Class of 1973 - St. Olaf College


Class of 1973 - St. Olaf College
S t. Ol af College
Fall 2012 newslet ter
This Issue
• Greeting
• Reunion Weekend Memo
• Class News
Class of 1973
From Boston to Northfield to San Francisco to London, Oles gather all the
time. Be sure to take part in one of these gatherings. With events as diverse
as faculty presentations, ethnic dinners, happy hours, or lefse making
events, we work to provide something of interest to everyone. Check out
the events page for other Alumni and Parent events around the country:
• Passages
Online Directory
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• Closing
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St. Olaf on the Web
Did you know that you can participate in the life of St. Olaf, even when
you aren’t able to make it back to “the Hill?”
Judith Beck ’73
Brought to you by the St. Olaf Broadcast Media Department, our
multimedia website offers many events in streaming media form. Just
follow the “Video On Demand” link on the St. Olaf home page at There you will find a variety of St. Olaf events for viewing at
any time. Chapel services, concerts, recitals, athletic events and academic
presentations...all can be found on our multimedia website. Did you miss
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and view archived presentations.
With new service upgrades that include two additional cameras in Boe
Chapel, along with enhanced audio/video quality in live and archived
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Take advantage of our streaming services today. It’s the next best thing to
being there.
Alumni and Parent Relations | St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue | Northfield, MN 55057 | 888-865-6537 | 507-786-3028 | |
Dear Class of 1973,
We are anticipating the class reunion weekend for the Class of 1973 – forty years! The planning
committee is working to make this a special event.
The following memo about reunion weekend comes from the alumni office:
Save the Dates for Reunion Weekend 2013!
We can’t wait to see you on the Hill for Reunion Weekend 2013 (Friday, May 31st to
Sunday, June 2nd)! Your class reunion committee is already hard at work planning
an enticing schedule of events for you and your classmates. Don’t miss the
opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones at your class
gatherings on Friday night and on Saturday. Find out what has changed on campus
and what has stayed the same.
With an entertainment tent along the Cannon River, an alumni and family bazaar,
faculty reception, meals, art, alumni college, and ghost stories, Reunion Weekend will
deliver for all ages!
Please look for more information about Reunion Weekend in the coming weeks in
the mail and on the Alumni website ( In
the meantime, mark your calendars for your return to the Hill!
The newsletter distribution is changing this year – you’ll be reading this newsletter online, not
printed on paper. If someone wants a print copy from St Olaf, just let the alumni office know.
St. Olaf is making the change and now class news notes will be posted on line, which will save the
time and cost of the mailings. Also it is anticipated the notes can be searched, and that you’ll be
able to call up news for friends and family in other classes.
Here are updates from the class of 1973:
Tom Duncan writes, for my 61st birthday I climbed down and out of the Grand Canyon in a day.
North Rim to Phantom Ranch and up and out on the South Rim. There was majesty throughout
and exhilaration to have made the journey in 113 degree heat at times. I hope to do this with my five
grandsons someday. See you for our 40th reunion in 2013!
Donna Hannula Clementi writes: I graduated in May with a PhD in Education and Leadership. I
am currently teaching a world language methods course at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wis. I
also work as a consultant to world language programs with a focus on curriculum design, instruction
and assessment strategies. I retired after 33 years teaching French at Appleton West High School,
Wis, and 38 years teaching French and Second Language Methodologies at Concordia Language
Villages, Minn.
Rolf Foster-Jorgensen writes while on a business trip in Bangalore, India: I am in India providing
training in internal consultative skills for some of my long-standing major consulting clients (this
time IBM). I come here about twice a year, and will do consulting in Paris on the way home, and in
Tokyo next month. I enjoy the travel and energizing consulting/training work I’ve been doing now
for 30 years through companies Karen Foster-Jorgesen and I own. Karen does similar work
training child care center directors on management and finance through online and face-to-face
Our big news is that Karen and I moved to the Canadian Rockies (I have dual US and Canadian
citizenship) in December 2011, just to live in the mountains after having lived on the ocean in
Washington State for twelve years. We are trying condo living after selling the beach home as empty
nesters. We’re in Canmore, Alberta, right by Banff, Lake Louise, and only 75 minutes from the
Calgary airport. I’m playing tympani (50 years now) in bands and orchestras as time permits.
