25¢ TIDE TABLE RESTAURANTS The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30 – FEBRUARY 12, 2015 © 2015, Snook Publications P O Box 617, Everglades City, FL, 34139 SMALLWOOD MUSIC FESTIVAL Rod & Gun Club – 11 am till dark Excitement mounts for the upcoming Smallwood Music Festival on Saturday, January 31. Clyde Butcher has contributed a photo for the auction and batik artist Muffy Clark Gill has given two of her tiles. There is also a chance to have a walk-on role in KC Schulberg's new production "A Dream Last Night." General admission is $10 with priority seating at $40 which should be booked in advance at -------------------------------------------SEAFOOD FESTIVAL NOTICES (See regular schedule on page 11) Right Choice Supermarket Hours: Saturday - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday – 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday Church Services Everglades Community Church will not have Sunday School on Sunday, February 8. Worship Service will begin at 9:00 a.m. Holy Family Catholic Church will hold two Masses: 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. CONTENTS Calendar p. 2 Fishing Report p. 8 Events p. 3 Gulf Coast p. 8 School p. 5 Local History p. 9 Florida Tales p. 7 Museum p. 9 Recipe Taxing Things p.10 Book Review p. 7 Savannah p.10 Book Club Sheriff’s Report p.10 p. 7 p. 7 TIDES & RESTAURANTS p.11 CLASSIFIED p.12 Volume IX z Issue #229 SEAFOOD FESTIVAL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Family Night 5:30 pm – Charlie Pace 5:45 – Kirstin Patt 6:45 – Lost Rodeo 7:30 – Let’s Hang On 9:00 – Jimmy Van Zant 10:00 – Tim Elliott SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 10:00 am – Opening Ceremony 10:45 – The Dance Company 12:00 noon – Ben Allen Band 1:00 pm – The Watching 2:15 – Them Hamilton Boys 3:30 – Rachel Johnson 4:30 – Craig Campbell 6:30 – Tim Elliott 7:45 – Connor Belvin 9:00 – The Watching PANCAKE BREAKFAST Everglades Community Church will offer pancakes and sausages, with coffee and juice, on Saturday, February 7, from 7 to 11 am. Cost is $6 / adult ($3.50 kids under 10). SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 11:00 am – Opening Ceremony 11:30 – Tim Charron Band 12:45 pm – Casey Weston 2:00 – The Gladesmen 3:15 – Tim Elliott 4:30 – OUTSHYNE * NO PETS - NO COOLERS * Call (239) 695-2277, visit or stop by the real estate office behind Island Café for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- European Group Debut at Festival The group "The Watching" might be from Nanzdietschweiler, southwest of Frankfurt in Germany, but they have good local connections when they perform at the Seafood Festival. Lead singer and song writer Nicholas Adkins' father is a familiar face around the Everglades City area. Members of the four piece band have been making music since they were in kindergarten. The quartet has appeared at many European festivals of alternativerock and has released an album “Open Eyes” (available on Amazon) but they really got their big start doing USO shows (Ramstein Airbase is nearby) for US military returning from deployments in Iraq and other hostile places. For information, see their website FEATURE: BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT p.11 If you have news, photos, announcements, or articles ... email or phone 695-2397. What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area The MULLET RAPPER JANUARY 30, 2015 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 SUN 25 MON TUES 26 27 WED THURS FRI SAT 28 29 RAPPER 30 VA Support Rookery Bay Lecture Smallwood Music Fest Hour of Prayer Ladies Coffee Chokoloskee Church of God 7 pm Sweet Mayberry’s Café 8 am FEB 1 2 3 4 Super Bowl Parties at City Seafood & at Angler's Cove Port of the Islands Hour of Prayer Congressional Aide Visit Ladies Coffee Holy Family Catholic Church 7 pm 3 pm, City Hall see p.1 see p.3 5 Havana Café 8 am 6 7 Seafood Festival Family Night Pancake Breakfast Seafood Festival see p.3 ESHP Mtg see p.1 8:30 am, City Hall 8 9 10 11 12 Seafood Festival Hour of Prayer City Council Ladies Coffee Everglades Community Church 7 pm 5:30 pm, City Hall Island Café 8 am Niles Studio Reception Friends of FL Panther Refuge Meeting see p.1 31 OFCD Mtg see p.3 RAPPER 13 VA Support Bake Sale Movie Night see p.3 see p.3 14 VALENTINE’S DAY CollierSeminole Bluegrass Festival see p.3 Lions Club 15 16 17 18 19 CollierSeminole Bluegrass Festival Hour of Prayer Kids’ Clinic Ladies Coffee Copeland Baptist Church 7 pm see p.3 City Seafood 8 am Everglades Book Club see p.3 22 Fakahatchee Everglades Ultra see p.3 see p.3 23 24 25 26 Hour of Prayer MSD Festival Ladies Coffee MSD Festival Chokoloskee Church of God 7 pm see p.9 Sweet Mayberry’s Café 8 am see p.9 MSD Festival Mar 13: Movie Night Mar 14: Bake Sale THRIFT SHOP: See page 3 for schedule LIONS CLUB: 2nd Thurs, 6 pm, Oyster House DR DEMARTINO: Fri, 1:30 to 4:30 pm FOOD PANTRY: Wed, 12 noon to 2 pm, Community Church EVERGLADES AL-ANON: Tues, 8 am and 12 noon, City Hall VA SUPPORT: Alternate Fridays, 10 am, Community Church MUSEUM: Mon - Sat, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm CARNESTOWN Recycle and Trash: 2nd Saturday, 9 am to 1 pm RAPPER 27 MSD Festival 28 BBQ Dinner ORA Bazaar MSD Festival Art-in-Glades see p.3 see p.3 see p.9 VA Support see p.9 Mar 8: Gospel Music 21 Pancake Fly-In see p.7 Wine Wednesday Gospel Music 20 Apr 12: Everglades Bike Ride SKATING RINK: Fri, Sat, 7-10 pm REACH OUT: 3rd Tues, 8:30 am, City Hall LITTLE GATOR CLINIC: Tues, Feb 17, 5 to 7 pm AA: Wed, 5:00 pm, Community Church NA: Sat, 11:30 am, Community Center (Skating Rink) WEIGHT LOSS: Tues, 5 to 6 pm, Community Church SMALLWOOD STORE: Daily, 10 am to 5 pm SHERIFF AT CITY HALL: 1st Tuesday (4:30-5:30 pm), other Tuesdays (10-11 am) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ POST OFFICE HOURS: Everglades City 9:30 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4:30 pm; Sat: outside pick-up 3:45 pm; Chokoloskee 9:30 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4:30 pm; Sat: outside pick-up 