

Retirees Club Newsletter
September 2014
September 2014 Coming Events
Monthly Meeting
5:00 PM
September 16th
Retirees (HRC)
Monthly Meeting
1:30 PM
September 17th
Monthly Meeting
5:00 PM
September 18th
Monthly Meeting
3:00 PM
September 19th
~ President’s Comments ~
By Jim Crawford
Well summer is almost over. It sure seems to have been hotter than any recent ones in my memory. Wetter too!
I'm pleased to tell you that the HRC and MINNREGS have approved the naming of the upstairs recreation
area the "Jim Parady Lounge". There will be a dedication some time down stream. Dave Nease will set
that up.
How many of you remember Weedon Island from their earlier years? Did you know that it was once known
only as "The Bayou"? It was later named Weedon Island for Dr. Leslie Weedon in the late 1890's. He was
the attending physician to Chief Osceola while he was incarcerated at St. Augustine. The island really isn't
an island at all. It's northern edge is connected to the mainland behind Derby Lane. It's not surrounded by
water unless we have extreme weather, and then only for a short while.
Artifacts have revealed that it was the home of native Americans from about 10000 B.C. until 1200 A.D.
That's quite a long period. The most recent peoples were the Manasota. A large (40 foot) canoe was discovered recently that suggests the Manasota were seafaring. At least within the confines of Tampa Bay,
which is quite extensive when you consider the era. The dugout canoe is being preserved and there is a
plan to display it at the Culture Center on the island. It may be done by now. I have not been there recently. The natives may have actually traveled as far as the Ft. Myers area and traded with the Caloosa's.
They certainly fished the bay area as evidenced by the excavation of the midden's on the island.
Did you know that commercial air travel in the 1930's was a part of the island's history? In 1929 the Grand
Central Airport was built on the island. Commercial service was conducted by Pitcairn Aviation (a precursor
to Eastern airlines). They provided passenger, freight, and mail service to New York, Miami, and Washington, DC. In 1941 the airport was renamed Sky Harbor Airport. During WWII the small airport provided for
pilot training for the Army Air Corps. After the war competition from Albert Whitted and St. Pete/Clearwater
Airport put the small operation out of business. The foundation and ruins of the waiting room and freight
depot are still viewable just off the parking lot for the museum. Be careful of the rattlesnakes. The runways
are still out there, but covered by sand and weeds. If you hike the boardwalk toward the fishing pier you
can still see some of them.
Honeywell Retirees Club
Officers/Board of Directors
President .......................... Jim Crawford
Vice President ................ Bob Anderson
2nd Vice President ..........Carole Pagels
Secretary .................... Stephanie Puffer
Assistant Secretary........... Emilie Carter
Treasurer ........................George Suther
Assistant Treasurer ......... Marilyn Urban
Member at Large ......... Steve Jones, Sr.
Member at Large .................. Betty Held
Past President ...................... Ben Carter
Past President ................... Tom Conner
HRC Cabinet
Office Crew ....................... John Bowers
Newsletter Crew ..............John Voissem
Grounds Crew ...................... Ben Carter
Kitchen Crew ..................... Helen Mabry
Set-up Crew..................Roger Schofield
Liaison to Minnreg Bd ................... Open
Liaison to Honeybells . Stephanie Puffer
Historian .............................. Dale Kelley
Photo Journalist .................. Carol Bailey
Editor/Publisher ..............George Suther
The HRC Newsletter is a monthly
publication for members of the
Honeywell Retirees Club.
Members’ inputs are welcomed. To
contribute, please contact our office.
The HRC takes no responsibility for
the content of these articles, which
are written solely for the enjoyment of
its members.
To Contact us:
Office ............................... 727-260-7498
E-mail ............... hwlretirees@gmail.com
Club website ........www.Honeywellrc.org
Minnreg Hall Address:
6340 126th Ave. No.
Largo, FL 33773
Honeywell Employee Service Center
Up until 1963 the hanger was used to store the floats for the
Festival of States and Gasparilla Parades. I remember personally exploring the area as a teenager. I certainly remember the
hanger. In 1963 a fire consumed both the hanger and all it's
contents in one of the most spectacular events of my youth. I
missed it, however Louisa says she remembers seeing flames
shooting skyward from her house in Meadowlawn.
During the Prohibition Era, the island became a haven for bootlegging and the distilling of adult beverages. On one of my
youthful sojourns I discovered an old still only to find out it was
no secret. The kettles are in the museum.
In the 1930's Sun Haven Studios built a movie studio on the
island. Three movies were filmed at this studio. They were
"Chloe", "Playthings of Desire" (sounds risqué), and Hired Wife.
