The GRADUATE - Marquette Catholic High School


The GRADUATE - Marquette Catholic High School
The Marquette
SEPT. 2015
A publication for graduates, parents, and friends of Marquette Catholic High School
We welcome the class of 2019 to the Marquette Family.
These 117 students come from 25 different middle schools. Some of these students will ride the bus from Florissant, MO or Jerseyville,
Edwardsville or Granite City, IL. They will join the Sophomores and Juniors in using iPads for most of their books and might decide
to play Marquette’s newest sport of field hockey. This class will be the first to experience the
new 90%, 80%, 70%, 65% grading scale for all
four years and will have a very good chance of
earning merit scholarships for college. We are
very happy
to have them
here. This is
the 8th year
in a row that
has increased
219 East Fourth Street
Alton, Illinois 62002
(618) 463-0585
On Explorers...
A note from Michael E. Slaughter, Principal
Dear Alumni/ae, Friends and Supporters of Marquette:
As the principal and as an alumnus of Marquette, the
history and traditions of our Marquette “family” are very
dear to me. Even though we are doing a very good
job of taking our school into the 21st century, it is still
important to remember our past.
That being said, at our 40th reunion I met up with and was re-introduced to
many classmates, some of whom had “cool” nicknames. This got me thinking
about other nicknames throughout our 8+ decades of existence.
In my humble reminiscences I have come up with three nicknames I consider
at the top of the list. I have eliminated the nicknames which are a variation of
someone’s last name—they are too obvious.
So, in chronological order:
Ol’ Horse—this was Mike Barrett from the class of 1974. None of us in the
class remember how he got this nickname, but I think “Eck” (Jay Eckhouse)
gave it to him. Sadly, Ol’ Horse passed away this past year but we were able
to spend a great reunion with him last summer.
Hanamana—pronounced hah-na-mah-na. This is Steve Lahey from the
class of 1983. I have absolutely no idea where this nickname came from,
but I ran into Steve at Lowe’s recently and without thinking I naturally said,
Choo Choo—that would be Ron Maher from the class of 1988. Any football
player who practiced at the riverfront could tell you that you were not
supposed to “cut” through the trains. Well Ron did and got caught by Coach
Waters, who subsequently gave Ron the nickname “choo choo.”
All three are pretty cool nicknames because they are so different. I am sure
you can come up with some nicknames from the time you were in school at
My challenge for you is to send me some of the nicknames from your
graduating class. Just be sure to give the real name of the person, the
nickname, and the year of graduation. I will run these in a future article and let
you have some fun trying to remember who was who as far as the nicknames
And yes, I had a nickname—anybody from the ‘70’s remember it??
On Explorers,
Michael E. Slaughter ‘74
Continues To
We have just started the
2015-16 school year and
are proud to report that for
the 8th consecutive year our
enrollment is up.
In the 2007-08 school year our
enrollment was 235. We started
this current school year with
431 students. That is an 83%
increase over those years.
Currently we have 117 in the
Freshman Class; 113 in the
Sophomore Class; 112 in the
Junior Class; and, 87 in the
Senior Class.
Whereas, a growing enrollment
is a sign of a healthy school, it
does cause its own “problems.”
We are doing our best to keep
class sizes small. But that
means hiring new teachers,
which is a good thing. The
problem comes in finding
enough classrooms for all the
classes. Right now we are
about maxed out.
No, we are not looking to build a
new school, but we are looking
at our needs and what the
solutions to our growth may be.
The Class of 2015 celebrated a Baccalaureate Mass
with their parents on May 14 at St. Mary’s Church in
Alton. The National Honor Society hosted a reception
for the families at Suddes Hall at St. Mary’s. The
graduation ceremony was held the next night on May
15 at Hatheway Hall on the campus of Lewis and
Clark Community College. This class of 93 students
performed 16,820 service hours in their four years at
Marquette and earned approximately 4.5 million dollars
in college financial aid.
Alton Fire Chief Bernie
Sebold (Class of 1992)
was the guest speaker at
this year’s ceremony. He
reminded the graduates
of the importance of hard
work and to keep trying to
achieve their goals.
