Monsieur Pierre-Jacques Henri
Monsieur Pierre-Jacques Henri
-1- Doctoral Degree - Université Paris-Saclay Quality Manual Version: September 2015 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Index ...................................................................................................................................................... - 4 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................- 5 Context .................................................................................................................................................. - 6 Doctoral training ..................................................................................................................................- 8 4.1 Extracts from regulatory texts. ...................................................................................................- 8 4.2 Goals and challenges................................................................................................................... - 8 4.2.1 Goals ......................................................................................................................................- 9 4.2.2 Challenges of the transformation ...................................................................................... - 9 4.3 The participants in the doctoral training ............................................................................... - 13 4.4 Institutions involved and methods of intervention .............................................................. - 15 4.4.1 Categories of the institutions .......................................................................................... - 15 4.4.2 Methods of cooperation .................................................................................................. - 15 The doctoral schools ........................................................................................................................ - 18 5.1 The doctoral schools of the Université Paris-Saclay ............................................................. - 18 5.2 What is a doctoral school? ....................................................................................................... - 18 5.3 Main missions ........................................................................................................................... - 18 5.4 Governance and organization ................................................................................................. - 19 5.5 The responsibilities of the doctoral school council .............................................................. - 20 5.6 The responsibilities of the doctoral school management ................................................... - 20 5.7 Principle responsibilities of teaching assistants of the doctoral school ............................ - 21 5.8 Required resources .................................................................................................................. - 22 5.8.1 Personnel ........................................................................................................................... - 22 5.8.2 Operations ......................................................................................................................... - 23 The doctoral college ......................................................................................................................... - 24 6.1 What is the doctoral college? ................................................................................................... - 24 6.2 Management of the doctoral college ..................................................................................... - 24 6.2.1 The doctoral college council ............................................................................................ - 24 6.2.2 The director of the doctoral college ............................................................................... - 25 6.2.3 The staff of the doctoral college ..................................................................................... - 26 6.2.4 Other bodies associated with the management of the doctoral college. .................. - 26 Organization of the doctoral college .............................................................................................. - 27 7.1 Development of the doctoral policy of the site ..................................................................... - 28 7.1.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 28 7.1.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 28 7.1.3 Required resources .......................................................................................................... - 28 7.2 Management of the quality system ........................................................................................ - 29 7.2.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 29 7.2.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 29 7.2.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 30 7.3 Admission of the doctoral candidates .................................................................................... - 31 - Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -2- 8 9 7.3.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 31 7.3.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 31 7.3.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 31 7.4 Information system and digital work space .......................................................................... - 32 7.4.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 32 7.4.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 32 7.4.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 32 7.5 International .............................................................................................................................. - 33 7.5.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 33 7.5.2 Principle activities of the international team at the level of the doctoral college ..... - 33 7.5.3 Principle activities of the persons responsible for international exchanges ............. - 34 7.5.4 Principle activities of the representatives of the registration operator institutions. - 34 7.5.5 International hosting service of the registration operator institutions ...................... - 34 7.5.6 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 35 7.5.7 Resources required at the level of the institutions ....................................................... - 35 7.6 Collective doctoral training ...................................................................................................... - 36 7.6.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 36 7.6.2 Principle activities at the doctoral college level ............................................................. - 36 7.6.3 Principle activities of the doctoral training services in the training operator institutes- 37 7.6.4 Required resources within the registration operator institutions .............................. - 37 7.6.5 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 37 7.7 The professional life of the doctors, relationships with the socio-economic bodies and corporations ...................................................................................................................... - 38 7.7.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 38 7.7.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 38 7.7.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 38 7.8 Communication and Facilitation ............................................................................................. - 39 7.8.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 39 7.8.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 39 7.8.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level .......................................................... - 39 7.9 Education ................................................................................................................................... - 40 7.9.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 40 7.9.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 40 7.9.3 Required resources within the registration operator institutions .............................. - 40 7.10 Document service ..................................................................................................................... - 41 7.10.1 Roles ................................................................................................................................... - 41 7.10.2 Principle activities ............................................................................................................. - 41 7.10.3 Required resources within the registration operator institutions .............................. - 41 Schedule of meetings ....................................................................................................................... - 42 Teams ................................................................................................................................................. - 43 9.1 Doctoral schools ....................................................................................................................... - 43 9.2 Doctoral college ........................................................................................................................ - 51 9.2.1 Doctoral college council ................................................................................................... - 51 9.2.2 Monitoring and quality system committee .................................................................... - 54 9.2.3 Management of the quality system ................................................................................ - 55 9.2.4 Information system and digital work space .................................................................. - 55 9.2.5 Collective doctoral training .............................................................................................. - 55 9.2.6 Professional life of the doctors, relationships with socio-economic groups ............. - 56 9.2.7 Communication, facilitation, campus life ....................................................................... - 57 9.2.8 International ...................................................................................................................... - 58 9.3 Functions channeled in the institutions ................................................................................. - 60 9.3.1 Education services ............................................................................................................ - 60 - Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -3- 9.3.2 Document services ........................................................................................................... - 61 - Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -4- 1 Index 2MIB, - 15 A&A, - 15 ABIES, - 15 academic council, - 6 accredited, - 12 associate or partner institutions, - 13 Beneficiary, - 11 Biosigne, - 15 board ofdirectors, - 6 CBMS, - 15 Challenges, - 8 Channeled function, - 13 contributing to a doctoral school, - 14 Coordinated function, - 13 coordination, - 5 coordination components, 5departments, - 6 DIF, - 12 diploma supplement, - 7 director of the doctoral college, - 22 Doctoral candidate, - 11 doctoral college, - 12 -, - 21 doctoral college, - 5 Doctoral College, - 6 doctoral college council, - 21 doctoral college council in limited session, - 22 doctoral college council in plenary session, - 22 doctoral school council, - 17 - doctoral school management, - 17 Doctoral training, - 7 -, - 11 documentary operator, - 12 EDMH, - 15 EDOM, - 15 EDSP, - 15 Employer institution of the doctoral candidate, - 12 employing doctors, - 8 EOBE, - 15 Funding institution, - 12 Goals, - 7 Goals and challenges, - 7 Governance, - 16 Institution housing the research unit, - 12 interdisciplinarity, - 8 Interfaces, - 15 international operator, - 12 ITFA, - 15 Management institution of the research unit, - 12 Management of the doctoral college, - 21 member council, - 6 member institutions, - 5 Member institutions, - 4 missions, - 4 -, - 7 operator of a doctoral school, - 14 operator of the doctoral college, - 14 oriented network, - 8 PHENIICS, - 15 - Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France PIF, - 15 Professional life, - 16 Professional training, - 11 quality approach, - 4 -, - 18 quality assurance approach, -8registration institution, - 12 regulations, - 7 research excellence, - 8 responsibilities, - 4 Schools, - 5 SDSV, - 15 SdV, - 15 SEIF, - 15 Shared function, - 14 sharing, - 5 sharing and coordination, 4SHS, - 15 SMEMaG, - 15 SSMMH, - 15 staff of the doctoral college, - 23 STIC, - 15 Supervisory institution of the research unit, - 12 the doctoral school, - 12 the research unit, - 12 Thesis advisor, - 12 training operator, - 12 transferable skills, - 8 - -5- 2 Introduction The member institutions of the Université Paris-Saclay have undertaken the development of a common doctoral section. This project will meet the shared goal of making the Université ParisSaclay's doctoral program a leading degree that contributes to the international reputation and appeal of the university and that guarantees to the doctors of the Université Paris-Saclay an optimal professional future in all of the professional sectors of doctors' activities. The large number of concerned doctoral candidates, doctoral schools and institutions (members, associates or partners of the Université Paris-Saclay) and the committed major restructuring work to ensure a harmonized and effective operation that presents true challenge. This transformation can only reach its objectives and maintain them over time with the clarity and transparency expected of the partners and required for its guidance, control and monitoring, and only on the condition that it takes a quality approach. It was decided that the ISO 9001 standard would be used for the implementation, control and monitoring of the doctoral training activities within the Université Paris-Saclay in order to clarify, for each of the participants, the missions and responsibilities of each of them, so as to guarantee a consistency in practices, despite the variety of structures, and to ensure true cohesion and convergence of all, using improvement activities as guidance. Within this framework, the Doctoral Charter is the document that presents the doctoral training policy of the Université Paris-Saclay, the Quality Manual (which is one of the prerequisites of the ISO 9001 standard), specifying its context and its organization. These documents are supplemented by the collection of procedures that explain the implementation of the doctoral training policy. The Quality Manual devotes significant place to understanding the context and the doctoral section of the Université Paris-Saclay. It specifies the commitment of each of the participants in an activity that is recognized to be complex and strategic and is subject to an advanced regulatory framework. It presents the missions and the objectives regarding the doctoral training, the organization used and the resources required to fulfill these missions and attain these objectives. It specifies, in particular, the purpose of the resources used by the various institutions in the doctoral section after its major restructuring. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -6- 3 Context The creation of the Université Paris-Saclay is the result of a long cooperative process between the associated entities of higher learning and research of the Paris-Saclay site. The Université of Paris-Saclay brings together, in an original model, 19 autonomous institutions of higher learning and research and of research bodies, the member institutions,, which each maintain their identity, as well as their resources, and agree to coordinate their activities and to share certain resources within the framework of a shared project, jointly defined and implemented. Figure 1: Organization of the Université Paris-Saclay The operational guidance of the Université Paris-Saclay rests on 3 types of coordination components: the Research coordination components, responsible for the coordination and development of research in the scientific perimeter of the University; the Training coordination components, responsible for coordination and development of shared training proposals; the doctoral college The eight "Schools " are the training coordination components, at the bachelors and masters level, and training throughout life. They assemble 49 masters degrees and almost 300 training programs within these degrees. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -7- The ten departments are the research coordination components and encompasses 300 research units and research programs, including 12 interdisciplinary research institutions and 11 laboratories of excellence. The Doctoral College is the coordination component of the doctoral section; it encompasses 20 disciplinary or thematic doctoral schools and ensures that the transverse functions dedicated to doctoral training are in concert. The Université Paris-Saclay is chaired by a president elected by the board of directors, who rely on the council of the members of the academic council. He is assisted by vice-presidents and a management committee composed of a dozen people responsible for the major functions: research, promotion, training, international, campus life, communications, technology, administration and resources. The member council consists of the representatives of each of the member institutions of the Université Paris-Saclay. The academic council has 220 members, including 5 elected doctoral candidate representatives. It has a consultative role, and for questions related to doctoral training, fulfills, at the level of the ComUE Université Paris-Saclay, the missions that fall under the scientific council of an accredited institution to grant the doctoral degree, according to the Article of 2006 regarding doctoral training. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -8- 4 Doctoral training 4.1 Extracts from regulatory texts. The missions that are entrusted to the accredited institutions to grant the doctoral degree are precisely defined at the national level and are subject to regulatory guidance, some extracts of which are shown below (Article L612-7 of the French Education Code, whose conditions of application are defined in Ministerial Order of August 7, 2006 regarding doctoral training and of the circular of October 23, 2014 regarding the methods of formulating and granting national diplomas). The doctoral training is a training in research and by research which includes, within the framework of doctoral training, the individual or collective performance of original scientific works. This doctoral training is organized in close relationship with the laboratories or research teams whose quality is recognized through national periodic evaluation. It takes into account the requirements of the national research and innovation policy and includes an international outlook. It is represents a professional research experience, sanctioned, after thesis defense, by the awarding of a doctoral degree. The doctoral training is organized within the framework of the doctoral schools. They include personalized scientific supervision of the highest quality, as well as collective training that includes teaching, seminars or internships intended to ensure the scientific culture of the doctoral candidates, to prepare their professional development and pursuit of their careers in the public sector as well as private sector and to promote their international outlook. The ministerial order responsible for higher education defines the conditions under which an institution of higher learning may be accredited, for a limited period, to organize doctoral training and to grant the doctoral degree following a periodic national evaluation. The doctoral diploma is granted after a thesis defense or the presentation of an ensemble of original scientific works […]. The doctoral diploma is accompanied by the grade of the institution that conferred it. In the case where a diploma is conferred by a ComUE, the name of this ComUE is shown in the heading of the certificate and the name of the institution in which the diploma has been prepared appears on the diploma certificate; it confers the title of doctor. This title represents professional research experience, which can be recognized in collective agreements. The granting of the "diploma supplement " presenting the content of the training and the acquired skills is mandatory. This document allows for better clarity of the training and of the diplomas, in particular for the requirements of employers. 4.2 Goals and challenges In addition to these national missions, the shared project of the Université Paris-Saclay includes its Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France -9- own goals for the doctoral degree of the Université Paris-Saclay and the challenges that need to be contextualized. 4.2.1 Goals The doctoral degree of the Université of Paris-Saclay must be able to be measured in comparison with doctorates of the world class research universities, among which the Université Paris-Saclay wishes to be counted on an international level. All other things being equal, to have obtained a doctoral degree from the Université Paris-Saclay should, over time, bring a distinctive, recognized professional advantage to the doctors. This requires not only oversight of the quality of the doctoral training (to be attractive to the best candidates, to monitor the quality of recruitment, supervision, host research units and doctoral projects), but also ensure the visibility and the clarity of the doctoral training activity of the Université of Paris-Saclay, measured against international criteria. → European Commission. (2011). Implement the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training (PIFD) in Europe, → European Universities Association (2006). The Salzburg principles for doctoral training & Ten basic Principles, These criteria, listed below, have been formalized in several publications of the works of the EUA and are used by the European Commission as criteria for assessing European projects concerning doctoral training. A research of excellence, encouraging creativity, a critical approach, intellectual independence and the taking of scientific risk, the goal of pushing the boundaries A quality assurance approach applied to doctoral training, promoting transparent and clear processes for admission, supervision, conferment of diplomas and professional life. An encouraging, interdisciplinary research environment An international outlook, through collaborative international research, international joint doctoral theses, support for the international mobility of doctoral candidates, and support for the establishment of networks A meeting with the public or private employers of doctors, from industry to the services, including non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions and organizations The development of transferable skills, developed over the course of the doctoral training, but used in numerous other contexts An attractive institutional environment that offers doctoral candidates good working conditions, encourages them to quickly assume scientific responsibilities and offers them career growth opportunities 4.2.2 Challenges of the transformation Doctoral training, personalized share Doctoral training is primarily a training using the doctoral project, the performance of research within a quality research team, with personalized supervision. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 10 - Through the recognized quality of the research units that will welcome the doctoral candidates, the Université Paris-Saclay already has the essentials to reach these goals. The first challenge of the transformation, in this area, is to make the criteria, the requirements and the processes that allow for the assurance of quality recruitment, supervision, monitoring of doctoral candidates and the final assessment, clear and visible, within the framework of a quality approach. This has required formalizing these criteria, requirements and procedures and disseminating them widely. The second challenge is to collectively implement the procedures that are decided upon collectively. One of the major changes is to put in place the same selection procedure for all the doctoral candidates of the same doctoral school, whatever their means of financing. In practical terms, this means the 2015 campaign by the implementation of selection commissions (phase 1 selection of the file, phase 2 audition of the candidate(s) retained in the file or the meeting) and in a competitive mode (systematic), or outside a competitive mode (remains to be generalized for 2016). This change is necessary for the recognition of the doctoral degree and is demanded by the national associations of doctoral degrees. However, it requires however sizable resources, in terms of time for work consecrated to the Juries or the credits necessary to make these Juries function properly. Doctoral training, collective share Collective training of doctoral candidates must include teaching, seminars or internships intended to ensure the scientific culture of the doctoral candidates, to prepare their professional development and their careers in the public sector as well as private sector and to promote their international outlook.(Article L612-7 of the French Education Code). a) Scientific culture and international outlook Regarding the training intended to ensure the scientific culture of the doctoral candidates: the challenge of restructuring is mainly to be able to offer training to all of the doctoral candidates (half year doctoral cycles, summer schools, etc.) in which they work with researchers at the highest international level and by which the doctoral candidates may ensure their scientific culture, with an interdisciplinary and international outlook, and benefit from scientific exchanges at the highest international level. the challenge of restructuring is to also offer frameworks or activities, such as symposiums of young researchers, that allow the doctoral candidates to develop transferable skills (present their research under various forms, organize a symposium, act as editor of a symposium, etc.) and to benefit from scientific exchanges with their equals. To attain these goals, good coordination with the research departments, the research units and the institutions (within the framework of their invited professors policy, for example), is essential. This coordination is facilitated by the regulatory composition of the counsels of the doctoral schools. On this point, for the institutions that already use them, before restructuring, doctoral schools organized on a disciplinary or thematic basis, the restructuring does not lead to major changes, except for the fact that the regrouping permits them to function by relying on an international network of contacts that is larger and more complete and shares training. On the other hand, for institutions that rely on a pluri-disciplinary on-site doctoral school for Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 11 - doctoral training, the restructuring would have a major effect: the effects of doctoral candidates being, until now, generally insufficient to conduct, in each scientific or thematic area, doctoral seminar cycles or to participate in the organization of doctoral summer schools, symposiums of young researchers or other initiatives of this type. Because of this, the doctoral schools don't deal with this question, or very little. This may be left up to the research units or even not attended to at all (in particular in the small units). In certain cases, the doctoral training proposals may mainly be comprised of training modules at a master's level. It is important to note that this component of collective training, operating on the basis of the initiative of researchers who must pay or the participation of thematic schools and the organizing of symposiums or doctoral days, require administrative appropriations at the doctoral school level, and a strong coordination with the research units and the research departments. b) Professional life In terms of training that is intended as preparation for professional development or the pursuit of a career by the doctoral candidates in the professional and private sector, both national and international: the challenge for the Université Paris-Saclay is to make its doctoral program a true asset for the careers of our doctors. This means: To make students who wish to follow a doctoral degree and the doctoral candidates aware, as soon as possible, of the groups of professions for which the doctoral degree is an asset. To give them sufficient knowledge of the professional world they are destined for (the fields to which they should aspire, the current professional standards and ethics rules of these fields, the possible careers, employment structure and its changes). The following categories of professions have been identified for which the doctoral degree may ultimately prepare and for which it is wished a dedicated training path be established: o o o o o o o o researcher or (teacher-) researcher, in academia, higher education teacher, teacher (-researcher), researcher in a company, R&D, in the private sector, support and guidance for research, innovation and development, for the promotion of Spin-Offs, entrepreneur in innovative fields, steering research and innovation, managing innovative projects, steering innovative structures, advice, studies and expert assessment in firms and companies that provide intellectual services, in international organizations, in local authorities and public service, proactive or strategic expertise in a company, scientific mediation, scientific communication and journalism, scientific publishing. To make the doctoral candidates aware of the skills that will be useful or mandatory for them, depending on their career plans, and of the numerous possibilities that they have to develop them, while preparing their doctoral degree, in a way that will make them more valuable. To also specify the minimum skills that are expected or required of them, at the doctoral level, whether it be scientific and technical skills or transverse or transferable skills. To clarify for those who employ the holders of doctoral degrees, the objectives and requirements of the doctoral training and the skills developed by the doctoral candidates. This question is a challenge in itself, in fact; the holder of a doctoral degree cannot in any case be a "standardized product", since it is a training by the project, each Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 12 - doctoral project being original. The training of each doctoral candidate is therefore unique. This is what constitutes the main specificity of the doctoral degree and is precisely what makes this training valuable for numerous contexts where the capacity for innovation, adaptation, and strategy development are essential. But also outside academia, the doctoral degree is not sufficiently recognized and the skills of those with doctoral degrees are poorly understood. All the more so as the number trained doctors is low, in comparison to other degrees, and fragmented because of the large number of institutions that grant the doctoral degree (12,000 doctoral degrees per year in France, compared to 125,000 masters and 60,000 engineering or business degrees, from the same number of institutions). The ParisSaclay group will bring critical size, granting more visibility. An approach that showcases the skills developed by the doctoral candidates for a defined professional objective is also necessary to afford clarity, in concert with the relevant professional fields. To ensure, at each step in the preparation for the doctoral degree, that the doctoral candidate is formed by a professional research experience. To make employers know as well that the students may be questioned about the opportunity to follow a doctoral degree, so as to remove the prejudices regarding the doctoral degree that are still widely disseminated. To reinforce the awareness of the participants of the doctoral training of the importance of the question of professions, that it is the thesis advisors, the research teams, and more generally all of the participants in the various institutions involved in the doctoral training, but also and above all the associations of holders of doctoral degrees so that they themselves promote their doctoral degree and thus contribute to making it a professional advantage. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 13 - In this area, the diversity of the institutions engaged in the shared adventure of the Université ParisSaclay is an important benefit because its members, associates and partners are themselves made up of possible professional careers for the doctors, either contain in their institution mission or objectives the goal of preparing for well identified professional careers that are closely linked to the relevant professional sector. The main challenge of the transformation is to build, together, a complete training proposal, in relationship with the sectors of employment, that no institution is currently able to offer on its own and, in addition, to have all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay benefit from the expertise, the skills and the networks of each of its members and partners regarding professional careers, for each category of professional career. 4.3 The participants in the doctoral training The doctoral candidate is a researcher in the training phase. His doctoral training is organized by a doctoral school, he is trained through the professional experience of research within a research unit or a research team, recognized following a national evaluation. Figure 2: The two components of the doctoral training, organization of the doctoral training on the one hand and building professional research experience on the other The doctoral candidate is the direct beneficiary of the activities of the doctoral college, the doctoral schools and each of the participants in the doctoral training. The participants in the doctoral training operate on several tiers, either to organize the doctoral training or within the framework of building professional research experience. Their roles and responsibilities are specified in the doctoral charter. Since this document is intended to specify the methods used and the resources necessary for the organization of the doctoral training, a chapter will be dedicated to each of the structures to which it is dedicated. However, even if their role is essential to the doctoral training, this document does Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 14 - not focus on specifying the organization or the missions of the research units or the research teams and the other participants who goal is that the doctoral degree constitutes a professional research experience. The participants in the doctoral training are first of all, the doctoral candidate firstly, who is the main participant in his doctoral training, his thesis advisor, under whose responsibility and supervision the doctoral candidate performs his work, Other participants are the structures or the components of the institutions: the doctoral college that ensures the coordination of activity for the doctoral training within the Université Paris-Saclay the doctoral school which organizes the doctoral training of the doctoral candidate, in close relationship with the research unit the research unit or research team, into which the doctoral candidate is fully integrated during the preparation for his doctoral degree, Others are the institutions, acting for the organization of the doctoral training as: accredited institution to grant the doctoral degree (Université Paris- Saclay), registration operator institution of the doctoral candidate, which is the institution where the degree is prepared, this institution is also the documentary operator, responsible for the legal submission of the thesis, collective training operator institution, international operator institution contributing to the international outlook of the doctoral candidates Others, finally, are the institutions, acting for the creation of a professional research experience as: The institution housing the research unit (providing the premises and the transverse services related to hosting the research unit and its personnel, Defense and Security Official in case of ZRR) Management institution of the research unit (management services, support for the promotion of research, support for contractual activities, other transverse services related to the management of a research unit) Supervisory institution of the research unit (legal person who has the legal responsibility for the research unit, which is the employer of the permanent employees of the unit, of the thesis advisor or the supervisors, for which one of the missions is research, scientific publication, innovation and the promotion of research, that contribute to the endowment for operations and investments of the unit) Employer institution of the doctoral candidate (when he is a salaried employee, the institution may be a member, associate or partner of the Université Paris-Saclay or another employer, individual right to training or personal training account, HRD and other services connected with employer responsibility) Funding institution required for the optimum progress of the doctoral project (financing the doctoral candidate, operating expenses, purchase of material, etc.) In their domain of activity, and at each step of the doctoral training, the participants involved in the organization of the doctoral training act firstly to ensure the quality of the doctoral training of the candidates, and to ensure for the doctors of the Université Paris-Saclay an optimum profession life in all of the professional sectors of the activities of doctors. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 15 - 4.4 Institutions involved and methods of intervention 4.4.1 Categories of the institutions The member institutions of the Université Paris-Saclay are the following: 12 institutions of higher education: CentraleSupelec, HEC, ENS Cachan, ENSTA, Polytechnique, ENSAE, TelecomParisTech, Telecom Sud Paris, IOGS, AgroParisTech, UPSud and UVSQ, 7 research bodies: CNRS, CEA, IHES, INRA, INSERM, INRIA, ONERA. The associate or partner institutions of the Université Paris-Saclay for doctoral training are the following: 7 institutions of higher education: UEVE, ENSA-V, ESTACA, ENSIEE, TEM, Ecole Georges Méliès, Ecole nationale du paysage de Versailles, other institutions: Synchrotron Soleil, IRT SystemX, Génopôle d’Evry, Pôle de Compétitivité Systematic, IFFSTAR, IRSTEA. In terms of the doctoral training: The Université Paris-Saclay is the accredited institution for granting the doctoral degree. Some doctoral schools are subject to co-accreditation with another accredited institution. Each of the partner institutions in the doctoral section of the Université Paris-Saclay may be Collective training operator, International operator, Houser, manager or supervisor of the research units, Employer of the doctoral candidates, Financer of doctoral projects, The institutes of higher learning members or associates of the ComUE are institutions for preparation for the doctoral degree and, what is more: Registration institutions, Documentary operators. 4.4.2 Methods of cooperation The doctoral training is organized by the doctoral schools of the Université Paris-Saclay with the resources provided by the member, associate or partner institutions. Each function or service that enters into the scope of the organization of the doctoral training of the Université Paris-Saclay is Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 16 - therefore part of inter-institutional cooperation. This cooperation may take various forms, Channeled function Examples Each institution may take on the function for only the doctoral candidates that belong to the institution. There is coordination by all, but remains limited to exchanges of information and does not require sharing of resources. Registration, legal submission of theses, Coordinated function Examples The function is fulfilled by linking together the activities performed at several levels, in the institutions, in the doctoral schools, at the doctoral college level. One part of the resources is shared either at the level of the doctoral schools, or at the doctoral college level. These shared resources are devoted to the coordination and performance of common actions. Processing of joint doctoral degree agreements, transverse training Shared function Examples Each institution contributes to a function or ensures a service for all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay. The function is performed either at the level of the Université of Paris-Saclay or by an institution for the account of all of the partners. The resources are shared at the level of the doctoral college for the performance of the shared actions. The resources provided by all of the partners may be directly mobilized at the level of the Université ParisSaclay or even transferred to the institution that is responsible for performing the activity for the account of all of the partners. Information system, communication & facilitation, quality process Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 17 - Figure 3: The doctoral section, a necessary function in the network. Several institutions cooperate in the same doctoral school. The same institution is a cooperator in several doctoral schools. When a function, a service or a contribution of an institution is channeled, the resources made available by the institution stay in the institution and are intended for the doctoral candidates of the institution. When a function, a service or a contribution of an institution is shared or coordinated, the methods of cooperation are associated with the following names: An operator institution of one doctoral school contributes to the operations of a doctoral school by providing significant resources to this doctoral school, intended for all of the doctoral candidates of the doctoral school. These resources are provided in the form of an operating budget, the working time of the personnel dedicated to the management of the school or to teaching assistance. Each operator institution is represented on the doctoral school council. An institution contributing to a doctoral school , without being an operator, contributes to its operation by providing resources intended for all of the doctoral candidates of the doctoral school and determined on a prorata basis on the number of doctoral candidates belonging to the institution in the doctoral school. These resources are mainly provided in the form of an operating budget. An operator institution of the doctoral college contributes to its operations by providing resources intended for all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay. These resources are provided in the form of an operating budget, the working time of the personnel dedicated to the management and operations of the doctoral college and the services or functions that it fulfills. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 18 - 5 The doctoral schools 5.1 The doctoral schools of the Université Paris-Saclay The Université Paris-Saclay includes 20 doctoral schools. It is the administrative support for 17 of them. The doctoral schools authorized to host doctoral candidates for their doctoral training by accreditation by the Université Paris-Saclay are the following: ABIES - Agriculture, nutrition, biology, environment, health A&A – Astronomy & Astrophysics in Ile de France Biosigne Signaling and integrative networks in biology CBMS - Cancer research, biology, medicine, health EDMH - Hadamard doctoral school of mathematics EDOM - Waves and matter EDSP – Public Health EOBE - Electrical, Optical, Biophysics and Engineering Interfaces - Interfaces ITFA - Therapeutic innovation, from basic to applied 2MIB - Chemical Sciences: Molecules, Matter, Instrumentation and Biosystems PHENIICS - Particles, hadrons, energy and nucleate: instrumentation, imagery, cosmos and simulation PIF - Physics at Ile de France SDSV - Structure and dynamics of living systems SEIF - Sciences of the environment at Ile-de-France SHS - Human and social sciences SMEMaG - Mechanical and energy sciences, matter and geosciences STIC -Sciences and technologies of information and communication SSMMH - Sports sciences, motor skills, the science of human movement SdV - Plant sciences: from genes to the ecosystem 5.2 What is a doctoral school? Doctoral schools are regulated by the decree of August 7, 2006 regarding doctoral training. Doctoral schools organize the training of doctoral candidates and prepare them for professional development or their pursuit of a career. They bring together research units and research teams that have been acknowledged after a national evaluation. Subject to exceptions, a research team only participates in a doctoral school. 5.3 Main missions To fulfill their missions (as defined by the regulatory texts governing doctoral training), the doctoral schools, individually or together, within the framework of the doctoral college, act in the following areas: o Admission: the doctoral schools implement a policy of the choice of doctoral candidates based on explicit public criteria; they organize, within the framework of the policy of the institutions, the allocation of the funds entrusted to them, especially the doctoral contracts of the institution; Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 19 - o Collective training: they organize the scientific and intellectual exchanges between doctoral candidates, possibly within a college of doctoral schools of the institution or the site; they propose training to the doctoral candidates that would be useful to their research project and to their professional project as well as the training required for the acquisition of a broader scientific culture. These trainings should not only prepare the doctors for a career in research in the public sector, industry and the services, but, more generally, for any field that requires the skills acquired during the doctoral training. They may be organized with the cooperation of the other public and private bodies; o Quality: they ensure the quality of the support for the doctoral candidates by the research units and research teams, ensuring compliance with the thesis charter and implement it. They prepare the doctoral candidates and support their theses under optimal conditions; o Professional life of doctors and relationships with companies: defines a support system for the professional development of doctors, both in public institutions and in the private sector, established in relation with the bodies or associations that support the same objective and include, when necessary, a statement of acquired skills; organize a monitoring of the professional life of the doctors and, more generally, of all of the doctors that they have hosted; o International: give a European and international outlook, especially within the framework of cooperative activities conducted with institutions of higher learning or foreign research centers, in particular by promoting international joint doctoral theses. 