Fall 2007 - San Juan Preservation Trust
Fall 2007 - San Juan Preservation Trust
KURT THORSON - . , the . the Box Lopez Island, WA .. www.sjpt.org Land & Legacy Box OAK AND GRASSLAND SURVEY Garry oak and native grassland habitat in the San Juans is both rare and threatened. The Preservation Trust and the American Bird Conservancy are working together to conduct free habitat assessments for islanders that own land within this vital habitat. To learn more, visit www.sjpt.org/about/programs (and click on “Education Program”) or email Kathleen Foley at kathleenf@sjpt.org. FA L L 2 0 0 7 W W W. S J P T. O R G MORE THAN JUST NUMBERS PRINTED ON 100% POST- CONSUMER RECYCLED PAPER MADE WITH WIND POWER In , volunteers provided hours of service to the San Juan Preservation Trust. Some of the people behind the numbers include Land Steward Jack Lanning, who monitors our Decatur and Jack Island preserves and joins our fieldwork “parties.” When he isn’t working on our behalf, you might find Jack sailing or strumming the mandolin with a Celtic band in Anacortes. S K AT H L E E N F O L E Y A Place in the Islands This month we launch our annual membership campaign. Your membership contribution is the single most important way that you can help us continue to acquire and protect open spaces, scenic Randy and Barbara Schnabel serve as volunteer Land Stewards for our Guemes Island Peach Preserve. They visit the property regularly to report on uses, possible misuses, and wildlife activity. People from throughout San Juan County and beyond contributed to this project, but it was the Lopez Island community that mobilized all of its resources to conserve an area of tremendous importance to Lopezians. Local fundraising efforts included lemonade stands, young ladies selling friendship bracelets, restaurant tip jars, proceeds from sales at the Lopez farmers market, benefit performances by local artists, and a teen “Fight for the Bight” concert. These efforts, when combined with generous matching gifts from island families and the ongoing support of San Juan Preservation Trust members, allowed for the purchase and subsequent protection of the -acre property that was destined for development. The Preservation Trust contributed $, from its reserves (funds previously donated by members) and raised an additional $, from the community. The San Juan County Land Bank, a public agency, contributed $, to the $. million project. The Land Bank will own and manage the Watmough Bight conservation area. The Preservation Trust will hold a conservation easement to ensure it remains in its natural state and publicly accessible in perpetuity. Ulanah McCoy has built bluebird nest boxes, pulled English ivy and improved walking trails. She is also a big help at our island events. Wave to Ulanah when you see her in her FedEx truck on Orcas. Once again, San Juan Preservation Trust members and the island community came together to protect a dramatically beautiful, ecologically sensitive and much loved property. This time it was Watmough Bight on Lopez Island. Much of the success of this project is due to the generosity of Tex Gieling, a neighbor who owns the remaining private property inside the bight. Tex made this an attractive two-for-one deal by donating her land adjacent to the -acre property, giving the public even more land to enjoy. Her gift will be appreciated by the community for generations to come. views, forests, farmlands, wildlife habitats, watersheds, wetlands and shorelines in the San Juans for current and future generations. Please watch for your membership campaign letter. A gift Statistics don’t tell the whole story. So to all of our volunteers, thank you for your support, passion, and belief in our mission. We have immediate openings for the following volunteer positions: outreach/events volunteers on all islands; office volunteers in Friday Harbor. Learn more about our volunteer program at www.sjpt.org/about/programs, or contact Kathleen Foley