ABATE Lincoln Land February 2014 Newsletter 1
ABATE Lincoln Land February 2014 Newsletter 1
FEBRUARY 2014 ~~For non-routine activities on the calendar, and other upcoming events, look inside for flyers or notices with more details ~~ February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu March 2014 Fri Sun Sat Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm KooKoo’s 8 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 2 ** 3 4 5ABATE 6 Legislative Day @ State House Inn (see above) (See page 5) 9 10 11 12 13 14 DRB Mtg VFW Stockyard Rd 6:30 pm 16 17 18 19 20 21 SWAP MEET Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg @ the PCCC Northend VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. American Harley Express Valentine Party @ Last Chance Saloon 7:00 pm 22 9 10 11 12 Daylight Savings Time begins 16 24 25 26 27 7 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm @ 17 18 19 8 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY Double H in Sherman 13 14 15 ABATE-IL E-BOD @ 10:30 @ DRB Mtg VFW Stockyard Rd 6:30 pm VFW 20 Spring! 21 22 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg @ 10:00 — 3:30 23 (Saturday) ABATE-IL E-BOD @ 10:30 & BOD @ 1pm UIS 15 Sat 1 ** 1 @ Northend VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Lu Anne Stone Benefit Run (see page 4) 30 To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are 31 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bruce Liebe As of this writing, we’ve just cancelled the February officer’s meeting due to the weather. That begs the question. What ever happened to global warming? I guess we’ve been spoiled by a series of mild to moderately mild winters. This winter seems like the winters I recall from years past. It just seems that when I was a kid, I sure liked snow a whole lot more. In looking at the extended forecast, it seems that we’re heading towards a slight warm up; but as has been the pattern this winter, snow is predicted to come with the “higher” temperatures. And so it goes. However, someday in the hopefully near future, we’ll be afforded the opportunity go “kickstands up” and enjoy our two wheel escapes. Remember that when you do, you’ll be facing some winter leftovers that have the potential to ruin your day. Some agencies treat snowy roads with cinders and sand. Left behind when weather subsides, they can present hazards at intersections. Another given are those potholes that seem to be everywhere. The combination of Mother Nature and the efforts of highway crews to make for safe winter travel can leave some impressive craters behind. Whether we are speaking of cinders on the roadways or potholes, study the road surface. Be focused and pay attention to what lies ahead. This may save you a lot of grief in terms of damage to your person or your bike. I think a great way to kick the cabin fever we’ve been suffering would be to put the February chapter meeting on your calendar. We always look forward to seeing you at the meeting and appreciate your input to chapter matters. It is the ongoing goal of the officers to keep the meetings as brief as possible, so perhaps we’ll have a little time for mingling and an opportunity to kick back and attack the winter doldrums. I’m planning a president’s ride this year and have a few thoughts in mind. I plan to discuss this at the chapter meeting and would appreciate any thoughts you may have. My initial thoughts are to lead a longer ride to a distant point for lunch and possibly hopscotch our way home. Another consideration would be to do an even longer ride, stay overnight and head home the next day. Savanna and Poopy’s come to mind. That may be a pretty tall order, however other chapters have held similar rides with great success. I n an y event, there will be a president’s ride. Come to the February meeting and give me your “two cents” so I can craft something that will suit as many chapter members as possible. Stay Warm! Bruce SAFETY & ED COORDINATOR George Hurst We’re having a short meeting after the chapter meeting on the 20th for those interested in teaching the Awareness Program in the schools. We will go over the material and the presentation. If anyone knows somebody in a school system that can help get us into a Driver’s Ed class, let me know. Drive Aware, George SECRETARY/TREASURER Bobbi Ozanic Secretary: The secretary updates the chapter calendar at the beginning of each year and we use it for the dates on our 2-month calendar here in the newsletter. The events include all the clubs; so if you have the dates for your club's events, please email me (American Harley Express, SJMC, The Outlaws, CMA, Iron Sleds, etc). Treasury - Our Form 990 for 2013 was completed, submitted to the state treasurer, Julie Bacon, at the A.B.A.T.E.-IL seminar and approved! Now I will make arrangements with Sterling Tax Service to have our annual audit done. Peace, Bobbi VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Phil “Pacman” Cornell Hello Lincoln Land... Hope y'all are doing well and keeping warm. It seems somebody must have pissed off Mother Nature cuz she sure has been spanking us an awful lot lately. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for Ole Man Winter to get the hell outta here and for spring to start springing. Doesn't that old fart realize that we've got some serious riding to do? There might even be a few fishies to catch if it would ever warm up a bit! Activities Coordinators Dave & Maryan Barnett Working on the SWAP Meet this month. Hope you can make it… take a brake from the cold and come see some friends, some great vendors, and fellow bikers. This month I'd like to talk a little bit about how we ride/ drive. I've noticed that nobody likes being in the cold so we're all very anxious to get home, get out of the cold and into a warm house. This anxiety seems to bring out the best in some of us. Alright, maybe I'm being a little sarcastic. OK, I'm being a lot sarcastic. It just seems to me that everybody is in a big rush and nobody has the time to slow down, be safe and courteous. People speeding recklessly and constantly whipping in and out of traffic and cutting off other cars. Turning and changing lanes without using their turn signals. And the biggest thing of all (in my opinion) tail-gating. Ya know, driving like that is extremely unsafe, disrespectful and all they're doing is being a jerk and driving like an asshole! I saw a bike on the Internet that was equipped with rocket launchers. Now that would be a perfect way for dealing with these idiots that are just plain stupid. Others say you can't fix stupid. I say you can, but you might spend the rest of your days in a 6'X8' with no windows courtesy of the state. It might be worth it to see their faces after you push the button. Just kiddin'. Now, are any of you getting that guilty feeling that I may be describing the way you drive? I hope not cuz like I've said in the past, we as ABATE members, are all supposed to be informed, educated, safety conscious, and courteous drivers. As bikers, we all should know that there are major differences between driving a car and riding a bike. Besides the obvious differences, things like maneuverability, stopping distance and even acceleration are totally different between a cage and a bike. This is why we should be setting the example of safety and courtesy when we ride. I sure as hell don't appreciate it when others pull all that stupid driving shit on me so why would I do those things to others? We already have those that would stereotype us and lump us into that one category of being nothing but dirty biker trash so why would we give them any other reasons to bad-mouth us any further? We have to be the ones changing peoples perception of us. God knows no one else will! It's time for us to stand up and be noticed in a positive light! We need, no, we must be the best examples of how ALL PEOPLE should act when driving down the road. So the next time you're holding the handlebars or the steering wheel, drive with respect and consideration for all the others sharing the road with you. Remember that you are the representative of all the bikers out there and the whole world is watching. And when some asshole cuts you off or is riding your fender, just remember to be the bigger, better person and don't shoot them. Just flip 'em off and smile really big! Just kiddin'! When it warms up just a bit, I'll see y'all in the wind, Pacman RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG AVAILABLE FOR POKER RUNS OPEN 7 DAYS COLD BEER PIZZA SODA SANDWICHES MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Howard “Hod” L. Nation, Jr. As the saying goes… there is strength in numbers. The more members we have, the greater our influence in matters of concern to motorcyclists. So if it’s time for you to renew your ABATE membership, please do so. And if each one of us would sign up at least one new member this year, we could double our influence. And remember, they don’t have to ride to belong to ABATE. - Hod LONGBRANCH TAVERN Main Street ~ Athens, IL ~ Video Gaming is Here ~ OPEN SUNDAYS 1 PM TO 9 PM ~ A.B.A.T.E. Sponsor & Member ~ NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR Ken Zuhlke Seems like we hustle a lot for donations to keep this newsletter self-sustaining. It costs quite a bit to get it printed and mailed to 500 member households every month. At the suggestion of one member, we once offered the option to opt-out of the newsletter mailing list, and instead just wander over to our website: http://www.abate-il.org/lincolnland/ to view the newsletters. Well, less than a dozen folks thought that was a good idea at the time. Hmmmmmm. Seems to me, most folks do have an email address these days, so maybe it’s worth giving that opt-out thing another shot… but this time, let’s be clear how easy this would be for you: We can email a simple “alert” (to those of you with active email accounts) when the newsletter is posted to the website each month, and in that alert, give you the link so all ya need to do is click on the link and voila, you’re at the newsletter… and you wouldn’t have to search for it… or download it… it would just be there on your screen! We could save a few trees… save your chapter some expense… and put the newsletter at your fingertips any time you want to check it out. Besides, wouldn’t it be good if your ABATE chapter had your email