woodhaven - American Pinzgauer Association
woodhaven - American Pinzgauer Association
THE PINZGAUER TIMES November 2014 Connecting good cattle to good people From the APA Office As you may have already noticed this newsletter is much bigger. This newsletter has a lot of information in it for you. The 2014 breeder directory is in here along with the 2014 Buying guide. APA annual meeting minutes, show results, and much more! The office has been really busy solving issues that have come to light. Some of you received a notice that your herd prefix was assigned to someone else. The office has been working hard to get all this cleared up and making sure each person has their own personal prefix. If you do not have a prefix please call the office and get one today! All DNA samples MUST be sent directly to the APA office. The office has the sample kits and instructions on how to DNA type your animals. All bulls that are intended to be used in AI must be DNA typed. All donor embryo cows must be DNA typed and any calves resulting from embryo transfer must be DNA typed. On page 17 & 18 you will find a list of DNA tested animals, these are animals that the APA has on file from 1999 to today, if you have an animal that was DNA tested and you do not see it listed please send it to the APA office. Up Coming Events: December 13,2014 APA board meeting January 2015 APA membership Dues Due In This Issue Message from APA office - President & Vice President Regional News & Pinzgauer People Financial Reports National Show Results 2014 Breeder Directory Annual Meeting Minutes Cattle Feeding Tendencies 2014 Buying Guide Please remember to keep your herd inventory's up to date and all your weight information sent in. A message from the President Forward Movement! That seems to be my saying lately, we cannot undo the mistakes from the past, but we can move forward and make the APA the best its ever been. We are working on so many things: EPD’s, the Journal, Herd Prefixes, etc. We are prioritizing, delegating, and moving forward. Please help us with this Journey. Diana A message from the Vice President Greetings fellow Pinzgauer breeder’s, I am pleased to serve on the APA board of directors and as your current vice president. I hope on my time on the board that I can help the breed to grow in numbers of cattle and members. It is a great time for the beef producers with record pricing in all areas of the industry. In my twenty plus years of raising Pinzgauers I have met many breeders from all over the country and have worked with a number of them to promote the breed and it has been a pleasure in doing so. Please remember the board is there trying to do their best for the breed and its members and maybe not all the discussions may not sit well with all the breeders, the board is doing its best for the breed. If anyone has a problem you can call me at anytime and we can talk it over. Thank you Todd - 1 Regional News and Pinzgauer People MidWest Report The Midwest had a busy summer. In June we headed to Seymour, WI for our Junior District Show where we had 23 head attend. Next was the Open District Show in West Allis WI with 24 head. Then on to Farm Technology Days in Plover WI, which overlapped with the APA National Show in MO. Then finally in September was the World Beef Expo where 23 head showed open and 17 head showed in the Jr Show. Next stop is the Badger Kickoff Classic in Madison, WI December 5-7. We hope to see you all on the road to promoting the breed and life-long friendships. Southwest Report Private treaty cattle sales have been strong here coupled with the high prices at the local sale barns it has been a good year for breeders in our region. When we add above average rainfall to the mix hay crops have been good as well. Pyramid Ranch has put Certified Pinzgauer Beef in a local steakhouse amid rave reviews. We have sold cattle to 6 new junior members so the Pinzgauer Breed will be represented at Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Houston, and Austin stock shows this spring. 2014 has been a very good year. Happy Holidays to All Southeast Report Northeast Report In October we held the largest Pinzgauer show since the National in 2011 at Fryeburg fair. We had 28 head exhibited! (See Show results) We had more Pinzgauers exhibited than some of the more common breeds! Our display for the APA drew lots of attention and many flyers were picked up. Many people asked questions and have since followed up with possible sales! Breeders in the northeast have been promoting the breed. Interest has been from various groups – some wanting breeding/show cattle, some for meat, and we are beginning to see interest from the commercial herds wanting to have a Pinzgauer bull to cross with. Western Report A Pinzgauer Steer Placed 4th as a high selling steer at the Sacramento Co Fair. The Kids are excited about their steer projects. The kids are our future! We would like to welcome all new breeders into the breed. Eastern Report We are in the middle of calving season and are very dry for this time of year. We have had a bunch of interest in the in Pinzgauer breed and several new breeders in the area! We welcome you! Registration have been strong for the southeast so far this year. We lost a long time breeder this summer Kent Price, from Okeechobee FL, Bar Nothing Ranch. Rayburn Kenneth “Kent” Price - 1924-2014 Rayburn Kenneth “Kent” Price, age 89 of Okeechobee FL and formerly of Reform Al died July 25,2014 in Reform. Mr Price was born December 30,1924 in Reform, AL to the late James Booker Price and Pearl Christine Johnson Price. He was a retired Director of the Okeechobee Agriculture Extension Office and a World War II veteran of the United States Army. Kent’s farm name is Bar Northing Ranch with the herd prefix 4H. He was a former board member. 2 Balance Sheet Profit & Loss July 1, 2013 - June 30,2014 Ordinary Income/Expense Assets Income Current Assets Ads Newsletter 25.00 Advertising Income 263.25 Certified Pinzgauer Beef Program 200.00 Champion T-Shirts 5.52 Credit Card Fee 50.00 Junior Dues 50.00 Membership Dues 3995.00 Accounts Receivable Misc 1505.00 Total Accounts Receivable Previous Credits -15.00 Re-Register Am Fullblood 20.00 Registration Fees 7190.00 Transfers 1305.00 Total Income 7740.61 6 Month CD 11500.00 Total Checking & Savings 17093.77 Expense Advertising Web Site 644.00 Advertising—other 977.85 Total Advertising APA Accounts Receivable 20.00 Credit Card Processing 29.04 National Show 2518.32 Office Supplies 2503.81 Postage 908.08 Scholarship Fund 220.00 Secretary Work -117.00 -117.00 Other Current Assets Undeposited Funds 363.25 Total Other current Assets 363.25 Total Current Assets 19486.86 Total Assets 19486.86 Liabilities & Equity Liabilities 1621.85 Canadian Collection Fee 19240.61 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable -651.63 -651.63 Total Current Liabilities -651.63 9000.00 Total Liabilities -651.63 Software Fees 225.00 Equity Taxes 450.00 Telephone 1001.63 Total Expense 18497.73 Net Ordinary Income -1403.96 Other Income/Expense Unrestricted Net Assets 19899.73 Net Income 238.76 Total Equity 20138.49 Total Liabilities & Equity 19486.86 Other Income Finance Charges Billed Total other Income Net Income 1.67 1.67 -1402.29 3 American Pinzgauer Association President Vice President Treasurer Secretary DIANA BECKIUS TODD ANDRESHAK KIM PAUL KATHRYN HASKELL Term ends in 2015 Officers Directors RUTH ADAMS (360) 864-6661 wradams@todedotel.com 330 Rogers Rd Toledo WA 98591 KATHY DOMBROWSKI (916) 652-5204 moomom@garlic.com 4040 Ridge Dr Loomis CA 95650 HAROLD JACK FAIRCHILD JR (260) 609-0240 2030 N Johnson Rd jfairchild57@hotmail.com Columbia City IN 46725 ROBERT KESLER (920) 739-0871 robertkesler@att.net W 6265 Old Highway Rd Menasha WI 54952 Tattoo Letters A - 2013 B - 2014 C - 2015 D - 2016 Term ends in 2016 25307 NE 212 Ave Battleground WA 98604 DIXIE BERG (360) 687-3885 KATHRYN HASKELL (207) 892-5396 prfpinz@myfairpoint.net KYLE HYDER (423) 725-3736 9 Harriet Ave Windham ME 04062 150 Escape Mountain Rd Hampton TN 37658 KIM PAUL (512) 446-4141 kimpaul.umi@hughes.net 2586 County Rd 232 Rockdale TX 76567 Term ends in 2017 TODD ANDRESHAK (715) 846-3713 todd.andreshak@linetec.com 4177 Cardinal Lane Edgar WI 54426 DIANA BECKIUS (608) 587-2234 W5702 Grouse Dr bovineandequine@dishmail.net Endeavor WI 53930 If you don’t have a herd Prefix call the office today and get one! DAN HUNSBERGER (814) 248-3649 shppinz@gmail.com 224 Gilbert Hollow Rd Hollsopple PA 15935 LISA WAMSLEY (936) 443-9205 gertngauers@yahoo.com 1411 Hobo Lane Madisonville TX 77864 4 NATIONAL SHOW 2014 Late Summer yearling 6/1/13— 7/31/13 Circle S Lotto—Circle S Stock Farms Fancy Pants—Austin Brown Early Summer yearling 4/1/13— 5/31/13 Spring Heifer Calf—2/1/14 & After WHP Miss Variety—Woodhaven LWF Mis Riva—Lazy W Farms SHPP Nikos Trina—Spring Hill Pinzgauers Junior Heifer Calf 12/31/12—1/31/14 3C Rebel’s Clary—Cheyenne Cattle Co LWF Nip—Lazy W Farms Late Senior Heifer Calf 10/1/13—11/30/13 SHP Nikos Layla—Spring Hill Pinzgauer SHP Nikos Stella—Spring Hill Pinzgauer SHP Nikos Ivy—Spring Hill Pinzgauer LWF Lexi’s Lark—Lazy W Farms Scarlet—Austin Brown Spring Bull Calf 2/1/14 & After Circle S 007—Circle S Stock Farm WHP Lucien—Woodhaven Spring Yearling 2/1/13—3/31/13 Champion Bull Calf—WHP Lucien— Woodhaven WHP Miss Virginia—Woodhaven WHP Miss Sophia—Woodhaven Baby Doll—Shelby Ferguson Champion Junior Heifer—WHP Miss Virginia—Woodhaven Reserve Champion Junior Heifer— Scarlet—Austin Brown Early Senior Heifer 6/1/12—8/31/12 3C Renea—Cheyenne Cattle Co Cow/Calf any age with calf Spring Yearling Bull 2/1/13—3/31/13 LWF Lars Rogue—Lazy W Farms Champion Yearling Bull LWF Lars Rogue—Lazy W Farms Late Senior Bull 9/1/13—11/30/13 SHP 750’s TKO Nash—Spring Hill Pinzgauer Aged Bull 8/1/11-2/28/12 WHP Starburst—Woodhaven WHP Verizon—Woodhaven Champion Senior Bull WHP Starburst— Woodhaven SB Bonanza Trixie—Spring Hill Pinzgauer Reserve Champion Senior Bull—SHP 750’s TKO Nash—Spring Hill Pinzgauer Champion Senior Cow—WHP Verizon—Woodhaven National Champion Bull—WHP Starburst— Woodhaven Reserve Champion Cow—3C