Everglades Chapter Fall-Winter Issue


Everglades Chapter Fall-Winter Issue
Antique Motorcycle Club of America, Inc.®®
Fall Issue #4, 2011
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
Back in the saddle
By Flathead Jack, Chapter President
Although the riding season is coming to a close for most of our
friends up north, it is just beginning for those of us in Southern Florida.
The summer rains have all but ended, the daytime temps are cooler with
crisp nights. Many of our winter residents are returning and the calendar is
full of events for all. Our chapter will have a booth set up at Florida Hot Rods & Hogs on Sunday,
December 4th, in Fort Myers. This promises to be one of the largest one-day shows in South Florida.
Check out our chapter website for info and a link to the show. We could use a few volunteers to help
man the booth for an hour or two. Hope to see many of you there!
The Everglades Chapter had their Annual Election Meeting and ride on Saturday, September 24th.
This year we met at Café 27 in Weston for a ride to Schnebly Winery before returning to the Café for
our meeting. We discussed many new ideas and have some exciting plans for the upcoming year, and
elected chapter officers for the coming year:
President, Jack Stauffer
Vice President, Robert Anderson
Treasurer, David Porter
Secretary, Kelli Stauffer
Webmaster & Newsletter Editor, Michael Pruszynski
Board of Directors, Michael Pruszynski, Penny Anderson, Ric Donk, Roy Wasson, Tom Rosegger
Speaking of elections, congratulations and best wishes from the Everglades Chapter to our own
Kelli Stauffer, who was elected to a three-year term on the National Board of Directors and appointed
National Secretary of the AMCA for 2012.
In closing I would like to ask everyone to fill out and send in the enclosed survey postcard. You
don’t need to put your name on it. Just fill it out and send it in so we can get a better view of your
feelings and ideas for your chapter.
Wishing all of you Happy Holidays!
Ride Safe,
Flathead Jack
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
By David Porter
This year our meeting was held at Café 27, near Weston in Broward County. Usually we hold the AGM in
Clewiston but we thought it might be a good idea to move a bit more to the east for a change. This would be more
convenient for our east coast members.
The weather forecast was not promising. We expected a
very wet day but, as things turned out, we were very
fortunate and had only one very light shower on an
otherwise a nice, dry day. Roy had planned the drive down
to Schnebly's Winery which is about 48 miles from Cafe 27.
As usual I brought my pickup in support. Mike graciously
agreed to do the driving while I just lazed around. Then,
happily, Penny joined us and so there was a nice
opportunity while we were driving along for the three of us
to discuss all our wonderfully creative ideas for how our
chapter might be enhanced.
So off we set about ten o'clock.The first twelve miles or so are along Krome Avenue, which is a fairly busy route,
but this northern stretch of Krome is pretty free of traffic. We hadn't gone very far when we saw Tommy and
Lynne taking a break. They said the group were running a bit too fast for their very old machine (sorry.. I can't
remember what they were riding) so they had decided to head back to the cafe. Probably a good idea. Other than
that everyone seemed to be in good shape and we headed on down to the turn-off at 232nd Street. From there the
route runs west and then south along 217th Avenue and there is no traffic. This is the westernmost road in MiamiDade County. Scenic Everglades National Park borders the west side of the road.
After a couple of hours we all arrived at the winery. No breakdowns this time, thank goodness. We took a short
break at the winery before starting back. It was then that a light shower occurred but it didn't amount to anything.
We arrived back at the cafe around three o'clock. Here Jack conducted the meeting very nicely. Many suggestions
were made regarding possible chapter activities in the coming months. Of course, as treasurer, I presented my
annual financial statement. This is always very stressful for me because, regardless of the amount of our bank
balance, our members always propose dozens of suggestions that would lead us into bankruptcy. Actually I am
considering proposing an amendment to our chapter bylaws that would create a power of veto for the treasurer in
such cases. If you agree with me, please come along to our next AGM and cast your vote!
