW!
The Circus Committee is meeting on the second Wednesday of each month from September to
March in the Guides unit room. Any and all volunteers are welcome to join us. There is always plenty
to do. Arrive at 5:30 PM for a light dinner and the meeting begins at 6:00 PM. Please RSVP so we
know how much food to prepare. 314-732-2121 or
Our goal is to continue to make our circus the best ever, and to keep the seats full.
Fall Ceremonial
Honoring the late
Chief Rabban Victor F. Dane
Saturday, Oct. 24th
8:30am - 3:30pm
8:30am Candidates Arrive & Register
10:45am 1st and 3rd Sections
Victor F. Dane was created a master
mason at Kirkwood Lodge #484. He joined
Moolah April 1, 2004. He joined the Drum
Corp and served as the President in 2008.
He was a member of the Athletic Committee. Victor served as an Aide to the
Potentate in 2008 and was appointed an
Ambassador in 2010. Victor was a member
of the Moolah Photo Staff, and an Honorary
Member of the Moolah Clowns.
Victor was a member of Arca #21, Order
of Quetzalcoatl. In 2013 Victor earned his
Clan 140 Order of Hillbilly Degree.
Victor was a retired Kirkwood Firefighter
and EMT. He joined the fire service as a
Junior Firefighter with the Cedar Hill Fire
Protection District and became a Senior
Firefighter. In June 1979, Victor joined the
City of Kirkwood Fire Department and after
31 years of service retired from the department in May 2010. His love was being a
firefighter and EMT worker.
Many people will remember Victor in his
role as Santa. When he retired he grew
his own beard and truly become Santa.
12:00pm Lunch
1:15pm Unit Performances
2:30pm 2nd Section
3:30pm Unit Rooms Open
Victor enjoyed being Santa and was
totally booked during the holidays helping children smile. In 2014, Victor joined
the International Brotherhood of Real
Bearded Santas.
Victor was very active in the Masonic and
Shrine philanthropy always supporting
the Shriners Hospitals for Children. In
2010, Victor was asked to join the Shrine
Board of Directors’ advancing Divan
officer line. He was currently serving as
Chief Rabban. Victor would have served
as Potentate in 2016.
Victor was a pianist and enjoyed photography and, most recently, he was the
Circus Chairman for the 2015 Circus.
Ladies Program to be
included - See pg 7
October Shriner of the Month
Jim Gesell
Jim was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason
in Noble Lodge #684 in 2009 and joined Moolah Shrine
the same year. He first joined the Hospital Committee
and served as President in both 2013 and 2014.
He is a member of the Moolah Chanters and is
serving as their President for 2015 and acting as
their current conductor. He is very proud of the
recent Chanter success at Imperial in Houston and
all the other events where the Chanters sing.
Ladies Ceremonial Luncheon
in honor of Ann Dane
Saturday, October 24th
11:00am - 2:30pm
Vito’s in the Valley
138 Chesterfield Towne Centre
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Entre Choices:
Pollo alla Florentina
Salmone Chicken Grigliato
Eggplant Pasta Parmiggiana
Trapaese Campanelle
Noble Gesell is a founding member of the American
Muscle Unit and has served as Secretary since their
inception. He also is the 3rd Vice President of TCAA, a
group of dedicated people working to directly support
our Hospital. He loves giving tours of our Children's
Hospital and being around the patients, their families,
and the Hospital Staff.
The Moolah Public Relations committee is proud to have
Jim Gesell as our Shriner of the Month for October.
Please call the Moolah Office for
reservations at 314.878.6301
Mark Your Calendars
2 0 1 5
18th: ECMO Golf Tournament
24th: Fall Ceremonial
30th: Trunk or Treat Sheiks Club
2 0 1 5
7th: Ainad Ceremonial
Yoway 250
12th-15th: Branson Trip
26th: Thanksgiving Holiday (Office Closed)
27th: Thanksgiving Holiday (Office Closed)
2 0 1 5
5th: Holiday Ball
12th: Brunch with Santa - Ballroom
13th: Shriner’s Patient Party 12-3pm
(Snow election date Dec. 23rd)
24th: Christmas Eve (Office Closed)
25th: Christmas Day (Office Closed)
2 0 1 6
1st: New Year’s Day (Office Closed)
9th: Clowns Variety Show
Meeting Schedules
Units & Committees
Shrine Clubs
Air Patrol - 2nd Mon.
Cape SC - 4th Wed. 6:30p Call for Location
American Muscle - 2nd Wed., 6:30p, Unit Room
Capital SC - 2nd Tues. 6:30p, Capital SC
Antique Cars - 1st Wed., Rich & Charlies Restaurant Daniel Boone SC - Last Thurs. 6:30p, JJ’s Restaurant
Arab Patrol - 1st Mon., Drill Practice - 4th Monday
ECMO SC - 1st Fri. 7:30p, ECMO SC
Band - Every Wed.
Four Rivers SC - 2nd Mon. 7:30p Gray Summit
BBQ Smokin’ Nobles - 1st Mon, Oasis
Joachim SC - 2nd Mon. Herculaneum
Chanters - 1st Mon. Business Meeting 7:30p Unit
Little Dixie SC - 4th Wed. LD Shrine Park
Room, Rehearsal every other Mon. 7:30p Mid-Mo SC - 2nd Wed. 6:30p Call for Location
Clowns - 3rd Mon.
Nemo SC - 3rd Thurs. 6:00p Call for Location
Computer Club - 2nd Mon. 7:30p
Ozark SC - 3rd Wed. 6:00p Shamrock Bar
DeMolay - 1st Wed. 7:00p
SEMO SC - 1st Mon. 6:00p SEMO SC
Directors Staff - 1st Mon.
Three Rivers SC - 3rd Fri 6:30p Three Rivers SC
Drum Corps - 2nd Mon, Rehearsals 1st, 3rd, 4th Mon
Tiger SC - Last Mon. Tiger SC
Gateway 500 - 2nd Tues.
Guides - Last Fri.
Hospital Committee - 3rd Wed., 6:15p, Committee Room
Legion of Honor - 4th Tues.
Motor Patrol - 2nd Mon.
Mounted Lancers - 2nd Wed., Ranch
Nomads - 4th Wed., 6:30p Food
• Dress in business casual
Provost Guard - 2nd Mon. 7:00p
• Dues Cards will be required
Reception Committee - 2nd Wed.