at kathleenf@sjpt.org. of $150 or more entitles you to receive MORE THAN 800 S U P P O RT E R S H AV E E N S U R E D our new book, A Place in the Islands – T H AT L O P E Z I S L A N D ’ S W AT M O U G H B I G H T How Private Landowners Shape the WILL REMAIN WILD AND SCENIC. Future of the San Juan and Gulf Islands. P r e s e r v a t i o n Tr u s t b o a r d m e m b e r R i c k M a c h i n and a group of volunteers rest after removing English ivy and holly on Jack Island. Created by islanders on both sides of the American-Canadian border, this full-color book explores both the opportunities and P H O T O B Y: T H E W A S H I N G T O N S T AT E challenges of island living. D E PA RT M E N T O F E C O L O G Y Land & Legacy the FA L L 2 0 0 7 W W W. S J P T. O R G Together we have protected the pristine solitude of Watmough Bight Anonymous - ; Black Dog Bicycles; Boeing Matching Gift Program; Caffe La Boheme; Cascadia Kayak Tours; Channel View Farm; Community Relations Services; CPM, Inc.; Edenwild Inn; Executive Conversation; Ferry Road Storage; Inscape; Island Paper & Supply Company; Jensen Motor Boat Corp.; Kestrel Enterprises; Laird Norton Company; Lopez Realty; Lopez Village Properties; Microsoft Matching Gift Program; Mission Beach Associates; Papa George Gourmet Albacore; Red House Pottery; Royaland Company; Rozewood Environmental Services, Inc.; Samish Indian Nation; The Starfish Group; Tanbark Marine, Inc.; Tristan Enterprises; The Vortex Crew; The Paul M. Anderson Foundation; The Bullitt Foundation; Riley & Nancy Pleas Family Foundation; Rachel Adams; Candy Adams; Vera Adams; Ken Akopiantz & Kathryn Thomas; Kathryn Alexandra; Morgan Andersen & Peg Baumgartel; Mary Jane & Mark Anderson; Robert Anderson; Michael & Elizabeth Anderson; Beth Andrewes; Gilia Angell & Aaron Abrams; Noel Angell & Emory Bundy; Tony Angell & Lee Rolfe; James Angerer; Harold Anthony; Peter Armstrong & Linda Miller; Hawk & Heather Arps; Ken Arzarian & Darlene Wahl; Dave & Shari Ashbaugh; Jacklyn Ashe; Jon & Carol Avent; Amanda Azous; MaryAnn & Lawrence Bailey; Kenneth & Theresa Bakken; Sarah Barthelow; Alaya Battalia; Julienne Battalia & Giacomo Sturniolo; Thomas Batter & Diane Keller-Batter; Sara Bayer & Helen Sanders; The Beaudion Family; Niki Becker; Eric & Melissa Beckman; Jon D. Beer; Dick & Ann Behan; Terra Behan; Jean Behnke & Jeff Hanks; Jeanne & Andrew Belanger; Mark Bell & Jane Burton-Bell; Fisherman Bay Peninsula Property Owners Assoc.; Gary & Patricia Bergren; Irwin & Ilene Bernstein; Suzanne Berry & Pamela Pauly; Holly & Stefan Bieniawski; Molly Bill & Steven Brouwer; Peggy Bill & Stephen Sullivan; Byron & Sheila Bishop; Sandy Bishop & Rhea Miller; David & Inez Black; Lisa Black; Mary Blackstone & Roger Collier; Ralph Bladt & Barbara Fulton; Jeff Blair & Kristina Peterson; Bill & Jane Blaylock; Edi Blomberg; Irene & Zack Blomberg; Bruce & Anne Bloxom; Ona Blue & Neil Hanson; Mark & Margaret Blume; Camlynn & Ryan Blumenthal; Duane & Audrey Bordvick; Arnold Lee Borley; Diane Boteler & Bill Miller; Scott & Cynthia Bottomley; Jennifer Boulanger & Bruce Schillo; Tom Bowden & Carolyn Edmond; Holly B’s Bakery; Ted & Diana Bower; James & Julanne Boyd; Laura Boyle; Molly & Daniel Brackett; James & Sarah Brady; Robert & Margaret Brain; P.K. Brennan; Mary Anna Bresnahan; Toby Bright; Bill & Norma Brimmer; Carol Brinster; Paul & Marilyn Broadbent; Maxine Bronstein & Debbie Hayward; Margaret Brooks; Brook Brouwer; Barbara Brown; Theresa L. Brown; Richard Brown; Adam Brown; Carl & Mary Brown; British Brown; Barbara Brownstein; Joel Bruce; J. Trevor Bryant Jr. DDS; Jim & Jeanne Budlong; Hugh & Pat Burleson; Kai Burleson; Hugh Burleson Sr. & Family; Kenneth & Shelley Burr; Kenneth Burtness; Cindy Bush; Jim & Nancy Caleshu; The Calverley Family; Clifford Cameron; Ed & Betty Carlberg; Carter Family Marionettes; Richard & Jeanna Carter; Christi Carter; Charles Carver; Susan Casey; Michelle & David Chamberlain; David Champion & Jeanette