2015 Annual Report - Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation


2015 Annual Report - Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation
Success through Partnerships
Exploring Horseshoe Mound
Sunshine Acre Students Visit the Chicago Field Museum
Annual Report 2015
Preserving Land - Now & Forever
noun : one associated with another especially in an action
2015 was a landmark year for Sunshine Acre as students seeded their
adopt-an-acre prairie at Casper Bluff.
t first glance this might seem like an odd image for JDCF to choose since it depicts
no land and was not taken in our service area. However, it is a powerful representation of our 2015
theme of partnerships and the positive impact they can have on our community here at home.
Front cover:
Launched in 2013, the Sunshine Acre Skills to Succeed program was designed to provide at-risk,
local youth with opportunities to become successful members of our community through a unique
partnership with Northwest Academy, JDCF, local businesses and regional sponsors including
Jo-Carroll Energy, CoBank, and Highland Community College, and individual volunteers.
Throughout the 2015 school year, students were engaged in several sessions in the field including
seed collection and processing, invasive species control, brush clearing and burning, and witnessed a
prescribed burn of a portion of Casper Bluff. Tours at Jo Carroll Energy and businesses in downtown
Elizabeth connected the students to professionals and community leaders, and focused on potential
career paths.
In just three years, students from the Sunshine Acre program have enrolled in college, a
life-changing decision that had not previously been considered.
The highlight of Sunshine Acre in 2015 was a “back-room
tour” of the Field Museum with Collections Specialist
Jim Louderman. Students had the opportunity to gain a
greater understanding of the types of career and higher
education opportunities available for those interested in
science, art, and the natural world. For the majority it was
the first time they had been to Chicago and it was a day
unlike any other. In all, it was a true success through
Dear Mr. Louderman:
Thank you for getting us into the museum and for
the tips to help me become a paleontologist. I might
work at the Field Museum but I still want to look at
my options. I enjoyed the bugs. I thought they were
amazing. I have always loved stuff like that ever
since I was a little girl. I can’t wait to come back...
Thank you again for teaching me more about your
museum. I learned so much and I will never forget it.
Sunshine Acre Student
JDCF 2015 2 Annual Report
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller
We thank all of YOU, our wonderful supporters!
In 2015, the Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation adopted a new
mission statement to more clearly define our purpose: JDCF preserves
land for the lasting well-being of people and wildlife.
While this sounds simple enough, it is an undertaking we can only be
successful with in partnership with YOU, our supporters. With you by
our side, JDCF was able to accomplish meaningful projects across our
three core program areas; land preservation, land stewardship, and
outreach and education.
We invite you to look back on some of these activities with pride,
knowing that through your support of JDCF in 2015, you have taken
action to ensure that the activities of the Foundation have lasting
impacts for all of us right here in Jo Daviess County.
JDCF 2015 3 Annual Report
Letter from the President of the Board
When I wrote to you last year, I shared my childhood memories,
knowing that you have special memories too. You care about
keeping surroundings natural for your health and enjoyment and
for your children, the community, and generations to come. From
the countless hours you have invested, I can clearly see that you
are not taking things for granted. Through your efforts to stop
degradation of our land, you have shown what you truly want and
love right here in Illinois. You have enabled JDCF to work towards
its mission of preserving land for the lasting well-being of people
and wildlife.
Jo Daviess County does not have a tax-supported “Conservation District.” In 1994, a referendum
to create such an organization was defeated. But the conservation movement survived privately
(largely through non-profit organizations) and continues to grow on the strong shoulders of
members, private citizens, and friends of JDCF. “Sensitive conservation use” rather than “lack of
use” of natural assets is a term in which we believe. “Sensitive conservation use” helps support
economic growth for the area as well as conservation values.
For 23 years you have helped to orchestrate the “sensitive conservation use” of your land. In
Hanover at Wapello, close to 200 acres are devoted to public access, protection of the Native
American history, restoration of native habitat, attraction of natural species, the health of the
Apple River, and the local economy. Near Galena, Casper Bluff Land and Water Reserve, Galena
Gateway Park, and Horseshoe Mound are devoted to many of the same goals and are visited by
thousands of people annually. Soon a public park and large bird sanctuary will open to the public
near Stockton. Land that showcases the Native American culture near the Mississippi River will
be sensitively used. These are important places of beauty and community pride and these lands
contribute to the economic well-being of our area.
At the national and state levels, funds to support public lands are challenged and visitation
numbers in some state and national parks is declining. In Jo Daviess County, IL we also have
financial challenges, but here visitation has grown dramatically. You have helped JDCF lead the
way in conservation in 2015. Over 2,500 participants attended our 50+ events and educational
activities this year. Because you did not let a defeated referendum deter you; because you do not
take things for granted and you have aligned around a focused mission and strategic direction,
JDCF now ranks second in conservation non-profits in Illinois with over 5,500 acres currently
protected or held in conservation easements. We also employ 10 people, which makes us one of
the largest non-profit employers in Jo Daviess County.
Everyone who is on this watch is planning for “sensitive use” of land and helping wonderful places
in the natural world remain here forever. I am so fortunate to have an opportunity to work beside
you. You are not taking anything for granted and I hope you are very proud of how well you are
doing. Thank you!
Frances Rivoire
JDCF Board President
JDCF 2015 4 Annual Report
Letter from the Executive Director
I have said this to you before. But it has never been more true
than today. We (JDCF) are you. It is just that simple. JDCF is
nothing without you; in fact we do not exist except for you.
You are members, donors, volunteers, land stewards, business
partners, thought leaders, committee members, board members,
staff members, etc. And you have developed an amazing
community of conservation activity that has produced immediate,
enduring, and lasting change in Jo Daviess County. Change for
the betterment of this area for people and for wildlife.
