February - Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce
February - Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce
Topeka VOLUME 49, No. 2, FEBRUARY 2014 A PUBLICATION OF THE GREATER TOPEKA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Downtown Successes = Community Growth Creating unique spaces and experiences in downtown Fargo was Doug Burgum’s goal when he set out to help redevelop Fargo, North Dakota’s downtown. He soon jumped into renovating buildings, building new structures and helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Doug Burgum, as the keynote speaker at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting January 13 shared things he’s learned along the way: news CHAMBER GO Topeka Elects 2014 Officers Allan Towle, president of Fidelity State Bank & Trust, will serve a second term as chair of the GO Topeka Board of Directors. • Millennials, who grew up in the back seat of a car, don’t want to do that today. • City centers are growing faster than suburbs in 27 of the nation’s 51 largest metropolitan areas. • Walkability is important—for health reasons ranging from improving blood pressure and blood sugar levels to reducing the risk of cancer. Check the walk score of your residence at www. walkscore.com. The goal is to get a score over 70. • Topeka, at 61.47 square miles is bigger than either Boston at 48.28 square miles or San Francisco at 46.87 square miles. • Density creates energy. San Francisco has 17,179.1 persons per square mile while Topeka has 2,074 persons per square mile. • Multi-use of parking garages (and buildings) is important. Burgum suggests business cars during the day, residential parking at night. • Sprawl costs money….building streets and houses, adding utilities, adding street lights, hiring more safety personnel and extending trash services is expensive. PIE & POLITICS SCHEDULED • Events that draw people downtown provide the lifestyle people at the beginning of their careers, and at the end of their careers, are seeking. The first Pie & Politics of 2014 has been scheduled for February 7, in the Topeka Chamber board room. Seating is limited, register at www.TopekaChamber.org. Burgum finished his remarks by saying that 60% of people favor a mixed-use neighborhood that requires less driving between home, work and recreation. And, that cities working on these issues, succeed. “Best Cities Win,” Burgum says. About Doug Burgum: With 30 years’ experience in the software industry, entrepreneur Doug Burgum has built, invested in and sold companies that created more than $5 billion in shareholder value. Burgum formed a downtown revitalization company and named it “Kilbourne Group,” honoring his mother who loved downtowns and old buildings and whose maiden name was Kilbourne. The group’s mission is to continue to be the catalyst of inspiration and action for vibrant downtown communities. Doug and his team believe one way to achieve this is through numerous improvements to the city’s core, ranging from historical preservation to new infill projects. Kilbourne Group also is dedicated to thought leadership on important downtown initiatives such as bike-share programs, green building and the powerful Doug Burgum (right) mingles with membership after his Keynote address at the 2014 Chamber Annual Meeting economics of density, walkability and high-speed Internet. Towle has announced the other officers for 2014 will include Scott Griffith, INTRUST Bank, as chair-elect; Lucky DeFries, Coffman, DeFries, Nothern as pastchair; Wendy Wells, U.S. Bank as treasurer; and Scott Gales, Architect One, PA, as secretary. Doug Kinsinger, Topeka Chamber/GO Topeka, is president. Speakers: Senator Laura Kelly and Representative Ken Corbet Topic: State Office Buildings Keep-Sell-Demolish What’s Being Considered CHAMBER OFFICERS Neil Dobler Chairman of the Board Brent Boles Chairman of the Board-Elect Jim Ogle Treasurer Coleen Jennison Immediate Past Chairman CHAMBER news Members Recognized at Annual Meeting Douglas S. Kinsinger President & CEO COUNCIL VICE CHAIRMEN Achievement Awards Curtis Sneden Government Relations Allan Towle Development/GO Topeka Paul Bossert Leadership Karla Clem Marketing Randy Goldsmith Membership CHAMBER Staff Profile U.S. Bank was recognized at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce as the Chamber Member Firm for 2013. Wendy Wells accepted on behalf of U.S. Bank, recognized for their contributions and volunteer effort toward the Chamber and GO Topeka. They have sponsored events and candidates for Leadership Greater Topeka, served on Chamber and GO Topeka boards, on committees and have often shared their wisdom and thoughtfulness in focus groups and surveys. Other awards presented during the annual meeting included: 2013 Top Ambassador Award went