BBB - Terra Dent
BBB - Terra Dent
Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond Guided Bone Regeneration Symposium May 17th, 2014 Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido BBB 3° 2014 Welcome to Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond Prof. Ulf Nannmark Page Index Dear Colleagues, 2 Welcome 3 Scientific program 4 Speakers 7 Workshop & social program 8 Venice 9 Hotel Excelsior 11 Venice Lido Hotels 12 Venice highlights & guided visits 14 Transfers & accommodations 15 General information 17 Registration form it is our great pleasure to introduce the first international BBB Symposium on guided tissue regeneration. The unique venue of the Excelsior Hotel in Venice will host a full day of lectures dedicated to the most advanced techniques and materials for GBR, held by a group of researchers and clinicians that have dedicated their professional life to these fascinating topics. There is a great and growing need to treat periodontal defects, as well as to restore adequate bone volume before or in implant treatment. In parallel, patients have high expectations regarding function, esthetics, rehabilitation time and operative discomfort. How can we and do we respond to all these requirements ? As P.I. Brånemark always taught us: “by respecting mother nature” which is the ultimate challenge in the treatment of our patients. This challenge comprises to develop biomaterials and surgical techniques that allow neovascularisation in the grafted area, cells to rapidly form new bone on and within surfaces that mimic autogenous bone, and, finally by stimulating osteoclastic resorption and consequent progressive replacement of the scaffold with newly formed bone. Furthermore, an extremely interesting frontier is the search for valid alternatives to connective tissue grafts as soft tissue augmentation can and will help surgeons to expand and improve clinical performance, both in implant dentistry and periodontology. We welcome you therefore to join this event, which goes beyond the specific issues related to bone and biomaterials, with the ambition to provide a comprehensive perspective for oral rehabilitation of our patients, deriving from research, long term clinical experience and passion for our profession. See you in Venice! BBB 3° 2014 2 Prof. Antonio Barone Ulf Nannmark Antonio Barone Scientific program Friday 16th May 2014 13,00 – 14,00 Lunch 14,00 - 17,30 WORKSHOP The biological way of bone augmentation Prof. H. Wachtel 14.00 - 14,45 Sinus lift procedure via lateral approach: from the 3D imaging diagnosis to the impact of biomaterials Dr. F. D’Avenia, Dr. P. Martegani Starting from 19,30 Welcome cocktail and Gala dinner (see p. 7 for details) Saturday 17th May 2014 14,45 – 15,15 Treatment of peri-implant lesions Prof. C. Slotte SYMPOSIUM Moderator: Prof. L. Checchi 15,15 – 15,45 Treatment of dehiscences and fenestrations around immediate post-extractive implants Prof. J. L. Calvo Guirado 09,30 - 10,00 Bone tissue reactions to different bone grafting materials Prof. L. Sennerby 15,45 - 16,15 Coffee break 10,00 - 10,45 Possibilities and limits of Periodontal Regeneration: where are we today? Dr. R. Rossi, Dr. M. G. Grusovin 16,15 – 17,00 Treatment of extreme cases Dr. P. Palacci, Prof. U. Nannmark 10,45 - 11,15 Soft tissue augmentation - do we need autologous grafts? Dr. K. Fischer 17,00 – 17,30 Future treatment of severe crestal atrophies: from autologous bone to heterologous bone blocks Dr. P. Felice, Dr. R. Pistilli 11,15 - 11,45 Coffee break 17,30 – 18,00 Questions and answers Prof. A. Barone, Prof. U. Nannmark 11,45 - 12,30 How to manage fresh extraction sockets Prof. A. Barone, Prof. A. Piattelli 12,30 - 13,00 Bone augmentation with the "Bone Lamina technique” Prof. H. Wachtel Language: Translation for Symposium lectures only: BBB 3° 2014 3 Speakers BBB 3° 2014 4 Antonio BARONE Doctor of Dentistry and Dental Surgery. Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Sciences. European Master in Oral Medicine and Surgery, University of Toulouse, France. Clinical Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Pisa, Italy. Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA. Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Periodontology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA. Vice-President of European Federation of Oral Surgery Societies (EFOSS). President of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology (SICOI). Pietro FELICE Dr Pietro Felice graduated in dentistry (1998) and medicine (2002) at the University of Bologna. Since 2006 he has been a lecturer in the Master course on Periodontics and Implantology at the Department of Odontostomatological Sciences, University of Bologna. In 2009 he was awarded his Ph.D in Maxillofacial and Dermatological Reconstructive Sciences at the Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Unit of Bologna University. Dr Felice has published articles in international peer-reviewed journals and serves on the editorial board of the European Journal of Oral Implantology and the Cochrane Collaboration. He works in private practice limited to reconstructive preprosthetic surgery and implantology . José Luis CALVO GUIRADO Odontology degree at the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) 1989. Phd degree in dentistry at the University of Murcia (Spain) in 2001. Senior lecturer professor of general dentistry at School of dentistry (since 1998), Chairman and Head professor of implant dentistry course (since 2001) - University of Murcia. European board certificate in oral surgery by European Federation for oral surgery societies (EFOSS) in 2002. Clinical researcher and european mentor of Straumann and MIS dental system. Clinical researcher for Tecnoss (biomaterials, Italy) since 2001. Director of ITI Murcia Study club. Author and Reviewer of different Journals. Kai FISCHER Dr. Fischer graduated in dentistry in 2009 and received his title “ dent” in 2011. Between 2010-2012, he was working as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Periodontolgy, University of Wuerzburg (Germany), where he obtained further training in periodontology and implant dentistry. In 2013, he became a Specialist in Periodontics of the German Society of Periodontology (DGParo). Currently, he is a Clinical Supervisor and Honorary Research Associate at the Department of Periodontology at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London (UK). Dr. Fischer has published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Luigi CHECCHI Medical and Surgical degree in 1973, Dental Specialist in 1976 at the University of Bologna (Italy). Certificate in Periodontics in 1984 at the University of Southern California (USA). Professor of Oral Surgery (19902002) at the School of Dentistry in Bologna (Italy). Dean of the School of Dentistry (1994-1997) at the University of Bologna (Italy). Professor of Periodontology since 2002. He published several papers and books on periodontal surgeries, oral hygiene and dental sutures. His practice is limited to Periodontics and Implantology. He is in the editorial board of “Prevenzione & Assistenza Dentale” e “Dental Cadmos” Elsevier Masson S.r.L. and Co- Editor of “The Open Dentistry Journal” Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Maria Gabriella GRUSOVIN Graduated in Dentistry in Trieste, part-time Associate Researcher University of Turku (Finland) (1991-1997) Specialist in Periodontology and Implantology in Jönköping (Sweden). Lecturer at post-graduated courses in Periodontology, and Master courses in Implantology, international and national congresses. Senior clinical teaching instructor at the University of Manchester (2007-2011). Active member of the Italian Society of Osseointegration (SIO). Member of editorial board of Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia (RIS) and of the European Journal of Oral Implantology (EJOI). Author and Co-author for Cochrane Reviews and of several articles in peer-reviewed journals and of book chapters. Ferdinando D’AVENIA Received the degree in Dental Surgery in 1988 at the university of Parma, where he lives and practices. Actual visiting professor at the University of Parma since 2000, with specific interest in advanced regenerative tecniques. From 1989 runs a private practice with specific focus on periodontal and implant treatment and nowadays focused on treating advanced cases of alveolar atrophy. National and International lecturer, membrer of AO, EAO, SIDP. Paolo MARTEGANI Dr. Paolo Martegani graduated ‘cum laude’ in Dentistry at the Pavia University in 2000. He started his carreer as health officer in the Italian Navy (2001-2002) at the La Spezia Hospital (Italy). He is now a private practitioner in Varese and Talamona (Italy), limited to Periodontology, Implant dentistry and Prosthetic rehabilitation. He’s been active in teaching and research on topics related to Parodontology and Implantology. He is a member of the Italian academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP) and