August 2011 Issue - Encinal Yacht Club
August 2011 Issue - Encinal Yacht Club
AUGUST 2011 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB From the President Thank you, thank you, thank you. Membership News From the Bridge Junior Sailing News “Through the first six months of this year we have added more new members than the entire year for 2010.” “It's August and the majority of our big regattas are behind us. “ “A single whistle pierces through the air…” Page 3 Page 5 Page 14 Page 8 Second Half Opener Page 8 EYC Photo Contest Submit your best photos to the 2011 Soundings Photography Competition Photo by Nicki Powell-Ford Best entries will be published monthly in the new Soundings. See Page 24 for details... ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 2 SOUNDINGS 2011 Board of Directors President Vice President Treasurer Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Director Director Director Director Lew Lippard Tony Shaffer Chris James Tom Wondolleck Victor Early Christopher Hanson Peter Aschwanden Paul Delle Cese Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Committee Chairpersons Membership Finance Boat Yard Building & Grounds House Information Technology Youth Cruise Captains Long Range Planning Nominating Chris James Charles Eddy Peter Aschwanden Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Darrell Powell-Ford Paul Delle Cese Stu & Julie Hill Carol Blackburn Michael Sheck Appointed Officers Port Captain Small Boat Captain Power Boat Fleet Captain Committee Boat Member Liaison Club Counsel Soundings Editor Web Master Club Historians Michael Byroads Michael Andrews Christopher Hanson Chuck Wetteroth Vern Bendsen Christopher Hanson Nicki Powell-Ford Don Ahrens Debra Early Heidi Benson Marguerite Lawry Linda Bendsen Fred Rutledge Tony Shaffer Charles Hodgkins Rodney Pimentel Jennifer Rader NCPCA Delegate PICYA Delegates Staff Commodore Junior Staff Commodore Secretary Established 1890 1251 Pacific Marina Alameda, CA 94501 Office (510) 522-3272 Bar (510) 865-1303 Fax (510) 865-8630 Policies SOUNDINGS will be published monthly. Submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but no liability is assumed for them. All articles are subject to editing for content and space consideration. PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission directed to the Editor. DEADLINE: Articles and photographs are due by the 20h of the month prior to publication. Late submissions cannot be assured of publication. Articles may be dropped off or faxed to the Club, or emailed to the Editor at both and Office Hours Everyday .............................................................................. 10:00am – 4:00 pm Staff General Manager Junior Sailing Director Office Administrator Assistant Manager Marketing Assistant Bookkeeper Caterer Encinal Yacht Club Mike Palmer Mallory McCollum Bozina Jessica Matamoros Mireille von Trapp-Hall Genevieve Ennis Virginia Hamilton Manny Rodriquez Dining Room Thursday - Saturday .................................. Lunch Service 11:30am – 2:00pm Thursday - Saturday ................................................Dinner 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm First Thursday (Buffet) – .......................................Dinner 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Sunday ................................................................. Brunch 12:00pm – 2:00 pm Sunday ....................................................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Bar Hours If you would like to receive hard copies of Soundings in the mail for $3.00 a month, please email Wednesday (special menu available) ............................... 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Thursday – Saturday ........................................................ 12:00pm – 10:00 pm Sunday ................................................................................ 11:00 am – 9:00 pm ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 3 SOUNDINGS Our plan is to get this up and running as soon as we can and worry about making it pretty after it is available for everyone. Don Ahrens, our Web Master, is charge of this endeavor. FROM THE PRESIDENT... Lew Lippard Our Annual July 4th Cruise-in weekend was just like last year, a fun event for everyone. We need to thank Anita Mahoney, our House Committee Chairman, for doing a bang-up job in organizing it, as she has done with the other events this year. We also need to thank Chuck Wetteroth, Niels Glaser, Kevin Clark, Mike Palmer and the Oakland Yacht Club for the quick installation of the temporary water line which saved the weekend for us. Of course, something like this would happen at the worst possible time. We also need to add another big thank you to Kevin Clark for the quick action in installing the new main water line which bypassed the old line that had ruptured. Kevin not only did this quickly, but saved the Club a substantial amount of money over the next closest bid to do this job. So again, as he has so often done in the past, Kevin deserves our thanks. Tell him so the next time you see him. The Club welcomed the Finn North American Masters for a three day regatta. I am sure there are more details elsewhere in this newsletter. Suffice it to say, this event was also a big success. The annual Svendsen’s Summer Splash for our junior sailors also occurred in July. It is terrific to see all the kids around the Club rigging their boats, putting them in the water and competing against each other. These kids are the future of sailing and this is one of the