manuale informativo sulle sedi erasmus accessibili agli studenti di
manuale informativo sulle sedi erasmus accessibili agli studenti di
MANUALE INFORMATIVO SULLE SEDI ERASMUS ACCESSIBILI AGLI STUDENTI DI STAL1 E STAL2 A cura della Commissione di Internazionalizzazione dei corsi in STAL1 e STAL2 (Antonella Pasqualone, Eustachio Tarasco, Emilio De Meo, Carmine Crecchio, Agata Gadaleta, Fabio Minervini, Francesco De Carolis) INDICE INFORMAZIONI GENERALI ARTA, Greece Technologiko Educational Institute of Epirus BRNO, Czech Republic Masarik University – Corsi di Laurea BYDGOSZCZ, Poland Universytet Technologiczno Przyrodniczy – Piano di Studi CORDOBA, España Universidad de Cordoba – Piano di studi JELGAVA, Latvia Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte – Piano di Studi LIMOGES, France Université de Limoges NANTES, France Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation (Nantes-Atlantic, National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering) OSIJEK, Croatia Sveuciliste Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijek PLOVDIV, Bulgaria Agraren Universitet Plovdiv - Short History of the University of Food Technologies Foreign Students Admission Lista dei Corsi di Laurea e di Dottorato SIEDLCE, Poland Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities VILA REAL, Portugal University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Food Science – Piano di Studi WARSAW, Poland Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW WIEN, Austria Universität für Bodenkultur Wien – Corsi di insegnamento WROCLAW, Poland Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu – List of courses available for Erasmus students ZAGREB, Croazia University of Zagreb – Food Technology – Piano di Studi ZARAGOZA, España Universidad de Zaragoza – Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria – Corsi di insegnamento RACCOMANDAZIONE: Il presente Manuale contiene informazioni di base sui piani di studio delle diverse sedi Erasmus del DISSPA accessibili agli studenti di STAL1 e STAL2. Tali informazioni possono essere soggette a variazioni e vanno SEMPRE verificate sui siti web di riferimento. INFORMAZIONI GENERALI BANDO E MODALITA’ DI PRESENTAZIONE DELLA DOMANDA Sono disponibili sul sito: ELENCO DELLE DESTINAZIONI E’ disponibile sul sito: Gli studenti di STAL1 e STAL2 devono considerare solo le sedi del Dipartimento di Scienze del suolo, della Pianta e degli Alimenti (DISSPA). SCELTA DEGLI ESAMI Per la selezione degli esami si possono sfruttare le informazioni contenute in questo Manuale (verificandole sui siti di riferimento). Inoltre, per informazioni sulle varie sedi ci si può rivolgere al Docente coordinatore di ciascun accordo (anche detto “responsabile di flusso”) i cui nomi sono riportati in questo Manuale e nell’Elenco delle destinazioni. TEST LINGUISTICO Il test linguistico (scritto) si svolge presso il Centro Linguistico di Ateneo. E’ opportuno prepararsi con cura per il test linguistico perché una buona conoscenza della lingua è ovviamente essenziale per una proficua esperienza Erasmus+ senza troppi problemi di comprensione sia nella vita universitaria (è fondamentale per riuscire a sostenere gli esami) sia nella vita quotidiana. Il mancato superamento del test linguistico comporta l’esclusione dalla mobilità Erasmus+. COSA FARE PRIMA DI PARTIRE Tutti gli adempimenti necessari prima della partenza sono riportati nella “Guida per gli studenti che accettano la mobilità Erasmus+”, che è scaricabile sempre dal sito: ARTA, Greece DEPARTMENT OF CROP PRODUCTION (ARTA) SEDE: ARTA, Greece website: option=com_content&view=article&id=220%3Adepartment-of-cropproduction-arta&catid=14&Itemid=79 Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Claudio Cocozza E-mail: 1 di 4 25/02/2016 11:38 DEPARTMENT OF CROP PRODUCTION (ARTA) Programme of Studies Core Modules (CM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS CRP1010 Botany -Morphology - Histology 5.5 CRP1020 General Agriculture 5.5 CRP1030 General Arboriculture 5.5 CRP1040 Agricultural Chemistry 4 CRP1050 Applied Mathematics 5.5 CRP1060 Computer Science I 4 CRP2010 Industrial Plants and Bioplants 5.5 CRP2020 General Horticulture 5.5 CRP2030 Soil Science 5.5 CRP2060 Plant Physiology 5.5 CRP3020 Genetics 5.5 CRP3050 Olive trees - Vine 5.5 CRP4020 Biological Agriculture 6 CRP4030 Agricultural Machinery 6 Specific Modules (SM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS CRP2040 Computer Science II 4 CRP2050 Systematic Botany - Zizanology 4 CRP3030 General Phytopathology 5.5 CRP3040 Agricultural and Greenhouse Constructions 4.5 CRP3060 Plant Nutrition - Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 5.5 CRP4010 Soil Irrigation 6 CRP4040 Plant Pests 6 CRP4050 Leaf Analysis 6 CRP5010 Plant Breeding 6 CRP5040 Soil Management 6 CRP5050 Drainage 6 CRP7042 Seminar 4 Specialisation Modules (SM) 2 di 4 COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS CRP6010 Biotechnology 6 CRP6020 Cereals 6 CRP6030 Production of Reproductive Material 6 CRP6040 Agricultural Experimentation 6 CRP6050 Comestible Legumes - Veterinary Plants 6 CRP6060 In Vitro Cultures 6 CRP6070 Turf Grass Science 6 CRP6080 Agricultural Industries 6 CRP7011 Pest Control in Extensive Cultures & Stored Products 4 CRP7020 Agricultural Pharmacology 6 CRP7050 Aromatic and Pharmaceutical Plants 6 25/02/2016 11:38 DEPARTMENT OF CROP PRODUCTION (ARTA) CRP7060 Floriculture - Garden Construction 6 CRP7070 Holistic Plant Protection 6 CRP7080 Special Plant Protection of Extensive Cultures 6 CRP6100 Gigartikapra - Citrus Fruits 6 CRP6110 Special Arboriculture 6 CRP7100 Special Plant Production of Extensive Cultures 6 CRP7110 Gigartikapra - Akrodrya 6 CRP7120 Tropical - Subtropical Plants 6 CRP6120 Quality Control of Agricultural Products 6 CRP6130 Natural Environmental Dangers 6 CRP6140 Renewable Sources of Energy in Agriculture 6 CRP6150 Technoeconomic Studies 6 CRP7130 Water Contamination 6 CRP7140 Certification of Quality of Agricultural Products 6 CRP7150 Computer Applications in Agriculture 6 CRP7161 Pest Control in Arboriculture & Stored Products 4 CRP801 Diploma Dissertation 20 CRP802 Work Placement 10 Modules on Management, Finance & Accounting and Legislation COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS CRP3011 Farm Management 3.5 CRP5020 Farm Accounting 6 CRP5030 Agricultural Economy - E.U. Agricultural Politics 6 CRP6160 Teaching Principles in Crop Production 6 CRP7031 Preservation of Environment 4 CRP7090 Standardization & Marketing of Rural Products 6 Optional Modules (OM) 3 di 4 COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS CRP0011 Agrometeorology - CRP0021 Principles of Biology - CRP0031 Irrigation of Turf Grass - CRP0041 General Zoology - CRP0051 Management of Agricultural Machinery - CRP0061 System Science and Simulation - CRP0071 Mushroom - Sericulture - CRP0081 Apiculture - Sericulture - CRP0091 Post - selective Rural Product Treatment - CRP0101 Ecology - CRP0111 Enology - CRP0121 Hydrocultural Cultures in Soil-free Sublayers - CRP0131 Psychology of Work - CRP0141 Special Topics of Computer Science - CRP0151 English I - CRP0161 English II - CRP0171 English for Crop Production (Seminar) - 25/02/2016 11:38 DEPARTMENT OF FLORICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHI... 1 di 3 25/02/2016 11:40 DEPARTMENT OF FLORICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHI... 2 di 3 Programme of Studies Core Modules (CM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS FLA1010 Inorganic Chemistry 5 FLA2030 Biochemistry 5 FLA1021 Mathematics 7 FLA1030 Computer Science 5 FLA1041 Physics 6 FLA2050 General Ecology 5 FLA1050 Plant Morphology 7 FLA2040 Plant Physiology 5 Specific Modules (SM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS FLA3010 Systematic Botany 5 FLA2010 General Floriculture 5 FLA4040 General Plant Protection 5 FLA7010 Advanced Plant Protection 5 FLA5020 Soil Irrigation & Drainage 5 FLA2020 Soil Science 5 FLA3020 Plant Nutrition and Fertilization 5 FLA3050 Geomorphology - Topography 5 FLA3040 Greenhouse Management 5 FLA2060 Studio I: Introduction to Technical Drawing 5 FLA3060 Plant Genetics and Breeding 5 FLA3070 Plant Propagation 5 FLA3080 Biometry 5 FLA4050 Pesticide Science 5 FLA4060 Models and Colour in Landscape Architecture 5 FLA4070 Site Engineering and Earthworks 5 FLA5060 Free Hand Drawing 5 FLA5070 Machinery in Floriculture 5 Specialisation Modules (SM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS FLA5010 Cut Flowers 5 FLA6030 Turfgrass Science 5 FLA4020 Evengreen Ornamental Plants 5 FLA5040 Deciduous Ornamental Plants 5 FLA4030 Herbaceous Ornamental Plants 5 FLA3030 Studio II : Construction Materials 5 FLA4010 Studio III : Garden Design and Construction 5 FLA5050 Studio IV : Landscape Design 5 FLA6010 Studio V : Computer Aided Applications on Garden Design 5 FLA7022 Graduate Seminar 6 25/02/2016 11:40 DEPARTMENT OF FLORICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHI... 3 di 3 FLA6020 Pot Plants 5 FLA6040 Floral Creations 5 FLA6050 Garden Lighting 5 FLA6060 Studio IV : Computer Aided Applications on Landscape Design 5 FLA6070 Special Garden Typologies 5 FLA7030 Water in Landscape Architecture 5 FLA7040 Simulation Techniques in Landscape Design 5 FLA801 Diploma Dissertation 20 FLA802 Work Placement 10 Modules on Management, Finance & Accounting and Legislation COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS FLA5031 Landscape Architecture History 5 FLA6091 Social Aspects in Landscape Architecture 7 FLA6081 Landscape Professional Practice and Law 5 FLA7051 Agro-Economy 5 FLA7081 Floriculture Enterprise Management 5 FLA7071 Floriculture Product Marketing 7 FLA7061 Introduction to Accounting 5 © Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα Δια Βίου Μάθησης/Erasmus 2007-2013. Powered by Joomla!. Valid XHTML and CSS. 25/02/2016 11:40 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION (ARTA) 1 di 3 25/02/2016 11:41 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION (ARTA) 2 di 3 Programme of Studies Core Modules (CM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS ANP1010 Biometry - Introduction to Mathematics 5 ANP1020 Biochemistry - Introduction to Biotechnology 6 ANP1030 Computer Programming 4 ANP1040 Agroecology 5 ANP1050 Introduction to Animal Science 4 ANP2010 Introduction to Informatics & Internet 4 ANP2020 Animal Genetics 6 ANP3010 Technology of Grassland Systems & Fodder Crops 7 ANP5010 Animal Behaviour and Ethology 3 ANP5021 Animal welfare 3 Specific Modules (SM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS ANP1060 Anatomy of Domestic Animals (DA) 6 ANP2030 Physiology of Domestic Animals 7 ANP2040 Parasitology of Domestic Animals 7 ANP3020 Basic Nutrition of Farm Animals 7 ANP3030 Introduction to Veterinary Medicine of DA 5 ANP3040 Microbiology & Immunology of DA 7 ANP4020 Reproduction in Farm Animals 7 ANP4030 Animal Hygiene & Infectious Diseases 7 ANP4040 Farm Housing & Farming Equipment Technology 3 ANP4050 Population Ecology 3 ANP6010 Organic Farming 4.5 ANP4060 Parasitic Diseases of Domestic Animal 3 ANP5031 Veterinary Pharmacology 5 ANP4070 Food Safety & Hygiene 3 ANP5040 Animal Evaluation 3 ANP7010 Quality Management of Animal Food Products 3 Specialisation Modules (SM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS ANP3052 Foreign Language Terminology (English) 4 ANP4080 Applied Feeding of Farm Animals 7 ANP5050 Sheep & Goat Production & Management 7 ANP6020 Dairy & Beef Cattle Production & Management 7 ANP5060 Apiculture & Honey Production 3 ANP5070 Introduction to Equine Care & Management 3 ANP6030 Pet & Companion Animal Management & Nursing 4.5 ANP5080 Pig Production & Management 7 ANP6040 Poultry Production & Management 7 ANP6050 Milk & Dairy Product Technology 7 25/02/2016 11:41 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION (ARTA) 3 di 3 ANP5090 Rabbit & Furred Animal Production & Management 3 ANP4090 Wild Life Management 3 ANP6060 Laboratory Animal Management 4.5 ANP5100 Holistic Management & Quality 3 ANP7020 Genetic Inprovement of Domestic Animals 6 ANP7030 Meat Science and Technology 6 ANP7040 Feed Manufacturing Technology 4 ANP7052 Graduate Seminar 4 ANP5110 Environmental Microbiology 3 ANP5121 Farm Biosecurity & Standardization of Animal Food Products 3 ANP801 Diploma Dissertation 20 ANP802 Work Placement 10 Modules on Management, Finance & Accounting and Legislation COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS ANP2051 Agricultural Policy- Legislation 6 ANP4100 Macroeconomics & Farming Cooperatives 3 ANP4110 Professional Ethics 3 ANP4011 Multi Media Technology & Applications 3 ANP4121 Agroalimentary Systems & Environmental Training 3 ANP5120 Agricultural Accounting & Techno - Economic Analysis 5 ANP6070 Farm Waste Management & Environmental Protection 4.5 ANP7060 Organization & Management of Farm Enterprises 4 ANP7070 Processing & Trading of Animal Food Products 3 ANP7080 Data Recording and Performance Evaluation of DA 3 ANP5130 Bioinformatics 3 Optional Modules (OM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS ANP0011 English I - ANP0021 English II - ANP0031 English III - ANP0041 Introduction to Computer Science - ANP0051 Agricultural Feasibility & Farm Studies - ANP0061 Teaching Principles in the Field of Animal Production - © Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα Δια Βίου Μάθησης/Erasmus 2007-2013. Powered by Joomla!. Valid XHTML and CSS. 25/02/2016 11:41 DEPARTMENT OF AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES (IGOUME... 1 di 3 25/02/2016 11:38 DEPARTMENT OF AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES (IGOUME... 2 di 3 Programme of Studies Core Modules(CM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS AQF1010 Chemistry 6 AQF1021 Mathematics for Biosciences 6 AQF1030 General Biology 6 AQF1050 Bioclimatology & Environment 6 AQF2010 Biochemistry 6 AQF2021 Experimentation Design & Principles of Sampling 4.5 AQF2030 Physical & Geological Oceanography 4.5 AQF2040 Genetics and Evolutionary Biology 4.5 AQF2060 Computing & GIS 4.5 Specific Modules (SM) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS AQF1040 Hydrobiology 6 AQF2050 Ichthyology 6 AQF3010 Chemical Oceanography 6.5 AQF3020 Organogenesis and Physiology of Aquatic Animals 5 AQF3030 Aquaculture Engineering 4.5 AQF3040 Marine Biology 5 AQF3050 Biology and Ecology of Inland Waters 4.5 AQF3060 Fish Systematics and Identification 4.5 AQF4010 Elemental Maritime and Naval Construction Science 4.5 AQF4020 Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology 6 AQF4040 Biology of Aquatic Invertebrates 4.5 AQF4060 Fisheries History & Technology 4.5 AQF5010 Fish pathology & Diagnostics 6.5 AQF5020 Nutritional value of Aquatic Organisms and Public Health 4.5 AQF6050 Epidemiology and Transmissible Diseases of Aquatic Animals 5.5 AQF6060 Surface waters and Aquifer 5.5 AQF7040 Microalgae Biotechnology 5.5 AQF7060 Ecotoxicology 5.5 AQF7070 Submarine Photography & Applications of multimedia 5.5 Courses of Specialization (CS) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS AQF4030 Aquaculture of Inland Waters I 6 AQF4051 Aquatic Ecosystems & Management 4.5 AQF5030 Aquaculture of Inland Waters II 4.5 AQF5040 Fish-farming of Marine Species 4.5 AQF5050 Fisheries Biology 5.5 AQF5060 Aquaria & Museum Collections 4.5 AQF6010 Invertebrate Aquaculture 7 AQF6030 Algal Culture 7 25/02/2016 11:38 DEPARTMENT OF AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES (IGOUME... 