September 2012 Issue
September 2012 Issue
SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB Cruising Report… From the Bridge… From the President... From the Juniors... Complete report on Delta “...Junior Sailing had a Well wishes to Rene’ Special Thanks and Daze and the Angel Is- record number of par- and congratulations to Acknowledgements for land Family Cruise Out . ticipants.” Lisa. a successful 2012 sea- Pages 12-19 Page 4 Page 3 son Page 22 Photo by Rod Kidd Photo by Fred Fago 2nd Half Opener Division Winner, 2012 ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 2 SOUNDINGS 2011 Board of Directors President Sr. Vice President Vice President Treasurer Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Director Director Director Director Tony Shaffer Kevin Clark Sam Benson Thom Kay Victor Early Michael Andrews Susan Jacquelin Peter Aschwanden Niels Glaser Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Committee Chairpersons Membership Finance Boat Yard Building & Grounds House Youth Cruise Captains Information Technology Long Range Planning Nominating Peggy Kidd & Ray Thomas Charley Eddy Holger Grygiel Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Niels Glaser Jim & Jen Vickers Darrell Powell-Ford Carol Blackburn Michael Scheck Appointed Officers Port Captain Small Boat Captain Power Boat Fleet Captain Committee Boat Member Liaison Club Counsel Soundings Editor Assistant Soundings Editor Web Master Club Historians Michael Byroads Chris Golian Christopher Hanson Chuck Wetteroth Vern Bendsen Christopher Hanson Nicki Powell-Ford Tom Sheehan Don Ahrens Debra Early Heidi Benson Marguerite Lawry Linda Bendsen Fred Rutledge Tony Shaffer Charles Hodgkins Tom Wondolleck John Becket NCPCA Delegate PICYA Delegates Staff Commodore Junior Staff Commodore Secretary Established 1890 1251 Pacific Marina Alameda, CA 94501 Office (510) 522-3272 Bar (510) 865-1303 Fax (510) 865-8630 Policies SOUNDINGS will be published monthly. Submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but no liability is assumed for them. All articles are subject to editing for content and space consideration. PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission directed to the Editor. DEADLINE: Articles and photographs are due by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Late submissions cannot be assured of publication. Articles may be dropped off or faxed to the Club, or emailed to the Editor at both and Office Hours Tuesday—Sunday .................................................................. 9:00am – 5:00 pm Dining Room Staff General Manager Office Administrator Bar and Dinning Room Manager Assistant Administrator Bookkeeper Caterer Junior Sailing Director Encinal Yacht Club Tony Shaffer (acting) Jessica Matamoros Lisa Ayala Virginia Hamilton Manny Rodriquez Andrew Nelson Thursday - Sunday ..................................... Lunch Service 11:30am – 2:00pm Thursday - Sunday ..................................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm First Thursday (Buffet) ..........................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Bar Hours Wednesday…………………………………………………………………..4:30pm—9:00pm Thursday – Saturday ......................................................... 11:30am – 10:00 pm Sunday ................................................................................ 11:30 am – 9:00 pm ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 3 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT... Tony Shaffer . Ye wote wele of all thing moste be an ende. (i.e. All good things must come to an end.) [c 1440 Partonope of Blois ] Partonope of Blois got it right! It even applies for Encinal Yacht Club. I find it sad to say that Rene de Vos has moved on in his career to a most wonderful opportunity. His last day with EYC was August 15th. Rene has been given an opportunity to work in San Francisco where he lives with his family. His new job is with a private club and will actually allow Rene to have weekends off, a privilege that Rene has not had for more than 20 years. He has left our club in much better shape than he found it and many of us at the club have learned much from him. We all wish him well and success in his future endeavors. Kevin Clark, Sam Benson, and I are at full speed looking for a qualified candidate to fill the General Managers position. All of us feel it is better to fill the position with a qualified candidate, and we are taking the time to find that individual. There has been another change in our staffing this month. I am pleased to announce that Lisa Ayala has accepted the Bar Managers position. Lisa was initially hired as an administrative assistant and has consistently stepped up and out of her original roll to cover for other vacancies in our staffing. As a result, Lisa has learned much about EYC’s business software, our point of sale system and many other aspects of our clubs internal workings; making Lisa the perfect candidate to fill this position. Congratulations Lisa! Lisa’s replacement will be announced shortly. FLASH: We are pleased to announce Lisa’s replacement has been identified. She is Angelica Watson. There will be additional info re. Angelica in this week’s Signal Flag. Please welcome her to EYC should you meet her in the office. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 4 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE BRIDGE... Victor Early As we sail through the last of the stiff afternoon summer breezes, there are several on-thewater and club events to look forward to this fall. These include the final two summer twilight races on the Estuary, the AC 45s on the Bay, the Commodore’s Cup, the club cruise outs to Vallejo and Half Moon Bay, the Junior Sailing Team Racing Event against Juniors from the AC Artemis Families, the Wine Pairing Dinner, and one of my favorites – Oktoberfest! In August the club wrapped up the summer with the Junior Sailing Awards Luau and the family cruise-out to Angel Island. I am very encouraged with the participation this year in the youth and family events we have hosted. The Junior Sailing Program had a record number of summer participants and had many successful regattas. The Family CruiseOut had a record number of boats and children having fun on Angel Island. This is especially encouraging because getting high participation in keelboat racing on the bay recently has been a challenge. We must find a way to encourage the young sailors to continue the sport for a lifetime. I am happy to report that member Bob Gardiner successfully sailed Spellbound, his Olson 40, to Hawaii in this year’s Pacific Cup, placing 3rd in class. He made it across in a swift 10 1/2 days. Congratulations Bob! Cheers, Victor ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 5 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Summer Twilight Photos by Fred Fago Photos by Fred Fago Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 6 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2nd Half Opener All Photos By Fred Fago ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Dear EYC Members: This year our club will be making a big difference in our community by participating in the state's largest volunteer event, the annual California Coastal Cleanup Day (CCD) and we ask for your participation, help and support to make this day a huge success. We have participated in this event regularly over the years and it is always a rewarding experience. This year, several of the yacht clubs are organizing around this effort with the California Department of Boating and Waterways. We are combining forces with OYC and Marina Village to focus on the Estuary clean up. PLEASE PLEASE: We NEED volunteers to help clean up and help with the event. Please let me know if you are interested (Debra Ann Early - The Coastal Cleanup Day event is an annual beach and inland waterway cleanup lead by the California Coastal Commission. The cleanup began in 1985, and since then more than 1 million Californians have removed more than 18 million pounds of trash and recyclables from our state’s coast and waterways. In 2011 alone, over 71,700 volunteers particiPhoto by Darrell Powell-Ford pated in the event, removing more than 1.3 million pounds of trash and recyclables from the state’s beaches, lakes, creeks and waterways. In conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup, organized by worldwide by the Ocean Conservancy, CCD is the largest volunteer event in the world! The impact of this global event is made possible by local groups leading cleanups in their communities. This year , our club will be partnering with the California Coastal Commission and the Department of Boating and Waterways to organize a local and family-friendly event, and we’d like to invite you to participate. Our participation will make a big difference to our environment and our club will be receiving some points towards the PICYA Club of the Year contest. A win win situation! Please save the date for the Cleanup - Saturday, September 15th from 9 am to 12 p.m. We are combining forces with OYC and Marina Village to help organize around clean up of the estuary. You participation will make a big difference. Please join us on September 15th (9am-12pm) and help make a difference in our community! Victor and Debra Ann Early ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 8 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE HOUSE DIRECTOR... Anita Mahoney Hi Everyone, It is great to be back after taking a little break and returning from a wonderful time in the Delta with our fellow EYC members and my family. This may seem a bit late but, before going on to new business, I want to mention that our July 4th celebration was exciting and fun. I especially want to thank Victor and Debra Early, all of the swimming competitors, the Junior Sailors, all of the volunteers and the volunteer from the LOLO Health Center. Many thanks also to the Flag Officers in their “dress blues” for performing the closing ceremony, Manny for preparing the side dishes and lastly our EYC staff for all their help. It took all of you to make it a success. As we move ahead into September and October there are a number of activities planned: FAMILY NIGHT CAMP OUT, Friday, Sept. 7th. We need volunteers to help set up outdoor movies, games and