fritz.mac Suite 2


fritz.mac Suite 2
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Welcome to fritz.macSuite 2
for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) - 10.7 (Lion)
fritz.macSuite enables the following functions on your AVM FRITZ!Box Fon or FRITZ!Fon:
Managing your answering machine messages.
Managing the FRITZ!Box phone directory and copying it to FRITZ! Mini or DECT telephones.
Shows the FRITZ!Box call log as well as an additional log of failed calls.
Using FRITZ!Box as a faxmachine to send faxes.
Displaying, archiving and creating transmission reports for sent faxes.
Displaying, archiving and announcing received faxes.
Dialling straight from an Apple Mac.
Displaying incoming and outgoing calls in the call-monitor.
Your FRITZ!Box needs to be connected to your Mac via a network (LAN) - ethernet or WLAN.
fritz.macSuite generates a fax printer, which can be accessed from the print screen in any application just like
any conventional printer.
No additional hardware or internal modem in your mac is required to use your FRITZ!Box or FRITZ!Fon as a
You can send faxes via a landline (analogue or ISDN) or internet/VoIP. In both cases the FRITZ!Box works
like a conventional faxmachine or faxmodem - this means that no intermediary servers posing well known
security issues are used.
Licensed version / Trial version:
In principle, the trial version is fully functional. Faxes will, however, include watermarks, the answering
machine only plays the beginning of messages, calls can only last up to ten minutes and the call monitor
only displays the first five calls completely.
Please take notice of the information on the employed technology at the end of this text! fritz.macSuite
makes use of some of your FRITZ!Box’ functions, which are not part of the fritz.macSuite software but are
supplied by AVM. We can not offer any guarantees for these functions.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Preparing your FRITZ!Box!
Installing fritz.macSuite!
Advanced Preferences!
Fritz.mac Suite functions!
Main window!
The Call Manager!
Sending faxes!
Filing faxes!
Answering machine!
Call Manager!
Problems with licensing!
General FRITZ!Box functions!
Faxes can not be sent via internet/VoIP!
New FRITZ!Box, changed password or new firmware - initialization fails!
fritz.mac Suite 2 News!
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Preparing your FRITZ!Box
Before you start using your FRITZ!Box, you need to prep it by taking the following actions:
Your FRITZ!Box requires a
password. You can
configure this password in
the web-interface.
Be sure that programs on
the network are permitted
access and
statusinformation can be
transmitted via UPnP
In order to use fritz.macSuite as a faxmachine or answeringmachine, you need to connect an external
USB flash drive to your FRITZ!Box.
In this case you need to deactivate the internal memory in the FRITZ!Box via the web interface and activate
the USB-FTP memory access instead and define a USB-memory password.
Notice: The USB flash drive is
essential if you wish to see
messages and faxes in the suite.
Additionally, the flash drive must
also have a password.
Activate password-protection and USB
memory FTP-access!
Save the changes (apply) and restart your
FRITZ!Box (preferably by disconnecting it
from the power-source for approx. 30
Notice: If you wish to use a previously used flash drive, it is recommended that you format the drive.
You can do this in the OSX Disk Utility (use the FAT filesystem).
Please do NOT change any parameters, such as the IP address, the DNS name, a restricted or changed
network segment, etc. when first installing your FRITZ!Box and fritz.macSuite.
Instead, use all the standard settings for your FRITZ!Box during the initial setup.
Changes to all these parameters can be made later on, when the system is up and running. This helps you
avoid unnecessarily extensive troubleshooting.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
The next step is the configuration of your
telephone, answering machine and fax
machine. ISDN terminal-devices need to be
configured with their own MSN, in order to
be recognized as substations.
Be sure to enable the option “save on USBdrive” for the fax machine and answering
Notice: After the preparations described above, fritz.macSuite should ask for three passwords, when
you first start the application!
• Your admin password for your computer or user-account (for the initial installation)
• The FRITZ!Box password
• The USB flash drive password
fritz.macSuite creates duplicates of your FRITZ!Box password and your USB flash drive password and stores
them in your MacOS Keychain. These duplicates need to correspond to the ones saved in the FRITZ!Box
exactly! Please do not use vowel mutations or other special characters for your passwords.
If you update the FRITZ!Box firmware, reinstall fritz.macSuite or change the passwords for your FRITZ!Box or
USB flash drive, you will need to update the passwords in the MacOS Keychain!
You can update the Keychain in the Keychain Access app, which is located in the Utilities section of your
Applications folder. It is crucial that the password in the Keychain is typed in the exact same way as it is
saved in the FRITZ!Box!