things that make this Club a yacht club. In a similar vein, many members have commented on the fact that the junior’s in our Junior Program are better organized and managed that can be remembered in the past. This is a testimony to the effective efforts of our Junior Sailing Director Mallory McCollum Bozina. Well done, Mallory. We are continuing to make progress in our conversion of our accounting system. This is a big task and our thanks go to Charlie Eddy, our Finance Committee Chairman, and Virginia Hamilton, our bookkeeper for the untold hours they have put in to accomplish the conversion to date. Both rave about the improvement in the ability to accomplish things with the new system and the reporting that is available from the information in the system. We look forward to the continuation of the conversion and the implementation of new features that will be available. The next phase of implementation is the setting up of the “Member’s Only” section of the web site. This will enable members to view their account in detail, the membership directory and many other neat features. Because this is a totally new feature for us, the implementation will take some time. Because of the many changes that have been made in the Club recently, we prepared and sent out a survey to get the member’s reaction to them. If you haven’t completed the survey, please do so. We need to know what you think; what is good, so we can smile and give credit to the responsible people, and what is bad, so we can correct it. Remember, we have scheduled a Special Member’s meeting on August 27th at 5 PM to talk about By-Laws changes affecting the date of the Annual Meeting and some items related to the election of the Officers and Directors. PS: My apologies. The Standing Policy – General Conduct published in last month’s Soundings had a line omitted, causing many members to think we had changed the policy, which is not the case. The corrected policy can be found below. Standing Policy – General Conduct All members shall exhibit a norm of exemplary good manners and especially good sportsmanship when associating with Encinal Yacht Club members and staff either at the facility or while engaging in activities sponsored by the Club, when engaged in water associated activities or engaged in any other activity which would reflect on the Club and it membership. The abuse of Club members or the facilities adversely affects the Club’s reputation and, more importantly, its sense of dignity and financial outlay. Members are responsible for the conduct of their families and guests. Children are permitted and encouraged to use the facilities. However, it is emphasized that the parents are responsible for their actions of their children. Members shall treat employees with respect and consideration. The dress code in the Club until 1800 hours is a minimum attire of shoes, shorts and top. After 1800 hours in the Dining Room, a minimum attire of dress slacks and dress sport shirt for men and dress or slacks with an appropriate top for women is requested. Special Club parties should imply the appropriate dress. Bare feet and swimsuits without cover will not be allowed in the Club Lounge, Bar and or Dining Room areas. Gentlemen are requested to remove Caps while in the Dining Room. Members are requested to wear their nametags at all times when on Club premises. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 4 SOUNDINGS Dear EYC Families and Cruisers, A fun cruise out whether you bring children along or not! It is that time already to begin planning for our 6th Annual Family Cruise Out. This year the fun begins the weekend of August 19th 22nd. Kids of all ages are invited for this great weekend of games, BBQ, and rafting up on a mooring in the cove. If you don’t have a boat, think about taking the ferry over for a fun filled day with all your EYC friends. Here are details about the weekend: RAFT UP - Arrive by boat Friday afternoon/evening or Saturday morning and raft up to the EYC crowd. We will be monitoring channel 68 for EYC cruisers beginning Friday afternoon. Moorings are $30 per night per boat with a ranger to collect your fee boatside. If you raft up to another boat the fee is $15/per night. There is also a kiosk on the island to put your money in if the ranger is not on duty. PLEASE NOTE Up to 2 boats can raft together on a bow and stern mooring. Please check out the following URL for mooring instructions Private boats can use the boat slips or the 27 new mooring buoys at Ayala Cove. Slips, 30' to 50', are open year round from 8am to sunset and cost $10 (Note: This price may have gone up). Slips and buoys are on a first-come first-served basis. Dinghies can be taken to the dock from the moorings to get access to the restrooms until 10 p.m. If there is no ranger available, please pay at the 'Iron Ranger' near the head of the boat dock. GAMES AND GEOCACHING Segway Tours ( Ages 16 and up) HIKING AND BIKING SATURDAY EVENING BBQ SUNDAY MORNING MIMOSAS TAKE THE KIDS KAYAKING Cruise our to Marin Yacht Club on July 15-17 EYC Cruisers joined together for a fun-filled weekend at Marin Yacht Club in July. Eleven boats, including three new members, enjoyed a perfect (one tack all weekend!) sail over to MYC in steady 16-20 knot winds. Upon arrival, we were greeted by gorgeous sunny skies and the friendly harbormaster, Dave. We were enjoying a cold one and swapping stories of the ride over when we were surprised by an 80+ foot power boat trying to park not only in their slip but the one across from them as well. Crunch! We soon gathered up at the club for a rousing game of bocce ball (the women trounced the men) and tasty hors d’oeuvres on the beautiful lawns. As the sun set, we all threw our dinners on the grill and set out an array of delicious potluck side dishes for a feast on the enclosed patio overlooking the water. Great friends, old and new, great food and great fun. We hope you’ll join us on the next cruise out in August! Cruise leaders, Susan and Dave Sherrill Please contact Michelle Shaffer at or Debra Early @ if you are thinking about joining us at Angel Island. Also, please provide your boat name and names and ages of your children if any. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 5 SOUNDINGS MEMBERSHIP NEWS... Chris James What a month! July ended up being a great month for Membership with a total of 20 applications approved from two very successful events/promotions. Through the first six months of this year we have added more new members than the entire year for 2010. Summer Sailstice Summer Sailstice ended up being a big Membership success story. We received a total of nine (9) Regular and two (2) Racing Member applications as a result of the event. I would like to thank all the volunteers who worked the membership booths as well as Mike Scheck and his organization for organizing and running such a great event! Summer Membership Inventive Program “Refer a Friend” the applicant needs to be applying for a Regular, Corinthian, or Racing member to qualify for the credit. Please welcome our newest members: Regular Membership: David Harris & Lian Wu Stephan Hutchinson Karen Basting Dave Bloch and Speranza Avram CC Chernev & Kim Hall Dan & Pascale Niessen Jeff Ta & Andrew Slakey Susan Robert & Erich Schoenwisher Don and Rose Shoulders Betty Christopolus & Connie Goodwin Patrick & Merriann Cassidy Winslow & Rose Foster Thomas & Kathryn Loughran Dominic Marchal & Dina Folkman Tim & Catherine Stainken Seamus Wilmot & Kitrena Swanson The Membership Incentive Program encourages members to refer friends and associates to join EYC and Racing Membership: has resulted in nine (9) additional applications received in Sandy Anderson Wertanen Paul Turner & Annan Castillo July. The new members not only get an opportunity to Bob & Diane Park join a great club with waived initiation fee, but the member referring the applicant receives a free month of dues. JR Membership: The Summer Membership Incentive Program was slated Payam Katoozian to end on July 31, 2011 but due to its success, the promoWhen you see a member with “1st Year” on their badge please tion will be continued another month until August 31, be sure to introduce yourself and welcome them to the club! 2011. See you around the club, Program Rules are simple, refer someone to EYC, they get membership in a great club and a waived initiation fee Chris James (Saving $ 1,000.00). As the referring member, you receive a one month dues credit (no limit to the number of credits received) for each new member referred. Please note that Chris ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 6 SOUNDINGS BUILDING AND GROUNDS... Dan Hayes directors, puts in a new water main. The new water main will last for a longer time than the last. I am thinking a hundred years or so. The highlight of this project was when Genevieve brought the construction guys water in pitchers, with ice and lemon. The guy I was working with shut off his machine and told me “…the guys are not going to believe this!” In the mean time, please excuse the mess in the parking lot, the digging must continue for a few more days. Oh and the less the members play in the ditch the better. Ok everyone, we had another banner month. I still owe you folks a list of the upcoming events, my bandwidth has been taxed a little lately, but, it is coming soon. I promise. The big event this month is the leak in the wa- Is it Summer yet? ter main, resulting in an extra pool of water between the Marina Village Inn and the EYC. Dan Hayes After draining Lake Marina Village Inn, Mike Buildings and Grounds Palmer, Niels Glaser and Chuck Wetteroth rescued us with quick decisive action in installing a line from the Gate 1 water supply to the club. This will hold until Kevin Clark, with the backing and blessing of the board of Photo submitted by Anneke Dury ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 7 SOUNDINGS Delta Daze – Destination: Three River Reach Expect a few cocktail parties on your boat or other member’s boats. Bring some appetizers and BYOB to the boat hosting the cocktail party. Expect to spend your day relaxing in your cockpit, reading a book, knitting, visiting other EYC yachts or doing whatever suites your fancy. Date: August 6th through August 13th If you haven’t made plans for a summer vacation, it’s not too late to think about joining your fellow EYC club members in a week long cruise up to our California Delta. Peggy and I will be the volunteer Cruise Captains for this year’s sailing trip to Three River Reach, at light #6 on the San Joaquin River. We typically either anchor in the middle of the Reach or tie up to the levee. Some members will buddy boat up the river, some will go it alone. All you need is a boat and a dinghy. For new members, it’s a week of no plans! It’s a Manana Maybe and a Delta Time attitude. It’s a week of (hopefully) warm breezes, fresh water, and temperatures averaging 85 degrees. It’s a week of being on your boat and enjoying it! Helen & Herman’s is a short planning dinghy ride away for very basic supplies including ice. Days typically are in the 85 to 95 degree range. Mornings are generally calm with afternoon/evening