Programme of Commemorations to mark the


Programme of Commemorations to mark the
Children’s album 5-8 years / Publication 26 May
Belle-Fleur and Nicola show us life in the workers’ housing estates and the work underground
at the major mining sites in Wallonia.
Joint publication with the Renaissance du Livre.
Carte blanche for Youth and Associations
from 1 to 5 June and from 30 November
to 4 December
Pupils, young people, associations and older
people alike have been invited to reflect on the
topic of ‘Mining yesterday in Belgium and today in
the world’.
Painting on silk, chocolate sculpture, drawings, 3D
objects, trees of memory, origami, giant woven
portrait – these are just some of the creations to be
seen during these periods.
Rue des Italiens Saturday, 4 June at 6.00 pm
Show by pupils from Saint-Joseph d’Havré school as part of courses
organised by the schools office at the General Consulate of Italy.
Activity: ‘Miner in the world today’
L’Uomo Carbone door by ‘Il teatro sociale di Pescara’ at 7.00 pm
Messe en Eurovision mass at 10.30 am by the Médias catholiques.
Silent walk by Ex-Minatori association of former Italian miners in Marcinelle, starting from the site of the former XII miners’ barracks (Match
car park) to the railings around the Bois du Cazier.
Day of Memory, 8 August
8.10 am - Ringing of the Maria Mater Orphanorum bell
9.00 am - Tribute to the 262 victims and speeches
11.00 am - Flowers laid in Marcinelle cemetery
12.30 am - Friendship drink hosted by the General Consulate of Italy
2.00 pm - Reception on the occasion of the miners international
meeting in the City Hall of Charleroi
An initiative of the Amicale des Mineurs des Charbonnages
de Wallonie association.
Information and bookings:
1956 - 2016
Programme of
to mark the 60th
anniversary of the
Marcinelle disaster
from 18 June to 11 December
The exhibition of the same name will show young
people, with their families or their schools, the
lives and working conditions of miners through role
playing. As a journalist, vet, ecologist, business man,
doctor or tourist for the day, they will have to prepare
a critical analysis of the photos and films presented.
Excursion booklet for families and guided tour for
Publisher responsible: J-L. Delaet Rue du Cazier, 80 - 6001 Marcinelle ©Bourses Reporters Mineurs du Monde - 2015 - S. Fischer, C. Cieslinski, E. Meloni, P.L. Monnier
©Thomas Vanden Driessche - ©Roger Cremers - ©Dariusz Kantor - ©Bernard Bay - ©Danny Veys - ©Vincent Vincke - Massimiliano Pelagatti - Myriam Louyest
Week of Youth and Heritage
The great periods in history
from 18 to 22 April
Visits-rallies for schools.
Institut du Patrimoine wallon (Walloon heritage institute)
Re-created by period vehicles and re-enactors in period costumes,
the Bois du Cazier and the surrounding district will be immersed once
again in the atmosphere of 1956: fire engines, ambulances, police
Land Rover and cars... A scene created using giant reproductions of
photographs will take visitors back to the past.
With the Fédération belge de véhicules anciens, the Association des
anciens véhicules de secours and the Vespa club des Fagnes.
16 April from 5.00 pm
Ballad related by pupils from the Athénée royal secondary school and the Thuin academy of music, led
by Michel Tanner and David Denil.
Back to the past
Star dust - 8 August 1956
Weekend of 6 and 7 August
A witness passing by
Rue du Cazier 80 - B 6001 Marcinelle
Miner in the world today
Is the mine of the 21st century really any different from that
of 60 years ago when, on 8 August 1956, it was both the
scene and the leading character in the biggest disaster ever
to hit the Belgian coalmining industry? The themes covered
will be those brought to light in Marcinelle, issues that cling
more closely to the skin of this industry than the coal dust to
that of the miners.
New symbols
Mural: ‘‘Two hundred and sixty-two”
from 19 March
By Charles Szymkowicz, Vilson Biçaku, Nicolas Darte, Yorick Efira and Remy
With the support of the Emile Cornez Foundation and BEMAT SA.
from 18 June to 11 December
At an economic turning point, when the emerging countries
are right in the midst of their first industrial revolution based
mainly on coal, when the European nations are clinging desperately to their age-old mining operations as if they were
rafts on the water, to stay afloat in the era of globalisation,
the exhibition looks at the job of mining, as decried as it is
revered in regions where it is part of history.
Through photographs, films and other documentaries, as
well as film debates, a range of topics will be discussed and
examined in depth, including safety, the strategic issues, the
environmental impact and mining operations that are ‘exotic’
because of both their location and the techniques deployed.
14 October
Experts, witnesses and trade union officials from all over the
world (or almost) will attend this event to discuss the working
conditions and lives of miners and their families as well as the
environmental consequences of extracting and using mineral
Beyond the words, excerpts from reports will convey the situations experienced to participants.
With the FGTB and CSC trade union organisations.
Trilingual colloquium: FR, NL and EN.