• Ladies are always welcome
Sound Unit - 2nd Mon.
Stage Crew - 1st Wed.
• Babysitting is provided
Swing Dance Unit - 1st Mon. 6:30p
• Dinner is served at 5:30p
TCCA - 4th Wed. 6:00p Oasis
• Meetings begin at 7:30p
Unique Motors - 2nd & 4th Mon.
YOMO - 2nd Wed.
• Balloting on all new petitions for membership
Moolah® Shrine
Bring a trunk load of treats for the kids • Decorate the trunk of your car
Dress up in a costume (optional) • Enjoy award winning chili
Prizes for best decorated car/trunk
Please call the office at
314.878.6301 to reserve a
space for your vehicle
7:0010:00 FREE
Noble Shelby and Mildred Brown
endowed the Cape Girardeau County
Historical Society with the funds to
create the Cape County History
Center in Jackson, MO. As a part of
the tribute exhibit to the Browns, the
Cape Shrine Club presented a fez
for the exhibit. Pictured here is Noble
Darryl Spurlock with the exhibit.
Over 1,200 Recipes • Only $30.00 • Great for Christmas Gifts!
Moolah® Shrine Cookbook
Delectable recipes for everything from homemade desserts to savory meals. Perfect for
giving as gifts or enjoying at your own family gatherings.
Recipes from those who love our Shrine Kids. Submitted recipes from Patient Ambassadors,
hospital staff, members of Moolah Shrine and friends.
Order your copy by calling Christine Dieckhaus at 314.960.6721
or email
Available for pickup at the Moolah® Office
Net proceeds benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children - St. Louis
Check out these photos from CSSA!
1. Congrats to the Moolah Capital Shrine for their win at CSSA. They placed 2nd in
the Competition Drill and 3rd in the Obstacle Course! Congrats!
Pictured: Greg Duchette, Frank Dahm, Dave Perkins & Jim Trammell
2. Congrats to the Moolah Arab Patrol for their win in the A Division at CSSA! The
Arab Patrol won 1st in A Flight and 1st in Parade! Congrats! The Moolah Arab Patrol is
the oldest marching unit in Shrinedom.
Unit & Committee Reports
Air Patrol
Director: Bud Hildebrand President: Ted Lindner, Jr. 1st VP: Byron Smyrniotis 2nd VP: John Szuba Treasurer: Richard Prine Secretary: Chris Grau 314.283.3014
Gone West …. It is with sadness that we report
the passing of Noble David Marino. David was
very active with the Shrine and Air Patrol as well
as several other units and clubs. Particularly with
the TCAA as president. He lived life to it’s fullest.
Please keep his bride Leslie and their families in
your thoughts an prayers.
October marks the start of the Third Quarter.
What better way to welcome the Autumn Season
than to Tour Missouri’s Wine Country. Have we
got a deal and plan for you! We will once again
have our Fall Wine Country Tour.. Saturday,
October 17, 2015. We will load up on the Bus
at Moolah Temple, and head down and over to
Augusta. Reservations are required and your
payment will be your reservation. Contact Noble
Randy Schmidt and Treas. Rick Prine for the
same. Don’t miss it.
Don’t forget our regular stated monthly meetings
are on the second Monday of the month in the
Hanger Room. Room open by 5:30 for socializing
and libations... meeting starts at 19:00 Hrs.
There is going to be a Fall Ceremonial on
Saturday. October 24th in honor of our departed
brother and friend Vic Dane. Get that candidate
and come on up to YOUR Shrine Temple to show
support for the newly made Nobles.
Nomination and election of officers is just around
the corner. If you are interested in being an
officer, please let your wishes be known. The
proposed slate of officers will be presented at the
November meeting. Plan to attend the meeting to
see who is who in the ZOO. Election will be held
at our annual meeting in December. Consider this
your 14+ day written notice.
Happy Halloween !!! Hope The Great Pumpkin is
good to you..
Chairman: John Hewitt
Secretary: Ted Schamburg
From Chairman John:
I hope the Fall Weather has arrived and we are
done with the hot and humid days. Hopefully you
had a safe and enjoyable summer. You may have
won the lottery or made a hole in one on your
favorite golf course.
Our Potentate had many events in which the
Ambassadors were in attendance and gave support to make the event successful. The Hospital
Awareness day and the Hospital Ride were very
Now is the time to get your candidate ready for
the Fall Ceremonial October 24. We need to work
on this to have a large count of candidates. Don’t
forget to sign up for the Potentates Jingle All the
Way to Branson trip on November 12-15. Another
reminder is for the Moolah Cookbook for the 1st
Lady. See Christine for your cookbook.
I call all of the Ambassador’s attention to the Ambassador lunches on the 2nd Friday of the month.
The next Ambassador’s Lunch will be on Friday,
October 9 in the Oasis at Moolah Temple.
Please watch the Camels’ Tales for information
about all of the Moolah activities. Information
about all Ambassador Events will come to you
through the Camels’ Tales,
E-mail or word of mouth. For luncheon reservations call Gary Larrabee, 314-839-7421 or e-mail
him at
OCTOBER 9: Ambassador Meeting at Moolah
OCTOBER 21: Stated Meeting
In closing… It’s autumn in Missouri… Call a
friend, Climb to 2000’ AGL and take a look at
Mother Nature’s Canvas / Artwork… God Bless
Dan-O – N600SR
Arab Patrol
Captain: Doug Bachman
President: Ed Fesenmeyer
Secretary: Ken Elam
Treasurer: Phil Phillips
By: Gary Oakley
We have a lot of Thank You’s to pass along and
celebrating to share.
A tip of the Fez and thank you to everyone for the
great results at CSSA in Colorado. Couldn’t share
results with you in the September issue but the
news is all good:
1st place Group A competition.
1st place Group A parade.
Still more good news!! The “Marching 48” received the highest score of all units participating
in the parade!! What a weekend!! Congratulations, Captain. Everyone knew their boundaries!!
Well done, gentlemen. No doubt a celebration will
take place soon. Watch Patrol Notes for information.
Thank you, Pote for your hospitality at CSSA.
Having a place where all could gather was real
hospitable of you.
Big news!! Thanks to “Fast” Eddie Wilder,
Hospital Awareness Day was once again a big
Anonymous sources dropped several lines about
the Patrol fishing tournament. The consensus
is everyone had a reel good time. Thank you
George Corey.
