February - ABATE of Illinois
February - ABATE of Illinois
FEB 2013 Prairie Capitol Convention Center, 9th and Adams, Spfld Open to the Public, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Adults $10, Under 12 Free Vendors must be reserved in advance, setup from 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m. Bike Show: Entry $20 admits 1 person, entry closes at 10 a.m. ~~For all activities on the calendar, look inside the newsletter for flyers, and other events ~~ February 2013 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:00 pm Northend VFW 10 11 12 13 14 March 2013 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 15 AHE Valentine Party See Flyer 16 ABATE-IL E-BOD 10:30am BOD 1p @ UIS Spfld 17 18 19 20 24 25 Salt Creek Event Slackers 21 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northend VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. ABATE-IL SWAP MEET PCCC 26 27 28 22 23 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northend VFW *NEW TIME* 10 11 12 13 14 Fri 1 2 8 9 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 15 18 19 20 21 16 ABATE-IL E-BOD Decatur 10:30 Downed Riders Benefit Meeting 6:30 pm Northend VFW 17 Sat 22 23 29 30 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northend VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. 24/ 31 25 26 27 28 New Holland See Slackers Ad on Pg 2 To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bruce Liebe `1 I hope this month's newsletter finds you well and in good health. With the flu bug that has been going around, I've encountered very few people who haven't been affected by it. We've had some cold days, of course, but in all, this winter has been pretty easy on us. We've even been getting some much needed rain. With the mild weather, an occasional ride has been possible. On those days when you venture out on two wheels, remember that drivers aren't as used to seeing us as in summer months. The officers meeting had us discussing the usual business, and an unfortunate part of that business is trying come up with ideas to gin up attendance at the monthly chapter meetings. As for the survey, of the limited number of responses we received, Thursday night seemed to garner the most votes. Still, our last several meetings have been just over the amount we need to have a quorum to conduct the meetings. Something has to change and we're looking to the chapter for ideas. Put on your thinking caps; bring your ideas to the meeting and we'd be more than happy to entertain them. While I don't want to tread into the other officer's articles, we discussed expanding our presence in the social media realm, hoping to put our message out to a wider audience and possibly generating greater interest. Again, we've got some ideas, but we'd love to hear yours. At the upcoming meeting, Pacman is going to summarize the findings of the study of motorcycle fatalities that has generated the A.B.A.T.E. Ride Smart initiative. This information was derived from a study of motorcycle crashes in Illinois. The purpose was to get at the root causes of the crashes and not simply throw out a stock recommendation of "wear a helmet and bright clothes." While it follows our February meeting, remember the annual swap meet is rapidly approaching on February 17, 2013. Show up, support A.B.A.T.E. and our chapter. Howard has stocked our products supply with a number of items that will be offered at out booth at the swap meet. Show up, check them out, and of course, buy something! See you at the chapter meeting! Bruce VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Phil “Pacman” Cornell Hello Lincoln Land, Are you all sick of winter? I know I am. This weather is like a yo-yo, on day warm and the next cold. I was told a long time ago from a very wise man that if you don't like the weather here in Central Illinois, stick around for an hour or two.....it'll change! That furry little meteorologist in Pennsylvania says spring is coming soon. All I know is, it ain't soon enough. Looking ahead for the year, there are some ABATE functions that you're not gonna want to miss. If you're just looking for a party, mark your calendars for some of the best partying in our fair state. The State Party is June 21-23. West Central Region Party is July 12-14. Don't forget our own Pre-Party on May 4th. That's the night before the Awareness Rally. We can't forget about the Downed Rider Benefit on July 28th. Check with our new Activities Coordinator, Patti Chase, for all the details. A comment was made on one of the post cards we got back that they didn't like to drink adult beverages and didn't like to be around those that do. This is your lucky year! Not