October 2014 - Orange County Quilters Guild


October 2014 - Orange County Quilters Guild
Volume XXXIV Number 8
Page 1
October 2014
Carolyn’s Column
As I sit here at my computer composing this column about quilting I am melting! Usually my
house has a nice breeze from the ocean which is about 5 ½ miles away but today the air is still
and it is 86 degrees inside my house! I will certainly not be using a quilt on my bed tonight. I
went to the bay area over the weekend and found a beautiful little quilt shop in Berkeley called
New Pieces. My husband was following the gps directions that my son-in-law was reading and
as we were looking for the shop on the street he innocently asked “what is the name of this
place?” He was a little perplexed when we said “New Pieces” because he thought we were
looking for a Brewery. At least it was my son-in-law who said “quilt store then brewery”. The
poor ladies working in the shop didn’t know what hit them when the 5 of us walked in. My sonin-law found fabric he liked and asked my daughter to make a RUG from it! She is an art quilter
so imagine her response. My husband found the sale items and found fabrics we needed and my
2 daughters found great fabrics for projects. The store has a class next week taught by Freddy
Moran that I wish I could take! I’m sure after we left (with pretty new fabrics) the ladies in the
store said “what just happened?” We then went to first of 3 breweries. It was a fun family
weekend with a quilt shop, breweries, wineries and being together. It was hard saying goodbye
to Izzy and Jeremy but I am so glad that they both had business trips on this coast.
Did you know that there is a wonderful museum in Anaheim called Muzeo? I recently was
contacted by one of the staff about an upcoming exhibition. The general exhibition is
American Quilts in the Modern Age, 1870-1940 November 15, 2014 - February 15,
2015 This is the description on their web site “From pieced block to Crazy style to
Colonial Revival examples, as well as one-of-a-kind creations, this exhibit from the International
Quilt Study Center & Museum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a valuable visual and
tactile understanding of American culture and society bridging the transition from traditional
folk culture to the age of mass production and consumption.” In addition to this exhibit there is
a special section on California Art Quilters. Several of you know Terry Waldron and I had
passed along her name (along with several others) to the art curator at the Muzeo when she emailed me asking for the names of local quilters. The director asked Terry for some assistance
in getting art quilters and there will be an exhibition which includes work from these quilters. I
know some of them are very familiar to our members! Sherry Kleinman, Linda Anderson, Cindy
Cooksey, Jamie Fingal, Sheila Frampton-Cooper, Joe Cunningham, Lura Swarz-Smith, Kerby
Smith and Terry Waldron. There will be 16 -18 pieces of the most contemporary art quilts in the
state. I can’t wait to see this exhibition! The Muzeo is located at 241 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim,
CA 92805 Phone: 714-95.MUZEO (714-956-8936)
Now is also the time to start thinking about the 2015-2016 officers for the board. Several of us
are termed out so if you are interested in a board position or have a recommendation for a
position please talk to Lisa Kelly.
See you soon
Carolyn Erratt
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Many starts, mini finishes
by Bee Neeley Kuckelman
At our next meeting and workshop
Learn to Piece the Judy Niemeyer Way!
Our October speaker is Cindy Myers, a certified
instructor of the Judy Niemeyer method of paper
piecing. She'll be giving us trunk show, and teaching a
paper piecing workshop.
Cindy has been quilting since the early nineties, and
fell in love with paper piecing after taking one of
Judy's classes at Road to California. She is a very
active member of Night Owl guild.
There once was a quilter named Min,
Whatever she'd see, she'd begin.
A large quilt, a small quilt,
A doll quilt, a wall quilt.
"I'll finish these later," said Min.
"Now what shall I start on today?
I guess it will be applique.
Some birds in a group,
I'll frame with a hoop.
Today, though, I'll put them away.
I think I will make a new vest,
In silk, or cotton would be best -Trapunto I'll do,
Then Sunbonnet Sue!
But now I will give them a rest.
A tote bag I've wanted to sew,
And then I'll try quilt-as-you-go.
A radiant Star
For next year's bazaar -Just when they'll be done, I don't know.