The last one is the only one I can find any reference to. It
starred Rosalind Russell and Brian Aherne. The effort failed
prior to the war and never was resurrected.
There was a wooden one-way bridge that crossed from Shore
Acres to the island. Some of the best snook and redfish fishing
was found to be under that bridge and along the oyster flats inland from the bridge. I can attest to a 34 inch snook caught on
six pound test line without a leader. It took me nearly two hours
to land. My friend Steve Cornelison (see last month) was with
me and can verify. That old fish may still be there. I have no
idea what a snook's natural life is, but I did release it. The various redfish however became dinner when I caught them. They
bake up real nice with cheese and red sauce. The bridge connected where the fishing pier is now. I've heard the fishing has
not changed much over the past 55 years. There are still
lunker snook and redfish in that bayou.
During our teenage years, when we could drive, Weedon Island
became a favorite place to go watch "submarine races". I am
not going to elaborate on this, just use your imagination. It was
remote, quiet, and more private than a drive-in movie.
Today Weedon Island is blessed with a county preserve that
features many historic, environmental, and exploration opportunities. Louisa and I find it to be very relaxing and enjoy the solitude offered in the middle of our bustling community. The preserve is over 3000 acres of pine forest and mangrove wetlands.
Two miles of boardwalks that are handicapped-accessible traverse the wetlands. Birds abound of many species. I find the
wading birds (egrets, herons, ibis, and spoonbills) to be enthralling. The salt water pools are teeming with fish (mostly
mullet). There is an observation tower that rises 45 feet at the
end of one of the boardwalks. The cities of Tampa and St. PeContinued
tersburg can be seen clearly on clear days. The
preserve also spreads out beneath you from the
From the Second Chair
For the more adventuresome there is a boy scout
constructed dirt trail that traverses the pine hardwood forest and passes many pools. It stretches
about a mile in a loop and accesses about two
miles of other rougher trails.
Minnregs Retirees Club invites you to join us for a
special seminar, take control of your retirement income. Make it last a lifetime.
The culture center allows viewing of artifacts and re
-constructs some of the historical significance of the
area. There is a gift shop. The price is extremely
favorable (free), however donations are encouraged.
During this complimentary seminar, you’ll learn
ways to:
By 1st VP Bob Anderson
Presented by Aaron D. Schenkman, RFC, Financial
Advisor with Amerprise Financial.
Setup a retirement income stream aligned
with your retirement goals.
Align tax treatments with your investment objectives.
See www.weedonislandpreserve.org for more on
this spectacular secret in our midst.
Plan for inflation, economic challenges and a
potentially long retirement.
Wikipedia and the above website were used for
some of the details in this article.
This is an informational seminar. You always learn
something that may help you out. Please plan to
attend during our September 17 meeting.
Now for more trivia:
Last months question was who are the only bachelors elected president? There were two. The first
was James Buchanan who remained a bachelor his
whole life. He was our 15th president, immediately
preceding Abraham Lincoln. Buchanan was from
Lancaster, PA and was the only president from that
Free lunch will be served.
Grounds Crew Report
By Ben Carter
The second bachelor was Grover Cleveland. He
was both the 22nd and 24th president. His two
terms were split by Benjamin Harrison, the only
time in history that a president won, then lost, then
was re-elected. When Cleveland won his first term
he was unmarried, however later married while in
the White House. His daughter Ruth was born
while he was president. She is the namesake for
the Baby Ruth Candy Bar. Babe Ruth had nothing
to do with the candy unless he enjoyed eating them.
Cleveland was born in New Jersey, but lived his
adult like in the Buffalo, NY area.
All’s quiet on the “Green Front”. We are doing a lot
of mowing and pruning at this time. We have to
prune at least once a year. We have resoded the
area where the sandwich trailer was parked.
Carol’s flag still flies over the grotesque toadstool.
Roger Schofield took two broken push mowers and
made one good mower. Roger is now my shopman.
We have a new volunteer member, Jim Wedlake.
He will join us whenever he is in town. We could
use a couple more volunteers, even part time help
like Jim is appreciated. Where else can you get
O.J.T. for operating a lawn tractor, chainsaw, learning how to fell trees, lay sod, and all manner of outdoor activities and all for free. Our planning time is
“world renowned”
After serving as president two men were appointed
to the Supreme Court. Can you name them?
Hope to see as many of you as possible at the September 17th general meeting. Free lunch and bylaw vote. Until then stay happy and healthy!
Come join the fun, you’ll be glad you did.