Ross; Emily K. Chao & Phil Haft; Brent Charnley & Maggie Nilan; John & Eva Cherry; Sonny Chiba (aka Martin Fischer); David Chicovsky & Judy Frane; Christine Chmielniak & Mason & Ada Bowles; Inger Christensen; Paul Christianson & Angela Lausch; Gary & Grace Christophersen; Marie Churney; Marty Clark; Terri Clark; Debra Clausen & Kimbal Sundberg; Nancy & Dick Cleveland; Jennifer Cleveland & Stewart Stout; Mark Cliggett & Janet Vogelzang; Will Cliggett & Wyatt Vogelzang; Joan Cline; Bob & Marylou Cobb; Donald & Sharon Cocheba; Geoffrey & Anne Coiley; Tom & Carolyn Collins; Sally Collins & Chris Warth; Tom & Deborah Collins; Irmgard Conley; Michael P. Conner; Michael & Anne Conte; Wanda Corey; Richard Corff; Helen Cosgrove & Warren Hero; Tom & Tammy Cowan; Carolyn Cox; Doug & Lisa Cram; Connie Crosby; John & Marcia Crosetto; Cimarron Animal Hospital; Terry & Manuela Crowley; Judy Cumming; Dede Cummings & Stephen Carmichael; Pat Cunningham; Susan Cunningham; Currie Family Foundation; Leta Currie-Marshall; Robert d’Arcy & Holly Kays; Marilyn Dager; Cass & Bob Dahlstrom; Morris & Floy Dalton; Cole Dalton; Terry Danielsen; Alan & Janet Davidson; Anne, Mark & Zach Dawson; John & Carolyn Day; Michael, Eileen, Chelsea & Rachel Day; Pat & Richard de La Chapelle; Maybelle Deach; Patchen & Lissa Dellinger; George & Hildegard Dengler; Peter & Susan Dennis; Roger & Carolyn deRoos; Kathie & Loren DeShon; Cam & Bobbie DeVore; Jennifer DeVore & Marc Feinstein; Emily Dexter; Cynthia Dilling & Carl Jones; Bob & Lorna Dittmer; Lani Dodge; Edwin & Katherine Dolan; Lucy & William Dougall; Dean & Ruthie Dougherty; Jean Dowling; Dan & Teri Drahn; Dan & Eileen Drath; Dorothy Drury; Mike & Pam Du Pas; Dr. David Duggins & Dr. Megan Dethier; Sue & Alia Dumond; Stuart Dunwoody & Margaret Schaaf; John & Louise Dustrude; Debbie Dwyer & Jay Field; Thomas Dyer; Elizabeth Eberhardt; Jim Eberhardt & Kaylene Farley; Nancy Edwards; Maureen Edwards; Josh Eide; Bob & Leoda Eisentrager; Bob & Mary Elford; Mike & Margaret Ellis; Claudia Elwell & Christine Langley; Christine Emmel; Simone Engel; Larry & Sarah Eppenbach; Barbara & George Estenson; Constance Euerle; Gordon & Joan Eustis; Christopher Evans; Judy Faas; Richard Fagen & Deborah Bundy; Margo & Rodger Fagerholm; Liz Faller; Debra Farrely; Robin Faulknor; Danah Feldman & Ron Norman; Stephen & Cynthia Fessler; Marilyn & Dick Fike; Helmut Fischer & Contessa Downey; Patricia & Greg Fitzgerald; Hal & Anne Foster; Jeremy & Angela Foster; Laurie Fouser & Stephen Dager; Mary Freeman & James Becker; Lorna Frey; John Fujii; Martin & Virginia Furmanski; Charles Gadd & Lydia Lukahnovich; Melba Gaddis; Robert Gage & Carrie McCabe; Kay Gagnon & Fran Patrick; Helen Gamble; Karen & Pete Gandini; Richard & Nina Gartland; Annette Garver-Clark; Lisa Geddes; Judy Gehring; Imogene “Tex” Gieling; Cheryl Gies; Penny Gilde; Hal Gillespie; Albert & Laura Giorgi; Charles & Nancy Givens; Keith Glein; Todd Goldsmith & Diane Dear; Pat Goodfellow; Joe & Oakley Goodner; Genevieve Gormley & Ian Freed; Ann Goss; Hildegarde Goss; Christopher & Kathy Grace; Julie Gralow & Hugh Allen; Dan Grausz & Clare Meeker; Jerry & Iris Graville; Fred Gray & Linda Parker; Felicity Green; Tom & Jerry Green; Joe & Nancy Greene; Dave & Keri Greenheck; Kip & Stanley Greenthal; Russet Construction; Chris & Amy Gulick; Sven Haarhoff & Allison Shadday; Renate Haarhoff-Rose & Ron Rose; Patsy & Shel Haber; Mark G. Hagen; Eric Hall & Elf Fay; Thomas & Teresa Hall; Jill & Gordon Hally; Mike Halperin & Jodi Green; Willa & Walt Halperin; Patricia & Isaac Halpern; Polly Ham & Steve Horn; Will & Jackie Hamilton; Diana & Gerald Hancock; Marianna Haniger; Hanson Family Foundation; Kitty Harmon & John & Avery Fulford; Connie Harris & James Smith; Jennifer Harris; Stan Harris; Dennis & Judith Hart; Scott & Debby Hatch; Jim Haug; Dr. Carolyn Haugen; Kristen Haugen; Irving & Joan Hawley; Zilpha Haycox; Frances Hayes; Mary Hayton; Dale & Ann Hazen; Mary & Joseph