Thanks to everyone who took part in or helped so
that others could participate in the Hospital Bike
Ride. Bet you all can Harley wait to hit the road
next year.
Dates you don’t want to forget:
10.21: Stated Meeting.
10.24: Fall Ceremonial.
11.4: Ainad Ceremonial
12.5: Holiday Ball/Patrol Christmas Party.
12.12: Brunch with Santa.
12.16: Stated Meeting/Election.
Talking about holiday events already? Wow!!
How quickly a year can pass when you’re having
fun. The Patrol is having more than its share. If
you haven’t been to the Patrol room in a while,
the fall is a good time to stop by and say Hi.
Never know what might happen or who you might
see. I’m just sayin’. Yeah baby!!
Unit & Committee Reports
Antique Car
Chairman: Steve Dodson
President: Joe Weber
Vice President: Joe Weismann
By: Steve Dodson
Fall is in the air, the days are getting shorter and
the leaves will start turning colors. Not much
going on this month but it is great weather for
driving the old cars
We only have one or two more parades in
November - - - like the Veterans Day Parade in
Florissant, MO to thank our Vets for the freedoms
we all enjoy.
There will be no more scheduled unit meetings
this year as we head into the holidays. We will
start up our meetings again next Spring.
TO ALL SHINERS You don’t have to own an old
car to be a member of this unit, just have an interest in these cars and their heritage.
Did you know or do you care!
-November 10, 1926 The name and assets of the
Duesenberg Motor Co. of Indianapolis, IN are
purchased by Erret Labban Cord to become a
part of his newly formed automotive empire.
-November 12, 1935 The last Rolls-Royce
Phantom II chassis is completed at the factory.
(It would be interesting to know what type of
custom-built body was installed on this!).
November 17, 1945 The first postwar Cadillac is
produced by the General Mortors Corp.
A Funny:
The biggest lie I tell myself is . . . I don’t need to
write that down. I’ll remember it.
What another great season it was for the Shrine
Bowling League. Thanks to everyone who participated in such a historic year. Thanks especially to
Athletic Director Al Jants for your endless leadership
and dedication to the league. Congratulations to
the Ceremonial Cast for winning a tough battle over
the Reception Committee. Ceremonial Cast Charlie
Wiegert, Merle Truckenmiller, Greg Gates, Bill
Tracey, Dave Sanders, and Riley Wieser.
Welcome and Congratulations to our elected
officers for 2015/2016:
President: Bill Drake
Vice President: Kevin Heins
Secretary: Rick Bauer
Treasurer: Brett Grimm
Camel Tale Liaison: John Tremblay
We are always looking for bowlers for our fun filled,
action packed league on Thursday’s at Brunswick
Lane at Big Bend and Dougherty Ferry. Contact
any of the Officers for more details.
Upcoming Stated
Meeting Menus
Roast Turkey with Gravy
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Cornbread Stuffing
Rolls & Butter
Unit Director: Jack Scherrer
Pres/Sect-Treas: Roger Fagerberg 314.878.7646
Conductor/1st VP: Chuck McKenzie 636.235.8085
2nd Vice Pres: Barry Hyatt
Hello, from your Moolah Band:
Now and then we have to play shorthanded, but
even then we manage to make a good presentation. This happened recently when only ten
musicians were able to attend, but nonetheless,
we had the essential parts covered, and the
musicianship of our members got us through.
This is where the call goes out to the Nobles and
their family members who play or have played in
the band. We need to make a good showing to
exhibit what Shrinedom is, and how we are contributing to the Shriners Hospital. It would be fantastic if a few of you could make time to join us,
thereby guaranteeing that our performances are
the best possible. It would also give us a more
professional appearance when we celebrate our
Centennial Anniversary in 2019; this would be a
great time to join us to increase membership for
this major event.
Come see us on Wednesday nights at 7:30 and
rekindle the fun you had when you were in the
school band. We are looking for new members,
especially Nobles who are interested in spreading
the word of what Shriners do for the kids by supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children. You
may be a Noble who is looking for a home where
you can make use of your musical talents! If that
is the case, please give me a call or e-mail and I
will answer any questions you may have.
Also, remember we are also a community band,
so if your child or grandchild plays an instrument,
he or she is welcome to play in the Band. We
meet Wednesday evenings at 7:30 to practice.
Our concerts are Tuesday and Wednesday nights
at 7:00.
We would love to have you participate with us.
We always leave ‘em smiling!
Chuck McKenzie
Unit & Committee Reports
Director: Jerry Lee Gaddy
President: Jim Gesell
Treasurer: Richard Farrar
Secretary: William Bradford
By Monte Safron
Uncluttered or better said, “decluttered”...come
see what lack of clutter has done for the Chanter
Unit. Heretofore, cramped with little room
for entertaining, the “business” all Units must
conduct and the Monday rehearsals the Chanters must practice in order to hone our warbling,
all now made better without clutter. Come see
us, no, better yet, come hear us and enjoy all the
Join us at the Stated Meeting October 21st.
Bring your Lady and enjoy a delicious meal
prepared by Genesis Catering, making meals fit
for tantalizing evening out. Your Lady will greatly
appreciate the evening playing Bunco, or some
other games we guys are too manly in which to
partake. In the meantime we Nobles will steal
away secluding ourselves communalizing in the
seclusion and comradery of the Stated Meeting.
It’s no surprise that our Unit, as is true of all of
Moolah Units, need more Nobles. With a great
program fostering comradery and advancing
superior family values, we are an easy product
to do it! Bring some prospective Nobles
to the Fall Ceremonial this October 24th. Let’s
show them what we’ve got...the pride of being a
Shriner. As a portion of the song we sing with
pride goes “I am proud to be a Shriner...Fellowship is here to stay. We agree there’s nothing
finer... Spread that feeling and spread that word!
We are still lacking events to fill our schedules.
As we have often pleaded, let us know of any
singing opportunities. If you know of any group
or even a single person in need of the joy of a
We need the work and someone out there is in
need of the joy of the melodious warbling we can
God Bless Our Shrine.
Mike Howard (Howiee) Director
Jim Fritz (Fritz)– Pres
Terry Aaron (Chopper)- 1st Vice Pres
Mike Stevens (Mibo) - 2nd Vice Pres
John Tremblay ( Shabba-Dabba)- Treas
Well summer is over and now we get really busy.
