Flowing Like Water


Flowing Like Water
Majalah ICT
All about ICT in Indonesia
No. 03 • February 1—15, 2013
Mito t970
Mito A78
Mito A322
IMO S79 Explorer S
KNK WM7 by Konka
iCon Neo 5”
Does USO
Fund Flow?
with the Beautiful
HTC Deluxe
Final 3G:
Telkomsel vs XL
Hasnul Suhaimi
Like Water
From Editor
COVER Photograph: Hasnul Suhaimi
FOTOGRAFER: Private Collection
Arif Pitoyo
Pemimpin Redaksi
ime flies. We have issued
three editions that provide
information, analysis,
and features around
telecommunication and information
We are quite surprised and proud
at the same time since there are
quite many readers who upload
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This proves that readers have
started to know us.
In addition to the long writings
in the magazine, we also always
present updated brief information
daily around Indonesia’s IT and
telecommunication development.
In the framework of increasing our
content quality, we also strengthen
our team with new reporters.
We also would like to apologize
if there are readers who found
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to improve www.majalahict.com.
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We never forget to expect
constructive inputs or critiques
because without readers, we are
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Guessing The Final of Tender 3G.....6
"Malware Goes Mobile".................10
XL Posted a Net Profit of
IDR2.8 Trillion...............................14
Reviewing Telecommunication Device
Indonesia ICT Institute
Founder Heru Sutadi
Chief Editor Arif Pitoyo
Editorial Address : Villa Cemara No.22
Jl. Sawangan Raya-Depok
Email: redaksi@majalahict.com
Email: marketing@majalahict.com
Telephone: 081511510000 (arif)
Facsimile 021- 7756782
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The Parade of Local Android Smartphone
Mito t970
This smart cellular phone
indeed does not support 3G,
only EDGE, however with
9-inch screen and Protective
case with external USB
Keyboard bundled in its
sale package, it is enough
to make its users have new
IMO S79 Explorer S
IMO S79 Explorer S is
the petite version of IMO
S88 Discovery. S79 uses
Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
Other specifications are
MTK6575M 1GHz Cortex
A9, Internal 512 MB ROM
& 512 MB RAM, external
up to 32GB, Camera 2.0
MP on the back & front
Camera VGA, The price is
approximately IDR 800,000
Mito A322
This smart cellular phone is
rumored to be
the competitor
of IMO S88
Discovery, with
that are nearly
the same. The
difference is
that IMO S88
has 4.3-inch
screen while
the other one
has 4.5-inch
screen. Other
Dual SIM, 3G HSDPA, android
4.0 MTK6577 1 GHz, Internal
4GB NAND FLAS and 512 MB
RAM, back camera 5MP and
front camera VGA, Video Call
and Video Chat. The price is
approximately IDR1.5 million.
experience. Its specifications
are among others CPU 1
GHz, Android 4.0 ICS, 9-inch
screen, dual GSM, internal
4GB RAM and 512 MB
ROM,Back Camera 2MP and
VGA on the front, Call and
SMS, GPRS/EDGE connection
with WiFi, and TV tuner. The
price is approximately IDR
1.5 to 2 million.
Mito A78
This cellular phone
is one of the local
android variants which
support 4-inch screen.
It specifications: dual
SIM, 3G HSPDA, 4-inch
screen, Android 2.3.6
Gingerbread, CPU MTK
1 GHz, internal 256
external micro SD up to 32GB, camera
2MP with video recording. The price is
approximately IDR 800,000
KNK WM7 by Konka
Once again a local smartphone
that supports 5-inch screen and
this one was launched by a local
electronic manufacturer, Konka.