For Christmas I've got projects galore -A tree skirt, a wreath for the door.
I'll make a soft box,
And red quilted socks,
And what's not completed, I'll store."
"Is anything finished?" asked Son.
Her answer could only be, "None."
So, Min made a vow:
She would not allow
More new projects -- well, maybe just
Need to sell a sewing machine, or maybe looking for a specific fabric? Did you know, as a
guild member you can place an ad in our newsletter. A two-line ad, for members is only
$1 for one month. Ads are to be quilt related and placed as space is available.
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
for Vets
Check the website (www.orangecountyquiltersguild.com ) for the latest information on upcoming
& Workshops.
The sign-up
for Workshops
is available
September 10,. members
of the
County Quilters
Guild meton
at the
Quilt or
for our
nonAnnual Philanthropy Day of sewing. In attendance were, Peggy Hart, Pam Gayle, Patti Pane, Cindy Davis,
are the upcoming
All workshops
the Orange
Lori Ferrari-McCoy,
Susan scheduled
Scollick, Janice
Shelton, Marilyn
Quilt Bee located at 628 E Katella Ave in Orange, phone 714-639-3245. Supply lists are posted on our
and then taken home to finish up. Two other quilts were finished, by hand sewing
the binding on them. We also had an Accuquilt diecut system that a couple of members tried out. We used the
2014 Burns.
Cindy Myers
Weeping Willow
diecut Blazing Star, October
designed by
4 members brought their Featherweight sewing machines! No one brought lunch, because we all enjoyed a nice
lunch from The Greenery. The favorite, by far, was the Cashew Chicken Sandwich!
Thank you to all thatNovember
attended the
a day of honoring
our Veterans through quilting. If
Julie Herman
you would like to see the featured pattern “Figgy Pudding” that we used for quilting this year, or perhaps give it
a try, it can be found at www.modabakeshop.com.
Tina Lockwood
Quilts for Vets ChairJanuary 2015
February 2015
Nancy Williams
Designing with
Lyn Brown
Baltimore Comes to
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Check the website (www.orangecountyquiltersguild.com ) for the latest information on upcoming
Programs & Workshops. The sign-up form for Workshops is available on the website or guild
meetings. Come join us for some fun! Workshop prices are $35 member/$50 non-member.
Here are the upcoming scheduled workshops. All workshops are at the Orange Quilt Bee
located at 628 E Katella Ave in Orange, phone 714-639-3245. Supply lists are posted on our website as they
become available.
Wednesday ,October15th
Cindy Myers
Wednesday, November 12 Julie Herman
Willow Quilt
or Stepping
Wednesday, January 14th Nancy Williams
With Panels
Saturday, March 14th
Lyn Brown
Comes to
California Make Your
Favorite Block
Saturday, April 18th
Mary Lou
Exhibition of African Folk & Fiber Art at Road to California Quilting Show,
January 22-25, 2015, Ontario CA
You are invited to submit your completed African Folklore Embroidery pieces for
exhibit at Road to California.
The exhibition curated by fiber artist, teacher and author, Leora Raikin, will feature
the completed work comprising African folklore Embroid ery pieces made into quilts,
books, wall hangings, pillows, table runners, bags and wearable art.
The exhibit with over $500 in cash prizes is in its fifth year.
The challenge is open to all; rules of the challenge are at www.aflembroidery.com
Deadline for submissions: December 15 t h 2014
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Gallavantin’ 2014
Quilted Treasures
Quilt Auction & Luncheon/Tea
Presented by Flying Geese Quilter’s Guild
Saturday October 11, 2014
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Miller Community Center
300 Centennial Way
A Grove of Quilts
October 17 , 2014 12:00-5:00 pm
October 18, 2014 9:00-4:00 pm
Acker Hall Garden Grove United Methodist Church
12741 Main St. Garden Grove
Admission $10.00
Presale $7.00 contact Barbara Purks
For more quilt show info go to SCCQG
Sunshine and Shadows
Leah of Leah's Fabric Gallery passed away on
Thursday, September 4th. She was a generous
supporter of Orange County Quilters Guild. We held
our OCQG Workshops at Leah's for many years. At
one time she had 13 stores. Leah's was the place to
go for all fabric. She was 82 years young and had
been married to Jack for 61 yrs. Rest in peace, Leah,
and condolences to her family.