We started with the American Eagle Credit Union
and the always fun and entertaining Webster
Groves Jazz Fest. All of the clowns worked
long hours on these events and were very well
appreciated. We also attended an Anemia walk
at Millennium Park and the Diabetes walk both
in the Creve Couer area. Adoption Saturday at
the Family Court is always a fun event and well
attended by our unit.
At the Central States convention in Denver, Co
this past month, several of our members brought
back some hardware. Terry Aaron (Chopper) won
a second place plaque in the senior Hobo division
while Jack Melton (Jitterbug) brought home a
second place Character plaque and a Best in the
Pararde plaque. Great job guys.
The annual Bar B Que contest held at the temple
was again a success by our unit. I am writing this
before the event but I’m guessing that we won
everything we entered. Thanks to John Frederick
(Barley) Derek Koleas (Pop Tart) and Paul Goggins
(Gametime). Ask them to show you their ribbons
and trophies when you see them.
Our unit is starting to look like the Cardinals team
with a lot of guys on the mend for injuries. I
think our list is too long to put in this column but
hopefully you will all be good to go when things
start really going in December. One injury I do
have to mention is Merlin’s (Tom Dolan). He was
attending the Cardinal’s game against Pittsburgh
when Andrew McCutchen hit a screamer foul
ball into the stands and off the head of Merlin.
The ball went off his head and back onto the field
where Wong tagged out the runner. After review
the Pirate runner was called safe. He is doing
well but has a big lump on his head. He promised
never again to be looking for the beer man when
a ball is being pitched.
The best way to appreciate being a Clown is to
imagine yourself not being one.
President: Kurt Schumacher
Vice President: Jeff Kitsmiller Sr.
Secretary: Bob Weber
Treasurer: Kent Barnett
Chairman: Fred Veinfurt
Nobles and Ladies,
SAVE THE DATE! The Moolah King and Queen
dance will be held on October 24th, 2015 at the
beautiful Shrine Center in St Louis. Festivities
start at 7:00 pm with candidate interviews at 6:30
pm. The theme this year is a costume party. The
committee is requesting support from all units
to help us plan put on a fantastic gala honoring
our youth groups. The DeMolay, Jobs Daughter,
and Rainbow Girls are a major part of our Shrine
Family. We elect a King, Queen, Prince, and
Princess to represent the Moolah Shriners for the
year 2015-16. Any contributions and donations
are extremely welcome from your units. Last
but not least – your smiling faces are always
welcome at the dance. Note: Some of you don’t
need costumes – you’re scary enough, (just kidding – NOT!)
Volley Ball – Volley Ball at Moolah’s Gym !!!!!!!!!
The DeMolay League runs during October and
November from 12:00 – 4:00 pm on Sundays
at the Moolah Sports Center. The DeMolay
Chapters will play in a recreational environment
promoting brotherhood and sportsmanship. This
is a great opportunity to introduce young men
to our Masonic Fraternity through athletics and
good clean fun. The Sweethearts help keep them
Membership is on the rise. Missouri DeMolay
under the guidance of Quinten Cockerham is
continuing to expand their “Open House” program to recruit young men from the local public
schools. (Futures Shriners!)
The Circus is just around the corner. We’ll be
ready for March 2016 (Parades, Coupons Distribution, and Floor Operations) Always a great time!
Note: The Missouri DeMolay State Installation of
Officers will be held on December 12, 2015 at the
Scottish Rite in St Louis (Program and times TBA)
The Jobs Daughters have relaxed their Masonic
requirements for new members (Not eliminated
them). Hopefully this will boost their numbers.
Please support them.
Please support all the Masonic Youth Groups
(DeMolay, Jobs Daughters, and Rainbow Girls).
They are our future! With all that is going on in
the world, we can make a difference by providing
and setting an example the next generation. We
THANK YOU in advance for help.
GO Moolah Shriners !!!
Unit & Committee Reports
Drum Corps
Director - Tom Duke
President - David Glenn
Secretary - Rick Gwydir
Treasurer - Rich Steed
By Jim Hubeli
On August 21/23 the Drum Corps and Gateway
500 guys and girls battled the crowds at the
Festival of the Little Hills in St. Charles. Our
mission was to provide security at the gates in
Frontier Park. Our Past Director, Ron Geisler and
Ron Reynolds, Gateway 500 Director were in
charge and wish to thank all of the volunteers for
manning the gates for this hectic weekend. The
Festival has over 300 booths for crafts and food
and drinks and Main Street, a block away has
many more stations. This event has been growing
for over 40 years and draws huge crowds from all
over the Midwest.
The Missouri Freemason, summer edition,
contains an article entitled “A Man of Faith.”
While largely about Rich Steed’s brother-in-law
Doug Sprouse, it contains much about the entire
Steed family and their involvement in many
Masonic organizations. The article relates that
Drum Corps member Rich Steed as a young
teen started bugling in the DeMolay Drum Corps
and has completed over 40 years in the Moolah
Drum and Bugle Corps. During that time he
served as our Director and also Administrator
of Moolah Temple. Rich's late father Ollie was
in the Mounted Lancers, the Air Patrol and the
Drum Corps, was an Ambassador and served as
President of the TCAA. Others in Rich’s family –
wife Ruth, his late mother Berrie, sister Kay and
her husband Doug Sprouse – have also been
involved in various other Masonic organizations.
The primary emphasis of the article relates to the
tremendous support and help that Doug Sprouse
and his siblings received from the Masonic Home
as children in St. Louis and the care provided to
Rich’s great grandmother, Agnes Siegel, at the
end of her life. In July, the Steed and Sprouse
families made a significant donation to the Masonic Home in memory of Ollie and Berrie Steed.
Congratulations to both families for all of their
Masonic accomplishments.
Legion of
President: Ryan Georgen
Secretary: Robert Granquist
Director: Robby Dirkers
Sadness again has befallen the Guides Unit with
the passing of two of our senior members, Keith
White and Truman Askins. They both were long
time members and dedicated bingo workers. Our
sympathy goes out to both families. They both will
be missed by all.
Thanks to all who helped during the ServPro golf
tourney. Your help was greatly appreciated.
Also a thank you to all who had a hand in making
the Guides Social a success.
