2013 Conference Program - School Social Work Association of
2013 Conference Program - School Social Work Association of
School Social Workers: Making a Difference in Schools, Homes & Communities 16th National School Social Work Conferencesm Presented by the: School Social Work Association of America March 20 - 23, 2013 Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina San Diego, CA Some photos courtesy of San Diego Tourism Authority. Welcome to San Diego The Staff and Board of the School Social Work Association of America would like to welcome you to the 2013 National School Social Work Conference at the scenic Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina. We want you to know that we are working to bring in presenters that are cutting edge and present evidence-informed practices in our field. We hope that you will find these workshops both informative and inspiring. We know that professional development is a key to remaining knowledgeable about the developments in the field of school social work. We encourage you to network with others who face the same daily challenges that you do, whether it is in your daily practice or in the role as a member of your state school social work association board. We hope you will attend the specialty and regional meetings that will further expand your network of professionals in the field. Most of all, we hope that you learn the information you came for, make the connections you had hoped to and overall have a wonderful experience at our national conference. We thank you for making attendance at this conference a priority. Welcome to San Diego! Sincerely, Michelle Alvarez Michelle Alvarez, Ed.D, MSW, C-SSW President Frederick Streeck, MSW, ACSW Executive Director SSWAA Board & Leadership Officers Michelle Alvarez, President Mankato, MN michelle.alvarez@mnsu.edu Sharron Williams, Secretary Jackson, MS shwilliams@jackson.k12.ms.us Carol Massat, Standards and Practice Representative LaGrange, IN carolmasssat@gmail.com Brenda Lindsey, University Relations Representative Urbana, IL blindsey@illinois.edu Pat Childs, Northeast Representative Baltimore, MD pchilds@bcps.k12.md.us Kari Smith, Midwest Representative Brookfield, IL ksmith@sswaa.org Maureen James, States Without Associations Salt Lake City, UT msjames@graniteschools.org Staff: Frederick Streeck, Executive Director Lake Tapps, WA fstreeck@comcast.net Myrna Mandlawitz, Governmental Relations Director Washington, DC Libby Nealis, Government Relations Specialist Washington, DC Rebecca Kunkel, Southern Representative Austin, TX rkunkel@prodigy.net Dot Kontak, Director, Communications/Conference Planning St. Louis, MO Dot@sswaa.org Daniel McCarthy, Western Representative Pleasant Hill, California mccarthynm@comcast.net Benita Tillman Brown, Director, Conference Planning Sanford, FL Conference@sswaa.org SSWAA Conference Page 2 16th National School Social Work Conference℠ Schedule of Events Wednesday, March 20, 2013 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 am 8:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 11:45 am 1:15 pm 11:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 4:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Conference Registration Exhibit Hall Set Up Pre-Conference Workshops Lunch on your own Exhibit Hall Pre-Conference Workshops Dialogue on School Discipline & Practices—Justice Center Opening “Welcome Reception” in Exhibit Hall Thursday, March 21, 2013 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:30 am 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Conference Registration Coffee Service (Sponsored by University of Southern California) Exhibit Hall Opening Session & Keynote Address Michael Pritchard, Ph.D. “T.E.A.M. Together, Everyone and Anyone Matters” 9:30 am – 10:00 a.m. Break (Visit Exhibit Hall) 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Poster Sessions 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Workshop Session A Lunch on your own Workshop Session B Snack Break in Exhibit Hall Workshop Session C Regional Meetings/Gatherings “Who Cares About Kelsey?” Film presentation Friday, March 22, 2013 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Conference Registration 7:45 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Coffee & Pastries in Exhibit Hall (Sponsored by University of Southern California) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Specialty Group Meetings 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Silent Auction 9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Workshop Session D 10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Break (Explore the Exhibit Hall and Silent Auction ) 11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. SSWAA Luncheon & Annual Meeting Myrna Mandlawitz, Esq. SSWAA Governmental Relations "A School Social Worker, a Representative, and a Senator Walk into a School: .. Don’t Let the Joke Be on Us!" 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Workshop Session E 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Beverage Break in Exhibit Hall (Sponsored by Pearson Clinical Assessments) 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m Legislative Advocacy Team Meeting 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Workshop Session F 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. “A Day in the Life of a School Social Worker” Film Presentation 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Dismantle Saturday, March 23, 2013 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Workshop Session G Closing Luncheon Session and Keynote Address Marleen Wong, Ph.D., LCSW “Trauma Informed Schools: The Role of School Social Work” SSWAA Conference Page 3 Wednesday, March 20 Pre-Conference Conference Registration: 7:30 am – 7:00 pm 8:30 – 11:45 am Pre-A Olweus Bullying Prevention Jane Riese 8:30 – 11:45 am Pre- B Working with “Tough Kids”--Transforming the Difficult Child Dr. Howard Glasser 8:30 – 11:45 am Pre- C SSW Evaluation Rubric in the New Era of Mandated Accountability Panel presentation on how 3 States’ SSWs have responded Exhibits: 1:15 – 4:30 pm Pre-D Interventions for School Refusal — Dr. Chris Kearney & Rachel Loftis 1:15 – 4:30 pm Pre-E Adventure Program for Students in Regular Ed as Well as on the Spectrum Tony Alvarez, Michael Kelmenson & Patti Kovacs 1:15 – 4:30 pm Pre F Rating Scales to Facilitate Student Mental Health Assessment & Outcome Management Dr. Josie Woodson 11:45 am –7:00 pm Welcome Reception & Poster