together for a more flexible education


together for a more flexible education
•Akademiet Online Studies
•Sàmi University College
•Lillehammer University College
•Scandinavian Language •AVRE (Association of Vocational
Training Institute
•NKI Nettstudier
•Sogn and Fjordane Rehabilitation Enterprises)
•Bergen University College
•NKS online Education
•BI Norwegian Business School
•Norges Byggskole
•BI Norwegian Business School,
•Norsk Industri nettskole
•Sør-Trønderlag Banking and Insurance
•Campus NooA
•Diakonhjemmet University College
•Norsk Nettskole
•Norwegian Centre for Real Estate Studies
•Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
•Online learning for Agriculture and Community
University College
University College
•Telemark University College
•The Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC)
•University of Agder
•University of Bergen
•University of Nordland
•OPK Instituttet
•University of Oslo
•Oslo and Akershus •University of Tromsø
University College
•Individual members
•Folkeuniversitetet Nettstudier
Flexible Education Norway is
a members’ organization for
suppliers of flexible online
education. Universities, university
colleges, officially approved
online schools and several other
institutions have a common forum
in Flexible Education Norway. With
40 members to date we represent a
considerable breadth and depth of
experience in flexible education.
The organization was founded
in 1968. The name has changed
along with the technology.
Up to 10 September 2013 it
was known as the Norwegian
Association for Distance
Education and Flexible
Education (the Norwegian
acronym NFF).
Membership advantages: Your
institution participates in a
dynamic specialist environment
with extensive experience
in online studies, flexible
education and the use of ICT as
a pedagogical tool.
Flexible Education Norway is a
mouthpiece for those who use
edtech to reach out to students
and who wish to develop
online education and student
support. As a society Norway
needs a highly educated
population. Each individual
needs access to education of
guaranteed quality.
Flexible Education Norway
works for cooperation between
public and private suppliers as
well as for quality in edcuation,
besides being the joint body
for officially approved online
Flexible Education Norway
is responsible for setting
qualitative standards for
online education, for the
allocation of development
funds and an annual report on
Vox-subsidized development
projects in online schools.
Flexible Education Norway
takes care of contact with
the Ministry of Education
and research, the National
Agency for Lifelong Learning
(Vox), the National Agency for
Quality Assurance in Education
(NOKUT) and the Norwegian
State Educational Loan Fund
on behalf of its members. The
State Educational Loan Fund,
Flexible Education Norway’s
voice on educational policy
can be heard through hearings,
in the media and in its own
periodical Synkron.
Flexible Education Norway’s
vision is to contribute towards
obtaining optimal conditions
for online education and
improving the recognition of
its potential.
Flexible Education Norway
regularly, for example, The
Online Teacher Guide, How
to Arrange Online Seminars,
The Game IT Handbook,
Guide to the IT Classroom, 15
Educational Stories.
shall create fora for
professional debate and
stimulate development and
innovation in this field.
Flexible Education Norway
arranges an annual national
conference and various
seminars and courses, which
are at a discount or free for
Flexible Education Norway
participates in Nordic and
European networks and
projects. Our aim is to
contribute to the Nordic,
European and international
flexible education community.
Handbooks, guides and reports
on topical issues are published
Flexible Education Norway
publishes Synkron, the
magazine for innovative
education. Our aim is to
communicate practical
experience and research,
and otherwise stay ahead of
what is happening in the field.
Members contribute ideas and
•Akademiet Online Studies
•Folkeuniversitetet Nettstudier
•Sàmi University College
•Scandinavian Language •AVRE (Association of Vocational •Lillehammer University College
Training Institute
Rehabilitation Enterprises)
•Sogn and Fjordane University College
•Bergen University College
•NKI Nettstudier
•BI Norwegian Business School
•NKS online Education
•Sør-Trønderlag University •BI Norwegian Business School, •Norges Byggskole
Banking and Insurance
•Norsk Industri nettskole
•Telemark University College
•Campus NooA
•Norsk Nettskole
•The Norwegian Defence •
•Norwegian Centre for Real Estate Studies
•Norwegian University of •Diakonhjemmet University College
Science and Technology (NTNU)
•Online learning for Agriculture and Community
University College (NDUC)
•University of Agder
•University of Bergen
•University of Nordland
•University of Oslo
•OPK Instituttet
•University of Tromsø
•Oslo and Akershus University College
•Individual members
Membership categories:
B. Public and private educational C. Organisations that wish to discover what
A. Officially approved online schools
institutions that have flexible education
defined as part of their operation.
Petter Kjendlie, Torhild Slåtto, executive director,
tlf. 22 51 04 80 / 99 58 62 58
tlf 22 51 04 80
Ebba Køber, Adresse:
communications advisor,
Lilleakerveien 23, 0283 Oslo
tlf 22 51 04 80
© Flexible education Norway 2013-2014
is going on in the field
D. Individuals