to Mickey Shaver, Mickey’s Promotions. Adrianne Evans Vice President Membership 15 years with the Chamber . . . . . . Has an ornery wiener dog named Gus, AKA meanie wienie Enjoys trivia night at the TSCPL & team consistently finishes in the top 3 Greg Schwerdt, president & CEO of Schwerdt Design Group, was named Member of the Year for 2013. Schwerdt served as 2012 Chamber Chairman of the Board and has continued his involvement with the Chamber and GO Topeka by helping with fundraising, prospects and encouraging young professionals’ involvement in the community. He’s assisted with the InterCity Benchmarking Exchange and encouraged Topeka business leaders to learn more about riverfront development. He’s sponsored events and been a corporate member of Fast Forward. 2013 Top Diplomat Award went to Mike Braum, an individual member retired from the printing and paper industry. Has lived in France Has two grown daughters Trained in gourmet cooking classes Avid reader, 2-3 books a week Jay Loschke, Equity Bank, earned the 2013 Fast Forward Member of the Year award. The official “change of leadership” was completed when 2013 Chamber Chair Coleen Jennison, Cox Communications, passed the ceremonial gavel to Neil Dobler, Bartlett & West. 2 TopekaChamber.org COMMUNITY news United Airlines Launches Topeka Service A Sunny Escape Is Within Reach United connects Topeka to 10 cities in Florida, 23 cities in California, 18 cities in the Caribbean, and 5 cities in Hawaii. Book your trip at United.com Flights Started January 7, Connecting Topeka to the World Passengers on the first flight from Topeka Regional Airport to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport quickly learned that parking, ticketing, security and boarding were easy. The first flight left mid-afternoon Tuesday, January 7 with local dignitaries and Topekans going on business and quick get-aways in Chicago. Business leaders such as Mitch Miller with Dynamic Computer Solutions have already found flying from Topeka Regional to be economical and easy. They are saying, “It’s really nice to get off the plane and be walking in my front door in 15 minutes!” Don’t forget--the airport code for Topeka Regional Airport is FOE! CITY OF CHARACTER RESOURCEFULNESS: Making wise use of what others might overlook or discard YOUR AD HERE. REACH CHAMBER COLLEAGUES BY ADVERTISING IN TOPEKA BUSINESS DURING 2014. Call Marsha Sheahan or Tiffany Hall for details: 785.234.2644. February 2014 3 BUSINESS notations Would you like to tell your Chamber colleagues about your expansions, new locations, awards and honors, or new products and services? Sorry, personnel changes or announcements are not included. Notation information and your logo should be e-mailed to Marsha Sheahan at msheahan@TopekaChamber.org. Sales and Marketing Executives of Topeka will present its 2013 Sales and Marketing Executive of the Year award to Vince Frye, president & CEO of Downtown Topeka, Inc. Frye will receive the honor at the association’s Executive of the Year banquet Tuesday, February 11, 2014, at the Topeka Country Club. Since 1970, this award has recognized individuals who have contributed to the well-being of Northeast Kansas. Custom Tree Care, Inc. has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the consumer review service in 2013. “Only about 5 percent of the companies that compete within Topeka, Kansas are able to earn our Super Service Award,” said Angie’s List Founder Angie Hicks. “It’s a mark of consistently great customer service.” Angie’s List Super Service Award 2013 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an “A” rating in overall grade, be in good standing with Angie’s List, have a fully complete profile, pass a background check and abide by Angie’s List operational guidelines. Teams are now forming for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Shawnee County! Create a team to represent your organization at www.relayforlife.org/ topekaks or call 785.438.5611 for more details. Proud to create a world with more birthdays. The Shawnee County Parks and Recreation Foundation has announced the naming of Jim Parrish Field at Bettis Family Sports Complex. Jim Parrish is a long time sponsor, coach and organizer of youth baseball in Topeka. Parrish and his company, Parrish Hotel Corporation, have sponsored youth baseball and softball teams who play at Dornwood Park, Suburban League, Ken Berry League, and Shawnee County Amateur Baseball Association. There were some years that Parrish and his business would have as many as 11 or 12 teams sponsored throughout Shawnee County in various youth baseball and softball programs. He has invested substantially to benefit youth in Shawnee County with supervised summer baseball and softball programs. The Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library