3 di 3 AQF6040 Processing of Fishery Products 5.5 AQF7010 Quality and Hygiene Control of Fishery Products 7 AQF801 Diploma Dessertation 20 AQF802 Work Placement 10 Courses on Management, Economics, Legislation and Humanitarian studies (MELH) COURSE CODE COURSE ECTS AQF6021 Business Practices in Production and Trade 5 AQF6070 Fishery Products in Culinary Art 5.5 AQF7021 Transportation & Marketing of Fishery Products 6 AQF7031 Legislation 6 AQF7051 Eco-Touristic Exploitation of the Littoral Zone 5.5 © Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα Δια Βίου Μάθησης/Erasmus 2007-2013. Powered by Joomla!. Valid XHTML and CSS. 25/02/2016 11:38 BRNO, Czech Republic Masaryk University SEDE: BRNO (CZ) - Masarykova Univerzita V Brne Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Enrico De Lillo e-mail: List of Degree Programmes Offered ECTS > Degree Programmes Faculties Sito web for incoming students Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Arts Faculty of Law Faculty of Social Studies Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education Faculty of Sports Studies Faculty of Economics and Administration Back to the main page List of Degree Programmes Offered Administrative Geology (bachelor) Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (master) Analytical Biochemistry (master) Analytical Chemist Manager of Chemical Laboratory (bachelor) Analytical Chemistry (master) Anthropology (bachelor) Anthropology (master) Applied and Environmental Geology (bachelor) Applied Biochemistry (bachelor) Applied Geography (master) Applied Geography and Geoinformatics (bachelor) Applied Mathematics for MultiBranches Study (bachelor) Applied Mathematics for MultiBranches Study (master) Astrophysics (bachelor) Biochemistry (bachelor) Biochemistry (master) Biology with a view to Education (bachelor) Biomolecular Chemistry (master) Biophysical Chemistry (bachelor) Biophysics (bachelor) Biophysics (master) Botany (master) Chemistry (bachelor) Chemistry of Conservation Restoration (bachelor) Chemistry of Conservation Restoration (master) Chemistry with a view to Education (bachelor) Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics (bachelor) Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics (master) Condensed Matter Physics (master) Ecological and Evolutionary Biology (bachelor) Environmental Chemistry (master) Finance Mathematics (master) Financial and Insurance Mathematics (bachelor) Genomics and Proteomics (master) Geographical Cartography and Geoinformatics (bachelor) Geographical Cartography and Geoinformatics (master) Geography (bachelor) Geography and Cartography with a view to Education (bachelor) Geology (bachelor) Geology (master) Geology combined with Archaeology (bachelor) Geology combined with Archaeology (master) | Current date and time: 2. 4. 2015 18:43, Week 14 (even) Geology for MultiBranches Study (bachelor) Geometry (master) Inorganic Chemistry (master) Laboratory and Measuring Technology (bachelor) Material Chemistry (master) Mathematical Analysis (master) Mathematical Biology (bachelor) Mathematical Biology (master) Mathematical Modelling and Numeric Methods (master) Mathematics (bachelor) Mathematics with a view to Education (bachelor) Mathematics with Informatics (master) Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics (bachelor) Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics (master) Medical Physics (bachelor) Modelling and Calculations (bachelor) Molecular Biology and Genetics (bachelor) Molecular Biology and Genetics (master) Nanotechnology Applied Physics (bachelor) Organic Chemistry (master) Physical Chemistry (master) Physical Geography (master) Physics (bachelor) Physics and Management (bachelor) Physics with a view to Education (bachelor) Plasma Physics (master) Social Geography and Regional Development (master) Special Biology (bachelor) Special Biology (master) Statistics and Data Analysis (bachelor) Statistics and Data Analysis (master) Structural Chemistry (master) Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics (master) Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Biology (master) Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry (master) Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Descriptive Geometry (master) Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography (master) Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics (master) Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Physics (master) Zoology (master) BYDGOSZCZ, Poland załącznik nr 4 do wytycznych dla rad podstawowych jednostek organizacyjnych do tworzenia nowych i weryfikacji istniejących programów studiów I i II stopnia w UTP w Bydgoszczy SEDE: BYDGOSZ (PL) Universytet Technologiczno Przyrodniczy - Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Teodoro Miano, ZATWIERDZAM PLAN STUDIÓW NR IV WYDZIAŁ ROLNICTWA I BIOTECHNOLOGII PROFIL KSZTAŁCENIA: POZIOM STUDIÓW: FORMA STUDIÓW: KIERUNEK: SPECJALNOŚĆ: UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNO-PRZYRODNICZY IM. J. i J. ŚNIADECKICH w BYDGOSZCZY PROFIL OGÓLNOAKADEMICKI STUDIA PIERWSZEGO STOPNIA (3,5-letnie, inżynierskie) STUDIA STACJONARNE TECHNOLOGIA ŻYWNOŚCI I ŻYWIENIE CZŁOWIEKA TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ROŚLINNYCH TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ZWIERZĘCYCH PROREKTOR ds. Dydaktycznych i Studenckich Pozycja planu Bydgoszcz dn. …………………….. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GODZINY w tym Liczba NAZWA PRZEDMIOTU egzaminów sem. I zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 120 60 30 30 60 8 9 0 12 19 317 122 60 135 0 egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem W Ć L P/S 0 12 19 317 122 60 135 0 W Ć ROZKŁAD ZAJĘĆ w SEMESTRZE sem. II sem. III sem. IV sem. V sem. VI Liczba godzin tygodniowo (semestr I -VI po 15 tygodni, VII - 12 tygodni) L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L sem. VII P/S W 0 0 Ć L P/S PRZEDMIOTY OGÓLNE Język obcy kontynuowany3 (Lingua straniera) Przedmiot humanistyczny (do wyboru)4 (Materie umanistiche) Technologie informacyjne (Tecnologie informatiche) Ekonomia (Economia) Wychowanie fizyczne (Educazione fisica) Bezpieczeństwo pracy i ergonomia (Sicurezza sul lavoro ed ergonomia) Ochrona własności intelektualnej (Tutela delle proprietà intellettuali) RAZEM PODSUMOWANIE ARKUSZA 1 Liczba: 120 60 15 30 2 2 1 2 15 2 2 1 60 2 8 9 2 2 2 x x egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS 5 0 1 6 sem. I W Ć 5 0 6 0 4 9 0 2 0 0 2 sem. II 0 0 L P/S W Ć 1 0 2 0 2 4 sem. III L P/S W Ć 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 2 UWAGI: 1. Dla studentów I roku studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia wszystkie formy zajęć dydaktycznych przewidziane w planie studiów są obowiązkowe. Na wyższych latach obowiązkowe są: ćwiczenia audytoryjne, laboratoryjne, lektoraty, zajęcia: sportowe, terenowe, projektowe, plenerowe i seminaria. 2. Praktyka zawodowa po IV semestrze ( 4 - tygodniowa), zaliczenie na ocenę - 5 pkt. ECTS 3. Język obcy kontynuowany do wyboru spośród: 1. Języka angielskiego, 2. Języka niemieckiego, 3. Języka rosyjskiego. 4 Przedmiot humanistyczny do wyboru: w I semestrze: 1. Etyka lub 2. Współczesne stosunki międzynarodowe; w II. semestrze: 3. Socjologia lub 4. Nauka o polityce. 5 Przedmiot do wyboru 1 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 6 Przedmiot do wyboru 2 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 7 Studentów obowiązuje napisanie pracy dyplomowej i egzamin dyplomowy inżynierski po VII semestrze - 15 pkt. ECTS. 2 4 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 4 sem. IV L P/S W Ć 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 sem. V L P/S W Ć 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 sem. VI L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 sem. VII 0 0 0 0 0 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego: 2014/2015 Legenda: W - wykład Ć - ćwiczenia audytoryjne - ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, lektorat języków obcych L P - ćwiczenia projektowe S - seminarium T - zajęcia terenowe - egzamin ARKUSZ 1 załącznik nr 4 do wytycznych dla rad podstawowych jednostek organizacyjnych do tworzenia nowych i weryfikacji istniejących programów studiów I i II stopnia w UTP w Bydgoszczy ZATWIERDZAM PLAN STUDIÓW NR IV WYDZIAŁ ROLNICTWA I BIOTECHNOLOGII PROFIL KSZTAŁCENIA: POZIOM STUDIÓW: FORMA STUDIÓW: KIERUNEK: SPECJALNOŚĆ: UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNO-PRZYRODNICZY IM. J. i J. ŚNIADECKICH w BYDGOSZCZY PROFIL OGÓLNOAKADEMICKI STUDIA PIERWSZEGO STOPNIA (3,5-letnie, inżynierskie) STUDIA STACJONARNE TECHNOLOGIA ŻYWNOŚCI I ŻYWIENIE CZŁOWIEKA TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ROŚLINNYCH TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ZWIERZĘCYCH PROREKTOR ds. Dydaktycznych i Studenckich Pozycja planu Bydgoszcz dn. …………………….. GODZINY w tym Liczba NAZWA PRZEDMIOTU egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem B. PRZEDMIOTY PODSTAWOWE (CORSI DI BASE) 1 1. Matematyka (Matematica) 2. Fizyka (Fisica) 3. Ekologia i Ochrona środowiska (Ecologia e tutela dell'ambiente) 4. Chemia nieorganiczna (Chimica inorganica) 1 5. Surowce roślinne i ich pozyskiwanie (Prodotti vegetali + Produzione) 1 6. Surowce zwierzęce i ich pozyskiwanie (Prodotti animali +Produzione) 1 7. Chemia organiczna (Chimica organica) 1 8. Chemia analityczna (Chimica analitica) 9. Metody statystyczne w zarządzaniu jakością (Metodi statistici gest.qualità) 1 10. Biochemia (Biochimica) 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 2 5 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 11 egzaminów 6 RAZEM PODSUMOWANIE ARKUSZA 1+2 sem. I W Ć L 45 60 30 45 45 45 45 30 45 60 0 15 30 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 15 15 41 450 195 105 150 0 zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem W Ć L P/S 23 60 767 317 165 285 0 Liczba: ROZKŁAD ZAJĘĆ w SEMESTRZE sem. II sem. III sem. IV sem. V sem. VI Liczba godzin tygodniowo (semestr I -VI po 15 tygodni, VII - 12 tygodni) P/S 30 30 30 W Ć 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 L P/S Ć L 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć 0 0 0 0 0 sem. IV L P/S W Ć 0 0 0 0 0 sem. V L P/S W Ć 0 0 0 0 0 sem. VI L P/S W Ć 0 0 0 L P/S 2 2 2 30 15 30 30 egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS W sem. VII 2 7 7 2 16 sem. I W Ć 12 7 22 4 10 30 0 4 0 6 10 sem. II L P/S W Ć 3 0 6 0 2 0 2 2 4 sem. III L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S 6 0 2 2 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 5 17 UWAGI: 1. Dla studentów I roku studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia wszystkie formy zajęć dydaktycznych przewidziane w planie studiów są obowiązkowe. Na wyższych latach obowiązkowe są: ćwiczenia audytoryjne, laboratoryjne, lektoraty, zajęcia: sportowe, terenowe, projektowe, plenerowe i seminaria. 2. Praktyka zawodowa po IV semestrze ( 4 - tygodniowa), zaliczenie na ocenę - 5 pkt. ECTS 3. Język obcy kontynuowany do wyboru spośród: 1. Języka angielskiego, 2. Języka niemieckiego, 3. Języka rosyjskiego. 4 Przedmiot humanistyczny do wyboru: w I semestrze: 1. Etyka lub 2. Współczesne stosunki międzynarodowe; w II. semestrze: 3. Socjologia lub 4. Nauka o polityce. 5 Przedmiot do wyboru 1 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 6 Przedmiot do wyboru 2 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 7 Studentów obowiązuje napisanie pracy dyplomowej i egzamin dyplomowy inżynierski po VII semestrze - 15 pkt. ECTS. 0 8 1 3 7 4 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 0 0 sem. VII 0 0 0 0 0 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego: 2014/2015 Legenda: W - wykład Ć - ćwiczenia audytoryjne - ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, lektorat języków obcych L P - ćwiczenia projektowe S - seminarium T - zajęcia terenowe - egzamin ARKUSZ 2 załącznik nr 4 do wytycznych dla rad podstawowych jednostek organizacyjnych do tworzenia nowych i weryfikacji istniejących programów studiów I i II stopnia w UTP w Bydgoszczy ZATWIERDZAM PLAN STUDIÓW NR IV WYDZIAŁ ROLNICTWA I BIOTECHNOLOGII PROFIL KSZTAŁCENIA: POZIOM STUDIÓW: FORMA STUDIÓW: KIERUNEK: SPECJALNOŚĆ: UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNO-PRZYRODNICZY IM. J. i J. ŚNIADECKICH w BYDGOSZCZY PROFIL OGÓLNOAKADEMICKI STUDIA PIERWSZEGO STOPNIA (3,5-letnie, inżynierskie) STUDIA STACJONARNE TECHNOLOGIA ŻYWNOŚCI I ŻYWIENIE CZŁOWIEKA TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ROŚLINNYCH TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ZWIERZĘCYCH PROREKTOR ds. Dydaktycznych i Studenckich Pozycja planu Bydgoszcz dn. …………………….. GODZINY w tym Liczba NAZWA PRZEDMIOTU egzaminów C. PRZEDMIOTY KIERUNKOWE (CORSI PRINCIPALI) 1 1. Mikrobiologia żywności (Microbiologia nutrizionale) 2. Chemia żywności (Chimica alimentare) 1 3. Maszynoznawstwo przetwórstwa spożywczego(Macchine x trasformazione) 1 4. Analiza i ocena jakości żywności (Analisi e valutazione qualità prodotti) 1 5. Inżynieria procesowa (Ingegneria dei processi) 1 6. Ogólna technologia żywności (Tecnologia alimentare) 7. Higiena i toksykologia żywności (Igiene e tossicologia) 1 8. Grafika inżynierska (Grafica ingegneristica) 9. Fizjologia i żywienie człowieka (Fisiologia e nutrizione umana) 1 1 10. Rachunkowość w działalności gospodarczej (Bilanci economici) 11. Technologia gastronomiczna (Tecnologie gastronomiche) 12. Organizacja, ekonomika i zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem (Organizzazione, economia e gestione delle imprese) 13. Bezpieczeństwo żywności (Sicurezza alimentare) 14. Prawne regulacje gospodarki żywnościowej (Regolamentazione legale ed economica degli alimenti) 15 Zagospodarowanie i utylizacja produktów odpadowych (Riciclo rifiuti) 16 Podstawy przedsiębiorczości (Gestione aziendale) 17. Praktyka zawodowa (Apprendistato) RAZEM PODSUMOWANIE ARKUSZA 1+2+3 zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 5 7 4 5 5 2 8 5 4 6 75 30 60 90 45 60 60 15 120 45 45 60 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 1 1 2 2 30 24 30 24 1 1 4 3 36 36 24 36 W 60 15 15 30 Ć sem. I L P/S P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L sem. VII P/S W Ć L P/S 3 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 2 30 30 30 4 2 2 2 2 2 12 2 3 1 X 5 75 831 429 60 342 0 egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem W Ć L P/S Liczba: L 2 2 2 2 1 135 Ć 2 1 2 17 40 W 45 15 30 60 15 30 30 15 60 8 14 ROZKŁAD ZAJĘĆ w SEMESTRZE sem. II sem. III sem. IV sem. V sem. VI Liczba godzin tygodniowo (semestr I -VI po 15 tygodni, VII - 12 tygodni) 1598 746 225 egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS 627 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 sem. I 0 6 0 8 10 18 sem. III 11 sem. II 0 0 8 4 6 18 sem. IV 0 0 0 0 0 sem. V 0 2 0 0 2 sem. VI 0 7 0 1 8 sem. VII 0 W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S 12 7 3 0 11 0 12 0 10 2 14 0 8 6 8 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 1 0 22 4 10 30 23 4 8 30 UWAGI: 1. Dla studentów I roku studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia wszystkie formy zajęć dydaktycznych przewidziane w planie studiów są obowiązkowe. Na wyższych latach obowiązkowe są: ćwiczenia audytoryjne, laboratoryjne, lektoraty, zajęcia: sportowe, terenowe, projektowe, plenerowe i seminaria. 