Its specifications: Dual SIM, 3G
HSPDA, 5 inches screen, android
4.0 ICS, external micro SD, back
camera 5MP with Autofocus &
flash, front Camera VGA. The price
is approximately IDR 1.4 million.
iCon Neo 5”
iCon is included in new comers
in local cellular phone industry,
which is parented by NS Mobile.
iCon Neo 5” has 5-inch screen,
android 4.0 ICS, CPU MTK 6575 1
GHz, Internal 4GB ROM, external
microSD up to 32GB, front
camera VGA and back camera 5
MP with Autofocus, WiFi Tethering and
analogue TV. The price is approximately IDR 2
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Arif Pitoyo
Final 3G:
vs XL
inally, as predicted, Telkomsel and XL finally made
it to document verifiction stage and went up
against each other to win the channels 11 and
12 of 1,900 MHz tapes. Particularly for channel
11, such channel will be contested since channel 12
is alleged to be interferred by Smart Telecom signal
Actually there were 3 operators that
submitted offering documents, namely
Telkomsel, XL, and Indosat. From ICT
Magazine source it is reported that
Telkomsel and XL documents were declared
complete, while Indosat missed several
documents, therefore it was declared
incomplete. Despite there has not been
any announcement, the incompleteness
of document causes a participant to be
If XL and Telkomsel will indeed compete each other,
it is in compliance with the statement that both
operators are the most interested parties and require
additional frequency spectrum at present. Indosat has
been in a safe position since it has already obtained
allocation of 42.5 at 900 MHz in total after its
spectrum on 900 MHz had been neutralized by Ministry
of Communication and Information (Kemenkoinfo).
Meanwhile Axis still has enough with 25 Mhz to
service its users at this time, and HCPT with the name
of product Tri can still utilize the second block that it
obtained in December of 2011. HCPT interest is only
in order for the both blocks owned by them at this
present to be contigous.
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
If indeed XL
and Telkomsel
compete each
other, this is
in compliance
with the
statement that
both operators
are the most
parties and
spectrum at
If qualify to the document selection stage, the
qualified participant will go on to the next stage
in which “beauty contest” or feasibility evaluation
is started. Feasibility evaluation is conducted
towards feasibility documentation submitted by
Selection Participant when submitting Application
The elements evaluated in terms of feasibility
are in compliance with what are stipulated in
Selection Document, namely technique, financial
management and regulatory compliance of
Selection Participant.
Technical evaluation concerns what has been
developed by operators with the 10 MHz that has
been allocated in cities distributed by selection
team as well as what the future plan is.
Meanwhile financial management concerns
the corporation financial plan in the future
to exercise the development commitment
conveyed technically including the operator
financial condition at present. On the other
hand regulatory compliance concerns more to
the compliance of this 3G technology usage by
operator. Usage Right (BHP) of Frequency that
has been used includes the payment of fines.
Feasible evaluation is conducted with value
system providing certain numbering value on each
element valued and if in the feasibility evaluation
there are matters that are unclear or doubtful,
Selection Team may clarify with Selection
From the evaluation result, Selection Team
determines Selection result rank with the order
of Selection result ranking based on the highest
valuation of feasibility evaluation result. In the
event there is a similar number of valuation,
therefore ranking order determination is seen
from the higher evaluation value of financial
From such result, Selection Team announces
Selection result through Ministry of
Communication and Informatics, and if according
to schedule, Ministry of Communication and
Informatics will officially determine the feasible
operator in obtaining additional 3G block on March
5, 2013 (majalahICT/ap/hs)
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
The Final of 3G Tender
Arif Pitoyo
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
3G tender beauty contest on channels 11
and 12 of 2.1 GHz tape has entered selection
stage. From three operators that have
submitted their documents only Telkomsel
and XL’s documents are complete and are entitled
to the next stage.
From such two operators who has a better
chance? Judging from the existing technical data,
Telkomsel’s chance may be a little above XL’s,
particularly if viewed from the number of customers
that reached 125 million people and data customer
that reached 54 million at the end of last year that
were served by 54,000 units of BTS with 3G BTS
of more than 13,000 units, not to mention the
target of data customers of up to 82 million
people until the end of this year.
Meanwhile XL, from the total of customers
of 42.3 million on the third quarter of
and XL are
to win one
channel each,
both operators’
needs that are
2012, 60 percent were data
customers, and this percentage is
expected to be 75% at the end of
XL data network is claimed to be
available in 22 cities. In 2013, XL
targets its 3G service to reach 40
cities by the end of this year.
To increase 3G capacity, XL
certainly hopes to win 3G channel
selection. However, viewed from
customer quality, many of XL
customers use data service actively, while there are
still many Telkomsel customers using basic phone
which reach 47 million customers.
