ELF Brochure 2016 - The European Label Forum


ELF Brochure 2016 - The European Label Forum
The European Label Forum
Proudly introducing: FINAT 2016 - The European Label Forum
After its successful launch in 2015, it is our
pleasure to present you the “ELF 2016”,
to be held from 16-18 June, again at the
Moevenpick Hotel Amsterdam.
FINAT’s European Label Forum aims to
serve as the annual business summit for
the labelling community in Europe. In
this format, the Forum has replaced the
FINAT Congress as the association’s annual
industry conference.
16 - 18 June, Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam
The European Label Forum provides the platform for owners, CEOs, sales
and marketing managers, future leaders, vendor partners, knowledge
providers and media editors, where they can:
Address business challenges of today and tomorrow;
Be inspired by success stories;
Learn from experts in
areas of expertise;
Share views and opinions and enter into dialogues that will shape the
Gain experience through exercise and engagement;
Network with peers across national borders.
FINAT 2016 – The European Label Forum,
a unique source of
in other words,
knowledge, experience and networks key to
the strategic success of label businesses in
an international environment.
FINAT 2016 - The European Label Forum is building on the key learnings of its predecessor and will zoom in on two essential
conditions of success for a
business: value creation and innovation. The programme will feature :
Thought leadership: keynote speakers like futurologist Magnus Lindkvist (SE) and former Formula One racing executive Mark Gallagher (UK) will bring in their
respective areas of expertise to present an ‘outside in’ perspective of a winning and innovative future for the label industry.
Market and technology assessment: radio talk show host and moderator of the year Rens de Jong (BNR, NL) will interview stakeholders from the label value chain
about pending business and market matters. Via the Buzzmaster tool, he will encourage the audience to actively participate in the dialogue. As always, the FINAT
RADAR and labelstock report presented by FINAT’s MD Jules Lejeune (NL) will provide statistical meat to the bone. VskE’s correspondent Herbert Knott (D) will
present a management summary of noteworthy developments observed at drupa 2016.
Business relevance: delegates will have the possibility to choose between 2 interactive parallel workshops covering the aspects of value creation, hosted by Phil
Allen (CVM€, CH) and collaborative innovation, hosted by Gordon Crichton (Institut MAI, F).
Dynamic experience: delegates will be challenged to participate in an interactive session powered by the Label Academy consortium (UK) that will put business
leaders to the test on their knowledge at hand about labelling technology.
B2B networking: business-to-business and member-to-member networking will feature throughout the breaks and side events. As in previous years, networking
events will feature the supplier tabletop exhibition and FINAT’s revamped awards ceremony on the opening night. Highlight of the side events will be the Ocean Diva
river cruise dinner party on Friday night – where delegates will enjoy a special surprise act.
FINAT 2016 – The European Label Forum is again a must-attend top level event for business and opinion leaders of the label and narrow web industry!
Although thought-leading content and premier international networking opportunity are the event’s principle USPs, FINAT is encouraging its members and members of
national associations to take advantage of the secondary
of convenient timing, accessible location and very
For more information about the programme, conditions of participation and registration, please consult this programme brochure or visit the website
www.europeanlabelforum.com. FINAT is looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam in June!
What European Label Forum 2015 participants had to say:
Patrick Gazut – Sihl
“First of all I would like to congratulate and thank you for a great FINAT Label Forum! All topics were
interesting, invigorating through the new perspectives, controversial sometime. All speakers did their
job very professionally, were captivating. WELL DONE!”
Frank Neumann – Logo Etiketten
“For me and my wife the ELF was the best FINAT congress we ever joined: Programme, speakers, the
interactive parts were really good! Congratulations to the organizers.”
Chris Ellison – OPM
“A must-attend event for entrepreneurs in the narrow-web industry”
Isidore Leiser, Stratus Packaging
“The European Label Forum was a big success, very good speakers and a good atmosphere among all
the delegates that came here.”
