SF Section Finals
SF Section Finals
I EDITEP CCCCAA SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, SUNDAY, I ~y BILL LEISER MAY 20, 1945 ~==---= ·pointed Coo1idge Miller (10). Dougherty o'!tpointc.d Fred Lott (6). MILWAUKEE-Charley Parham TKO Barn' Wright (6). Al Gomez knocked out Jimmy WI1ite (2). WEDNESDAY PATERSON, N.. 1.-Jimmy Mills out- I' pointed Joe Lamotta (7). C1int Miller TKD Sammie Tischler (4) . ./ ELIZABETH. N. J.~Freddie Arches outVincent Jones pointed Billy Da!liels (10), knocked out C:harlie McPherson (1);.- I AKRON, OhJQ-Charles Roth outpointed Don Morrow· '(8), Tom Woodward Dutpointed Ira Hughes (8).BINGHAMTON, N. Y.-Marlo Ochoa knocked out oscar BoYd (7), Juan SarTHURSDAY NIGHT I f. ranD outpointed JohnnY" Ta,ylor l8). FALL RIVER,·.Mass.-BallyCarubJa. 150, ' New York. TKO Deacon Cooper, New York I;:)): George Butler, 124., \Vatr.rbury, Conn., TKO Eddie Moran, 133, Boston (3), PHILADELPIaA-Freddy Sammons, 145, Chester, outpointed Pat Patucel. 143, Port 132. Norris. N. J. (8): Talbert -Anderson. Chester. outpointed Jimmy .Allen, 127, Philadelphia (6) .• BROOKLYN-Marvin Bryant, 161. Dal16l1,'2. New Jas. out.pointed .1. C. Wilkens. ~~{pkOi~i~~; il?~VstD~I::~~~1l~57i60~r~;~1~~~ ]yn I: (6), FRIDAY NIGHT NEW YORK-Harold Green, I Brooklyn, outpointed Frankie Terry. 1551/2, Brooklyn,lO; Eddie Compo, 126. New HaI ven, sey City, knocked 1. out Earl '.Mint.z, n1~ '1271'2, Jer- an w: spi I outpointed to~~r~·.KPi.·-J':~OI~u~W~, Manalo Zurita, 1~~5. 128,~ag~~~~: Mexico ·1 aity,',8 7; ... Eddie Simmons, I town" 132, Gary. Ind .• I PRbvIDENCE'-Freddie Camuso, 150 '12,I thl hii th. Fall River. 'outpolntedJackie Peters, 150%, Trenton, N .• J., 10: Ernie Davis. 140112, Trenton. knocked out Eddie ~Iol'an, 1315, Boston, 2. ' PHILADELPHIA-Danny Devlin. 181, AIIt:ntown, outpointed Nat Hines. 183, Phila~ delphia, 8; Ma;wn Padlo, 1'47, Philadelphia, outpoir:.t~d -"StanleY Miller, 147, New iY'ii~LlywOOD-BennY troit. outpointed Luis \ico City. 10. I wa fre ] op Do agl of Goldberg, 118. DeCastillo, 118, Mex- diB fin No str in TV ~ flel ett all! >~d.T>.-_· I~h BOI J ani jun wa: I Ro; ing eag of Shj the "'- I -$'Poly Low FRONT liantly ____ MEN at Kezar, Stadium, field championships performed in yesterday's city prep track brilandf~~ particularly in the three events I ~~ breezed to a :10.2 second victory in the unlimited class 100- Lll1c yard dash, Center-Poly High's Merrill Peacock completed a Poly 'gouble 1tpOn taking the 220-yard low hurdles in :24.9 and! ~~~ below, Keropian's leap"Ike" of 21Miller feet from 6 inches brokeGompersl, a six- Line pictured Bob above. Top, DOla. Samuel La',·, .L,year;,..oyrecor..d jor the 120 'lJound division bl'O~ jJ.l:.Z!l11-~. I Poly ~ops·City Meet; I Peacock Sets Record H IBy BOB MARCUS. I THE SUMMARIES .. , I Strictly as advertised, the' ra~paging polytechnic tracks tel's domlnated the 14th annual Academic '~. IOU-Miller championships in Kezar Stadium Association track and field upsets were numerous. the (p.,. ,Hau~sf:r (~~)jud~~~vkal·*). *;Ue.F~~3k 440-Edwards (L), Wya't (C:i:io FI~\l (P). (T.owne (M). (P), Time.Mullaney :10,2. (SI). Zanck (P). Storkman lP). Time. I yesterday, Athletic Though (SG). Wyatt 0 (P). Haussler thin ~lad Parrot athletes copped .5hii-'-Kearney (SD, Whitec"r (P): S';'ingfIVe fIrst places out. ?f 13 events ley_ (L), Sco"il (L). Wichman (P). Time in the unlimited diVISIOn to end a 2:00,1. ' trr three-year regime of . cinder su- r ~ULE-Nolan (M), Vander MaJe (L\, H\: premacy held by Lowell, runnerup, ~1,~,~~0~':43(~!' Elswood (M), Stern (P). :i,,,;( to the Parrots yest~rday. , I~O HIGH HURDLES Peacock (P). """,,'" Coach ,perrv KIttredge s squad Hausser (Pi. FellO'atto (P), Russell (Bi Kf; amassed a total of 73 points to 'Roysler tB). Time, :15,2, ' '+< Lo\'-ell's 55": ,~~ellers record of ~::::::~ .'1 ,12, and.