The Crash
By Carole Pagels, 2nd VP
It is October 23, 1998 at 7:10 AM and I’m on the way to Honeywell to work. Oh no, the car in front of me is
swaying all over the road. What’s wrong up there…oh no, I can’t stop…..…(hold arms in front of face and
scream, “Jesus help”)..SCREECH, SCREECH, CRASH, BANG, SMOKE, DARKNESS. I can’t see…the car
is filled with black smoke…I’m sitting there in a floating calmness that I would never dream would happen to
me. I HAVE JUST BEEN IN A CAR CRASH. Suddenly, as quick as the calmness comes, it leaves and I realize I am sitting in a car full of black smoke…THE CAR’S ON FIRE, “ouch, my arm…my chest….what’s
wrong with my left arm and the pain in my chest? I can’t move my arm. My hand - a fist…I can’t open it. I
can’t see. Gotta get out of this car…it’s on fire! No, it’s the smoke from this airbag. Yikes, can’t get this seat
belt off…where is the buckle, oh need to get this over my head. Lord, Lord, please help me open the lock on
the door…I can’t…my arm…use my right arm and hurry, cross my right arm over the injured left arm.”
WHEW! At last…I’m out but this is US19 and the cars are still coming fast…run. I’m running to the side of
the road…help, please help me…I feel so sick, my arm. Oh thank God there’s a car pulling over. Please
open the door and let me sit in there. I feel so sick. Help, please call the doctor. You say someone is calling
911 for an ambulance?” I hear people talking but no one is telling me what really happened…Why? Why did
this happen? I’m supposed to go to the Billy Graham meeting tonight. Ok, put me on the stretcher. Oh no,
why are you putting that around my neck…a broken neck…oh no, just in case? In case of what? Broken
neck, you say? Ok, ok. Yes, Officer, questions now when I‘m in pain in this ambulance? Can’t you see my
pain? He’s got to get all that info first. I can’t believe this.
Finally, we’re on the way to the emergency room. WHEW! What an experience…took x-rays…yes the arm is
broken. I’m at Largo Medical Center and all the nurses are gathered around me. They have already heard
about the airbag breaking my arm and they want to check out my blackened chest. Several more nurses are
rushing over to inspect. “Well, it’s up to surgery”, said the doctor. “We will be putting a steel plate with 6
screws in your arm. This will be there forever.”
I stayed over night and had a cast put on my arm for 6 weeks. Four days after the accident, the mailman
brought me the bad news. I got a ticket for careless driving along with the 3 other people in the accident. My
car was totaled and I received 4 points on my license. I called the court and pleaded Guilty after hearing that
it was a 4 car pileup and 3 of us got careless driving tickets – why? My insurance said if you get points on
your license, it will cost you $200 a point and that’s 800 extra a year for 3 years.
A few days later I found out after checking the web site that if I plead guilty, go to school for 4 hours that my
ticket would be reduced by 18%. The points would be removed and the insurance could not charge me extra
nor could they drop me so that was good news.
When I returned to work, the most asked question was, “what will happen when you go to the airport. Will the
alarm ring from your metal plate in your arm?” I guess you’re wondering why I am telling you all these details,
eh? Well, I need to share the moral of this story with all of you. Perhaps it will save your life, perhaps it will
prevent you from being hit 200 miles an hour by the airbag…perhaps it will save one of your children. I can’t
stress it enough to:
1. Wear you seat Belts.
2. Stay at least 2 car lengths behind the car in front of you, if possible.
3. Obey the speed limit even though everyone else isn’t. It was the most horrible experience in my life to go
through this accident. Feeling that airbag hit you with full force…that loss of control…that helpless feeling
and but for God’s Grace, I could have been maimed for life or WORSE YET…even died. Everyone thinks
it’s going to happen to the other guy but then one day it happens to you.
4. Note that traffic and attitudes of people are continuously getting worse. Pressure, stress, rudeness and
hurry, hurry can cause road rage.
I’m happy to tell you that I did the 4 hours at the Award’s Traffic School and learned the following:
Why do we get traffic tickets? Temporary lack of awareness!
Careless accidents take place around home. Seventy five percent of the fatalities are within 25 miles of
If you are traveling 40 MPH the risk of you having an accident is 80% (as of 1998). Cars kill more than guns
and airplanes.
16 miles over the speed limit = 4 points
Less than 15 miles over speed limit = 3 points
12 points in 12 months – lose license for 1 month
18 points in 18 months lose license 3 months
24 points in 36 months lose license 1 year
Did you know that some insurance companies charge $200 per point and they can also drop you unless you
attend traffic school to have the points removed?