of the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIDP). Speakers Ulf NANNMARK DDS degree at Göteborg University, Göteborg (Sweden) in 1985. He continued with research under the mentorship of professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark and defended his PhD thesis in 1992. The same year he became Senior lecturer (Docent) at the Göteborg University. Until 2004 he was appointed Associate professor at the Brånemark Osseointegration Center in Göteborg working in close collaboration with P-I Brånemark in developing different methods in OI rehabilitation. Since then he is working in private practice as well as developing methods for bone regeneration. He is the author of more than 100 scientific articles and book chapters and is both lecturing and giving courses all around the world. Roberto ROSSI Dr. Rossi graduated 'cum laude' at the Genoa University in 1987, after 2 years in private practice he started his career as a Periodontist at Boston University where he completed his program of specialization in 1991. In 1992 he received his Master of Science in Periodontology with a research that was later published on the Journal of Periodontology. He returned to Italy in 1992 where he established his practice limited to Periodontology and Implant dentistry. Since then he has been professor in different Italian and foreign Universities. He is author and co-author of papers published on peer- reviewed papers, and lecturer on topics related to guided tissue regeneration, periodontal plastic sugery and esthetics on teeth and implants. Patrick PALACCI DDS degree at Marseille University, (France) in 1975. Postgraduate education in periodontology (1977-1981) at Boston University where he was appointed as a visiting professor in 1982. Private practitioner in Marseille and head of Brånemark Osseointegration Center in Marseille, working in very tight relationship with Prof. Per-Ingvar Brånemark. Developer of several techniques in relation with optimal implant positioning, papilla regeneration technique and aesthetic implant dentistry. Author of numerous scientific articles and of two textbooks published by Quintessence. Dr. Palacci got the first NobelPharma Award in 1995. Lars SENNERBY Dr Lars Sennerby is presently part-time professor at the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, Sweden and co-owner of Clinica Feltre, Feltre, Italy. Dr Sennerby graduated from the Gothenburg University with a DDS degree in 1986 and defended his PhD-thesis in 1991. Dr Sennerby got his training in implant surgery at the Brånemark Clinic, Gothenburg, Sweden. Dr Sennerby is co-editor-in-chief of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. He has published some 300 scientific papers and book chapters on bone biology and implant dentistry. Adriano PIATTELLI Full Professor of Oral Pathology and Medicine at the Dental School, University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). Dean and Director of Studies and Research from 1997 to 2009. In the years 2003-2005 he was President of the Italian Society of Osseointegration (S.I.O.). Member of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), of the Board of the Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine (1993-1999) and of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research (2002- ). Reviewer of international Journals, Prof. Piattelli has coauthored more than 600 papers in international peer-reviewed Journals. His main research interests have been immediate loading, bone response to different biomaterials and to human implants. Christer SLOTTE Consultant and director of the postgraduate programme in periodontology at the Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education in Jönköping. Awarded his PhD degree at the Department of Biomaterials at the University of Gothenburg in 2003 and has since contributed scientifically in the field of biomaterials, implant treatment and periodontology in several original papers and book sections. He has contributed in the development and implementation of a national quality register for dental implants in Sweden. Currently, his research is focused on short implants and bone augmentation procedures using bone substitutes. Roberto PISTILLI 1st level Medical Director at the School of Maxillo Facial Surgery of the San Filippo Neri Hospital, Rome. Adjunct Professor at the Faculty “G.D’Annunzio” of Chieti from 2007. Adjunct Professor at the Faculty “La Sapienza” of Rome from 