Bernie is pictured here
with his favorite teacher,
Mrs. Barb Snyders,
Academic Dean at
Marquette. Mrs. Snyders
was Bernie’s Kindergarten
teacher at St. Matthews,
taught him in class at
Marquette and was his
Student Council moderator at Marquette.
Principal, Michael Slaughter and School Board
President, David Bartosiak, presented the Serviam
Award this year to Mrs. Amy Bamper. Amy is the
mother of Blake ’13 and Riley ’15 and married to David
who serves on the MCHS Board of Directors. Amy has
served in many volunteer positions in her six years at
Marquette. Most recently, Amy was the Vice President
of the Explorer Club, Co-Chairman of Marquette’s
largest fundraiser, the Mega-Raffle, and the Chairman
of the Marquette Auction, another large fundraiser
for Marquette. Many thanks to Amy and may God
continue to bless her efforts.
Class President Ellie
Dixon (above) and
Student Council
President, Taylor
Rook (right) spoke to
their classmates and
reminisced about their four years together.
Sarah Minier, Alyssa Herzing and Alex Miller (all
members of the choir and drama club) sang a
beautiful song for the class.
Senior Recognitions and Awards Given at Graduation
Honor Graduates: 38 seniors graduated with honors
earning the gold tassel.
Academic Awards
Senior Science Award in Chemistry������� Collin Arcynski
Senior French Award........ Collin Arcynski, Claire Snider
Senior Theology Award..............................Claire Snider,
Andrew McCluskey
Senior Spanish Award........................... Maria Gonzalez,
Brandon Root
Senior Math Award.....................................Brandon Root
Senior Government Award................................Tom Hart
Senior English Award...........Tom Hart, Ryan Hutchinson
Senior History Award..................................Riley Bamper
Senior Science Award in Biology���������������������Kari Lohr
Senior Science Award in Physics...... Zac Wickenhauser
Senior Outstanding Art Award.............. Natalie Schmees
Senior Radio Broadcasting Award�����������Galen Wilson,
Riley Bamper
Breast Cancer Awareness Club Award������ Lydia Simon
Senior Award in Music............................. Alyssa Herzing
Senior Award in DramaPerformance....................................... Alyssa Herzing
Organizational Management��������������������Alex Miller
Technical Service...................................Zach Knebel
Choreography.....................................Claire Chickey
Illinois State Scholars:
Riley BamperKate Holtz
Madeline Copeland
Ryan Hutchinson
Ellie DixonKari Lohr
Maria Gonzalez
Grant Mayberry
Emilie Harrison
Brandon Root
Thomas HartClaire Snider
Sons of the American Revolution: Megan Wittich
DAR Good Citizen: Collin Arcynski
DAR Good Citizenship: Caleb Gibson
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Scholar-Athlete:
Danny Holtz
John Halloran Scholar-Athletes:
Collin Arcynski & Claire Snider
The Class of 2015 has given a total of 16, 655.25 hours
to community service projects in their four years of high
school. 33 seniors received service cords for doubling
their service requirement during their high school career
(more than 180 hours in four years).
Presidential Volunteer Service Award:
Bronze Level – for earning between 100-174 hours of
community service in 12 months:
Riley Bamper
Kris Keller
Kalie Buecker
Grant Mayberry
Claire Chickey
Drew McRoy
Jacob Eggering
Katy Ott
Maria Gonzalez
Brandon Root
Natalie Jones
Megan Wittich
Jodie Zipprich, the Junior/Senior
Academic Advisor at Marquette shares
this information about the Class of 2015.