Trevor Smith (Amberley Labels)
“A very different format; more interesting. I thought the tracks were difficult to choose because
sometimes I would like to be in 2, but I will bring colleagues in the future so that is a positive move. I’ll
definitely be there next time”
Gavin Rittmeyer, Martin Automatic Inc, USA
“Truly a global event with converters hailing from, the whole of Europe, the Middle East, and the
Americas. A good balance of content, social opportunities and ease-of-travel/cost effective location in
Amsterdam. Looking forward to the opportunities at next year’s event and connecting again with good
friends to discuss and navigate the challenges we all face and the future of this great industry.”
Filip Weymans, Xeikon International (BE)
“A great milestone in the year.”
Ramon Lee, Brotech Graphics Co, Ltd, (CN),
“I got a lot of new information… most importantly, on developments – on the marketing side and the
technology side, and on management skills.”
Klaus Damberg, Synthogra (DK)
“The entire programme was very relevant for all converters, an outstanding event. Well done. Looking
forward to next year’s event already!”
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Thursday 16 June 2016: Pre-conference Meetings and Events
08.00 hrs. Departure FINAT/Nilpeter Golf tournament (optional)
Upon separate registration, FINAT members have the opportunity to compete in
this prestigious tournament.
09.00 – 16.00 hrs. Sailing adventure on the IJsselmeer (optional)
(minimum of 20 participants required)
12.00 hrs. Tarsus Global Label Industry Awards 2016 judging
A panel of media editors and association leaders will review the nominations for this year’s edition, of which
the winners will be announced at Labelexpo Americas in September.
14.30 hrs. Registration desk opens
17.00 hrs. FINAT General Assembly 2016
Annual business meeting of the association, including approval of the annual report of activities, update plans
2016-2017, financial account 2015, budget update 2016, provisional budget and membership fees 2017, and Board
19.00 hrs. FINAT Supplier Tabletop Exhibition opens; welcome cocktails
A selection of premier suppliers of goods and services to the European label and narrow web industry will welcome
attendees to the annual tabletop exhibition. This year’s edition will again feature through the entire programme
during the breaks of the conference sessions.
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Thursday 16 June 2016: Pre-conference Meetings and Events
19.45 hrs. FINAT Awards 2016 celebrations
FINAT will present the winners of the 36th edition of FINAT’s Annual Label Competition.
This event will also feature the announcement of the 3rd edition of the FINAT Recycling
Awards. The occasion will also mark the release of the FINAT Yearbook 2016, containing
an overview of the winners as well as a detailed account of activities, programmes and
a register of members.
20.15 hrs. Walking buffet
22.30 hrs. | Closure of the evening, winding down in the special FINAT Lounge
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Friday 17 June 2016: Conference day 1
08.45 – 13.00 hrs. PLENARY SESSIONS
09.00 – 09.15 hrs. OPENING
Thomas Hagmaier, FINAT President (D) will welcome FINAT delegates back to
Amsterdam and open the second edition of the European Label Forum.
09.15 – 10.00 hrs. The disruptive trends that will transform the labels &
package printing landscape in the next 10 years
Magnus Lindkvist, Futurologist (SE) returns in front of a FINAT audience
after his memorable appearance at our annual event in Athens in 2012. As a
graduate from the Stockholm School of Economics and the UCLA School of
Film, Magnus combines the solid business reality of today and the imaginative
storytelling of Hollywood into an inspirational outlook of our industry’s future.
Session market trends and business developments
10.00 - 10.30 Trends and developments in the label industry
Jules Lejeune, FINAT Managing Director (NL) highlights the latest trends and
developments as collected from our association’s 6-monthly RADAR and the
quarterly Labelstock statistics. Both reports have become an authoritative
source of input for strategic decision making and will serve as input for
dialogue debate later during the programme.