If this is not the case, essential functions in fritz.macSuite will not work.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Installing fritz.macSuite
The FRITZ!Box IP address is usually, which is the predefined value. If
you change the FRITZ!Box IP address or
are using several boxes you might need to
enter the new address here. You can enter
the address as either a text or a numeric
IP (e.g. As soon as you hit
enter or leave the input field, fritz.macSuite
will begin searching for the updated IP.
This may take up to two minutes.
Once a FRITZ!Box is found, its model
number is displayed beneath the IP
Should the address not be found, please
check the entered values. If you are
certain that the values are correct, you
can try to activate the call-monitor and
fax-support directly on the FRITZ!Box
itself. In this case please refer to the
section Troubleshooting.
Now please enter your Telephone Area Code, so calls in your local area are connected correctly. Enter the
Area Code WITHOUT an initial zero!
By selecting the Country from the drop down menu, you
ensure the correct transmission of your country code.
Unknown numbers that are not saved in your Mac OS Address Book can be identified, using the Reverse
Directory Lookup.
To achieve this, fritz.macSuite searches “Das Örtliche” via the internet. If the number is registered for a name
and place, the caller can be identified. If the caller has suppressed his call number presentation, he can of
course not be identified.
You can access the Call Manager from any app you are currently in by using the shortcut ⌃⌘T. You can
change the shortcut by clicking the corresponding input field.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Click the Fax rider to enter presets
for faxing.
Shortly after clicking Enable Fax
Support, your FRITZ!Box should be
displayed below the button.
If you have already established Faxreception, integrated in the
Telephony Devices tab of your
FRITZ!Box, the MSN for the fax line
will be displayed here.
The drop down menu Standard
Phone Connection lets you choose
which type of connection is used.
The options are
• Analogue
• Internet / DSL / VoIP
Please choose the connection type
that is actually used for faxes. If you have a DSL-connection but an analogue or ISDN telephone line, please
select Analogue or ISDN. The option Internet/DSL/VoIP is only for users who use VoIP telephony or have a
cable connection for telephony and internet.
If you wish to use both an analogue as well as a VoIP fax-line, you can change these settings for each print
job individually in the printing dialogue.
My Fax Number is the number that is transmitted to the receiving fax machine (station ID). This number is
taken from the system preferences Print & Fax and will also be saved there whenever changes are applied.
My Fax Header is a short text that is copied into the header of each transmitted page. Usually this will be
the sender’s name.
The lock icon at the bottom left lets you lock or unlock these settings. In order to unlock them you will be
asked for your OSX administrator password.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Click the tab Call-Monitor to
enter the settings for your
The Call-Monitor displays
incoming and outgoing calls in a
subtle, gray panel.
You can activate or deactivate the Call-Monitor entirely or only activate it for certain MSNs or substations.
The monitor is preset to disappear after a few seconds.
The window can also be set to
remain active throughout the entire
You can also use the notification
service Growl. If you are already
using Growl, it is possible to use
this for the notification of calls.
If you do not have Growl installed, it
is not necessary to do so, since the
same function is already integrated
into fritz.macSuite.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Monitor-Actions let you execute
specific functions when calls are made
or received.
A number of actions is preinstalled and
can be used immediately.
An example is MuteSystemVolume, an
apple script that mutes your entire
This can be used to mute your
computer’s sound as soon as you
make or receive a call. This prevents
your music or video playback from
interfering with your calls.
Several other actions (apple scripts) are
Each of these actions can be set for
incoming or outgoing calls and can
also be confined to certain MSNs or
As these are apple scripts, you can add
monitor-actions at will and even create
your own custom actions.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Advanced Preferences
The Advanced Preferences tab lets you install and update components and passwords.
Fax-printer and aux files installs the printer
drivers for the FRITZ!Box that is currently
on the network.
Reinstalling the printer drivers is necessary
when the FRITZ!Box is exchanged for a
different one and in some cases after
updating the FRITZ!Box firmware.
Notice! If fritz.macSuite was not able to find your FRITZ!Box during the initial setup, it might have installed
the wrong printer drivers or no drivers at all. This can happen due to differing network configurations and
similar problems.
In this case you should definitely:
1. Establish a working connection with your FRITZ!Box.
2. Install the drivers only after fritz.macSuite has found the box.
This tab also lets you renew the passwords for your FRITZ!Box and USB storage in your Mac OS Keychain.
This is necessary whenever you exchange your FRITZ!Box for a new one, change the passwords or update
the FRITZ!Box firmware.
Notice: If you install a major update to your Mac OS (e.g. Snow Leopard to Lion) or reinstall your OS
and restore your system from a backup copy or a different computer it will be necessary to reinstall
the fax printer and renew the passwords!