Our son, Hans, and his wife Mary are expecting our first grandchild next April. Hans flies KC135
refueling jets as a US Air Force Captain (USAF Academy grad) stationed in Spokane, Wash., and
Mary is taking a break from applying her Gonzaga MBA and accounting degrees with the US Social
Security Administration wherever Hans gets stationed.
Our son, Lars, earned his BFA from PLU and is now a professional actor and sound designer,
currently performing in the Buddy Holly Story musical near Seattle. He was also in a professional
improv troupe, using his ten year DJ business to pay the bills while waiting for his girlfriend, Becca,
to graduate from PLU next May.
Tom Sibley writes: It is hard to believe that my students are 40 years younger than me, but I’m sure
it isn’t hard for them to believe it! I still love teaching and working with students, although this year
I am enjoying my fourth (and final) sabbatical. I’m rewriting my geometry textbook at Virginia
Tech, while taking time for hiking in the beautiful mountains and making music regularly through a
church choir, a community chorus and playing my flute. I get to play grandpa with my three
grandchildren whenever my wife and I can get out to California. Peace.
Susan Harrington, Marshfield, Wisconsin, writes: I retired from teaching High School Chemistry in
June 2010 and have been busy teaching at the collegiate level since then. This is my first semester
teaching at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. I am teaching CHEM 100, Chemistry and the
Citizen, which looks at the environmental issues relating to Chemistry. I am also teaching my 4th
semester at The University of Wisconsin College in Marshfield. I have been teaching Chemistry and
some Developmental Mathematics for students who need more math before Algebra for UWC
Heidi Dorfmeister writes: I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 5 years ago. Since then I have
had many ups and downs. Along the way I learned some things that I would be happy to share with
anyone else who has this neurological disease. I have retired from Discoveries for Children
Montessori in St. Louis Park, Minn.
Greg Hughes writes from the Pacific Northwest on the Kitsap peninsula near Seattle, Washington:
We have three great Labrador retrievers to enjoy it with us. Our children are grown, with our
youngest in Poitiers, France for a semester away at the University of Oregon – go Ducks! Our
daughter is working in San Francisco after graduating from Northern Arizona University in
2011. My oldest daughter has given me two wonderful grandchildren, a girl and boy, ages 13 and 11.
They live in Gilbert, Arizona. I am an airline pilot with USAirways, formally America West airline
since 1985. And very possibly the “New American Airlines!” I was given an extra 5 years to work
when they passed the new age for airline pilots to 65. I’m not sure what I would be doing now
without it. I feel very lucky in that respect and I love what I do. I’m actively pursuing flying
helicopters for an active “retirement job.” Anyone out there know a helicopter operator in the
Pacific Northwest who needs a soon to be retired airline pilot looking for a new profession in
helicopters? I have the qualifications, just need the contacts.
I have been lucky enough to travel often outside of my job to Europe. I gravitate towards Norway,
Germany and France as we have had exchange students from there and have become very attached
to them as well as their parents. What an extended family!!
We now have a Swiss girl with us for the school year. She speaks German Swiss so I’m working
hard to try and keep up with my “ein bisschen Deutch.” I think her English is so good that she can
speak some German with me.
Charlene Behrend Torkelson writes from the Twin Cities: This summer was time to reconnect
with St. Olaf when my former roommate Lynn Argetsinger asked if I would join her on the 2013
reunion committee. It has been great calling, emailing and speaking with classmates from St.
Olaf. After our committee meeting on campus in September, I have every confidence our reunion
should be a fabulous time. I hope everyone puts that weekend on their calendar and hope to see
many old friends at the reunion next year!
In addition to my position with the Minnesota Professional Firefighters, I am an author and
ballroom dance instructor. I’ve been busy teaching ballroom dancing in Golden Valley, Minn. I
teach writing classes for Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Eden Prairie Community Education programs. I
have a mystery series with my latest book being eighth in the series. I also write for several
magazines and continue to promote my published fitness book, Get Fit While You Sit.
This week I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary. Although my husband, Tim, and I are waiting
for the “empty nest” stage to begin, we have two sons still at home. Oldest son, Beau, was a Luther
College student before coming back home. He teaches ballroom dancing at the Arthur Murray St.
