Hillside Greens - At Hillside Greens, we have a special offer in
Hillside Greens - At Hillside Greens, we have a special offer in
Hillside Greens a development by a development by “All I want is to stand in a field, to smell green, to taste air, to feel....” - Philip Pulfrey Amenities Directions To Aburi Peduase Lodge Toll Booth Hillside Greens To Abokobi Adenta Barrier Presec Legon University of Ghana Legon Okponglo Shiashie To Lapaz To Tema Tetteh Quarshie To Accra Central Kotoka International Airport The decision to buy a new home is as important as starting a new family. So we created your very own green haven of nurture, tactfully cradled on the banks of the Aburi hills, nest-safe, lush and serene. Welcome to Hillside Greens. The sun is yours, if you so choose. Especially if you have ever been interested in solar energy or toyed with the idea of having a reservoir of naturally filtered water. Feel safe, be free. Flip to choose homes. SUBLIME ELEGANCE 105 sqm 2 Bedroom House/Expandable STARTING USD 79,500 FRO M Porch Living area Dining area Guest washroom Kitchen Kitchen store Kitchen terrace Master suite 2nd bedroom Parking We designed the rooms in such a way that light and air would be your most frequent visitors. We trust you will enjoy their company. STARK SIMPLICITY 120 sqm 2 Bedroom DELUXE House Porch Living area Dining area Guest washroom Kitchen Kitchen store Kitchen terrace Master suite 2nd bedroom Parking STARTING USD 95,000 FRO M Boil, fry, bake, grate, chop... SERENE SYMPHONY 140 sqm 3 Bedroom House STARTING USD 150,000 FRO M Porch Living area Dining area Guest washroom Kitchen Kitchen store Kitchen terrace Master suite 2 bedrooms Parking Every room is crafted with the most painstaking precision. PURE CHIC 150 sqm 3 Bedroom House Porch Living area Dining area Guest washroom Kitchen Kitchen store Kitchen terrace Master suite 2 bedrooms Parking STARTING USD 160,000 FRO M Unwind and have fun, socialise, fraternise, relax. CHASTE ELEGANCE 210 sqm 4 Bedroom House + Help’s Quarters STARTING USD 225,000 FRO M Grand porch Living area Dining area Guest washroom Kitchen Kitchen store Kitchen terrace Master bedroom 3 bedrooms Help’s quarters Parking Large compound Upstais or downstairs, design your own castle. BOLD ELEGANCE 230 sqm 4 Bedroom House + Help’s Quarters Porch Living area Dining area Guest washroom Kitchen Kitchen store Kitchen terrace Study Master bedroom 3 bedrooms Help’s quarters Parking Large compound Pool (optional) STARTING USD 245,000 FRO M ... and you only need to deposit to secure your house So why not seize this great opportunity now? Come Home. For further details kindly call: +233 302 761 560 Or send your inquiries to Egya-Boi or Racheal: ebawoonor@skytraininvest.com / racheal@skytraininvest.com Office location: Y21A Agostinho Neto Road Airport Residential Area Accra. developed by in association with primary investor development affiliates * Serviced Plots avaialble @ $23,000