only do we have the Toy Run and the Easter Basket Run but we're setting up some dates for runs that don't go to taverns. No Alcohol! Bring the kids and we'll make it a family affair. We're all about riding smart and safely, we need to practice what we preach. Hope to see all of you real soon. Remember, we all need to "Ride Smart" LEGISLATIVECOORDINATOR George Tinkham New Battles – Both Local and State State Issues: An old battle continues with E-15 fuel formulation. Senate Bill 52 was moved to Agriculture and Conservation Committee on January 30th. This bill would reduce the tax incentive for current E-10 (10% alcohol) gasohol and give a larger incentive for E-15 (15% alcohol). This means our government is not only subsidizing a blended fuel that may hurt our motorcycles, but that it is encouraging customers and gas stations to use this potentially harmful concoction. We need to ask our representatives and senators in the General Assembly to oppose SB52 until E-15 is proven to be safe for our machines. SB1566 (signed into law as PA 97-1136) imposes new licensing fees for off-road vehicles – even those used exclusively on your own private property. A.B.A.T.E. is attempting to work with IL Department of Natural Resources to have reasonable regulations under this new law. Local: The City of Springfield is charging for police traffic control for motorcycling events. Last year, A.B.A.T.E. paid $1,500 to Springfield for the Awareness Rally. This year, Springfield wants $2,495!! The City wants over $800 for police traffic control for our Easter Basket Run to Hope Institute. A similar fee is asked for our Toy Run to Contact Ministries in the fall. Very few Cities charge anything for traffic control. They understand the advantages to their communities to have our events and they understand it is their responsibility to promote smooth, safe traffic flow. Other than Springfield, the most any city in Illinois charges for traffic control is Chicago’s charge of $1,000 for the “Toys for Tots” run – and that was for 8 hours of work involving 65,000 bikes. The “Freedom Run” in northern Illinois has 25-50 thousand participants and runs through several counties and municipalities. Numerous police departments provide traffic control – and do not charge a cent. Our events take less than ½ hour and have ~60 bikes for chapter events and ~700 motorcycles for the Awareness Rally. What can be done? The solution is simple: If Springfield wants to charge for using their police, do not use their police. Non-police side street blockers are used successfully for both the Toys for Tots and the Freedom Run events discussed above. The City of Springfield allows the use of non-police to control traffic for funeral processions, emergency assistance by tow trucks, festivals downtown, and Patriot Guard activities. School crossing guards are allowed with little or no training and absolutely no standards or rules for their conduct. I am sure we can find A.B.A.T.E. members who can also do a very good job of traffic control. Here is a Proposal I am distributing to City Council members: "Proposal to City of Springfield to Allow Non-police to Control Traffic for Highway/Street Events" Background: Various civic organizations, including A.B.A.T.E., conduct events using streets in the City of Springfield. Springfield charges ~$800-1,500 for traffic control for these events to pay for police to control traffic. If volunteer trained and certified non-police traffic controllers were to direct traffic, these organizations could avoid this cost and would attract more participants. Even more importantly, the civic and charitable organizations (e.g., Contact Ministries and Hope Institute) that benefit from these events would benefit by having more motorists and cyclists participate. One particular event, A.B.A.T.E.’s “Awareness Rally,” attracts roughly 700 motorcycles and 1,000 individuals each spring. These individuals may add as much as $20,000 to the local economy each year. This is not a fund raiser for A.B.A.T.E.; so, the only entities deriving economic benefit from the Rally are the City and its businesses. (Continued on Page 5) North Peoria Rd at 11th Street (217) 523-2346 POKER RUNS WELCOME http://www.myspace.com/dudessaloon NEW MANAGEMENT !! PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Hod Rod 1%er Our NEW products are finished and will be at the Swap Meet this weekend! If every member would purchase just one item during the year the products could just about cover the chapters expenses for a year. Come to the Swap Meet or chapter meetings and purchase: zippered or pullover hoodies, sweatshirts, long sleeve/short sleeve T’s, women’s cap-sleeve