3G network on frequency spectrum of 2.1 GHz has a
total of 60 MHz tape stretch divided into 12 channel
blocks. Each block has 5MHz tape stretch.
As many as 10 channel blocks have been allocated
for five GSM cellular operators, holders of 3G licenses,
namely Telkomsel with blocks 4 and 5, Indosat with
blocks 7 and 8, XL Axiata with blocks 9 and 10, Axis
Telekomunikasi Indonesia with blocks 2 and 3 and
Hutchison Cp Telecommunications (Tri) with blocks 1
and 6.
Both XL and Telkomsel intend to control the
remaining 2 channels at the same time, namely
channels 11 and 12. Moreover, XL that controls the
existing channels 9 and 10 certainly is passionate to
unite all the channels it owns therefore all four of them
will be next to each other.
Telkomsel, with 125 million customers under its belt
is also very interested in obtaining such additional
channels. However, obviously this 3G selection
has been able to be predicted since the beginning,
moreover, Indosat has been awarded with 3G tape on
its 900 MHz frequency.
Telkomsel and XL are predicted to win one channel
each, considering after this tender Kemenkoinfo
will restructure in order for each operator to own
frequency channel side by side.
There is no way of knowing that the winner of
channels 11 and 12 will use such channels after the
restructuring. (majalahICT/ap)
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Where Does Uso
Fund Flow?
Arif Pitoyo
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
SO (Universal Service Obligation) is a form of
government obligation to guarantee public
service availability for each citizen, particularly
telecommunication and informatics services.
Rural Telecommunication and Informatics Hall (BTIP)
that was changed to become Telecommunication
and Informatics Provider and Manager Hall (BP3TI)
is a government institution under Ministry of
communication and Informatics that organizes USO.
USO fund is levied by BP3TI from telecommunication
operators as Non Tax State Revenue (PNBP).
BP3TI generates USO fund through PNBP from
communication organizer operators in the amount of
0.75% from gross income each year.
Starting in 2007 USO levy percentage increased to
become 1.25% from gross income, as regulated under
Minister Of Communication an Informatics Regulation
No.5/PER/M.KOMINFO/2/2007. Provision on type
and rate of PNBP tariff for such USO program is also
expressed in Government Regulation No.7/2009.
In 2010 BP3TI posted an income from USO service
in the amount of IDR1.36 trillion, increased by 23%
compared to 2009 income in the amount of IDR1.1
Since 2012, the government has levied for USO fund
not only from network organizers but also from service
providers such as Internet Service Provider (ISP) and
USO will also be levied from content provider and
technology service provider such as Blackberry.
Issues arose when voice service and District Internet
Service Program were held in villages. The issue was
that such program was not targeted properly. It did
not see the regional capability/limitedness such as
electricity limitedness, denizens access, and others.
Onno W. Purbo, Internet expert, revealed that it was
Kemenkoinfo that always claimed to have connected
more than 5,000 villages. “It seems not that good,”
There is a PLIK
which computer
is still wrapped,
dusty and
broken there are
also computers
that are locked
in village unit
he said. Meanwhile, Indonesia Telecommunication
User Group (ldtug) alleges that several PLIK warnet
(internet shop) at District Internet service (PLIK)
developed by Kemenkoinfo are mostly broken,
abandoned, and useless.
Such organization also found PLIK warnet that
changed its function to become commercial warnet run
by individuals.
“There are PLIKs that changed their names to
become commercial warnets, there are also computers
that are still wrapped, dusty and broken, there are
some locked at village unit cooperation offices (KUD),”
said Y. Bambang Sumaryo at IDTUG.
PLIK was also at one point complained by Community
Information Barn (LIRA), an independent community
institution. According to LIRA, in Java region PLIK
is estimated to be 50% incomplete and in Sumatra
region 70% has not been achieved despite the settled
LIRA opines that USO fund management which
amount reaches up to IDR1.4 trillion per year is not
Funding for 1 PLIK is around IDR75 to 85 million and
there are around 6,000 districts all over Indonesia or
almost IDR500 billion per year.(majalahICT/ap)
Many Constraints at PLIK
arious negative allegations, ranging
from USO and PLIK program failure
to USO fund absorption that is not
transparent addressed to the institutions
it leads, Telecommunication and
Informatics Provider and Manager Hall
In responding to such issue, BP3TI
Santoso Serad revealed that his party
was paying a closer attention to such
“Our evaluation result will be directed
to the core issue, namely the availability
of bandwith, electricity, and open source
human resources,” said the man whose
nick name is pak haji.