Paul Studio along with a large staff of St. Olaf alums. Our daughter, Breanna, is a student at Fresno
State, and our youngest son, Luke, is a student at McNally Smith College of Music.
Douglas W. Hanto, MD, PhD writes from Boston, Mass.: I am leaving my position as Chief of
the Division of Transplantation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Lewis Thomas
Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School to become the Associate Dean for Continuing
Medical Education at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis beginning Dec. 1.
I have been in my current position for 11 years and have had an active practice in liver and kidney
transplantation and non-transplant liver surgery. I have been involved in bench laboratory research
looking at the ability of low dose carbon monoxide to block preservation injury after transplantation
and in a large number of clinical trials of new immunosuppressive drugs; I have been involved in the
education of medical students, residents, and fellows for over 3 decades; and I have written about a
host of ethical issues around transplantation and organ donation. It has been a full plate for 27 years
since completing my surgery training and fellowship at the University of Minnesota in 1985.
I have three children Kristen, Lindsay, and John who are all happily married and working, and live in
Chicago, Indianapolis, and Hillsborough, NC respectively. I have 4 grandchildren and travel to see
them frequently. I have one sister who became a nurse at age 59 and now works on an Indian
reservation in northwestern Arizona. She has two college-aged children, Jennifer and Andrew.
By the time you read this I will be engaged to Dr. Mary E. Klingensmith who is the Mary Culver
Professor of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine and a general surgeon and
surgeon educator. She has two children, Tucker and Tenley, who are 10 and 8 years old respectively.
I am looking forward to being a Dad of young kids again while at the same time being a Dad to my
grown kids and a Grandfather to my grandkids. Pretty wild but all exciting and will definitely keep
me young and on my toes.
My outside interests besides surgery include long distance running, golf, skiing, backpacking,
(anything outdoors), and reading fiction. I am working on my first novel that I hope to have
completed in a year (a medical thriller). It starts out at St. Olaf and involves two Oles.
I have very fond memories of my time at St. Olaf and look forward to being back in the midwest
and reconnecting with St. Olaf in a more meaningful way. I have contributed to the new Science
Center in honor of my parents, and look forward to the time when I can to be more involved.
Charlie Medlin writes that he lives in Webb Lake, Wis. during the summer and in Sun City, Ariz. in
the winter. Charlie was the president of Nordic Interiors for 10 years, before becoming a fire
fighter/paramedic and the union president for Burnsville, Minn. Charlie writes: I was able to retire
when I reached 50. Over Christmas and the New Year of 1999, I went to London with my family,
where we were near Big Ben. After 55, I had a stroke, 8 years ago, which means that it is hard to
walk without a cane, and my speaking abilities have gone down.
Brent Mutsch writes from Dubai where he is serving as the Superintendent of the American School
of Dubai in Dubai, United Arab Emirates as of July 1, 2012: After five wonderful years of service as
superintendent of the Singapore American School (SAS), I’ve assumed what I anticipate to be my
last overseas posting as superintendent of the American School of Dubai (ASD). As Dubai aspires
to be the “Singapore of the Middle East,” there are interesting parallels to this particular professional
assignment. ASD is on much smaller scale than SAS with a student enrollment in KG1-12th grade
of 1665 as compared to 3890. However, the challenges remain the same – create transformational
learning experiences for students, regardless of the tenure of the stay, that enable students to see
their world through a more global lens and empower them to be contributors to the world in ways
that make a difference. This intersection between intellectual and emotional vitality, sometimes
described as the balance between “matters of the head and matters of the heart” represents one of
the essential opportunities for developing the next generation of leaders within schools that serve an
international population. The American School of Dubai has 63 different countries represented in
our student body. I was in a first grade class this past week with 18 students representing 12
different countries. When you learn with and from peers from across the world, it gives a student
the opportunity to develop a much broader view of the world than I had growing up in a small town
in Minnesota.