has expanded services at the Oakland Community Center, 801 NE Poplar Street, making it more convenient for people who work, live and play in the neighborhood to use the library. You can pick up and drop off books, movies, music and DVDS by requesting items via catalog.tscpl.org and selecting the Oakland Community Center Smart Locker as your delivery location – or you can make your request by calling 785.580.4555. You can also apply for a library card at the community center. The library also provides six computers, a printer and library-sponsored events like songwriting, crochet, and art introduction and computer classes at the Oakland Community Center. VALUGUARD ™ ValuGuard is Northeast Kansas’ leading commercial roofing repair, maintenance and protection service available today. PREVENT minor issues from becoming costly ones PROTECT against dangers like debris buildup PRESERVE your warranty with certified technicians PROLONG the life of your roof PREPARE for future needs (785) 232-4276 or MidwestCoating.us Brought to you by the leader in commercial roofing for over 30 years, Midwest Coating, Inc. 4 Some Things in Business Need Expertise A Commercial Real Estate Transaction is One of Them Tom Moses, CCIM Senior Vice President NAI Martens Topeka, Kansas 785-232-1602 tmoses@naimartens.com www.naimartens.com 30 Years Experience TopekaChamber.org FAST FORWARD news Fast Forward members experience the Topeka Room at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library during the January 29 Ignite Event. At this event members heard from the genealogy center on what steps should be taken first to research your pedigree, family and medical history. Fast Forward members mingle at the January 23, 2014 Networking Social hosted by Topeka Collegiate. 2014 YP Summit in Salina Fast Forward members encourage you and the young professionals in your organization to attend the 2014 Kansas YP Summit April 3 in Salina, KS. Fast Forward was fortunate to host the 2012 and 2013 Kansas YP Summits right here in our community. Salina Area Young Professionals were chosen from 5 other young professional organizations who applied and presented a plan to hold the event for the next two years. From there it will be passed to another Kansas community who has interest. Started 5 years ago by the Reno County Young Professional organization in Hutchinson, this annual conference encourages all young professionals throughout Kansas to attend, regardless of an affiliation with a Young Professionals organization or not. Attendees have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally, network with other young professionals and discover ways to get involved in their communities and make Kansas even stronger! For more information or to register visit YPKANSAS.COM. Professional Development Lean Six Sigma Courses Offered The Center for Organizational Excellence at Washburn University facilitates the goal of “learning for a lifetime” by providing opportunities for enhanced understanding, skill development and applications that can effect change and support continuous improvement at both the individual and organizational levels. Offering an array of professional development courses intended to support organizational continuous imporvement. Lean Six Sigma and Project Mangement Essentials courses are on the line up for spring 2014 courses at Washburn University. For more information visit www.washburn.edu/coe or call (785) 670.1399. February 2014 5 ECONOMIC t rends ACCRA Cost of Living Data Topeka MSA* (five counties) Selected Cities Monthly Economic Indicators for the Topeka Area Economy Washburn University School of Business Leading Index & Coincidence Index 102 NOVEMBER 2013 Coincident Index (Shawnee County) Leading Index (National, State, County) 100 98 96 94 92 The Washburn University School of Business Leading Index remained unchanged at 96.3 in November at a preliminary estimate of 96.3 (2005 = 100). The index is a composite of national, state and county indicators whose movements often precede changes in economic growth. The leading index is up 0.4% over the last three months and up 1.1% over the last 6 months. The Washburn University School of Business Coincident Index, which measures current economic conditions in Shawnee County increased 0.3% in November to a preliminary estimate of 99.2 from 98.9 in October (2005 = 100). The index is a composite index of county non-farm employment and taxable sales. The coincident index is up 0.3% over the last six months and down 0.8% from November 2012. Estimated Taxable Sales Topeka/Shawnee County September 2013 $208,127,454 YTD 2013 $186,288,0754 September 2012 $208,535,777 YTD 2012 $1,873,413,776 Source: Kansas Department of Revenue UTILITY HOOK-UPS CITY OF TOPEKA December 2013 December 