John Paul College, Rotorua
John Paul College, Rotorua
John Paul College, Rotorua Whitworth Road, Rotorua. Ph: 07 3478 795 Fx: 07 3461 271 A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR THE JOHN PAUL COLLEGE COMMUNITY th Term 4, Issue 37 16 November 2015 Ma te pono Me te aroha – Through Faith and Love 2015 School Theme : ‘Per Ardua Ad Astra – Through Adversity To The Stars’ Dear Parents/ Caregivers Kia Ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa, Greetings WORK CHOICE DAY On behalf of the PTA and College, I extend my sincere thanks to you for last Friday’s Work Choice Day. It also gave staff dedicated quality time to plan for 2016. It is important to note that the professional development for staff is built around the Work Choice Day. Please bring the Work Choice money in as soon as possible. Thank you. SCHOOL CAMPS AND ACTIVITY WEEK As we begin Year 8 Camp and Year 10 Activity Week, I am grateful for the support of parents and acknowledge the dedication and commitment of teachers. I am very mindful of the cost of these experiences to parents but a survey conducted of parents three years ago, fully endorsed their continuation because of the obvious benefits to children. Staff do their best to keep costs to a minimum without compromising the quality of the experience. IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR THE LAST WEEK OF TERM Please note the following important events in your diary: Tuesday 1st 1.00pm Year 7/8 Co-curricular Prizegiving Edmund Rice Centre Wednesday 2nd 10.00am Junior End of Year Mass Edmund Rice Centre Thursday 3rd 1.00pm Year 9/10 Co-curricular Prizegiving Edmund Rice Centre Friday 4th 10.00am Year 7-10 Prizegiving Edmund Rice Centre Parents/ Caregivers are welcome to attend all of these events LEAVERS FORMS If you know that your child will not be returning to JPC in 2016, please ensure a Leavers Form is collected, completed and returned to the office by 4th December. We have a waiting list and would appreciate the opportunity to offer places to these students. God bless Patrick Walsh - Principal Identify and collect LOST PROPERTY from the student counter Unclaimed uniforms will go to the PTA for resale Unclaimed clothing and shoes will go to St Vincent de Paul Congratulations to Aaron Roe, Year 9, who came runner-up in the Parafed BOP pairs Boccia Tournament on the weekend at Pongakawa. Aaron had a great time and he enjoyed participating in sport on an even field. Boccia is a game of skill and strategy and is a truly inclusive sport in which men and women of all ages and abilities can play together. Similar to lawn bowls and petanque, boccia is a non-contact target sport that is played indoors from a seated position using soft leather balls on a smooth rectangular court and can be played as individuals, in pairs or teams of three. YEAR 7 BEACH EDUCATION The dates and days for our Year 7 classes to travel to the Omanu Surf Life Saving Club for the above programme are: Thursday 26th Nov, 7WJ and 7SK Friday 27th Nov, 7CV and 7JS Monday 30th Nov, 7SJ and 7CG The information has been distributed and is required to be returned asap. We are reliant on parents/caregivers to provide assistance on the day with transport and adult supervisors of our students. Ms B Northey E: YEAR 9 ACTIVITY DAY Tuesday November 24th 8:40am - 3:00pm Parents welcome to come with us. THE UNIFORM SHOP IS OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 8.00a.m to 4.00p.m Term time only CLOSED 11.30-12.30 Please note that Postie Plus stock no JPC uniforms PTA 2nd HAND UNIFORMS We gratefully accept any second hand uniforms for resale. Please bring any unwanted, ‘grown-out-of’ uniforms to the main reception. Thank you in anticipation. Theme: The Amazing Journey. We will be walking cross country from JPC to the top of Mt Ngongotaha and back. There will be a number of checkpoints along the way with challenges attached to them. Students are to wear appropriate mufti clothing with sturdy footwear prepared for this amazing journey across town and up the hill. Students will need to bring a small day pack with food and drinks and raincoat, and sunblock. Any concerns let me know. Owen