Sessions 5:00 -7:00 pm in Exhibit Area Hors d’oeuvres, Cash Bar & Networking Dialogue on School Discipline & Practices 4:30 – 6:30 Thursday, March 21 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration 8:00 am –9:30 am Opening Keynote Address Session A 10:00 – 12:00 1 Mental Health Screening: Tier II & Tier III Assessment Dr. James Gyurke 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Exhibit Hall -- Coffee (7:30 am– 8:30 am) by Dr. Michael Pritchard “T.E.A.M. Together Everyone and Anyone Matters” (Poster Sessions in Exhibit Hall from 9:30 am – 12:00 noon) 2 Meeting the 3 Develop- 4 Therapeutic 5 A Win-Win! 6 Bias & 7 Brain Rules Needs of MilitaryConnected Students—Dr. mental Play Groups for AtRisk Kdg Program Model: What Works and Why Bullying: Time to Make the Connection “Plug In, Turn On” -- Ron Astor & Diane Pineda Tim Musty & Jillian Mosier Anne McInerney, LaTroy & Kathy Lombardi Ways to Incorporate Interns into SSW Practice Kathy Armenta, Kate Amerson & Erin Spalding Tara Brown Lyn Mitchell & Nancy Michael 8 Assessment of School Refusal Dr. Timothy Day & Dr. Christopher Kearney 9 EBP in 10 SSW as Treating Trauma in Schools Joshua Kaufman, & Joel Cisneros PBIS Champion & District Change Agent Laura Mooiman & Dr. Laura Ryan 12:00 – 1:30 pm Lunch on your own Session B 1:30 – 3:00 pm 11 Stepping On 12 Advocacy Up with Michael Pritchard 101: Making Sense of Washington’s Ways Myrna Mandlawitz, Esq & Libby Nealis Dr. Michael Pritchard & Jim Watson 13 Parenting Children with Aspergers & Special Needs Dr. Mimi Mumm 14 Risk 15 Professional 16 School 17 The SSW Taking in the Digital Age Learning Communities and SSW Data Collection Support Groups for GLBT Role in RtI at the High School Level Mollie Conrad Alan Horowitz Edmund Arroyo & Nancy Betker Gloria MoskowitzSweet & Dr. Erica Pelavin 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Snack Break in Exhibit Area Session C 3:30 – 5:00 pm 21 PBIS & 22 Supporting 23 Play Therapy 24 Outing Jane 25 UCLA’s 26 Families as 27 Five Bullying Prevention & Assisting our Heroes’ Children for Adolescents with Developmental Delays Erika Buehler & Sophia Carre' Addams: SSWs Supporting LGBT Students Comprehensive System of Learning Supports Partners: Making the Connection Characteristics of Happy Kids & How to Instill Them Donna SecorPennington Jarod Anderson Rochelle LeiberMiller Dr. Stewart Pisecco & Chris Huzinec Eric Hughes & Christie Weiss 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Regional Gatherings – Come & Network Evening: Enjoy San Diego 18 & 28 (3 hr session) 19 & 29 20 & 30 (3 hr session) (3 hr session) Building an Integrated System of Student Support to Ensure the Success of All Students Crisis Bereavement Group Intervention Guidelines for School Social Workers Kimberly Israel, Tracy Schmidt & Maria Osborn Jerry Ciffone The Changing Role of SSW within RtI/PBS and Use of Data Jennifer Phillips Chris Parrott 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. “Who Cares About Kelsey?” Film Presentation 16 24 (3 ses n) Friday, March 22 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration & Exhibits Coffee & Pastries (7 :45 am – 9 :15 am) 8:00 am – 5 :30 pm SILENT AUCTION 8:00 am – 9 :00 am Specialty Meetings: State Presidents & Delegates, New members to SSWAA, University Faculty & Researchers, PreSchool & Elementary SSWs, Secondary SSWs, SSW State Consultants, Students & New SSWs Session D 9:15 – 10:45 am 31 Identity & 32 Compassion 33 Using Trauma in the Gang Context Dr. Leticia Villarreal Sosa Fatigue : Giving Up or Giving Out Thomas Casolaro 34 Mental 35 Serving 36 When 37 Strategies to Strategies to Create Powerful Learning Environments Well-Being of Undocumented Youth: Services & Solutions Unaccompani ed Homeless Youth Mental Illness Comes to School Teach Social Skills & Self Regulation Christina Dukes Greg Drozdowski K. Giddings Dr. Joan Fedota Betzabel Estudillo & Imelda Placensia 38 Lessons from Chicago Teachers’ Strike: How SSWs Can Help Save Public Education Carol Hayse & Benita WhitfieldShanklin, Sheryl Thomas 39 Runaway 40 Parenting Youth and Prevention Tools with Diverse Families & Social Media Management Katrina Wyss Emily Griffin 10:45 – 11:15 am Break 11:15 am – 1:15 pm SSWAA Luncheon & Annual Meeting “A SSW, a Representative, & a Senator Walk Into a School..” by Myrna Mandlawitz, Esq Session E 1:30 – 3:00 pm 41 Creating a 42 New Trauma Sensitive School Dr. Joseph Gianesin, Amanda Lichtel, & Catherine Brousseau Check out Exhibit Area & Silent Auction 43 Strategies to 44 “Fighting 45 What’s 46 Engaging 47 Outcomes & Results for Special Ed: Are SSWs Ready? Address the Impact of Homelessness on Academic Outcomes Makes You Someone” Love Got to Do With It? Implementing a Strength Based Approach w/ Students and Families Dr. Robert Pasternack Dr. James Canfield, Dr. Holly Riffe Dr. Joan Letendre & Lisa WerkmeisterRozas Joyce Huff & Judy Kajander Dibble Institute At Risk Students and Families in Alternative Ed 3:00-3:30 pm Break in Exhibit Area Session F 3:30 – 5:00 51 52 SEL, RTI Psychological First Aid for Schools and Common Core: Opportu nities to Expand SSW Visibility Dr. Marleen Wong Annette Johnson & Dr. Cassandra McKay-Jackson 53 “My Daddy’s in Jail” Tim Schwaller Dr. Amy Bullas, Dr. Lisa Stewart & Jennifer Thomas Enjoy San Diego! Russell Johnson & Matthew Jameson 54 Preventing 55 Stop Stress 56 Using an 57 Social Skills Sexual Risk Behaviors from Killing Our Youth RtI Model for Absenteeism Stars Program for Pre-School Ryan Heath & Kevin Tan Pam Goldberg & Brianna Kolhoss Rachele Diliberto & Dr. Chrishonna Shelton, Karisa Dominguez Christopher Kearney 48 & 58 49 & 59 50 & 60 40 & (3 Hour) (3 Hour) (3 Hour) (3 hr Ethical Decision Making in SSW School Bullying: New Perspectives on a Growing Problem Dr. Jim Raines Dr. David Dupper Legislative Advocacy Meeting 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. “A Day in the Life of a School Social Worker” Film Presentation Evening 32 Autism, Aspergers & the Culture of Neurodiversity Annette Becklund Saturday, March 23 8:00 am – 9:00 am Sa Registration Session G 8:30 – 10:30 am 61 The SSW’s 62 63 Role in School Reform: Advanced Advocacy at the Local, State & National Levels Myrna Mandlawitz, Libby Nealis & Doug Spohn Empowering the Bystander: Engaging Student Power to Address Bullying Allyne Zappalla & Suzanne Petersen A National SSW Evaluation Model: Using Danielson Framework 64 Supporting 65 Consulting 66 University/ 67 The 68 Strategies 69 Think About 70 An