the Saturday morning camp out breakfast. Please contact Ronnie Grimm, Event Chairman at MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL, begins Monday, Sept. 10th. The EYC bar and lounge will be open on Mondays beginning at 5:00 PM and will continue to open for the entire NFL Monday night schedule. This has been one of our most popular events. It is a great time for our members to show off their culinary skills and to meet each other. The schedule and sign-up sheet will be posted in the club so please don’t wait to reserve the date you want. If you have any questions, please contact Event Chairman John Becket , (, or (John’s Lieutenant) Hal Lyman ( Photos by Aaron Lee ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 9 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS WINE PAIRING DINNER, Saturday, September 8th. Chaired by our EYC Wine Committee this dinner will feature Rodney Strong Wines with menu selected and prepared by our Chef Manny for a real dining experience. This committee has been working extremely hard to bring some great wines into our club and this is an event you won’t want to miss!! OKTOBERFEST, Saturday, September 22nd. This annual event will have a new chef this year. We will miss the Bernhard’s and want to thank them for all their past contributions and hard work. Victor Early has volunteered to step in and give it his all. I know he will do a great job. COMMODORE’S BALL, Saturday, Oct. 20th. Please come and celebrate with our new board and flag. HALLOWEEN, Friday, Oct. 26th. This will be a thrilling evening of fun. Costumes will be optional. More details to come. Kristen Walthour who has been chairing the events for the young professionals group, Fairlead Society, will be coordinating the activities and inviting them to participate. I am looking forward to a super turn out. As you can see good times keep rolling along at our club and I hope to see you all there. Remember that all these events can only be a success with the support of our members. Reservations will be required and our cancellation policy will be in effect. Hope you can all still enjoy your boats for the great weather yet ahead. Bring them to the club and stay for the weekend. There is still time to enjoy the pool and the barbeques. Lastly, I want to express my best wishes to Rene, our club manager. He will be missed!! Anita ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS MEMBERSHIP NEWS... Peggy Kidd & Ray Thomas America’s Cup Update Artemis Racing, Alameda, and the Encinal Yacht Club! In last month’s Soundings Tony told us all the exciting news about Artemis Racing and the prospects of seeing the team around the island and at our club. I am happy to report the first applications are in process. Soon you will see new members around the club that speak the King’s English with a different accent. Many of the team members, employees, and their families hail from down under and I don’t mean Georgia as in yours truly! This is an honor and privilege bestowed upon the EYC to have Artemis Racing call our home their home away from home. The excitement of the 34th America’s Cup is in full swing and we stand front and center, hosting the Challenger of Record. Stay tuned for special events, parties, and impromptu gatherings at the club. And, don’t be surprised if a Kiwi or Aussie asks if he can crew on your boat during a Summer Twilight race. What better way for them to learn the complexities of sailing the SF bay than with experienced EYC racers and sailors? Welcome Artemis…we look forward to seeing you at the club and on the water! Ray ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 11 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Please take a moment to review the following summaries of our more recent new members and make sure to say hello should you happen to see them around the club. General Davie Jr. and Donna Miller are new members from Citrus Heights. They are retired and keep their boat in Grand Marina. They sail Omega, a Catalina 34 and have over 40 years experience sailing the bay and beyond. They are interested in our cruising and social programs. Bob Pruett and Deb Myers are from the Pleasanton area and their daughter Katrina Myers, age 13, is one of our Jr. Sailors. Their sailing vessel is Marlena, a Hanse 35, which they keep at Marina Village. They will be sailing with us on our Labor Day cruise out to Half Moon Bay and would like to buddy boat with another EYC sailor. Their interest in EYC is our cruise, social and our Jr. Sailing programs. We are pleased that they have chosen Encinal Yacht Club as their yacht club of choice. If you see them around the club, please welcome them. Peggy Last Chance, Discounted Initiation Fee Ends 09/30/2012 EYC is currently offering a 50% discount off the full initiation fee of $1,000. This means that if you know of anyone that’s been sitting on the fence about joining a yacht club, encourage them to come in, check us out and sign up NOW. This 50% discount is only good through September. In case you didn’t know, you can go to our website,, and download an application and read about our different types of membership categories. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS CRUISING NEWS... For a complete report on our most recent cruise outs………….. DELTA DAZE This year’s Delta Daze was held in Potato Slough, just off the San Joaquin River. By all accounts, it was a smashing success with a record turn out of 20 boats and 8 drive-ups. It started out with a bang. Literally. The fleet began to arrive on Saturday and was greeted by clouds, thunder, lightening and an occasional raindrop. Not your typical August weather in the Delta for sure. Fortunately, by sunset, you could see the line of clouds passing overhead promising sunny skies and warming temperatures from there on. On Sunday evening, Dave and Anneke Dury hosted the Delta Daze kick-off social onboard Paramour. It was everyone’s first chance to catch up, talk about their trip up river and plans for the week. On Monday, we celebrated the start of the workweek with Bloody Marys onboard No Worries. Then mid afternoon, the fleet was on the receiving end of several blasts (5?) from a large dredge/barge/tug coming right down the anchorage. After using both Turtle and Sierra as turning marks, the Captain proceeded to tell us that they would be doing night operations. Did he say night operations? Fortunately, Dave Dury was successful in convincing to the Captain that our anchorage was NOT the main channel and we avoided the need to re-anchor about 8 boats. That evening Hal and Laurie Lynam rafted Sierra up with Mike and Ina on Nova to host the much anticipated margarita social. Hal’s recipe was such a hit that for the rest of the week people would float over to Sierra in the afternoon on their favorite water toy for Hal’s “Floaterita’s”. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 13 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Tuesday, the temperature really started to rise approaching the mid-90’s and everyone was on Delta time. That evening we had our Tenacatita dinghy raft up. We rafted the dinghies in a circle and passed around incredible hors d’oeuvres including sausage all the way from Chicago courtesy of Lynn and Marc Karlan. Then there was Mike Pernitzke’s homemade sausage…yum. By Wednesday afternoon the temperature was in the low 100’s, where it would remain for the rest of the week. It did cool down every night with a cooling breeze and the bugs were never an issue. Wednesday morning we had the kayak race, in which Peter Darby took line honors followed by the conclusion of the fishing contest. The latter was won by Justin and Rhonda Wright for their 8 crawdads and Anita and Mark on Irish Mist for their catfish. Wednesday night we had our last official event in the Sand Bar Tiki Hut at beautiful Willow Berm Marina. Harbormaster Vicki Baumann provided a walking tour of the resort followed by drinks, hors d’oeuvres, BBQ and our closing ceremonies. Thanks to Paul and Stephanie Ahern for coordinating this event. The fleet started to break up for home on Thursday, taking advantage of the warm weather and light winds. For those of you that have ever pounded home to weather from the Delta can appreciate what a great weather window they had. While Chris Hanson will be disappointed to know that no one even came close to earning his least coveted cruising award, we do however, want to pass along the top one liners overheard in the Delta. Remember, voices carry over the water! 1) Who put something in my olive? 2) He said it’s just bad gas… 3) Where’s my boat going? 4) Don’t worry, I’m a jet mechanic! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 14 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Delta Daze cont... Photos by The Scheck Family Photo by Carol Weinberg ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 15 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 16 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ANGEL ISLAND FAMILY CRUISE OUT A fun time was had on our 7th Annual Family Cruise Out to Angel Island 2012 held August 17th through August 19th. This year’s Cruise Out was our largest attended Family Cruise since we started in 2006. We had 53 attendees over the weekend and 13 boats. We also had 3 birthdays, 2 wedding anniversaries, 2 dogs (Sam and Porthos) plus 6 staff commodores and our current commodore for a total of 7 commodores. Incredible!! I have never seen so many Silver Stars. By the time we reached Angel Island on Friday at 9:15 a.m. there were already 3 EYC boats moored up and ready to go. Friday evening 98% of the boats were on a mooring ball by 7:30 p.m. the remaining boats came by Saturday afternoon to participate in the fun. The events began on Friday evening with a Happy Birthday serenade to Peggy Kidd who celebrated her B-Day with us on Friday. Photo by Rod Kidd ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 17 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Saturday morning began with the ever popular beach treasure hunt, followed by hand crafted wooden sailing vessels handed out to all the children of the cruise out. These rigs were provided by our Commodore Victor Early. The vessels after some creative sail design set out on their maiden voyage in Ayala Cove. What a regatta. Photo by Victor Early Thanks to Debra and Laurel Early for the memorable ceramic necklaces/zipper pulls, provided to all our participants. Saturday afternoon there was a lot of swimming, kayaking and general fun had by all. By Saturday at 5:00 the coals were hot and appetizers were abundant. All participants were on the grass to help celebrate Michelle’s ½ century birthday. Thank you to all for the fabulous birthday festivities, even though it was a day early. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Saturday after birthday candles and well wishes the piñata was suspended and ready to be broken open. Trying to make the piñata last with 24+ children was a feat that our President Tony Shaffer was able to successfully accomplish. Children ranging from the ages of 3-14 were able to take a swing at the piñata and all share in the goodies stashed inside. Thank you El Presidente. Finally after six years we were able to successfully bury our EYC Family Cruise Out geocache on the island for all to find. Thanks to Charles and Kathryn Hodgkins for bringing the cache over to stash on the island and providing the Smores. The next time you are visiting Angel Island make sure you go on a hunt to locate our geocache. Here are the coordinates to put into your GPS: Cache Location N 37° 51.924, W 122° 26.172. Get more information about Geocaching at Happy Hunting! Sunday morning was another beautiful day to host Mimosa’s on the beach. Thank you to all of our family and friends who joined us for another fun time at Angel Island. Tom, Cindy & Dylan Wondolleck, Victor, Debra, Laurel & Mark Early, Andy, Betsey &Cleo Signol, Tony, Michelle & Samantha Shaffer, Mike, Jen, Josie, Genna & David Serpan, Rodd & Peggy Kidd, Michael, Necia, Jack & Nate Borgh, Eric Eschen, Anne Blessing and Maren Eschen, Kevin & Liddy Clark, Darrell, Nicki, Marcus & Curtis Powell-Ford, Tom Jara, Charles & Kathryn Hodgkins, Savannah Fennell, Rodney, Jane, R.J. & Leo Pimentel, Richard, Lee & Grace Maguire, Matthew, Elizabeth, Rachel, Payton & Matthew Dean, Mike & Wyatt Byroads, Antonia Nicosia, Scarlett & Camille Dawson and Hal Wondolleck. We look forward to doing this again next year, Michelle Shaffer & Debra Early Photo By Rod Kidd ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 19 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Family Cruise Out Photo By Charles Hodgkins Photo by Victor Early ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 20 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 21 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Attention EYC Cruisers, (Experienced and New) Looking for a Destination The destination for this year’s September 14 – September 16 cruise out will be the Vallejo Yacht Club. The Vallejo Yacht Club is one of the oldest, friendliest, and down to earth clubs on the bay! Founded in 1900, VYC enjoys a proud heritage and an active membership. In fact, Vallejo Yacht Club has been rated the PICYA club of the year for five consecutive years….2006-2010. (In 2011, VYC finished slightly behind the Benicia Yacht Club for 2011’s COTY.) Located north of San Pablo Bay on the Mare Island Straight in the city of Vallejo, the newly dredged harbor provides easy access for our EYC cruisers. (VYC is approximately 28 nautical miles from EYC.) The yacht club is within easy walking distance to several marina restaurants: Zio Fraedo, Sardine Can, Front Room, et al. There is a “Farmer’s Market” every Saturday in downtown Vallejo from 9:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. The market is also within walking distance of the yacht club. The berthing rates for EYC cruisers for this cruise are estimated to be $.00/night. That’s correct; Club Manager Matt Ceryes has confirmed that the typical fees have been waived. As is usually the case, berthing space must be reserved ahead of time. VJC can accommodate a large number of yachts of virtually any size and we have offered the Matt an initial estimate of between 10 and 15 EYC yachts participating. We will need the actual yacht count and yacht specifics as soon as is practical. TO SIGN UP……………..please reply to Tom Sheehan ( with the following information: Member Name and Boat Name Number of Guests Attending Yacht Specs (e.g. LOA, Beam, Draft, Power or Sail) EYC Member Number Arrival Date (Friday or Saturday) Departure Date (Sunday, ???) There will be additional cruise details and information regarding Saturday’s dinner options and selections forthcoming. Saturday appetizer and Sunday morning breakfast assignments will go out after sign ups. Friday arrivals, dinner is on your own. (VYC has a “pot luck” dinner every Friday night and we have been encouraged to try it out.) In the interim, if you would like to obtain additional information on VYC, the links are shown below. (Vallejo Yacht Club) (Mare Island Historic Park Foundation) ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 22 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM JUNIOR SAILING DIRECTOR... Andrew Nelson With our end of summer Luau behind us, summer is officially over. We wrapped up another very successful junior program. We put approximately 300 young sailors through our