Renea—Cheyenne Cattle CO Reserve National Champion Bull—SHP 750’s TKO Nash—Spring Hill Pinzgauer Pair Of Bulls Bred/Owned KES Lovely Linda—Kesler Family Farm National Champion—WHP Verizon— Woodhaven Champion Heifer Calf—SHP Niko’s Layla—Spring Hill Pinzgauers Reserve National Champion—SHP Niko’s Layla—Spring Hill Pinzgauer Produce OF Dam Reserve Champion Heifer Calf—WHP Miss Variety—Woodhaven Pair of Females Woodhaven Woodhaven Breeders Herd Lazy W Farms Woodhaven 3C Rebel’ s Jasmine—Cheyenne Cattle Co KES Zelda—Kesler Family Farm Early Summer Heifer Calf 8/1/13— 9/30/13 KES Polly—Kesler Family Farm 3C Rebel’s Sassafras—Nathan Denney 3C Rebel’s Vixen—Cheyenne Cattle Co Woodhaven 5 Snapshots from the 2014 National show. In addition to the regular show we had 3 crossbred females and 3 crossbred bulls show in their own class. Because taste Matters... We solve all your meaty problems! www.springhillpinzgauers.com 6 2014 Pinzgauer Breeder Directory ALABAMA KENNETH & MARIE BLACK* KENMAR FARMS 2185 CO RD 121 FORT PAYNE, AL 35968-9249 256-638-3157 256-638-5560 256-638-4575 ARKANSAS J D PINZGAUER* 10853 HWY 336 W CLINTON, AR 72031 501-745-5811 BEAVER SPRINGS PINZGAUER FARM DAVID & IWANA STEPHENSON 1704 N MAIN ST CAVE SPRINGS, AR 72718-7144 479-248-2633 479-595-3499 ilstephenson@hotmail.com CALIFORNIA ROBERT & CHRIS BIANCHI* BIANCHI RANCHES 6810 CANADA RD GILROY, CA 95020 408-842-5855 PHYLLIS DOBBS* 9627 SPRING VALLEY MARYSVILLE, CA 95901-9523 530-741-0375 KATHY DOMBROWSKI RAPTOR RIDGE RANCH 4040 Ridge Dr LOOMIS, CA 95650-9753 916 652-5204 916-778-8089 moomom@garlic.com EMORY & HEIDE GRAY* GOLDEN HOOF RANCH 15900 GOLDEN HOOF LN FORT JONES, CA 96032 530-468-5623 JANEAL PHILLIPS 1230 SHADLE AVE CAMPBLL, CA 95008 MARISSA TYLER 7646 KKAVOORAS DR SACRAMENTO, CA 95831 BAR NOTHING RANCH KENT PRICE P.O. BOX 356 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34973 863-763-2081 rkpokee@embarkmail.com GEORGIA DONALD/MARYANN WOODY* WOODY FAMILY FARMS W RR 3 BOX 1043 NASHVILLE, GA 31639-9337 686-3214 IOWA 4 MILE CREEK JOSH ROETHLER 1701 100Th Ave Algona IA 50511 515-341-6656 jroethler@hotmail.com JOHN WILKES 212-8TH AVE. NW WAUKON, IA 52172 ILLINOIS LAURA GROTENHUIS GARD* AUNABELA ACRES 14435 NORTH STATE HWY 1 MARSHALL, IL 62441-9746 217-826-2409 INDIANA ANDY BAIR 14754 N 400 SUMITVILLE, IN 46070 KURT K BLESSING 3541 E OLD TRAIL COLUMBIA CITY, IN 46725 HAROLD & JENNINE FAIRCHILD FAIRCHILD PINZGAUER FARM B 2030 N JOHNSON RD COLUMBIA CITY, IN 46725 260-609-0240 Jfairchild57@hotmail.com JERMIAH JOHNSON 2440 E 500 S-57 CHURUBUSCO, IN 46723 706-508-2597 OVAL BRADSHAW* 3207 CAMDEN LANE CRESTWOOD, KY 40014 902-241-4850 STEVE & SHARON TORBORG* DAYBREAK RANCH 7801 227TH ST ST CLOUD, MN 56301 612-251-1903 JAMES MEDLEY HILL AND DALE FARM 100 Helm School House Rd LEBONAN, KY 40033 270-692-2084 MISSOURI LOUISIANA GLENN & CINDY GALLET* 5G PINZGAUER RANCH 134 VINCENT RD LAFAYETTE, LA 70508-7722 337-856-4307 MAINE CLAYTON & KATHY HASKELL PLEASANT RIVER FARM 9 HARRIET AVE WINDHAM, ME 04062-5037 207-892-5396 prfpinz@myfairpoint.net MAISON MATHEWS PO BOX 78 NORTH BERWICK, ME 03906 MOULTON/MATHEWS KENNY MATHEWS & LORI-L PO BOX 221 NORTH BERWICK, ME 03908 207-251-9613 klmbeefalo@gmail.com MASSACHUSETTS PETER CARTER 58 R JEWETT ST GEORGETOWN, MA 01833 978-352-2986 MICHIGAN KANSAS ANTHONY BLAHNIR W6607 CO. RD 388 HERMANSVILLE, MI 49847 GERALD & MARY BURCHETT* 39960 HARMONY RD FONTANA, KS 66026 913-849-3133 DOUGLAS RICHARD* CHIPPEWA HILLS FFA CHAPTER 3226 ARTHUR REMUS, MI 49340 MINNESOTA FLORIDA MALCHARD LEWIS 4020 NORTH W 120 SECOND ST GANESVILLE, FL 32606 KENTUCKY WALLACE BOLIN 1130 Rockbridge Rd SHELBYVILLE, KY 40065 502-633-3895 502-321-6252 JOHN J EAST* 147 TUMBLEWEED PASS JACKSON, MO 63755 DALE & MARIANNE LAWRENCE 12121 CITY RD 3410 SAINT JAMES, MO 65559 JOHN, MORGAN, MADISON UHLMAN CIRCLE U RANCH 12911 N HOME RD LIBERTY, MO 64068 816-781-1249 MONTANA JOHN & DEBBIE LUDDEN HERITAGE FARM PINZGAUER 22 WEST CHASE RD JACKSON, ME 04921 207-722-3195 COLORADO RHAPSODY RANCH PINZGAUERS SUSIE & JEFF HIRSCH 24925 RHAPSODY RD. CEDAREDGE, CO 81413 970-856-6058 970-640-9514 Susie.hirsch@tds.net www.rr-rhapsodyranch.com DARRIEL & BETTY COLEMAN* COLEMANS PINZGAUER FARMS 3649 US HWY 61 BLOOMSDALE, MO 63627 314-483-2408 FRED C PELZER* PELZERS PINZGAUERS 9961 INCA RD ROYALTON, MN 56373 612-584-5179 320-492-8298 LAWRENCE GIBBS* B-J OUTFIT BOX 531 THREE FORKS, MT 59752 406-580-4271 406-639-3545 NEBRASKA GORDON HAYS* US MEAT ANIMAL RESEARCH CENTER BOX 166 CLAY CENTER, NE 68933 402-762-4120 NEW HAMPSHIRE MORGYN STEVENS 119 TEN ROD RD. FARMIGNTON, NH 03835 603-973-6734 DANIELLE DEBLOIS 64 TRASK RD COLEBROOK, NH 03576 RYAN HOELZEL 1 FREMONT RD EPPING, NH 03042 NEW MEXICO STEVE & DEBORAH BERRY P.O. BOX 523 TYRONE, NM 88065 NEW YORK JOHN M HAMMOND 530 HUNT RD. CHERRY CREEK, NY 14723 7 NORTH CAROLINA ROGER D BOWMAN* ANN DALE FARMS 6192 SMITH RD VALE, NC 28168 OHIO FOSTER & BEVERLY COLE* EXCALIBUR PINZGAUER FARMS 16093 TWP RD 152 MT BLANCHARD OH 45867 419-694-28150 JEFF & LINDA COLE* SUNDOWNER FARMS 15663 TWP RD 152 MOUNT BLANCHARD OH 45867 419-694-7141 RICH & BARB EWING LENOX PINZGAUER FARMS 3233 E UNION RD DORSET, OH 44032 440-858-2160 TERRY & GLENDA LOWE 6313 ROOT R CONNEAUT, OH 44030 JOHN & PEG MEENTS* BIG TEN PINZGAUERS 21555 ST RT 698 JENERA, OH 45841 419-326-6921 419-306-7480 jmeents@hereford.org STANLEY MILLER 1225 SCIO RD CARROLLTON, OH 44615 OKLAHOMA BRUCE BUECHNER* NONAME RANCH 46865 HWY 29 WYNNEWOOD, OK 73098-9106 405-665-4001 MARK STUPFEL* 19251 RIVER ROAD N ST. PAUL, OR 97137 503-633-4722 PENNSYLVANIA RICHARD GORDON 109 JOHN ST NEW BRIGHTON, PA 15066 JESSE H. HAAS HILL TOP FARMS 5102 FISHER RD CONNEAUTVILLE, PA 16406 814-587-2210 814-587-2193 814-439-1616 hilltop20111@live.com SPRING HILL PINZGAUERS DANIEL, MARIELA, LESLIE, KELSEY AND ILIANA HUNSBERGER 224 GILBERT HOLLOW RD HOLLSOPPLE, PA 15935 814-248-3649 814-525-1578 814-629-8394 springhillpinzgauers.com KELA FARMS 3371 MILL RD ELIZABETHTOWN,, PA 17022 DEAN SHOLLENBERGER 709 SMOKEPIPE LN HARLEYSVILLE, PA 19438 215-256-8535 GERALD F. WEST 749 S CROSSROADS RD LYKENS, PA 17048 717-365-3998 SOUTH CAROLINA PENNEY CREEK FARM DAWSON* CHARLES DAWSON 2200 HWY 28 N ABBEVILLE, SC 29620 OREGON SOUTH DAKOTA FELIPE CASTANEDA PO BOX 65 ODELL, OR 97044 COREY ARVIDSON 20307 441St AVE. LAKE PRESTON, SD 57249 TOM GORDON* GORDON PINZGAUERS 46303 NW CLAPSHAW HILL RD FOREST GROVE, OR 971167713 503-357-9618 TENNESSEE NANCY HANKINS* 14583 MANNING RD WOODBURN, OR 97071 JOHN HOUSE* PINZGAUER BREEDERS LTD 15555 HWY 140 E KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97603 408-842-5127 C W HOUSTON* C-J PINZGAUERS P.O. BOX 27 BEATTY, OR 97621 503-533-2608 ALLEN R. DEFOE* 1412 MCCARTY RD KNOXVILLE, TN 37914 NATHAN DENNY 1035 NORMAN HARRIS RD ASHLAND, TN 37015 HIDDEN VALLEY FARM ROBERT DUGGER 136 HIDDEN VALLEY RD WATAUGA, TN 37694-4122 423-543-4987 CHEYENNE CATTLE COMPANY CRAIG, RHONDA, CHEYENNE & CODY HOOKS 1035 NORMAN HARRIS RD. ASHLAND CITY, TN 37015 615-878-2900 3cpinzgauer@charter.net SUE HOWARD 542 DRY STONE BRANCH RD. MOUNTAIN CITY, TN 37683 423-727-7428 PHIL MCCOY 1285 TURKEY SCRATCH RD SPENCER, TN 38585-9755 ROBERT MCCOY* 1285 TURKEY SCRATCH RD SPENCER, TN 38585 931-946-2574 JOHN MCNUTT MCNUTT PINZGAUERS 243 BRUCE DOAN RD BLOUNTVILLE, TN 37617-5118 423-323-4394 KEN & MARY ANN MEREDITH TWIN SPRINGS PINZGAUER PO BOX 488 GREENBRIER, TN 37073 615-643-6938 PINEY GROVE PINZGAUER FARM 150 ESCAPE MTN RD HAMPTON, TN 37658 423-725-3736 TEXAS DOWELL ARNETTE* WILD TURKEY RANCH 4404 LIVINGSTON AVE DALLAS, TX 75205-2610 214-526-8316 972-419-2622 JOHNNY & FRANCES BYRD 7689 CR 104 LEONA, TX 75850 903-344-9960 byrdbunch@winstream.net JAMES C CONNER* PYRAMID RANCH 13507 CR 577 ANNA, TX 75409 214-924-3472 prypinz@att.net GEORGIA DUNCAN* DUNCAN PINZGAUER FARM 7201 DOVER LANE FORT WORTH, TX 76118 817-589-0498 SHELBY FERGUSON 1342 MALMAISON RIDGE DR SPRING, TX 77379 281-430-4370 281-799-4313 RYAN INBODY 1450 CR 341 GATESVILLE, TX 76528 FRANK LUNSFORD 251 CROWN ROYAL DR WILLIS, TX 77378 JAMES MORA 1918 GARDENIA DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77018 Circle P Pinzgauers Ken & Kim Paul 2586 COUNTY RD 232 ROCKDALE, TX 76567 512-446-4141 281-358-5200 pinz@texascirclep.com CHIP POWELL* 12409 FM 1935 BRENHAM, TX 77833 RICHARD/BARBARA POWELL* 12409 FM 1935 BRENHAM, TX 77833 409-836-1822 SCOTT & ROLAND* RED OAK RANCH PARTNERS 7055 CR 3613 MURCHISON, TX 75778-3777 903-288-8168 DAN SCOTT* RED OAK RANCH 6885 C R 3613 MURCHISON TX 75778-3777 903-469-3777 903-681-4870 BRUCE SMITH P.O. BOX 1042 GIDDINGS, TX 78942 EVERETT E STEELE* 2929 CHRISTIAN DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222-2110 512-648-0313 FRANKLIN/MARSHA STEIN* FIVE MILE FARM BOX 11 SNOOK, TX 77878-0011 979-272-1323 979-845-6488 979-218-0642 JOHN L TALBOT* 472 TALBOT LANE NEW BOSTON, TX 75570 903-628-6499 KEN, LISA, JEREMY, DEREK WAMSLEY LAZY W FARMS 1411 HOBO LN MADISONVILLE, TX 77864 936-443-9205 936-443-0048 gertngauers@yahoo.com WOODIE-JOHN-DAVID TALBOT* HI POINT RANCH 434 TALBOT LN NEW BOSTON, TX 75570 903-628-6209 WORTHEY PROPERTIES LTD P.O. BOX 555 SILSBEE, TX 77656 VERMONT PAUL OR NANCY DANIELS* DIAMOND-HEART FARM 231 DANIELS ROAD EAST IRASBURG, VT 05845-9532 802-755-6105 8 VIRGINIA WISCONSIN BAKERS PINZGAUERS* 1629 SHELLEYS RD BRISTOL, VA 24202 276-466-3540 TODD ANDRESHAK* 4177 CARDINAL LN EDGAR. WI 54426 715-846-3713 HAROLD & BETTY STARNES* 7960 POSSUM CREEK RD GATE CITY, VA 24251-5794 276-995-2639 BARBWOOD FARMS 19853 125TH AVE JIM FALLS. WI 54748 WASHINGTON WAYNE & RUTH ADAMS A & S PINZGAUERS 330 ROGERS RD TOLEDO, WA 98591 360-864-6661 BEN & CHERYL AMES AMES MT VIEW ACRES 508 LEUDING HAUS CHEHALIS, WA 98532 360-291-0010 GARRY & BARBARA ANENSEN ANENSEN ACRES 1143 MOX CHEHALIS RD McCLEARY, WA 98557 360-495-3786 bquilts4fun@comcast.net DOMINIQUE BADOR 2986 RED MARBLE RD CHEWELAH, WA 99109 509-935-4192 LEONARD B BARNETT* 100 CANAL DR MESA, WA 99343 509-269-4451 HERB & DIXIE BERG FANTASY ACRES PINZGAUER BREEDERS 25307 NE 212th Ave BATTLEGROUND, WA 98604 360 687-3885 BOYER FARMS 887 S BANK ROAD OAKVILLE, WA 98568 360-482-5818 boyerboys@centurytel.net LARRY & SHARON JOHNSTON* 41008 S.2100 PR SE KENNEWICK, WA 