3:30 pm; Ochopee 8 to 10 am; 12 noon to 4 pm; Sat: Open for service 10 to 11:30 am. SHERIFF: 252-9300 CITY HALL: 695-3781 PUBLIC LIBRARY: 695-2511 AIRPORT: 695-2778 FAKAHATCHEE: 695-4593 BIG CYPRESS: 695-2000 CURBSIDE TRASH PICKUP (FRIDGES, WASHING MACHINES, TVS): 252-2380 email: x x x PAGE 2 x x x CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 695-3941 EVG NATIONAL PARK: 695-3311 COLLIER COUNTY: 252-8999 The MULLET RAPPER AMAZING ADVENTURE LECTURES What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area Friday, January 30, at 6 pm Westward Found, the American Southwest Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Ctr (239) 530-5940 or The First Baptist Church of Everglades City invites the public to their Sunday Night Gospel Music programs on February 15 and on March 8 at 6 pm. Local musicians will be sharing the Good News through song and music (refreshments following). RECEPTION Varick Niles Everglades Art Studio Thursday, February 12, from 1 – 4 pm watercolor demonstration 11 am-12:30 pm Title of show: Panoramas of the Glades January 22 - February 27 Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge Annual Mtg Thursday, February 12, 5:30 – 8 pm Conservancy of SW Florida, Naples Speaker: Dr. Michael Cherry Reserve your ticket today ($15) Go To: BAKE SALE Friday, February 13 & March 14 8 – 11 am – Next to ECity Post Office Sponsored by VR Corp Ladies Group Historical Movie “Wind across the Everglades” will be featured twice on Friday, February 13, one at 2:30 and again at 5:30 p.m. Free popcorn & sodas in the Jinkins Fellowship Hall, Everglades Community Church. Reservations required: Email or call 695-2905. Jammin’ in the Hammock 8th Annual Bluegrass Festival Collier-Seminole State Park Saturday, February 14, 10 am - 5:30 pm Sunday, February 15, 9 am to 5:30 pm see insert for more information $20 per person per day or $30 for 2 days Children under 13 free with paid adult (239)394-3397 WINE WEDNESDAY Wednesday, February 18, 6:30–8:30 pm Driftwood Spa, Everglades Isle National Wild Turkey Federation Annual Banquet Ten Thousand Islands Chapter February 19 (Details to follow) email: GOSPEL MUSIC PROGRAMS Everglades Ultras Trail Race thru the Everglades Saturday, February 21: 50 miles, 50 km, 25 km. Visit, or telephone (954) 439-2800. PANCAKE FLY-IN The next pancake breakfast of the season, hosted by Wings 10,000 Islands Tours, will take place at Everglades Airpark on Saturday, February 21, from 10:00 am to noon. For more info, call 695-3296. Annual MSD Festival February 24 - 28 JANUARY 30, 2015 OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT 01/13/15: 01/12/15: 01/14/15: 01/14/15: 01/15/15: 01/15/15: 01/16/15: 01/17/15: 01/17/15: 01/18/15: 01/18/15: 01/18/15: 01/19/15: 01/19/15: 01/22/15: 01/22/15: 01/22/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/23/15: 01/24/15: Emergency Medical, Chokoloskee Emergency Medical, Port of Islands Mutual Aid, Marco Island Power lines Down, SR 29 and US 41 Emergency Medical, Everglades City Emergency Medical, Port of Islands Emergency Medical, Everglades City Emergency Medical, Everglades City Vehicle Accident, 74 MM I-75 Emergency Medical, Chokoloskee Brush Fire, Port of the Islands Emergency Medical, Chokoloskee Emergency Medical, Chokoloskee Emergency Medical, Everglades City Vehicle Accident, 63 MM I-75 Emergency Medical, Ochopee Vehicle Accident, 69 MM I-75 Vehicle Accident, 60 MM I-75 Emergency Medical, Copeland Emergency Medical, Everglades City Emergency Medical, SR 29 and I-75 Public Assist, Plantation Island Vehicle Accident, Everglades City Emergency Medical, Port of Islands Emergency Med, Plantation Island Emergency Med, Plantation Island Vehicle Accident, 51 MM I-75 The next Ochopee Fire Control District Advisory Committee will meet at 4 p.m. on Monday, February 9, in the Port of the Islands Fire Station, located at 525 Newport Drive #C, Naples, Florida 34114. Museum of the Everglades see page 9 Bar-B-Q Chicken Dinner Friday, February 27, 5 to 7 pm Everglades Community Church Ladies Auxiliary ($10 adults; $5 children) Annual ORA Bazaar Chokoloskee, Saturday, February 28 Gates will open at 9 am with fresh bakery and coffee. The bazaar will feature a HUGE White Elephant Sale, a "New 2 U Boutique" (slightly used clothing, shoes, jewelry), a Silent Auction, 50/50 Raffle, Basket Raffle, and a Door Prize Raffle. There will be local vendors and craft sales. Lunch & ice cream will be available starting at 11:30 am. Spaces are available for vendors / crafters for $10 ea. A limited amount of spaces are available indoors so please call early. For more information, call Dave or Sherri at 239-695-2281. ART-IN-THE-GLADES Saturday, February 28, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Museum of the Everglades with live music and food for sale. Everyone is welcome: set up a table at no charge for a bake sale or craft works to sell. Phone Marya at 695-2905. x x x PAGE 3 x x x DOCTOR’S CLINIC Dr. Kirk DeMartino will see patients in Everglades City every Friday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the office behind the Fire Station. If you have any questions, call (239) 642-5552. Little Gator Clinic The free walk-in clinic (located behind the fire station) for youngsters will be open from 5 to 7 pm Tuesday, February 17, when Dr. Barnard and Kathy will see patients aged 18 and under. THRIFT SHOP HOURS The Thrift Shop is located behind the Fire Station. The following is a list of the “special” schedule: Friday, January 30 - open 11 am – 3 pm Saturday, January 31 - CLOSED Tuesday, February 3 - open 11 am - 3pm Wednesday, Feb 4 - open 11 am – 3 pm Thurs, February 5 - open 11 am– 3 pm Friday, February 6 - open 11 am – 3 pm Saturday, February 7 - CLOSED The regular schedule will resume on Tuesday, February 10. For more information or to volunteer, call Annie at 695-2009. The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 Daily z Weekly z Monthly Rentals River Wilderness Ì WATERFRONT VILLAS Ì FREE WI-FI - SCREEN PORCH - CANOES SWIMMING POOL - BOAT RAMP - DOCK - OUTDOOR BBQ 210 Collier Ave. Everglades City, FL 34139 239-695-4499 Jan 22 – Feb 27 Exhibit "Panoramas of the Glades" Reception and demonstration Feb 12 Everglades Arts Varick Niles Studio 110 Camellia St. Open every Thurs .