5.4 Governance and organization A doctoral school is directed by a director, who implements the doctoral school program adopted by the doctoral school council. Figure 4: Governance of a doctoral school The doctoral school council has 12 to 26 members. The composition of the council is regulated by regulatory texts, and includes representatives of the research units and of the institutions, elected Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 20 - representatives of doctoral candidates, representatives from socio-economic groups and outside persons chosen for their scientific expertise. To ensure the operations of the doctoral school, it may adopt an internal structure, in centers, and mobilize people, managers or co-managers of the centers, mission heads, to implement, under the direction of the director of the doctoral school, the action program of the doctoral school. In the same way, the teaching assistance personnel of the doctoral school may be dedicated to the assistance of all of the doctoral school or even of the centers. 5.5 The responsibilities of the doctoral school council The doctoral school council meets at least three times per year. It adopts the action program of the doctoral school and manages the affairs that fall under the doctoral school, according to the texts regulating doctoral training: o Doctoral school program: the council rules on the assignment of the research units to the doctoral school; on the management of the doctoral school; on the internal rules of the doctoral school; and, more generally, on the action program of the doctoral school, o Admission: the council rules in limited session on the allocation of financing to be allocated to the doctoral candidates registered in the institution; it rules on the admission criteria suitable for the doctoral school, o Registration: It proposes those who should receive an exemption under the conditions of the diploma required for registration to the doctoral degree; it rules on requests for exemptions regarding the duration of the preparation for the doctoral degree and on the maximum number of doctoral candidates supervised by the same thesis advisor; it examines the requests for exemptions regarding the number of doctoral candidates supervised by a thesis advisor, o Training: It rules on the training program of the doctoral school, o Defense: It rules on the exceptions regarding the composition of the thesis Juries, o Management of the quality system: It hears the annual activity report of the director of the doctoral school on the implementation of the action program; it ensures annual monitoring of all of the exemptions. 5.6 The responsibilities of the doctoral school management The director of the doctoral school, and more generally, the management team (deputy directors, mission heads, managers of centers), assisted by one or more teaching assistants, either within the framework of the doctoral school, or within the framework of the doctoral college, assumes the following responsibilities: o Doctoral school program: the director of the doctoral school prepares the action program and organizes the council's deliberations; he debates the methods for implementing the program (resources, budget) with the doctoral school council and presents this program to the doctoral college council, o Admission: the director of the doctoral school, and more generally, the management team organizes the admission of the doctoral candidates by a competitive exam or Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 21 - outside of a competitive exam; consolidates the list of recipients of financing to present them to the doctoral school council and other relevant bodies, o Registration: He proposes the registration of the doctoral candidates and ensures the advice of the thesis advisor and the director of the research unit. Upon first registration, he makes sure that the doctoral charter is signed and verifies that the scientific, material and financial conditions have been met to guarantee the proper progress of the research works of the candidate and the preparation of the thesis; he also ensures the implementation of an individual monitoring of the doctoral candidate and his individual training plan. As of the second year of the doctoral degree, he prepares the maintenance report on the individual monitoring of the doctoral candidate, taking his recommendations into account, o Progress of the doctoral degree: He contributes to the implementation of the conditions that will guarantee a quality doctoral environment. He organizes the examination of requests for exemptions and the monitoring of them, o Collective training: the director of the doctoral school contributes, within the framework of the doctoral college (for transverse training) and within the framework of the doctoral school (for other training), to the implementation of the proposal of modules and collective training paths for the doctoral candidates. He makes sure, at the first registration, that the doctoral candidates create an individual training plan. He makes sure, at the following registrations, that the doctoral candidates follow an adjusted training plan, o Defense: he rules on the rapporteurs and the composition of the thesis Juries and organizes the defense procedures: he makes sure they run smoothly, o International: he informs the doctoral candidates of aids or support systems for international opportunities; he contributes to the implementation of international joint doctorate thesis agreements or other European and international cooperative efforts, o Facilitation: he organizes the facilitation of the doctoral school to support scientific exchanges between doctoral candidates and with the scientific community, o Professional life of the doctors and relationships with corporations: the director of the doctoral school contributes to the implementation of doctor career development systems in the public and private sector; organizes, in concert with the services of the relevant institutions, the monitoring of the professional life of the doctors, o Management of the quality system: He supplies information on the monitoring and objectives indicators of the doctoral training. He organizes or contributes to the organization of surveys of the doctoral candidates. Each year, he presents an activity report to the doctoral school council and to other relevant bodies on the implementation of the doctoral school program. He develops proposals for improvement actions. 5.7 Principle responsibilities of teaching assistants of the doctoral school The teaching assistant of the doctoral school assumes the following responsibilities for all of the doctoral candidates of a doctoral school, that is, when a doctoral school is structured by centers and Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 22 - the assistant is assigned to a center, for all of the doctoral candidates of this center: Welcome of and information for the doctoral candidates, contribute to the maintenance of the web site of the doctoral school and other information sources (posted notices, brochures, etc.) Assistance for the educational management of the doctoral school o Information system: management of the database of the doctoral school (doctoral candidates, supervisors and research units), either for all of the doctoral candidates and research units of the ED, or for the doctoral candidates and research units of the center to which the assistant is assigned. o Admission: assist in the logistic organization of the recruitment exams of the doctoral candidates assigned to the doctoral school, either for all of the doctoral school, or, if the ED organizes a Jury per center, for the center to which the assistant is assigned. o Training: assist in the organization of training suitable for the doctoral school, contribute to the coordination of planning, approval of doctoral candidate training, either for all of the doctoral school, or for the center to which the assistant is assigned. o Progress and defense: inform the doctoral candidates on the procedures to follow, provide assistance for the management and handling of various requests for exemptions, o International: reception of and information for foreign doctoral candidates, assistance for the implementation of joint doctoral degree agreements, information on the possibility of going abroad, etc. Assistance for the financial management of the doctoral school; Assistance for the facilitation of the doctoral school, doctoral school life Assistance in the management of the doctoral school, preparation of councils and meetings of the doctoral school (reservation of rooms for doctoral school councils, assistance in the determination of dates, sending out meeting notices, agendas, minutes) Assistance with conducting surveys, consolidation of indicators, investigation of ministerial inquiries Quality system: participate in committee meetings for the monitoring of the quality system of the doctoral college. 5.8 Required resources Estimating the contributions of the institutions in terms of payroll and operating budget for the doctoral schools and the doctoral college is the subject of a separate memo. 5.8.1 Personnel For the teaching assistance of the doctoral school, there must be continuity all year long in the various locations where the doctoral candidates, the thesis advisors and the students who wish to Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 23 - look into a doctoral degree, etc., are welcomed and receive information. o The organization of symposium days for the doctoral school, to assist in the preparation of the councils, assist in conducting surveys, maintain the database involving "inclusive" activities, for each doctoral school, independent of the number of doctoral candidates. o Logistical assistance for the organization of exams is related to the number of Juries organized by the doctoral school, and indirectly to the number of doctoral candidates in the doctoral school. o The processing of files and questions from each of the doctoral candidates, that is, this time, directly related to the number of doctoral candidates in the doctoral school, is also required. An estimate, based on feedback, leads to the estimation of the requirement for full time employees dedicated to teaching assistance for about 200 doctoral candidates, in the case of a doctoral school located on a single geographic site. When the doctoral school is located on several geographic sites, ensuring the continuity and the coordination of the activities of the various sites will require more teaching assistance. The management team is devoted to the management of the doctoral school, actual time worked, either directly related to the number of doctoral candidates (admission, annual monitoring, thesis defense, international joint doctorate degrees, etc.) or required regardless of the number of doctoral candidates (management committee meeting, doctoral school councils and doctorate college council, management review, facilitation of the doctoral school, oversight, etc.) Time devoted to the coordination requirements when the doctoral school is located in several geographic sites or includes several centers is also required. 5.8.2 Operations Types of operating expenses of a doctoral school: The operation of the Juries for recruitment exams of doctoral candidates (reimbursement of travel expenses of the Jury members, meals, possibly lodging), Organization of doctoral school training, reimbursement of travel expenses, compensation of service providers, assembling the thematic schools, sharing in doctorial expenses, Organization of doctoral school days, expenses for running the doctoral school, Purchase of software or IT equipment, printing and photocopying costs, stationery and supplies required for the operations of the doctoral school, Operations of the doctoral schools councils, office meetings (breaks, reimbursement of travel expenses for external members, meal platters). Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 24 - 6 The doctoral college 6.1 What is the doctoral college? The doctoral college is the coordination element of the Université Paris-Saclay, responsible for organizing the doctoral policy within the framework of the policy of the site, particularly the sharing of activities of the doctoral schools and for contributing to improving the attractiveness, visibility and goals of the doctoral program of the Université Paris-Saclay. It brings together the people and resources devoted to the coordination, management and oversight of activities, or to the implementation of shared activities. The doctoral college is the source for proposals for: developing the doctoral policy of the site, defining the shared objectives and priorities related to doctoral training, developing innovative projects to attain the common objectives, developing the processes and procedures to fulfill the missions handed down by the ministerial authorities, implementing the doctoral policy of the site as defined by the governance of the Université of Paris-Saclay, and carrying out the projects. The doctoral college is also in charge of the following axes of coordination or sharing: management and monitoring of the implementation of the doctoral policy of the site, within the framework of a quality system (surveys), oversight and regulatory assistance, information systems, selection of doctoral candidates, collective doctoral training, international, communication and facilitation, professional life of the doctors, relationships with socio-economic groups and corporations for the promotion of the doctoral program of the Université Paris-Saclay. The doctoral college oversees the monitoring and evaluation of the various doctoral trainings, the associated structures (doctoral schools) and more generally, all of the actions for coordination and sharing. 6.2 Management of the doctoral college The doctoral college is directed by a director, assisted by a committee and the doctoral college council. 