99337-6903 509-582-0638 JORDYN LAND 17858-155TH PI SE MONROE WA 98292 425-238-2537 kitagirl777@gmail.com 4M PINZGAUER DUANE & GAYLE MICKELSEN 210 N. W. FRIEL PULLMAN, WA 99163 509-332-8103 LARRY & SHEILA PELLAND PELLAND LIVESTOCK 8902 321ST CT E EATONVILLE WA 98328 206-846-9923 KYLEE BECKIUS W5702 GROUSE DR ENDEVOR, WI 53930 608-587-2234 LUKE BERTRAM 28308 MOCKINGBIRD AVE KENDALL. WI 54638 ELIZABETH CALAWAY 6939 HWY X DENMARK, WI 54208 SARAH CALAWAY 6939 COUNTY RD X DENMARK, WI 54208-8729 BRAND ACRES BEEF SCOTT & RENEE BRANDENBURG 6754 CTY RD W GREENLEAF, WI 54126 920-366-3790 920-366-4690 Sbrandbenburg74@yahoo.com CHUCK CRAMER N9788 STATE RD 49 IOLA, WI 54945 920-344-8007 TURID & DAVE CRULL 1719 CTY RD F HOLLANDALE, WI 53544 JEFFREY CUNNINGHAM J-BIN PINZGAUERS N6482 RADDATZ RD CAMBRIA, WI 53923 920-348-5004 TOM OR JILL DAVIS W1341 NICHOLS DR KRAKOW, WI 54137 LOGAN DWYER 1359 8TH AVE HILLSDALE, WI 54733 CHRIS & EMILY EIBS 1215 6TH ST KIEL, WI 53042 414-840-9536 RED-HILL DAIRY MIKE FOSHEE W 483 COUNTY X NEW HOLSTEIN, WI 53061 920-898-9726 redhilldairy@charter.net GARY GETZLOFF 11511 DEER RD WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI 54494 WINDCREST FARMS LAURYN HACKER W 2990 SATE RD CHILTON, WI 53014 JAKE & DESMIDT, JERRY HENDZEL WOODHAVEN N912 Hill Rd PULASKI, WI 54162 920-833-9772 Jwoodhaven@aol.com www.woodhavenpoultry.com DAVID & MICHELLE HIMSEL ELKHORN, WI 53121 262-745-8700 dave.himsel@yahoo.com ALEX KEMPKA N5120 47TH RD POUND, WI 54161 ROBERT AND GLORIA KESLER W 6265 OLD HWY RD MENASHA, WI 54952 920-378-1678 BIG DOG BEEF BEN KLISTER 7593 SCHWAHN RD GREENLEAF, WI 54126 RICK & KRISTINE KOPLITZ 800 N INDUSTRIAL RD OWEN, WI 54460 BARRY OR CHARLOTTE PAGE TWIN BROOKS FARM S 4429 CTY H HILLBORO, WI 54634 608-528-4671 DONALD & DONNA RUDOLPH PINE VALLEY FARMS 5591 WHITEFISH BAY RD STURGEON BAY, WI 54235 920-743-5358 920-483-4522 dcrudolph@hotmail.com JOSH SCHLOSSER 8379 TWO MILE RD OCONTO, WI 54153 920-373-3770 DAVE KUEHL & BARB SCHMOOK BUTTERCUP BEEF E4526 CTY RD. FF KEWAUNEE, WI 54216 920-388-2930 buttercupbeef@gmail.com WILLIAM SCHULTZ 4424 CELESTIAL CIRCLE CROSS PLAINS, WI 53528 608-798-0355 JEROME & THERESA SLEPICKA CIRCLE S STOCK FARMS W5706 GROUSE DR ENDEAVOR, WI 53930 608-587-2737 RON WEISHAAR* L & R RANCH W8059 770TH AVE RIVER FALLS, WI 54022 715-425-5925 STEPHANIE PAGE S 4229 CTY RD H HILLBORO, WI 54634 608-528-4671 DAN WOODFORD 14594 205TH ST JIM FALLS, WI 54748 FRANKE PEARL S4831 HEIDENREICH RD HILLBORO, WI 54634 TYLER WHALEN 1099 COUNTY RD Y ARGYLE, WI 53504 608-214-6007 POLZIN PINZGAUER BRYE JANET & DARRYL POLZIN 355 SKYLINE BLVD GREEN BAY, WI 54302-3335 920-468-7915 polzinpinzgauers@sbglobal.net RED OAK FARM TOM & TERRY WOLF N 7050 COUNTY RD A ARGYLE, WI 53504 608-543-9820 NICHOLAS PUES W6805 Pues Rd. SHIOCTON, WI 54170 715-853-8116 nicholaspues1213@gmail.com NEW LIFE ACRES W1756 COUNTY RD G SEYMORE, WI 54165 JAMES & ELAINE RAY* JARRAE PINZGAUER FARM 471 90TH STREET HUDSON, WI 54016 715-425-6442 715-426-1888 DUANE RICH E9285 N REEDSBURG RD. REEDSBURG, WI 53959 RICHARD & KONNIE ROLAND W8730 440TH AVE ELLSWORTH, WI 54011 715-792-2423 konnieroland@yahoo.com WYOMING LANCE FLETCHER* WYOMING PINZGAUER RANCH 96 RAPID CREEK RD SHERIDAN, WY 82801 307-672-7289 307-751-0253 CANADA DIAMOND T CATTLE CO. GARY & DONNA SMITH RR2 OLDS ALBERTA, CANADA T4H 1P3 403-556-2290 diamondtcattle@hotmail.com COWS & CRANIO PETER & ELIZABETH PEETERS 541 EMILY PARK RD OMEMEE ONTARIO K0L 2W0 Canada 705-799-7064 cowsandcranio@sympatico.ca 9 Are we doing EPD’s? I thought we did EPD’s. We aren’t ever gonna have new EPD’s. Yes I’ve heard all of this and a whole lot more so I thought I’d better bring everyone up to date. As you have probably already heard, when we transferred the data to the new registry program the 2007 EPD’s did not transfer. In researching all of this Harriet discovered the person who did those EPD’s. He agreed to send her the data and the key to attach it to the new registry. So we have made progress. Now we need to recover the data from 2008 to 2012 and we need all of our breeders help to do this. We need you so send Harriet in the APA office copies of all dam production summaries, calving records, etc. Any records you have on animals born during this time would help move this process toward completion. Since Harriet took over the office only 300 bits of data have been received. This means all of us have been negligent sending in birth weights, weaning weights, yearling weights, hip heights and scrotal circumferences. So breeders, get busy. Clean out your records and get this info to the office ASAP! The sooner we get this information, the sooner we will have our updated EPD’s. The APA Board of Directors is committed to seeing this project completed. Pleasant River Farm ~ Semen available ~ HPR Knight’s Logan ~ $30.00 Sire of the 2011 & 2012 National Champion Bull, Regan PRF Big Bucks ~ $30.00 These bulls are no longer available through Genex Added Attractions You will need to contact us directly for Logan and Bucks semen. PRF Piper ~ $20.00 PRF Sir Red ~ $15.00 Both of these are Polled bulls Contact: Pleasant River Farm Clayton & Kathy Haskell 9 Harriet Avenue ~ Windham ME 04062 207-892-5396 prfpinz@myfairpoint.net Diana Beckius W5702 Grouse Dr Endeavor WI 53930 608/697/5968 bovineandequine@dishmail.net 10 American Pinzgauer Association Board of Directors Meeting August 15, 2014 Sedalia MO Present: President, Diana Beckius; VP, Lisa Wamsley; Treasurer, Kim Paul; Secretary, Kathy Haskell; Board members, Bob Kesler, Dan Hunsberger, Kyle Hyder, Mike Foshee, Kathy Dombrowski, APA Office Secretary, Harriet Thoms. Absent; Ruth Adams, Dixie Berg, and Jack Fairchild. President Diana Beckius called the meeting to order at about 1pm. Several members were present by phone conference call. Secretary’s report: Accept as written, motion by Mike, second Bob. Passed Treasurer’s report: No formal report; reference Financials sent by APA office. Committee Reports: Breed Field Rep: Kim reported for Ken, have received no calls or emails, nothing to report. Youth: Kathy H reported that there are several activities for the Youth at the National Show with the goal of getting them to socialize and have fun as well as learn about what is at the fair and Pinzgauers. Scholarship Fund: Lisa reported that 2 applications have been submitted. Will wait to see what the funds are after the Silent Auction to see if 1 or 2 will be awarded. Finance: Kim, nothing to report Grievance: Bob, nothing at this time Import: Mike, nothing National Show: Lisa, There are 22 head registered for the Junior Show and 33 for the Open. The fair has been wonderful to work with and has given everything that has been needed. Banquet and meeting is at 6 PM Sat. Then Silent Auction items have been on line. Have some nice award to give. Performance: Kathy D, has made some progress with Zoetis® Genestar MVP DNA testing – need work order numbers from the people that have had tests done in to have it posted on their Public Results on their website. We all need to be pulling tail hairs. We need to use the hair kits and not make our own. Kathy has some kits, request from her. She will send Harriet some to keep in the APA office. The test is now for 59 genes, not just tenderness. Show Rules: Lisa, nothing Website: Diana, EDJE has been good at updating (Jay) Diana regularly checks the links to see that they are active and working. Question – Can the membership page be set so one can search by name? Diana will check. Promotion: Dan said that an ad ran in the Lancaster Farming. Kathy put together a promotional display for the National Show. There has been quite a bit of interest in MO. Office Committee: Diana, as Harriet has gotten more into the program and information sent by Karen from the previous office she has discovered that there is an issue with multiple breeders having the same herd prefix, 6 pages of breeders with duplicates and triplicates. The herd prefix will go to the person that had it first. The later breeder will need to select another herd prefix. Papers will not be reissued, just fixed going forward. Harriet will send letters to those breeders with duplicate herd prefixes giving them a specified amount of time to reply with a new prefix request. (At this point someone disconnected, determined that it was Mike) Breeders / owners names on registration papers – the Junior name has to be on the paper if a Junior wants to shows that animal. There is a limited number of character spaces for names, and with a listing of family names, complete names will often not fit leaving off the last name. Each Junior member will have their own breeder number and be listed separately (first & last name) on the papers. To search the data base of animals, Harriet needs to search by an animal’s name or registration number. Often that number is not known, and with just a name, there are often multiple cattle with the same name. The herd prefix or farm name will need to be included in an animal’s name to allow an accurate search. This is because of the way the program works. Going forward the prefix or farm name will be part of an animal’s name. Kyle H said that Kent Price died 2 weeks ago and had a question on how to transfer 3 cattle he had purchased recently from him. Harriet said no problem. Old Business: EPD’s: Lisa reported that the information has been uploaded to Brian. It was discovered that we only had 300 bits of information (birth weights, yearling weights, hip heights and scrotal circumference) in our program and no “key”. We need at least 1000 for the EPD’s to be viable. Harriet has located in print format the 2007, 1997 and 1995 EPD’s and that the same person, Dr. John Hough, had done all 3. She contacted him and he was gracious enough to send the 2007 EPD’s to Harriet along with the “key”. When Karen had sent the information there was no “key’ and she wanted $1500 for the “key”. Brian now has over 40,000 animals. We need to be very diligent to turn in Birth weights, yearling weights, hip heights and scrotal circumference and as a Board we need to set an example. We now hope to have the EPD’s by mid-October. Breeders in TN can receive compensation from the state if they have EPD’s on their bulls and some of those breeders are very anxious to have this completed. When at shows we should run our animals across the scale and gather hip heights and scrotal information at weaning and yearling ages. Journal: Lisa has been working on this along with Harriet. She figured that in the last magazine that Pam did there were ads to generate $5-6,000. Lisa received a quote from a local printer for $4,300 to layout, print and mail 300 copies of a Journal. We have a new breeder that is a ag journalist and we could have her do the layout and Harriet collect the ad revenue. Harriet also had some prices – the best from Staples, however it would need to be all laid out and they would just do the printing. Currently we print and mail about 160 newsletters. 