-Fri. 11 am -4 pm (239) 261-9592 Triad Seafood Market & Café 10:30 am – 5:00 pm; Sun thru Thurs 10:30 am – 7:00 pm; Fri, Sat Full Table Service Stone Crabs ● Shrimp ● Conch Crab Cakes ● Homemade Key Lime Pies Orlo & Pam Hilton (239) 695-2662 “On the River behind the School” Dinner Thursday – Friday - Saturday Sweet Mayberry’s Café and Gifts Season Hours: Closed Monday Tues thru Sat 8 am to 5 pm; Sun 10 am to 4 pm Call Ahead for To‐Go Orders (239) 695‐0092 Gourmet Coffee, Organic Hot Teas, Italian Gelato In the morning we offer a light European Breakfast Hardware Unusual Gifts Marine Supplies T‐Shirts Knives – Apparel Tackle ‐ Caps WIN-CAR, INC. TrueValue. 209 N. Collier Ave. Carolyn Thompson and Suzan Griffis Post Office Box 247 (239) 695‐3201 Everglades City, FL 34139 Fax: (239) 659‐3344 Email: Sandy Dampier Full Service Beauty Salon Formerly “The Only Salon” Hair Cuts, Perm, Color by Consultation Thursday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm Call 695-2403 for appointment WANTED CASH REWARD Antique & Used Fishing Tackle Buy & Sell – Reels, Wood Rods, Lures, Fish Mounts, Tackle Boxes, Fly Rods & Reels, Gaffs, Fighting Chairs, Nets, Nautical Items Old Rod & Reel Collector 239.695.4288 email: x x x PAGE 4 x x x The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 SCHOOL NEWS Everglades City School phone: 377-9800 or 695-2561 Letter from the Principal IMPORTANT DATES Fri, Jan 30 March 28 Homecoming and Game, 6:30 pm Aquafest Event and Dinner Fifteen bikes of 3 different sizes were delivered to Everglades City School from Bikes for Tykes and AMIKids Big Cypress program. ====================================== ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES Everglades City School is offering an Adult Education Class for the GED from January 20 through June 4 every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6:00 - 8:30 pm. The cost is $30.00 per person. Please contact the school at 239377-9800 to reserve your spot. We look forward to registering anyone who is interested in this program. YEARBOOK ADS Deadline is Friday, January 30, to purchase an advertisement in the 2015 Everglades City Yearbook: Full Page: $150.00; Half Page: $75.00; Quarter Page: $50.00; Business Card: $35.00. Photos and text can be submitted in paper or electronic format. Digital text and photos need to be emailed to Mrs. Owen at Volunteers Needed Everglades City School is seeking volunteers for the classrooms, media center and general office assistance. If you would like to assist, please contact Angela Nicholson at 377-2852 or 377-9800. Your assistance is both appreciated and needed! email: Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Community, We want to welcome Donna Glann-Smyth to our staff as she is filling in for our middle school math teacher. Donna has proven herself to be a team player and keeps her focus on what is best for students. We have some very big events coming up soon. The Seafood Festival is the first one we are looking forward to. Our students and staff all team up to make this a successful event for our school. We thank Mayor Sammy Hamilton, Carol Foss and the Seafood committee for their efforts in providing this for us. Please mark your calendars for March 28, as Everglades City School will host our first Aquafest. Our entrepreneur teacher, Carey Walker, along with Mr. Ragusa, Joe West and our students are planning this event to help raise funds for our student activities. Please join us for a fish dinner and learn about our Aquaculture program. Our basketball season is quickly coming to a close and our softball and baseball teams have already started preparation for their seasons. Join us as encourage our students throughout each season. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Gratefully yours, Bob Spano, Principal SPORTS SCHEDULE Basketball Schedule For complete schedule, visit Click on “Sports” BOYS Varsity: Friday, January 30 (HOMECOMING), at 6:30 pm vs Barron Collier High School HOMECOMING COURT 9th Grade: Bryce Kish, Ashlyn Goff, Scout Morris, Jasmine Lucas 10th Grade: Cody Potter, Haylee Ellison, Brandon Steffen, Cincy Cisuentes 11th Grade: Tawny Wood, Cole Dudley, Alex Thompson, Lilian Pablo-Jeronimo 12th Grade: Dalton Patt, Mic Jones, MacKynzie Redmond, Ana Roldan, Trevor Daniels, Savannah Oglesby x x x PAGE 5 x x x The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 BREAKFAST ● LUNCH ● DINNER NOW SERVING EVERGLADES CITY Driftwood Spa and Wellness Massage Therapy and Spa Services Now offering Gel and Shellac Manicures!! (239) 695-0069 803 Collier Ave Everglades City, FL 34139 email: S.W. FLA’s Pest Authority since 1990 CALL (239) 455-4300 SPIDERS 6-Month Guarantee 3899 Mannix Dr #412 x x x PAGE 6 x x x The MULLET RAPPER Florida Tales Uncle's Tractor by Chester Keene What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 Recipe for Good Eating Comfort Food Corn Pudding Recipe Submitted by Nina Rappaport-Rowan Ingredients: 1/2 cup butter, melted 2 eggs beaten 1 package of Jiffy corn bread mix (1) 15 oz. can of whole kernel corn, drained (1) 14.75 oz. can of creamed corn 1 cup of sour cream 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C), and lightly grease a 9 x 9 inch baking dish. 2. In a medium bowl, combine butter, eggs, corn bread mix, whole and creamed corn and sour cream. Spoon mixture into prepared dish. 3. Bake for 45 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the top is golden brown. Every time I go by this old tractor, it keeps slowly sinking back into the soil where it sits today. For so many years it was used to make a living for my Uncle R. C. Keene who lived in Arcadia, Fl., working his orange grove. When I was a kid and had summer vacation, this is the place I wanted to be, next to the old wooden floor home we had with a wood burning stove