winds. This is an anchor out event. Holding ground is soft mud. Water temperatures are in the 70 to 72 degree range, cool enough to get your attention when you jump in but comfortable and refreshing once in. Bring your water toys, kayaks, pool noodles, etc., and don’t forget a handy squirt gun. Nights are cool and good for sleeping. Three River Reach is relatively free of night time light pollution so the nights are starry with the Milky Way plainly visible. Full moon is on the 13th. The Perseids meteor shower also peaks on the 13th, though the full moon will interfere with meteor viewing. There is a mobile pump out service (The Septic Brothers) who will come out to the anchorage and empty your holding tanks if needed. Bonus! The fresh water kills all of the salt water growies on your boat bottom. It is as effective as having a diver clean What type of food should you bring? your boat’s bottom. Think of the cooling system for your Plan your meals of breakfast and lunch, and maybe a few engine sighing with pleasure with the fresh water flush. dinners. The rest of the meals will be appetizers. DependGood for your toilets too. ing on your personal onboard refrigeration, best to bring The best part of the trip is there are no plans! So what do already cooked meats to prevent food spoilage. Bottom you do when you have no plans? Well, you read a little, eat line is, keep it simple and easy on the cook! a little, swim a little and laugh a lot! At the end of the week, We hope to have at least 10 boats join us this year, but you’re relaxed and ready for the long trip home. Some people plan a two-day return trip home with a stop at Beni- there’s room for 30+ boats in this anchorage. Its fun, it’s cheap and it’s a great way to meet new members and new cia or Vallejo Yacht Clubs. friends. Let us know if you’re interested in joining us. What to expect: Questions? Give us a call, e-mail, or look us up around the Club. The more the merrier! More details later. Every morning will be a morning VHF net where you will turn on your radio, check in and listen to or report any medical emergencies, engine problems Rod and Peggy Kidd or boat repairs, and hear the Delta daily weather report. Fellow cruisers may organize an activity for s/v Sashay the day, such as a group kayaking adventure, a ghy trip, or someone may volunteer their powerboat to take a trip to a distant restaurant. You can participate or not. Your choice! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 8 SOUNDINGS FROM August 7th we will be hosting the Gracie and George Regatta. This is a fun race for couples, but don't forTHE BRIDGE... get, Gracie must drive and George has to crew. August 19th thru 21st is the family cruise out to Angel Tom Wondolleck Island hosted by Michelle Shaffer. The Angel Island Family Cruise Out is a great event for family’s to get out on their boats and for the kids to get together and It's August and the majority of our big regattas are play on the Island. Come join the fun even if your behind us. In July we ran the Finn Masters North American Championships and the YRA Second Half kids are grown up and out of the house. Opener. The Finn Masters is for those who are 40 years old and up. We had a twenty boat fleet with See you on the water! honors going to Eric Lidecis. The three day race was sailed in the South Bay off the Navy Base with winds varying from very light to strong. At the end of the day the competitors enjoyed a relaxing sail down the Estuary and party at the Club. Big thanks goes out to our own Finn competitor and Finn Race Chairman Peter Aschwanden who brought this Olympic class fleet to our Club and to Charles Hodgkins for taking on the race management. Tom The annual Second Half Opener went off without a hitch. Vice Commodore Victor Early did and outstanding job managing the 100 boat fleet. Victor managed 18 flawless starts (that's 1 1/2 hours of continuous start sequences) on Saturday and 9 back to back starts on Sunday. On Saturday the fleet started off of YRA 10, proceeded to Point Bonita and Finished in front of the club. The sailors enjoyed the post-race party with great food provided by Manny and a rocking band. Our continued success on big races, monthly small boat races and outstanding Jr Sailing Program has established the EYC Racing Program as one the racing community respects and trust. I would like to thank our volunteers who dedicate their time to the race program. We could not do it without you! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 Photo by Fred Fago AUGUST 2011 9 SOUNDINGS Photos by Nicki Powell-Ford ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 10 SOUNDINGS North American Finn Masters meda. Upon arrival at the designated spot, we discovered that the predicted winds were nowhere to be July 8,9,10 2011 found. The expected westerlies were from the north. Further complicating things was a very strong current across the course, far more than predicted due to all that snow melt. So the race committee was only able to run 2 of the scheduled 3 races. It was traumatic to watch the competitors struggle to reach the finish line in both races due to lack of wind and heavy adverse current so everyone was relieved when the time ran out and we returned to the club. Fortunately there was a keg of beer provided by SUNTOUCHED Sailboats, a prominent Encinal Yacht Club in the past has been the organizing supplier of boats and accessories for the Finn fleet, waitauthority for a number of regional Finn races, including ing for our return. the 2008 Finn Northern California Championships, the 2009 Finn