5 pieces of paper can be mailed for the cost of 1 stamp. Some discussion followed. Lisa motioned that we do an expanded newsletter this fall and work towards a Journal in the sprint. Bob seconded. Passed.11Discussion of including a Breeders Listing, Buyers guide, National Show results in the fall expanded newsletter. New Business: Diana announced the results of the election. Diana and Dan were re-elected. Todd Andreshak is the new board member. There were too many members from WI, so we will need to appoint a Board member from another region. There was a question of how many members actually voted. Harriet said 12 ballots were returned and that not even all the board members had voted. Diana thanked Bob Kesler and Lisa Wamsley for their time on the board. Election of Officers: Diana had from Mike nominations for President – Diana and Kathy D. Kathy D declined. Dan nominated Kim. Kim declined. Kathy D nominated Mike. Dan nominated Kathy H. Nominations closed. Attempts were made to reach those not in attendance for a vote. Diana was re-elected as President. Vice President – Diana nominated Todd Andreshak, Kathy D nominated Mike. Todd was elected as Vice President. Treasurer – Kim was asked if she would continue. There were no other nominations. Secretary – Kathy H was asked if she would continue. There were no other nominations. Appointment of a new board member to fill the open spot: John MuNutt from the southeast and Lisa Wamsley from the southwest were suggested. After some discussion it was decided to appoint Lisa to fill the open 3 year term. Next meeting: December 13, noon CST. Meeting adjourned. Respectively submitted, Kathy Haskell, Secretary 12 American Pinzgauer Association Annual Member Meeting Sedalia MO August 16, 2014 ~ Unapproved ~ The meeting was called to order by President, Diana Beckius at 6:00 PM. The secretary read the report from last year’s meeting. Craig Hooks motioned to accept, Jerry De Smidt seconded. Passed. There was no Treasurers report as Kim Paul was unable to attend. Old Business Performance Report: Lisa Wamsley. Update on Zoetis® Genestar MVP DNA testing. Kathy Dombrowski has been working with Zoetis® to have the Pinzgauer test results posted on their public results website page. We all need to be pulling tail hairs and having MVP DNA testing done on our cattle. Harriet will have the hair pull kits in the APA office or contact Kathy Dombrowski. EPD up date. The Board has passed to run the EPD’s and the process has begun, however, we discovered that when the information was transferred from the previous office, there was no ‘key’ to connect the information. They wanted $1500.00 for the ‘key’. We have 300 bits of data – birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, scrotal circumference, hip height; and we need at least 1000. Harriet Thoms in the APA office, found the person who did the EPD’s in 1997 and 2007 and he gave us the 2007 information and the ‘key’. Members need to send in all this information on their animals. When at a show try to run your animals over a scale for weights and get the hip height at weaning and yearling ages. Registry Office: Harriet Thoms is here, so if you have any questions see her. APA Apparel: This is done by Aunt Lulu and she gives us back 5% to the APA. See the information on the APA website. Journal: We are moving forward. There will be an expanded Newsletter this fall with Breeder information, National Show results. To publish a Journal we need advertisers! The ad information will the in the expanded newsletter. New Business Herd Prefixes: Harriet Thoms in the APA office, has found that there are multiple breeders with the same herd prefixes. There will be a letter going out to these breeders. The breeder that had the prefix first will keep it and the other will need to select a new one. If a breeder doesn’t respond to their letter a herd prefix will be assigned. When registering the herd prefix or farm name need to be in the animal’s name. This will be a requirement and it will be for your own benefit. Junior members will need their own breeder number and will need to pay Junior dues. New Board Members: Lisa Wamsley and Bob Kesler are off the board and were thanked for their hard work. Re-elected to the board is Dan Hunsberger and Diana Beckius for their second terms. Todd Andreshak was elected to his first term. There were too many Board members from WI; bylaws state ‘no more than 3 from a state’. Lisa Wamsley was appointed to fill the open Board position. Officers for the year will be President – Diana Beckius; VP – Todd Andreshak; Treasurer – Kim Paul; Secretary – Kathy Haskell. National Show for 2015: Show will be in Sedalia as we made a 3 year commitment with the fair. This year’s committee; Lisa Wamsley, Jerry De Smidt, Diana Beckius, Kim Paul and John Ulhman were thanked for all their work in putting together a successful show. Question from Bob Kesler: In the bylaws it states ‘member in good standing; what is a ‘member in good standing’? There is a board member that hasn’t registered any animals recently and this needs to be looked into. Another member commented that a Board member needs to have a positive attitude. Is there a process to deal with this – there is as we have a Grievance Committee. Other members commented on actions of this board member being not good for the APA. The question was raised as to could we have this person removed from the Board? The Bylaws give the Board the power to remove any member that conducts himself in a manner detrimental to the Association. Craig Hooks made a motion “to have Mike Foshee be removed from the Board due to detrimental actions towards the Association, according to the APA bylaws Article II Part B”. Ken Wamsley seconded. The motion was unanimously passed. There will be a short Board meeting after to consider this motion request by the membership. 2014 National Show results: Thank you to all for coming. The show has been requested for 10 am next year. This year’s results: Grand Champion Female and Bull – Woodhaven Reserve Grand Champion Female and Bull – Springhill Pinzgauers. Premiere Exhibitor – Woodhaven Premiere Breeder – Woodhaven Premiere Sire – 3C Rebel owned by Cheyenne Hooks This year we did a Herdsman contest with the Juniors. Juniors were 15 and under, Seniors 16 – 21 Rookie Herdsman – Shelby Ferguson Junior Herdsman – Austin Brown Senior Herdsman – Cody Hooks APA Scholarship: Cody Hooks received the $1,000.00 scholarship this year. This is a second semester scholarship. Meeting adjourned. We all enjoyed a buffet for the banquet. Respectively submitted, Kathy Haskell, Secretary 13 Cattle Feeding Tendencies - By Duane Mickelsen DMV Cattle are grazers and browsers, eating a wide variety of grasses, trees and shrubs. Not having upper front teeth, cattle do not nip off plants as a horse does but use their tongue to wrap around a bite and break the food off with the movement of the head. They bite short grass with the lower teeth and hard upper palate, but do not graze as close as a horse, sheep or goat. One can estimate the age of cattle by looking at the front teeth. When two large front teeth come in between the baby teeth she is approximately two years of age (fig. 1). She is a full mouth at five years of age (fig. 2). When these teeth are as level as a table top from inside to the outside of the mouth, she is six, seven (fig. 3), eight and nine. After this the teeth become smaller or Figure 1 some fall out from wear ,or biting on hard objects, and some cows between 9 and 12 years may have no teeth in the front and are called “gummers”. Figure 2 As ruminants, cattle can eat a lot of feed in a short time and then they lie down and chew the cud and further process the feed more thoroughly. Cattle have some preferences in the type of forages they eat and also have some definite behavior patterns while grazing. Calves learn much of their feed preferences by mimicking other members of the herd, especially their mothers. Calves may sample their mothers hay when only a few days old and stick their noses in the water when the mother cow drinks, following their example. By contrast, a hand raised calf may not try to eat hay or grain, or drink water, until it is several; weeks old, or older. Orphan calves often do better if they can live with an older animal to teach them the facts of life about eating and drinking. Cattle will usually seek legumes over most grasses, especially as the grass gets older and the stalks get courser. Most studies have shown that cattle prefer 70% of their diet as legumes (clover and/or alfalfa) and the remaining 30% in grasses. Like human diets, cattle also are seeking certain levels of protein and carbohydrates in their diets. Studies have shown that the efficiency of the rumen microbes responsible for breaking down fiber was best at that 70% figure of legumes.. It has also been noted that if cattle eat something that does not taste well, they tend to avoid that plant in the future. Cattle will also avoid poisonous plants whenever possible. In fact, if the adults avoid certain plants, the calves will follow their example as well. Whether the diet is clover and tall wheat grass, or alfalfa and tall fescue the ratio was 70/30 for legumes to grasses. Also cattle patterns seem to change