2. Praktyka zawodowa po IV semestrze ( 4 - tygodniowa), zaliczenie na ocenę - 5 pkt. ECTS 3. Język obcy kontynuowany do wyboru spośród: 1. Języka angielskiego, 2. Języka niemieckiego, 3. Języka rosyjskiego. 4 Przedmiot humanistyczny do wyboru: w I semestrze: 1. Etyka lub 2. Współczesne stosunki międzynarodowe; w II. semestrze: 3. Socjologia lub 4. Nauka o polityce. 5 Przedmiot do wyboru 1 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 6 Przedmiot do wyboru 2 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 7 Studentów obowiązuje napisanie pracy dyplomowej i egzamin dyplomowy inżynierski po VII semestrze - 15 pkt. ECTS. 26 4 8 30 22 2 7 30 2 0 1 1 4 0 3 5 8 0 3 9 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego: 2014/2015 Legenda: W - wykład Ć - ćwiczenia audytoryjne - ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, lektorat języków obcych L P - ćwiczenia projektowe S - seminarium T - zajęcia terenowe - egzamin ARKUSZ 3 załącznik nr 4 do wytycznych dla rad podstawowych jednostek organizacyjnych do tworzenia nowych i weryfikacji istniejących programów studiów I i II stopnia w UTP w Bydgoszczy ZATWIERDZAM PLAN STUDIÓW NR IV WYDZIAŁ ROLNICTWA I BIOTECHNOLOGII PROFIL KSZTAŁCENIA: POZIOM STUDIÓW: FORMA STUDIÓW: KIERUNEK: SPECJALNOŚĆ: UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNO-PRZYRODNICZY IM. J. i J. ŚNIADECKICH w BYDGOSZCZY PROFIL OGÓLNOAKADEMICKI STUDIA PIERWSZEGO STOPNIA (3,5-letnie, inżynierskie) STUDIA STACJONARNE TECHNOLOGIA ŻYWNOŚCI I ŻYWIENIE CZŁOWIEKA TECHNOLOGIE PRODUKTÓW ROŚLINNYCH PROREKTOR ds. Dydaktycznych i Studenckich Pozycja planu Bydgoszcz dn. …………………….. GODZINY w tym Liczba NAZWA PRZEDMIOTU egzaminów D1. PRZEDMIOTY SPECJALNOŚCIOWE (CORSI SPECIALISTICI) 1. Technologie produktów mięsnych (Tecnologia dei prodotti carnei) 2. Nanoinżyniera w produkcji żywności pochodzenia roślinnego (Nanoingegneria per la produzione di prodotti vegetali) 3. Biotechnologia w produkcji żywności (Biotecnologie alimentari) 4. Funkcjonalne składniki żywności pochodzenia roślinnego (Elementi alimentari dei prodotti di origine vegetale) 5. Przechowywanie i utrwalanie surowców i produktów pochodzenia rośl. (Conservazione e impiego prodotti alimentari) 6. Technologie produktów owocowo-warzywnych (Tecnologie prodotti orotofrutticoli) 7. Przedmiot do wyboru 1 (Materia a scelta) 8. Technologie mleczarskie (technologia mleka, napojów mlecznych, sera) (Tecnologie prodotti: latte, formaggi) 9. Projektowanie zakładów przetwórstwa roślinnego (Progettazione impianti di trasformazione alimenti) 10. Technologie produktów ziemniaczanych, cukrowniczych i tłuszczowych (Tecnologie prodotti: patate, grassi e zuccheri) 11. Technologie produktów zbożowych (Tecnologia dei cereali) 12. Przedmiot do wyboru 2 z zakresu "soft skills" (Materia a scelta da fascia "soft skills") 13. Seminarium dyplomowe (Seminario del diploma) 14. Złożenie pracy dyplomowej i przygotowanie do egzaminu inż. (Presentazione tesi e preparazione x esame ingegneria) PODSUMOWANIE ARKUSZA 1+2+3+4 sem. I zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem 1 1 1 5 2 60 15 30 15 30 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 60 60 30 30 30 30 2 2 2 2 1 5 60 30 30 2 2 1 1 5 60 30 30 2 2 1 1 2 4 25 50 15 20 10 30 1 1 1 1 4 45 15 1 1 6 75 1 1 1 7 4 90 48 2 6 15 54 1 RAZEM ROZKŁAD ZAJĘĆ w SEMESTRZE sem. II sem. III sem. IV sem. V sem. VI Liczba godzin tygodniowo (semestr I -VI po 15 tygodni, VII - 12 tygodni) W Ć L P/S Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L P/S W Ć L 1 2 30 1 2 30 45 2 3 30 24 60 24 2 4 P/S W Ć L 2 54 P/S 2 2 2 X 8 14 75 702 299 0 349 54 egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS Razem W Ć L P/S 22 54 210 2300 1045 225 976 54 Liczba: W sem. VII egzaminów zaliczeń pkt. ECTS 0 0 0 0 sem. I W Ć L 12 7 3 22 4 10 30 0 0 0 0 0 sem. II P/S W Ć L 0 11 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 sem. III P/S W Ć 0 10 2 23 4 8 30 UWAGI: 1. Dla studentów I roku studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia wszystkie formy zajęć dydaktycznych przewidziane w planie studiów są obowiązkowe. Na wyższych latach obowiązkowe są: ćwiczenia audytoryjne, laboratoryjne, lektoraty, zajęcia: sportowe, terenowe, projektowe, plenerowe i seminaria. 2. Praktyka zawodowa po IV semestrze ( 4 - tygodniowa), zaliczenie na ocenę - 5 pkt. ECTS 3. Język obcy kontynuowany do wyboru spośród: 1. Języka angielskiego, 2. Języka niemieckiego, 3. Języka rosyjskiego. 4 Przedmiot humanistyczny do wyboru: w I semestrze: 1. Etyka lub 2. Współczesne stosunki międzynarodowe; w II. semestrze: 3. Socjologia lub 4. Nauka o polityce. 5 Przedmiot do wyboru 1 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 6 Przedmiot do wyboru 2 z listy elektywów (w załączeniu). 7 Studentów obowiązuje napisanie pracy dyplomowej i egzamin dyplomowy inżynierski po VII semestrze - 15 pkt. ECTS. 0 0 0 0 0 sem. IV L P/S W Ć L 14 0 8 6 8 26 4 8 30 22 2 7 30 0 12 0 11 23 sem. V P/S W Ć 0 12 0 25 4 8 30 0 6 0 11 19 sem. VI 2 2 L P/S W Ć 13 0 8 0 L P/S W Ć L P/S 13 2 9 0 3 2 23 3 8 30 0 2 6 sem. VII 2 14 1 5 30 Obowiązuje od roku akademickiego: 2014/2015 Legenda: W - wykład Ć - ćwiczenia audytoryjne - ćwiczenia laboratoryjne, lektorat języków obcych L P - ćwiczenia projektowe S - seminarium T - zajęcia terenowe - egzamin CORDOBA, España SEDE: CORDOBA - Universidad de Cordoba Graduado en Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos Graduado/a en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos otros/plan-de-estudios-web-cyta-enero-2015.pdf Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Eustachio Tarasco e-mail: 5.- PLANIFICACIÓN DE LAS ENSEÑANZAS 5.1.- ESTRUCTURA DE LAS ENSEÑANZAS 5.1.1.- DISTRIBUCIÓN DEL PLAN DE ESTUDIOS EN CRÉDITOS ECTS POR TIPO DE MATERIA Formación Básica: Obligatorias: Optativas (indicar el número de créditos que deberá cursar el alumnado, incluyendo las prácticas externas no obligatorias: Prácticas Externas (obligatorias): Trabajo Fin de Grado: CRÉDITOS TOTALES A CURSAR: Resto de créditos optativos CRÉDITOS TOTALES OFERTADOS EN EL PLAN: 60 147 15 12 6 240 30 270 5.1.2.- EXPLICACIÓN GENERAL DE LA PLANIFICACIÓN DEL PLAN DE ESTUDIOS EXPLICACIÓN GENERAL DE LA ORGANIZACIÓN EN MÓDULOS Y SECUENCIA El Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos por la UCO se organiza siguiendo una estructura de módulos, materias y asignaturas, que se corresponden con “bloques temáticos” definidos en el “Libro Blanco del Título de Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos”. Se vertebra en cuatro cursos académicos distribuidos en ocho semestres, que constarán cada uno de ellos, de 30 ETCS. La propuesta se adapta a los requisitos establecidos en el Acuerdo de la Comisión Andaluza de Título en Grado Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (30/12/2009), sobre el 75 % de contenidos mínimos comunes para todas las universidades andaluzas y cumple con lo establecido en el Real Decreto 1393/2007 por el que se establece ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, y modificado por el Real Decreto 861/2010, de 2 de julio. El plan de estudios que se propone se ha estructurado en 8 Módulos: Común con 60 ECTS; 54 ECTS y de carácter obligatorio; 8,5 ECTS y de carácter obligatorio; y Calidad de la Industria Alimentaria de 16,5 ECTS de carácter obligatorio; Módulo de Optatividad/Reconocimiento con un total de 15 ECTS y de carácter optativo. Con carácter general, la mayor parte de las asignaturas que recoge el plan de estudios del Grado tienen seis créditos ECTS, sin embargo, se ha optado por la inclusión de algunas asignaturas con menos de seis créditos por una mejor conveniencia pedagógica, de estructuración de módulos y materias, así como para la mejora de la oferta del módulo de optatividad. Esta circunstancia se ha recogido en otros planes de estudio que ya han sido verificados por la ANECA, como son los Títulos de Graduado/a en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos presentados por las universidades de Burgos, Complutense de Madrid, León, Murcia y Rey Juan Carlos, entre otras. Las asignaturas de Intercambio estarán relacionadas con el ámbito de estudio que corresponde al presente titulo, y podrán ser elegidas por los alumnos que cursen asignaturas o realicen actividades en otra Universidad dentro de los programas de Intercambio establecidos por el Centro, siempre que estas asignaturas no hayan sido utilizadas previamente para reconocimiento de créditos con asignaturas equivalentes del actual Plan de Estudios. En la página web de la Facultad, se publicará anualmente la relación de universidades con las que hay suscritos acuerdos de intercambio, así como las tablas de reconocimiento con estas Universidades, para que los estudiantes conozcan las asignaturas en las que deben matricularse, y puedan planificar el curso académico 20 Graduado/a en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos Módulos aprobados por Comisión de Título y módulos propuestos por la UCO Denominación del Módulo Comisión de Título ECTS Denominación Módulo UCO FORMACIÓN BÁSICA COMÚN CIENCIA DE LOS ALIMENTOS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA GESTIÓN Y CALIDAD EN LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA NUTRICIÓN Y SALUD PRÁCTICAS EXTERNAS Y TRABAJO FIN DE GRADO 60 24 38 15 12 15 18 Total créditos………. 182 Distribución de Módulos, materias y asignaturas Módulos Materias FORMACIÓN BÁSICA COMÚN Asignaturas BIOLOGÍA MICROBIOLOGÍA BIOQUÍMICA ECONOMÍA Y GESTIÓN DE LA EMPRESA ALIMENTARIA ESTADÍSTICA FÍSICA FISIOLOGÍA MATEMÁTICAS QUÍMICA INORGÁNICA QUÍMICA ORGÁNICA QUÍMICA Y BIOQUÍMICA DE LOS ALIMENTOS BIOLOGÍA BIOQUÍMICA EMPRESA ESTADÍSTICA FÍSICA FISIOLOGÍA MATEMÁTICAS QUÍMICA CIENCIA DE LOS ALIMENTOS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS QUÍMICA Y BIOQUÍMICA DE LOS ALIMENTOS ANÁLISIS DE ALIMENTOS Y BROMATOLOGÍA FUNDAMENTOS DE TECNOLOGÍA ALIMENTARIA INDUSTRIAS ALIMENTARIAS SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA GESTIÓN Y CALIDAD EN LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA NUTRICIÓN Y SALUD PRÁCTICAS EXTERNAS Y TRABAJO FIN DE GRADO OPTATIVIDAD/ RECONOCIMIENTO SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA GESTIÓN Y CALIDAD EN LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA NUTRICIÓN HUMANA SALUD PÚBLICA PRÁCTICAS EXTERNAS TRABAJO FIN DE GRADO OPTATIVIDAD (15 ECTS) ECTS FORMACIÓN BÁSICA COMÚN CIENCIA DE LOS ALIMENTOS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA GESTIÓN Y CALIDAD EN LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA NUTRICIÓN Y SALUD PRÁCTICAS EXTERNAS Y TRABAJO FIN DE GRADO OPTATIVIDAD/RECONOCIMIENTO Total créditos………. ECTS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ANÁLISIS QUÍMICO DE ALIMENTOS ANÁLISIS BROMATOLÓGICO ALIMENTACIÓN Y CULTURA BROMATOLOGÍA DESCRIPTIVA FUNDAMENTOS DE PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL FUNDAMENTOS DE PRODUCCIÓN VEGETAL FUNDAMENTOS DE INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA OPERACIONES BÁSICAS FUNDAMENTOS DE TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS INDUSTRIAS ALIMENTARIAS DE ORIGEN ANIMAL TECNOLOGÍA DEL PROCESADO DE ALIMENTOS DE ORIGEN VEGETAL FERMENTACIONES INDUSTRIALES DISEÑO DE PLANTAS DE PROCESOS ALIMENTARIOS FUNDAMENTOS DE HIGIENE ALIMENTARIA MICROBIOLOGÍA DE LOS ALIMENTOS GESTIÓN DE LA SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA TOXICOLOGÍA ALIMENTARIA PARASITOLOGÍA ALIMENTARIA FUNDAMENTOS Y APLICACIÓN DEL CONTROL DE CALIDAD GESTIÓN MEDIOAMBIENTAL EN LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA LEGISLACIÓN ALIMENTARIA FUNDAMENTOS DE NUTRICIÓN NUTRICIÓN APLICADA SALUD PÚBLICA PRÁCTICAS EXTERNAS TRABAJO FIN DE GRADO 6 6 6 6 4,5 4,5 9 6 9 6 ADITIVOS ALIMENTARIOS ANÁLISIS CROMATOGRÁFICO DE ALIMENTOS APROVECHAMIENTO DE SUBPRODUCTOS DE INDUSTRIAS AGROALIMENTARIAS AUTOMÁTICA, CONTROL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN BIOTECNOLOGÍA ALIMENTARIA COLOIDES: FUNDAMENTOS Y APLICACIONES EN ALIMENTOS CONDUCTA ALIMENTARIA: ASPECTOS PSICOLÓGICOS Y DE MERCADO ESPECTROMETRÍA DE MASAS Y RMN EN ANÁLISIS DE 3 3 21 6 4,5 4,5 6 6 6 6 4,5 4,5 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 60 30 54 28,5 16,5 18 18 15 240 Graduado/a en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos ALIMENTOS INGLÉS APLICADO A CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS MARKETING ALIMENTARIO MEJORA DE LA CALIDAD DE LOS ALIMENTOS DE ORIGEN ANIMAL MEDIANTE METODOLOGÍAS GENÉTICAS REACTORES BIOLÓGICOS CONTROL ALIMENTARIO EN EL COMERCIO EXTERIOR TECNOLOGÍA CULINARIA TECNOLOGÍA DE LAS BEBIDAS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Se propone la siguiente distribución temporal: Distribución temporal de asignaturas Curso 1º 1er cuatrimestre Biología Alimentación y Cultura Matemáticas Química Inorgánica Química Orgánica Total ………. ECTS 6 6 Carácter/Rama 2º Cuatrimestre Básica/Ciencias Obligatoria Bioquímica Economía y Gestión de la Empresa Alimentaria 6 6 6 Básica/Ciencias Básica/Ciencias Básica/Ciencias Estadística Física Fisiología 30 ECTS 6 6 6 6 6 Total ………. 30 Carácter/Rama 2º Cuatrimestre Básica/Ciencias Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Bromatología Descriptiva Microbiología de los Alimentos Fundamentos de Ingeniería Química Fundamentos de Producción Animal Fundamentos de Producción Vegetal ECTS 6 6 9 4,5 4,5 Total ………. 30 Carácter/Rama Básica/Salud Básica/Ciencias sociales y jurídicas Básica/Salud Básica/Ciencias Básica/Salud Curso 2º 1er cuatrimestre Microbiología Química y Bioquímica de Alimentos Análisis Químico de Alimentos Legislación Alimentaria Salud Pública Total ………. ECTS 6 6 6 6 6 30 Carácter/Rama Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Curso 3º 1er cuatrimestre Análisis Bromatológico Operaciones Básicas Fermentaciones Industriales Fundamentos y Aplicación del Control de Calidad Fundamentos de Tecnología de los Alimentos Total ………. ECTS 6 6 4,5 4,5 9 Carácter 2º Cuatrimestre Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Fundamentos de Nutrición Fundamentos de Higiene Alimentaria Toxicología alimentaria Gestión Medioambiental en la Industria Alimentaria Industrias Alimentarias de Origen Animal Obligatoria 30 Total ………. ECTS 6 6 6 6 6 Carácter Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria Obligatoria 30 Curso 4º 1er cuatrimestre Nutrición Aplicada Tecnología del Procesado de Alimentos de Origen Vegetal Diseño de Plantas de Procesos Alimentarios Parasitología Alimentaria Gestión de la Seguridad Alimentaria Optativa 1 Total ………. ECTS 6 6 4,5 4,5 6 3 Carácter 2º Cuatrimestre Obligatoria Obligatoria Optativa 2 Optativa 3 Obligatoria Optativa 4 Obligatoria Obligatoria Optativa Optativa 5 Prácticas Externas Trabajo Fin de Grado 30 ECTS 3 3 3 3 12 6 Total ………. 22 30 Carácter Optativa Optativa Optativa Optativa Obligatoria Obligatoria JELGAVA, Latvia Izskatīts un apstiprināts LLU Pārtikas Tehnoloģijas fakultātes domes sēdē 2011.gada ___.