As students embark on their next journey in life, our
graduates will be attending schools in the following
states: Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Missouri, and Ohio. As a whole, the
Class of 2015 was offered a total of $4,557,870 in
academic, athletic, and private scholarship money to
attend various colleges to which students applied. The
following is a list of local scholarships received by our
2015 graduates:
Shelter Insurance ($2,000)
Lauren Godfrey
The Bank of Edwardsville ($2,000/yr)
Kari Lohr
The Kelly Dennis Scholarship for Drama ($500)
Alex Miller
Liberty Bank ($1,000/yr)
Brandon Root
First Presbyterian Church of Alton ($500)
Kari Lohr & Kali Segieda
Alton-Godfrey Kiwanis: East End Improvement ($1,000) Claire Snider
The Alton Optimist Club ($500):
Lauren Godfrey & Rachel Hanson
We also have many talented athletes in the MCHS
Class of 2015 who were recruited to play athletics
in college. This includes: Matt Buchheit (Soccer at
Truman State University), Stephanie Dale (Cheer at
McKendree University), Jacob Eggering (Baseball
at Lewis & Clark Community College), Max Goepel
(Baseball at Lewis & Clark Community College),
Alex Harder (Hockey at Southern Illinois University
– Edwardsville), Alyssa Herzing (Volleyball at Illinois
College), John Hughes (Baseball at Webster
University), Caleb McClintock (Soccer at McKendree
University), and Kate Sanfilippo (Soccer at Northern
Illinois University).
Congratulations to these
3rd and 4th*Generation
Graduates of the Class of 2015
Front row from left to right: Megan Wittich, Emilie Harrison,
Wyatt Brass, Kate Holtz, Hailey Schulz, Jim Phelps
Middle row: Alex Begnel, Ellie Dixon, Daniel Hartzell, Claire
Snider*, Stephen Elliot, Thomas Wolff
Back row: Daniel Holtz , Jacob Fischer
A warm welcome
to these six new
staff members at
Marquette this year!
Sr. Regina
Teaches Old
Testament and
Church History
classes at
Sister started
her teaching
career at St. Matthews in Alton. She
moved to Lakeport, Michigan and
then back to Alton as the Novice
Mistress at the St. Francis Convent.
Sister taught high school theology
in New Jersey and 8th grade in
Tulsa, OK. From 1992-2000, Sister
Maria Regina was doing missionary
work in Brazil. Her last stop before
coming to Marquette was teaching
high school Math, Spanish and
Theology in Rock Island, IL.
to the
here at
She has
two Masters
one in Theology, and the other is
Spiritual Direction (counseling),
and counsels on a monthly
basis. Jeanne also has a degree
in Education, with a minor in
psychology, and has been teaching
children, adults and teachers for
15 years. She is a speaker who
has presented dozens of Biblical
/Inspirational workshops and
conferences to large groups of
different denominations, religious
orders, and teachers in this diocese.
She is a former Pastoral Associate,
Director of Religious Education and
Certified Pastoral Minister. She and
her husband are from St. Louis Hills,
and Creve Coeur.
Mr. Mike
teaches boys
PE and Health
and coaches
Cross Country
and Track here
at Marquette.
He has
taught in the
IL school
district and at Routt Catholic in
Jacksonville. Mike retired from IL
College in Jacksonville in 2014.
At the college he taught Health
Education, Sports Conditioning
and Sports Organization. He also
coached track and field, football
and cross country. Mike has a
BS in Health Education, Physical
Education and Psychology. He and
his wife Peggy live in Grafton Hills
and have three daughters and four
Mr. John
Finance and
to Business at
Marquette. He
also owns his
own real estate
through Keller
Williams in St. Louis. Recently,
John was the tech coordinator for a
Catholic School in St. Louis and a
technology and preschool teacher
at a Montessori school. John has
a Master’s Degree in Educational
Technology from Webster University
and a Bachelor of Business
Administration. He is married
to Patty Crotty, the Freshman/
Sophomore Academic Advisor
at Marquette, and they reside in
St. Louis. The Crotty’s have two
children and one grandchild.
Mr. Bob
teaches a
new Criminal
Justice class
at Marquette
this year. Bob
worked for
the Madison
Sheriff Office
for 43 years
and retired on Dec. 1, 2014. He
has a Bachelor of Arts degree in
the Administration of Justice from
McKendree College in Lebanon,
Illinois and was an instructor for a
variety of Criminal Justice courses
from 1992 to 2002 at Lewis & Clark
Community College in Godfrey
while still working at the Sheriff’s
Office. He is a 1968 graduate of
Marquette married to Karen Yungck
a 1971 graduate of Marquette. The
Hertz’s have three children who are
all graduates of Marquette... Michael
’99, Meredith (Woody) ‘02 and
Melissa (Keller) ’06. The Hertz’s live
in Maryville, IL.