What you can’t do in the intersection:
Can’t change lanes
Can’t pass
Can’t stop in the intersection (we all do that hoping the green light doesn’t change)
Hands on the wheel should be 9/3 (to prevent airbag from breaking your arms if deployed).
Other Factors that cause accidents:
Too tired to drive
High beams shining in your eyes
Fresh rain
The latest: Texting
(Oh! one more thing…..drive carefully…the IRS needs you!)
Did you enjoy being in this car accident with me? I hope not!
Upcoming Suncoast Singers Concerts – 2014/2015
Submitted by John Bowers
The Suncoast Singers will launch their 35th concert season this coming Fall. Dates have been booked with
the Minnreg Hall for two concert performances. The first will be:
Saturday, November 15th, 2014
And the second will be:
Saturday, March 21st, 2015
Both concerts themes this season will be “Celebrating A Century Of Song” and will feature music beginning
with the early 1900’s and then each decade thereafter up to our present decade. Tickets will go on sale in the
September/October time frame.
So mark your calendars. We will be updating you in future newsletter articles as to specific times and other
event details.
Entertainment Coupon 2015 Books
Proposed By-Laws Change
by Betty Held
By Jim Crawford
At the HRC board meeting on 14-May-2014, it was
proposed and passed that section 4.2.5 of the HRC
by-laws be amended.
Entertainment Coupon 2015 Books are available for
purchase filled with hundreds of local 50% off discounts and 2-for-1 coupons. Unbeatable savings –
every day! Something for everyone. These books
are packed with money-saving coupons for fine and
casual dining, local attractions, travel and hotels,
entertainment, shopping, groceries, and much
more! The coupons can be used immediately
through the end of the year 2015. The Tampa Bay
Area books are selling for $30 when you buy
through our Honeybelle fundraiser, which is $5 off
the regular $35 Retail Price. There are 4 Ways to
Save! Best-in-Class Offers with hundreds of coupons in the book, the membership card enclosed in
each book, the new digital online coupons added
daily, or redeem offers right from your smartphone
with the free mobile app. No longer necessary to
carry your book around when you can use the
phone as your coupon. The new mobile app provides buyers access to over 100 local editions. It’s
like having ALL 119 (including Canada) Entertainment editions on your phone! With the substantial
increase in high value offers, you’ll not only save a
lot of money using Entertainment, you’ll also help
us reach our fund raising goal.
The current by-law reads:
No part of the income of the organization shall
be used for the private benefit of any member,
officer, or director of the organization. No member, officer, or director of the organization shall
be entitled to share in the distribution of any of
the assets of the organization neither during the
life of the organization or upon it's dissolution.
The approved change reads:
No part of the assets of the organization shall
be used for the private benefit of any member or
officer of the organization. However, with the
approval of the board, a member or group may
be rewarded with a lunch, dinner, gift certificate,
or an award for their service to the organization.
No member or officer shall be entitled to share
in the distribution of any assets of the organization neither during the life of the organization or
upon it's dissolution.
This is written notification to the general membership of the proposed change and will be presented
for discussion and consideration at the September
17, 2014 general meeting. A vote for approval or
disapproval will be taken at that time.
Held 727-215-3630, Steve Jones 813-205-1302,
Stephanie Puffer 727-894-4325, or Barbara Mitton
on campus @727-539-3404 Plt. 4; or at any Honeybelle, Retiree, or Minnreg monthly meeting.
Thanks in advance for helping us raise funds for our
Honeybelle charities.
The Redneck War
Message from Honeybelle Acting
President Jacqueline Morgan:
By Dale Kelley
September 22 to September 30, 1921
We cordially invite any and all interested friends
and family members to attend our Honeybelle meetings on the third Tuesday of the month in the Griffin
Room at the Minnreg Building. Dinner is served at
5:00 followed by a short meeting and entertainment. Membership is only $10 a year or $5 if you
join now.
At the turn of the 20th century, the labor force of the
coal mining industry in Southern West Virginia was
in turmoil. With an average wage of 50 cents a day
in an environment where you risked your life every
day, that way of life was a travesty for many years.
Efforts to unionize their work force were sometimes
successful but for the most part it was governed by
the "YELLOW DOG" contract which was signed by
a coal miner as he took his job. It simply stated that
if you mentioned or anyone said you mentioned the
Come with ideas for special outings and entertainment. The tour of the Clearwater Coast Guard Air
Station was enjoyed by all!
word UNION, it was grounds for dismissal. Without
the support of the Federal Government, labor unions fought a downhill battle.