Ts, (we have lots of sizes), or bottle/can coolies. We are stocked for the Swap Meet and the new year but let’s sell out and order more. If you want to order one of the black polo with embroidery in gold, the cost is $25, we want several orders before we place the order. Hod Rod 1%er Email: ol_hodrod@hotmail.com (217) 341-6483 Membership Report Paula “Pi” Allen SAFETY & ED REPORT Lightpole 1%er Due as of February 7, 2013 January: 16 February: 38 Active: 573 March: 57 Inactive: 1639 New Members Since January 16, 2013: ONE Welcome: Jared Lang ! MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN MARCH 2013 BAILEY, BARB BARTLETT, JEANI BAUMAN, MICHELLE S BEADLE, WARREN BELCHER, ROBERT S. BONEFESTE, JIMMY M. BUCCI, JOHN BUCCI, LORI CARLSON, JR, ROBERT E. CHRISTEN, JEFF CHRISTEN, LISA CULBERTSON, DAVE "ZOO DAVE" CULBERTSON, ROSE DUNBAR, DONNA DUNBAR, GARY ESTOCK, MARK FANCHER, FRANK GOODSON, JASON GOSTELI, TIM HALE, RENEE HANSEN, CINDY HANSEN, PHILLIP HART, SUSAN HARTING, MARK J. HEATHER, JIM HOFFERKAMP, ED HUDDLESTON, WILLIAM JUDD, DAN LEAHY, MIKE LEMME, BRAD S. MANGOLD, LORI MAUCK, B. J. MAUCK, R. SCOTT MILLER, ROSE M. MILLER, WAYNE L. MOE, BEVERLY PAONI, ROBERT ROSS RANKIN, DOUG REDPATH, MARK SCHNELTEN, JIM SEIDL, RONALD SEXTON, RYAN SMITH, MIKE SQUIRES, COY TALBERT, JAMES TALBERT, MICHAELLE THICKSTEN, SHAWN TROUTNER, RENEE TROUTNER, RICK UBER, LORETTA 'SUE' VUJOVICH, MICHAEL WELLER, RUSS WILSON, APRIL WILSON, DAVID ZUHLKE, KEN ZUHLKE, PAT I would like to thank the members that are putting forth all of the effort in the classrooms. This allows me to be a Safety and Ed Coordinator. Not the entire Safety and Ed department. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Most bikers are safe inside at the moment with all of the cold days we are having. However, if the sun warms one of those days up and you decide to break out the scoot... be extra cautious. Drivers are not expecting to see bikes in the winter months. They have made me test my brakes more than once already. Put a little more space between you and everything else around you. Look around more than you normally would. It will be up to you to react in time to avoid an accident. Also, don't make the mistake of thinking you are at the peak of your riding skills. As little as you may like to admit it, you might be a little bit rusty. "If you don't use it, you loose it." Take the first couple of miles to re-familiarize yourself with the feel of your controls. Finally, Bikes react differently in the cold weather and muscles react slower. Be aware of these subtle differences and allow for a little extra caution. To everyone with their knees in this brisk breeze: Ride safe and stay warm. Lightpole 1%er MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN FEBRUARY 2013 ARNOLD, EARL R. BARRETT, ROBERT BARTLEY, SR, JOHN W. BEARD, TERRI LEA DALBY, LARRY W. DHOM, ALAN DHOM, RENEE FLEMMING, TOM GUELDENER, ELMER (SNOWMAN) HICKEY, MICHAEL HUDDLESTON, DANIEL L. HUDDLESTON, KIM M. IVERSEN, TODD MICHAL LA RUE, JR., JAMES M. LANGFORD, JANET LANGFORD, MIKE LINDSEY, DORIS LINDSEY, STEVE LINNE, CLIFF LINNE, TAMMY McKINNEY, STEVE NATION III, HOWARD O'NEAL, MIKE PAINTER, BOB PARKER, JOE PARKER, TERESA BONE PATRICK, ANGIE POMPEO, TRICIA RAMSEY, GARY F. ROBINSON, LEROY ROTH, MARK SCROGGINS, JOE SEATON, KENNETH SIMMONS, DAVID SIMS, ROY A. TAPSCOTT, TREVOR D. WILLIAMS, CURT "FAT KID" WILLIAMS, KEN MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JANUARY 2013 BLAIR, DOLLY BRADLEY, LARRY CHATFIELD, LARRY R. CHATFIELD, PAULA EDSTROM, WILLIAM K. HAZELWOOD, LORI HAZELWOOD, MARVIN LACKEY, JOANN LONDRIGAN, ALICE LONDRIGAN, PAT MILLER, ANDY PETTERSON, JERRY RANKIN, SUE RANKIN, TODD E. SUTZER, DONALD R. TRIBBLE, JEFFREY E. RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG AVAILABLE FOR POKER RUNS OPEN 7 DAYS COLD BEER PIZZA SODA SANDWICHES ACTIVITIES/PUBLIC RELATIONS Patti Chase (Co-Coordinator David Barnett) I am writing today to introduce myself to the members of Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E., as the new Public Relations & Activities Coordinator for our chapter. It is my job to help fire up the members who joined A.B.A.T.E. because they believed in our mission: (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education). It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to stand up and create the A.B.A.T.E. chapter we want to be part of. The leadership of this organization cannot be expected to be the only source of all wisdom and guidance to create the greatness of our organization. It takes a village, and our village needs to be ever expanding. We need to act not like a club for a few, but as a motorcycle education and safety