Mr. Jack
has recently
been named
Director at
Jack retired
from St. John
School in Maryville, IL where he was
Principal for 11 years. Prior to that,
he worked at Illini Middle School
in Jerseyville, IL for 30 years, 15
of those as Principal. Jack and his
wife Judy live in Jerseyville and
are members of St. Francis Xavier
Church. They have six children and
three grandchildren.
Welcome to Marquette and may
God bless your teaching vocation.
Class Notes
Patrick Hanlon and his wife Liliana
announce the birth of a daughter,
Riley Marisa Hanlon born Nov. 19,
2014 in Urbana, IL. Riley was 8 lbs
2 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Big sisters are Grace and Avery who
were five and three when Riley was
OF 1998
Barb Cobeck Admire and Elaina
Smith (Class of 2014) met at the
Illinois Women’s Golf Association
tourney in Champaign, IL last fall.
These women are both Marquette
graduates and golfers. Elaina
plays golf for Converse College in
Spartanburg, SC.
(from Kathmandu, Nepal) on
March 7, 2015 in Alton. The couple
currently resides in Alton.
Lori Mossman McMahon, PhD has
been named Dean of the Graduate
School at the
of Alabama
Lori is a
of Cell,
Developmental and Integrative
Biology at the University. She
is also the Director of the UAB
Comprehensive Neuroscience
Center. She is the Associate Director
for the Evelyn F. McKnight Brain
Research Institute and is Associate
Director for the Comprehensive
Center for Healthy Aging.
Dr. McMahon, who earned her
PhD in Neuropharmacology
from Saint Louis University
Health Sciences Center, joined
the faculty at UAB in 1998 after
completing her Post Doctorate
training at Duke University
Medical Center. She is a member
of the Society for Neuroscience,
American Physiological Society
and International Society to
advance Alzheimer’s Research and
MCHS would like to congratulate
alum Stephen Colter Grossheim
married to Amy Floyd on August 23,
2014. Many members of the class of
1999 were present, including those
pictured here.
Michelle (Beiermann) Hemken
and husband Richard announced
the birth of their daughter, Kennedy
Nicole on July 22, 2014. She
weighed 6 lbs, 15 oz and was 19
inches long. Kennedy joins big
sister Brooke who is now three.
Brian Nativi married Irene Silva on
Oct. 18, 2014 at Incarnate Word
Parish in St. Louis. Brian graduated
from U of I in 2006 with a BS in
Bus. Adm. with a concentration
in Management Information
Systems. He is a Senior
Manager in Finance at Express
Scripts in St. Louis. The couple
resides in St. Louis.
Jamie Heintz married Adam Peters
on Oct. 4, 2014 in Alton. Jamie is a
graduate of Murray State University
where she received her Bachelor of
Science in Biology. She is currently
a sales representative for the HUFriendly Dental Co. The couple
resides in Chicago.
Elizabeth Keller married Brad
Joseph Dunn last August at St.
Mary’s in Alton. Elizabeth is a 2007
graduate of Kansas University
and a 2009 graduate of Rockhurst
University in Kansas City. Elizabeth
holds her Master’s in Speech
Pathology and is employed by the
St. Louis Special School District.
Kate Jourdain and Barry Schranck
(Class of 2002) will be married on
Oct. 3, 2015 at St. Mary’s in Alton.
Kate graduated from St. Louis
University in 2007. She is currently
working for Southern Wine and
Spirits as a Constellation Portfolio
Manager. Barry graduated from
Southeast Missouri State in 2007.
He works for Information Builders as
a Business Development Manager.
The couple will reside in Alton.
Kelly (Beiermann) Evans and her
husband Grant announced the
birth of a son, Henry, 7 lbs. 8 oz. on
September 5, 2015.