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Fritz.mac Suite functions
Main window
The main window is set to open automatically whenever fritz.macSuite is opened. You can also open this
window manually via the menu Window > fritz.mac Suite.
To the left you will find your calls (received, outgoing, missed and unsuccessful), answering machine
messages, faxes (received, sent) and your Phone Books.
These are the symbols in the sidebar:
Answering machine messages
The Box Phone Book is the phone directory you set up on your FRITZ!Box. You can add entries from
your Apple Address Book (either using drag & drop or the button “Add contact”).
These are the functions of the toolbar:
Click this icon to make a call. The selected number will be dialed.
Calls: Exports the selected call(s) into a CSV file.
Answering machine: Exports the selected message into an audio file.
Faxes: Saves the selected fax as a PDF file.
Refreshes the entire view.
Opens a context menu that offers different actions depending on the active section (e.g. open
message, save fax, etc.) This menu can also be opened by right-clicking on entries in the different
Search: This lets you search your lists. When searching for calls the duration is displayed.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
The Call Manager
Select the option Window > Call Manager, in order to make a call. This
opens the Call Manager.
This panel can be expanded by clicking the gray arrow labelled Options.
This adds the functions:
• No dial sound
• Phone (Substation)
• My MSN
Phone: choose which phone you would like to use to
make the call.
My MSN: choose which number you wish to use to make
the call.
Call to: lets you enter a phone number or select a number
from your address book by entering the first few letters of
the corresponding name. You can find more info on this
You can begin a phone call by pressing the button Call or
from the menu Calls > Start Call. If you have not
activated the option No dial sound, you will hear the
same sounds as when using a conventional telephone.
Once the box is dialing you can pick up the selected
substation’s handset and begin the call.
You can also wait until the receiver has picked up his
phone. He will then hear the message “Your connection is
put on hold” and your own phone will ring.
Notice: If you pick your handset up too early, the
connection can not be established. When using DECT
handsets (wireless) the green “answer” button is used
to “pick up” the call. On some phones, however, the
hands-free key needs to be pressed twice.
Using call numbers
You can enter call numbers with national or international
dialing codes. The + symbol is also supported for
international dialing codes. fritz.macSuite will use only the
part of the number that is necessary to place the call, in
accordance with the area codes you entered in the General Preferences.
You may also use so called vanity-numbers (e.g. 0800-MY-APPLE).
When using the address book to make a call you can switch between the various numbers you might have
saved for a contact by clicking the arrow next to the name.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
You can change numbers in the address book for example to enter a different call-through
number - by double clicking the address book
The Apple Address Book button opens an Address Book
window, which lets you select entries and copy them to the
Call Manager.
Copying call numbers from
other applications
fritz.macSuite includes a service
that lets you copy selected dial
numbers from other
applications by using keyboard
These shortcuts can be edited
in the Mac OS System
Preferences / Keyboard.
There are two different
possible actions:
Dial with fritz.mac and
Dial immediately with
Dial with fritz.mac enters
the number into the Call
Manager, where you can
then start the call.
Dial immediately with fritz.mac copies the number to the
Call Manager and starts the call automatically.
There are also new options in the Apple Address Book.
You can open a context menu by clicking the different number
tabs (mobile, work...), which gives you two options:
• Dial with fritz.mac
• Dial immediately with fritz.mac
The former only copies the number to the Call Manager, while
the latter additionally starts the call automatically.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Sending faxes
In order to send a fax, just open the print
menu in the application you wish to send a
fax from. Select fritz.mac FRITZ!Box from
the Printer drop down menu and view the
You can also click the PDF button in the
print menu and select Fax PDF.
In the following menu you need to enter the
receiving number. The system automatically
searches for fax numbers from your Apple
Address Book.
You can also enter a number directly, if it is not
saved in your Address Book.
Any kind of separator is supported as well as international formats with or without area codes.
Fritz.mac Suite does not support dial numbers with an international code and a zero from the area code,
since all entered digits are always used: +49 (0) 2330 12345 would be read as the invalid number
The correct way of entering this number would be +49 2330 12345 or 02330 12345:
You should also beware that fax numbers need to be entered into the
designated fax fields in the Address Book! Numbers that are entered into
different fields will not be recognized as fax numbers!
Notice: When sending faxes from some applications, such as MSWord, the print window might be
displayed in a different format. In this case the third menu item from the top should be set to Fax
Sometimes the number of pages to be faxed can also be set to zero, which will cause the process to
fail. If this happens, just set the number of copies to 1 manually.