till it was replaced by a kerosene or coal oil two burner one. Life was simple one might say by today means. We all survived on food we grew and animals and chickens we raised. Dad picked oranges and hunted rabbits which were sold to a Chicago Market and snakes for the canning plant in Arcadia. He also caught some snakes for Ross Allen's Reptile Garden. He made a tractor from an old Model A Ford he cut down. Back then they called them "Skeeters;" they were the forerunners to Swamp Buggies today. We had plenty to eat, sometimes we didn't know what kind of meat it was because Mama would cook it with spices to cover the taste. She, when asked would tell us it was "Poor Joe" eat a lot of that stuff. Anyway my Uncle R.C. was working in his grove and had a stroke and fell off the tractor. It sits not too far from this picture of me on the trailer and him driving it. He was a great man and as good a friend you could want. Chester Keene is a retired law enforcement officer and Florida native. He retains the copyright to this article. email: NOTE: While visiting my daughter last week in California, a friend of hers (Nina) invited us to dinner and we all enjoyed this wonderful corn pudding, along with her pot roast and vegetables. If you have a favorite recipe to share, please phone or email us. Patty Huff Off the Shelf - Book Review "Calusa; Warriors from an Ancient Past" by Rick Magers reviewed by Marya Repko Rick's new historical novel starts in frozen Siberia and ends up on the Gulf coast, spanning thousands of years, as it traces the wanderings of the native tribe we now call the Calusa. The sub-title hints at some of their struggles along the way. Like most people who migrate to Florida, this group is in search of a warmer climate as they cross the land bridge from Russia to America and make the journey southward, much of it in canoes along the west coast (now California and central America) until they find a river leading to the Caribbean. They eventually end up in Cuba from which they venture north to the Keys and then Charlotte Harbor. Along the way, they encounter other natives and when they settle, they invite local tribes to join them under a united leadership. All is well until relatively recently (500 years ago) when Europeans bring deadly diseases to which they have no immunity. The author, a Florida-born fisherman, donates the profits from his writing to local causes via his publishing company Grizzly Bookz ( His output is prodigious: semi-autobiographical fiction, westerns, short stories. One must-read book for locals is Ghosts of Chokoloskee (reviewed in the Rapper, 5/9/14) featuring familiar historical characters. He can be found selling and signing his works most days in season at the Smallwood Store in Chokoloskee. Some of the books are also available on Amazon and at the Collier County Public Library. Everglades Book Club The Everglades Book Club meets the 3rd Thursday of each month with the following books scheduled for discussion. Books for the next season will be submitted at the February 19 meeting which will be held at the ORA Recreation Hall (upstairs) in Chokoloskee. Thursday, February 19: The Leopard by Guiseppe di Lampedusa Thursday, March 19: A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout & Sara Corbett Thursday, April 2: A Land Remembered by Patrick D. Smith x x x PAGE 7 x x x The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 Living Gulf Coast February Fishing Report by Captain Mike Merritt by Charles Sobczak February is always a great time of year. If the trend continues, the big Seatrout will be extremely active on the grass flats. You may have to move around a lot on those flats to find the fish but they will be there. Be aware of the bottom when doing this; after all you don't want to destroy the very thing holding the fish. This is a great way to have a relaxing day fishing especially for the kids. A popping cork and live shrimp will be your best bet. You will catch Pompano, Mackerel, Bluefish, Ladyfish and Jacks too. Redfish will be mostly undersized fish this time of year. Fish around the oyster bars, dead wood, and mangrove roots on the incoming tide. A popping cork and shrimp will do it here also. If the action is slow, try a knocker rig on the bottom to see if they are being lazy. This will also produce Black Drum, Sheepshead and the occasional Snook. Working the shoreline on the trolling motor can be the most productive method. When you locate a fish, try that spot again and you may be surprised to find several fish in a small area. Mangrove snapper will be abundant in the rivers. Fish the deep holes with shrimp. If it is Snook you are after, this is a great time to fish the backcountry. The head waters of any of the rivers is a great place to start. I prefer to use lures for this but the same shrimp on a cork will work. The key is to make accurate casts. Fish close to the mangroves. A good lure to fish and one that I have great success with is the DOA Shrimp. White is a good bet right now. Also any suspension lures or even jerk baits rigged weedless. Fishing in the back bays and creeks can also be very productive. Finding an area that has good structure and current will be most productive. The further back you go into the backcountry you will narrow it down to more Snook than any other species. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule but once you get into the fresh water you want to fish strictly artificials. Whatever you decide to do this month it is a great time of year with mild weather so get out and enjoy! (The Living Gulf Coast is available at the Big Cypress Swamp Welcome Center) Capt. Mike Merritt was born in Coral Gables, spent 2 1/2 years in Australia as a child, moved back to Miami, then to Everglades City where he graduated High School. His grandfather and father both fished these waters and he started running these islands in his own boat at age 13. Mike grew up lure fishing for Snook and started guiding approx. 