Liz Lilley married Kyle Buesteton
(Class of 2001) on July 18, 2015 at
St. Ambrose in Godfrey. Kyle is a
Doctor of Chiropractic at Rosewood
Chiropractic in Rosewood
Heights, IL and Liz is teaching
Math at Crestview Middle School
in Chesterfield, MO. The couple
resides in St. Louis.
Many Marquette grads were in
attendance at the Buesteton’s
Mary Wiedman
Rivera and her
husband Dustin
announced the
birth of Korbin
Louis Rivera. He
was born at 5:27
PM on August
25th, 2014 and
weighed 6.4 lbs with a height of
17.5 inches. Mary teaches World
History and Geography at Marquette
as well as heads the Cultural
Awareness Club and the Veterans
Heritage Project. In addition to these
responsibilities, Mary is helping
coach softball.
Meredith Hoefert and her husband
A. J. Wessler announce the birth
of a son, Eli, born Dec. 19, 2014.
Meredith is a Physician’s Assistant
working at an OBGYN office in
Decatur, IL.
Andy Miller married Laura Tiehen
on July 11, 2015 in Kansas City.
Andy is a DPT at Steadman Hawkins
Orthopedic Clinic in Denver and
Laura teaches 5th grade. The
couple resides in Denver, CO.
Ana Lucasey married James
Mackenzie on June 6, 2015 in
Culver City, CA. Ana is working as
Michael Tanney married Jessica
an actress in LA and was seen most
Stemm on Aug. 8, 2015 at St. Mary’s recently in “The Secret Life of a
in Alton. Michael graduated from
Teenage Girl.” The couple resides in
Ranken Technical College in 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA.
and is employed at Phillips 66 Wood
River Refinery as a Teamster.
Jay Brefeld and his wife Jen
announce the birth of a son, Clinton
Kenneth born Aug, 13. 2014. He
Dr. John Robert Keller has
weighed 8 lbs and 13 ounces.
purchased the dental practice of
Dr. Marty Carrow (Class of 1972)
(Carrow and Chapel General
Kris Drake and Audri Lucasey
Dentistry) who recently retired after
were married on Sept. 5, 2015 at
35 years. John Robert graduated
St. Mary’s in Alton. Kris is employed
from SIUE Dental School in 2014.
as Captain, U.S. Marine Corps
JR and his wife Melissa (Hertz)
stationed at Twentynine Palms,
Keller (Class of 2006) live in
Morongo Valley, CA and Audri is
Edwardsville, IL.
employed at the center for Youth
Engagement in Los Angeles,CA.
Angela Stutz married Robert
Andrews on May 16, 2015 at Our
Kayla Korte married James Cowell
Lady Queen of Peace Church in
Nov. 1, 2014 at St. Boniface Church
Bethalto. Angela graduated from
in Edwardsville. Kayla graduated
SIUE in 2009 with a Bachelor of
from SIUE and worked for 2½ years
Nursing and in 2012 with a Master
doing mission work in Colorado.
of Science Nurse Educator Degree. She is now working as the Director
Angela is employed as a Nurse
of Youth Ministry and Children’s
Educator at SIUE and a PhD student Religious Education at St. Paul’s
at the University of Missouri in
Catholic Church in Highland, IL.
Kansas City. The couple resides in
Rosewood Heights.
Christopher Logan has been
promoted to Superintendent of
Jennifer Nativi married Tyler Smith Parks and Recreation in East
on May 31, 2014 at St. Michael
Alton, IL. He graduated from the
in Old Town Chicago. Jennifer
University of Missouri in Columbia
graduated from U of I with a BS in
with a Bachelor’s and Master’s
Communications in 2009 and then a Degree in Recreation Management.
Master’s in Human Resources and
Christopher received his Associates
Industrial Management in 2011. The degree from Lewis and Clark
Smith’s reside in Denver, CO.
Community College where he
played tennis for two years. He is
now the head Men’s Tennis Coach
for the Trailblazers at LCCC.
Sarah Spain married Andrew Herrin
on October 4, 2014 at Ss. Peter and
Paul in Alton.