According to him, in addition to the
core issue there is also a derivative
issue. Consequently, added Santoso,
PLIK/MPLIK was held with lack of
success. BP3TI admitted that it is now
searching for methods in order for such
program to run according to the initial
objectives and can be enjoyed by the
community optimally.
PLIKs that are scattered all over
Indonesia do not run well according
to their objectives. PLIKs are even
considered as 90% inactive in all cities/
regencies in Indonesia.(majalahICT/ap)
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Goes Mobile"
obile se­
increased in
two fold in the
last two years. Up to the
third quarter last year, the number
of malware detected reached up to 41,051 cases or
increased by around 291% compared to 2011.
According to Isnur Rochmad, Country Manager of
NQ Mobile Inc., the need of safe mobile environment
has become very important in 2013 and the years
ahead since according to data mobile security threat
increases from year to year.
Based on NQ Mobile research, in 2009 only 1,649
cases of malware attacks were found. Then in 2010,
6,760 cases were found, in 2011, 24,794 were found
and in 2012 (up to the third quarter of 2012) 41,051
cases were found.
Other facts, more than 22.7 million of mobile devices
have been infected by mobile malware up to the third
quarter in 2013. The top five countries with infected
mobile devices are China (23.3%), US (20.5%), India
(18.4%), Russia (13.2%) and England (8.3%).
Mobile malware trend is highly affected by popularity
of platform operating system of smartphone. Android
is one of the operating systems attacked by malware,
namely in the amount of 94.7%, followed by Symbian
(4.20%) and Windows Mobile (0.90%).
There are several malware infections through
10 Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
“Android is one
of operating
attacked by
malware the
most, namely in
the amount of
94.7% followed
by Symbian
Mobile (0.90%).
One of the techniques mostly used by malware to
infect such smartphone is by piggybacking, i.e. adding
malware application to popular application and creating
new file applications. The original file application is
disassembled, added with malware and repackaged.
Then such applications with malware are distributed
with various methods for instance through application
store or at portals.
It is even possible that cyber criminals purchase
traffic mobile advertising to stimulate users to
download applications with the above malware. When
users install applications with malware the application
to be installed will include the malware.
Applications that are often the targets of
piggybacking are games, powerful utilities and
There are also other methods through original
application upgrade to malware application. In addition
to the above threats, there is actually a traditional
threat that causes inconvenience in smartphone
usage, namely if there are lost or stolen smartphones
or tablets, meanwhile in the lost devices there are
sensitive data in the form of emails, SMS, Call logs,
photographs, video or others.
The fall of smartphone to the hands of others
may cause the fall of sensitive data to irresponsible
people that may take advantage or cause loss for the
smartphone owners.
Increased Smartphone
Ben Siagian, Country Manager of Qualcomm Indonesia
said the increase of malware against smartphone
recently had been related to the vast growth of
smartphone in the last couple of years.
In Indonesia alone, according to Gfk data, smartphone
growth reaches 20% per year. If in 2011 the number
of smartphone was only 8 million, therefore up to the
end of this year smartphone is predicted to reach 13
million and will continue growing to 18 million in 2015.
Not only smartphone, tablet growth also increases
vastly, in which CAGR in 2011-2016 reaches 41% far
above notebook that only reaches 9%. (majalahICT/ap)
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Hasnul Suhaimi
Flowing Like
asnul Suhaimi, may be the most popular figure
among the telecommunication industry. In
addition to be an expert in telecommunication
technical matters, this man who leads a cellular
operator, XL Axiata is very fluent in explaining the
industry from financial aspect.
Friendly with journalists and appreciates their
performance, he gains much sympathy from the media.
In addition to playing golf, in his spare time Husnul
spends time with his family and reads a lot of books.
“I am now preparing to become a lecturer,” he said to
majalah ICT online.