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
Chapter member Bob Brandner sent in two of his favorites. The 1974 Yamaha RD 60 is
an original bike that he just added to his collection last year. He received a second place
award at the Dania Beach
show 2011, placing against
the big bikes. The 1972 Honda
CB100 is also an unrestored
bike that was found stored in a
basement in New England.
Bob plans on showing both of
these bikes in upcoming AMCA, AACA and numerous
other events. Both bikes are
in great running condition and
a lot of fun to ride.
Chapter member Robert Scharf sent in three of his favorites: A 1965 BMW R69S
that was restored only two years ago, and a 1969 BMW R60US...
And a 1967 Moto Guzzi V700 was an Ebay purchase and restored soon after. Robert rides them all
and as often as he can everyday.
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
Chapter member George Quinn has more bikes and stories than I have room to put in
this space. I’ll see if I can get George to write an article or two for next year’s newsletters.
George sent a list of bikes he owns that would make most of us green with envy. Here are
a few that he shares with us:
1942 WLA , which won a junior 1st with 963/4 points
at Eustis, 1st rats hole show in ‘97, 1st boardwalk show
‘97, 1st Volusia fairgrounds show ‘97. A very good year
for George.
1937 U pink bobber, which
George explains: “ I simply
didn't have any idea what
color to paint it so I picked a color nobody had. I've had a bunch
of bikes of every color but pink. This bike is a chick magnet,
being pink, I guess, as many women stop to look at it.”
1929 JDH bobber: “I will ride the 2012 cannonball with
this wonderful Harley-Davidson motorcycle. I got this bike
last October in an even trade for my 23 JDCA board
tracker. I have about 1300 miles on it to date.”
1960 Cushman Eagle: 963/4 points at Eustis ‘07.
1968 BSA A65L
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
Chapter member Thornton McDaniel, Jr. sent in his all-original 1976 BMW R90S in
Daytona Orange. This motorcycle has become a kind of cult special and is of particular
interest to vintage BMW motorcycle enthusiasts.
The engine is a 247 BMW and known as Airhead
(motorcycle). It is especially well-regarded among
sportbikes from 1973-1976. The R90s was an individual factory motorcycle - no two identical
bikes left the factory thanks to the individual differences in each motorcycle’s
paint job. Look at two identical
machines from the same production run and you can see this difference today -- which makes restoration a subjective task. The bike’s
stunning visual design was overseen by Hans Muth, who was brought
into the BMW fold to create a machine with a unique presence far removed from the staid image offered by previous BMW offerings, such as
the fast, well built, but conservative R69S.
Chapter member David Porter sends in his award-wining 1971 Triumph T100R and his
ground-up restoration 1972 Norton Commando .
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
For our chapter, 2011 was a year of great joy as well as sorrow. In January our chapter and the AMCA
lost a great friend to the antique motorcycle community. Raymond Dhue – know to most as Gentleman
Ray -- succumbed to the ravages of cancer. It’s always sad to lose a friend who was so vibrant and full of
life. Raymond was one of the kindest people we knew. He was always willing to lend a hand, an ear, give
advice or just be there. He was a very dedicated man, to his wife Kathy, to the AMCA® and AMF, to his
job, to the Gideons and the church. Raymond had a calming effect on people with his quiet patience, and
he certainly practiced what he preached in his life. What a terrible loss. We will miss you, Raymond. He
was truly a Gentleman.
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
On April 30 our chapter met for the Bok Tower run. It had been five years since we last made this run in 2006,
and we started and finished our ride on the grounds of Bok Tower. Bok Tower is a scenic
architectural marvel of ornately crafted stonework built on one of the highest points in
Florida. The product of the vision of Dutch-born Edward Bok, the tower is a neo-Gothic
and Art Deco structure that rises 205 feet above beautiful gardens. Concerts ring out from
the 60-bell carillon at the top of the tower twice each day, serenading the surrounding hills
with peaceful music. Sculptures and artistic grill work adorn the tower with birds, plants
and many other forms of wildlife.