Doug Schranck is coaching
swimming at Drury College in
Springfield, MO. Doug coached
at Arizona State University for the
2014-2015 school year prior to Drury
and worked for Edward Jones after
graduating from Carthage college in
Kenosha, WI.
Courtney Hayes married Billy
Kinkel on Oct. 4, 2014 at St. Mary’s
in Alton. Courtney is employed as
a nurse at Lebonheur Children’s
Hospital and lives with Billy and their
daughter Blakely in Memphis, TN.
Emily Hartzell married Jordan
Slayback on Aug. 30, 2014 at
St. Ambrose in Godfrey. Emily is
employed at Carrollton Bank in St.
Charles, MO. The Slaybacks reside
in O’Fallon, MO.
John Hoefert and his wife Kaitlyn
(Hanlon) announced the birth of
their first child Sophie, born on Oct.
10, 2014. Sophie was 7lbs 1 oz and
was 2½ inches long. John is a police
officer in Wood River, IL.
Megan Hamilton is engaged to
marry Chris Tite on Oct. 17, 2015.
Megan graduated from McKendree
University with a BSN in nursing.
She is employed as a nurse at OSF
St. Anthony’s Health Center.
Faculty Member Jenna Marie
Piazza and her husband, Vincent
Paul Piazza announce the birth of
a daughter, Allegra Marie Piazza
who was born on Dec. 3, 2014.
Allegra joins big sister, Rachel who
is 11 years old. Mrs. Piazza teaches
Biology, Intro to Biology and Physics
From the Development Office
2015 John Rogers
Explorer Classic Golf Tournament
October 5, 2015
You are invited to participate in the
Marquette Catholic
High School
Spencer T. Olin Golf Course – An Arnold Palmer Design
8:00 am ($150) and 1:00 pm ($180) shotgun starts
Come join us for a fun day with Marquette alumni and
supporters! Registration fees for morning golfers include green
fees, gift, breakfast and lunch. Registration fees for afternoon
golfers include green fees, gift, lunch and dinner. Registration
can be completed and paid at
Save the Date!!
Explorer Club Trivia Night
John Rogers
Explorer Club Annual Dinner Auction
Saturday February 13, 2016
(MCHS Gymnasium)
Saturday April 2, 2016
(Lewis & Clark Comm. College Commons)
8:00 a.m. Shotgun Tee Off - $150
7:30 a.m., Registration
(includes breakfast and lunch)
(dinner: an additional $30 per person)
1:00 p.m. Shotgun Tee Off - $180
11:00 a.m. Registration
(includes lunch and dinner)
11:15 a.m. in the Dining Room
5:30 p.m.
DINNER & AWARDS – Immediately following tournament
Mega Raffle -- $50,000!!!
Spencer T. Olin requires soft spikes and proper golf attire.
We are giving away a total of $62,000 in cash prizes for our annual Mega Raffle! The drawing
for the $50,000 winner will be held at the Homecoming Block Party on 9/26/15 at the Alton
Knights of Columbus. Join us for a fun night with food, friends, drinks and great music! Queens
Blvd, a popular St. Louis band, will be entertaining the crowd! You can purchase tickets in the
Development Office at school or online at
Marquette Science and Math Departments Shine Again!
2014-2015 has been another great year for the Science
and Math Departments at Marquette. We won first place
in the WYSE Regionals at Lewis and Clark, the Illinois
College Sectionals and went to the State tournament
at the University of IL. The Engineering team won first
place in the Trebuchet Contest at Lewis and Clark
Community College and the Glider Contest for high
schools at Boeing in St. Louis. Our Physics team
won first place at the Washington University Physics
WYSE - Worldwide Youth in Science
and Engineering Team (WYSE)
Marquette had nine students place in the top six at the
State Tournament:
Skylar Cox placed 3rd in Physics,
Zach Wickenhauser - finished 3rd in Engineering
In Chemistry- Shane Nichols and Gabe Brenner
placed 2nd, Brianna DeClue placed 4th
and Andria Pace placed 5th, Tommy Morrissey and
Skylar Cox placed 6th
In Biology- Andria Pace placed 5th
The Wyse Team is led by Mr. John Walters, Science
Department Chair at Marquette.