Pacific Coast Championship and the 2010 Finn California Championship. But this year, thanks to the hard work by EYC Members Peter Aschwanden, Richard Stouffer, Holger Grygiel and the local Finn fleet, Encinal hosted the North American Finn Masters, a series for sailors over 39 years old. There are 4 divisions: Master (40s); Grand Master (50s); Great-grand Master (60s) and Legend (70+). It is quite amazing to see these competitors working an Olympic class dinghy Saturday turned out to be completely different. The as senior citizens, that is the sort of racing that makes wind was from the west or southwest at 10-15 kts and this class. the current was much lighter so all three races were run. This time as the competitors returned to the club, they felt that they had been able to get the sort of competition that helps to separate the boats and decide the winners. Once again the beer was welcome and there were many more tales of how each competitor fared on the day. Sunday the wind was a bit lighter but sufficient to get the remaining 3 races completed in plenty of time. The current was a bit of a factor but the course was adjusted to th The series started on Friday, July 8 with a skipper’s take that into consideration and it was quite a sight to meeting at EYC, then a tow out to the race course watch the tactics of the fleet. After the racing, the awards which was set up between Yerba Buena Island and Ala- were held in the EYC dining room. ZHIK sailing apparENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 11 SOUNDINGS el and accessories generously provided very nice prizes for the winners which were: Masters Division Erik Lidecis from Southern CA 1st (who also took the overall win) and EYC’s Michael Andrews 2nd Grand Masters Division 1st Scott Mason, 2nd Rob Coutts, 3rd Robert Kinney. Great Grand Masters 1st Chuck Rudinsky who travelled from NH, 2nd EYC’s Richard Stouffer and 3rd our new EYC and Finn fleet member Bob Park. In the Legend’s Division Bob Carlen took the honors. The series could not have been run without a lot of help from the club and the flag. All 3 flag officers were on the RC, Staff Commodores Hal Wondolleck and Tony Shaffer helped out. Also on the RC were: John Kirkman, Susan Jacqueline, Larry Westerfield, Matthew Dean, Chris Golian, Nicki Powell-Ford, Curtis Powell-Ford, Pam Carlen and Don Forrest. Encinal members who competed were: Michael Andrews, Steve Hutchinson, Peter Aschwanden, Charles Heimler, Bob Carlen, Nick Salvador, Bob Park and Holger Grygiel. Charles Hodgkins, Staff Commodore & PRO. Thanks to all who participated. Thanks also to our sponsors Zhik and SUNTOUCHED Sailboats. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 12 ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 13 SOUNDINGS RBOC Also under SB 623, by January 1, 2019 the State Water Resources Control Board would determine whether the use of low-leaching, low-copper paints could result Linda Bendsen in the attainment of water quality objectives in marinas and harbors for dissolved copper. If the Board finds that it does not, within one year paints containing bioRBOC is continuing our lobbying efforts to protect the cides (copper and zinc) would be prohibited. Nonability of boaters to utilize effective and affordable anti- biocide paints would be allowed. fouling paints on the hulls of our vessels. RBOC Vice President-North Jack Michael recently testified regarding SB 623 before the Assembly Environmental Safety Senator Kehoe is planning to make further revisions and Toxic Materials Committee expressing our opposi- and refinements to SB 623 soon and we are monitoring tion to the bill unless it is further amended. His testithis closely. RBOC is encouraged by the change in the mony can be seen on our web site ( The bill bill to permit the use of low-leaching, low-copper antipassed the committee and next proceeds to the Assem- fouling paints and by the discussions we are having with bly Appropriations Committee. the author. As developments occur, they will be posted on our web site ( RBOC is also engaged in discussions with Senator Kehoe as the author of SB 623, together with the sponsors, proponents and other stakeholders. Progress is being made on this front. We are pleased to report that, as currently worded; SB 623 does not contain an outright ban on copper based anti fouling paints. The bill would allow boaters to use low-level, low leach copper antifouling paint after January 1, 2015. Also in this issue is an RBOC Boater Brief with information on other important matters. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or comments :; 707-422-3510. On Friday, July 8, RBOC held a teleconference with paint manufacturers’ associations, the author’s staff, and the sponsor of the bill. We were informed that a variety of paints will be readily available in all areas of the state, will be as easy to apply as current paints, will not require stripping of our hulls, and will be effective in protecting the hulls of our boats. Under the provisions of SB 623 the Department of Pesticide Regulation [DPR] would be setting the standards for low-leaching, low-copper paints and all such paints would need to have the approval of DPR before going on the market. RBOC has confidence in DPR and have observed the department to make careful, considered decisions based on science. Photo submitted by Rob Moore ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 14 SOUNDINGS During the clinic days, we were organized into smaller JR. SAILING... groups and assigned to one coach. Their staff of coaches was impressive, varying from professional trainers to college sailing coaches. They provided a lot of good information and tips that would improve on any sailor's skills. Their friendly personalities made it easy to ask questions, which helped me to learn a lot about sailing Lasers. When the racing days finally rolled around, I was unsure of myself, yet I knew that I was well prepared for the challenge. The first day was pouring rain with light wind as we sailed in the U.S. Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship By Olivia Godfrey Ten years ago, Richmond Yacht Club had the pleasure of hosting the U.S. Junior Women's Singlehanded Championship, otherwise known as the Leiter Cup. From June 25th to the 30th, Berkeley circle. Sailing through the wet and cold wasn't what I had expected for June, but pulling out mid-fleet in my first race beat out the gloomy weather. The following day started out with promising conditions until the water turned glassy and the wind ceased to exist. I struggled, placing low in the fleet, but pushed through my frustration to place 17th in the race after. this national competition returned to the Bay Area to host another generation of sailors. I got the opportunity to compete amongst a group of 57 girls from all across the country. Having been my first time competing in a national championship, I was nervous. However, I arrived Saturday afternoon with Ellie Glenn ready to represent On the final day, the Berkeley circle stood up to its reputation of heavy winds and persistent waves. 26 knots of wind had me hiking my hardest, muscling over waves and testing my perseEncinal Yacht Club. It was intimidating to be surrounded verance to finish the last couple of races. by a diverse group of girls when I have become so used to seeing the same familiar faces at local events. Once I settled in though, everything just fell into place. I went into this Laser regatta after only three weeks of I look back on the week of sailing and am amazed. The regatta brought out a side of my sailing ability that I never knew existed, and I look back on the big leaps I made in such a short amount of time. Richmond proved to be so unpredictable with the training in that specific boat class-not that long of a time compared wide-range of conditions that were thrown at us. The competition to the girls who have been sailing Lasers for years. was stiff, and the ones who were able to adapt came out on top. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 15 SOUNDINGS Sailing in this championship was one of the best experiences I have ever had. Not only did it add to my sailing ability, but SUMMER SAILING AT EYC Our thanks to Joe Celentano for these photographs it introduced me to several new friends who made the week so much fun for me. I feel incredibly lucky to have competed against such a great group of girls; to have been coached by the most helpful staff and even to have met some of the racers from the Oracle America's Cup team. Going home at the end of the week was bittersweet because I was having such a good time. I never thought I would be a Laser sailor, but placing 27th out of 57 boats is making me think otherwise. Next year, I hope to compete again in national regattas because Leiter Cup was a week that I will never forget. Summer Sailing at EYC Please join us by the pool every Thursday evening this summer for our family-friendly Junior Sailing BBQs! Our Thursday night BBQs are a great way to meet new friends, learn about our program, and have a great meal if you don't feel like cooking! Hope to see you there! -Mallory McCollum Bozina Junior Sailing Director ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 16 SOUNDINGS The Qualifier By: Guy Raber BAYS #3/Svendsen’s Summer Splash, July 16-17, hosted by EYC was a very significant regatta this year since it was also the Bemis qualifier. The top two finishers in the 420 fleet qualified to represent Area G in the U.S. Junior Doublehanded National Championship, for the Bemis Trophy in Toms River, New Jersey this August. Even though my crew, Nina Anderson, and I only started sailing 420s A single whistle pierces through the air. 10 seconds. recently, we had high hopes going in to the regatta. Heart pounding, I see another 420 inch forward into my leeward hole. 9 seconds. I shove my tiller to starboard. 8 seconds. “Leeward!” they call frantically. 7 seconds. My crew signals she wants to double tack. 6 seconds. We swiftly roll tack twice, only to realize how much the current pushed us under the line. 5 seconds. We throw ourselves to leeward. 4 seconds. Flattening, I trim in the mainsail as swiftly In the end, first place for 420s went to another Enas humanly possible. 3…2…1…0. We shoot off the line, cinal boat, Lindsay Willmore and Thomas Rall, each comrounding the windward mark in first place and finishing the peting for the last time in this regatta. Due to age requirerace in fourth. ments, Lindsay was unable to qualify for Bemis. Since they are both leaving after this summer, I will add that they are extremely gifted sailors who have always been helpful to others and role models in our program. Also sailing in the very competitive and 10 boat 420 fleet were EYC sailors Olivia Godfrey & Maya Dornbrand-Lo and Conor Emberley & Kirsten Rutledge. Meanwhile, first and third place in ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 17 SOUNDINGS the Laser Radial class went to Alex Delle Cese and Andrew Hansen, Bennett Helland, Mary Jane Howland, Meghan Godfrey respectively, both of whom are graduating Encinal Oldham, Peter Strayer, Charlie McBride, and Molly How- sailors and