On August 21, 1921 Hatfield, his deputy and their
wives were brutally murdered by the remaining
Baldwin Felts brother and 7 of his henchmen. Both
deputies were unarmed as they left the McDowell
County Courthouse in Welch. Even at that time no
guns were allowed in court except by the Bailiff.
The deputies and their wives were shot on the top
step of the courthouse by the eight gunmen.
Many coal mines hired their own staff of mine protectors and with the state government's blessing
pretty much made up their own rules. Many state
government officials were openly on the payroll of
the mine operators (owners). Governor Morgan of
West Virginia was constantly accused of being on
the take.
The coal miners of W.Va. were furious about the
cold blooded murder of 4 unarmed people on the
courthouse steps. They took their grief to the state
capitol in Charleston and pleaded their case with
Gov. Morgan. Morgan replied, the way he heard it,
“it was self-defense” and tossed them out.
In early 1920, the Big Stone Gap Mine of Matewan
had enough and came out as a group to organize.
The mine operators promptly tossed all the belongings of the renters outside in the rain. With this type
of uproar, the mines brought in extra mine protectors. The Baldwin Felts Detective Agency represented this mine. They brought in an extra 13
armed agents to go with the 8 already on board.
On Sept. 21, 1921 the miners had enough and
vowed revenge. They gathered at a small suburb
of Charleston called Marmet. The number of coal
miners involved in this march will never be known.
The internet says 12-15,000 but this writer who was
born and raised 30 miles from the battle site believes that number to be about 6-8,000. They
marched 35 miles to the town of Madison and
stopped for the night in the same ball park where
this author played 3 years in center field for Scott
High School. On the 22nd Gov. Morgan finally realized what he had done and promptly called Pres.
Warren Harding for the militia. Harding said “I'll do
better than that, I'll send you Captain Billy Mitchell
with the latest in aircraft bombers, the MB-1 (Martin
Bomber).” Mitchell lost one bomber to crash but
arrived with three to fly over the miners.
On May 19, 1920 the Baldwin Felts Agents offered
Cabell Testerman, the mayor of Matewan, $500 to
allow them to place a machine gun on the top of
Testerman's hardware store. Testerman was sympathetic to the miners and after consulting with his
one man police department, Police Chief Syd Hatfield (grandson of Devil Anse Hatfield of the Hatfield
and McCoy Feud), promptly ran the mine protectors
out of town. They returned the next day with
trumped up arrest warrants for Testerman and Hatfield. The following event, the Matewan Massacre,
was the highlight of the 1982 movie "Matewan" starring James Earl Jones and Chris Cooper.
On the 22nd Gov. Morgan talked approximately
1000 miners out of marching by telling them, if they
marched they would be charged with treason. But
approximately 5,000 miners donned their RED
BANDANAS to avoid shooting each other. Thus
the term REDNECK was born. Their opponents
donned white handkerchiefs for the same reason.
Although the movie reflected the gun battle took
place in the middle of town on the railroad tracks, it
actually took place on the porch of Testerman's
hardware store. There the 13 agents and 7 defenders of the town shot it out just as they did in the Old
West. The Baldwin Felts agents were not prepared
for what followed. Hatfield had two pistols in quick
draw holsters on the front of his waist and shot two
agents before they could draw their guns. With a
back-up of 5 coal miners with guns aimed at the
agents, the gun battle lasted only a few seconds.
Seven mine agents (including two Baldwin Felts
brothers) and 3 coal miners were killed including
It was extremely difficult to determine exactly how
many coal miners arrived to fight. Many came by
rail and anybody's guess is as good as another.
Mitchell's role was not to bomb miners but to bomb
the roadways around the mountain to attempt to
scare the miners away.
But the Logan County Sheriff (Don Chafin) had a
different plan. He had 300 deputies for a county
with 1500 people. (What a ratio!) Chafin leased a
couple of airplanes and used homemade bombs.
Six months later on January 21, 1921, Hatfield was
tried in a W.Va. court and exonerated of any crime.
He was protecting his town from armed men.
He actually dropped them on the miners.
The following are members’ names with corresponding name tags on file at the HRC Angels’ Table during our HRC Member Luncheons. Betty
Held and Stephanie Puffer are the two Angels who
handle name tags, among several other duties!
These tags have not been picked up by our members and thus, we HAPPILY remind you to come,
pick up your badges, partake of our delicious $5
lunches while enjoying the camaraderie of former
co-workers and friendly new faces.
It is this writer's opinion that there were probably
5000 miners that actually fought for that week.