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Friday 17 June 2016: Conference day 1
08.45 – 13.00 hrs. PLENARY SESSIONS
Coffee, B2B and M2M networking break
Opportunity to visit tabletop exhibition
Establish or renew Member-to-Member contacts
Meet with, discuss with and learn about latest innovations from top industry
Rens de Jong, Business News Radio talk show host and moderator of the year in The Netherlands, will conduct
interview stakeholders from different corners of the European label business about pending business questions like:
Label sourcing trends: will global competition continue or do we see the return of local sourcing?
Shopping trends: how will the changing retail landscape affect label and packaging design?
The smart future of labels: (how) will disruptive technology trends change the role of label suppliers in the value chain?
‘Hotspots’ in the environmental performance of labels: how do we address these?
How to extract more value from current business by looking beyond the product?
Collaborative innovation: How to become a ‘source of innovation’ for our strategic customer?
Using his own ‘Buzzmaster’ concept, Rens will encourage his audience
to connect and participate in the debate via the wifi connection on
their smartphones.
13.00 – 14.30 hrs. LUNCH
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Friday 17 June 2016: Conference day 1
14.30 - 17.00 hrs.
Value creation and innovation are two sides of the same coin.
On the one hand, label printers are servicing mature, competitive markets and are facing the challenge to
their existing product and solutions and avoid commoditization.
On the other hand, the European Label Forum 2015 taught us that end-users are more and more open to work
with their strategic labels and packaging suppliers on the joint development of new solutions.
To accommodate both aspects of healthy business development, FINAT is hosting two interactive parallel workshops
that will enable participants to gain new insights, tools, tips and skills that will help them and their business to
We encourage business leaders to take advantage of this dual opportunity by bringing
colleagues in charge of sales & marketing as well as product development.
Workshop leader: Phil Allen,
CEO & Value Creator, Customer
Value Management GmbH (CVM€) (CH)
Workshop leader: Gordon Chrichton,
Director of the Institut du Management
de l’Achat International (MAI) (F)
Even in commodity markets, customers buy value. It is only a matter
of looking beyond your products but regretfully too few companies
do this! How to extract more value from current business? How to
leverage customer value? How to avoid the challenges of
commoditization and improve current business profitability?
Big-brand owners are increasingly turning to their strategic suppliers in
creating new inroads. It is anticipated that up to 70% of innovation will
come from suppliers in the next
To be successful with their clients, label and packaging suppliers
therefore need to get closer to and identify with their customers,
focusing on aspects like cost out, innovation, speed to market, risk
limitation, environmental sustainability etc.
Illustrated with actual cases from B2B markets and value chains, and
supported by hands-on exercises, participants will learn to apply
the principles of Customer Value Management:
Segmenting around customer value
throughout the product/market life
The 4 R’s of sustainable
Value based pricing in mature markets
Marketing and selling of value to customers.
About the workshop leader:
Phil Allen is thought leader in Customer Value Management. His
speciality is in transforming businesses by bringing creative,
customer-driven practical value management strategies and
solutions to B2B clients around the world. CVM€ serves multinational
clients in a broad spectrum of B2B markets and industries, including
chemicals, plastics, oil, energy, a range of manufacturing industries,
construction and mining industries.
To help members becoming a source of innovation for their strategic
customers, the workshop will provide insights in how to
customer-supplier relationship with an innovative mindset:
What would we do
if we were a startup company?
What would be the actions that we would do to achieve our goals?
How would we implement and communicate our proposition with
our target customers?
About the workshop leader:
Over the past 10 years, Gordon Crichton
senior management
support to companies like L’Oréal, Danone, Chanel, LVMH, Mondelez,
Carlsberg, Reckitt Benckiser,
Aventis, Mars, and Johnson
and Johnson. The MAI is a post graduate institute which specialises
in purchasing, innovation and change management. It is widely
considered as reference in its
and supplies young professionals to
multi-nationals essentially throughout Europe.