The weather was clear and cool -- perfect for riding. We took the scenic route and
everyone’s bikes were running fine. We soon found our way to our first rest stop at Camp
Mack’s River Resort (slogan: “We Sell Crickets”), which has camp sites, lodging, and a
boat ramp, and sells beer and snacks that can be enjoyed in the informal decor of plywood
sheets atop oil drums on the creaky wood porch. After refreshing ourselves at Camp Mack’s, we saddled up for the
next leg in our ride, about 28 miles through the lowland areas
along the Kissimmee chain of lakes. Soon we arrived at our
second stop, Lake Hatchineha, a 6,600-acre haven for bass,
teeming buggy whips and peppergrass.
We then departed for lunch, started our bikes for the 21-mile
ride to our ultimate destination, Bok Tower. There we had a
fresh and healthy lunch in the garden café, after which we
strolled the flower gardens and grounds, getting a closer look at
Bok Tower itself. Everyone had a great day, catching up with old
friends and riding the scenic roads of Central Florida.
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
The Sunshine Chapter National Meet is held at the Lake County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, just a couple of
miles north of Mount Dora. This year the event took place only a few days after our National Road Run in Palatka,
which is only a short ride north. The Eustis fairground is located on about twenty acres with three large buildings
and a small sports arena where the chapter sometimes holds the riding skills events. The judging usually takes
place in one of the more open buildings, but this year, it was held in the fully closed building. The big surprise this
year has to be that this is to be the last time the event will take place in Eustis. It will move next year to Volusia
county -- closer to all the action of Daytona’s Bike Week.
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
The Everglades Chapter’s National Road Run was a great success, with a great location, terrific weather, and miles
and miles of perfect riding through the picturesque scenery of one of Central Florida’s most beautiful locales.
This was only the second time our chapter had held an AMCA national road run, so the location was key to its
success. With Bike Week and the Eustis meet happing later in the week, we decided the perfect location would be
just north of Eustis, near the Ocala National Forest, at the Rodeheaver Boys Ranch in Palatka. The 700-acre
ranch accommodates up to 500 campsites and is only 18 miles from hotels and restaurants in Palatka. It is an
active ranch that houses 50 boys from troubled families, yet receives no federal, state or local funding -- so it was a
great opportunity for our chapter to support a worthy cause. (Continued on next page)
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
With participants for the road run feasting on Wally’s barbecue for the night’s opening dinner, welcome packets
were handed out and safety checks made for Monday morning’s ride to H&B Cycles. As morning breaks, many
gathered under the ranch pavilion for coffee and doughnuts, along with a ride briefing before heading out for the
first day’s ride. Our journey was to take us
through a quiet rural area and then
through the town of Ocala. The first
destination was H&B Cycles. Now, this
isn’t your normal, run-of-the-mill motorcycle
shop. Over the
years owner
Richard Barner
has amassed a
huge collection
of motorcycles,
parts, and
Richard agreed
to open up his
entire facility to us and what a thrill it was to walk through
several large buildings of vintage motorcycles from the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and explore
rows and rows of parts.
Other rides included the Saint John’s River Run. This was a scenic ride down
seldom-traveled roads and small towns threading through Ocala National Forest.
The scenery in the forest is absolutely beautiful.
Our last run was by-far the most interesting. This route took us to a place along
the proposed route of the Cross Florida Barge Canal.
Environmentalists had halted work on the canal in 1971, fearing its completion would
affect the fresh water aquifers. We found ourselves standing beneath a high bridge
complete with protective wooden ship barriers. We were actually standing on the ground
that would have been at the bottom of the canal. It was eerie
just to take that all in. Upon leaving we drove over the bridge
and through more scenic roads that looped us back to the
Rodeheaver ranch. We rounded out the afternoon with a Participants’ Bike Show at
the ranch, where some of the resident boys had the chance to check out the bikes and
vote for their favorites. We enjoyed having them come out to see us.