__________ Domes priekšsēdētājs __________ I. Ciproviča Domes sekretāre _____________ A. Blija SEDE: JELGAVA (LV) - Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Eustachio Tarasco e-mail: ACADEMIC MASTER STUDY PROGRAMME "FOOD SCIENCE" FULL TIME STUDIES Study plan (beginning of studies 2011./2012. study year) Nr. Code Study course Size of 1st study year 2nd study year course CP 1st sem 2nd sem type of examination 3rd sem 4th sem type of examination Academic study courses - part A 1 2 PārZ6003 PārZ6016 Food Safety Regulation of Biochemical Proceses Food Microstructure and Texture Properties Metrology Instrumental Analysis of Food Products 3 2 E E 3 PārZ5010 2 Ia 4 Fizi5001 1 I 5 Ķīmi6001 3 I 6 Medi6002 Advanced Trends of Nutrition 2 I 7 8 9 VadZ6006 Innovation of Food System PārZ6002 Functional Foods PārZ6004 Genetic Modify Food 2 I 3 3 E E 10 PārZ5012 3 E 11 PārZ4034 1,5 I 12 13 14 15 PārZ6001 PārZ5003 PārZ6005 PārZ6018 2 2 2 2 I I I E 16 PārZ4035 17 18 19 20 Ekon6001 PārZ6007 PārZ6014 PārZ6019 Advanced Food Packing Natural Substances in Food Systems I Application of Foods Additives Toxicology Design of Sensory Evaluation Identification of Microorganisms Natural Substances in Food Systems II Food and Entrepreneurship Quality Systems in Food Chain Sensory and Consumer Science Food science Total: Professional selected study courses - part B 3,5 E 2 2 2 2 E I I Kd 45 15 18,5 11,5 Izskatīts un apstiprināts LLU Pārtikas Tehnoloģijas fakultātes domes sēdē 2011.gada ___.__________ Domes priekšsēdētājs __________ I. Ciproviča Domes sekretāre _____________ A. Blija 1 PārZ6017 Cosmetic 3 E 2 PārZ6008 Food Circulation and Legislation 1 I 3 PārZ5015 Innovations for Foodservice Equipment 2 4 PārZ6015 5 Ekon5066 1 PārZ6006 Analysis of Food Shelf life Consumer and Food Marketing Total: Master Thesis Total: Interpretations: I - test without grade Ia - test with grade E - exam Kd - course paper I 2 I 2 10 25 80 4 2 E 4 19 20,5 15,5 39,5 E 25 40,5 LIMOGES, FRANCE Sede: Université de Limoges Website: Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Franco Nigro e-mail: Sciences Technologies Santé Licence générale Mention : Sciences du Vivant > Parcours « Biologie Générale, Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers » Objectifs Le parcours BGSTU permet d’acquérir une grande polyvalence en offrant une formation pluridisciplinaire. L’approche naturaliste privilégiée dans cette formation, qui insiste sur les travaux pratiques et les sorties de terrain, permet d’aborder les grandes thématiques de géologie fondamentale et appliquée (géochimie, géodynamique, risques naturels, pédologie, climatologie… ) et de biologie générale (biologie et physiologie animales et végétales, biochimie, biologie cellulaire, génétique…). Au cours des trois années de formation, l’étudiant acquerra une méthodologie de travail basée sur l’observation, l’analyse et l’interprétation de données. Le diplôme vise à former de futurs professionnels sachant mettre en œuvre une approche didactique et pédagogique en sachant utiliser les outils modernes de communication, pour l’enseignement par exemple. Le futur professionnel saura également rédiger un rapport de synthèse, réaliser des études techniques et/ou scientifiques, établir un diagnostic de terrain, hiérarchiser des tâches à effectuer. Le diplômé possèdera une solide culture générale lui permettant d’être polyvalent. Programme • Biologie générale, • Géologie fondamentale, • Pluridisciplinarité, • Environnement. Poursuite d’études / Débouchés Cette formation permet d’accéder aux masters de l’enseignement pour la préparation aux principaux concours de l’éducation nationale. Une concertation a particulièrement été développée afin d’optimiser l’adéquation du programme de la licence avec celui complémentaire proposé par la suite dans les masters enseignement des autres universités du PRES dans lesquelles les étudiants pourront poursuivre leur master (Université de Poitiers : master Enseignement et Formation en Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre). Ce parcours offrant une forte pluridisciplinarité, les étudiants ayant suivi ce parcours peuvent aussi postuler à des masters «environnement-aménagement» à dominante naturaliste voire à des masters géosciences. Les étudiants de cette formation ont ainsi pu intégrer des masters pro et recherche en «Environnement, Ecologie, Géoressources». Métiers Enseignant du secondaire ou professeur des écoles de technicien (de recherche et de formation, d’études…), assistant ingénieur en recherche fondamentale et appliquée, cadre technique d’études scientifiques, chargé de mission, animateur scientifique... Secteurs d’activités L’enseignement public ou privé, des organismes publics de l’aménagement du territoire (ADEME, DREAL…), des bureaux d’études (Hydro(géo-)logie, diagnostic de sites, réaménagements…). Profil des candidats Formation initiale en 1re année : - être titulaire d’un BAC série S ou tout autre baccalauréat scientifique et technique, - étudiants de 1re année d’études supérieures en situation d’échec. Formation initiale en 2e ou 3e année : - étudiant ayant acquis un diplôme de niveau équivalent (DUT, BTS) ou ayant validé son année 1 de PCEM, - par procédure de VAP, VES ou de VAE. Le choix de l’entrée en 2e ou 3e année de licence est fonction du dossier du candidat. Procédures d’inscription Retrait du dossier mi-mars à télécharger sur Internet ou à demander par courrier : Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Scolarité - Bureau des Licences 123 Avenue Albert Thomas 87060 LIMOGES Cedex Tél. 05 55 45 72 45 Mail. Examen du dossier par la commission pédagogique. Si votre dossier est retenu vous recevrez les indications pour constituer votre dossier d’inscription administrative. Les candidats dont le pays de résidence adhère à CAMPUS France doivent déposer leur dossier de candidature sur l’espace CAMPUS France de leur pays avant le 1er avril : Responsables de la formation Caroline Le morvan Alexandra Courtin-Nomade Lieu de la formation Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Sites web Université de Limoges Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Version du 121115 Organisation de la Formation Unités d'Enseignement Bases de la Biochimie et de la Biologie Moléculaire Semestre OBligatoire / OPtionnel Crédits Cours / TD / TP S1 OB 6 18/42/0 27/21/12 Géosciences S1 OB 6 OSMP1 (PPP – IO) S1 OB 3 0/30/0 Introduction à la Biodiversité S1 OB 3 24/0/6 Physique appliquée à la Biologie 1 S1 OB 3 0/24/6 Chimie appliquée à la Biologie 1 S1 OB 3 15/15/0 12/18/0 Mathématique pour la Biologie S1 OB 3 Méthodologie 1 S1 OB 3 0/24/6 Biologie de la Cellule Eucaryote S2 OB 6 18/36/6 Anglais S2 OB 3 0/30/0 Statistiques pour la Biologie S2 OB 3 12/18/0 Physique appliquée à la Biologie 2 S2 OB 3 0/24/6 Chimie appliquée à la Biologie 2 S2 OB 3 15/15/0 Physiologie Animale et Végétale 1 S2 OB 6 32/19/9 Plan d’Organisation des Vertébrés et des Plantes S2 OB 3 15/0/15 Méthodologie 2 S2 OB 3 0/15/15 OSMP3 S3 OB 3 12/18/0 Métabolisme Energétique et Introduction à l’Enzymologie S3 OB 6 18/27/15 Physiologie Animale et Végétale 2 S3 OB 6 33/12/15 Biologie de la Reproduction et du Développement S3 OB 6 36/12/12 Chimie des Solutions S3 OB 3 15/15/0 Mesure du Temps en Géologie S3 OB 3 12/6/12 Les matériaux dans l’environnement S3 OB 3 12/6/12 Anglais S4 OB 3 0/30/0 Bases de la génétique S4 OB 6 18/33/9 Biologie moléculaire du gène S4 OB 6 27/33/0 Biologie et Écologie S4 OP 3 15/9/6 Microbiologie et environnement S4 OP 3 18/0/12 L’eau et les sols S4 OB 3 12/6/12 Physiologie Neurosensorielle et Motrice S4 OB 6 30/18/12 Mobilité Lithosphérique S4 OB 3 12/6/12 OSMP5 S5 OB 3 Adaptation et évolution S5 OB 6 30/0/30 Physiologie des messageries cellulaires S5 OB 3 18/12/0 Immunobiologie S5 OB 3 18/12/0 Grandes fonctions Physiologiques Animales S5 OB 6 40/0/20 13.5/4/5/12 Régulation de la Germination S5 OB 3 Géochimie S5 OB 3 12/6/12 Applications des Géosciences S5 OB 3 12/6/12 Anglais S6 OB 3 0/30/0 Paléobiologie S6 OB 3 18/0/12 Ecophysiologie végétale S6 OB 3 15/9/6 Défenses anti-infectieuses S6 OB 3 15/0/15 Régulation endocrine du métabolisme S6 OB 4.5 33/4/8 Terre Enveloppes Externes S6 OB 6 30/12/18 Sédimentologie S6 OB 4.5 21/12/12 Géodynamique interne S6 OB 3 12/6/12 Site de Tulle Possibilité d’alternance Le DUT Hygiène Sécurité Environnement forme en deux ans des techniciens supérieurs polyvalents et directement opérationnels dans l’ensemble des secteurs allant de la gestion des déchets et des effluents jusqu’aux métiers de la sécurité civile, en passant par le contrôle et l’audit. Les emplois sont majoritairement offerts par des organismes de certification, d’accréditation, de contrôle ou de prévention en HSE, par des grands groupes industriels (pétrochimie, BTP, aéronautique…) ou par le secteur public (SDIS, pompiers des différents corps d’armée, collectivités territoriales…). Les grands corps de l’état (inspection du travail, CARSAT, DREAL…) constituent aussi d’importants débouchés pour les étudiants diplômés par le département. p DÉBOUCHÉS PROFESSIONNELS p LES PROJETS TUTORÉS ET LES STAGES Métiers de la sécurité civile : (après Les projets tutorés sont réalisés en groupe de 5 à 6 étudiants et sont encadrés par un tuteur. •• Officier et sous-officier des corps militaires de sapeurspompiers (BSPP, BMPM, UIISC) •• Développement de pilotes pour réactions chimiques dangereuses (en partenariat avec l’ENSOSP) •• Officier de sécurité embarqué sur les bâtiments de la Marine nationale •• Animations de formations à la sécurité et l’environnement (simulations, débats, conférences…) dans les établissements scolaires _____________________________________________________ •• Officier de concours) sapeur-pompier professionnel •• Chef d’équipe de sécurité incendie dans un établissement recevant du public (ERP) et/ou immeuble de grande hauteur (IGH) Métiers de la sécurité industrielle : •• Animateur/coordinateur hygiène, sécurité, environnement •• Chargé de prévention des risques naturels et technologiques (chargé d’étude de danger ; rédacteur des dossiers d’autorisation -installations classées, sites SEVESO-, plans d’exposition aux risques naturels et technologiques…) •• Inspecteur dans un organisme de certification, d’accréditation ou de contrôle (médecine du travail, inspection du travail, VERITAS, SOCOTEC, NORISKO, APAVE, AFAQ…) •• Technicien santé/sécurité dans les entreprises de tous les secteurs industriels (industries pétrolières, chimiques, radiologiques, mécaniques, laboratoires, salles blanches…) et dans le secteur public (hôpitaux, services vétérinaires, collectivités territoriales…) Métiers de l’environnement : _____________________________________________________ Quelques exemples : •• Évaluation des risques sonores d’une salle de concert •• Projet de création d’entreprise •• Traitement et décontamination de l’air intérieur •• Projets en partenariat avec Pompiers Humanitaires Français Les stages : 11 semaines au semestre 4. Possibilité d’effectuer les stages à l’étranger : Europe, Canada, Afrique, Madagascar… (but industriel ou humanitaire) p POURSUITE D’ÉTUDES _____________________________________________________ Environ 90 % des étudiants poursuivent leurs études. Les établissements d’accueil opèrent une sélection des candidats sur dossier et/ou concours, et/ou entretien. •• Technicien de contrôle et d’analyse dans les installations de traitement des déchets, de l’air, de l’eau (entreprises privées et collectivités territoriales) Écoles d’ingénieurs en sécurité ou environnement : •• Chargé de sécurité et environnement Universités : •• Technicien de contrôle et d’exploitation de sites de production d’énergie (champs d’éoliennes, barrages hydroélectriques…) •• École des mines, Polytech Grenoble, ENSIL, UTT, ENSIM, CESI… •• Licence Professionnelle •• Licence généraliste HSE DUT HYGIÈNE, SÉCURITÉ, ENVIRONNEMENT DUT HYGIÈNE, SÉCURITÉ, ENVIRONNEMENT p LE PROGRAMME PÉDAGOGIQUE _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Le programme pédagogique HSE s’appuie sur des connaissances d’ordre : •• scientifiques (biologie, chimie, physique…) Au cours des 4 semestres, les enseignants du département accompagnent et guident les étudiants dans l’élaboration de leur Projet Personnel et Professionnel en leur proposant des visites d’entreprises, des entretiens avec des professionnels, des conférences… afin de les aider dans leur réflexion et la mise en forme de leur projet personnel. •• technologiques (microbiologie, sécurité électrique, mécanique…) Possibilité de réaliser la deuxième année du DUT HSE par la voie de l’alternance (contrat de professionnalisation). •• générales (communication, anglais, informatique, mathématiques) •• juridiques (réglementation, normalisation…) p LA VIE DU DÉPARTEMENT LES CONDITIONS D’ADMISSION Ce diplôme est ouvert principalement aux titulaires d’un baccalauréat S, STI2D, STL et du Diplôme d’Accès aux Etudes Universitaires (DAEU). Il peut également être ouvert aux titulaires d’un baccalauréat général avec un bon dossier. L’admission est prononcée par une commission après examen du dossier scolaire. Possibilité d’accès dans le cadre de la VAE ou de la formation continue. Sont également admissibles les adultes qui désirent reprendre des études (salariés, demandeurs d’emplois…) titulaires des diplômes requis ou ayant obtenu une validation de leurs acquis personnels et/ou professionnels. _____________________________________________________ L’association des étudiants du site de Tulle organise des activités sportives (rugby, canoë, foot, handball, volleyball…) et culturelles (théâtre, cinéma, conférences…). Contact Département Hygiène, Sécurité Environnement 5 rue du 9 Juin 1944 19000 TULLE Tél : 05 55 20 59 71 - Fax : 05 55 20 25 18 Courriel : NANTES, France Sede: Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation (Nantes-Atlantic, National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering) Website: Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Fabio Minervini e-mail: Home > Studies > Food Science and Engineering Degree : Food Science and Engineering Degree This 3-year degree leads to the diploma of master of ingineering Food Science and Engineering graduates are involved in conducting experiments and producing sample products, as well as designing the processes and machinery for producing food and drink products in large quantities with consistent flavor, color, and texture. This must be carried out within a strict and ever-changing regulatory framework specific to the processing of foodstuffs. The Food Science and Engineering Degree is accredited by the CTI, a French certifying commission for the French GRANDE ECOLE Consortium (Centers for Advanced Study) Job opportunities for graduates from ONIRIS Possible Working Sectors Read more Diversified recruitment Read more Degree program Courses are designed based on detailed future job descriptions for the Food Industry and other sectors which are closely linked to this field. Lire la suite Third year program concentrations : a gateway to 1st employment 1/1 LISTE ET CONTENU DES MODULES DU PARCOURS COMMUN Tableau 1 : S5 tronc commun SEMESTRE 5 UV ECTS / module 4 (Communication, Langues, Expression, Sport) UV 511 : LV1 UV 512 : LV2 UV 513 : Analyses des situations et communication professionnelle UV 514 : Sport Module 52 : Projets & EPI UV 521 : Projet Exlibris (Bibliographie) UV 522 : EPI Panification 3 Module 51 : CLES (Enseignements Pluridisciplinaire d’Intégration) Module 53 a : SOI (Sciences et Outils pour l’Ingénieur) Module 53 b : SOI (Sciences et Outils pour l’Ingénieur) Module 54 : SESG (Sciences Economiques