20 years ago. He fished the IFA Redfish Tour for two years and finished in the top ten. He fishes artificial lures, live bait, or both out of a 22ft.Pathfinder boat powered with a 150hp Yamaha 4 stroke. Contact (561) 795 3437 or email: “Archaeology of the Everglades” Free, 45-minute programs at Shark Valley will begin at 5:00 pm on February 14: Weeds and Seeds: A History of Dining in Southern Florida. Birding Workshop Rookery Bay – February 14 - 8 a.m. to noon Cost $30 ($25 for members) Register at or call (239) 530-5972 Collier-Seminole Daily 3-Hour Guided Canoe Trips from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Cost $30. Monthly 2-Hour Moonlight Guided Canoe Trips from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at $50. Call (239) 394-3397 for reservations. email: Tulip Shell (Fasciolaria tulipa) Other names: none / Status: FL=stable, IUCN=NE / Life span: n/a / Size: 4-6 in. (10-15 cm) / Weight: n/a / Spawns: inshore / Found: inshore and near shore waters of SW Florida / Common. Although more difficult to find than some other gastropods, living tulips can still be located in the tidal flats of the J.N. “Ding” Darling Wildlife Refuge, as well as Tarpon Bay, the back side of Captiva, and along the shallows of the out islands. Look for them in areas of soft, muddy, and weedy bottoms. It is generally covered in algae growth and small barnacles, looking nothing like it does on display in a showcase. When moving, the tulip tends to look much like an oversized underwater snail crawling slowly along the bottom. The tulip is a predatory gastropod, related to the horse conch, and is a carnivore. It feeds on other gastropods, including its relative, the banded tulip, as well as any number of bivalves such as clams, oysters, and scallops. The tulip wraps itself around a bivalve and methodically pries it open to feed upon the soft tissue inside. When picked up the tulip will immediately start to dislodge whatever water it has inside and close its trap door (the operculum), sealing itself completely inside its protective shell. The tulip is found in water from a few inches to 30 feet in depth. This species has been known to grow to more than nine inches long, though it rarely reaches that size. It is preyed upon by grouper, octopus, and squid, and when inshore it is sometimes taken by wading birds such as egrets and herons. Banded Tulip (Fasciolaria hunteria) Other names: tulip / Status: FL=stable, IUCN=NE / Life span: n/a / Size: 2-5 in. (5-13 cm) / Weight: n/a / Spawns: inshore / Found: Inshore and near shore waters of Southwest Florida / Common. Similar in many ways to its slightly larger cousin, the true tulip, the banded tulip is also found in the shallow mudflats and sandy bottoms of the back bay. It is a predatory gastropod, feeding on a variety of bivalves, as well as smaller tulips. All tulips are cannibalistic and will readily attack and eat members of their own species. Unlike the oyster, the tulip is dioecious, meaning each is distinctly male or female. The female tulip’s egg capsules resemble flattened, V-shaped stemmed vases with frilly edges, clumped together in masses. They are generally attached to rocks or dead shells. The larvae emerge as crawling young. Neither the banded nor true tulip population appears to be in trouble. Although both of these tulips are edible, their meat is tough and they have no real food value. The banded tulip is preyed upon by true tulips, wading birds, fish, and octopus. Photos by Blake Sobczak Charles Sobczak is a Sanibel author whose works include Six Mornings on Sanibel and local guide books, Living Sanibel and The Living Gulf Coast which are available online and at most local bookstores. For more information about Sobczak’s writing go to x x x PAGE 8 x x x The MULLET RAPPER LOCAL HISTORY “Growing Up in the Early Days with Barron Collier” by Lynn Pierce Continued from the January 16 issue… For my Mama and her friends… growing up in Everglades was like growing up in paradise… They knew to return home for lunch and supper when the whistle blew for those events. They climbed trees, picked and ate coconuts, borrowed rowboats to be on the Barron River, and played endless games. In the early days when there was a streetcar, they would ride up and down for free. After the streetcar a railroad was built, but what was really needed was a road to the outside world. Barron Collier was determined to finish the missing part of the road to connect Miami to Ft. Myers. It was completed and opened in April 1928. My mother and her parents were among the honored few to be driven across for the opening ceremonies! My mother’s friends were Mary Divine Thorp, Margaret Duncan, Wilda Doss (yes, Hilda and Wilda!), Bobbie and Ellen McLeod, and Sarah Collier Rindy. They remained friends throughout their lives! I can remember going on a short cruise with Mama and Mary Divine when we first returned to Miami. Wilda lived in the same neighborhood we did in North Miami and we had a neighbor named “Gilda”! My grandfather was the first Chairman of the School Board and remained in that position the entire time my mother was in school. This proved to be a great embarrassment for her. Since there were few telephones, Mama had to carry messages back and forth from her father to school personnel and vice versa. This “chore” as she called it resulted in her being referred to as a “teacher’s pet” which she abhorred! Mama was a good student and was Valedictorian of the graduation class of 1939. For graduation, there was no prom but instead a Junior-Senior Banquet at the Everglades Inn put on by her Godfather Snookie Senghaus. The highlight of the evening was the flaming Baked Alaska Snookie made! As an aside, when I found out Mama was Valedictorian, I asked her how many were in her class as my class had over 1000. She responded that there had been seven – to which I responded that no wonder she was Valedictorian as she no competition! No, she didn’t appreciate my comment. . …….to be continued email: What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 MUSEUM of the Everglades Pauline