The Guides were once again at the Ballwin
Schnucks for the Hospital Awareness Paper
Drive. Thanks to all who helped collect donations.
Thanks to all the ladies who give of their time in
support of their men in the activities of the temple.
Thanks to all who helped with the Hospital Bike Ride.
Upcoming Events:
October 24th
Fall Ceremonial
October 30th Guides Meeting/Election of Officers
November 13th
Guides Social
October 31st is Halloween-Please watch out for
trick or treaters!
Director: Gale Going
Commander: Mike Hensley
Adjutant: Charles Dasho
Treasurer: James Hartley
The Commander has ordered that the next meeting will be on 27 OCTOBER 2015. The normal
meeting time is 1900 (7pm) on 4th Tuesday, in
the Moolah Shrine Center’s second floor unit
room, across from the Moolah store, next to fez &
memorabilia display cases. Doors open at 1830
(6:30 PM)
On Sunday 2 August 2015 Moolah Legion
of Honor and Ainad Legion of Honor carried
American Flags, The International Shriners Flag
and The Shriners Hospital for Children Flag at the
Cardinals Shriners Baseball Game. What a honor
for both Shriners Legion of Honor Military Units.
Need a ride? Contact the following:
North County: Charlie Dasho-314-921-2976
South County: Gale Going-314-487-1623
St Charles: George Merkle-636-441-2836.
Stephen F. Pieper, MBA, CLU®, ChFC®
Life Insurance • Medical Plans • Pensions
Long Term Care Insurance
Unit & Committee Reports
Motor Patrol
The chairman of the Shriner’s Hospital Bike Ride,
Don Gabel, extends his appreciation and thanks
to every Noble that volunteered to work at the
President: D.J. Hermen
1st Vice President: Ryan Braun
2nd Vice Present: Casey Thompson 314-560-4968
Secretary: James/Cub Boever
Treasurer: Logan Santschi
Chairman /Stool man: Shaun Ruether 314-960-7398
Special thanks goes to:
Audio Visual Sound Unit for P.A. System
Ceremonial Cast Unit for hot dogs & buns
Drum Corps Unit for providing Patient Ambassadors
Legion of Honor Unit for flag ceremony
Smokin Nobles Unit for doing the cooking
ALL the profits go to the Hospital. We will publish
the amount in the November Camels’ Tales.
From CSSA - Congratulations to Rick Weible and
Kip Harris for winning second place in the Show
Class for Motorcycles.
The Motor Patrol, in keeping with our tradition,
collected money at the Schnucks store on Telegraph for the Hospital Awareness Day. President
Steve Lovell thanks all Nobles that gave up with
Saturday to work.
Our September Social Wine Trip was a grand
success. All who participated had a good time.
Thanks to all the designated drivers!
We look forward to our October social event. A
ride for corvettes and motorcycles to Pere Marquet for lunch and a good time of “doin nothin”.
We will have some BREAKING NEWS in the
November Camels’ Tales. Stay tuned!!
The Nomad’s monthly meeting is held on the
fourth Wednesday of every month. There is a
light supper served at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting
will start at 7:00pm.
Nomads, please connect with the Nomad’s
group on Facebook. Most of our communications are shared through Facebook. If you are
unable to find the Facebook group, please let
us know and we will help add you to the group.
Any general 2015 nobility, please come join
the Nomads. Enjoy some cold camel’s milk on
meeting nights, while learning about different
units and committees at the Shrine Center. The
Nomads committee is a great fit for everyone,
whether you’re a new or experienced Shriner.
Through your involvement in this committee you
will feel welcomed and have fun while supporting
the children who have been placed in our care at
the hospital. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact any of the Nomad’s executive
board members, or just drop by the room. Remember the upcoming fall ceremonial on October
24th, 2015. This is a great opportunity to tour the
Shrine Center and learn the role of each unit and
committee at Moolah.
Matt Niedringhaus, President
John Sprauls, VP
Paul Greenlaw, Secretary
Matt Schoonover, Secretary
Ted Nagle, Chairman
Fall is upon us, and it is the month of October,
which means it is time for Fall Ceremonial.
Please be sure to mark your calendars for the
October 24th Fall Ceremonial in memory of Victor
Dane. All new candidates will be reporting to the
Reception Room at 8am to be sized for their Fez,
and begin their day. We welcome all Shriners to
come and join us in the Reception Room! This
will be the first time the tour will be of the new
Shriners Hospital. It will definitely be an exciting and proud moment, and incentive for us to
increase the number of candidate coming through
in the future.
A special congratulations go out to several
Members of the Reception Committee upon
reaching Milestones within our Shriners Fraternal
Organization. We wish Frank Doss, Ted Nagle
and Harry Hays congrats upon receiving their 50
years pins at the September Stated Meeting. We
also wish Alex Polkey congrats upon receiving his
25 year pin.
Thank you to all volunteers who were able to participate in the Shriners Awareness Month at the
Ladue Schnucks store on Saturday, September
12th. We met a lot of great people who donated
generously to our Shriners Hospital. It is always
great to be participating in these events, as it
reminds us of why we are Shiners.
Lastly, remember to get your tickets in the Shieks
Club to play the Queen of Hearts! Shieks Club
is open after each Stated Meetings, Friday and
Saturday nights.
- Submitted by Matt Niedringhaus
Unit & Committee Reports
President Dave Marino
1st VP Gary Fanger
2nd VP Dennis Martin
3rd VP Jim Gesell
Sec'y Treas/Scribe, Bob Daniels H-636-441-4917 C-636-675-4500
Hope all had a great summer and all are doing well.
We are saddened to report that our TCAA President Dave Marino has passed away, please keep
his family and friends in your thoughts and prayer.
Don’t know what TCAA Stands for or what we
do…. Ask your Unit Representative or call Bob
(636-675-4500) and we can come out to your
meetings and give a brief talk.
TCAA has “HLP-KDS” License Plate Stickers for
sale--only $3.00 each. Ask your unit representative.
TCAA is looking for “Corporate Donations”, to
ultimately provide necessary funds to support The
Saint Louis Shriners Hospital. We need your help
in our mission to support our St. Louis Shriners
Hospital. Please give Dave a call (314-574-8487)
or Gary (636-697-5290) if you know a company
with surplus items to be donated that can be used
to sell.