during the day. What cattle want to eat in the morning can differ from what they want to eat in the afternoon. One idea is that the levels in 14 carbohydrates is greater in the late afternoon due to the longer period of photosynthesis and more time to store sugars in the plants. However, other researchers believe it may be because of the higher fiber levels late in the day in order to fill the gut during the night. Then they would not have to be up during the night grazing and at risk of predators. Cattle also tend to graze more on moonlit nights rather than on very dark nights. Figure 3 If there is plenty of good forage cattle will spend less time grazing than when food is sparse or dryer. This is because grass may be shorter, dryer and less tasty and more course than young grass. If forage is too mature and coarse, and low in nutritional values, cattle have to spend more time grazing (fig. 4). The dry course feed not only takes more time to graze and eat but also more time chewing the cud and digesting the dry feed. At some time they may not be able to consume enough feed and lose weight. This is when they need more protein such as a supplement to aid digestion and enable them to process the roughage. During the dry periods, and in the winter time, they may need protein or good quality hay. Good quality alfalfa hay can provide the needed protein. If the cattle are on a poorer quality hay then they will lose body condition and may not breed back, or may have delayed breeding periods. Since cattle eat more in the morning, following long periods of darkness when they do very little grazing, it may be best to supplement the cattle in the morning if they are still able to graze during the winter months as this will stretch the pasture a little further. Since cattle prefer young tender plants because they are higher in protein and lower in fiber, rotational grazing works very good. This is where the cattle do intensive grazing over a short period of time and then are moved to a new pasture every few days and eventually will come back and graze the first area after a few weeks which allows new grass to grow and parasite levels to decrease. With season long grazing the preferred plants are over used. Cattle graze them again and again while the older plants become mature and coarse and are seldom utilized. Cows need energy to do well and have high conception rates, but too often this is interpreted as needing to feed grain, which is inefficient and expensive. To correct an energy deficiency on poor forages, do not feed more energy as concentrates, but make sure the protein supply is adequate. A cow can produce all the energy she needs from very poor forages, but she must have enough protein to feed the rumen bacteria and protozoa, to do it. The best way to use poor forage such as poor pasture or low-quality hay, is to add a little protein such as alfalfa hay or a protein supplement. This allows the microbe population in the rumen to increase and thrive, enabling the cow to digest more fiber. She can then eat more total roughage and turn it into energy more efficiently. 15 At Washington State University, a five acre grass pasture was not allowed to be grazed at all, and after ten years there was nothing but weeds and no grass. Meanwhile, near- by, under a rotational grazing system, not only was there always tender grass plants but also weeds that the cattle would consume when allowed to come in every few weeks and graze the new young tender plants. This also allowed the owner to nearly double the number of cattle on the same ground that was not used in a rotational grazing system. Ruminants can thrive on almost any forage because of the rumen bacteria that use the chemicals in forage for their own growth and reproduction as they digest the feed and synthesize other necessary incredients. They make a complete diet out of what otherwise appear to be only a partial diet. This is what makes cattle such a great animal in the livestock chain. Also don’t forget salt in the diet. Cows do not have the ability to balance their diet to meet mineral requirements. The belief that cows eat mineral because they need it, is false. They eat it because they want the salt mixed with it, or because it tastes good as a flavoring agent. Figure 4 16 3C BIG KAHUNA HPR GF JASON SIR AJPR REVENUE CPP HELL BOY HPR GF JARED SHP HONKEYS TITON CPP-SB X-MAN HPR GF JUSTIN VALENTINO CPP-SB X-PRESS HPR GF QUENTIN WCP 403P CYGNET’S ZODIAK HPR KNIGHT’S CROWN WPR CAYENNE 904J DFP MEDICINE MAN 9034 HPR KNIGHT’S DYLAN WPR LUCIER 728G DIAMOND T CONVERTER HPR KNIGHT’S LOGAN 001 DIAMOND T G-FORCE 75J HPR KNIGHT’S MARK 002X DIAMOND T GRAND SLAM HPR KOUNT KEVIN 003X DIAMOND T HAWKEYE GDS 110U HPR KOUNT KOLE 004X DIAMOND T TRUE GRIT GDS 102L HPR KOUNT KONRAD DSP KOMET’S POLLER JARRAE POLLED JUSTICE DNA Females DSP MIGHTY AK 077G KMF ALEX BLANCA DSP POLLED BANDO 944M LCC RANGER BOY 1T ECP 010 LP 9 BOY 4T EIKON MAGNUM BRAVA THE BEAUTIFUL EX ASOME SABER 13F MR OAK 172Y CAP L.I. LARA FF 889 PARTNER’S PRIDE 3C MANDO’S KAYLA FF HONKY TONK PPB-ANNA MAE’S FREEDOM DIAMOND FOXY LADY GDS 98F FMF FRANKS RED HOT PPB-ANNE’S MR T DIAMOND WINNIE FMF SPITFIRE PPB COMMANDO COMPETITION DSP KARA 573M FPF MAGNUM PPB COMMANDO’S FRIENDSHIP DSP LORI 32Y FPF WILLY 09Z PPB-FREEDOM’S FLIP FPF 06Z FRANKLIN’S ACE PPB-FREEDOM’S FLIPPER FPF 08Z FRANKLIN’S ADVENGER PPB-HAWK’S DEESEL FPF 812U FRANKLIN’S PRIDE PPB HONKY TONK’S CODY HEARTLAND G-LISTEN FRANKLIN’S SABER PPB TANNER’S JONATHAN HEARTLAND ILA HLH 64J GABBY’S KNOCKOUT PPB-SANTO’S II DUCE HPR BABY SIS GAUCHO PEM96 PPB SANTO’S II PERFECTION HPR CONVERTER’S ABBY GUSTA VON BERGSTAADT PPB-WOTAN’S TANNER HPR CONVERTER’S AUTUMN 4H BAR CT PRIDE PRF BIG BUCKS HPR GF FAITH 40L HEARTLAND MEGUIRE PRF PIPER HPR GF FAWN 41L HF AWESOMES IMPACT PRF SIR RED 03M HPR FREDIA 42L HPR 116N REGAN HPR KLASSY KASSI HPR BUD’S BEAU SAMSON HPR KOUNT’S GIGI HPR COMMANDO’S CODY SB BONANZA HPR KOUNT’S KALISTA HPR CONVERTER’S CHAD SB GIT-ER-DONE HPR LADY ELISE HPR EIKON’S LEGACY SB TKO HPR L.I. CECE HPR GF BOLD VENTURE SB TRIBUTE HPR LOS LILLY HPR GF FINESSE SIR AJPR O MEGA HPR MARK’S FRANCINE SIR AJPR RAMPAGE HPR PLAYBOYS LIZ 17 HPR TREY’S ALIX PRF LOGAN’S JENELLE TIFFANYS MYSTERY HPR ZACK’S BEBI PRF WHITNEY WCP 400P IBERIA LJW 540A PRINCESS DIANA WHP SERENADE LADY EXTRA LJW 583E RP PONY GIRL WHP VERIZON LAKODA RRF2 ALLISON WPR ANNIE 537R LCC SPUNK SB POLLY WPR GERTRUDE 911V LCC VEGAS SB TRUDY WPR SIGINDA 423P LF2 MISS CALYPSO SH KOOL KAT WPR SIGINDA 907V LIBERTY’S LEGACY SH MISS 534E WPR SIGINDA 909V LILLY SH SOUTHERN BELLE YANCEY MISS AJPR’S INSPIRE 4SP POLLED COWABUNGA MISS BETTINA 4SP POLLED MOO SHOE 2014 National Show Sedalia, MO WHP STARBURST WHP VERIZON & WHP VARIETY (Sir AJPR “O” Mega X WHP Sonata) 2014 National Champion Bull (Sir “O” Mega X LCC Vagas / Papa Bear X WHP Verizon) 2014 National Champion Female A Special thank you goes to Bob Barthmolomew from Germantown NY, on the purchase of this 2 time National Champion bull. We wish you the best of luck. 2014 National Premiere Breeder and Exhibitor Watch for our 2015 calf crop sired by Sir “O” Mega, WHP Starburst, SB Bonnanaza, SB TKO, and Papa Bear. Be sure to check out our website for a list of semen we have available. WOODHAVEN Jerry De Smidt - Jake Hendzel - N912 Hill Rd, Pulaski, WI 54162 Home: 920-833-9772 Cell: 920-321-6707 jwoodhaven@aol.com www.woodhavenpoultry.com Registered Full-Blood Pinzgauer Cattle - Exhibition Poultry A Small herd with BIG results We would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season 18 Registrations by Region 2014/2015 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 If you no longer have an animal on your farm please let the office know. Even if you sell it without papers. Registrations The above chart and the chart to the right are the reg- Steers Transfers Registrations by State 2014/2015 12 istrations and transfers the 10 APA office has done since 8 July 1,2014 . Don’t forget to 6 register those good calves 4 you have! Remember to send in your weights and measurements. 2 0 WI NH TN Registrations TA TX ME Transfers Pinzgauers Todd Andreshack 4177 Cardinal Lane Edgar WI 54426 715-846-3713 todd.andreshak@linetec.com IT'S THE PITTS -- FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE OR WHATEVER by: Lee Pitts I've been to two weddings lately and neither was inside a church. One was on the beach at sunrise where the barefooted couple was joined in matrimony by a pony-tailed preacher named “Big Wave Dave.” The other “non-traditional” wedding was in an airport hanger. After the vows the betrothed skydived to earth together, which seems appropriate, don't you think? These days a groom can take their bride for a ride while river rafting, dog sledding and downhill skiing. A growing number of young people are even tying the knot in romantic ranch settings. The advantages of a ranch wedding are obvious: you can register for gifts at the feed store, the only Limousin involved is a breed of cattle and Dear Abby is totally unprepared to tell you how to stage the event. I, however am not. Q. What should the bride and groom wear for a ranch wedding? A. Lots of boots and buckles. No soft shoes, sidearms or handcuffs. The bride should wear a white Stetson, a black one if it isn't her first trip down the bridal path. Q. What music should be played? A. Your Cheating Heart. Q. What flowers are appropriate for a ranch wedding? A. No alfalfa sprout garlands in the hair or anything else that might attract hungry cows. You don't want your wedding stampeded by beasts who think it's feeding time. Q.Speaking of beasts, are guests still seated on the bride or groom's “side”? A. No. The groom probably has no friends and it might get confusing if the two lovebirds are related. Q. Invitations are so expensive, how can they be deleted? A. Just spread the word that you are having a roping after the wedding and everyone will show up, including several lonely cowboys who just want to kiss the bride. Q. Our only concern with having a wedding outdoors is that it might rain? A. Let's hope so. Spouses are like buses, a new one comes along every