We still have a few souvenirs available from this National Road Run. From T-Shirts to coolies. All are in limited
supply and can be found on the chapter website, just click on
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by President Jack Stauffer. Members present were Jack & Kelli Stauffer, David
Porter, Bob & Penny Anderson, Mike Pruszynski, Jeff Avery, Wayne & Donna Mack and Ric & Terri Donk.
The Treasurers report was given by David Porter and approved.
Club members present at the Davenport meet (Sept) and attending the President’s meeting were Jack Stauffer and Bob &
Penny Anderson. Those topics presented and discussed: National obtains insurance for chapter officers and events and
sanctioned AMCA events, instructions in filing a financial report, the AMCA trademark usage can only be obtained through
approval and a “Release of Liability”statement must now be signed on chapter rides. Rick Najera was introduced as the
Director- National Meet coordinator.
A 3rd Florida Chapter is in the making. Kathy Dhue is making application for a chapter in the Lakeland area with completion
of paperwork possibly by January 2012 (?).
Treasurer David Porter suggested the chapter make Kathy Dhue a non-paying member. Members voted and approved.
Upcoming events discussed and voted upon: 1) Sun Sport Bike Show, one day event, Ft. Myers, chapter not to attend.
2)“Hot Rods & Hogs”, Dec. 4th, Ft. Myers, chapter offered free vending space, chapter to attend, e-mails to go out to
members. 3) Show N’ Shine bike show by club member Jeff Avery, Hurricane Cycle, Everglades Chapter to organize show,
date of event possibly late February 2012, members voted to support this event.
The Sunshine Chapter’s National Meet has now been moved from Eustis to the “Cabbage Patch” near New Smyrna.
Further discussions were made on two possible activities to be pursued by the club. 1) A National Meet in October 2012:
Vote was taken ONLY to look into the possibility; various factors to consider cost (?). 2) A Road Run in association with the
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.
Club sponsorship of racing member Art DeLor was discussed. President Jack to talk with Art concerning such.
Ordering t-shirts for sale at future events were voted upon and approved. Kelli to explore possible designs.
Remaining Road Run t-shirts are available for $10 now, koozies at $2.
A 2012 Event Ride Schedule was proposed and voted upon as follows:
Bok Tower ride in the Spring – approved.
2) Annual Meeting and ride in September at Clewiston – approved.
Nominations were made for Officers & Board of Directors for 2012. Upon voting and nomination acceptance, they are as
President – Jack Stauffer
Webmaster, Newsletter Editor, Facebook – Mike Pruszynski
Vice President – Bob Anderson
Board of Directors: Roy Wasson
Secretary – Kelli Stauffer
Tommy Rosegger
Treasurer – David Porter
Penny Anderson
Ric Donk
Mike Pruszynski
Meeting adjourned 4:34 p.m. Minutes recorded and submitted by Secretary Penny Anderson
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review
, converted to
12 volt, many, many extras, Asking
$ 35,000 obo. Jack Mansfield
(239) 949-2701
Everglades Chapter - Fall Issue 2011 Year in Review
A.M.C.A.® Everglades Chapter Membership Enrollment & Renewal Form
Also available online ~ http://evergladeschapter.tripod.com
Check One: New Member: ____Renewal: ____ + A.M.C.A. Member Number: _______
Name: ______________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________
Zip Code: _________________
Phone # 1: ( ) _______________________
Phone # 2: ( ) _______________________
Email Address: ________________________________
Motorcycles owned / riding experience / A.M.C.A background (optional)
By signing below the applicant represents that he/she is a current member of the
National A.M.C.A. and agrees to abide by the by-laws and rules and regulations of the
Everglades Chapter.
Return this page with a $15.00 check payable to: A.M.C.A. Everglades Chapter
Mail check to : David Porter, Everglades Chapter Treasurer
13250 S.W. 224th Street, Miami, Florida 33170
Signature: ________________________________________Date: ________________
Everglades Chapter -Fall Issue, 2011 Year in Review