address… for event alerts (like weather-related time changes), meeting reminders, etc.? I know we ask for it on the membership application/re-application, but we haven’t captured very many of them for a variety of reasons. So how would we get them? Any thoughts you may have on either of these concepts will be greatly appreciated. You can email your thoughts/comments to me at the address below, or bring them to our meeting. Until we have a workable alternative, rest assured we will continue to mail out 500 printed copies each month because we want you all to stay informed about your ABATE chapter. And because we need, and appreciate, your involvement and support. Ride Free, KZ kenzuhlke@gmail.com LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue ($180/year) Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $130 for a full year/12 issues 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 Contact Newsletter Coordinator: kenzuhlke@gmail.com 217-836-5696 (Payments due before the ad is published) LEGISLATIVE COORDINATOR George Tinkham Legislative Day – Primary Election This is our last newsletter before A.B.A.T.E.’s Legislative Day on Wednesday, March 5th (see flyer, below). That event will be a great opportunity to visit our elected officials and to convince them of the need to promote motorcycle safety through education – not restrictions on riders. When we gather at the State House Inn that morning, we will be given information to share with our respective senators and representatives – along with a short briefing of what we need to do. Because Lincoln Land is the host chapter, we may be asked to help with some of the chores that will help this event be a success. Numerous things between now and the 5th can influence what we will focus on when meeting with our public officials; however, it is likely the briefing folders will address the following issues: · House resolution HR 524 has been assigned to House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee. This resolution would urge our State’s congressmen and senators to support Congressional Bill H.R. 875, which would require a thorough scientific study of the effects of E-15 fuel formulation (and fuels with even more alcohol content) on various engines, including motorcycle engines. Rep. Rich Brauer and Rep. Bill Mitchell (both from our area) sit on the Transportation Committee. We will ask them to get this passed out of committee and to vote for it when it comes for a floor vote. · Senate resolution SR 634 is similar to HR 524, but it is still stuck in Senate Assignments Committee. We need to encourage this resolution to move through the system. · HB 3694 (our new poker run bill) is stuck in House Rules Committee. We need to ask for help in getting movement and support for this bill. On the federal side, I submitted comments to the U.S. EPA on their proposed regulations requiring alcohol production for blending with gasoline. I noted the problems commonly owned engines (motorcycle, lawnmower, chainsaw, etc.) may have with a new formulation. I urged careful study before changing the formula for gasohol. Now, it is up to the U.S. EPA to do the right thing. At the time I write this, it appears the new Farm Bill (“Agricultural Act of 2014”) will end a federal subsidy for biofuel blender pumps in rural areas. This will help protect sensitive equipment like motorcycles from harmful fuel blends. Congress is considering HR 1861, which would prohibit the federal funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints throughout the nation. In Lincoln Land’s area, Congressmen Aaron Shock and Rodney Davis are cosponsors. Rep. John Shimkus used to be in our area and is also a co-sponsor. If you are not registered to vote or have moved to a new voting district, you have until February 18th to be properly registered. This can be done at the election office at the county courthouse. Also, I am a deputy registrar and can help you get registered – if you give me enough notice. Because the Primary Election will be March 18th (2 days before our March meeting), our elected officials will also need to know that we support our friends come election time. There is always a need for campaign workers. This election year, we need to step up to bat and help our friends get elected and help those who oppose our rights not be elected. For example, incumbent Congressman Rodney Davis (R-13) won by a slim margin in his last election. He has been a good friend of A.B.A.T.E. for years and would appreciate our help. It is not too much to expect for us to help our friend by putting up signs, making calls, etc. One final note: HB 3243 amended the Illinois Litter Control Act by adding “cigarettes” to the definition of “litter.” This means a rider cannot toss a cigarette butt when he is done with it. Motorcycles do not have ashtrays; so, you need to find a place to put it until you get to trash can. It is the thoughtful thing to do, and it is the law. At this month’s meeting, I shall give an update of federal, State, and local government actions regarding motorcycling. I hope to see you there. Please find the time to join us on Legislative Day: We will gather at 8:30 AM at the