organization for the masses. We need more activities and community involvement. We need to plan a full year ahead. We need activities that are both successful and a positive representation of our organization to the general public, as our Thanksgiving dinner has continued to be. We must remember we can only educate the public about our cause if we can get them to listen to us and trust us. We have many opportunities for events, but right now I am asking for volunteers for the Organizational Committee for the Freedom Rally in May. In general, I encourage each of you to contact me with your thoughts and suggestions to create the A.B.A.T.E. chapter anywhere. You never know when your suggestion will be the seed that grows into something important and long lasting which will change lives. Our purpose must be to change lives, and I want all of us to work together for the cause. Contact me by phone (217) 622-3583, by email chasers0970@gmail.com) or on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pchase26. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Active members decreased from last month to 591 and no new members this month. Please be sure to renew. There is no doubt that new members are the lifeblood of this organization, but sustaining our current members is of equal importance. Please continue to support this cause. Thank YOU, and thank A.B.A.T.E. for all they do for us! Pertinent law: (George Tinkham, continued) ILLINOIS VEHICLE CODE (625 ILCS 5/11-208) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11‑208) Sec. 11‑208. Powers of local authorities. (a) The provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from: * * * 3. Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways; Springfield has historically exercised its authority to allow non-police to direct traffic. For example, non-police “traffic wardens” currently are used to direct traffic. Springfield also allows traffic to be controlled by emergency response personnel, funeral home employees, and school guards – none of whom have required qualifications, training, or specific statutory authority. (§11-203 of the Illinois Vehicle Code gives implied authority to firemen and to certain school crossing guards.) Illinois Vehicle Code §11-208(a)(3) [see above] gives local highway authorities, like Springfield, permission to “regulate” processions, such as motorcycle toy runs. That section does not require police to be the instruments of such regulation. Suggestion: A.B.A.T.E. asks the City of Springfield to allow it to provide non-police traffic controllers for its Easter Basket Run to Hope Institute March 24th, the Awareness Rally on May 5th, and its Toy Run to Contact Ministries this fall. A.B.A.T.E. will work with Springfield to develop and meet standards for controller qualification and training if the City finds that to be necessary. At the time I am writing this, it is too early to receive – much less report on – responses to the Proposal. I should have a lot to report on this issue on this month’s chapter meeting. It is important that you come to the meeting to learn what your alderman’s position is and what you may need to do to help the City of Springfield revise its policy. This matter is too important to rely on others to fight your battle for you; we need you to be involved. With the Easter Basket Run scheduled for March 24, we cannot put off action. This will be an important chapter meeting. Personal Note for February: The only man who really knew how to commemorate St. Valentine’s Day was Al Capone! George Tinkham Springfield, Illinois Springfield Stiches for a Cause Donates to Bears for Little Buddies Springfield Stitches for a Cause (SSFAC) has generously donated 53 stuffed animals to Bears for Little Buddies. A BIG thank you to the very talented and creative ladies of SSFAC! In 2008,Tracie Cook (also a Lincoln Land ABATE member) wanted to join a charity knitting group, but couldn’t find one. So SSFAC was born out of a love to create Springfield Stitches for a Cause members knitted, crocheted or stitched items as well as pose with their creations and donations. a need to help the community. SSFAC takes on various projects throughout the year. Hats and scarves for homeless shelters, preemie baby caps, baby blankets and wash clothes for A few of the SSFAC creations. women’s shelters and chemo caps for hospital cancer wards are just a few of the projects they have produced items for. The members purchase their own supplies. If you have yarn, fabric or thread you would like to donate to SSFAC, contact Tracie by email at miggylane@aol.com. You can also “like” them on Facebook at FB/ Springfield Stitches for a Cause or