One example: Matt graduated this year from Northwest Academy
in Elizabeth. For the last three years Matt has been a student in
the Sunshine Acre program supported by you. Sunshine Acre
serves as an outdoor, hands-on/minds-on science curriculum and a “skills to succeed” program
for Northwest Academy students in Jr. High and High School. Students work with two JDCF staff
members, Ryan Getz and Lindsay Foy, and six regular volunteers; Pat and Dave Casper, Glenn
and Karen Stephenson, Ed Strenski, and Heidi Thorp. Together they meet in the field to study,
monitor and restore native prairies, woodlands and animals. They meet for half day sessions 12
times a year. Matt recently asked Lindsay if he could come back next year to volunteer for
Sunshine Acre. What high school student wants to come back to do anything at his school after
graduation? You have changed Matt’s life, for the better. He now has a new purpose in life, caring
for nature.
You have also buoyed the confidence of a former board member and long-time supporter of JDCF,
Nancy Winter. She is planning for the donation of her 409 acre Big Sky Farm (West) to JDCF to be
used as a bird sanctuary. She has said she would not have considered this four years ago. So
why now? Well, again, it’s you. She sees a strong enough community of support and community
leadership to feel good about pursuing this gift to the community. What a gift it will be! But when
it comes to pass, it will need to be cared for by you, the conservation community of Jo Daviess
County. Are you ready to receive such a gift and help care for it? If so, please contact me. The
birds, especially the rare grassland birds that have been on the decline worldwide for the past half
century, like the bobolink and Henslow’s sparrow, are counting on us.
Thanks to each of you for all you do to make this a better place for people and wildlife now and
forever. Keep up the great work!
Steve Barg
JDCF Executive Director
JDCF 2015 5 Annual Report
Land Protection: Public & Private Partnerships
total acres protected from 1.1.15 - 2.1.16
During 2015 and into the early weeks of 2016, JDCF achieved this impressive number of acres
preserved by finalizing three land protection projects; the Timber Valley Conservation Easement, the
addition to Galena Gateway Park, and the acquisition of a small but important part of our Horseshoe
Mound Preserve. JDCF partnered with local landowners and a public entity - the City of Galena - to
accomplish these projects.
1089.84 Acres
Timber Valley Conservation Easement
Denise and Dave Bunning forever protected nearly 1100
acres of natural and agricultural lands near Galena, Illinois
by donating a conservation easement to JDCF. Although
completed in January, 2016, most of the work on this project,
known as the Timber Valley Conservation Easement, took
place in 2015.
“We are experiencing an increase in the pace of
conservation easement requests from
landowners in this unique Driftless Area
landscape of NW Illinois. The Bunning’s
donation of an easement will likely influence
others to consider doing the same.”
Steve Barg
JDCF Executive Director
This easement is the largest of its kind in Illinois and one
of the largest conservation easements ever completed in
the Upper Mississippi River region. The property is home to dozens of rare wildlife species including
bobcats and bobolinks, a rare grassland bird. The owners have already planted thousands of trees
on the property, fences once used for cattle have been removed, and ponds for waterfowl have been
constructed. A prairie restoration will begin later this year. By donating this conservation easement to
JDCF, the Bunnings have ensured that the forests, grasslands, savannas, and farm fields will never be
Rare birds such as the
Indigo bunting...
courtesy Barbara Baird
...and the bobolink thrive in the
habitat Timber Valley provides.
courtesy Rich Mattas
JDCF 2015 6 Annual Report
The scenic Timber Valley Conservation
courtesy Barbara Baird
80.87 Acres
added to Galena Gateway Park
After 20 long years, another critical piece of Galena
Gateway Park was preserved forever in 2015. A publicprivate partnership between the City of Galena and JDCF
resulted in the purchase of an 80-acre addition to Galena
Gateway Park in February, 2016 with the help of generous
grants from the Illinois Clean Energy Community
Foundation and The Conservation Fund.
“The acquisition of the addition to Gateway
Park demonstrates the City of Galena’s
commitment to open space preservation,
passive outdoor recreation, and sustainability.
On behalf of the City of Galena, I am so grateful
for our strong relationship with JDCF and our
generous funding partners. Together we have
been able to achieve remarkable and
lasting results that will forever benefit the
residents and visitors of Galena and Jo Daviess
Terry Renner
Mayor of Galena
Along with the original 100-acre Gateway Park property,
this new purchase brings the total size of this preserve
to 180 acres and ensures that the Galena Gateway area
will be forever open to the public to enjoy nature and the
main view shed of this historic town. JDCF will manage
the natural areas on both the new addition to the park and
the original park with the help of the Galena Area Land Enthusiasts (GALE), a dedicated group
of volunteers, who have been assisting with the management of Gateway Park for the past four
2.53 Acres
added to Horseshoe Mound Preserve
In January, 2016, JDCF acquired this
small but mighty piece of Horseshoe
Mound that is adjacent to existing
protected conservation lands; the
Richardson Conservation Easement,
Horseshoe Mound Preserve, and
Galena Gateway Park. As with Timber
Valley, the background work on this
project was completed in 2015.
The property is scenic, visible from
Highway 20 and Gateway Park, and is
now part of a growing complex of
conservation lands that runs from
Buehler Preserve in downtown Galena
to the top of Horseshoe Mound. One
day it may provide the critical link between
Gateway Park and Horseshoe Mound
across Highway 20.
This map shows the growing Galena Gateway
project area looking east from Galena across the complex to
the addition to Horseshoe Mound.
JDCF 2015 7 Annual Report
Land Management: Many Partners in Stewardship
stewardship volunteer hours by JDCF members
Volunteers are the backbone of stewardship activities here at JDCF! Groups such as the Friends of
the Hanover Land & Archaeological Reserve (now the Friends of Wapello) and GALE, along with the
many volunteers who work by themselves at Buehler Preserve, Schurmeier Teaching Forest, Casper
Bluff, and Horseshoe Mound have donated hundreds of hours of boots on the ground labor in 2015.