ten minutes but a good rain is rare. Q. Is there anything wrong with having the wedding guests sit on bales of hay? A. With the high price of hay the guests may take home your hay in their pockets. Q. How much should we expect to pay for a ranch wedding? A. What's this “ WE” business? All expenses should be paid by the father of the bride. The only thing the groom has to do is show up with his hair combed. Q. Our preacher refuses to marry us in a corral. Any suggestions? A. Hire the veterinarian to be master of ceremonies. No doubt, he'll show up late but get him to look at the lump-jawed cow while he's there. Q. It is proper to throw rice at a ranch wedding? A. Rice is not considered environmentally correct any more. Alfalfa cubes would be better... that way the cows will take care of the cleanup. Q. Is it absolutely necessary to serve alcohol at a ranch wedding? A. Are you serious? When the groom says he's “ going to tie one on” he's not referring to a necktie or an apron. Q. My future husband is flat broke. Do we need a prenuptial agreement? A. No, you need your head examined. What do you see in this guy anyway? Q. Do you have any other quick tips about having a wedding back at the ranch? A. Yes... watch your step. www.LeePittsbooks.com TO THE FEEDLOT HOSS by: Baxter Black Boys, I offer a toast To that creature tied to the post Who through all his ills and occasional spills Still gives us more than his most He's black, bay or he's brown Sorrell or spotted around He eats that ol' hay even cows throw away And makes his bed on the ground. ‘Round machinery and pumps that paddle And trucks and gates that rattle By a mill that roars he does his chores He come here to jis' punch cattle. See them four brands on his side The ones that wuz burnt in his hide He's been around and covered more ground Than we'd ever care to ride. For beauty he's often hard put. Covered with mill dust and soot. But in a slick pen or a mud and snow blend He'll go where you won't go afoot. In dust so thick you can't see He breathes the same air that you breathe And in cold rain he feels that same pain That numbs and stiffens yer knees. When the sun's beatin' down on yer head And the rest of the day lies ahead He's dreamin' too of the ranch he once knew Where green grass and shade made a bed. Yup, he makes every step that you take And feels each ache that you ache. And sweats, two fer one, every drop that you run And seldom asks for a break. So before we mount up and start Think twice of yer four-legged pard. When he seems short on brains jus' give him the reins ‘Cause boys, he's dang long on heart. www.baxterblack.com 20 2014 APA Buying Guide Universal Semen Sales www.universalsemensales.com unisemen@universalsemensales.com 406-453-0374 or 1-800-227-8774 Kadet WT 12P Reg # 212410 DOB: 3-3-82 Horned Fullblood Sire: King WT 3L Dam: Blazer’s joy SPB BW: 115 Trait EPD (1998) Acc BW -0.1 WW 1.16 YW 1.13 Milk -1.12 M&G -1 Price: $20/straw Klay Reg # 05013990 DOB: 4-25-89 Sire: Kannon WT 10T Dam: Liberty TMT 908R BW: 82 WW: 658 YW: 1200 MW: 2200 Trait EPD (1998) Acc BW 2.5 WW 0.38 YW 0.18 Milk -2.12 M&G -2 Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Klay is a smooth, well muscled bull with lots of natural thickness. He is clean fronted with a small head and his calves come easily. Klay was Grand Champion at the 1990 & 1991 Calgary International Stock Show Pinzgauer Show and Grand Champion 1990 and Reserve Champion 1991 at the Edmonton Farm Fair. A son of the great Liberty cow, Klay is a plus for most breeding programs. Regan Reg # 5032967 DOB: 3-17-10 Polled Purebred (99.2%) Sire: HPR Knight’s Logan Dam: FPF 812U (Reba) BW: 105 WW: 748 Trait EPD Acc BW 2.4 WW 6 YW 9 Milk 0 M&G 3 Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Regan is the 2011 & 2012 National Champion Pinzgauer BullFryeburg, Maine. He is out of the 2009 National Supreme Champion Female APA National Show, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2008 Reserve Champion FemaleWorld Beef Expo, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 2008 Grand Champion Female Louisiana State Fair, Shreveport, Louisiana. Retlaw Jake PFM 1000520 Sire: Kadet WT 12P Dam: Lazy Maple Jana RJL 1K Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Jake adds length, height and eye appeal. He was Grand Champion at Several Canadian shows in 1985 & 1986, from the Calgary Stampede to Agribition in Regina. He has sired several show winning heifers. Springer Reg # 5 (US) 6 (Canada) DOB: 3-8-72 German Import Sire: Sperber Dam: Stolz Two Year Wt: 1830 Trait EPD (1998) Acc BW 2.3 WW 9.74 YW 14.68 Milk 11.72 M&G 16 Price: $10/straw Sellers Notes: Springer was selected for his great muscling, length & feed efficiency. He gained nearly 300 pounds from coming out of quarantine at 21 months and his 2 year old weigh in. Trapper Reg # 179 (US) 1000347 (Canada) DOB: 1-14-81 Sire: Geronimo Dam: Miss H-L 807K Trait EPD (1998) Acc BW 2.2 WW 7.40 YW 13.28 Milk -19.47 M&G -16 Price: $12/straw Sellers Notes: Trapper contributes muscle, length, leg and correctness to his calves’ genetic package. He had an impressive show record: 1981 Cow Palace1st in Weaned Bull Class. Grand Championships - Agribition 1982 Denver, Portlan, Cow Palace all in 1983. Wotan Reg # 4 (US) 13 (Canada) DOB: 4-22-72 Sire: Watzmann Dam: Zirl 2 Year Wt: 2080 Trait EPD (1998) Acc BW 2.8 WW 12.91 YW 37.84 Milk 8.87 M&G 14 Price: $12/straw Sellers Notes: Wotan is a fast and efficient gainer. He gained 5.2 pounds per day on test with a feed conversion of 7:1. This was on a ration of ½ hay, ½ grain by weight. His sire was one of the most popular bulls at Salzburg in Austria. Also available from Universal Semen Sales: Loy ,PBL Lord, Tyrol Cygnet Group, Inc Donna Laney cygnet@web-ster.com 503-651-2417 Sir Charles Reg # 5016531 DOB: 4-27-94 Horned Fullblood Sire: Ladislov Trait EPD Acc BW 2.2 WW 4.4 YW 4.0 Milk -0.1 M&G 2.1 21 Price: $30/straw Sellers Notes: Easy calver, heifer safe, high weaning weight calves. Polzin Pinzgauer Byre Darryl & Janet Polzin www.polzinpinzgauerbeef.com polzinpinzgauers@sbcglobal.net 920-468-7915 PPB Anne’s Mr. “T” Reg # 5030652 DOB: 12-20-06 Horned Fullblood Sire: Tyrol Canadian #3 Trait EPD Acc BW -.4 WW -3 YW -3 Milk -2 Tot Mat -4 Price: $40/straw (no minimum) Sellers Notes: Sire is the famous Canadian Tyrol born in Austria in 1971. Tyrol was one of the Foundation Bulls first imported into Canada. He is known world-wide for his calving ease. PPB Commando’s Friendship Reg # 5029125 DOB: 8-11-04 Horned Fullblood Sire: Diamond T Commando Trait EPD Acc BW 4.2 WW 6.0 YW 10.0 Milk -1.4 M&G 1.6 Price: $20/straw (5 minimum) Sellers Notes: 2005 World Beef Expo Grand Champion. Great results on first calf heifers and cross-breeding. Sire of the 2007 National Reserve Champion and Sire of the 2008 World Beef Expo Champion Male & Female. PPB Commando’s Competition Reg # 5032962 DOB: 8-25-10 Horned Fullblood Sire: Diamond T Commando Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw (5 minimum) Sellers Notes: Dam is Woltan’s Jada out of HPR Knight’s Joyce. Offspring can be seen on our website. PPB Freedom’s Flip Reg # 5031987 DOB: 4-30-08 Horned Fullblood Sire: PPB AnnaMae’s Freedom Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw (5 minimum) Sellers Notes: Flip is a Right Time grandson with Commando, Olie, Valentine, and Hi Cotton blood. He is tall and lengthy. PPB Freedom’s Flipper Reg # 5031988 DOB: 5-16-08 Horned Fullblood Sire: PPB AnnaMae’s Freedom Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw (5 minimum) Sellers Notes: Flipper is the son of eye catching PPB Honky Tonk’s Paula. His scrotal circumference measured 43 cm at one year old. PPB Santos II Duce Reg # 5032620 DOB: 9-5-09 Horned Fullblood Sire: Santos II SN 1P Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw (5 minimum) Sellers Notes: Awesome beef Sire. Offspring pictured on our website. PPB Wotan’s Tanner Reg # 5030875 DOB: 4-23-07 Horned Fullblood Sire: Wotan Canadian #4 Trait EPD Acc BW 1.0 WW 9 YW 20 Milk -1 M&G 4 Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Son of the original Wotan. Tanner is thick muscled and dark red in color. He is safe on first calf heifers and outstanding with weaning weights. Excellent disposition. PPB DeeDe’s Deesel Reg # 5033505 DOB: 7-9-11 Horned Fullblood Sire: Hawk PIM 19 APA11 Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Lengthy and dark. Offspring pictured on our website. PPB Anna Mae’s Freedom Reg # 5030600 DOB: 6-14-06 Horned Fullblood Sire: Sir AJPR Olie Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Tremendous longevity, still breeding in 2013. Sire is twotime National Grand Champion. Dam is a World Beef Expo Grand Champion. PPB Tanner’s Jonathon Reg # 5033504 DOB: 10-19-11 Horned Fullblood Sire: PPB Wotan’s Tanner Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Currently breeding an all Black Angus herd in Nebraska. PPB Santo’s II Perfection Reg # 5033343 DOB: 6-15-11 Horned Fullblood Sire: Santos II SN 1P Trait EPD: Available upon request Price: $20/straw Sellers Notes: Long & Dark. Sire was born and raised in Canada. Embryo Donor Dam: PPB DeeLite’s DeeVine (Austrian FB) sired by Friendship’s Stuck Donor Sire: Diamond T G-Force (Austrian FB) sired by Diamond T Graphite Sellers Notes: DeeVine is the 2012 APA National Pinzgauer Reserve Champion Female. Friendship is the 2005 World Beef Expo Grand Champion Male. Stuck is the 2008 World Beef Expo Grand Champion Male. GForce is a Multi Grand Champion with over 40 years of breeding perfection. Circle P Pinzgauers Ken & Kim Paul www.texascirclep.com 512-446-4141 3C Big Kahuna Reg # 5028321 DOB: 10-3-03 Horned Fullblood Sire: Eikon Dam: FF Dream Two Trait EPD Acc BW 0.4 WW 6.7 YW 10 Milk -2 M&G 1.3 Price: $30/straw, $25 each for 10 straws per bull, $20 each for 20 straws per bull Sellers Notes: 2005 National Reserve Grand Champion. Grand Champion 2005 SLE Montgomery, AL. Grand Champion 2004 Georgia National Fair, Perry, GA. Has the 1996 National Grand Champion Bull (Valen Time) on both sides of his pedigree. Very smooth shoulders, correct frame, long spine, wide top, clean sheath