I often wish I could make it back for a reunion; however, they are held at the time of the end-of-theyear hectic pace. Maybe I’ll be able to attend the 50th. I continue to remain in contact with Doug
Sill. Brent Berry, Mary Bratsch Dwyer and I see each other with some degree of regularity in the
summer. Paul Chmelik and I were recently colleagues when I was in Asia as he’s currently the
head of the International School of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). However, he will be relocating to
become the head of the American Embassy School in New Delhi in August 2013, and he and I will
once again be reunited as both of our schools will be competing in the same athletic/activity league.
Small world indeed!
Bob Forsyth writes: I think all of us had a great experience at Olaf during “Heathstock,” co-ed
dorms and the tragic 5 dead in Ohio years. It was a time of genuine people, free love, Nixon, veal
birds and panty raids. Somewhere in it all we grew as humans and now reflect back. It now is 40
years since we left guaranteed cost of $ went so fast.
Here is the reflection of what is happening in my life....I will say the life experience has been a good
ride. I am finishing up my 40 years in the insurance biz with my talented son beginning in my
footsteps and my first grandchild born this June. What a great experience it has been seeing another
being beginning her life growing in a new world that maybe our class of ’73 helped shape in some
fashion. I really do not want to list of my life accomplishments other than to look back and feel it
was a good flight and great destination. I thank God everyday for the gifts I received and the
knowledge and friendship I gained from my classmates...many that I still see today. Life is good!!
Thank you everyone and Happy 40th!
Scott Peterson writes from Ham Lake Minnesota: Vickie and I moved to Ham Lake, Minn. from
Phoenix three years ago. I am with US Bank leading projects in the retail banking systems
development group. We’re enjoying being back in the Twin Cities with family and friends after an 8year hiatus to Atlanta and Arizona.
Linda Larson Berger continues her work at St. Olaf as Professor of Music and lead professor for
music education. It may just be the best job in the world, considering the amazing students and
wonderful colleagues on the Hill. She was able to take a half year sabbatical leave last school year,
and traveled with her husband, Larry, to Israel, Europe and various parts of the US in connection
with her project. Whenever possible, Linda and Larry enjoy their two grandchildren, Sadie and
Cohen (Mark and Jessica Berger ’03), who live nearby, and also spend time with Scott (’08 - now in
law school at William Mitchell) and Erik, who is a senior in pre-architecture at Augsburg College.
Jackie Turcotte Burkey reports: My husband Mike and I escaped from Texas in 2006 and moved
to Brainerd, Minn. where we’ve renovated a home built in 1930. I am so happy to be back in the
land of 4 seasons and good dirt that I became a University of MN Extension Master Gardener, so
besides doing a lot of gardening, I frequently teach about growing roses up north, wormcomposting, etc. The mayor appointed me to the Park & Recreation Board, I was made president of
the Brainerd Garden Club a couple months after I joined (a position my grandpa held back in the
1920’s), I’m in the choir and on the Stewardship board at church, and I serve as secretary for the
neighborhood association.
Debbie (Johnson) Anderson writes from Austin, Texas: My husband, Urton Anderson ’74 has
been a professor at the University of Texas (Dept. of Accounting) since 1984. Our daughter Bryony
is in graduate school at the University of Minnesota, and our son Andy is a junior at Augsburg (both
born in Texas but those Minnesota roots are showing!). When we drove him back to school this fall
we were able to attend the state fair and the renaissance festival – great fun!
I did not participate in music at St. Olaf, but find myself being very musical now: I play oboe
(resurrected from high school) in my church orchestra, play handbells there also, play guitar (I once
got to play with my children’s fiddling group at the Broken Spoke, where Willie Nelson has played),
and I also play alto and tenor recorder in a recorder consort group. Playing in a recorder consort is
more fun than anything I’ve ever done! I am learning to arrange music for both solo guitar and
recorder duets/trios. I love learning something new – learning is a lifetime joy!
Neil Douglas-Klotz sends an email response that he is on sabbatical until April 2013, focusing on a
personal retreat and further research. A website for his publications and recordings
is, the website of the Abwoon Resource Center in the USA. This site also
contains many articles, podcasts and other information, including Dances of Universal Peace. There
is more information about Neil’s work at the Edinburgh Institute For Advanced Learning Research
And Education For Conscious Living at
Steve Gangstead writes: 2012 has given me many way cool moments, inter alia: feasting the eyes on
Diego Rivera murals at art institutes in Detroit and San Francisco; digging a summer-like St. Pat’s
weekend in Door County; toasting the marriage of the elder son of Heidi Dorfmeister and David
Irvin in Costa Rica; welcoming artist John August Swanson into my home to see paintings I’ve
collected; applauding “The End of the Rainbow” at the Guthrie and “The Normal Heart” at
American Conservatory Theater; securing a Global Entry card from U.S. Customs; reading stories to
fourth graders for a fourth year at Emerson Spanish Immersion Center. Travel is my continuing
education and in December I’m making a first trip to Vancouver. Das Leben ist gut.