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Saturday 18 June 2016: Conference day 2
09.30 – 13.00 hrs. PLENARY SESSIONS
Where would the labels and packaging industry be without a skilled workforce
that masters the sophisticated technology that it has at its disposal? How can we make
sure that our industry is secured of a continuous
of a motivated talent? How
can we establish a culture of permanent education to cope with the rapid changes in
technology? And how can we create the necessary facilities to make this work?
It all starts at the top. This industry has always excelled in entrepreneurship, technical excellence and innovation.
Knowledge and technology awareness will remain key to future success. In collaboration with the Label Academy,
FINAT is therefore challenging the leaders of this industry to test their competence in areas like printing
technology, design and origination, dispensing and application, codes and coding, environmental sustainability and
other modules from the series of 20 that are planned to encourage and support permanent education in the label
Delegates will compete in teams and after several rounds, the winner takes it all!!
B2B and M2M networking break
Opportunity to visit tabletop exhibition
Establish or renew Member-to-Member contacts
Meet with, discuss with and learn about latest innovations from top industry
11.30 – 12.00 hrs. Technology Takeaways from drupa 2016
Herbert Knott, ex-Electro Optik, now freelance correspondent for VskE (D), has
been commissioned by FINAT to scan the latest trends and developments in cross
media printing technology at drupa 2016 in Dusseldorf (31 May – 10 June). ‘Hot of
the press’ in its most literal sense, delegates will obtain a convenient overview of
the most relevant technology showcases that were on display at the world’s largest
printing show.
Full working programme
Recognized experts from all around the world
Saturday 18 June 2016: Conference day 2
09.30 – 13.00 hrs. PLENARY SESSIONS
12.00 – 13.00 hrs. Lessons from the world of F1 racing – keeping the label
industry in pole position for innovation leadership
Mark Gallagher (UK) has worked in Formula One for more than 30 years and
has spent the last 15 as a senior executive within the management of
Jordan Grand Prix, Red Bull Racing and Cosworth. He worked directly with the
world’s top drivers and team owners including, Senna, Mansell, Schumacher
and Coulthard, giving him a privileged understanding of what it takes to be a
world class competitor.
Mark will give FINAT delegates a rare insight into what it takes to build
winning teams, compete for success at world level and keeping ahead of the
competition in terms of innovation leadership.
13.00 – 14.30 hrs. CLOSURE AND LUNCH
14.30 hrs. | End of conference
Social programme
Enjoy together with your FINAT friends from the industry
Thursday 16 June 2016
08.00 – 16.00 hrs. FINAT/Nilpeter Golf Competition (optional)
A beautiful golf course with fast greens, a 20 minutes’ drive
north of Amsterdam, between Purmerend, Volendam and
Monnickendam Purmer. The course consists of 36 holes
and a 9 hole par-3 practice course.challenging for the most
Golfclub De Purmer
advanced golfer and inviting for starters.
Westerweg 60
1445 AD Purmerend
FINAT - Nilpeter golf tournament
Social programme
Enjoy together with your FINAT friends from the industry
Thursday 16 June 2016
09.00 – 16.00 hrs. Sailing adventure on the IJsselmeer (minimum of 20 participants required) (optional)
Every Dutchman/women learns how to ride a bike and knows how to ice-skate and sail a boat at an early age.
You will the opportunity to enjoy a typical Dutch sailing adventure. As soon as we reach the little town of Muiden
(a short drive from Amsterdam), you will board a typical antique Dutch sailing vessel and set sail for the Dutch
IJsselmeer (IJssellake).
See Holland the way it was! You can experience the Old Dutch landscape with its polders and waters. The barge
is fully equipped for your day on the water. The crew (skipper and ‘maat’) can sail the ship. Once it sets sail the
passengers can give a helping hand (no experience required).
The IJsselmeer lake was created when the former Zuiderzee was closed off from the Waddenzee after the
construction of the IJsselmeer dyke [Afsluitdijk] between the province of North-Holland and the province of
Friesland. It is a stunning lake and, these days, the most popular sailing area in the Netherlands. On a beautiful
summer’s day the white sails of sailing boats can be seen everywhere. On the shores of the IJsselmeer there are
numerous charming and busy marinas. We end again in Muiden and return to Amsterdam.