Sociales et de Gestion) Module 55 a : STA (Sciences et Technologies Alimentaires) UV 530 : Rappel de mathématiques (*) UV 531 : Algorithme et programmation UV 532 : Statistique descriptive et décisionnelle UV 533 : Thermodynamique UV 534 : Mécanique des fluides UV 541 : Analyse comptable UV 542 : Management, Organisation des Entreprises UV 543 : Gestion des Ressources Humaines et Ergonomie UV 551 : Microbiologie générale alimentaire UV 554 : Génie alimentaire (Sciences et Technologies Alimentaires) UV 552 : Constituants alimentaires UV 553 : Caractérisation biochimique des aliments Module facultatif Projet d’Initiative Personnelle Module 55 b : STA 5 4 4 5 5 Tableau 2 : S6 tronc commun SEMESTRE 6 UV ECTS / module (Communication, Langues, Expression, Sport) UV 611 : LV1 UV 612 : LV2 UV 614 : Sport 3 Module 62 : Projets & EPI UV 621 : EPI Produits laitiers et carnés 2 Module 61 : CLES UV 631 : Tableur et gestionnaire bases de (Sciences et Outils pour l’Ingénieur) données UV 632 : Modélisation statistique UV 633 : Automatisme logique Module 63 a : SOI UV 634 : Physique industrielle appliquée (Sciences et Outils pour l’Ingénieur) UV 635 : Transferts de chaleur UV 636 : Transferts de matière Module 63 b : SOI Module 64 : SESG (Sciences Economiques Sociales et de Gestion) Module 65 : STA (Sciences et Technologies Alimentaires) Module 67 : Stages et Orientation professionnelle UV 641 : Sociologie UV 642 : Economie générale UV 643 : Comptabilité analytique UV 651 : Qualité Microbiologique des denrées alimentaires UV 652 : Nutrition UV 653 : Biochimie et Technologie des Aliments UV 671 : Connaissance de soi et développement personnel UV 672 : Consolidation du projet professionnel UV 673 : Stage Ouvrier 4 semaines 5 6 5 5 4 Tableau 3 : S7 tronc commun SEMESTRE 7 Module 71 : CLES (Communication, Langues, Expression, Sport) UV UV 711 : LV1 UV 712 : LV2 UV 713 : Compétence relationnelle et communication professionnelle UV 714 : Sport Module 72 : Projets & EPI UV 721 : Projets Interdisciplinaires (Etude de faisabilité scientifique et technique) Module 74 : SESG UV 740 : Bases de gestion et d’économie industrielle (*) UV 741 : Economie Industrielle IAA UV 742 : Socio-économie, histoire de l’alimentation UV 743 : Analyse données multidimensionnelles (Sciences Economiques Sociales et de Gestion) Module 75 : STA (Sciences et Technologies Alimentaires) Module 76 a : GPA (Génie des Procédés Alimentaires) Génie Industriel Module 76 b : GPA (Génie des Procédés Alimentaires) Traitements frigorifiques et thermiques Module 76 c : GPA (Génie des Procédés Alimentaires Opérations unitaires Module 77 : Stages et projet professionnel UV 751 : Additifs et Droit Alimentaire UV 752 : Formulation - Etude de cas UV 760 : Bases de statistiques (*) UV 761 : Automatique UV 762 : Efficacité énergétique UV 763 : Production frigorifique UV 764 : Applications frigorifiques UV 765 : Stabilisation et hygiène UV 766 : Opérations Unitaires Mécanique UV 767 : Opérations Unitaires Thermique UV 768 : Opérations Unitaires Applications Facultatif : Séjour linguistique, stage recherche, expérience professionnelle ou sociétale** ECTS / module 4 2 5 4 4 6 5 - Tableau 4 : S8 tronc commun SEMESTRE 8 Module 81 : CLES (Communication, Langues, Expression, Sport) UV UV 811 : LV1 UV 812 : LV2 UV 814 : Sport UV 815 : UV Opt. Expression communication (Sciences Economiques Sociales et de Gestion) UV 841 : Marketing UV 842 : Droit du travail UV 843 : Sciences Culture et Société UV 844 : Logistique et gestion de production Module 85 a : STA UV 851 : Microbiologie industrielle UV 853 : Enzymologie Module 84 : SESG (Sciences et Technologie Alimentaires) Génie Biologique ECTS / module 5 4 5 Modules spécifiques S8 filière alimentation SEMESTRE 8 UV ECTS / module 4 Module 82 : Projets & EPI UV 821 : EPI Jus de Pommes et laits fermentés UV 822 : Projet Inter Disciplinaire (PID) Module 85 b : STA (Sciences et Technologies Alimentaires) Génie de la formulation UV 854 : Analyse Sensorielle UV 855 : Optimisation de Formulation Module 86 : GPA (Génie des Procédés Alimentaires) Qualité Sûreté des Productions Alimentaires UV 861 : Gestion de la Qualité UV 862 : Risque microbien UV 863 : Gestion des Risques Environnement UV 864 : Emballage Conditionnement 5 Module 87 : Unités de Valeur optionnelles 4 UV au choix (offre des UV optionnelles est communiquée en début de semestre) 4 Module facultatif Projet d’Initiative Personnelle (voir en S5) 4 3 OSIJEK, Croatia SEDE: OSIJEK (Croatia) – Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku Website: Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Eustachio Tarasco E-mail: Faculty of Food Technology UNDERGRADUATE (BACHELOR) LEVEL Course title Lecturer ENGLISH LANGUAGE I Lidija Obad, MA UNI Code PTF01-001 ECTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE II GERMAN LANGUAGE I GERMAN LANGUAGE II RAW PLANT MATERIALS FOOD TOXICOLOGY TECHNOLOGY OF PLANT- BASED RAW MATERIALS II ECOLOGY WATER TECHNOLOGY AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT BASICS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Lidija Obad, MA Antonija Šarić Antonija Šarić Vlasta Piližota Tomislav Klapec Vlasta Piližota PTF01-002 2 PTF01-003 2 PTF01-004 2 PTF01-005 5 PTF01-006 3 PTF01-007 6 Mirna Habuda - Stanić Mirna Habuda - Stanić PTF01-008 3 PTF01-009 5 Natalija Velić, Vinko Krstanović PTF01-0010 3 2 GRADUATE (MASTER) LEVEL Course title Lecturer Code ECTS PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN Mate Bilić PTF02-001 7 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Lidija Obad PTF02-002 2 GERMAN LANGUAGE Antonija Šarić PTF02-003 2 CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES NEW FOOD PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT FOOD PROCESS PREPARATION FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION Vlasta Piližota PTF02-004 5 Vlasta Piližot PTF02-005 4 Vlasta Piližota Vlasta Piližota PTF02-006 PTF02-007 5 7 Milena Mandić, Ines Banjri Daniela Čačić Kenjerić PTF02-008 5 PTF02-009 5 DIET THERAPY DIETARY ASSESMENT AND NUTRITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS I WASTEWATER TREATMENT NUTRITION THROUGH THE LIFE CYCLE PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION Ivana Flanjak PTF02-010 4,5 Natalija Velić Daniela Čačić Kenjerić PTF02-011 PTF02-012 6 5 Tomislav Klapec, Ines Banjari PTF02-013 5 Faculty of Agriculture UNDERGRADUATE (BACHELOR) LEVEL Course title BASICS OF PLANT PRODUCTION ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS BASICS OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT PRODUCTION SHEEP AND GOAT BREEDING I ZOOHYGENA AND ANIMALS' HEALTH PROTECTION ANIMAL PRODUCTS I SPECIAL ZOOTECHNOLOGY PHYTOPATHOLOGY I PHYTOPATOLOGY I STORAGE AND TECHNOLOGY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS ENTOMOLOGY I ENGLISH 1 ENGLISH 2 GERMAN 1 GERMAN 2 GERMAN 1 GERMAN 2 AGROCLIMATOLOGY AND BASICS OF PHYSICS ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS FERTILIZATION IN CROP PRODUCTION FERTILIZATION IN HORTICULTURE PLANT NUTRITION GERMAN 1 GERMAN 2 ENGLISH 1 ENGLISH 2 GERMAN 1 Lecturer Bojan Stipešević Mislav Đidara UNI -Code AGR01-001 AGR01-003 ECTS 6 6 Irena Jug AGR01-004 6 Zvonko Antunović Boris Antunović AGR01-006 AGR01-007 6 6 Goran Kušec Mirjana Baban Karolina Vrandečić Jasenka Čosić Vlatka Rozman AGR01-008 AGR01-010 AGR01-011 AGR01-012 AGR01-013 6 6 6 6 6 Emilija Raspudić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Danijel Jug AGR01-014 AGR01-015 AGR01-016 AGR01-017 AGR01-018 AGR01-019 AGR01-020 AGR01-021 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 Mislav Đidara AGR01-022 6 Zdenko Lončarić AGR01-023 3 Zdenko Lončarić Zdenko Lončarić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić AGR01-024 AGR01-025 AGR01-026 AGR01-027 AGR01-028 AGR01-029 AGR01-030 3 6 5 5 5 5 5 GERMAN 2 GERMAN 1 GERMAN 2 Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić AGR01-031 AGR01-032 AGR01-033 5 5 5 Lecturer Bojan Stipešević UNI -Code AGR02-001 ECTS 6 Bojan Stipešević Marcela Šperanda AGR02-002 AGR02-004 6 6 Danijel Jug AGR02-005 6 Goran Kušec AGR02-008 6 Boris Antunović Marcela Šperanda Boris Antunović Jasenka Čosić Edita Štefanić Emilija Raspudić Mirjana Brmež Vladimir Ivezić Darija Kuharić Darija Kuharić Irena Jug AGR02-009 AGR02-010 AGR02-011 AGR02-012 AGR02-015 AGR02-016 AGR02-017 AGR02-018 AGR02-019 AGR02-020 AGR02-021 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Zdenko Lončarić AGR02-022 6 Zdenko Lončarić AGR02-023 6 Boris Đurđević AGR02-024 6 Ivona Djurkin Kušec Boris Đurđević Mato Drenjančević Marcela Šperanda Marcela Šperanda AGR02-025 AGR02-026 AGR02-027 AGR02-028 AGR02-029 6 6 6 6 6 GRADUATE (MASTER) LEVEL Course title PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC PLANT PRODUCTION TROPICAL CROPS PHYSIOLOGY OF FARM ANIMALS AGRITECHNICS AND PLANT PRODUCTION SYSTEMS ANIMAL PRODUCTS - QUALITY ASSURANCE ANIMALS' HEALTH PROTECTION HUNTING CYNOLOGY HEALTH PROTECTION OF GAME DISEASES OF ARABLE CROPS WEED SCIENCE ENTOMOLOGY II PHYTONEMATOLOGY AGROFORESTRY BUSINESS ENGLISH BUSINESS GERMAN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND PROTECTION FERTILIZATION IN VEGETABLE GROWING AND FLORICULTURE MODELLING OF CROP PRODUCTION SYSTEMS CALCULATION OF FERTILIZATION RECOMMENDATIONS IN CROP PRODUCTION GENOMICS IN ZOOTECHNICS INTEGRATED FERTILIZATION VITICULTURE 2 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY PLOVDIV, Bulgaria SEDE: PLOVDIV (BG) - Agraren Universitet Plovdiv Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Enrico de Lillo e-mail: SHORT HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FOOD TECHNOLOGIES - PLOVDIV The University of Food Technologies-Plovdiv was established as the Higher Institute of Food and Flavor Industries (HIFFI) by Decree No. 230 of the Presidium of the National Assembly from 10.07.1953. On 23.01.2003, by decision of the 39th Parliament of R Bulgaria, the HIFFI was transformed into University of Food Technologies-Plovdiv (UFT). The mission and purposes of the UFT have always offered solutions of national problems concerning the development of the food and flavor industries, biotechnological industry, catering and tourism and the related to them industrial management, economics of food industry, heat engineering, computer systems and technologies, mechanical engineering and automation of production. In its activities UFT is led by experience gathered in the course of more than 60 years, as well as by a constant contact with the higher schools in the country and abroad specialized in the same professional fields. Quality and European integration are priorities of the activities of the academic society of the UFT. The University of Food Technologies has been granted an accredited status by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency to the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria. The Certificate of Institutional Accreditation, renewed on February 2, 2012 with a quality mark 8.91 out of 10, is valid until February 2, 2017. The structure and organisation of UFT comprises: the Governing Body, Technological Faculty, Technical Faculty, Faculty of Economics, Department of Language Training, Physical Education and Sports, Francophone Training Centre, Continuing Professional Development Centre, Computer Technology and Communication Centre, Packaging Centre, Energy Efficiency Centre, Scientific Research Sector, Research Laboratory Complex, Scientific Research Laboratory of Biological and Functional Foods, Scientific Research Laboratory of Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Scientific Research Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Measurement and Standard Samples, Scientific Research Laboratory of Wine, Scientific Research Laboratory of Automation; Industrial Training and Production Unit, Administrative Services Unit. The material base of the UFT consists of four educational buildings with a total area of 17 000 m2 which includes: a ceremonial hall with 450 seats, three auditorium halls with 300 seats each, lecture theatres, seminar and computer halls and more than 50 training laboratories. The Central Library holds a fund of over 150 000 volumes and has a 98-seat reading hall. The University of Food Technologies-Plovdiv has five student dorms with a total of 1500 beds. In the main building of UFT there is a training restaurant offering lunch to students and professors. UFT-Plovdiv has a modern Sports Center which includes an in-door swimming pool, sport games halls, tennis courts and a sports and health camp on the banks of the Batak Lake in the Rhodope Mountains. The UFT-Plovdiv is proud of having the ‘Paldin’ Student Folk Ensemble. The University works in collaboration with many foreign universities and participates actively in international research programs and student exchange abroad. FOREIGN STUDENTS ADMISSION The University of Food Technologies (UFT) Plovdiv is a prestigious national research and education centre for food science, technology and engineering. Higher education cadres are trained in it in the field of food and flavor industries, biotechnological industry, catering and tourism, industrial management, as well as in the field of heat engineering, mechanical engineering, machinery and equipment for the food and biotechnological industries, computer systems and technologies, automation, information and control equipment. The Managing Body of the UFT-Plovdiv gladly welcomes foreign students who apply for enrollment in the wide variety of university specialties. You can select a specialty corresponding to your choice and preferences from the list attached. The training is carried out mainly in Bulgarian, therefore a preparatory oneyear Bulgarian or English Training Course is provided for foreign students. Students enrolled in the Specialty of Fermentation Products Technology (in French) can specialize in two of the three modules offered: Technology of Wine, Technology of Milk and Dairy Products and Technology of Bread and Bread Products. Foreign students can also enroll at the UFT-Plovdiv for English training in the Bachelor’s education and qualification degree in the following specialties: Tourism, Computer Systems and Technology, and Industrial Management; in the Master’s education and qualification degree in the following specialties: Food Product Analysis and Control. There is a one-year English preparatory training course. Foreign citizens, applying for training courses at UFT should submit the following documents: 1. Application form containing a short CV and the specialties the applicant has chosen; 2. A copy of the Secondary/High school diploma and the Supplement with the grades obtained in full-time training; 3. A Certificate issued by the competent authorities proving the applicant’s right to continue his/her education at a higher schools of the country in which he/she has acquired his/her high education and abroad; 4. An academic transcript for applicants applying for part-time training; 5. A copy of the higher education diploma (certificate) for a degree corresponding to the Bachelor’s or Master’s education and qualification degree - for the applicants for Master’s degree courses; 6. A Bulgarian language proficiency Certificate issued by a higher education institution in R Bulgaria – for the applicants who will not attend the preparatory language and specialized training courses; 7. A medical certificate issued no earlier than one month prior to the application date and certified by the respective authority in the applicant’s home country. 