Kowalewski Year 9 Dean E: CAREERS OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 5th DECEMBER The Careers Office is still open for students and parents needing assistance with Careers Advice and Information. Ring 3478 795 xtn 8823 or email: to make an appointment ORIENTATION INFORMATION for 2016 enrolments 2016 Year 7 Nov 17th St Mary’s 12.00-2.30pm th 19 St Michael’s 12.00-2.30pm 19th Westbrook, Lynmore, Otonga & other primary schools 12.00-2.30pm 2016 Years 8, 9 & 10 Orientation: February 3rd 9.00-11.30a.m Year 8 Dean Miss Grahamslaw E: Year 9 Dean Mr Kowalewski E: For Sale 100 Christmas trees, $15-$25 each $5 from each tree sold will be donated to the school Tag your tree now and collect or get delivered just before Christmas. Contact Morgan or Taylor Law On 027 271 4507 2016 YEAR 13 LEADERSHIP CAMP FORMS & FEES Camp Forms have been distributed and need to be returned with camp fee payment of $215 by the 1st December. Any concerns or queries, please make contact with me Mark Chapman - Year 13 Dean E: John Paul College has been offered a female berth on the Spirit of Adventure Voyage 705. Departing Wellington 28 December and arriving Nelson 6 January. If you are over 16 and interested in this exciting opportunity please phone me 027 227 8325 or email Check the Spirit of Adventure web site for details. Lill Emery Tutor/ Driving Instructor Learner Driver Licence: 3 Day Course: 7th, 8th, 9th December 2015 from 9a.m to 2p.m Day 1 and 2: Learn and Practice the Licence Theory Test Go online and prepare for the real thing. Day 3: Visit AA To sit your Test—$93.90 (Literacy & Numeracy Support Provided) Lill Emery—Tutor / Driving Instructor Course Costs: $65 Course payments can be made at the Youth Centre to book your place on the next course. Essential Documents—2 Forms of ID Required on the Day 1 Original Birth Certificate or Original Passport & proof of address—ie a letter posted to your name and address on it. Location: Rotorua Youth Centre, 6 Te Ngae Road, Rotorua Inquiries: 027 411 4104 Lill or 07-343 1012 (Drivers for Restricted & Full Licence Contact Lill Direct) NETBALL COACH DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS Wednesday 18th November 2015 6 - 8.30pm An excellent workshop for all people involved in coordinating and running trials Deadline for registration is Monday 16th November Player Centred Coaching Wednesday 25th November 2015 6 – 9pm This module is the first module of the 5 required to obtain your NNZ Community Coach Award (CCA) and is a pre requisite for all NNZ Coach Development workshops Deadline for registration is Monday 23rd November Skill Analysis Wednesday 2 December 2015 6 – 8.30pm This module is one of the 5 required to obtain your NNZ Community Coach Award (CCA). Coaches must attend Player Centre Coaching (PCC) workshop prior to the others Deadline for registration is Monday 30th November Each workshop costs $10 – payable on the evening by cash or cheque What to bring: Pen, water bottle, comfortable warm clothes and footwear Registration is essential so resources can be provided. Please confirm attendance by email to: Maylene or 027 347 0083 Selecting Made Easy YEAR 10 ACTIVITY WEEK FUNDRAISER A fundraiser to help those families who are finding it a challenge to meet the cost of Activity Week this year, will be held at lunchtime on Thursday - a 2nd-hand book sale. If you have any books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, etc that you no longer want or need, could you please drop them off to Sue Rowles in our front reception area. I already have some brand new books which you may be interested in purchasing now (good Christmas presents!): * 1 copy of 'Minecraft - The complete handbook collection' (4 book set: beginner, construction, combat & redstone) = $30 * 2 copies of 'Super fresh juices and smoothies - 100 recipes' = $20 * 3 copies of 'Sugar and spice - cookbook for girls' = $20 * 8 copies of 'How to talk so teens will listen & listen so teens will talk' (paperback) = $15 These are all available now at our Accounts office - 'first in, first served.' I would also like to say a huge thankyou to those families who have already donated some money to