Sailing adventure on the IJsselmeer
Social programme
Enjoy together with your FINAT friends from the industry
Friday 17 June 2016
09.00 – 16.30 hrs. Tour of Haarlem and Vecht with visit to Muiderslot
We start the day with a visit to the capital of the province of North Holland –
Haarlem. Not to be confused with Harlem in New York, our Haarlem, is located
on the banks of the Spaarne river about 20 minutes from Amsterdam. Dutch
Haarlem, a charming, medieval city, dates back to gothic times and this is reflected
in the architecture and cobbled streets, which make for splendid strolls. The city
offers tourists a lively cultural scene, oodles of atmosphere, excellent shopping–
and is close to some great beaches too!
At the historic heart of Haarlem, this vast square is located underneath the
imposing Grote Kerk (Church) and is the image of the city that many people
will recognise. Hosting regular festivals, concerts and markets, the Grote Markt
(market) is the hub of daily life in Haarlem and just happens to be one of the
prettiest city squares in the country.
We visit the Teylers Museum which is an art, natural history, and science museum
in Haarlem. Established in 1778, Teylers Museum was originally founded as a
centre for contemporary art and science. The historic centre of the museum is the
neoclassical Oval Room (1784), which was built behind the house of Pieter Teyler
van der Hulst (1702–1778), the so-called Foundation House. Pieter Teyler was
a wealthy cloth merchant and banker of Scottish descent, who bequeathed his
fortune for the advancement of religion, art, and science. He was a Mennonite and
follower of the Scottish Enlightenment.
The collection of Teylers Museum is notable for its extensive collection of old
master’s prints and drawings, including 25 works by Michelangelo - among them
preliminary studies for the frescos on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - and
important works by Raphael, Guercino, and Claude Lorrain. Similarly, the museum
contains nearly the complete graphic work of Rembrandt and Adriaen van Ostade.
The Painting Galleries show a collection of works from the Dutch Romantic School
and the later Hague and Amsterdam Schools, including major works by Barend
Cornelis Koekkoek, Andreas Schelfhout, Cornelis Springer, Hendrik Willem Mesdag,
Jan Willem Pieneman, Anton Mauve, Jacob Maris, Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch,
George Hendrik Breitner, Jozef Israëls, and Isaac Israëls.
Social programme
Enjoy together with your FINAT friends from the industry
Friday 17 June 2016
09.00 – 16.30 hrs. Tour of Haarlem and Vecht with visit to Muiderslot
Before lunch we drive South/East, through pretty Dutch countryside. First brings
you to the beautiful town of Loenen aan de Vecht, dating back to the Roman times.
Here we board an old notary boat and guest can enjoy lunch while meandering
along the Vecht River. The Vecht is a rather slender river, which is wonderful, as it
puts you close to the passing mansions, castles, and river front estates surrounded
by beautiful gardens, that line the Vecht’s shore.
Ending in the town of Muiden with the old castle Muiderslot. In around 1285, the
Count of Holland Floris V (1254 – 1296) ordered the construction of a stone keep at
a strategic location at the mouth of the river Vecht, the most important waterway
to the diocese of Utrecht. In 1296, Floris V was kidnapped during a falcon hunt and
later murdered by his own nobles and his castle was destroyed.
From 1370, the original Muiderslot was restored and expanded with a residential
wing facing the Zuiderzee. The castle was strengthened with earthen walls and
bastions in 1576. In 1825, Muiderslot was saved from the wrecker’s ball and it
became a national museum in 1878.