Without their hard work, our preserves would not be the models of best management practices that
they are!
“The Friends of Wapello are committed
to restoring the site not only for our
descendants, but for the future of all
of Hanover. We cherish Wapello for its
beauty, its history and its
heritage. Wapello=Hanover.”
Kathy Gable, CEO
Hanover Chamber of Commerce
The Friends group took a field trip to the Kinstone Applied Permacultre Center to
learn about cordwood construction for a possible visitor center at Wapello. The
process involves stripping bark off of invasive cedar trees that were removed from
Horseshoe Mound as part of the hillside savanna restoration process there.
“Looking back at 2015, GALE has accomplished much in which to take pride at Gateway Park. Significantly, the 14-16 acre
savanna prairie restoration has begun. Bur oaks, which had not seen the sun for generations have been revealed through
the partnership with JDCF, the City of Galena, and GALE’s stewardship. Two acres have been cleared of weedy competition
and prairie has been planted. An unexpected bonus of this work is the spectacular view of downtown Galena from the
hillside. GALE has also successfully stewarded the prairie recreations that presently covers approximately 24 acres below
Route 20 at Gateway. Countless thousands of individual invasive plants have been removed, allowing the native plants
that sustain animal habitat and insect populations to flourish. Planning for future trails and the incorporation of the 80
recently acquired acres to the park is underway.
Bill Reid
GALE volunteer
GALE members after a workday.
The ‘bonus’ view of downtown Galena at
Gateway Park.
JDCF 2015 8 Annual Report
GALE members collecting seed.
AmeriCorps volunteer hours
$ 70,000
in-kind labor to JDCF in 2015
JDCF was awarded a seven person work crew from the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community
Corps (NCCC) in August and September. AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps is a
federal team-based national service program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 24.
Corps Members serve a full-time, ten-month term, working on projects to meet community needs.
JDCF had the team for a total of five weeks. The NCCC team worked on three main projects for
JDCF: clearing woody invasive vegetation in the three acre savanna restoration area on the side of
Horseshoe Mound, clearing of woody vegetation on the Native American Hopewell Burial Mounds
at Portage, and working with GALE to clear woody vegetation on an acre in the savanna restoration
area at Gateway Park.
The NCCC team worked over 1400 man hours on these projects for JDCF, saving the Foundation
around $70,000 in contract labor costs. The Hess House on Portage Preserve was used to house the
1,439 Acres
managed in NW IL by the Invasive Species Strike Team
JDCF, in partnership with the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, kicked off years three and four of
the Northwest Illinois Invasive Species Strike Team in 2015 to control exotic plants in state parks,
JDCF preserves, and adjacent private lands that serve as pathways onto these properties. The
Strike Team had primary responsibility for species identification, containment, eradication, and
monitoring on these lands across six counties northwest Illinois in 2015.
The NW IL Strike Team assisted
AmeriCorps at JDCF’s Portage Preserve...
...the NW IL Burn Cooperative at
Schurmeier Forest...
JDCF 2015 9 Annual Report
...and JDCF Intern Kurt Thorsen at
Galena Gateway Park.
Outreach & Education: Volunteers Making the Difference
volunteers worked a total of
hours in 2015
And many of these were dedicated to the variety of educational programs that JDCF took on in 2015.
Some of our annual events, such as Camp Casper and the Potluck & Program speaker series, were
centered around the 2015 theme of Geology of the Driftless Area. Others, such as the Luminaria
Night Hike, Eagle Tours, Frog Walk, Owl Prowl, and Picnics on the Prairie were a chance to get
together, meet new people, and spend time out on the land throughout the year. All were a success
thanks to the many individuals, sponsors, and organizations who partnered with us to get the job
number of volunteer hours dedicated to Camp Casper
Nearly 30 youth participated in hands-on activities and field
“Camp Casper to me has meant a great
excursions during Camp Casper in 2015, giving them a glimpse deal of things. I've grown as an individual
and met lots of wonderful people that have
into the remarkable geologic history that has shaped the land
impacted me in such a way that I will
and our communities here in the Driftless Area. Volunteers,
remember. The knowledge I've
staff, and guest speakers led sessions on a number of topics
picked up from camp is knowledge I hope
including plate tectonics, glaciers, fossils, water quality, unique
to retain for years to come.”
local flora and fauna, and mining. During a day-long field trip,
Abby Yoder
campers visited the Platteville Mining Museum and hiked up
Camp Casper Participant 2011-2014
the mound with the famous giant ‘M’ on it.
Orientation on day one of the five-day camp.
Campers exploring the 1845 Bevan
Hiking the 260 stairs to the top
lead mine 50 feet underground as
of the Platte mound was worth
Adam Hoffman, Associate Professor of
part of the field trip to the
it for the great views of the
Chemistry at the University of Dubuque, led
Mining Museum in Platteville, WI.
tristate driftless area.
a session on macro invertebrates, springs, and groundwater
that had campers exploring the creek at Casper Bluff.
JDCF 2015 10 Annual Report
number of attendees at JDCF events
“The Geology of the Driftless Area proved a resonating theme for JDCF’s 2015 programming. Events around the theme
attracted more than one thousand participants, including many new faces, and it allowed us to explore the history,
biotics, and challenging conservation issues associated with this non-glaciated and stunningly beautiful region.”
Kay Weibel
JDCF Conservation Outreach Committee Member
Large crowds gathered during 2015 to hear
a variety of speakers, such as historian Daryl
Watson, discuss the impact driftless area
geology has on our region.