Husnul also said he tried to balance his time between
work and family. “I try to be present in family events.
Like recently Suhaimi’s big family gathered in Padang
for hospitality and our father’s book launching at the
same time titled “Suhaimi, Role Models Educator”
written by Sjaiful Hamdi,” he said.
In addition, when playing golf, Hasnul often asks his
son, who is still studying in ITB (Bandung Technological
Institute), Ryan to play with him. His first daughter,
Astri, is awaiting her master degree graduation from
Erasmus Huis, Netherlands.
In cellular phone use matter, this man who likes
12 Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
The goal that has not been
achieved is to become an
rending is quite moderate towards his children, he
allows his children to own cellular phones when they
are in the first or second grade of junior high school.
Like the flowing water, that’s Hasul life motto, which
if one obtains happiness he should be grateful, and on
the contrary if one is in trouble he should try to be
patient and sincere along with efforts and prayers in
facing such trouble.
Hasnul was not always successful in his work and life,
sometimes he also found a few obstacles and failures,
just like when XL Axiata experienced a decreased
number of customer.
“At the time I introspected and analyzed to
determine steps and policies required.”
However, beyond that, Hasnul continues to record
achievements that are quite phenomenal, particularly
in his work field leading the third largest cellular phone
operator in Indonesia.
“I feel successful when targets and achievements
expected in the company can be reached, for example
the launch of IDR1 for fellow XL was a successful
achievement in my opinion.” he said.
Because, he said, at the time tariff for phoning in
Indonesia was quite expensive, by reducing tariff
and providing affordable price, he felt that he had
contributions for the community therefore customers
increased which at the end of the day resulted in large
achievement for his company.
When asked about his unachieved goals, he said
he wanted to be an educator, and it is now almost
achieved by becoming a lecturer in the University of
Meanwhile the secret recipe for success in leading
an operator in the middle of tight competition is to
run “outside in”. “What is expected by the customers
from XL will be sought and exercised therefore
at the end of the day we can create customers
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
SBY Site Hacker Is
Facing a Maximum
of 8 Years
ICT MAGAZINE—Jakarta. Minister of
Communication and Informatics Tifatul
Sembiring is revising news that has
spread reporting that the site www.
presidensby. hackers may be sentenced
with 12 year imprisonment.
“That is the legal threat, the sentencing
has not been conducted due to the
investigation process by the Police,”
expressed Tifatul. “However I hope Wildan
will not be heavily charged. However, if he
violates, he must be legally processed,”
he ended.
Executive Director of ICT Institute
who is also an expert in cybercrime
Heru Sutadi opines that there should
be a criminal sanction. “Not all must be
criminalized. In many countries, these
hackers are imposed with social sanction
such as involvement in such site security
or testing of other site security gap,” said
heru. (majalahICT/hs)
XL Posted a Net Profit
of IDR2.8 Trillion
ICT MAGAZINE—Jakarta. PT XL Axiata
Tbk (EXCL) in 2012 posted a net profit
of IDR2.8 Trillion from revenue growth
which was significant in the amount
of 15% YoY (year on year) to become
IDR21.3 trillion. This is revealed by
President Director of XL, Husnul
Suhaimi, in his official statement in
According to Husnul, all services
show growth, in which data service
records the fastest growth. Service
growth reaches 50% YoY, followed
by SMS service (16%), Voice (6%),
Profit before tax, tax, depreciation, and
14 Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
amortization (EBITDA) increases by 4%
YoY to become IDR9.7 trillion with a
margin of 46%.
“The increase of data service use by
customers reflects the large size of
Data service business potential, and
XL is in a good position to be able to
continue utilizing the momentum of
data service growth at this time or in
the future,” said Hasnul. (majalahICT/hs)
ICT MAGAZINE—Jakarta. Panel
of Judges of Administrative Court
granted the application submitted by
Indar atmanto, PT Indosat Tbk and PT
Indosat Mega Media (IM2) to postpone
the implementation of Financial and
Development Supervisory Board (BPKP)
decision on the alleged State loss in
usage of 2.1 Ghz/3G radio frequency
with a value of IDR1.3 trillion.