6.2.1 The doctoral college council The doctoral college council includes the following categories: 1. a representative from each institution Member or Associate of the Université Paris-Saclay, designated by the heads of the cited institutions, Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 25 - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a delegate of the academic council designated by the president of this council, a representative named by the President of the Université Paris-Saclay, the directors of the doctoral schools accredited or co-accredited by the Université Paris-Saclay; ten doctoral candidates elected by their peers, a representative of the teaching assistance personnel attached to the doctoral College. The representative of categories 1 to 3 may designate an alternate. In the case where the incumbent member and his alternate are prevented from attending a meeting, the incumbent member may give a power of attorney to another representative from categories 1 to 3. No representative may hold more than two powers. The representatives of category 4 name an alternate to ensure that each doctoral school is represented at each meeting. The election of the representatives of category 5 is done by a single ballot of the proportional list, using direct voting, with distribution according to the greatest remainder method. Each list has ten candidates and is composed alternatively of a candidate of each sex. Each candidate has an alternate of the same sex. The term of the representatives of the doctoral candidates is one year. In the case of withdrawal during a term, the following candidate (and his alternate), of the same sex as that of the elected withdrawer, on the same list, then represents the doctoral candidates. The election is done electronically. The representative of category 6 is named by the President of the Université Paris-Saclay, on the proposal of the directors of the electoral school among the personnel of the teaching assistants attached to the doctoral College. An alternate is designated by the same process. The terms of the incumbent member and the alternate are 5 years. The doctoral college council in limited session The doctoral college council meets 1 to 3 times a year, called by the director of the doctoral college, in a session limited to the representative of categories 1 to 3. It deliberates on the transparency of the processes, the use of resources, and the process that ensures the connection with the institutions. Each member of the council in limited session has one vote. The director of the doctoral college facilitates the meeting without a vote. The associate or partner institutions of the doctoral schools may attend the council in limited session without a vote. The doctoral college council in plenary session The doctoral college meets in plenary session a minimum of 6 times per year, called by the director of the doctoral college. It discusses the outlooks for the doctoral policy of the Université Paris-Saclay and, upon implementing this doctoral policy, decides the actions to be taken in each of the areas of coordination. The director of the doctoral college may invite to a meeting of the doctoral college council any person that he judges necessary, in the interest of the discussions provided on the agenda. 6.2.2 The director of the doctoral college Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 26 - The director of the Doctoral College is named by the President of the Université Paris-Saclay, upon the advice of the doctoral college. His term is for five years, renewable once. The director of the doctoral college should be authorized to direct research and have held the position of director or adjunct director of a doctoral school in the past. He cannot simultaneously perform the functions of the director of the doctoral college and the director or adjunct director of the doctoral school or the representative of the institution. The director of the doctoral college executes the coordination and sharing policy developed by the doctoral college council and approved by the doctoral college in limited session. 6.2.3 The staff of the doctoral college The staff of the doctoral college is made up of the director of the doctoral college, the managers of the shared projects and the facilitators of the coordination and sharing axes. The staff meets as often as necessary. It organizes, on a daily basis, the coordination and sharing activities. The facilitators of the axes of coordination and sharing and the managers of the shared projects are named by the President of the Université Paris-Saclay, on the proposal of the director of the doctoral college and upon the advice of the doctoral college council. They implement the actions that are included in the framework of the missions of the doctoral college. 6.2.4 Other bodies associated with the management of the doctoral college. The committee of the partners of the Paris Saclay area meets 1 to 2 times per year, debates and contributes to the questions related to the professional life of the doctors, to the transverse doctoral training in relation to employment opportunities and the promotion of the doctoral program of the Université Paris-Saclay, through corporations and, more generally, socio-economic groups. This committee brings together the representatives of corporations and local authorities that employ a significant number of doctors of the Université Paris-Saclay, especially those of the Paris-Saclay area, and the facilitators of the "professional life of the doctors", "transverse training" the "communication and facilitation" axes and the director of the doctoral college. The quality monitoring committee meets at least two times per year, before the management reviews of the doctoral college council. It ensures the monitoring of the implementation of the doctoral training policy within the framework of the quality system. It brings together all of the personnel who implement, on a daily basis, the systems and procedures that are in place to ensure the quality of the doctoral training: the teaching assistants of the doctoral schools, the staff of the educational services and document services who work on the doctoral training, a quality management consultant, the quality managers of the institutions, a group of facilitators of the quality system, the manager of the "management of the quality system" axis and the director of the doctoral college. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 27 - 7 Organization of the doctoral college The doctoral college is organized in coordination and sharing axes in relation to their principle responsibilities, the activities of which are devoted to all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay, which correspond to all the permanent functions. In addition, the project teams are responsible for one time projects or events within the scope of each of the axes. Figure 5: Coordination and sharing axis Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 28 - 7.1 Development of the doctoral policy of the site This activity is under the responsibility of the director of the doctoral college. It is performed primarily by management and the doctoral college council and by the supervisory committee. 7.1.1 Roles Development of a doctoral training policy of the site, definition of the missions, objectives and priorities, under the control of the authorities and of the governance of the Université Paris-Saclay, Relationships with ministerial authorities, indicator feedback; submission and monitoring of the accreditation and evaluation files by HCERES; regulatory oversight and national and international context oversight, Relations with the presidency of the Université Paris-Saclay, the bodies of the Université Paris-Saclay, the academic council and the council of members, Projects, budgets and planning, implementation of partnership agreements between the operating institutions of the doctoral college. 7.1.2 Principle activities 7.1.3 Preparation, facilitation and minutes of the doctoral college council, Development of actions plans for the teams responsible for coordination and sharing activities and for the project teams; Monitoring their activity, Representation of the doctoral college with the bodies of the Université Paris-Saclay, and of the ministerial authorities, Consolidation of indicators and other information useful for management; Analysis and proposal for decisions, Preparation of partner agreements. Required resources Working time of the director of the doctoral college and a teaching assistant. budget. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France Related operating - 29 - 7.2 Management of the quality system Management and monitoring of the implementation of the doctoral policy of the site, within the framework of a quality assurance system. This activity is under the responsibility of the director of the doctoral college and is organized by the manager of the quality system coordination axis. It is implemented entirely at the doctoral college level. The manager of the axis and the director of the doctoral college are assisted by a quality management consultant and by a group of quality system facilitators. The system is managed in concert with the quality managers of the institutions. It involves all of the personnel who implement, on a daily basis, the provisions that are in place to ensure the quality of the doctoral training, working together on a quality monitoring committee. 7.2.1 Roles Implementation of harmonized and transparent processes and procedures; Training and support of the staff and of all of the participants in these procedures and processes, to ensure a professionalized doctoral environment, Implementation and monitoring of the mission and objectives indicators; Implementation of a continual quality improvement system, distribution and sharing of information, Organization and facilitation of the meetings of the doctoral college council and of the meetings of the project teams or doctoral college coordination axes; Organization and facilitation of the meetings, with the support teams of the institutions and the teaching assistants of the doctoral schools. 7.2.2 Principle activities The continual quality improvement process for doctoral training is broken down into four main steps: Figure 6: Management of the implementation of the doctoral policy within the framework of a continual quality improvement system F - Forecast and plan the main provisions required for the implementation of doctoral training; this Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 30 - step leads to the development of a doctoral policy of the site that defines the orientation and leads to projects to attain the objectives, the definition of the missions and responsibilities, the definition and the description of the process, the development of a document reference system. D - Deploy the provisions anticipated for the implementation of the doctoral training. This step consists of implementing the operating policy and the rules defined in the document system, on which all of the participants in the doctoral training may rely. M - Manage the compliance and efficiency of the systems put in place, especially using measurement and evaluation tools, measuring the level of satisfaction of those receiving the doctoral training (the doctoral candidates). This step is mostly reflected in a summary of surveys performed with the doctoral candidates, a registry of significant facts, a dashboard of procedure indicators and attainment of the objectives, a summary of internal audits. I - Improve the systems provided, after having analyzed the feedback and the results of the measurement and evaluation. This step is reflected in the implementation of improvement actions (corrective and preventative) to continue in the desired direction. It relies in a great part on a management review, to which at least six meetings of the doctoral college council is devoted. It is documented by a registry that monitors improvement actions. 7.2.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level Working time of the manager of the axis, of the director of the doctoral college, of a quality management consultant and of the group of facilitators of the quality system. An operating budget for the facilitation of the meetings, for the production and distribution of documents, for the implementation and monitoring of measurement and improvement tools, especially the financing for conducting surveys. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 31 - 7.3 Admission of the doctoral candidates This activity is based on: - Coordination of everything at the doctoral college level, managed by the director of the doctoral college, in connection with the doctoral college council and the supervisory committee (general framework, breakdown of funding between doctoral colleges, assessment/decision meetings), - Guidance for the examination process of the doctoral candidates by the management of the doctoral schools, through exams or outside of exams, - A scientific policy by the financing institutions leading to the breakdown of funding for the doctoral schools and the research units. 7.3.1 Roles Definition of a shared policy for the admission of the doctoral candidates; distribution of selection criteria, expectations and procedures, Coordination of the management of the calls for projects and recruitment exams entrusted to the doctoral colleges, Oversight of the calls for projects and the financing possibilities, dissemination of information, sharing of best practices and experiences for the assembly of projects, Sharing of activities for the recruitment of candidates and for attractiveness (communication on the AAP, existence of exhibitions, student information days). 7.3.2 Principle activities Preparation of the calls for projects; dissemination of information; assistance for implementation, monitoring and assessments, Dissemination of information on funding possibilities, At meetings of work groups: Collect and share best practices and information on inadequately utilized financing methods, support for the establishment of projects. 7.3.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level Working time of the director of the doctoral college and a teaching assistant. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 32 - 7.4 Information system and digital work space - This activity is under the responsibility of a coordination axis manager, comanaged by the director of information systems of the Université ParisSaclay and monitored by the director of the doctoral college. It is implemented entirely at the level of the doctoral college. The manager of the axis is assisted by a team of "mentors" responsible for supporting and training the users of the tools. The team works in connection with all of the users of the information system and the other tools that are available: teaching assistants of the doctoral college, directors and adjunct directors of the doctoral college, the staff of the education services of the operating institutions of registration, document services, managers of collective training of the operating training institutions. 7.4.1 Roles Implementation of a common information system; training and support of the users of the information system, Making users aware of the quality of the data in regard to the system for monitoring the mission and objectives indicators, Interface between the other systems (web site, information systems of the institutions, librarian database of STAR, STEP higher education), Digital support for conducting surveys on the professional life of the doctors or the quality of the training; Implementation of electronic document management, digital tools for distance collaboration, digital work space, networked or exchanged working tools; Training and support of users, Implementation of access to digital systems for design, creation and distribution of paperless training (MOOC or SPOC type) for training of the doctoral candidates or the thesis advisors. 