Multiracial Students in Schools with Teachers Regarding Trauma Exposed Youth School Community Partnership-- Relaxation Response: EBP for Assisting Anxious or Angry Children and Adolescents to Change School Culture in Addressing Student Discipline It: Talking with Teens about Pregnancy and STI Prevention Evidence Based Early Intervention Program for Kdg Dr. Barbara Mestling Fran Kuehn Chandra Crudup Dr. Michelle Alvarez, Dr. Chris Sabatino, Dr. Brenda Lindsey, Dr. Jim Raines, Dr. David Dupper, et.al. Robert Ayasse & Sandy Vaughn 10:45 am – 12:45 pm Closing Keynote Luncheon: Ken Nakamura, Adriana Flores, Leticia Rodriguez, Carolina Bracamontes, Valeria Pena, & Laura Lawrence Mary Beer Deborah Winters & Su Chen Hsiao “Trauma Informed Schools: The Role of School Social Work” by Dr. Marleeen Wong 1:15 pm – 6:00 pm Special Film Screening Special Film Presentation “Who Cares About Kelsey?” “A Day in the Life of a School Social Worker” Thursday, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Friday, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. By Dan Habib, Filmmaker in Residence, University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability Concord, NH “Who Cares About Kelsey?” explores how schools are using innovative, evidence-based programs such as Positive Behavioral Supports and youth-directed planning to successfully include students with emotional/ behavioral challenges while simultaneously improving school climate. The Film features student voices and the voices of their family members, peers and educators. The film focuses on Somersworth (NH) High School senior Kelsey Carroll. Kelsey has one goal—to graduate from high school—and plenty of reasons why she shouldn’t. She has dealt with homelessness, sexual abuse, and ADHD. As a freshman, she didn’t earn a single academic credit, but she did get suspended for dealing drugs. Critical figures in her personal and educational life shape her coming of age and play important roles in an education revolution that’s about empowering--not overpowering--our behaviorally challenged youth. most emotionally Produced by Steve Hydon, University of Southern California Executive Producer: Myrna Mandlawitz, SSWAA “All across America, school distrricts are recognizing the capacity of school social workers to creatively address multifaceted individual, family, and community challenges that impact student learning. SSWAA invites you to enter the lives of two SSWs as they passionately involve themselves in the lives of students…” “Teachers can’t do it alone! Utilizing both the clinical and organization skills of consultation, assessment, direct intervention and program development, this film shows the determination and commitment it takes to support teachers and administrators, build students’ internal assets and learning capacity, strengthen families, and build a collaborative and healthy school community.” and SSWAA Conference Page 6 56 Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Pre-Conference Workshops Pre-Conference Workshop A (8:30 a.m. – 11:45) Seabreeze “Olweus Bullying Prevention Program” Pre-Conference Workshop D (1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.) Harbor Island 2 “Interventions for School Refusal” Jane Riese, LSW, MSW Rachel Loftis, Ph.D Candidate & Christopher A. Kearney, Ph.D (8:30 a.m. – 11:45) Pre-Conference Workshop B Harbor Island 2 “Working with Tough Kids —“Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach” Howard Glasser, MA, ABD in Psych. Pre-Conference Workshop E (1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.) Exec Center 1 “Peer to Peer (P2P) An Adventure Based Program for Students in Regular Ed as Well as on the Spectrum” Antonio (Tony) G. Alvarez, MSW, LMSW; Michael Kelmenson, MSW & Patti Kovacs, LMSW Pre-Conference Workshop C Exec Center 1 (8:30 a.m. – 11:45) Pre-Conference Workshop F (1:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.) Seabreeze “School Social Worker Evaluation Rubrics in the New Era of Mandated Accountability” Dee Kempson, MSW, LSW, ACSW; Ken Gaughan, Ed.D, LCSW; Annice Overall, LCSW, LSSW & Michelle Alvarez, Ed.D, LICSW, C-SSWS “Good News: Rating Scales to Facilitate Clinical Interviews, Student Mental Health Assessment and Outcomes Management” Josie Woodson, Psy.D, PPS Dialogue on School Discipline & Practices—Justice Center 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Executive Center 1 Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Harbor Island I Welcome to San Diego & the 16th National School Social Work Conference℠! * Join us for hors d’oeuvres & Cash Bar as we renew friendships and develop new ones. * Network with your colleagues on current issues of interest and share your experiences. * Bring business cards to share for those great follow up ideas, resources or documents to assist your practice. * Leisurely explore the Exhibit Hall and all of the wonderful books, apparel, resources and treasures that it has to offer! SSWAA Conference Page 8 Coffee/Tea Service: 7:30 am – 8:30 am Harbor Island 1 Sponsored by University of Southern California—School of Social Work Thursday, March 21, 2013 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Keynote Address: Harbor Island 2 & 3 “T.E.A.M. Together Everyone and Anyone Matters” Michael Pritchard, Ph.D. Keynote Speaker-Facilitator, Heartland Media Foundation Michael Pritchard is a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker praised by the Wall Street Journal, CNN and Time for his ability to use humor to inspire and educate his audiences. Drawing from his counseling background, Michael began to use humor to inspire, teach communication skills, anger management, diversity, conflict resolution and overcoming burnout and stress In his presentation “T.E.A.M. Together, Everyone and Anyone Matters”, Michael teaches that collaboration and connectivity are the soul of building community. “I” is Illness, and “We” is Wellness. Children and educators thrive when all are working to the greater good and the whole community. Michael will incorporate humor in addressing such issues as frustration, anger, active listening, conflict resolution, fighting indifference and apathy, bouncing back from burnout and reclaiming our dedication. *********************************** CEU, CE, CPDU Directions This conference has been approved by NASW, the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and the Illinois State Board of Education. In order to obtain Continuing Education Units, be sure to sign in