After three major restorations, the castle’s furnished rooms and the garden once
again recall the idyllic Dutch Golden Age. The building itself and the extraordinary
collection of medieval weapons illustrate the importance of the role Muiderslot
played as Count Floris V’s fortress. The important part that Muiderslot has played
for seven centuries in protecting the country against water and as part of the
Dutch Waterline, a line of defences against foreign invaders, is highlighted in the
Water Shield (Waterschild) pavilion, which was opened in 2012.
You will be able to also see a bird of prey show. A falconer will tell you all about
falconry in the time of Count Floris V. It was during a falcon hunt that Gerard van
Velzen and other noblemen kidnapped Floris V.
Social programme
Enjoy together with your FINAT friends from the industry
Friday 17 June 2016
19.30 – 23.00 hrs. Cocktails, dinner and entertainment on board of the Ocean Diva
It took pure vision and entrepreneurship to prevent the 140 meter long Russian inland fairways cruiser, with only
her hull completed, from ending her life on the scrap heap.
In line with this vision, 19 September 2003 saw the launch of the event ship OCEANDIVA at the Volharding
Shipyards, where the OCEANDIVA had been refurbished. In March 2003, workers at this Harlingen shipyard cut the
longest inland fairways cruiser in Europe in half starting the construction of Europe’s biggest mobile lounge and
event location.
From the proud 140 meter long Russian a more than 86 meter long and 16 meter wide event ship was created that
provides a smooth ride cruising on the inland fairways of Holland and beyond!
On 29 September 2003 the OCEANDIVA docked in its home port of Amsterdam to receive her first guests during an
event organized for 3 October 2003 event.
It is safe to say that the OCEANDIVA does not have its equal in the events-organizing market.
Cocktails, dinner and entertainment on board of the Ocean Diva
Social programme
Enjoy together with your FINAT friends from the industry
Saturday 18 June 2016
09.00 – 14.30 hrs. Amsterdam discovery by TukTuk, visit to the museum of bags and purses and a floral delight
We leave the hotel by TukTuk to experience and discover the real Amsterdam. The
Dutch capital is a dynamic ‘capital of inspiration’ because of its stimulating, creative
Welcome to Amsterdam: charming, unexpected, and cosy! Since July 2010,
Amsterdam has been added to the ‘World Heritage List’. The historic urban ensemble
of the canal district of Amsterdam was a project for a new ‘port city’ built at the end
of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries. It comprises a network of canals to
the west and south of the historic old town and the medieval port. This was a longterm programme that involved extending the city by draining the swampland, using a
system of canals in concentric arcs and
in the intermediate spaces.
Discover this fascinating city during a personal and intimate ride with your private
driver to see the hot spots of Amsterdam: The Jordan - The Old Church - the Royal
Palace - The Western Church - Anne Frank House - The famous canals - Skinny Bridge
- and much more! You will see more as the stretched electric vehicles drive over the
narrow streets and canals of Amsterdam where buses and trams can’t access.
The TukTuks will drive across the city ending at a greenhouse near the Vondelpark
for a workshop ‘making your own
arrangements’. You will be able to take the
home with you.
After the
workshop a visit to the Museum of Bags is foreseen. A delight for
ladies, but even for men this museum is special. The museum for bags and purses
is unique in the world and houses a collection of more than 4000 bags through
centuries and from all over the world. It is the largest museum of bags in the world.
The museum is located in the centre of Amsterdam in a beautifully restored canal
house dating back to 1664, and former residence of the mayor of Amsterdam. A light
lunch will be served there.
Video of the museum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BDOOcIhfb0
Details of participation
Participation options and fees
Congress participation
Conference package
• Full participation in the working programme (for delegates).
• Meals
• Conference proceedings
• Participation in evening programmes on Thursday and Friday
• Full participation in the social programme (for partners)
• Golf competition on Thursday
• Sailing experience on Thursday
• Travel and lodging expenses
• Hotel room expenses
Golf competition on Thursday : € 130,Sailing experience on Thursday: € 150,-
Registering and payment
To register for the FINAT ELF please complete the online REGISTRATION FORM
and optionally the GOLF REGISTRATION form before 2 May 2016.