Reeves Gallery “A Look into the World of Our Native Seminoles” Historic Photographs Courtesy of the Seminole Tribe of Florida The Museum of the Everglades will host an exhibit of historic photographs courtesy of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Join us as we explore the wonderful culture of our beloved Native Seminoles. Through this black and white exhibit we get a small glimpse of a culture once hidden deep in the Everglades. This exhibit will be featured in the Pauline Reeves Gallery through the months of February and March. Dr. Annette Snapp, Operations Manager of the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum, will be on hand to meet with visitors at the Museum of the Everglades during the Seafood Festival on Saturday, February 7. Also, during the Seafood Festival, the Friends of the Museum will have a raffle for a Clyde Butcher print as well as a Dennis Goodman print. Please plan to stop by the Museum of the Everglades (the pink building on West Broadway). ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ MSD Festival scheduled for February 24 - 28 Please join us during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Festival! A lot of activities are planned and many of the tours have been filled. Highlights include: Tuesday, February 24: Charlie Munroe, grandson of Commodore Ralph Munroe of The Barnacle Historic State Park in Coconut Grove, will be the guest speaker at the Opening Luncheon. Also returning for her portrayal of Marjory Stoneman Douglas will be Janina Birtolo. Cost of the luncheon is $25 (FME members $20) and will be held at Everglades Isle. Wednesday, February 25: Fern Walk, Kayaking, Talks on the Everglades at the Museum. Thursday, February 26: Swamp Walks, Canoe Trip, Wild Animal Show, Interesting Presentations at the Museum. Friday, February 27: Canoe Tour, Walking Tour of Historic Sites, Seminole and Representatives from other Museums. Saturday, February 28: Tram Tours, Fascinating Stories, Art-in-the-Glades Reservations are required for the luncheon as well as some of the excursions with maximum limits. Call Martha at 695-0008 to sign up now. The schedule of events is available at the Museum. Congratulations to Pamela and John Mayhew (of Havana Café in Chokoloskee) who were married on January 11, 2015. They would like to “send their thanks to all who made our special day for us.” CAREGIVER NEEDED: Visiting Angels is looking for experienced CAN/HHA and companion caregivers for in-home senior care. Please give them a call at (239) 561-7600. x x x PAGE 9 x x x The MULLET RAPPER TAXING THINGS by Mike, The Tax Guy Form Fitting This year, there are some changes to tax forms related to the Affordable Care Act. Along with a few new lines on existing forms, there will also be two new forms that will need to be included with some tax returns. While most taxpayers will simply need to check a box on their tax return to indicate they had health coverage for all of 2014, there are also new lines on Forms 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ related to the health care law. Form 8965, Health Coverage Exemptions Complete this form to report a Marketplace-granted coverage exemption or claim an IRS-granted coverage exemption on the return. Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit Complete this form to reconcile advance payments of the premium tax credit, and to claim this credit on the tax return. Additionally, if individuals purchased coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, they should receive Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, which will help complete Form 8962. Where to put the information: Form 1040 Line 46: Enter advance payments of the premium tax credit that must be repaid Line 61: Report health coverage and enter individual shared responsibility payment Line 69: If eligible, claim net premium tax credit, which is the excess of allowed premium tax credit over advance credit payments Form 1040A Line 29: Enter advance payments of the premium tax credit that must be repaid Line 38: Report health coverage and enter individual shared responsibility payment Line 45: If eligible, claim net premium tax credit, which is the excess of allowed premium tax credit over advance credit payments Form 1040EZ Line 11: Report health coverage and enter individual shared responsibility payment Form 1040EZ cannot be used to report advance payments or to claim the premium tax credit What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area JANUARY 30, 2015 From Savannah’s Eyes I love all this Florida sunshine we’ve had lately! It funny how it’s winter in every other state but here it’s always summer. We do have some cold days but they don’t last very long. Homecoming is coming up on the 30th and this, unfortunately, is my last homecoming ever as a high school student. It’s both sad and exciting because I was voted on Homecoming court again this year to represent my Senior Class. I already have my dress picked out and everything but haven’t showed anyone it yet because I want it to be a surprise! I will be walking on court along with two other girls in my class with our escorts. I can’t wait to walk down the court for the last time, smiling at the stands as the crowd cheers when your name is called, Cameras videoing and flashing all around you. The look on your parents’ face when they see you in the perfect dress with your hair curled, looking like a princess. This is also the year they get to announce the King and Queen for my senior class, which is exciting since we’ve watched year after year people getting crowned and now it’s our turn for it! Good luck to all the girls and boys in the senior class. Softball season has officially started, and I am so excited! We have a new coach this year, and a lot of girls wanting to play. Our first few practices this past week have been awesome; the girls are energetic (along with our coach) and for our first few practices we’re looking good! Our first game is on February 2 so we’re preparing to kick some butt! This