2012 Residential 51,634 50,810 Commercial 4,145 4,122 55,779 54,932 Topeka Water** Total **Includes those within the county who use Topeka water. December 2013 December 2012 Residential 68,992 69,094 Commercial 8,237 8,259 51 48 77,280 77,401 Westar Energy* Industrial Total *Includes those within the Topeka city limits. Construction Permit Information City of Topeka New Single Family Residential Permits New Multi-Family Residential Permits Value, New Residential Units New Commercial Units Value, New Commercial Units New Commercial Alterations Value, Commercial Alterations Construction Permit Information Unincorporated Shawnee County New Residential Permits Value, New Residential Units New Commercial Buildings Value, New Commercial Buildings New Commercial Alterations Value, Commercial Alterations Civilian Labor Force Total Employed Unemployed Unemployment Rate Employment (In Thousands) Non Farm Wage and Salary Natural Resources/Construction Manufacturing Trade, Transportation, Warehouse, Utilities Information Finance Activities Professional & Business Services Education & Health Services Leisure & Hospitality Other Services Government Total Kansas City, KS/MO 99.2 Little Rock, AR 98.2 Topeka, KS 93.8 Manhattan, KS 92.8 Des Moines, IA 90.3 Oklahoma City, OK 90.3 Springfield, MO 88.6 Tulsa, OK 88.3 Omaha, NE 87.2 Topeka participates in the ACCRA Cost of Living Index study which measures differences between areas in the cost of consumer goods and services, excluding taxes and non-consumer expenditures, for professional and managerial households in the top income quintile. November October 2013 2013 10 15 0 $1,795,000 0 $0 1 $304,700 YTD 2013 November 2012 79 2 0 0 $2,945,000 $16,782,000 0 22 $0 $11,997,200 3 165 $3,842,896 $40,216,143 October September 2013 2013 14 8 $2,126,411 1 $350,000 3 $1,744,000 2013 Annual Average YTD 2013 99 $1,565,000 $18,389,475 0 2 $0 $700,000 1 11 $15,000 $15,393,545 November 2013 118,227 112,518 5,709 4.80% YTD 2012 October 2012 13 YTD 2012 91 $2,521,428 $17,092,411 1 8 $125,000 $6,300,500 0 7 $0 $2,686,068 October 2013 118,660 112,158 6,502 5.50% November 2012 119,647 112,406 7,241 6.10% November 2013 5.6 7.3 October 2013 5.7 7.3 November 2012 5.1 7.5 17.9 17.5 18.0 1.8 6.9 12.3 17.6 9.1 5.0 26.5 110.0 1.8 6.9 12.3 17.6 9.2 5 26.4 109.7 1.6 7.1 11.4 17.7 9.1 4.9 25.7 108.1 *These numbers reflect the five-county MSA. Comparing these figures with 2004 and prior years is not advisable. 6 82 0 10 $318,000 $16,832,863 5 49 $1,180,169 $33,725,689 27 442 $1,940,672 $27,082,652 TopekaChamber.org GO TOPEKA news GO Topeka Releases Educational Programming Schedule GO Topeka’s Entrepreneur and Minority Business Development program will offer a wide selection of seminars and workshops during first quarter 2014. Chamber members, their guests and associates are welcome to attend. Small Business Tax Facts: What Small Business Owners Should Know when Filing 2013 Small Business Income Taxes, Thursday, February 13, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. at the Ramada Convention Center, 420 SE Sixth Avenue. This FREE workshop, hosted by GO Topeka’s Entrepreneurial and Minority Business Development department, will cover the basics on filing 2013 Small Business Taxes and provide insight on how the changes in the tax law will affect your small business. Gary Knoll and Brad Koehn of Berberich Trahan & Co., PA. will present the workshop. RSVP by contacting Mary Ann Anderson at 785.231.6000, or online at www.TopekaChamber.org. Breakfast Buzz, New Year New Growth, Wednesday, February 26, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. at the Ramada Convention Center, 420 SE Sixth Avenue. Breakfast Buzz is Topeka/Shawnee County’s professional development event for small, minority and women-owned businesses. Speaker Rick LeJuerrne will help attendees rediscover the feelings of excitement of starting a business and how to rediscover the entrepreneurial energy. He’ll lead a discussion of great ideas, thinking strategically and doing new things. Cost for the breakfast meeting is $15 for Chamber members and EMBD graduates and $20 for the general public. RSVP by calling Mary Ann Anderson, 785.231.6000, or online at www.TopekaChamber.org. Who Owns the Ice House: An Entrepreneurial Education Course – The next course begins Wednesday, February 19, 2014 and runs continuously on Wednesday evenings through April 23, 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce boardroom. Built on a rigorous and relevant framework, this highly interactive program enables new entrepreneurs to learn from the first-hand experience of successful real-world entrepreneurs. Drawing on the eight life lessons described in the book, “Who Owns the Ice House,” the program will allow entrepreneurs to triumph over hardships and