at each workshop and event. Turn in evaluations at the end of each session. This year we will be using “Attendance Verification” Forms to provide your CEUs. Have any Moderator with a lilac ribbon initial after each session. Turn in back copy before leaving the conference or we will have no record of your CEUs. Keep top copy for your own records. You will NOT be receiving any additional CEU forms. THIS IS YOUR CEU RECORD. Those of you needing Illinois CPDUs, may complete the blue Illinois 77-21A “Evaluation for Workshop, etc.” and return at the end of each session. Complete the green Illinois 77-21B “Evidence of Completion for Workshop, etc.” form to keep for your records and be sure to have the moderator sign at the end of each session. SSWAA Conference Page 9 Poster Sessions Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Exhibit Hall P1: “School Social Worker’s Impact on School Completers: Preliminary Findings from 3 States” Mimi Mumm , Ph.D., LICSW Associate Professor, Minnesota State University-Mankato; Kevin Tan, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Chicago; Michelle Holt, Graduate Student, Minnesota State University-Mankato; & Michelle Alvarez, MSW., Ed.D., LICSW, C-SSWS Minnesota State University-Mankato Preliminary findings from Florida, Rhode Island and Wisconsin are presented. Results suggest that the total number of school social workers in the district is significantly associated with the total number of school completers even after taking into account student demographics and district characteristics. Implications of our findings are discussed. P2: “From the Literature: Best Practices for Group Work to Include a Cultural Perspective” Evie Campbell, MSW; Dr. Lynn Bye, Ph.D., MSW & Randy Bryant, MSW Student University of Minnesota-- Duluth This poster session will summarize best practice group work strategies and techniques found in the professional literature over the past ten years. Points that should be considered in making these strategies and techniques culturally relevant for diverse groups will also be offered. P3. “Child Advocacy: An Interdisciplinary Approach” Jamie R. Siegel, MSW, LSW, HSV Child Advocate Social Worker Philadelphia, PA Half the children represented by the Child Advocacy Unit (CAU) are brought in to court regarding truancy; just as quickly, dependency issues are identified in the home. The CAU was conceived over 30 years ago as the first court approved federally funded effort to integrate the court system with groups responsible for protecting the interests of children. Throughout the CAU’s growth, it has been recognized that legal representation is most effective by coordinating efforts with social service professionals. This interdisciplinary approach offers a best practice for providing a vulnerable population with the protection of their legal and human rights. P4: “Visiting Teachers to School Social Workers: Adapting to Fit the Needs of our District and Students” Marla Givens, MSW, LISW-S SSW Cincinnati, OH Our poster session will display the Evolution of Visiting Teachers to School Social Workers within the Cincinnati Public School District and the importance of adapting to meet the needs of the district and students. P5. “Supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Student Engagement Through Critical Service Learning” Cassandra McKay Jackson, Ph.D., LCSW, Assistant Professor & Annette Johnson, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, Clinical Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago Approximately 50 students receiving special education services in a suburban high school were engaged in a study to demonstrate the effectiveness of critical service learning in promoting student engagement, and reducing at risk behaviors. Pre/ post intervention evaluations were conducted comparing change in scores of multiple measures (e.g. attendance; grade point average, misbehavior logs) of adolescents who participate in groups with a service learning activity. Preliminary data reflects that there is a correlation between service learning and attendance. Presenters will share additional findings as well as how to integrate the service learning component within standard school social work groups. P6. “Check & Connect: A Model of Sustained Intervention for Promoting Students’ Engagement with School & Learning” Eileen Klemm, M.A., Ph.D. candidate, University of MN This session will provide information on the research basis and current implementation of the Check & Connect model. Check & Connect is one of 19 dropout prevention interventions reviewed by the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse (http://www.ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/) to date, and the only one found to have positive effects for staying in school. SSWAA Conference Page 10 Thursday, March 21 Workshops (10:00 am to 12:00 pm) Session A1 Workshop Sessions A “Mental Health Screening: Tier II & Tier III Assessment Tools” Room Harbor Island 2 James S. Gyurke, Ph.D. Psychology A2 “Meeting the Needs of Military-Connected Students” Seabreeze 2 Ron Astor, Ph.D. & Diana Pineda, MHA, MSW, LCSW A3 “Developing Play Groups for At-Risk Kindergarteners” Exec Center 1 Timothy Musty, MSSW, LCSW & Jillian Mosier, MSW A4 “Public School Therapeutic Program Model: What Works and Why It Makes Sense” Exec Center 2 Anne McInerney, LICW; LaTroy Spann & Kathy Lombardi A5 “A Win-Win! A Triangular Approach to Incorporate Interns into School Based Practice” Kathy Armenta, LCSW, ACSW; Kate Amerson, LCSW, MSSW A6 “Bias & Bullying: Time to Make the Connection” Exec Center 3B & Erin Spalding, LCSW, MSW Exec Center 3A Lyn Mitchell, BSN, RN & Nancy Michael A7 “Brain Rules: Plug In – Turn On” Seabreeze 1 Tara Brown, M.Ed. A8 “Assessment of School Refusal Behavior” Spinnaker Timothy Day, Ph.D. & Christopher Kearney, Ph.D. A9 “Treating Trauma in Schools: Evidence Based/Trauma-Informed, Culturally Competent Practice for Mental Health Professionals” A10 “The School Social Worker as PBIS Champion & District Change Agent” Harbor Island 3 Joshua Kaufman, LCSW, MSW & Joel Cisneros, LCSW Laura Mooiman, MSW, LCSW & Laura Ryan, Ed.D. Thank you to our Gold Sponsor Exec Center 4 Lunch on Your Own 12:00 – 1:30 pm Thursday, March 21 Workshops (1:30 pm to 3:00 pm) Session B11 Workshop Sessions B “Stepping on Up with Dr. Michael Pritchard” Room Spinnaker Michael Pritchard, Ph.D. & Jim Watson B12 “Advocacy 101: Making Sense of Washington’s Way” Seabreeze 2 Myrna Mandlewitz, Esq. & Libby