Hunger, lack of sleep and lack of leadership caused
mass desertion. Their opponents had new Winchester repeaters while the coal miners had muzzle
loaders, pistols and shotguns. The mine protectors
had 3000 men dug in on the top of the mountain
and were shooting downhill. It was no contest. Blair
Mountain is eight miles around and could not be
policed because of its size so several thousand
miners escaped without prosecution. At the end of
the week 982 miners were arrested for treason, with
100 coal miners and 30 mine protectors shot to
What can be better than our luncheons on the third
Wednesday of the month at 1:30 PM beginning,
again, in September at the Minnreg Hall? Nothing,
as I see it - just good meals, old friends, interesting
programs, departing fully satisfied. Amen!
The issue was settled when the case was tossed
out of court because one of Chafin's bombs did not
explode. When it was presented in court, the miners were released.
Barlow - Marsha & Mark
Boyce - Barbara
Bowman - Denny
Buchanan - Cindy & Steve
Boone - Geddes & Paul
Brown - Ann
Bitting - Betty
Berry - T & Tina
Bayer - Marilyn & Don
Barbour - Bill
Broderick - Paula
Bongiovanni - Stephen
Block - Roger
Briest - Cindy
Breslo - Bob
Cannistraro – Judy & Bob
Capuro – Barbara & Robert
Carlin – Ruth
Carnahan – Janet & Paul
Chumney – Clarence
Coldiron – Otto
Courtot – Becker & Charles
Dahluik – Gary
Davis – Susan & Ron
Drew – Mgt / Monnie
Eastman – Nancy & Don
Eckert – Kenneth
Fall – Roxanna & Bob
Fischer – Mary & Del
Gillenwater – Terry
Grzegorczyk – Jackie
Hensley – Lois
This was and still is the largest armed conflict in the
United States since the Civil War of 1865.
The coal miners’ union organizing efforts went
down the tube until 1933 when Pres. Roosevelt
heard their story and enacted a law to permit unions
to exist without violence.
Today the definition of the term Redneck doesn't
even resemble the original term. However those of
us who know the real meaning are not offended by
being referred to as a REDNECK.
* The number of coal miners involved in this war are
the estimate of the author of this article and the local West Virginians. It is difficult to believe the
number on the internet which is estimated at 1215,000 because of the number (982) that were arrested. No one really knows the actual numbers.
Members Without an Identity
Submitted by Stephanie Puffer
Everyone working on the Newsletter hopes y’all are
having a “splendiferous, super-duper relaxing by
the pool, by the seaside, on the links, over the grill,
in front of the TV or just napping your days away on
the lanai” wonderful kind of Summer Vacation! We
are too, albeit 3 days on duty!
Hummerick – Audrey & Merf
Humphries – Marilyn & John
Jacobson – Lynn
Kendall – Jim
Kroepel – Sharon & Wayne
Kubicki – Eugene
Kurhayez – Frank
Macon – Mel
Mills – Margaret
Morgan – Jacqueline
Oswald – LeAnn & Richard
Perry – Cliff
Quina – Jack
Ring – Debbie & Jeff
Scott – Bobbie & Don
Sliger – Roz
Thoele – Pat & Jim
Tolos, Jr. – George
Vassallo, Janice & John
Weyl – Peggy & Nelson
Whitley – Beverly
Yager – Mary & Robert
Zajdel – Kim & Pat
to do the newsletter on a different hardware and
software platform. She has made herself proficient
at composition and editing, and has gained enough
confidence in her ability to manage this task. She
will be taking over next month. I have enjoyed my
time as editor, learning a lot, and hopefully, helping
the club to keep going. Thank you all for your support over the last three years. I’m not going anywhere. I am still your Treasurer, and will continue
to support the staff in the Retiree Office.
Gene's Health Tip
By Gene Shank
In the February Health Tip I started a series on the
number one cause of death in the United States -heart disease. I listed the twelve major causes of
heart disease.
April's Health Tip described the present day typical
standard heart screening.
In May's Health Tip you learned about “The New
Cardiology Risk Assessment” heart screening
which included blood work, EBT scan and toxic
metal evaluation. With this information you could
then determine your level of cardiovascular disease
(CVD) risk.
Your New Editor
By George Suther, Retiring Editor
The June and August Health Tip explained how to
bring the CVD related blood test results that were
out of the healthy zone, back into the healthy zone.
In this September Health Tip I am going to give you
a solution for strengthening the heart and body.
This strengthening is accomplished by using “The
New Cardiology” protocol with nutritional supplements referred to as “The Awesome Foursome”.
Hearts, skeletal muscles, and every other tissue in
our bodies have an absolute need for adenosine
triphosphate or ATP, as their primary energy currency. Cells and tissues will cease to function if
they are not provided with a constant and stable
supply of energy.