help out other students - it is very much appreciated. YEAR 10 ACTIVITY WEEK is definitely a 'milestone' for JPC students, which they will look back on with very happy memories in years to come. Thanks again, and if you have any queries about any of this, please feel free to email me back or contact me on 3478795 (ext. 8861). Terry Hughes – Year 10 Dean E: NATIONAL 7’S BALLBOYS/GIRLS AND SCORERS NEEDED If you are interested in volunteering to be a ballboy/girl (aged 10 – 13 yrs) or be a scorer ( aged 12 – 99 yrs) for the National 7’s Tournament held at the Rotorua Stadium on January 16 – 17th 2016 please contact Karen Haigh on or 021 2699593. NETBALL COACHING POSITIONS Available for 2016 Please contact Natasha Rogers - NCEA TUTORIALS MATHEMATICS Students are advised to go to the student counter to find out the venue Level 3 Statistics Date Monday 16/11 Monday 16/11 Tuesday 17/11 Wednesday 18/11 Wednesday 18/11 Time 9:00-10:30 11:00-13:00 9:00-10:30 9:00-10:30 9:00-11:00 Topic ALL Statistical Reports Probability Probability Distributions Statistical Reports Teacher Mrs McLay Mrs Pingol Mrs McLay Ms Cordonni Mrs Pingol Level 3 Calculus Date Monday 23/11 Tuesday 24/11 Time 9:00-10:30 13:00-14:30 Topic Differentiation Differentiation Teacher Mrs Cordonni Mrs Cordonni Fruit and vegetables contain a range of nutrients and other really valuable elements like fibre, antioxidants and minerals that are good for your health. We should all aim to eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables everyday. We’ve included some ways to encourage under-fives to eat fruit and vegetables. Healthy, tasty and too good to refuse! Grated and shaved fruits and vegetables make fun finger food Taste straight from the garden – peas in the pod, lettuce and herbs, tomatoes Try fruit pieces dipped in yoghurt and rolled in rice bubbles Use cookie cutters to cut fruits and vegetables into different shapes Serve fruit in different styles such as smoothies and popsicles Offer fruit or vegetable dips Make fruit and vegetable faces Each year in January the NEW ZEALAND OLYMPIAD IN INFORMATICS ORGANISATION ( runs a summer camp for high school students (and a number of teachers) who enjoy programming. Why? The primary purpose is to train high school students towards being candidates for New Zealand’s team for the International Olympiad in Informatics ( During and after camp a number of contests are held for the students to allow them the opportunity to show us their skills. Selected students will be expected to continue training in their own time but with guidance. Many students also come because they enjoy meeting like-minded students and staff and some of our past students have found Universities willing to let them skip papers, because of their NZOI experience. When? 9th until 15th of January for Juniors and 9th until 17th of January for others. Where? Camp will be held at Victoria University in Wellington with accommodation at Victoria House, students are expected to stay at Victoria House with everyone else. Students will be met at Wellington airport and from that point are supervised at all times. Technical details Because the main languages at the IOI are C and C++, the emphasis at camp will be C/C++. There are 3 groups, and we ask students to try to place themselves based on familiarity with languages and algorithms. The junior group is suitable for students (and teachers) who have some programming experience and we will teach C/C++. Sounds great! What now? Please visit to register your interest. This isn’t a commitment but simply a show of interest. Feel free to email us ( any questions that you may have. Regards, Andrew (Camp Organiser) Suzanne Scott HOF Technology, New Plymouth Boys' High School, Private Bag New Plymouth. 