2010. Adjunct Professor at the Faculty “Alma Mater Studiorum” of Bologna from 2011. Member of the scientific committee of the “International Journal of Osteointegration” and of the Editorial Board of the “European Journal of Oral Implantology”. He is author of over 70 publications on national and international scientific journals. For many years his main interests have been regenerative surgery of the maxilla and advanced implantology. Hannes WACHTEL Dental degree at the University of Tübingen (Germany) in 1982. He followed the postgraduate program in prosthodontics at the University of Southern California (1982-83). He served as associate professor in the Department of Periodontology at the Free University of Berlin (1984-1994), receiving his Ph.D. (1992). Since 1994, he has a private clinic with Dr. Bolz devoted to periodontology, implantology, and restorative dentistry. In the editorial board of several journals, including Journal of clinical Periodontology, he is member of numerous dental societies, and has authored/coauthored over 100 scientific articles and book chapters. Currently, he is professor at the University of Berlin, and at the University of Gothenburg. BBB 3° 2014 5 OsteoBiol ® Workshop Social Program Friday 16th May 2014 WORKSHOP PROGRAM Friday 16th May 2014 EVENING PROGRAM Prof. Hannes WACHTEL 19,30 Welcome cocktail and appetizers The biological way of bone augmentation 20,00 Gala dinner Venetian Menu at Sala Stucchi, an impressive hall “Luis XV” style 14,00 - 15,00 The biological criteria for bone augmentation 15,00 - 15,30 The Bone Lamina technique 15,30 - 16,00 Coffee break 16,00 - 16,30 Live demonstration of the Bone Lamina technique 16,30 - 17,30 Clinical indication and complication management of the Bone Lamina technique BBB 3° 2014 7 Venice “ There is something so different in Venice from any other place in the world, that you leave at once all accustomed habits and everyday sights to enter an enchanted garden.” Mary Shelley Venice Canal Grande St. Mark's Cathedral Venice at night Venice, the world's only pedestrian city, is easily walkable, and the absence of cars makes this a particularly pleasant experience. However, walking and standing all day can also be exhausting: so it is best to pace yourself enjoying the world’s most artistic masterpieces per square kilometer. The 118 Rialtine islands - the 'main' part of Venice - are small enough to walk from one end to the other in about an hour, provided you do not get lost (a common occurrence). Along the way you will discover marvelous art, superb architecture and breathtaking urban landscaping. BBB 3° 2014 8 The remaining islands of the Venetian lagoon can be easily reached by waterbuses: a visit to the glass-making island of Murano or to the picturesque fishing island of Burano should also be part of a stay in Venice. Hotel Excelsior Located right on Venice Lido beach, the Hotel Excelsior is a masterpiece of Venetian architecture dating back to the early 1900. An exclusive 5 star Deluxe Resort, of Moorish style and recalling a fabulous Venetian Renaissance palace, the Hotel Excelsior is ideal for family holidays, romantic getaways, conferences or special events in Venice. Stunning halls overlooking the sea, highly creative, contemporary Italian cuisine and competent, skilled staff, become ingredients of the Hotel’s recognition and awareness among the best special events locations. The latest renovation dates winter 2012/2013, during which the majority of guest accommodations have been refurbished: from tapestries to spacious showers, aimed to the best of comfort and in compliance with the traditional unique Moorish style of the Hotel Excelsior. Hotel Excelsior confirms therefore its standing position among Venice and Lido hospitality paying attention to the most demanding Guests. BBB 3° 2014 9 Hotel Excelsior The unique Moorish style that characterizes the Hotel Excelsior is present in all its 197 spacious Guestrooms, of which 8 are Junior Suites and 15 Suites. All accommodations provide external view: to the sea, to Venice, to the lagoon, and to the suggestive Moorish Court with its fountain and lavish garden. Wifi connection is free throughout the property. BBB 3° 2014 10 Category: 5 Star L, seasonal resort, open from April until October Rooms: 197, among which 8 Junior Suites and 15 Suites Restaurants: Tropicana Restaurant, featuring panoramic sea-view terrace La Taverna Restaurant, at beach level, for informal lunches Bars: Blue Bar with piano bar service Pool