adversity by embracing an entrepreneurial mindset. Cost is $55 for Shawnee County residents. Contact Mary Ann Anderson, 785.231.6000, for an application and to reserve your seat in the class. FastTrac NewVenture: An Entrepreneurial Education Course. The next course begins Thursday, May 29 and runs Tuesday and Thursday evenings through June 26 from 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. in the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce board room. You have an idea for a business. Now what? That’s where it starts. Now what do you do with the idea? You could start a business- but could you start a viable business? The FastTrac NewVenture program is a flexible course with a proven framework to help support you as you start a business and begin your journey on the road to success. Cost for Shawnee County residents is $55. Contact Mary Ann Anderson, 785.231.6000, for an application and to reserve your seat in the class. THINKING OF ADDING EMPLOYEES OR EXPANDING YOUR FACILITY? There may be assistance available to you in the form of tax incentives and small business or employee on-the-job training programs! Call GO Topeka at YOUR Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce for more details – 785.234.2644. Scott Smathers Vice President Economic Development Jo Feldmann Vice President Existing Business Glenda Washington Vice President Entrepreneurial Minority Business Development There’s a new community for Topeka and Shawnee county entrepreneurs and small business owners: Topeka Entrepreneur. Join us online so you never miss out on news, advice and conversation. Facebook: Topeka Entrepreneurs Twitter: @TopekaEntrprnr LinkedIn: Topeka Entrepreneurs February 2014 7 MEMBER pr of i le Vintage Vibe, nostalgic gateway to the past, is located in NOTO. Co-Owners- Mother & Daughter Team- Karen and Tiffany Robben have a passion for finding great vintage treasures for others. Consider the Vintage Vibe owners your personal buyer for great vintage finds! Is everything in your shop antique/vintage? Vintage Vibe specializes in vintage, which means any items from the 1930’s-1970’s, but we also sell some antiques. Our merchandise consists of clothing, jewelry, purses, scarves, collectible glass, aprons, dishes, books, bottles/jars, architectural salvage, enamelware, furniture , retro items, pictures, linens, suitcases, etc. Many of the artists in our shop actually create their art from repurposed vintage items. What is something interesting about Vintage Vibe that we probably don’t know? Vintage Vibe just happened one day; it wasn’t something we really planned. Co-owner Karen Robben had a love for antiques and collectible items and had always wanted to have her own shop but the timing was never right to be able to do so. Co-Owner, Tiffany Robben was once a zookeeper. Unfortunately, because of the slow economy many of the zoos across the country have had to reduce the size of their staffs. Tiffany happened to be one of the unfortunate employees who lost their job. After attending a couple of the First Friday Art Walks in NOTO, Tiffany and Karen determined that the NOTO Arts District would be an ideal home for a Vintage store so they joined forces and Vintage Vibe was born. We literally rented a building and opened for business within two weeks. Both owners love to go “Picking” – looking for unique vintage items that their customers will love. “We try to find great items at great prices and pass those great prices on to our customers.” We take pride in the fact that our merchandise is very affordable for all budgets. What is the most unique gift we could pick up for our Valentine at Vintage Vibe? We have a lot of “unique items” here at Vintage Vibe! If you love up-cycled jewelry- we have that! If you are looking for a one-of-a-kind item to turn into a bar- We have that! If you are looking for a vintage dress for your date night- we have that! Left, an example of a few items you might find in Vintage Vibe. Right, Brandy Robben, Karen Robben and Tiffany Robben celebrate their ribbon cutting in October. Vintage Vibe opened in July 2012 in NOTO and quickly outgrew their original location. In October they relocated to their permanent home at 833 North Kansas Avenue. The move allowed them to expand their line of vintage clothing and accessories as well as their vintage/retro furniture and other collections. 