067598826 / 0212339078 YEAR 10 CAREER EDUCATION Today Year 10 students listened to four speakers talk about their careers in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Food & Packaging Technology and Building and Trades Apprenticeships. The students not only heard about what the job involves but also the subjects taken and what they did to get where they are today. The intention is to get students to start thinking about what is available in the 'world of work' and what might interest them. Please encourage your son/daughter to start talking to people about their jobs so they becoming aware of what is available, or to browse on the CareersNZ website over the holidays. Mrs Brewer TIC Year 7 - 10 Career Education E: Rotorua - Sunday 13 December 2015 Online Registration closes 8 December 2015 register now School Group What School does your child attend? Do you want to link your child to a registered School Group? John Paul College Code: JOHN0203 SENIORS OUTSTANDING LIBRARY BOOKS Please return by this Friday for stocktaking Outstanding books will be invoiced: Please check the lists for your child’s name YEAR LEVEL 10 9 STUDENT Eric Perez Sam Sewell Rochelle Fladgate Lachlan Kessels Joshua Calkin Sophia Le Lievre Jaydan Pollock Pranil Theakkakara Liam Black Shaylee Creighton Samuel Davies Brianna Lewis Mason Whyte Samantha Irving Sophie O’Neill Jared Paalvast Hayden Punton Aiden Swann Aiden Swann Kate Bird Maddison Brown Ernest Chan Sahib Bajwa Nicholas Briggs Maxine Coatham Mickaela Franklin Thando Mabhena Shaun Magee Keane Milne Charles Playne-Milne Tiana Rerupe –Burke Crystal Yeoman Grant Baker Keaton Barlow Liam Benfell Brianna Clarricoats Esha Dahya Jade Davies James Greentree Seth Grouby Grace Hayes Harrison Hill Alexis Maafu Tyler Murray Logan Salmons Danielle Sharland Oliver Smyth Jessica Fenwick Krista Kurian Matthew Lindsay Anna Sinclair LIBRARY BOOK/S OUTSTANDING Animal Farm / Nineteen Eighty-Four Drop Zone End of the Alphabet Light Point Blanc I Am Not Esther Deep Fried City of Heavenly Fire – The Mortal / The Magic Unfed Assaddin’s Creed – Unity The Dogs of Winter City of Bones / Beautiful Malice Northwood / Jimmy Moran – Regular When We Wake Freaks Like Us Divergent Assassin’s Creed Deltora Quest Just Doomed An Abundance of Katherines The Host / My Sister’s Keeper The Great Gatsby The Power of Five Cujo Maximum Security The Poison Throne The Princess Plot Deltora Quest People’s Republic People’s Republic Fantastic Mr Fox Vampire Diaries The Hunters Mad Dogs Brigands MC Jameela / Geek Girl / Ballad All Quiet on the Western Front Behind Enemy Lines The Very Bad Book Magic Fire / Die Softly Sorrowline Justice League Unlimited The Silver Sword / The Lovely Bones Boy Soldier A Feast for Crows / The Running Man Secret Army The Freeing of Nelson Mandela Insurgent The New Recruit / War Torn Clockwork Prince / Clockwork Princess Noughts and Crosses Predaotr’s Gold The Host YEAR LEVEL 8 7 STUDENT Sameer Anand Laurence Buena Kirra Terupe-Burke Dan Borja Eden Hall Jae Woo Jin Ann Mathew Ruby Murphy Amalie Rupasinghe Elias Uttinger Sophie Gallon Milan Hildreth Ruiqi Liang Piper Monson Lucia Watt Simeon WoottenCramer Manaaki Mahuta Haywyn Moodie Jesse Pakinga-Lawson Farheen Pathan Michael Storey Jasper Boone Olivia Couchman McKenzie Hanlen Logan Pierce Georgia Rendall Lachlan Rowe Naomi Stubbs Nicole Williams Emily Coveney Mercury Lee Charlie Parr Phebe Crawford Janell Earle Megan Hayes Rosa Hook Kristyana Solon Alexander Hamill Gayan Rupasinghe Shia Strickland Victoria Williams Phoenix Winiata-Hill Scarlett Carrington Hannah Peacocke Elise Allen Hannah Gapes Danielle Lepa Layla Mansley Matthew Veitch Cameron Huxford Sydney Riley Tiara Herbert LIBRARY BOOK/S OUTSTANDING Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets / Artemis Fowl Midwinter Blood Love Lessons Ranger’s Apprentice The Diamond Girls Plague Just Like Fate / Looking For Alaska The Luminaries / Harry Potter & The Chamber…….. Paper Towns Death Cure Enemy at The Gate Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollows The Magus Sheep With Boots Allegiant Conspiracy 365 The War of the Worlds Yu Gi Oh / Robotworld The Dead of the Night Maximum Ride Brotherband – The Invaders 99 Flavours of Suck The Snow Pony Killing Rachel The Witches Conspiracy 365 – Malice Mummy with no Name / Diary of a Wimpy Kid With Lots of Love from Georgia Ashes, Ashes Way of the Sumarai / Geronimo & the Gold Medal Mystery Beast Quest – Kama Plague / Quicksilver / City of Bones / The Hunger Games Complete Book of Animals / War’s End Jacky Daydream Princess