Bar informal attire, at poolside Beach Bar at beach level Services: Free shuttle service by boat from the Hotel’s private dock to St. Mark’s and viceversa, with regular departures all day long Private beach equipped with cabanas Free WIFI on premises and beach Panoramic sea-view Terrace Pool Fitness area Kids Club Nearby: Outdoor Tennis courtyards located next to the Hotel 18-hole Golf Course Rooms starting from € 220 Hotels Venice Lido Special price granted to BBB participants QUATTRO FONTANE HOTEL **** HOTEL LA MERIDIANA *** Rooms starting from € 230 Rooms starting from € 140 Via Quattro Fontane, 16 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041-5260227 Via Lepanto, 45 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 526 0343 AUSONIA & HUNGARIA **** VILLA EDERA *** Rooms starting from € 170 Rooms starting from € 145 Gran Viale S. Maria Elisabetta, 28 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 2420060 Via Negroponte, 13 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 731575 MAREA HOTELS PETIT PALAIS **** HOTEL RIVAMARE ** Rooms starting from € 130 Rooms starting from € 115 Lungomare Marconi, 54 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 5264030 Lungomare Marconi 44 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 5260352 BBB 3° 2014 11 Venice Highlights GETTING AROUND... Guided Visits HALF DAY TOURS Take a stroll on foot Perhaps the best way to enjoy the heart of Venice, off the more beaten paths. Distances are short: get a map of the city, and don’t bother to get “lost” in the back streets, bridges and campi (squares) that make up the real Venice. Yellow signs, usually on the wall of a corner building, will direct you to the major spots. Take the vaporetto (water bus, ACTV public transportation) The vaporetto is an easy way to admire all the mansions and buildings that overlook the Grand Canal and the lagoon. At every stop there are maps depicting the directions of where all the boats stopping there are going. You can buy the ACTV tickets at the ticket booths on the docks or at the VE.LA. ticket offices. You can also buy tickets from one of the many authorised sellers (tobacconists’, newspaper stores and some cafés): remember to stamp your ticket in the yellow machine or to pass your electronic ticket before getting on the vaporetto. Tickets are not sold on board the boats. If you find yourself on board without a ticket, inform the ACTV crew immediately so as to avoid paying a fine. Cross the Grand Canal on gondola ferry crossing You can feel the excitement of a gondola ride at a cheap price by using the ferry crossings that link the various parts of the two sides of the Grand Canal. Venetians use this transportation when they need to move quickly from one side of the Grand Canal to another without crossing one of its bridges. There are gondola ferries at San Marcuola, Santa Sofia, San Tomà, San Samuele and Santa Maria del Giglio. Take a water taxi Recognisable by the yellow strip on the sides and the concession number. BBB 3° 2014 12 Take a gondola Surely the most romantic way to go sightseeing in Venice. Ask the gondolier how much that will cost before getting on board. 1) The historical center of the Serenissima Republic of Venice Meeting point: The monument (statue on a horseback) near San Zaccaria ferry stop. A guided visit to the political and religious center of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, St. Mark’s Square, the Ducal Palace with its gorgeous halls, and the Basilica, the main center of the town's public and religious life, is the place where the Dogi were consecrated and one of Venice's most renowned symbols, also called the golden Basilica, because of its golden mosaics, evoquing a magical atmosphere. 2) Dorsoduro District and the gondola building yards Dorsoduro is on the south side of Venice. There are many possible walks one can do in this area, all including historically important places as well as more popular spots. During this special visit the participants will be taken to the Squero (gondola yard) of San Trovaso, one of the oldest in Venice and still in activity. The “squerarolo“ (the owner) will be happy to open his yard to his very selected guests and show how a gondola is made. From the squero the visit will continue as far as the to the Zattere promenade where the tour ends. Guided Visits HALF DAY TOURS FULL DAY TOUR Tour of the islands Meeting point: Lido Santa Maria Elisabetta Ferry pier. The whole day will be dedicated to visiting the