Unique Motor
Director: Sir Thom McCann
President: Dan “Jake” Jacobs
Vice President: Rick Bruce
Treasurer:Gary Fanger
Secretary: Ken Wright
Well the Summer is over and Fall has begun.
Our festival season has ended and we have had
a very good year. We would like to say “Thank
You” to everyone who stopped by and purchased
a Gus’s Pretzel from us at the October Fest at
Frontier Park in St. Charles. If not for your support, we could not help the children at Shriner’s
Just a reminder that we meet on the second
and fourth Monday night at 7:00 pm in our unit
room which is located on the bottom floor in the
Southwest corner off of the Oasis.
If you have a “Unique Motor” (i.e. mini bike, gocart, golf cart, or other motorized vehicle) Please
come down and check us out. Have a safe and
happy Halloween.
Looks like the new Hospital is well on its way and
here are the new numbers.
June 2015 Hospital statistics:
Outpatients 718, Inpatients 28, Outpatient
Surgeries 48
July 2015 Hospital statistics:
Outpatients 771, Inpatients 16, Outpatient
Surgeries 56
August report not yet available.
Long time TCAA member Glen Duncan is in
rehab, please keep him and his family in your
thoughts and prayers as well.
Hope everyone had a fun and safe summer and
Happy Halloween!!!
Appendant Bodies
Noble Lodge
Worshipful Master: Juan White
Secretary: Charlie Wiegert
Noble Lodge is back at work. Meetings started with
our Installation of Officers on September 1st. RWB
Juan White was installed Worshipful Master by his
brother RWB Miguel White. Other officers installed
were Dan Coffey SW, Randy (RC) Prince JW, Dr.
Tom Cupples Jr. SD, Tony White JD, Dennis Martin
SS, Ken Fontana JS, William Heaton Chaplin, Gary
Fanger Treasurer, RWB Charlie Wiegert Secretary
and WB Bill Drake Tiler. WB Steve Bukovic was
the Installing Chaplin and WB Jeff Henty was the
Installing Marshall. Junior Past Master Corey
Woodward was installed as Marshall, presented with
his Past Masters apron, and received a great ovation for the spectacular job he did leading the Lodge
the past year.
Regular meetings are on the first and third Tuesdays
of each month. Dinner is at 6PM with Lodge opening at 7PM. Any Shriner is welcome to attend a
meeting anytime they would like!
If you know someone who might be interested in becoming a member, you can be the 1st line signer of
your candidate’s petition. Only 1 signer of a Masonic
petition needs to be from Noble Lodge, the other
signer can be from any Lodge. Keep this in mind if
you have a candidate.
It all starts with you submitting the petition for your
candidate. The petition (and $75 initiation fee) will
be received at our next meeting, and your candidate
will be notified. In most cases he will be invited to
attend the next meeting, meet with the investigating
committee, and then his EA degree will be scheduled.
Daughters of the
Nile Sydyk
Temple #107
Queen: Colette Nagel
Recorder: Mary LaTragna
We want to extend an invitation to all ladies, 18
and older, to join our wonderful group of ladies
for a sisterhood of philanthropy, good friends, and
good times. We would love to have young women
join us aged 18 to 26 to form a special place in
our Temple designed specifically for them. We
welcome their ideas, energy, and willingness to
help support out temple. As always, all our funds
go to support the Shriners Hospital for children.
Our fundraisers this year include the sale of bed
sheets, our annual Dinner and bazaar on Sunday,
October 18, at Freedom Temple, our annual Trivia
night in November and our annual fall nut sales.
Our Supreme Queen Visit will be on November
23rd, with a Ceremonial and
Banquet, and on November 24, we will tour of the
new Shriners hospital and have lunch immediately after.
Our Supreme Queen, Sharon St. John, is a great
lady and we look forward to meeting her. She
honored us by appointing three Supreme Appointees to our Temple: P.Q. Gloria Payne Ortis,
Supreme Banner Escort; P.Q, Patricia Hodges,
Supreme American Flag Escort; and P.Q. Linda
Becker, Supreme Goodwill Ambassador.
If you have any questions or would like more
information, please contact Queen Colette or PQ
Mary LaTragna at the numbers above.
Welcome to our newest master masons, raised at
the July 11th C2A class; Neil Conner, Steve Leassner, Ed Stallons, Paul Kolb and John Urbanowicz.
If you would like to help out at the next chip program, Saturday, October 10th from Noon to 5PM at
Ronnies Cine, contact Ken Fontana to sign up to at or call him at 636-485-2984.
Swing with the Best! Have Dennis & Dianne from the
Swing Dance Unit help set up your next Get-A-Way.
If you have any questions, contact the Master or
Secretary from the information listed above.
Moolah® is headed to Disney!
Get your Mickey ears ready for the 2016 Potentate Trip
to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida!
Contact Chief Rabban Lenny Martin at 314.795.6561 or or contact the Moolah
Office at 314.878.6301 to learn more!
Moolah Shriner’s
Annual King & Queen Dance
(includes Prince & Princess election)
October 24th, 2015
Oasis Room
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
DeMolay, Jobs Daughters and
Rainbow Girls
(Candidates please arrive by 6:30pm)
“NO” Charge for event
Open to Nobles and their Families
Note: Age range for the
Masonic Youth Groups8-21 Years - Non Members are
encouraged to attend
Club Connection
Daniel Boone
Shrine Club
President: Mark Rethemeyer
Secretary: Robert Holscher
Attention all Shriner’s – it’s time for ”Dinner
and Fun”. On October 29th the Daniel Boone
Shrine Club will be meeting at JJ’s Restaurant in
O’Fallon. All you have to do is invite your Lady to
dinner and fun and you’ll be a hero! Tell her you
are meeting friends for dinner and fun and come
on out and join us. We order off the menu and the
food is very good and reasonably priced.
We have a great time when we get together, and
socializing is always the highlight of the evening.
We would love to have you and your lady come
check us out! Arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 for
dinner and at 7:30 the Ladies play Bunko while
the guys have their meeting.
And you are thinking… but wait – I’m not a
member of Daniel Boone! Well that’s OK.
Whether you are a member of Daniel Boone, or
not – you and your Lady are always welcome and
encouraged to join us for our dinner meetings.