Such BPKP decision implementation
postponement applies during the
State Administrative
Court Grants Indar,
Indosat and IM2
Lawsuit Against BPKP
process of the case until legally
enforceable court decision is obtained.
Panel of judges stipulations consider
among others letters addressed
by Miniter of Communication and
Informatics to the Attorney General
of the Republic of Indonesia and Joint
Statement issued by the Indonesian
Telemathic Community (mastel) as well
as opinions developed through print and
electronic/online media (majalahICT/ap)
Telkom will Expand to
10 Countries
Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom)
is committed to expand business by
working on telecommunication sector
in 10 countries. This was conveyed by
President Director of PT Telekomunikasi
Indonesia Arief Yahya.
According to Arief since 2012 his
company has committed to become
a company with international scale,
working on telecommunication business
in a number of countries. “Last year,
Telkom expanded to Singapore,
Malaysia, Hong Kong, Timor Leste, and
Australia. This year it plans to expand
to another 10 countries such as Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan,”
explained Arief.
According to Arief, Telkom
telecommunication business expansion
will focus on Indonesian manpower (TKI)
destination countries, such as Hong
Kong. Telkom succeeded in launching
AS 2 in 1 card with the number of
customers reaching 30 thousand people.
Such card could be with local and
international numbers at the same time.
Other business is contact centers in
Australia. (majalahICT/hs)
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Indosat and its
subsidiary, Indosat
Mega Media or IM2, held
Indosat Digital Innovation
Day. Indosat also
showcased its newest
applications which will
be presented at Mobile
World Congress 2013 in
Barcelona, among others
are I-Pay, I-klan Store
and TokoOn, in Qtel
Group booth as well as
applications particularly
for women, among
others are Info Wanita
(woman information) and
Usaha Wanita (Women
AXIS introduces new campaign ‘AXIS Pasti
Plus’. ‘AXIS Pasti Plus’ campaign runs this
week, along with the announcement from
the company that ‘AXISPRO Pasti Plus’ and
‘Internet Gaul Pasti Plus’ have now become
AXIS standard offer, in which customers
can continue enjoying AXIS internet service
up to 7.2 Mbps with the number of data
3 times larger up to 6 GB, and the price
remains affordable.
PT XL Axiata released an XL
Bebas prepaid new prime cards
claimed to be providing facility
in accessing the internet with
affordable price. Such cards were
offered with a price of IDR5,000
and have an active period of 6
months with a quota of 150 MB
per month. To obtain such 150
MB/month quota, customers
only top up phone credit with a
value of IDR5,000 each month.
16 Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Telkomsel obtained The Best Telco award for
Indonesia in CNET Asia Readers’ Choice Award
event. This award
was obtained based
on 70,000 CNET Asia
readers assessment,
in which the reward
delivery was conducted
by Senior Editor of
CNET Asia Reuben
Lee to Telkomsel
Head of Marketing
Communications Group
Irlamsyah Syam in
Singapore on Thursday.
Smartfren has officially
launched the newest
product portfolio from
Andromax series line, namely
Smartfren Andromaz U.
Andromaz U launching by
telecommunication service
provider based on this EVDO Rev B phase technology
continued the success of the
previous series.
Operating system and two new
devices of BlackBerry 10 were
officially launched in New York,
United States, on Wednesday
January 30. At the same time,
this company originating from
Canada changed the name
Research in Motion to become
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Device Regulation
Heru Sutadi
18 Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
n the near future Indonesia will own a regulation
regarding technical requirements of better
telecommunication equipment and device. This
matter is expected to be sought after the
completion of public test conducted by Ministry
of Communication and Informatics towards
Minister of Communication Draft of Bill regarding
Telecommunication Equipment and Device
Technical Requirements Preparation Guidelines.
On the consideration part, it is stated that the
main consideration in this RPM Preparation is the
use of equipment and device made, assembled,
included to be traded and/ or used in the area
of the Republic of Indonesia must be in view of
the technical requirements and by virtue of
the license in accordance to the provisions of
laws and regulation. In addition, the substance
present in Minister of Transportation Number
KM. 3 of 2001 regarding Telecommunication
Equipment and Device Technical Requirement
is no longer suitable with
the present condition
therefore it needs to be replaced.