People of all ages experienced
JDCF hosted two Picnics on Prairie that
Horseshoe Mound on one of our offered everyone the chance to gather for an
walking tours to learn about
old-fashioned community get-together out
geology and insect residents of the
on the land. The first one was held at
preserve, and to enjoy the view.
Casper Bluff.
number of volunteers at a single JDCF event
In April, students from the Galena, River Ridge,
and Scales Mound school districts took part
in an archaeological surface collection at the
addition to the Wapello Land & Water Reserve
in Hanover. Led by Dr. Phil Millhouse of Red
Gates Archaeology, the two-day survey unearthed relics from the past that will add to the
unique story of Native American habitation at the
site during the Woodland time period. It was the
largest number of volunteers ever to attend a
JDCF event and all who did so braved 45 MPH
Galena high school students
winds and unseasonably cold weather. The
flagging artifacts on day two of
Johnathan James & his
the survey.
highlight of the survey was a rare find by River
remarkable find. Since the
Ridge sixth grader, Johnathan James, an
survey, Johnathan has a new
found interest in
arrowhead that predates biblical times. “It tells us definitively that people and
these settlements were here much longer, much earlier, than we had thought,”
said Dr. Millhouse of the arrowhead he estimates dates back to the Late
Paleo-Indian period nearly 11,000 years ago. “To find that is really rare.” Stay tuned as the story at
Wapello continues to unfold.
JDCF 2015 11 Annual Report
Statement of Financial Position
These audited financial statements are provided by O’Connor, Brooks & Company. For a full report, contact info@jdcf.org.
Statement of Financial Position
As Restated
Dec 31, 2014
Dec 31, 2015
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Prepaid Expenses
Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others
Unconditional Promises to Give (net of allowance for
doubtful pledges of $14,300 and $16,500, and discount
of $8,848 and $15,077)
Grants Receivable
Conservation Easements
Security Deposit (leased office space)
Net Property and Equipment:
Allowance for Development Rights Extinguished
Accounts Payable
Payroll Taxes Payable
Compensated Absences
Notes Payable
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
FY2015 Revenues and Support
FY2015 Functional Expenses
Management and General
Net Assets Released from
Gain on Sale of Equipment
0% Other Income
In-Kind Contributions-Services
In-Kind ContributionsGoods
Investment Return (Loss)
FY2015 Revenues & Support
JDCF 2015 12 Annual Report
FY2015 Functional Expenses
Statement of Activities
Statement of Activities
As Restated
Revenues and Other Support
Public Support
Gifts of Land or Development Rights
Total Public Support
Member Dues
In-Kind Contributions-Goods
In-Kind Contributions-Services
Other Income
Gain on Sale of Equipment
Investment Return (Loss)
Total Revenues
Total Revenues and Other Support
Program Services
Total Program Expenses
Supporting Services
Management and General
Total Supporting Services
Total Expenses
(129,845) $
Investment Return
Appreciation (Depreciation) in Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by
(193,502) $
(323,347) $
Change in Accounting Principle
*JDCF’s Board of Directors approved a change in the method of accounting JDCF uses to record conservation easement
assets to an accepted alternative per industry practice. Under this accounting method, conservation easements are now
recorded at their appraised value with an adjustment to an allowance account to net to $1 per easement. This change
resulted in prior period (2014) adjustments. Therefore, the numbers that were presented for 2014 last year's annual report
are different than those presented this year for 2014.
JDCF 2015 13 Annual Report
Our Valued Friends & Supporters in 2015
$10,000 & up
Community Foundation of Greater
John & Margarete Cooke
Hamill Family Foundation
Illinois Bank & Trust Company
Land Trust Alliance
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Madhavan & Teresa Nayar
Jerry & Susan Schurmeier
Nancy Hamill Winter
Lydia Zaya
$5,000 ~ $9,999
Anonymous Gift
Apple River State Bank/First
Community Bank of Galena
Peter & Sandra Beak
Marian & Robert Dehm
Harry & Beth Drucker
Galena Lions Club
Grand Victoria Foundation
Bob & Lamee Holscher Charitable
William O. & Ellen Hunt/Oak Lodge
Inn at Irish Hollow