islands of the lagoon which are celebrated for their splendid monuments and handicrafts. On Murano, after admiring the charming apse of SS Maria Donato we will visit a glass factory and see the famous glass of Murano being made. On Torcello we will visit the Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta with its precious mosaics, testimony to the oldest settlement in the lagoon. Luncheon will be on Burano, the island of fishermen and lace makers, in a typical restaurant, with the afternoon free to wander and shop. € 168,00 p.p. 3) The magic of the Venetian ‘700: Cà Rezzonico The cost includes: chartered boat for the day, top level professional assistants, entrances, lunch in a selected restaurant, VAT A guided walking tour through the very heart of the city will take participants to Cà Rezzonico, noble palace, built in the Venetian ‘700 by Baldassarre Longhena and still maintaining traces and pieces of furniture of the rich families who lived here and who had it decorated and enriched by masterpieces of famous venetian artists such as Giambattista Tiepolo. An extremely rich and unforgettable visit. Half day tours: 1) The historical center of the Serenissima Republic of Venice 3) The magic of the Venetian ‘700: Cà Rezzonico € 55,00 p.p. 2) Dorsoduro District and the gondola building yards € 58,00 p.p. The costs include: top level professional guide, entrance, radio system (one transmitter and more receivers) for communication between guide and participants, VAT BBB 3° 2014 13 Transfers “Marco Polo” Airport Airport to Excelsior-Alilaguna Rossa line “Santa Lucia” Railway station Railway station to Excelsior-Actv line 51 Tronchetto Parking Tronchetto Ferry-boat to Lido-Actv line 17 St. Mark’s Square Excelsior shuttle service Hotel Excelsior HOTEL EXCELSIOR Lungomare Marconi, 41 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel.: +39 041 5260201 FROM MARCO POLO VENICE AIRPORT On Friday 16th at our dedicated BBB desk at the airport you will be provided with complimentary public transportation one way tickets "Alilaguna Rossa". Getting to The Lido (Santa Maria Elisabetta stop) takes approximately one hour. The Hotel Excelsior is few minutes away by walk, by bus or by taxi. Alternatively, it is possible to get a water taxi, available 24h/24, at the Taxi Desk out of the Airport. FROM ST. LUCIA VENICE TRAIN STATION Public transportation is available taking ferry boat line 51 to the stop at Lido (Santa Maria Elisabetta stop). Alternatively it is possible to get a water taxi, out of the train station. The Hotel Excelsior is few minutes away by walk, by bus or taxi. BY CAR For those guests who desire to reach the Lido by car, at the end of Ponte della Libertà, connecting Venice to the mainland, Tronchetto needs to be reached to take the ferry boat line 17 to the Lido. BBB 3° 2014 14 COMPLIMENTARY SHUTTLE SERVICE FROM AND TO ST. MARK'S SQUARE FOR HOTEL EXCELSIOR GUEST The Hotel Excelsior offers a complimentary shuttle service from and to St. Mark's Square, available all day long on a regular basis. The ride takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Accommodations Excelsior Quattro Fontane Hotel Ausonia & Hungaria Marea Hotels Petit Palais Hotel La Meridiana Villa Edera Hotel Rivamare LIDO’S HOTELS HOTEL EXCELSIOR ***** Lungomare Marconi, 41 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 5260201 HOTEL LA MERIDIANA *** Via Lepanto, 45 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 526 0343 QUATTRO FONTANE HOTEL **** Via Quattro Fontane, 16 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 5260227 VILLA EDERA *** Via Negroponte, 13 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 731575 AUSONIA & HUNGARIA **** Gran Viale S. Maria Elisabetta, 28 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 2420060 HOTEL RIVAMARE ** Lungomare Marconi 44 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 5260352 MAREA HOTELS PETIT PALAIS **** Lungomare Marconi, 54 30126 - Venice Lido (VE), Italy Tel. +39 041 5264030 Free shuttle service on Saturday morning from the above Lido hotels to the congress venue General information Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond Organized by Registration fee Congress Studio Venezia International S.A.S. Congress Via Giordano Bruno, 29 - 30174 Mestre (Venezia) - Italy € 200.00 (including VAT) includes 2 coffee-breaks and lunch buffet on May 17th Tel. +39 041 951112 social dinner excluded Fax +39 041 957056 email: Workshop € 250.00 (including VAT) includes 1 