and a very gentle disposition. Great calves with refined heads and dark color, high gainers, lots of muscle. Tested 2 stars for quality, 3 stars for tenderness and 6 stars for feed efficiency. CPP Shooter Reg # 5030706 DOB: 9-25-06 Horned Fullblood Sire: Komet Supreme PEM 62 Dam: Karman Oak CW 31X Price: $30/straw, $25 each for 10 straws per bull, $20 each for 20 straws per bull Sellers Notes: Rare bloodlines that are an outcross to many Pinzgauer cattle in a bull that possesses great muscling, long spine, wide top, good feet and good structure. Progeny have excellent growth characteristics, wide tops, nice fronts, plenty of muscle and rib. Produces beautiful heifers. Very gentle. CPP The Rock Reg # 5028491 DOB: 3-13-04 Horned Fullblood Sire: FF Honky Tonk Dam: DSP Miss Maggie Mae (Smooth Polled) Price: $30/straw, $25 each for 10 straws per bull, $20 each for 20 straws per bull Sellers Notes: 2006 National Grand Champion, long neck, wide top, square frame and tremendous volume. Has a very gentle disposition. Throws growthy, eye catching calves that are structurally correct with a clean front and small heads. Sire of the 2007 National Grand Champion Female and Supreme Female CPP Pebbles. Tested two stars for tenderness and one star for marbling. FF Honky Tonk Reg # 5025710 DOB: 2-2-00 Horned Fullblood Sire: EX Awesome Saber Dam: HPR Klassy Kassi Trait EPD Acc BW 1.2 WW -1 YW 0 Milk -2 M&G -2 Price: $30/straw, $25 each for 10 straws per bull, $20 each for 20 straws per bull Sellers Notes: National Reserve Grand Champion in 2001, moderate frame, correct structure, good muscle. Sire of the 2006 National Grand Champion bull CPP The Rock. Very gentle disposition. Progeny have nice birth weights, small heads, cleaner fronts, and a good amount of red color. 22 Tested two stars for tenderness. Embryo Donor Dam: DSP Panache’s Prissy DS2004M (PB) Sired by Diamond T Casanova Donor Sire: Diamond T True Grit RDS102L (FB) Sired by Tyrol Canadian Sellers Notes: These embryos are flushed with sexed (female) semen from the 2003 World Pinzgauer Congress Grand Champion Bull, who is out of an original foundation bull. The dam is a daughter of the 1998 National Reserve Champion Female, Diamond Panache RTG 4H. If you are looking for a top of the line female then this is it. This breeding produced a beautiful show heifer that has become a superior cow, CPP Doodle Bug. A show winner and an easy keeping, strong producing, pasture cow. These bloodlines are a great influence to any herd. Pleasant River Farm Clayton & Kathy Haskell prfpinz@myfairpoint.net 207-892-5396 HPR Knight’s Logan 5026380 FB – Horned DOB: 11/10/00 Sire: FF Knight Time Dam: HPR Lady Elise Birth Wt: 84 Mature Wt: 2652 EPDS (ACC): Birth: 1.6 (.35) Wean: 10.2 (.15) Milk: -0.3 (.11) M&G: 4.8 Yearling: 15.5 (.10) 2007 Sire Summary Price: $30/straw Seller’s comments: Sire of the 2011 & 2012 National Champion Bull. 2005 National Premiere Sire. Long bodied, thick muscled and dark red in color. Very docile. Calves are thick muscled and clean fronted. Easy caving bull. 2-Star GeneSTAR tenderness tested. Picture in Bull Directory. PRF Piper 5030060 PB 99% - Polled DOB: 10/06/05 Sire: HPR Knight’s Logan Dam: Diamond INV Paulette GDS EPDS (ACC): Birth: 0.4 (P) Wean: 4 (P) Milk: -2 (P) M&G: 0 Yearling: 6 (P) 2007 Sire Summary Price: $20/straw Seller’s comments: Polled. Moderate framed, thick and correct. Very docile. Son of the Diamond T ‘Paulette’ Cow family PRF Sir Red 03M 5027274 PB 99% - Polled DOB: 2/8/02 Sire: Magnum Dam: Diamond INV Paulette GDS EPDS (ACC) Birth –3.4 (.27) Wean: -3 (.7) Milk: -2 (.5) M&G: -4 Yearling: -4 (.7) 2007 Sire Summary Price: $15/straw Seller’s comments: Polled. Moderate framed. Son of the Diamond T ‘Paulette’ cow family PRF Big Bucks 5030061 FB - Horned DOB: 1/13/06 Sire: Valen Time Dam: Heartland G-Listen EPDS (ACC) Birth: 1.2 (P) Wean: 3 (P) Milk: -2 (P) M&G: -1 Yearling: 5 (P) 207 Sire Summary Price: $30/straw Sellers comments: Long bodied, thick muscled and dark red in color. Son of 2 National Champions! Picture in Bull Directory. Diamond T Cattle Company Gary & Donna Smith diamondt@airenet.com 403-556-2290 CLC Yukon PFM 952 Reg # 4910061 DOB: 2-2-85 Horned Fullblood Sire: Gates Trait EPD Acc BW 2.7 WW 0.1 YW 1.0 Milk -1.3 M&G -1.2 Price: $30/straw, $25 each /10 straws /sire, $20 each/20+ straws/sire Sellers Notes: Easy calving, long bodied, feminine progeny from this great sire. Exportable semen. Diamond T Foxy GDS 55Y DOB: 2-10-89 Horned Fullblood Sire: Fox Price: $30/straw, $25 each /10 straws /sire, $20 each/20+ straws/sire Sellers Notes: Large framed, long, thick and very correct. Top performing bull out of 20 head in the 1989 Pinzgauer bull test, indexed 1234 in 141 day test with ADG of 3.75 pounds. Diamond T Gaines Reg # 5020025 DOB: 2-10-92 Horned Fullblood Sire: Diamond T Gordie GDS118 Trait EPD Acc BW 1.7 WW 9.2 YW 13.3 Milk -5 M&G -0.4 Price: $30/straw, $25 each /10 straws /sire, $20 each/20+ straws/sire Sellers Notes: 1997 Canadian Show Sire of the Year. Sire of many champions. Can be used on first calf heifers. Diamond T Gaines is a medium framed, thick muscled bull. His progeny possess the growthiness and thickness required for the industry today. Exportable semen. Magnum RTG 58J (CAN) PFM 1984 DOB: 2-16-99 Horned Fullblood Sire: Winchester RTG PFM 1712 Trait EPD Acc BW -0.6 WW -1.4 YW -2.4 Milk -1.9 M&G -2.4 Price: $30/straw, $25 each /10 straws /sire, $20 each/20+ straws/sire Sellers Notes: Easy calver, heifer safe, white remover, moderate sized, highly refined daughters with perfect udders. Sir Brownie PFM 1143 Reg # 5014159 DOB: 3-16-91 Horned Fullblood Sire: Downtown Brown Trait EPD Acc BW -1.3 WW -2.0 YW 1.0 Milk -4.7 M&G -4.8 Price: $30/straw, $25 each /10 straws /sire, $20 each/20+ straws/sire Sellers Notes: This bull has been used extensively on first calf heifers at Diamond T. Exportable semen. Ames Mtn View Acres Ben Ames benspinz@peoplepc.com 360-291-0010 or 360-520-4341 AMVA Jim Dandy Reg # 5008648 DOB: 2-21-90 Horned Fullblood Sire: HRPR Private Reserve Trait EPD Acc BW 2.5 WW -8.2 YW -14.2 Milk 1.9 M&G -2.3 Price: $10/straw (minimum 10) Sellers Notes: Jim throws exceptionally clean & smooth front ends with a minimum white, small heads, good butts. Diamond T Justin Reg # 5015314 DOB: 1-11-92 Horned Fullblood Sire: Hawk PBL 8J Trait EPD Acc BW -1.4 WW -2.0 YW -1.5 Milk 1.2 M&G 0.2 Price: $10/straw (minimum 10) Sellers Notes: This carcass bull’s calves show an exceptional rate of gain with quality. A steer won OSU Futurity with 5 pounds per day on feed. Woodhaven Jerry DeSmidt & Jake Hendzel jwoodhaven@aol.com www.woodhavenpoultry.com 920-833-9772 Diamond T Grand Slam Reg # 5027470 DOB: 3-2-02 Horned Fullblood Sire: Diamond T G-Force Dam: Diamond Juanita Trait EPD Acc BW 0.3 WW 2 YW -2 Milk 2 M&G -3 Price: $20/straw (minimum 10) Sellers Notes: Slam has produced calves that have thickness and style. This is your chance to get some of the great G-Force influence along with a total outcross on the dams side. 2011 National Premiere Sire. (Nationals at Fryeburg ME) HPR Eikon’s Legacy Reg # 5028559 DOB: 1-11-04 Horned Fullblood Sire: Eikon Dam: HPR Mando’s Halle Trait EPD Acc BW 0.7 WW 0 YW 0 Milk 3 M&G -3 Price: $20/straw (minimum 10)Sellers Notes: This Eikon son has structural correctness and moderate frame size. He brings together the genetics of two great bloodlines-Eikon & a Commando daughter on the dams’s side. A great sire for small calves. Sir AJPR O Mega Reg # 5029883 DOB: 8/1/05 Horned Fullblood Sire: Sir AJPR Olie Dam: Diamond Katrina Trait EPD Acc BW 0.3 WW 3 YW 4 Milk -1 M&G 0 Price: $40/straw (minimum 10) Sellers Notes: 2007 National Champion Bull. Sire of the 2012 National Champion & Reserve National Champion Females. He has a moderate birth weight with fast growing calves with lots of muscle. A good choice for producing the extra special show cattle. Also available from Woodhaven: SB TKO SB Bonanza Circle U Cattle Co. John Uhlman 816-365-5829 KMF Dreams Image Reg # 5030196 DOB: 10-4-05 Fullblood Price: $20/straw SB TKO’s Nick Reg # 5030196 DOB: 9-2-07 Fullblood Price: $20/straw 23 Hi Point Ranch Woodie Talbot 903-628-6209 Diamond T Commando Reg # 5024402 DOB: 2-20-97 Horned Fullblood Sire: Concorde Trait EPD Acc BW 1.6 WW 7.5 YW 10.9 Milk -4.0 M&G -0.3 Price: $25/straw (10 minimum) Sellers Notes: Moderate framed, long thick & correct. Produces great females, including the 2002 Reserve Grand Champion Female, Carmen. Sire of the 2004 National Champion Bull, Sir AJPR Commando’s Pride. FF Knight Time Reg # 5021116 DOB: 10-15-96 Horned Fullblood Sire: Valen Time Trait EPD Acc BW 1.8 WW 10.4 YW 17.7 Milk -0.5 M&G 4.7 Price: $25/straw (10 minimum) Sellers Notes: Easy calver, small calves, well marked, dark in color and growthy. Knockout WT 12R Reg # 5001147 DOB: 5-22-83 Horned Fullblood Sire: King WT 3L Trait EPD Acc BW 1.0 WW 20.0 YW 28.2 Milk 3.4 M&G 6.5 Price: $10/straw (10 minimum) Sellers Notes: Small to moderate size calves. Dark, flashy, growthy, good disposition. Kount WT 2L Reg # 0000204 DOB: 8-12-79 Horned Fullblood Sire: Kanalta Trait EPD Acc BW 1.0 WW 14.2 YW 18.1 Milk -5.6 M&G 1.5 Price: $5/straw (10 minimum) Sellers Notes: Small to moderate size calves. Dark, flashy, good legs and rear end. Excellent disposition. Renegade Reg # 1000120 DOB: 1-9-78 Horned Fullblood Sire: Red Raider Trait EPD Acc BW 2.1 WW 6.1 YW 10.7 Milk -2.9 M&G 0.2 Price: $10/straw (10 minimum) Sellers Notes: Length & thickness, medium red, well-marked, excellent mother cows. Sellers Notes: Challenger throws traditionally colored calves and has proven himself as a calving ease bull. Lazy W Farms Ken & Lisa Wamsley gertngauers@yahoo.com 936-443-9205 KMF Alex Reg # 5033054 DOB: 5-8-03 Austrian Fullblood Price: $15/straw Sellers Notes: Lots of dark red, very little white. Good first time heifer bull. Rick & Donna Boyer boyerboys@centurytel.net 360-482-5818 Mr. Oak 172Y Reg # 5008617 DOB: 8-1-89 Horned Fullblood Sire: Mr. Oak 172U Trait EPD Acc BW 1.9 WW 17 YW 26 Milk -2 M&G 7 Price: $15/straw (10 minimum) Sellers Notes: Two time Grand National Champion. Produces outstanding show quality cattle. Twin