Please pay your congress participation invoice within 30 days of receipt but no later than 1 June 2016. In case your
participation fee has not been received in the FINAT bank account before 1 June 2016, we will ask you to settle the
amount by credit card upon your arrival at the FINAT Registration Desk in the congress hotel.
Cancellation Policy
Full refund of the participation fee will be permitted if the cancellation is received in writing before 17 May 2016.
A full refund minus a handling fee of €150 per registration will be given for cancellation requests received in writing
before 30 May 2016. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received after 30 May 2016. Cancellations by
telephone cannot be accepted.
Details of participation
Hotel rooms
Congress participation
Hotel room fees
• Single: € 209
• Double: € 228
(Rates: per room, per night, bed & breakfast included, excluding 5,5% city tax)
Hotel room reservation
Room reservations must be made DIRECTLY with the hotel . For this purpose please access the following link:
Make your reservation before 2 May 2016. After this deadline, each booking request will only be made upon
Hotel room payment
You can settle your bill directly with the hotel upon arrival or departure. You will be required to guarantee your
reservation with a credit card.
Hotel room cancellation
The cancellation of your room reservation is free of charge until 24 hours before arrival.
FINAT cannot be held legally responsible for any modification to the forum, additional costs, or even cancellation
of the forum, if such is the result of an event, occurrence, effect or any cause outside the control of FINAT (force
majeure), including but not limited to fire, casualty, accident, riot or war, act of God, civil disturbance, act of public
enemy, strike, lock-out, labour conditions or other labour controversy, failure or inability to obtain any necessary
permit or licence, failure or delay or reduction in transportation facilities or water, electricity or other public utilities,
judicial order, law or enactment, order or act of any governmental instrument or military authority.
FINAT accepts no responsibility for possible injuries sustained during any part of the event.
Useful information
FINAT congress hotel
Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Center
Piet Heinkade 11, 1019 BR Amsterdam
Room rates
€ 209 single
€ 228 double
Including breakfast, excluding 5,5% city tax
Includes free wifi internet
Other hotels in the vicinity of the Moevenpick and Amsterdam Central Station
Should the Moevenpick be fully booked, here is a selection of hotels in the near vicinity:
Park Plaza Victoria Amsterdam, 4* (0,14 km from Central Station) www.parkplaza.com/amsterdam
NH Amsterdam Barbizon Palace 5* (0,21 km from Central Station) www.nh-hotels.com/hotels/amsterdam
Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Centre 4* (0,37 km from Central Station) www.inntelhotelsamsterdamcentre.nl/
Tulip Inn Amsterdam Centre 3* (0,38 km from Central Station) www.tulipinnamsterdamcentre.com/nl
Hotel Citadel 3* (0,5 km) www.hotelcitadel.nl/en/
To find other hotels around Amsterdam Central Station visit: www.hotelspecials.nl/nl/noord-holland/amsterdam/
Getting there
Schiphol Airport (www.schiphol.nl) 22 km from the Moevenpick.
1. Train: www.ns.nl
From Schiphol airport to Amsterdam Central Station : Track 1, 2 or 3, every 10-15 minutes. From Amsterdam Central
Station to Schiphol: Track 14 or 15, every 10 minutes
2. Taxi: In front of the arrival hall at Schiphol airport
3. Bus: www.schiphol.nl/Travellers/ToFromSchiphol/PublicTransport/BusServices.htm
4. Shuttle service by Moevenpick to and from Central Station every 30 minutes, starting at 07.00 until 19.30 hrs (5-10
minutes drive). To be reserved at the concierge desk. Max. 8 pax per car. Telno : +31-20-5191213.
Piet Heinkade Parking, Piet Heinkade 59, www.parkeren-amsterdam.com/piet-hein-garage
Oosterdok Parking, Oosterdoksstraat 150, www.parkingcentrumoosterdok.nl/english/