Head; Geoffrey & Alison Heard; Michele & Steve Heller; Becky Hellman; Hans Hellman; Jack & Jan Helsell; Larry & Carol Hendel; Fred & Judy Henley; Diana Hennick; George & Mary Hestad; Daryl & Margo Hill; Steve & Judy Hill; Henryk & Melora Hiller; Harvey Himelfarb & Alice Swan; Jane Hobbs & Eric Moore; John Edward Hobbs; Lynne & Richard Hobbs; The Hoedemaker Family; Larry Hoffman & Denise Janowski; Shannon Hoffman; Leanne & Buzz Hofford; Jay & Mary Hohf; Bill & Marty Holm; Karen Holm & Rob Walker; William & Melissa Holmes; Geoffrey Holmes & Marlyn Munter; John & Barbara Holt; Bill Horder; Steve Horn Photography; Laurel Horn; Wilson & Lyn Horne; Fred Housel; Ann & James Houston; John Howell & Claire Powers; Mitchell & Zane Hoyt; David & Linda Hudson; Elizabeth Hughes; George & Peggy Hunt; Mitty Huntsman; Alice Hurd; Nancy & Jerry Husted; Donna & David Ince; Laura Ingham; Carol Ireland-McLean; Judy Jackson; Israela Jackson; Kathie & Kurt Jacobs; Carolyn & Dean Jacobsen; Charles Janeway; Carol Jauquet & Becky Sanderson; Bob & Patricia Jester; Mary Johanson; Becky & Daryl Johnson; Maile Johnson; Sara Jane Johnson; Christina Johnson; Clark & Mary Johnson; Linda Johnson; William Johnson; Chris & Helena Jones; Carolyn Ruth Jones; Nancy & David Jones; Alwyn Jones; Zoey Jones; Earl & Martha Jorgensen; Dick & Marge Karpen; Glenn & Diane Kaufman; Kirk Kaynor & Sunny Sue Farmer Kaynor; Kay Keck; Lynne Keeley; Todd Kegerreis & Kim Bast; James & Connie Kelly; Clare & Ed Kelm; Jim & Nancy Kenagy; Tim & Holly Kent; Harold & Ruth Kephart; Benjamin Kercsmar; Christine Kerlin; Kershner Family; Skip & Patricia Kimble; Mike Kimmich; Mark M. King & Sylvia Albright; John & Elizabeth King; Diane Kinnaman-Hollis; Sissel Kjelstrup; Curtis & Bonnie Knudsen; John & Claire Koenig; Arthur & Beverly Korse; Suzanne Kotz & Stephen Tarnoff; William & Katherine Kreager; Dr. Richard & Linda Krebs; Peter & Antje Kretschmer; Christopher Kueffner & Lynn Stoddard; Konrad Kurp; Blossom on Lopez; Steve & Connie Kyser; Joe LaBrincha; Patty & Vitt Lacson; Hank & Joyce Landau; Elizabeth Landrum; Sue & Roger Lang; Ian & JoAnn Lange; Robert Langer; Bill & Margot Larrabee; Kathaleen Larsen; Cathy Larson; Nikolaj, Sebastian, & Povl Lasbo & Tracey Cottingham; Ronald & Claudia Latham; Marcus Latham; Kit & Laurie Latta; George Lawson; Karl & Laurie Leaverton; Antoine & Lucie Leblond; Stephen LeCuyer & Joan O’Connell; Jeanne Mitchell Lee; Chris & Willow Lehman; Asha Lela; Susanne Lenhardt; Philip & Judy Lenko; Cynthia Lenz; Diane Letchworth; Shanley & Jim Lett; Fritz Levy & Nancy Taylor; Sarah Levy; Steven Levy & Anya Levy Smith; Lorraine & Tom Lewis; Bill Lewis; Penny Lewis; Lesley Liddle; Robert & Laurie Liebmann; Lara Lindersmith & Michael Hansen; Teri Linneman & Liz Scranton; Jim & Christina Lockwood; Matthew & Ann Lofton; Sara & Tom Longworth; Barb & Mike Lopuszynski; Robyn & Derek Lowe; Ginger Lowell; John & Cristi Ludwig; Bob Lundeen; Jay & Gale Lynch; Donald Lysons; Daniel Lystrup; Chris & Monique Maas; Alexander & Mishelle Maas; Leslie MacDonald; Rick & Meredith Machin; Roland & Terri MacNichol; Jim & Mary Ann Magnano; Francis Maher & Elizabeth Reynolds; Jeff & Liz Malinoff; Nicole Malinoff; Frank & Emily Mallory; Robert George Manette; J.C. & Suzi Marean; Rick & Janet Markov; Jeanne Marks; Barbara Marsh; Terry Marshall; Ruth Marshall; Martin & Malay Studios (Christa & Corwin); Wayne & Kiki Martin; Angela & Dave Martin; Ruth & Jerry Martin; Charlet Martin; Dr. Sunny Massad; Ron Mayo; Don McAfee & Kathleen Garrett; Robert & Berit McAlister; Thomas McArthur; Pamela & Bob McCabe; Gale C. McCallum; Clara McClure; Nancy McCoy; Kevin & Carol McCoy; Ulanah McCoy; Cal McCune; Doug McCutchen & Kari Koski; Fran McDaniel; Thomas & Elaine McDaniel; Virginia McDermott & James Gale; Michelle McEachern & Michael Brown; Steve McKenna & Nancy Schafer; Steve & Barbara McKeon; Megan McKinstry; Al & Barbara McNicoll; Elisabeth B. McPhaden; Malcolm & Janet McWhorter; Robert