You will always find a friendly greeting waiting for
you when you arrive, and we will make sure you
and your Lady will have a great time! For more
information contact President Mark Rethemeyer
Shrine Club
Little Dixie
Shrine Club
President: Leonard Keller
1st Vice President: Joe Smart
2nd Vice President: Jim Westcott
3rd Vice President: Bill Kohout
Secretary/Treasurer: Elmo Blum
Director: Erie Gonzalez-Rubio
President: Robbie Hodges
Treasurer: Patrick Talbott
Fall is here, even though it may not feel like it outside. Joachim Shrine Club had a great summer.
Our President Leonard and his Lady Jeanette did
an outstanding job on organizing the barbeques
and parades for the club.
The Fall Ceremonial is this October 24th. It is
honoring the late Chief Rabban Vic Dane. If you
have a candidate that is ready to join Moolah,
contact Elmo as soon as possible. Even if you
do not have a candidate still try to attend the Fall
Ceremonial, let’s try and make a showing of our
Also remember to attend our monthly meetings
on the second Mondays of the month at the
Herculaneum Lodge.
August was a busy month for Little Dixie Shrine
Club, with great times had for all. Our annual
Golf Tournament for the Hospital was played on
the first weekend (reschedule from June), the annual Auction and Meal was again a success, and
the tractor cruise brought familiar faces out and
about to close the month. It should be calm the
next few months with a few parades for our Motor
Patrol and helping with the Ceremonial at Tiger
Shrine Club in Columbia the month of October.
Join us anytime on the 4th Wednesday of the
month, 6:30 social and meeting to follow.
Patrick - LDSC Treas.
Tiger Shrine Club
President: Jason Acton
Secretary: Dr. Jim Kern
By Mitch Weinsting
Email MO6022@AOL.COM
Well, we are into the football season and hopefully
this find MIZZOU undefeated. The club continues
to improve as does our attendance. We had a
great turnout in August and hope the same holds
true for September and October. Speaking of
October we have a great event planned at the
club. On October 17, 2015 we will be holding a
ceremonial at the Tiger Shrine Club. We have
several candidates and getting more each day.
Preliminary plans have things kicking off around
10am for the Ceremony, Hospital Presentation
and Lunch. If you have a candidate in the MidMissouri area come on out and get him involved in
one of the greatest organizations around.
Our September meeting was changed to 9/21 as
to not conflict with Grand Lodge. Hopefully you
were able to attend Grand Lodge and watched our
own Brent Stewart installed as Grand Master. It
was a great afternoon.
Our October meeting will be on 10/26 so come
out and have a say as we rebuild the Tiger
Shrine Club. Dinner at 6:00 with meeting to
follow, see you at the meeting and don’t forget to
bring your fez.
The Tiger Shrine club meets at 2315 N Stadium
Blvd, Columbia, MO 65202.
Book your next event with Moolah®
Moolah Unit/Club/Committee Events:
Ballroom: $650
Oasis: $450
$500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found)
Member Benefits for Moolah Shriners & Immediate Family:
Ballroom: $875
Oasis: $550
$500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found)
Non-Shriner & General Public Events:
Ballroom: $1,750
Oasis: $1,100
$500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found)
Booking: Moolah Office 314.878.6301
Caterer: Genesis Catering 314.894.7073
Come on in and book your next event with us! If you would like to take a look at our rooms feel free
to stop by 9:00a-4:30p Monday-Friday. Gensis Catering can also provide viewings on the weekends.
Weddings • Receptions • Class Reunions • Birthday Parties • Graduation Parties
Moolah Temple Guides Bingo
Wayne Price, Bingo Chairman
V.F.W Post #3944
10815 Midland Ave,
Overland, MO 63114
LPL Financial
Bob Drury
Financial Consultant
13611 Barrett Office Dr. #100
Manchester, MO 63021
(314-962-5600 Office
(314)591-6666 Cell
at 8:30
at 8:30AM
AM• Selling
Selling starts
starts atat10:00
Bingo@@ 11:00
11:00 AM
Progressive Jackpot
Progressive jackpot
2015 Potentate’s Holiday Ball
Wonderful Life
It’s a
$40.00 per person
Cocktail Hour 5:30 Presentation of Officers 6:30 Dinner 7:00
Music by FanFare Band
Open Bar Free Babysitting Available
Black Tie/Dark Suit attire
RSVP with Payment by Nov. 27th
Reservation Form
Please return this form to Moolah Temple 12545 Fee Fee Road, St. Louis, MO 63146 or call 314-878-6301
Name__________________________________________________________ Lady or Guest(s)___________________________________
Please reserve________ seats.
Enclosed is $______ at $40 per person
I would like to be seated with_________________________
I have enclosed ________check payable to Moolah Temple
Credit Card is only accepted via phone
Noble Lodge Installation
(L to R) Charlie Wiegert-Secretary
Dan Coffey-Senior Warden
Gary Fanger-Treasurer
Tony White-Junior Deacon
Juan White-Worshipful Master
Tom Cupples-Senior Deacon
RC Prince-Junior Warden
Bill Heaton-Chaplin
Corey Woodward -Marshall
Ken Fontana-Junior Steward
Dennis Martin-Senior Steward
Check out these photos
from CSSA!
1. Potentate Dave Dieckhaus
with his new friend at CSSA
2. Dean Isbell, Joe Shivley, Mitch
Weinsting, Don Taylor
3. Assistant Rabban Dean Isbell,
Potentate David Dieckhaus &
Kyle McEvoy at the Divan
Planning Meeting
Fundraising Brick Program
building a strong foundation brick by brick
In the Courtyard in front of the Moolah office, there is a Pyramid. The walk-way running to and from
the Pyramid is the “Moolah Walk of Fame”. You can have a brick in the “Moolah Walk of Fame” for
a donation of only $100.
For $100 you get a 4” x 8” brick with 3 lines of 18 characters each. Along with that, you will receive
a certificate you can display on your wall.
For $250 you get a 4” x 8” brick with 3 lines of 18 characters each AND a small replica (1.5” x 3”)
with the same inscription to use as a paper weight. In addition, you will receive a certificate to display on your wall.
For $500 you get an 8” x 8” brick with up to 6 lines of 18 letters each. In addition, you will receive a
certificate to display on your wall.
What an excellent way to pay tribute to the memory of someone that has been very dear and
special to you.
To order a brick, cut on the above line and complete this bottom portion and send it to the Moolah Office.