Trap / Dare Game City of heavenly Fire – The Mortal Instruments When You Reach Me Scorpia Rising Conspiracy 365 New Moon / The Wind Singer / Wonder Stuck Four Children & It / Clean Break Stormbreaker Midnight For Charlie Bone / Invention of Victor Cabret Starters / Ripples on The Lake Threads / Fault in Our Stars Ethan’s Voice The BFG / Love Lessons Ranger’s Apprentice-Erak’s Ransom / The Kings of Clonmel The Third Day, The Frost Arty & Fox / Famous Five and the Blue Bear/ Harry Potter Black Jackals The Ellie Chronicles YEAR 7 & 8 TRACK AND FIELD 2015 On Friday 6th November, the heats and finals were completed. From the results a team is selected to compete at the BOP Zone Championships, Tuesday 24th November, at Tauranga Domain. All events have a qualifying standard which has to be achieved before selection. Even if you are placed 1st at JPC event, you may not qualify for BOP Zone Championships. We did have some records broken this year, Congratulations to: Briet Leggett-Hilmarsdottir Year 8 Girls Discus (S Sinclair, 2008) Hannah Gapes Year 7 Girls 800m (H Stubbing, 2012) Ben Keaney Year 8 Boys 800m (K Bell, 1993) Ben Keaney Year 8 Boys 1500m (D Brimmer, 1990) Thank you to all the staff that helped on the day to run these events and the parents that came along to support Year 7 & 8 Track and Field Results 2015 Place 1st 2nd 3rd Boys Yr 7 100m Riley Spargo Will Florence Joseph O'Leary Girls Yr 7 100m Hannah Muir Emma-Sue Marriner Molly Sinclair Boys Yr 8 100m Dale Jacobs Cody Laugher Adam Wong-Toi Girls Yr 8 100m Renee Dudson Naomi Stubbs Madison Mitchell Place 1st 2nd 3rd Boys Yr 7 200m Riley Spargo Will Florence Joseph O'Leary Girls Yr 7 200m Hannah Gapes Molly Sinclair Hannah Muir Boys Yr 8 200m Dale Jacobs Cody Laugher Adam Wong Toi Girls Yr 8 200m Madison Mitchell Emma Brown Hermione Gregorash Place Discus Yr 7 Girls Discus Yr 8 Boys Discus Yr 8 Girls 1st 2nd 3rd Discus Yr 7 Boys Mydas McBurney Jayme Martin Mercury Lee Amy Adams Hannah Muir Olina Bjarnadottir Jesse Pakinga-Lawson Jacob Stubbing Cody Laugher Briet Leggett-Hillmarsdottir Emily Warnga Poppy O'neill Place 1st 2nd 3rd Long Jump Yr 7 Boys Will Florence Liam Kalan Riley Spargo Long Jump Yr 7 Girls Molly Sinclair Hannah Gapes Dolce Kissling-Hemsworth Long Jump Yr 8 Boys Jacob Stubbing Jack Malone Adam Wong-Toi Long Jump Yr 8 Girls Renee Dudson Kimberly Janla Briet Leggett-Hillmarsdottir Shot Put Yr 7 Girls Jessica Taylor Shot Put Yr 8 Boys Dale Jacobs Shot Put Yr 8 Girls Emily Warnga Stacey Wepa Trelyse Lindsay Adam Wong-Toi Caleb Te Whare Mele Kauwale Briet Leggett-Hillmarsdottir 1st= High Jump Yr 8 Boys Dale Jacobs High Jump Yr 8 Girls Renee Dudson 1st= 3rd Cody Laugher Hamish Banks Emma Brown Saskia Foote Boys Yr 8 800m Ben Keaney Jacob Stubbing Samuel Harrison Girls Yr 8 800m Madison Mitchell Orla Walsh Boys Yr 8 1500m Ben Keaney Girls Yr 8 1500m Madison Mitchell Orla Walsh Place 1st 2nd 3rd Place 1st 2nd 3rd Shot Put Yr 7 Boys Mercury Lee Finley GielenLilley Liam Kalan High Jump Yr 7 Boys Joshua Balmer Francis Bartolome Jayden Mills High Jump Yr 7 Girls Molly Sinclair Hannah Peacock **Earlier in the Year - 800 / 1500m Place Boys Yr 7 800m Girls Yr 7 800m 1st Will Florence Hannah Gapes 2nd Matthew Veitch 3rd Brae Thomson Place 1st 2nd 3rd Boys Yr 7 1500m Will Florence Matthew Veitch Angus Veitch Girls Yr 7 1500m Hannah Gapes Maddie Potter DENTAL HEALTH FOR YEARS 9-13 Your child’s teeth are really important to look after and keep healthy. Next year, if your child will be Year 9, the Community Oral Health Service would like to give you the opportunity for your child to continue their free dental health care with the Community Oral Health Service OR a local dentist, who is contracted to offer the free dental service to adolescents. All Year 8 children will receive a form to take home and complete with an attached list of dentist and dental practices to choose from. Once you and your child have selected a dentist and returned the completed form, we will inform the dentist who will then follow on with their free dental care from Year 9 to Year 13. If you have further questions or are unsure, please contact the Rotorua Intermediate Dental Clinic 