Fax title pages are not supported! The fax modem options are part of Mac OSX and are ignored by
If your FRITZ!Box is not connected to your landline directly but via a telephone system, it might be
necessary to use a dial prefix. In this case the dial prefix is dialed before the actual phone number.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
The print options let you select the connection you wish to use for transmission. If you pick standard, the
connection set in fritz.macSuite will be used.
Notice: If you select analogue, even though your FRITZ!Box is connected via ISDN or vice versa, the
transmission will fail.
You can also specify the resolution (quality).
Once you hit the button Fax, the fax will be sent. Just as when printing, a window (fritz.macSuite FRITZ!
Box) is opened to let you track the transmission’s progress.
Completed transmissions can be displayed in the order list permanently by using the menu option Jobs >
Show Everyone’s Faxes.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Filing faxes
fritz.macSuite 2 files successfully transmitted faxes in the out-tray: Sent faxes.
Received faxes are filed in the in-tray: Received faxes.
You can view your fax transmission-reports by
navigating to the menu item Windows > Fax Log.
fritz.macSuite 2 files your fax transmission-reports and lets you view them,
print them and export them as PDF-files.
The reports are listed chronologically and a copy of the corresponding fax is
linked to every report. This copy can also be viewed, printed or exported.
A job ID is assigned to each report and the fax-job’s details can be seen in the detailed view. To open this
view, just click the gray triangle to the left of the entry. The Action button (Cogwheel) lets you view or print
the sent fax or the corresponding report.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Answering machine
Current versions of the AVM FRITZ!Box offer answering machine functionality (e.g. FRITZ!Box Fon 7390,
6360, 7570, 7270, 7240, 7170, 7141, 7140 und FRITZ!Fon 7150).
Fritz.macSuite enables you to listen to and delete messages saved on a USB storage device connected to
your FRITZ!Box. To do this you need to configure your FRITZ!Box to save all incoming messages on the
USB storage device.
By navigating to Window > fritz.macSuite you can display an overview of all recorded messages. Just click
the answering machine symbol in the left sidebar.
The sidebar lists all connected answering machines. The gray triangle lets you expand or
collapse the list. The list in the main window can show you the messages from all your
machines or you can select a specific machine you wish to view by clicking on it. The list
is refreshed after each phone call.
You can listen to the messages by using the control keys to the
The action button or the drop down menu (access via
right-click) is used to change a message’s status (listened to / not listened to) and to call
You can delete a message by selecting it and hitting
backspace (← ) or selecting delete from the drop down menu.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Call Manager
The Call Manager displays both incoming and outgoing calls. The window appears, whenever the phone
starts to ring or dial and when the connection is established or ended.
Whenever the call manager is opened,
it will try to find an entry in your
Address Book that corresponds to the
caller ID. If this fails, fritz.macSuite will
try a reverse search in Das
Ö This option can be
deactivated in the preferences.
Using the dock menu, you can access the call manager or the answering machine or redial recent numbers,
no matter what application you are currently using. Just select the function you wish to use and fritz.macSuite
will be opened with the corresponding window active.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Problems with licensing
You need to license fritz.macSuite from the main
menu fritz.mac Suite -> License...
Please follow these steps to license
1. Open the license window by navigating to
fritz.mac Suite -> License...
2. Enter any name into the name field.
3. Enter the entire license key (incl. "fritz.mac_Suite@....") using copy & paste. Take care not to copy
additional spaces before or after the key.
4. Leave the license field using either the tab or enter key. “Registration key valid” should now be displayed instead of “Not licensed”.
Clicking the lock symbol lets you protect your license from being copied or overwritten. Once you do this, all
the three fields turn light gray and can only be changed or copied after entering your OSX admin password.
This button is NOT used to complete licensing.
General FRITZ!Box functions
Often, when experiencing general problems concerning the Call Manager, fax functionality or call logs,
these can be resolved by simply reestablishing the connection between your FRITZ!Box and the Suite. You
can achieve this by navigating to the Fax tab in the Preferences and clicking the key Enable Fax Support.
This reboots all the functions of your FRITZ!Box that are used by fritz.macSuite and should resolve any
problems. This affects the Call Manager, fax functionality and some aspects of the answering machine.
If the reboot did not resolve your problems:
Connect an analogue, ISDN or DECT phone directly to your FRITZ!Box, to establish the connection
between the box and the suite by entering the keyboard codes mentioned below.
Just enter these codes, wait for them to be dialed and hang up after hearing the acknowledgement tone.