Several matters regulated under this RPM are
among others technical requirement formula
with the International or regional standards or
national telecommunication industrial, innovation
and engineering results. Meanwhile the scope of
telecommunication equipment and device technical
requirements includes Network group, Access
Group and Customer Premises Equipment.
Considering the age of the previous
regulation which was about 12 years old,
the new regulation is expected to clarify the
telecommunication equipment and device
technical regulation corridor. As stated in
Article 2 of Minister Regulation Plan, these
telecommunication device and equipment
technical requirements are useful in guaranteeing
interrelationship in telecommunication
network, preventing disturbance from
one telecommunication equipment and
device to another, protecting community
from the possibility of loss caused by
telecommunication equipment and device
use and what is also important is the drive
to develop national telecommunication
technological industry, innovation, and
In the future, under this regulation,
community, even all stakeholders
participations will also be involved. It
is also stated that the preparation of
Telecommunication equipment and
device Technical Requirements will
be conducted by a Study Group. This
group may consist of the government,
industrial group, telecommunication
organizers, community, research
institutions, consumer institution,
colleges and testing halls.
Let’s hope that the
implementation will be as good as
the regulation.
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
with The Beautiful
HTD Deluxe
Arif Pitoyo
ot wanting to be defeated by Apple and
Samsung, HTC mobile plans to release their new
product, namely HTC Deluxe. HTC Deluxe will be
positioned as the future tablet competitor.
The feud among gadget companies in the world is
never ending since they are busy striving to grab
market attention in order to become their whole
customers, they also spend much time to race contest
in sales. This smartphone was indeed rumored with
the name HTC DLX
which means luxurious
smartphone. It was proven
that the newest HTC is
equipped with various
powerful specifications.
The body appearance is
as seen on media leakage
at GSM site since it is very
beautiful and seducing
cellular phone users to
20 Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Specification of HTC Deluxe
• General
2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900;
3G Network HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100;
4G Network LTE; SIM Micro-SIM; Announced
Exp. announcement 2013, January; Status
Rumored. Exp. release 2013, Q2
• Display
Type Super LCD3 capacitive touchscreen,
16M colors; Size 1080 x 1920 pixels, 5.0
inches (~441 ppi pixel density); Multitouch Yes;
Protection Corning Gorilla Glass 2
Memory Card
slot TBD Internal 16 GB (11 GB user available)
storage, 2 GB RAM
• Connectivity
Data GPRS Yes; EDGE Yes; Speed HSPA+;
LTE, Cat3, 50 Mbps UL, 100 Mbps DL; WLAN
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA, Wi-Fi
hotspot; Bluetooth Yes, v4.0 with A2DP; NFC
Yes; USB Yes,; microUSB (MHL) v2.0
• Camera
Primary 8 MP, 3264x2448 pixels, autofocus,
LED flash; Features Simultaneous HD video
and image recording, geo-tagging, face and
smile detection; Video Yes, 1080p@30fps,
stereo sound rec., video stabilization;
Secondary Yes, 2.1 MP, 1080p@30fps
• Features OS
Android OS, v4.1 (Jelly Bean); upgradable to
v4.2 (Jelly Bean)
• Hardware
Quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro 1.5 GHz.
With this modern and dynamic
appearance, HTC is certain to be
able to compete with Samsung and
Apple gadgets.
HTC Deluxe processor is reported
to use Quad-core Snapdragon S4
Pro with the speed of 1.5 Ghz.
GPU Adreno 320 is also installed
to provide sophisticated graphical
appearance quality.
By using face to face appearance
of Sense 4+, HTC Deluxe will be
present with the newest Android
operating system, namely 4.1.1
Jelly Bean. HTC Deluxe uses 5-inch
screen 1080 display sporting.
RAM in the size of 2GB is also
provided to provide convenience
for HTC Deluxe users when running
various applications at the same
There has not been any prediction
on what the price will be for the
device that provides
such luxurious
• Battery
Standard battery, Li-Ion 2020 mAh
Majalah ICT
No.03• February 1—15, 2013
Majalah ICT
All about ICT in Indonesia
Can be downloaded at
Android Market Android
TELP: 021-7750301, FAX: 0217756782, HP: 081511510000

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