McWhorter; Dennis & Kathi Melville; Ron & Sheila Metcalf; Jacklyn & Carl Meurk; Judy Meyer & Gene Helfman; Mike & Wendy Mickle; Monte & Candy Midkiff; Sheri Miklaski; Michael & Sarajane Milder; Margaret Mills; Oswaldo & Barbara Mino; Harold Mitchell; Cynthia Moffitt; Robert Mohn & Shelley Morrison; Bill Moody; Roy Moore; Ernest Moore III; Rob Moore; Michael Moore; Audrey Moreland; Michael & Barbara Morey; Mat & Katherine Mottola; John Mullin & Charlotte Trelease; Bob & Joyce Myhr; Tim Myhr; Dale Nachand & Allison Collins; Ralph & Phyllis Nansen; Richard Nash DDS & Ann BodleNash; Barbara & John Nason; Aimee Nassoiy; John Neilsen & Karen Norton; Gerald & Barbara Nepom; Edna & Loyd Newcomb; Jan Michael Nikolajsen & Sonja Nicolaisen; Arthur Nordhoff; Nancy Nordhoff; Grace Nordhoff & Jonathan Beard; Kirstie & David Noreen; Linda Noreen; Michael & Cecelia Noreen; Michael North; Callie North; Rowan North; Sorrel North; Richard & Vera Nowadnick; Rita O’Boyle; Susan & John O’Brien; Christopher O’Bryant; Shawn O’Bryant; Jan O’Bryant; Diana O’Daugherty & Matt Hummel; David & Carol Oberg; Andrea Ogston; Lars & Gwen Olsen; Corky & San Olson; Rudy & Carol Onstad; Larry & Valorie Osterman; Henry Otero & April Stempien-Otero; Walter & Genevieve Page; Virginia Palmer; Ann Palmer; Partridge Pictures; Dick Paton; Robert & Mireille Paulson; Chip & Meb Paxson; Thomas Payne; Frank Peale & Sandra Bernhard; Eleanor Pearson; David & Cherill Perera; Daphne Pereyra; Luann Perkins; Jean & Michael Peterson; Catherine Petito Boyce & Jon Boyce; Lois Pettinger & Dianne Erickson; Jim & Pam Phillips; Ted & Donogh Phillips; Huck Phillips & Kelly Meyer; Wendy Phillips; John Phillips & Debby Phillips; Marguerite Pierce; Patricia Pirnack-Hamilton & James Hamilton; Philip Pizzica & Hazel Burns; Keith Pleas; Chuck & Jo Pope; Bob & Barbara Porter; Nate Porter; Daniel Posel & Jean Lenihan; Dianne Pressenda & Dan Harris; Molly & Thomas Preston; Annie Prevost; Susan Quinby; William & Wendy Rabel; Jill Rain; Dagmar Randolph; Nancy & Blake Rankin; Mark & Micael Raphael; Pat & Jerry Rasmussen; Charlie Ratcliffe; Kit Rawson & Kathy Thornburgh; Lorna Reese; Tom & Sally Reeve; Robin Reid & Cathleen Wilson; Richard Reiswig; Bobbie & Jim Richards; Thomas & Louise Richards; Allan & Susan Richardson; Bob & Ginger Riggins; Michael Rigik; Anita Riksheim; Mary & Chase Riveland; Donald & Joan Roberts; Stephen & Lisa Robertson; Maureen Rogers; Julia Rogers & Vaughan Williams; Anamo Roloff; Donna Romanick; Thomas & Lori Ronhaar; Judy & Kermit Rosen; Rose Rosenberg; John & Ellie Roser; Marilyn Ross & Bob Schwartzberg; John Rothschild & Laura Vernum; Dustin Rouleau; Kathy Jo Rouleau; Natalie Roush; Mary Roush-Evans & Tim Evans; Karen Rousseau; Steve Rubey; Ira Rubinstein & Beverly Cofrancesco; Deborah & Hakan Rudback; Richard & Nancy Rust; Amy Rust; Meg & Dennis Ryan; Gordon & Barbara Rydberg; Cedar & Karjam Saeji; Sophia Salaya; Frank Sandin; Johnny & Lene Sangster; Jim Sangster; Patsy & John Sangster; Jerry Scherzinger & Claudia Bradley; Herb & Dodie Schiessl; Amy Schmidt & Kreg Trani; Lon D. & Lucille Barton Charitable Foundation; John & Mary Ann Schnaidt; Dick & Mary Schoenman; Ann Schroeder Osterberg; Jean Schuster; Betty Scott; Kate Scott; Summer Moon Scriver & Jaime Cordova; Jack Seeley; Tim Seifert & Sonya Erickson; Tom & Gretchen Seifert; George Selfridge & Julie Parmentier; Tamara Shane; Martha Sharon & Ed Gutkowski; Grace Shin & Chris Baker; Amythst Shipman; Bette Shuh; Carol & Thomas Sibley; Jay Simonson; David Simpson; Anthony & Carolyn Simpson; Barbara Sinclair & family; Oscar & Alie Smaalders; Bev & Jim Smith; Don Smith & Timothy Maxson; Bob & Becky Smith; David & Kathleen Smith; Sherry Smith & Matt Huston; Jared Smith & Karen Daubert; Lorrin & Jacqui Smith-Bates; Elisabeth Snapp; Steve & Sarah Snowden; John Soderberg; Barbara H. Spaeth; Sarah Spaeth; Alexander Spear; Robert Spieker; Roger & Sonja St. John; Peter Stamats & Karen Allen; Robert Steele & Mary Swift; Richard