Picture borrowed from Orange Quilt Bee's
Facebook post
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Opportunity Baskets
We had four opportunity “baskets” at the September meeting . . . and four happy winners! We also
had a winner of a great Summer flag was drawn from all the tickets that were left over from all four
opportunity baskets drawings. Everyone who bought tickets got a chance to win :o)
Patriotic kitty with coordinating fabric, quilt pin & Ellen’s Pressing Spray – Joan McMurry
“I Spy” fabrics with colorful flag – Becky Sproal
Laurel Burch Bright Kitty & Goose Christmas panel w/coordinating fabric – Gayle Graham
Polka dots & circles fabrics with a box of polka dot buttons, cards, compact mirror,
Ellen’s, dot plates, plates & straws, mini clipboard, Circle Buddy, quilt book & 2 patterns –
Kathy Hall
 Summer Flag – Becky Sproal
October’s baskets will include traditional fall colors, bright & fun “juvenile” Halloween
prints & a Fall-themed panel with coordinating fabric. How do we put together all these pretty
baskets each month, you ask? It’s through generous donations from many guild members . . . like
you! Here is a list of fabric color, themes or types of fabrics we especially need to make up
baskets in the upcoming months. Of course, any fabric is welcomed. We especially need solids
and larger pieces that we can mix with the various themes listed below:
Bring in October or earlier for November drawing – 1800’s repro; brown, pinks; purple, gold & rust
Bring in November or earlier for December drawing – Red, green, gold, neutrals, burgundy &
Bring in December or earlier for January 2015 drawing – Blue, yellow & white; star fabric & stripe
Bring in January or earlier for February 2015 drawing – Reds, pinks, whites, purples, valentines
Bring in February or earlier for March 2015 drawing – Greens, gold, black; Neutrals – cream,
mocha, tans, whites, taupe, gray, light yellows
Bring in March or earlier for April 2015 drawing – Floral, Easter-theme, yellow, pink, green& blue
Bring in April or earlier for May drawing – Patriotic fabric, red & white fabric
Thank you in advance for your donations. You can bring the fabric to the guild meeting, or if you
need to drop off fabric after the meeting date, just give me a call at 714-623-0495 so I can give you
directions to my home. Stop by the Opportunity Basket table, say “hi”, and buy some tickets!
Three (3) tickets for $1, or bonus . . . Eighteen (18) tickets for $5 . . . best deal in town!
Stay cool & keep on quilting!!
Laura Lynch, Debbie Charles, Jean Ebert & Nancy Grant
Opportunity Basket Gals
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Door Prizes September 2014
Bear’s Quilt Shop
Bear’s Quilt Shop
Calico House
Calico House
Flying Geese
Flying Geese
Orange Quilt Bee
Orange Quilt Bee
Quilt Cupboard
Quilt Cupboard
Fat Quarter Pack – blues
Fat Quarter Pack – browns
Lyn Brown Book
Hand-dyed cottons
Hand-dyed cottons
Pattern with kit
Gift Certificate
Gift Certificate
Gift Certificate
Hand-dyed wool pack
Gift Card
Gift Card
Gift Card
Lyn Brown
Robin Faxas
Judy Swytak
Lorraine Barksdale
Linda De Coux
Deborah Robinson
Peggy Hart
Karla Lambden
Laura Lynch
Susi Mc Lane
Robin Faxas
Nancy Grant
Linda Reese
Carol Munn
Thayone Jones
Thanks, Kat
2014 OC Fair "Best of Show"
winner Jo Whitley came to our
October Meeting to share her
winning quilt with us and to
collect her prize money. As part
of OCQG's mission to promote
quilting and specifically to
promote entries exhibiting a high
quality of work at the Orange
County Fair, we award the “Best
of Show” quilt maker a check for
Volume XXXIV Number 8
New Members 1
Guests 3
Page 8
October 2014
Thanks to all who participate each month by
bringing goodies for all to share. Those with last
names beginning with I–J-K-L are asked to bring
something to share for our meeting this month.