program over the course of nine weeks, teaching youngsters from around the area proper sail trim, knot tying, safety, and other aspects of seamanship. It was a big success, but would not have been possible without the support of so many wonderful people. Special Thanks Thanks to the Flag and the Board for continuing their loyal support of junior sailing. Victor Early, Michael Andrews, Susan Jacquelin, Tony Shaffer, Kevin Clark, and Niels Glaser have been nothing but a pleasure to work with. It’s a great feeling to know we have such support from club. Thank you to all the EYC staff for allowing hoards of kids to invade the club every week. Your patience and professionalism are appreciated on all levels. A big thanks to the Grove family for always being there and putting in so much work to make this program the best it can be. Barb and Steve are tireless enthusiasts of junior sailing and without them I would literally have to put in twice the hours I currently do. A big thank you to Mike Gorman and Paul Delle Cese of the Encinal Sailing Foundation, which helps provide much needed scholarships and support to deserving young sailors. Lastly, thank you to all the parent volunteers who have stepped up this summer, whether it was helping with the auction, Svendsen’s Summer Splash, or one of our Thursday night barbeques, your help is truly appreciated. Among those parents it’s important to recognize Flor Delle Cese, who has been responsible for preparing the food at all our events this summer. She did an outstanding job, and was backed by a top notch team including Andrea and Patrick Quinn, Alejandra Gardner, along with Grace and Sarah Glenn. Clare Waterloo also deserves recognition for runPhotoour by Tony Shaffer ning very successful auction, which took months of planning and hard work. Thank you Gib Helland for helping maintain our coach boat fleet to ensure it was in tip-top shape going into summer. Others who helped out include Don Aherns, Doug Perry, the Godfrey family, and the Rabers. It takes an army of volunteers to make everything happen, and while I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of names, none of your service goes unappreciated. Acknowledgements Along with giving thanks, I also want to recognize some outstanding young sailors who were active in our program this summer, including a few words about each of our perpetual trophy winners. Rachel Neff, winner of the Irene Lasar Perpetual Trophy for Outstanding Sportsmanship. Rachel was a real pleasure to work with this summer. She was always a team player, who thought of others before herself. She never had a bad word to say about her competitors and consistently disENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 23 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford played a great attitude. Sportsmanship is especially important in a sport like ours, where it is self -governed. As Paul Elvstrom said "You haven't won the race, if in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors." Being honest, respectful, and gracious are important Corinthian values that Rachel embodied as a team mate and competitor. As a coach, I could always rely on Rachel to be both helpful and enthusiastic whether at practice or in the morning as a junior instructor. Olivia Godfrey and Maya Dornbrand-Lo, winners of the Carl Schumacher Memorial Perpetual Trophy for Outstanding Teamwork: This trophy was awarded for Olivia and Maya’s outstanding teamwork as a pair, who consistently strived to improve and perform with excellence on and off the water. These two have sailed together for a couple of years and are fully understanding what it means to be dedicated. They’ve put in a lot of practice together and it has really paid off. Together they traveled to Lake Minnetonka to compete in the Ida Lewis Youth Women’s Double-Handed Championship. While they would have liked to do better, they practiced hard gave it their best. On their home waters they are faster than a lot of the boys, and are in serious contention for winning the BAYS Summer Series in the 420. Off the water, both became instructors this year and were given the opportunity to work with our new “Green Guppies” program for 6-7 year olds. Their team work in the boat showed as they collaborated to make Guppies a huge success. Guy Raber, winner of the Dave Oliver Perpetual Trophy for the Most Consistent Racing Sailor. Awarded to the most consistent racing sailor in the EYC Junior Sailing Program, Guy Raber has been near the top of the fleet at just about every regatta this summer no matter who he’s sailing with. This award is based on mainly the attendance and performance at away regattas while representing the Encinal Yacht Club Junior Sailing Program. Guy takes his sailing seriously, even planning his summer vacation to Israel around the regatta calendar. With three top-three finishes at BAYS regattas this year, Guy is poised to be on the podium this year in the 420 class. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 24 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS JUNIOR SAILING Acknowledgements (continued) Drake Hayes, winner of the Frank Ficker Perpetual Trophy for Outstanding Junior Sailor. This award is given to the sailor who is an overall junior sailing role model, demonstrating sportsmanship, leadership and sailing excellence. Not only do we look at the number of regattas sailed in, but general behavior on and off the water. This is our highest honor as a club. Drake is one of the youngest recipients of this award and is in some elite company. Past winners include a litany of great sailors and instructors like Andrew Godfrey, Megan Hayes, Megan Grove, Lindsey Grove, and Michael Grove. Drake has embodied everything a coach looks for in a young sailor- a great attitude, an eagerness to learn, a competitive passion, and dedication. He showed up to every practice and regatta on time and ready to go. He never complained, worked hard, and was committed to becoming a better sailor. On the water he has the results to back it up, as he’s currently winning the BAYS series in the FJ class. A high school freshman next year, I look forward to having Drake around during the school year as a member of Alameda’s team. Attitude can go a long a way, and while not the most naturally gifted sailor in our program, Drake has a bright sailing career in front of him as long as he holds true to the values he’s displayed on and off the water this summer. OPTI RACE TEAM Summer Awards Summer 2012 Outstanding Sailor TJ Mahoney Most Improved Meghan Oldham Sportsmanship Mary Jane Howland Dedication Jonathan Andrews Photo by Tony Shaffer ADVANCED RACE TEAM Summer Awards 2012 420 Rookie Natalie Corkhill Overall Race Team Rookie Theo Quinn Ship Shape Nicklas Gardner 420 Most Improved Crew Noelle Siroit Laser Most Improved Miles Orozco Overall Most Improved Race Team Tori Oldham ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 25 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Class/Category Final Winner AM CLASSES BEGINNING SAILING AM Outstanding Sailor Alex Olaes Outstanding Sportsmanship Max Turner Most Improved Denis Valois INTRO TO RACE AM Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford Outstanding Sailor Simon Boeger Outstanding Sportsmanship Griffin Geary Most Improved Drew Smith TEEN BEGINNING SAILING Outstanding Sailor Lily Wilmot Outstanding Sportsmanship Joaquin Barrios Most Improved Ron Hoover PM CLASSES BEGINNING SAILING PM Outstanding Sailor Jasper Reid Outstanding Sportsmanship Nataly Currid Most Improved Tor Angstadt-Leto INTRO TO RACE PM Outstanding Sailor Molly Howland Outstanding Sportsmanship saZsa van Raalte Most Improved Andrew Blanchette TEEN INTRO TO RACE Outstanding Sailor Mark Roe Outstanding Sportsmanship Tommy Jara Most Improved Janne Bruhns ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 26 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS OUT OF THE ARCHIVES Compiled by Debra Early History of Oktoberfest at EYC As we look to September, it is time to think “Oktoberfest”. Hmmm…. did you ever wonder how long Oktoberfest has been held at EYC? Yes, there is some history around Oktoberfest events. What are the similarities to Oktoberfest events of past and that great event to be held on September 22nd in 2012? Social events have been a mainstay at the club for years. In 1973, one the club’s largest theme parties were the Oktoberfest. This was held annually until 1990, so 17 years straight! The couple that primarily hosted the event during that time was Tony and Margaret Sloane. Tony was born in Holland and Margaret hailed from Germany. A good time was had by all with sausage, sauerkraut, apple sauce and potato salad. Add in a good dose of beer and wine, leverage with polka, and well, you get the picture. Our current history continues with another traditional Oktoberfest event started by Mark and Irmgard Bernhard seven years ago. Niels and Jan Glaser, among others, have assisted for many years and will help continue the tradition this year as the Bernhard’s are traveling the globe. Victor Early and Chuck Wetteroth have also volunteered to help with food. We have been Photo by Tony Shafferso fortunate that Mark and Irm have brought back and added to the traditions. This year we will be continuing with a full German dinner, beer, pretzels and live German band. So, come dress up and enjoy the fun, while helping us add to traditions. And, just wait for the dancing to begin! Debra Ann Early ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 27 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford September 22, 2012 Enjoy the best German Beer and Prezels Special Menu Items: Bratwurst, Sauerkraut Scheinebraten (Pork Roast) Blaukraut, German Potato Salad Kasepatzle, Broccoli Apfelstrudel/Schlagobers Dance to live Music with Otto and Bill Costume Contest $20 Members, $25 Non-Members Must Reserve By September 18 Walk-ins without reservations will be served last if at all! Office 510-522-3272 email to ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 28 SEPTEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS In Memory of Jon Simpson Clendenin Sept 29 Wheelchair Regatta Save the Date(s) October 20 COMMODORE”S BALL ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272
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