3471495 FROM THE CAREERS OFFICE For the first time the NEW ZEALAND GEOTHERMAL WORKSHOP will be holding a Geothermal Futures Evening for year 12 and 13 pupils from high schools in the surrounding area. This is a free event and focuses on options available for students wishing to pursue a career in the geothermal industry. The format for the Geothermal Futures Evening is very student focused and includes short introductions from Rosalind Archer, Head of Department of Engineering Science and Director of the Geothermal Institute, Jo Douglas, Director Commercial Initiatives and Trudy Halloran, Assistant Business Development Manager, GNS, where they will provide information on what to study to help them achieve their goal. There are also fun activities planned such as build your own seismograph and a game simulation on pipe building. The event is sponsored by Wairakei Resort who will be providing refreshments for students and their parents. More information on this evening can be found on It would be great to see you there and please spread the word to friends, colleagues or even your own children! There are three short courses available at the New Zealand Geothermal Workshop this year. They are filling fast! You can register at the same time as you register for the Workshop. More specific detail can be found by clicking on the individual course. Pre workshop 1 day Basics of Geothermal Technology runs on Tuesday, 17 November at the Wairakei Resort, Taupo 2 day Geophysical Tools runs on Monday, 16 November and Tuesday, 17 November at the Wairakei Resort, Taupo Post workshop 3 day TOUGHREACT runs on Monday, 23 November, Tuesday, 24 November and Wednesday, 25 November at the University of Auckland REACH 900+ EMAIL ADDRESSES ON OUR DATABASE Contact in the first instance, then an invoice will be issued by the JPC PTA. Squeaky Clean Home Cleaning Services Affordable Reliable Honest Weekly or Fortnightly I do the jobs you don’t want to! Ask about my Spring Clean Special Current References From Happy Clients Please phone Amanda on 021 023 90365 NO ACC SURCHARGE ON XRAYS • CT • MRI • Screening and Vascular Ultrasound • General Musculoskeletal • Intervention Procedures and Echocardiography • All Maternity Ultrasounds • Ultrasound Guided Biopsies ACC/Private and • Ultrasounds Insurance Funded • (Immigration CXRs) We are also pleased to be the first to offer 4D scanning in the Rotorua area. Bringing patient care and imaging technology together X-rays – No appointment necessary. For all other services call us to make an appointment. Central Health 1181, Crnr Amohia & Haupapa Streets Ph 07 343 7468 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE TO OVER 900 JPC FAMILIES $5 PER WEEK INTRODUCTION TO TAI CHI 6 WEEK COURSE ONLY $30 Come experience a class in the friendly atmosphere of our volunteer, non-profit organization Classes starting: Tues: 20 Oct: 5.10 – 6.10pm Thurs: 22 Oct: 6.00 – 7.00pm Friday: 23 Oct: 9.00 – 10.00am Saturday: 24 Oct: 9.00 – 10.00am Tues: 27 Oct: 12.00 – 1.00pm Wednesday: 28 Oct: 5.10 – 6.10pm HEALTH. WELLBEING. INJURY PREVENTION. PEACE OF MIND. WHERE Taoist Tai Chi Rotorua 1227 Haupapa Str tel 07 349 4943 email BALANCE. POSTURE. STRENGTH. FLEXIBILITY. TRANQUILITY. For all your pharmacy needs Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9a.m – 5.30p.m Tuesday 9a.m – 6p.m MARGOT DWIGHT DipPharm MPS Phone: 347 7668 www.westbrookpharmacy.n z PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISING SPONSORS Rotorua Medical Group Central Health and Fairy Springs Medical Centre “NEW PATIENTS WELCOME” 1 Practice + 2 Sites = Convenient Health Care 4 U Both sites open Mon-Fri, 8.00am to 5.00pm Telephone: 347 0000 Email: General Medical Services Immunisations Medical Examinations Long Term Condition Management Our comprehensive and excellent family health care services include a Drop In Clinic – no appointment necessary Central Health, 1181 Amohia Street (next door to Central Pharmacy) Mon to Fri between 9.00am and 11.00am and 2.00pm and 4.00pm Fairy Springs Medical Centre, 10-100 Fairy Springs Road, Rotorua Mon to Fri between 9.00am and 11.00am
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