After all of the warnings of ending the newsletter by
your President, Jim Crawford, and myself, Carole
Pagels has offered to step up and take over as your
new Newsletter Editor. Carole has been working
with me over the last few months to figure out how
When hearts are stressed by disease, energy substrates (ATP), wash out of the cell and the total pool
of cellular energy becomes severely depleted. Disease also disrupts the hearts ability to recycle its
remaining energy. The combination of energy pool
depletion and metabolic dysfunction contributes to
the severity of the disease and impacts the physiological health of the heart. The same is true for
skeletal muscles that are stressed by either disease
or high-intensity exercise.
6. Additional fish oil: 2 grams (Carlson).
7. Garlic: Kyloic formula 109 1 gram/day.
8. Hawthorne berry: (Nature's Way) 1,000-1,500
Stable Angina Pectoris
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 180-360 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 1,000-2,000 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 10-15 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400-800 mg/day.
6. Green Tea: (Alvita organic) one cup/day.
“The Awesome Foursome” used by “The New Cardiology” protocol to the rescue!!
Coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, D-ribose, and Magnesium are central to the metabolic health of tissue.
Energy metabolism simply cannot continue without
these essential participants. Each has a specific
job and follows a different metabolic path. The contribution of each member of this foursome is needed by every cell to supply its critical need for energy. They help nurture, “fertilize”, and support the
mitochondria. Together, they provide the spark to
the fire that stokes the furnaces that provide the energy of life, which is ATP. This “Awesome Foursome” has reduced suffering and improved the
quality of life for thousands.
Cardiac Arrhythmia--Prevention of Premature Contractions, Premature Atrial Contractions, and Intermittent Atrial Fibrillation
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 180-360 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 1,000-2,000 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 7-10 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400-800 mg/day.
6. Additional fish oil: 2-3 grams (Carlson)
Here are “The New Cardiology” recommendations:
Age-Management—Individuals looking for a simple
age-management program and interested in cardiovascular prevention.
Congestive Heart Failure
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 90-150 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 250-750 mg/day
4. D-ribose: (Now) 5 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400 mg/day.
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 300-360 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 2,000-2,500 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 10-15 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400-800 mg/day.
High Blood Pressure
Severe Congestive Heart Failure, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Awaiting Heart Transplant
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 180-360 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 500-1,000 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 5-10 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400-800 mg/day.
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 360-600 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 2,500-3,500 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 15 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400-800 mg/day.
6. Hawthorne berry: (Nature's Way) 1,500 mg/day.
7. Taurine: (NOW) 2,000-3,000 mg/day.
Mitral Valve Prolapse
These mentioned recommendations will only come
from physicians and especially cardiologists who
embrace a metabolic solution to improve our quality
of life.
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 90-150 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 500-1,000 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 5 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 800 mg/day.
6. Additional 3 grams of fish oil (Carlson) if condition is accompanied by frequent arrhythmia.
The Multivitamin/mineral, Daily Advantage is by far
the best and most complete that I have found on
the planet. Every other product of this type pales
by comparison. If Daily Advantage was the only
supplement you took your health would be maintained or improved. This product is available on
line at Amazon or drdavidwilliams website or by
phone 1-800-844-2117.
The Max-10 Coenzyme Q10 product is available on
line at Amazon or stopagingnow and by phone 1800-627-9721.
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Mitochondrial Cytopathies
All the other supplements referred to in this Heart
Health Series can be purchased locally at Super
Vitamin Outlet (727-786-5994) located in the N.W.
corner of US 19 and Tampa Road. I shop at this
store because the staff is very knowledgeable,
friendly, and they will issue a 10% off discount card
if you ask for it (supplements only). Get on their
email list and you will be notified of special events
and when the 20% off vitamins sale will be. These
supplements can also be purchased on line at Pure
Formulas (free shipping) and Vitacost.
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 300-360 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 2,000-3,000 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 15 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 400-800 mg/day.
Syndrome X, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes
Here's To Your Health
1. Multivitamin/mineral (Daily Advantage) foundational program with 1 gram of fish oil (Carlson).
2. Coenzyme Q10: (Max-10 or Jarrow Ubiquinol
QH absorb) 180-360 mg/day.
3. L-carnitine: (NOW) 1,000-2,000 mg/day.
4. D-ribose: (Now) 5 grams/day.
5. Magnesium: (NOW) in the citrate form, start with
low dose and work up to 800 mg/day.
6. For the regulation of glucose metabolism take
(Blood Sugar Optimizer) as directed on bottle.
Product is available on line or by phone (310)919-0913.