2 8. A copy of the applicant’s citizenship certificate with his/her Christian, Father (Second) and Family name in Latin, date and place of birth. For double citizenship applicants, one of which is Bulgarian, copies of both documents for both citizenships should be submitted; 9. Two photos. The documents according to items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 have to be certified, translated and legalized in compliance with the stipulations of the international agreements between R Bulgaria and the respective document-issuing country, or when such are absent – according to the general rules of certifications, translations and legalizations of documents and other written papers. The enrollment of foreign citizens for training at the University of Food Technologies is being done according to the score from the entrance approved subjects from the secondary education certificate. Entrance approved subjects are the following: – Mathematics and Chemistry for the specialties at the Technological Faculty – Mathematics or Chemistry and French for the specialty Technology of Fermentation Products at the Technological Faculty – Mathematics and Physics for the specialties at the Technical Faculty – Mathematics or Geography or Chemistry and Foreign Language for the specialties Tourism, Catering and Hotel and Restaurant Management at the Faculty of Economics; – Mathematics and Geography for the specialties Economics of Food Industries, Economics of Tourist Industry and Industrial Management at the Faculty of Economics. The minimum average score from the secondary school subjects from the secondary/high school certificate considered for the entrance approved subjects of the specialty for which the person applies for, cannot be less than 62% of the maximum score as per the evaluation system of the country issuing the secondary/high school certificate. Deadline for submission of applications to the UFT: October 1st in the year of application. Documents should be submitted to the University of Food Technologies in person or by firms which have signed a contract with the University of Food Technologies for foreign students’ enrollment, or they could be submitted to the following address: University of Food Technologies (UFT) 26 Maritsa Blvd. 4000 Plovdiv BULGARIA 3 After your application has been accepted by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science - Sofia you will receive a Certificate that you have been enrolled as a student at the UFT-Plovdiv. With this Certificate you can apply for a long-term visa (D type) at the Consular Office of the Bulgarian Embassy in your home country. Applications for training in Bulgaria in compliance with international exchange agreements according to Acts of the Council of Ministers or other special conditions should submit their applications at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, in accordance with the respective requirements. Annual tuition fees expected to be charged for foreign students: - Bachelor’s: Full-time training in Bulgarian: 3000 EUR; Full-time training in a foreign language: 3500 EUR; Part-time training in Bulgarian: 2500 EUR; Part-time training in a foreign language: 3000 EUR; - Master’s: Full-time and Part-time training in Bulgarian: 3000 EUR; Full-time training in a foreign language: 3500 EUR; Part-time training in a foreign language: 3000 EUR; - Master’s after Bachelor’s in a different specialty: Full-time training in Bulgarian: 3000 EUR; Full-time training in a foreign language: 3500 EUR; Part-time training in Bulgarian language: 2500 EUR; Part-time training in a foreign language: 3000 EUR; - PhD training: Full-time training in Bulgarian: 3500 EUR; Full-time training in a foreign language: 4000 EUR; Part-time training in Bulgarian: 3000 EUR; Part-time training in a foreign language: 3500 EUR. - The fee for one-year Bulgarian or English Language Training Course is 2500 EUR. Accommodation is provided at the students’ dorms at a rate of 90 EUR per month for a single room and 50 EUR for a double room. The cost of food is about 100 EUR a month. The duration of training in a given specialty of the Bachelor`s education and qualification degree is 4 academic years (full-time and part-time training); for Master`s degree – 1 academic year in case the Bachelor`s degree has been obtained in the same specialty; and 2 academic years in case the Bachelor`s degree has been obtained in a different specialty. The training for the Doctor’s education and scientific degree (PhD) is 3 academic years (full-time) and 4 academic years (part-time). We are looking forward to seeing you in UFT-Plovdiv! 4 LIST OF ACCREDITED PROGRAMMES FOR BACHELOR’S (BCH), MASTER’S (M) AND DOCTORAL (PhD) DEGREES IN THE FACULTIES OF UFT-PLOVDIV № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SPECIALTY BCh Technological Faculty Technology of Meat and Milk Technology of Meat, Fish and Egg Products Technology of Meat and Fish Products Technology of Milk and Milk Products Technology of Grain, Fodder, Bread and Confectionery Products Technology of Grain, Grain Product and Mixtures Processing and Storage Technology of Bread, Bakery and Confectionery Products Canning and Refrigeration Technology Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Cans Refrigeration Technology of Food Products Technology of Wine and Beer Technology of High-Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Drinks Technology of Tobacco and Tobacco Products Technology of Oils, Essential Oils, Perfumery and Cosmetics Technology of Animal Fats, Vegetable Oils, Soaps, Essential Oils, Perfumery and Cosmetic Preparations Technology of Sugar, Sugar Products, Starch and Starch Hydrolysates Biotechnology Technology of Biologically Active Substances Analysis and Control of Food Products Technology of Fermentation Products (in French) Food Safety Control and Safety of Animal Products Microbiology Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry 5 М PhD √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SPECIALTY BCh Technical Faculty Food Industry Machine Building √ Biotechnology and Food Engineering √ Heat Engineering √ Automation, Information and Control Engineering √ Computer Systems and Technologies (in Bulgarian or √ English) Electrical Energy Efficiency Automation of Production Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineering Energy Efficiency Energy Management Package and Packaging Engineering in the Food and Biotechnology Industries Dynamics, Strength and Reliability of Food Industry Machinery Systems Machinery and Equipment for the Food and Flavour Industry Cooling and Air-Conditioning Machinery Faculty of Economics Food, Nutrition and Dietetics √ Ecology and Environmental Protection in the Food Industry √ Tourism (in Bulgarian or English) √ Catering √ Hospitality √ Organisation and Management ( in the services section) Catering Technology √ Food Industry Economics Tourist Industry Economics √ Industrial Management (in Bulgarian or English) √ Corporate Business and Entrepreneurship Business Information Technology Hotel and Restaurant Management Environmental Engineering in the Food Industry √ М √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Contact us: University of Food Technologies 26 Maritsa Blvd., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Tel.: +359 32 643 005; +359 32 642 738; Fax: +359 32 644 102 Е-mail: Е-mail: 6 PhD SIEDLCE, Poland SEDE: SIELDCE, POLONIA SIEDLCE UNIVERSITY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES WEBSITE: RESPONSABILE DI ACCORDO: PROF. EUSTACHIO TARASCO E-MAIL: VILA REAL, Portugal SEDE: VILA REAL (P) http.// offer/1st%20cycle/Pages/1Ciclocurso.aspx?idnum=32 Universidade De Tras-Os-Montes e Alto Douro Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Eustachio Tarasco - e-mail: FOOD SCIENCE YEAR SEM. 1st 1st COURSE UNIT Biomathematics Organic and Biological Chemistry Physical Food General Chemistry Celular and Molecular Biology ECTS 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 SEM. COURSE UNIT 2nd Biochemistry and Metabolism Introduction to Food Science Biostatistics and Experimental Design Vegetable Production Chain Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology ECTS 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2nd 3rd 1st 1st Food Chemistry I Food Technology I Analytical Chemistry Option I Animal Production Chain Food Microbiology Food Analysis I Food Toxicology Nutrition and Health Food Quality and Safety 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 Option I Enzymology Oxidative Stress and Pathologies Management Products and Brands Crops Health Promotion Communication Technology and Innovation Pharmacology Plant Physiology Option II Bioethics and Biosafety Management of Quality, Environment and Safety in laboratories Vitiviniculture Crop Protection in Integrated Production Animal Physiology Marketing and Commercialization of Food Products 1 2nd Food Chemistry II Nutrition Fundaments Food Technology II Option II Microbiology 2nd Food Analysis II Sensory Analysis of Food Product Traceability Certification and Standardization Stage 7.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 5.5 5.5 12.0 Warsaw, Poland SEDE: WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES – SGGW Website: Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Enrico de Lillo e-mail: FACULTY OF FOOD SCIENCES COURSE LECTURER Dorota Derewiaka, Marta Ciecierska, Anna Positive and negative food Bzducha-Wróbel substances Smart food - Drugs, Medicines and Piotr Koczoń Smart Food Components Anna Kamińska-Dworznicka; Katarzyna Bioengineering in food industry Samborska CANCELLED Andrzej Sadownik Beer.Famous world styles. Technological implications Alcoholic beverages and human Piotr Koczoń being Magdalena Wirkowska, Joanna Bryś, Ewa Nutritional and technological Ostrowska-Ligęza, Agata Górska properties of fats and oils Paweł Bukowski Chemistry of natural compounds Instrumental methods for biological Piotr Koczoń sample(mixture)analysis CANCELLED Małgorzata Nowacka Design thinking CANCELLED Małgorzata Nowacka Food safety and risk magamement CANCELLED Małgorzata Nowacka Food contact materials/ Food packing Artur Wiktor, Małgorzata Nowacka, Nonthermal Processing of Foods Magdalena Śledź available from 2015/2016 ECTS 3,5 3,5 2 3 3,5 3,5 6 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences COURSE Ecological aspects of food and nutrition CANCELLED Functional Food CANCELLED Convenience food LECTURER Ewa Rembiałkowska; Jan Golba Katarzyna Jesionkowska Katarzyna Jesionkowska, Katarzyna Nejman ECTS 6 6 5 Katarzyna Jesionkowska, Katarzyna Nejman CANCELLED Dietary Suplements CANCELLED Katarzyna Jesionkowska Sensory science in food marketing Ewa Halicka; Krystyna Rejman; Barbara CANCELLED Kowrygo Food and Nutrition Policy Nutrition through the life span Nutritional Psychology and Sociology Preventive nutrition Danuta Gajewska; Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak Marzena Jeżewska_Zychowicz; Magdalena Pilska Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak, Danuta Gajewska 5 6 4 5 3 5 FACULTY OF ANIMAL SCIENCES COURSE Animal Behaviour Animal Genetic Resources and their conservation Biotechnology in Fishery Current trends in livestock production Fauna of Poland Fur animals farming in Poland according to EU recommendations Horse Breeding in Poland Introduction to Herpetology Natural aspects of tourism Psychology of Companion Animals Wildlife Biology and Conservation LECTURER Tadeusz Kaleta Elżbieta Martyniuk, Wanda Olech elzbieta_martyniuk@sggw,pl; Andrzej Życzyński Elżbieta Martyniuk elzbieta_martyniuk@sggw,pl Krzysztof Klimaszewski Marian Brzozowski Jacek Łojek Andrzej Życzyński Krzysztof Klimaszewski Tadeusz Kaleta André Chwalibog ECTS 2 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 Faculty of Agriculture and Biology COURSE Ecology of grassland LECTURER Dorota Sienkiewicz-Paderewska ECTS 8 Ecological observations of plant communities Jakub Paderewski dr Dorota Sienkiewicz-Paderewska, dr Jakub Grasses – morphology, Paderewski identification and; documentation; Katarzyna Kucińska Organic agriculture Piotr Stypiński Environmental role of grassland Sensors indices and bioindicators Mohamed Hazem Kalaji for agriculture and biology Climate Change impacts on Mohamed Hazem Kalaji plant growth and crop yield Energetic plants: a renewable Mohamed Hazem Kalaji energy source Józef Chojnicki Soil Science Stefan Russel Environmental Biotechnology Environmental role of Piotr Stypiński grassland Introduction to Crop Beata Michalska-Klimczak Production Stefan Russel Microbial Biotechnology Katarzyna Kucińska Organic agriculture Photosynthetic crop Productivity under Mohamed Hazem Kalaji unfavorable environmental conditions Physiology of plants and its Mohamed Hazem Kalaji production under climate changes Stefan Russel Soil Biology Soil Microbiology and Stefan Russel Biochemistry The use of computeriezed and portable instruments in the Mohamed Hazem Kalaji field of agriculture and biological researches Stefan Russel Water Microbiology Beata Michalska - Klimczak Crop growth and development 6 6 2 4 10 10 10 5 6 4 4 6 2 4 4 6 6 5 6 4 FACULTY OF HORTICULTURE, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE COURSE Fruits of the World Polish medicinal plants Community gardening & garden as an event Garden design Garden history and restoration Dendrology 1 Dendrology 2 Vegetation in historical park Natural Landscaping 1 Natural Landscaping 2 Diversity of plant communities 1 Landscape Protection 1 General Entomology Plant Biotechnology - molecular bases Genetic Engineering Bioinformatics Landscape Planning Barriers and Opportunities Fundamentals of Intensive Fruit Production Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Plants Plant Disease Epidemiology LECTURER Andrzej Przybyła Katarzyna Bączek; Olga Kosakowska, Krzysztof Herman; Beata Gawryszewska; Edyta Winiarska Beata Gawryszewska; Krzysztof Herman; Dorota Sikora; Małgorzata Sikora Dorota Sikora; Małgorzata Kaczyńska; Beata Gawryszewska Ewa Zaraś-Januszkiewicz ewa_zaras_januszkiewicz Ewa Zaraś-Januszkiewicz ewa_zaras_januszkiewicz Beata Fornal-Pieniak Beata Fornal-Pieniak Beata Fornal-Pieniak Barbara Żarska, Beata Fornal-Pieniak Beata Fornal-Pieniak Barbara Żarska Marek W. Kozłowski; Katarzyna Michalska Marcin Filipecki; Grzegorz Bartoszewski Marcin Filipecki Marcin Filipecki; Grzegorz Bartoszewski Agata Cieszewska; Gabriele Maksymiuk Andrzej Sadowski Andrzej Sadowski Ryszard Dzięcioł ECTS 6 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 4 4 6 4 4 4 5 Małgorzata Scholenberger Ewa Siedlecka Plant Biodiversity Joanna Marcinkowska Applied Mycology Joanna Marcinkowska General Plant Pathology Diversity of Plant Communities in Beata Fornal-Pieniak Poland 2 Axel Schwerk Rules of Ecological Engineering Assesment and Evaluation of Natural Axel Schwerk; Izabela Dymitryszyn Resources Breeding Methods for Fruit and Andrzej A. Przybyła Ornamental Plants Landscape Architecture Design Kinga Kimic Studio Marek S. Szynde Elżbieta Paduch-Cichal Plant Virology Grzegorz Bartoszewski Social and legal aspects of biotechnology Grzegorz