is also going to be my last sport that I play in high school (wish it was volleyball) so it’s bittersweet. Please come out and support our boys in their last game (Homecoming) on January 30. The first game is at 5 and Homecoming court will be in between the JV and Varsity games. Love, Savannah Savannah Oglesby is 17 years old and a senior at Everglades-City School. SHERIFF’S REPORT Sometime between January 10 and the 11th person(s) unknown entered a boat that was docked in the 900 block of South Copeland Ave and removed property. Missing was 2 gallons of gasoline and a white bucket style boat seat. On January 6 between 8 am and 1:30 pm persons unknown entered an unlocked vehicle at Collier Seminole State Park and removed property. Taken was cellular phone and Garmin Nuvi GPS. Please remember to always secure your vehicles and do not leave valuables in plain view. Businesses are also encouraged to have their employees keep a watchful eye on your parking areas during this busy tourist season. If you see any suspicious activity or person please notify the Collier County Sheriff’s Office immediately at 252-9300. Loop Road Prairie Prescribed Fire If conditions are favorable Big Cypress National Preserve will continue to conduct prescribed fire operation within the Loop Unit of the Preserve until late February. The primary goals are to assist the Preserve with exotic species management, improving habitat for deer populations, and maintaining distinct populations of Liguus tree snails in the area. Smoke may be visible within the Preserve, especially from U.S. 41 and Loop Road. In case of smoke on the roadways drive carefully, reduce your speed, and turn on your headlights while driving. All areas of Big Cypress National Preserve will remain open to visitors during the prescribed fire. However, visitors are encouraged to check the Big Cypress website for updates to ensure areas they wish to visit are not being impacted by the burn. Fire activity will be close to the southern end of the Robert’s Lake Trail south of the Oasis Visitor Center, and the eastern end of the Gator Hook Trail. Before attempting to hike these trails during the burn operation visitors should check with National Park Service staff at the visitor center. ================================================================================= Mike, The Tax Guy, provides income tax services. His phone number is 695-0595. email: Volunteers Wanted Everglades National Park is looking for volunteers to help out (to paddle in canoes or kayaks) on ranger-led canoe trips this winter. Please contact Andy Webb at 695-3311. x x x PAGE 10 x x x The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT RESTAURANTS Angler’s Cove, Port of the Islands (239-642-1025): 11:30 am – 9 pm; Tues-Sunday. 4 pm–9 pm; Monday Camellia Street Grill (695-2003): 12 noon – 9:00 pm; daily City Seafood (695-4700): 6:00 am – 6:00 pm; Mon thru Wed 6:00 am – 9:00 pm; Thurs thru Sun Glades Haven Deli (695-2091): 6:00 am – 9:00 pm; daily (Marina: 6 am - 4 pm; daily) Havana Café (695-2214): 7:00 am to 3:00 pm; Sun thru Wed 7:00 am to 8:00 pm; Thurs-Fri-Sat Island Café (695-0003): 6:00 am – 9:00 pm; daily Ivey House (695-3299): 6:30 – 9:30 am; daily Joanie’s Blue Crab Café (695-2682): 10:00 am – 5:00 pm; Closed Wed Oyster House Restaurant (695-2073): 11:00 am – 9 pm; Sun thru Thurs 11:00 am – 10:00 pm; Fri, Sat Rod & Gun (695-2101): 11:30 am - 9:00 pm; daily Subway at Gator Express (695-3937): 7:00 am – 7:00 pm; daily Step Back in Time (695-0611): 11:00 am – 3:00 pm; Mon thru Sat Closed Sunday Sweet Mayberry’s Café (695-0092): 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; Tues thru Sat 10 am – 4 pm; Sunday; Closed Mon Triad Seafood & Cafe (695-2662): 10:30 am – 5:00 pm; daily Right Choice Supermarket (695-4535): 9:00 am – 7:00 pm; daily Grimm’s Stone Crab (695-3222): 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Mon thru Sat Loco’s Fresh Produce: (239-462-7050) (next to the ECity Post Office) 7:00 am – 4:00 pm; Thurs thru Sat SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Chokoloskee Church of God 10 am Sunday School, 11 am Sun Worship Copeland Baptist Church 10 am Sunday School, 11 am Sun Worship Everglades Community Church 9:45 am Adult Sunday School 11 am Sunday Worship Everglades First Baptist Church 9:45 am Sunday School, 11 am Worship Holy Family Catholic Church 10:30 am Sunday Mass email: JANUARY 30, 2015 by Patricia Huff Trail Lakes Campground A resident hawk on Chokoloskee, taken from the trailer behind the post office. Photo by Mary Sue Stokesbury TIDES FOR BARRON RIVER Lat: 25.87ºN Long: 81.37ºW http://TIDESANDCURRENTS.NOAA.GOV 01/30 Fri 06:36AM -0.2 L 01/30 Fri 01:33AM 1.9 H 01/30 Fri 06:35AM 0.7 L 01/30 Fri 11:32AM 2.6 H 01/31 Sat 07:27AM -0.3 L 01/31 Sat 02:00AM 1.9 H 01/31 Sat 07:28AM 0.7 L 02/01 Sun 12:19AM 2.7 H 02/01 Sun 08:11AM -0.3 L 02/01 Sun 02:12AM 2.0 H 02/01 Sun 08:14AM 0.6 L 02/02 Mon 01:00AM 2.7 H 02/02 Mon 08:51AM -0.3 L 02/02 Mon 02:26AM 2.1 H 02/02 Mon 08:55AM 0.5 L 02/03 Tue 01:36AM 2.7 H 02/03 Tue 09:28AM -0.3 L 02/03 Tue 02:47AM 2.1 H 02/03 Tue 09:33AM 0.4 L 02/04 Wed 02:11AM 2.7 H 02/04 Wed 10:02AM -0.3 L 02/04 Wed 03:13AM 2.2 H 02/04 Wed 10:08AM 0.4 L 02/05 Thu 02:45AM 2.6 H 02/05 Thu 10:35AM -0.2 L 02/05 Thu 03:43AM 2.3 H 02/05 Thu 10:43AM 0.3 L 02/06 Fri 03:20AM 2.5 H 02/06 Fri 11:06AM -0.1 L 02/06 Fri 04:15AM 2.3 H 02/06 Fri 11:19AM 0.3 L 02/07 Sat 03:57AM 2.4 H 02/07 Sat 11:35AM 0.0 L 02/07 Sat 04:49AM 2.4 H 02/07 Sat 11:57AM 0.3 L 02/08 Sun 04:39AM 2.2 H 02/08 Sun 12:03AM 0.1 L 02/08 Sun 05:22AM 2.3 H 02/09 Mon 12:41AM 0.2 L 02/09 Mon 05:29AM 2.0 H 02/09 Mon 12:28AM 0.3 L 02/09 Mon 05:56AM 2.3 H 02/10 Tue 01:34AM 0.2 L 02/10 Tue 06:34AM 1.8 H 02/10 Tue 12:53AM 0.4 L 02/10 Tue 06:31AM 2.3 H 02/11 Wed 02:41AM 0.2 L 02/11 Wed 07:54AM 1.6 H 02/11 Wed 01:24AM 0.6 L 02/11 Wed 07:14AM 2.3 H 02/12 Thu 03:53AM 0.1 L 02/12 Thu 09:25AM 1.6 H 02/12 Thu 02:29AM 0.7 L 02/12 Thu 08:19AM 2.3 H 02/13 Fri 05:00AM 0.0 L 02/13 Fri 10:53AM 1.6 H 02/13 Fri 04:35AM 0.8 L 02/13 Fri 09:39AM 2.4 H x