Le Bois du Cazier. World Heritage
176 pages - € 24.90
A revised, expanded edition of the book published in 2003 (Prix de l’Enseignement et de
l’Éducation permanente - Continuing Education
and Instruction award). Thanks to new texts
and new photographs, readers will rediscover
the history of Bois du Cazier, which is now a
World Heritage site.
Joint publication with the Renaissance du Livre.
With the Institut du Patrimoine wallon, the Loterie Nationale and Frère-Bourgeois.
Ce livre évoque l’histoire du Bois du
Cazier ancrée dans le mouvement de
la Révolution industrielle, la catastrophe
du 8 août 1956 à la lumière des
archives des procès successifs, les lieux
de mémoire, les trois musées et leur
développement sur le site, le domaine
boisé autour des trois terrils et, enfin, les
activités et manifestations qui animent
le Bois du Cazier au quotidien. Sur le
carreau résonnent aujourd’hui les pas
des visiteurs, particulièrement des plus
jeunes, venus découvrir et comprendre
pour ne pas oublier.
des Nations Unies
pour l’éducation,
la science et la culture
24,90 €
Soixante ans après la catastrophe du 8
août 1956, le nom du Bois du Cazier
suscite toujours la même émotion. En ce
jour d’été ensoleillé, le feu faisait rage
au fond du puits d’extraction, condamnant à une mort certaine les hommes prisonniers de la mine. Sur les 275 mineurs Depuis l’ouverture au public en 2002
descendus, 262 périront asphyxiés par du site restauré, avec l’appui de la
le monoxyde de carbone, dont une Région wallonne et de l’Union euromajorité d’Italiens. C’est la plus grande péenne, le Bois du Cazier œuvre pour
la préservation de la mémoire de la
catastrophe industrielle belge.
tragédie, la sauvegarde du patrimoine
minier et la valorisation du passé industriel. L’accomplissement de ces missions
l’ont conduit à l’inscription en 2012
sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de
l’Unesco en tant que site minier majeur
de Wallonie. Au travers de ses trois
musées consacrés à la trilogie charbonfer-verre, c’est aussi l’histoire du pays
de Charleroi qui y est racontée.
Sites miniers majeurs
de Wallonie
inscrits sur la Liste du
patrimoine mondial en 2012
Publication 2 Juni
The truck from the Marcinelle rescue centre
from 3 June
Miraculously found by Richard Mageren, an old trucks enthusiast, who
then generously offered it to us, the
Dodge (1955) from the Marcinelle
rescue centre, patiently restored and
re-equipped, returns to the site of its
first intervention.
From Italy
The Lucilla Galeazzi and Susanna Buffa duo sings
18 June
This show links past and present
through the infinite musical forms
of this generous region.
Folktrip and Italian Institute of
Culture partnership.
Memory Wood. Marcinelle beyond the tragedy
Exhibition from 8 August to 25 September. Auditorium
For the first time, the granddaughters of one of
the victims from Manoppello tell the story of
their family through powerfully evocative pictures and words.
Texts: Enrica Buccione.
Photographs: Massimiliano Pelagatti.
Book ‘La nostra Marcinelle. Voci al femminile’ by
Martina Buccione.
With the support of the Fondazione PescarAbruzzo.
Giant miners’ lamps installation
from 25 June to 11 September
Artists for life or graffiti writers for the day have taken up their
brushes and sprays to customise a miner’s lamp. A series of
over 40 coloured lamps, 1.50m high, will be exhibited on the
mine square.
This event is being organised in partnership with the Charnoy
association which supports sports and cultural initiatives.
The post-war Italian worker’s dwelling
from 15 October
A dwelling is to be recreated in the metal
hangar on the site as it was in the wartime
prison camps occupied by Italian workers
and their families during the ‘Bataille du
charbon’ or coal battle of the immediate
post-war period.
18 June to 18 September
Myriam Louyest’s glass installation will evoke light and life
contrasted with darkness and
By the Musée du Verre (Glass
‘Backlit’ exhibition
Marcinelle 60
Exhibition from 8 October to 11 December. Auditorium
Story(ies), meetings and photographs, between
Italy and Belgium
An emotion-packed photographic journey
creates a modern-day account strewn with sensations and events through snapshots taken by
photographer Giovanni Marinelli, one of the
most famous names in the intimate reconstruction. So that we never forget the mine, the
country, the story, the man.
Catalogue in IT, EN, FR.
Greta Edizioni – Bag Art Gallery.
Plaques on the Wall of Memory
- Amicale des Mineurs des Charbonnages de Wallonie miners’ association, 21 May
- To mark the festival of the Italian Republic on 2 June
Trentini nel Mondo / ACLI Marcinelle / Sicilian emigrants and families
from the Centre
- To mark the Day of 8 August
Italian Catholic Mission in Marchienne-au-Pont / Region of Sicily /
Lettomanoppello Association of miners and victims / COMITES of
Liège -Luxembourg.