Steinhardt & Janet Alderton; Lance Steinmetz; Glen & Nancy Stephens; Jamie & Lauren Stephens; Douglas Stevenson; Douglas & Marcia Stevenson; Syd & Jimie Stibbard; Mary Stiger; Loretta Stokes; Catherine Strauss; Michael & Suzanne Strom; Rysia Suchecka; Reiko & Glenn Sudduth; Lyle Summers; Bob & Jan Sundquist; Beth Sundquist; Terry & Jill Swain; Gary Tabasinske; Allan Tamm; Pamela L. Tamplain & Willard G. Smith; Alex & Jean Taylor; Nick & Susie Teague; Joan & Mort Thomas; Dave & Barbara Thomas; Joe Thoron; Janice Thorslund; Corrine Thwing & Tom Winter; Katherine Tibbles; Joe & Sally Todd; Torolf & Anna; Torgersen; Pat Torpie; Brian & Margaret Treece; Murray & Mariette Trelease; Dorian Tremaine; John & Anne Trench; Scott Trounson; Shelagh Tucker; John Turnbull; Tye Tyson & Barbara Rosenkotter; Laurel Vail; Doris Van Alen; Jamie Van Arsdall; Rip & Julie Van Camp; Rick & Barb Van Eeckhout; Dick & Monda Van Hollebeke; Toni & Bob Van Male; Steven & Pamela Van Vleet; Joseph Vance & Sara Throckmorton; Renee & Eugene VanDePutte; David & Donna Varnau; Skyler Vella; Thomas P. von Bahr; Linda Ann Vorobik; Raiti Waerness; Jon Wagnild & Cathleen Wagnild-Morgan; Robert & Paula Walker; Curtis Walker & Laura Stringfellow; Holliday Wallace; Lynn & Marlys Waller; Steve Wang & Kathryn Hamilton Wang; John Warburton; Jane & Richard Ward; Bob & Kathie Ward; Patty Ward; Jeremy Ward; Tom Ward; Peter Wasserman; Susan Waugh; Dawn Webb; Diane Weber & Alan Kneitel; Arlene Wechezak; Eleanor Weinel; Phil & Jean Weinheimer; Carol Weiss; Wallace & Joanne Weller; Charlene Wendt; Henry & Holly Wendt; Mark, Regan & Jasper Wensnahan; Keith & Jane Wentworth; Joanne Colman Wester; Martha Wheatley; William Wheatley; John & Carol Whetten; Heather White; Nancy Wight; Steven & Shannon Wilbur; Welles & Elizabeth Wiley; John Wiley & Carolyne Milling; Judie Wilgress; Bruce & Marcia Williams; Kathy Jean Williams; Anne Willoughby; Nelson & Ethan Nelson; Bob, Susan, Tasha, & Arielle Wilson; Jim & Joanne Wiseman; Jackie Wolf; Benjamin & Julie Wolff; Julie Womack; Georgette Wood; Carolyn & George Woodbury; Carole & Jack Woolsey; Ross & Anne Worley; Richard Worthington; Darlene & Dallas Wylie; Gary Wyngarden & Associates; Michele Wyzga; George & Janet Yang; Beverly Zapalac; Gary & Linda Zerbst; And thanks to everyone who made contributions at our Lopez Farmers’ Market booth, bought a friendship bracelet, supported the lemonade stands, attended or performed in the “Fight for the Bight” event, participated in the Beauty Pageant & Man Auction, donated items to the silent auction, went to Tamara’s concert, and attended the Carter Family Marionettes performance Many thanks to all the anonymous donors too! ... JANE MOUNT AMMERMAN - Anne Hay; RICHARD BALSIGER Randy & Linda Balsiger; LON D. & LUCILLE BARTON - Linda Barton & Harry Neal; LON WILLIAM BARTON - Linda Barton & Harry Neal; CHAUNCEE - Mary O’Bryant; VICTOR CLAUSEN - Victor and Phyllis Clausen Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund; IVALY HOEDEMAKER - Gary & Kit Maestretti; LAWRENCE KASE - Scott & Andrea Finley; DOROTHY RICHARDSON - Bruce & Mindy Richardson, Mary Richardson; FRANK & DOROTHY RICHARDSON - Gordon & Karen Jonasson; KENNETH & ALLENE ROSS - Dianne Pressenda & Dan Harris; TOM & SARA SYMES - William & Lene Symes; ALICE THORDARSON - Ann Harris. ... BRYONY ANGELL & JAMES MACKNESS’S MARRIAGE - Valeri & Maryna Ajaja, Alice & Allen Neman, Susan & Bo Peck, Nancy & Blake Rankin, John & Jean Rolfe; JENNIFER BOULANGER’S BIRTHDAY - Kirstie & David Noreen; COLIN DOHERTY & CASCADIA KAYAK TOURS - Louise Acheson; CHRISTINE ENGELHARDT - James Engelhardt; IMOGENE “TEX” GIELING - Linda Koenig, Judith Krull, J. Gaylin West & Peter DeLucca; ED & CAROL JONESCHILD - David Joneschild & Kristi Raymond; LINDA & JIM KASPER - John & Marcy Aschoff; TOM & LINDA LANTO’S BIRTHDAYS - Tim Clark, Shannon Hoffman, Denise McIntosh; MILO’S BIRTHDAY - Flower Mountain Tree Services, Todd Goldsmith & Diane Dear; Ann