Bartoszewski; Magdalena Pawełkowicz Genomics Barbara Żarska Landscape Protection 2 Grzegorz Bartoszewski; Ewa Siedlecka Molecular Biology The principles of composition in Dorota Sikora landscape rchitecture The design of small landscape Dorota Sikorska architecture forms Cultural landscape evaluation and Dorota Sikora protection Monika Rakoczy-Trojanowska Current trends in plant biotechnology Monika Rakoczy-Trojanowska Plant molecular breeding Aleksandra Łukaszewska Control of Postharvest Quality of Cut Diagnostic of Plant Bacterial Diseases Flowers NEW Integrated Pest Management International perspective Zbigniew T. Dabrowski 4 3 5 3 2 4 6 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 4 5 WIEN, Austria 29/3/2015 Courses::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU SEDE: WIEN (A) - Unibersitat Fur Bodenkultur Wien Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Vito Nicola Savino e-mail: Courses BOKUStart > Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT) > Courses Search Course nr Title Credits Winter term 750102 SE bachelor´s degree seminar 12 750103 P Process Engineering Practical Course 3 750105 SE bachelor´s degree seminar 12 750299 SE Doctorate seminar 2 750301 SE Diploma and Master Seminar 2 750302 SE Diploma and Master Seminar 2 750405 SE Seminar to Basic Course I Analysis, Design and Engineering of Proteins (in Eng.) 1 750417 SE Journal Club BioToP I (in Eng.) 1 752100 L Food processing 3 752101 L Technical Principles of Winemaking 3 752102 L Fermentation processes in food industry 2 752103 L Grape Processing 3 752104 L Vinification basics 4,5 752107 L Specific topics of white and red wine production 3 752113 L Principles of chemistry and microbiology of wine 3 1/5 29/3/2015 Courses::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU 752311 L Biochemical Reaction Engineering 2 752313 P Practical Course in Food Processing (in Eng.) 5 752314 SE Food Technology Seminar 2 752318 L Protein structure and function 3 752321 L Food technology I 3 752323 P Practical Course in Food technology 5 752327 L Cereal technology 2 752328 L Brewery Technology 2 752329 L Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology 2 752332 L Processes in Enzyme Technology 2 752333 L Membrane Separation Processes 2 752338 P Practical Course in Enzyme Technology 3 752341 L Quality control and analysis in winemaking 3 752342 L Quality control and analysis in winemaking practices 3 754100 L Hygiene 3 754101 L Microbiology 3 754103 P quality management exercises 3 754104 SE Business Management and Organization 3 754117 P Microbiology practical course 2 754120 L Principles of sensory science and nutrional psychology 3 754310 P Food authenticity practical course 3 754314 SE Food Safety and Risk Management 3 754316 P Practical training in food microbiology for SIFC (in Eng.) 3 754317 L Food Chemistry (for SIFC) 4 754318 P Food Chemistry Practical Course for SIFC (in Eng.) 3 754319 P Applied Quality Management Practical Course for SIFC 5 754325 L Food Microbiology for SIFC (in Eng.) 4 754340 L Food Chemistry 5 2/5 29/3/2015 Courses::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU 754341 P Food chemistry practical course 4 754342 L Food microbiology 4 754343 P Practical training in food microbiology 2 754344 L Food Physics 2 754347 SE Applied Quality Management 2 754348 P Applied Quality Management Exercises 5 754349 P Industrial Hygienics 2 754351 L Psychology of nutrition 2 754352 L New Product Development 2 754354 L Fat Chemistry and Technology 2 754358 L Applied Quality Management 3 Summer term 750102 SE bachelor´s degree seminar 12 750103 P Process Engineering Practical Course 3 750104 L General food science 1,5 750105 SE bachelor´s degree seminar 12 750299 SE Doctorate seminar 2 750301 SE Diploma and Master Seminar 2 750302 SE Diploma and Master Seminar 2 752001 L Selected Topics in Food Sciences 1 752106 P Vinification basics practical exercises 4,5 752110 L Processing of plant products 2 752114 L Process engineering calculations 2 752117 L Principles of Winemaking 2 752312 L From Sequence to Structure: Prediction, Modeling and Molecular Dynamics of Protein Structures 3 752317 SE Human Safety in Food Processing 3 752322 L Food technology II 3 3/5 29/3/2015 Courses::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU 752323 P Practical Course in Food technology 5 752324 L Food Biotechnology 5 752325 L Food Packaging Technology 3 752330 L Meat, Fish and Delicatessen Processing Technology 2 752334 L Technology of Chocolate and Confectionary 2 752335 L Technology of drinks 2 752336 L Dairy Technology 2 752337 SE Seminar of Enzyme Technology 2 752338 P Practical Course in Enzyme Technology 3 752339 L Protein Engineering 2 752340 L Biochemical Technology 2 752A00 L Food technology 7,5 754002 SE Functional Food and EU Food Legislation "Novel Food and Health Claim Regulations in the EU" 3 754003 L Introduction to Chemical Food Analysis 2 754004 P field trip food microbiology and hygiene ,5 754006 SE Scientific Computer Applications 2 754098 L QM Quality Manager Junior 3 754103 P quality management exercises 3 754108 L Basics of Milk Hygiene and Technology 2 754109 L Quality management 2 754110 L Quality management II 3 754117 P Microbiology practical course 2 754309 L Authenticity of foods 3 754310 P Food authenticity practical course 3 754311 P Partical Course in Dairy technology 3 754312 SE Seminar on Food Science 2 754315 SE Specific and Emerging Topics in Food Microbiology 3 754320 L Reference Materials and Methods Validation in Food Safety Assurance 3 4/5 29/3/2015 Courses::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU 754323 L Validation of Cleaning Processes and Hygienic Design 3 754326 SE National and International Food Safety Authorities 3 754333 SE Molecular Epidemiology of FoodBorne Pathogens 3 754335 L Automatic Identification Technology in Food Industry 3 754341 P Food chemistry practical course 4 754343 P Practical training in food microbiology 2 754344 L Food Physics 2 754345 L Food Toxicology 2 754346 L Sensory Evaluation of Food 2 754348 P Applied Quality Management Exercises 5 754353 L Aroma of foods 2 754355 P Milk analysis 2 754356 L Food Supply Chain Management 3 754357 P Practical work in dairying 2 5/5 WROCLAW, Poland SEDE: WROCLAW (PL) - Akademia Rolnicza We WroclawiuERASMUS list Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Teodoro Miano e-mail: 2/4/2015 List of courses available for ERASMUS students (courses for academic year 2015/2016) The course exclusively in Polish, with a possibility of support in English The course taught in English if the group has ≥6 students. The course taught in Polish with a possibility of support in English if the group has <6 students The course exclusively in English (will be available if a minimum of 6 students sign up for a group). Click course name to view full information of course from ECTS catalogue No Major fields of study Course name Code Semester ECTS 1 Biology Avian Biology BB20232o15 Winter 3 2 Biology Basic of Paleontology BB10146f15 Winter 3 3 Biology Behavioural and evolutionary ecology BB20245o15 Winter 3 4 Biology Bioethics BB20247o15 Winter 1 5 Biology Bioinformatics BB20176o15 Winter 4 6 Biology Biometrics BB10036f15 Winter 2 7 Biology BioPerl BB10299f15 Winter 3 8 Biology Biotechniques in BB20183o15 Animal Reproduction Winter 3 9 Biology Cell Biology BB10107o15 Winter 4 10 Biology Cell Genetics BB20388f15 Winter 3 Comparative Study cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd 1/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 11 Biology Genomics BB20184o15 Winter 4 12 Biology Conservation of Genetic Biodiversity BB20242o15 Winter 2 13 Biology Ecophysiology BB20231o15 Winter 4 14 Biology Essentials of Advanced Analytics BB20068o15 Winter 5 15 Biology Ethology of Horses BB10396f15 Winter 3 16 Biology General Ecology BB10168o15 Winter 4 17 Biology Microscopic Techniques BB20371o15 Winter 4 18 Biology Molecular Biology BB10167o15 Winter 7 19 Biology Morphology of Plants BB10033o15 Winter 4 20 Biology Natural and BB10385f15 Civilizational Security Winter 3 21 Biology Neurobiology BB20344f15 Winter 3 BB20238o15 Winter 4 BB10300f15 Winter 3 BB10169o15 Winter 5 Winter 3 Winter 3 BB10163o15 Winter 5 BB20341f15 Winter 3 BB20349f15 Summer 3 22 Biology 23 Biology 24 Biology 25 Biology 26 Biology 27 Biology 28 Biology 29 Biology Palaeontology of evolution Physiology of Nutrition Population Genetics The Discovery of Plants that Changed BB10395f15 the Course of History Tissue Engineering BB20400f15 with Stem Cells Vertebrate Zoology Wild Ancestors and Relatives of Pets Alternative Use of Horses cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2/14 2/4/2015 30 Biology 31 Biology 32 Biology 33 Biology 34 Biology 35 Biology 36 Biology 37 Biology 38 Biology 39 Biology 40 Biology ERASMUS list Analytical Methods in Ecotrophology Analytical Techniques in Hydrobiology Animal Health Preservation Animal Welfare in Zoos Basics of Laboratory Analytics Basis of Animal Psychology Basis of Bioinformatics BB20256o15 Summer 2 BB20185o15 Summer 5 BB10148f15 Summer 3 BB20355f15 Summer 3 BB20379o15 Summer 3 BB20364f15 Summer 3 BB10172o15 Summer 4 Behaviour of Animals BB10128f15 Summer 3 Summer 3 Summer 3 Summer 3 Behaviour of BB20350f15 Laboratory Animals Biodiversity of Flora of Urbanized Areas – BB10398f15 field classes Biodiversity of BB20353f15 Organisms 41 Biology Bioindication BB20244o15 Summer 3 42 Biology Bioinformatics BB10052o15 Summer 4 43 Biology BioLinux BB10059f15 Summer 3 Summer 3 Summer 5 Summer 3 44 Biology 45 Biology 46 Biology Cells and Biological Molecules BB20378o15 Histochemical Marking Comparative BB10049o15 Vertebrate Anatomy Ecology of Terrestrial BB20356f15 Animals 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 3/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 3 2nd cycle Summer 3 1st cycle BB10173o15 Summer 5 Genetics BB10109o15 Summer 5 51 Biology GenomeWide Association Study in Animals BB10136f15 Summer 3 52 Biology Human genetics BB20384o15 Summer 4 53 Biology Hunting Management BB20368f15 Summer 3 54 Biology Hydrobiology BB20377o15 Summer 3 55 Biology Law Protection of Animals BB20361f15 Summer 3 56 Biology Mammalogy BB20376o15 Summer 3 57 Biology Milk Biology BB20351f15 Summer 3 58 Biology New Developments in BB20360f15 Genetics Summer 3 59 Biology Parasitology BB10115f15 Summer 3 60 Biology Parrot Behaviour BB10302f15 Summer 3 61 Biology Techniques of Cell and Tissue Cultures BB20381o15 Summer 4 62 Biology Terraristics BB20399f15 Summer 3 63 Biology Zoonoses BB20354f15 Summer 3 47 Biology Ecotoxicology 48 Biology Ecotrophology Nourishment of Different Groups of Animals and Human BB10151f15 49 Biology Evolutionary 50 Biology Animal Advanced Animal BB20380o15 Summer 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st 4/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 64 Science 65 Animal Science Animal 66 Science 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal Science Animal 76 Science Animal Science Landscape 78 Architecture 77 79 80 Landscape Architecture Landscape Breeding BH10032o15 Winter 4 cycle Botany BH10002o15 Winter 5 1st cycle BH10061f15 Winter 2 1st cycle BH10025o15 Winter 5 1st cycle Horse Husbandry BH10036o15 Winter 3 Zoology BH10003o15 Winter 6 Summer 4 Summer 4 Summer 3 Computer Science Applied to Animal Breeding Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition Animal Hygiene and BH10027o15 Welfare Animal Nutrition and BH10030o15 Feed Science Cattle Breeding and BH10199o15 Husbandry Genetics BH10023o15 Summer 5 Global Ecology BH10019f15 Summer 3 Parasitology BH10058f15 Summer 3 BH10313f15 Summer 3 BH10057f15 Summer 3 Civil Engineering I IA10048o15 Winter 4 Construction and Preservation of Landscape Architecture Objects (I) IA10338o15 Winter 4 Descriptive Geometry IA10032o15 Winter 4 Principles of Environmental Toxicology Protection of Animal Health 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st 5/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list Architecture Landscape 81 Architecture 82 Landscape Architecture 83 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Civil 85 Engineering Civil 86 Engineering 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering cycle 1st cycle IA10049o15 Summer 4 IA10339o15 Summer 4 1st cycle IA10131o15 Summer 4 1st cycle IB10213o15 Winter 5 IB20077o15 Winter 5 IB20265o15 Winter 5 Finally Project IB10360o15 Winter 15 Soil Mechanics IB10256o15 Winter 6 Civil Engineering II Construction and Preservation of Landscape Architecture Objects (II) Designing of Landscape Architecture Objects I Buildings and Building Elements I Drainage of Road Structures Dynamics of Structures Strength of materials IB10278o15 laboratory Buildings and IB10276o15 Building Elements II Computer Aided IB10250o15 Design Winter 1 Summer 4 Summer 5 Concrete structures I IB10187o15 Summer 4 Foundation Engineering IB10188o15 Summer 6 Metal Structures I IB10189o15 Summer 4 Structural Mechanics IB10193o15 Summer 6 Technology of concrete and mortar Summer 3 IB10258o15 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 6/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 97 Civil Engineering Geodesy and 98 Cartography Geodesy and 99 Cartography Geodesy and 100 Cartography Geodesy and 101 Cartography Geodesy and 102 Cartography Geodesy and 103 Cartography Theory of elasticity and plasticity IB20066o15 Summer 3 Adjustment Theory I IG10775o15 Winter 2 Winter 6 Winter 3 Winter 6 Geographical IG10333o15 Information Systems I Laser Scanning IG10776o15 Technology Photogrammetry and IG10401o15 Remote Sensing Satellite Geodesy IG10777o15 Winter 4 Surveying Service of Construction Investments IG10659f15 Winter 4 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 104 Geodesy and Cartography Adjustment Theory II IG10270o15 Summer 6 105 Geodesy and Cartography Engineering Surveying IG10778o15 Summer 5 IG10708o15 Summer 4 IG20281o15 Summer 4 IP20244o15 Winter 6 IP10044o15 Winter 2 IP10080f15 Winter 7 1st cycle IP20243f15 Winter 4 2nd cycle IP10073f15 Winter 7 1st cycle Summer 4 1st cycle Geodesy and Cartography Geodesy and 107 Cartography Land 108 Management Land 109 Management 106 110 Land Management 111 Land Management 112 Land Management 113 Land Management Environmental Remote Sensing Satellite Measurement Techniques Environmental Impact Assesment Information Technology Integrated Spatial Management in Sustainable Development Landscape Management Managing Water Resources in Non urban Areas Geographic Economy IP10054o15 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 7/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 114 Land Management 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Land Management Plant Medicine Plant Medicine Plant Medicine Plant Medicine Plant Medicine Plant Medicine Renewable Energy and Waste Management Renewable Energy and Waste Management Renewable Energy and 124 Waste Management Renewable Energy and 125 Waste Management Renewable Energy and 126 Waste Management Renewable Natural Conditions in Land Management The Regional and Local Development and Territorial Marketing Diseases and Pests of agricultural plants II Diseases and Pests of Horticular Plants II Genetics and Plant Breeding Pathogenic fungi and fungal like organisms Plant Protection Products Plant