State House Inn on March 5th. Be sure to be a properly registered voter; help our friends be elected; and vote on March 18th. Government needs your input, and motorcycling needs your involvement. We are counting on you. MEMBERSHIP REPORT PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Paula “Pi” Allen Membership Report as of Feb. 7, 2014 Lynn Steinmetz Number of members due each month ….. Mar: 41 Feb: 28 Jan: 3 Active: 533 Inactive: 1751 6 New Members since 1/15/2014 MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN MARCH 2014 ACHAS, PATRICK BEADLE, WARREN BELCHER, ROBERT S. BILYEU, MIKE BOLTON, ROBERT CULBERTSON, DAVE "ZOO DAVE" CULBERTSON, ROSE DOOLIN, CONNIE DOOLIN, DENNIS DUNBAR, DONNA DUNBAR, GARY FANCHER, FRANK FANCHER, JEANI FEURER, JEFF FREESMEYER, DENNIS GOODSON, JASON GOSTELI, TIM "Go-Go" GRIFFIN, TIMOTHY S. HARTING, MARK J. HEATHER, JIM JUDD, DAN LEACH, BARB LEMME, BRAD S. MANGOLD, LORI MILLER, ROSE M. MILLER, WAYNE L. RANKIN, DOUG RICE, TAD W. RICE, VICKI S. ROSCETTI, PENNY SCHNELTEN, JIM SEIDEL, RONALD SQUIRES, COY VUJOVICH, MICHAEL WAGNER, DIANE WELLER, RUSS WERRIES, MARK WILSON, APRIL WILSON, DAVID ZUHLKE, PAT MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN FEBRUARY 2014 ARNOLD, EARL R. BARRETT, ROBERT BLAISE, ROBERT BLAISE, TRACIE FLEMMING, DEB FLEMMING, TOM GOLBRICHT, GARY HUDDLESTON, DANIEL L. HUDDLESTON, KIM M. IVERSEN, TODD MICHAL KEEHNER, GREG LA RUE, JR., JAMES M. LANG, JARED LINDSEY, DORIS LINDSEY, STEVE LINNE, CLIFF LINNE, TAMMY McGUIRE, DAVID McKINNEY, STEVE PATTERSON, JERRY PINE, KELLY A. PINE III, JOHN R. REICH, CASSIE RIECH, CASSIE SIMS, ROY A. WILLIAMS, CURT "FAT KID" MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JANUARY 2013 HENDERSON, MITCH "LIGHTPOLE" SUAREZ, JOE WEITZEL, RICK Welcome New Members ! BEST, GARY CONNELL, HELEN MOORE, WILEY E. SMITH, DANIEL SMITH, DARREN SMITH, KATHY JD’s Cues & Brews 2256 N. Grand East ~ Spfld, IL Terrific Sports Bar ~ Gaming Pool & Dart Leagues PROUDE A.B.A.T.E. Sponsor We will have LLABATE products and Downed Rider products at our chapter’s table at the SWAP meet on the 16th. Thanks to member requests, we have some new products. If you were kind enough to volunteer to work the event, please make sure it’s on your calendar! - Lynn PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR Alice Furlow Ready for the SWAP Meet! Please see George’s Legislative Report for info on Legislative Day (March 5th), always a big event for us! Be there if you can… this is where we can be heard, seen, and can really have an impact. VFW Northenders Post 10302 2349 Stockyard Road (217) 789-4725 Behind Halls Harley-Davidson Proud Supporter of A.B.A.T.E. Downed Riders Benefit By: George Hurst We will have a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 13th at 6:30 at the Stockyards VFW. It’s early, but we have Raffle Tickets for those of you who can’t wait to start selling tickets. We’re always looking for ideas to improve the Benefit, and for items to auction off. If you have either, let us know. Remember to support our sponsors. These businesses have already donated funds for the Raffle Tickets, the flyers, and the VIP Package: Ramsey Grain; Boone’s Saloon; The Keg; KooKoo’s Nest; and the Blue Moon. Thanks, George Bob Painter, Commander ~ THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT ~ Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome Lincoln Land ABATE Officers President Bruce Liebe (217) 652-8609 liebebr@sbcglobal.net Vice President Phil “Pacman” Cornell (217) 741-4379 phil.cornell@sbcglobal.net Chatham Truck Rental ~~~ PENSKE/HERTZ Cars Mini Storage Outside Storage Secretary/Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 bobbi.ozanic@sbcglobal.net Chatham Industrial Park (21) 483-5882 Legislative Coordinator George Tinkham (217) 753-2737 coolbreeze@att.net Proudly Supporting A.B.A.T.E. DOCKERS TAVERN Rte 54 in Spaulding, IL Saturdays: $1 Bottles/Cans Wednesdays: $1.50 Bottles/Cans ~ POKER RUNS WELCOME ~ Volleyball, Check it out !! Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard Public Relations Coordinator Alice Furlow (217) 638-3914 Alice.furlow@sbcglobal.net Activities Coordinator David Barnett: (217) 488-6520 maryanb@wbsb.net Safety & Education Coordinator George Hurst (217) 629-7308 (217) 306-1944 Products Coordinator Lynn Steinmetz lynnette1@live.com (217) 691-3840 LONGBRANCH TAVERN Membership Coordinator Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 ol_hodrod@hotmail.com On Main Street ~ Athens, Illinois BEER GARDEN! Visit ~ Hang out!! OPEN Sundays ~ ~ See 2nd ad for times !!! Newsletter Coordinator Ken Zuhlke (217) 836-5696 kenzuhlke@gmail.com Downed Riders Benefit ~ See You Next Year! COLDEST BEER IN MENARD COUNTY! ~ The KEG 11th & Ash ~ Springfield (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Monday’s Miller Products $1.50 Drink Specials Daily Pool/Free WiFi /Shuffleboard Sergeants-at-Arms (4) Stacey Furlow Dan Ellenburg Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph Tim Henson Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Vice Chairman: Stacey Furlow Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Feb 2014
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