Judith Lyon writes: My husband, Ron & I live on Lake Windward in Alpharetta, a suburb of
Atlanta, Georgia. We have two cats. On Feb. 4, 2012, we celebrated my Mother’s 86th birthday in
Davenport, Iowa. Last fall I enjoyed visiting with Lowell Pickett at The Dakota in Minneapolis. It’s
fun to read the Class Newsletter. If you are traveling through Atlanta, come visit.
Rebecca Mitchell Lassen and Melissa Johnson Wannigman celebrated their 60th birthdays
together in San Antonio!
Donald Brasted-Maki writes: For those few who might remember me at St. Olaf, I can only say
that that person must have been my evil twin brother who impersonates me and tries to ruin my
reputation. After graduating in 1973, I completed a BS in education and taught HS English in
Wyoming, Turkey, and Eden Prairie while working on my MA in English, which I completed in
1986. In the late 80s, as a part of the Nicaraguan Solidarity Committee, I fought to change U.S.
interventionist foreign policy with no success as the next two decades demonstrate. In 1991, I
finally found an otherwise very intelligent woman who agreed to marry me. I was a real “fixer
upper” as the saying goes and needed (and still need) even more work than she anticipated at the
time. Fortunately for me, she is a very patient woman. After the wedding, we moved to
Philadelphia where I completed a Ph.D. in Renaissance Literature and Critical Theory at Temple
University. I am still married to her after 20 years, and the father of two extraordinary
daughters. We all live in Oregon where I teach writing at Oregon State University and Lane
Community College.
Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt writes: It’s hard to believe that once I headed off to grad school at Ohio
State, I’ve been pretty much here in Ohio ever since. (But I still watch Christmas at St. Olaf every
year on PBS!) I’m the director of the Family Child Learning Center (a collaboration between Akron
Children’s Hospital and Kent State University). Our focus is children birth to five with disabilities
and their families – we provide services, train future professionals, do research, and provide
information/education to families and professionals across the state. I love this field! For the last
20 years, I’ve also been a consultant to the early intervention system in Portugal, which has led to
connections and friendships with other colleagues across Europe – and that’s how I finally got to
Norway in 2008!
My husband Mark is a Lutheran pastor and we have two children, who chose Northeastern
University in Boston (son) and Ohio State University (daughter) over St. Olaf! Our big trip this year
was to visit our son – we spent two weeks in Turkey, Georgia and finally Armenia, where he was
finishing up his two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I actually did post some pix on Facebook
from that trip!
Dave McCarthy retired in 2010 after working 30 years for Northwest/Delta Airlines as a pilot. He
is currently leading mission trips to Haiti for Healing Haiti and has been there 6 times this past
year. He resides in the Twin Cities with his wife Pam Salberg McCarthy. This writer knows that
Dave and Pam can be seen attending great theater in the Twin Cities, as they are Ordway and
Broadway series subscribers and thespians.
Ken Oberg writes that he will miss the 40th reunion as our daughter (Maggie ’74)’s wedding is the
same day. Ken writes about his roommate, Dave Braun. Ken drove up for the grand opening of
his newest United Farmers Cooperative shuttle facility late this summer. This grand opening was
attended by a crowd of thousands for this occasion.
Dave and other co-op board members anticipated a couple of years ago that the Mississippi river
might not always be a reliable means of getting Minnesota grain to market, due to low water
levels. They anticipated what ultimately occurred this summer. What they accomplished was to
extend a new rail line to their property and also created a two mile loop. This loop would allow
them to load a 120 car rail train in ten hours and send it to the west coast. They also extended a gas
pipeline to the facility so they could dry up to 10,000 bushels per hour. This also needed financing
and an investment partner. They were very successful on all aspects and have already been shipping
grain out of this facility.