PHYSICS TEAM: Andria Pace, Brittany Pace, Tommy
Morrissey, Skylar Cox, Shane Nichols and Mrs. Piazza
Science Award:
Marquette (then Junior) Tommy Morrissey also
received the Distinguished Achievement Award for
“Excellence in Science” by the University of of Missouri
St. Louis in March 2015.Tommy was one of 64 students
from St. Louis area schools recognized at the awards
banquet last Spring.
Tommy is pictured at left
with Mr. John Walters,
Chairman of the Science
Department at Marquette.
Boeing Challenge
for Cargo Gliders:
Marquette’s Engineering Team was the overall
winner of the Boeing Challenge for Division II Cargo
Gliders last spring. This is the second time Marquette
participated in this high school challenge and the
second time Marquette won!
At Left: Drew
McRoy, Zach
Spencer Diskin,
Zach Eggering
WYSE WINNERS: Gabe Brenner, Andria Pace, Zach
Wickenhauser, Skylar Cox, Shane Nichols, Tommy
Morrissey and Brianna DeClue
Mechanics Physics Competition-
Marquette also took first place in the Mechanics
Physics Competition at Washington University in April
of this year. Our team won the first place team award in
the 30th edition of the St. Louis Area Physics Teachers
High School contest held April 25th at Washington
There were five juniors from Marquette who
participated. In Mechanics, Tommy Morrissey placed
first, Brittany Pace placed 3rd and Andria Pace won
honorable mention. Twelve schools and 142 students
competed in this competition. The Marquette team
was led by Mrs. Jenna Piazza, Physics Instructor at
Right: Kalie
Buecker, Thomas
Wolff, Natalie
Schmees, Maria
Marquette also won first place in the Trebuchet Contest
held at Lewis and Clark Community College in March
2015. They won first place in CAD (Computer Aided
Drafting) and first place on their paper explaining the
process of building their trebuchet. Mrs. Michele Sands
teaches the Engineering Class and is the coordinator
of the Boeing Challenge and the Trebuchet Contest for
In Memoriam
Betty Redmond Farley
9/15/14 ‘37
Raymond Manns
4/21/15 ‘38
Margaret Schulz
William Nagy
12/13/14 ‘42
Catherine Droste Kasten
7/17/14 ‘44
Gilbert Sasek
Georgene Smith
Martha Fosha
4/17/15 ‘46
Ann Fleming Kammer
8/23/14 ‘46
Lou Sabo
5/25/15 ‘46
John Wardein
8/13/14 ‘46
Norma Croxton Fisher
5/20/14 ‘48
Verna Mae Staten Woodson
Gloria Manns
1/31/15 ‘49
Mary “Bunny” Miller
1/19/15 ‘50
Rosemary Ann Roberts
11/29/14 ‘50
Kathleen Stalcup Williams
3/17/14 ‘50
James Simpson
10/18/14 ‘53
MaryLou Goessling
Patricia Henderson
10/9/14 ‘54
Charlene Prullage
2/27/15 ‘54
Marilyn Georgewitz Fredericks 9/4/14
Patricia Maher
11/26/14 ‘57
Ed Stutz
7/31/14 ‘58
Sherry Huber
Bonnie (Maguire) Pointer
9/26/14 ‘68
Ralph Baahlmann
11/17/14 ‘71
Debbie Marshall
12/26/14 ‘71
Michael Barrett
11/22/14 ‘74
Brian Balke
7/25/15 ‘79
Tina Lavick Budd
7/10/14 ‘79
Michael Peipert Sr.