Protection in Organic Farming IP10035o15 Summer 6 1st cycle IP20224o15 Summer 5 2nd cycle MR10067o15 Winter 5 MR10066o15 Winter 4 MR10012o15 Winter 6 MR10047o15 Winter 3 MR10028o15 Winter 4 MR10026o15 Summer 3 Biofuels Gas OŹE10038f15 Winter 5 1st cycle Biomass Utilization Processes OŹE10035o15 Winter 3 1st cycle Energy from Renewable Sources I OŹE10025o15 Winter 5 1st cycle Fuels from waste OŹE10065f15 5 1st cycle 5 1st cycle Winter Energy from OŹE10026o15 Summer Renewable Sources II 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 8/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 127 Energy and Waste Management Recovery and recycling of selected waste flows OŹE10087f15 Summer 5 1st cycle Renewable Energy and 128 Waste Management Solid Biomass OŹE10030f15 Summer 5 1st cycle 129 Economics Economics of European Integration RES10290o15 Winter 2 130 Economics MICROECONOMICS RES10107o15 Winter 8 131 Economics Strategic Management RES10121o15 Winter 4 132 Economics Macroeconomics RES10105o15 Summer 6 133 Economics Market Analyzis RES10120o15 Summer 3 RES10230o15 Summer 3 RES20283f15 Summer 4 134 Economics 135 Economics 136 137 138 139 140 Production Engineering and Management Production Engineering and Management Production Engineering and Management Production Engineering and Management Production Engineering Marketing in Food Economy TERRITORIAL MARKETING 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle Ergonomics and Work RIP10137o15 Safety Winter 3 1st cycle Management RIP10023o15 Winter 4 1st cycle Marketing RIP10055o15 Winter 2 1st cycle Physics RIP10010o15 Winter 5 1st cycle Ecology and Environmental RIP10033o15 Summer 4 1st 9/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list and Management Management cycle 141 Horticulture Grass Surfaces ROS20118f15 Winter 3 2nd cycle 142 Horticulture Ornamental Plant Production Basic course ROS10057o15 Winter 4 1st cycle 143 Horticulture Plant Physiology ROS10042o15 Winter 5 144 Horticulture Plant Protection I ROS10144o15 Winter 4 ROS10095o15 Winter 3 ROS20109f15 Winter 6 ROS10086o15 Winter 4 ROS20076o15 Winter 5 2nd cycle ROS10040o15 Summer 5 1st cycle ROS10062o15 Summer 3 1st cycle ROS10098o15 Summer 4 1st cycle ROS20081o15 Summer 6 2nd cycle ROS10068o15 Summer 5 1st cycle ROS10113o15 Summer 5 145 Horticulture 146 Horticulture 147 Horticulture 148 Horticulture 149 Horticulture 150 Horticulture 151 Horticulture 152 Horticulture 153 Horticulture Soils and Substrates in Horticulture Trees and shrubs in landscape planning Vegetable Production Basic course Vegetation and management of green areas Biochemistry Ecology and environmental protection Fertilization of Horticultural Crops Landscape planning and management of green areas Organizing and nurturing of green areas 154 Horticulture Plant Protection II 155 Agriculture Agricultural Technics RRS10222o15 Winter 6 156 Agriculture Crop Production II Winter 4 RRS10131o15 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st 10/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 157 Agriculture Fruit Growing RRS10064o15 Winter 3 158 Agriculture Genetics RRS10034o15 Winter 5 159 Agriculture Instrumental analysis RRS20100o15 Winter 6 160 Agriculture Plant Physiology Winter 6 161 Agriculture Soil and Crop Management I+II (only in English) RRS10243o15 Winter 7 162 Agriculture The use of in vitro cultures in crop and plant breeding RRS20130f15 Winter 4 163 Agriculture Vegetable Production RRS10063o15 Winter 3 164 Agriculture Crop Production I RRS10133o15 Summer 4 165 Agriculture Experimental Design RRS20095o15 Summer 7 RRS10061o15 Summer 7 RRS10040o15 Summer 4 RRS20097o15 Summer 2 166 Agriculture 167 Agriculture 168 Agriculture 169 Agriculture 170 Agriculture Fertilizers and Plant Nutrition Grassland Management Organic Farming RRS10109o15 Organization of RRS20098o15 Summer Agricultural Services Plant Breeding and RRS10035o15 Summer Seed Production 3 4 cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 2nd cycle 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 171 Agriculture Plant Pathology RRS10043o15 Summer 4 172 Agriculture Soil Science RRS10041o15 Summer 7 1st cycle RSS20191o15 5 2nd cycle Anthropogenic Environmental 173 Changes in Protection Ecosystems Winter 11/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list Environmental Protection Environmental 175 Protection 174 176 Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Environmental 178 Protection Environmental 179 Protection 177 Environmental 180 Protection 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 Biochemistry and Plant Physiology Bioenergy Crop Production Ecophysiological Aspects of Plant Responses to Stress Environmental Impact Assessment Forest Management (basics) Geology and Geomorphology Global environmental problems and sustainable development Environmental Heavy Metals in the Protection Environment Humic substances in Environmental environmental Protection protection Environmental Monitoring of Protection Environmental Quality Environmental Natural resources and Protection their exploitation Environmental Plant Adaptation to Protection Environment Environmental Plant Protection Protection (basics) Environmental Plants in Land Protection Reclamation Environmental Soil Protection Protection Environmental 189 Soil Science Protection Environmental 190 Botany I+II 188 1st cycle 1st cycle RSS10040o15 Winter 6 RSS10206f15 Winter 3 RSS20357f15 Winter 4 RSS10064o15 Winter 3 RSS10054o15 Winter 3 RSS10360o15 Winter 6 RSS10318o15 Winter 4 1st cycle RSS20138f15 Winter 3 2nd cycle RSS20123o15 Winter 4 2nd cycle RSS10063o15 Winter 4 RSS10047o15 Winter 3 RSS10189f15 Winter 3 RSS10133o15 Winter 3 RSS10180f15 Winter 3 RSS10107o15 Winter 2 RSS10131o15 Winter 4 RSS10381o15 Summer 7 2nd cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st 12/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list Protection Environmental 191 Protection Environmental 192 Protection Environmental 193 Protection Environmental 194 Protection Ecology RSS10050o15 Summer 4 Land Remediation RSS10110o15 Summer 3 Microbiology RSS10048o15 Summer 5 Nature Conservation RSS10061o15 Summer 3 RSS20153f15 Summer 3 2nd cycle RSS20129o15 Summer 4 2nd cycle RSS20388f15 Summer 3 2nd cycle RSS20121o15 Summer 5 2nd cycle RTS10199o15 Winter 3 1st cycle Agricultural and Forest Machinery I RTS10180o15 Winter 4 1st cycle Combustion engines RTS10223o15 Winter 4 1st cycle Engineering of agricultural machinery RTS20221o15 and vehicles Winter 4 2nd cycle Machines for Land Use RTS10084f15 Winter 3 1st cycle Science about Materials II RTS10334o15 Winter 4 1st cycle Organic Soils and Environmental 195 their Environmental Protection Functions Environmental Plant protection in 196 organic farming Protection Plants Used for Environmental 197 Environment Protection Assessment Soil Resources Environmental 198 Evaluation and Protection Classification Agricultural Basics of Machine 199 and Forestry Maintenance II Engineering 200 201 202 203 Agricultural and Forestry Engineering Agricultural and Forestry Engineering Agricultural and Forestry Engineering Agricultural and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 204 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 1st cycle 13/14 2/4/2015 ERASMUS list 205 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 206 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 207 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 208 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 209 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 210 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 211 and Forestry Engineering Agricultural 212 and Forestry Engineering Veterinary 213 Medicine RTS10198o15 Summer 2 Agricultural and Forest Machinery II RTS10181o15 Summer 3 1st cycle Agricultural and Forestry Vehicles RTS10200o15 Summer 3 1st cycle Automation RTS10162o15 Summer 3 1st cycle Forest Production (basics) RTS10195o15 Summer 3 1st cycle Physics RTS10245o15 Summer 4 1st cycle Precision Agriculture RTS20253f15 Summer Technologies 2 2nd cycle Science about Materials I RTS10247o15 Summer 3 1st cycle Hygiene of Food Processing II VVS00288o15 Summer 3 1st cycle Basics of Machine Maintenance I 1st cycle Click to return to ERASMUS main page 14/14 ZAGREB, Croazia SEDE: ZAGREB (HR) - University of Zagreb Programme description / Food Technology / Undergraduate Programme (Bologna process) / Studies / PBF programme bologna process/food technology/programme description Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Eustachio Tarasco - e-mail: 28/3/2015 Programme description List of compulsory and elective modules with number of active lecture hours needed for their implementation with associate ECTS. Study title: Undergraduate study of Food Technology Study duration: 3 years Vocational: Bachelor of Food Technology Year / Semester 1. / I 1. / I 1. / I 1. / I Module Chemistry 1 Mathematics 1 Biology 1 English language ECTS 12 5 5 1 Total number of contact hours 158 60 63 25 2 20 2 3 30 6 6 5 5 3 5 30 3 5 5 6 5 1 25 45 30 426 75 75 60 61 45 50 30 396 40 60 60 105 60 15 4 29 6 6 5 5 50 30 430 73 75 52 65 German language 1. / I 1. / I 1. / I 1. / I 1. / II 1. / II 1. / II 1. / II 1. / II 1. / II 1. / II 2. / III 2. / III 2. / III 2. / III 2. / III 2. / III Introduction to Food Technologies Basic informatics Physics 1 Physical education Sum Organic chemistry Phisical chemistry Mathematics 2 Biology 2 Physics 2 Engineering 1 Physical education Sum Raw materials for food industry Biostatistics Biochemistry 1 Microbiology Engineering 2 English language German language 2. / III 2. / III 2. / IV 2. / IV 2. / IV 2. / IV Technology of water Physical education Sum Instrumental analysis Chemistry 3 Biochemistry 2 Engineering 3 1/2 28/3/2015 2. / IV 2. / IV 2. / IV 3. / V 3. / V 3. / V 3. / V 3. / V 3. / V 3. / VI 3. / VI 3. / VI Programme description / Food Technology / Undergraduate Programme (Bologna process) / Studies / PBF Physical properties of complecs systemsfood s Food microbiology Physical education Sum Food engineering 1 Basics of food technology Food preservation processes Food analises Measurement, proces control in food engineering Biotechnology in environmetnal protection Sum Practical Elective modules from group A Elective modules from group B Sum 5 60 5 32 8 5 5 5 3 63 30 418 105 58 60 65 45 4 52 30 10 10 10 30 385 150 Elective modules – group A 1. CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF CEREALS, 10 ECTS 2. MEAT, FISH AND POULTRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 10 ECTS 3. CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF FRUITS AND VE Tip a friend Printable version Copyright © Prehrambenobiotehnološki fakultet. 2009. Sva prava pridržana. 2/2 ZARAGOZA, España SEDE: ZARAGOZA - Universidad de Zaragoza 20/1/2016 Università di Saragozza. Bachelor e Master Studi cuadro_asignaturas.html#enlaces_planes Responsabile di accordo: Prof. Franco Nigro e-mail: Bachelor e Master Anno Accademico 2015 2016 Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari Corsi precedenti Iniziazione Profili di output Facoltà Ulteriori attività accademiche Accesso e ammissione Che cosa si impara Come viene garantita la qualità Competenze informatiche Corso per il TFG Student Support Programma scolastico Rapporti e risultati Livelli di regolazione moderna concorrenza lingue Centri: Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria (Z) Corsi: 4 Moduli: 105 Formazione di base 201 Chimica 202 Fisica 203 Matematica 204 Biologia 205 Fisiologia 206 Biochimica 207 Economia 149 Gli alimenti trasformati e ingegneria 150 Chimica e analisi degli alimenti 151 Microbiologia e igiene alimentare 153 Nutrizione e salute 152 E gestione della qualità nel settore alimentare 154 Insegnamenti Integrazione 155 Integrazione 208 Pratiche esterne 209 Progetto definitivo 210 Modern English lingua B1 Nuovo piano [Modificato: Per i nuovi studenti 20152016] Piano 2009 [Per gli studenti che già hanno avviato studi] Nuovo piano [Modificato: Per i nuovi studenti 20152016] Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria (Z) Web del centro Orari Corso 1 Soggetto Limite Tipo Cred. Sem. Plaz.OP Mod. 30800 Chimica Generale FB 6.0 1 201 30801 Fondamenti di Chimica Analitica FB 6.0 1 201 30802 Fisica Generale e fondamenti fisici Analisi FB 6.0 1 202 30803 Matematica FB 6.0 1 203 30809 Produzione di materie prime per l'industria alimentare OB 6.0 1 149 30804 Microbiologia FB 6.0 2 204 30805 Tecniche strumentali di analisi chimica FB 6.0 2 201 30806 Fsiología generale e la nutrizione FB 6.0 2 205 30807 Biochimica FB 6.0 2 206 30808 Fondamenti di economia alimentare FB 6.0 2 207 Corso 2 Soggetto Limite Tipo Cred. Sem. Plaz.OP Mod. 30810 *** Fondamenti di Ingegneria Chimica FB 6.0 1 201 30811 *** Chimica e Biochimica degli alimenti OB 6.0 1 150 30812 *** Scienza dell'alimentazione OB 6.0 1 150 30813 *** Microbiologia degli alimenti OB 6.0 1 151 30814 *** Indirizzo cibo affari OB 6.0 1 152 30815 *** Analisi chimica degli alimenti OB 6.0 2 150 30816 *** Analisi fisica e sensoriale del cibo OB 6.0 2 150 30817 *** Analisi microbiologica degli alimenti OB 6.0 2 151 30818 *** Operazioni di base nel settore alimentare OB 6.0 2 149 30819 *** Nutrizione e Dietetica OB 6.0 2 153 Corso 3 Soggetto Limite Tipo Cred. Sem. Plaz.OP Mod. 30820 *** Tecnologia Alimentare I OB 6.0 1 149 30821 *** Biotecnologie Alimentari OB 6.0 1 149 30822 *** General Food Hygiene OB 6.0 1 151 30823 *** Gestione della qualità nel settore alimentare OB 6.0 1 152 30824 *** Sanità pubblica e cibo OB 6.0 1 153 30825 *** Food Technology II OB 6.0 2 149 30826 *** Cucina e ristorazione industria OB 6.0 2 149 30827 *** Design industriale e gestione ambientale OB 6.0 2 149 30828 *** Igiene alimentare applicata OB 6.0 2 151 30829 *** Legislazione alimentare OB 6.0 2 152 Corso di 4 1/2 20/1/2016 Università di Saragozza. Bachelor e Master Studi Soggetto Limite Tipo Cred. Sem. Plaz.OP Mod. 30830 *** Tecnologia del latte e dei prodotti a base di uova OB 6.0 1 149 30831 *** Tecnologia e pesce carhe OB 6.0 1 149 30832 *** Prodotti vegetali Tecnologia OB 6.0 1 149 30833 *** Enologia OB 6.0 1 149 30834 *** Gestione della sicurezza alimentare OB 6.0 1 151 24900 *** Modern English lingua B1 OB 2.0 2 210 30835 *** Practicum Pilot Plant OB 6.0 2 154 30836 *** L'intensificazione nel settore lattierocaseario e degli ovoprodotti OP 5.0 2 154 30837 *** Facendo un passo nel settore carne e pesce OPTesto originale 5.0 2 154 30838 *** Entrare nel settore ortofrutticolo OP 154 30839 *** L'intensificazione nel campo del petrolio, zucchero e prodotti cerealicoli OP 30840 *** L'innovazione nel settore alimentare OP 5.0 30841 *** Pratiche esterne PE 30842 *** Esperienza di lavoro 1545.0 5.0 2 2 154 Contribuisci a una traduzione migliore 2 154 6.0 2 208 TFG 6.0 2 209 * Soggetto senza insegnare. Curriculum estinzione. Essi possono essere registrati solo se hanno frequentato negli anni precedenti. ** Soggetto opzionale non offriva. È possibile iscriversi solo gli studenti che non hanno superato lan durante 20142015. *** Soggetto non implementata Plaz.OP Limite: limite di posti per elettivi Tipo di soggetto:FB: Basic Training OB: obbligatoria OP: Opzionale PE: Esterna Pratiche TFG: Progetto Definitivo TFM: Tesi di Master La temporalità (Sem.): 0: Annuale 1: 1 ° Semestre 2: 2 o Semestre 2/2