Starting the Call Manager:
• stop the monitor by dialing #96*4*
• restart the monitor by dialing #96*5*
Starting fax-support:
• stop fax support by dialing #96*2*
• restart fax support by dialing #96*3*
Now restart your FRITZ!Box by disconnecting it from its power source for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Faxes can not be sent via internet/VoIP
Check the reason for the unsuccessful connection in the web interface of your FRITZ!Box, by navigating to
Advanced Settings > System > Events. Examples for possible reasons are “Busy here” (engaged) or
“Request Timeout” (no answer).
Especially when sending a fax via internet-services, such as, the reason might also be “Transfer not
In this case the recipient only permits a connection via a landline.
Just change your settings to ISDN or analog (if available), in order to send the fax.
Faxes disappear after sending
Make sure you entered a fax number in the print dialogue. If you have not expanded the menu (show
details) the input field for fax numbers might not be visible.
There are several entries for separate connections in the FRITZ!Box call list
If any problems occur during a connection, a new connection will be established and entered into the list of
connections. If you are sending a fax with several pages, only the pages that have not been sent will be
No fax printer available
Check that the fax printer is set up in the OSX System
Preferences > Print & Fax. If this is not the case, go to the
Advanced preferences in fritz.macSuite.
By clicking Install Fax-printer and aux files you can install
the printer drivers for the FRITZ!Box on your network.
This reinstallation needs to be done manually, whenever
you change your FRITZ!Box and after certain firmware
updates you install on your FRITZ!Box.
If the fax printer is still not available in the System
Preferences, this means that the connection to your
FRITZ!Box is still faulty.
In case fritz.macSuite was not able to find your
FRITZ!Box during the initial setup (for example
due to incompatible network-configurations, a
wrong IP, closed ports or wrong passwords) the
fax-printer drivers are not installed.
In this case you should:
1. Ensure the connection to the FRITZ!Box is
established (IP, passwords, ports)
2. Only now install the fax-printer drivers
Following this, you should also renew the FRITZ!Box and USB flash drive passwords in the OSX Keychain.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
Firewalls and ports...
If you have enabled the Firewall in the OSX System
Preferences > Security, please remember to allow
connections for fritz.macSuite.
Closed ports are one of the most frequent reasons
for malfunctions of fritz.macSuite.
Closed ports can also interfere with the installation of
the fax-printer drivers. In this case the fax-printer will
not be available in the OSX System Preferences.
These are the Ports that need to be opened:
Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: Open TCP Port: 21 80 139 445 1012
1919 5031
5060 8080 8089
49100 49443 51111 ftp
New FRITZ!Box, changed password or new firmware - initialization fails
fritz.macSuite saves backups of your FRITZ!Box
password and your USB flash drive password in
the OSX Keychain! These must correspond
exactly to the passwords saved in the FRITZ!Box
itself! If the passwords on the FRITZ!Box are
changed or new firmware is installed, the
passwords need to be retransferred to
fritz.macSuite. To do so, navigate to the Advanced
Settings in fritz.macSuite and click Renew for the
FRITZ!Box password as well as the USB storage
password. This renews the backups in the OSX
For further help please contact our support via email:
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
fritz.macSuite uses an AVM FRITZ!Box feature offered by the firmware since 2005, which is used by the AVM
Windows software FRITZ!fax for FRITZ!Box. (CAPI)
Please check that fritz.macSuite is suitable for your use prior to purchase. We can not offer a
guarantee for the correct functioning of the FRITZ!Box.
A FRITZ!Box Fon or FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN with the firmware version XX.03.89 or later is required. All
versions offered since October 2005 support this.
Sending faxes via internet is supported since the firmware-version XX.04.15.
The call monitor is supported by all firmware-versions since XX.03.99.
If possible, it is always advisable to use a current firmware such as version x.05.05.
Labor-firmware is never supported by us, unless it is recommended in our RSS-feed, Twitter or Facebook
The following AVM devices are supported:
FRITZ!Box Fon ata / 1020
FRITZ!Box Fon 5010
FRITZ!Box Fon 5012
FRITZ!Box Fon 5050
FRITZ!Box Fon 5124
FRITZ!Box Fon 5140
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140
(incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7141
(incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170
(incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170SL (incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7240 (incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 (incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 (incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Fon 7150
(incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Fon 7570
(incl. answering machine)
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 6360 Cable (incl. answering machine)
These so called OEM-devices are also distributed by other providers, using a different name (e.g.
Speedport, 1und1, UnityMedia). Since there are many versions of these devices, we can not offer an
exhaustive list of supported devices.
Please use the fritz.macSuite trial version to see if your device is supported.
Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •
fritz.mac Suite 2 News
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Copyright 2012 by danholt4mac •