I would like to order the following brick to be placed in the “Moolah Walk of Fame”
$100 4” x 8” Brick (Enter up to 3 lines for inscription in the area below.)
$250 4” x 8” Brick (Enter up to 3 lines for inscription in the area below.)
$500 8” x 8” Brick (Enter up to 6 lines for inscription in the area below.)
Your Information:
Full Name_________________________________________________________________________
Your Address______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number____________________________________________________________________
Payment is accepted via check or credit card. (credit cards are taken by phone only 314.878.6301)
Print how you want the brick to read. (Punctuation counts as a character)
Please print clearly - Not responsible for misprint of names
Check out these photos from CSSA!
1. Imperial High Priest & Prophet Jeff
Sowder and Gale Bennington P.P.
2. Moolah Divan Mitch Weinsting, Don Taylor,
Dean Isbell, Potentate Dave Dieckhaus &
Joe Shivley
3. Potenate Dave Dieckhaus, Dick Long,
Captain Doug Bachman and George Corey,
Jr. Presenation of the Bull Dog Award to
Doug who is retiring as Captain of the Arab
Patrol at CSSA in Golden, Co.
5. Potentate Dave Dieckhaus and First
Lady Christine Dieckhaus
Lunch with Santa
Golf Tournament - August 15, 2015 at Sunset Golf Course
Hosted by the Arab Patrol Marching 48 and the MO DeMolay Alumni Assoc
Thanks to all who contributed to the brotherhood and fun
1st place team as shown L-R (Adam Iwanow, Ryan Ellis, Tony Iwanow, Fred Veinfurt)
(They had the sharpest pencil)
Divan Joe Shivley, PP Merle Truckenmiller, PP Gale Bennington(Administrator),
Chief Rabban- Dean Isbell
Moolah Shriner and Financial Advisory
Arthur Montgomery
has just publishedPlanning
his firstonbook.
retiring? This book
is an easy to read
common sense
guide to planning
your retirement.
Available at your
favorite book stores,
Arthur Montgomery
Moolah Shrine
To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of Moolah Temple, situated in the Oasis of St. Louis, Desert of
Missouri, I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in
_________________________ Lodge, #________, located at _________________________________,________
which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North
America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required
by the By-laws of The Imperial Council. I respectfully request that I may be made a Noble of the
Mystic Shrine, and become a member of your temple.
If, I be found worthy, and my request granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws of the Imperial Council and the Bylaws and Ceremonies of the Moolah Temple.
Print Full Name:_____________________________________________ Wife’s Name:_______________________________
Were you ever a DeMolay?________ If so, what was the Chapter name and location?______________________
Profession or Occupation:________________________________________________________________________________
Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? Yes___________ No______________
If so, to what temple?____________________________________________________________ When?________________
City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: (_____)___________________________ Business Phone: (______)__________________________________
Cell Phone: (______)____________________________ Fax: (_______)____________________________________________
E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________
Initation Fee: $100.00 (Payment must accompany this petition)
Dues: January-March= $120 April-June= $95 July- September= $70 November-December= $20
25 years of age and younger= $30 (No initiation fee)
Recommended and Vouched for on the Honor of
1. Print Noble’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________
Member Number:________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Print Noble’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________
Member Number:________________________________________________________________________________________
REV 6/19/14
*Directlly behind Mid-Rivers Mall
A Friendly Reminder!
CT Articles must be submitted
by the 5th of Every Month for
the follow month’s edition.
Market & Catering Co.
Since 1937
Moolah Temple Special
10% off In-Store
• Brats
• Fresh Steaks
• Daily Baked
Bread & Pies
• Full Service
Catering Dept.
Thank you for your support
and dedication.
In order to have everyone
represented please keep articles to
300 words or less.
Send your article to
6750 Mexico Road St. Peters, MO
NOW OPEN: MON-FRI 9:00am-6:30pm
SAT 9:00am-6:00pm • SUN 9:00am-4:00pm
Advertising Schedule
Rates Are Per Issue
Moolah Mail
1 Issue
3 Issues
Issues Issues
Business Card
$ 57.00 $ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 39.00
¼ Page
$115.00 $102.00 $ 90.00 $ 78.00
½ Page $230.00 $205.00 $180.00 $160.00
Full Page
$460.00 $410.00 $360.00 $320.00
These includes a two line Directory Listing
*We may not be able to put two or more ads next to each other
Half Price for all
Units, Clubs or Committee Events Ads!
are you receiving emails
from the Moolah Office? If
not and you would like to
be, contact the office to
get yourself connected!
Listing Prices
per Issue
1 Issue
3 Issues
Two lines
$ 15.00 $ 12.00 $ 9.00 $ 7.00
Three lines
$ 20.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00
Limit for each line is 30 characters,
including spaces and punctuation.
P l e a s e S u p p ort our Advertisers
Stephen F. (Steve) Pieper, PP, CLU, ChFC
Donor Relations Committee
Astounding Travel- Dennis & Dianne Traw
Arthur Montgomery Financial Advisory 314-238-0207
Valenti's Market & Catering 6750 Mexico Rd. 636-970-2992
Brandenburg Law Offices Wills, Trusts &
Probate Estates - 314-993-4261
Wehrenberg Theatres, call 1-800-Fandango for
tickets and show times
Weiss and Associates, P.C., Attorneys
specializing in Corporations, LLCs, Contracts,
Real Estate, Trademarks and more
Guides BINGO! Starts at 11:00 a.m. every
Thursday at the VFW Post in Overland, LLC - Computer Engineering
Jim Butler Chevrolet
Dennis Gastreich - 636-349-3222
LPL Financial -- Bob Drury 314-962-5600
Steven Nudelman - Bommarito Cadillac, Inc.
oolah Statistics
as of
August 31, 2015
Associates Dropped
Net Change
Help Grow Our Membership
Year to Date
You Can Be a
Virtual Mentor!
Learn What Shriners Do
A Private Web
for Shriners.
Masonic/Shrine Membership Tools
Available for you now!
Do you have a friend, relative, acquaintance you want to
join our fraternity? Well, now you have one of the BEST
tools available to create and promote that interest:
Are you already a member of our great fraternity
and want to learn more?
12545 Fee Fee Rd.
Saint Louis, MO 63146
Postal Carrier
Please Expedite
Dated Material
Happy Halloween!
Have your Camels’ Tales emailed
to you. Just contact the Moolah
Shrine Office.

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