Nealis, MSW B13 “Parenting Children with Aspergers & Special Needs” Exec Center 1 Mimi Mumm, Ph.D., LICSW B14 “Risk Taking in the Digital Age” Harbor Island 3 Gloria Moskowitz-Sweet, MSW, PPSC, LCSW & Erica Pelavin, Ph.D., LCSW, MSW B15 “Professional Learning Communities and School Social Work Data Collection” Exec Center 2 Mollie Conrad, MSW, ACSW, LISW B16 “School Support Groups for (GLBT): A Psycho-Educational Model” Exec Center 3B Alan Horowitz, MA B17 “ Defining the School Social Work Role While Developing RTI at the High School Level” Edmund Arroyo, LCSW, MSW & Nancy Betker, LCSW, MSW B18, C28 "Building an Integrated System of Student Support to Ensure the Success of All Students" Exec Center 4 Thursday, March 21 Workshops (1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.) Seabreeze 1 Kimberly Israel, LCSW, MPH-PPSC; Tracy Schmidt & Maria Osborn, MSW, PPSC B19, C29 B20, C30 “Crisis Bereavement Group Intervention Guidelines for School Social Workers” Harbor Island 2 Jerry Ciffone, MSW, LCSW “The Changing Role of School Social Work Within RtI/PST and the Use of Data” Exec Center 3A Jennifer Phillips, MSW, LCSW 3:00 pm – 3:30 p.m. Snack Break—Be sure to visit the Exhibit Hall Thursday, March 21 Workshops (3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Session C 21 C22 Workshop Sessions D “Using Best Practice from Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports to Facilitate Bullying Prevention” Stewart Pisecco, Ph.D. & Chris Huzinec “Supporting and Assisting Our Heroes” Room Exec Center 4 Seabreeze 2 Eric Hughes, ILARNG Chaplain Corps & Christie Weiss, BS C23 C24 “Informed Play Therapy Techniques for Working with Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities” Ericka Buehler, MSW, LICSW & Sophia Carre, MSW “Outing Jane Addams: School Social Workers Supporting LGBT Students” Exec Center 2 Exec Center 3B Donna Secor-Pennington, LMSW, MSW C25 C26 “UCLA’s Comprehensive System of Learning Supports Model: A Systematic Framework for districts, schools, and support services to address barriers to teaching and learning” Jarod Anderson, MSW & Jackie Melendez “Families as Partners: Making the Connection” Exec Center 1 Harbor Island 3 Rochelle Leiber-Miller, MSW, LMSW, NYSSW C27 “Five Characteristics of Happy Kids & How to Instill Them” Spinnaker Chris Parrott, PBS, Post-MSc Counseling Psych SSWAA Conference Page 12 Regional Gatherings -- 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Western: NorthEast: Harbor Island 3 Executive Center 4 Midwest: Executive Center 1 Southern: Executive Center 2 It’s Thursday Night at the Movies Spinnaker Special Film Showing 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. “Who Cares About Kelsey?” By Dan Habib, Filmmaker in Residence Facilitated by Rochelle Leiber-Miller, SSWAA Past President “Who Cares About Kelsey?” explores how schools are using innovative, evidence-based programs such as Positive Behavioral Supports and youthdirected planning to successfully include students with emotional/ behavioral challenges while simultaneously improving school climate. See page 7 for details Friday, March 22, 2013 Coffee & Pastries: 7:30 am – 9:15 am Harbor Island 1 Sponsored by University of Southern California—School of Social Work Specialty Group Meetings Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 a.m. New SSWAA Members & SSWs Executive Ctr 1 University Educators/Researchers Seabreeze 1 Myrna Mandlawitz & Frederick Streeck Brenda Lindsey & Carol Massat Grab coffee and goodies in the Exhibit Hall and then meet with other School Social Workers regarding common interests while you discuss practice-setting issues and specialty areas facilitated by current or past SSWAA Board Members. Everyone is invited to attend. State Presidents/Delegates /Consultants Daniel McCarthy & Pat Childs Spinnaker Students Executive Ctr 3B Michelle Alvarez & Maureen James Current Issues: Pk -12 Executive Ctr 4 Rebecca Kunkel & Sharron Williams Special Interest: School Wide Trauma Executive Ctr 2 Kari Smith, Dave Dupper & JoAnn Jarolmen SSWAA Conference Page 13 Silent Auction Friday, March 22 Exhibit Hall 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bring your checkbooks and come join the fun, entertainment and shopping opportunities at the Silent Auction! Check back often to make sure that you maintain the highest bid. Bids close at 5:30 p.m. Baskets will be available for pick up at 5:45 p.m. Bring your ID as well as payment to pick up your basket Baskets not paid for by 7:00 p.m. will go to the next highest bidder. Special thanks to our Vendors and state School Social Work Associations and districts who took the time to create and donate our wonderful prize baskets! Friday, March 22 Session D31 Workshops (9:15 am – 10:45 am) Workshop Sessions D “Identity and Trauma in the Gang Context” Room Spinnaker Leticia Villarreal Sosa, Ph.D., LCSW D32 “Compassion Fatigue: Giving Up or Giving Out” Exec Center 2 Thomas Casolaro, LCSW, MSW, M.Div. D33 “Using Strategies with Strong Potential to Create Powerful Learning Environments” Exec Center 1 Joan Fedota, LCSW, Ed.D. D34 “The Mental Well-Being of Undocumented Youth: Effective Services and Solutions” Exec Center 4 Betzabel Estudillo, MSW Candidate & Imelda Placensia, BA D35 “Unaccompanied Homeless Youth” Exec Center 3B Christina Dukes, MA D36 “When Mental Illness Comes to School” Harbor Island 3 Greg Drozdowski, MSW, ACSW, LCSW D37 “Strategies to Teach Self-Regulation and Social Skills in Elementary School” Harbor Island 2 K. Giddings, MSW, LICSW D38 “Lessons from Chicago Teachers’ Strike: How SSW’s Can Help Save Public School” D39 “Runaway Youth and Prevention Tools” Exec Center 3A Carol Hayes, LCSW, Benita Whitfield-Shanklin, LCSW & Sheryl Thomas, LCSW Seabreeze 2 Katrina Wyss, MS D40 “Supporting Diverse Families with Parenting Skills Including Social Media Management” Emily Griffin, MSW, LICSW Seabreeze 1 SSWAA Conference Page 14 Friday, 11:15 a.m. – 1:15 pm SSWAA Luncheon Harbor Island 2 & 3 SSWAA Annual Report Award Presentations: “Gary Lee Shaffer Award for Academic Contributions to the Field of School Social Work” “Randy A. Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award” Keynote Luncheon Address: “A School Social Worker, a Representative, & a Senator Walk Into a School:.. Don’t Let the Joke Be on Us!” Myrna Mandlawitz, Governmental Relations Director will provide the latest exciting news from Washington, DC as well as SSWAA’s Legislative Agenda for the coming year. Friday, March 22 Workshops (1:30 to 3:00 pm) Session E41 Workshop Sessions E “Creating a Trauma Sensitive School” Room Harbor Island 2 Joseph Gianesin, Ph.D., MSW, LICSW; Amanda Lichtel, MSW Candidate & Catherine Brousseau, MSW Candidate E42 “New Outcomes and Results Required for Special Education: Are School Social Workers Ready?” E43 “The Impact of Homelessness on Academic Outcomes: Strategies for Understanding and Serving this Population” E44 “ ‘Fighting Makes You Someone’: Identity Development and Coping for Girls of Color in the Middle School Environment” Harbor Island 3 Honorable Robert Pasternack, Ph.D., NCSP Exec Center 3A James P. Canfield, Ph.D., MSW, Postdoctoral Fellow & Holly Riffe, Ph.D., MSW Seabreeze 1 Joan Letendre, Ph.D., LCSW & Lisa Werkmeister-Rozas E45 “What’s Love Got To Do With It” Exec Center 4 Joyce Huff, MS, LPC, LMFT, RPT & Judy Kajander, LCSW, AAC E46 “Engaging At Risk Students and Families in Alternative Education” Exec Center 2B Amy Bullas, MSW, Ed.D., PPSC, LCSW; Lisa Stewart, Ph.D. & Jennifer Flynn-Thomas, MSW E47 “Implementing a Strength Based Approach with Students and Families” Exec Center 1 Russell Johnson, MSW, LCSW, ACSW & Matthew Jameson, LCSW, MSW 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. E48, F58 E49, F59 E50, F60 “Ethical Decision Making in School Social Work” Spinnaker Jim Raines, Ph.D., LCSW “School Bullying: New Perspectives on a Growing Problem” Seabreeze 2 David R. Dupper, Ph.D., MSW “Autism, Aspergers & the Culture of Neurodiversity” Exec Center 3B Annette L. Becklund, MSW, LCSW, NBBCH SSWAA Conference Page 15 Friday, March 22 (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm ) Executive Ctr 2A Legislative Advocacy Team Meeting (Sodas in room) Beverage Break 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Harbor Island 1-- Exhibit Hall Sponsored by Pearson Clinical Assessments Friday, March 22 (3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ) Session F51 Workshop Sessions F “Psychological First Aid for Schools” Room Harbor Island 2 Marleen Wong, Ph.D., LCSW F52 “Legislative Mandates: SEL, RtI and Common Core (CCLS): Opportunities to Expand the Visibility of School Social Work Practice” F53 “ ‘My Daddy’s in Jail’ Incarceration: It’s Effects on Children and the Family” Harbor Island 3 Annette Johnson, MSW, LCSW, ACSW & Cassandra McKay-Jackson, Ph.D., LCSW Spinnaker Tim Schwaller, MSSW, LCSW, ACSW F54 F55 “Preventing Sexual Risk Behaviors Through School Experience and Positive Youth Development” Ryan Heath, MA, Ph.D. Candidate & Kevin Tan, MSW, Ph.D. Candidate “Stop Stress from Killing Our Youth” Exec Center 2B Exec Center 4 Pam Goldberg, BSN, LMFT, AAMFT & Brianna Kolhoss, MS, AAAMFT, AASECT F56 “Working Toward a Response to Intervention Model for School Absenteeism” Exec Center 3B F57 “Social Skills Stars Program: A Model for Preschool Age Children” Rachele Diliberto, Ph.D. Candidate & Christopher Kearney, Ph.D. Exec Center 3A Chrishonna C. Shelton, LCSW, MSW & Karisa Dominguez, LCSW It’s Friday Night at the Movies Special Film Presentation 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. Spinnaker “A Day in the Life of a School Social Worker” Produced by Steve Hydon, University of Southern California Executive Producer, Myrna Mandlawitz, SSWAA Facilitated by: Rafael C. Angulo, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Southern California & Rochelle Leiber-Miller, SSWAA Past President Details on Page 6 SSWAA Conference Page 16 Saturday, March 23, 2013 8:30 am – 10:30 a.m. Session G61 Workshop Sessions G “The School Social Worker’s Role in School Reform: Advanced Advocacy at the Local, State and National Levels” Room Exec Center 3B Myrna Mandlawitz, Esq.; Libby Nealis, MSW & Doug Spohn, MSS G62 “Empowering the Bystander “Engaging Student Power: The Loudoun County Public Schools Safe School Program Initiatives” Exec Center 1 Allyne L. Zappalla, MSW, LSW, ACSW & Suzanne Petersen, MS G63 “A National SSW Evaluation Model: Adaptation of the Danielson Model for School Social Work Practice” Harbor Island 2 Christine A. Sabatino, Ph.D., LICSW, C-SSWS; Michelle Alvarez, Ed.D., MSW, C-SSWS; Dave Dupper, Ph.D., MSW; Brenda Lindsey, Ed.D., MSW, LCSW; Jim Raines, Ph.D., LCSW; Anne McInerney, LICSW; Frederick Streeck, MSW, ACSW & Molly Norris G64 “Supporting Multiracial Students in School” Exec Center 3A Chandra Crudup, MSW, Ph.D. student G65 “Teacher Consultation Regarding Trauma Exposed Youth: Utilizing Principles of Motivational Interviewing and Solution Focused Brief Therapy” Spinnaker Robert Ayasse, LCSW, MSW, PPSC & Sandy Vaughn, LCSW, MSW, PPSC G66 “University/School Community Partnership – Kimball School: The Center of Community Change” Seabreeze 1 Ken K. Nakamura, MSW, LCSW, PPSC & Students: Adriana Flores, Leticia Rodriguez, Carolina Bracamontes, Valeria Pena, & Laura Lawrence G67 “The Relaxation Response: EBP for Assisting Anxious or Angry Children & Adolescents” Barbara Mestling, Ph.D., LCSW Harbor Island 3 G68 “Student Discipline and School Social Work Practice: Transforming School Culture to Meet the Needs of All Students” Fran Kuehn, MSW, M.Ed Exec Center 2 G69 “Pienselo: Think About It. Talking with Teens about Pregnancy and STI Prevention” Seabreeze 2 Mary Beer, LCSW, MSSW G70 “An Evidence Based Early Intervention Program for Kindergartners” Exec Center 4 Deborah L. Winters, LCSW, BCD & Suh Chen Hsiao, ACSW, LCSW, PPSC, MA Turn in completed Exhibit Hall Bingo Cards Win Door Prizes after Saturday Brunch: * Tickets to SEA WORLD * Free 2014 SSWAA Conference Registration * One Night Free Hotel Lodging at 2014 SSWAA Conference Hotel (Must be present after Brunch to win) SSWAA Conference Page 17 Saturday, March 23, 2013 Closing Brunch Award Presentations: 10:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Harbor Island 2 & 3 California School Social Worker of the Year National School Social Worker of the Year Keynote Address: “Trauma Informed Schools: The Role of School Social Work” Dr. Marleen Wong, Ph.D., LCSW Clinical Professor & Associate Dean, University of Southern California Director and Principal Investigator, USC/LAUSD/RAND/UCLA Trauma Services Adaptation Center for Resilience, Hope and Wellness in Schools Recognized by the White House as one of the "pre-eminent experts in school crisis and recovery" and the "architect of school-safety programs" by the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Marleen Wong has developed mental health recovery programs and crisis and disaster training for school districts