8 Where do you find items for your shop? Anywhere and everywhere! We are always looking! We pick barns, houses, estate sales, and sometimes go to auctions. “There have been times when we see something while driving and want to stop to see if we can buy it! We are literally always looking for the rare and unusual items for our customers!” What is your favorite thing to “pick”? Tiffany: “I love architectural salvage! There is something about saving something old that gets my blood pumping! Everything back then was made by hand in the United States and was always quality workmanship-why just throw that into a dumpster and send it to a landfill? It should be saved so that future generations can enjoy it.” Karen: “I love picking barns! You never know what treasures might have been hidden in the loft of a barn! I love when you pull out an item that is covered in 25 years of dust, just to wash it off and find out that you have a hidden gem! Our coffee bin by our hospitality area is one of those “barn gems” we came across!” What kinds of fun things are happening in NOTO? Everyone should mark your calendar for the 1st Friday Art Walk (every 1st Friday of the month)! The Art Walks consist of everything from featured artists at many of the galleries and shops to entertainment from musicians. During the Art Walks, many of the galleries and shops serve drinks and snacks for customers to enjoy as they shop. In addition to the Art Walks most of the shops are open all month long. Some of the shops feature “how to” classes and the NOTO Arts Center offers art classes for various age groups. In addition to the galleries and shops there are several new eating establishments that have opened in the District. It’s been very exciting watching the District grow and seeing the amount of customers grow as well. We are excited that even more businesses will be opening in the very near future and several others are currently in the planning phase. Vintage Vibe is Open Tuesday- Thursday: 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Friday: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; First Friday: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.; and Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., every week & year round. Vintage Vibe is located at 833 N. Kansas in the NOTO arts district. Check out their website at www.vintagevibetopeka.com or find them on facebook at shopvintagevibe. TopekaChamber.org GO TOPEKA news State Offers Programs and Support For Your Growing Business NetWork Kansas is tremendous asset for the growth of entrepreneurship and small businesses throughout our state. NetWork Kansas is devoted to providing the central portal that connects entrepreneurs and small business owners with the right resources – expertise, education and economic resources- when it’s most needed. Expertise If you have questions about starting or growing a business, they have over 500 partners across the state of Kansas ready to help you! Education Resource partners offer a wide variety of seminars and workshops. NetWork Kansas also offers Economic Gardening, which helps grow businesses by providing technical assistance designed to focus on key strategic issues that best serve the companies and their immediate needs. The issues include core strategy, market dynamics, marketing leads and management team. The economic gardening team works closely with the business to understand and uncover specific needs before applying the tools that keep the business relevant, responsive and adaptive. Economic Aside from making connections NetWork Kansas also offers funding programs such as StartUp Kansas, the Kansas Capital Multiplier Venture Fund and Loan Funds and E-Community Partnership. Over 400 Topeka entrepreneurs have been assisted through the referral center. To find out what resources are available to you and your business contact NetWork Kansas at 877.521.8600 or www.networkkansas.com. “Our mission at NetWork Kansas is to connect entrepreneurs and business owners with the right resources at the right time. We invite Topeka businesses to contact us with any questions or needs they may have - we are here to help.” - Corey Mohn, Director of Statewide Programs, NetWork Kansas MULTIPLY YOUR BUSINESS. Roofing excellence since 1979. “Do the right thing.” For 35 years and three generations our family has kept our founder’s promise. Don’t risk your roof on an unproven contractor. Call the pros at Midwest Coating. Our proven approach saves money and prolongs the value of your investment. (785) 232-4276 www.MidwestCoating.us Randy Morris President February 2014 REACH CHAMBER COLLEAGUES BY ADVERTISING IN TOPEKA BUSINESS DURING 2014. Business card size ads: • $100 for one month, or • $250 for three months. Double business card size ads: • $200 for one month, or • $500 for three months. Call Marsha Sheahan or Tiffany Hall for details: 785.234.2644. Brandon Aldridge Sales Manager 9 MEMBERSHIP news Please join the Chamber staff in welcoming these firms and organizations to Chamber membership and support them by buying from your Chamber colleagues! The following members joined or reinvested in November 2013 and were approved for membership at the December 2013 Board