Press Kit - Unearthed
Press Kit - Unearthed
UNEARTHED T H E H E A R T S O F M E N A film about the Gospel engaging and redeeming sexual brokenness in the human heart... THANK YOU Thanks for your interest in Unearthed and our Hearts of Men film. Below, you’ll get a comprehensive look at who we are, what we’re up to and what our current need is. Our entire team is here at your disposal to assist in any way possible, so please don’t hesitate to reach out | OUR STORY Unearthed was founded in October of 2009 as an expression of a desire to see the dark world of sexual exploitation exposed and remedied. Two college friends and artists (Derek Hammeke and Tony Anderson) set out to document the sex trade in some of the most dangerous places across the earth. Armed with undercover cameras and a massive prayer team, they began capturing heartbreaking stories and the horrifying realities of human sex trafficking, which eventually forced them to grapple with the roots of sexual exploitation: the demand. Reducing demand in sexual exploitation means doing the gritty, honest painful work of dealing with inner heart change and transformation in the hearts of men - and that comes only through Jesus Christ. Jesus happens to be missing from the conversation on sexual exploitation. In a generation wrought with short-lived social justice campaigns and emotionally-driven activism, we’ve denied the reality that we need nutrition from the Vine - assuming we can destroy this demonic stronghold apart from Jesus (Jn 15). In addition, we have unprecedented levels of Christians living in un-repentant sexual immorality. The need is less about sex trafficking and more about repentance in men’s hearts so that we see a systemic shift at the ground level. Here’s our question: what sort of revival will take place when the church repents - and what does repentance even look like? What kind of healing and wholeness does Jesus want to bring to his church? We’re hoping to find the answers to these questions when we release the Hearts of Men film... PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 OUR TEAM Tony Anderson | Executive Director Tony helped found Unearthed in 2009. He studied at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Literature. His background in cinematic music composition began over a decade ago and continues to be a useful skill in film production at Unearthed. Crawford Ifland | Project Producer Crawford is a student at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California, where he is studying Business & Economics. He has been part of the team at Unearthed since May 2012, where he oversees production and project management. Outside of Unearthed, he works as a web designer and filmmaker, and has a passion for visual storytelling. Our Board of Directors: Unearthed's Board of Directors is made up of Rick Ifland, Brian Johnson, and Peter Warden, three strong individuals with entrepreneurial backgrounds that have over 50 years of combined experience in the business and non-profit world. Over the years, their wisdom and experience has proven to be one of Unearthed's most valuable assets. PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 OUR FILM The Hearts of Men film project breaks down into two phases. The first is intended to be a scalpel that slices open an infection. The second is intended to bring about restoration of the soul through discipleship among men - using their sexual brokenness as a point of connection with Jesus. 1) Scalpel | Unearthed is creating a feature-length film called The Hearts of Men that will address and expose the following areas: • How sin distorted God’s gift of sex and masculinity • How mens’ sexual behavior (porn, prostitution, abuse, immorality, trafficking, etc) isn’t just harmful here, but is also the fuel for the global sex trade • Why the human heart has to be changed by an outside power in order for our sexual brokenness (as individuals and as a culture) to change • How the Gospel of Jesus Christ engages and redeems sexual brokenness • How the Gospel deals with shame and other underlying components which fuel harmful sexual cycles • How drinking living water (wholeness in Christ) is the only way out of toilet water (cyclical sexual strongholds and dysfunction) 2) Discipleship | Unearthed is also producing 5 shorter “followup” films for churches and their leaders to assist them in discipling their people after they’ve watched The Hearts of Men. These short films fall under the same budget as the main film and will be led by Michael J. Cusick - author of Surfing for God: Discovering Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle, as well as a host of other leaders, pastors and doctors. Here’s a rundown of what we’ll cover in them: • Wickedness: We clearly have massive cultural problems because of what sin did to sex, but how did they come into play (creation, fall, satan, etc) and what do we do with these realities? In addition, how do we equip our men to wage war against their own flesh? • Woundedness: All men suffer from wounds of presence and wounds of absence , and pain that is not transformed becomes pain that is transmitted. The transfer of wounds can last for generations, but the cycle can stop with the men in our churches right now. Our souls have been we need healing. What does this look like and how does wholeness enter our hearts to restore what’s been broken? PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 • Weakness: Men struggle with deep shame and guilt because of their shortcomings and weaknesses. But what if our weakness and wounds actually qualify us for the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5) rather than disqualify us (2 Corinthians 12). If that’s the case, then how do we lead out of weakness? And how does God flex his strength in our weakness - especially sexual strongholds? • Warfare: Our battle is not against flesh and blood...and that changes everything (Ephesians 6). We are going to equip men to go to war in heavenly places with weapons that aren’t of the flesh (2 Corinthians 10). How do satan and his demons play into sexual dysfunction and how can men practically wage war in heavenly realms for their marriages, families, churches and cities? • Wiring: There’s a general ignorance towards the physiological in the American church - and we’ve left our men in a valley... failing to equip them with the truths that our minds can work for us rather than against us. As it relates to sexual struggle, addiction and compulsiveness, the mind can be transformed and renewed (Rom 12). The physiological realities of the brain’s rewiring need to be communicated in a simple and life-giving way that can be replicated in discipleship relationships among men. WHY USE FILM AS A MEDIUM? A recent study showed that only 13% of millennials were willing to pick up a book in order to learn something. Film is the language our culture speaks the clearest, and that happens to be our primary gifting at Unearthed. Our team is skilled in the arts, and we plan on using them as weapons to dismantle the demonic strongholds of sexual brokenness. PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 OUR TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC At Unearthed, our heart is for men, but particularly the next generation of men primarily because the increase we’re seeing in sexual dysfunction simply points to a cultural shift. Sexual brokenness is starting to incubate at younger ages, so our strategies within the church ought to be intelligently shifting in order to disciple boys at younger ages. To do this, we need a tool that will encourage men to radically repent of their sin and replicate wholeness to the up and coming youth. We’re going to create a domino effect with the Hearts of Men film by aiming it at men between the ages of 18 - 45, and then asking them to simply be available to model wholeness and Godly masculinity to the next generation. We could shift sex trafficking by discipling middle-school boys. OUR PARTNERS & CONTRIBUTORS • Michael Cusick | Author & Founder of Restoring the Soul. Michael will share his story as the primary foundation for the Hearts of Men film, and will also offer his teaching and years of expertise as a structure for the 5 short films we offer as follow-up discipleship. The guy is incredible and we can’t wait to share. • Tim Keller | Author & Pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NYC. Tim resonated with our film from day one, so we spent some time with him in New York at his home brainstorming and conducting his interview. His contribution on culture and spiritual warfare is sure to be powerful in the Hearts of Men film as well as the followup films. • Neil Anderson | Neil founded Freedom in Christ Ministries and authored the “Steps to Freedom in Christ,” which many would argue has deeply changed the way the church deals with addiction and sin strongholds. His expertise in supernatural warfare, bondage-breaking and heart transformation is unparalleled. • Dr. Bill Struthers | Author & Professor of Neuroscience at Wheaton. Bill wrote “Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain.” His contribution on neurology and how the male brain is wired is a critical component that will change the way we think about sex, masculinity & warfare. • Mark Driscoll | Author & Pastor of Mars Hill Church, Seattle | Mark is a friend of ours from years back and led the charge in calling men to repentance in the US PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 especially in the area of sex. His tactics are controversial, and he’s a unique personality that’s sure to appeal to hard-hearted men. • The Resurgence | Most Popular Christian Website on the Internet | Justin Holcomb and his team at Mars Hill have spearheaded a unique way to host content like book releases, blogs and films in an accessible and easy to find way for church and ministry leaders. The Resurgence has posted most of our past content, and they’re excited about what we come up with in the Hearts of Men. • Christian Broadcasting Network | CBN is a long-standing television broadcasting network that will be translating the Hearts of Men into several different languages and airing the film to millions of people across the earth through their pre-existing relationships and connections. Their charismatic roots will push the Hearts of Men into places that our Reformed, Evangelical and Restoration networks cannot reach. • LifeWay Christian Bookstores | LifeWay has become a recent friend of ours and will serve as a distributor for the film once it’s ready for consumption. • Restoring the Soul | Michael Cusick (the main figurehead of Hearts of Men) deeply desires to see the film work itself out in daily discipleship relationships among men. Restoring the Soul works to restore marriages and lives that have been deeply wounded and damaged, and they’ll serve as a testing ground to get the Hearts of Men content worked into churches across the US. • PureHope | Our friends at Pure Hope work to offer Christian solutions in a sexualized culture. Their networks and expertise will come into play as we work towards distribution in 3rd quarter 2014. • Covenant Eyes | An incredible organization working to provide a safer internet environment for families and individuals. We’re going to be offering their software as part of a back-end solution to the film so that men walk away equipped with something tangible that will help shape an environment of transformation. Filters aren’t the only solution, but they’re critical. PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 OUR TIMELINE Fundraising: June 2013 - September 2013 Filming: November 2013 - March 2014 Post-Production, VFX and Editing: April 2014 - July 2014 Sound Design and Score: June 2014 - August 2014 Pre-Release for Review: August 2014 Projected Release: September 2014 PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 OUR FINANCIAL NEED Our administrative and salary expenses are already covered by private supporters in our Gentlemen’s Club, so 100% of your gifts go directly to fund this project. Our total need for The Hearts of Men film is $250,000. The first $150,000 is allocated for production and post-production, and the remaining $100,000 is allocated for marketing and distribution. Allocations may vary, but the total need will not. PRODUCTION EXPENSES Expense Filming | Trip #1 Filming | Trip #2 Filming | Trip #3 Filming | Trip #4 Filming | Trip #5 (MAIN) Producer for Allegory Allegory Actor(s) Travel Daily Rate for DP Estimated Rental Car Estimated Public Transit Estimated Fuel Airfare - Tony Airfare - DP Airfare - Admin Food for Filming Trips (3 people) Hotels - Trip 1 Hotels - Trip 2 Hotels - Trip 3 Hotels - Trip 4 Lighting - Trip 1 Lighting- Trip 2 Lighting - Trip 3 Lighting - Trip 4 Lighting Gear Camera Rentals Lens Rentals On Site Unplanned Expenses Re-Enactment Filming TOTAL Cost $625 $625 $625 $625 $625 $4,000 $5,000 $300 $300 $200 $75 $450 $450 $450 $50 $500 $500 $500 $500 $250 $250 $250 $250 $500 $1,250 $500 $5,000 $12,000 Frequency Daily x 3 Daily x 2 Daily x 3 Daily x 3 Daily x 4 Once Once Eight Four Four Four Four Four Four Daily Once Once Once Once Daily Daily Daily Daily Four Four Four Once Once POST-PRODUCTION EXPENSES PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 Total $1,875 $1,300 $1,875 $1,875 $2,500 $4,000 $5,000 $2,400 $1,200 $800 $300 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $3,780 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $250 $250 $500 $2,000 5,000 2,000 $5,000 $12,000 $61,805 Expense Hard Drives for Footage Backup HD Backup Enclosure VFX Compositing 3D Layering Costs Voiceover Color Grade Film Editing Trailer Editing Animation(s) for Film Animation for Trailer Music for Film Teaser Edit Titles for Opener and Credits Sound Mix TOTAL Cost $1,000 $3,000 $500 $500 $4,000 $5,000 $25,000 $5,000 $10,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $25,000 Frequency One Time One Time Daily Daily Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Total 1,000 3,000 $5,000 $2,500 $4,000 $5,000 $25,000 $5,000 $12,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $25,000 $98,500 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Expense Social Media Promotion Crowdster Slots Shirt Printing & Shipping DVD/Blu Ray Printing DVD/Blu Ray Designs HOM Branding and Design Unearthed Site Redesign Banner & Booth Construction Handout Design and Printing Banner & Booth Design Back End Film Editing Investing Church Tour HOM Satellite Website Physical Press Kit Creation Simulcast/Hosting Fees Netflix Distribution TOTAL Cost $4,000 $7,000 $1,100 $3,500 $2,000 $6,800 $3,000 $4,500 $1,500 $3,200 $25,000 $5,000 $7,500 $8,000 $4,000 To Be Determined PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY Frequency Once Twice Four Bi-Annually Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once Once 40523 Total $4,000 $14,000 $4,400 $7,000 $2,000 $6,800 $3,000 $4,500 $1,500 $3,200 $25,000 $5,000 $7,500 $8,000 $4,000 To Be Determined $99,900 WAYS TO GIVE • Kickstarter. Between mid-August and mid-September 2013, we’re running a Kickstarter campaign where you can go and give a one-time gift towards production of the Hearts of Men film. There are different “reward levels” based on how much you give. These rewards are only applicable to gifts made through Kickstarter, so give on Kickstarter before time runs out! Visit and search “Unearthed” for more information. • Unearthed’s Website. Through our website, you can make a secure, one-time and monthly donations. Visit for more information. • By Check. If you prefer to support Unearthed by writing a check, our mailing address is as follows: Unearthed PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 *Unearthed is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible. PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523 YOUR INVOLVEMENT In addition to financial gifts, here are other ways that you can get involved with what Unearthed is doing: • Promote our Kickstarter campaign. We’re attempting to raise $55,000 in 30 days, and to do that, we need lots of exposure. Share our Kickstarter campaign with your friends, family, and on your social networks. • Ask your church’s leadership to give. We’re making The Hearts of Men as a tool for the church, so we need to have pastors on board with what we’re doing. Approach key leaders in your church and ask them to get on board at a sacrificial level. We’re making this tool for churches, so it makes sense that churches would sow in towards in in order to receive something from it. Engaging your church leadership (even just sharing our website) is something we get really excited about, and many pastors will agree that they need something to help engage their men. We’re even making an incentive on our Kickstarter campaign that involves us making your church a tour stop once the film is ready! • Talk on Social Media for us. We’re going to need lots of exposure on social media, so be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, like and share our content, and engage with us online. • Do a fundraiser. Get creative and leverage your gifting (music, painting, film, dance, etc) to raise money and awareness for the film. Or, simply clean out the garage and sell excess stuff that you don’t need. We’ve had people in our community sell cars, properties and other large items to give away to ministries, and it’s actually not too extreme based on the early church model (Acts 2). • Write a Grant. If you know how to write grants, please contact us so we can get the ball rolling. This is a grey area for us that we’ve stayed away from because of the red tape and massive time consumption (as well as the timing delays), but it’s an avenue we’re willing to look into. PO Box 23240 Lexington, KY 40523