Goss, Connie Holz, Mac & Tytti Langford; Charles Prince, Brian & Margaret Treece, Holliday Wallace, Ann Warsen, & many others in the Lopez Community; DAVID PERERA’S BIRTHDAY Nicholas & Alison Perera; Elizabeth Perera; Jonathan Perera; JIM SCEARCE - Kurt & Christine Wieland. : On behalf of the San Juan Preservation Trust membership, we extend a special thanks to the Campaign to Keep Watmough Wild Steering Committee for its dedicated leadership. We will be forever grateful to: David Perera (co-chair); Charles Givens (co-chair), Bob Myhr (Honorary co-chair); David Ashbaugh; Peggy Bill; Holly Bower; David Black; Tom Cowan; Cynthia Dilling; Imogene “Tex” Gieling; Jodi Green & Mike Halperin; Nancy Greene; Cherill Perera; Dianne Pressenda; Patsy & John Sangster. (Please let us know if there are any omissions or errors so that we can correct them prior to any future announcements) 1 hull conservation easement (Henry) When Gretchen and Lyman Hull first visited this -acre property one cold November day in , it made a deep impression. “We realized from the beginning that this was a unique property,” Lyman recalls, “and this became more apparent after the Preservation Trust prepared a conservation plan for us.” Spanning the southern portion of the “North Big Henry” peninsula, from Nelson Bay to Haro Strait, a conservation easement protects a -acre meadow, , feet of waterfront, tidelands, mixed conifer forest, wetlands, and a grove of quaking aspen trees uncommon on outer islands. 2 mosquito pass preserve ( Henry ) 3 The Henry Island isthmus, which forms the crossbar of the distinctive “H” shape of Henry Island, is home to an abundance of unique wildlife and native plant communities. The Preservation Trust, with support from the San Juan County Land Bank, raised $, in to protect this sensitive tidal salt marsh. The project included two phases: The acquisition of a -acre meadow, marine shoreline and forested upland, and the “bargain sale” purchase (at below market value) of a conservation easement from the adjacent landowners, Kip and Barbara Smith. By combining these conservation methods, , feet of shoreline and acres of exceptional open space and wildlife habitat have been permanently protected. lacrover farm conservation easement (San Juan) Recognizing that this hidden valley south of Mitchell Bay Road contained prime agricultural soils, Gwen Wilson donated a conservation easement on her land to the Preservation Trust in to maintain the possibility for farming in the future. Enter Katie Hover and Paul LaCrampe, organic farmers that found exactly what they were looking for in these acres. “In terms of what we need to farm, this land has all the essentials,” said Paul, “It couldn’t be more perfect.” Operating today as Lacrover Farm, a local supplier of organic meats, eggs, fruit, berries and vegetables, Gwen Wilson’s vision for her land has been realized. 4 marsh hill wildlife sanctuary conservation easement ( San Juan ) In , prior to selling their acre property on the west side of San Juan Island, Mat and Katherine Mottola approached the Preservation Trust to discuss ways to ensure that the marsh, forests and diverse wildlife habitat on their land would remain intact in perpetuity. This discussion led to the very first conservation easement donation ever recorded on San Juan Island. Robert and Charlotte Lally purchased the property soon thereafter with the conservation easement in place, and remain faithful stewards of the property to this day. The Mottolas – who have since moved to Lopez Island – continue to be among the Preservation Trust’s most dedicated volunteers and supporters. the preservation trust is grateful to all of our conservation partners and landowners Here are just a few highlights of places we’ve protected on Henry and San Juan islands. 