Susan Karnes
$2,500 ~ $4,999
Dr. Peter E. & Carole Doris
Joan & Dick Harmet
Illinois Clean Energy Community
Jo-Carroll Energy Cooperative
Pam & George Johnson
William & Jill Millhouse
Rentech Nitrogen
Gregg & Emily Painter
John & Barbara Rutherford
U.S. Bank Foundation Grants Program
Judith & Bob Wehrle
$1,000 ~ $2,499
Anonymous Gift
Bobbi & Ira Asher
Barbara Baird & Chuck Haggard
Jim & Beth Baranski
Adele Barg
Steve & Susan Barg
Bruce & Beth Boyd
Elizabeth Bramsen
Dorte Breckenridge
Julie Bruser & Tom Saccomanno/
Wild Birds Unlimited of Galena
Randy & Sylvia Downing
Cynthia Eustice
Sophie & Howard Fiedler
Joan Golder
Carol & Doug Hancock
Dennis & Christine Harris
Paul Herbert
Munn & Bonnie Heydorn
Phyllis & Don Holmes
Nancy Hyman
Joan Klaus
Christine Larson
Jim & Carol Mantey
Larry & Linda Martin
Laurie & Rich Mattas
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
McKnight Foundation through the
Resilient Rivers Alliance
Withrow Meeker
Shannon Moffett & Michael Choy
James & Julie Musich
Sarah & Carter Newton
Gregg & Emily Painter
Hal & June Patinkin
Richard & Roxy Pepper
Fran Peterson
Bill & Judy Reid
Frances & Bob Rivoire
Linda & Paul Rode
Martha & Zink Sanders
Charles & Heidi Thorp/Stained Glass
Glen & Karen Steffenson
Carole Sullivan & Jan Lavacek
Village of Hanover
Randy & Dana Vincent/Stonebrook
Capital Management
Rick & Dee Vojta
Walmart Foundation
Chuck & Patty Wemstrom
Iris Witkowsky
Boni & Ellen Wittenbrink
Nancy Willett & Marie Wright
John & Jane Yoder
$500 ~ $999
Jane Balbach
Mo & Ginger Bartot
JDCF 2015 14 Annual Report
Sunny Beaulieu
Nancy Breed
Janet Carlson
Tom Cunningham & Susan Lipnick
Charles & Dominique Inge/The
Inge Foundation
Robert & Julia Jessup
Michael & Patricia Johnson
James & Barbara Kellar
George & Charlotte Kennedy
Howard & Patricia Kerr
John & Angie Long/Long, Snell &
Johnson Investments
Mike & Shelly McCoy/McCoy Real
John P. & Connie McKeague
Paul & Nancy McMenamin
Erin Murphy
Northwest Illinois Wine Growers
Sig & Sharon Paul
Lawrence & Carol Poston
John & Maria Crawford Scott
Elsbeth Sheerin
Grace Storch
Ken & Pamela Tracey
Catherine Winslow
Ethan & Anne Winter
Barbara Woodford
$250 ~ $499
Anonymous Gift
Barb Alexander
Ed & Karen Anderson
Gail & Gary Appel
Marcella Arnold
Dick & Mary Auman
Maureen & Joe Bardusk
Gregg & Renee Barker
Barbara & Gary Bernard
Fred & Lynda Borsdorf
Christina Calderon
Dave & Pat Casper
CH2M Hill
Steve & Maren Coates
Dee Dimon & Becky Gillespie
Warren Dorn & Barbara Liles
Julia Faber
David Fritz/TRICOR, Inc.
Galena Arts & Recreation Center
Lois & Richard Gordon
Great Mississippi River Ridge
Catherine Hoff
Rory & Marilyn Holscher
Mary Ellen Holstein
Paul & Sarah Hudgens
Robert & Ruth Hutchinson
Kevin & Laura Keesee
League of Women Voters
Susan & Kevin McDonald
Ann Mennenoh
Julie & Jerry Moore
Gaylord & Starr Novak
Christopher & Priscilla Nugent
Randy & Melissa Nyboer
James O'Connor
Brad & Lauri Petersburg
Jim Powers
Bill & Terri Slaughter
Harlan Spiroff
Barbara Sprague
Adlai & Nancy Stevenson III
Larry & Nancy Stoneburner
Pete & Charlotte Stryker
Andy Willis/Willis Computer Solutions
Kathy Witkowsky
John & Cindy Yavari
Ken & Lynn Zehnder
$100 ~ $249
Jennifer & Bryan Ackerman/Dancing
Bear Farm
Karen & Will Babler
Richard Bach & Alex Rafanan
Michele Barg
Ramona Beck, Randy Beck, Bob
Howson, Rich & Rhonda Collins &
Susan Benner & John Meeks
Bill & Claire Bersbach
Lee Binkley
William Boehler
Carol Branagan
Ed & Debbie Britton
Kari Brown
Pat & Ed Brown
Mario Bruni
Martin & Kathleen Buehler
Kevin & Sharon Cahill
Joyce & Bruce Chelberg
Robert & Joyce Christensen
Debbie Cihak & Jeff Becker
Tom & Lisa Clay
Robert & Carola Connor
Culver's of Galena
Jerry & Maggie Danzer
John & Kay Day
Chris De Brauw & Tracy Teweles
Michael Devine
Mauricio & Janet Diaz
Bill Dodge
Sharon & Frank Dugan
Al & Barbara Efflandt
Elizabeth Garage
Lauren & James Emme
Carroll & Joan Engelhardt
Kenneth & Marie Ferraro
Eileen Fitzgerald
Steven Freeman & Kay Weibel
Kitty & Lee Freidheim
Tom & Pat Golden
J. Nicholas & Marjorie Goodban
Libby & Bill Graham
Mel & Vickie Gratton
Andrew Gulya
Edith Gustus
Lois Hansen & Geert Glas
Cindy & Andy Harmet
Michael & Shauna Hastings
Ralph & Vera Helm
Joan Hudson
Richard & Nancy Hrynkow
Pat & John Ibeling
Vito Ippolito
Steve & Maggie Jackson
Ruth Jackson
Barbara & Robert Johnson
Delmer Johnson
Clyde & Gladys Knautz
Chris Knowles & Marcia McAllister
Kathy Kowalski
Arthur & Jane Kropp