7.4.2 Principle activities Exchanges with the contact association (that develops the ADUM system) and with potential solution providers, Organizing the training: Implementation and facilitation of actions to support the users, Participation in the meetings of the quality monitoring committee, Meetings and exchanges with the group of the DSI of the institutions of the Université of Paris-Saclay, Facilitation of a group to consider the actions to take, required improvements, changes and new actions. 7.4.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level Operating budget for the annual license for the ADUM software, for support (participation in the ADUM symposium), for training participants; for the development or purchase of software and equipment; Working time, a manager of the axis, a team of 4 to 5 "mentors", with a profile of expert teaching assistant, of the director of information systems of the Université Paris-Saclay, of a teaching assistant. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 33 - 7.5 International This activity is based on: - Coordination of everything at the doctoral college level; it is under the shared responsibility of a member of the department of international relations of the Université Paris-Saclay, and under the director of the doctoral college, the general framework of shared activities of international outlook being defined by the doctoral college council, - Shared international exchanges led with the foreign partner institutions, in the name of Université Paris-Saclay, by a group of managers of international exchanges, - An intercession by the electoral colleges on the teaching methods, applicable to only their doctoral candidates, international partnership agreements on the doctoral degree, - An examination of the files by the representative of the registration operator institutions, for the account of the doctoral candidates regarding their institution; - International hosting services by the registration operator institutions. 7.5.1 Roles Coordination of the international cooperation policy at the doctoral level in connection with the institutions (individual joint doctoral thesis agreements, international partnership framework agreements regarding joint doctoral degrees); sharing of activities, costs of translation, Support for European and international mobility of the doctoral candidates; for example: support for the implementation of European or international projects dedicated to mobility and to the international exchange of doctoral candidates (doctoral candidate CoFund, Marie Curie Training Networks), Promotion of the doctoral program of the Université Paris-Saclay; maintenance and development of relationships with foreign partners; coordination of activities for the sharing of efforts and resources dedicated to these relationships at the doctoral level, for example hosting foreign delegations, sending delegations from the Université Paris-Daclay abroad, costs of translation of communications brochures or sample agreements into foreign languages. 7.5.2 Principle activities of the international team at the level of the doctoral college Define the general framework of the actions for a European and international outlook of the doctoral schools, maintain and disseminate the lists of persons who examine the files for the joint doctoral degrees in the registration operator institutions, the persons responsible for international exchanges; and the persons responsible for joint doctoral degrees in the doctoral schools, Give information to those persons who wish to enter into a joint doctoral degree agreement or a specific international partnership devoted to doctoral candidates, maintain a dashboard of the individual or framework agreement under negotiation and the indicators related to the international joint doctoral thesis, organize a periodic meeting (ten hours per month, more if necessary) to scan through the current files, share difficulties and solutions, make day to day decisions. This meeting brings together the Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 34 - people who examine the files in the registration operator institutions, the persons responsible for international exchanges, and the persons responsible for joint doctoral degrees in the doctoral schools, coordination of the establishment of documents useful for the axis in several languages (models of joint doctoral degrees, communication brochures), organize the exchange of best practices and skills for setting up international projects devoted to the doctoral candidates (CoFund, IRN Marie Curie), Coordination of the representation of the doctoral program of Université Paris-Saclay in international exhibitions that have been identified as attractive; promotion of the doctoral degree of the Université Paris-Saclay internationally, Coordination of international hosting activities of doctoral candidates organized by the dedicated services of the institutional partners of Université Paris-Saclay. 7.5.3 Principle activities of the persons responsible for international exchanges Each foreign partner university is in contact with a "doctoral" representative at the level of the doctoral college, who is responsible for international exchanges. The manager of international exchanges has a portfolio of foreign partner institutions in his charge: When a difficulty arises or presents itself, he has an exchange on the subject of setting up the international joint doctoral thesis agreement with the universities that he works with, for all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay, He ensures the continuity and coherence of the positions held in the foreign partner institution, maintains and shares satisfactory solutions made in the framework of prior negotiations with this partner; He maintains good relations with the partner; he develops a knowledge of the particulars of this partner and a knowledge of the potential for support of the international partnerships or of the mobility of the doctoral candidates accessible in the framework of this partnership, He also ensures the promotion and development of relationships with the foreign partner institution (entry of indicators in the information system chosen for this purpose, consolidation of all of the agreements, communication of the calls for projects) etc. 7.5.4 Principle activities of the representatives of the registration operator institutions The representative of the institution that will be the registration operator of the doctoral candidate will examine the file of the international joint doctoral thesis, and is responsible for the negotiations. He prepares the text of the agreement and its successive revisions, he makes requests directly with the participants (thesis advisor, unit director, director of the doctoral school, manager of international exchanges) for details. He ensures agreement between other internal participants in the Université Paris-Saclay, who may be concerned, in various capacities, in the international agreement project (institution hosting the research unit, institution employer of the doctoral candidate, if necessary, management supervisor of the unit, etc.) And provide a copy of the agreement. 7.5.5 International hosting service of the registration operator institutions The services responsible for the international hosting of the institutions have these main responsibilities: Assist in the preparation of the venue in France or the departure abroad of the doctoral candidate (assistance for obtaining a visa, assistance for getting student lodging, information on mobility assistance), Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 35 - The information and assistance to the doctoral candidates for their administrative steps for entry into France and their settlement, Assistance in handling the documents for Visa renewal. Figure 7: Internal organizational plan for implementation of the individual agreement for international joint doctoral thesis, or conventions of application framework agreements for the joint doctoral diploma. 7.5.6 Resources required at the doctoral college level Working time of a member of the department of international relations, of the manager of the axis, of the director of the doctoral college, of a teaching assistant, of about fifteen managers of international exchanges. Budget dedicated to funding translations, printing of international communication documents, for international representation missions (fees for registration in international exhibitions, transportation, lodging), for the purchase of software and equipment, for holding meetings. 7.5.7 Resources required at the level of the institutions Working time of the staff of the relevant services prorated for the number of doctoral candidates concerned. If necessary, support budget for the entry and departure moves of the doctoral candidates. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 36 - 7.6 Collective doctoral training This activity is based on: - A coordination of everything at the doctoral college level, placed under the responsibility of a manager of the coordination axis, with co-management by the director of the doctoral college of the Université Paris-Saclay, the general framework of the shared activities for collective training be defined by the electoral college council. - The implementation of innovative training paths, under the responsibility of a manager of the path, and a group of facilitators, intended for all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay. - In a manner channeled in the operating institutions of collective training, the proposal, management and monitoring of collective training modules. 7.6.1 Roles The decree regulating doctoral training specifies that over the course of their curriculum, the doctoral candidates receive collective training. It is training that includes teaching, seminars or internships intended to ensure the scientific culture of the doctoral candidates, prepare for professional life in the public as well as in the private sector, promote their international outlook. It is therefore the obligation of the doctoral schools to propose training modules to the doctoral candidates. Among these trainings, those with a very transversal nature may be given outside of the doctoral colleges by the operating institutions that conduct collective training. In this area, the doctoral college has the following roles: Development and distribution of the catalog of transverse collective training modules; Coordination of the proposals of the various operating institutions that conduct collective training; Coordination of the management of the training, Shared organization of a clear and attractive transversal training path; Shared organization of innovative training; Development of specific training programs dedicated to identified professional projects, Align activities that promote exchanges between doctoral candidates and the scientific community, shared organization of doctorials or doctoral schools, Coordination of the evaluations of the trainings in view of guiding the training proposal. 7.6.2 Principle activities at the doctoral college level Organize and distribute the proposals for shared transverse doctoral training with the operators of doctoral training services within Paris Saclay, relying on the ADUM, Organize periodic meetings (around three times per year) with the managers of the operators of doctoral training services within the institutions, Organize and implement the methods (doctoral candidate portfolio, individual training path, diploma supplement) that will allow the doctoral candidate to confirm the elements of his Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 37 - doctoral training, Prepare or manage calls for tender, the requests for financing (innovative training, doctorials), Coordinate the actions for the training of the doctoral college with those of the institutions that offer training under a DIF (personal training right to 20h/year in the public sector) or a CPF (personal training account of training of 24h/year in the private sector). 7.6.3 Principle activities of the doctoral training services in the training operator institutes The training operator services organize these trainings by mastering all of the steps of the implementation. Definition of the purpose of the training, of its length, its key target(s) and the potential conditions for registration Contracting with potential service providers (or designation of representatives) Logistical organization (fixing dates, places making locations available, etc.) Assuming the cost of the training Advertising the training with the doctoral candidates, in particular using the ADUM information system Monitor the registrations and the participation of the registrants, compilation of absences or withdrawal Evaluation of training quality Possibly provide statistics to the doctoral college upon request 7.6.4 Required resources within the registration operator institutions The methods of training organized by the training operator institutions are intended primarily for the doctoral candidates who belong to the institution, then, subject to available space, to all of the doctoral candidates of the Université Paris-Saclay. It should be noted that each institution in the public sector that employs the doctoral candidates offers 20 hours of training per year to each doctoral candidate under the DIF (personal training right) and 24 hours per year under the CPF (personal training account) if it is in the private sector, whether by organizing its own trainings, or by financing them at a training operator institution. In this case, the doctoral candidates will be considered "relevant" for the training operator. 7.6.5 Resources required at the doctoral college level Working time of a manager of the "transverse training" coordination axis, logistical assistance. An operating budget for facilitating meetings (coffee breaks, documents, etc.), for the production and distribution of documents, for financing the implementation of actions toward innovative training. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 38 - 7.7 The professional life of the doctors, relationships with the socioeconomic bodies and corporations This activity is the responsibility of a manager of a coordination axis, with comanagement by the director of the doctoral college of the Université Paris-Saclay, in concert with a group of managers of the "professional life" mission, with the doctoral candidate associations and the doctors, and in connection with the committee of partners of the Paris Saclay cluster and with the associations of the doctoral candidates and the doctors. 7.7.1 Roles Coordination of the implementation and monitoring of the personalized training system of the doctoral candidates on the basis of the definition of the professional project, of a plan for the development of skills that take this professional project into account, of an individual training path that supports the development of these skills and the monitoring of this system, especially using the doctoral candidate portfolio, Implementation of support systems dedicated to professional development: Organization of a network of "alumni" doctors, monitoring the future of the doctors and of their careers, communication regarding careers, doctors' forums, Organization of a network of corporate ambassadors; implementation of exchanges with corporations in the Paris Saclay technological cluster; exchanges with the socio-economic groups for the improvement of the training dedicated to the professional project; promotion of the doctoral degree with employers of doctors, in all of the socio-economic sectors. 