••••set a precedent b.;} made JOhnny In 1943.)Hardgrave's tW ln the lIghtweIght dIVISIOn by ~20 I.OW HURDLES-Peacock (P) FelitY promptly winning the 130 and 120 7.atto (P), Hausser IP), Runner' (Li), ',',I,', pound titles for a clean sweep. Huber ILL TIme, :24.9. ~?','" Stricken with minor ailm~nl~ beBO~~rt~U~t):Dlul~nft~L;i -M;'Jt~~~ l~i: "<,'.,.,., ,ki'" I i~,: the pole vault despIte Stan Delafore hanty'sthe meet, two lame Poly ankles, n:anaged and to take two second pla'ces by the languescent ;','.'.'.' ' W tt· th 100 d 440 who :&1<;JIm ya mean ,44ft. JW was bothered ,,"ith a cold all week. Bl'lare lSD, 106 H. 7 in. 114 SHOTPUT-Fromm H. 7'/2 In,: Fromm.'P}(P), .. "I 107 ft. n.1%7. In,; in,: I Dunn (L). 48 f~. 7 1I1.,.Kmsley IP), 46 ft.:, Boretta (L), 40 ft. 4'" In,; V_Ienle (B), 11 in, BROAD JUMP-Gilman (LL 22 ft. 2 in,: PEACOCK ~T.ARS """"". If an IndiVidual u ft. 1 In.: Delahanty IP), He" ILlI, 20 ft. 7',~ in. ,t"", I",·",·" 'I,;t ......~ star had to Green be rHl Pe~cock,. 18-year-old senior, chosen, IndomItable the honor mustcourage befall Mer...:' whose carrecord in the 39~:? Inc l'ied him ow to alllelS victories.. in both hurdles ,.,... From gun to tape, the All city footballm" was in command to win the race by six yards over teammate ,.,,a It .H aussel. .. ' ''Vh en P eaeoe k h·tI the Wire, three tenths of a second was clipped off .Johnny Hardgraves' 15:5 standa:d set in 1943. \ Clocked m 15:2, Peacock camc ~\ back later in the afternoon to defend his 220 low hurdle crown, but %t failed to break the existing mark ~,'f~· . of 24:6 establ1shed by Lloyd Pl0vost. 4t The 165- pounder was off fa~t at the tK O'un cleared the barriers WIth non- in 1%1. master 111 the 7~'fz in.: P~laba\' '(P) 20 It. 8\2 1":' ~~.:ff.klci;he~n~~)G~~Jt (H)~2 i~':f::aH. (t~~; Landi CB). 19 ft. 3:::' in. 1~0 LOW HURDLES-Drocco IP). Mur'(d;. (~~ine~m:'{~:8(LI), Brand (P), Hadl1ch I· EROAD JUMP-Caruso (P).(B). 5 ft. 20 9'.2 ft. in.: 3'/2 HIGH JU~lP-Re"il1a Brown (GW), 5 ft, 8';, in,: tie for third , . by 20 yards in 24 :9. , DoJa "Ike" Miller colored flash from Samuel Gornpers, shared double victory honors with. Peaco.ck.' chaiant precision to whip the WIllfield ".._. Williams annexed both spl'lnts, F} ning' the century in the fastest time " but met his • footed Miller. ft. ,HIGH JUMP-Green (C), " ft. 10'," in.: f.te f()r ~econd B:unett IL\ and fl. Anderson 6 in. (LO, 5between ft. 7~2 in.; tip. for fourth. Elder ILl\, Bales' IP). Brandt lB., 5 ft. B'" in .. RELAl'-PolYiechnic (Fink. Palahay. Wallace. Judmck. Balboa. LIncoln. LowelLPcacock. Mission, WnH). Time, 2:.21.3. 130'S . 100-Caredio (B). Ea?ker (L). Gre.gins '~~~)6.Morrow (C), Kltta (GWJ, TIme, :J~O-Surian (Ll\ Edwards (L). Reed (B). Sanford (oW), Power IB!. Time. :23.4. 440-Scroggy lL). Richwood (P), Nicolai (LI). Mills (B). Vollers (M!.