and law enforcement in the United States, Canada, Israel and Asia for the past 30 years. Dr. Wong currently serves on the American Psychological Association's Presidential Task Force on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma in Children and Adolescents. In addition to her clinical post with USC, she will continue to serve as director and principal investigator for the USC/LAUSD/ RAND/UCLA Trauma Services Adaptation Center for Resilience, Hope and Wellness in Schools, a community-based research partnership and member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. *********************************** Save the Date: th 17 National School Social Work Conference℠ March 19 – March 22, 2014 Chicago, IL Westin Michigan Avenue SSWAA Conference Page 18 With Grateful Thanks to Our Participants SSWAA Conference Page 18 Come See Our Exhibitors Harbor Island Ballroom 1 AMAZE AMAZE is a non-profit organization that works to create safe and respectful learning communities for all children. AMAZE challenges bias and bullying through literature based practical classroom tools. We provide skill-building exercises and start courageous conversations, engaging children directly in making their own environments safe and welcoming for everyone. We teach educators, parents and other caring adults how to promote the knowledge, attitudes, language, and skills needed to work together across differences. We do this because ending bias and bullying can literally save children’s lives. Behavioral Health Services-County of San Diego Behavioral health includes a continuum of services aimed at providing an array of mental health, alcohol and other drug services for children, youth, families, adults, and older adults, and improving the quality of life within our communities. These services are provided by mental health clinicians, alcohol and drug counselors, and peers in a professional and respectful manner. Behavioral health services include prevention, treatment, and interventions that promote recovery and social wellbeing. Beyond OCD Beyond OCD is the leading provider of consumer-friendly resources designed to help people cope with and ultimately conquer Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We serve adults and children, their families and the mental health professionals who treat them. Educators and clergy also turn to us as a trusted source of accurate information Camp Make Believe Are your schools preventing bullying, violence, and suicide? Are you using RTI for students with social and emotional needs? Learn how the Camp Make Believe Kids 8Step Social and Emotional Learning Program and its’ recent middle school edition, STEP UP! increases positive student outcomes and increases compliance with related legal mandates. California Association of School Social Workers "The general purpose of the California Association of School Social Workers is to promote the professional growth and effectiveness of School Social Work in California schools and thereby ultimately help influence the California school system to maintain and increase responsiveness to the learning and other human needs of all students. Check & Connect, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota Check & Connect is a comprehensive intervention designed to improve student engagement at school and with learning for marginalized, disengaged students in K-12, through relationship building, problem solving and capacity building, and persistence. We offer an implementation manual, training, consultation, and technical assistance to implement this research-based model. Visit checkandconnect.umn.edu. Dibble Institute The Dibble Institute, a private, secular non-profit organization, provides professionals research/evidence-based tools to promote healthy romantic relationship skill development for teens and young adults. Hazelden Publishing Hazelden Publishing is the leading publisher of evidence-based prevention programs for students in kindergarten through high schools. Hazelden is the publisher of awardwinning programs such as the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, Safe Dates (dating violence prevention), Lifelines (suicide prevention), Project Northland and Protecting You/Protecting Me (alcohol prevention programs). Hazelden has partnered with SSWAA to develop a research-based distance learning course entitled, Bullying 101 for School Social Workers and School Counselors. School social workers can receive CEUs for taking this interactive and engaging course. Heartland Media The Heartland Media Foundation is dedicated to helping youth navigate the challenges of growing up in our increasingly complicated world, dominated by mass media and the 24/7 digital culture. It actively promotes the development of social emotional skills, character and positive values though it video programs and the work of Michael Pritchard — with a special focus on preventing bullying and cyberSSWAA Conference Page 20 bullying. Our latest award-winning program, Stepping On Up, is an engaging and lively, research-based series for elementary school students, containing 16 lessons on 4 DVDs. Please visit us at www.steppingonup.com. Illinois National Guard Family Program The National Guard Family Program is a Joint Force initiative that serves as the foundation for support to families of Army and Air National Guard members. As the Guard faces unprecedented increase in military activity and extended deployments, it is more vital than ever to ensure that families are prepared for the stresses of deployment and supported throughout the entire deployment cycle. The Family Program acts as a network that allows families to mutually support one another. Come by and receive information and resources to assist military connected families. Lyceum Books Company Lyceum Books, a Chicago-based independent publisher, produces innovative books and journals that have earned us a reputation of excellence in social work education. Our books and journal articles are attuned to the realities of current social work issues and policy and are carefully selected for their ability to tie theory with practice, their exploration of human behavior, the significance of the practice interventions they discuss, the diversity of people and communities represented, and the links they establish between practice, ethics, research, and policy. Visit our website for instructor’s materials including lecture notes, test bank questions, paper topics, and more. www.lyceumbooks.com