7.7.2 Principle activities Organization and facilitation of one to two meetings per year with the committee of the partners of the Paris Sacaly cluster, Organization, at a minimum, of one event of its own per year dedicated to professional life of the doctors, in connection with the associations of the doctoral candidates (forums, etc.), Conducting surveys on the future of the doctors, in connection with the doctors' associations, Representation of the Université Paris-Saclay in the relevant forums and "employment" meetings, Development of projects and actions for the recognition of the doctoral degree of the Université ParisSaclay (Alumni network, actions toward professional sectors, leaning towards a "job oriented" outlook for the doctoral candidates, etc.). 7.7.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level Working time of an axis manager, of a group of at least 5 mission managers for "relationships with the socio-economic groups", An operating budget to participate in "doctors" surveys, to finance registration in forums, and the costs of missions, to organize "doctors' employment" events of their own. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 39 - 7.8 Communication and Facilitation This activity is the joint responsibility of a member of the communication department of the Université Paris-Saclay and the director of the doctoral college, in connection with a group of the "communication, facilitation" mission, with the associations of the doctoral candidates and the doctors. 7.8.1 Roles Implementation of the communication content that allows each one to be ambassador for all of the doctoral schools (sharing of communication supports and their presentation, depending on the audience; Training the ambassadors, Implementation of joint or harmonized communication supports (web sites, sets of brochures, posters; banners, letterhead, etc.) sharing efforts and resources, Coordination of the efforts of people to increase the communication "area"; coordination of the presence of the ambassadors at exhibitions and forums; sharing of costs for registering in these exhibitions or forums, Support for the development of a doctoral community within Université Paris-Saclay; support for the "campus life" associations and projects of the doctoral candidates, Organization, along with the doctoral candidates, of joint events likely to support the development of campus life, to give visibility and appeal to the doctoral diploma (doctoral graduation ceremony, My thesis in 180 seconds, orientation Weekend; Galas, etc.); sharing of costs and the joint search for financial support, Development of a common communication strategy for each: public audience, students, students of the "grandes écoles", employers of doctors, internationally, nationally. 7.8.2 Principle activities Organization of representation at exhibitions (CIFRE Forum, Phd Talent, RUE, Masters Day), setting up participant groups, distribution of information on communication supports and preparation for the exhibitions, Design of communication supports (web site, sets of brochures, posters; banners, letterhead, etc.), presentation depending on the audience, working with the service providers, Making well designed content available to the ambassadors (power point presentation); Training the ambassadors, Organization, along with the associations of the doctoral candidates, of facilitation projects, training; (First Day Back or orientation weekend, Doctorials, MT180, IDI school, Graduation ceremony), Search for financial support, budgetary monitoring of actions. 7.8.3 Resources required at the doctoral college level Operating budget dedicated to internally organized events; Budget dedicated to participation in exhibitions; Communication budget (printing brochures, etc.) . Working time of the communications department, of the director of the doctoral college, logistical assistance, of a manager of the "communication supports" division, a manager of the "events" communication division. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 40 - 7.9 Education This activity is performed by the services dedicated to the registration operator institutions and is intended uniquely for the doctoral candidates whose institution carries out the registrations. 7.9.1 Roles The education services are responsible for the registration of all of the administrative systems related to the support of the doctoral degree. It ensures the transmission between the doctoral school and the decision making body (the head of the registration operator institution or another person delegated by the delegation of the president of the Université Paris-Saclay). It ensures the legality of the registration and support actions. It also ensures the hosting and orientation missions of the students who are candidates for a doctorate, and contributes to attentiveness to the doctoral candidates by requesting administrative information. 7.9.2 Principle activities Welcome of and information for doctoral candidates, for the education procedure (registration, support) Organization of meetings dedicated to registrations Verification of registration files Produce student cards, showing they are in the thesis preparation stage Gather registration rights Verification of support files, and the management of the authorization of support Management of the rapporteur nomination letters, Jury nominations Delivery of support certifications Permanent archiving of documents that require it (GED), especially all of those that concern the signature of one of the heads of the institution of the Université Paris-Saclay. 7.9.3 Required resources within the registration operator institutions Working time for the staff, on a prorated basis of the number of concerned doctoral students. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 41 - 7.10 Document service This activity is performed by the services dedicated to the documentary operator institutions, who are the registration operators. It is intended only for the doctoral candidates for which the institution carries out the registrations. 7.10.1 Roles The document services are responsible for the legal electronic submission of the theses, and all of the administrative steps related to this submission. They work in concert with the doctoral school and the education service. They ensure the legality of the actions for the submission of the theses, of conformity of the distribution of the theses to given authorizations, of the adherence to the metadata of the diploma registered in the database of the librarian agency of the higher institution. They also ensure the training mission of the doctoral candidates for the use of the bibliographic and bibliometric tools, awareness of respect for copyright law and anti-plagiarism techniques. 7.10.2 Principle activities Welcome of and information for the doctoral candidates, Organization of meetings dedicated to the legal submission of theses, Verification of data, Legal submission of the theses, Management of distribution authorizations. 7.10.3 Required resources within the registration operator institutions Working time of the staff on a prorata basis of the number of concerned doctoral candidates. Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 42 - 8 Schedule of meetings Doctoral college councils: October: Doctoral college council in plenary session: beginning of the academic year of the doctoral college; calendar for the school year, presentations of projects and activities of each of the project teams, November: doctoral college council in plenary session following a meeting in limited session: framework and opening of admissions operations; provisional allocation of doctoral contracts of the institutions by the doctoral college, February: doctoral college council in plenary session: Management review, statement of indicators and surveys, monitoring of ongoing projects, discussion on outlooks and projects, especially in terms of training, March: doctoral college council in plenary session: definition of the calls for new projects, surveys and studies, June: doctoral college council in plenary session following a meeting in limited session: meeting of the completion of doctoral contract testing, choice of doctoral candidates, July: doctoral college council in plenary session following a meeting in limited session: management review, budget statement and projection, outlooks, decisions on the projects and actions for the upcoming year. Committee of the partners of the Paris Saclay cluster: January: statement and preparation of events related to professional life, exchanges on doctoral training, preparation of the management review of the doctoral college council Transverse training axis: March: Definition of the specification sheet for transverse training and other training, June: approval of the content of the training catalog; discussions on training budgets (statement and projects); opening of the operations for the distribution of the catalog, September: discussions on the training projects to be developed. Quality monitoring committees: January: feedback, discussions, preparation of the management review of the doctoral college council, July: consideration of the decisions and the projects of the doctoral college council, decisions on implementation. International: One meeting per month, the fourth Friday of each month, from 10:00 to 12:00 Information system: A meeting every two months, the fourth Friday of the month, from 14:00 to 16:00 Communication & Facilitation: A meeting every two months, the third Friday of the month, from 14:00 to 16:00 Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 43 - 9 Teams 9.1 Doctoral schools Agriculture, food, biology, environment, health (ABIES) Name First name Email position Institution PERY Alexandre Director AGROPARISTECH VASSILEVA Irina Adjunct director AGROPARISTECH FIERS Corinne Teaching assistant AGROPARISTECH CHEVALLIER Odile Teaching assistant AGROPARISTECH PONSONNET Sylvie Teaching assistant AGROPARISTECH Astronomy & astrophysics at Ile de France Name First name Email position Institution Lebourlot Jacques Director Paris Diderot Plancy Jacqueline Teaching assistant Observer Pineau des Forêts Guillaume Adjunct director Paris Saclay (UPSud) Duret Florence Adjunct director UPMC Mei Simona Adjunct director SPC (Paris Diderot) Szopa Cyril Adjunct director Paris saclay (UVSQ) Thuillot William Adjunct director PSL (Observer) Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 44 - Signaling and integrative networks in biology (BIOSIGNE) Name First name email position Institution SCHUMACHER Michael Director INSERM NUSSE Oliver Adjunct director UPSud VERNIER Philippe Adjunct director CNRS SURDI Laurent ED assistant UPSud Cancer research, biology, medicine, health (CBMS) Name First name email position Institution SCHLUMBERGER Martin ED director UPSud LIPINSKI Marc Adjunct director UPSud DAUTRY François Adjunct director ENS Cachan CYRILLE Brigitte ED assistant UPSud Hadamard doctoral school of mathematics (EDMH) Name First name Email position Institution PAULIN Frédéric EDMH Director UPSud CERF Raphaël Adjunct director ENS Paris DESOLNEUX Agnès Adjunct Director CNRS GIOVANGIGLI Vincent Adjunct director CNRS JEAN Frédéric Adjunct director ENSTA PARISTECH LAGOUTIERE Frédéric Adjunct director UPSud MOULINES Erick Adjunct director TELECOM PARISTECH SECHERRE Vincent Adjunct director UVSQ VERVISH Valérie Teaching assistant FCS-FMJH RENAULT Aurélie Webmaster CNRS-FMJH LAVIGNE Valérie, Teaching assistant ½, IHESUPSUD teaching center ?? ?? ?? Teaching assistant ¼ X center Ecole Polytechnique Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France UPSud - 45 - Waves and matter (EDOM) Name First name email position Institution GREFFET Jean-Jacques Director IOGS BENREDJEM Djamel Adjunct director UPSud CHARRON Eric Adjunct director UPSud PERFETTI Luca Adjunct director POLYTECHNIQUE BASSET Martine Assistant UPSud Public Health (EDSP) Name First name email position Institution BOUYER Jean ED Director INSERM ANKRI Joel Adjunct director UVSQ BASTUJI-GARIN Sylvie Adjunct Director UPEC MEYER Laurence Adjunct Director UPSud BOURGEOIS Audrey ED assistant UPSud Electrical, Optical, Biophysics and Engineering (EOBE) Name First name email position Institution CASSAN Eric ED Director UPSud BOUCHOULE Sophie Adjunct Director CNRS CANVA Michael Adjunct director IOGS DESSANTE Philippe Adjunct director CENTRALESUPELEC GINEFRI Jean-Christophe Adjunct director UPSud MAZALEYRAT Frédéric Adjunct director ENS Cachan STEPHEN Laurence ED assistant UPSud Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 46 - INTERFACES Interdisciplinary approaches: Basics, applications and innovations Name First name Email position Institution HACHE François Director CNRS DUMONT Yves Adjunct Director UVSQ FAY Gilles Adjunct Director CENTRALESUPELEC MOUSSEAU Vincent Adjunct Director CENTRALESUPELEC TAPUS Adriana Adjunct Director ENSTA LEMARECHAL Audrey Assistant POLYTECHNIQUE BARONNET Fabrice Training Assistant POLYTECHNIQUE LHOPITAL Catherine Assistant CENTRALESUPELEC SCAFARTO Chrystelle Assistant UVSQ Assistant POLYTECHNIQUE FULLENWARTH Emmanuel Therapeutic innovation: from basic to applied Name First name Email position Institution POUS Christian Director UPSud ONGERI Sandrine Adjunct Director UPSud VAN-TILBEURGH Herman Adjunct director UPSud LANDRY Lucie Assistant UPSud Chemical Sciences: Molecules, Matter, Instrumentation and Biosystems Name First name email position Institution COLBEAU-JUSTIN Christophe ELIOT Eric ED Director UPSud FLOQUET Sébastien Adjunct director CEA Adjunct director GAIGEOT Marie-Pierre UVSQ Adjunct Director GANDON UEVE Vincent Adjunct director UPSud LERAY Isabelle Adjunct Director CNRS RUELLO Corinne Assistant UPSud DELAHAYE Véronique Assistant UVSQ Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 47 - Name First name email position Institution KHAN Elias ED Director UPSud CAVALIER Fabien Adjunct director CNRS DELIOT Frédéric Adjunct director CEA FLEURET Frédéric Adjunct director CNRS LOEFFEL Sylvie ED assistant CNRS Physics at Ile de France Name First name Email position Institution BERROIR Jean Marc Director PSL LEDEZ Laura Teaching assistant PSL HARE Jean Adjunct Director UPMC YASSINE Nadine Teaching assistant UPMC HENON Sylvie Adjunct Director SPC TAÏEB Joëlle Teaching assistant SPC MONTAMBAUX Gilles Adjunct Director HOARAU Sabine Teaching assistant Paris saclay (CNRS) Paris saclay (UPSud) Structure and dynamics of living systems (SDSV) Name First name Email position Institution CAPY Pierre ED Director CNRS GONNET Florence Adjunct Director UEVE MIGNOTTE Bernard Adjunct director UVSQ PERNODET Jean-luc UPSUD DURET Fanny FOURNIE Véronique LE GUYADER Rozenn LE BIHAN Sandrine Adjunct director ED Management and Communication Manager Communication assistant ED assistant Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France UVSQ UEVE INRA INRA - 48 - Sciences of the environment at Ile-de-France (SEIF) Name First name Email position Institution LE TREUT Hervé Director CNRS PICON Laurence BOUSQUET Philippe Touchon Laurence Adjunct director, thesis committee Adjunct Director, training Teaching assistant UPMC UVSQ UPMC Human and social sciences (SHS) Name First name Email position Institution CHARREIREPETIT Sandra Director UPSud KEMPF Hubert