5 (San Juan) 6 In , families in and around the Eureka neighborhood on San Juan Island raised the funds needed to purchase this -acre parcel, which adjoins acres of woodland previously protected by a mix of conservation easements and a Preservation Trust preserve. “The Trust provided leadership and fundraising support to a broad group of neighbors,” said Scott Spadafora, a Eureka neighbor. “I hope our success will motivate more neighbors to consider working together to protect land,” added Gretchen Lambert, another Eureka neighbor who, with her husband Charles, also donated a nearby conservation easement on their property. red mill farm conservation easement (San Juan) 1 2 5 3 4 6 7 8 San Juan Valley is the heart of San Juan Island, and Red Mill Farm serves as the valley’s soul. In , after donating a -acre parcel to the Preservation Trust to protect bald eagle nesting habitat, Dodie and Ernest Gann followed up by protecting their adjacent -acre farm with a conservation easement. Red Mill is a working farm, and the Ganns’ visionary gift will keep it that way, forever providing graceful views across San Juan Valley that would have otherwise been transformed long ago into a checkerboard of small ranchettes. “It gives me a very warm feeling to know that long after I’m gone, this will still be here,” says Dodie. 9 10 Preservation Trust Owned Lands 7 For more conservation stories, visit www.sjpt.org. mt. ben preserve (San Juan) 8 hannah conservation easement 9 10 straitsview farm conservation easement ( San Juan ) pile point conservation easement ( San Juan ) ( San Juan ) In , the Preservation Trust and the San Juan County Land Bank jointly acquired the summit of Mt. Ben, a -acre hilltop parcel on the southern shoulder of Mt. Dallas. This transaction included a significant price reduction from Jean Walkinshaw and Martha Wheeler, the previous landowners, who approached the partnership to discuss options for conserving the property. With the addition of an adjacent -acre property, which the Preservation Trust purchased in , more than acres of rolling meadows, undeveloped ridgeline and old growth trees have been permanently preserved. A public trail system will provide access to unobstructed views over the surrounding islands and waterways. Preservation Trust Conservation Easements To honor his family’s heritage, Bernie Hannah donated a -acre conservation easement on his farm to the Preservation Trust in . The farm provides a vivid contrast to a housing development on adjacent land that was once owned by his uncle. Bernie says this is exactly the fate that he wanted to avoid with his acreage. “It was my grandfather’s wish that the farm remain in one piece,” says Bernie. “There aren’t that many places like this left on the island.” Surrounded by rugged shoreline, pristine pocket beaches and terraces of rocky headland, the historic Pile Point marker serves as the official reference for Turning Point of the U.S. and Canada boundary. For more than years, Brooks and Susie Ragen have enjoyed this -acre Pile Point property with their family, and in donated a conservation easement to the Preservation Trust. “Our desire has always been to have this place stay in our family,” Brooks explains, “but forever is a long time, so we have ensured that there are restrictions in place that will protect the land in perpetuity.” A L L P H O T O S B Y S TA F F E X C E P T M O S Q U I T O PA S S P R E S E R V E B Y J A M E S N O WA D N I C K Straitsview Farm, a -year-old working farm east of False Bay, provides an iconic vista to all who travel along False Bay Road. Pastoral terrain that surrounds the historic barn leads gradually down from the public road to a rugged coastline noted for abundant populations of eagles, otters and passing orcas. Bob and Evelyn Doran donated a conservation easement on the -acre farm in to ensure that its prime agricultural land remain without structures, and to preserve the expansive public views over the Strait of Juan de Fuca. “We’re grateful that we can contribute something back to the community, the island and society,” said Bob.
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