of Directors meeting. New Members (Joined in November 2013) Appelhanz Roofing, Inc. Creative Senior Solutions Insurance and annuities Thad Wellshear 6607 SW Hamptonshire Topeka, KS 66614 Sold by: Rise Quinn, Chamber staff Federated Insurance Insurance, estate planning/trusts Dan Garcia, District marketing manager 1091 Lowell, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 913.906.9363 Sold by: Selena McNaul, Chamber staff Flower Gallery Florists, Home décor,Wedding boputique Mary Holloway 2025 SW Urish Road Topeka, KS 66615 785.273.1780 Sold by: Rise Quinn, Chamber staff Johnson Storage & Moving Company Storage, moving 1936 NW Lower Silver Lake Road Topeka, KS 66608 785.267.4040 Sold by: Adrianne Evans, Chamber staff Kansas Basement & Foundation Repair, Inc. Basement repair Danny Morrow, President 804 N Haverhill El Dorado, KS 67042 Sold by: Adrianne Evans, Chamber staff Kent & Company Construction,Contractors, Fencing Kent Fruits 2150 SW Westport Drive Topeka, KS 66614 Sold by: Rise Quinn, Chamber staff McGowan Gordon Construction Construction/contractors Moria Holland, Project development 315 S Third Street Manhattan, KS 66502 785.320.2815 Sold by: Rise Quinn, Chamber staff Topeka Youth Project Youth development agency 2901 SW Burlingame Road Lower Level Topeka, KS 66611 785.273.4141 Sold by: Selena McNaul, Chamber staff 10 Warner Electric Electrical contractor Larry Warner 921 N Kansas Avenue Topeka, KS 66608 785.286.3445 Sold by: Rise Quinn, Chamber staff James Waters - Farm Bureau Financial Services Insurance, Financial services James Waters, Agent 1003 Lincoln, PO Box 50 Wamego, KS 66547 785.456.7627 Sold by: Rise Quinn, Chamber staff Williamson and Jurgensen, LLP Attorneys Darcy Williamson, Partner 510 SW Tenth Avenue Topeka, KS 66612 785.233.9908 Sold by: Adrianne Evans, Chamber staff Reinvestments (In December 2013) A T & T Inc. Absolute Design by Brenda Air Ground Ocean Bette Allen American Cancer Society Antioch Family Life Center Aquarian Design Autos, Inc. Awesome Adventures, LLC Blind Tiger Brewery & Restaurant Sharon Boranyak Brickyard Barn Catering & Event Planning Brookfield Plaza LLC Capitol Strategies CenturyLink Cleaning Etc., LLC Countertop Shoppe, division of Fisher’s Fixtures Inc. Cruise Holidays Cumulus Broadcasting Custom Tree Care, Inc. Darrell’s Shell Diamond Everley Roofing Easter Seals Capper Foundation EC Enterprises Faith Roofing Company Fidelity State Bank & Trust Co. Framewoods of Topeka, Inc & Southwind Gallery Great Plains Balloon Club, Inc. HealthWorks Heritage Bank Housing & Credit Counseling, Inc. Integrity Insurance Agency Inc. Brian Ismert - Northwestern Mutual Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging, Inc. Johnson Storage & Moving Company Kansas Electric Cooperatives Kansas STARBASE Keller Williams Legacy Partners Kennedy and Coe, LLC Kentucky Fried Chicken Kriz-Davis Topeka Division LeadingAge Kansas Lexington Park Assisted Living Lower Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Manpower Marian Clinic Maximus Fitness & Wellness/Woodvalley Racquet & Fitness Center Mechanical Contractors Association of Kansas Meridian Roofing Solutions Midwest Health Dr. David Nelson, OD PA Nusound Hearing Center Peggy’s Tax & Accounting Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Premier Real Estate LLC Michael Rack, DDS-General Riddle’s Jewelry Sovanski Photography Subway (J. Orange LLC) Ed Swift Topeka Capital-Journal JB Turner & Sons Roofing & Sheet Metal Michael L. Van Dyke, CLU, CHFC West Ridge Lanes & Family Fun Center WIBW Channels Wild Horse Saloon Welcome to New Assignees (In December 2013) Terri Bynum Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. Teresa Johnson-Lewis Topeka Magazine Matt Miller UMB Roger Moore Topeka Community Concerts Ashley Rudolph The Lofts at College Hill Brent Schneider GCR Truck Tire Centers Erika Skinner UMB Dylan Woods Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas TopekaChamber.org CHAMBER event s Register online @ www.TopekaChamber.org Other Important Dates You are encouraged to make reservations and pay for these events on the Chamber’s Website at www.TopekaChamber.org. (See “Register Now” in the center of the home page.) Pie & Politics Friday, February 7, 2014 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Chamber Board Room Fast Forward Insiders Wednesday, February 12, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Strathman Sales 4235 SW Burlingame Road Small Business Income Tax Workshop Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Ramada Downtown 420 SE Sixth Avenue Business After Hours Wednesday, February 18, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Topeka Regional Airport Forbes Field sponsored by Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority Fast Forward