they will be missed greatly when they leave next land. Sailing in the challenging 16 boat Opti Championship year. Unfortunately, Nina and I didn’t sail as well as we hoped in some races, and finished overall in sixth place. At first I was disappointed in myself for what I perceived as a “loss”. Yet as I reflect on the regatta, I realized that I have never sailed purely to win. I sail because win or lose, I’m still doing the sport I love, and that is what matters. fleet were TJ Mahoney, Jonathan Andrews, and Kelsey Tostenson. EYC had 4 out of 6 teams in the FJ fleet. Placing 2nd was Sofia Kirkman & Victoria Oldham. Also sailing FJs were Natalie Corkhill & Noelle Siriot, Elliott Bailey & Andrew Geist, and Ruth McBride & Erin McBride. Last, but not least, we must thank all of the volunteers for making this regatta such a success. Parents and sailors from all over the Bay Area were offering compliments A total of 28 sailors out of almost 80 represented Encinal YC at BAYS #3/ Svendsen’s Summer Splash. For nine of those sailors, this was their first time ever competing in a regatta. EYC sailors in the Opti Green Fleet were Joey ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 18 SOUNDINGS FROM THE HOUSE DIRECTOR... Anita Mahoney Splish Splash We took a Bath This is what happened to our EYC Board Members, families and guests who attended the 4th of July celebration... It wouldn’t have been complete without our DJ, Pete Fletcher and his hand-picked oldies. He really kept the party going. I am looking forward to having him back Lastly, it wouldn’t be a yacht club without a race. Thank you Mallory for making it happen. This was a great day for our members and their families. There was something for everyone. I personally enjoyed it all. See you all next year!! Friday, August 12th will be the first EYC Family Night and Camp It was a chance for everyone to get even with their favorite board Out. All ages welcome. Bring friends and enjoy a real camp out member by dunking them in the tank!!! . I didn’t mean to set us on the lawn. Pitch a tent or just a sleeping bag. Taco Buffet, Ice up, but it made the day and money too!! I want to thank all of you who participated and for being such great sports. Yours truly will Cream and S’mores. Pool Races, Scavenger Hunt and Out Door Movie on the lawn. Sign ups are required. See the ad in the back forgive you all. of Soundings for more details. I would like to thank the following volunteers and staff for all Save the Date, Saturday, October 1st and 2nd. There is going to be their efforts: two big events. A Tropical Fashion Show with our own members Brooke Garcia, who assembled the raffle baskets for the kids and modeling yachting and casual attire as they strut across the pool adults and sold the tickets. and two days of entertainment by the sailing boat La Loupiote who Grace Hess for selling our EYC clothing. It was a profitable day. will sail into our harbor and will present acrobatic shows on her Vivian and Chris James for setting up a membership table and deck. They have traveled around the world performing their acts signing up two new members. from the rigging of their boat. There will be more details to follow Cindy Wondolleck for organizing and running the kids games. for this weekend of real excitement. Stu and Julie Hill, for organizing the 22 boats that cruised in and Bar stools are coming!!!! You can start looking for them online on the musical chairs for children and adults. our website to follow the progress. Soren Hanson has begun the Mike Byroads, our Port Captain who managed to accommodate construction of 15 new stools that will be completed by the end of everyone in the harbor. August. These stools were purchased by our members in a fund Susan Jacquelin for rounding up the candidates for the dunking tank and Peggy Kidd, Sue Bateman, Peggy Jara, Ronnie Grim, and raiser for the bar and each one will be identified with their own name plate. Karen Brunelle, for selling the tickets. Fran Macabee, Wendy Scheck and her daughter for the buffet sign in table. Kim Bean, who was pulled off the dock at the last minute, for helping me decorate. Tom Wondolleck and Chris Hanson who helped with our closing ceremony saluting our flag, singing our national anthem and firing off the cannon. I believe this was a first for EYC members to come together and unite as a group. We need to do it more. Mike Palmer, Tom, and Aaron for serving and setting up the lanai bar and Tracey who took care of our members at the club bar. Our new smoothie machine was a hit for both kids and adults. The buffet was a new twist to this event and was a success to be repeated again. Manny provided us with a casual selection of side dishes and members were able to enjoy a leisurely barbecue and avoid the hassle of bringing in their own food. I hope you have seen the Donors Plaque on the wall in the bar. These are the members who helped to raise money for the bar project. The plaque was constructed by Soren Hanson and was designed by the committee to compliment our bar and the race board. We are continuing to make progress in many areas of the club but like most projects we always have some unexpected set backs that take priority. Eventually it gets done. Please remain patient. See You Around The House Anita ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 19 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 20 SOUNDINGS Date Cruise EncinalName/ Yacht Location Leader Club 2011 Cruising Calendar August 7-13 Aug 19-21 Delta Daze Family Cruise/Angel Island Rod and Peggy Kidd Michelle Shaffer September 3-5 