www.springfieldstitchesforacause.blogspot.com. These stuffed animals will be distributed to state and local law enforcement agencies as a thank you for their services. Officers are encouraged to carry the Bears for Little Buddies (which are banded with ABATE of Illinois wrist bands) in their squad cars to be handed out to children in crisis situations that the officers may come across in the performance of their duties. It has been noted that being able to hold one of these stuffed animals may have a calming effect on children in times of trouble. It is our sincere hope that the officers will then be able to go about their duties as needed in a much less traumatic atmosphere for the children. The next collection will be at the May 5, 2013 Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Rally at IDOT, Springfield, Illinois. Misty Hagstrom Bears for Little Buddies Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. mhagstrom70@comcast.net ~ (217) 899-9486 John L. Caldwell RIVERTON - John L. Caldwell, 60, of Riverton, passed away Saturday Feb. 9, 2013, at his home with his family and friends by his side. He was born in Lincoln, IL, October 26, 1952, the son of Lloyd and Mildred McIntire Caldwell. His parents and grandparents preceded him in death. John married Sandra K. Lehn of Warrensburg, in Decatur, IL on May 25, 1996, and she survives. He is also survived by his children, Melinda Jean Raber of Lexington, KY, John "Kyle" (wife, Rachel) Caldwell and Sarah Elizabeth Caldwell both of Riverton; 2 grandchildren, C.J. Raber and Trevor Raber; 3 sisters, Jayne (husband, David) Brewer of Florida, Ann (husband, Sam) Yattoni of Glenarm, IL, and Christine (husband, Rennie) Elam of Riverton; his stepmother, Treece Caldwell of Florida; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. John worked for the State of Illinois Department of Public Health and also as security at the Dance Corral. He proudly served his country in the United States Army. He was a founding member of the Illuminati Motorcycle Club of Illinois and a member of the Sharon United Methodist Church in Decatur and the Riverton United Methodist Church. Following John's wishes, he has donated his body to SIU School of Medicine for anatomical research. A memorial gathering will be from 4 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013, at the Riverton United Methodist Church. A Celebration of Life will follow at 7 p.m., Tuesday, at the church with Rev.'s Jonathon Dixon and Cathy Najmon officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to an Education Fund for his daughter, Sarah Caldwell, c/o INB Bank or the Riverton United Methodist Church or the Sharon United Methodist Church in Decatur, IL. Please visit his "Life Remembered Story" at www.bischandsonfuneralhome.com where tributes and condolences may be left for the family. Arrangements are under the direction of Bisch and Son Funeral Home, 505 E. Allen, Springfield, IL 62703. 217-544-5424 MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR George Hurst I am going to try to get off-road riders interested in A.B.A.T.E. this year. If you have any contacts in off-road clubs call and let me know the names and phone numbers. Also, I am interested in any other ways you think we might get new members or keep old members. George Downed Riders Report We will have our first meeting the 2nd Thursday of March at 6:30 p.m., at the Northend VFW and every member is welcome to attend, and we need the input, so see you there. We are still looking for our new design, a new logo, for the 2013 products. Last year was a great design by Lightpole but our plan is to every year create a design and get people interested in purchasing a shirt every year. Let us see your idea at the chapter meeting and talk to George Hurst because we will be deciding soon. Our DRB raffle tickets will be at the Swap Meet this coming weekend, too. Which means we have already been working with our sponsors to help us with all of these expenses. Here is a list of sponsors so far, and as the months go by and the list grows larger, we’ll have a separate page in the newsletter just for Downed Riders sponsors. Downed Riders Benefit 2013 ~ Sponsors Ramsey Grain ~ Rochester, IL The Blue Moon ~ Dawson, IL (New Managemt/Great Food) The Village Tap ~ Riverton, IL (Sunday Specials) Boones Saloon ~ Springfield, IL (Great Food) The Keg Tavern ~ Springfield, IL (Daily Drink Specials) We need help pre-selling the tickets like we did last year and it was really good for sales so come check out your tickets at the Swap Meet or at the chapter meeting. The tickets are the same as last year: VIP Package, Cash Raffle, Wheel Barrow of Booze. SALT CREEK