coffee-break on May 16th Gala dinner € 100.00 (including VAT) includes welcome cocktail and dinner at Sala Stucchi Event venue Hotel Excelsior Terms of participation and cancellation policy Lungomare Marconi, 41, Lido di Venezia, 30126 IT All possible refunds will be processed after the end of the Symposium Tel. +39 041 5260201 - Any cancellation must be sent by fax or e-mail to the organizing body Fax: +39 041 5267276 - Cancellations received until 10.05.2014: will be refunded 50% of the amount paid - Cancellations received after 10.05.2014: no refund provided Event language Participants wishing to attend are encouraged to register in advance and as The official event language is English. early as possible. Simultaneous translation will be provided for the Symposium lectures only in All participants who pay the registration fee no later than 16.04.2014, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian language. will receive 2 free boxes of OsteoBiol® mp3 1cc. Terms of payment Payment can be made by credit card or by bank transfer. Please note that registrations will only be accepted if the requested services are available and after receipt of the completed Registration Form and payment: payment shall be done in Euro. The confirmation of registration & invoice will be sent upon receipt of payment. BBB 3° 2014 15 Registration Form Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond BBB 2014 - Saturday 17th MAY 2014 Family Name* _____________________________________ First Name* _________________________________________________________________________ Address* _________________________ Zip Code* _______ City* ___________________________ Country* ___________________________ ___________________________________ E-mail* ________________________________________ Phone* ___________________________ Fax* Billing Data Fiscal Denomination*_________________________________________________________ VAT N° ___________________________ Address*_________________________ Zip Code* _______ City* ___________________________ Country* ___________________________ Registration fee (1 ticket for transfer from Marco Polo Airport to Lido included - Alilaguna boats) Additional ticket for transfer from Marco Polo Airport to Lido - Alilaguna boats Cost: 15 €/ticket (VAT incl) 1 +15 € Friday 16th May 2014 workshop of Prof. Wachtel Cost: 250 €/person (VAT incl) 2 +30 € 3 +45 € more (specify) ..... Total: 250 € (VAT incl) 1 2 3 +100 € +200 € +300 € Friday gala dinner Cost: 100 €/person (VAT incl) Hotels prices (starting from, VAT incl): * Field is required Total: 200 € (VAT incl) Arrival date Single N° rooms HOTEL EXCELSIOR ***** € 220,00 QUATTRO FONTANE HOTEL **** € 230,00 AUSONIA & HUNGARIA **** € 170,00 MAREA HOTELS PETIT PALAIS **** € 130,00 HOTEL LA MERIDIANA *** € 140,00 VILLA EDERA *** € 145,00 HOTEL RIVAMARE ** € 115,00 (credit card details needed for confirmation / balance payment upon arrival) more (specify) ..... Double N° rooms N° Nights € € € € € € € 253,00 240,00 190,00 150,00 160,00 155,00 130,00 Tour date Tour price € 55,00 p.p. € 58,00 p.p. € 55,00 p.p. € 168,00 p.p. Preferred payment method: Bank transfer Iban: IT 46 M 01030 02000 000001483357 SWIFT: PASCITMMMET Credit card brand ...................................................... Credit card N° ........................................................... ......... /......... Name on credit card .................................................. Guided visits (please do not pay tours until you receive your tour confirmation from agency) HALF DAY TOURS (Minimum 12 pax) 1) The historical center of the Serenissima Republic of Venice 2) Dorsoduro District and the gondola building yards 3) The magic of the Venetian ‘700: Cà Rezzonico FULL DAY TOUR (Minimum 40 pax) Tour of the islands Total: .................................................. (VAT incl) N° persons Signature* ....................................................... Please send this enrolment form to Congress Studio: Email: Fax: +39 041 957056 BBB 3° 2014 17 Antonio BARONE | Josè CALVO GUIRADO | Luigi CHECCHI | Pietro FELICE | Kai FISCHER Ferdinando D’AVENIA Gabriella GRUSOVIN | Paolo MARTEGANI | Ulf NANNMARK Patrick PALACCI | Adriano PIATTELLI | Roberto PISTILLI Roberto ROSSI | Lars SENNERBY | Christer SLOTTE | Hannes WACHTEL Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond Guided Bone Regeneration Symposium May 17th, 2014 Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido BBB 3° 2014 Gold Sponsor OsteoBiol ® Silver Sponsors