7. Whenever you are battling type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, or Syndrome X, you should
have no more than 40% of your calories coming
from preferably low glycemic carbohydrates.
The remainder of your calories should come
from high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
New Members
Martha Williams
Deceased HRC Members
Robert Meredith
Deceased Honeywellers
David E. Williams
In Memory of Jim Parady
Dear Folks,
My heart is so thankful whenever I think of the warm, caring things that you do and I want you to know just
how grateful I am. There are angels on earth just like you!
On behalf of the entire Jim Parady family, THANK YOU!!!
We couldn’t have honored Jim any better than to have so many loving friends and family together in the
MINNREG Hall enjoying the afternoon luncheon.
Please send our sincere thanks to the HRC Club members who helped as well.
I will miss all the smiling faces I saw when I would wheel Jim into a meeting – he never wanted to miss his
time with his fellow club members.
Imagine God’s goodness every time you gather on behalf of Jim and me!
Love to all of you,
Jean Parady Rau
Bob Anderson
Happy Birthday
John Erickson
Elaine Mccarthy
Glenn Thompson
Linda Allen
Rosemary Bradley
Larry Carawan
Joyce Mcleod
June Migliorisi
Mari Dumont
Allan Hammell
Kenneth Leiser
Philip Bayly
Patricia Craig
Margaret Donehoo
Martina Haywood
Ted Konkle
Mona Rohrbough
Virginia Duke
Earle Lincoln
Linda Blechschmidt
Ethel Crede
Gerald Johnson
Enrique (George) Munoz
James Soulis
Frederick Glover
Susan Hill
Vivian Kerr
Carolyn Townsend
Helen Bateman
Margaret Borgelt
Ralph Gabert
Marlene Householder
Elaine Tarrance
Russell Dumont
Helen Eaker
Pat Kearns
James Lewin
Sharon Miletich
Dorothy Stonebrook
Joe Tennant
Carolyn Acosta
Peggy Herrington
Doris Johnson
William Jones
Edward Miner
John Nicolas
Beverly Schmitt
Lorraine Shelander
Marianne Rich
Wilma Fletcher
June Heiser
Betty Kelley
Carole Kinports
Katherine Lewin
Jeanette Meier
Gladys Thorne
Carol Bailey
Catherine Blackburn
Paula Dalton
Rodney (Rod) Harris
James Mill
Elaine Rodriques De Miranda
Betty Adams
Ted Andresen
Dolf Boll
Marian Case
Edna McCall
Ed Seifried
Mary Yager
John Bowers
Linda Lopez
Dorothy Patterson
Sandy Hagen
Shirley Mullen
Kenneth Zajdel
Rose Barnes
Barbara Bayless
Brianda Carawan
Joanne Konkle
Connie Lotz
John (Jack) Malley
Kirk Mason
Bill Zuben
Jay Bennett
Kerry Boatwright
Charles Crow
Delores Cwynar
Margaret Fennell
Dolly Jamieson
Ted De Felix
Shelley Egli
Deena Hopkins
Debi Horn
James Miller
Edward Baker
Fred Cutting
Tony Deprisco
Sandra Hamilton
Herbert (Bill) Hart
Sylvia Scoble
Shirley Creamer
Glenn Harger
Kenneth Nichols
Clyde Schreiner
Rosamond Soulis
Robert Willms
Eileen Carr
Brenda Lapointe
Harty Miller
Deborah Gabert
Louise Johnson
Shirley Judy
Thomas (Al) Martin
Anne Martin
Dolores Sigler
John Winkle
John Brexa
Virginia Crump
Dale Kelley
Raymond Kelly
Lawrence (Larry) Shannon
Jerry Spinger
Janice (Jan) Coleman
Gerald Gjermundson
Ray Hoopes
Edmund Ketcham
Judy Peterson
Anne Schmitt
Jean Sell
Lorraine Warren
Patrick (Pat) White
Roger Bourdeau
Geraldine Brooks
Marie Malley
Sherry Rasmussen
Rosalyn (Roz) Sliger
Rod Badgett
Donald Clayton
Kenneth Coleman
Donald Phillips
Karen Romeo
Alice Schwitzgebel
Dorothy Shimel
Ethel (Sunny) Wood
Shun-Si Ying
Nelda Burton
Caroline Buyse
Theodore Eitel
Robert Fenton
Peter Stoneham
Leroy Chamberlin
Arthur Damon
Charles Krzesicki
Robert Malloy
Dean Olson
Gloria Wick
Paul Arnold
September 2014
Honeywell Retiree’s Club
6340 126th Ave. North
Largo, FL 33773
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