Coyote Point Yacht Club Oct 8-9 October 22-23 November 11-13 December 2 Circle Raft up China Camp Berkeley Cruising Award Dinner Darrell and Nicki PowellFord Jeff and Adrienne Rodgers Dave and Susan Sherrill Karen and Mark Brunelle Stu and Julie Hill Need some work on your boat? Wine At EYC What do you think about the Wine at Encinal Yacht Club? Ryan Tamashiro is your man for upholstery, cleaning and design. Would you like a specific wine at the club? Comments? Suggestions? Praise? Take 2 minutes to fill out the survey! Click here to take the EYC Wine Survey He specializes on seats and seat covers and other boat parts. Contact: Dance (Wednesdays from 7:30pm-9pm) Junior Sailing Summer Classes Kids ages 8-18 and ADULT sailing classes! Session 3: Aug 1 - 18 Classes are Mon-Thur. AM classes 8:30 -noon. PM classes 1-4:30pm TO SIGN UP: Go to - click on "Classes" under the "Junior Program" tab Contact Mallory with any questions – The dance of the month is the East Coast Swing Come by solo (we have partners for you) or with a partner! The class is a 5-week series starting8/24/11 $65 for single dancer and $120.00 per couple. For more information on Dancing, contact Noemi at or (925) 876- 7810 ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 21 SOUNDINGS WHERE IS THE BURGEE?! Send your photos of you and EYC's burgee to ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 22 SOUNDINGS Summer Ceilidh Encinal Sailing Foundation Featuring John Taylor Ceilidh Band The Encinal Sailing Foundation promotes an interest in all types of sailing activity, with an emphasis on youth programs. Most of all resources go to the EYC Junior Sailing Program. Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:30 pm Registration & No-host Bar 6:30 pm Scotch Whisky Tasting - Sponsored by SKYY Spirits 7:00 pm Buffet Dinner 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm Ceilidh Dancing The Foundation is a separate entity from Encinal Yacht Club and the EYC Junior Sailing Program. Send your check payable to The Foundation directly receives financial donations, boats, motors, equipment, cars, and well… just about anything that has value. The items are either granted to youth programs for their use or sold to generate funds to be used for youth programs. All gifts are acknowledged and receipted. Kenneth Lawrence HOW CAN YOU DONATE? Encinal Yacht Club - 1251 Pacific Marina, Alameda Ceilidh $15.00 • Scotch Whisky Tasting $5.00 • Dinner $20.00 Advanced Reservations required by July 17, 2011 This event has a limited number of tickets. Don’t wait! 583 St. John Street, Pleasanton, CA 94566 (cell # (510) 676 6865) You can designate a modest monthly donation automatically through your club account. The annual Gracie and George Regatta is upon us August 7th You can donate directly to the Foundation in the form of cash check or credit card. You can donate anything of value that could be used in the junior program or might be sold at one of our fundraising events. All donations will be acknowledged, documented for you, and receipted. You can donate boats, motors, trailers, cars, etc. Items of larger value require more documentation for your tax records, and Mr. Gorman would be happy to discuss those details with you. For more information contact Anyone brave enough to let HER drive - attend! (She ain't called the Admiral for nothing!) Stop by the office or check the signal flag to receive the: Entry Form , 2011Gracie and George NOR v.1 and 2011 Gracie and George Sls v.1 Mike Gorman 510-457-6552 email:”” ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 23 SOUNDINGS August 2011 For more info and events, check out our calendar! AUGUST 5 Summer Twilight #2 AUGUST 7 Gracie and George Regatta AUGUST 7-13 Delta Daze Cruise AUGUST 12 Come and sleep under the stars at Encinal Yacht Club Second Friday, Family Camp Out Pitch a tent or sleep on the lawn AUGUST 13 All Ages are Invited (Children under 14 must have Parent Supervision) Interclub series, Summer Ceilidh Friday Night Activities AUGUST 19 *There will be races in the pool, a scavenger hunt, a movie on the lawn and of course, no campout is complete without your favorite ghost story around the campfire. Summer Twilight #3 Taco Bar Buffet- $10 adults, $7.00 kids (kids 5 and under FREE!) Small Boat Summer Series Taco Bar, Smoothies, Juices, Beer and Wine at the Lanai Bar AUGUST 19– 21 Fruit, Ice Cream, S’mores Family Cruise/ Angel Island AUGUST 20 Saturday Morning Activities Breakfast on the Grill– Pancakes, Sausage. Eggs and Fruit; Juice, Milk and Coffee Compliments of the Wondollecks Sign ups required for Friday’s Dinner: ***Plates and Silverware, will be provided for both meals*** Photos submitted by Chuck Herro ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 AUGUST 2011 24 SOUNDINGS CONGRATUALTIONS NICKI POWELL–FORD OUR AUGUST PHOTO OF THE MONTH WINNER! Every month one photo will be selected and featured in our “photo of the month” section. The winning submitter will receive a gift certificate that can be redeemed in the dining room ($50 value). Photos used elsewhere in Soundings or on the Encinal Web Site will receive attribution in the caption. Email submissions in a high resolution JPG, PNG or TIF file to Deadline is the 20th day of the month. By submitting your photos, you give EYC permission to use them in Soundings and on the EYC website. You may even see your photo used to promote the monthly contest! April Winner: May Winner: June Winner: Edie Walker Anneke Dury RJ Pimentel ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272
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