The 7 million bushel facility is full and functional. The equipment is enormous with massive
conveyors running in four directions. Photos were previously viewable on their
website, I think some of the photos might be back up on the site by the time this
gets published. I thought that accomplishment to be newsworthy.
Ann Highum writes: My big news is that I retired from Luther College last May, after 21 years as
the VP for Student Life. My husband retired late last year, and we have basically been “on the go”
ever since. We had a chance to go with a wonderful group of 12 people to Namibia and South
Africa in June/July 2012, as part of a non-profit effort assisting Lutheran primary and high schools
(40% of Namibians are Lutheran, who knew!). We also spent time in the national game preserve, the
Namib Desert, and in and around Cape Town. We also get back in Ariz. fairly often to visit friends
and family there. And now we have another reason to visit Denver, as our older son and his wife
moved there over the summer. We’re both involved in a bit of consulting as well, but in general,
loving retirement! See you at the May reunion!
Gerald Sutton, of Boone, Iowa, passed away on Dec. 24, 2011. He died
from complications of early onset Alzheimer’s Disease. He was born on
June 24, 1951, in Boone, Iowa. After attending St. Olaf, he attended
Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Sutton completed his
residency at Christ Hospital and Rush Presbyterian St. Luke Medical
Center in Chicago, Ill. He was named Resident of the Year and was the
first DO in the history of the hospital to earn this distinction. Gery
practiced family and geriatric medicine for 26 years in Claremore,
Oklahoma. He loved being a doctor and especially loved taking care of
elderly people. He was known as a dedicated, caring physician who was
loved by his patients and highly respected by his colleagues. In 2008, he
was honored as a Lifetime Member of the Oklahoma Osteopathic
Association. He was a member of the American Academy of Family
Physicians and a longtime volunteer at the Neighbor for Neighbor free clinic in North Tulsa. Gery
was an accomplished horseman and a marathon runner. He ran the Boston Marathon in 2000, one
of several marathons in which he competed. He loved to read history books, follow the Chicago
Cubs, the Iowa State Cyclones and the Boone High Toreadors, play chess and spend time with his
In 2007, Gery returned home to Boone. Gery is survived by his wife, Christine McMahon Sutton of
Boone; Dr. Sutton is survived by his five children; Elinor Catherine Sutton, Julianne Olander
(Sutton) Morgan and husband Coy, Gerald Shaughnessy Sutton, Patrick John Sutton, Michael
McSparren Sutton, and his first wife, Mary Sutton of Tulsa.
Jane Stamstad, Bayfield, Wisconsin, musician and student body president 1973-74, died June 26,
The Black and Gold Gala fundraising event 2012 was a fun event. Michael and Jane Swenson had
a great time at the table with daughter Abby ’08. David Irvin (son Jake ’11), Sue Perkins, Steve
Gangstead, Holly Kelly and others gathered at a Class of ’73 table. Roger ’72 and Denny Ring,
friends of the class of ’73 were on the dance floor having late night fun.
The St. Olaf Alumni and Parent Relations office send along information about this year’s event:
Celebrate Black and Gold!
Twin Cities Alums! Excited for your reunion and don’t want to wait for June?
Here’s your chance to celebrate early!
Join us on March 2, 2013 for the 5th Annual Black and Gold Winter Gala at the
Hilton Hotel in Downtown Minneapolis. This is a fun and festive way to enjoy an
evening of dinner and dancing with your classmates while supporting current
students. Put the date on your calendar today! Visit
for details.
Opening night at the Jungle Theater brings Oles from the class of 1973 to the theater and
connections with the cast and productions.
We all are appreciative of the notes from the friends and classmates from 1973. It’s a privilege to
serve as your correspondent. I’m writing this on Veteran’s Day, following the national election
excitement, All Saints Day, and the World Series. Bruce Springsteen plays tonight in Saint Paul and
the first winter snow has arrived.
Thanksgiving preparations are underway and we have much to be thankful for. I am especially
thankful for the St. Olaf experience and its lifelong gifts and friends. May your Thanksgiving be
happy, and 2013 bring you happiness. See you at the 40th reunion.
Judith Beck “JB”