Robert & Marjorie Kuehnau
Robert Latousek & Brian McCormick
Ervin & Louise LeCoque
Rachel Lenstra
Dan & Amy Loescher
Linda McGovern
Kevin McTague
Nikolaus & Marie Luise Miesing
Ron & Libby Miler
Joan Murray
Louis & Dolores Nack
John Norfray
Carolyn Norton
Patrick & Sara Nash
Andrew Novak
Debbie Pausz
Carol & Roger Peterson
JDCF 2015 15 Annual Report
Bill & Dot Phillips
Richard & Carole Pouzar
Chris & Greg Radecki
Dan & Cynthia Reimer
Linda Roberts
James Robinson
John Rogers
Neil Romano & Joe Garagiola
Mary & Bob Roth
Phil & Judy Ruppel
Nancy & Steve Sauerberg
Mayor Don & Barb Schaible
Brian & Lisa Schoenrock
Skip & Carol Schwerdtfeger
Laura Scoles
David Shelow
Ron & Jennifer Spielman
Ellen Steinbrecher
Douglas Tarry
Richard & Anita Thies
John & Jacqueline Thompson
Judith Tolva
Christie Trifone-Simon
Tom & Karlyn Van Gelder
James & Eleanor Virkler
Tim Wedeward & Robyn Davis
Alan & Julie Wenzel
Karen Wilson
Ken & Sandy Winge
Wallace Winter & Ellen Ewing
Gary & Margaret Withall
Jack & Pat Woodard
Fay Zeal
Up to $99
Raechelle Ahmed/Floral Chic &
Connie Allendorf & Colleen Yonda
Matthew Alschuler & Rachel Lang/
Cotton Expressions
Jack & Joyce Armstrong
John Arndt & Barbara Wiesen
Betty & John Asta
Larry & Nancy Backe
Connie Basso
Julia Bathon/Christ in the Wilderness
Lance Beaulieu/Designer Decks &
Bill & Irene Beck
Joseph & Diane Bednarz
Jim & Diane Beemster
Jim Benbennick
Richard Benning
Louis & Charlene Bielakowski
Lu & Jake Bleveans
Emerson & Ellen Bodell
Elizabeth & Richard Boggess
Dorothy & Don Bohnsack
Jim & Missy Boho
Cindy & Dan Bonnet
Kathy & George Bookless
David & Jane Boxell
Aby Breed
Polly Brill
Charlene Buran Price
Rosemary Burns
Denise Bussman
Rosemary Caflisch
Alisa Cahill
Mike & Toni Campbell
Harold & Lovie Campbell
Rod & Maggie Cantrell
Jennifer Carter
Gloria & Greg Christ
John & Sallie Clark
Christopher & Rachel Clausen
Stephen & Karen Clay
Roy Clingman
Mary & Jim Connolly
Jim & Marie Considine
Julie & Bryan Cooke
Larry & Sue Cording
John & Linda Cosby
Mike & Pamela Cramer
Marcia Crook
Jim & Candy Crossley
Melissa Dalgarn
Nancy & John Danico
Heather Dasso
Donna & Carl Davis
Paul & Sharon DeHaan
Brian & Christopher Wydra/Derinda
Valley Landscape Design
Tim & Debra Dimke
Susan Dodd
Diane Dueland
Laura & Doug Dufford
Alfred & Esther Dulinskas
Maria & Joe Duryea-Kmiec
Jill Eaton
Thom & Jeanine Edel
Eric Einsweiler
David & Liyuza Eisbach/Class of 1957
Elizabeth's Welcome Inn/The Limani
Tom Erdman
Paul & Alice Ericksen
Sue Erzen
Paul & Laurel Eshelman/Eshelman
Mark & Brendalynn Eustice
William & Diane Fagan
Kathie & Jess Farlow
Darlene & Roger Farrey
Carmen Ferguson
John A. & Mary Ann Fisher
Jean Fisher
Rik & Jennie Fjelde
Maureen Fletcher
Richard Foecking
Kirk Foecking
Ted Forsberg
Dan & Karen Fox
Rich & Kaye Frachey
John & Heather Freitag
Robin French
Suzanne French
Paul Friedman
Paul & Sandra Fullmer
Robert Gable
Bonnie & Joe Garrity
Don & Kathy Gereau
Jeff & Chris Giertz/River Valley Land
Lynn Giles
Krista Ginger & Bill Grosshans
John Greene
Al & Carol Grzelak
Kandee & Dave Haertel
Mark & Sheila Haman
Jane & Dennis Hamilton
Leslie Handler
Dan & Cathy Harms
Buzz & Jane Harris
Frank & Lorelie Hassler
Dennis & Karen Hayes
Damon & Anne Heim
Kay Hesselbacher
Blanche Hill
Sarah Hoban & Mitchell Walker
Joellen & Joel Holland
Carol Honeywell
Donald & Barbara Hooper
Greg & Cheryl Hopton
Bob & Anne Horbach
Lenny Hosey & Ginni Yarbrough
Bill & Susan Hotz
Laurie Hudson Brick
Terry & Nancy Ingram
Cynthia Ioannacci
Mary Jackowicz
John Jankowski
JDCF 2015 16 Annual Report
Alan & Sue Jirkovsky
Craig & Marilyn Johnson
Dick & Edie Jones
Frank & Janet Keller
Kathleen Kent
Delbert & Beverly Kern
James & Jami King
Don Kinney/Blackhawk Area Council
Mike & Mary Ann Kirk
Floyd & Marchetta Kisner
Andy Klemmt
Patsy Kopper
Bonnielynn Kreiser
Robert & Sarah Kuchar
Fred & Jill Kuhl
Jim & Sharon LaCaeyse
Carol & Ray Larson
Karan & Scott Lawlor/Galena Cellars
Judith Le Blanc
Ellen Leake
Patrick & Genie Lenihan
Brian & Karen Lenstra
Kathy & Dennis Leonard
John Lillig
Craig & Anne Linn
Myra Linton
Ron & Micki Lubcke
Harry Lunde
Dick Luthin
Jim & Linda Lynn
Stephen Machek
Kay MacNeil
Charles & Katherine Marsden
Robert & Diann Marsh
Mike & Cindi Martinovic/Frontenac
Crystal & Don Mason
Paul & Nicole Mazgaj
Bill & Joanne McFadden
Joan McGowan
Frank McMahon
Betty Lou Merkle
Richard & Barbara Michalik
Christine & Robert Millenacker
Marge & Jerry Misek
Lorelei Mitchell
Mark & Jamie Moran