Adjunct director ENS Cachan SAULNIERCASSIA Emmanuelle Adjunct Director UVSQ DURAND Jean-Pierre Adjunct director UEVE CHOMETTE Maryse Assistant UPSud DURET Fanny Assistant UVSQ ROSE Christine Assistant ENS Cachan FOURNIE Véronique Assistant UEVE BOURSIER Marie-Emma VERGE Thibaud RIBONI Alessandro International relations POLYTECHNIQUE CAHOUR Béatrice Transverse training CNRS GODELIER Eric Publication and promotion POLYTECHNIQUE VENDRYES Thomas Joint half year cycles ENS Cachan POTHIER Jacques Co-manager of a Center UVSQ HEGE Ulrich Co-manager of a Center HEC BERNABE Boris Co-manager of a Center UPSud Relationships with corporations Communication, Information, Survey indicators and development Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France UVSQ ENSAE - 49 - Mechanical and energy sciences, matter and geosciences (SMEMAG) Name First name Email position Institution GOYEAU Benoit ED Director CENTRALESUPELEC HUBERT Olivier Adjunct director ENS Cachan QUIDELLEUR Xavier Adjunct director UPSud ROSE Christine Assistant ENS Cachan HO Thi kim ngan Assistant UPSud LHOPITAL Catherine Habibou Assistant International and corporate relations CENTRALESUPELEC MAITOURNAM ENSTA Sciences and technologies of information and communication (STIC) Name First name Email position Institution BIDOIT Nicole ED director UPSud BARTH Dominique Adjunct director UVSQ KLAUDEL Hanna Adjunct Director UEVE LAMNABHILAGARRIGUE Françoise Adjunct Director CNRS SIBILLE Alain Adjunct director TELECOM PARISTECH VILNAT Anne Adjunct Director UPSud VAN DER HOEVEN Joris Adjunct director CNRS VEQUE Véronique Adjunct Director UPsud DRUETTA Stéphanie Assistant UPSud BATALIE Anne Assistant CENTRALESUPELEC GLAS Isabelle Communication UPSud Sports sciences, motor skills, the science of human movement (SSMH) Name First name email position Institution LE SCANFF Christine ED director DRU Vincent Adjunct director DURING Bertrand Adjunct director RICHOUX Marie-Pierre ED assistant UPSud Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre (P10) Université Paris Descartes (P5) UPSud Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 50 - Plant sciences: from genes to the ecosystem Name First name email position Institution SHYKOFF Jacqui ED director UPSud DELARUE Marianne Adjunct Director UPSud FOURNIER Martine Assistant UPSud GRATIAS-WEIL Ariane International relations UPSud Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 51 - 9.2 Doctoral college 9.2.1 Doctoral college council Entity Management of the doctoral college Representative of the administrative and technical staff Name First name e-mail POMMIER Sylvie PORLON Cristina Representatives of the institutions Name First name e-mail Ecole Polytechnique BELUS Alexandra ENSTA ParisTech CECCARELLI Elena U-PSUD Bruno AGRO PARISTECH BOST DUVAUXPONTER Christine Centrale-Supelec DOAN Bich-Lien HEC Paris HEGE Ulrich UVSQ COHEN Monique ENS CACHAN LERAY Isabelle TELECOM PARISTECH SIBILLE Alain UEVE BOSI Stefano ENSAE RICHET Arnaud IOGS GREFFET Jean-Jacques Telecom Sud Paris DEFUDE Bruno INSERM BOUYER Jean CEA ETIENVRE Anne-isabelle INRA MONNET Véronique IRT SYSTEM X INRIA BERTHOMIEUX Gaelle AUGER Anne ENSA-V BOURSIN Séverine ESTACA ? ? ? CNRS SYSTEMATIC ? ? ? ? ? ? SOLEIL ? ? ? IHES ? ? ? ONERA ? ? ? Tenure holders Name Doctoral school First name e-mail ED 2MIB COLBEAU-JUSTIN Christophe ED A&A PINEAU DES FORETS Guillaume Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 52 - ED ABIES PERY Alexandre ED BIOSIGNE SCHUMACHER Michael ED CBMS SCHLUMBERGER Martin ED EOBE CASSAN Eric ED Interface HACHE Francois ED ITFA POUS Christian ED MH PAULIN Frederic ED OM GREFFET Jean-Jacques ED PHENIICS ED PIF KHAN MONTAMBAUX Elias Gilles ED SDSV CAPY Pierre ED SHS ED SEIF CHARREIRE PETIT BOUSQUET Sandra Philippe ED SMEMAG GOYEAU Benoit ED SP BOUYER Jean ED SSMMH LE-SCANFF Christine ED STIC BIDOIT Nicole ED SDV SHYKOFF Jacqui Potential alternates Name Doctoral school First name e-mail ED 2MIB ELIOT Eric ED 2MIB FLOQUET Sébastien ED 2MIB GAIGEOT Marie-Pierre ED 2MIB GANDON Vincent ED 2MIB LERAY Isabelle ED A&A ED ABIES LEBOURLOT VASSILEVA Jacques Irina ED BIOSIGNE NUSSE Oliver ED BIOSIGNE VERNIER Philippe ED CBMS LIPINSKI Marc ED CBMS DAUTRY François ED EOBE BOUCHOULE Sophie ED EOBE CANVA Michael ED EOBE DESSANTE Philippe ED EOBE GINEFRI Jean-Christophe ED EOBE MAZALEYRAT Frédéric ED Interface DUMONT Yves ED Interface FAY Gilles ED Interface MOUSSEAU Vincent ED Interface TAPUS Adriana ED ITFA ONGERI Sandrine ED ITFA VAN-TILBEURGH Herman ED MH CERF Raphaël ED MH DESOLNEUX Agnès ED MH GIOVANGIGLI Vincent ED MH JEAN Frédéric ED MH LAGOUTIERE Frédéric ED MH MOULINES Erick Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 53 - ED MH SECHERRE Vincent ED OM BENREDJEM Djamel ED OM CHARRON Eric ED OM PERFETTI Luca ED PHENIICS CAVALIER Fabien ED PHENIICS DELIOT Frédéric ED PHENIICS FLEURET Frédéric ED PIF ED SDSV BERROIR GONNET Jean-Marc Florence ED SDSV MIGNOTTE Bernard ED SDSV PERNODET Jean-luc ED SEIF LETREUT Hervé ED SHS ED SHS DURAN KEMPF Patrice Hubert ED SHS SAULNIER-CASSIA Emmanuelle ED SHS DURAND Jean-Pierre ED SMEMAG HUBERT Olivier ED SMEMAG QUIDELLEUR Xavier ED SMEMAG MAITOURNAM Habibou ED SP ANKRI Joel ED SP BASTUJI-GARIN Sylvie ED SP MEYER Laurence ED SSMMH DRU Vincent ED SSMMH DURING Bertrand ED STIC BARTH Dominique ED STIC KLAUDEL Hanna ED STIC LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE Françoise ED STIC SIBILLE Alain ED STIC VILNAT Anne ED STIC VAN DER HOEVEN Joris ED STIC VEQUE Véronique ED SDV DELARUE Marianne Elected doctoral candidates Name First name email Area Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France Institution - 54 - Permanent guests Name First name e-mail President Directeur General of the FCS BLOCH GIlles CHAPPERT DUFOURGERGAM Claude Elisabeth Research International Relations LEBOEUF Patricio HUSSON Martine Value creation GOHAR Pierre Communication ABASSE Leya Training 9.2.2 Monitoring and quality system committee Doctoral school Name First name e-mail ED 2MIB RUELLO Corinne ED 2MIB DELAHAYE Véronique ED A&A Plancy Jacqueline ED ABIES FIERS Corinne ED ABIES CHEVALLIER Odile ED ABIES PONSONNET Sylvie ED BIOSIGNE SURDI Laurent ED CBMS CYRILLE Brigitte ED EOBE STEPHEN Laurence ED Interface LEMARECHAL Audrey ED Interface BARONNET Fabrice ED Interface LHOPITAL Catherine ED Interface SCAFARTO Chrystelle ED Interface FULLENWARTH Emmanuel ED ITFA LANDRY Lucie ED MH VERVISH Valérie ED MH LAVIGNE Valérie ED OM BASSET Martine ED PHENIICS LOEFFEL Sylvie ED PIF HOARAU Sabine ED SDSV DURET Fanny ED SDSV FOURNIE Véronique ED SDSV LE GUYADER Rozenn ED SDSV LE BIHAN Sandrine ED SEIF Touchon Laurence ED SHS CHOMETTE Maryse ED SHS DURET Fanny ED SHS ROSE Christine ED SHS FOURNIE Véronique ED SMEMAG ROSE Christine ED SMEMAG HO Thi kim ngan ED SMEMAG LHOPITAL Catherine Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 55 - ED SP BOURGEOIS Audrey ED SSMMH RICHOUX Marie-Pierre ED STIC DRUETTA Stéphanie ED STIC BATALIE Anne ED SDV FOURNIER Martine To be completed (all the education assistants or from other services) Name LAVIGNE First name email position Institution Valérie Secretariat department of Mathematics of Orsay UPSud 9.2.3 Management of the quality system Role First name Name e-mail Institution Management Sylvie POMMIER Paris Saclay quality axis Sylvie ROYER UPSud Secretariat Cristina PORLON Paris Saclay Quality consultant Jean Loic MONTAIGNE UPSud (PAST) Facilitation Fabienne GOLDFARB UPSud Facilitation Sylvie THIERY UVSQ Facilitation Christine DUVAUX PONTER AGRO PARISTECH Facilitation Irina VASSILEVA AGRO PARISTECH Facilitation Valérie LAVIGNE valé UPSud Facilitation Matras KADIATOU FCS Facilitation Valérie LAVIGNE UPSud 9.2.4 Information system and digital work space Role First name Name Management Bruno Secretariat Cristina Management Sylvie doctoral college Director of information François systems Facilitation Nicole Adum mentor Audrey Adum Mentor Fabrice e-mail Institution BOST PORLON UPSud Paris Saclay POMMIER Paris Saclay De CASTELBAJAC Paris Saclay BIDOIT LEMARECHAL BARONNET UPSud Polytechnique Polytechnique 9.2.5 Collective doctoral training Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 56 - Role Comanagement of the axis coManagement Teaching Assistance Facilitation Name First name e-mail Institution DAGUET Marie U-Psud POMMIER Sylvie Paris Saclay DON Sandrine U-PSud KEBAILI Nouari U-Psud Facilitation THIERY Sylvie UVSQ Facilitation SIBILLE Alain ED STIC Facilitation ELIOT Eric ED 2MIB Facilitation VAN TILBEURGH Herman ED ITFA Facilitation VERVISH Valérie ED MH Facilitation DELIOT Frédéric ED PHENIICS Facilitation CAHOUR Béatrice ED SHS Facilitation KLAUDEL Hanna ED STIC Doctoral training operator institutions Ecole Polytechnique Name BARONNET First name Fabrice e-mail ENSTA ParisTech CECCARELLI Elena U-PSUD BOST Bruno AGRO PARISTECH VASSILEVA Irina Centrale-Supelec DOAN Bich-Lien HEC Paris HEGE Ulrich UVSQ DURET Fanny ENS CACHAN LERAY Isabelle TELECOM PARISTECH BAZIZ Marianna UEVE TORTAJADA Jeanine ENSAE RICHET Arnaud IOGS GREFFET Jean-Jacques TELECOM SUD PARIS DEFUDE Bruno INSERM BOUYER Jean CEA ZIMMERMANN Jean-Luc INRA IRT SYSTEM X MONNET BERTHOMIEUX Véronique Gaelle To be completed (doctoral candidates or associations of doctors who are declared in the GTS) Name First name email position Institution LEBASTARD Laura Doctorante UPSUd 9.2.6 Professional life of the doctors, relationships with socio-economic groups Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 57 - Quality Name First name e-mail Institution Manager Management doctoral college Teaching assistant Facilitation BELUS Alexandra Ecole Polytechnique POMMIER Sylvie PORLON Cristina Paris Saclay SIBILLE Alain TELECOM PARISTECH Facilitation FIONI Laura Ecole Polytechnique Facilitation KEBAILI Nouari U-Psud Doctoral schools ED 2MIB Paris Saclay Name First name e-mail Institution LERAY Isabelle CNRS ED ABIES VASSILEVA Irina AGROPARISTECH ED MH VERVISH Valérie FCS-FMJH ED OM GREFFET Jean-Jacques IOGS ED PHENIICS KHAN Elias UPSud ED SHS BOURSIER Marie-Emma UVSQ ED SMEMAG MAITOURNAM Habibou ENSTA ED STIC VEQUE Véronique UPSud Corporation or Name partner First name e-mail Title MOVEO LEVI-MILLER Damaris Management of the Skills Plan on the Mov'eo area SAFRAN TECH SAFRAN Université SNCF REY PROVENDIER AUBOURG AKNIN Christian Get his new e-mail Valérie idem ROCHE ? Patrice (see prog RUE) Scientific director To be completed (doctoral candidates or doctoral associations that are declared in the GTs) Name First name email position Institution 9.2.7 Communication, facilitation, campus life To be completed Entity First name Name e-mail Management Leya ABASSE Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 58 - Management Sylvie POMMIER Secretariat Cristina PORLON Facilitation Anna Da COSTA Facilitation Julie BERNEDE UVSQ Fanny DURET UPSud Brigitte BOURDON UPSud Emmanuelle LOUIS ED 2MIB Véronique DELAHAYE ED BIOSIGNES Laurent SURDI ED CBMS Brigitte CYRILLE ED MH Aurélie RENAULT ED SP Audrey BOURGEOIS ED STIC GLAS Isabelle ED SDV Fanny DURET To be completed (doctoral candidates or doctors associations that are declared in the GTs) Name First name email position Institution 9.2.8 International Operating as Name First name e-mail Manager of International axis HUSSON Martine Management doctoral college POMMIER Sylvie Doctoral college assistant PORLON Cristina Persons responsible for examining the joint doctorate degree files in the registration operator institutions Registration operator institutions Ecole Polytechnique Name First name e-mail LEMARECHAL Audrey ENSTA ParisTech BRANGER Nathalie U-PSUD DREUX Catherine AGRO PARISTECH VASSILEVA Irina CentraleSupelec COPLO Emmanuelle HEC Paris Dauvergne Françoise UVSQ THIERY Sylvie ENS CACHAN LERAY Isabelle TELECOM PARISTECH SIBILLE Alain UEVE TORTAJADA Jeanine ENSAE Richet Arnaud IOGS Tourmente Cathel Telecom Sud Paris Defude Bruno Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 59 - Persons responsible for international "joint doctoral degree" questions in the doctoral schools Doctoral Schools Name First name e-mail ED 2MIB LERAY Isabelle ED A&A LEBOURLOT Jacques ED ABIES VASSILEVA Irina ED BIOSIGNES NÜSSE Oliver ED CBMS SCHLUMBERGER martin ED EOBE CASSAN eric ED Interface HACHE francois ED ITFA ONGERI Sandrine ED MH VERVISH Valerie ED OM GREFFET Jean-Jacques ED PHENIICS KHAN Elias ED PIF BERROIR Jean-Marc ED SDSV CAPY Pierre ED SEIF LETREUT Hervé ED SHS RIBONI Alessandro ED SMEMAG MAITOURNAM Habibou ED SP BOUYER Jean ED SSMMH LE-SCANFF christine ED STIC VAN DER HOEVEN Joris ED SdV SHYKOFF Jacqui Manager of international exchanges To be completed Partners portfolio Brazil: UFSC, Recife ?? others to be added Brazil: USP, UnB, UFABC, UFRJ, Unicamp Brazil Spanish speaking South America (Mexico, Chili, Argentina, etc.) Algeria Tunisia or Morocco?? Name First name e-mail Employer institution Naviner JeanFrançois IMT/Télécom Paristech ABOU KANDIL Hisham ENS Cachan Paris Tech (special case: contact in Brazil, advice but does not handle joint doctoral degree agreements) BARBICHON Claude ? ? BENNACER Rachid DEFUDE Bruno Morocco ? ? Israel ? ? UVSQ ??? Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France ENS Cachan Telecom Sud Paris If not Bruno Defude? Polytechnique or central ??? Who? - 60 - Turkey United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia Sub-Sarahan Africa Singapore: NUS and NTU, SUTD Vietnam, India, South Korea Japan Germany: TUM. Italy: PolytechnicoMilan. China: university to be specified?? China (universities to be specified??), United States, Canada, Australia Spanish speaking South America (Mexico, Chili, Argentina) Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine Northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece) Switzerland, Germany Great Britain, Ireland Europe (specify area??? Marie Curie) Zone ?? 9.3 ? Polytechnique? or CNRS office? Who? ? DELACOURTCéline GOLLAIN UVSQ ? ? FIORINA Jocelyn Centrale Supelec ? ? ??? UPSud NAKATANI Keitaro ENS Cachan ZOLVER Marc Centrale Supelec DREUX Catherine UPSud ? ? BRANGER Nathalie ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JEAN-JOSEPH GODAUX UPSud Ensta Paristech Gwladys Agro Paris tech Marine Agro Paris tech Functions channeled in the institutions 9.3.1 Education services Manager of education services (who have access to ADUM institution to be completed) Name of the institution Name First name e-mail AGRO PARISTECH FIERS Corinne Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France - 61 - AGRO PARISTECH PONSONNET Sylvie AGRO PARISTECH CHEVALLIER Odile ENS Cachan ROSE Christine ENS Cachan GARUS Sophie UVSQ THIERY Sylvie Polytechnique LEMARECHAL Audrey Telecom SudParis GUY Véronique 9.3.2 Library services Position STAR and STEP correspondent STAR correspondent STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR correspondent STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent STAR correspondent STEP correspondent STAR and STEP correspondent Training Institution Name, First Name Email yes UPSud Mireille BRENEL yes UVSQ Laurine CHÂTEAU yes UVSQ Fabienne Drugeon UEVE Maud SOVERINI ENS Cachan Carole CRESPIN FABRE ENS Cachan Sophie GARUS ENSAE Sylvie d'Argouges Anne VIDAL Corinne LE ROUX Véronique GUY Christine JOST IOGS Marie-Laure EDWARDS CentraleSupelec Mélanie CATT ENSTA Paristech Sophie CHOUAF AGROPARISTECH Jonga Dequeant HEC Lydie TOURNAIRE HEC Françoise DAUVERGNE Polytechnique Denis ROURA yes TELECOM PARISTECH TELECOM SUDPARIS TELECOM SUDPARIS TELECOM SUDPARIS Espace Technologique/Immeuble Discovery Route de l’Orme aux Merisiers RD 128 / 91190 Saint-Aubin, France