Bring a goodie and receive a ticket for the great
door prizes awarded at the end of each meeting.
Thanks to everyone who turned in finished quilts and tops and picked up the
remaining kits and quilt projects at the September meeting. You’re the best!!! We had
8 finished quilts and 11 tops turned in so we’re well on the way to my goal of at least
50 quilts before Christmas. I’ll try and get cranking on some more quilting so that I
can have more handwork and quilting kits available at the October meeting. The more
help that I get from everyone in the guild, the easier it will be to achieve that goal.
I also want to comment on how much fun the Philanthropy Sew at Orange Quilt
Bee was. Tina had a million things to work on and some really fun patterns. We got a
ton done too.
Thanks again for sharing your gifts.
Pam Gayle on behalf of Philanthropy
Open Positions
Need Volunteers
*Publicity chair person
*Quilt’s for Children/Philanthropy chair person
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October 2014
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Thanks to Jane Herron, Denise Howard, Lori Ferrari-McCoy and Mary Quay
for sponsoring me for the Race for the cure. Appreciate your support!
I'll be collecting Pink Yoplait lids starting in October. The campaign this year
is called Friends in the Fight. If you eat Yoplait, please bring those pink lids in
to me. This way I can register them and OC Komen will get the benefit of the
funds generated.
Always appreciate the support from OCQG. Enjoy being a member and having
dinner at Mimi's with our usual bunch.
Barbara Purks
October Birthdays
Lorraine Barksdale
Peggy Calvert
Ann Chavez
Jean Concitis
Lori Ferrari-McCoy
Trish Horton
Carol Kirkland
Bonnie Klopfer
Joan McMurry
Carol Rodeback
Dotty Fonley
Gail Holtan
Pamela Schoenbachler
Dolores Valenzuela
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
Quilt Show
The “Echoes of the Past” Quilt Show is well under way! It is such a blessing to have
such great people again on our committee. We are still in need of some valuable
members. We are looking for people to take on the following jobs:
Quilt Acquisition and Return – This is a short term job and will
require you to accept the quilts, figure out how they will be best hung
and return them afterwards.
Volunteer Coordinator – This person would be in charge of getting
volunteers for the different areas needed and make sure that someone is
there to work the shifts.
Set up and take down – This is also a short term job and would
require you to have a crew of people to put the quilts up on the hanging
rods and also get a group to take them down.
Let’s review:
The Show will be April 9-11 with a Thursday night wine and cheese
preview at Zion Lutheran on Lincoln and South.
Tell all of your friends about the show and help them to buy opportunity
Make new friends and tell them about the show and then help them to
buy opportunity tickets.
Make the challenge quilts (President’s and Crayon).
Come to the show and bring all of your friends.
Please let us know if you can help with any of the above desperately needed jobs at
ckgthree@yahoo.com. Come to the quilt show meeting on Tuesday, September
16th at 7 pm.
Cindy Davis and Kat Benne
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
A word from our Sponsors
Volume XXXIV Number 8
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October 2014
A special thanks to
the Orange Quilt
Bee for providing
space for our
Advertising opportunities available now in the OCQG newsletter & Yearbook! Advertise in both and save
$$$! For more information and rates, contact OCQG
Volume XXXIV Number 8
Page 14
October 2014
PO Box 3108
Orange, CA 92857
A Friend
Name Tag
Show & Tell
Challenge Block
Completed UFO
Block of the Month
 Goodies to Share
 Enthusiasm for the meeting!
 Quilts for Kids/Quilts for Vets quilts
Dates to Remember
October 7 - Board Meeting 7
p.m. at Anaheim First Christian
October 14 - General Meeting at
Anaheim First Christian Church,
520 W. South Street, Anaheim,
CA (corner of Harbor &South St.)
at the following times:
6:00 pm –Pre-Meeting
7:00 pm – General Meeting
October 15 – Workshop
October 21 – Quilt Show