Wendy & Peter Mosior
Daniel Moy
Cheryl Muzinic
Michael & Joanne Muzzey
Jim & Pat Nack
Sandra Nelson
Mark Newcomer
Paul Nichol
Sharee & Barry North
Northwestern Illinois Farmer
Richard & Helen Norton
Jeanne Ohms
Duane & Marge Olivier
Elizabeth Painter
Opal Parrott
Ann & Ed Paschke
Steve Paska
Richard Pearce/Arras Images
Katherine & Ronald Pearson
Justin Penoyer
Robert Peterson
Cathy Piazza
Ken Pickel/K & B Advertising
Ed & Jo Ann Piotrowski
Russ & Beth Pomaro
Laura & John Portzer
Jill Powers & John Loebel
Prairie Moon Nursery
Larry & Sally Priske
Thomas & Donna Pulford
Lorene Racette & Rich Tickner
Jim & Rickie Rachuy
Bob & Amy Raczka
Chuck Randazzo
Maria & Doug Rector
Sarah Rigdon & John MacDonald
Carol & Edward Risinger
Nancy Roberts
Tracey Roberts & Jeff Wright
David Robertson
Jay & Libby Rutherford
Dennis & Virginia Samuelson
Anita Sands
Elliott & Rosemary Satinover
Ken & Janet Schiffman
Kathy & Art Schleicher
Herb & Barb Schmidt
Tamara Schoenbaum
Theresa Schoenherr
Ken Schubert
Dennis & Bonnie Scully
Frank & Denise Sedlak
Barbara Siekowski
Robert & Barbara Simkus
Renee Simmons
Sheila Skemp & Murphy Richardson
Ron & Andree Skidmore
Jo Smith
Marty & Julie Soat
Nancy Sommers
Robert & Joanna Speaker
Lindley & DeOnn Stacey
Greg Starrett
Colleen & Ron Stephens
Stanley & Nancy Stewart
Bill & Pat Stortenbecker
Karin & Ed Strenski
Whalen & Lou Stobhar
Deborah & Michele Sullivan
Kelly Sullivan-Soley
Judy Sutcliffe
Garry & Martha Thompson
Susan & Richard Thornton
Ken & Kim Thorsen
Dan & Pam Tindell
Robert & Patricia Todd
Ronald Toebaas
Beth & Don Tolva
Barbara Trifone
Michael & Karen Tyson/
Cut Connection
John Ullrich
Jan & Norm Vandigo
Larry & Diane Varsek
Armando Villa/Tierra Linda
Barbara Virtue Townsend & Ward
Ryan & Kiersten Vondra
Cletus Wachter & Shirley Hulscher
Jim & Mary Wachter
Rita Wadman/Hellman Guest House
Kristin & Michael Wallace
Rob & Chris Warner
Peter & Margot Washington
Daryl Watson
Jim & Kathleen Webster
Douglas & Linda Weeder
Vicky Wegner
Scott Weiss & Dakin Dugaw
Roy & Pam Wiemerslage
Ronald & Eileen Will
Judith Williams
Florence Wilms
Ray & Ruthann Winkin
Alan & Pam Wohlman
Irene Wolter
Carol & Otto Wrabl
James & Esther Wright
Marilyn Yates
Andrea Young
Bob Zelm
Fred & Carolyn
John Zito/Hunting Lease Network
JDCF 2015 17 Annual Report
Gifts Given in Honor Of
In honor of Aaron Barg
Adele Barg
In honor of Michael Hastings & Jeremy
Jo-Carroll Energy Cooperative
In honor of Larry Martin
CH2M Hill
In honor of Jim Spinhirne
Jennifer Carter
In honor of Christie Trifone-Simon
Mo & Ginger Bartot
In honor of Nancy Hamill Winter
Randy & Melissa Nyboer
In honor of Anne Witkowsky
Kathryn Witkowsky
Gifts Given in Memory Of
In memory of John Balbach
Jane Balbach
Nancy Hamill Winter
In memory of Nina L. Binkley
Lee Binkley
In memory of Leonard P. Caflisch, Jr.
Rosemary Caflisch
In memory of Grace Clayton
Paul Herbert
Pat Willy
In memory of Dalvin Dittmar
Cindy Bonnet
In memory of Leo Elliott
Nikolaus & Marie Luise Miesing
In memory of Richard M. (Dick) Eustice
Cynthia Eustice
In memory of Norman D. Faber
Julia Faber
In memory of my father
Leslie Handler
In memory of Susan Sullivan Gable
Robert Gable
James “Jamie” Herrick
Robyn Davis & Tim Wedeward
In Memory of Lester Johnson
Maureen & Joe Bardusk
Lu & Jake Bleveans
Julie Bruser & Tom Saccomanno
Carmen Ferguson
Mel & Vickie Gratton
Edith Gustus
Joan Hudson
Delmer Johnson
George & Charlotte Kennedy
Joan Murray
Richard & Carole Pouzar
Larry & Sally Priske
Catherine Winslow
Nancy Hamill Winter
In memory of Robert Klaus
Barb Alexander
Dick & Mary Auman
Barbara Baird & Chuck Haggard
Dave & Pat Casper
John & Marge Cooke
Heather Dasso
Michael Devine
Susan Dodd
Randy & Sylvia Downing
Carroll & Joan Engelhardt
William & Diane Fagan
Eileen Fitzgerald
Kitty & Lee Freidheim
J. Nicholas & Marjorie Goodban
Dick & Joan Harmet
Jane & Buzz Harris
Donald & Barbara Hooper
Cynthia Ioannacci
Pam & George Johnson
Bonnielynn Kreiser
John Lillig
Larry & Linda Martin
Rich & Laurie Mattas
Paul & Nicole Mazgaj
Paul & Nancy McMenamin
Patrick & Sara Nash
Christopher & Priscilla Nugent
James O’Connor
Debbie Pausz
Fran Peterson
Lawrence & Carol Poston
Bob & Frances Rivoire
David Robertson
Neil Romano & Joe Garagiola
John & Barbara Rutherford
Tamara Schoenbaum
Skip & Carol Schwerdtfeger
Sheila Skemp & Murphy Richardson
Marty & Julie Soat
Adlai & Nancy Stevenson III
Pete & Charlotte Stryker
Ryan Vondra
Cletus Wachter & Shirley Hulscher