Mendez Foundation--Too Good Programs The Too Good programs put social and emotional learning to work for elementary, middle, and high school students through fun, interactive lessons to build confidence and develop the skills needed to make healthy decisions, bond with pro-social peers, and achieve success in the classroom and beyond. The Too Good family of programs includes Too Good for Drugs, Too Good for Violence, Celebrating Healthy Choices Week, and coming soon, Seeds of Nutrition. National Institute of Mental Health The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a component of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, conducts and supports research on mental health and mental disorders. NIMH offers many publications, at no cost, to help people with mental disorders, health care practitioners, researchers, and the general public gain a better understanding of mental illnesses and NIMH research programs. Some materials are available in Spanish. National Runaway Safeline The National Runaway Safeline (NRS) is the federally funded national communication system. Through its 24/7 hotline (1-800-RUNAWAY) and web services, NRS offers crisis intervention, information and referral, and mediation to runaway and homeless youth, youth-at-risk, and families. NRS also provides free educational and promotional materials to educators and service providers. Oxford University Press: Visit the Oxford booth for discounts on new and classic titles from the SSWAA Workshop Series including Dupper: School Bullying: New Perspectives on a Growing Problem; Filter/Alvarez: Functional Behavioral Assessment: A Three-Tiered Prevention Model, and much more. PAR, Inc. PAR, Inc. is a leading publisher of psychological assessment instruments, testing materials, apps, and software, including the PARiConnect online testing platform. Over the past 35 years, PAR has earned a reputation for providing customers with innovative assessment solutions and unparalleled customer service. To learn more about PAR, please visit www.parinc.com Pearson Clinical Assessments: NCS Pearson, through its Assessment and Instruction Group, is the global leader in clinical and educational assessments, providing a wide range of assessments for personality, behavior, ability, achievement, speech and language, and career interests. Our respected brands include the Wechsler family of assessments, the MMPI® family of tests, the Beck inventories, the Millon™ inventories, the PPVT™4, the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, Third Edition (WRMT™-III), the BASC™ family of products, and the Kaufman family of assessments. For more than 50 years, our mission has been to improve teaching and support life-long learning. We help all those who are involved with education SSWAA Conference Page 21 use assessment, information, research, and innovation to promote learning and personal development, advance academic achievement, improve instructional productivity, and transform educational communities. San Diego Tourism Authority With its legendary weather, beautiful beaches and friendly, Laid-back vibe, San Diego is a destination that attendees can’t wait to visit. From the downtown Gaslamp scene to luxurious North County resorts, 135 distinctive conference and convention hotels and exciting attractions fit the mood and objective of any meeting, and any budget. Super Duper Publications The Social Express: The Social Express™ is an interactive online program which teaches children how to think about and manage social situations. It enables them to build social-emotional skills needed to develop meaningful relationships and succeed in life. Our program received awards from SIIA (Software and Information Industry Association) this year in the categories of Most Likely to Succeed and Most Innovative. Please visit our website at www.thesocialexpress.com. Special Thanks to our GOLD SPONSOR University of New England Now is the time to take action for social change. The University of New England’s Master of Social Work Online Option offers comprehensive curriculum presented by compassionate, experienced faculty with the expertise and real-world knowledge to help position you for success. In addition, our 100% online program will allow you more flexibility to complete your courses while maintain your busy schedule. To learn more about this program, please visit www.mastersinsocialwork.une.edu or call 1-877863-6791. University of Southern California Building Capacity is a partnership between eight militaryconnected school districts and USC. Funded by a grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), the project is creating sustainable and replicable infrastructures for datadriven models of responsive and supportive schools. Staff, students, and parents are being empowered to use evidence to improve school climate for military students. University of Southern California-School of Social Work The mission of the USC School of Social Work is to improve the well-being of vulnerable individuals and communities, advance social and economic justice, and eradicate pressing societal problems in complex and culturally diverse urban environments throughout Southern California, the nation and the world. Wighita Press This is bibliotherapy at its best. Therapeutic novels to help teenagers cope with problems that may lead to suicide. They address bullying, anger management, drug addiction, peer pressure and sex, teen pregnancy, sexual abuse, low self-esteem, divorce and step-parents. Come and meet the author, Dr. Celia Banting. www.wighitapress.com WordPlay Multimedia, LLC Producers of Ain't Nothing Funny - a documentary film and dropout prevention program, based on the book “Do as I Say, Not as I Do”, that illustrates strategies for overcoming the challenges of being a young person in America. Life doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by choice. www.wordplaymultimedia.com Your Self Series Your Self Series is a complete identity development program helping young teens to answer the questions, "Who am I" and "Where do I want to go in life?" An ideal Health, Advisory or After School program, Your Self Series empowers teens while fulfilling CCSS, 21st Century Skills and many state mandates. SSWAA Conference Page 22 SSWAA Conference Page 23 Conference Area Floor Plans Workshop Rooms: Executive Center 1, 2, 3 & 4 Exhibit Hall Registration Hotel Elevators Workshop Rooms SSWAA Conference Page 24
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