Paul Kribs
11/5/14 ‘86
Russell Pace8/2/15
Neal Schwartzkopf
Gordon Admire
Maryella Heitz7/18/15
Bonnie Schmidt
Jim Eisenreich5/23/15
Dr. Peter Lekes
Charles Godfrey
Dorothy Schulz
Ralph Zerr3/24/15
Chuck Gable3/30/15
Anna Droste3/21/15
Robert Smith1/12/15
Fran Eichorn1/6/15
Marcella Farkas
Veronica “ Sis” Terlisner
Judy Thomeczek
Class Reunions:
The Class of
1960 had their
55th class reunion
on Sept. 5, 2015
in the Commons
at Marquette.
Approximately 60
people attended
the party after their 5:15 Mass at St. Mary’s. The reunion was
catered by Mac’s Time Out. Steve Tassinari and Jim Schwegel
showed a slide show of previous class reunions and played
parts of the Marquette 80th anniversary and Girl’s State Soccer
Championship DVDs. A great time was had by all.
The Class of 1969 had a GREAT time at their 45th Class
Reunion held at the Marquette High School “Commons” on
Aug 2, 2014. Classmates started off their weekend with a
Friday Night Mixer at Mac’s Time Out. Saturday included golf
at Rolling Hills, Memorial Mass at St. Mary’s, Happy Hour,
School Tour, Dinner & Drinks. It was the best FUN time ever!
The Class of 1980 had their
35th class reunion the weekend
of June 26 & 27, 2015 in the
Commons at Marquette. A mixer
was held at the home of Mary
Grabner Bunce and her husband
Tom on Friday night.
Classmate John Walters put
together a video recap of photos
and radio broadcasts from the
glory days of the late 70’s. One
viewer hailed the piece “An absolute five-star tour de force.”
Classes of 1960-1969
Sept. 26, 2015 - Reunion coming up for Alton High and
Marquette graduates! The party is at Mac’s Time Out and
starts at 6:00 pm on Sept. 26. There is no charge but you
can purchase tickets for a 50/50 raffle to support the party for
the following year. Last year this party had 500+ attendees.
There is a Facebook group “All ‘60’s Class Party” - AHS/
MARQUETTE and Cathy Scoggins Weirich is the coordinator.
These reunions are scheduled in the Commons at
Marquette for 2015:
-Sunday, Sept. 13 - Class of 1953
-Saturday, October 10 - Class of 1965
-Saturday, October 17 - Class of 1955
The Marquette
A publication for graduates, parents, and friends of Marquette Catholic High School
219 East Fourth Street
Alton, Illinois 62002
(618) 463-0585
Our Thanks to the Marquette Explorer Club
We are very thankful to the
Marquette Explorer Club for
coordinating many special events
and fundraising opportunities for
our school. The Explorer Club
raises over $80,000 each year
to enhance the programs and
scholarships for the students at
Many thanks to everyone
involved in the Marquette
Explorer Club.
The 2015-2016 Explorer Club
Executive Board:
Joell Aguirre - President
Ron Root - VP
Cindy File - Treasurer
Kathy Claywell- Secretary
The Explorer Club Board
Jennifer Copeland
Brenda Cronin
Shelly Eberlin
Barb Gable
Myra Griffon
Meg Grimaud
Casey Hamburg
Anne Hamm
Sue Heinz
Sarah Beth Hoefert
Chris Jones
Lisa Ann Korte
Shannon Laurtizen
Chris Peuterbaugh
Jennifer Schaeffer
Jill Schulz
Sarah Scott
Mark/Tracy Shepard
Pam Wickenhauser
Oct. 15 - 10am-3pm
St. Ambrose Women’s Group Card Party
For Information please contact
Upcoming Events
Sept. 25 Homecoming Mass
at St. Mary’s
Sept. 26 Homecoming Football Game
at West 1:00 pm
Sept. 26 Homecoming Street Party for Mega Raffle - Alton K of C - 6:00 pm - final drawing at 10:00 pm
Sept. 26 Homecoming Dance at Marquette Crowning of Homecoming King and Queen at 10:30 pm
Oct. 5
John Rogers Explorer Classic
Spencer T Olin
Oct. 13 Music of the ‘60’s
7:30 pm on Marquette stage
Oct. 25 Open House at Marquette 1:00-3:00
Nov. 5-7 Marquette Drama production “A Murder is Announced” 7:30pm