Judith & Bob Wehrle
Scott Weiss & Dakin Dugaw
Nancy Hamill Winter
John & Jane Yoder
In memory of Patrick Klingen
Nikolaus & Marie Luise Miesing
In memory Linda Knautz, our daughter
Clyde & Gladys Knautz
In memory of Loki the starling
John P. Jankowski
In memory of Louise Marea McKeague
Ramona Beck, Randy Beck, Bob
Howson, Rich & Rhonda Collins &
Charles & Dominique Inge
Pam & George Johnson
Nancy Hamill Winter
In memory of Thonal Nesbitt & Elbert
Harold & Lovie Campbell
In memory of Diane Norfray
John Norfray
In memory of Peggy Otis
Randy & Sylvia Downing
Jean Fisher & Family
Joan Klaus
James & Julie Musich
John & Barbara Rutherford
In memory of Kenneth Parrott
Barbara Baird & Chuck Haggard
In memory of Gustav Pausz
Debbie Pausz
In memory of Walter C., Margaret H. &
Walter H. Peaslee
Marilyn Yates
In memory of Cliff Petersen
Dick & Joan Harmet
James Powers
Grace Storch
Chuck & Patty Wemstrom
Nancy Hamill Winter
In memory of Dick Peterson
Fran Peterson
In memory of Thomas C. Sprague
Barbara Sprague
In memory of Alice Toebaas
Ronald Toebaas
In memory of Bill Tolva
Judith Tolva
In memory of Walter B. Wenzel
Alan & Julie Wenzel
In memory of William B. Zaya
Lydia Zaya
In memory of Forrest Zeal
Fay Zeal
Gifts Given In-Kind
$5,000 & up
Tukaiz, LLC
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Savanna
JDCF 2015 18 Annual Report
Vincent Earthmoving, Inc.
$1,000 ~ $4,999
Christopher Allendorf
Dave & Pat Casper
Chestnut Mountain Resort
Richard & Lois Gordon
In Touch with Nature, LLC
John Martinson
Stonehouse Pottery & Gallery
$500 ~ $999
Aldrich Guest House
Arras Images
Captivate, Inc.
City of Galena
Dan Harms Landscape Consulting
Exact Pest Solutions
Galena Boat Club
Hanover Chamber of Commerce
Hanover Township Park District
Montgomery Trucking
NW Illinois Prairie Enthusiasts
O’Connor, Brooks & Company
Potosi Foundation
Radio Dubuque
Top Notch Plumbing, Heating &
Village of Hanover
Willis Computer Solutions
up to $499
Lu Bleveans
Dan's Snow Plowing & Salt Spreading
Derinda Valley Landscape Design
E-Town Coffee
Fever River Outfitters
Ralph Helfen
Jo-Carroll Energy/Sand Prairie
Knautz Flooring
Lyle Lasater
Fran Peterson
Planetary Studies Foundation
Schultz Appliance
Our 2015 Premier Partners in
Anonymous Partner
Aldrich Guest House
Apple River State Bank/First
Community Bank of Galena
Apple River Well & Pump Company
Arras Images
Captivate, Inc.
Chestnut Mountain Ski Resort
City of Galena
Community Foundation of Greater
Dan Harms Landscape Consulting
Exact Pest Solutions
Field Museum
Galena ARC
Galena Boat Club
Galena Gazette
Galena Lions Club
Grand Victoria Foundation
Hanover Chamber of Commerce
Hanover Township Park District
Illinois Bank & Trust
Illinois Clean Energy Community
Illinois Department of Natural
Illinois Ornithological Society
In Touch With Nature, LLC
Inn at Irish Hollow
Jo-Carroll Energy Cooperative
Land Trust Alliance
Long, Snell & Johnson Investments
O'Connor, Brooks & Company
McCoy Real Estate
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Northwest Illinois Prairie Enthusiasts
Northwest Illinois Wine Growers
Potosi Foundation
Radio Dubuque
Rentech Nitrogen
Stonehouse Pottery & Gallery
Stained Glass Studios
Top Notch Plumbing, Heating &
Tukaiz, LLC
U.S. Bancorp Foundation Grants
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Savanna
Village of Hanover
Stonebrook Capital Management
Vincent Earthmoving, LLC
Walmart Foundation
Wild Birds Unlimited of Galena
Willis Computer Solutions, Inc.
The Friends of Wapello fund-raising at a Culver’s Share Night.
The sack race begins at the Wapello Picnic on the Prairie.
Horseshoe Mound in early fall.
courtesy Rich Mattas
JDCF 2015 19 Annual Report
2015 Board of Directors
Frances Rivoire
Fran Peterson
Vice President
Chris Larson
Bret Johnson
Ed Anderson
Barbara Baird
Lois Gordon
Rich Mattas
Mike Mills
Paul Rode
Celestino Ruffini
Skip Schwerdtfeger
Heidi Thorp
Nancy Winter
2015 Staff
Steve Barg
Executive Director
Cecilia Allison
Administrative Assistant
Paul Bane
Restoration Specialist
Michele Cahill
Special Projects
Lindsay Foy
Education & Outreach Coordinator
Ryan Getz
Director of Land Stewardship
Jim Johannsen
Director of Land Preservation
Deb Kelly
Luke Koett
Restoration Specialist
Shauna McLane
Christie Trifone-Simon
Director of Development
The Timber Valley Conservation Easement
Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation
PO Box 216
126 N Main Street
Elizabeth, IL 61028