InsidersOUT Tuesday, February 22, 2014 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m., Uncle Bo’s Blues Bar 420 SE Sixth Avenue February 6 Fast Forward Steering Committee, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., Equity Bank 7 GO Topeka Board, 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m., CBR 7 Ambassadors, Noon-1:00 p.m., CBR 10 Diplomats, Noon-1 p.m., CBR 12 Power Breakfast committee, 7:30-8:30 a.m., ECR 14 Leadership Greater Topeka Session #1 21 Chamber Board, 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m., CBR 24 Diplomats, noon-1 p.m., CBR CANCELLED 26 Fast Forward Inspire Dinner Service, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Topeka Rescue Mission, 600 N Kansas Avenue 28 Leadership Greater Topeka Session #2 Breakfast Buzz “New Year New Growth” Thursday, February 26, 2014 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Ramada Downtown 420 SE Sixth Avenue Chamber Power Breakfast Wednesday, March 12, 2014 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Aldersgate Village 7220 SW Asbury Drive Fast Forward Networking Social Thursday, March 20, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Uncle Bo’s Blues Bar 420 SE Sixth Avenue Business After Hours Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. VisionBank 3031 SW Wanamaker Road Fast Forward Networking Social Thursday, February 25, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Advisors Excel 2950 SW McClure Road March 6 Fast Forward Steering Committee, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., Location TBA 7 GO Topeka Board, 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m., CBR 7 Ambassadors, Noon-1:00 p.m., CBR 10 Diplomats, Noon-1 p.m., CBR CANCELLED 12 Chamber Power Breakfast, 7:30-8:30 a.m., Aldersgate Village, 7220 SW Asbury Drive 14 Leadership Greater Topeka Session #3 20 Fast Forward Networking Social, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Uncle Bo’s at the Ramada, 420 SE Sixth Avenue 21 Chamber Board, 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m., CBR 24 Diplomats, noon-1 p.m., CBR 25 Business After Hours, 5:00-7:00 p.m. , VisionBank, 3031 SW Wanamaker Road 26 Fast Forward Inspire Dinner Service, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Topeka Rescue Mission, 600 N Kansas Avenue 28 Leadership Greater Topeka Session #4 CBR: Chamber Board Room, 2nd floor ECR: Executive Conference Room 1st floor Register at www.TopekaChamber.org If mailing or faxing please check each event you would like to register for and fill in your information below. Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Firm ____________________________________________________________Phone________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________ Zip_________________ _____ Check enclosed _____ Please invoice me _____ Bill my credit card: Visa / MasterCard / Discover / Amer. Express (CID#__ __ __ __) Number_____________________________________________ Exp. Date_____________ Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce • 120 SE Sixth Avenue, Suite 110, Topeka, KS 66603-3515 • 785.234.2644 • fax 785.234.8656 FREE Small Business Income Tax Workshop Small Business Tax Facts: What Small Business Owners Should Know when Filing 2013 Small Business Income Taxes February 13, 2014 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Ramada Downtown Register at www.TopekaChamber.org February 2014 11 Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce 120 SE Sixth Avenue, Suite 110 Topeka, Kansas 66603-3515 Periodical postage paid at Topeka, Kansas Topeka Business Topeka Business (USPS 576520) is published monthly for $10.00 per year for members of the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce, 120 SE Sixth Avenue, Suite 110, Topeka, Kansas 66603-3515, 785.234.2644. Periodical postage is paid at Topeka, Kansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Topeka Business 120 SE Sixth Avenue, Suite 110 Topeka, Kansas 66603-3515 Editor: Marsha Sheahan Interesting Tidbits and counting 45 Where it all began… a new 8-page color brochure about Constitution Hall is now available. A humble building, the dramatic sight and touch of original materials will captivate visitors. Check out: www.freestatecapitol.org Topeka Jobs New 482 Retained 481 2013 144 650 Downtown Topeka, Inc. is planning to host or assist with more than 45 events downtown during 2014. Chamber members and their guests attended the 2014 Annual Meeting January 13. businesses joined the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce during 2013. Do you know of a business or individual that would benefit by being a member? Call Adrianne at 785.234.2644 and staff will do the follow-up. GET CONNECTED www.TopekaChamber.org
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