(OW), Time. 52:52.2, SHOTPUT - Bernhard ft.: Goodwin, (P). 48 ft, 1 i~.: Kutulan (;"1\. 146 ft. 1 In.: Wood (P), 40 ft. 4 In.; Lewis ,(B). 43 ft. 8 In.. * The 10ailing in :2. andWyatt the 21 ~n.;~~~s>~~f (':~,o~1 f~e:t~f"cnfO,?~I,;',;~~h ~~: . POLE Moore VAULT-Delahant~· (P). 11 i; (B). ft. 10 tweell' (L) ancj Day!., f"y ::{ and . h]to a new b·."· city m of longthein year :23. @ (C), was fur- (L~ElA~:.!~~~li; La(i~;k::)' between T~?mpkll1' (PI and 0~~nd;ick~' _ Neu",'l.ayel' fleet- i Gallleo. TIme, 1:"~2k" I 100-Erigero (SD. Unmaek (LI\, Leon- 1< KEARNEY TRIUJ.\oIPHS lard (P), Long (B), Ramirez (B). Time, undefeated in this in event" Edwards~, Balboa, (Ll\. Lincoln, , " previously Close.st race was ,witnessed the Scrogg;', :1~:;ri-Harp (M), Vought De Po!;': Lacy 'if, half-mile between Tommy J(earney I (P). Adamson IB), Ryan IS,\, TIme. :24, m st, Ignatius amI Jim 1Vhitecar of tllio l~O (P), LOWGoliob HURDLES-Castro (M). ChapCas@ of Poly. Dink Templeton's protege led .tBl. Choye (Ci, I the last 100 yards by '\Vhlteear, but Kearne~' had enough in reserve to withstand the Poly boy's ehal~he pack all the way, w.as thrc~teneci I~enge. l\earney won by three yards timetheof time the season , In of 2:0.'>:1, the fastest Lowell's deiendin~ champion. Jimmy Edwards of Lowell won WIth amazincr ease o\'er the, favored Wyatt ~in the quarter mile. The spindly legged Cardinal swept into the lead at the far turn. lengthened his lead to win by eight yards over the tiring Wyatt. His 51:4 effort was two-tenths of a second removed from his winning time last year. Ranked as an out.'iider in the opening event, the mile, Mission's Don Nolan proved a surprise package, whipping Johnny Vander Male of Lowell. The bespectacled Lowell distance ace set the pace until the final 100 yards, only to succumb to Nolan's last minute kick in the , 6 in.: Gan (P). 20 ft. 9 in: Emer.on lB •. 19 ft. 6<12 in,: Su~arman ISG), 19 ft, ~2 In : .Ve(·:e(\~t)~ L~y~t.s}1~Kk.\':~reeol d of 21 ft.' ,m'1'16~~' n~i'i;...:.k4~~'~nian (OW). 21 ft. .!; In, made in 1939,) , .John~on (B). 5 ft. 11/.( 1M\. In.; 5 H::!nIck HIGH .IUMI'-Jaebon rt. 7\~ (PJ. in':1 ~a~\;. ti:i. ~'f~.~~~~erns(P), 3 ft" 3 in.:: RF.I.AY-Balhoa 'Long, Johnson, na-' mlrez. Adamoon\. Mission. Polr, Lincoln, I Galileo. Time. 1:37.7. 111 I stretch. had nothing in reserve Vander as NolanMalestreaked by. TWO UPSETS T'\\'o upsets were registered in the field events. Lowell's Johnny Boretta lost to teammate Mort Dunn, and Duane-Gilman out-leaped Jiin I r"':",b"y··itrlhc~broacl· jUffil>;- ihml1's· winninl(' heave of 117'n'.i" nosed out Boretta's 116'11" effort. Jumping' two feet farther than anticipated, Gilman took the broad jump in easy style. His winning leap was 22'2". In the 120 division, broad jumper Robert Keropian of George Washington broke a six year record, The eagle sophomore eclipsed the mark of 21'\1,," made by Lowell's Lloyd Shinakai in 1939. Keropian stretched the tape to 21'6". ~ I ~ HOW THEY FARED I <t'.----.,...-------------"t> UNI.IMITEDS Polyf.echnic Lowell Balboa. Commerce Poly Balboa Lo~.'ell Lincoln PolY Balboa Mission Lincoln St. I~na Uus 73 ILincoln 55~,2ISam. Gompcrs 14 1St,Ignatius 14 IMission ]:;U-POUl'>D CLASS 2'j~/2IWashington 26 IMis3ion 22 211,2 !commerce Galileo ]';U-POUl'>D CLASS 221Washinglon ~~!~~~~~~l'~ompers lOIOalileo 6jLowell 10 ~2 10 9 9 12 7 2 2 " 2 2 1 1 ,