x x PAGE 11 x x x A few months ago when my grandsons were visiting from the Keys, we took a trip to the Skunk Ape Headquarters at Trail Lakes Campground in Ochopee. Jack Shealy Jr. gave us the grand tour of the campground and facilities. It had been a while since I had the opportunity to look around, and I was very much impressed with the natural beauty of the area. We first visited the snake and bird sanctuary where Rick, the tour guide, was giving a presentation. There were alligators and peacocks as well. And, of course, my grandson Colton was interested in having his photo taken with the Skunk Ape and seeing the novelty items in the gift shop. Afterwards, we took a walk along the lake and campground sites. The palm trees surrounding the lake, the saw grass, and the prairie make this site appealing to anyone wanting to experience the true Everglades. Every campsite is far enough away from US41 so that traffic cannot be heard; only the sounds of the wildlife surrounding this quiet and comfortable place to stay. One of the nicest accommodations at the campground was the elevated thatched chickee cabin that has many of the same amenities of home with outdoor dining at the picnic table beside the lake and a campfire. You can enjoy the sunset on your own balcony overlooking the prairie. The Shealy family has owned and operated Trail Lakes Campground since 1963. It was originally the site of the old sawmill run by Bill Tomic from 1942 to 1958. For more information, visit their website or call (239) 695-2275. The MULLET RAPPER What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area PET PICS SNOOK CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT: 2BR/1 Bath, furnished. Phone, cable TV. 2 twin beds, 1 queen bed, full kitchen, laundry room, living room. $250/nite (2 nite min) or $1000 for entire week. Check or Cash only. Deposit required. Call (561) 795-3437 or (561) 252-4324 or email ------------------------------------------------FOR RENT: Seafood Festival Special, Cabin 7 @ Glades Haven, Sleeps 5-6, $150/night, 4-night minimum. FOR SALE OR RENT: Cabins #7 & #8, Glades Haven, daily/weekly/monthly, seasonal. For above two listings, call (239) 695-9142 or email at -----------------------------------------------FOR LEASE: Deep water commercial dock and lot on Barron River. Premium sought-after location at 909 Dupont St. in Everglades City. Perfect for lucrative airboat or eco-tour business, commercial fishing or even restaurant with chickee bar and tourist gift shop attraction. FOR RENT: Mobile home lot in Copeland, FL, within minutes to Everglades City. Lovely location with large Poinciana tree across from a park. All mobile home hook ups installed and available. Lot rent $350/mo. FOR SALE: Large 4 BR/2 bath Jim Walters stilt home on large fenced lot with beautiful trees in Copeland within minutes of Everglades City. Home is newer construction with wood floors and large porch and is being sold well below appraised value by motivated sellers. For above 3 listings, call Rancho T Properties LLC (727) 480-1640. JANUARY 30, 2015 The MULLET RAPPER BJ (8-yr-old Pomeranian) enjoys reading The Mullet Rapper while visiting owner Sam Harrod on Chokoloskee. What’s Happening in the Everglades City Area PUBLISHER Patricia A. Huff, Snook Publications P O Box 617, Everglades City, FL, 34139 (239) 695-2397, EDITORS Patty Huff & Marya Repko PHOTOJOURNALIST Helen Bryan Send us your Pet Pics by post or email. CONTRIBUTORS to this Issue Helen Bryan, Chester Keene, Mike Klein, Mike Merritt, Elaine Middelstaedt, Savannah Oglesby, Charles Sboczak FRIENDLY DOGGIE WANTS HOME: A young exuberant Bichon (about 17 months) is looking for a family to play with. Very friendly. Call Annie at 695-2009 for more information. PRODUCTION layout: Marya Repko, printing: Hinson Studios PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT We aim to provide local news of interest to the extended community of Everglades City, Chokoloskee, Plantation Island, Lee Cypress, Copeland, Jerome, and Ochopee. We strive to present the facts accurately with no political bias or personal opinion. The views expressed in signed articles are not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. CLASSIFIEDS SUBSCRIPTION RATES 25¢ per issue or $40 per year by US Post FOR SALE: 4BR/2BTH, 2400sq.ft. stilt home on 120 x 200 fenced lot, perfect family home. $147,500. Bob Wells Real Estate (239) 695-2660 ------------------------------------------------- © 2015, Snook Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission. FOR SALE: Park Model trailer & lot in Everglades VR Corp. 1 BR / 1 bath / large screen room, boat dock. Fully furnished, washer/dryer / ceiling fans/ A/C, awnings, metal roof, concrete pad w/18 tie downs, fully skirted. Explore & fish the 10,000 Islands. (410) 289-8835. JOBS & SERVICES ----------------------------------------------------------------- EVERGLADES CITY Lat: 25.87ºN Long: 81.37ºW Port of the Islands The beautiful Port of the Islands Resort is looking for a Part Time Guest Services Agent & a Part Time Room Attendant to join their team! Please see website for a full job description & to apply. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS see for weather and for storms See the Rapper in full color! Visit our website. date _______________________ Please make check payable to “Snook Publications” and send to Snook Publications, P O Box 617, Everglades City, FL, 34139 ___ The MULLET RAPPER by post ($40) ___ The MULLET RAPPER by email ($10) NAME ___________________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________________ STREET / P.O.BOX: ALTERNATE ADDRESS _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________ CITY _________________________________________________ STATE ________ STATE _________ ZIP ____________________________ ZIP _________________________________ MONTHS AT ALTERNATE ADDRESS __JAN __FEB __MAR __APR __MAY __JUN __JUL __AUG __SEP __OCT __NOV __DEC 1/30/15 email: x x x PAGE 12 x x x
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