Brooks Farm Barry & Char Page 608-528-4671 4H Bar Pride DOB: 12-7-97 Sire: Closin Time (by Sign of the Time) WW +12 Price: $10/straw or $5/straw for 20+ straws Sellers Notes: I inherited this semen with my tank and cannot use it all so offering at bargain prices. Circle U Cattle Co. John Uhlman 816-365-5829 KMF Dreams Image Reg # 5030196 DOB: 10-4-05 Fullblood Price: $20/straw SB TKO’s Nick Reg # 5030196 DOB: 9-2-07 Fullblood Price: $20/straw Circle S Stock Farms Jerome & Theresa Slepicka Diana & Kylee Beckius www.circlesstockfarms.homstead.com bovineandequine@dishmail.net 608-697-5968 Circle S Challenger Reg # 5032926 DOB: 9-2-10 Smooth Polled Austrian Fullblood Sire: CPP Orion (by Diamond T True Grit) Dam: CAP Claydie Price: $20/straw (5 minimum) Sellers Notes: Challenger throws traditionally colored calves and has proven himself as a calving ease bull. Heartland Ranch Howard Hixt HLhixt@aol.com 403-947-2043 Heartland Beau HLH 502F Reg # 1002865 DOB: 1-6-96 Horned Purebred 95% Sire: Heartland Sambo Price: $25/straw (minimum 10) Sellers Notes: Birth weight 88 pounds. Born unassisted to a first calf heifer. Super thick and very clean fronted. Exportable to U.S. Heartland Sambo HLH 1D Reg # 1002563 DOB: 1-16-94 Horned Purebred 95% Sire: Diamond T Klein Price: $30/straw (minimum 10) Sellers Notes: 1998 Canadian Show Sire of the Year. Calving ease. Birth weight 78 pounds. Thick and structurally correct offspring. Embryos - Heartland Ranch Donor Dam: Diamond Glisten GDS 162E (FB) Sired by Diamond T Gaines GDS 201B Donor Sire: Mustang (Austrian FB) Sired by Multi Sellers Notes: This mating has produced many champions including the 2003 National Champion Female Heartland Monaco and the 2003 World Congress Reserve Champion Bull Heartland Magic. Donor Dam: Diamond Glisten GDS 162E (FB) Sired by Diamond T Gaines GDS 201B Donor Sire: Diamond T G-Force (FB) Sired by Diamond T Grafite Sellers Notes: This mating produced the 2006 National Champion Female, Heartland G-Listen. Donor Dam: Lady Fay LJW 544A (FB) Sired by Downtown Brown CPF 04T Donor Sire: Mustang (Austrian FB) Sired by Multi Sellers Notes: Outcross genetics on both sides of this mating. Heartland Melrose and Marissa are two of the females in the Heartland herd from this flush. Donor Dam: Diamond Bobbi GDS 132C (FB) Sired by ABB 3U Donor Sire: Fox (Austrian FB) Sired by Feltrin Sellers Notes: This mating produced Heartland Bobbi-Fox, dam of Champion bull and future herd sire, Heartland Fox-Force. 24 World Beef Expo Junior Show, Milwaukee WI Donor Dam: Heartland Ila HLH 64J (FB) Sired by Diamond T Hawkeye GDS 110U Donor Sire: Diamond T G-Force GDS 75J (FB) Sired by Diamond T Grafite Sellers Notes: Unquestionably a dam of champions. Heartlands Ila’s calves from this mating are proven show heifers. Muscle and structural soundness are characteristics to expect. Donor Dam: Heartland Iberia-Force HLH 307N (FB) Sired by Diamond T G-Force Donor Sire: Mustang (Austrian FB) Sired by Multi Sellers Notes: Since the Iberia embryos are no longer available, we have added Heartland Iberia-Force to the list of Heartland Ranch donor cows. She combines he depth, thickness and broodiness of Iberia with the refinement and feminity desired in a show heifer. Mustang ads outcross genetics to a proven cow family. Donor Dam: Karman Oak CW 31X (FB) Sired by Mr. Kool WT 13S Donor Sire: Lord PBL 50F (FB) Sired by Wotan (Austria) Sellers Notes: An outcross mating of one of the elite producing females in the breed. She is the dam of Heartland Ranch’s successful Diamond Yarman II…a truly exceptional cow family. *Information has been provided by the seller and the American Pinzgauer Association is unable to take responsibility for any claims. Kelsey Hunsberger Res Champion Heifer Calf Cow/Calf 3 years or Younger Pearl Franke, Emma Leis, Rachel N Bohman Hansen Ilianna Hunsberger Late Summer Yearling Heifer Cow/Calf 4+ Years Kylee Beckius Kelsey Hunsberger Early Summer Yearling Heifer Grand Champion Cow Make Leis, Lauryn Hacker Pearl Franke Champion Summer Heifer Res Champion Cow Mark Leis Emma Leis Res Champion Summer Heifer Late Jr Heifer Calf Kylee Beckius Pearl Franke, Emma Leis, Mark Leis, Iliana Hunsberger Early Senior Yearling Pearl Franke Champion Heifer Calf Champion Sr Yearling Pearl Franke Pearl Frank Res Champion Heifer Calf Grand Champion Heifer Emma Leis Kelsey Hunsberger Early Senior Heifer calf Kesley Hunsberger, Ilianna Hunsberger, Pearl Franke, Gloria Kesler Res Grand Champion Mark Leis Champion Sr heifer calf Lazy W Farms LWF Liars Rouge For more information 936/449-9205 or gertngauers@yahoo.com LWF Zed 25 FRYEBURG FAIR - PRF Ginger - Mountain View Farm PRF Dudly - Mountain View Farm FRYEBURG MAINE Junior Champion - PDS Granite Layla - Sue Paradis MVF Ike - Mountain View Farm Sue Paradis, Lawrence McNear, Pleasant River farm, Pleasant River Farm, Mountain View Farm Junior Bull Calf Pair of Yearlings Spring Heifer Calf Res Jr Champion - Ida Mae Lawrence McNear PRF Dozer - Pleasant River Farm PDS Granite Jen E - Sue Paradis Lawrence McNear, Pleasant River Farm, Pleasant River Farm Sr Yearling Female Jessica Lynn - Lawrence McNear PRF Lacee - Pleasant River Farm Calf Champion - PDS Granite Brendis - Sue Paradis Group of 2 Bulls PRF Faith - Pleasant River Farm 2 year old Female Res Calf Champion - King Tut Lawrence McNear PRF Liberty - Pleasant River Farm Lawrence McNear, Sue Paradis, Pleasant River Farm, Pleasant River Farm, Mountain View Farm LM Heidi Lynn - Lawrence McNear Early Summer Yearling PRF Shiloh - Mountain View Farm PRF Sierra - Kenny Mathews PRF Tiko - Pleasant River Farm Group of 2 Females Sue Paradis, Lawrence McNear, Lawrence McNear, Pleasant River Farm, Pleasant River Farm, Mountain View Farm PRF Mallory - Mountain View Farm Sr Champion Female - LM Heidi Lynn - Lawrence McNear Senior Heifer Calf Res Sr Champion Female - PRF Isidore Ann - Lawrence McNear Lacee - Pleasant River Farm Spring Yearling Bull Calf Champion - PDS Granite Jen E - Sue Paradise Sue Paradis, Lawrence McNear, Pleasant River Farm, Pleasant Res Junior Champion Bull - PRF River Farm, Mountain View Farm, Tiko - Pleasant River Farm Mountain View Farm Grand Champion Female - PDS Granite Layle - Sue Paradis Res Calf Champion - Isidore Ann Res Champion Female - LM Hei- Lawrence McNear di Lynn - Lawrence McNear Early Summer Yearling Female Spring Bull Calf PDS Granite Layla - Sue Paradis PDS Granite Brendis - Sue Paradis Spring Yearling Female Ida Mae - Lawrence McNear PRF Sabrina - Pleasant River Farm PRF Chole - Pleasant River Farm Twin Brooks, Spring Hill Pinzgauer Grand Champion Cow/Calf Twin Brooks Res champion cow/calf Twin Brooks Spring heifer calf Twin Brooks, Twin Brooks, Twin Brooks, Spring Hill Pinzgauer Early Senior Heifer Calf Spring Hill Pinzgauer, Twin Brooks, Spring Hill Pinzgauer, Kesler Family Farm Junior Champion Bull - LM Icon Jake - Lawrence McNear Senior Yearling Bull Get - Of - Sire Produce of Dam PDS Granite Bem - Sue Paradis PRF Dakota - Pleasant River Farm Sue Paradis, Lawrence McNear, Pleasant River Farm, Pleasant River Farm Senior Champion Bull - PRF Dakota - Pleasant River Farm Best 6 Head Grand Champion Bull - LM Icon Jake - Lawrence McNear Lawrence McNear, Pleasant River Farm Res Champion Bull - PDS Granite Bendis - Sue Paradis PRF Calab - Pleasant River Farm Pair Of calves King Tut - Lawrence McNear KLM Murry - Kenny Mathews World Beef Expo - Milwaukee Champion Calf WI Cow/Calf pair before 12’ LM Icon Jake - Lawrence McNear Circle S Stock Farm Champion Percentage Female Spring Hill Pinzgauer Grand Champion Heifer Circle S Stock Farms Res calf champion Spring Hill Pinzgauers Twin Brooks Res Grand Champion Res Champion Percentage Female Late Summer Yearling J-Bin Pinzgauers Circle S Stock Farms Senior Yearling Bull Early Summer Yearling Spring Hill Pinzgauers Twin Brooks, Windcrest Farms, Twin Brooks Champion Senior Bill Grand Champion Low Percentage Bull Spring Hill Pinzgauers Circle S Stock Farm Grand Champion Bull Res Low Percentage Bull Spring Hill Pinzgauers Twin Brooks Low Percentage Females Pair of Females Circle S Stock Farms, EC Acres, Kelser Family Farm, Twin Brooks 26 Spring Hill Pinzgauer, J-Bin Pinzgauers, Twin Brooks EC Acres Low Percentage Bulls Circle S Stock Farms, Twin Brooks Junior Yearling Heifer J-Bin Pinzgauers Jr Champion J-Bin Pinzgauers Res Jr Champion American Pinzgauer Association 681 Maple Ridge Rd Harrison ME 04040 207-595-4565 (P) 207-583-4293 (F) info@pinzgauers.org Renewal Membership Form Member Number: _____________________ Herd Prefix: ________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________________ Farm Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Town: ____________________________ State: __________ Zip: _________________ Phone: (____) _________________ Cell: (______) __________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ Web Site: ______________________________________________________________ Junior Member Age: _______ Birth Date: __________________ Check a committee you would like to serve on: ___ Finance _____ Performance ___ Grievance _____ Promotion ____ Rules/By-Laws ____ Show Rules ___ Export/Import _____ Jr Show Rules ____ National Show ___ Youth _____ Web Site ____ International Type of Membership ___ Adult $75 _____ Lifetime ____ Junior Membership $10 *Note: if paying by credit card please add a $5 processing fee. 27 Contact Us Genestar MVP Genetic Testing This can test for 59 different gene markers and gives results back for feed efficiency, tenderness, marbling and many others. For those of you interested in black haired animals you may also test for this. Animals may also be tested to see if they have a polled gene. Feel free to call the office for more information or check out www.zoetis.com/genetics Test kits are available through the APA Office. Give us a call for more information about our services and products American Pinzgauer Association 681 Maple Ridge Rd Harrison ME 04040 (207)-595-4565 phone (207)-583-4293 fax info@pinzgauers.org Visit us on the web at www.pinzgauers.org American Pinzgauer Association 681 Maple Ridge Rd Harrison ME 04040