A.B.A.T.E. (Lincoln, IL) COMING EVENTS ~ ~ Support them because they support us ~ ~ Feb 24th ~ Daytona Party at Slackers ..in New Holland (Flyer Page 2) March 16th ~ St. Patty’s Day Run March 30th ~ Easter Egg Hunt Christy, Activities Coordinator ShyShy_875@comcast.net LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $10 per issue Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 Newsletter Coordinator bobbi.ozanic@sbcglobal.net (217) 836-3336 Payments due before the ad is published. Newsletter Coordinator/Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic Dear Advertisers: The newsletter this month is in transition for the advertisers and sponsors coming in 2013. There was no time in January to get the renewals current so don’t anyone think you were removed because we don’t need you or want you. We have to have you back please! For space it simply worked out better this month to go through every sponsor to get my plans in order and leave only those not due right now. Not only are advertisers so important, equally and maybe even more important, are the many generous members and friends of this chapter who do not have businesses but yet realize the expense of the newsletter. We have to have the newsletter to spread the Good News. Or not so good news if you read George Tinkham’s important information about legislation that is not good for us and it’s all stuff you need to know, so we have to have the newsletter, even if you do come to the meetings. NEXT MONTH: Please look for the envelope which will be tucked inside of your newsletter to be a sponsor. The newsletter cost is approximately $6 per household per year. If you can help with that, it is so appreciated. Not only will your name will be listed in the newsletter, you will also receive some fabulous if not small token of our appreciation in return! Thank you, Bobbi P.S. If you have any businesses you feel may be interested in supporting the chapter by advertising, please get me their information and give them a heads up that I will be contacting them. Thank you for your help with this important endeavor. “Ride Smart” ~ This is a new campaign being kicked off by A.B.A.T.E. at the state level. It is in the early stages of development and right now it is a presentation presented by our State Coordinator, Mike Meyers. This campaign is the culmination of months of research conducted by Meyers on the history of motorcycle fatalities in Illinois and what can be done to prevent them. Plan on seeing and hearing much more about this in the coming months. The KEG 11th & Ash ~ Springfield (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Monday’s Miller Products $1.50 Drink Specials Daily Pool ~ Free WiFi ~ Shuffleboard BUY 1 GET 1 FREE with this Coupon DOCKER’S RTE 54 in Spaulding, IL Wednesday & Saturdays $1 Bottles/Cans Thursdays ~ 4 for $6 Miller Lite/Coors Light * POKER RUNS WELCOME * Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard President Bruce Liebe (217) 652-8609 liebebr@sbcglobal.net Vice President Phil “Pacman” Cornell (217) 741-4379 phil.cornell@sbcglobal.net Secretary Mary Cornell (217) 741-4579 Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 bobbi.ozanic@sbcglobal.net LONGBRANCH TAVERN Legislative Coordinator George Tinkham (217) 753-2737 coolbreeze@att.net On Main Street ~ Athens, Illinois BEER GARDEN! Visit ~ Hang out!! ~ BLOCK PARTY ~ AUG 24 AND AUG 25 with Poker Run Sat! [15 years in 2012] Downed Riders Benefit Sunday, July 29th COLDEST BEER IN MENARD COUNTY! ~ Lincoln Land ABATE Officers Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome Activities/PR Coordinator Patti Chase (217) 622-3583 chasers0970@gmail.com Co-Coordinator: David Barnett: (217) 488-6520 maryanb@sbsb.net Safety & Education Coordinator Lightpole LP1percenter@hotmail.com Products Coordinator Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 ol_hodrod@hotmail.com SPAMMY’S TAVERN 1041 East Stanford (217) 523-9073 $10 Buckets Everyday 1:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Membership Coordinator George Hurst (217) 629-7308 (217) 306-1944 Newsletter Coordinator Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 bobbi.ozanic@sbcglobal.net Sergeants-at-Arms (4) Stacey Furlow Roger Leach Dan Ellenburg Pat Achas Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Vice Chairman: Stacey Furlow Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED THIS WEEKEND Swap Meet ~ Sunday Details on Front Cover FEB 2013 Downed Rider Benefit 2013 We need a new design for the 2013 t-shirt! Submit your design to George Hurst PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRINGFIELD, IL PERMIT NO. 569
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